News from Pippin
Pre School Professional Gardener
Our AGM took place on Thursday 8th October, the activities and finances of the past year were reviewed, and the new Committee was voted in for the year ahead. We wish to thank staff, parents and carers who attended, and we wish like to give a Big Thank You to our Committee for all their support over the last year during these unprecedented times. We bid fond farewell to Jo Wood, Melanie Herlihy and Anna Saunders who have been committee members for the past 5 years (Jo as our Chairperson), we wish to congratulate Chris Barnes on his appointment as Chairperson.
* Garden maintenance * Autumn/Winter tidy ups * Garden clearances * Turfing * Rotivating * Tree surgery * Hedge cutting/reductions
This month the children have enjoyed learning about people in their community, we welcomed a Fire Fighter, Doctor and Police officer into our setting, the children loved listening to their stores, we thank them all for giving up their time to join us.
Fully Insured with over 8 years experience of commercial and residential gardening
Loved Gardens
On 19th November we will be supporting Children in Need. Children (and staff!) are welcome to come to Pre-School dressed in red in return for a donation to this worthy charity. We will be supporting the Stotfold Community Fayre at the Memorial Hall again this year. Doors open until 4pm on Saturday 20th November, please pop along and try your luck with our chocolate this event will help fund our Christmas activities we have planned for the children. Our Christmas Holiday club will be open for 4 days from Monday 20th December to Thursday 23rd inclusive, doors open 7.45 am and close 6pm, a daily charge of £38 applies. Our booking system will be open from Monday 3rd November, for further information please contact the office. Like many charities our fundraising opportunities are still restricted. We have registered with AmazonSmile due to our charity status. Smile is a simple and automatic way for you to support a charity of your choice every time you shop at no cost to you. Please visit on your web browser and select Pippin Playgroup. For each eligible purchase Amazon will pay us 0.5% of purchase price. Thank you for your interest in our Pre-School. We look forward to sharing more of our news with you again next month.
20 White Crofts, Stotfold, Hitchin, Herts, SG5 4EB 10.00am till late Table Top Sale – Everyday/Christmas Cards – Light Up Bottles -Silk Flowers in Light Up Jars – Solar Light Bottles – Raffle –Memorial Light Up Bottles – Poinsettia Arrangements Hot/Cold Refreshments + cakes For Further Information contact Bridie/Bridget: 01462 639279
07981 275663
Garden Maintenance * Trees * Weeds
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Pix Brook Academy
Evening Cleaning and Lockup person.
Light cleaning duties and lockup position, requires a level of flexibility and responsibility. To work 7pm to 9.30pm Monday to Thursday with some weekend work. If you are interested in this position and wish to know more, please contact the Business Manager at
Please note this position will require DBS check and person will be employed by the school via payroll. To contact the Stotfold News Magazine please call 01462 731986