In the Era of Covid,
What Impact Will It Have on Millennials Entering the Workforce? By Kimberly A. Moore, MBA
he impact of Covid has been far reaching with no exception being given to the workforce challenges that already existed prior to the pandemic. That said, it’s no surprise that we find ourselves in conversations about Millennials and asking whether their role in the workforce will be drastically different than prior generations. As a matter of fact, it was just a few years ago where Millennials overtook the Gen Xer’s to become the largest generation. But here’s the rub, most employers are working diligently to return to the “normal” as they once knew it. However, a growing number of Millennials have a different perspective and are seeking a “new normal” that celebrates flexibility. In order to appreciate the notion of flexibility for Millennials, it’s important to remember that this generation is frequently referred
to as “digital natives”. If you’re not familiar with this term, it means that this generation has a first-hand experience of all things digital. As a result, what may have taken other generations eons to understand and appreciate the role of technology in carrying out our work, Millennials have found a way to do just that. For example, this age group has consistently been known to seek freedom from a rigid 9 to 5 with a slight lean towards creative physical workplace environments. However, this has since been replaced by the freedom to work from home and balance their personal lives with their careers. Though, I don’t have a crystal ball one thing I’m certain of is that the pandemic has cemented in the minds of a number of millennials that the old “normal” has been replaced by the “new normal”. Additionally, that in order to attract and retain this group in the workforce will require creativity and flexibility.
tallahassee woman | 40 | december 2021 • january 2022