Arlesey News Magazine August 2023

Page 20

NEWS Au g u st 2 0 2 3 Issue 5 0 D e live re d FR EE to 2,70 0 h ome s in Arle s e y. Ne w s Eve nt s In f or m at i on

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Welcome to August! (our 5o th issue!)

So here we are, the summer o f 2023. Our August issue is bursting at the seams as we have had a lo t to include this month, including news f rom Central Bedfordshire Council regarding our local school system and a most interesting Memor y Lane picture kindly loaned to us by reader Jill Taylor.

We hope you lo ve our f ront co ver this month, kindly sent in to us by Nikki Lane We lo ved the colours and thought it made for a great f ront co ver sho t. Speaking o f colours, we have decided this month to give ourselves a slightly brighter look Sometimes we like to f reshen ourselves up a bit, we hope you like the result

Inside this month we welcome several new adver tisers to our magazine which helps us to be able to continue publishing and delivering to you - Please look ou t for them and do mention us if you decide to give them a call Some o f our schools take a break f rom supplying us with their news this month as end o f term o ften means extremely busy times! We look for ward to hearing all abou t their return to class in our September magazine

Are you a local business o wner? Did you kno w you can adver tise with us f rom as little as £30 a year? We have adver tising packages to suit all budgets (and can even do all the design work for you to tally f ree o f charge ) If you have thought abou t adver tising with us bu t just never go t round to it, then do get in touch Our adver tisers get a great response and we’d lo ve you to be able to share in their success

Until next month..enjo y the sunshine (f ingers crossed!)

www justgiving com/ gar denhousehospice

Announcements: We are happy to accept family announcements by post telephone, email or through our facebook page If you would like to make a donation in return for your announcement then please visit the website above Please mention that the donation has been made on behalf of the Stotfold

& Arlesey News Magazine 3 NEXT IS SUE - SEPTEMBER Adver tising/Editorial deadline 6th AUGUST 2023 see www.sto Contact: sto tfold news@yahoo co uk or write to us at Sto tfold News Magazine, 78 Hitchin Road, Sto tfold, Her tfordshire, SG5 4HT Tel: 01462 731986 You can also contact us via our facebook page Deliveries: We have o ver 100 volunteers that deliver the Sto tfold News Magazine If for any reason you do no t receive your copy o f the magazine please contact us to let us kno w Published by Sto tfold News Ltd Printed in memor y o f Roy West W ith thanks to this month’s contribu tors: Cllr Jodie Chiller y, Central Bedfordshire Council, Pix Gymnastics, Jo Loach, Jane Britten (Mum with 3) The Need Project, Our local schools, local Churches & local groups and organisations From the Editor Co ffee Time with Cllr Chiller y Page 7 Mental Health Matters Page 8 Update f rom the Need Project Page 9 News f rom Etonbur y Academy Page 10 News f rom Go thic Mede Page 11 Family Announcements Page 12 August Fun Quiz! Page 14 Update f rom Arlesey Community Events Page 15 Mum with 3 Page 16 Local Church News Page 18,19 Memor y Lane Page 20 CONTENTS All this alongside all our usual news from our local churches groups, clubs & organisations..

Local News Round- up

Pix Gymnastics Club Launch Cro wdfunder Appeal

Pix Gymnastics Club needs a new home!

Pix Gymnastics Club is a British Gymnastics registered, “no t for pro f it” club using the Pix Brook Academy spor ts hall, based in Sto tfold. We currently run classes for 2 evenings and a Saturday morning.

membership o f 230 children has a waiting list o f o ver 200 We o ffer classes to children aged 4 – 14, as well as mo ther and toddler and special education needs children (SEN)

Our new gym will o ffer gymnastics to all disciplines bo th for competitive and recreational The gym will be available to all our community; for all ages f rom preschool to senior citizens, disabled and underprivileged We will be a community focused gym with our mission to be available and inclusive to all

Pix Gymnastics Club , star ted in 2021 with a relatively small amount o f equipment and a small team o f qualif ied coaches and enthusiastic volunteer helpers We currently run classes for 2 evenings and a Saturday morning The club

On Sunday the 25th June the club hosted their 2nd annual Club Championships Competition The club members f rom age 4 upwards per formed their rou tines to an audience o f proud parents and grandparents. For a lo t o f the children this was their f irst time per forming and they did so with enthusiasm. The day ran ver y smoo thly and we were delighted to welcome the local mayor, Councillor Steve Buck who watched 2 rounds o f competition and presented some o f the medals to the competitors.

We have star ted fund raising to enable us to achieve our vision. The money raised will be ring fenced and used to secure a lease on a proper ty which will become our new home This is what we see as the f irst phase o f our journey to setting up the gym We launch our campaign on Cro wdfunder on 19th June and will be open for donations until the end o f September

Donations can be made by visiting our cro wdfunding page https://www cro wdfunder co uk/p/pix-gymnastics -club-newhome

To f ind ou t more details and to see ho w you can get invol ved visit

Pix Gymnastic Club, presently running f rom Pix Brook Academy, Sto tfold The gymnasts at their recent Club Championship Competition

Changes to the Fu

ture Programme

directly affecting Schools in Arlesey & Sto tfold - Central Bedfordshire Council - Cllr Hayley Whitaker

As a new administration, we have pledged to be as open and honest as possible, so we felt it was impor tant to share this news at the earliest oppor tunity The SFF programme has always focused on the mo ve to wards a two - tier educational system to impro ve educational ou tcomes for all children and young people. Alongside this, the programme included ambitious plans to create additional school capacity in line with the housing gro wth set ou t in the Local Plan. When the new administration took o ver at Central Bedfordshire Council, we became aware that while work pushed ahead with the programme the full f inancial cost to the Council was no t kno wn and has no t been included in the current Council budget calculations.

The current best estimate for deliver y o f the current Schools for the Fu ture programme is a to tal o f c£300 million. Of this to tal cost, only £48.5m has been included in the Council’s four-year medium- term f inancial plan, or budget, and there are currently no plans in place for ho w the to tal cost o f the programme is to be funded. As a new administration, it would be wrong for us to continue with the current plans for the Schools for the Fu ture programme that are no t budgeted for withou t taking the time to thoroughly consider and plan for such a signif icant spend o ver the coming years. We want to reassure you that we remain to tally committed to the transition from a three to t wo tier education system bu t need to develop a budget to deliver this programme o f work We will be taking the next few months to understand the full f inancial cost o f the programme and develop a strategy to ensure fu ture

plans are affordable in our budget

We recognise that you and your schools have already experienced setbacks with the Schools for the Fu ture Programme and and that this announcement will cause fur ther uncer tainty

This is no t a decision we have taken lightly, bu t it is the responsible thing to do We will continue to suppor t your local schools as plans emerge and you can always f ind the latest status o f your school within our plans at the Schools for the Fu ture website: www.schoolsfor thefu

CRIME FIGURES for Arlesey (April 2023)

We have had several requests to rever t back to repor ting the local crime f igures as quo ted on the local Police uk website

We will repor t these on a monthly basis (please remember the f igures will be a couple o f months prior to publication due to the police crime repor ting system )

V iolence & Sexual Offences - 12

Other Crime - 7

Vehicle Crime - 3

Anti- social behaviour - 2

Public Order - 1

Drugs - 1

Source: www police co uk

5 Local News Round- up Paws & Claws Mobile Pet Grooming Level 3 Qualif ied Let us come to you! Tel: 07913005268 Email:


Dear Editor,

Our most grateful thanks to ever yone who attended or suppor ted in any way our 3rd West End Charity Gala’ at the Gordon Craig Theatre recently in aid o f Mo tor Neurone Disease! It was lo vely to see so many familiar local faces in the audience f rom bo th Sto tfold and Arlesey

It was a fantastic evening with a packed audience , a wonder ful standing o vation richly deser ved by all involved and raised a brilliant £11.000 for MND Nor th Her ts. and MND Sco tland making an amazing to tal o f o ver £30 00O f rom the three Gala’s

Our dear husband , dad and grandad Iain who died f rom MND in 2015 would, like us, be so grateful to you all for your par t in making more aware this horrendous disease , helping to suppor t those su ffering f rom it and the hope that a cure will soon be found !

Sincerely, the Ru ther ford family Ker yle, Neil, Carl, Rhonda, Josh, Adam and Amy


FREE Pr escription deliver y ser vice to ALL

Ar lesey and Stotfold r esidents

FREE Repeat pr escription "dr op-of f" and collection ser vice fr om Ar lesey Medical Centr e and Lar ksfield (Stotfold) Sur ger y.

Mon to Fri 8.45am - 1pm & 2.00pm - 6.15pm

Satur day & Sunday - Closed Tel. 01462 731200 leseyphar

31 High Street, Arlesey, Beds SG15 6RA

Dear Editor,

I just had to write to tell you that through your magazine I contacted Mark at Sto tfold Plastering. I needed to have my ou tside wall strengthened and rendered

Mark was ver y prompt in his reply and extremely thorough in his assessment o f the job and quo ted a ver y good price His pro fessional approach made me feel conf ident f rom the star t.

A ver y satisf ied customer!

6 To contact the Arlesey News Magazine please call 01462 731986


th Councill or Jodie Chil lery

Ever y so o ften we enjo y inviting local residents to take par t in our Co ffee time feature , especially those with something interesting to tell us. - We think that our par ticipant for this month, Cllr Jodie Chiller y f its the bill exactly. Find ou t a little more abou t the Arlesey girl with a passion for helping and representing the residents within her community in this month’s feature. If you have an idea o f somebody we could quiz for this in fu ture issues, then please do get in touch!

Tell us bit abou t yourself, ho w long you have lived in Arlesey? I grew up in Arlesey, and left when I was 18 with no intention o f ever returning! I successfully escaped for 14 or 15 years, initially working in Melbourne Australia for a bit, then I lived and worked in London for most o f that time, until eventually I returned with my o wn family Like a strong magnet, I was attracted back Its cheaper to live here than in London, and is so well connected (Although I appreciate the rail ser vice in recent years hasn't been quite as reliable as we might need it to be) Of course my parents are here too, so that was ano ther impor tant factor, and one that I'm grateful for

What will be your main priorities as you embrace your new role? My main priority as one o f the new Central Bedfordshire Ward Councillors for Arlesey and Fair f ield is really simply to represent the residents and to communicate honestly and openly Bo th Arlesey and Fair f ield are undergoing huge periods o f change, which bring uncer tainty and sometimes resistance, bu t change and development is happening The population is gro wing and our commu ter location is an attractive one to new families, so I aim to ensure that ever yone understands what is happening and ho w it will impact them, bo th existing residents whose families have been here for generations and new families who have just mo ved to the area.

What is your favourite way to relax and enjo y your free time? I'd like to say I get up at 5am do some mind bending and muscle toning yoga mo ves, drink neat aloe vera juice and prepare for the day or week ahead in a calm and organised fashion, bu t the tru th is I quite enjo y sleeping! I'm never up as early as I need to be and then most o f my f ree time is spent hurr ying along my son, ensuring he's washed, dressed, fed, watered, homeworked and equipped for whatever activity he's embarking on I'm an Arsenal season ticket holder My dad and I have been since I was 15, I'm no t sure that's a par ticularly relaxing activity either, bu t it eats up some f ree time I realise I might have just lost a few suppor ters there!

What are your top f ive favourite things abou t our local community and why?

1) EVERYDAY EVENTS - Arlesey is a great place and perhaps we don't always realise it. My son cycles to school and so many people wave and chat to him and even let me kno w when he's up to mischief! That's the kind o f community I want to live in, one where people look ou t for each o ther and feel safe

2) AGN - The Arlesey Good Neighbours project, set up during the height o f the f irst lockdo wn, has connected different par ts o f the community An eclectic mix o f volunteers came together during COIVD to help their neighbours, its legacy has resulted in pro viding ongoing suppor t to individuals with transpor t to appointments, shopping, pet sitting etc If you need any assistance call 01462 732210 or ask on the Arlesey Good Neighbours Facebook Page

3) THE FOOTBALL CLUB - We're lucky to have a village team and club, and one with histor y at that Its an asset that needs using and suppor ting Its renewed commitment to you th foo tball is emerging and exciting, and any young person (bo ys & girls) interested in joining or giving it go, should get in touch

4) NATURE - The river Hiz, the meado w, the common, and Etonbur y Woods all make for fantastic wildlife spo tting, hiking, paddling and it is literally on our doorstep

5) Branching ou t a bit, I look at the wider community o f Arlesey, Fair f ield and Sto tfold, all with diverse o fferings, many shared amenities and landscapes and oppor tunities. As a Councillor I represent the residents o f Arlesey and Fair f ield bu t I also see the bigger picture o f shared resources available across central beds, and despite our edge o f county location, our unusual 3 mile long geography, and a name so f requently mispronounced, we are united with our neighbouring villages by all the great events happening and resources available!

What is the best way local residents can get in touch with you if they wanted to raise a concern, or discuss a par ticular local issue with you?

The best way to contact me is via jodie chiller y@centralbedfordshire go v uk I will cer tainly help where I can Theres a lo t to learn and I'm still getting my head round it all, and ho w I f it in council commitments around my o wn work commitments, bu t its a challenge I'm looking for ward to and a responsibility I take ver y seriously

To contact the Arlesey News Magazine please call 01462 731986 7

Mental Health Matters - with Jo Loach

Being No t Doing

We live in a culture f ixated on doing, on being productive Yet as humans we need su ff icient periods o f no t doing, o ther wise kno wn as being It can o ften feel like a waste o f time to simply be and yet su ff icient times o f stillness are crucial for our mental and emo tional health

One o f the key terms o f the time is the phrase ‘well being’. The clue is in the name! In order to do well or to function well or to per form well, we must f irst focus on being well. And this requires periods o f rest, inactivity, reduced activity and or increased self care. The amount o f such time needed will var y f rom one person to the next. It will be also be determined by the stage and season o f life. Times o f additional stress/change/loss/bereavement will likely require more times o f being and less times o f doing. The more challenges we are dealing with in life, the more we may experience a diminished capacity for doing

As with all experiences o f life, we are each unique and must each listen to the needs and limitations o f our o wn bodies to determine ho w much ‘doing’ versus ‘being’ we need to maintain mental health During the most demanding times, it can make a huge difference to create small windo ws o f time to practice being in

Typically summer is associated with the larger windo ws o ffered by holidays. Yet even these can require much effor t, planning and doing bu t it remains impor tant to intentionally include time during breaks for simply being. Taking time away f rom daily life and all forms o f technology or television can allo w a new no ticing o f the beau ty and wonder o f the great ou tdoors. To simply be, resist doing and no tice nature can increase our well being.

8 To contact the Arlesey News Magazine please call 01462 731986
Jo Loach is a BACP Accredited Counsellor, with an MA i in contemporar y therapeu tic counselling

Update from the Need Project Our latest facts & fi gures..

JUNE • 721 parcels pro vided. • 413 top- up-bags collected from our Pop- up sites.

• £50,995 00 estimated value o f the food for the month o f June

• £6,602.50 average monthly cost to run the charity

• Food parcels ncreased o f 43% on the same time last year

This month with your help, we have managed to make a difference to 1,817 adults, 57 pensioners and 1,528 children, including our best before food that we give away

withou t you, we are no t able to reach those we are called to help As the saying goes: “We can’t do ever y thing, bu t won’t let thethings that we can do stand in the way o f what we can’t ” Gordon 07496 833940

Can you help us?

We are keen to f ind a couple o f deliver y volunteers to help us with our deliveries in The Rally & Jubilee Crescent If you have half an hour once a month to spare and enjo y helping to keep the community connected then we want to hear f rom you! Call us on 01462 731986 or email us at

It has been ano ther busy month with o ver 720 parcels given throughou t our area and so many new names being referred ever y week. Sadly, the last few months, we have consistently helped o ver 700 families, which amounts to 911 Children and 1124 Adults, which a year ago would be abou t 43% less. Obviously, we are getting through a lo t o f food through our 6 distribu tion hubs and these need topping up more regularly than ever, bu t we are doing ok and are continually grateful for Gods mercy and pro vision throughou t these busy times

One o f the good things abou t our project is that we get to talk to people who we help and listen to problems So many o f us, when we are in crisis just want someone to listen to them and we are grateful to help and be available Update on our Building Project – we are still tr ying to get funding for our mo ve and that’s all I can add really We are pushing doors, f illing ou t forms I accept these things take time, bu t I don’t have too much patience with the situation bu t have to accept what will happen will happen in Gods timing If it is His will for us to have a new building, we will get it

Things don’t always turn ou t as we expect, bu t I kno w what we are doing is a good thing and so we have to trust God Bu t I wish it would happen quicker, bu t that’s just me! I would also in closing and so impor tantly, like to thank ever yone involved with the ongoing work o f the Project, as

To contact the Arlesey News Magazine please call 01462 731986 9

I am thrilled to announce that we have been recently awarded SPORTS MARK GOLD! This is a wonder ful achievement and testament to the hard work and dedication o f the entire PE team We were recognised in par ticular for our connections with the local community and hosting lo ts o f oppor tunities here at Etonbur y o ver the past year

ETA this summer term has also received three attendance awards f rom Fischer Family Foundation (FFT ) Primar y Award, Secondar y Award and Whole School Award Etonbur y has been ranked within the top 25% o f similar FFT Secondar y Schools in England for our spring term attendance

Our Year 11 students have no w attended their prom at The Broadway Ho tel, Letchwor th. What a fabulous night, the dance floor was bouncing! We have watched you all gro w f rom young children into flourishing young adults - we look for ward to welcoming back those that have chosen to attend our Sixth Form and wish you all luck with your fur ther education

Around 60 pupils f rom ETA Juniors f rom bo th Year 5 and 6 have completed the three day Bikeability course - this is cycling pro f iciency for the 21st centur y, designed to give the next generation the skills and conf idence to ride their bikes on today's roads safely

Our Duke o f Edinburgh Bronze and Silver Award students completed their expeditions this term. Twenty o f our students took on the challenge o f their Do fE Silver to reach the summit o f Mam Tor and Bamford's Edge in the Peak District, to see the incredible views this area o ffered. All passed the expedition section o f their award.

We have hosted a number o f integration events here at Etonbur y for our new star ters in Year 5 this September. One o f which was the Year 4 Spor ts morning – attended by our local feeder and ou t o f catchment lo wer schools Bo th Junior and Secondar y Spor ts Days have also taken place, all co -ordinated by our amazing PE Depar tment - Successful events enjo yed by all pupils and staff

Please continue to share in our values, Ever yone is respectful, Together we care and Always aim higher

Ian Evason – Execu tive Principal Etonbur y Academy www.etonbur

10 To contact the Arlesey News Magazine please call 01462 731986 Window and door repairs and installations * Misted/broken units * Handles * Mechanisms * Door barrels Supply and fit windows and doors Soffits and fascias Jonny Garside 79 Regent Street, Stotfold 01462 732248 or 07951 473505 James’s Carpentry & General Handyman Service T: (01462) 234292 or 07887 871212 Exterior & Interior Property Maintenance * Decorating * Furniture Building * Painting * Carpentry & more * Carpet Cleaning FREE QUOTATIONS
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AL FEN STOT C DECKI & ALL FOR TFOLD ING NEEDS ING FENCING YOUR YO 0146 call please Magazine ws Nath Call 07490 7 fenfoldfestotfo 731986 62 15009 9
Pounds and a Pig! a Post
DOfE students in the peak district completing their Silver awards

News from Go thic Mede A c ademy

Last week we had a wonder ful week o f wellbeing activities for bo th our pupils and staff. Our younger children spent some time with Ali Nu ttall for a session o f Mindful Magic, whilst our older children had a relaxing session o f yoga with Happy Little Yogi. There have been many o ther activities in school this week to promo te wellbeing, including writing kind no tes for our f riends and adults in the school and class breathing exercises We had a great week o f wellbeing

V ictorian children play as they had fun with the puppets and to ys in the hall and used hoops ou tdoors. Finally, the children took par t in a drill which was a set o f physical exercises to teach them to be healthy workers! What an insightful day into ano ther time in histor y!

We are currently busy preparing for pupils’ transition to their new classes and, in some cases, to new schools There is always lo ts o f excitement around f inding ou t who your new teacher is going to be and which new classroom you will be in

We would like to wish our Year 4 pupils lo ts o f luck in their new schools, we are so proud o f all that you have achieved at Go thic Mede

A wonder ful school year with wonder ful pupils and staff Enjo y your summer break ever yone!

We have also seen our pupils going ou t on their school trips Year 2 headed to the British Schools Museum last week They went dressed as V ictorians in their long clo thes and hats and were prepared for a V ictorian lesson in the schoolroom It was a bit strange to be taught by a V ictorian teacher because she was strict and kept reminding the children to call her Ma’am after they had answered a question! The children found writing with ink strange and the books were different to those that they normally use in class. They also had a go at writing on a slate with chalk. The children had to be ver y quiet and still throughou t the lesson experience. After that they learnt abou t games that

Wellbeing week was thoroughly enjo yed by all! Year 2 Pupils enjo ying the British Schools Museum

Our family announcements are F

Family announcements


19th August Happy 40th Bir thday!

Lo ts o f lo ve, Keith, Tilly & Ollie xx

Family Announcements are FREE! We are happy to accept family announcements by post, telephone, email or through our facebook page If you would like to make a donation to the Garden House Hospice in return for your announcement then please mention that the donation has been made on behalf of the Stotfold & Arlesey News Magazine

R ACHEL (Mrs S) August 7th

Happy Bir thday! with lo ts o f lo ve, Monica, Jo, Rachell & families x


6th August Happy 3rd Bir thday!

Lo ve Mummy & Daddy x x


Happy 18th Bir thday!

Lo ts o f lo ve f rom all your Gifford Dance family x


Happy 5th Bir thday

Lo ve f rom

Daddy, Mummy & Kayla x


Happy 14th Bir thday JC!

With lo ve f rom all your family xx


August Fun Quiz

In our August fun quiz, compiled and presented by our ver y o wn Brain o f Britain, David Stedman, we are on holiday at the seashore with a theme o f FISH AND SEA CREATURES Clues contained in each question or answer (Answers on page 18)

1 Give the title o f the 1960s f ilm which featured the eponymous villain, pictured right, who based his nefarious schemes on an island named Crab Key?

2 In 2014, who became First Minister o f Sco tland and leader o f the Sco ttish National Par ty?

3 What eight-letter word meaning “ to struggle to mo ve or to mo ve clumsily” is also the common name o f a flatf ish?

4 In two 19th centur y no vels by a French master o f science f iction, what is the name o f the character who designs and builds a submarine named Nau tilus?

5 Pictured right is former England foo tball star Chris Waddle, one o f the most famous former wearers o f what type o f hairstyle, as sho wn here?

6 What one same name connects singer Barr y White; an old British seaplane made by Supermarine Aviation; the US golfer Craig Stadler; and the title o f one o f the most bizarre songs by the Beatles?

7 What one same word is shared by a cu t o f chicken or meat; a watch made by Rolex; and a London travel card?

8 Give the title o f the 2003 animated f ilm in which a clo wnf ish (pictured ) named Marlin searches for his son?

9 Arguably the most dangerous dish in the world is made f rom the pu ffer f ish by specially trained chefs What is the four-word term used in the UK for this dish?

10 Pictured right is Captain Haddock, one o f the regular characters in the adventures o f which animated bo y detective?

11 Give the surname o f the music composer o f the operas “Billy Budd”, “Peter Grimes” and “Alber t Herring”?

12 Green in winter bu t glo wing pink or purple in summer and au tumn, the heather Calluna vulgaris shares a common name

with what species o f food f ish o f nor thern waters?

13 What name, a pun on the name o f a cer tain sea creature, is given to the spor t also kno wn as Under water Hockey?

14 Name the 20th-21st centur y American f ilm director whose works include “The Way We Were”, “Too tsie” and the Best Picture Oscar winning “Ou t o f Af rica”?

15 Amy, pictured right, was a character played by Ann George in the UK television soap opera “Crossroads”. What was the character ’s surname?

16 What is the single stage name o f the British pop star whose No vello Award winning hits include “Crazy” and “Kiss f rom a Rose”?

17 In the UK, coral gifts, no w more popularly jade gifts, are traditional to commemorate ho w many years o f marriage?

18 Designed by Fairey Aviation and nicknamed the Stringbag, the torpedo bomber pictured was obsolete during World War Two bu t what is it’s name?

19 What type o f bacteria is named after the US veterinar y surgeon who led the team to disco ver it and causes severe intestinal tract upsets in humans?

20 Give the surname o f the 18th-19th centur y Austrian composer whose works include the piano quintet in A major, popularly kno wn as “The Trou t” quintet?

For more fascinating facts and to do wnload and read my no vels, completely free o f charge, please visit or Google david stedman au thor.

14 To contact the Arlesey News Magazine please call 01462 731986 YOUR LOCAL WINDO W CLEANER Call: 07949 853411 One -o ff or regular 4/8/12 weekly cleans LOCAL & RELIABLE * FREE quo tations W indo ws, frames, sills, conser vator ys, fascia & so ff its

News from - Arlesey Communit y Events

After a long absence we are pleased to be once again holding a Quiz Night!

This will be on Saturday 30th Sept at Arlesey V illage Hall. Doors will open at 7pm and the Quiz will star t at 7.30pm. It will cost £10 per person to attend and this will include f ish & chips kindly pro vided by Arlesey Fish & Chip shop. To register your team o f 6 please email or use the Google Form https://forms gle/26thZjK5Ne5aJRdo6

Teams must be registered and paid for by 20th Sept

Just an advance no tice that this years Christmas Fair & Lights Switch on (see the poster belo w!) will be on Saturday No v 25th, 3-6pm We will be using bo th the V illage Hall and WI hall again this year Bookings for stalls will open in September so please watch ou t for details on our Facebook page

We also hope to organise the Ad vent windo w trail again - please get in touch if you'd like to o ffer your house as a windo w!

Please mention the Arlesey News Magazine when responding to adver ts 15

Mum with 3 - does Ironman

Something’s Go tta Give

With less than three months to go until the big day, the Ironman training is increasing in intensity and duration I’m currently at around 14 hours o f training per week and am feeling the impact o f this on the o ther areas in my life

I’m no t sure ho w I’m f itting in the equivalent o f a full day’s training in what was already a busy 7-day week bu t that is what is happening; early morning swims, evening runs, late nights on the stationar y bike and long endurance runs and cycle rides that take up all o f my weekend mornings

And it’s no t just the demands o f the actual exercising, bu t the effect it has on the o ther hours in the day The rest o f the time I’m either preparing my kit and checking my training plans or I’m reco vering and simply ver y, ver y tired. This leads to neither having the energy or inclination to do much else except for the mandator y requirements o f looking after the family and working.

Training for an ironman and tr ying to do ever y thing that you did before is no t sustainable. If you keep pushing, life will star t to crack so something’s go t to give… So what have I pu t on hold until after the 1st October?

As I look around my home and no tice the dust, the piles o f clo thes and paper work, the messy cupboards and unmo wn lawn, it’s ver y obvious that the house and garden are already taking a back seat and I don’t think we’ll be having many visitors any time soon

Bu t training calls and if I’m honest, I’d much rather be cycling around the Bedfordshire countr yside than hoo vering and tidying the house

Mumwith3 does Ironman


When it comes to enhancing the beau ty and functionality o f our homes, the impor tance o f quality windo w co verings canno t be o verstated For o ver 15 years, local family-run Impact Shu tters and Blinds has been a welcome name in the Arlesey, Sto tfold and Fair f ield areas, pro viding stylish and fashionable shu tters, blinds, cur tains, and awnings to countless local homes

Recognising the need to adapt to changing times, Impact no w bring their extensive range o f samples and exper tise directly to your door Their f ree consultations and advice ensure that you receive tailored solu tions for your home projects, all f rom the comfor t o f your o wn living room While their physical location may have changed, their dedication to ser ving the local community has remained steadfast With their new warehouse based locally in Upper Stondon, they continue to pro vide exceptional ser vices to all the surrounding to wns and villages The team o f experienced staff spans generations, with family members ranging f rom 18 to 76 years old.

Established in 2008, the business quickly gained a repu tation for delivering exceptional products and ou tstanding customer ser vice. As a family-run independent business, Impact Shu tters and Blinds take great pride in o ffering a personal ser vice that sets them apar t f rom larger, more impersonal businesses Their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has remained unwavering o ver the years In 2019, faced with the challenges o f the pandemic, they made the bold decision to transform their high street shop into a convenient home visit ser vice

ArlesTuesday 8th August

Garden Par t y at


First V isit Free Come and join a f riendly bunch for a chat, cuppa and something different! We look for ward to welcoming you!

Usually our group meets at Arlesey W I Hall, High Street, Arlesey More details:

Impact understand the impor tance o f affordability, par ticularly in today's economic climate. By maintaining the best prices possible, they strive to make high-quality windo w co verings accessible to all budgets in the local areas. Impact are proud to be a local family run business and would like to take the oppor tunity to thank ever yone for their continued suppor t. Whether you're seeking shu tters, blinds, cur tains, or awnings, they have the exper tise and range o f options to fulf ill your vision

Give them a call today to schedule your f ree consultation Impact Shu tters and Blinds Tel: (01462) 816429 www impact-interiors co uk

Free Estimates - Free Measuring Full Fitting - Expert Advice Carpets, Laminates, Vinyls and Woods Insurance and Contract Work 1 Such Close, Works Road,Letchworth, Herts SG6 1JF Tel: 01462 481312 www.letchworthcarpetcentre co uk Email orders@letchworthcarpetcentre co uk Letchworth Carpet Centre Number ONE for Price Quality and Service YOUR LOCAL NO.1 Open by apointment only - Please call us on the number below or email orders@letchworthcarpetcentre co uk to arrange a time convenient to you. Ad ver tising Feature


Would you like to join a f riendly local group for weekly local walk? Walks star t at 10 45am

Meeting points for August:

3rd Arlesey train station

10th Etonbur y Woods (entrance to the woods near to the school )

17th, 24th, 31st Corner o f Hospital Rd, Arlesey. For details contact Beth Over f ield 01462 815672

Nor th Her ts Road Runners

Entries are no w open for the Standalone10k on 1st Oct www standalone10k org uk The next 1st Sat o f the month 5k at Letchwor th Common will be 5th August at 9am Entr y is f ree and open to all abilities

We continue our training sessions with qualif ied coaches on Tues. & Thurs evenings at 7pm. These are open to all, why no t come along for a taster session with no obligation. Contact Ian 07506429928 or


1 “Dr No”; 2 Nicola STURGEON; 3 FLOUNDER; 4 Captain Nemo; 5 MULLET; 6 WALRUS; 7 OYSTER; 8 “Finding Nemo”; 9 Fugu; 10 Tintin; 11 Benjamin Britten; 12 LING; 13 OCTOPUSH; 14 Sydney POLLACK; 15 TURTLE; 16 SEAL; 17 Thir ty Five/35; 18 SWORDFISH; 19 SALMONELLA; 20 Franz Schuber t

News from St Peter ’s Church

Churches don t take holidays!! So our ser vices will go ahead as usual (listed belo w), this includes our co ffee morning and children’s activities on a Tuesday morning Through the school holidays there will be super vised craft activities f rom 10 30-12noon on Tuesdays Children need to be accompanied by an adult, who can relax with a co ffee or tea while the children enjo y some crafting

In August we will be doing a topple test o f all the headstones in the churchyard This is required by law as a Health and Safety issue If any headstones are found to be unstable they will be laid do wn and a no te pu t onto the grave Relatives and families, NOT the church are solely responsible for the maintenance and care o f their headstones. A gentle reminder too, that edging o f any kind around the grave, or stone chippings, are no longer allo wed.

There will be no “Afternoon Tea” in August, bu t it will return on the f irst Wednesday in September.

I am sorr y to say that the process o f appointing a new V icar is still ongoing. The next adver t will be in September with inter views in October. We continue to pray for the right person who can lead this church into the fu ture.

Ser vices

Our ser vice times are:-1st, 3rd,4th,5th Sundays 9 30am

2nd Sunday All Age Worship 10 00am

Ref reshments are ser ved an oppor tunity to socialise


Co ffee Mornings Tuesday 10 30am in church

10 30am-12 noon Toddler and Parent/Carer Group

1st Weds in the month Afternoon Tea 2- 4m All Welcome

Helen Bardell Churchwarden

Tel: 01462 731227 07967144571 email;vicar@arlesey org uk churchwardens@arlesey org uk


News from Our Local Churches.

Arlesey Methodist Church


By the time you read this I shall have mo ved to ano ther Methodist Circuit. Methodist ministers are sent to live and work in ano ther Circuit around ever y f ive years. I am writing these words after my farewell ser vice, at Sto tfold Methodist Church. It was a happy and sad occasion, with many encouraging words said and many good wishes and prayers o ffered for me in my new role (in sou th London). It was ver y emo tional as we shared some o f the good things that God had done among us in the f ive years that I have been minister in this area, and said f inal goodbyes to dear f riends

I am pleased to say that ano ther Methodist minister is being sent to this Circuit during the summer and we are praying for his safe arrival and his ministr y Prayers always help

Thank you for reading my ar ticles in the magazine o ver the years It’s been a privilege to be par t o f the community in Arlesey Graham


is likely to be taking a break this month


Well Co ffee Stop
Methodist Chapel
07747042239 for more information.
Free in-home design and quote Removal and installation fully managed Friendly customer service from your local Hitchin showroom team Call for your free bathroom design and quote 01462 411 360 WET ROOM INSTALLATION | WALK-IN SHOWERS AND BATHS Rated Excellent Visit our Hitchin Showroom

Down Memory Lane

For this month’s Memor y Lane pho tograph we were delighted to have been contacted by Arlesey resident Jill Taylor who had some fascinating stories to tell us abou t a place we had never heard o f before in Arlesey, Eldon Private School (see the school badge abo ve ) Situated along Sto tfold Road, (next door to what is no w the NISA shop,) Eldon Private School was run by two ladies, Mrs Cooper and Miss Mullinger Children o f all ages were taught at the school right through the the 11+ exam Jill was able to pro vide us with most o f the names o f the children in the pho to abo ve: The are as follo ws, (in rough order)

Gordon Fields, Madeline Major, Eileen Rawlings, Betty Bristo w, Wendy Cox, Michael Fox, Monica Ashford, Christine Hallwor th, Betty Woodcock, Mildred Albone, Jennifer Street, Gillian Lymn, Sandra Jar vis, Rober t Slater, Margaret Hallwor th, Audrey Cox Mar tin Major, Sylvia Rushbridge, Barr y Page, Julian Ambrose, John Gibbs, the year is approximately 1947-48

We were fascinated by this picture and had no idea that a school even existed on this road, even gro wing up just a stone’s thro w away f rom here! Thank you Jill for sharing this magnif icent picture with us and your wonder ful memories

We are al ways delighted to see your ‘old pho tographs’ and are ver y happy to collect them to borro w and then return. Give us a call on 01462 731986 or send an email to if you can have any you can share!

Kitchens & Bedrooms

Windows Internal/External Doors

Ski r tings -Architraves -Dados

Stai rs -Handles -Balustrades

Handle & Lock Replacements

Loft Hatches

RAY THE CARPENTER Building Maintenance


Flat Pack Furniture

All aspects of carpentr y No job too small

07885 020895 or 01462 732814 Over 25 Years Experience

Useful Telephone Numbers


01462 733722 Email: clerk@arlesey-tc.go v uk Central Bedfordshire Council, Prior y House, Chicksands, Shefford SG17 5TQ 0300 300 8000

Email customer ser vices@centralbedfordshire go Web www centralbedfordshire.go

Citizen’s Advice Bureau 01525 402742 01525 841217 Trading Standards Advice Line 0300 300 8136 Churches St Peter ’s Church, 01462 731227 Arlesey Methodist Church Rev Graham Claydon-Knights 01438 721674 Fair f ield Community Church 07376 740410 Kings Baptist Church 01462 730521 Salvation Army Sto tfold Corps 01462 731072 Council Arlesey To
Arlesey Community Centre,
wn Council To wn Council Off ice
High Street, Arlesey,
Fly tipping / Grass Cu tting / Street Cleaning / Abandoned Vehicles 0300 300 8631 or 0300 300 8632 Doctor Arlesey Medical Centre 01462 732144 www arleseymedicalcentre nhs uk Larksf ield Surger y Sto tfold: 01462 732200 Ou t o f Hours Ser vice 111 Emergencies Electricity Emergencies 0800 7 838 838 Gas Emergencies 0800 111999 Helplines Childline 0800 1111 National Menengitis Trust 0845 6000800 Samaritans 08457 909090 NSPCC 0800 800 5000 Housing First Garden City Homes 01462 683307 Pioneer House, Nor ton Way Sou th, Letchwor th Garden City, Her ts, SG6 1NY Grand Union Housing - all enquiries 0300 123 5544 Police Beds Police (Crime repor ting) 01234 841212 Crimestoppers 0800 555111 Hospitals Bedford Hospital 01234 355122 Lister Hospital 01438 314333 NHS Direct 0845 464700 300 8068 Librar y Arlesey Resource Centre & Librar y 01462 731469 Sto tfold Librar y 0300 300 8068 Pubs The White Horse 01462 621118 The Old Oak 01462 612536 The True Britton 07494 563496 Schools & Nurseries Etonbur y Academy 01462 730391 Pix Brook Academy 01462 416243 Go thic Mede Lo wer School 01462 732002 BEST Nurser y (Arlesey) 01462 732168 Arlesey Preschool @ WI Hall 07815 293670 Children’s Centre Sto tfold and District Children's Centre 01462 730623 Transpor t Trains (National Enquiries) 08457 484950 Whitbread Wanderbus 0300 123 3023 Boxall Taxis 01462 433 333 Greenacre Transfers Airpor ts & Chau ffeur Ser vices 07555 70 78 48 www greenacretransfers co uk" Miscellaneous Arlesey Community Larder 07427 650080 ACORN -Arlesey Conser vation For Nature Mick Jackson 07970 734416 ( Treasurer) Beds Rural Communities Charity 01234 838771 Letchwor th MS Unit 01462 487172 Bir ths, Deaths & Marriages 0300 300 8089 21 Established 197 1
/ Dog Warden /

Local Directory

WELCOME T O RCCG HOUSE OF MERCY, ARLESEY. It’s a great privilege and honour to welcome you to our Church, where we experience mercy beyond measure. Join us ever y Sunday. Our ser vice star ts at 10:00 am - 12:00 noon RCCG House of Mercy, Arlesey Village Town Hall, High Street, Arlesey SG15 6SN Telephone: 07903 985690 Locksmith Ser vices 01462 290226 Lo ved Gardens 07981 275663 Maintenance Ser vices - SHMS 01462 887366 Mo w & Weedit Garden Ser vices 07765 495200 New Kitchens 01462 812826 Nor th Her ts Road Runners 01462 639215 Oven Clean & Repair Ser vices 07878 444559 Painter/Decorator - Paul A Robinson 07761 751634 01462 232642 Paul Adler Opticians 01462 732393 Paul Eley Tiling 07818 000508 Paul Thomas Landscaping 07889 811065 Piano Lessons - Christine Walker 01462 731357 Piano Lessons - Elmitt Piano Academy 07449 461465 Pilates - Zanna Newton 07719 862371 Plumbing - ALM Plumbing 07950 311963 Plumbing - C Plumb 01462 700862 Plumbing & Heating - GSP Heating & Plumbing 01462 615922 Plumbing - J D Heating & Plumbing Ser vices LTD 07474 444288 Plum-tek 01462 618058 RH Gardens 01462 612033 Regency Flo wers 01462 732616 Remo vals - AG Jenkins 01462 730562 Sto tfold & Arlesey Ro yal British Legion 01462 734133 Satchells Estate Agents 01462 733730 Saunders Garage 01462 730222 Sheldon Electricals 01767 448188 Shel's Shabby Chic, V intage painted furniture & workshops 01462 234228 Solicitors - HR J Foreman Laws 01462 458711 Arlesey News Magazine 01462 731986 Sto tfold Pharmacy 01462 730249 Tailoring Ser vice 07575 417217 Warrens Windo ws 01462 261401 Wate Remo val (Josas Waste) 07739 488472 Windo ws - Repairs & Installations (J Garside) 07951 473505 Windo w Cleaning - ACCS Ltd 01462 629302 Yoga - Freda Dodswor th 01767 627611 Accountancy & TaxSue Matejtschuk (SCM Accountancy) 01462 624926 ACORN Arlesey Conser vation For Nature 07970 734416 AD Garden Rooms 01438 313765 A JB Fencing 07837 791365 Alf ie’s Barbers 01462 658449 Andy Leonard Painter & Decorator 07889 903283 Arlesey Community Larder 07427 650080 Arlesey Walking Group 01462 638286 Arlesey Pharmacy 01462 731200 Arlesey Social Club 01462 731361 Aquarius Garden Design 01462 731292 Ashwell So ftware / Sigma Off ice 01462 742783 Barn Hair Studio 01462 835611 Bal & Co Mo tor Care 01462 731500 Bews Electrical 01462 834488 Big Minibus Hire 07817 766997 BK Electrical / Brian Kelly 07817545314 Box Of Cakes Cafe & Cake Shop 07812 055587 Britannia Coaches 01462 436125 Broadband Communications 01462 732628 Brontë’s Floral Designs 07787 847141 BSH Glazing ( Windo ws & Doors) 01462 730884 Bugs ‘n’ Things Pest Control 0800 026 8823 Builders - SJ Brock 01462 231257 Carpentr y by Ray 01462 732814 Carpet Cleaning - ACCS Ltd 01462 629302 Carpets & Flooring - Letchwor th Carpet Centre 01462 481312 Carpets & Flooring - Paul Faulkner 01462 731674 Catsitter - Claire 07984 344997 Centroheat Domestic Boiler & Heating Ser vices 07885 415363 Compu ter Repairs - NIck Saunders 07521 279960 The Cooker Buddy Oven Cleaning 01462 810065 Chris Webster, Sto tfold 01462 834108 (Correspondent for The Comet ) Darren Peters Proper ty Maintenance 01462 733322 Dennison’s - House & Garden Clearance 07522 354141 Dog walking & cat sitting - Smiley Pets 07894 561765 EH Crouch Funeral Directors 01462 834040 Electrician - Terr y C Seymour 01462 236559 Fair f ield Bo wls Club 07811 738599 Fencing (A JB) 07837 791365 Finesse Interiors 01462 896046 First Step Estate Agents 01462 659730 Foo t Health Pro fessional - V icki Eagles 07812 399659 Foo t Pro Podiatr y 07377 536685 Gifford Dance Academy 07585 221513 Graham Smith Brickwork & Paving 01462 731829 Greenacre Transfers Airpor ts & Chau ffeur Ser vices www greenacretransfers co uk 07555 707848 Guides - Sto tfold Guide Association 01462 235273 Henlo w Vets 01462 416416 Hypno therapy - Pathway Hypno therapy Rooms 07497157531 James’s Carpentr y & Handyman Ser vice 01462 234292 Jar vis Foo tcare 07816 329363 Kumari Chiropractic 07479 945995 22
To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986 23 NHS & Private Contact Lenses Night Time Lenses Vision Therapy Colorimetry Myopia Management Stotfold’s well established loc al opticians with an international reputation 50 HIgh Street, Stotfold SG5 4LL 01462 732393 www eyezone co uk

NEED CASH for your School, Group or Organisation?


Are you par t of a youn g pe rsons club, org an isation or team?

At Satchells we LOVE suppor ting our local community and firmly believe that our young people are something to be extremely proud of!

Do you need help with buying eq uipme nt, m ater ials or similar? - W e’d LO VE to help!

The brand new 2023 Satchells ‘Young Persons Grant’ is open to ANY local group, school or organisation in our local area. Your nominated group must be run in either Arlesey, Stotfold or Fair field.

We will be presenting one lucky group with a donation of £50 0 to spend on whatever they need.

HOW TO E NTE R: Simply write to us with a brief account of why you feel your group should be awarded this year’s Young Persons Grant Entries should be sent to: Satchells Estate A gents, 47B High Street, Stotfold, SG5 4LD Email: stotfold@satchells co uk Closing date 31s t July 2023.

USE YOUR IMAGINATION!! - the more creative your entr y the better!! - There is no limit to the amount of entries we receive from your group, however we request only one entr y per person. We are looking for originality and imagination and will be featuring some of the entries on our social media between now and the deadline of 31st July

W HAT AR E YO U W AITING FOR ? Get your friends and family involved!

Investing in the future of our Community *Th e j udges decision wi ll be final Deadli ne for entri es 31/07/2023 FINAL

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