2021 Texas VFW Fall E-news

Page 16

Pictured L-R: Texas VFW Staff Member John Jowers, Texas VFW Color Guard members John Rodriguez, Willie Keller, Lupita Perez, Kelly Glass, and Dave Walden.

Texas VFW Color Guard performs for over 40,000 Attendees and 14 Million Home Viewers at Game 6 of the World Series, Houston, Texas If you were one of the 14.3 million viewers watching from home or were lucky enough to be one of the 41,000 attendees at Minute Maid Park for Game 6 of the World Series between the Astros and the Atlanta Braves on November 2, 2021, then you were most definitely smiling from ear to ear when you saw our very own Color Guard on that beautiful green field presenting the Colors for the National Anthem and doing the VFW and America proud! How did this amazing opportunity come about? Andrew McMullin, the Community Relations Coordinator from The Astros Foundation,

reached out to the Texas VFW Foundation regarding the feasibility and availability of the Color Guard. Texas VFW Headquarters staff members John Jowers and Tommye Juvrud were integral in helping work out the scheduling and logistics with Mr. McMullin — but exact scheduling would depend on the outcome of the NLCS series. After the Atlanta Braves won the NLCS they were then able to nail down that the Texas VFW Honor Guard would present the Colors at Game 6 of the World Series in Houston, Texas.

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Photos by John Jowers and Tommye Juvrud


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