COPPERPLATE www.tayside.police.uk
Tayside Police: L-R: Gary Mair of Tayside Police with Paul Wedgwood, g , manager g of the Carbon Trust in Scotland Tayside Police successfully graduated from the Carbon Trust’s Carbon Management Programme this month with a commitment to reduce our carbon emissions. Tayside Police was among 37 organisations in Scotland to graduate from the Carbon Trust’s Carbon Management programme at the official ceremony in Edinburgh, marking the end of the eighth phase of the highly regarded programme. This year’s cohort included a mix of public sector organisations, colleges, and police and fire and rescue services. The programme, which began in 2003, has seen over 130 public sector organisations develop an energy saving Carbon Management plan. The benefits can be significant for organisations involved. The first 50 organisations that prepared a plan by March 2009 have reduced their carbon emissions to the atmosphere by over 350,000 tCO2, with associated energy bill reductions in excess of £35 million. With their savings set to continue and a further 37 organisations, including Tayside Police graduating this month, the benefits to both the environment and the public
purse look set to grow. John Swinney MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Employment and Sustainable Growth, commented, “I would like to congratulate the latest group of organisations to graduate from the Carbon Trust’s Carbon Management Programme. “This programme is playing a vital role in helping to realise the Scottish Government’s energy efficiency and climate change priorities. It is helping our sectors to act as exemplars on low carbon behaviour, which will be vital if we are to show leadership to other parts of society and address the emissions reduction targets in our Climate Change (Scotland) Act. “We will also be looking to all organisations to support our Energy Efficiency Action Plan ambitions, including the setting of individual energy reduction targets. The delivery of these could achieve significant cost savings from energy bills: an important opportunity in times of significant financial constraint.” Gary Mair, Tayside Police’s Property Services Officer, added, “Climate change and its effects on the environment are a global issue. In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve our ability to adapt to and cope with unavoidable environmental changes, collective actions are
necessary. Tayside Police, as a member of the Association of Chief Police Officers of Scotland (ACPOS), wanted to develop a plan that would work towards securing the sustainability of our country in a changing climate. The Carbon Management Programme together with the help of the Carbon Trust gave us the building blocks and tools essential to develop our plan. At the completion of our five-year programme in 2016, Tayside Police is targeting a carbon reduction of 1,514tCO2, a 25 per cent reduction from a starting emissions level of 6,057tCO2.” “We have undertaken a number of projects that will provide long-term benefit in terms of reduced carbon emissions. Key projects have included: boiler replacement, Building Management Systems controls, installation of solar photovoltaic systems and the development and implementation of our Carbon Management Plan across Tayside Police. Over the lifetime of our Carbon Management Programme we hope to achieve our targets by implementing high-efficiency lighting throughout all buildings, continuing our boiler replacement programme and a low carbon replacement vehicle programme.” Paul Wedgwood, manager, Carbon Trust Scotland, said, “The dedication shown by the 2011 public sector cohort has been second to none. All the organisations involved, from Scotland’s fire and rescue services to colleges and other public bodies, have recognised the need to take action on climate change and make energy savings, particularly at this fiscally challenging time. They are planning to make significant changes to reduce their carbon emissions and, as a consequence, energy spend. “The Carbon Management programme continues to be a great success, with over 90 per cent of major public bodies in Scotland having completed the programme. We are excited about rolling the programme out to the private sector in Scotland, helping businesses to take a strategic approach to implementing energy efficiency initiatives which will make a marked difference to their total energy costs.”
The infamous golfing links of the Championship Course at Carnoustie is often referred too as ‘Carnasty’ after the 1999 Open Golf Championship. However, this famous old golfing beast was tamed by Colin Brough, David Scott and Ross Mitchell at the recent Rotary Club of Carnoustie Tri-Am Charity Golf Tournament recently played there. The competition took the form of teams of three with the best ‘net’ score for each hole being recorded. Representing Tayside Police under the moniker of ‘The 3 Bawbies’ the golf course, which was in pristine condition, soon knew who the daddies were when David started with two ‘net’ birdies to get the team off to the perfect start. A birdie on the fifth by Ross, on the famous sixth hole (Hogan’s Alley) by Colin and an eagle on the seventh (again by David) kept the score both under par and bogey free for a front nine of 30 shots (six under par). The back nine holes saw Ross’s putter ignited by the beautiful sunshine that adorned the course with birdies on both the tenth and eleventh. The teams’ only blemish of the round was a bogey on the par three thirteenth hole. This was immediately countered by Colin holing a monster putt at the fourteenth (the famous ‘Spectacles’) for yet another birdie followed by (guess what) another birdie by Ross on the fifteenth. The team carded 61 strokes or nine under par and lifted the trophy, raising a hefty sum for local charities in the process. A reminder to all golfers of the fixture calendar for Central Division Golf Section: August 15th Central Championships (Blairgowrie) Tee time 9.30 hrs / 14.30 hrs Sept 5th - 7th Scottish Police Golf Championships (Stranraer / Portpatrick) Sept 19th Autumn Trophy (Strathmore) Tee time 13.30 hrs.
An Interdivisional match will also be arranged in the near future, the date of which will be made available soon. It is also anticipated that Tayside will again have a match against Grampian Police in their force area. All golfers who are members of the Police Club are invited to attend. These outings are keenly priced and give golfers of all abilities the chance to play some of the finest courses in the region with their colleagues, both serving and retired. Further details of these outings or any other Golf Section query should be directed to Sergeant Alan Kidd at the Central Division Public Enquiry Office.
TRANS TAYSIDE CHALLENGE RAISES £30,000 FOR INJURED MARINES By Chief Inspector Conrad Trickett Midnight, Friday 20 May 2011, planning and preparation was over – it was time to crack on, put our bodies to the test, demonstrate our commitment to the cause – Commando 999, raising money for injured green bereted brothers in arms. The night was black with a dark cloud covering the sky, Loch Tay was black and the mountains raising each side were barely distinguishable from the water and it was raining – of course! Few Commando qualities needed already! The water phase of the challenge involved 15 of the team in a variety of kayaks, mostly doubles including a Klepper to ensure our link with the Corps at every opportunity. We paddled off into the night, with boats from the RMR raiding troop and Freespirits watersports centre (run by ex-Commando Steve ‘fluff’ Thomas) chugging alongside. We were soon spread across the Loch with differing paces of crews and difficulty maintaining direction at night. Each double became lost in their own world of effort, settling into a ‘comfortable’ pace and battling with conditions. After seven miles or so we had made good time but the weather conspired against us, the wind blew along the Loch building the water to a great swell, which hit our boats side on. One crew in their racing double had to pull out after several spells in the water, the weather beating the capability of the boat. Many other teams spent time upside down spluttering to the dark surface, searching for their oppo and paddles before pushing to the shore to empty water from the boat, get back in and set off once more. Despite these experiences the teams gradually came into the finish at Kenmore between 5 hours 30 minutes and 6 hours 30 minutes – all ahead of schedule. Freespirits Steve Thomas gave us a brief as we exchanged kayaks for rafts and set off down the River Tay renowned for its white water rapids. After a night of paddling more of the same for three hours was not high on our list of things to do, but the sections of white water made up for the back ache and we were soon eating bacon rolls at Grandtully, the night and water phase behind us. We were joined by the remaining members of the team to continue the challenge with the mad
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members who were doing it all. Some impressive looking racing bikes appeared along with a couple of mountain bikes adapted with road tyres and bootneck attitude – the route took the cyclists alongside the River Tay on a fairly level section to Dunkeld, where the road started to undulate a little towards Coupar Angus and then climb steeply up to Tullybaccart before the cruising descent to Dundee. The cyclists were supported and cheered on by check point teams every ten miles comprising of serving Marines from RM Condor, family and friends. At Tullybaccart, furtherr support arrived in the form of 2ic Base Company, Captain Steve Lewis on racing bike to join the team and RMA retired Sergeant Pat O Hara on a more powerful looking motorbike to encourage the tour de France image! The marines did a great job of encouraging bystanders to part with loose change to further the Commando 999 funds. The final part of the cycle was thankfully flat along the A92 to Arbroath with the bike stage finishing at the fire station, where more food and drinks were provided and the local RMA appeared d to cheer us on. The leading cyclists finished the 60 miles stage in a little over 3 hours, some awesome cycling after a night on the Loch! Running legs were stretched into life; the cliff path being closed it was a straight run out and up the road to Lunan Bay, escorted by a police van and motor cyclist. The hill out of town soon spread the group; the pace of the leading runners was mightily impressive finishing the eight miles under an hour, whilst the courage of others put the challenge in context. At Lunan Bay, Captain Steve Lewis returned with PTI and half a dozen serving Marines from Condor to join us for the final six miles to Montrose to be run as a speed march and a visible demonstration of the adage once a marine, always a marine; the young men of 45 Commando complementing the 62 year Ally Taylor, who last speed marched in 1973!! Including Gift Aid, we have raised £30,000. This money has gone directly to the RMA who have immediately spent most of it long-term leasing two cars for Hasler Company in order that the wounded can be moved around the country in a little more comfort. There will be further pictures of the car and the official handover to Hasler Company on and around the 18th July 2011. 2011
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Parents worried their children may be involved in drinking or weapons carrying are being offered a helping hand as part of a summer campaign against booze and blades. The Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) have teamed up with ParentLine Scotland to launch an initiative offering advice and support to parents worried their child may be drinking or using weapons. The initiative forms part of the alcohol and weapons phase of this year’s Anti-Violence Campaign. Jill Cook, Helpline Manager for ParentLine Scotland said, “From the calls we receive at ParentLine, we know that parents worry about where their children are going, what they’re doing and who they’re hanging around with. Most of the time there is nothing serious to worry about but sometimes parents need advice on how to tackle the more serious issues. “Drinking alcohol can lead to young people taking risks such as engaging in sexual activity or fighting. In more extreme cases it can lead to them carrying or using a weapon. It is important that parents know there is support available to them to help them address these issues with their children.” Help and information is available online at both the VRU website (www. actiononviolence.org.uk) and the ParentLine Scotland (www.parentlinescotland.org.uk) Chief Inspector Graham Goulden, who leads the campaign on behalf of the VRU, said,
“Violence, and the behaviour that leads to violence, is everyone’s problem. We know there are parents out there who are worried about issues like alcohol and weapons. For the vast majority, there is no need for concern, but that doesn’t stop people worrying. That’s why the work of ParentLine Scotland in supporting and listening to those concerns is so vital. Tackling violence is a team effort, and ParentLine Scotland is key in this.” Chief Inspector Goulden added that the “team effort” approach would be evident throughout the campaign, with forces across the country working in partnership with a variety of groups to help target violence-related issues specific to each area. In addition, forces would also: • Increase use of stop and search in known hotspot areas. • Deploy patrols with hand held metal detectors within known violence hotspot areas. • Use bail conditions to prevent offenders from recommitting acts of violence. • Use knife/weapons intervention visits/ letters for prolific knife/weapons carriers. • Use bail conditions to prevent offenders from returning to licensed premises or hot spot areas. The campaign runs until 31 July.
A new initiative to encourage employees to take up deaf awareness and sign language is now available in Dundee. Signs4Life is offering an introductory workshop in deaf awareness and sign language to help staff to communicate with their deaf and hard of hearing colleagues, service users and clients in Dundee on Thursday 14 July at Dundee Voluntary Action (10 Constitution Road, DD1 1LL) from 9:30am to 12:30pm. Attendance is strictly by booking only (limited places). Tayside Police staff should consult their line manager before booking a place. For more information, or to book a place, please contact Fozia on info@signs4life.org.uk
Tayside ayside Police is committed to managing demand and making more efficient and effective use of finite resources. With this is mind, the Force Executive commissioned a best value review of operational policing and in April 2009, the review team made various recommendations for improvements across a range of subject areas including the introduction of a Public Assistance Desk (PAD) coupled with a Diary Appointment System (DAS). One of the key aims of the police officers working on the PAD, based at Police Headquarters, is to allow a greater number of incidents to be dealt with as close to first point of contact as possible. Sergeant Debbie Allan from the PAD Project Team explained how the system works. ‘’Force Communications Centre and VCC staff will continue to be the first point of contact with customers and will create and capture incidents as normal. The police officers working on the PAD will then deal with some of these incidents over the phone. If the incident is not resolved at this stage then the aim is to flatten out the demand curve by making appointments with customers at a time that is both more suitable to them and Tayside Police.’’ The PAD and DAS went live on Friday 3 June with improvements already being noticed in operational efficiency in officer response to routine and scheduled incidents, as well as an increase in incidents that have been resolved without the need for police officer attendance.
TAYSIDE POLICE AND NHS TAYSIDE GET INFORMATION SHARING PROTOCOL An Information Sharing Protocol (ISP) between the Chief Constable, Tayside Police and NHS Tayside, has been signed in order to facilitate the sharing of data in relation to serious crimes and to promote the prevention and detection of crime and public safety. Tayside Police may share relevant information to allow NHS Tayside to conduct a risk assessment of patients and risk to their staff, to provide healthcare services to persons detained in Police custody and a forensic service to Tayside Police. NHS Tayside staff will, when required for policing purposes, provide Tayside Police officers with witness statements. They may also advise Tayside Police regarding a patient’s status in respect of their discharge from NHS premises, in relation to a patient suspected of having been the victim of a crime and in relation to a patient suspected of having committed a crime or who is suspected of posing a risk to the public. NHS Tayside will even provide up to date contact details in circumstances where the individual for whom Tayside Police is required to serve a document, is no longer at the address held by Tayside Police. This protocol provides a gateway to the lawful sharing of relevant information, which will be of benefit to both partners in achieving their objectives. The protocol is available to view on the Intranet under Policy/Guidance – MOUs and Protocols – NHS Tayside. It provides all police officers and police staff with information on the purpose, powers, processes and forms to be used when sharing information.
For the next edition of Copperplate we’d like some suitable captions for this photograph of Chief Inspector Trickett and Inspector Hunter sharing an exchange of words during the Trans Tayside Challenge. Here’s one to start you off… “Chief Inspector Trickett quickly accessorised with a helmet and orange vest after realising he’d embarrassingly turned up wearing the same outfit as Inspector Hunter.’’ E-mail your caption suggestions to Sarah Craig in Corporate Communications.
The Tayside Police clay shooting team have enjoyed a successful season. Pictured are the team that came away from the Scottish police championships with trophies for Individual High Gun, Individual Sporting, and the team Down the Line events. This year the Scottish Championships will be hosted by Tayside at Auchterhouse, where it is hoped that home advantage will see a sizeable haul of trophies and medals. For those interested in joining the Clay Pigeon Shooting team, there will be club practise/tuition days throughout the Summer. For further information please contact Constable Dean Morris at Downfield Police Station or Constable Dan Neale at Lochee Police Station.
ae ar t fff magazine – whether youu ta Copperplate is a sta support staff, your a police officer or member of would like to hear opinions count. That is why we or suggestions that from you with any news, views ed in Copperplate. you would like to see publish contact Sarah If you have a story idea, please unications mm or Damon in the Corporate Co Department on; ) 596730 Telephone: Sarah (01382 e.pnn.police.uk E-Mail: sarah.craig@taysid ) 596731 Telephone: Damon (01382 side.pnn.police.uk E-Mail: damon.rhind.@tay