2021 Texas VFW Fall E-news

Page 9

Post 880, Galveston, Goes Above and Beyond for its Community

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Commander Growcock, Post and Auxiliary members and guests celebrate the Post’s 94th Birthday on September 6, 2021. It is the 6th oldest VFW Post in Texas.

Members host a young veteran suffering from PTSD on August 20, 2021, at the Post. Troy Seale, along with his father, told his story through his music. He spent approximately 3 hours playing and story telling about his PTSD to those attending the Friday Night Steak Dinner. He refused to accept any money and gave what was donated to the Post Scholarship Fund.

Post provides overnight use of Hall for Cub Scout Camp-In Thank you VFW Post 880 for making our Pack 124 Camp-In possible. Our scouts were able to work on merit belt loops, and experience cast-iron cooking outside, hotdogs on a fork, and s’mores. Several took a walking field trip to the Texas Hero’s Monument, made individual first aid kits, learned knife safety, planned and cooked meals, put on skits, and had a great time. We had about 30 people. We have the greatest respect for our veterans and especially the kindness of this Post. Members and Auxiliary provide meals to Galveston County First Responders on September 11, 2021. Quartermaster Vernon Anderson poses with the Responders.

Sincerely, Joe Musick, Pack 124, Cubmaster

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