T h e F u t u r e – W h e r e?
The fairy tale of the Internet was so romantic at the beginning: to connect everything and everyone, to empower everything and everyone, and to allow everyone to do business. The reality is, however, less romantic. Much-admired unicorns have become market-dominating players. The rules of the digital economy only further fuel the effect of power concentration. Illustration: stock.adobe.com – jamesbin
Evolving from a market participant into a marketplace is a dream that can only be fulfilled if one has access to the very best resources and is not only willing to make them available continuously, but also to scale them at the right moment. Even though everyone talks about scalability, exponential business development is not particularly well-suited to the human brain. Be it buying, sales, or marketing, those who fail in e-commerce usually do so because the effect of scaling was not manageable. That is beneficial for those who have sufficient capital to wait until the scaling effect also makes their retail operations profitable. This is, however, no reason to bury one’s head in the sand. Those who understand that the era of digital pioneers is long gone, also understand where the new magic of the digital economy lies: in cooperation. At the end of the day, the digital economy is also (or above all?) a network economy.
style in progress