'The hunger we were fighting will be gone forever': state empowers seamstresses

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End of long nights of tears, hunger as state hands over industrial sewing machines

Hungry, exhausted seamstresses would fall asleep over their inadequate sewing machines as they pulled all-nighters to make deadline.

But those brutal days are over now that women of in the eastern part of the province have brandnew,industrial strengthoverlocksewing machines to ease their way.

Eastern Cape MEC for Rural Development and AgrarianReform(DRDAR) NonkqubelaPieterswas on hand for the occasionwhich brought hope of economic freedomto seamstressesin theOR Tambo District.

TheMECwasin MthathaKeiFreshProduce Market on Friday tohandover 32 industrial and overlock machinesto 16enterprises ina bidto maximise theirproduction andprofits. Eachbusiness receivedan industrialoverlock sewingmachine.

Nokwakha Jicoof MzikantuSewing Co-opin PortStJohnsspoke ofthebrutalovernightersas they battled to reach targets.

We wouldliterally fall sleep onthe machines. Now that we have these top-of-the-range machines, we won t have to do that any more.

Now the hunger we were fighting will be gone

forever and ourbusiness will grow furtherand we thankthedepartmentfor that, said Jico, whose co-ophasacontract withthesocialdevelopment department.

She said theywere sewing a rangeof clothings, including school uniforms and traditional gear.

Some of the recipients included two enterprises thatare run by unemployedfashion design graduates fromWSU whoventured intothe fashion businessafter theycould notsecure employment.

Zintle Ngcwazi, 27, who runs Likamva Lethu Clothing in Misty Mount with five other young people, saidthe investmentwould boosttheir business.

I started the business in2020 after I realised thatI couldnotget ajobwithmy qualificationsor anyother jobforthatmatter. Thesemachineswill boost ourincome because weused tobattle to sewheavy materialsandwe hadtoask forassistance from other people.

That consumedlot of ourtime andwe would fail to deliver.Now that we ve receivedthese machines,we areveryhappybecause theywillassist us tocomplete our orderson time, Ngcwazi said.

Another graduateLitha Mabotshwasaid shehad battledusingonedomestic machinetosewa range of clothes.

Says shestarted her business whilestudying at university. Iwanted to get employmentbut I couldn t becausethe employmentis notthere. Nowthat Ihave thesemachines,I ll beable todo wondersand endup trainingand employingpeople.

MEC Pieterssaid theinvestment byDRDAR should ensure maximumproduction and healthier profit.

She said at the handover: Treat these co-ops as businesses. We want you to grow your businesses. Municipality and government will give you trainingwhere youare lacking.Thisis aninvestment, treat it as such and ensure there s growth.

Qualityisveryimportant, hencewearegiving overlocks and industrial machines.

Goodqualityadvertises yourproducts.If you re producing substandard products you will end up not getting the business.

We are fightingpoverty and unemployment through this investmentand we want tosee you become successful business people, she said.

Bhizana village of Izinini finally receives title deeds Page 3
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New world of animal health created by Tardi and the UN Page 7
Zintle Ngcwazi (27) and Mamela Baraza (26) of Likamva Lethu Clothing receive overlock and industrial machines from DRDAR MEC Nonkqubela Pieters and OR Tambo District Cllr Mlamli Ndabeni.

Women farmers celebrate as MEC hands over new shearing shed

Songsof joyand ululationfilledthe airwhen the provincialgovernment openedthe multipurpose Mfinci Noncedo shearing shed for farmers, manyof themwomen, inthe Sterkspruit area.

A delighted Nonkqubela Pieters, MEC of ruraldevelopmentand agrarianreform(DRDAR),was theretoopen thefacility,built ata cost ofR1.3m, and celebrate withthe jubilant farmers.

Farmer Nonkululeko Hlanjwa said they felt blessed and fortunate.

“Wehave beenshearingoursheep inan old structure which compromised the quality of our wool,” she said.

“Itwas sosmallwe hadnooption butto press and sort our wool outside.

“Noweverything willbe doneindoors, which will improvequality, efficiency and profits.”

In a philosophical moment, Hlanjwa said: “In life, why go to town and seek employment if you can smartly use the land and animals to fend for yourself.”

She saidthere were23 womenfarmers in their53-member MfinciNoncedoWoolgrowers Co-operative.

“Women heretake farmingvery seriously. They are tough and active.

“Agriculture means not having to wait anxiouslyformento sendmoneyfromthecity or mines. We stand up and do something for ourselves. Wehave becomefinancially independent.

“We love farming, love putting food on the tablefor ourchildren,elderlyfolk andourselves. We feel deeply satisfied.”

Deputy chair of the association, Ben Mpila, said thenew facilitycame afterdecades and generations of struggle.

The association was started by their fathers and forefathers in the 1970s with just 10 pioneers, but through perseverance and hardearnedexperiencetheir businessesandprofitability had grown.

“At first we were just removing wool from the sheep and we didn’t know the value of it then.

“We used to sell to white people who used to give us anything, including blankets.

“Things were really bad, but now we know thevalueofwool, hencewearehappywith this structure.We believeour woolclip will give us more profit.”

Maize meal, an important staple, continues to see high rates of #inflation. Its price index increased by 2,2% between Jan & Feb, taking the annual rate to 34,7%- stats SA

The MEC used the week-long outreach programme of the Eastern Cape legislature in Sterkspruit, knownas takingthe legislatureto

thepeople, toofficiallyhandover themultipurpose shearingshed whichwill helpcommercialise the province s agriculture output.

Mficini Noncedo shearing shed Chairperson Mandlakayise Macala receiving the keys to the new facility from the DRDAR MEC Nonkqubela Pieters during the handover
@OfficialDRDAR ˆ ˇ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˛ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˛ ˘ ˛ ˚ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˚ ˜ ˜ ˛ ˚˛ ˜ ˚ ˘ ˘ ˛ ˙ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˚ ˜ ˜ ˚ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˛ ˘ ˛ ˚ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˚ ˜ ˜˘ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˙ ˘ ˛ ˘˛ ˜ ˛ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˙ ˘ ˜˘ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˛ ˘ ˛ ˚ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˙˘ ˜ ˜ ˚ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˛

Bhizana village of Izinini finally receives title deeds

Thecommunity ofIzininivillage inBhizana was overjoyed when they received title deeds for their land from minister of agriculture, land reform and rural development Thoko Didiza.

Their1,282ha ofland waswrongfully seized by the apartheid regime.

Didiza wasin thevillage toofficially hand over thetitle deeds, which willbenefit 1,279 households and a total of 1,300 beneficiaries.

Their land claim wasapproved by the governmentin 2016andtheyreceived asettlement of R22m for thatpart of the land that could not be reinstated,which included the area where the Bhizana CBD was built.

Thegovernment gavethe communitya further R5.1m for theoperation of their forestrybusiness nowcovering581ha ofthis land.Their enterprise,IzininiCPA, whichemploys58peoplein permanentjobs,makesa grossannual incomeofR14.6m throughthe sale of logs harvested from their land to Sappi in an offtake agreement.

DumisaniSiyele, chairofthe IzininiCommunity Property Association, which is hailed as atop-performing communityproperty association, signed the title deed on behalf of the community and said they felt fortunate to have seen this day.

Siyelesaid: Otherswhostarted thisland claim couldn tlive to see thisbeautiful day. We are thankful to the government. We have a project to fight poverty and underdevelopment where youth areemployed. Let s respectthe landand useitfor moredevelopment that will assist even unborn children.

Headman Mandisi Ndunge said: There has beenanoutcryabout thelackofthetitle deed.Thisis thebiggestthing.It givesuslegal rightsand confirmsthatthisland belongsto us. I don thave manywordsofappreciation.I am just so very happy today. It has been a long journey but today the land is legally ours!”

Sappi general managerSandile Nkosi said theywere committedtowork withgovernment andcommunities tofoster self-development.

“This is one of the best projects in the country. Insome instancesit’s hardto work with many people, but here they work together. Izinini has no loanlike other growers in our Khulisaprogramme.Our productsarealternativestoplastic sothedemandis veryhigh.As Sappi strides to meetthe demand, the company istargeting 30,000ha in theEastern Cape andwe willachievethat sustainabledevelopment when we work together.”

Izininiis oneofthe forestrybusinesses supportedby thedepartmentof ruraldevelopment and agrarian reform through its entity the Eastern CapeRural Development Agency to commercialise forestry production in the province.

Since 2013, the agencyhas invested more thanR21m inthe businessin training,buying newtrees, vehiclesand administrationservices to assist theenterprise with improved operations and production.

MECNonkqubela Pieterssaidgovernment had upliftedcommunity ofIzinini village through the support provided by government institutions to their business.

“It’swith delightthatweare heretodayto finish this programmeof development. It’s myexperience thatCPAs andchiefs arefightinginsucha waythatdevelopmentstalls, hence I appreciate theunity displayed here,” said Pieters.

Didizasaid: “Financial compensation has beengranted herebut thereare thosefamilies who have not benefited because of family feuds. Iurge those familiesto reachan agreement and approach thecommittee so that thedepartmentcan paytheircompensation,

Young clerk says business growth brings new life to Mkhambathi

The growth of business at Mkhambathi GameReserve and Forestry is addressing the problem of unemployment in the rural areas, especially in the Ingquza Hill Local Municipality.

This is the view of Luyanda Mvumbi,26, whoisemployedas anadministration clerkat theMkhambathi Trust.

He expressedjoy atbeing oneof theyoung peopleemployed by the trust that runs the game reserve and forestry business,which issupported by the government

“The growthof thebusiness means a lot because as it

expands, weare ableto accommodatemore people.It meansunemployment inthe rural areas is being addressed andpeople becomemore united,” Mvumbi said.

Hesaidhis jobwastolook after operations for the enterprises,using theskillshe gained atschool toensure its smooth running.

“I feel veryhappy to be employed here.I startedwith going to school,then came backtoapply theskillsIacquired.

“I’m now ableto manage theoperations herebecause ofthe projectmanagement course I did,” Mvumbi said.

He isalso proudof being employed in Mkhambathi.

He now knowits history, which includes the land forcefully takenfrom thecommunity by the apartheid regime.

which is rightfully theirs.”

Shesaidif communitieswhichcontinued tofight eachotherslowed downdevelopment, they could lose out.

“Youshould knowthat youare theowners

Izinini Community Property Association chairperson Dumisani Siyele, DRDAR MEC, Nonkqubela Pieters and Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Minister, Thoko Didiza lift aloft the title deed confirming ownership of 1 282 hectares of land successfully claimed by Izinini community through the land claims process. The CPA uses some of this land for commercial forestry production and sell their logs to SAPPI.

ofthesethings andtodayIsay, let’s stick together so that we can see development. Don’t disappoint us.We want growth andwhen I come here again,I don’t want tosee destruction of these economic activities,” she said.

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3 @OfficialDRDAR

New shift begins to produce employers instead of job seekers


Asheadofthe departmentofruraldevelopmentand agrarianreform(DRDAR),I willensure that graduates placed on farms and related enterprises form their own businesses.

The department has placed unemployed graduatesinagriculture sectorenterprisesso that they can learn to be business owners who are employers, instead of job seekers.

The two-yearentrepreneurial placement programme for 120unemployed graduates is funded throughthe comprehensiveagricultural support programme (Casp)and is an opportunityfor youngpeople tobe placedwith farmsand relatedenterprisesto gainentrepreneurial experience so that they become job creators.

Theimportant thingis thatwe don t want todoahit-and-run here,wherewetake120 graduates for two years and after that they go back to being unemployed.

The departmentwill refocusand reshape itsbudget sothatthese unemployedagriculture graduates can start their own businesses.

We will lookat how to availthe resources of government to theseyoungsters so that theycan stretchtheir ideasin whatevercommodities they want to venture into.

Inthatveinwewant tolookathowwerefocus andreshape thebudget ofthe departmentand engageother governmententities and the private sector.

Wehave asizeablebudget thatcomes from Casp fortraining. We will haveto set aside a portion of this budget for these young adults so that we can literally pump it to assist them in starting enterprises.

Weare notgoingto achievedevelopment and theresults wewant tosee ifwe don t become intentional to ensure young farmers are supported.

As long as we beat about the bush, thumbsucking and doing littleeverywhere, we are not going to have an impact.

We are looking athow to concentrate, bringin ourresourcesandfine-tune theprogramme to address the problem.

We will reshape ourbudgeting process, using money from Caspand other programmes to develop these youngsters.

We aregoing to be engagingthe departmentofsmallbusiness andalotofprivate partnersthatI amverysureare goingtobe willing to partner with us to incubate the great agriculturalideas thatare goingto comeout of these young people.

Wewanttosee theparticipationofyoung people, blacks in particular,in the agriculture sector that is thebigger aim of this programme.

Thisistoaddress theissueofunemployment in the country,specifically the province, within the sector of agriculture.

As youwould know,we arethe highestin the country when itcomes to the unemployment rate.

The EasternCape is leading infood insecurity and we’vegot thehighestnumberof youth sitting athome unemployed, including graduates.

Our aimis notjust tokeep themfor two years to sit around andsee a little, but they should expand their thinking so that they look

beyond finding jobs, but create them.

The governmentwants thegraduates to beableto thinkontheirown andseehow they can create jobs.

Wewant toincreasethepool ofentrepreneurs in the agricultural space.

TheEastern Capehas beenpraised byeveryone as having potential because of its natural resources, good climateand good soils, but we’vebeen literallystuck inthat potential as a province.

We havenot been able tograduate from that potential.

We dounderstand thatif wedon t actively bringintheyoung peoplewhocanthinkdifferently about the sector,who have different energy, who are more energetic than we are in this sector we will be lacking.

There is an oldergeneration of farmers worldwide, and government through this programme is attractingyoung people because they willcome with more energyand innovative ideas on how to drive agriculture.

Theywillassistus tograduatefrompotential to realise the potential of this province.

I mexcited thatboththe graduatesand host farmerssee this opportunity asa vehicle to addressfood insecurity,unemployment and create a new crop of farmers.

This is thethird cohort and duringthe first onewe learntthatwewere groomingemployees, hence we arenow working on creating enterprises.

Inthesecondbatch, weranacompetition where graduates presented their business plansand thewinnerswere providedwith start-up capital by DRDAR.

MEC NonkqubelaPieters hasinstructed us tousethe availablegovernmentinfrastructure toensure the graduates areventuring into different commodities.

We will utilise the research centres, training centresand irrigationschemesto boostthe economic impact of these youngsters.

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Income generated by the #food and beverages industry increased by 15,5% y/y in January 2023, driven mainly by food sales in restaurants & coffee shops and catering services - stats SA Head of department Siphokazi Ndudane with one of the Tardi students.

Government working to resolve municipal debt owed to Eskom — Deputy President

DeputyPresident PaulMashatile saysgovernment and Eskom are working together to resolve the “inherent risk” that municipal Eskom debt hason thestability ofthe powerutility and the economy.

TheDeputyPresident wasspeakingduring hismaiden QuestionandAnswer sessionin the NationalAssembly onThursday afternoon.

By theend ofDecember lastyear, municipalitiesowed EskomsomeR56.3 billionfor unpaid bulk electricity supply – a number that Deputy President Mashatile said is growing.

“The debt is rising. It is clear that we need a debt relief strategy thatwill acknowledge the inherent risk of unviable municipalities. In this regard,Eskom willprovide incentivisedrelief to municipalities whose debt it unaffordable,” he said.

Deputy President Mashatile said the relief willcome withconditions thatmunicipalities are bound to adhere toin an assurance that “there will be no repeatof debt build up over time” “Someof theconditionswill include,the installationof prepaidmetersto correctthe underlying behaviourof non-paymentand operational practisesin theaffected municipalities.

“Municipalitiesmustuse themoneythey are allocated effectively and efficiently for the intendedpurposes. Ifthisisnot thecase, thereshould beconsequences. Inaddition,

the NT is preparinga Municipal Finance ManagementAct (MFMA)circulardealing withthe relief strategy regarding municipal debt owed to Eskom which is expected to be released later this month.

“The culture of non-payment – not only by municipalities – by allorgans of state, individualhouseholdsand customersisconcerning. Wecannot overemphasisetheneed todis-

couragea cultureofnon-payment forpublic services,” he said.

The Deputy President emphasised that changesmade onnew generationcapacity will alsoallow municipalitiesto independentlyprocure powerinorderto provideelectricityfor businessesandhouseholds andgenerate additional revenue.

Eskom’s financial challenges

Deputy PresidentMashatile addedthat this poses significantfinancial challenges for Eskom which have to be addressed.

“In addressing theutility’s financial challenges, government hasannounced further measures on Eskom.

“Thedebt reliefof R243billionwill beimplemented over the nextthree years. Government’s intervention of explicitly taking on this debt is aimedat reducing fiscal risksand enhancing long termfiscal sustainability,” he said.

TheDeputy PresidentsaidR184 billionof the relief willgo to servicing thepower utility’sdebts,up toR70billionwill gototaking over some of Eskom’sloan portfolio in the 2025/26 financial year.

“This will allow Eskom to focus on its operating cash flow, onmuch needed maintenanceand capitalexpenditurewhile atthe same time, reducing Eskom’s debt of R168 billion.

“Further to this work,the government is continuingwith themediumto longterm plans of adding additional capacity to the grid. We are committed toclean energy solutions including investing inrenewable energy solutions.

“Itis ourhope thatallthese measureswill facilitate and charge theway towards energy security resulting inan inclusive economic growth andjob creation,” Mashatile said. SAnews.gov.za

5 SUPPLEMENT TO THE HERALD AND THE DAILY DISPATCH March 2023 ˘ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˇ˘ ˛ ˚ ˜ ˇ ˜˙ ˜ ˜˜ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˛ ˘ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˜ ˚˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˛ ˘ ˛ ˘ ˘ ˛ ˛ ˘ ˆˇ ˇ ˜ ˘ ˚ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˚˘ ˘ ˙ ˚ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˚˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˜ ˚˜ ˘˘ ˜ ˚ ˆ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˜˚ ˜ ˜ ˚˘ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˙ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˝˘ ˘ ˛ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˜
5 @OfficialDRDAR
Deputy President Paul Mashatile

Eastern Cape economic endeavours looking good this financial year

Goodthings arehappeningin EasternCape agriculture, manufacturingand construction this financial year, butsmaller industries need to be linked into the mainstream.

The Eastern Cape provincial Treasury expectsthat theprovincewillbenefit fromthe agriculture, manufacturingand construction sectors during the 2023/2024 fiscal year.

The provincial Treasury said the outlook for agriculture was remarkablypositive, but cautioned that sustaining underperforming subsectors remained a challenge.

FinanceMEC MlungisiMvokosaid itwas imperative to expand andsustain links between emerging farmers,agribusinesses and mainstream agricultural value chains.

Hesaid thatmanufacturing, particularlyin theautomotive sector, remained,as it had for years, the backbone of the province.

Between 2018 and2022, theoriginal equipmentmanufacturers (OEMs)

Isuzu, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz and Ford created more than 10,000 Eastern Cape jobs.

Fiscal support will becrucial for economic stabilisation and growth.

Theprovincial Treasurysaidthis wouldrequire a balancing act in allocating sufficient resources to economic recovery, reconstruction and relief efforts.

Budget allocations will be underpinned by the following principles:

Resourcing economicdevelopment initiatives while protecting social services;Strengtheninggovernment capacityto implementinfrastructureprojectsand deliverservices;andEncourage good governance and transparency to realise value.

Fortunately, thenational governmentwill notbeimplementingany budgetcutsinthe coming medium term economic framework (MTEF).

In the 2023/2024 financial year, the Eastern Cape’s total budget is R89.6bn, made up of the provincial equitable share allocations of R73.2bn, conditional grants of R14.6bn and R1.6bn own receipts

Formal manufacturingin theprovince employedabout 167,000workersin thefourth quarterof 2022,representing anet gainof 52,000 jobsin thesector comparedwith the fourth quarter of 2021.

Treasurywasofthe viewthatthesenumbers could have been stronger, had it not been for weak global demand,constraints in domestic supply and logisticschains, and the high level of load-shedding.

It attributed positive trends in construction toincreased capitaloutlays andinfrastructure expenditure by the government.

Several proposed investments are also excellent news for the construction sector.

Since 2013,the Eastern Capehas nominally gained R6bnfor itsfiscus and about R12.2bn over the MTEF.

The province’s fiscal consolidation strategy is yielding benefitsin theprevailing economic conditions.

Priorities remain cost containment measures inkey service delivery areas, whileimproving provincial governance and oversight.

The provincialTreasury saidthat zerobasedbudgeting andexpenditureperformancereviewmodels wouldalignspending with strategic outcomes and service delivery.

“Inthe 2023/2024financialyear, theEastern Cape’s total budget is R89.6bn, made up of theprovincial equitableshare allocationsof R73.2bn, conditional grants of R14.6bn and R1.6bn own receipts.

Total payments are R91.6bn, then a budget deficitof aboutR2bn,butR2.7bn inprovincial reserves are available to finance this deficit.

Eastern Cape to spend billions on stimulating food production for the people

Government-supported live-stock,grain andfruitgrowing programmes including stimulating theinternal market by spending billions on purchasing food for schoolchildren, patientsand the needy will receive a round of applause from farmers and produce aggregators.

Finance MECMlungisi Mvoko,in his budget speech,said theprovince neededtoharness itsrichagriculturalresource.

Programmes were being put in place toprovidenutritious foodforthepeopleofthe provinceandforagricultural enterpriseto becommerciallysuccessful.

He saidthe governmentwould be linkingits agriculturalprogrammeto providing food for school nutrition, hospitalpatientsand foodparcelsforthe needy.

He announcedthat thegovernment was investing R5.1bn in the school nutritionprogramme, R483.8mforpatient

food and R16.4m for food parcels.

It will be implemented in the new financial year,and successfulimplementation will go a long way in addressing thechallengeof foodsecurityandjob creation.

Thehealth departmentisal-ready engaging its procurementprocesses to give effect tothis plan. These areour effortstoachieve foodsecurity,usingour own resources.

Wenolongerwant toseeourfunds spentongeneral retailwithnotmuch trace in the provincein terms of economic benefit.

The sixth term of government administrationhas madeinvestmentsto the valueof R799min thepast three yearstosupportgrain, redmeatandcitrus producers, led by the department of rural development & agrarian reform.

Weareallocating R237.7mfor202324 and R2.3bn over the medium term to [the department]to continuewith this support.

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Finance MEC Mlungisi Mvoko
6 @OfficialDRDAR

New world of animal health and business created by Tardi and the UN

The Tsolo Agriculture and Rural Development Institute(Tardi) andaUnited Nationsagency aretraining animalhealthtechnicians tostart their own businesses.

The partnership is billed as a first for Mzansi.

Tardihaspartneredwith theUNFoodand AgricultureOrganisation (FAO)to provideanimal health technicians with business skills.

This isthe firsttime anagriculture training institution in SA willbe collaborating with the FAO insuch aprogramme. Theinitiative is aimed at strengthening animal health technicians through a new framework for which Tardiwas awardedthe contracttohost thefirst training programme.

The partnership was announced at the graduation ceremony for 49Tardi students by provincial rural development and agrarian reform MEC Nonkqubela Pieters.

Pieters said: “I am happy to announce that Tardihas beenidentifiedasa criticalstakeholder ofthe United Nations. Thisinitiative is to createentrepreneurs respondingto the changed South African Veterinary Council legislation,allowing animalhealth techniciansto workfortheirown gainandtheycannow ownprimary animalhealthfacilities. Thisis thefirstto occurinSAandTardi beingatthe forefrontof thisgame-changing initiative,is quite an achievement.”

Thefirst intakeisscheduledfor May,with 50 unemployedanimal healthtechnicians, 25 Tardigraduates, and25North WestUniversity graduates expected to participate.

In addition to thepartnership with FAO, Tardi principal Dr ToyotaNdudane has been appointed to an ad hoc group working on communityanimalhealth workers,whichis partof astandardisedcurriculum andframework of the WorldOrganisation for Animal Health. Ndudane joins ateam of experts worldwideand willchairvirtual meetingsfor theorganisations whichis headquarteredin Paris.Dr InnocentSirovha,CEO ofAgriSETA, guestspeaker forthe ceremony,emphasised thesignificance ofeducation andcommunity impact. Heencouraged graduatesto become ambassadors fortheir communitiesand the sector.

Sirovhahas playedanintegralrole inshaping thetraining and development ofthe agriculture sector’sfuture leaders.Tardi’s recognitionof hisexpertise furtheraddsto hiscredibility as a valuable source of advice for graduatesseeking tomakeadifference intheir communities.

Atthe graduation,the overallbest-performing student, Lilitha Xhumana from Mqanduli,expressed herjoyand spokecandidly about her journey.

It’s not been easy, it’s been very hard. It takesa lotsacrifices,dedication andpassion. Being in the veterinary worldas a woman at some point is very challenging because sometimes youfeel likemen arebehave asif they are superior,” she said.

“I didn’tallow thattoletme downtellingI

can dowhatever men cando. Theissue of gender doesn’t affectme. It’sa beautifulday and I’vebeen waitingforitsince thefirstbecause I told myself I’d graduate cum laude. I never ever shied awayfrom that goal. And hereIam, proofthatifyou planyourgoals properly anything is possible.”

Masixole Basana, speaking on behalf of the classof 2022,said ithadbeen roughwhen their first year was hitby the outbreak of Covid-19.

If you re notwillingto sacrifice,don t come to Tardi. Yes, 2020was tough, but here we are against all odds. The knowledge we got here will develop thecommunity where we come from. Here at Tardi,you just arrive with yourbags. Whenyou applyatTardi youdon t have to apply for a bursary, it is done here.

There are people whohave started their own businesses because of the stipends from thebursary suppliersand Ihave alsocreated an NGO anddonated to schools. Let sgo out thereandmakea difference.Evenifyouare unemployed,do communityservice byhelping people to understand animal diseases, Basana said.

Tardiprincipal Ndudanecommendedthe graduates, statingthat around60% ofthe 297 students who have graduated from Tardi since 2015were employedinboththe publicand private sectors. He said: My advice is to always be the mostinteresting person in the roombecause youshouldmake yourmark. Showcase your abilities, show the passion.”— This story first appearedon the Food for Mzansi website.

DRDAR MEC Nonkqubela Pieters caps one of the students who received a Diploma in Animal Health from the Tsolo Agriculture and Rural Development Institute where 49 students graduated
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Tardi, UN to train animal health technicians: Tsolo Agriculture and Rural Development Institute (TARDI) principal Dr Nandipha Ndudane, SAVC chief executive Mongezi Menye and academic board chairperson Dr Lubabalo Mrwebi with Lilitha Xhumana and her mother, Yolisa. Xhumana was named the top-performing student. Photo: Supplied/Food For Mzansi

Thriving EC forestry business brings jobs, income for villagers

Lusikiki’s MkambathiLand Trust,a forestry businessfinanciallysupported bytheEastern Capegovernmentand Sappi,hasincreased boththe numberofhectares plantedwith gum trees and jobs for locals.

Theforestry businessofthe trustwas startedin 2010and waspartly fundedwith money from the JobsFund, a programme launchedby formerPresidentJacob Zumato create jobs.

Chair ofthe trust, Danile Tonga,said about eight villages were founding members of their commercial enterprise.

“We have an agreement as these villages to develop this land for the benefit of our communities,” Tonga said.

“We have an offtakeagreement with Sappi to buy logs from usand the East Cape Rural Development Agency helpsus with funding for forestry development as the Jobs Fund investedmoney inourforestry businessin 2010.

“Weproducetrees,harvest andselltoSappi. They pay and that makes a huge difference in these villages.”

The eight villages electtwo members each to representthem on thetrust whichis responsible for the management of the forestry business and all their land, which includes the 11ha of Mkambathi NatureReserve leased to the Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency.

Tonga said to grow their business they had decidedto expandedthenumber ofhectares planted with more trees in 2014.

“This expansion helped our business to grow more and thenumber of people working here increased too.”

Hesaidsomeof themoneymadebytheir business was invested inbuying a horse-andtrailer truck to deliver their logs to Sappi.

“Previously we used topay a private contractor to transport our timber to Sappi and that cost us about R186,000 per load.

“Nowthat wehave ourowntruck, wewill minusthis inourbusiness operationalcosts,” he said.

Tongasaid theyplannedtobuy asecond truck in 2024 to increasethe number of loads deliveredto Sappi,andprovide deliveryservicestootherbusinesses forthebenefitto the eight villages which own the trust.

Withabout 90employees,Tonga saidtheir business arrangement withSappi was paying off.

Both sides were benefiting.

He said people from rural villages who previously did not havemuch knowledge about government support,were nowenjoying more governmentsupport throughtheir forestry businesses.

“We sawthat itis veryimportant forus to work with government because they bring experts that advise us in this business.

“Remember, we come from where there wasnocommercialforestry andwearenow at apoint wherewe haveproduced alot in this business,” Tonga said.

“Atfirst weknewnothing aboutforestry, we just saw gum trees.

“We didnot knowthat ithas medicinal properties,that someofthe medicinalproductslikeVicks,and paperandotherproducts are made from these trees we grow.

“Through Sappi’s trainingwe succeededas they unpacked the entire value chain price for each load of logs.”

Tonga said everytime the government electedby thepeoplebrought projects,the intention was to develop communities, hence theirbusiness continuedtocreate jobopportunities for locals fromvillages under the Mkambathi Land Trust.

The trust is driving training and skills developmentfor youngpeopleemployed inthe

officesand thosemanagingworkers inthe forestry fields to improve production efficiency of the business.

Tonga saidone oftheir majorprojects was theestablishment ofthehospitality schoolin Mkambathiso thatlocalyouth couldbe trainedand benefitfrom investmentsunder way in this tourism-richarea that included an injection of more thanR68m by Mkambathi Matters.

Hesaiduseof communallandforproduction was important becausewith the money from their business other members were able to start spaza shops intheir villages to make moremoney, andsend theirchildren touniversityconfident theywouldmanage topay their fees.

“This makes a hugedifference in our lives. That iswhy we wantthis projectto continue growing and we have changed the name from MkambathiForestry ProjecttoSiyaphambili Forestry Project, which wasregistered in June 2022, and this shows our business is growing,” Tonga said.

Headvised villageswherethere weretensions frustrating economicdevelopment to put their issues asideand focus on development.

What is important tous at Mkambathi Land Trust is that we report about the operations ofthe businessand thathelps uswhen we go to thecommunity because traditional leaders are fully aware about what is happening in the businesses,” Tonga said.

“Reportingto thecommunityis veryimportant.”

Heencouraged governmentto getcloser tofundedprojects becausesomeprojects diedwhengovernment “throws” money and leaves with no follow-ups.

Hesaid intheirbusiness theyprioritised corporate governance and they had their own accountant,auditors andlawyersso thattheir business affairs were in proper order.

8 @OfficialDRDAR
Chairperson of uMkambathi Land Trust Danile Tonga with some of the logs harvested from the trees planted by his business in Mkambathi, Lusikisiki, which they sell to SAPPI through off-take agreement. Mkambathi is funded by various government institutions including the Eastern Cape Rural Development Agency and the Jobs Fund started by former President Jacob Zuma to create jobs.

Ilali yaseBhizana, Izinini, ide yabufumana ubunini

beziza Page 3

Hungry, exhaustedseamstresses wouldfall asleepover theirinadequatesewing machinesasthey pulled all-nighters to make deadline.

But those brutal days are over now thatwomen ofin theeastern part ofthe provincehave brandnew, industrial strength overlock sewing machines to ease their way.

EasternCape MECfor RuralDevelopmentand AgrarianReform(DRDAR) NonkqubelaPieters wason hand forthe occasionwhich brought hope of economic freedom to seamstresses in the OR Tambo District.

The MEC was in Mthatha Kei Fresh Produce Market onFriday to handover 32industrial andoverlock machines to 16 enterprisesin a bid to maximise theirproduction andprofits.Each businessreceived anindustrial overlock sewing machine.

Nokwakha Jico of Mzikantu

Sewing Co-opin PortSt Johnsspoke of the brutal overnighters as they

Olutsha kraca ushishino kwimpilo yezilwanyana oluyilwe yiTardi neZizwe eZimanyeneyo Page 7

battled to reach targets.

“Wewould literallyfall sleepon the machines.

“Now that we have these top-ofthe-rangemachines, wewon’t have to do that any more.

“Now the hunger we were fighting will be gone forever and our business will grow further and we thank the department for that,” said Jico, whose co-op has a contract with the social development department.

She said they were sewing a range of clothings,including schooluniforms and traditional gear.

Someof therecipientsincluded two enterprisesthat arerun byunemployed fashion design graduates fromWSUwho venturedintothe fashion business after they could not secure employment.

Zintle Ngcwazi, 27, who runs LikamvaLethu ClothinginMisty Mountwith fiveother youngpeople, said the investmentwould boost

their business.

“I startedthe businessin 2020after I realised that I could not get a job withmyqualifications oranyother job for that matter.

“Thesemachines willboostour income because we used to battle to sew heavy materials and we had to ask for assistance from other people.

“Thatconsumed lotof ourtime and we would fail to deliver. Now that we’ve receivedthese machines, we arevery happybecause theywill assist usto completeour orderson time,” Ngcwazi said.

Another graduate Litha Mabotshwasaid shehad battledusing onedomestic machineto sewa range of clothes.

Says shestarted herbusiness while studying at university.

“I wantedto getemployment but I couldn’tbecause theemployment is not there.

“Now thatI havethese machines,

I’ll be able to do wonders and end up training and employing people.”

MEC Pieters saidthe investment by DRDAR should ensure maximum production and healthier profit. She said atthe handover: “Treat theseco-opsas businesses.Wewant you to grow your businesses.

“Municipality andgovernment will give you training where you are lacking.

“This isan investment,treat itas such and ensure there’s growth.

“Quality is very important, hence we are giving overlocks and industrial machines.

“Good quality advertises your products. If you’re producing substandard products youwill end up not getting the business.

“We are fightingpoverty and unemployment through this investment and we wantto see you become successful business people,” she said.

beenyembezi kwakunye nendlala njengoko urhulumente enikezela ngoomatshini bokuthungela ushishino ˆ ˇ ˜ ˙ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˚ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˙ ˘ ˜ ˛˘ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜˙ ˘ ˜ ˜˘ ˙ ˚ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˙ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˆ ˚ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˙ ˙ ˘ ˜ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘˚˜ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˛
Zintle Ngcwazi (27) no Mamela Baraza (26) of beLikamva Lethu Clothing befumana oomatshini bokuthungela ushishino kuMphathiswa wesebe (DRDAR) uNonkqubela Pieters kwakunye noceba weSithili iTambo District uMlamli Ndabeni.

Amafama angamakhosikazi ayabhiyoza nanjengoko uMphathiswa enikeza ngeshedi yokucheba entsha kraca

Bekugcwele iingomazemigcobo nemiyiyizelo ngethuba urhulumente wephondo evula iziko elinxaxhile leshediyokucheba yaseMfinci Noncedo yamafama,apho uninzilwabo ingamakhosikazi, kwindawo yaseSterkspruit.

Echulumancile uNonkqubelaPieters, uMphathiswa wophuhlisolwamaphandle kwanohlengahlengiso lomhlaba,ebelapho ukuvula esisakhiwo, nesakhiwengexabiso leR1.3m, nalaphoathe wavuyisananamafama agcolodileyo.

Umfama uNonkululekoHlanjwa uthe bazive besikelelekilekwaye bethamsanqekile.

Besifudula sicheba iigusha zethu kwisakhiwoesidala ntoleyoibifaka ifuthekumgangatho woboya bethu, utshilo.

Yayincinci kwaye sasingenayo enye indlela ngaphandle kokucukanisanokulungelelanisa uboya bethu phandle.

Ngoku yonke intoyenzelwa ngaphakathi, nto leyo eza kuphucula umgangatho, ingqibelelo kwakunye nengeniso.

Ngekwentetho evangwengengqiqi, uHlanjwa uthe: Ebomini, kutheni le nto uza kuya edolophini uyofuna umsebenzi logama unokwazi ukusebenzisaumhlaba nezilwanyana ngendlela ehlakaniphileyoukuze ukwazi ukuziphilisa.

Uthe kukho amafamaangamashumi am-

abini anesithathu (23)kuKopolotyeni wabo wokuvelisauboya (MfinciNoncedoWoolgrowers Co-operative)onamalungu angamashumi amahlanu anesithathu (53).

Amakhosikazi akuthatheleingqalelo ephezuluukulima. Bangwanzililifuthibadlamkile.

Ulimo luthethaukuba awulindingenzondeleloindoda ukuzeithumeleimali esukaezixekweni okanye emgodini.

Siyazimela zesizenzele ngokunokwethu. Sikwazile ukuzimela ngokwezezimali.

Siyakuthanda ukulima,siyakuthanda ukubeka ukutya etafileni ukuze kuxhamle abantwana bethu,abalupheleyo kwakunye nathi njengeziqu. Siziva sonelisekile kakhulu.

Usekela sihlalo wombutho, uBen Mpila, utheesi sakhiwositshasize emvakweminyakaeliqela ekhatshwazizizukulwanazemitabalazo.

Lo mbutho uqalwe ngootata nookhokho babo ngeminyaka yoo1970 bengabayili abalishumi kuphela,kodwa ngenxayokunyamezela namavaabahamba bewafumana, amashishini wabo kwakunyenengeniso aye akhula.

Ekuqaleni sasisusa nje uboya ezigusheni kwaye sasingayazi ixabiso lwabo ntlandlolo.

Sasikade sithengisakubantu abamhlophe ababesinika nje kwanto, kuquka neengubo.

Maize meal, an important staple, continues to see high rates of #inflation. Its price index increased by 2,2% between Jan & Feb, taking the annual rate to 34,7%- stats SA

“Izinto zazimbi kakhulu,kodwa ngoku siyalazi ixabisoloboya, yiyole ntosichulumancilesesi sakhiwo.Sikholelwaukuba ubungakanani boboya buzakusinika ingeniso ethe xhaxhe.”

UMphathiswa usebenzise inkqubo yeveki yonke yokufikelelaeluntwini yeNdluyoWiso

Mthetho yaseMpuma Kapa ebityelele eSterkspruit, eyaziwa njengokuthathwa kweNdlu yoWiso Mthethoisiwe ebantwini,ukunikeza ngokusesikwenile shediyokuchebaekwisakhiwo esinxaxhileyoeza kuncedaukukufaka umfutho woshishino kwimveliso yezolimo ephondweni.

ˆ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˛ ˙ ˚˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˛ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˛˜ ˛ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˜˜ ˘˘ ˝˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˛˘ ˜ ˛˜ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˘˘˙ ˜ ˜ ˛˜ ˜ ˜ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˚˜ ˘ ˛ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘
Usihlalo weshedi yokucheba yaseMficini Noncedo uMandlakayise Macala efumana isitshuxo zesakhiwo esitsha kuMphathiswa wesebe (DRDAR) uNonkqubela Pieters ngethuba lonikezelo.

Ilali yaseBhizana, Izinini, ide yabufumana ubunini beziza

Uluntu lwelali IzininieBhizana beluchumance kakhulu ngethuba lufumanaubunini beziza bomhlaba walokumphathiswa wezolimo, ubuyiselo lomhlabakwakunye nophuhliso lwamaphandle uThoko Didiza.

Lo mhlaba,okwiihekthare eziyi-1,282, wathathwa ngendlelaengeyiyo ngabenkqubo yengcinezelo.

UDidiza ebekulelaliukunikeza ngokusesikweniubuninibeziza, obuzakuxhamlisaimizi eyi-1,279 kwakunye nabaxhamli abayi-1,300.

Ibango labolomhlaba laphunyezwa ngurhulumentengo2016 zebafumanaimbuyekezo yemalieyi-R22m ngokwebathu lomhlaba elingenobuyelakwakhona kubo, eliquka indawo apho kwakhiwe khona umbindi dolophu waseBhizana.

Urhulumente unike uluntu enye imali eyiR5.1mukuze lwenzeumsebenziwalo woshishino lwamahlathiodibanisa iihekthare eziyi-581 zalomhlaba. Ishishinilabo, Izinini CPA,neliqeshe abantuabayi-58kwimisebenzi esisigxina, lenzaingeniso yesambukuseR14.6m ngenxayokuthengisa iipaliesele zinqunqiwe kwaSappi,eziphuma kumhlaba wabo, ngokuyinxalenyenesivumelwano sonaniselwano.

UDumisani Siyele, usihlalowe-Izinini Community PropertyAssociation, eqhwatyelwa izandla njengendibaniselayoluntu eqhuba kakuhlekakhulu, utyikityeubunini besizaegameni loluntuesithi uzivaenethamsanqa ngokuba yinxalenye nolwa suku.

USiyele uthe: Abanye abaqalaeli bango aba abazange baphilele ukubona usuku oluhle kangaka. Siyabulelakurhulumente. Sineprojekthi yokulwa indlala kwakunye nokusilela kophuhliso aphokuqeshwe ulutsha.Masiwuhloniphe umhlabakwaye siwusebenzisele uphuhliso oluthexhaxhe oluzakuncedisa nabantwana abangekazalwa.

Usibonda uMandisiNdunge uthe: “Bekukho isankxwengokungabikho kobunini besiza.Le yintoenkulu kakhulu.Isinika amalungelo asemthethweniokuba lomhlaba ngowethu ngenene. Ndiswele amazwi ombulelo. Ndichulumancekakhulu namhlanje. Ibiluhambo olude kodwa namhlanje lo mhla-


obuqinisekisa ubunini bomhlaba beehekthare eziyi-1,282 ezibangwe ngempumelelo luluntu lwaseIzinini emva kweenkqubo zebango lomhlaba. Lo mbutho (CPA) usebenzisa inxalenye yalo mhlaba kushishino lwemveliso yamahlathi ze luthengise izinti kwaSAPPI

ba ngowethu ngokusemthethweni!

Umlawuli jikeleleweSappi uSandileNkosi uthe bazinikeleukusebenzisana norhulumente kwakunye noluntuukuqinisa uphuhliso olujolise ekubeni luziphuhlise.

Le yenyeyeeprojekthi ezibalaseleyo elizweni. Ngamanye amaxesha kuye kubenzima ukusebenzisana nabantuabaninzi, kodwa apha bayasebenzisana.Izinini ayinamboleko ngokufanayo nabanyeabalimi abakwinkqubo ethu iKhulisa. Iimveliso zethu ziluhlobo olungafaniyo neplastiki ngoko ke imfuno iphezulu kakhulu. Njengokuba iSappi izama ukuphumeza le mfuno, inkampani ijolise kwimveliso ekwiihekthareezingama-30,000 eMpumaKapa kwayesizakuluzuza oluphuhliso luzinzileyo xa sisebenzisana.

Izinini lelinyelamashishini wamahlathi

Umabhalane oselula uthi uhlumo kushishino luzisa ubomi obutsha eMkhambathi

Uhlumo kushishino

lweMkhambathi Game Reserve and Forestry kuqubisana nengxaki yentswelongqesho kwiindawozasezilalini, ingakumbikumasipala wasekuhlaleni Ingquza Hill.

Olu luvolukaLuyanda Mvumbi,26, oqeshwenjengomabhalane kwezolawulo kwiMkhambathi Trust.

Uvakalise ugcobonjengokuba engomnyewabantu abatshaabaqeshwe yiletrust neqhuba ushishinolwalo myezo kwanezamahlathi, noxhaswa ngurhulumente.

Uhlumololu shishinoluthethalukhulu kubananjengokoluxanda nje,siyakwazi ukuvulela amathuba abantu abaninzi.Oku kuthethaukuba

intswelongqesho kwiindawo zasezilalini kuqutyiswana nayokwaye abantubamanyana nangakumbi,” uMvumbi utshilo.

Ndivuya kakhulu ukuqeshwa apha. Ndiqale ngokuyaesikolweni, zendabuya ukuza kutyala izakhono endizifumeneyo.

Ngoku ndiyakwaziukulawula indlela yokusebenza aphangenxa yesifundosolawulo lweprojekthiendithe ndasenza, uMvumbi utshilo.

Uthi umsebenziwakhe kukujongana nemisebenzi yamashishini, esebenzisaizakhono azifunde esikolweni ukuqinisekisa ukuba yonke into ihamba ngendlela.

Ukwanebhongo ngokuqeshwa eMkhambathi.

Uyayazi imbali yayo, equka umhlaba owathathwa ngogonyamelo kuluntu lwendawo ngabenkqubo yengcinezelo.

elixhaswa lisebelophuhliso lwamaphandle kwanohlengahlengiso lomhlaba ngokwequmrhu lalo eliyiArhenteyoPhuhliso lwamaPhandle eMpuma Kapaukuze kufakwe ushishino

kwimveliso yamahlathi ephondweni. Ukusukela ngo2013,le arhenteityale imali engaphaya kwe-R21m kweli shishini ngokoqeqesho, ukuthengwakwemithi emitsha, izithuthi kwakunyeneenkonzo zolawulo ukuncedisa amashishiniukuba aphuculeindlela yokusebenza kwanemveliso.

UMphathiswa uNonkqubelaPieters uthe urhulumente ulufunquleuluntu lwase-Izinini ngenxa yenkxaso enikezwengamaziko karhulumente kwishishini labo.

“Kuluvuyo ukubasibelapha ukuza kugqibezela le nkquboyophuhliso. Ngokwamava wam, iindibaniselazoluntu kwakunye neenkosibaye balwentoleyo ethiikhokele ekumenikophuhliso,yiyo lentondibubulelayo ubunye obubonakalisa apha,” utshilo uPieters.

UDidiza uthe: “Imbuyekezo yemali inikezelwe kodwa kukhoiintsapho ezingekaxhamli ngenxa yokungavisisaniemakhaya. Ndicela ezontsapho ukuba zenzeisivumelwano ze zithethenekomitiukuze isebelihlawuleimbuyekezo mali kuzo, kubaleyo yinto esemthethweni kuzo.”

Uthe xauluntu eziqhubekanokulwana zithibaza uphuhliso,zingathi ziphulukane nentlaka emlomnyeni.

“Kufunekanazi ukubaningabanini bezizinto kwaye namhlanjendithi, masibambisaneni ukuze sibone uphuhliso.Maze ningasiphoxi. Sifunauhlumo kwayexa ndibuyakwakhona apha, andifunikubona ukutshatyalaliswa kwezi ntshukumo zoqoqosho,” utshilo.

ˇ˛ ˚˛ ˘ ˘ ˚˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˜ ˚˜ ˘˘ ˜ ˚ ˆ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˚˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˚ ˚ ˜ ˘ ˙ ˚ ˛ ˜ ˘ ˚ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˚˘ ˘ ˙ ˚ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˜˚ ˜ ˜ ˚˘ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˙ ˘ ˛ ˜ ˜ ˙ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˝˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˛
Usihlalo we-Izinini Community Property Association uDumisani Siyele, uMphathiswa wesebe (DRDAR), uNonkqubela Pieters kwakunye noMphathisw kazwelonme kwezoLimo, uBuyiselo loMhlaba kwakunye noPhuhliso lwamaPhandle
Dikiza ephakamisa ubunini besiza
3 @OfficialDRDAR
Luyanda Mvumbi

Iqalo elitsha liqalisa ukuvelisa abaqeshi endaweni yabafuna ingqesho


Njengentloko yesebelophuhliso lwamaphandle kwakunyenohlengahlengiso lomhlaba (DRDAR), ndiza kuqinisekisaukuba abo bathwesweizidanga, zebabekwa kwiifamanakumashishini ayeleleneyo,baseka amashishini wabo buqu.

Isebe libekeabangaphangeliyo abathweswe izidangakumashishini ecandelo lezolimo ukuzebafunde ukubangabanini bamashishinifuthi badaleimisebenzi,endaweni yokufuna ingqesho.

Le nkqubo yeminyaka emibini yokubekwa kwiindawo zoshishino,yabathweswe izidanga abayi-120,ixhashwa ngezimaliyinkquboenxaxhileyo yenkxasokwezolimo (comprehensive agriculturalsupport programme[Casp]) kwaye ilithuba kubantu abatsha ukuba babekwe kwiifamanakumashishini ayeleleneyo ukuze bazuzeamava ezoshishinokhon ukuze babengabadali bemisebenzi.

Intoebalulekileyo kukubaasifunikwenza uphela sonwabeapha, aphosithabatha abathweswe izidangaabayi-120 iminyaka emibini ze emva kokobabuyele emva kumbandela wentswelongqesho.

Isebelizakugxila ngokokutshazeliphengulule isabelomalisalo ukuzeaba bangaphangeliyo ababathwesweizidanga kwezolimo baqale amashishini wabo buqu.

Siza kujonga indlela esiveza elubala ngayo izixhobo zikarhulumente kwaba bantu batsha ukuze baphononongeiimbono zabo mayelana nayo nayiphi na imingxili abanqwenela ukuzibandakanya nayo.

Kwaxeshanye, sifunaukujonga indlelaesigxila ngokutsha ngayonesiphungulula ngayo isabelomali sesebe zesithethe namanye amaqumrhu karhulumentekwakunye namacendelo abucala.

Sinesabelomali esilungelelanisiweyo soqeqesho esisuka kwiCasp.Kuza kufuneka sibeke bucala inxalenye yesisabelomali sijongane nababantu batshaukuzesisikhuphe xakufike ixesha ukuncedisa bona ekuqaleni amashishini.

Asinakuzuza phuhlisokwakunye neziphumo esifunaukuzibona xasingagxili ngqo ekuqinisekiseni ukubaamafama aselulaayaxhaswa.

Xasisaluma sivuthela,sincancaubhontsi kwaye sisenzaokuncinane phayanaphaya, asizokuba nefuthe. .

Sijonga indlelayokuyondelelanisa zesizise ngayo izixhobo zethu futhi siqhube ngendlela eyiyo le nkqubo ukuqubisana nale ngxaki.

Siza kutshintshangokokutsha inkqubo yethu yolwabiwomali, sisebenzisaimali esuka kwiCasp nakwezinyeiinkqubo ukuphuhlisa aba bantu batsha.

Siza kuthethananesebe lamashishini

amancinane kwakunyenabaninzi kwicandelo labucalaendiqinisekileyo ukubabazakuvuma ukuba yinxalenye nathi ukuze sifukamisele iingcingane ezilulutho zezolimo eziza kuphuma kwaba bantu batsha.

Sifunaukubona intabathonxaxhebayabantu abatsha,ingakumbi abantsundu, kwicandelo lezolimo – leyo yeyona njongo inkulu yale nkqubo.

Oku kukuqubisananombandela wentswelongqesho elizweni,ingakumbi apha ephondweni, kweli candela lezolimo.

Njengoko kusazeka,singabona baphezulu elizwenixa kuthethwangezingalentswelongqesho.

IMpuma Kapaiyakhokela kumbandela wokungabikho khuselekokukutya kwaye sinelona naniliphezulu lolutshaoluhleli emakhaya lungenamisebenzi,kuquka nabathweswe izidanga.

Injongo yethu ayikokubagcina nje iminyaka emibinizebahlale njebaboneokungephi, kokokukuxandisa ingcinganeyabo ukuzebajonge ngaphaya kokufunaimisebenzi, endaweni yoko bakwazi ukuyidala.

Urhulumente ufunaabathweswe izidanga bakwazi ukuzicingelangokunokwabo ze babone ukuba bangayidala njani imisebenzi.

Sifuna ukufunqulaiqela loosomashishini kwicandelo lezolimo.

IMpuma Kapa iqhwatyelwa izandla ngabantu bonkengokuba nomxakathongenxa yendalo yayo, imozuluentle kwakunye nomhlaba omhle, kodwa sivele sahlala nje kulo mxakatho siliphondo.

Asikwazanga ukudlulelakumgca olandelayo ukusukela kulo mxakatho.

Siyayiqonda eyokubaxa singathathi igxathu ekuziseni abantu abatsha abanokucingangeendlela ezohlukeneyomalunganeli candelo, abanamandlaawohlukeneyo, abazelengumdlandla kunathikweli candelo –siza kuba siyasilela.

Kukho isizukulwanaesidala samafama kwihlabathi jikelele,kwaye urhulumente, ngokwale nkqubo,utsala abantuabatsha

ngenxa yokuba bazakuza namandla amatsha kwakunye neembonoezinobuchule zendlela yokuqhuba ezolimo.

Bazakusincedisa ukuzesisukeekubambeleleni kumxakathoukuze sibone ukuqulathwe ncakasana ngumxakatho wephondo.

Ndichulumancile xaabathweswe izidanga kwakunye namafama abasindlekileyo bebona eli thuba njengenqwelo yokuqubisana nokunqongophala kokutya, intswelongqesho kwakunye nokudala umqelaomtsha wamafama.

Eliliqelalesithathu kwayengethubaleqela lokuqala sifunde ukuba besikhulisa abaqeshwa, yiyo le nto sisebenza ekudaleni amashishini.

Kwibathu lesibini,siqhube ukhuphiswano apho abathweswe izidanga bethe bathi theca izicwangcisozabo zezoshishinoze abobaphumeleleyo banikezwainkunzi yokuqala amashishini nguDRDAR.

UMphathiswa uNonkqubela Pieters usiyalele ukubasisebenzise izisekozikarhulumente ezikhoyo ukuqinisekisaukuba aba bathweswe izidangabayangena kwimingxili yezoshishino eyohlukeneyo.

Siza kusebenzisaamaziko ezophando, amaziko ezoqeqeshokwakunye neenkqubo zezonkcenkceshelo ukufunqulaumfutho wezoqoqosho kwaba bantu batsha.

4 Income
and beverages industry increased by 15,5% y/y in January 2023, driven mainly
in restaurants & coffee shops and catering services - stats SA @OfficialDRDAR ąűŒŵ Ż Żűą ą ĦŒŵŻąŻ Œ ą Ŋą ŵ Œ ŁŁ ŒŊ Ż Œňąŵ ŵą ŵ ŵ ĞŒƠ ư ˆ ˆ ˆˆ ˙ ˛ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˙˘ ˘ ˜ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˜ ˚ ˘ ˘ ˚ ˘˜˚˛ ˚˚ ˜ ˚ ˘ ˛˘ ˛ ˜ ˛ ˚˘ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˙ ˛˘ ˘ ˘ ˛˘ ˜ ˜˚˛ ˛ ˘ ˙ ˜ ˘ ˆ˜ ˘ ˜ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˛˘ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˙ ˜ ˜ ˛˘ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˘˘ ˛ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˙˘
generated by the #food
by food sales
INtloko yesebe (DRDAR) uSiphokazi Ndudane kunye nomfundi weTardi.

IMpuma Kapa iza kuchitha iibhiliyoni zeerandi ukuvuselela imveliso yokutya ebantwini

Iinkqubo ezixhaswangurhulumente kufuyo, umbonanokukhuliswa kweziqhamo – kuquka nokuvuselelaimarikeyangaphakathi ngokuthikuchithwe iibhiliyoni zeerandi ekuthengeniukutya kwabantwana besikolo, izigulana kwakunye nabo bakwimfuno – ziza kufumanaulwamkelo lodlamko kumafamanakubavelisi abangoongxowa.

UMphathiswa wezeZimaliuMlungisi Mvoko, kwintethoyohlahlo lwabiwomali yakhe, utheiphondo kufunekaliqinise umxakatho walo otyebileyo wezolimo.

Iinkqubo ziyamiliselwa ukunikeza ngokutya okunesondlokubantu bephondo kwakunye nokwenzaishishini lezolimo lishishine ngokuyimpumelelo.

Uthe urhulumenteuza kunxulumanisa inkqubo yakheyezolimo ngokunikeza ukutya kwesondloezikolweni, izigulana zasezibhedlele kwakunye neepasele zokutya kubantu abakwimfuno.

Ubhengeze ukubaurhulumente uza kutyala imalieyi-R5.1bn kwinkqubo yesondlo ezikilweni,i-R483.8m kukutya kwezigulana kwakunyene-R16.4m kwiipasele zokutya.

Iza kumiliselwakunyakamali omtsha, kwaye ukumiliselwakwayo ngempumelelokuza kudlalaindima endeekuqubisaneni nomcelimngeni wokhuseleko lokutya kwakunye nokudalwa kwemisebenzi.

Isebe lezempilosele likuthethwano ngokweenkqubo zalozeziniki maxabiso ukuze kuzalisekiswe esisicwangciso. Ezi ziinzame zethu zokuhlangabezana nokhuseleko lokutya, sisebenzisa izixhobo zethu.

Ngoku asisafunikubona iimalizethu zichithwa ezivenkileniapho kungekho namzila okhombekayoephondweni mayelana nokuxhamlisa uqoqosho.

Ityeli lesithandathusolawulo lukarhulumente lwenzeutyalomali olubalelwa kwi-R799m kuleminyaka mithathuidlulileyo ukuxhaswaukuveliswa kombona, inyama ebomvu kwakunye nabavelisi beziqhamo(isitrasi), ezikhokelwalisebelophuhliso lwamaphandlekwakunye nohlengahlengiso lomhlaba.

Sibekela bucalai-R237.7m kunyakamali ka2023-24kwane-R2.3bn kuhlahlo lwabiwomali lwaphakathienyakeni ukuqhubeka nale nkxaso.

13 SUPPLEMENT TO THE HERALD AND THE DAILY DISPATCH March 2023 ˇ˛˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˙ ˜ ˙ ˜ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˙ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˙˘ ˘ ˜ ˛˘ ˜ ˘ ˇ˛˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˚˘ ˜ ˇ ˆ ˆ ˘ ˚ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˜ ˙ ˜ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˜˚ ˜ ˛ ˜ ˘ ˙˘ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˛ ˜ ˆˇ ˇ ˜ ˘ ˚ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˚˘ ˘ ˙ ˚ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˚˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˜ ˚˜ ˘˘ ˜ ˚ ˆ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˜˚ ˜ ˜ ˚˘ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˙ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˝˘ ˘ ˛ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˜
5 @OfficialDRDAR

Iinzame zoqoqosho lwaseMpuma Kapa zibonakala zintle kulo nyakamali

Izinto ezintleziyenzeka kwezolimo,uxonkxo kwakunyenolwakhiwo eMpumaKapakulo nyakamali, kodwaamashishini amancinane afuna ukudityaniswanootshotshentla kwezoshishino.

Isebe lezeZimali eMpumaKapa lilindele ukuba iphondolixhamle kumacandelo ezolimo, uxonkxonolwakhiwo kunyakamali ka2023/2024.

Isebe lezeZimali ephondweni lithe imbonakaloyezolimo ibonakalaintlekunene, kodwa lalumkisangelithi kusashiyeke

kungumngeni ukuzinzisa amashishini aphantsi kwalo angaqhubi kakuhle.

UMphathiswa wezeZimalieMlungisi

Mvoko uthe kubalulekileukuxandisa nokuzinzisa amatyathanga

phakathi kwamafama asakhasayo, amashishini ezolimo

kwakunye nonaniselwano lwezolimo lwamashishini amakhulu.

Uthe ishishini lezoxonkxo, ingakumbi kwicandelo lezithuthi, lisashiyeke lingumqolo woshishino lwephondo njengokokuthe gqoloukwenzeka kwiminyaka emininzi.

iswa komxakathokarhulumente ukumilisela iiprojekthi zezakhiwozikarhulumente futhi kusiwe neenkonzo;kwakunyeNokukhuthaza urhulumento olululokwakunye nokungafihlwa nto ukuze kuzuzwe inzuzo.

Ngethamsanqa, urhulumentekazwelonke akazukumilisela kuncitshiswakohlahlo lwabiwomali kumgaqowoqoqosho wexesha lwaphakathi enyakeni (MTEF) oluzayo.

Ukusukelango2013, iMpumaKapaizuze malunga ne-R6bnngeemali zayokwakunye nemali emalunga ne-R12.2bn kwiMTEF.

Ubuchule obuqhogeneleyo bemali yephondo lubonisaokuhle ekuzinziseni iimeko zoqoqosho.

Kunyakamali ka2023/2024, uhlahlo lwabiwomali lwaseMpuma Kapa yi-R89.6bn, nolwenziwe zizabelo zephondo ezixabisa i-R73.2bn, izibonelelo ezinemiqathango ze-R14.6bn

kwakunye ne-R1.6bn

eyingeniso yephondo

Phakathi ko2018 no2022,abaxonkxi bezixhobo zoqobo zezithuthi Isuzu, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz noFord badale imisebenzi engaphaya kwamawaka alishumi (10,000) eMpuma Kapa.

Ishishini loxonkxo olusesikweni ephondweni luqasheabasebenzi abayi167,000 kwikotayesine ka2022,into echaza ukufunquka ngemisebenzieyi-52,000 kweli candelo xa kuthelekiswanekota yesine ka2021.

IsebelezeZimali likwimbonoyokubala manani ngefunqukenangakumbi, ukuba ibingekho buthathaka imfuno yehlabathi, ukuthibazeka kwemarike yasekuhlaleni nonaniselwano, kwakunye nocimicimi wombane ogunyileyo.

Ufunquko olunomkhitha kwishishino lolwakhiwo loyanyaniswa nokuxanda kwamashishini kwanotyalomali lukarhulumente kwizakhiwo.

Utyalomali oluninzi olucetywayo lukwaziindaba ezintlekwicandelo lolwakhiwo.

Inkxaso kwezezimali iza kubangumqobo ekuzinziseni uqoqosho nohlumo.

Isebe lezeZimali ephondweni lithe oku kuza kufuna olwayamanisoukuze kukhutshweizixhobo ezifanelekileyo kuchachiso loqoqosho, olwakhiwo ngokokutsha kwaneenzame zokuthomalaliso.

Ukuchakwa kohlahlo lwabiwomali lusekezelwekwezi zintluzilandelayo: Ukuzalisekiswa kweentshukumo zophuhliso loqoqosho logama kukhuselwa iinkonzo zoluntu;Ukuqin-

Okuphambili kokokwemigqaliselo yokulawulwa kwenkcitho kwimingxili yokusiwa kweenkonzo eluntwini, logamakuphuculwa urhulumento lwephondo kwanohlolo. Isebe lezeZimali ephondweni lithe uhlahlo lwabiwomali olujoliswe empengempengeni kwanokujongwa kwakunye nokuphengululwa kwendlela yokusebenza ngokwenkcitho kuza kwayelelanisa indlelayokuchithwa kwemali ngokweziphumo ezihleliweyo kwanokusiwa kweenkonzo eluntwini.

“Kunyakamali ka2023/2024,uhlahlo lwabiwomali lwaseMpuma Kapayi-R89.6bn, nolwenziwe zizabelo zephondoezixabisa iR73.2bn, iziboneleloezinemiqathango zeR14.6bn kwakunyene-R1.6bn eyingeniso yephondo. Izabelomali xa ziphelele ziyi-R91.bn, zikhatsha kukuncitshiswakohlahlo lwabiwomali nge-R2bn, kodwai-R2.7bn kwinxiliyephondo ikhona ukungciba olu nciphiso.

Sekela Mongameli uPaul Mashatile
@OfficialDRDAR ˇ ˙ ˜ ˜ ˝ ˘˘ ˜ ˛ ˛ ˘ ˘ ˘ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˝ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˛ ˘ ˛ ˘ ˛ ˘ ˛ ˚ ˜ ˛ ˘ ˙ ˜ ˙ ˜ ˛ ˜ ˜ ˚˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˜˙ ˘ ˙ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˛ ˛˘ ˘ ˜ ˆ˘ ˘ ˛ ˛ ˜ ˛ ˘ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˘ ˇ˘ ˛ ˚ ˜ ˇ ˜˙ ˜ ˜˜ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˛ ˘ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˛ ˛ ˛ ˜ ˚˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˙ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˘ ˛ ˘ ˛ ˘ ˘ ˛ ˛ ˘ 6

Olutsha kraca ushishino kwimpilo yezilwanyana oluyilwe yiTardi

neZizwe eZimanyeneyo

Iziko lezoLimonoPhuhliso lwamaPhandle lakuTsolo (TsoloAgriculture andRural Development Institute [Tardi])kwakunye nearhente yeZizwe eZimanyeneyo (United Nations[UN]) baqeqeshaiingcali zempiloyezilwanyana ukuze ziqale amashishini wazo.

Le ntsebenziswano ithathwa njengeyokuqala ngqa eMzansi.

ITardi iyileintsebenziswano kwakunye noMbuthowezoLimo noKutya(Foodand Agriculture Organisation[FAO]) kwiUNukunikeza iingcali zempilo yezilwanyana izakhono zezoshishino.

Oku kokokuqala apho iziko loqeqesho lwezolimo eMzantsiAfrika lizakusebenzisana neFAO kule nkqubo.Le nkquleqhu ijolise ekuqiniseni iingcalizempilo yezilwanya ngokuhambelanomgaqo omtshaaphoiTardi ithe yanikwa khona isivumelwano sokusindleka uqeqesho lokuqala lale nkqubo.

Le ntsebenziswanoibhengezwe ngethuba lomsitho wothwesozidanga wabafundi abangamashumi amaneanesithoba baseTardi obusindlekwe nguMphathiswa wephondo kuphuhliso lwamaphandlenohlengahlengiso lomhlaba uNonkqubela Pieters.

UPieters uthe: Ndiyavuya ukubhengeza ukuba iTardiichongwe njengomakhimkhanyo obalulekileyo weZizweeZimanyeneyo. Le nkquleqhu yeyokudala oosomashishini bokusabela kutshintsholomthetho weBhunga looNyango lweZilwanyana loMzantsi Afrika, apho uza kuvumelaiingcali zempilo yezilwanyana ukuba zisebenzeleinzuzo yazo kwaye ngoku zingakwazi ukuba nezakhiwo zazo zonyango lwezilwanyana ekuhlaleni. Le yinto yokuqala ukwenzeka eMzantsi Afrika kwaye ukubona iTardi ikhokele phambili kule nkquleqhu yotshintsholoshishino, yinzuzo entle kunene.

Abokuqala ukuthathwabahlelelwe inyanga kaCanzibe, apho izakuba ziingcali zempilo yezilwanyana ezingaphangeliyoeziyi-50, abayi-25 ngabathwesweizidanga eTardi,ze abayi-25 ibengathwesweizidanga eNorth West Universirty, abalindelekeukuba bathabathe inxaxheba.

Ukongeza kule ntsebenziswanoneFAO, inqununu yaseTardiuGqr. ToyotaNdudane uchongwe kwiqelaeliqulunqwe ngokukhethekileyo ukusebenzisana nabasebenzi boluntukwimpilo yezilwanyana, eyinxalenye yekharityhulam eqingqiweyo kwakunye nomgaqowoMbutho weHlabathi kwiMpilo yeZilwanyana(World Organisation for Animal Health). UNdudane uyinxalenye neqela leengcaphephezakwihlabathi jikelele

uGqr. Nandipha Ndudane, ingqonyela yaseSAVC uMongezi Menye ekunye nosihlalo webhodi ye-akhademiki uGqr. Lubabalo Mrwebi noLilitha Xhumana kwakunye nomama wakhe uYolisa. UXhumana ukhankanywe njengomfundi ogqwesileyo.

kwaye uza kuhlalelaiindibano kumaqonga onxibelelwano zale mibutho nezinze eParis.

UGqr. InnocentSirovha, iNgqonyelayeAgriSETA, obesisithethi esindwendweleyo somsitho, ugxininiseukubaluleka kwemfundo kwanye nefuthe eluntwini. Ukhuthaze abathweswe izidangaukuba babengoonozakuzaku

boluntu lwabo kwakunye necandelo. USirovha udlaleindima ebalulekileyo kakhuluekwakheni uqeqeshokwakunyenophuhliso lweenkokhelizexesha elizayo kwicandelo lezolimo.Ukuqatshelwa kwamava wakhe yiTardi kongeza kwintembeko yakhe njengomthombo wolwazikwabathweswe

izidanganabafuna ukwenzaumahlukokuluntu lwabo.

Kumsitho wothweso zidanga, oyena mfundiogqwesekubo bonke,uLilithaXhumana waseMqanduli, uvakalise uchulumanco lwakhe zewathetha ngokuphandlemalunga nohambo lwakhe.

Akukhange kubelula,bekunzima kakhulu. Kuthabatha ukuncamakakhulu, ukuzinikela kwakunye nentshisakalo.Ukuba yinxalenye nomngxilo wonyangolwezilwanyana, njengenkosikazi,kwelinye ixeshakucelaumngeni kakhulu ngenxa yokuba ngamanye amaxesha ubona ngathiamadoda aziphathangokungathi ngawo amakhulu, utshilo.

Andizange ndivumele oko ukuba kundidontsele phantsi, ndazixelela ukuba ndingakwenza konke okwenziwa ngamadoda. Umbandela wesiniawundibandakanyi. Lusuku oluhle kwayekudala ndilindileukusukela ntlandlolo ngenxa yokuba ndazixelela ukuba ndiza kuba ngogqwesileyo (cum laude) kwizifundo zam zemfundoenomsila. Andizange ndilufulatheleelo nyathelo.Ngokundilapha, isiqinisekiso sokubaxa ucebaiinjongo zakho ngendlela eyiyo, yonke into iyenzeka.

UMasixole Basana, ethethela iklasi ka2022, uthe akukhange kubelulakunyaka wabo wokuqala othewathwaxwa kukuqhambuka kweCovid-19.

Xa ungazimiselangaekuncameni, sukuza eTardi.Ewe, u2020ebenzima, kodwasilapha futhi siyigwengule imiqobo. Ulwazi esilufumeneapha luzakuphuhlisa uluntuesiphuma kulo. Apha eTardi,uza neebhegi zakho kuphela. Xa ufaka isiceloeTardi, akukho mfuneko yakufaka sicelo sebhasari, lo nto yenziwa apha.

Kukho abantu abaqaleamashishini wabo ngenxa yemali yesephuesuka kubaxumi beebhasari kwaye mna ndiyile umbutho (NGO) ze ndabinza ngezipho ezikolweni. Masiphume ingqinaukuze senzeumahluko. Nokuba awuphangeli, yenza inkonzo yoluntu ngokunceda abantu ukuze baqonde izifo zezilwanyana, uBasana utshilo.

Inqununu yaseTardiuNdudane uqhwabele izandla abathweswe izidanga,evakalisa ukuba malunga nomyingewe-60% wabafundi abangama-297 abaphumeleleeTardi ukusukela ngo2015baqashiwe kumacandelo karhulumente nawabucala.Uthe: Ingcebiso yam kukuba ubaniabengumntu onika umdla kuba ngalo ndlela uzakukwazi ukwenza umzila. Bonakalisaamandla wakho,bonakalisa intshisakalo yakho.”— Elibali liqale lavela kwiwebhusayithi yeFood for Mzansi

UMphathiswa wesebe (DRDAR) uNonkqubela Pieters ethwalisa omnye wabafundi ozuze iDiploma kwiMpilo yeziLwanyana (Animal Health) eTsolo Agriculture and Rural Development Institute apho kuthweswe izidanga abafundi abayi-49.
03.21 7 @OfficialDRDAR ąűŒŵ Ż Żűą ą Łą Œ ą Ŋą ŵ Œ ŁŁ ŒŊ Ż Œňąŵ ŵą ŵ ŵ ĞŒƠ ư ˛ ˜ ˜˙ ˘ ˜˙ ˘ ˜˙ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˛ ˛ ˘ ˛ ˛˜ ˛ ˛ ˘ ˘˘˛ ˚ ˛ ˘ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˜ ˜˙ ˜ ˜ ˚ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˛ ˘ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˚ ˚ ˛ ˛˜ ˘˘ ˜ ˘ ˜˜˛ ˚ ˛ ˜ ˛ ˛ ˘ ˘ ˜˙ ˛ ˘ ˜ ˘ ˜ ˆ ˆ
ITardi, neZizwe eZimanyeneyo baza kuqeqesha iingcali zempilo yezilwanyana: Inqununu yaseTsolo Agriculture and Rural Development Institute (TARDI)

Ishishini lezamahlathi eliqhuba kakuhle lizisa imisebenzi, ingeniso kubahlali

IMkhambathi Land Trust yaseLusikisiki, ishishini lezamahlathi elixhaswa ngezimali ngurhulumente waseMpumaKapa neSappi,linyuse inani leehektharezemithi yegamkwakunye nemisebenzi kubahlali.Eli shishini lezamahlathi lalendibanisela(trasti) laqalwa ngo2010 yayelalixhaswa yinxalenyeyemali yeNgxowamali yezeMisebenzi,inkqubo eyasungulwa ngowayesakubanguMongameli Jacob Zumangelokudala imisebenzi.Usihlalo walendibanisela,uDanile Tonga,uthemalunga neelaliezisibhozo singamalungu angabaseku beshishini labo. Sinesivumelwano njengezilali sokuba siphuhlise lo mhlabaukuze uxhamliseuluntu lwethu, uTonga utshilo. Sinesivumelwano sonaniselwanoneSappi ukuze ithengeiipali zethu ezinqunqiwelo kwaye neArhenteyoPhuhliso lwamaPhandleeMpuma Kapaisincedisangenkxasomali yokuphuhlisa lamahlathi nanjengokoiNgxowamali yeMisebenzi yathi yatyala imali kwishishini lethulezamahlathi ngo2010. Sivelisa imithi,siyivune ze siyithengiseleiSappi. Bayahlawulakwayeoko kwenza umahlukoomkhulu kwezilali. Ezi lali zisibhozo zonyula amalunguamabini ilali nganye okuzimelakwindibanisela enoxanduvalolawulo lweshishinilwamahlathikwakunye nawo wonke umhlabawabo, kuquka neehekthare ezilishumielinanye zoMyezo wezeNdalo waseMkhambathiobolekiswe kwiArhente yeMiyezo nezoKhenketho yaseMpuma Kapa.UTonga utheukuze kukhule ishishini labobagqibe kwelokuxandisainani leehekthare zokulimaimithi eliqela ngo2024. Olu xando luncedeishishini lethu ukuze lukhule nangakumbi kwaye inani labantu abasebenza apha nalo likhulile futhi. Uthe enye yemalieyenziwa lishishinilabo ityalwe ekuthengeniitrakhi endeukuze siseiipali kwaSappi. Ngaphambili, besifudulasihlawula unokontrakawabucala ukuzeathutheizinti zethu azise kwaSappi ntoleyo ibisityabula iR186,000 rhoqongomthwalo. Njengokuba sinetrakhiyethu ngoku,siza kunciphisaoku kwinkcitho yendlelayokusebenza kwishishini lethu, utshilo.UTongauthe bebecwangcise ukuthenga itrakhi yesibiningo2024 ukuze banyuse inani lemithwalo abayisa kwaSappi, kwaye banikezengeenkonzo zothutho nakwamanye amashishiniukuze kuxhamle iilali ezisibhozoezongamele le ndibanisela.Njengokuba benabasebenzi abangamashumi alithoba(90), uTongauthe isibhambathiso sezoshishinoabanaso neSappi siqhuba kakuhle. Omabinila macala ayaxhamla.Uthe abantubasezilalini abebefudula bengenalwazi lungakomalunga nenkxaso karhulumente, ngokubonwabela inkxaso karhulumente ethexhaxhe ngokwelishishini labo lezamahlathi. Siboneukuba kubalulekile kakhulu kuthiukusebenzisana norhulumente ngenxayokuba uzisaiingcaphepheezisicebisa kolu shishino. Khumbula,sisuka kwindawo apho bekungekhoshishino lwamahlathi kwaye ngoku sikwisihlandlo apho sivelisa okuninzi kweli shishini, uTonga utshilo. Ekuqaleni sasingazikwanto ngezamahlathi, sasizibonelanje imithi yegam. Sasingazi ukubaithwele amachiza onyango, nokuba amanye amachiza onyango afana neVicks kuquka namaphepha kwakunye nezinye iimvelisozenziwa ngalemithi esiyikhulisayo. Ngenxa yoqeqesholweSappi sikwazile ukuphumelelananjengoko bethe badakanca ixabisolonaniselwano kumthwalo ngamnye wezinti. UTonga uthengalo lonke ixesha urhulumente owonyulwe ngabantu es-

izisa iiprojekthi, injongo ibikukuphuhlisa ulunt, yiyo le nto ishishinilabo liqhuba ngokudala amathuba emisebenzikubahlali kwiilali eziphantsi kweMkhambathiLand Trust.Le ndibanisela iqhubauqeqesho nophuhliso lwezakhono kubantu abatsha abaqeshwe ezi ofisini kwakunyenabo balawulaabasebenzi kumasimiwamahlathi ukuzekuphuculweingqibelelo kwimvelisoyeshishini.UTonga uthe enye yeeprojekthieziphala phambili ibikukuseka isikolosohlaliso lweendwendwe eMkhambathi ukuzeulutsha lwasekuhlaleni luqeqeshwe kwayeluxhamle kutyalomali oluqhubayo kule ndawo etyebe lukhenketho equkautyalomali olungaphayakwe-R68molwenziwe yiMkhambathiMatters.Uthe ukusetyenziswa komhlabawasezilalini kwimveliso kubalulekile ngenxa yokubangemali yeshishinilabo,amanye amalunguayakwaziukuqala iivenkile ezincinane (spaza) kwiilali zabo ukuze benzeimali eninzifuthi bathumelenabantwanababo eyunivesithibenelundalokuba baza kuzibhatalaiintlawulo zokufunda kwabo. Okukwenza umahlukoomkhulukwiimpilo zethu. Yiyo lento sifuna le projekthi ukuba iqhube nokukhulakwaye silitshintshile igama ukusuka kwiMkhambathiForestry Projectukuya kwiSiyaphambiliForestryProject, ethe yabhaliswangeyeSilimela ngo2022 kwayeoku kubonisaukuba ishishinilethu liyakhula, uTongautshilo.Ucebise iilali ezinembangiswano ethibazauphuhliso loqoqoshoukuze babekeleecaleniukungavisisani ze bagxilekuphuhliso. Okubalulekileyo kuthi eMkhambathiLand Trustkukubasibike malunga nemisebenzi yeshishini kwaye oko kuyasincedisa xa sisiya kuluntu ngenxa yokuba iinkokheli zemveli ziyayazi ncakasana malunga nokwenzekayo kwishishini, uTonga utshilo. Ukubikela uluntu yintoebaluleke kakhulu. Ukhuthaza urhulumenteukuba asondele kufutshane kwiiprojekthiezixhaswa ngezimali ngenxa yokuba ezinye zeziprojekthi ziyafa xa urhulumente ephosa njeimalize ashiyeengakhange alandelele.Uthekwishishini labo bakhokelisa urhulumentoloshishino kwaye banegosa lobalo mali(accountant) elilelabo, banabaphononongi beencwadi zezimali kwakunye namagqwethaukuze imicimbi yeshishini labo ibekwimeko ecwalileyo.

Usihlalo weMkambathi Land Trust uDanile Tonga ekunye nezinye izinti ezivunwe kwimithi etyalwe lishishini lakhe eMkambathi, eLusikisiki, abathi bazithengise kwaSAPPI ngenxa yesivumelwano sonaniselwano abanaso. IMkambathi ixhaswa ngezimali ngamaziko aliqela karhulumente aquka iArhente yoPhuhliso lwamaPhandle eMpuma Kapa kwakunye neNgxowamali yezeMisebenzi eyaqalwa ngobesakuba nguMongameli uJacob Zuma ukuze kudalwe imisebenzi

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