July 2010

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COPPERPLATE www.tayside.police.uk



Staff from Tayside Police’s Family Protection Unit and an NHS Tayside midwife raised over £1000 for the Dundee Midwifery Unit (DMU) at Ninewells Hospital by taking part in a sponsored fun run. Police staff and DMU Lead Midwife Myra Fraser ran the 6km Errol fun run in March to raise money for the midwifery unit, which was opened last year and provides fullyadapted, new-build accommodation where midwives support labouring women in a homely environment. Rachel Swinley of Tayside Police organised for her colleagues to take part and presented the cheque to midwifery staff on 7 June. One of the team members, Gemma Sullivan, even managed to complete the race in excellent time whilst 25 weeks pregnant. Myra said, “More than £1000 was raised, which is a fantastic achievement for everyone who took part. “The money will be used for soft furnishings, birthing and relaxation CDs, and other baby equipment, which adheres to the calm atmosphere and DMU philosophy of creating a positive birth experience for women.”

During 2009, a fundraising event (Commando Cops - www.bmycharity.com/commandocops) took place in central London followed by a black tie dinner to raise money for the 60+ now paraplegic Royal Marines who have lost limbs in recent conflicts around the globe. Due to the massive success of this event where in excess of £175k was raised, it has been decided to extend ‘Commando Cops’ to ‘Commando 999’, incorporating former Royal Marines who are now a part of either the Police, Fire or Ambulance Service from anywhere in the UK. Several large fundraising events and dinners are scheduled to take place over these next few years and all money raised will go straight to the Royal Marines Association (Charity No 206003) and then into the Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund that looks after the Corps family from cradle to grave. The current fund is now reduced to £500,000 due to the much higher than average spending in support of the last two operational tours of Afghanistan (Iraq prior to that), with two further operational tours looming now and next year. Our severely injured Royal Marine oppo’s need your help, so please contact former Marine and now Met’ Police Chief Inspector Mark Scoular (Commando 999 lead) at mark.scoular@ btinternet.com if you can help raise funds.

TRANSFORMING TAYSIDE Public sector funding is under severe pressure, and there will likely be large scale cuts over the next three years. Although the detail of where these cuts will be is still unclear, there is little doubt that the police service in Scotland will require to work within substantially constrained finances. This has the potential to impact severely upon service delivery unless steps are taken now to mitigate the consequences. The three fiscal year period 2011– 2013 to 2013 – 2014 will require Tayside Police to identify significant savings, with the most reasonable forecast being that Tayside Police will need to make 12% savings during this period. This equates to cuts of £8.7 million.


Tayside Police requires to position itself to meet this challenge, through a review of service delivery across the Force. The Transforming Tayside programme has been introduced to help the force to prepare for the reduction in public sector spending in the coming years. The programme will look at optimising service delivery in the force while looking for opportunities to identify efficiency and improvement. The three primary objectives of the programme are to; • Undertake a best value review of police staff, examining their roles and deployment within the Force, and make recommendations to ensure that Tayside Police is able to continue to deliver excellence in policing services.

Produce a range of service transformation options that can be utilised to support a reduced budget. • Assess the balance of resources between territorial divisions and Headquarters, and make recommendations to sustain or enhance capability and resilience through their more efficient use. The programme team consists of Superintendent Jim Leslie, Inspector Cathy MacDonald, Sergeant Dave Louden, Louise Fraser and Christine Dolan. Regular updates on the work of the programme will be posted on a dedicated section of the intranet. A facility has also been created as part of this site that will allow you to ask questions of the team, or to make suggestions.



THERE’S A STORM BREWING Most staff within the force will be aware that CAPTOR is the current Command and Control system. It is recognised that this system, which has been in place since 1999, needs to be upgraded, and as such it is the intention that this system will be replaced on 6 April 2011 by a new system, namely STORM MA. As with any change, this will likely have an impact on many areas within the force, however it is anticipated that the effects of this change will be kept to a minimum and hopefully most users will in fact obtain some significant benefits. STORM MA is a Command & Control application provided by Steria Limited who have a long history of providing major operational systems to the Emergency Services. STORM MA has been chosen at a National level as the Command and Control system that best suits the needs of all 8 Scottish Police Forces. To ensure a smooth transition takes place next April, Tayside Police Project Team is working closely with Steria along with the National Project Team. It is expected that STORM MA will bring many benefits to the force. One of those benefits being that every other Scottish Police Force will be using the same system. This means that it should be far easier to communicate between forces as incidents can be sent to and from each force at the touch of a button. This will naturally reduce the need to create faxes whenever investigation is required in another force area. STORM MA is also capable of carrying out the same level of functionality that is currently enjoyed with CAPTOR, however there are also added benefits, for example, STORM MA has the capability of being linked to SCOPE duty sheets; it has the capability of being linked to Airwave handsets which will automatically update STORM MA with the likes of duty status, at locus, meal break etc; ARLS capability which will allow FCC to monitor real time location of resources and allow them to drag and drop them onto incidents with ease; automatic population of crime numbers through links with UNIFI; integration with other force applications. It is noted that this information has merely provided a brief glimpse of what is ahead, but it is hoped that this information will give you a flavour of what we can look forward to, as the force progresses to this new system. It is intended to produce regular updates as the project progresses and appropriate training will be provided for those concerned. In the meantime, if you have any questions, concerns or ideas regarding STORM MA, the project team will be more than happy to try and assist you.


F-O-R-E!!! F – O – R – E!!! ….(Well, six actually) officers both serving and retired represented the Force in the annual Rotary Club of Carnoustie Tri-Am Charity Golf Tournament played over the Championships links of Carnoustie on Sunday 11 April 2010. Taking the form of two teams of three they battled through the elements – this being three fold - the haar that greeted them on the first Tee, the sunshine that smiled on them at the 18th green and the toughness of the golf course in between. The teams consisted of and were imaginatively named as: The 3 BAWBIES – Brian Melville, Graeme Waghorn and Alan Finlay 3 MAIR BAWBIES – Ross Mitchell, Paul Hogan and Greg Irvine The players of the 3 Mair Bawbies started their round “on fire” but were soon doused down on the back nine holes as the course “bit back”. They finished in a credible fifth place with a -3 par 68. The 3 Bawbies faired less well but were comforted by playing not so well on such a wonderful golf course in such pristine condition. A tidy sum was also raised by the Rotary Club of Carnoustie which will go to local charities in the area. A reminder to all Police golfers (yes, ladies, that includes you also) of the fixture calendar for this year in the Tayside Police Golf Section: 17 May

Spring Medal (Forfar) Medal x 1 Tee time from 1.45pm

14 June

Tayside Championships (Downfield) Tee times 9.30am / 2.30pm

29 June

Annual Challenge Match v Grampian Police (Piperdam) Tee time 11am

* Day includes coffee/roll, round of golf, 2-course meal – all for only £30 * 10 August

Central Div Championships (Piperdam) Tee times 9.35am / 2.35pm

7, 8 September

Scottish Police Golf Championships Downfield / Piperdam

21 September

Autumn Trophy (Monifieth) Tee time 1.30pm

Medal x 1

All golfers who are members of the Police Club are invited to attend. These outings are keenly priced and give golfers of all abilities the chance to play some of the finest courses in the region with their colleagues, both serving and retired. Further details of these outings or any other Golf Section query should be directed to Sergeant Alan Kidd at Downfi Downfield eld Police Station. Station


MOPI - THE FUTURE OF INFORMATION HANDLING IN TAYSIDE McNaughton, FIID (Information) became the Force’s MoPI Lead Officer. His role involves co-ordinating the Force’s push to comply with the Guidance on the Management of Police Information (MoPI) by 31 December 2010. The MoPI Guidance can be found on the Force Intranet and is in two forms, one specifically for the eyes of police staff only and one which can be shared with our partner agencies. Why MoPI? The MoPI Code of Practice was published by NPIA in July 2005 forming part of the government‘s response to recommendations by Sir Michael Bichard following his enquiry into the murders of Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells in Soham by Ian Huntley in 2001. The ACPOS MoPI Guidance followed in 2007. MoPI isn’t about bureaucracy it’s about the protection of our most vulnerable. What does the MoPI Guidance cover? • Purpose of managing police information • Process for managing police information • Collection of police information • Recording of police information • Evaluation & action of police information • Information sharing • Retention, review and disposal of police information In relation to Crime; Intelligence; Domestic Violence; Child Abuse Investigations; Firearms Revocations & Refusals; Custody, which have been highlighted as the areas of highest risk and threat to the service. Why is Data Quality Important? Data Quality is fundamental to successful information management. It is essential that all information is recorded properly at the outset. Failure to get it right at the outset could lead to an increased likelihood of missing a potentially vital link. High quality information helps ensure that appropriate action is taken, that information is shared where possible and retained for an appropriate period of time. How does MoPI affect me? Most staff will be involved in either the collection, recording or sharing of police information, all areas covered by the MoPI Guidance. Collection - is the first stage of the information management process. When information is collected it is essential that it is processed ACCURATELY, CORRECTLY and CONSISTENTLY. Recording- Police information must be recorded correctly first time. All police information should be searchable and retrievable and should inter link across different business areas. Sharing – Information should not be shared as a matter of routine. Each case must be reviewed individually with informed decisions made about whether to share or not. Effective policing relies on us sharing information with our partners. It is a two way process enabling links to be made between people, objects, locations and events that would not be possible otherwise

What’s coming up? Information Sharing Sergeants Colin Campbell and Allana Ellis form the MoPI Project Team and one of their first jobs is to assist Divisions in getting our Information Sharing Protocols (ISPs) in order and that includes identifying gaps and ensuring that these are filled. The plan is to have all existing ISPs transferred onto the MoPI ISP format and published on the Force Intranet by 30 June 2010. All instances where information has been shared must be recorded. Guidance on how this should be done consistently throughout the force will be available in the next few weeks following the publication of the Information Sharing Policy and Guidance. Policy & Guidance All policy and guidance documents which relate to the six areas identified as the highest threat and risk to the service are being revamped to take account of the MoPI Guidance. Force Information Management Strategy (IMS) The approved Force Information Management Strategy has recently been published and along with the MoPI Partnership version, is being shared with relevant partner agencies. The document looks to consistently govern how we collect, record, evaluate, share, review, retain and dispose of Police Information.

MoPI FACT:Data Quality is fundamental to successful information management Data Quality principles • Accurate – care must be taken to ensure accuracy. If in doubt get clarification • Adequate – recorded information must be accurate & sufficient for the purpose it is processed. • Relevant – Information must be relevant. Opinions must be clearly distinguished from fact. • Timely – Information must be promptly recorded. MoPI FACT:-

Training The force is working hard to put in place an e learning based MoPI training package which can be rolled out in the summer. All relevant staff will be expected to undertake the training which is modular. Clear Desk Policy A clear desk policy and secure filing is a must for the Force by 31 December 2010. Procedures are currently being put in place in terms of a tiered approach to roll out across the Force. The first phase will see clear desk as mandatory in the following areas, Divisional Command Teams, Divisional Crime Management units, Divisional Offender Management Units, Divisional PPU, Custody Suites, HQ & Divisional Firearms Licensing, HQ Crime, FIID, PSD and Force Executive. The rest of the Force will follow in phase two prior to the end of the year. This relates to all protectively marked documentation.

Information must be recorded for a policing purpose. Policing purposes are defined as • Protecting life & property • Preserving order • Preventing the commission of crimes & offences • Bringing offenders to justice • Any duty or responsibility arising from common or statute law These 5 policing purposes provide the basis for collecting, recording, evaluating, sharing, retaining & destroying police information. MoPI FACT:Information can only be shared where • The data subject has given their consent to the disclosure, or • There is a statutory obligation to disclose, or • There is a statutory power to disclose, and • A policing purpose has been identified.



STAFF SURVEY FOCUS GROUPS – YOUR VOICE PUT INTO ACTION Tayside Police invited staff from across the Force to participate in a staff survey that ran from 3 August to 4 September 2009. Results from this staff survey were communicated and 22 focus groups were held among various divisions and departments with input from more than 150 police officers and police staff. Across the Force, divisions and departments each received a report summarising staff perceptions. By blending the feedback into improvement planning, the leadership teams throughout the organisation demonstrate a commitment to put your concerns and desires into action. There were some common themes repeated across the Staff Survey focus groups and a series of actions at an organisational level, have been agreed to address issues including visibility of the Force Executive, allocation of resources, and addressing double-keying and other aspects of administration that detract from your ability to deliver core services. In some cases, a division or department held planning sessions among their leaders to consider the results collectively and determine how to respond. Some of the methods to improve communication include proposals by HQ Crime and the FIID to have correspondence registers where contacts are recorded, acknowledged, and responses are tracked so that employees are not left feeling that their requests for information or guidance are ignored. Visibility of leaders particularly in the operational policing divisions has been selected for action with schedules to meet with staff, attend tasking meetings, and engage in front-line policing shifts. The FIID has plans to ensure that newly hired staff have a timely opportunity to meet and be introduced to the Divisional Command Team. Police staff concerns about obstacles to career development and limited opportunities will be addressed through a combination of establishing realistic expectations and encouraging job shadowing where it is not detrimental to existing duties. The Focus Group reports have been posted onto the Force Intranet and have been shared with the Tayside Joint Police Board. Throughout the coming year, progress will be reported on and examples will be shared about making the organisation more effective. Thank you to everyone who participated in the focus groups.

Here are some of the captions we received for the photograph that appeared in the

Ah, so there’s my budget for next year. Despite his best efforts thee Professor could not get thee daily tasking documents to catch fire. Bernard….you should have gone to Specsavers So if you sign it as King, can I sign it as Queen? For the next edition of Copperplate we would like some suitable captions for this photograph of a rather unusual suspect being cuffed at the Angus Show. E-mail your caption suggestions to Sarah Craig or Damon Rhind in the Corporate Communications Department.

TOP DOG A Tayside Police dog handler has beaten off stiff competition to win four trophies across a number of disciplines. Constable Steve Ritchie took part in the Scottish Regional Police Dog Trials, held by Lothian and Borders Police. The Scottish Region also incorporates PSNI handlers. The trials consist of three phases; Phase 1 – Tracking, Stand off and property search Phase 2 – Person search, weapon attack and attack on handler Phase 3 – Obedience, agility, man work and crowd control Constable Ritchie won third over all in Scotland and took the Phase 3 trophy. Having won third place in Scotland with a score of 812 out of 1000, Steve was eligible to attend the National Police Dog Trials, which were held in Lincoln last month. Out of 22 competitors at the National Trials, Constable Ritchie took third place with a score of 793 out of 1000. He also received the Joseph Simpson Trophy for the best tracking dog on the long track. As tracking is our ‘bread and butter’, this is an excellent achievement for Constable Ritchie. Out of approximately 2000 dog handlers in the UK this is a fantastic result for Tayside Police Dog Section and shows the standards that we strive to achieve on a daily basis.


ae ar t fff magazine – whether youu ta Copperplate is a sta support staff, your a police officer or member of would like to hear opinions count. That is why we or suggestions that from you with any news, views ed in Copperplate. you would like to see publish contact Sarah If you have a story idea, please unications mm or Damon in the Corporate Co Department on; ) 596730 Telephone: Sarah (01382 e.pnn.police.uk E-Mail: sarah.craig@taysid ) 596731 Telephone: Damon (01382 side.pnn.police.uk E-Mail: damon.rhind.@tay



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