Texas VFW Post 856, Austin, hosts its Annual Homeless Veterans Stand Down DISTRICT 28 VFW AND AUXILIARY MEMBERS held its Annual Homeless Veterans Stand Down at Post 856 in Austin on October 22, 2021. Several Posts within District 28 participated in the event. Representatives from the VA, the Texas Veterans Commission, Wilco Blue Star Mothers and other community organizations were present. Staff from Texas VFW Headquarters and volunteers provided set up and assistance throughout the day. About 40 Veterans were provided COVID-19 and flu vaccinations, clothing, blankets and other supplies.
“It is a humbling and heartwarming experience to assist veterans who come for goods and services that will help them stay well and warm through the winter months. Seeing the smiles on the veterans faces touches everyone who volunteers and we are fulfilled knowing we are leaving them in a better situation than when they arrived.” —Wyonda Laurence, Texas VFW Headquarters
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