News from St
Mary’s Academy
The children have all settled back into the school routine very well and it’s amazing how quickly the summer holidays are forgotten! We are hoping for continued mild weather so that we can fully enjoy our wonderful outside areas.
By the time this item is published, we will have taken part in our school Harvest Festival Celebration - a special assembly enjoyed by all of our children. Alongside our daily assemblies Jet, Opal, Diamond and Emerald Classes will be leading assemblies during the month. Parents are invited to attend and enjoy these. Please check our weekly Newsletter or website for more information in case of any restrictions. Our individual and family photographs will be taken on Wednesday 5th October – ideal gifts for that ‘season’ that will be upon us all too quickly!
Our 2022 New Parents Information Evening is to be held on Thursday 14th October at 7.00pm. Families of children on our potential admission list are invited to come along for an information evening about starting school in 2022 and what they can look forward to during their time at St Mary’s. Everyone is welcome to attend this very important meeting. Finally, we should mention that we are well into the new learning mission for the Autumn Term, including 'All About Me' in Reception Classes, ‘Nurturing Nurses' in Key Stage 1 and ‘The Vikings' and ‘The Stone Age’ in Key Stage 2 which will include workshops that should prove to be fun and educational.
We are only just back at school from the summer break but October Half Term is from Monday 25th to Friday 29th October with an INSET training day on Monday 1st November.