2021 Texas VFW Fall E-news

Page 17

By Mitch Fuller, Director of Governmental and Public Affairs

Texas VFW Testifies in Travis County District Court in Support of Hemp Industry on Legality of Delta-8 THE TEXAS VFW TESTIFIED IN TRAVIS COUNTY DISTRICT COURT in support of a request for a Temporary Injunction filed by representatives of the Texas Hemp industry, including Veteran-owned Hometown Hero, Inc. on Friday, November 5, 2021. The Temporary Injunction sought to stop the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) from making hempbased Delta-8 products illegal through the administrative process after they posted the action on their website in late October 2021. Travis County District Judge Jan Soifer granted the Temporary Injunction on November 8, 2021, and Delta-8 products remain legal in accordance with the 2018 Federal Farm Bill and House Bill 1325, which was signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott in 2019. Testifying in support of the legality of Delta-8 fits into the VFW National Legislative strategy of studying the efficacy of medical cannabis.

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