
THE Turks and Caicos Islands Government has announced its aspiration to become a full member of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).
His Excellency Governor Nigel Dakin said a visit by a TCI delegation to the Bahamas in December 2022, “sought to explore areas to deepen and strengthen the territory’s friendship with the Bahamas”, which has been a member of the Caribbean Community since July 4, 1983.
“TCI advised of its intention to seek full membership of CARICOM - for which a letter of entrustment that allows for this negotiation has been provided by the United Kingdom”, Dakin said in a statement to the media on Tuesday, January 24, 2023.
The Turks and Caicos became Associated Members of CARICOM in July 1991 along with the British Virgin Islands.
As a full member of CARICOM, the TCI will benefit from CARICOM’s free trade market, which was established between member countries, to cease competition with one another for market shares on certain products
and instead allow them to focus on the products that they are most qualified to produce or resources that they alone possess.
These markets have very little if any tariffs on imports and exports and no price controls enacted.
The territory will also be a part of the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME), an initiative of (CARICOM) that seeks to integrate member-states into a single economic unit to allow free movement of capital, services, technology and skilled professionals within the region.
CARICOM is the oldest surviving integration movement in the developing world.
Twenty countries make up the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), fifteen are full members and five are Associate Members.
The geographical boundaries of the Community stretch from The Bahama Islands in the north, southward to Guyana and Suriname – both on the north coast of the South American mainland.
According to CARICOM’s website, countries within the group share many similarities and challenges.
All CARICOM countries are classified as developing countries
and are all relatively small in terms of population and size, and diverse in terms of geography, population, culture, and levels of economic and social development.
On the one hand, they are all in proximity to major markets in North and South America, and most countries, have had to make
the transition from agriculture or mining to a service-driven economy, especially tourism and financial services.
On the other hand, they have to overcome the challenges of frequent natural disasters, in addition to small size with associated lack of economies of
scale and vulnerability to external shocks.
All members subscribe to the Community’s principles outlined in the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas (2002).
Leaders of member states shape the Community’s policies and priorities.
The efforts of many people combined have led to the marked success of TCI’s tourism industry, however notable among the many is the tireless dedication of Stacy Cox, president of the TCI’s Hotel and Tourism Industry.
This week, Cox was recognised by a Caribbean publication, Marketplace Excellence for her visionary leadership.
Faizool Deo - Sports Editor (At Large)
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Author of the piece, Bevan Springer writes: “The Turks and Caicos Islands is blessed with visionary hospitality leaders in government and the private sector whose combined efforts have helped to position the British Overseas Territory as one of the leading destinations in the Caribbean.
“The territory has seen continued growth and development of an attractive high-end tourism product throughout the years and has benefited from the steady leadership of one of the region’s leading hotel association executives.
“I am referring to Stacy Cox, a native of the Bahamas, who has served as Chief Executive Officer of the 30-year-old Turks and Caicos Hotel and Tourism Association (TCHTA) since 2011.”
As the lead executive of TCHTA, Cox represents her
membership on matters affecting the territory’s bread-and-butter tourism sector, locally, regionally, and internationally, and believes in the steady growth and promotion of a sustainable tourism product through education, awareness, and outreach, Springer writes.
Cox moved to the TCI after enjoying success at Atlantis
Paradise Island in the Bahamas and later served as general manager at both Windsong Resort and Royal West Indies Resort in Providenciales.
She volunteers her time for many causes in her community as well as with the Caribbean Hotel and
Turks and Caicos Islands
Citizenship – a prized possession for many – is once again at the centre of controversy in the Islands.
This week, Former Chief Minister Hon Oswald Skippingsa current member of the TCI Status Commission – responded to court filings by attorney Tim Prudhoe on behalf of several expatriates whose applications for TC Islander status were denied by the commission.
Records show that the applicants – who have resided in the Islands for a number of years –had initially applied for TCI status some six years ago; applications that were denied last year.
In court documents – which the Sun Newspaper reported on earlier this week – Prudhoe asked the court to “quash the decision of the commission as it relates to each of them and as contained the rejection letters. They are also seeking an order quashing the appointments of the commission members and an order mandating that a reconstituted commission reconsiders their application for TC Islander Status; or in the alternative, an order quashing the Turks and Caicos Islanders Status
Ordinance as being inconsistent with the Turks and Caicos Islands Constitution.”
The members of the Status Commission are Herbert Been, Algernon Dean, Dozzlie Delancy, Benson Harvey and Oswald Skippings.
That news report also cited court documents that allegedly accused Skippings of perceived bias against non-natives, while also accusing Benson Harvey of ‘distasteful comments’ regarding the grant of
Tourism Association (CHTA) and the Caribbean Society of Hotel Association Executives (CSHAE), where she served as president for three years.
The award-winning industry professional launched a social media page “Women in Tourism – Caribbean”, which has more than 13,000 followers on Facebook.
Stacy’s life motto comes from the scriptures: “Whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable
– think on these things (Philippians 4:8).”
“One of her association’s priorities for 2023 is to promote wellness in Turks and Caicos and remove the stigma associated with mental illness, especially given the widespread impact and after-effects of the COVID pandemic.
“Stacy Cox’s work in the Turks and Caicos Islands over the past 25 years has been nothing short of honourable and commendable,” the article concluded.
islander status.
In a strongly-worded, and combative statement this week, Skippings accused the litigants and their lawyer – Tim Prudhoe in particular – of exploiting and abusing the court process for their own greed.
He stated: “The lack of appreciation by some expatriates for the cordial welcome extended to them, the subsequent granting of work permits, PRC’S and naturalisations, including Turks and Caicos passports, which have enabled them to live, work and establish massive businesses here, get rich and otherwise empowered, in some cases at the expense of disempowering indigenous Turks and Caicos people, is telling of who some people really are and what are their true intentions and ulterior motives.”
He continued: “Imagine the temerity and the effrontery to attack governments and citizens responsible for the issuance of Islander Status that would empower them not only to further erode our franchise, but to take it totally out of our hands so that we would not only be disempowered economically, socially and industrially, but we will no longer have the voting power to determine who our government is.
“In other words, not being able to determine who would represent
our best interest in the House of Assembly and secure our destiny in our native land.”
The former Chief Minister staunchly asserted that he is not afraid to represent his position and the people of the TCI.
“I would like to inform the Prudhoes and all the other exploiters who clearly demonstrate that they don’t give a hoot about TCI governments nor its people, that you are now barking up the wrong dang (expletive) tree.
“Be it known that at the tender age of 20, I was fully engaged in the revolutionary struggle to protect, represent and empower Turks and Caicos Islanders.
“As my friend would say, ‘I ain’t never scared’. So as long as I have breath in my body, elected or not, I will fight for my people and country, stand up for my people and country and represent my people unto death.”
Skippings further emphasised that the granting of TCI status is not an automatic right, as there are conditions enshrined in the Constitution that need to be fulfilled.
“Your law degrees and your invasive, aggressive, greedy, and hateful attitude can never intimidate nor deter me. Yes, you are the attorney and I’m the layman, but not because I’m a layman means that I’m lying down in a comatose state, with no common sense, no national consciousness or no vision.”
He quoted: “Section 132 (2) of the Turks and Caicos Constitution clearly states an Ordinance shall prescribe the conditions under which a person may be granted the status of Turks and Caicos Islander, and (except in the case of a person who has a family connection with a Turks and Caicos Islander) those conditions shall include, but need not be limited to, the conditions set out in subsection (3)”.
An incensed Skippings also called out the defence attorney directly, stating: “So Mr arrogant attorney, did you notice the word “May and not Shall” when it refers to the granting of Islander Status? So be aware that you may qualify for consideration only, and not for any legal entitlement.
“So all you Prudhoes, when you have exhausted your futile exploitation of the courts here, you may go to the privy Council if you like.”
So let me inform you that you cannot intimidate me. I fear no man, only Jehovah God in whom I live, move and have my being. So you can huff and you can puff, but you can’t blow this house down.”
Meanwhile, the judicial review of the Commission’s decision –leave for which was granted late last year by Judge Tony Gruchothas not yet been listed for hearing.
Attorney General, Hon Rhondalee Braithwaite-Knowles is also named in the judicial review as a respondent.
The Turks and Caicos Islands government has imposed a six-month moratorium on visitors' visas for Haitian nationals citing an upsurge in crime and an influx of illegal immigrants as part of a list of reasons for the decision.
On Thursday, January 12, 2023, Minister of Immigration and Border Services, Hon Arlington Musgrove announced in a statement to the media that the decision was made to protect the territory's lawful population. The moratorium, which took effect from the date of announcement, will remain in place for the next six months and is subject to review. What are your thoughts?
There is a tragedy in Haiti. The TCI cannot fix that, and risks being overwhelmed as Haitians flee to a prosperous neighbour. For now, overpopulation by impoverished migrants is the immediate threat.
TCI also has severe political challenges arising from the strange privileges attached to citizenship. If the TCIG blunders and undermines prosperity or the rule of law, which protects non-citizens from excess brutality, then we will suffer our own collapse.
Apartheid always leads to collapse and tragedy. Stay aware!
There ought to be a moratorium on Filipinos and Canadians and Dominicans and Jamaicans and South Americans.
The Minister needs to provide statistics stating work Permit holders and the country from where they originated from.
Turks and Caicos isn't for Turks and Caicos Islanders anymore. It is for the highest bidder.
A great idea, and long overdue.
But now that we are trying to stem the inflow of Haitians who often go to ground in an attempt to overstay their welcome, when are we going to start a concerted effort to
get rid of all the ones that are already here illegally?
Closing down and demolishing the “Yards” would be a good place to start, but why does the political will seem to be lacking? Could it possibly have anything to do with the connected Turks Islanders who profit from these squalid accommodations?
There is a certain complicit policy in place that would allow illegal immigration in this country. A public policy has emerged from the Office of the Governor seeking to award, bless and reward persons from all other nations other than the TC Islander. The allowing and condoning of immigration adds to that narrative. The Governor’s position is at odds with the official position of all elected TCI Governments since 1976, the take from the Leader of the Opposition and the public at large.
The consensus is that the TCI never wanted and needed illegals in the country. It seems, however, that to assuage their attempts to free the UK of centuries of racism, the Governor and the UK want the TCI and its people to pay that price.
They do so by encouraging and providing for the illegals in the TCI by the Office of the Governor. As a result, previous Governors have resisted efforts to stem the flow of illegal immigration into the TCI. It is now in this day and age that something is finally being done. The illegals took these islands for many years now. They and their children form part of today’s TCI society; they can be found in the public service, schools, banks and everywhere.
The Convention on the rights of the Child mandate that Government provide for them in schools and access to additional social services. The case has never really been made that the UK Government, the entity providing policy feed to this phenomenon,
pays for these issues.
It is a “domestic issue”. The efforts taken by the current minister are all too late and really after the fact. It is knee-jerk, illthought out and a reaction to an ongoing crisis.
This moratorium will not last, it will be lifted by way of illegal entry and the illegals will continue to come.
As long as this Governor remains incumbent, efforts will continue to be made to let them in. This moratorium sanctioned by the Minister is not equal to the forces that want the illegals in the TCI. Haiti is now a failed state and people must leave out of necessity because there is virtually no government. Regionally, governments from CARICOM need to develop an immediate initiative to have a regional force take Haiti and turn it around.
It should be led by CARICOM as they have the most to lose and are proximate to the reality of the breakdown in Government there. Food is not secure and one cannot determine which gang is military, governmental or rogue. They must leave Haiti and seek “relief elsewhere”.
TCI is along the route. The hapless US President, Joe Biden gave them an invitation to come to the extent of 30,000 monthly. As such they are coming and TCI and the Bahamas are the immediate routes. US policy cannot help, cannot be trusted and is pro-illegal immigration.
Just look at the US Southern Border. Overcrowded vessels en route to the US will facilitate all of this and they will land in the TCI. TCI and its people will pay the price. The moratorium will not help as they have help locally between complicit immigration
officers, their people on the ground, the Haitian Embassy and the Governor’s Office. They are being facilitated.
The Turks and Caicos Islander has long been removed and displaced in his own land. Illegals have taken over and this takeover didn’t begin with the current state of affairs in Haiti where there is “no government”. Builders, developers and resorts and those businesses in need of “cheap and subservient” labour will find a way to get around this decision. While that is going on the TC Islander is replaced in favour of a practice that accommodated illegals into these islands for ages. The real issue is how would any Government empower the TC Islander?
How can they continue to budget for illegals and take care of their own people? Can they avoid or refuse to budget for the illegal after he and his children are allowed into the islands and into the work force? They are paying NIS, NHIP and are here.
The minister's policy is designed to fight legals but what about the illegals? Vessels are still coming through. Radars seem ineffective. TCI needs to urge CARICOM to intervene directly into Haiti. Raise a global fund as the money is there and needs to be directed to Haiti.
If Haiti is not stabilised this will continue and "nothing the minister does" will be able to stop it. Meanwhile, the TC Islander continues to be removed.
By stopping the airlines, you are actually forcing the affluent or even educated Haitian from coming to our shore, what are you doing for the desperate Haitians willing to risk it all through the dangerous journey via water?
How many can we really stop? How many per week reach our shores? When will the UK actually grant the needed funds to aid the situation?
Haiti’s war has become our war. We are in this together, the Haitians that migrated three decades ago, two decades ago, or even within the last ten years need to also speak out.
Haiti is a failed state, let’s try and protect our beloved Turks and Caicos Islands.
Serious allegations posted on social media this week led to an investigation being launched into the conduct of a high school teacher accused of inappropriate sexual conduct with a student.
In a statement on the alleged incident on Monday (January 23), police said they were unaware of the allegations until officers of the Safeguarding and Public Protection Unit (SPPU) within the force contacted the Director of Education.
They were then informed that the matter was reported to the school administration and the education department, however, no report of the serious child sex allegations was made to them.
Police said the matter was only brought to their attention when, earlier this past week, residents shared via several WhatsApp
groups reports of an alleged assault committed by a math teacher at the Raymond Gardiner High School (RGHS) in North Caicos on a female student at the institution.
According to the residents’ reports, the teacher was questioned sometime last week by officials about the allegations made against him, and by the end of the week, had resigned with immediate effect and left the Islands.
Frustrated residents shared that they were expecting to hear something on the matter from the police, with no word (prior to the release), allowing the accused to flee the territory.
The police cleared the air on the issue, stating: “For the record, no report to date involving any staff member at the high school
The Turks and Caicos Islands has seen a whopping 418 illegal migrants arrive on four illegal vessels thus far for the year.
The latest illegal migrant vessel to be intercepted in TCI waters, transported some 130 persons who were detained by the Marine Branch of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force on Saturday, January 21, 2023.
“Yet another attempt by migrants to enter the Turks and Caicos illegally was stopped by officers of the Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force (Marine Branch) last night (January 21st).
“The illegal migrants, believed to be Haitian nationals, were detained around 10.20 pm following information received from the Coastal Radar Station”, Police spokeswoman Denyse Renne said in a statement on Sunday, January 22.
The Haitian migrant vessel, approximately 38ft in length and powered by two outboard engines, was intercepted south of West Bluff, Providenciales.
The sloop was subsequently safely towed to South Dock, where a total of 130 migrants (109 males
has been lodged with the Royal TCI Police Force, either by school officials, the child or parents. As such, the RTCIPF never conducted any interview with any official of the school last week.”
Commenting on residents’ claims that the police never acted on a report made, thereby allowing a suspect to abscond, Commissioner of Police Trevor Botting said: “At 11:40 am today (January 23), the Safeguarding and Public Protection Unit became aware of a WhatsApp circulation containing serious allegations involving a school girl and a male teacher.”
He said an email was sent by an SPPU officer at 11:53 am to the Director of Education, requesting information as to the allegations
being circulated via WhatsApp.
The commissioner said the SPPU received an email response from the Director of Education indicating that the Department of Education had received notice of the matter.
“The Director, via his email, recounted, he had spoken with a senior representative from the Department of Social Development on Friday, January 20. Later that day, according to the Director’s account, the teacher submitted a resignation letter informing the Department of Education of his immediate resignation.”
Commissioner Botting reiterated that this is the only time the police were informed of the matter.
“I wish to express my concern that neither the RTCIPF nor the
SPPU were notified when the allegations were first raised. The RTCIPF only became aware of the alleged incident via social media and through the correspondence with the Director today.”
An investigation was immediately launched into the allegations.
Parents, guardians and other persons responsible for the care of underage children are being strongly advised to immediately report all allegations of sexual or other assault of minors to the police.
Reports can be made at the nearest police station, contact the Safeguarding and Public Protection Unit at 232-6696, the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) at 338-4013, the Department of Social Development at 338-4008 or call 911.
The Commissioner said it is mandatory that all reports be made to the police.
and 21 females) were handed over to the Immigration Task Force.
The vessel was handed over to customs officials.
Briefly commenting on this latest interception, Deputy Commissioner of Police Rodney Adams stressed that the entry of illegal migrants continues to “put the TCI at risk”.
He said: “Our Marine Branch along with other law enforcement partners have been doing a stellar job protecting our borders. Despite this, we still need the continued assistance of the public. I wish to remind any member of the public who engages in harbouring illegal migrants and participating in this activity to assist in their movement to desist. You are putting the population at risk.
“Boatmen who want to transact this illegal business, you are breaking the law by crossing the borders and harbouring illegal migrants.
“We will be taking the necessary actions within the confines of the law, with respect to persons engaged in this activity.”
The public is being advised to
Mr Delano R. Arthur is the new Commissioner of Energy and Utilities in the Ministry of Home Affairs, Transportation, Energy and Utilities.
The Office of the Deputy Governor of the Turks and Caicos Islands announced the appointment on Wednesday, January 25.
Mr Arthur holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Michigan (2002) and a Master of Science Degree in Information Systems and Management from the University of Phoenix in Phoenix, Arizona (2007).
With over 15 years of service as an engineering professional, he served in the posts of: Senior Technical Associate at the Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC) in Freeport, Bahamas from 2006-2009; as a Senior Project Officer and Diplomat with the Caribbean Community Secretariat (CARICOM) in Georgetown, Guyana from 2009-2011; as the Manager of Information Technology at the Grand Bahama Power Company Ltd. (GBPC) from 20122015; as the Operations Manager of Transmission and Distribution at GBPC from 2015-2018 and as the Director of Grid Solutions at GBPC
The Royal Turks and Caicos Islands Police Force are currently probing the circumstances of a brazen daylight shooting in Five Cays, which left one man dead.
The tragic incident which occurred around 3 pm on Tuesday, January 24, has left residents and crime sleuths with more questions than answers.
According to information reaching this publication, the victim whose identity remains unknown up to press time, resided in Sand Bar Street, Five Cays, and was gunned down execution-style a few blocks away from his home near a convenience store in the area.
A statement from police said the control room received a call from a
resident stating that gunshots were being heard in the community around 3 pm.
“RTCIPF officers responded to the given location at Reece Street and found the lifeless body of a male, lying face down on the ground with what appeared to be gunshot wounds about the body.
“Officers are at this time gathering pertinent details to ascertain a motive behind the murder of the deceased”, the police stated.
Authorities are urging anyone with information on this murder or any illegal activity to notify the closest police station or to report to c Crime Stoppers anonymously.
All Crime Stoppers calls are answered in Miami and in Houston
from 2018-2022.
During his tenure at GBPC, he gained extensive experience in all aspects of engineering, technical automation, transmission, distribution and energy supply where he provided strategic and tactical planning advice on the design and operation of GBPC’s Grid inclusive of transmission and distribution, substations, power transformers, renewable energy, protection and relaying devices. He also served as the Technical Storm Lead for Hurricane Matthew, as well as the Project Owner to rebuild GBPC’s 45MW Base Load Generation Fleet in the aftermath
of Hurricane Dorian.
He credits his parents, who were born and raised in Conch Bar and Bottle Creek and said he is humbled to serve the people of the TCI.
“I am also grateful to be part of the team that will pioneer the way in strengthening the Regulatory Regime for Energy and Utilities in these Islands, while we move towards a Net Zero carbon footprint”.
Deputy Governor and Head of the Public Service, Her Excellency Anya Williams congratulated Mr Arthur on his appointment and stressed that this appointment is
extremely critical as it will help the Turks and Caicos Islands to not only advance energy reform, “but also in ensuring that the appropriate regulatory functions are carried out and adhered in these islands”.
She added that she is impressed with the “energy reform” vision of Mr Arthur; “We are fully confident in his ability to lead on these initiatives and pledge our full support of the provision of the necessary resources to ensure the commission’s success.
“I wish Mr Arthur well on his appointment and welcome him to the Turks and Caicos Islands public service.”
Mrs Majorie Lightbourne - Basden was born in South Caicos on August 1, 1924. She attended the preschool of the late Miss Mary Robinson. She also attended preschool headed by the late Mrs Euphemia Lockhart.
At the age of seven, she entered the Government All Age Primary School. Her Principal was the famous Mr Christian D. Powell. He had an outstanding reputation in the islands with respect to education and discipline. Following his death, Mr Kenneth Malcolm took over the headship of the school. This did not last very long. He was soon replaced by Mr Arthur Tatem. Mr Tatem quickly identified her talent and gave her the opportunity to sit First, Second and Third Preliminary Examinations in Grand Turk. This required her to travel to Grand Turk on the mail boat, The Kathleen, to write her examinations as this was the only examination centre in the islands. She was successful in all three examinations. Her desire was to become a nurse, but this dream seemed a long way away.
Like most students at the time, Marjorie developed a very close relationship with some of her classmates. These included Mr Samuel Saunders, Mrs Iris (Tita) Stubbs, Mrs Muriel Stubbs, Mrs Jamima Seymour, Mrs Gertrude Seymour, and Mrs Della BasdenFulford.
This group was also an outstanding academic one. They had a passion for mathematics and reading. Marjorie was one who was always called upon to assist her teacher. She probably didn’t realise that this was the preparation for an outstanding career in education.
The kids also played games such as rounders, attended parties and Sunday School together. They were all followers of the Anglican faith.
In 1936, she and Mrs Iris Stubbs became pupil teachers. They taught with passion, dignity and pride.
The salary was the least of their worries. They were disciplinarians but also developed a good rapport with parents. They cared for their students and produced some of the best professionals in the islands from South Caicos.
Mrs Basden was highly respected in the community. When students saw her on the street, they would stop doing whatever they were engaged in and pay her due respect. If she felt that they were idling, she would send them home. They had to obey her instructions. In the classroom, she was one of the ‘sweetest’ and ‘most loving’ individuals a parent could entrust with their child. This did not prevent her from sparing the rod where necessary.
She benefitted from numerous in-service training courses including first aid, short-hand and book-keeping.
She retired in July 1980.
On February 13th, 1945, she married Mr James Lightbourne. This union produced two children, Lincoln and Rosita. Following the birth of Rosita, her husband moved to Nassau, Bahamas in search of a better livelihood. Her husband was gainfully employed by the late Wallace Grove on Little Whale Cay. Marjorie became headmistress of the little school where the Groves children were enrolled. She also taught Sunday School and held evening classes where she taught the Three R’s
along with needlework and embroidery.
After some time, the Grooves decided to relocate to Grand Bahama. Her husband thought it best she returned to South Caicos and he would soon follow. This did not happen until forty years later. Marjorie returned and continued her life. She eventually got divorced and married Mr Cornelius Basden. This union produced Beverley who has also followed in her mother’s footsteps as a teacher. Her mother always reminds her that “teachers are born, not made”.
Her life was not without challenges. Early in her life, her mother left South Caicos and moved to Grand Turk to seek employment. Her mother left her in the care of her grandmother. However, because of their maternal bond, her mother soon sent for her. This bond was soon to be broken. Her mother fell ill and decided to send Marjorie back to South Caicos while she went to Salt Cay to be cared for. Unfortunately, she never recovered. Soon her beloved grandmother died leaving her in the care of her grandmother’s sister, Susan Wilson-Williams. Her aunt’s husband Nathaniel (Uncle Nun), planned to send her to pursue her Nursing career in Jamaica. However, disaster struck once again. In 1945, he passed away thus shattering her dream.
Mrs Marjorie Basden has been the recipient of several awards. These include:
• Long Service Award as a Teacher
• One of the First recipients of an Award from The Native Men’s Fellowship in Providenciales.
• In 1993, she received the Badge of Honour from Her Majesty The Queen, Elizabeth ll for her number of years as an educator.
• In 1990, Pierson High School was named in her honour –Marjorie Basden High School.
• She was also honoured by the school in November 2015 at their Annual Anniversary Service.
• On Monday, October 10th, 2016,
she received The Long Service Award by the National Honours and Awards Committee.
Despite her age, Mrs Basden continues to be active. She is the second oldest resident of South Caicos. She served as an Invigilator for the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT). She also invigilated the Pitmans Examinations, General Certificate in Education (GCE) and the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC).
She still writes character references for individuals as well as provides historical information to persons about family ties and the islands. She is regarded as the Matriarch of the Family and is often resorted to for advice and
guidance. She loves preparing meals and reminds those who prepare meals, how to go about it as in her words she loves ‘good’ food.
Despite her not having the opportunity to benefit from formal training at the time, Mrs Basden can be described as an outstanding teacher. She is living proof of her philosophy that ‘teachers are born’. When one looks around and sees the quality of students that have passed through her hands and what little or no resources she had to work with, it is evident that she possessed that special gift.
Marjorie Basden name is synonymous with education. She will go down in the history books in South Caicos as one of the greatest teachers the island has ever produced.
I am reaching a point in my life where I am not letting offences get to me. I realise that offences will always come. Sometimes these offences are intentional and sometimes individuals do not realise that they are offending you.
Based on my experiences, offences hurt the most when they are coming from individuals who are very close to you. The thing is, we have to be very careful what comes out of our mouths because we cannot take the words back. The ironic thing is that some people feel that they can tell you anything without any remorse but the moment you say something, they easily become offended.
No one is perfect and your opinions are not the same as others and so offences will come. You need to recognise this and try your best not to easily become offended. Some people are very
BY DREXWELL SEYMOURDrexwell Seymour is a certified public accountant and is the managing partner for HLB TCI. His favourite hobby, however, is writing. He has a personal website, www.drexwellseymour. com, where all of his writings are posted. He also has a YouTube channel where you can find inspirational videos. Drexwell has a BA in Accounting and an MBA in Finance.
jealous of you, and they use every opportunity to offend you. Some people want to discourage you from reaching your goal and one way to do so is to offend you.
I also know that some of us are very sensitive and no matter what people say, you may easily become offended. Some cultural differences may lead to offences in that what may be accepted in your culture may not be accepted in someone else’s culture.
Sometimes, individuals compare their country to other countries and say something negative and as a result, an offence is created. I remembered I used to easily get offended when people say something negative about the Turks and Caicos Islands. I still get offended, but I don’t let it get to me.
To overcome being easily offended, sometimes you must consider who the offender is.
Some of these individuals perhaps do not even know anything about you and perhaps are repeating what they hear others say so do not become easily offended by people.
Sometimes too, the offender is being used by the enemy to get you upset and this is when you need to be alert and realise that this offender can’t help themselves because they are being controlled by the devil.
Sometimes you may be assuming that the offence is about you and the offender may be talking about something or someone else. Therefore don’t allow your assumptions to make you easily offended. Of course, sometimes the offender may not be making assumptions, but you have to recognise that offences will come so make up your mind to ignore the offence.
If you are offended by someone, be very careful as you do not want to have any unforgiveness and animosity towards anyone. If you are really hurt and you cannot get over the offences, then I highly recommend you meet with that individual and let them know you are offended. Sometimes, individuals may not even realise they offended you. Of course, there are some individuals who very well know they offend you but they don’t care.
Remember, the offence will come. Don’t waste energy on being revengeful or getting angered by the offence. Therefore, learn to live with them and don’t let the offences interfere with your purpose. I know some people left their jobs, marriages, and churches because of offences. Be mature and have a candid conversation before making the wrong choice.
The global economy is on a downward spiral and experts say inflation could get even higher in 2023. Geopolitical tensions between Russia and Ukraine, and NATO are intensifying the status quo and so is the supplychain bottlenecks and the uneven recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.
Together, these dilemmas have ignited a noticeable epoch
BY D MARKIE SPRINGof stagflation in the world of economics in which economies
worldwide suffered high price inflation and low growth for the first time since the 1970s. Sadly, there is no sign inflation is abating in any considerable way; therefore, most economists believe that the world’s economy is headed for a recession this year; hence, they warned, this impending price upsurge can occur sooner and profoundly more devastating than presumed.
The International Labour Organization (ILO), in its latest assessment of the state of the international labour market, warned of intense and lasting uncertainties regarding the shape of the global economy. The Geneva-based ILO convened, the morbid plight of the world’s wealth was depressing business investments; hence, expending real wages and; subsequently, forcing workers to engage in casual jobs.
Comparably, New Zealand Institute of Economic Research found, profits were crumbling, hiring goals were toppling and costs pressures for business in New Zealand remained immensely high. Besides, finding labour is extremely difficult, while workers’ expectations of price rising are at its highest.
Undoubtedly, these phenomena are already negatively impacting the health of TCI’s financial standing, as the supply of goods is depressed owing to the increase in production costs for which oil is an input. If businesses are distressed, then jobs could be lost.
Right now, consumers are feeling the brunt of this cost increase at the pump, which has jumped from $4 a gallon to almost $7. We are cognizant, high oil prices increase manufacturing costs, as well as distribution costs and considering the TCI is a net importer, food prices, which are rising faster, both in supermarkets and restaurants, than we can consume.
Beyond this, high prices are reducing discretionary income, while mounting costs of other consumers’ goods and services are negatively influencing
personal consumption expenditure.
Furthermore, the current situation can impact sustainable tourism. Crude oil price has skyrocketed to $80.97 per barrel, in a time when the air travel industry is shaking off restrictions. This hike places the industry under strain and sparks a surge in airfares and cruise prices; hence, the likelihood of a reduction in tourist arrivals.
In October 2021, when oil price was $78 per barrel, the international Air Transport Association opined, fuel costs would account for about 20 per cent of an airline’s expenses; therefore, these figures are expected to rise significantly at $80.87 per barrel.
As the major source of energy, crude oil has a significant impact on the global political and economic dynamics and there is no doubt that this is true for the TCI and; therefore, it is paramount that lawmakers formulate pertinent policies to reduce TCI’s reliance on fossil fuels and strategise to mitigate the current footprints. Food prices, gasoline and utility expenditures are becoming exorbitant and if left unattended, commodities in the TCI can become unaffordable.
If the average holds true for us here in Turks and Caicos, then about one-third of us made New Year’s resolutions. Demographically, those under 35 made up the majority of the “resoluters” (is that a word) while those over 55 were less likely to make a resolution, maybe because they had been doing it for decades and found it wanting. By the end of this month, more than half of the “resoluters” (there is that word again) would quit. By the end of February, over three-quarters would call it quits. At the end of the year, less than 10% of people who made goals to eat more vegetables, drink less alcohol, and spend more time with their families would’ve seen any traction. Here is what I would like to suggest to you, press the RESET button.
Disclaimer. Much of what I would write in this article and the ones that would follow leans heavily on the work of Dr David Murray. And though he wrote primarily for those working vocationally in the church, the principles he proposes are applicable to everyone, whether
you follow Jesus or not.
KENYATTA E. LEWISKenyatta Lewis is the pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel, a growing church committed to taking followers of Jesus deeper and going further in their faith. Besides loving, serving, and helping people he has watched the extended Director’s cut of the Lord of the Rings trilogy multiple times.
At some time or another, we have all seen or participated in an athletic race. Some races have eight people and last under ten seconds, others have thousands and last for hours, but one thing is certain, only one person, one runner, wins. If we want to be that one person, then we need to run in such a way that we win (1 Corinthians 9:24). The race we all run is called life and many of us can win this race, but only when we run it well.
Many have run and are running this race called life well, while others have gotten side-tracked, tired, and burnt out. When do you know if you have been sidetracked in your race? When these warning signs go off.
1. Warning sign #1 – Physical
a. You are experiencing physical issues that are caused by stress (headaches, stomach cramps, aching joints, back pain, chest pains, heart palpitations)
b. You have no energy, and you find yourself tired if not all, most of the time
c. You Suffer from sleeplessness or sleep too much without feeling rested
d. You are putting on the pounds or losing them in an unhealthy way.
2. Warning sign #2 – Mental
a. You can’t focus for any lengthy period of time
b. You are obsessing over little things
c. You are obsessing over the negative to the point that you are overly critical and overly
3. Warning sign #3 – Emotional
a. You can’t remember when last you laughed
b. It’s hard to be optimistic
c. Worry and anxiety have become your best friends
d. Whenever you think about what lies ahead, you go into panic mode
e. You can’t be happy when others are successful
f. You are constantly fighting feelings of worthlessness
4. Warning sign # 4 – Relationships
a. You are mostly irritable and cranky toward your loved ones
b. You have a disproportionate number of negative people and toxic relationships in your life
c. You are finding it hard to work at being in a quality friendship
5. Warning sign #5 – Work
a. You work long hours without being productive
b. You are constantly feeling overwhelmed by deadlines and projects
c. You are procrastinating more and more where simple tasks are concerned
d. You have become apathetic at work
e. You cannot say no at work while at the same time, you feel used by your colleagues
6. Warning sign #6 – Moral
a. Your guard has come down so the things you stood against you no longer do, and the things you stood up for, you don’t anymore
7. Warning sign #7 – Spiritual
a. You have neglected your spiritual life and are living without regard for your eternal destination
b. You have stopped paying attention to God’s voice
Now you know the signs, how do you go about getting better?
We will talk about that next week. Since You are Loved, show it to others.
Out with the old and in with the new. As such, here are 16 things to leave behind in 2022.
I have been keeping a list, highlighting some of the things that I need to ditch. Always finding reasons to keep bad habits, I never fully freed myself. You know_ the personality flaws, the ugly truths, the selfdestructive attributes and the idiot idiosyncrasies that only hold you back. Today is the day. Shake them off like Taylor Swift did back in 2014. Let them be_ a thing of the past, these things aren’t welcome in 2023.
Let this include mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, social and financial health. Take care of yourself: detox on your off days, go for some fresh air, tell your friends you love them, pray, drink more water and less alcohol, drop the toxic and overly-needy friends and keep a budget. This is my definition of “health”.
For those among you who may not know what ghosting is_ it is sudden avoidance in all
BY DAVIDSON LOUISRachel Wolchin once said: “If we were meant to stay in one place, we’d have had roots instead of feet.” On this quest to self-discovery, TC Islander Davidson Louis vowed to travel, write, paint, laugh and forgive. Subsequently, he hopes to find himself and or, leave behind a few pieces of himself. Contact him at hello. octopen@tcinews.tc
communication with someone who you previously showed interest in without clear communication or reasons. Ghosting isn’t doing you or the other person any favours. Lean into the discomfort and tell them why you no longer wish to further anything with them. It will get easier with time.
Yes please! Say goodbye to onesided relationships, fair-weather friends and 'situationships'. You have no space left for that kind of toxicity any longer. If you have anyone whom you suspect to be using you_ it is time to finally show them the emergency exit.
There’s a difference between staying informed and driving yourself crazy. I no longer let the craziness of the world get to my personal life. Selfish? No. Carefree? Maybe. In sync with my inner peace? Definitely yes.
Please stop straight away. This, in fact, should have been on top of the list. Stop being your number one enemy. Stop standing in your way to happiness and stop telling yourself no. Even if you "cannot", never show it. No one knows your limit_ Not even you!
Staying quiet when you’re disrespected in order to “keep the peace.”
If anyone or anything remotely questions your boundaries, put it right. And do so right away_ and boldly too.
Say what you need to say, do what you need to do. The right people will understand. It’s 2023!
TIME WASTERS No thanks. Keep it moving!
This is so 1999! You should know by now that there is a time and season for everything. The rainy seasons should not get you down. Your spring season is loading… Wear whatever you want and nothing deemed “trendy”
Life is short. Wear what you feel good in. But girls, please do so with some moderation.
Beyoncé didn’t wake up like this. Oprah had several failures and that Instagram influencer with 3 million views you’re obsessed with, lives in a shoe box and cannot spell. Stay focused!
Sometimes, there isn’t a silver lining. Be quick to adjust when things are toxic. Dismiss all of them upon first interaction.
Stop forcing connections where there is none. Stop chasing people who have shown they do not want to be caught. Let your line be free from Mr/Ms wrong. How can you catch the right one if you keep the wrong one on your hook?
The belief you don’t deserve the kind of life you want You do, but you need to be willing to show up for it in order to live it. Note to self, once again.
You did the best you could with the information you had at the time. Reliving your worst moments and punishing yourself won’t change what happened. Learn from it and then move on.
Stay out of people’s business. You surely don’t want them in yours.
Boat owners and marina officials should be on high alert as boat thieves are out in full force.
In a second reported incident this month, marine police on patrol intercepted a stolen vessel, with the thieves onboard, attempting to leave the Turks and Caicos Islands.
The bandits – two brothers aged 19 and 22 – are residents of Dock Yard, in Downtown Providenciales.
Police reported this week that the vessel is believed to have been stolen from Leeward sometime on Friday, January 20.
According to preliminary police reports, in the early morning hours of Saturday, officers received information whilst on surveillance at sea.
Based on the information obtained, an attempt was made to intercept a 24 ft. Boston Whaler, yellow and white vessel, but the vessel was not compliant, and a high-speed chase ensued.
After several attempts, the vessel was brought to a forced stop and the men were arrested and detained.
This is the second interception of a stolen vessel made by the Marine Branch in recent weeks, where individuals were attempting to leave the TCI.
The prior incident occurred on December 31, when three men onboard, a white Baha was nabbed in
the Five Cays area by marine police, also trying to leave TCI waters. That boat was stolen from Leeward.
Police are urging any person with information surrounding this incident to contact the nearest
An explosion of rapid gunfire in the Kewtown area Wednesday night had residents cowering behind locked doors.
As the shots rang out, some residents took to social media to share videos and recorded audio of what sounded like a ‘shoot out’ sometime around 10pm.
Reports at the time was that a couple had been shot dead, however police revealed Thursday night that there were no casualties.
Police confirmed that a 49-yearold woman and a 40-year-old man had been shot after gunmen opened fired at a private property along the Black Crown Road in the community.
Reports are that the shooters used a Honda Fit and Nissan March vehicles to carry out their attacks.
Unconfirmed reports are that the attack was motivated by jealousy or a domestic dispute and was not gang related. However, police
have not yet pronounced on these reports.
In the meantime, police are appealing to anyone who was in the Kewtown area between 9:30pm and 10:30Pm and have information on the shooting to contact the Criminal Investigations Department Headquarters.
police station, 911, or contact Crime Stoppers. All calls are answered in the
United States and managed by Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers which is a non-profit and not
a police agency. The calls are anonymous and cannot be traced in the United States or the TCI.
One man is nursing a gunshot wound, while several others are counting their losses after armed bandits terrorise them in a series of robberies in Providenciales.
The first incident, according to preliminary police reports, happened at about 10:08 pm on Friday, January 20.
Police were informed that a man had been shot after being accosted by two armed, masked assailants in the School Hill area in Five Cays.
The assailants were reportedly driving a silver Toyota, when they pulled alongside the victim, exited the vehicle, robbed and shot him in the leg. They then drove off.
The victim was rushed to the Cheshire Hall Medical Centre where he received medical attention.
The second robbery occurred at about 7:24 pm on Saturday.
The male victim told officers he left the Blue Haven Resort in Leeward and proceeded to Natalie Game Shop.
Having collected his winnings, the victim said he was approached by three men, one of whom was armed and who robbed him of $1800. The robbers drove off in a black Honda Accord.
The third incident occurred around 8:50 pm on Sunday. Police
were called to a villa at a resort in Grace Bay, where eight guests were robbed by three, masked, armed men.
A large sum of cash and electronic items were stolen. No one was injured.
Police are appealing to anyone with information on these incidents or other illegal activities to contact Crime Stoppers. All calls are answered in the United States and managed by MiamiDade Crime Stoppers which is a non-profit and not a police agency. The calls are anonymous and cannot be traced in the United States or the TCI.
A small electrical fire sparked panic at the Ona Glinton Primary School in Grand Turk on Tuesday, January 24, 2023.
According to a statement from the Ministry of Education, the administrators of the Ona Glinton Primary School were made aware of flickering lights in various classrooms on the compound.
In response to this, the Public Works Department (PWD) was contacted to address the concerns.
“Upon examination of an electrical meter box by PWD personnel, it was discovered that the box was aflame, causing total loss of electricity to the entire school facility”, the Ministry stated.
The school’s Critical Incident Management Fire Evacuation Plan was immediately activated, and staff and students were promptly removed from the classrooms to the designated safe area.
Minister of Education, Hon Rachel Taylor, expressed her gratitude to the staff for their swift actions to ensure the safety of
She also thanked the parents for quickly collecting students from the school compound.
Representatives of the Public Works Department and Fortis TCI were quickly summoned to the school compound to address the issue and restore electricity to the school.
A recent re-assignment of its lead ministry has enhanced the Department of Disaster Management and Emergency’s (DDME) capacity to build the TCI’s disaster resilience and risk reduction objectives.
On January 19, National Security Secretariat (NSS), Permanent Secretary, Tito Lightbourne welcomed the DDME team to the NSS and shared his expectation for the Department.
He said the department realignment will provide a more significant opportunity for the Secretariat to support DDME as the lead institution designed to build and facilitate resilience throughout the Government to protect the TCI.
In addition, the Secretariat will support the DDME in the coordination and strategic realization of risk reduction objectives on a national level.
Lightbourne stated: "The Secretariat’s mission is to support DDME's priorities for action and ensure that disaster risk reduction is a national and local priority with a strong institutional basis for implementation.
“Together we will help facilitate the mission of strengthening
existing resources and established practices for more effective disaster risk reduction.”
Previously, DDME fell under the Ministry of Immigration and Border Services.
Reflecting on his experience overseeing the DDME under the Immigration Ministry, Deputy Permanent Secretary Emilio Seymour stated that he now has a greater appreciation for disaster risk management on a national level and the vast scope of work the department aims to achieve.
Following lessons learnt from the national response to Hurricane Fiona, Seymour pledged to continue advocating for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in TCI by encouraging every department under the ministry’s portfolio to allocate a dedicated budget line to invest in mitigation and preparedness to support emergency and disaster operations.
Allison Gordon, Director of DDME thanked to the Ministry of Immigration and Border Services for their support and guidance to DDME.
She stated: "The DDME is off to a great start with our new parent, The National Security Secretariat. We
a very productive
Chevening Scholar Alexa Cooper of the Turks and Caicos Islands has been awarded a distinction for her Master of Science in Entrepreneurship and Innovation from the Queen Mary University of London.
Ms Cooper, who hails from Grand Turk, has demonstrated exceptional academic achievement and leadership potential throughout her studies, a statement from the Governor’s Office this week reads.
Her research focused on The Lean Start-up Methodology: Overcoming the challenges of launching successful start-ups in the Turks and Caicos Islands. She successfully identified that "Start-ups in our islands can benefit from this tried and tested
methodology to better understand practicality and viability of their new product or business idea. This start-up strategy can be used in conjunction with traditional business planning activities and will help entrepreneurs in the TCI to quickly identify and address potential challenges and create more resilient and successful businesses.”
Ms Cooper said the Chevening scholarship has allowed her to gain valuable knowledge and skills, and she looks forward to using this to make a positive impact in TCI.
"I am honoured to receive this distinction and grateful for the opportunity to study at Queen Mary University of London.”
The 12-month scholarship programme, funded by the
UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, aims to develop homegrown talent who show promise as the next generation of global leaders.
The programme provides financial support for individuals with leadership potential to study postgraduate courses at universities in the UK, developing a global network of future leaders who will go on to hold influential positions in their home countries.
Alexa Cooper joins a distinguished group of Chevening alumni who have gone on to achieve great success in their chosen fields.
The Queen Mary University of London is a leading researchintensive university and a member of the prestigious Russell Group.
The Turks and Caicos Islands Government is looking to establish a diaspora office in Nassau, Bahamas to promote and strengthen relations between the TCI government and overseas based TC Islanders.
The office, according to information, will be opened within the coming weeks.
The idea is to have a better working relationship between the government and overseas-based TC Islanders.
Premier Hon Charles Washington Misick commented on the government's plans in a joint communiqué issued by HE Governor Nigel Dakin on Monday, January 23, following a TCI delegation’s visit to the Bahamas from December 4-8, 2022.
Misick stressed that the office will provide a more structured engagement hub to advance relations and dialogue that will in turn foster national development.
He said: “As part of the Turks and Caicos development goals it is important to leverage the broad contribution that our kin and kind offer to the homeland.
“While we are reaching out to our global diaspora family it is generally believed that the largest proportion of Turks and Caicos Islanders live throughout the Bahamas: for that reason it is only fitting that we start by establishing an office there.”
Misick explained that although the office will not have consular status, its operations will be under the purview of the Governor’s office and it will liaise with the British High Commission in Nassau whenever necessary.
He said: “The Bahamas is our closest neighbour, the people of our countries share similar cultures, close family ties and perform important roles in each other’s countries.
“We also enjoy a high level of informal cooperation in many fields including security, medicine, law and politics.
“Additionally, we share leadership of several church and civic organisations.”
The territory’s leader underscored that the Bahamas has been a friend to the Turks and Caicos Islands throughout the
He continued: “It is only fitting that we formally recognise our friendship and a commitment to work closely together in our mutual interest.
“An office in the Nassau will help us to do just that, we also welcome the expressed intention of the Bahamas to establish a consular office in the Turks and Caicos Islands.”
In a recap of the TCI delegation’s visit to the Bahamas last month, His Excellency Governor Nigel Dakin who led the delegation along with Premier Washington Misick stressed that the official engagement has deepened and solidified bilateral relations between both countries that face common threats.
He said: “The Bahamas could not have made us feel more welcome or valued, the regional and transnational threats we face are too large for TCI to face alone. Indeed, because criminals and smugglers so easily cross borders, they are too large for the Bahamas, or even the US, to face alone.
“We are stronger together - and our individual security needs are to be increasingly thought of in terms of our collective security.
“We have worked diligently over recent years to strengthen OPBAT.
“We can feel the difference at sea, and the Bahamas' support to our policing effort has helped demonstrate that very clearly to our population on land.”
He explained that there is much more both countries could work together on, particularly in the area of intelligence sharing.
“While the threat won’t diminish, I’m confident our collective response will only now accelerate, and we can disrupt and arrest those that believe they can operate between and against our jurisdictions.
“ I look forward to the OPBAT Conference in March to continue this engagement and I’m grateful that the Bahamas have chosen to continue their Tactical Firearms Officer Support to us as we enter 2023”.
Part of the three-day visit
Turks and Caicos Islands Government Delegation with the leadership of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force
included meetings with: the Prime Minister, Dr the Hon Phillip Davis; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Public Service, Hon Frederick Mitchell; the Ministry of National Security, Hon Wayne Monroe; the Royal Bahamas Defence Force, Commodore Raymond King and the British High Commission.
The TCI delegation which also included members of the National Security Secretariat also paid a courtesy call on HE Governor General, Sir Cornelius Smith.
Following the courtesy call,
the TCI delegation participated in detailed meetings with the Royal Bahamas Defence Force, led by its Commander, Dr Raymond King and the Royal Bahamas Police Force led by Deputy Commissioner of Police, Leamond Deleveaux.
This included a tour of the Defence Force base at Coral Harbour.
The high-level delegation met with the Leader of the Opposition, Hon Michael Pintard and was also hosted by the United States Embassy led by Mrs Usha Pitts,
Charge d’ Affaires, and the United States Coast Guard led by Captain Benjamin Golightly.
Governor Dakin added that: “The focus of the visit was threefold - to say thank you to the Government of the Bahamas for their support over the last year – particularly the deployment of 24 Bahamian Police Officers to TCI and the operationalizing of the Bahamas/ TCI Ship-Rider Agreement.
“Secondly, to brief on and
Government-appointed member, Hon Jameka Williams has lent her voice to the chorus this
week surrounding Turks and Caicos Islander status and that of foreigners living and working in the territory, while disrespecting its people and institutions.
TCI to open diaspora ...
discuss matters of shared national security interests and threats. “Thematic areas of mutual interest included: Operation Bahamas and Turks and Caicos (OPBAT) including the next OPBAT conference, scheduled for March 2023; maritime security (future ratification of jurisdictional boundaries between the TCI and Bahamas); expansion of coastal radar networks; decentralisation of Defence Force naval assets; expanding the Bahamas/TCI Ship-Rider programme; and sharing of resources, information and
intelligence which will be aided by TCI’s new legal intercept provisions.”
Spurring this round of public comments, was the publication of a court filing for a judicial review of the TCI Status Commission’s refusal to grant several expatriates Islander status.
In her statements this week, Williams highlighted an email exchange purportedly written by a non-native businessman (and holder of a PRC) on September 13, 2022, in which the individual referred to government officials as ‘leftist minded idiots’ further stating in the email document that ‘It’s painful here on a good day’.
The alleged email made the rounds of social media in late 2022, and according to Williams she has been “concerned by the remarks and it has become bothersome, even more than ever, since the release of the newspaper article”.
Williams said the statements contained in the email are ‘blatantly disrespectful and an insult to the entire electorate who have exercised their right to vote for individuals they see capable of representing them”.
She opined that the statement
further highlights what some expatriates think of Islanders despite the opportunities afforded to them in TCI.
She further opined: “Most of them do not assimilate themselves in our community because their only objective is to milk this country of its benefits no matter how painful of a day it is for them here.”
The government member has called on the immigration authorities and other relevant bodies to review the matter she has highlighted, in order to determine whether the letter writer should “continue to have the privilege of residing in these islands”.
Williams has also requested further reviews, this time from the government, stating: “Furthermore I am calling on our government who will have my support in amending the legislation to include other means that Belonger status can be revoked.”
She stated: “The people of the Turks and Caicos Islands have been more than welcoming to expatriates and in my view, some of them have long ago worn out the cordial welcome we have extended
to them.
“While we accept that some may have the required skills and experience needed to help build our country, we expect that at minimum they would respect the people and laws of this land.”
While the issue of the grant of TCI citizenship has always been a touchy subject, last December the government revealed some proposed changes to how citizenship is granted that stirred up controversy among the nonnative populace.
The controversial statements regard the grant of citizenship to third-generation Islanders who do not reside in the territory, as a priority to growing the TCI population.
The government is seeking to manage the future of the TCI’s population by attracting the return of members of the diaspora as the first option for imported growth, and by recognising second and third-generation descendants as Turks and Caicos Islanders by right.
An amended Immigration Bill is expected to be tabled in the House of Assembly in the coming months.
A community survey is underway, to determine the social, economic, and environmental impact of Covid-19 in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
The initiative, which is part of a new European Union-funded project, was officially launched on Monday, January 23 at the Department of Environment and Coastal Resources (DECR) on Providenciales.
This project is being funded through a €939,422 grant from The Caribbean Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) Resilience, Sustainable Energy and Marine Biodiversity Programme (RESEMBID), a €40m programme financed by the European Union and implemented by Expertise France, the development cooperation agency of France.
According to visa service provider Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA), TCI experienced a US$452m loss from tourism revenue during the pandemic, reducing the economy by 23%.
Reductions in tourist activity at the start of the pandemic and measures such as social distancing impacted job opportunities in the tourism sector and industries that depend on tourists, including local fisheries that rely on the demand from hotels and restaurants.
In this vein, the Department of Environment and Coastal Resources (DECR) and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) will work together with key project partners, including the TCI Fishing Co-operative, TCI National Trust, and Invest Turks and Caicos, to identify sustainable livelihood ventures
that simultaneously improve the natural environment and provide opportunities for the people of TCI to establish new skills and job opportunities.
The community survey will help key stakeholders develop training programmes to reach at least 150 community members across the islands through a locally-led Community Hub established by the project.
Coupled with this, the experiences of businesses in TCI will also be collected in a separate survey to understand how different sectors have been affected by the pandemic and to collect ideas for building a more resilient economy.
This survey will inform the development of a Natural Capital Investment Plan to signpost opportunities for sustainable investments in TCI.
Speaking at the press conference, DECR Director, Lormeka Williams said the Department is anticipating the positive effects and impacts the project will have on those affected by the pandemic.
She said: “The RESEMBID Resilient Community Recovery from Covid-19 in the Turks and Caicos Islands project is supporting needs for skills training and development within and beyond the department, to help us recover more sustainably and responsibly
from the pandemic.”
Chief Executive at JNCC, Dr Gemma Harper said: “JNCC is delighted to support this project with our partners in the Turks and Caicos Islands. This project will assess the impact of Covid-19 to build the resilience of the Turks and Caicos Islands’ communities, economy and environment against future disruption.
“Crucially, local communities and businesses are invited to share their experiences of the pandemic through surveys launched today to shape their islands’ recovery.
“We look forward to supporting TCI’s communities in creating novel opportunities for sustainable
livelihoods through this work.”
TCI Fishing Cooperative Chair Pastor Oscar Talbot said the project will help many people in the TCI who are still reeling from the economic downturn triggered by the pandemic.
“We are grateful to be a part of this project, as it highlights the importance of sustaining livelihoods post Covid-19 and beyond of the most vulnerable”, he said.
Residents are being urged to take the survey online by visiting http:// www.jncc.gov.uk/communityresilience-tc or by contacting TCIcommunity@jncc.gov.uk for more information.
IRANIAN and Russian hackers are targeting British politicians and journalists with espionage attacks, officials have warned.
The National Cyber Security Centre has issued a fresh alert about increasing attempts to steal information from specific groups and individuals.
NCSC said the hackers usually target those doing research and work about Iran and Russia.
It described the hacking groups as “ruthless” in pursuing their targets.
The NCSC - which is part of UK cyber and intelligence agency GCHQ and gives cyber-security advice - explained the attacks were not targeting the public, but specific individuals and groups, including politicians, officials, journalists, activists and think tanks.
The hackers will often impersonate real contacts to build trust, and send fake invites to events or Zoom meetings containing malicious code. If clicked on,
they can compromise accounts allowing the hacker to gain access to sensitive information.
NCSC director of operations
Paul Chichester said: “These campaigns by threat actors based in Russia and Iran continue to ruthlessly pursue their targets in an attempt to steal online credentials and compromise potentially sensitive systems.
“We strongly encourage organisations and individuals to remain vigilant to potential approaches and follow the mitigation advice in the advisory to protect themselves online.”
The number of individuals targeted in the UK is small - in the tens - with a minimal impact, officials say. But organisations have been asked to secure their online accounts, and report suspicious approaches.
Officials are not formally accusing Russia and Iran of involvement in the espionage, although two hacking groups they
The National Cyber Security Centre is part of the UK’s intelligence, security and cyber agency GCHQ
are warning about are widely believed to be linked to the two states.
A Russian group, known as SEABORGIUM or Cold River, has previously been linked in media reports to the leaking of emails belonging to ex-MI6 head Sir Richard Dearlove and the targeting of US nuclear laboratories.
Google has said the group has also targeted US think tanks, a Ukraine-based defence contractor and the military of multiple Eastern European countries.
An Iranian Group - known as TA453 or Charming Kitten - has been linked by independent cybersecurity experts to the country’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard
Corps and is accused of targeting US politicians as well as critical infrastructure.
The campaigns are separate and not the result of collaboration, but the joint warning is being issued because they rely on similar techniques and targets. (BBC)
THE US will send 31 powerful battle tanks to Ukraine, joining Germany in sending the vehicles to support the fight against Russia’s invasion.
The decision to deliver the M1 Abrams tanks was announced just hours after Germany said it would send 14 of its Leopard 2 tanks to the battlefield.
Berlin also cleared the way for other European countries to send German-made tanks from their own stocks.
Ukraine has lobbied Western allies to send the military equipment for months.
It hailed the twin announcements as a turning point that would allow its military to regain momentum and take back occupied territory almost a year after Moscow invaded. It also said the tanks could help deter a potential Russian offensive in the spring.
“An important step on the path to victory,” Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky said. “Today the free world is united as never before for a common goalliberation of Ukraine.”
Russia, meanwhile, condemned the moves as a “blatant provocation” and said any supplied
The US-made military vehicle is one of the most modern battle tanks in the world
tanks would be destroyed. “These tanks burn like all the rest. They are just very expensive,” President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman said.
“Putin expected Europe and the United States to weaken our
resolve,” President Joe Biden said while announcing the decision at the White House on Wednesday.
“He was wrong from the beginning and he continues to be wrong.”
“We’re also giving Ukraine the
parts and equipment necessary to effectively sustain these tanks in battle,” he said. “This is about helping Ukraine defend and protect Ukrainian land. It is not an offensive threat to Russia.”
A Ukrainian tank battalion typically consists of 31 tanks, which is why that number has been agreed upon, Mr Biden said.
The US decision, however, marks a reversal in their position as the Biden administration has insisted for some time that the heavy M1 Abrams tanks would be difficult to deliver, expensive to maintain and challenging for Ukrainian troops to operate.
The US-made military vehicle is one of the most modern battle tanks in the world and requires extensive training to operate. The $400m (£323m) American package also includes eight recovery vehicles that can tow the tanks if they become stuck.
But it is likely to be many months before the tanks reach the battlefield, experts say, as they will be purchased from private contractors and not sent from an existing stockpile.
The German-made Leopard 2 tanks, however, will be drawn
from existing stock and are expected to arrive in two to three months. They are widely seen as one of the most effective battle tanks available.
The decision to send the heavy weapons follows weeks of diplomatic wrangling. Germany faced mounting international pressure to send the tanks, and there are reports that the eventual decision to do so was conditional on the US doing the same.
Both sides participated in “good diplomatic conversations” that made the difference and contributed to the “extraordinary shift in Germany’s security policy”, a senior US official said on condition of anonymity earlier on Wednesday.
When asked if the US decision was designed to give Germany cover to send tanks, national security spokesman John Kirby said: “I wouldn’t use the word cover. What this decision does do is show how unified we are with our allies.”
He attributed the change in Washington’s position to the conditions on the ground as well as Russia’s tactics, without giving further details. (BBC)
A RUSSIAN warship armed with advanced hypersonic missiles completed a drill in the Atlantic Ocean, ahead of joint naval exercises with the Chinese and South African navies scheduled for next month, the Russian Defense Ministry said Wednesday.
Russia’s Admiral Gorshkov frigate, armed with Zircon hypersonic missiles, practiced “delivering a missile strike against an enemy surface target,” the ship’s commander Igor Krokhmal said in a video released by the ministry.
The exercise, described by state news agency Tass as an “electronic launch” or virtual simulation, confirmed the “designed characteristics” of the missile system, said Krokhmal, who pointed to the missiles’ purported ability to reach distances of more than 900 kilometers (559 miles).
The test was part of a long voyage of the Admiral Gorshkov frigate launched earlier this month, when Russian state media said the warship was dispatched with the hypersonic missiles. The deployment will also include joint training with the Chinese and South African navies off the coast of South Africa, according to Moscow and Pretoria.
The exercises come as Russia
nears the first anniversary of its full-scale invasion of Ukraine and marks both a show of force and – with the joint exercises – an opportunity for Moscow to show it is not isolated on the world stage, despite wide international condemnation of its unprovoked war.
The White House on Monday said the US “has concerns about any country … exercising with Russia while Russia wages a brutal war against Ukraine.”
During a joint meeting in Pretoria Monday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and his South African counterpart Naledi Pandor defended the naval drills, with Lavrov saying Moscow does not want any so-called “scandals” regarding the exercises.
Pandor, who posed alongside Lavrov while smiling and shaking hands, claimed it is normal practice for all countries to conduct military exercises with “friends worldwide.”
“There should be no compulsion on any country, that it should conduct them with any other partner. It’s part of a natural course of relations between countries,” she added, without explicitly referencing criticism leveled at South Africa for its refusal to condemn Russia’s invasion.
Russia’s Admiral Gorshkov frigate, armed with Zircon hypersonic missiles, operating in the western part of the Atlantic Ocean
In a separate statement detailing the joint exercises, which run February 17-27, South Africa’s Defense Department said that “contrary to the assertions” from critics, South Africa “was not abandoning its neutral position on the Russian-Ukraine conflict” and “continues to urge both parties to engage in dialogue as a solution to the current conflict.”
China has not made a statement directly confirming its participation, but its Ministry of Defense website on Monday posted an article from state news agency Xinhua referencing South Africa’s announcement of the drills. China is celebrating a week-long Lunar New Year holiday.
The US has repeatedly warned
Beijing – which has a close strategic partnership with Moscow – against providing material support to the Russian army in its war in Ukraine.
The Biden administration recently raised concerns with China about evidence it has suggesting that Chinese companies have sold non-lethal equipment to Russia for use in Ukraine, though it was not clear whether Beijing was aware of the purported transactions.
The joint maritime exercise is expected to include some 350 South African National Defense Force personnel participating alongside their Russian and Chinese counterparts, according to South Africa. An earlier exercise between the three navies took place in 2019.
It’s the first time that the drills will include the Admiral Gorshkov
frigate carrying Zircon hypersonic missiles, which were first tested in late 2021.
The long-range weapons, which Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier this month said had “no analogues in any country in the world,” travel more than five times the speed of sound and are harder to detect and intercept.
The frigate was actively involved in testing the missiles, designed and produced by the Research and Production Association of Machine-Building, part of Russia’s Tactical Missiles Corporation, according to Tass. It’s current deployment, initiated January 4, was expected to see the ship transit through the Mediterranean Sea and into the Indian Ocean, Tass reported at the time. (CNN)
THE Trinidad-based Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) is urging regional countries that arboviral diseases such as dengue, chikungunya and Zika are still circulating in the Caribbean.
In a statement, CARPHA said it wanted to emphasize the importance of prevention and control measures to reduce the transmission of these viruses and the agency remains committed to strengthening public health systems for early detection and response to the emergence, reemergence, and spread of arboviral infections. .
“The CARPHA Medical Microbiology Laboratory (CMML) has the capacity and remains ready to test and provide diagnostic confirmation of suspected cases in the region,” said CARPHA’s executive director, Dr Joy St. John.
chances of early identification of infections,” she added, encouraging persons to eliminate potential mosquito breeding sites in and around their homes.
CARPHA said given the increase in regional and international travel to the Caribbean and the presence of the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which are endemic to this region and transmit dengue, chikungunya and Zika, it is urging member states to strengthen routine surveillance for undifferentiated fever in their communities.
CARPHA said it is also critical for the various ministries of health to continue public education campaigns to remind people of the importance of keeping their surroundings free of mosquito breeding sites and avoiding mosquito bites.
It said this involves keeping
water drums and barrels tightly covered, and throwing out stagnant water from flower vases, old tires, and other containers.
“Dengue, chikungunya and Zika are associated with moderate to severe health consequences, with young children and/or older age groups at higher risk. Symptoms of Zika include rash, fever, muscle and joint pain, and conjunctivitis.
“Zika has been confirmed as a cause of congenital abnormalities in neonates of women infected with Zika virus during pregnancy and is also a trigger of GuillainBarré Syndrome,” CARPHA said, adding that symptoms of dengue include rash, fever, muscle and joint pain, and nausea, while chikungunya may cause similar symptoms with muscle and joint pain persisting for an extended period. (Caribbeannationalweekly)
“Smiling” nurse Lucy Letby offered to take photographs of a baby girl soon after she allegedly murdered her at the fourth attempt, a court has heard.
The 33-year-old is charged with murdering seven babies and attempting to murder 10 others at the Countess of Chester Hospital in 2015 and 2016.
Ms Letby offered to take photos as the parents of Child I, who cannot be named for legal reasons, bathed her after she died, Manchester Crown Court heard.
Ms Letby has denied all of the charges.
The court was told Child I was born prematurely in August 2015 at Liverpool Women’s Hospital at the gestational age of 27 weeks and weighed 2Ibs 2oz (970g).
She was transferred to the Countess of Chester Hospital later that month.
It is alleged that before murdering Child I, Ms Letby attempted to kill the infant on 30 September and during night shifts on 12 and 13 October.
The prosecution said she harmed the premature infant by injecting air into her feeding tube and bloodstream before she eventually died in the early hours of 23 October 2015.
In a statement read to the court, Child I’s mother said her daughter was about six weeks old when she thought she might be well enough to go home.
“I started to notice that she was looking different,” she said.
“She was looking around the room now, taking it all in.
“I was able to sit her on my knee. I remember looking at her
and thinking ‘We are going home’.
“She looked like a full-term baby, she didn’t look frail or small.” She recalled that around this time she was allowed to bathe her daughter for the first time and that Letby helped prepare it.
She said she was “so pleased to be able to bathe her” and her daughter was “obviously enjoying it because she was smiling”.
“Lucy even offered to take some photos using my mobile, which I agreed to,” she said.
“I didn’t have too much to do with Lucy. She always appeared reserved compared to other nurses. She didn’t really interact with parents.”
The prosecution said Ms Letby, originally from Hereford, went on to make her first attempt to kill Child I during a day shift on 30 September and tried again during night shifts on 12 and 13 October.
Child I’s mother said she was called at home in the early hours of 23 October and told she and her partner needed to go to the hospital immediately.
On their arrival, she saw Ms Letby with another nurse, Ashleigh Hudson, and consultant Dr John Gibbs, who she said were “working to try to resuscitate” her daughter.
“I heard them all counting times,” she said.
“I asked Dr Gibbs how long had they been doing this, to which he said 20 minutes.
“I remember thinking they can’t keep doing it.
“I said to Dr Gibbs ‘You can’t do any more’.”
She said her and her partner were then moved to a private room, where Ms Hudson and Ms Letby asked her if she wanted to bathe
“I didn’t want to look back and regret not doing it so I said yes,” she said.
“Lucy brought the bath in. She said she could come in and take some photos which we could keep.
“While we were bathing her, Lucy came back in.
“She was smiling and kept going on about how she was present at the first bath and how [Child I] had loved it.”
She said she had “wished she would just stop talking”.
“Eventually she realised and stopped. It was not something we wanted to hear,” she said.
“I remember it was Lucy who packaged up [Child I’s] belongings to go home.”
She added that Dr Gibbs had “mentioned about having an autopsy”, but she told him she did not want one “because I wanted her leaving alone”.
“He said I didn’t have a say because her death was unexpected and the results would be needed to clear the hospital,” she said.
The court also heard how Ms Letby had searched for Child I’s mother on Facebook.
The jury was told searches were carried out at about 01:15 GMT on 5 October 2015, at about 23:45 on 5 November 2015 and at about 23:00 on 29 May 2016. (BBC)
THE owner of Royal Mail says the recent wave of strikes at the postal firm have cost it £200m so far.
The row with the Communication Workers Union over pay and conditions has led to 18 days of walkouts since August.
Royal Mail also said the number of voluntary redundancies it needed to hit job cut targets would be much lower than first expected.
The number would be “significantly” less than the 5,0006,000 it had forecast last year, it said.
This was due to a combination of the company cutting the number of agency and temporary workers it used, and also down to staff turnover.
Royal Mail is trying to revamp its business as it moves away from delivering letters - which is no longer profitable - to parcel deliveries, which is a growing market thanks to the popularity of online shopping.
As well as dealing with the ongoing dispute with the CWU, this month Royal Mail has also
been trying to tackle problems caused by a cyber-attack which meant it was unable to send letters and parcels overseas.
While it is accepting new letters for overseas delivery, parcel deliveries have been disrupted.
On Thursday, Royal Mail said it would resume its International Tracked & Signed as well as International Signed services for parcels and letters to all destinations for business account customers and customers buying postage online.
However, it continued to ask customers “not to submit any new Tracked or Untracked (Standard/ Economy) export parcels into our network just yet”.
The increasingly bitter dispute with the Communication Workers Union (CWU) has been going on since the summer, and the union has said it will re-ballot for industrial action.
Like other current industrial action, such as the disputes in the NHS and at rail operators, pay is a key issue, with workers seeking
The row with the Communication Workers Union over pay and conditions has led to 18 days of walkouts since August
wage rises as the cost of living soars.
Inflation - the rate at which prices rise - is currently at the highest level for about 40 years.
Royal Mail has offered a pay package it says is worth up to 9% over 18 months - but the CWU wants more given the rate of
The union also objects to proposed changes to working conditions, such as ending a number of allowances and the introduction of compulsory Sunday working.
Royal Mail owner International Distributions Services (IDS) said that up to 12,500 CWU employees
had returned to work on strike days. About 115,000 CWU workers have been involved in the walkouts.
It also said that “robust contingency planning” meant it delivered more than 110 million parcels and 600 million letters in December.
However, IDS said the letter and parcels business had lost £295m in the nine months to the end of December.
Revenues in the nine-month period fell 12.8% from the year before. This was partly down to the strike action but also caused by a continued fall in the number of letters being sent and “weaker retail trends”.
IDS said that despite there having been more strikes than it expected, it still expected annual operating losses to be between £350m and £450m for the full year.
However, it added this forecast assumed no further days of strike action in the January to March period, and that the “CWU accept a pay settlement in line with the best and final pay offer”. (BBC)
Prime Minister Philip “Brave”
Davis said the crisis in Haiti poses a substantial threat to The Bahamas due to an increase in irregular migration.
He told a summit in Argentina that with the support and leadership of Haiti, regional counterparts can help Haitians build a path out of the crisis.
Mr Davis made the remarks at the opening session of the heads of summit meeting of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) in Bueno Aires, Argentina.
“The crisis in Haiti is getting worse,” Mr Davis said. “The tragic situation there continues to pose a substantial threat not only to Haitians, but also to The Bahamas and neighbouring countries, all of whom are experiencing a significant increase in irregular and often dangerous migration.
“With the support and leadership of Haiti, collectively, we can, through CELAC and other regional
organisations, help Haitians build a path out of crisis.”
“We commend Haitian-led efforts to hold elections before the end of 2023, to arrest the threat to public security posed by violent gangs, to relieve hunger and malnutrition, and to alleviate the political crisis. Enhanced regional partnership can especially help to scale up capacity-building for the local police, and tackle trafficking, particularly in people, contraband and guns.”
At the summit, Mr Davis continued his push for developed nations to compensate smaller countries for their contribution to climate change. He said rising sea levels pose an existential threat to The Bahamas, noting the damage Hurricane Dorian brought to Grand Bahama and Abaco in 2019.
He called for action on climate change and lamented how the phenomenon has affected economies of countries like The Bahamas.
“We are not and have never been the polluters, yet we suffer from the greatest vulnerabilities caused by carbon emissions. Our debt burden remains high, in significant part due to these climate risks, including the need to regularly rebuild homes, businesses and infrastructure after devasting hurricanes,” Mr Davis said.
“Our cost of borrowing also prices in the risk of future hurricanes; we are already paying a high price for the intensifying weather patterns of tomorrow. We urgently need the developed countries to honour their
commitments to compensate for the loss and damage associated with climate change. And in order to build resiliency, we urgently need finance and access to technology. Each of our countries must keep the pledges we’ve made, in this and other settings, to reduce our own emissions. We have seen glimpses of a future we cannot survive; we must change course, or perish. It is that simple.”
Mr Davis also spoke out against “the discriminatory practice of the blacklisting of countries”.
He said The Bahamas will also continue to advocate against the
unfair use of GDP per capita to determine how or if developing countries, in vulnerable developing regions, qualify for reasonable concessionary financing or grants.
“The use of the multivulnerability index in assessing eligibility for help, rather than the blunt, outdated measurement of GDP per capita is a fairer measurement. I invite you to join us in advocating for mutual agreement of alternative eligibility criteria for international financing and overseas development assistance,” he said. (Tribune242)
STRAW vendors and taxi drivers in Grand Bahama have mixed views on calls from Free National Movement leader Michael Pintard for Minister for Grand Bahama Ginger Moxey to be removed.
Philippa Pratt Burrows disagrees with Mr Pintard’s assessment of Ms Moxey’s performance.
“She is doing an excellent job dealing with Grand Bahama,” Ms Burrows said. “Grand Bahama is a large place and she from east to west doing an excellent job for a woman. I don’t feel the Prime Minister should shuffle her; leave her right where she is.”
Antoinette Smith feels that Ms Moxey should be removed, however.
“I agree with Mr Pintard because Ms Ginger Moxey is not doing anything for Grand Bahama,” she said.
The Port Lucaya vendor said things have been tough for those in the area. She said Ms Moxey has yet to live up to her promise
concerning a grant for the vendors.
“Ms Moxey had us fill out an application online for a grant from last year June and July, and we have yet to hear anything. We keep asking and nothing has come out of it,” she said.
Ms Smith said they were told that the grant was guaranteed.
“We could use a little boost because our shops were closed for two years, but we have not heard anything further about the grant,” she said.
“When you call her office, there is always a block, and you are unable to see her. She is the minister for Grand Bahama, but
you are unable to see her,” she claimed.
She admits that while the Davis administration had given vendors $500 and had held a meeting with them, it came off as a campaign opportunity.
“We thought she would talk with us one on one to find out what was going on, but she did not do that. She had the meeting simply to boost her campaign for herself. She did not talk to one vendor,” the woman claimed.
Mr Pintard called on Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis to consider shuffling his Cabinet because there are several ministers he thinks are unsuitable for their portfolios and should be reassigned to roles better suited to their skills or replaced entirely.
Among those he listed were Works and Utilities Minister Alfred Sears, Housing and Transport Minister Jobeth Coleby- Davis, and Ms Moxey. He believes that “while she has some promise,
Grand Bahama is a very complex island, and it requires a stature of leadership that presently is not there.”
Daphne Nixon does not agree.
“I don’t concur with Mr Pintard,” she said. “I believe that Ms Moxey is doing an excellent job here in Grand Bahama.”
“If you recall, Grand Bahama has been in a slump for a very long time. We have been through a lot of challenges with the hurricane and so forth, and I believe that coming new into politics, Ms Moxey with the help of God, is doing an excellent job and should not be moved, not at this point in time. God bless her as she continues.”
Another straw vendor, who identified herself as a PLP supporter, believes Ms Moxey would be better in another ministry.
“I don’t feel she is suitable for that position she in,” she said. “I agree with him (Mr Pintard) 100 percent to shuffle them, and I is a die-hard PLP.
THE International Monetary Fund (IMF) has approved US$105m for Haiti under the Food Shock Window of the Rapid Credit Facility to help the Frenchspeaking Caribbean Community (CARICOM) country address urgent balance of payment needs related to the global food crisis.
Falling birth rates are driven by a range of factors, including rising living costs, more women in education and work, as well as greater access to contraception
Japan’s prime minister says his country is on the brink of not being able to function as a society because of its falling birth rate.
Fumio Kishida said it was a case of “now or never.”
Japan - population 125 million - is estimated to have had fewer than 800,000 births last year. In the 1970s, that figure was more than two million.
Birth rates are slowing in many countries, including Japan’s neighbours.
But the issue is particularly acute in Japan as life expectancy has risen in recent decades, meaning there are a growing number of older people, and a declining numbers of workers to support them.
Japan now has the world’s second-highest proportion of people aged 65 and over - about 28% - after the tiny state of Monaco, according to World Bank data.
“Japan is standing on the verge of whether we can continue to function as a society,” Mr Kishida
told lawmakers.
“Focusing attention on policies regarding children and childrearing is an issue that cannot wait and cannot be postponed.”
He said that he eventually wants the government to double its spending on child-related programmes. A new government agency to focus on the issue would be set up in April, he added.
However, Japanese governments have tried to promote similar strategies before, without success.
In 2020, researchers projected Japan’s population to fall from a peak of 128 million in 2017 to less than 53 million by the end of the century. The population is currently just under 125 million, according to official data.
Japan has continued implementing strict immigration laws despite some relaxations, but some experts are now saying that the rules should be loosened further to help tackle its ageing society.
The Washington-based financial institution said Haiti has been hit hard by the global food price shock. Record price inflation has worsened Haiti’s fragility given the high pass-through from global to domestic food prices and shortages in food supplies.
It said with more than half the population already below the poverty line, Haiti faces a dire humanitarian crisis, with an expected financing gap in this financial year of at least US$105 million or 0.5 per cent of its gross domestic product (GDP), assuming import compression and pending additional external financing from development partners.
The IMF said that this shock compounds the hardships of an already highly fragile country, also suffering a public health emergency (cholera) and serious security risks.
“Haiti is facing a dire humanitarian crisis and was hit hard by the economic spillovers from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. These spillovers included record price inflation that worsened Haiti’s fragility and compounded the suffering of Haiti’s population already affected by a severe malnutrition,” said IMF Deputy Managing Director, Antoinette Sayeh.
She said measures are being taken by the government to cushion the impact of the food price shocks on the population and to expand
PRIME Minister Gaston Browne Friday unveiled an eight member Cabinet that was sworn into office following Wednesday’s nail-biting general election that resulted in his ruling Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP) being returned to office for a third consecutive occasion, but with a drastically reduced majority.
“I am not a fan of bringing individuals through the Senate to serve as ministers. I believe it is important to pay attention to the quality of the candidates who the people elect and who could also serve as ministers,” Browne told reporters at the swearing in ceremony. The ABLP won the general
election by a 9-8 margin, down from the comfortable 15-2 majority it had enjoyed in the last Parliament.
Apart from the main opposition United Progressive Party (UPP) winning six seats-five more than it previously had- another successful candidate was Asot Michael, a former government minister who fell out with Prime Minister Browne and was prevented from contesting the St. Peter constituency on a ticket of the ruling party. Michael, who had been the parliamentary representative for the area over the past four general elections, won the seat as an independent candidate.
Browne told reporters that the government ministers who
lost their seats in the general election, their portfolios have been consolidated among the eight new cabinet members with the veteran Sir Robin Yearwood, agreeing to serve as a government backbencher. He had held the position of senior minister in the last administration.
‘What we tried to do is to ensure that there were synergies within the respective consolidation that took place. For example, housing and works, the obvious synergy is there, even agriculture and trade.
“So I think we have achieved that and I am confident that even though the team is smaller that we will have a far more responsive team and the people of Antigua and Barbuda in essence will get from
the social safety nets.
She said IMF emergency support under the food shock window of the Rapid Credit Facility will help fill the balance of payment gap and support those most affected by food price rises through feeding programmes and cash and in-kind transfers to vulnerable households, waives school fees and other measures.
“To address the crisis, budgetary resources will need to be allocated toward priority spending on food programs and to increase social assistance toward the most vulnerable. To ensure the appropriate use of emergency financing, which will be vital for catalysing further donor support and mitigate risks to debt sustainability, the authorities should carefully control, track, record, and publish all spending related to the emergency response.
Supported by close Fund engagement, they should undertake internal expenditure audits by all the line ministries
involved in the use of emergency resources provided under the food shock window through the General Inspectorate of Finance and communicate these internal audits to the Supreme Audit Court in a timely way.”
Sayeh said the combination of appropriate macroeconomic and structural policies under the Staff-Monitored Program (SMP) provides additional safeguards for the Fund’s outstanding obligations. While providing adequate liquidity support to the financial sector, the central bank should reduce monetary financing of the deficit and limit foreign exchange interventions to smoothing volatility.
“The SMP is also catalytic to donor support. A successful implementation of Haiti’s SMP would be key in the process of restoring macroeconomic stability and sustainability, strengthening the social safety net, and tackling governance weaknesses and corruption,” she added. (Caribbeanloopnews.com)
less,” he said. Prime
Duties: To clean and
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes.
Salary: $6.25 Hourly
Sweeping, mopping, clean bathrooms, toilets, kitchen, living room, laundering sheets, towels, personal clothing, and other housework.
Salary: $6.25 Hourly
CONTACT: 344-1220
CONTACT: 242-0255
CONTACT: 332-6963
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes. Salary: $6.50 Hourly
DUTIES: To assist skill workers And keep all work areas clean.
SALARY: $7.50 per hour
CONTACT: 242-2215
Examine vehicle damages; Remove damaged parts/repair; Bolt/Weld replacements parts
File/grind/sand/paint repaired surfaces; Repair all electric hand tools. Wages - $12 per hour (6 days weekly)
TEL: 344-8753
Whereas BENGT AKE GÖRAN OLSSON, of Sweden, has declared that the Land Certificate for the abovementioned title number registered in his name has been irretrievably lost.
Take Notice that I, Nicholas Arculus, Registrar of Lands shall cancel the land certificate for the said title within six weeks of the date of the first publication of this notice in a local newspaper and the Gazette.
Date this 22 day of November, 2022.
Signed: ..............................................................................................
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames.
Salary: $6.25 Hourly
CONTACT: (649) 341-8378
CONTACT: 241-5948
Cleaning the house, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework.
Salary: $700 Hourly
CONTACT: 242-1459
CONTACT: 241-3771
Greets customers, receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change due to customers. Salary: $6.25 Hourly
CONTACT: 649-247-0801
Wash, scrub and polish the interiors of car SUV’s and buses. Vacuum, clean and maintain vehicles.
Salary: $6.50 Hourly
CONTACT: 232-7497
Cleaning outside the property, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes.
Salary: $7.00 Hourly
CONTACT: 241-8969
Cleaning the house, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework.
Salary: $6.25 Hourly
CONTACT: 242-7760
To fuel up customer tank and storage tank, clean and maintain the work area, stock shelves and freezers
Salary: $6.50 Hourly
CONTACT: 231-6032
Domestic work, clean house, mop, make beds, cook, etc.
CONTACT: 241-9049
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes.
Salary: $7.50 Hourly
CONTACT: 341-1387
Five Cays Is seeking to employ a PROVO SEAFOOD LTD.
Salary: $6.25 Hourly
Salary: $10.00 Hourly
Shampooing, cutting, and styling hair, provide hair treatments, deep conditioning, permanents, coloring, and weaving.
Salary: $8.00 Hourly
CONTACT: 241-0680/244-4211
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes.
Salary: $300.00 Weekly
CONTACT: 343-7034
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes.
Salary: $7.00
CONTACT: 342-3713
CONTACT: 347-6850
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes. Salary: $10.00
CONTACT: 649-247-0468
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes.
Salary: $6.25 Hourly
CONTACT: 346-0206
Uphold customer service Maintain Bar Mix and serve drinks
Salary: $7.00
CONTACT: 242-6861
Cleaning the house, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework.
Salary: $6.25 Hourly
Belongers are
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes. $7.00
CONTACT: 649-345-5113
• Excellent finishing quality and efficiency is required.
Cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves.
• Must be fluent in English and be a team worker.
• All applicants will be required to demonstrate skills.
• Pay is dependent on pieces pressed per hour, approx $10/hr.
Everything Everywhere All At Once leads the field at this year’s Academy Awards, with 11 nominations.
The madcap adventure follows a woman, played by Michelle Yeoh, who hops through the multiverses as different versions of herself.
Other best picture nominees include Top Gun: Maverick, Avatar: The Way of Water and The Banshees of Inisherin.
The acting nominees include Cate Blanchett, Brendan Fraser and Britain’s Andrea Riseborough and Bill Nighy.
The top Oscar nominees: Everything Everywhere All at Once – 11; All Quiet on the Western Front – 9; The Banshees of Inisherin – 9; Elvis – 8; The Fabelmans – 7; Top Gun: Maverick – 6; Tar – 6; Black Panther: Wakanda Forever – 5 and Avatar: The Way of Water – 4.
Blanchett is nominated for leading actress for her performance in Tár, in which she plays a renowned orchestra conductor whose career starts to unravel when she is accused of abuse.
British actress Riseborough was an outsider to be nominated in the
same category for her role in To Leslie, but enjoyed a late surge thanks to celebrity endorsements from the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow, Susan Sarandon and Jennifer Aniston.
Joining Blanchett and Riseborough on the shortlist are Yeoh, Michelle Williams (The Fablemans) and Ana de Armas (Blonde).
De Armas’ portrayal of Marilyn Monroe has split opinion, though - Blonde also had the dubious honour of picking up several Razzie nominations - for the worst films of the year - earlier this week.
Jamie Lee Curtis has received the first Oscar nomination of her long and varied career at 64, for her role as a tax inspector in Everything Everywhere All At Once.
The best supporting actress category also provides a nomination for Angela Bassett for Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, which makes her the first person to get an acting nod for a Marvel film.
Nighy has received his first Oscar nomination at the age of 73 for Living, in which he plays a civil servant whose outlook
changes after he is diagnosed with a terminal illness.
The other best actor nominees, are Fraser (The Whale), Austin Butler (Elvis) and Irish actors Colin Farrell (Banshees of Inisherin) and Paul Mescal (Aftersun).
Normal People star Mescal is rewarded with his first Oscar nomination for playing a young Scottish father raising his 11-yearold daughter.
It is a strong year for Ireland allround. There was also a nomination in the best international film category for The Quiet Girl, about a shy young girl who goes to stay with her distant relatives for the summer.
In the best supporting actor category, Brendan Gleeson
and Barry Keoghan were both recognised for their roles in Martin McDonagh’s Banshees, alongside co-star Kerry Condon for best supporting actress.
It was also a strong year for actors of Asian descent, with four nominated - Yeoh, Ke Huy Quan, Stephanie Hsu and Hong Chauthe most in a single year.
Quan found fame as a child actor in the mid-1980s in The Goonies and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom but stopped acting when he found it hard to find roles. Everything Everywhere All At Once is his first major film for more than 30 years.
Viola Davis (The Woman King) and Danielle Deadwyler (Till) had both been tipped for nominations in the best actress race, but were notably snubbed by the Academy.
Top Gun’s Tom Cruise and Babylon stars Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie were among the other big names to miss out.
US actor Bryan Tyree Henry was a surprise inclusion on the supporting actor shortlist for playing a garage owner with a painful past opposite Jennifer Lawrence in Apple’s Causeway. Paul Dano had been expected to appear in the same category for his turn in The Fabelmans, but missed out - although co-star Judd Hirsch did make the cut. (BBC)
BEYONCÉ has returned to the stage for her first live performance in five years - but not everyone’s excited.
The US megastar headlined the private concert in Dubai to mark the opening of luxury hotel Atlantis The Royal.
Despite a strict no-phones policy at the exclusive, 1,500-seat gig, footage of the show flooded the internet.
Many fans were thrilled to see the return of Queen B, but others
weren’t happy because Dubai has strict laws against same-sex relationships.
Renaissance, her latest album, has been celebrated for “honouring black queer culture” and taking inspiration from LGBT icons. It pays tribute to dance music that emerged out of the gay community and also references drag ballrooms in Harlem, New York.
Freelance music journalist Abigail Firth tells BBC Newsbeat
Beyoncé’s recent work is “indebted to LGBT culture”.
This might explain why some fans are uncomfortable about her making her live return in Dubai - and reportedly receiving $24m for it.
“It seems like a really misguided choice from her,” says Abigail.
“She’s obviously a multimillionaire anyway, she didn’t really need to do this, she didn’t really need the money.
FORMER President Donald Trump is being allowed to return to the social media platforms that banned him following his supporters’ 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol.
His Facebook and Instagram accounts will be reinstated in the “coming weeks,” an executive for Meta, which runs the sites, said in a Wednesday statement.
The move comes after Twitter reinstated Trump under new owner Elon Musk in November, though he’s yet to tweet.
“As a general rule, we don’t want to get in the way of open, public and democratic debate on Meta’s platforms — especially in the context of elections in democratic societies like the United States,” wrote the company’s President of Global Affairs Nick Clegg.
“The public should be able to hear what their politicians are saying — the good, the bad and the ugly — so that they can make informed choices at the ballot box,” he added.
Meta suspended Trump’s accounts on Jan. 6, 2021 after hundreds of his crazed loyalists attacked police and stormed the U.S. Capitol as lawmakers met to certify the 2020 election. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said at the time that he was afraid Trump’s rhetoric would “provoke further violence.”
Meta said Wednesday it would put “new guardrails in place to deter repeat offenses” including heightened penalties for offenders like Trump, who will be suspended for up to two more years if he violates company rules. Those include a prohibition on inciting violence.
Clegg said Meta has determined the menace posed by the 45th president “has sufficiently receded”
“That’s probably where some of the backlash is stemming from as well.”
Dubai is part of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a Middle Eastern country made up of seven regions that follow strict laws and have rules against homosexuality.
Nearby Qatar, which hosted the 2022 World Cup, has similar rules.
It was criticised for its attitude to LGBT people, its human rights record and its treatment of migrant workers.
David Beckham faced backlashmost famously from comedian Joe Lycett - for signing a big-money deal with the Qatari government to advertise the event.
since he was de-platformed.
“We know that any decision we make on this issue will be fiercely criticized,” Clegg noted.
It’s not clear if or when Trump — who launched his own social media platform last February — will again post on Facebook or Instagram. But he welcomed news
of Meta’s decision on his Truth Social site.
“Such a thing should never again happen to a sitting President, or anybody else who is not deserving of retribution!” he stated.
Trump’s team reportedly petitioned Meta for reinstatement last week. (NYDailynews)
A GRAND opening, over the weekend, marked the official introduction of new additional locations for Flamingo Pharmacy and Omnicare Medical Clinic.
The new pharmacy and colocated medical clinic, situated in Grace Bay beside Graceway Gourmet supermarket, drew a grand turnout of supporters and shoppers on Saturday, January 21.
Free samples and ten per cent off shopping at the pharmacy, a fun kids' art painting activity at the clinic, demonstrations, a raffle and more, along with the official ribbon cutting commemorated the event.
Pleased about the partnership with Omnicare, Flamingo
Pharmacy’s Pharmacist and owner, Jag Maghera said “The concept is to have a one-stop shop – pharmacy services and medical services conveniently together.
“People will be able to see the physician and have the ability to come to the pharmacy and get all their prescriptions filled and other over-the-counter medications as well. And vice versa, we’re able to refer patients to the medical clinic if needed.”
He expressed that they have been assessing people’s needs and are trying to bring products and brands that the community is looking for. The pharmacy offers a wide product selection including recognised skincare
and cosmetics brands like Vichy, Laroche Posay, Cerave, NYX, Maybelline and L'oreal. They supply GNC products and supplements and other products that you may not find at other retailers, he said.
Opening hours for the new Grace Bay location are 9 am to noon on Sundays and 9 am to 6 pm Monday to Saturday, while the pharmacy at Graceway IGA Plaza on Leeward Highway will remain open daily until 7 pm.
Omnicare Medical Center, which has been serving the community of Providenciales since September 2002 at its main office in Town Center Mall will primarily provide specialty services in
addition to family medicine and general practice services at their new Grace Bay location.
The practice is owned by Dr Rufus W. Ewing, General Surgeon, and Dr Dawn Perry Ewing, Obstetrician and Gynaecologistboth of whom are widely known nationally in the arena of health care.
Dr Ewing shared, “For now our services are pediatrics, family medicine, pediatrics and adult neurology services, as well as clinical psychology services.
“We intend to have an expansion to those services in the very near future… giving people flexibility and options where they are most comfortable.”
Paediatrician, Dr Davianne Cartwright and Child Psychologist, Dr Anya Malcolm said their team at Omnicare chose a fun-filled art event to welcome young children into the new clinic as this was a great way to rekindle social interaction amongst youngsters in a positive and creative environment.
Children’s handprints made in bright hues of acrylic paint on canvas from the event will be permanently hung on the walls of the clinic as its decor.
Both Flamingo Pharmacy and Omnicare Medical Centre are focused and committed to providing superior healthcare to the community.
“GAMES of Thrones” actress Esmé Bianco and musician Marilyn Manson have settled a lawsuit in which Bianco accused Manson of sexual assault and sex trafficking.
Attorneys on both sides announced the deal Wednesday, but did not release the terms.
A formal dismissal request will be submitted to the court within 45 days, according to documents filed Tuesday.
Bianco’s attorney said she took the deal “in order to move on with her life and career.”
Bianco, 40, filed the lawsuit in April 2021, writing that Manson, whose legal name is Brian Warner, “used drugs, force and threats of force to coerce sexual acts from Ms. Bianco on multiple occasions.”
She said Manson raped her “in or around” May 2011.
The “Games of Thrones” star
was one of several women who accused Manson of sexual assault and harassment. Manson, 54, has denied all the allegations.
In her suit, Bianco said Manson enticed her to travel from the U.K. to Los Angeles to film a music video in 2009 and a movie in 2011. Neither project was ever produced.
Bianco said Manson then denied her food and performed sex acts while she was unconscious and unable to consent.
“These acts include spanking, biting, cutting and whipping Ms. Bianco’s buttocks, breasts, and genitals for Mr. Warner’s sexual gratification — all without the consent of Plaintiff,” the suit said.
Bianco was one of four women to sue Manson for sexual assault and harassment. Two of the lawsuits have since been dismissed. The fourth remains active. (NYDailynews)
Fans might have had “High Hopes” of another Panic! at the Disco album, but Brendan Urie’s pop-rock project is ending.
Urie, who’s now the sole member of the chart-topping band, announced on Tuesday that Panic! at the Disco will “be no more” after its upcoming European tour.
The end of that chapter comes at the beginning of another for the 35-year-old: Sarah Urie, Brendan’s wife of almost 10 years, is pregnant with the couple’s first child.
“Well, it’s been a hell of a journey,” Brendan wrote in a statement posted to Panic! at the Disco’s Instagram account on Tuesday. “Growing up in Vegas I could’ve never imagined where this life would take me. So many places all over the world, and all the friends we’ve made along the
way. But sometimes a journey must end for a new one to begin.”
Brendan then revealed that he and Sarah are expecting a baby “very soon.”
“The prospect of being a father and getting to watch my wife become a mother is both humbling and exciting. I look forward to this next adventure,” he wrote.
“That said, I am going to bring this chapter of my life to an end and put my focus and energy on my family, and with that Panic! at the Disco will be no more.”
Brendan also thanked fans for their “immense support” over the years. “I’ve sat here trying to come up with the perfect way to say this and I truly can’t put into words how much it has meant to us,” he said. “Whether you’ve been here since the beginning or are just
Activists had protested about the sponsorship over a number of years Royal Opera House’s controversial BP sponsorship ends after 33 years
THE Royal Opera House has become the latest cultural venue to cut ties with BP, as the oil giant’s sponsorship ended after 33 years.
The move follows protests from environmental campaigners about the company’s funding of the London venue as well as other arts institutions.
BP’s sponsorship of the National Portrait Gallery and Royal Shakespeare Company has also ended in recent years.
Pressure group Culture Unstained said the news represented “a seismic shift”.
BP had sponsored the Royal
Opera House’s BP Big Screens, which showed opera and ballet in Trafalgar Square and around the UK.
A Royal Opera House representative said they were “grateful” for the support, which in recent years had also included “recovery post-pandemic and supporting our drive towards netzero”.
BP said it was “proud to have supported the Royal Opera House for more than three decades” until its deal expired last month.
Culture Unstained co-director Chris Garrard said: “What we are
witnessing is a seismic shift, a near wholesale rejection across the arts of BP’s brand and the climatewrecking business it represents.”
The value of the sponsorship has not been revealed. The Royal Opera House is also preparing for a £2.9m cut in its public funding from Arts Council England from April, taking its annual grant to £22.3m.
The British Museum, also sponsored by BP, has not said whether its funding from the company will continue after February, when its current contract is believed to expire. (BBC)
The end of that chapter comes at the beginning of another for the 35-year-old
finding us, it has been a pleasure to not only share the stage with so many talented people but also share our time with you. I am looking forward to seeing everyone in Europe and the UK for one last run
together. I love you. I appreciate you. Thank you for existing.”
Panic! at the Disco got its start in 2004 when Brendan joined forces with guitarist and songwriter Ryan Ross and drummer Spencer Smith,
and the group’s debut album “Fever You Can’t Sweat Out,” came out the following year. “I Write Sins Not Tragedies,” a track from that first album, hit No. 7 on the Billboard Hot 100.
CONTACT: 345-6244
available for use by inspecting and testing vehicles; completing preventive maintenance such as, engine tune-ups, oil changes, tire changes, wheel balancing, and replacing filters.
Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters.
• Must work split shifts 7-11, 6-10
• Salary $650 per week 40 hours a week
• Mornings, evenings, holidays and weekends
• Must speak and write English and Spanish
• Ability to assist me in work at restaurant during the day and evening
• Abilities to check in deliveries made to restaurant
• Ability to supervise gardeners and other staff in preparation for day to day maintenance
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes. Salary: $7.00 Hourly
CONTACT: 347-2608
Cutting, trimming, shampooing, and styling hair, trimming beards, or giving shaves. Clean and sterilize scissors, combs, clippers, and other instruments.
$8.00 hourly
CONTACT: 231-0882
Mixes mortar; lays bricks and stones and/or concrete sidewalks; makes and repairs steps and plasters
Follow blueprints. Install windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials
Installs pipes and fixtures, installs supports for pipes, equipment, etc. Install and maintain wiring, control, and lighting systems. $9.00 Hourly
332-2067 OR 241-0148
With 5-10 years experiences, for devising procedures, inspect and report quality issues, Operation maintenance,audits plans, and assure reliabilities. Assist with 39CAMO, Submit MOR to CAA etc. Work weekends and holidays, long shift etc… Salary based on experiences
These applicants must have 5 years experiences in maintenance and handyman skills for repairing and assessing works at villas. Successful applicants must be able to work independently and have a valid driver’s license.
Normal working hours are from 8:00am to 4:00pm weekdays and Saturdays-(30mins for lunch) (number of hours worked may vary occasionally depending on our work demand).
Rate of pay is $9.00 per hour.
• To assist with preparing ingredients, processing customer orders, cleaning the kitchen workspace throughout the evening, whilst following health and safety guidelines.
Starting wage: $7.00-$8.00 per hour plus service charge
• To undertake upkeep and repair tasks at the interior or exterior of company premises.
Starting wage: $7.00-$8.00 per hour plus service charge
• Mixing various ingredients to make cocktails and mock tails.
• Washing of equipment and barware.
• Collecting payments.
• Ordering supplies that are required for the bar.
• Good interpersonal skills are necessary as they deal with the customers directly.
Starting wage: $8.00-$9.00 per hour plus service charge
Delivering a variety of spa services (body treatments, massages, facials, waxing and manicure/pedicure) in a safe and comfortable manner.
CONTACT: 649-246-0503
Applicant must have experience as a Floral Assistant or Florist. Must have extensive knowledge of tropical flowers, foliage and potted plants, including their names, seasonal availability and lifespan. Candidates must have experience using current styles in floral design while at the same time understanding the traditional use of certain flowers for weddings, funerals etc. salary commensurate with experience.
CONTACT: 231-3788
Whereas, PAUL SLATTERY of Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands has declared that the Land Certificate for the above mentioned title number(s) registered in the name of BARZAN LIMITED was inadvertently mislaid and cannot be found.
Take notice that I, Toni-Ann Foster, Acting Land Registrar, shall issue a new Land Certificates for the said title six weeks of the date of the first publication of this Notice in a Local Newspaper and the Gazette.
Dated this 21st day of October 2022
Signed Toni-Ann-Foster
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor,
CONTACT: 246-2661
maintain mechanical equipment, buildings, and machines. Plumbing work, painting, flooring repair and upkeep, electrical repairs, etc. Salary:
CONTACT: 343-6168
Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, restroom cleaning etc.
Salary: $6.25 Hourly
CONTACT: 348-6452
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes.
CONTACT: 344-3659
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes.
Salary: $6.25 Hourly
CONTACT: 347-3410
Install materials on floors, walls, ceilings, countertops. Level the surface with a layer of mortar or plywood.
CONTACT: 346-1897
Perform therapeutic massages of soft tissues and joints. Massage and knead muscles and soft tissues of the body to provide treatment for medical conditions, injuries, or wellness maintenance.
Salary: $6.25 Hourly
CONTACT: 1-649-441-4433
CONTACT: 344-4801
CONTACT: 331-9854
Cleaning the property, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes.
Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 343-6168
Cleaning the house, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework.
Cleaning property, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes. $6.50 Hourly
CONTACT: 342-1159
CONTACT: 345-7823
Duties will be moping, dusting, vacuuming, cleaning windows etc.
Work 5 days a week
Salary: $6.50 an hour
CONTACT: 241-3048
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes.
CONTACT: 243-6653
Salary: $1,800.00 Monthly
CONTACT: 946-4684 OR 231-0262
Cleaning the house, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. $6.50 Hourly
Cleaning property, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes. $6.50 Hourly
CONTACT: 243-6332
Follow blueprints and building plans to meet the needs of clients. Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials.
Salary: $7.50 Hourly
CONTACT: 649-241-6380
Sweeping the house, mopping the floor,
CONTACT: 246-2661
maintain mechanical equipment, buildings, and machines. Plumbing work, painting, flooring repair and upkeep, electrical repairs, etc. Salary:
CONTACT: 343-6168
Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, restroom cleaning etc.
Salary: $6.25 Hourly
CONTACT: 348-6452
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes.
CONTACT: 344-3659
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes. Salary: $6.25 Hourly
CONTACT: 347-3410
Install materials on floors, walls, ceilings, countertops. Level the surface with a layer of mortar or plywood.
CONTACT: 346-1897
Perform therapeutic massages of soft tissues and joints. Massage and knead muscles and soft tissues of the body to provide treatment for medical conditions, injuries, or wellness maintenance.
Salary: $6.25 Hourly
CONTACT: 1-649-441-4433
CONTACT: 344-4801
CONTACT: 331-9854
Cleaning the property, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes.
Salary: $6.25 hourly
CONTACT: 343-6168
Cleaning the house, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework.
Cleaning property, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes. $6.50 Hourly
CONTACT: 342-1159
CONTACT: 345-7823
Duties will be moping, dusting, vacuuming, cleaning windows etc.
Work 5 days a week
Salary: $6.50 an hour
CONTACT: 241-3048
Fix and maintain mechanical equipment, buildings, and machines. Plumbing work, painting, flooring repair and upkeep, electrical repairs, etc.
Salary: $1,800.00 Monthly
CONTACT: 946-4684 OR 231-0262
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes.
CONTACT: 243-6653
Cleaning the house, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. $6.50 Hourly
Cleaning property, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes. $6.50 Hourly
CONTACT: 243-6332
Follow blueprints and building plans to meet the needs of clients. Install structures and fixtures, such as windows and molding. Measure, cut, or shape wood, plastic, and other materials.
Salary: $7.50 Hourly
CONTACT: 649-241-6380
Applicant must be honest, reliable and willing to work.
of tools to the workers, cleaning up after all jobs.
Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, restroom cleaning etc.
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes.
Responsible for the safe operation of vessel and ensure that it is operated and crewed according to both company and legal guidelines.
Salary: $400.00
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames.
Salary: $6.25 Hourly
CONTACT: 342-8555/348-5921
Answering phones and emails, collecting and providing information, imputing data, making copies and filing records.
CONTACT: 649-344-4801
Soil cultivation, digging, and forking, mulching, watering, raking, weeding, edging, pruning, seed sowing, bed preparation and planting.
Salary: $6.50 Hourly
CONTACT: 348-4069
Wash, scrub and polish the interiors of car SUV’s and buses. Vacuum, clean and maintain vehicles.
Salary: $6.50 Hourly
CONTACT: 242-0012
Shampooing, cutting, coloring, and styling hair, and massaging and treating scalp. Makeup, dress wigs, perform hair removal, nail and skin care services. Salary: $8.00 Hourly
Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, restroom cleaning etc.
Salary: $6.50 Hourly
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes.
Salary: $7.50 Hourly
CONTACT: 341-1377 34489
CONTACT: 241-2875 34547
Is seeking to employ a
As an Operations Assistant, you will be responsible for all aspects of administrative support within the operations remit of the business. Your sole duty will be to help everyone acquire their full potential by maintaining clear communication, managing visitors and vendors, handling correspondence, and generally ensuring a harmonious workplace. Excellent customer service is critical to the success of our business; therefore, you will ensure that all staff gives guest a prompt and warm greeting and delivers exceptional results to our clients on a consistent basis.
• Assist with organizing department activities, review/ vet incoming requests, and coordination with other departments/entities.
• Perform administrative duties including copying, scanning and mailing information as required.
• Track dates, deadlines, and maintains department calendar to understand bookings and any other important activities due to take place.
• Organize and maintain documents in paper and electronic filing systems
• Coordinate other administrative tasks as assigned and assist in department where needed.
• Accurately collect data and maintain in appropriate data bases.
• Assist with reviewing and generating invoices, and processing payments via the internal accounting systems, in a timely manner.
• Assist with supporting company operations by maintaining office systems and also assist supervising staff as and when required.
• Provide assistance to Operations Manager/Managing Director as and when required.
• Assist with monitoring clerical functions across the business.
• Liaise with Resolute Marketing (outsourced) for the following when needed;
• Assess variety of fleet classes to create implementation plan
• Ensure all safety protocols are adhered to in efforts to prevent any liability issues
• Assist with preparation of line up or daily briefing and ensure these take place each day.
• Assist staff with setting up, maintaining fleet due to be rented on a daily or weekly and supply of guest amenities according to company standards.
• Help to create and maintain a safe, fair and productive working environment for all staff of any incidents, complaints or compliments.
• Must be able to think analytically
• Must be possess problem solving skills
• Demonstrate attributes of a team player
• Ability to multi-task and prioritize.
• Strong attention to detail.
• Must be innovative and able to bring forth creative ideas
• Must be able to work weekends and holidays
• Ability to perform multiple duties
• Must be able to work outdoors in all weather conditions
• Must possess great communication skills – written and verbal
• Proficient with Microsoft Office Software and other electronic systems.
• Previous leadership experience is preferred
REMUNERATION: $8.00 - $12.00 per hour
10 LABOURERS - $8.00 Hourly
Cleaning the property.
$8.00 Hourly. General cleaning duties.
10 HANDYMEN - $8.00 Hourly
Fix mechanical equipment, buildings, and machines. Plumbing, painting, flooring repair, electrical repairs, etc.
10 MASON HELPERS$8.00 Hourly.
Helping the mason with given tasks.
10 CONSTRUCTION HELPERS - $8.00 Hourly. Set up
10 GARDENERS - $8.00 Hourly Soil cultivation, digging, and forking, watering, raking, weeding, etc.
10 DRIVERS - $8.00 Hourly Drive and carry materials.
10 CLEANERS - $8.00 Hourly General cleaning duties.
10 BUTLERS - $8.00 Hourly
Is seeking to employ a
Responsible for all aspects of administrative support within the operations remit of the business such as:
• Coordinate administrative tasks
• Maintaining clear communication,
• Managing visitors and vendors, handling correspondence
• Supporting company operations by maintaining office systems and also assist supervising staff as and when required.
Person Specification:
• Must be able to think analytically and possess problem solving skills
• Demonstrate attributes of a team player
• Ability to multi-task and prioritize.
• Strong attention to detail.
• Proficient interpersonal skills
• Must be innovative and able to bring forth creative ideas
• Must be able to work weekends and holidays
• Must be able to work outdoors in all weather conditions
• Must possess great communication skills –written and verbal
• Proficient with Microsoft Office Software and other electronic systems.
Previous leadership experience is preferred Salary starting at $8.00 per hour, negotiable on experience.
Greet guests at the door, assist in the planning of events and dinner parties, oversee table settings, and serve drinks and food. VALUE
• Post-secondary degree or diploma
• Minimum 3 years’ experience as a receptionist or similar customer service post
• Fluent in speaking Creole and/or Spanish preferred
• Proven administrative experience working under pressure in a fastpaced, professional services and or medical environment
• Strong customer service skills with the ability to organize, multitask, and prioritize work
• Proficiency with Microsoft Office programs; experience using office equipment such as computers, printers, laptops and projector, fax machine, voicemail messaging systems and photocopiers/ scanners.
Monthly salary $2200.00 to $3000.00 depending on experience.
Looking for a promising career in a fast-paced, customer-driven industry? Avis and Payless Car Rentals are currently seeking to employ Rental Sales Agents for immediate openings. This role is to provide unparalleled customer service by:
• Greeting and assisting customers and prospective customers.
• Completing car rental and return transactions.
• Selling of programs and services to customers and prospective customers at the counter.
• Assisting with fleet management and vehicle prep.
• Following established sales procedures and techniques.
• Identify and report vehicle damage.
• Displaying the ‘We Try Harder’ spirit at all times.
All individuals must possess the following:
• Exceptional customer service skills
• Valid Turks & Caicos Driver's License
• Ability to work weekends and holidays
• Computer literacy (previous experience with reservations software is a plus)
• Self-motivator with the ability to work with little supervision
Salary begins at $8.00 per hour (commensurate with experience and qualifications) with the potential for additional earnings through our commissions program. Belongers/PRC holders preferred.
• Daily maintenance of the buildings and surroundings
• Cleaning and repair of company facilities and equipment
• Stocking shelves, moving parts
• Unloading containers and or deliveries
• Able to drive a range of vehicles including buses, and manual vehicles
• Must be courteous at all times,
• Must have a valid driver’s license
• With little or no supervision
• Willing to work on weekends and holidays
• Salary range is from $7 to $10 per hour
Service Advisor typically works for car dealerships or automotive repair shops to act as liaisons between service staff and customers. They work closely with Service Technicians to determine pricing for repairs and explain the reasoning for repair costs to customers.
• Working knowledge and experience of automotive products, repairs, and parts
• Secondary education in the automotive field or equivalent work experience
• Strong communication skills and the ability to translate customer needs to workable technician orders
• Basic knowledge of computer programs including word processing and database tools
• Organizational skills including the ability to schedule appointments, meet with customers and ensure that work is done properly
• Exceptional customer service skills based on experience
• Basic mathematics skills to prepare and process bills and customer payment
• Ability to communicate complicated automotive processes to customers who may only have basic automotive knowledge
Salary Range: $30,000 to $35,000 per annum (depending on qualifications)
• Performs variety of welding to complete structural repair and fabrication on various vehicles and equipment.
• Designs and fabricates metal components and structures to improve existing designs and reliability.
• Inspects and performs routine maintenance on light, heavy and specialized equipment.
• Analyzes failures and makes recommendations to prevent similar failures in the future.
• Advises staff on specific metal repairs and methods.
• Reads and interprets equipment manuals, factory diagrams, and other technical manuals and blueprints.
• Sketches planning drawings as required.
• Maintains welding equipment to ensure full compliance with all safety rules and regulations
• Keeps welding work area neat, orderly and free of all potential safety hazards.
• Performs other tasks as may be instructed by immediate superior.
Salary Range: $25,000 to $30,000 per annum (depending on qualifications)
Duties include but not limited to the following:
• Hose down loose dirt from the exterior of cars
• Mix soap solution in the exact quantity needed for washing cars
• Use cloth and sponges to scrub away stubborn stains or builtup dirt
• Soap the entire car making sure that soap does not get into engine parts
• Adjust water pressure in water hoses and rinse the soap off the car
• Use a dry cloth or electric drier to dry the exterior of the car
• Ensure that tires are soaped and watered down properly
• Scrub tires to get rid of stubborn dirt and mud
• Ensure that the mudguards are cleaned from within the arch
• Dust and vacuum the interior of the car
• Dust and wash car mats and ensure that they have dried properly before putting them back in place
• Remove trash from the car and clean seats and surfaces
• Ensure that door trims and hinges are cleaned properly
• Polish and wax both the interior and the exterior of the car
• Maintains inventories of supplies
• Maintains equipment (hoses, vacuums, etc.) and keep them in good working condition
• Maintains safety, cleanliness and orderliness of the assigned area
• Performs other duties and tasks as may be assigned by Management from time to time.
• Salary range is from $7 to $10 per hour.
Managing the general housekeeping chores Preparing meals. Doing the laundry and ironing. $6.25 per hour
CONTACT: 000-0000
DUTIES: To receive customers, Take them on tours of Grand Turk.
SALARY: $8.00 per hours
CONTACT: 341-0355
Ensuring a safe environment, Preparing and giving meals, bathing And dressing children, administering Medicine, doing housework, and etc.
Salary: $6.50/Hourly
CONTACT: 649-344-4181 34480
Duties: Take boats out to Fishing locations to haul pots, On a daily basis.
SALARY: $9.00 per hour
CONTACT: 343-5054
Desire to make Aviation your Career? Want to work in an industry where no day is the same? Want to work with a company that believes that our Human Resources are our most important asset? A company that trains, develops and promotes from within? TCA Handling Flight Services Ltd with over 30th years serving American Airlines and JetBlue is the organization for you, we are currently seeking passionate, committed individuals with a great personally to fill the positons of:
• Provides friendly service to and maintains positive relationships with all internal and external Customers.
• Works in a cooperative spirit to ensure the success of our Company.
• Responsible for providing Legendary Customer Service to people desiring to travel, by determining and recommending the service that meets the Customers' needs.
• Communicates with Customers by telephone to furnish information regarding fares, schedules, routings, flights and availability of space.
• Finalizes sales of contracted Airlines flights, confirms reservations, and provides information regarding ticket purchase and other special services.
• Answers Customer inquiries regarding flight arrivals, delays, cancellations, flight irregularities, facilities, and other general information.
• May be assigned to specialized reservations functions servicing travel agents, groups and tours, or special accounts.
• May be assigned to specialized duties such as aircraft grooming, assisting and/or lifting disable passengers on or off aircraft.
• May be assigned as a Training Coordinator assisting with onthe-job and classroom training programs, as assigned by the Company.
• Keeps his or her work station clean, neat and in orderly fashion all time while on duty.
• Works in a highly organized, restrictive environment requiring extended periods of time at a fixed work position answering telephone calls within established guidelines, procedures, and performance standards.
• Utilizes computerized reservations system including a computerized video display terminal and keyboard on a constant basis to book reservations and retrieve information on flights and schedules.
• Attends initial and ongoing training (classroom and/or on -the-job), and keeps current and proficient on knowledge, information, and equipment that is pertinent to the job.
• Must be able to meet any physical ability requirements, such as lifting bags up to 50 pounds repeatedly.
• May perform other job duties as directed by Management.
• Loading and unloading aircrafts in accordance with the instructions of the crew chief.
• To ensure that all bags are accounted for by the triple A system or any other system that the company may be using.
• The unloading and clean-up of any kind of waste from the aircraft.
• Help in the lifting of passengers that is immobilize, up and down the aircraft ensuring a safe path at all times.
• Possess a valid driver’s license.
• Able to lift a minimum of 50lbs. routinely with or without a reasonable accommodation.
• Able to fluently read, write, speak and understand English
• Able to work in stressful situation and tight time constraints.
• Be self-motivated and a team player.
• Able to work nights, weekends, holiday and varying schedules.
• Responsible for maintaining the safety and security of the ramp at all times.
• Marshall aircraft on the ramp (e.g. directing assisting and parking all arriving, departing and towed aircraft).
• Observe safe ground-handling procedures and maintenance of ground service equipment including the performance of equipment checks.
• Comply with all safety procedures and airline policies.
• Responsible for courteous, prompt, accurate and careful handling of customer baggage, airfreight and company material, continuous lifting, loading/unloading, sorting and transfer of baggage, freight and company material.
• Set up ramp and storage of equipment and baggage.
• Service aircraft as needed (e.g. aircraft lavatories, potable water and any commissary items).
• Constantly communicate with flight crew personnel and other ground personnel.
• May perform other job duties as directed by Management.
• Warm and friendly personality
• Customer service focused
• Highly trainable and a quick leaner
• Must be able to work long hours, weekends and Public Holidays
• Must be able to lift a minimum of 50lbs
• Ability to work with a diverse team
• Must have strong verbal and written communication skills.
• Must have a clean Police Record
• Must have a valid Turks & Caicos Driver’s license (applicable to ASA Below Wing)
• Valid Passport
• Must be able to travel regional and internationally
Coral Gardens Resort - Lower Bight, Provideciales, TCI. 649 941 8260
• Must be consistently punctual for work.
• Maintain a clean workstation throughout shift.
• Must maintain a clean, well-kept appearance upon arrival and throughout shifts.
• Must be able to multitask in a fast paced, high pressure environment.
• Be able to stand on one’s feet for 8 hours and be comfortable lifting 50 pounds or more without physical restrictions.
• Be available to workdays and nights, holidays and weekends with a flexible schedule.
• Must be able to take directions from superiors.
• Clean all floors in front and back of house at opening and closing.
• Must be able to communicate in English.
• Understanding of fundamental math with ability to effectively measure and or weigh ingredients as per recipes.
• Work with staff members to ensure that the restaurant is clean and well maintained throughout the duration of their shift.
• Participate in daily cleaning duties as per scheduled by the Chef or other Management personnel to maintain a clean, safe environment for all employees to work in. Wages: $8/hour. This is a permit renewal ad.
Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. For more information on these vacancies, please visit our website at www.tcinhip.tc
All Applications should be addressed to: Sheena Smith-Yip, National Health Insurance Board, 64-66 Saltmills Plaza, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands Email: recruitment@tcinhip.tc
We would like to thank all applicants for their interest. However, only those who are selected for an interview will be contacted. Applicants who applied for any of the above listed positions do not have to reapply. Qualified Belongers may also submit a copy of their applications to the Commissioner of Labour & Immigration Board after submitting applications to the National Health Insurance Board Human Resource department.
Deadline for Submission is 29 January 2023
Cleaning the house, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. $7.00
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes.
$7.00 Hourly
CONTACT: 347-8830
The successful applicant must possess
• BSc in Quantity Surveying or RICSrecognised qualification.
• Full Membership of RICS (MRICS)
• Ten years post qualification work experience.
• Computer literate with experience in Word, Excel, MS Project & Vector BQ system
Duties will include and candidates should have experience in:
• Pre and post contract Quantity Surveying duties
• Market appraisals
• Feasibility studies
An annual salary of $42,000.00 plus performance Related commission is offered for this position.
The suitable candidate should be able to work under his own initiative and be able to see through projects from concept to completion.
This position is available immediately and closing date for application is 2nd February, 2023
Qualified Turks & Caicos Islander Preferred.
In search of a skilled person to work in communications and sales. Starting Salary $15.00 per hour
• Ability to communicate, liaise, and negotiate internally and externally using appropriate methods to facilitate the development of profitable business and sustainable relationships
• Strong understanding of Microsoft Office applications and ability to troubleshoot/diagnose computer and network issues
• 5+ years project management experience
• 5+ years managing and executing marketing plans
• 5+ years experience in legal contract drafting and negotiation
• 5+ years experience in troubleshooting computer hardware/ software issues
• 10+ years sales experience
• 10+ years experience management, training, and recruiting staff according to company policies and employment laws, ensuring relevant HR procedures are followed
Applicants will be required to pass a written skills test and show proficiency and understanding of the construction field.
An affiliate of A Touch of Love Ministries International Center
• Bachelors/Master’s Degree from reputable institution; Minimum of 5-7 years teaching
• experience in primary and/or secondary education. Experience with Christian • education curriculum. Specialties in Mathematics and Science is a plus
• Requirements:
• Qualified applicants for all positions must be a born-again Christian, active in their church, known to their Pastor and believe in the work of the Holy Spirit; Must be of good moral character and reputation; Must have excellent communication skills and the ability to adapt to a flexible working environment; Must be enthusiastic and creative with an excellent work ethic, and a willingness to build character and Christian values in students
Please submit resume and three references with telephone numbers and addresses including one from current Pastor. Salary packages start at - $1,500.00 per month
Positions are held by work permit holders. Interested islanders should submit copy of resume to the Labor Board.
Is seeking to employ a
• Must be fluent in English with the ability to compose emails etc
• Must be customer service oriented
• Must be willing to work on weekends, holidays and at nights as required
• Minimum of 2 years working experience
• Knowledge of computer software
• Must be 21 years or older
• Three references required
• Have a Valid Driver’s License
• Must have a clean Police Record and Valid TCI Status
Applicants without a Valid Driver’s License will not be considered for an interview.
Salary will be based on qualifications and experience.
Please forward resume to Mystique Car Rental & Tours Ltd. 72 Old Airport Road, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands
• Currently seeking Candidate for role as Baker
• Must be able to read & write English
• Previous experience in the field desired
• Complying with food hygiene and safety requirements
• Be willing to work early morning hours
• Suitable Candidate should be a fully qualified time served electrician with a minimum of 10years experience.
• Suitable Candidate should have a minimum 5 years of solar PV installation experience
• Candidate should hold an Advanced qualification in Renewable Energy systems (USSI PV201 or similar).
• Candidate should have hands-on experience of installing grid tied, grid interactive and off-grid renewable energy systems.
• Candidate should have hands on experience of renewable energy systems design.
• Candidate should be familiar with CAD and be able to create and read engineering drawings
• Candidate should be computer literate and be able to operate word, excel, outlook and other Microsoft office software suite.
• Responsible for procurement and logistics of delivery of renewable energy systems. Oversee and maintain renewable energy systems.
• Review and research alternative new forms of renewable energy, suitable for this market.
• Perform a mock-up installation of a renewable energy system.
• Liaising with clients and consultants
• Ability to follow instructions and recipes
Verifiable references a must, Salary range $24,000 to $30,000 to $36,000
• Currently seeking Candidate for the position of Sous Chef.
• Must be able to read & write English.
• Qualified Individual will have at least 5 years’ experience on the line.
• Baking & Catering Knowledge a salary plus.
• Be willing, able to multi-task with a pleasant demeanor and able to work weekends and holidays.
Verifiable References a must, Salary range $32,000 to $38,300 Per annum. Work permit renewal
• Candidate must have valid driver’s license
• Verifiable References. Willing to work early morning shift hours.
• Must be able to lift 70lbs. Must have previous restaurant work experience.
• This position is currently held by a work permit holder. Salary Range for this position $22,800 to 29,500 Per annum. Work permit renewal
• Responsible for managing all departments. Employee scheduling, hiring, training.
• Proper knowledge of the labor laws. Inventory, pricing, merchandising, and operational processes to company standards.
• Responsible for ordering, receiving, storage and rotation.
• Ensuring excellent customer service/creating menus/Specials/controlling food costs.
• Previous restaurant manager experience and knowledge of catering and pricing is requirement.
• Must be able to work long hours, early morning, weekends and holidays.
• Must be able to lift up 70 lbs. Health and Food Safety Certified.
• Must have a valid driver’s license and current physical exam.
• Verifiable references and current CV is required.
Full time position /salary range $26,000-$54,000 per annum commensurate with experience
Operating Hours are between 6 am and 6 pm Daily. PLEASE APPLY WITH RESUME
Must be able to read & write English Previous experience in the field desired Complying with food hygiene and safety requirements. Be willing to work early
Must be able to read & write English. Qualified Individual will have at least 5 years’ experience on the line. Baking & Catering Knowledge a salary plus. Be willing, able to multi-task with a pleasant demeanor and able to work weekends and holidays. Verifiable References a must. Salary range $32,000 to
Candidate must have valid driver’s license. Verifiable References. Willing to work early morning shift hours. Must be able to lift 70lbs. Must have previous restaurant work experience.
Salary: $6.25 Hourly
Suitable candidates must have a Bachelor's Degree and teaching qualifications, a minimum of five (5) years experience teaching the British National Curriculum and Cambridge International Examination syllabi.
vacuuming / mopping / sweeping the
floor $6.25
Providing high-quality manicures and pedicures
CARVER - $9.00 p/h
wood into the desired shape
Hamilton Complex, Downtown Is seeking to employ a CHARLINE ALCY
SLOT TECHNICIAN - $15.00 maintains, cleans and repairs slot machines KITCHEN HELPER - $7.50 p/h clean kitchen areas and wash dishes and help workers who prepare or serve food and beverages.
Five Cays, tel: 231-1392 $6.25 p/h
Cleaning outside the property, dispose of trash etc.
Greets customers, take orders, receive payment by cash, checks and credit cards, Issue receipts, and change due to customers.
Salary: $7.00 Hourly
CONTACT: 342-7639
BABYSITTER HELPER Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning the property, pick up yard waste, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes. $6.50 Hourly
• Ensure all operations are carried on in an appropriate, cost-effective way
• Assist with the recruitment, training and supervision of staff
• Improve operational management systems, processes and best practices
Remuneration commensurate with experience.
• Proper knowledge of the labor laws. Inventory, pricing, merchandising, and operational processes to company standards.
• Responsible for ordering, receiving, storage and rotation.
• Ensuring excellent customer service/creating menus/Specials/controlling food costs.
• Previous restaurant manager experience and knowledge of catering and pricing is
• Must be able to work long hours, early morning, weekends and holidays.
• Must be able to lift up 70 lbs. Health and Food Safety Certified.
• Must have a valid driver’s license and current physical exam.
• Verifiable references and current CV is required.
• Full time position /salary range $26,000-$54,000 per annum commensurate with experience
• Operating Hours are between 6 am and 6 pm Daily.
to employ a
Assist with all basic cleaning.
Salary: $6.25 Hourly
Is seeking to employ a
The retail Sale Supervisor is responsible for the supervising the daily activities and productivity of the Retail Sales Team. Ensures Retail Sales is complying with established service levels, sales goals and meeting strategic objectives.
• Coaching, assessing performance and improving team member skill levels, tracking and reporting productivity. Manages multiple tasks simultaneously.
• Excel, QuickBooks, Windows and Rent Centric, Logistics
• 5 or more years’ experience
• must have a valid driver’s licence
Salary: $12.50 per hour
• Must have 5 years’ experience
• Planning and managing logistics rentals, dispatching and customer services.
• Meeting, optimizing and coordinating with rental agents liase with managers and negotiating discount on rentals.
• Full knowledge rent centric, software’s, excel, Europcar, QuickBooks, and computing
• Ensure all rentals are properly cleaned in and out before they are sent to the airport.
• Ensure all vehicles are properly repaired mechanically and body repaired.
Salary: $1367.59 bi-weekly
Secures premises and personnel by patrolling property; monitoring surveillance equipment; inspecting buildings, equipment, and access points; permitting entry.
Salary: $8.00 Hourly
Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, cleaning ceiling vents, restroom cleaning etc. To work 5 days a week.
Salary: $1,200 monthly
Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, restroom cleaning etc.
Salary: $6.25 Hourly
CONTACT: 245-6717
CONTACT: 346-5442
Conch Shell Long Bay, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a DIAMOND CONSULTING
CONTACT: 342-2924 34537
Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and disciplining children when necessary.
Salary: $6.25 Hourly
CONTACT: 346-5546
other housework. $7.00 Hourly
Ensuring a safe environment, preparing and giving meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and
CONTACT: 241-6955
Soil cultivation, digging, and forking, mulching, watering, raking, weeding, edging, pruning, seed sowing, bed preparation and planting.
Cleaning the house, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. $7.00 Hourly
CONTACT: 343-1844
Cleaning the house, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework.
Salary: $6.25 Hourly
CONTACT: 343-2245
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes.
Salary: $8.00 Hourly
To clean and maintain premises by removing all trash and debris inside and outside of job side and assist skill workers and other duties as may be necessary.
Hourly LABOURER Blue Hills, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a CHARLES TIPTON
Salary: $6.87
CONTACT: 244-7929
Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
Soil cultivation, digging, and forking, mulching, watering, raking, weeding, edging, pruning, seed sowing, bed preparation and planting.
Salary: $6.50 Hourly
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and door frames.
Salary: $6.50 hourly
CONTACT: 241-2478
Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes. $6.50 Hourly
Cleaning the house, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework. $6.50 Hourly
Working hours include holidays, evenings, and week-ends
Previous experience 2 years required
Salary $7.00 per hour
CONTACT: (649) 941-7331
To keep surroundings of all homes clean and to assist with maintaining buildings when needed. Salary: $7.50 hourly
Maintain mechanical equipment, buildings, and machines. Plumbing work, painting, flooring repair, electrical repairs, etc. $8.00 Hourly
Ensuring a safe environment, preparing meals, bathing and dressing children, administering medicine, doing housework, and etc. $7.00 Hourly
Acting on behalf of our clients Is seeking to employ a DIEUFRANC FENELUS
Blue Hills Is seeking to employ a
Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, restroom cleaning etc.
Salary: $7.00 Hourly
BABYSITTER Long Bay Is seeking to employ a
Cleaning property, pick up yard waste, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes. $6.50 Hourly
CONTACT: 332-2621
Is seeking to employ a
HELPER Blue Hills, Providenciales Is seeking to employ a S&W CAR WASH & AUTO PARTS
CONTACT: 347-4526
Functions as the Strategic Business Leader of the resort’s Front Office, Spa, Youth Program and Retail operations and serves as General Manager as needed. This position oversees the development and implementation of departmental strategies and ensures the implementation of brand service strategy and brand initiatives throughout the operation. This position meets the brand’s target customer needs, ensures employee satisfaction, focuses on growing revenues and maximizes the financial performance of each department.
• 8-10 years of management experience in internationally branded luxury hotels/resort including at least 2 years at Executive Committee Level.
• In depth knowledge of front office, spa, youth program, and retail
• Knowledge of all hotel operations to act as leader of any department when necessary
• Knowledge of governmental regulations and safety standards (OSHA, EPA, ADA, CFC, NFPA)
• Strong organization skills
• Ability to effectively manage labor productivity
• Financial management skills e.g., ability to analyze P&L statements, develop operating budgets, forecasting and capital expenditure planning
• Ability to use standard software applications and hotel systems – Opera (Fidelio), Micros.
• Ability to take constructive action without relying on direction from others
• Ability to network and build relationships to grow the business
• Strong problem-solving skills; encourages new innovative solutions when appropriate
• Strong communication skills (verbal, listening, writing)
• Must be willing and available to work all shifts and days
Salary ranges from $53,000.00 to $58,000.00 per annum not including service charge and is based on qualifications and experience.
• Check station before, during and after shift for proper set-up and cleanliness.
• Greet the guests in a warm, friendly and courteous manner and explain any specials and/or restaurant promotions for guest awareness.
• Assist guests in choice of menu selections and special requests.
• Exhibit knowledge of menu items, prices, recipes styles of service and preparation.
• Record the details of the order from the guests, repeating the order to the guest to check for accuracy.
• Input the order into the Point of Sale computer to inform the kitchen of the particulars in the order being placed.
• When complete, retrieve order from kitchen, confirm its accuracy, lift and deliver to guest along with appropriate condiments.
• Abide by all Government regulations pertaining to serving alcoholic beverages to minors and intoxicated guests.
• Replenish beverages as necessary and check with guests for overall satisfaction.
• Market and serve upon request any dessert items or specialty coffees.
• Ascertain guest satisfaction and present check.
• Provide feedback on compliments and/or guest concerns to supervisor.
• Complete closing duties including restocking items, turning off lights etc.
• Maintain cleanliness of work areas throughout the shift.
• Assist in carrying out scheduled inventories of products and operating
• Ensure proper appearance and grooming while on duty.
• Ensure minimum wastage and breakage.
Starting salary $6.75 per hour not including service charge.
• Supervise operations effectively.
• Focus on meeting and exceeding agreed revenue targets.
• Operate within the departmental annual budget.
• Monitor and communicate customer feedback effectively to ensure continuous service and programme improvement.
• Liaise with other hotel departments and local attractions.
• Ensure customers and guests receive friendly and consistent personalised service from all team members.
• Assist in the training and development of the team.
• Respond to audits to ensure continual improvement is achieved.
• Assist in creation of kids programs as well as the ordering of needed materials.
• Supervise and monitor the events calendar to ensure variety and activities that are appealing to guest.
• Maintain awareness of department security related to cash, stock and equipment and ensure all department procedures are followed.
• Able to use computer systems accurately and efficiently.
• Passion for customer service.
• Must have an understanding of a children's environment.
• Must be able to comply with Governmental and Safety Regulations.
• First Aid/CPR and Defibrillator Trained and Certified.
• Must enjoy working with children of all ages.
• Must be comfortable leading a group and various recreational activities.
• Must be comfortable with the outdoors.
• Must be creative, offering new program ideas.
• Must have the desire and ability to work in a cooperative, team-oriented atmosphere.
• High School graduate.
• Experience working with children of all ages.
• Bilingual (Preferred but not Required). Starting salary $20,020.00 per annum not including service charge.
• Responsible for the preparation of all menu items for the Pastry kitchen, ensuring a quality product is delivered
• Daily walk through to check kitchen equipment is in proper working condition and report any deficiencies to Pastry Chef.
• Check all ordering is correct to market lists.
• Check all daily bookings for all restaurants.
• Liaise daily with the Pastry Chef to ensure there is up to date communication within the Pastry kitchen.
• Co-ordinate all aspects of the operation of the pastry kitchen according to business levels.
• Develop, with Pastry Chef, a complete seasonal menu in accordance with hotel standards.
• Ensure mis-en-place is set for all stations of the Pastry kitchen.
• Ability to read recipes, check food presentations and displays with
• Check the quality of the product to ensure the standards for food service are maintained.
• Show precision cuts and knife use.
• Demonstrate ability to prepare all types of bakery items with the correct method and temperature.
• Ensure the correct rotation and storage of products for quality selection.
• Ensure the Pastry Kitchen is kept clean and sanitary.
• Follow directions from the Pastry Chef or other Kitchen management with accuracy.
• In addition, other duties as may be required as directed by your Manager.
• Minimum 4 years’ experience in a hotel restaurant preferably in a luxury hotel.
• Accuracy and attention to detail.
• Excellent communication skills, both written and spoken.
• Must have skills in mathematics.
• Able to stand for long periods of time.
• Able to carry up to 20kgs.
• Able to handle a fast paced environment and be able to work under pressure.
• Must be organized and detailed oriented.
Starting salary $25,000.00 to $30,000.00 per annum not including service charge.
The Villa Manager has overall responsibility for every aspect of the Villa operation and for the performance of each individual member of the villa.
• Customer service delivery and guest satisfaction (inc. catering, transport, games/entertainment, child care, technology/communications) proactive communication with guests to ensure all queries are answered and any special requests are met at the earliest opportunity.
• Extensive experience in housekeeping (laundry, cleanliness and presentation throughout the villa).
• General villa maintenance and coordinating with engineering.
• Completion of all financial, non-financial paperwork.
• Communication with Guest Relations and housekeeping pre-arrival, post departure.
• Ability to train coach and counsel staff.
• Ability to determine appropriate staffing levels based on anticipated business, and create staffing schedules which optimize the balance between desired profitability, and guest demands.
• Thorough understanding of the elements and components of luxury services, set-ups and supplies.
• Must have financial knowledge and ability to Analyze P & L statements, develop operating budgets, forecasting and capital expenditure planning.
• Must have advanced knowledge of standard software applications.
• positive and flexible attitude
• highly professional with a 5-star service mentality proactive
• great attention to detail
Starting Salary $38,000.00 per annum not including service charge.
ACCOUNTABILITY: Being responsible for every action by acknowledging and understanding expectations.
LEADERSHIP: Showing initiative and being empowered to motivate, guide, and develop others by using expertise to execute actions while fostering mutual trust and a positive work-life balance.
INTEGRITY: Being honest, dependable, and doing what is right even when no one is watching.
SAFETY: Maintaining an environment where risks to health and safety are minimized for employees and guests.
TEAM: Valuing all team members by helping selflessly towards achieving ultimate efficiency and guest satisfaction.
EFFICIENCY: Accomplishing a task competently with a minimum expenditure of time effort and resources.
RESPECT: Showing consideration for self, guests, and each other while embracing diverse cultures, communities, and points of view.
We provide Warm Interactions through Acknowledgement, Courteous Engagement, and our standards of Personal Appearances.
We create Magical Moments by Creating the Wow, Building Connections, and through our Service Recovery.
We ensure Seamless processes are created by managing a Sense of Urgency, providing Accurate Information, and superb Telephone Etiquette.
We ensure our Facilities are Impeccable by Cleaning as We Go, Reporting Deficiencies, and adhering to the Mona Lisa Rule, which ensures everything is as it should be.
Interested applicants should apply to The Shore Club, Human Resources Department, Monday through Friday, and bring along an updated resume, or by emailing your resume Attention to Avi Adams, Human Resources Manager at careers@theshoreclubtc.com , no later than end of day Friday, January 27th, 2023. All resumes are subject to screening. Accepted candidates will receive a call or email confirmation with a scheduled time for meeting and required documents for the actual interview. Resumes can also be submitted to the Labor Department directly. The Shore Club HR Office can be contacted at (1649) 339-8000
Salary: $6.50 per hourly
CONTACT: (649) 2420830
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes.
Salary: $6.50 Hourly
CONTACT: 343-8168
Cleaning the house, laundering sheets, towels and personal clothing and other housework.
Salary: $6.25 Hourly
CONTACT: 348-2463 34552
Stocking and supplying designated facility areas, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, restroom cleaning etc.
Salary: $6.25 Hourly
CONTACT: 345-0733
The Turks & Caicos Islands Gaming Control Commission (the “Commission”) is seeking a Senior Administrative Officer to carry out the duty of clerical and organizational tasks for the Commission. The Senior Administrative Officer will report directly to the Managing Director and be a part of the Commission’s operational staff, discharging their duties in accordance with the Turks and Caicos Islands Gaming Control Commission Policy and Procedures.
Organization Relationship
• Reports directly to the Managing Director for successful performance of assigned duties
• Receive Applications for Licenses for and on behalf of the Commission and review whether they are in order before presenting Applications to the Commission for vetting.
• Ensure resources are in place that would enable the Commission to carry out its mandate.
• Provide Commission staff the necessary support in conducting its daily activities.
• Assist with the presentation of the Commission’s annual legislative reports.
• Record all Commission Assets and monitor any repairs and or maintenance of Commissions office equipment
• Assist with the travel arrangements for Commission personnel.
• Monitor and make appointments for Commission Staff.
• Assist in developing and managing the budget of the Commission.
• Assist with staff interviews, hires and annual confidential evaluations.
• Establish and maintain a working relationship with other government agencies; local and overseas.
• Custodian of all records of the Commission
• Ensuring the confidentiality and security of files within the Commission’s filing systems
• Verify and submit purchase orders, vouchers and invoices for approval.
• Attend to other duties as assigned by the Managing Director.
Education Training and Experience
• At least 5 to 10 years working as a supervisor.
• An associate’s degree in a related field will be preferred.
• Must be computer literate with Microsoft Windows, Excel, and PowerPoint skills.
• Excellent verbal and written communication skills
• Adhere to STRICT CONFIDENTIALITY regarding all Commission information in trust and confidence and
shall not disclose confidential Commission information to any third party without the written consent of the Commission.
• Must have the ability to learn, understand, and apply the applicable laws, regarding the gaming industry.
• Must comply with Commission Code of Ethics requirements.
• Must have the ability to resolve problems as they arise and handle situations in an expedient manner.
• Must have excellent organizational skills to work effectively with frequent interruptions, work on multiple tasks simultaneously, and prioritize and organize workload.
• Must be able to develop and maintain positive relationships and prioritize assistance in a friendly, helpful manner to all employees, visitors, and operators.
• Must be willing to work as part of a team and work within a team-structured environment.
• Must possess analytical skills in researching various data, identification or area sensitive applications, problem areas, and ability to present and apply solutions.
• Must possess the ability to write clear and concise reports.
• Must have the ability to carry out assignments discreetly, effectively, and efficiently, in sensitive, confidential circumstances.
• Excellent verbal, written, and interpersonal communication skills
• Must possess strong organizational, record-keeping, and time-management skills.
• Good Telephone Etiquette and strong organizational skills
• Discretion and Professionalism
• Ability to work under pressure and with minimum supervision
• Ability to complete a variety of tasks and meet deadlines
The Salary for this position is $41,808.00 per annum
All applications should be emailed to info@tcigamingcc.tc
Resumes being submitted must be accompanied by: -
• A cover letter and two letters of reference (one preferably from a former employer)
• A clear copy of educational certificates and or diplomas.
• A colored copy of your passport’s bio page and your TCI status.
Candidates who are shortlisted will also be required to submit a Police Certificate.
While we thank all applicants for their interest in these positions, only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted.
Selling products and providing customer service. Greet customers and guide them in finding products. Maintain the outlook of a store by cleaning and restocking shelves.
Salary: $6.50 Hourly
CONTACT: 333-1674
Cleaning outside the property, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes.
Salary: $7.50 Hourly
CONTACT: 649-343-1420
Cleaning outside the property with sweeper, pick up yard waste and collect leaves, dispose of trash, clean windows, and doorframes.
Salary: $6.25 Hourly
CONTACT: 649-247-2633
Help the patient get dressed, eat, bathe and complete light housekeeping duties, such as dishes or folding laundry. Plan, prepare and monitor meals. Run errands, remind patients of medications.
Salary: $6.50 Hourly
CONTACT: 441-0731
Regulation 8 of the Physical Planning (Development Permission) Regulations, 2018
Schedule 2 Regulation 8 of the Physical Planning (Development Permission) Regulations, 2018
An Application, REGISTERED PR16415, by The Hotel Corporation & Urban Development Ltd. for the development of a Hotel Development. The proposed hotel development contemplates a Full Service Resort including One Hundred and Eight (108) Bedrooms Condo Hotel (Comprising Fifty-Four (54) Condo Units in Two Buildings of varying heights 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 Stories, Plus Basement). Two (2) Pools, Beach Club, Poolside “Beach Bar”, Reception, Two (2) Restaurants, Coffee Shop, Ice Cream Parlour, Commissary, Café, Convenience Store, Playroom, Music Room, Creche, Clothes Shop, Spa, Gym, Two (2) Tennis Courts, Kids Center, Synagogue. Eleven (11) Beachfront Villas.
This application has been submitted to the Department of Planning on 22nd December 2022 for consideration of Outline Development Permission on Block & Parcels 60000/150,151,152,153 North West Point on Providenciales.
Anyone wishing to make representation(s) may do so in writing to the Director of Planning, South Base, Grand Turk or through the Department of Planning, Emily House, Leeward Highway, Providenciales, within twenty-eight (28) days of publication of this Notice. You may also make representation(s) via video conferencing at the sitting of the Physical Planning Board when this application would be considered. If you are desirous so to do via video conferencing, contact the Secretary of Physical Planning Board.
Bark & Bliss Ltd. is seeking a qualified individual for the following position. Only candidates who meet the minimum qualifications and requirements will be considered. All candidates must be willing to work unusual hours including weekends and public holidays. All candidates must be non-smokers. Applicants will be required to have a valid passport, the ability to travel globally, and pass a written skills test.
This position is currently occupied by a Work Permit holder. Qualified Turks Islander applicants are invited to apply or forward resumes to the Labour Board.
Salary: $15/hour or commensurate with experience
• Assist in diagnosis, treatment and intensive medical care for patients in need
• Assist in the treatment urgent and emergency medical and surgical cases
• Provide nursing care or emergency first aid to injured or recovering animals
• Restrain animals during exams or procedures
• Prepare animals and instruments for surgery
• Administer medications, vaccines, and treatments prescribed by a veterinarian
• Collect and record patients’ case histories
• Perform general hygiene procedures such as nail clipping, bathing, etc.
• Perform animal grooming
• Must have a Certificate in Veterinary Assistant
• Must have Certificate in Dog Grooming
• 10+ years of experience in a veterinary clinic environment
• 10+ years of experience in assisting with animal surgeries
• Must be fluent (Written & Oral) in English
• Requirements and Duties
• Bachelors Degree in Social Work
#30 Neptune Plaza, Providenciales TCI Is seeking to employ a patient results, updating and maintaining patients EMR files, maintains confidentiality records relating to Patients treatment.
• Minimum of 5 years work experience in counseling or mental health services
• Counselling patients, establish a positive, trusting rapport with them
• Diagnose and treat mental health disorders
• Creates treatment plans according to patient needs
• Computer Knowledge, action
Monthly salary $3500.00 to $4500.00 depending on experience.
Belongers only need to apply. Submit your CV with proof of status, three professional references {2 of which must be previous employers}, only suitable applicants will be considered.
The Turks and Caicos Islands oldest and leading publishing house is in need of additional staff to fill the following posts:
Candidates must have at least five (5) years’ experience working full-time for daily newspapers and/or news/features magazines, reporting on hard news, features and parliamentary/court proceedings. Salary paid weekly will commensurate with experience.
This position requires someone with at least five (5) years’ experience working with Macintosh or PC computers. Must be skilled in the make-up of advertising and pagination. Proficiency using InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop software for print is essential. Some technical, networking and web design knowledge an asset. Salary paid weekly will commensurate with experience.
College or high school graduate with at least five (5) years’ experience in community reporting. Ability to drive and use a camera a desirable asset. Salary paid weekly will commensurate with experience.
Candidates must have had actual hands-on experience selling advertising space for newspapers and magazines. Ability to assist clients with the writing of copy for ads and gathering of collateral an asset. Salary is commission based.
DURING the pandemic, nearly half a million people in the UK missed out on starting medication to help prevent heart attacks and strokes, a new study suggests.
The British Heart Foundation (BHF) team looked at prescribing data for the first 18 months after Covid hit.
Some 491,000 people27,000 a month - appear to have missed out on blood pressure pills.
And 316,000 did not get treatment to lower their cholesterol.
The team says more needs to be done to make sure that anyone who needs treatment
gets it.
During the pandemic, normal NHS services were severely disrupted.
For example, there was a reduction in diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of high blood pressure, and other heart and circulation disease risk factors.
Although the NHS took action, including providing more than 220,000 blood pressure monitors for people to use at home, data shows two million fewer people in England were recorded as having controlled hypertension in 2021 compared to the previous year.
I Yngrit Carolina Reynoso Mota, a BOTC passport Holder and resident of the Turks & Caicos Islands would like to inform the general public that no one is authorized to use my name or personal documents to do any transactions or apply for any government documents other than myself.
Any one presenting copies of my documents to be notarized without presenting the original documents should be considered as fraud and will attract legal actions.
Position Available
These applicants must have 10 years experiences in shop fronts and window glazing, certain wall systems, ALL glass interior and entrance systems, cutting/ installing glass, mirror, aluminum windows and fabrication of metal frames. Successful applicants must be able to read architectural and structural drawings
and have a valid driver’s license. Normal working hours are from
to 5:00pm weekdays - (1 hour for Lunch) (number of hours worked may vary occasionally depending on our work demand).
Rate of pay is $30.00 per hour
To work 7 days a week including some weekends. Applicant should be able to work without supervision and have good time management skills. All interested applications should be sent to P.O. Box 521, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands or email: eunike@tciway.tc. Salary: $9.00 per hour.
Position Available
To work 5 days a week including some weekends. Applicant should be able to work without supervision and have good time management skills and eye for pruning. All interested applications should be sent to P.O. Box 521, Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands or email: gardenscapetci@gmail.com. Salary: $8.00 per hour. NB: This AD is for a new application.
Duties include inspecting rooms prior to arrivals, greeting guests and coordinating welcome drinks,luggage management,assisting with weekly Managers Social and booking guest tours and dinner reservations
Humans share elements of a common language with other apes, understanding many gestures that wild chimps and bonobos use to communicate.
That is the conclusion of a videobased study in which volunteers translated ape gestures.
It was carried out by researchers at St Andrews University.
It suggests the last common ancestor we shared with chimps used similar gestures, and that these may have been a “starting point” for our language.
The findings are published in the scientific journal PLOS Biology.
Lead researcher, Dr Kirsty Graham from St Andrews University explained that this gesture-based way of communicating is shared by other species of great apes, including gorillas and orangutans.
“Human infants use some of these same gestures, too,” she told BBC News.
“So we already had a suspicion that this was a shared gesturing ability that might have been present in our last shared ancestor.
“We’re quite confident now that our ancestors would have started off gesturing, and that this was co-
The gesture-based way of communicating is shared by other species of great apes, including gorillas and orangutans
opted into [our] language.”
This study was part of an ongoing scientific mission to understand this language origin story by carefully studying communication in our closest ape cousins.
This team of researchers has
spent many years observing wild chimpanzees. They previously discovered that the great apes use a whole “lexicon” of more than 80 gestures, each conveying a message to another member of their group.
Messages like “groom me”
are communicated with a long scratching motion; a mouth stroke means “give me that food” and tearing strips from a leaf with teeth is a chimpanzee gesture of flirtation.
Scientists used video playback experiments, because the approach has traditionally been used to test language comprehension in nonhuman primates. In this study, they turned the approach on its head to assess humans’ abilities to understand the gestures of their closest living ape relatives.
Volunteers watched videos of the chimps and bonobos gesturing, then selected from a multiple choice list of translations.
The participants performed significantly better than expected by chance, correctly interpreting the meaning of chimpanzee and bonobo gestures over 50% of the time.
“We were really surprised by the results,” said Dr Catherine Hobaiter from St Andrews University. “It turns out we can all do it almost instinctively, which is both fascinating from an evolution of communication perspective and really quite annoying as a scientist who spent years training how to do it,” she joked.
The gestures people can innately understand may form part of what Dr Graham described as “an evolutionarily ancient, shared gesture vocabulary across all great ape species including us”. (BBC)
PEOPLE of all ages are being encouraged to do more to look after their brains to try to reduce their dementia risk.
A new brain check-up tool from Alzheimer’s Research UK offers tips on staying sharp, keeping active and connecting with others.
Getting regular hearing checks in your 40s and 50s is one way to prevent social isolation, it says.
But most cases of dementia cannot be prevented, so early detection and better treatments are still vital.
Research suggests there are 12 risk factors for dementia which, if modified, could stop four in 10 people developing memory loss, confusion and communication problems.
Advice based on these risk factors is to stop smoking, do regular exercise, cut back on alcohol and challenge your brainand it is never too early or too late to start doing it, experts say.
Anyone can take the brain check, which has been based on the latest research, to find out how to lower their individual chances of dementia.
But it is particularly aimed at adults aged 40-50 because this is
seen to be an important window for taking action to look after brain health.
Prof Jonathan Schott, chief medical officer at the charity, said it would “provide a practical and easy means to allow people to take action to reduce their risk of dementia”.
But he said only a third of people realised that was possible, which needed changing.
Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of dementia, which
affects nearly one million people in the UK and 55 million worldwide.
Numbers are forecast to rise sharply over the coming decades as more people live longer and their risk of dementia goes up with age.
Dr Sarah Bauermeister, senior scientist at Dementia Platforms UK, said several studies had found a link between hearing loss and dementia risk.
“Why is not clear,” she said, “but a probable factor is they are working harder to hear
conversations rather than focusing on cognitive tasks - and their world shrinks.”
She said it was a good idea to get your hearing checked and corrected with a hearing aid if needed.
Our individual risk of developing dementia is linked to a combination of our age, the genes we inherit and the lifestyle we lead.
Many of those things cannot
be changed, which is why there is no foolproof way of preventing dementia in 60% of cases.
“It’s important not to blame people for getting dementia,” said Dr Charles Marshall, clinical senior lecturer in dementia at Queen Mary University of London.
Some groups, such as those from poorer background and those with less education, are at higher risk.
But he said the NHS Health Check, a service for those aged 40-74, could be used to test brain health and give people advice on how to improve it, while also identifying those with early signs of dementia.
At present it takes an average of three years to get a diagnosis of dementia and there are very few treatments for symptoms.
“We need the same diagnostic process for dementia as for cancer, and that means redesigning services,” Dr Marshall said.
“We need to prepare now for delivering new treatments when they come.”
A drug called lecanemab has recently shown promise at slowing the decline of the brain in people with Alzheimer’s.
Doing puzzles or playing chess are good ways of keeping the brain sharp
THE rotation of Earth’s inner core may have paused and it could even go into reverse, new research suggests.
The Earth is formed of the crust, the mantle and the inner and outer cores. The solid inner core is situated about 3,200 miles below the Earth’s crust and is separated from the semi-solid mantle by the liquid outer core, which allows the inner core to rotate at a different speed from the rotation of the Earth itself.
With a radius of almost 2,200 miles, Earth’s core is about the size of Mars. It consists mostly of iron and nickel, and contains about about one-third of Earth’s mass.
In research published in the journal Nature Geoscience on Monday, Yi Yang, associate research scientist at Peking University, and Xiaodong Song, Peking University chair professor, studied seismic waves from earthquakes that have passed through the Earth’s inner core along similar paths since the 1960s to infer how fast the inner core is spinning.
What they found was unexpected, they said. Since
The rotation of Earth’s core may have paused, scientists in China have suggested
2009, seismic records, which previously changed over time, showed little difference. This, they said, suggested that the inner core rotation had paused.
“We show surprising observations that indicate the inner core has nearly ceased its rotation in the recent decade and may be experiencing a turning-back,” they wrote in the study.
“When you look at the decade between 1980 and 1990 you see clear change but when you see
2010 to 2020 you don’t see much change,” added Song.
The spin of the inner core is driven by the magnetic field generated in the outer core and balanced by the gravitational effects of the mantle. Knowing how the inner core rotates could shed light on how these layers interact and other processes deep in the Earth.
However, the speed of this rotation, and whether it varies, is debated, said Hrvoje Tkalcic,
a geophysicist at the Australian National University, who was not involved in the study,
“The inner core doesn’t come to a full stop,” he said. The study’s finding, he said, “means that the inner core is now more in sync with the rest of the planet than a decade ago when it was spinning a bit faster.”
“Nothing cataclysmic is happening,” he added.
Song and Yang argue that, based on their calculations, a small imbalance in the electromagnetic and gravitational forces could slow and even reverse the inner core’s rotation. They believe this is part of a seven-decade cycle, and that the turning point prior to the one they detected in their data around 2009/2010 occurred in the early 1970s.
Tkalcic, who is the author of “The Earth’s Inner Core: Revealed by Observational Seismology,” said the study’s “data analysis is sound.” However, the study’s findings “should be taken cautiously” as “more data and innovative methods are needed to shed light on this interesting problem.”
Song and Yang agreed that more research was needed.
Tkalcic, who dedicates an entire chapter of his book to the inner core rotation, suggested the inner core’s cycle is every 20 to 30 years, rather than the 70 proposed in the latest study. He explained why such variations occur and why it was so difficult to understand what happens in the innermost reaches of the planet.
“The objects of our studies are buried thousands of kilometers beneath our feet,” he said.
“We use geophysical inference methods to infer the Earth’s internal properties, and caution must be exercised until multi-disciplinary findings confirm our hypotheses and conceptual frameworks,” he explained
“You can think of seismologists like medical doctors who study the internal organs of patients’ bodies using imperfect or limited equipment. So, despite progress, our image of the inner Earth is still blurry, and we are still in the discovery stage.” (CNN)
THE slice of ocean squeezed between Florida and the Bahamas is one of the well-studied marine environments in the world, and yet it’s also the epicentre of a lasting geological mystery.
Since at least the 1930s, scientists in the region have noticed strange, billowing white clouds appearing in the turquoise tranquillity of the water’s surface.
The curious phenomenon is called a ‘whiting event’, and scientists still don’t understand why it occurs in the Bahamas.
It has become a sort of ‘white whale’ for researchers at the nearby University of South Florida (USF).
The perplexing patches of lightcoloured ocean are sometimes noticed in other oceans and lakes worldwide, but in the Bahamas, they pop up more often than usual.
Direct sampling of the cloudy waters suggests they contain high concentrations of carbonate-rich
Much of the Bahama archipelago sits on a submerged platform of carbonate known as the Bahama Banks. Does this mean sediments are rising to the surface? Or could it be that blooms of phytoplankton are actually producing the suspended material?
No one knows the answers to those questions, but scientists at USF are determined to find out. They’ve used satellite images from NASA to show how whiting events ebb and flow in the Bahamas.
The team doesn’t know if the trends they’ve identified are natural or human-caused, but what they do know is that from 2003 to 2020, the size of these whiting events seemed to correlate with the seasons.
The largest patches occurred from March to May and October to December. On average, the white patches were about 2.4 square
kilometers a piece. On a day with clear skies, satellite images usually snapped about 24 of them, covering a total area of 32 square kilometers (12 square miles).
Between 2011 and 2015, however, the patches suddenly swelled in size, covering more than 200 square kilometers of the ocean at their peak (77 square miles). By 2019, however, the patches shrunk again, although they never got quite as small as they had previously been.
The findings suggest a 10-year cycle might be at play. But a cycle of what exactly?
“I wish I could tell you why we saw that peak in activity, but we’re not there yet,” says USF oceanographer Chuanmin Hu.
“We do see some interesting relationships between environmental conditions, such as the pH, the salinity of water, and the behavior of winds and currents,
but we can’t yet say what exact mechanical, biological, or chemical processes were responsible for that peak in activity.”
More direct field experiments are needed, and not just in the Bahamas. Comparing whiting events in other regions could help
scientists figure out what features they share in common.
USF researchers tested their model on whiting events in the Great Lakes with preliminary success, but now need to back up those patterns on the ground, or rather, in the water.
Mysterious “white clouds” keep popping up near the Bahamas, and no one knows why
Ousmane Dembele has scored seven goals for Barcelona this season
Ousmane Dembele scored the only goal as Barcelona beat in-form Real Sociedad to book their place in the Copa del Rey semi-finals.
The visitors, who had won their previous nine games, had Brais Mendez sent off in the first half for a dangerous tackle on Sergio Busquets.
Dembele settled the tie when he ran onto Jules Kounde’s ball down the right wing before hammering in from an angle.
Gavi almost put the game beyond doubt but hit the bar.
Osasuna also made it to the last four of the competition after beating Sevilla 2-1 in extra time.
Ezequiel Avila looked to have won it in normal time for the hosts only for Youssef En-Nesyri to level in the 94th minute.
On-loan Barcelona winger Abde Ezzalzouli scored in the first half of extra time to send Osasuna through. (BBC)
France are the current Nations League champions, having beating Spain in the 2021 final
UEFA says the introduction of quarter-finals and promotion playoffs to a revised Nations League will make it a “more compelling” competition.
The new expanded format will begin in September 2024.
There will still be groups of four but, for the 16 highest-ranked League A teams, the top two will qualify for a two-legged quarterfinal in March 2025, with group winners facing runners-up.
The winners of those matches will go into the ‘Final Four’ in June 2025.
As with the current format, the side finishing fourth in their League A group will be relegated.
But a side finishing third will go into a promotion play-off with a side finishing second in League B, and also held over two legs.
Scotland have been promoted to League A for the 2024-25 event, with England relegated to League B alongside Wales, and Northern Ireland are in League C.
“This makes the Nations League a more compelling competition, with more interesting and attractive knockout matches, “ said Uefa deputy general secretary Giorgio Marchetti.
The revised format will trigger changes to the qualification system for the 2026 World Cup and 2028 Euros.
Instead of 10 qualification groups at present, there will be 12, six with five teams and six with four.
Countries who reach the ‘Final Four’ will be placed in a fourteam group as their qualification programme cannot begin until September 2025.
The actual qualification process will begin in March 2025, but only with five-team groups and only with countries not still involved in the Nations League.
Uefa says the changes will have no impact on the current international calendar and would fit any alterations world governing body Fifa makes to it.
The International Olympic Committee’s plan to allow Russian and Belarusian athletes to compete at Paris 2024 has been condemned by Culture Secretary Michelle Donelan.
She said the move was a “world away from the reality of war”.
On Wednesday, the IOC said it would “explore a pathway” for Russian and Belarusian athletes’ participation.
“We condemn any action that allows President Putin to legitimise his illegal war in Ukraine,” Donelan said.
“This position from the IOC is a world away from the reality of war being felt by the Ukrainian people - and IOC president [Thomas] Bach’s own words less than a year ago where he strongly condemned Russia for breaking the Olympic Truce and urged it to ‘give peace a chance,” she added.
“We, and many other countries, have been unequivocal on this
year. However, Wednesday’s statement said “no athlete should be prevented from competing just because of their passport”.
Last month, Bach spoke of not wishing to punish individual athletes for the actions of their governments.
However, in response to the IOC statement, World Athletics stressed that athletes from those countries remained excluded from its events. The athletics governing body outlined that Russian athletes were suspended over the country’s doping scandal and also - alongside Belarusian athletes - for the invasion of Ukraine.
It added that a taskforce will report in March on whether “the intensive work we have conducted in cleaning up athletics in Russia has now been sufficiently embraced for the doping-related suspension to be lifted.”
If that suspension is lifted, World Athletics said its council meeting would then consider the ongoing suspension of Russian and Belarusian athletes and officials in relation to the invasion of Ukraine.
WIMBLEDON champion Elena Rybakina has another shot at a major title after reaching the Australian Open final where she will meet Belarusian fifth seed Aryna Sabalenka.
Rybakina, 23, won 7-6 (7-4) 6-3 against Victoria Azarenka, ending the two-time champion’s hopes of winning the title 10 years after her last triumph.
Sabalenka beat Poland’s Magda Linette to reach her first major final.
The powerful 24-year-old won 7-6 (7-1) 6-2 against her unseeded opponent.
Sabalenka was the heavy favourite to beat 30-year-old Linette, who had never been past the third round of a Grand Slam event before, and grew in confidence as the match wore on.
After losing three times in major semi-finals, Sabalenka’s relief was evident after securing her place in Saturday’s showpiece against another big-hitter.
“I wouldn’t say I started really well but in the tie-break I found my rhythm and trusted myself and started going for my shots,” said Sabalenka, who is on a 10-match winning streak after lifting the Adelaide title.
Rybakina, seeded 22nd, will contest her second major final after her triumph at the All England Club last year.
“I’m super happy to be in the final and play one more time here,”
she said.
“It was different conditions, I couldn’t play aggressive tennis and couldn’t go so much for my shots but I was happy to win.
“I got a lot of experience from Wimbledon and I want to come on court [for the final] and enjoy the moment.”
Rybakina has been one of the most
LEBRON James moved to within 157 points of the NBA’s all-time scoring record as the Los Angeles Lakers loss 133-115 by the Los Angeles Clippers before beating the San Antonio Spurs 113-104 this week.
James scored 46 points in the losing cause but in the process made history as the first player to hit 40 points against every franchise in the league.
The 38-year-old also ended the night with a career-high nine three pointers – the first player aged 35 or older to make nine or more threes in a game.
“I’ve put a lot of work into it and was able to make a few shots
tonight to try to help us stay in the game,” James told reporters. “The Clippers, they are really good –exceptionally good – when they shoot the three ball.”
The Clippers made 19 threepointers during the course of Tuesday’s game, including three from Paul George, who scored a team-high 27 points, and four each from Terance Mann, Norman Powell and Reggie Jackson.
Kawhi Leonard, meanwhile, had 25 points, nine rebounds and three assists.
Against the Spurs on Wednesday night, James scored 20 points.
(Extracts from CNN)
unheralded Wimbledon champions in recent history as a result of her low profile and a lower-thanexpected ranking caused by points not being awarded at the All England Club last year.
At Melbourne Park, the tall Kazakh has been reminding people once again of her outstanding talent.
At the US Open last year, Rybakina said she did not “feel like” a major winner because she was ranked outside of the world’s
top 20 after points were stripped because of Wimbledon banning Russian and Belarusian players.
Rybakina was also stuck on a small outside court for her Australian Open first-round match - although she insisted she “did not care” - but since then there has been no escaping the threat she posed in the draw.
She was responsible for knocking out world number Iga Swiatek in the last 16, either side of other notable wins against 2022 runner-up Danielle Collins and 2017 French Open champion Jelena Ostapenko.
Big serving has been one of the keys to her success and it teed up what many expected to be a fascinating contest against 33-year-old Azarenka, whose returning game has been a key to her success.
Rybakina laid down a marker in the first game of the match with three aces and produced another comfortable hold before 24th seed Azarenka - absorbing her opponent’s power which helped her switch defence into attackbroke for 3-2.
An instant reply swung the momentum back to Rybakina but, as she tried to serve out the set at 5-3, her first-serve percentage suddenly plummeted.
That enabled Azarenka to fight back to 5-5 and earn three break points in the 11th game, only for Rybakina to regain her
composure to hold and giving her the confidence to take control of the tie-break.
Azarenka was not helped by several costly errors and they continued in the second set as Rybakina imposed herself with two breaks for a 5-2 lead. While she could not serve out the match, Rybakina sealed victory with another break and - rather fittingly - produced a low-key celebration.
FINAL Rybakina’s win ended the prospect of an-all Belarusian final in Melbourne before Sabalenka ensured the eastern European nation - whose flag she cannot play under because of its support for Russia’s invasion of Ukrainewould be represented.
Sabalenka has previously said “no-one supports war”, adding she was “really disappointed” politics had interfered with sport after Russian and Belarusian players were banned from Wimbledon last year.
While Sabalenka says having “zero” control over the war helps her “stay strong”, her success will lead to more discussion about a divisive political issue in sport. Amid the ongoing controversy, her focus has been on finally reaching the major final which her talent has long promised. (BBC)
Mikaela Shiffrin secured her 83rd World Cup win on Tuesday to break Lindsey Vonn’s record.
The American finished first in the giant slalom at Kronplatz, Italy. She had topped the standings after the first run, recording a time of 58.72 before capping off a recordbreaking day with a second-run time of 1:01.89.
A LONG-AWAITED football white paper, which will include “strong action” for club owners and directors, is set to be released by the government in February.
Culture Secretary Michelle Donelan said on Thursday that the paper would be published in “two weeks time”.
This follows calls from multiple clubs for an independent football regulator.
The white paper will propose a series of reforms to shake up football, including ensuring financial security within the professional game.
Plans were initially due to be released by the government last summer, but were delayed due to the change of leadership within the
Conservative party.
West Bromwich MP Nicola Richards shared concerns from West Brom fans, who she said are “deeply concerned with the actions of the club’s ownership”.
Sports Minister Stuart Andrew added that the white paper will include “strong action on owners and directors to ensure they are suitable custodians for clubs”.
Former Sports Minister Tracey Crouch chaired a fan-led review, with a regulator among 10 recommendations.
The review, which was commissioned by the government, recommended support from the Premier League to the rest of the football pyramid through a solidarity transfer levy. (BBC)
She finished 0.45 seconds ahead of 2021 world giant slalom champion Lara Gut-Behrami in second. Home favorite Federica Brignone finished in third place.
Shiffrin’s 83rd career World Cup victory moves her past her compatriot Vonn for the most wins in women’s skiing. She now is only three behind the overall record holder, in both men’s and women’s skiing, held by Sweden’s Ingemar Stenmark of 86 wins.
When asked to describe the record-breaking moment, Shiffrin said she was struggling to express the emotions she was feeling.
“It’s hard to find words, actually. I don’t think there are words to explain all the feelings,” she told Eurosport. “Because, during the day, it’s stressful, it’s sometimes peaceful, sometimes nervous, sometimes excited.
“And these days with two runs and everything, they’re long days, they’re exhausting. But then at the end of it, it’s like there’s too much
excitement to feel.”
It is her ninth win of the 2022/23 season, more than her total number of victories from the previous two seasons combined.
Shiffrin had tied Vonn’s record earlier in January with victory in the giant slalom at Kranjska Gora, Slovenia.
The four-time overall World Cup champion has enjoyed an excellent season so far, which she continued in Kronplatz with her seventh win in her last 11 races.
Despite the pressure on the 27-year-old’s shoulders, she never once looked fazed during the two runs, producing speed and precision skiing fans have come to expect from her.
“I just tried to breathe a bit and enjoy it, and the thing I’m really excited about is that we get two more runs on this hill tomorrow, because it’s in really good condition.”
She continued: “It’s pretty incredible to be part of this competition … If you make one mistake, if it’s a big enough mistake, then you’re off the podium, off the win, maybe out of fifth position or 10th position, so you have to be taking the risks.
“Sometimes it’s going to be good, and sometimes it’s not. And I think it’s important that we always take the good pieces of our skiing and keep trying to push because that’s when it’s really exciting.” (CNN)
ENGLAND Test captain Ben Stokes and England all-rounder Nat Sciver are among the winners in the International Cricket Council’s annual awards.
All-rounder Stokes has been named Men’s Test Cricketer of the Year while Sciver won the Rachael Heyhoe Flint Trophy for ICC Women’s Cricketer of the Year.
Sciver, 30, is also named Women’s one-day international (ODI) Cricketer of the Year.
The ICC said Stokes “defined the year of Test cricket more than any other”.
The 31-year-old took over the Test captaincy from Joe Root in April 2022 and has won nine of his 10 Tests in charge.
Before his appointment, England had won just one Test in 17 matches.
Alongside new coach Brendon McCullum, Stokes transformed England’s Test fortunes with an attacking approach and mindset.
It is the first time Stokes has
won the men’s Test award and he is the third England player to do after his two predecessors as captainAlastair Cook in 2011 and Root in 2021.
Stokes previously won the overall Men’s Cricketer of the Year award in 2019.
He was also named in the Men’s Test Team of the Year for 2022 alongside team-mates Jonny Bairstow and James Anderson.
Stokes scored 870 runs at an average of 36.25 and took 26 wickets at an average of 31.19 during the year but it is his leadership that had
the biggest influence on England’s performances.
With his positive style and commitment to entertaining, Stokes led England to series wins over New Zealand and South Africa at home, victory over India in a one-off postponed Test
before finishing the year with a phenomenal 3-0 clean sweep in Pakistan - the first visiting side to ever win three Tests in the country.
Pakistan captain Babar Azam won the Sir Garfield Sobers Trophy for the ICC Men’s Cricketer of the Year for the first time, as well as the men’s ODI award for the second year in a row.
Sciver’s two awards come after she scored 1,346 runs and took 22 wickets from her 33 international matches in 2022.
She scored five half-centuries and two centuries, including her maiden Test hundred against South Africa in June.
She also scored a stunning unbeaten 148 in the World Cup final defeat by Australia in March as England fell short of their target of 356.
THE LHeureux Co Canadiens won a thriller on Saturday last when the 2022-2023 Provo Hockey League (PHL) continued at the Graceway Sports Centre.
The battle against Tibors Sharks in the Bantam Division proved a thriller.
The Sharks had scored first at 7:45 in the second period via Emeric Gula, before Rishith Gururaja equalised less than a minute later.
The game came down to the wire with both sides pressuring their opposing goalies until Gururaja slipped in from the middle line with four seconds left in the game, to fire in the winner.
In the other Bantam Division clash, the Temple Financial Panthers, led by Aiden Bromley, were able to pull off an important win against the Kvanar Oilers.
Connor Bromley scored the opener for the Panthers within the
first six minutes of play, before Owen Barkworth Knight answered under four minutes later.
Heath Francis made it 2-1 in favour of the Panthers late in the first period, before Aiden Bromley scored a hat-trick in the second to seal the win 5-3.
Knight finished with a pair, while Jack Henry also found the back of the net for the Oilers.
In the Novice Division, the TMW Lightning defeated the Design Studio Jets 3-2. Oisin Ryan scored a brace for the Lightning, while Shemar Francis added the other goal.
The Jets were led by Tejas Gururaja and LeNnox Losinske.
The other Novice Division clash ended in a similar score with Scooter Bobs Canucks defeating the GBCR Islanders 3-2.
Canucks were ahead 2-0 in the first period after Shlok Ganglani and Yash Ochani scored, but
Nicholas Comert fired back a brace to even the game before Ochani sealed the win late in the second.
In the Junior Division, Liam Redstone scored a hat-trick to propel the Saunders and Co Greyhounds to a 6-3 win against the Waratah Flyers.
Dylan King supported the winners with two goals, while Estheban Couture finished with two assists and a late goal.
The Flyers were led by Aiden Doherty with a pair and Cj Moriarty with a goal and an assist.
The Greyhounds could not keep up the momentum in the final clash of the day as they fell 3-4 to the Projetech Pirates.
Isaac Turner led the Pirates with two goals, while Wyatt Pollon and Reggie Monuma added the others.
The Greyhounds were led by King, who scored twice and Couture, who scored the other.
Seasoned champions Clement Howell High School (CHHS) will go head-to-head against the hungry A. Louise Garland Thomas High School in the final of the Inter-High School Basketball Championships next Saturday at
the Gustavus Lightbourne Sports Complex court. In their semi-final clashes last weekend both teams claimed comfortable wins.
CHHS defeated the HJ Robinson High School 72-64, while Louis
Garland got the better of Alpha Christian Academy 66-56. The two defeated teams will also battle in the third-place clash next weekend.
Top female sailors from The Royal Hospital School (RHS) including TCI sailor Grace Coleman ReastonBrown, who sails for TCI and is a member of The Provo Sailing Academy, travelled to Rutland Sailing Club this month for the Women’s Team Racing National Championships to compete over two days and they were competitive.
The team of six battled hard through high winds of 20-30 knots on day one.
They started strong, winning the first race against the Warwick Mermaids, a team from the University of Warwick.
In the qualifying round robin, they went up against some tough competition from teams from the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, West Kirby Sailing
Club, Rutland Sailing Club, Scotland and Ireland.
Although it was a very tough and close competition the team registered victories against teams from the University of Manchester, the University of East Anglia, and the University of Bath and achieved a success rate of 40%.
These results gained them a place in the silver league, in which their team won five out of five races. At the end of this series, they competed for the trophy against the best-placed under-19s team in a best-of-three battle.
For the title of U19 Women’s National Champions, RHS raced Rutland Hydra, and won 2-0, winning the trophy and ending the weekend with a perfect second day – seven wins out of seven races.