Textilegence July August

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Fabric Centering and Guiding Unit Paslanmaz ( 1tal1 Ortalay1c1 Unite


EF-SDU Spreading Rollers Helezon Ac;m Unitesi

EF-PMT/K Pinning Guider (Beltless System) Ka y 1 ~s 1 z Tri ger Sistemi

EF-FEE lnfeed System F1rc;:al1 Besleme LJnitesi

EF-FCS Fabric Centering Sensor Kuma ~ Ortalay1c1 Sensor




Squeezing and Finishing Padders S1kma veya Apre Fular LJnitesi

EF-MED Mechanical & Pneumatic Edge Spreader Mekanik ve Pnomatik Kenar Ac;:1c1

EF-ECU Infrared Fabric Edge Control Sensor Infrared Kenar Kontrol Sensoru

EF-FS Fabric Edge Decurler (Padder Inlet) Fular Son Kenar Ac;:1c1 LJnites i



EF-ECU/C Actuators (Rail Position Control) Kenar Kontrol Sistem i

Manuel Weftstraightener Manuel Atk1 Kontrol LJnitesi

EF-BSD Pre-Dryer Unit (Drying Cylinders) Buhar Silindirli On Kurutm a LJnites i ww





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~ EF-GLU/T Top Gum Applicati on Unit Ustten Kenar Kolalama LJ nites i

tr:. EF-ECON ~

Heat Recovery Unit (Air to Air) Baca Gaz1ls1Geri Ka za n1m Sistemi

EF-GLU/H Gum Applicati on Unit Kenar Kolalama LJnitesi



EF-EDU/IR Edge Drying Unit (With Infrared & Air Blowers) Fanl1 Kenar Kurutm a LJnitesi (IR)

~ ~ta~~iy~~!{rimming Unit

Ultrasonic Kenar Kesme LJnitesi



EF-MT A - Frame Winder (Center Driven) M erkez i Tahrikli Dok Sarma LJnitesi

~ ~E~~d!e~rimming Unit

Di skli Kenar Kes me LJnites i

EFFE ENDUSTRi OTOMASYON A.~. i.O.S.B. Suleyman Demirel Bulvan


Sinpa~ i~ Modern i~ Merkezi E-Biok No: 20 34306, Ba~ak~ehir - istanbul / TORKiYE


+90 212 549 39 45 / 55

@ +90 212 671 85 20 info@effeendustri.com

THT ------------------------t emmuz-agustas july-august·------------------------J;QJir-J<:;Ji


tJI' Editoryal ic;erik - Editorial Content ...

Tekstil ihracabnda Kayrp Devam Ediyor


Textile Exports Continue to Contract



italyan MakinaalarSiitdiiriilebilirlikle FarkYarattp Italian ManufrxtulffSCimll! Difrerena!s with SustainibiHty


Ready-Wear Manufacturers are Pessimistic about Greece

EFFE fndiistri Extends Competition to China




HazrrgiyimdlerYunanistan Pazanndan Umutsuz

EFFE Endiistri Rekabeti ~in'e


Local Textile and Machinery Manufacturers Meet at ISO

BTSO'nunEvTeksllli Kiimelenmesi Projesi Sekliirii Biiyiilrot . BTSm Home Texti/eOU51ffing PrcyectWillExtendIndustry



YerliTekstildlerve Makinaalar ISO'da Bull$!


Avrupa'da Nonwoven Oretimi 2014'te %4.7 Artt1 Nonwoven Production in Eurrr



Tekstil Basktsmda Yenilikler SIGN istanbul2015'te SIGN istanbul Will House


Innovations in Textile Printing

Rieter 20151n ilk Yans1nda Ba~nll Sonu~ar Elde Etti


RietelsAchieves SuccessfiJI ResultsinH12015


Vim deWieleveSUPIRBI\



Albn iplik1n Ba~n S1m; lnfurlN

Launch of/TM 2016 was made at ShanghaJTex2015

Van de Wiele and Superba Join Forces

Secret ofSuccess for Altm iplik: lnfor LN

M¥t"&Cie.'fcllrtm Planlanm Haydta~

Mayer &Oe Materializes Investment Plans


Tekstil Makinala1 SMiyatt 2014'11! Azakll

- Ow!mi/ShiprnentsofNew Texti/eMachinery/Jown in2014

' TekstllleVei ' TBMOld lslirixJI'da Bull.tjilCak




WEFTMASTER- FALCON-i ile Giivendesiniz

Textile Giants Will Meet at Texwarld Istanbul

Canon &Jrasia: FESPAEurasia Sekliil!liarele!Kalalrltl)O' (onon Eurosia: FESPA Eurosia Brings Movement to the Sector

You are Safe Wtth Loepfe WEFTMASTfR® FALCON-i



FOlPA Reklam, FESPA Eurasia .,__~ ile HedefBiiyiitii}'llr


TheiJSTFII'"AHSPR02is an &Jo/-KflmingS-

Textile Players Win withCixJ/8reelffvapomtiveUJo/ing

r---------------------1Abone Formu - Subscription Form



Suessen iplik Yeniliklerini Kahramanmara~ta Anlatb

IIM2016nn Lansmam


Roland DG40riin

=:;;;j;:ltlill!!ill Grubuyla Sign istanbul'da Roland DG Will Appear in Sign istanbul with 4 Product Groups

~:7~~:~KartaltepeMh.okulsk.No:3_1 0fisNa:2

FOLPA Reklam Boosts Tatyets ...._.......... Wtth Fespa Eurasia 2015

Banka Bilgileri / Bank Account


Tarih / Date :.............................................................. Sefakiiy-Kii~k\fkmece/istanbul- TURKiYE Telefon/Phone: +902124422412 I lisim / Name :............................................................ Soyisim I Surname :..................................................................

T.C. Garanti Bankas1

I Firma / Firm :..........................................................................................................................................................................

Hesap No/ BankAccountNo TL Hesab1 : TR 69 0006 2000 1870 0006 6405 22

lAd res 1 Address :...................................................................................................................................................................

EuroAccount: TR 34 0006 2000 1870 0009 0805 08

...................................................................................................................................................................................................... :Oike/ Country :........................................................................ Telefon/ Phone :.......................................................

Hesap Ad1 I Bank Account Name Fatih Cengiarslan


Subscription Fee for One Year 120 EU


Tiirkiye ic;in y1lhk abonelik 80 TL ~irket Ka~esi & lmza

Company's Stamp & Signature

IE-mail :......................................................................................................................................................................................

IWeb :.........................................................................................................................................................................................

IMu~teri Vergi Dairesi- Vergi No :.....................................................................................................................................





----------------------------ta1mmuz-agustos july-august- ------------------------I


Cogratvalar Degi,irken Pazarlar Sabit Kalmaz


ekstil ve haz1rgiyim sektorlerinin ihracat kay1plan bu ydm ilk yansma damgasm1 vurmu~tu. Tablo Temmuz aymda da degi~medi_ Gefi:en yll biiyiik bir ihracat arti~I yakalayan sektorler, bu yd kiiresel ve bolgesel sosyo-ekonomik olaylar nedeniyle oldukfi:a gerilere dii~tii. Kuzeyimizde Rusya-Ukrayna gerginligi ve AB'nin Rusya'ya yaptmm karan, giineyimizde Suriye ve M1s1r'da ili~kilerin s1fu ve sava~ diizeyine inmesi, Irak'taki istikrars1zhk, batlda kom~umuz Yunanistan'm iflas eden ekonomisi ve AB 'ye yans1malan akla gelen ilk konular. Diger yandan, Tiirkiye'nin ya~ad1g1 7 Haziran milletvekili sefi:imleri ve mecliste olu~an 4 partili tabloda siiriip giden belirsiz koalisyon aray1~lan ve bunun kur dengesi ba~ta olmak iizere ekonomiye olumsuz etkileri. K1saca tekstil ve hazugiyim sektorii elveri~siz d1~ ve ifi: ko~ullarda 'mecburi' bir ihracat gerilemesi ya~ad1 diyebiliriz.

Buna kar~m olumlu geli~meler de soz konusu. Uzun ylllard1r bat1 ile ili~kilerini kesen ve ambargolar nedeniyle biiyiik s1kmtilar ya~ayan iran, nihayet niikleer kisitlama anla~masm1 imzalayarak tekrar kiiresel pazara giri~ yaptl. iran halihaz1rda Tiirk tekstil ve haz1rgiyim sektorii ifi:in biiyiik ve onemli bir pazar konumunda. Pazar ile daha saghkh kanallann afi:Ilmasi ile bu potansiyel en iist seviyelere fi:Ikanlabilir. Aym ~ekilde lran'm tekstil iiriinleri Tiirkiye pazannda daha rahat ve yogun olarak yer alabilecek. Bolgenin iki onemli iilkesi Tiirkiye ve iran arasmdaki artan ticaret sonufi:ta, siyasal, sosyal ve kiiltiirel ili~kilere olumlu katk1 sunacaktlr. Tekstil ve haZITgiyim sekrorlerinin katma degeri yiiksek iiriinlere gefi:i~i art1k kafi:Imlmaz bir gerfi:ek. Bunun ifi:in ko~ullann olu~masm1 beklemek yerine ko~ullara ragmen ad1m atmak en dogrusu olacaktu.

Sign istanbul Tekstil BaskiSI ile One (;Ikacak Standart iiriinlerden katma degeri yiiksek ve koleksiyon niteligi ta~1yan iiriinlere gefi:i~in izlerini direkt olarak haz1rgiyim iiriinlerinde goriiyoruz. Dijital bask! teknolojileri hem tekstil hem de haz1rgiyim de h1zla yaygmla~1yor. Dijital bask1 teknolojilerini en yaratic1 ~ekilde kullanan bu sektor rekabet ifi:in bir avantaj yakalam1~ oldu. 10-13 Eyliil tarihlerinde diizenlenecek olan Sign istanbul fuan yeni bask1 teknolojileri ile tekstil ve hazugiyim sektorlerini ag1rlamaya haz1rlamyor. Pazar ko~ullarmm kotiiye gittigi donemlerde yeniliklere kap1y1 afi:mak kazand1rabilir.


Markets Mav Ructuate While Geographies Change


he first half of 2015 was shaken wifu export losses in textile and apparel industries. The picture remains the same in July as well. After achieving significant export increases last year, industries lagged far behind due to global and regional socialeconomy issues this year. First reasons in mind could be Russia-Ukraine tension and EU's sanction decision towards Russia in the north, downgraded relations and war status with Syria and Egypt in the soufu, unstable conditions in Iraq, bankruptcy in neighbor Greece in the west and its reflections to the EU. On the other hand, another factor is general elections on June 7 which was followed by a foggy coalition search in a picture of a parliament with parliament as well as its negative impact on currency balance and economy. Shortly, textile and apparel industry had to face an imperative contraction under unfavorable external and internal circumstances.

However, there are still positive developments. Iran eventually signed a nuclear agreement and returned the global market after experiencing large troubles given sanctions for long years and eliminating relations with west. Iran is already a large and crucial market for Turkish textile and apparel industry. The potential can even be boosted to the highest levels via opening more healthy channels with the market. Similarly, Iranian textile products will take place in Turkish market more easily and intensively. Increased trading activity between fue two important countries of the region will eventually contribute to politic, social and cultural relations. Shifting to high value added products in textile and apparel industry is an inevitable truth now. Thus, it is better to take a step despite the current conditions instead of waiting for favorable conditions to occur.

Sign Istanbul Will Shine Out With Textile Printing We can directly see marks of shifting from standard products to high values added ones (almost collections) on apparel products. Digital printing technologies are rapidly spreading both in textile and apparel. The industry uses fue digital printing technologies in the most creative ways and has now caught a competition advantage. Sign istanbul, which will be held on September 10-13, is set to welcome textile and apparel industry with new printing technologies. The industry may win by opening the door for innovations at a time when market conditions go worse.


Adil Sani Konukoglu 'Y1hn Sanayicisi' Odiilii Ald1 Adil Sani Konukoglu Receives "Businessman of the Year" Award


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anket sonucunda 'Yllm Sanayici' se((ilen Konukogluna odiilii wow istanbul Hotel'de diizenlenen wrende Ekonomi Bakam Nihat Zeybek((i tarafindan verildi.

A mong Turkey's leading names ~ textiles industry, Sanko Holding Vice President of the Executive Board and Gaziantep Chamber of Industry CEO Adil Sani Konukoglu received the "Businessman of the Year" award. In accordance with a readers survey traditionally held by International economy and business world magazine Ekovitrin, Konukoglu received the awards during a ceremony at WOW Istanbul Hotel from Minister of Economy, Nihat Zeybek((i.

Dergi tarafindan 1 Ocak- 20 Mart 2015 tarihleri arasmda ger((ekle~en ankette 27 kategoride 81 aday yanf1tl ve ythn starlan ankete katllan 310 bin 202 oyla belirlendi. Dfut ku!1aktrr sanayici olan bir aileden gelen Adil Sani Konukoglu, 'Yllm Sanayicisi' kategorisinde oylarm yiizde 65.5's1ID alarak Odille u!a!1tr.

81 candidates competed in 27 categories during the survey between January 1-March 20,2015 while 310.202 votes determined the starts of the year. A member of a business family of four generations, Konukoglu was elected with 65.5% of the votes in the category "Businessman of the Year''.

'"'f'liirk tekstil sekiliriiniin ve sanayi.l nin onemli isimlerinden Sanko Holding Yonetim Kurulu B~ve­ kili ve Gaziantep Sanayi Odas1 YOnetim Kurulu B~ Adil Sani Konukoglu, 'Yllm Sanayicisi' s~ildi. Uluslararas1 ekonomi ve i~ diinyas1 dergisi Ekovitrin tarafindan geleneksel olarak diizenlenen ve okuyu-



iTO'niin Tekstil Laboratuvar1 TORKAK'dan Akreditasyon Ald1 ITO Receives TORKAK Accreditation For Textile Lab



TS EN ISOIIEC 17025 Deney ve Kalibrasyon Laboratuvarlanmn Yeterliligi i9in Genel ~artlar Standardina uygun olarak 33 testten b~an ile ge((en laboratuvar 'Deney Laboratuvan' statiisiinde tekstil alanmda akredite olan en geni~ kapsamh laboratuvar olma ozelligi ~1yor. Onay alan b~hklar arasmda renk hash~ deneyleri, kum~la­ rm yap1sal degi~imine ili~kin analiz

The laboratory succeeded 33 tests in accordance with General Conditions Standard of TS EN ISO/ IEC 17025 Experiment and Calibration Laboratories Sufficiency. It is the most comprehensive laboratory in the kind that is accredited in textiles at "Experiment Lab" status. There are color originality experiments, analyses regarding structure changes of fabrics and chemical analyses are among approval titles.

stanbul Teknik Universitesi (iTO) Tekstil Teknolojileri ve Tasarum Fakiiltesi, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon Kalite Kontrol ve ~trrma Laboratuvan, Tiirk Akreditasyon Kurumu (TORKAK.) tarafindan 4 ytl siire ile akredite oldu. TORKAK. tarafindan 26 Mayts 2019 tarihine kadar 33 metottun akreditasyonu geryekle~ti.

vo lcim,.,.J on»>izltt Ono .,Jaymo;

stanbul Technical University (iTO) Textile Technologies and Design Faculty - Textile and Outfit Quality Control and Research Laboratory has been accredited for 4 years by Turkish Accreditation Association (TORKAK.). TORKAK. carried on accreditation of33 methods until May 29,2019.

rect the industry in the next 4 years. The industry aims to be a leader in global market with products that consist of technology and design in textile, garment and leather sectors.

Tekstil Sektorii i~in 4 Yllhk Vol Haritas1 Haz1rland1 4 Years Long Route Map Prepared for Textiles 015'in ilk yansmda ciddi ihracat kay1plan ya~ayan Tiirk tekstil sektorii oniimii gormek i9in aray1~ i9inde. Resmi Gazete'de yay1mlanan Tiirkiye Tekstil, Haz1rgiyim ve Deri Uriinleri Sektorleri Strateji Belgesi ve Eylem Plam (20152018) oniimiizdeki 4 yllda sektore yon vermeyi hedefliyor. Beige ve plan ile tekstil, hazirgiyim ve deri sektorlerinde teknoloji ve tasanm i((eren iiriin-


lerle kiiresel pazarda lider iilke olmay1 hedefleniyor. Strateji belgesi ve eylem plamnda, sektorlerin diinyada ve Avrupa Birligi'ndeki (AB) durumu ile Tiirkiye'deki iiretim, ihracat, i9 talep, istihdam ve kapasiteleri, girdi ve iiretim maliyetleri, kiimelenme ve Ar-Ge faaliyetleri, iiretim egilimleri ve pazarlar ele ahmrken, rekabet gii9leri de analiz edildi.


urkish textile industry is trying to find its direction after giving noteworthy losses in the first half of 2015. Turkey Textile, Garment and Leather Products Industries Strategy Letter and Action Plan (2015-2018) were established in Official Gazette while it aims to di-

In the strategy letter and action plan, state of industries across the world and European Union (EU) as well as production, export, domestic demand, employtnent and its capacities, input and productions costs, aggregation and R&D activities, production trends and markets in Turkey were evaluated. Competition powers were also analyzed.

EFI Enters Digital Textile Printing with Acquisition of Reggiani Macchine

EFI, Reggiani Macchine'yi Alarak Digital Tekstil Bask1s1na Girdi Ffl'M (Electronics For Imaging, Inc.) lnzla biiyiiyen inkjet tekstil baskl alamnda Reggiani Macchine'nin stratejik satm ahm1 ile endiistri lideri giiciine ula~tl.


yalan srralamyor. Reggiani 40'dan fazla iilkedeki ajans1 ve sevkiyat ag1 ile 120'den fazla iilkedeki mii~­ terilerine 90ziim sunuyor.

lJlectronics For Imaging, Inc. .l..J(EFJTM) established an industryleading presence in high-growth inkjet textile printing with the strategic

acquisition ofReggiani Macchine.

Monforts Ev Tekstilleri Diinyas1 Dergisi, Yeni Ev Tekstili (foziimlerini Vurguluyor

Lenzing and Jeanologia Sunar: TENCEL® 24: Day into Night Koleksiyonu

New Solutions for Home Textiles Highlighted in Monforts World of Home Textiles Magazine

Lenzing and Jeanologia Presents: TENCEL® 24: Day into Night


onfortsTextilmaschinen' den yeni 28 sayfahk Ev Tekstilleri Diinyas1 dergisi. Bu dergide ev tekstilleri kuma~lannm ve iiretim teknikleri i9in en son ((oziimler, Montex stenter ganunm tekstil terbiyesindeki giicii vurgulamyor. Dergi Heimtextil 2015 fuarmda tan1t1lan yeni tasanmlan gosteriyor. Kuma~, stil ve renk alanmda geni~ bir yelpazede diinyanm onde gelen firmalarl tarafmdan hazrrlanan bu yeni tasanmlann tamam1 Montex stenterlerde terbiye edildi. Dilp. lng Kurt van Wersch tarafmdan haztrlanan 'Ekonomik ve Ekolojik a((tlardan havlu kuma~lann

terbiyesi' ba~hkh teknik makalede havlu kuma~lar

i9in normal ve modifiye edilmi~ terbiye metodIan a((tklantyor.

world of

A new 28 page World of Home ~extiles magazine from A Monforts Textilmaschinen. It highlights the latest solutions for Home Textiles fabrics and production techniques placing special emphasis on textile finishing with the company's range of Montex stenters. The magazine illustrates new designs introduced at Heimtextil2015 exhibition by leading textile companies around the world producing a wide variety of fabrics, styles, and colours: - but all finished on Montex stenters. An in-depth technical article on 'Economical and ecological aspects of the finishing of terry cloth' by Dipl. lng Kurt van Wersch, highlights the special feahome textiles tures of terry cloth and describes normal and modified finishing pro-

Monforts Refe<ern:e Reports


1 wwwmonforts.com

cess methods.


eliiloz elyaflanmn iiretiminde diinyalideriolanLenzing, 'TENCEL® 24: Day into Night' adtyla TENCEL® elyafindan yeni indigo chambray koleksiyonunu tamtacak. TENCEL®24: Day into Nightkoleksiyonu New York'tak:i Kingpins'te ilk kez sahneye 9tkacak. Yeni kadtn koleksiyonu, TENCEL®'den yapllmt~ ~larm en ~ ozelliginin g~ligi ve giizelligi oldugunu gostermek i9in bir platform olacak. TENCEL®'in bu en modem egilimi aym zamanda Lenzing'in elyaf yeniliklerini ve ((eVreSel sorunllulugunu vurgulayan taahhiidii ile de uytmlludur. Yeni TENCEL® elyaf koleksiyonu Jeanologia'nm yenilik((i konfeksiyon i~leme teknolojilerine sahip. Koleksiyon i9in 9ah~ Pakistan'dakiArtistic Fabric Mill ve Tiirkiye'den Korat Tekstil'den saglandt.


I» Cl'" tD ~

Reggiani's inkjet technologies, which will be rebranded as EFI Reggiani, address the full scope of advanced textile printing, with versatile printers suitable for water-based dispersed, acid, pigment and reactive dye printing inks. In its 60+ year history, Reggiani has become a leading innovator of a full range of industrial solutions for textile manufactlrring, includ~/9l>;,.,...~ ing high-quality printers for fashion and home furnishing textiles, 1--=i---Ojill' with a comprehensive portfolio spanning the company's original rotary screen technologies to the most advanced inkjet textile ~~::r"'"' printers and inks in the industry. Reggiani has customers in more than 120 countries served by a wide distribution network and .iiii::J~~=----L~--:::1 agents in over 40 countries.

Satm alma sonrasmda Reggiani'nin inkjet teknolojileri EFI Reggiani olarak yeniden adlandmldt. Bu tam kapsamh geli~mi~ tekstil basklsmda, su bazh dispers, asit, pigment ve reaktif baskl boyalanna uygun 9ok yonIii baskl makinalan yer altyor. 60 ytldan fazla tarihinde Reggiani tekstil iiretimi i9in bir dizi endiistriyel ((Oziimlerde yenilik9i bir lider oldu. Bunlarm arasmda moda ve ev mobilya tekstil iiriinleri i9in yiiksek kaliteli baskl makinalan, kapsamh bir portfoy i9ine yaytlan orijinal rotatif (doner) serigrafi teknolojileri ve en geli~mi~ inkjet tekstil baskl makinalan ve bo-




enzing, a worldwide leader in the production of cellulose fibers, will introduce a TENCEL® fiber indigo chambray collection called TENCEL® 24: Day into Night. The TENCEL® 24: Day into Night collection will debut at Kingpins in New York. The new ladies wear collection is a platform to showcase the breadth and beauty of "the" most recognizable type of fabrics made out of TENCEL®. This most modem of slants on TENCEL® is also in line within Lenzing's commitment to fiber innovation and environmental responsibility. New TENCEL® fiber collection featlrring Jeanologia's innovative garment processing Technologies Bases provided by Artistic Fabric Mill in Pakistan and Korat in Turkey.







----------------------hlmmuz-ogusros july-august- ---------------------I

Tekstil ihracat1nda Kay1p Devam Ediyor Textile Exports Continue to Contract li'il ~ye ihracat¢ar Meclisi'nin . . . (TIM) yayunladJgt Temmuz 2015 ihracat rakamlan tekstil ve hammaddeleri sektfuii ile hazrrgiyim ve konfeksiyon, halt ve deri sektOrlerinde gerilemenin devam ettigi gfuiiliiyor. Tekstil ve hammaddeleri sektOrii Temm:uz 2015'te 633 milyon Dolarhk: ibm-

cat get\:cld~ Bu rakam, g~ y!l ayrn diinemde get\:cld~ 702 milyon Dolarhk: ihracatm yiizde 9.9 altmda kaldJ.. 2015 ylh Ocak:-Tennnuz dOnemine balaldJ.gmda ise tekstil ve hammaddeleri sektfui.iniin 2014 y!lmm ilk 7 ayt ile ~dlgmda kaybt yiizde 1L4 oldu_ Bahsedilen bu diinemde toplam tekstil ihracatl 5 milyar 222 milyon Dolardan 4 milyar 628 milyon Dolara geriledi Temmuz aymda en fazla ihracat yapan ilk 10 sekilir i9inde hazrrgiyim ve konfeksiyon sekilirii 2. srrada, tekstil ve hammaddeleri sekilirii ise 6. srrada yer aldJ..

Hazrrgiyim, Bah ve Deri ihracati Geriledi Hazrrgiyim v e Konfeksiyon sektiirii ise Temmuz 2015 ytlmda bir onceki ytlm aym aytna gore yiizde 13 'liik: gerileme ile 1 milyar 497 milyon Dolar gelir elde etti. 2014 Temmuz aymda bu rakam 1 milyar 720 milyon Dolar olm~tu. Sekiliriin Ocak-Temm:uz 2015 cilinemi ihracat performanst da yiizde 13,8'1ik ~ kaydetti. 2014'iin ilk 7 aymda 11 milyar 143 milyon Dolarhk: ihracat yaplhrken, 2015'in Ocak-Temmuz diinerninde 9 milyar 658 milyon Dolarhk: ihracat rakamma ~lldJ.. Hah iireticileri Temmuz 2015 ylhnda yiizde 19,1 'likkaytpla 147 milyon Dolarhk: ihracat geliri elde etti. 2014 ylhrun Tennnuz ayrnda burakam 181 milyon Dolar idi. Ocak:-Temmuz diinemi baknnmdan ise 2014 ylhnda 1 milyar 326 milyon Dolarhk: gelir elde eden halt iireticileri yiizde 13,6'1ik kaytpla 1 milyar 146 milyon Dolara geriledi.


1!1 . . Online Haber Online News

III'W ccording to the July 2015 riJI export figures released by TIM - Turkish Exporters' Assembly, exports continued to contract in textile and raw materials, readywear and apparel, carpet and leather industries. Exports were USD633 million in textile and raw materials industry, 9.9% below the USD702 million in July last year. Looking at January-July, 2015, textile and raw materials industry contracted 11.4% when compared to the first 7 months of2014. Total textiles exports were down to USD4.628 billion from USD5.222 billion in the period. Within the top 10 industries that exported most during July, ready-wear and apparel ranked as the 2nd while textile and raw materials ranked as the 6th.

Exports are Down in ReadyWear, Carpet and Leather In July 2015, ready-wear and apparel industry saw a 13% decline in exports at USDL497 billion turnover compared to the same month of2014. The figure was USD L720 billion in July 2014. Exports in January-July, 2015 were down 13.8%. Exports were at USD11.143 billion in the first 7 months of2014, while the figure was USD9.658 billion in January-July, 2015.

Derive deri mamulleri sektOrii 2014 yill Temmuz aymda 169 milyon Dolarhk: gelir elde ederken 2015 Temmuzundayiizde29,7'likd~~le 119 milyon Dolar oldu. 2015 Ocak-Temmuz cilinerninde, gC9en ytlm aym cilinernine gore yiizde 17,2'lik kaytpla 871 milyon Dolar ihracat geliri yakalandJ..

2015 yllmda ihracatta siirekli gerileme yafayan Tiirk tekstil ve hammaddeleri sektorii Temmuz aymda da yiizde 9. 9 gerileyerek 633 milyon Dolar degerine ulaftl.

Turkish textile and raw material exports have seen a constant contraction in 2015. Exports fell 9. 9% to USD633 million in July as well.


Carpet manufacturers recorded an exports turnover ofUSD 147 million in July this year, a drop of 19.1 %. The figure was USD181 million. As for January-July period, this industry saw a 13.6% loss in exports turnover at USD1.146 million compared to the same period of 2014, when they had reported USDL326 billion. Leather and leather products industry obtained USD169 million exports turnover in July 2014, while the figure decreased 29.7% to USD119 million. In January-July 2015, exports level was USD871 million with a 17.2% drop from the same period of last year.

Haz1rgiyimciler Yunanistan Pazar1ndan Umutsuz Ready-Wear Manufacturers are Pessimistic about Greece ['U unanistan'm y~adlgi tarihi

a.ll ekonomik

darbogaz Tiirk hazrrgiyim sektOriinde olumsuz yansunalar yarattJ.. Hazrrgiyim sekiliriiniin Yunanistan'a yapacagi ihracatm gec;:en senenin altmda kalkmast bekleniyor. Yunanistan ekonomisinde ktsa vadede bir toparlanmadan soz etmenin miimkiin olmadlgin! soyleyen istanbul Hazrrgiyim ve Konfeksiyon ihracatc;:tlan Birligi (iHKiB) Yonetim Kurulu B~ Hikmet Tannverdi; ihracatm gec;:en ytlm altmda kalacagin! savundu. Tiirkiye hazrr giyim ihracatmda Yunanistan'm yiizde 0,7'lik pay ile onemli bir yer tutmadlgin! belirten Tannverdi, ancak iilkenin y~adlgi kriz nedeniyle kendi ic;:inde ciddi kaytplardan soz edilebilecegini aktardt. Tannverdi; ''Tiirl<iye'ninYimanistan'a ihracatl 2014 ytlmda 2013 'e gfue yiizde 9,1 'lik ~ ile 116 milyon Dolara yiikselerek 25. srraya c;:tktl. Ythn ilk 5 aytna baktlgimtzda ihracatmnzda yiizde 19'luk bir kaytp gi)zlemliyoruz. Bu zaman diliminde 41,3 milyon Dolarhk sa~ gerc;:ekle~ Haziran aymda bu seyrin daha da derinl~tigi足 ne inamyonun. Yimanistan ekonomisinden ktsa vadede bir toparlanmadan saz etmek c;:ok miimkiin gfuiinmiiyor. Bu nedenle ytlsonunda Yimanistan'a ihracatmnzm 2014'iin altmda kalacagun d~yorum" dedi.

Tiirkiye Giyim Sanayicileri Demegi (fGSD) B~ ~erefFayat ise, Yunanistan'm temerriide d~esi足 nin, Tiirk hazrr giyim sektOrii ic;:in c;:ok biiyiik bir pazar olmadlgi ic;:in kendileri ic;:in biiyiik bir stkmtlya yol ac;:mayacagun sayledi. Yunanistan'm Euro BOlgesi'nden c;:tkmast halinde hazrr giyim sektOrii ic;:in problem olacagun dile getiren Fayat; "Qiinkii bOyle bir durwnda Euro, Dolar kar~tsmda deger kaybeder. Bu da ana pazanmtz Avrupa oldttgu ic;:in bizi stkmtlya sokar. Kanaatimce Avrupa bOyle bir riski goze alamaz. Bu nedenle son dakikada da olsa bir c;:Oziim


istorical economic crises in Greece had negative reflections in Turkey's ready wear indttstry. Ready-wear exports to Greece are already expected to lag behind last year's figure.

Birle~ik Markalar Demegi (BMD) B~ Sami Kariyo da, Yunanistan'da Tiirk markalarmm az saytdaki magazalanmn tamarmm kapattJ.gi bilgisini verdi.

istanbul Ready-Wear and Apparel Exporters (iHKiB) Chairman Hikmet Tannverdi reported that there are no expectations for a recovery over the short term for Greece economy, adding that exports will probably lag behind last year. Greece does not have a crucial role with 0. 7% share in Turkey's ready-wear exports whereas severe losses might be possible within the country dtte to its crisis.

Ekonomik krizle bogufan Vunanistan, Tiirk haz1rgiyim sektoriinde diifiik bir ihracat payma sahip olmasma karfm yine de sektor i~in olumsuz etkilere yol a~t1.

Greece has a small market share in Turkey's ready-wear exports but economic crisis in the country have resulted in negative impact for the industry.

yolunun bulunacagina dair inanc1m1 koruyorum" diye kon~tu.

Tannverdi mentioned, ''Turkey's exports to Greece were up to USD 116 million in 2014 with respect to 2013 to be ranked as 25th. Looking at the first 5 months of the year, we observe 19% fall in our exports. In this period of time, we achieved USD 41.3 million sales. I believe this scene got more severe in June. It doesn't seem that possible to foresee a recovery in Greek economy over the short term. Thus, I think our exports to Greece will be down from 2014 figures." Turkish Clothing Manufacturers Association (TGSD) President ~eref Fayat commented that default of Greece would not cause any big trouble for Turkey's ready-wear industry since it is not a large export destination. A possible way out or Greece from Eurozone would mean an issue for ready-wear industry. "Because, in such a case, euro would depreciate against dollar which would put us in trouble as Europe is our main market. In my point of view, Europe would not risk this and I keep my hope for a last minute solution to show up," he explained. United Brands Association of Turkey (BMD) President Sami Kariyo reported that Turkish brands close only a few stores in Greece.

-------------------------hlmmuz-ogusros july-august- ------------------------Yerli Tekstilciler ve Makinacllar iSO'da Bulu~tu I

Local Textile and Machinery Manufacturers Meet at ISO


stanbul Sanayi Odast (ISO), Turk tekstil ve haztr giyim sektoru temsilcileri ile yerli tekstil makinesi ureticilerini Haziran aytnda bir araya getirdi. lki sektOr arastnda bir koordinasyon olu~urarak sektorlerin dt~ dunyadaki rekabet gucunu arttrmayt hedefleyen ISO, sektorler arast ileti~imi ve i~ birligini guc;lendirmek ic;in koordinasyon toplanttlanna onumuzdeki donemde de devam edecek.

Koordinasyon toplanttst, ISO Yonetim Kurulu Ba~kan Yardtmctst Adnan Dalgaklran ba~kanhgtnda, ISO yoneticilerinin ve sektor temsilcilerinin katthmt ile ISO ana binastnda gerc;ekle~ti. Yerli makine sanayinin geli~irilmesi ic;in gosterdigi c;ah~ma足 larla tantnan Dalgaktran, ac;th~ konu~mastnda toplanttntn amac;lannt anlattt. Dalgaklran; "Dunyada birc;ok sektorde buyQk bir rekabetle ka~t ka~tyaytz Bu rekabet ile ba~ c;tkmantn tek yolu deger yaratmakttr" dedi. Turkiye'nin 20 bin dolarhk milli gelire ula~mast ic;in mutlaka yQksek teknolojiye dayah katma degeri yuksek uri.inler uretmesi gerektiginden sOz eden Dalgaklran sozlerini ~oyle surdurdu; "Arttk uretimden c;ok marka yaratan bir ulke olmahytz. ltalya'ntn hem tekstilde hem de tekstil makinelerinde dunyaya hukmetmesinin en buyQk nedeni, iki sektor arastnda yakalanmt~ olan mukemmel uyumdur. Biz de tekstil ile makinecilerimiz

arastnda bOyle guc;lu bir ileti~im ve sinerjiyi nastl olu~urabiliriz diye, bu amac;la toplanmt~ bulunuyoruz" ISO Yonetim Kurulu Ba~kan Yardtmctst lrfan Ozhamarath da yapttgt konu~mada her iki sektOri.in kuresel rekabette yer alabilmesi ic;in birlikte hareket etmesi gerektigine dikkati c;ekti. Toplanttda Tekstil Makina ve Aksesuar Sanayicileri Dernegi (TEMSAD) Yonetim Kurulu Ba~kant Adil Nalbant taraftndan Turkiye'nin Tekstil Makineleri alamndaki ithalat ve ihracata ili~kin dengesizliklerin vurgulandtgt bir sunum gerc;ekle~tirildi. Ozellikle tekstil makine sektorundeki yurt dt~t bagtmhhgtnt azaltmayt ve yerli urun uretiminin saglanmaSint amac;layan toplanttda sektor temsilcilerinin yerli ya da yabanct ureticiler konusunda ya~adtklan tecrubeler payla~tldt. Bu tecrubeler dogrultusunda, tekstil ureticilerinin makine alantndaki ihtiyac;lanmn tespit edilmesi ve bu tespitler dogrultusunda tekstil imalatc;tlanmn ve tekstil makinesi imalatc;tlanmn i~ birligi halinde c;ah~arak, daha katma degerli uretimler gerc;ekle~tirilme足 si konusunda fikir birligine vanldt. Onumuzdeki surec;te tekstil ve tekstil makineleri alantnda temsilcilerin, tekstil alt sektorlerinin sorunlanmn tespit edilmesini hedefleyen toplanttlar gerc;ekle~tirmesi; bununla birlikte tekstil alt sektorleri baglamtnda aynntth bir ihtiyac; analizi raporu haztrlanarak oncelikli alt sektorlerin belirlenmesi ve yol haritast ortaya c;tkanlmast, toplanttda ahnan bir ba~ka karar oldu.


stanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO) gathered representatives from Turkish textile and ready-wear industry and domestic textile machinery manufacturers in June. ISO aims to boost competitive power of those two industries on a global scale by creating coordination between them. ISO will continue to arrange coordination meetings in the coming days in an attempt to strengthen communication and corporation between industries.

The coordination meeting was held in ISO headquarter with participation of ISO executives and industry representatives under the presidency of Adnan Dalgalman, ISO Vice Chairman. Known with his efforts for development of local machinery industry, Dalgaktran explained targets of the meeting. "We face a huge tough competition in many industries on a global scale. The only way to cope with it is to create value," he commented. Turkey should definitely manufacture high tech products with high added value. "We should be creating brands rather than producing. The main reason that Italy dominates the global market in both textile and textile machinery is that the perfect harmony between the two industries. Therefore, we have met to discuss the methods to catch such a strong communication and synergy between textile and machinery manufacturers," Dalgakuan mentioned.

ISO Vice Chairman irfan Ozhamarath pointed to the fact that both industries should corporate in order to take a place in global competition. During the meeting, Textile Machinery and Accessory Manufacturers Association (TEMSAD) President Adil Nalbant, made a presentation that emphasized unbalanced spots in imports and exports regarding Turkish Textile Machinery. The meeting aimed to reduce dependency on foreign countries and boost domestic manufacturing particularly in textile machinery industry. Representatives shared their experiences related to domestic or foreign manufacturers. Accordingly, participants concurred that requirements of textile manufacturers in machinery field should be determined and in this context textile manufacturers and textile machinery manufacturers should corporate to reach higher value added productions. In accordance with other decisions, representatives of textile and textile machinery fields will hold meetings that aim to define problems in sub textile industries, to prepare a detailed requirement analysis report to set the primary sub industries and to draw a road map for the process in the days to come.


FLATBED-PLOTTERrHi(~B0¥l.E GORMEDiNiZ!- ...........___





---------------------hlmmuz-ogusrosl july-august- ---------------------

ITM 2016'nln Lansman1 Shanghailex 201S'te Vap1ld1 Launch of ITM 2016 was made at ShanghaiTex 2015 li'il

iirkiye'nin ve 9evre bOlgenin . . . en biiyiik ve onemli tekstil makinalan fuan ITM 2016 i9ifl hazrrbklar biiyiik bir lnzla devam ediyor. TOYAP ve Teknik Fuarcthk ortakhgt ile 1-4 Haziran 2016 tarihlerinde diizenlenecek olan fuar i9in, ShanghaiTex 2015 fuannda 16 Haziran'da Shanghai Yeni Uluslararast Fuar Merkezi'nde bir 1ansman toplantJ.st organize edildi. ToplantJ.ya <;inti iiretici firmalarm yetkililerinin yam srra, yerel ve uluslararast sekilir ve medya temsilcileri de katJ.ldt ITM 2016'nin tamtJ.m toplantJ.sma aynca ShanghaiTex 2015'e katJ.lan ve ziyaret eden Tiirk makine iireticileri de hazrr bulundu. Lansman toplantJ.smm a¢1~ kon~ ma1armt ShanghaiTex Fuarlarmm da organizailiri.i olan Shanghaitex Group Ltd'nin B~ Ymg Chen ve Tiirkiye Cwnhuriyeti ~angay B~onsoloslugi! Yetkilisi Burcu Turan yaptJ.. Teknik Fuarctbk Yonetim Kurulu B~ Necip Giiney'in, Tiirk tekstil sekilirii hakkmda yaptJ.gt sunumun ardmdan, ITM Fuarlan tamtJ.m filminin gosterimi oldu_ ToplantJ., Effe Endiistri firmast ortagJ. ihsan Mokanoglu ve TMA Miimessillik Genel Miidiirii Nevzat AltJ.nay'm kon~yla sona erdi. Necip Giiney, ITM 2016 fuarmm diinya 9BPIDda tamtJ.m ~ kapsammda, <;in ve Uzakdogi!'nun en Bnemli tekstil fuan olan ShanghaiTex'de bu toplantJ.nm yaptlmasmm biiyiik Bnent ~tdtgtm sByledi. Giiney sBzlerine ~yle devam etti; ''Diinya ticaretinde smrrlann kalktJ.gJ. giiniimiizde <;in, Tiirkiye ile ticari ili~erini siirekli artmyor. Bu dogrultuda tekstil seklliriine yBnelik faaliyet g&teren firmalann yetkilileri, Tiirl<iye' deki firmalar ile ~birligini geli-ek istediklerini; ITM 2016 Fuan'nm da, bu konuda Bnemli bir bul~ noktast olacagim sBylediler."

The China and Far Gelecek y•l1-4 Haziran 2016 East launching tarihlerinde meeting of ITM diizenlenecek 2016 International olan Tiirkiye'nin Textile Machinery ve bolgenin en Exhibition to be held biiyiik tekstil in Istanbul on June makinalan fuan 1-4, 2016 was held at ITM 2016'nm t;in ve ShanghaiTex 2015. Uzakdogu lansmam The fair is the largest ShanghaiTex fuarmda machinery event for yap1ld1. Yogun ilgi Turkey and the region goren lansman ile while the launch was a strong start for ITM 2016 gii~lii bir ITM2016. girif yapmlf oldu. @





Online Haber Online News


reparations for the largest . . . textile machinery fair for Turkey and the nearby region, ITM 2016 go on rapidly. At ShanghaiTex 2015 Fair, the launching meeting of ITM 2016 International Textile Machinery Exhibition to be held in Istanbul on June 1-4,2016 was made. The meeting held at Shanghai New International Expo Centre on Tuesday the 16th of June, 2015 was attended by the representatives from the international industrial publications as well as the authorities of the Chinese manufacturer companies. Besides in the meeting the Turkish company representatives who were there as participants and visitors at ShanghaiTex 2015 Fair took part. The opening speech of the meeting was made by Ymg Chen, the Chairman of Shanghaitex Group Ltd., the organizer of the Shanghaitex fairs. After that, Burcu Turan, the Official from the Turkish Republic Consulate General of Shanghai, gave a speech. Following the presentation on the Turkish textile industJ.y, which was made by Necip Giiney, the Chairman of the Executive Board of Teknik Fuarctbk, the introduction films of ITM Fairs were shown. The meeting was concluded with the speeches by ihsan Mokanoglu, the partJ.ter of Effe IndustJ.y Company and Nevzat AltJ.nay, the General Manager of TMA Miimessillik. Necip Giiney stated, ''Within the scope of the worldwide promotional activities ofiTM 2016 Fair, it is of great importance that this meeting would be held at ShanghaiTex being the most important textile fair of China and the Far East. In our day when the borders in the world trade have been removed, China is constantly increasing its commercial relations with Turkey. Accordingly, the representatives from the companies operating in the textile sector said that they want to develop partnerships with the companies in Turkey, and that ITM 2016 Fair will be a significant meeting point for this."



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iSTANBUL "Bu Fuar 5174 say !It Kanun geregince TOBB (TUrkiye Odalar ve Borsa lar Birligi) denetiminde dUzenlenmekted ir" . "This Fair is organized with the audit ofTOBB (The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey) in accordance with the Law No.5 t 74"

----------------------temmuz-agustos iuly-august·- ---------------------TmH·~~l'N~Ii


Mayer & Cie. Vat1r1m Planlar1m Hayata Ge~iriyor Mayer & Cie. Materializes Investment Plans ~ rgii

teknolojileri iireticisi Mayer & Cie, ~irketin gelecek yillarda da Ahnanya merlrezli kalacagun gi:isteriyor. Finruunn 2015 ve 2016 yillanm kapsayan yatmm planlannda y~ 3 milyon Emo'luk yatmm 1asnn Albstadt'taki ~ merkezine aynldJ.. Gel;en yillarda ol.dugugibi bu yatmmla ~ sayw daha da arttm1acak. Her ~ i:ince, montaj ve iiretimde noktalannda tam dolan sipari~ler i~ yeni ~is­ tihdam edilecek.


pal\:8Sl. Blue Competence Initiavite'in

(Mavi Yetkinlik ~) bir iiyesi olan Mer, siirdiiriil.ebilirlik. ve enerji verimliligi konusunda yiiksek degerlere sahip. Enerji verimliligi konusunda Onemli adnn1ar atan firma, bina1ardan, Uretim batlanna, montaJdan nibai iiriin olan orgii makinalannakadar bu siireci ~Ia yiiriitiiyor. BOylece yeni yatJ.-

Mayer & Cie'nin Almanya -Albstadt'daki merkezinin MTC fugii makinalan iiretimi bir modemizasyona ~yacak. Aynca ~irl<:et teknik personel i~ alacak. 110 yilhk bir ~~ sahip alan fumarnn ylizde 100 bir aile i~letmesi olarak ~­ stm siirdiiriiyor. ~u anda kurucu ailenin dOrdiincii nesli ~ilketi yanetiyor.

Mayer&Cie Nisan aYJ. sonunda 70

Ahnanya Bodelshausen'daki Speidel fumast Orgii giyimde (triko) kullaruyor. Speidel'in fume fabrikast 130 Orgii makinasmda, ayhk 90-100 ton arasmda ma1zeme ile ic giyim hatlannda iiretim gercekl~tiriyor.

Online News

l"iaa oundation of the compaIJI ny's future success and expansion is laid in Germany - that is agreed upon at Mayer & Cie, knitting technologies manufacturer. For the headquarters of the business in Albstadt investments of about €3 million are budgeted. On top of that employee numbers will further be increased just as in the years before. Above all, in assembly and production there will be new personnel to attend to the company's full order books.

Mayer & Cie. is based in Albstadt, Germany. At its headquarters, machinery for manufacturing MCT's knitting machines will undergo a modernization. Furthermore, the company is hiring further technical staff. Since its foundation 110 years ago, the company is 100% family-owned. Currently, the founding family's fourth generation manages the company.

mnlarm dakatlast ileAlbstadt fabrikast daha verim1i bale getirilecek

bininci fugii makinastm iireterek~ terisine teslim etti. Yiiksek. verimlilikteki siiprem makinast MV 4-3.2 II'Yl

Online Haber

A restructuring and modernization of the building equipment at the headquarters is an important part of the investment plan. MCT is a member of the Blue Competence Initiative and sets a high value on sustainability and energy efficiency. For MCT energy efficiency draws a continuous line, starting at buildings, production line and assembly and leading up to the final product, the knitting machine. Consequently, another area that is to become more efficient at the Albstadt site is machinery used for manufacturing knitting machines.

Merkez binasmm yeniden yapllanmast ve bina ekipman1amnn modemizasyonu bu yatmm planmm Onemli bir

70 Bininci Mayer & Cie Makinast Sevk Edlldi

1!1 ..

Mayer & Cie. Ships 70.000th Knitting Machine

Mayer & Cie (MCT) 2015 ve 2016 doneminde yakla,•k 4 milyon Euro'luk tesis ve personel yat1r1m1 ile tum bolgelerdeki iiretim kapasitesini geni,letmeyi planhyor. @

Mayer & Cie (MCT) plans to expand production capacities in all regions via €4 million worth facility and staff investment in 2015 and 2016.

End of April2015, Mayer & Cie. (MCT) produced and delivered the 70,000th knitting machine to the customer. The highly productive single jersey machine MV 4-3.2 II is in use at knitwear manufacturer Speidel in Bodelshausen, Germany. Speidel's knitting factory comprises 130 knitting machines, producing between 90 and 100 tons of material per month, all for its own lingerie product lines.

item a

ltema'y1 tercih etmek, sizi ba$anya gotUrecek ilk dogru karardir. ltema dokuma makineleri, yuksek surat ve hassasiyet, olaganustU kuma$ kalitesi ve en ust seviyede c;ok yonluluk ile yeni bir teknolojik mihenk ta$1 olu$turuyor.

ltema'da biz, tezgahlanm1z1 tasarlarken, yaratiCIIiglniZI serbest b1rakabilmeniz ic;in, her adimda inovasyon kat1yoruz. Misyonumuz ancak sizlerin beklentilerini kar$11ayabildigimizde tamamlan1yor. "i$te Bu Yuzden inamyoruz"




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Tm HwMJs:;J; ---------------------t emmuz-agustos I july-august- ---------------------

Tekstil Makinalar1 Sevkiyatl2014'te Azald1 Overall Shipments of Textile Machinery Down in 2014 jetli dokuma tezgahlart sevkiyatJ. ise, 2012'den beri iifi:iincii ~~le yiizde 30 gerileyerek 24,220 Unite oldu. Hava jetli dokuma tezgahlan da dfut ytlhk artJ.~tan sonra ilk kez ~~ kaydetti. Hava jetli tezgahlar 2014 ytlmdayiizde 19 daralmaile20,176 Unite olarak: sevk edildi. Buna ~m, rapier/projektili tezgahlann sevkiyatl ise yiizde 14 arttt. 2013 yt1tnda 23,828 olan Unite sevkiyatJ. 27,271 iiniteye 9Ikarak: 2006 ythndan bu yana en yiik:sek seviyeye ~-

l " i i tuslarnrnst Tekstil Oreticileri Federasyonu'nun (ITMF) 37. Yllhk IDuslarnrnst Tekstil Makinalan Sevkiyat istatistigi (ITMSS) kiiresel tekstil makinalan pazarmm 2014 yilinda daraldtgnn gosteriyor. ITMF istatistiginde 6 b01iim yer ahyor; egirme, tekstiire, dokuma, g~ yuvarlak orgii, diiz orgii ve terbiye rnakinalan. 2014 ythm kapsayan .;:ah~ diinya iiretimini temsil edecek ¢<ilde 110 tekstil rnakinalan iireticisi ile yaptlan kapsanth anketle elde edilen bilgilerin derlenmesiyle


ol~du. ~ yt1 genel olarak: biitiin makinalann sevkiyatmda hafif bir d~ ~dt. 2013 yt1t ile ~~ldt­ gmda 2014 ytlmda yeni ktsa e1yaf iglerinin teslirnatt yiizde 15 oranmda geriledi. Uzun elyaf iglerinin ve open-end makinalann sevkiyatt da srrastyla yiizde 70 ve yiizde 2,6 orarunda arttt. Tekstiire iglerin sevkiyatt ise yiizde 12'ye yakm biiyiidii. Mekiksiz tezgahlar ve yeni biiyiik: yuvarlak fugii rnakinalan ise yt1hk bazda yiizde 14 ve yiizde 22 orarunda azaldt. Buna ~m diiz fugii makinalan yiizde 31 'lik biiyiime elde etti.

Klsa Elyaf ig Sevkiyatl Dii~tii, Uzun Elyafve Open-End MakinalanArttt Klsa e1yaf ig sevkiyatma balaldtgmda 2013 y!hndaki yiizde 10'luk ~ tersine 2014 ytlmda yiizde 15'1iik: ~ o1du. Klsa e1yafig sevkiya119.8 milyona geriledi, bu rakam hem 2009 ytlmdan bu yana en~ seviye iken son

10 yt1m ortalamas10lan 10.9 milyornm da altmda kakh. Yeni ktsa elyaf iglerinin yiizde 91 'i Asya pa7li11Da gOnderilirlren, yllhk baWa bu pazara tedarik: yiizde 17 orarunda dii§tiL Tiirlciye'ye 2014'te sevkiyat ise yiizde 5 oranmda arltl, Tfukiye bu segrnentte ardarda 3 dOnemdir ~ g5steriyor. Kiiresel UZWl elyaf igi (yiinlii) sevkiyatl yiizde 70 arttt, ooylece 2013 ythndaki 80.800 adetten 2014 yt1tnda 137,650 arleta ~dt. Bu seviye 2012 yt1tndan bu yana ki en ~Iii ~ oldu. Uzun elyaf iglerin sevkiya11lun yiizde 69'u Avrupa oolgesine verildi. BOylece tiim sevkiyatm yiizde 49'unu alan Tiirlciye en biiyiik: pazar olarak 67,000 adetlik rakam yakaladt.

Open-end iplik makinast segrnenti ise son iki yt1hk d~ten sonra 2014 yilinda yiizde 2,6'lik ~ yakaladt. Sevkiyat 2011 yilindan bu yana en yiik:sek seviye olan 454,720'ye ¢<arken, bu rakarn aym zamanda UZWI dOnemli ortalama olan 402,669 adetin iizerinde geryekle~. Openend iplik makina1annm yiizde 67'si Asya pazanna g5nderildi.

Tekstfire Makinalannm

Ana AhCIStAsya Tek lSttmalt ~kim tekstiire igleri( ozellikle poliamid filamentler ifi:in k:ullarulan) 2013 yt1ma gore yiizde 76 artarak, 2,600 adetten 4,576'ya fi:lktl. Bunun yiizde 57'si Asya pazanna g5nderilirlcen, onu yiizde 20 ile Batt Avrupa ve yiizde 15 ile Giiney Amerika takip etti.

Qifl: lSttmalt ~kim tekstiire iglerin-

ITMF'nin y1lhk istatistigine gore kiiresel pazarda tekstil makinalar1 sevkiyat1 2014 y1hnda hafif bir dii'ii' ya,adl. Dalgalanmaya kar,m kiiresel pazarda halen Asya ve ozellikle r;in en biiyiik ahc1 olarak giiciinii koruyor.

de (ozellikle polyester filamentlerde k:ullarulan) d~~ trendi devam etti ve ytlhkbasta443.352 adetolarak~ekil­ lendi. Bununla birlikte 2013 ytltndaki yiizde 30'luk ~~le ktyaslandtgmda 2014 ythndaki bu yiizde 12'lik rakam ~te ya~lamayt gosteriyor. Kiiresel tedarikte Asya'run payt yiizde 88 oldu. Cin kiiresel g5nderi1erin yiizde 60'1Dl alarak en biiyiik yatmmct olarak kaldt.

Sadece Rapierli Dokuma Makinalanm Sevkiyatl Arttt 2014'te diinya 9apmda mekiksiz dokuma tezgablanrun sevkiyati, iist iiste iifi:iincii d~le birlikte, yiizde 14 azalarak: 71,667 iiniteye indi. Su


Onceki yt1larda oldugu gibi mekiksiz tezgablann ana pazan yiizde 97 oranla Asya oldu. U9 alt kategorinin nispeten e~it oranlara sahip oldugu gOriiliiyor. Su jetli tezgahlann yiizde 36'st Asya'ya g5nderilitken, rapierli/projektili tezgahlann yiizde 35'i ve air jet tezgahlann yiizde 29'u Asya'ya sevk edildi. Avrupa'ya sevkiyatln yiizde 73 'ii ve Kuzey Amerika'ya sevkiyatlann yiizde 54'ii rapierli/projektili tezgablar olurken, su jetli tezgahlann oram srrastyla sadece yiizde 7 ve yiizde 11 olarak ¢<illendi.

Yuvarlak Orgii Makinalannm Sevkiyatl Azaldi, Diiz Orgii MakinalanArttt Yiizde 22 oranmda ~ ~ayan yuvarlak orgii rnakinalan kiiresel sip~i, 2013 ythnda 36,575 Unite rakamtna ~~en, 2014 yilinda 28,502 iiniteye d~tii. Bu 2009 ythndan bu yana en ~ilk seviye oldu. Bu kategoride en biiyiik: ya11nmc1 olarak: Asya one fi:lktt. Biitiin yuvarlak orgii makinalan sipari~lerinin yiizde 88'i Asya pazanna gonderilirken, bu pazar ifi:inde de sevkiyatln yiizde 60't Cin'e g5nderildi. Elektronik diiz orgii makinalan ifi:in 2014 yt1t iyi bir yt1 oldu. Bu makinalann sevkiyatt 2014 ytltnda yiizde 31 artJ.~la 46,100 makinaya fi:lktJ.. Bu, 2011 yt1tndan beri ilk yiik:seli~ oldu. S~Irtlct olmayacak ~ekilde, Asya sevkiyatta en biiyiik: paya sabip oldu. Tedarigin yiizde 85'ini ~ken Asya oolgesinde Cin yiizde 42'lik payla 19,000 Unite aldt. Cin dahil en biiyiik: 5 biiyiik: ahctrun dOrdiiAsya pazanndayeraldt.


he results of the 37th an. . . nual International Textile Machinery Shipment Statistics (ITMSS) just released by the International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) indicates that global textile machinery market contracted in 2014. The report covers six segments oftextile machinery, namely spinning, drawtexturing, weaving, large circular knitting, flat knitting and finishing machinery. The 2014 survey has been compiled in cooperation with some 110 textile machinery manufacturers after 112 in 2013, representing a comprehensive measure of world production. Shipments in most of the textile machinery segments experienced slight declines in 2014. Deliveries of new short-staple spindles fell by 15% from 2013 to 2014. Shipped long-staple spindles and open-end rotors increased by 70% and 2.6% respectively though. The number of shipped draw-texturing spindles grew by close to 12%. Shuttle-less looms and new large circular knitting machines also dropped by 14% and 22% year-on-year. In contrast, shipments of flat-knitting machines rose by 31%.

Shipments Down for ShortStaple Spindles, Up for Open-End Rotors Shipments of new short-staple spindles fell by 15% in 2014 yearon-year and more than reversed the increase of 10% in 2013. The level of short staple spindles declined to 9.8 million spindles, the lowest level since 2009 and also lower than the ten-year-average of 10.9 million. 91% of the new short staple sindles were shipped to Asia, whereby shipments fell by nearly 17% year-on-year. Shipments to Turkey, the fourth largest investor, increased by 5% in 2014, the third consecutive increase. Global shipments of long-staple (wool) spindles increased by 70% from 80,800 in 2013 to 137,650 in 2014. That is the strongest increase since 2012. The majority of long-staple spindles (69%) were shipped to Europe. Thereby, shipments to Turkey rose to 67,000 which is equivalent to a

share of 49% of global shipments . Shipments of open-end rotors improved moderately in 2014 by 2.6% after they declined in the previous two years. The number of shipments reached 454,720, the highest level since 2011 and well above the long-term average of 402,669. Nearly 67% of worldwide shipments of open-end rotors were destined for Asia.

Main Buyer of Texturing Spindles: Asia Global shipments of single heater draw-texturing spindles (mainly used for polyamide filaments) increased by 76% from 2,600 in 2013 to 4,576 in 2014. With nearly 57% Asia is the region where most of the single heater drawtexturing spindles were shipped to followed by Western Europe

Shipments in most of the textile machinery segments experienced slight declines in 2014, according to the annual statistics of ITMF. Despite the fluctuation, Asia and particularly China remains as the largest buyer in global market.

with 20% and South Amercia with close to 15%. As for double heater draw-texturing spindles (mainly used for polyester filaments) the downward trend continued and global shipments fell by 12% on an annual basis to 443,352. However, the pace of decline moderated somewhat compared to 2013 when shipments fell by nearly 30%. Asia's share of worldwide shipments amounted to close to 88%. Thereby, China remained the largest investor accounting for 60% of global shipments.

Only Shipments of Rapier Weaving Machinery Up In 2014, worldwide shipments of shuttle-less looms fell by 14% to 71,667 units, the third decline in a row. Thereby, shipments of water-

jet shuttle-less looms dropped by 30% to 24,220, the third fall since 2012. Shipments of air-jet looms also declined though this was the first fall after four years of increases. The number of shipped air jet looms contracted by 19% to 20,176 in 2014. In contrast, deliveries of rapier/projectile looms shipments rose by 14% from 23,828 in 2013 to 27,271 in 2014, the highest level since 2006. As in previous years the main destination of shuttle-less looms was Asia amounting to a share of 97%. Thereby, the percentage of the three subcategories is rela-


tively even. Water-jet looms measure 36% of shipments to Asia, 35% are rapier/projectile looms and 29% are air-jet looms. In Europe and North America 73% and 54% of shipments are for rapier/ projectile looms, while the share of water-jet looms is only 7% and 11% respectively.

Shipments Dropped for Circular Knitting Machinery, Up for Flat Knitting Machinery Global shipments of large circular knitting machines fell by 22% from 36,575 in 2013 to 28,502 in 2014, the lowest level since 2009. Also for this category Asia is the world's leading investor. Nearly 88% of all circular knitting machines are shipped to Asia and with a share of 60% (close to 17,000 shipments) of worldwide

deliveries China is the single largest investor. 20 14 was a good year for the segment of electronic flat knitting machines as global shipments grew by 31% to 46, 100 machines. This was the first increase since 2011. Not surprisingly, Asia received the highest share of shipments. Over 85% of all deliveries went to Asia with China being the largest investor with a share of 42% equivalent to over 19,000 units. Including China, four of the five largest investors for flat knitting machines are Asian countries ..

---------------------hlmmuz-ogusrosl july-august- ---------------------

italyan Makinaalar

Siirdiiriilebilirlikle Fark Yaratl}for Italian Manufacturers Create Difference with Sustainability

1!1 . . Online Haber Online News


talyan Tekstil Makinacilan BirligiACIMIT Genel Kurul ToplantJ.st'nda 2014 ytlsonu verileri ele almdt ve sekilir i9in bir g~i~ yth olarak degerlendirildi 2014'te iiretim 2013 ile loyaslandtgmda hafifbir gerileme (%1) ile 2_3 milyar Euro degerini elde etti. Onceki iki ytlhk d~~iin ardtndan, 2014'te ihracat 1,95 milyar Euro oldu. italyan ihracatJ.mn biiyiik pazarlan Asya ve Avrupa olarak ~ekillendi. Genel olarak, bu iki oolge tiim ~~ satJ.~lann yiizde 81'ini absorbe etti. Bununla birlikte, Avrupa pazarlanna gef9ekl~en ihracat g~en yil biiyiirkenAsya pazarmda d~tii En onemli pazar konumundaki <;in' e ihracat, <;in'in beklenenden daha az biiyiime elde etJ.nesi sonucunda, bir onceki yila gore yiizde 25 oranmda geriledi. 6te yandan, Hindistan, Banglade~ ve Vietnam' a ihracat arttJ.. italyan makinactlar bu dOnemde Tiirkiye, ABD ve iran' a iyi bir satJ.~ yaptJ.. ACIMIT Genel Kurulu'nda genel olarak 2015 yth hakkmda kon~­ du. Mevcut cari ytl i9ffide, endiistri makroekonomik: fakilirlerden yararlanarak temkinli bir iyimserlige sahip. Ozellikle, i9 piyasada zaytf bir Euro'dan yararlanarak ihracat yapacak olan tekstil firma1annm makine yatmnn i9ffi daha yaygm bir giiven ol~turulmah. Yurtdt~mda ise, italyan ihracatJ.mn lider pazan ve Avrupa talebinin bir destegi olarak, <;in' den gelen talepte bir toparlanma bekliyoruz. Como'daki Villa Erba gef9ekle~en ACIMIT Genel ToplantJ.st'nda bir uluslararast basm konferanst da diizenlendi. Konferansta italya'mn ITMA'ya katJ.hmt sunuldu. Eldeki bu ongoriilerle, Milano' da 12-19 KaStm tarihleri arasmda gef9ekl~ecek olan tekstil makinalan sektOriiniin en biiyiik fuan ITMA 2015, italyan ve Avrupa tekstil endiistrisindeki yatmmlann itici bir giicii olacak.

iyisi ve kotiisiiyle geride kalan 2014 y1hndan sonra italyan tekstil makinalan sektorii 2015'ten olduk~a iyimser bir beklentiye sahip. Sektoriin en onemli fuan ITMA, 2015 y1hnda, 20 y1l sonra italya'ya doniiyor. Fuar italyan teknolojisinin iistiinliiklerinin sergilenmesi i~in fusat sunarken, italya ve Avrupa'da tekstil sektoriine yeni yatmmlan tefvik ediyor.

ACIMIT B~ Raffaella Carabelli; ''Dreticilerimiz Kastm aytndaki etkinlik hakkmda olduk~ eminler. Fuarda yer alacak italyan ~irketleri ilk rakamlarla ~yle srralantyor; yak~tk 430 katJ.ltmct, 31 bin metrekare alanda yer alacak, bu Barcelona'daki bir Bnceki ITMA edisyonuna gfue yiizde 50'lik alan biiyiimesi anlannna geliyor. ITMA fuanmn toplam sergi alantmn yiizde 30'u italyan rnakinactlar tarafindan almdt" dedi.

Raffaella Carabelli ~unlan sByledi; ''ITMA'mn mottosu 'Siirdiiriilebilir Yenilikte u~·- Tekstil makinalan sektOrii daha faz1a rekabet9i bir iiretim siirecine dogru gidiyor. Daha ~ iiretim maliyetleri, su, enerji ve hannnadde dahil ohnak iizere tiik:etimde tasarruf ~1 konularla birlikte ele almtyor. Bu durumda, italyan makine iireticileri siirdiiriilebilirlik ve iiretimlerine katma deger katJ.nak isteyenler i9ffi ideal bir partnerdir" dedi.

italyan Ticaret Ajanst Genel Direkilirii Roberto Luongo, ''Hi9 M>hesiz, italya'da tekstil makine sanayi, uluslararast pazarlardaki gii9lii varhgt ile illkenin en Bnemli iiretim sektOrlerinden biri. Tekstil teknolojilerimiz biiyiik bir gurur ve menmuniyet unsuru olan yiiksek nitelik seviyeleri ile tantmyor. Ticari birlikle gef9ekle¢rilen etkin i~birligi sayesinde, italyan ~ hayatJ.ndaki kararh ilerlememiz bu menmuniyetten kayttaklantyor" diye

ITMA'daki italyan teknolojik yeniliklerinin uluslararast gazetecilere on-gosterim yapildt, ACIMIT enerji tasarrufu ve ~sel etkilerin azaltJ.hnast konulanmn italyan makine iireticileri i9in Bnemli trend olacagtm belirtti. Siirdiiriilebilirlik konusunda ACIMIT, son 5 yildrr 'Siirdiiriilebilir Teknolojiler Projesi' yoluyla kararh bir tutum sergiliyor. Bu proje devam eden teknolojik geli~meler ile, kendi makinalannda Karbon Ayak izi'nin azaltJ.hnastm ele ahyor. Son olarak ACIMIT B~kant ~ dile getirdi; "SektOriimiiziin gelecegi siirdiiriilebilir teknolojisine dayantyor."


ITMA'mn bu Milano edisyonu yiiksek seviyede inovasyon ve teknolojik tekliflerin goze c;:arptJ.gt bir fuar olacak. Ana terna olarak siirdiiriilebilirlik vurgulanacak. ACIMIT B~


Textilegence adtna Fatih Cengiarslan bu etkinlige kahldt.


c m



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EFFE ENDUSTRi OTOMASYON A.$. I.O.S.B. Suleyman Demirel Bulvan Sinpa~ I ~ Modem .. i~ Merkezi E-Biok No: 20 34306, Ba~ak~ehir - Istanbul I TURKIYE Tel: +90 212 549 39 45 I 55· E-mail: info@effeendustri.com

over 500/o compared to the previous edition in Barcelona. Fully 30% of the total exhibition space at I1MA will be taken up by Italian machinery manufacturers."

11111 t the General Assembly of fill ACIMIT, the Association of

Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers, the 2014 year end data were exhibited- a transitional year for the industry. Production dropped slightly (-1%) compared to 2013, coming in at a value of just over 2.3 billion euros. After falling the two previous years, exports confirmed the value of the preceding year, at roughly 1.95 billion euros. Italian exports were destined primarily to Asia and Europe. Overall, these two areas absorbed 81% of sales abroad However, whereas our exports to European markets grew compared to last year, they actually fell in Asia China remains one of the main export markets, although sales of Italian machinery fell by 25% in 2014 compared to the previous year, a result of less robust economic growth than was expected On the other hand, exports to India, Bangladesh and Vietnam were on the rise, and Italian textile machinery manufacturers also did well in Turkey, the United States and Iran. At ACIMIT's General Assembly, people spoke mostly of20 15. During the current year the industry stands to benefit from macroeconomic factors that are making forecasts lean towards a cautious optimism. In particular, on domestic market a more widespread trust should encourage the investments in machinery by textile companies, who will benefit

from a weaker euro to boost exports. Abroad, on the other hand, we expect the recovery in the demand from China, which is the leading market for Italian exports and a boost for the European demand


International Press Conference


Villa Erba, Cernobbio (Italy) 26 th June, 2015

An international press conference was also held at the ACIMIT GeneralAssembly in Villa Erba (Como) to present Italy's participation at TIMA. With these forecasts in hand, ITMA 2015, the textile machinery sector's main trade fair, to be held from 12 to 19 November in Milan, will be a driving force capable of energizing Italian and European investments in the textile industry. "Our manufacturers are very confident about the event next November," commented ACIMIT's President Raffaella Carabelli. "As shown by the preliminary figures on the presence of Italian companies at the fair: a total of nearly 430 exhibitors, covering around 31,000 square meters, for an increase in occupied surface area of

With 2014 archived in lights and shadows, Italy's textile machinery sector looks optimistically to the current year. In 2015 ITMA, the industry's most important trade fair, returns to Italy twenty years later, providing an opportunity to showcase Italian technology and stimulate new investments of textile sector in Italy and Europe.

''There'snodoubtthatwithinltalythe textile machinery industry is one of the country's most important production sectors, due to its strong showing on the international markets," states Roberto Luongo, the General Director of Italian Trade Agency. ''Our textile technologies are considered of a very high qualitative level, which is an element of great pride and satisfaction for us, which urges us to support Italian businesses in an increasingly convinced and determined manner, through an effective, well-established and proven collaboration with the trade association." At the Milan edition ofiTMA, a trade fair that stands out for the high level of innovation and technology proposals, the main issue will be sustainability, as the theme of this edition emphasizes: ''Master the art of sustainable innovation''. ACIMIT'S President added ''The textile machinery sector is moving towards more competitive production processes, where reduced production costs, through savings in the consumption of water, energy and raw materials, are combined with greater attention to environmental issues. In this situation, Italy's machinery manufucturers are the ideal partners for companies looking to make sustainability an added value in their production outlook." Pre-empting to international journalists the main Italian technology innovations on show at TIMA, ACIMIT indicated that energy savings and reduced environmental impacts would be the major trends for Italy's machinery companies. On the issue of sustainability, ACIMIT has over the past five years committed time and resources through its "Sustainable Technologies projecf', bearing witness to the commitment of participating manufacturers to reduce the Carbon Footprint of their machinery, through ongoing technology improvements. As ACIMIT's President concluded "Our industry's future relies on sustainable technology." Fatih Cengiarslan took part at the event on behalf of Textilegence Magazine.

EFFE Endiistri Rekabeti ~in'e Ta~1d1 EFFE Endiistri Extends Competition to China

tasarruflannm nastl saglanacag1 ve makine irnalat9tlan i9in iirettikleri makinelerde nastl bir katma deger kazanacaklan hakkmda teknik ve ticari detaylar verildi.

Pazar Liderleri EFFE'yi TercihEtti ShanghaiTex fuanmn EFFE Endiist-

ri i9in 90k b~arill ge¢gini soyleyen Mokanoglu ~unlan sayledi; "<;in pazarmdaki makine imalat adetleri diger illkeler ile kan~l~t:J.nldJ.gtfi­ da 10 kat daha biiyiik. Bazt Avrupa m~eli markalann tekelinde olan pazarda EFFE iiriinleri, iiretim detaylanndaki kalite ve sat:J.~ sonras1 servis ve yedek paf9a imkanlan ile zi~erin yogun ilgisi ile ~1l~t:J.. Makine imalat91 firmalannm

yant srra, son kullaructlar da mevcut

makinelerindeki iyile~tirme 9ah~ma­ lan i9in EFFE iiriin ve hizmetlerini tercih etti. Buradaki en biiyiik avantajlffilZ EFFE'nin iiriin satJ.nanm yamnda komple proje ve miihendislik hizmetleri verebilmesidir."

['U enilik9i

a.ll masyon

tekstil terbiye, oto-

uygulamalan ve iiniteleri ile pazar giiciinii arttrran EFFE Endiistri, Asya pazanndaki faaliyetlerini daha gii.9lii bir ~ekil­ de siirdiiriiyor. Ocak 2015 tarihinde Tiirkiye ve diinyanm onemli tekstil merkezlerine dOniik pazarlama faaliyetlerini yeniden yaptlandmm finna, 15-18 Haziran 2015 tariblerinde kattldJ.gt ShanghaiTex fuan ile birlikte oncelikli hedef pazar olan <;in'e ilgisini gozler aniine serdi. <;in tekstil makinalan pazanna biiyiik hedeflerle giri~ yapan finna, 17.si diizenlenen ShanghaiTex fuanna <;in'deki acentast XTY fumas1 ile birlikte kattlarak ziy~ilere iiriin ve hizmetleri hakkmda detayh bilgi verdi. Hem kattldJ.klan ShanghaiTex fuan hem de <;in pazar1 hakkmdaki go~lerini ~yan EFFE Endiistri Yonetici OrtagJ. ihsan Mokanoglu, b~ bir strateji izlediklerini vurguladJ.. Mokanoglu; ''<;in pazarmda b~ saglayabilmek i9in giivenilir

bir partner ile 9~ gerekliligine inanarak, Ocak aymdan bu 9~ oncelik verdik. <;in pazarmda iiriin ve hizmetleri ile uzun ytllardrr kalite ve hizmet anlannnda marka degerini

yana fuar alt yap1

kanttlann~ XTY fumast, pazarlama

1!1 . . Online Haber Online News

t;in ve Asya pazarma doniik pazarlama t;ah!Jmalanm yogunla!Jtlran EFFE Endiistri, kat1ld1Q1 ShanghaiTex 2015 fuarmda bu t;ah!Jmalarmm kar!J•hgm• ald1. t;inli yat~nmc11arla olumlu gorii!Jmeler gert;ekle!jtiren firma, sipari!J ve sati!J rakamlan ile fuardan memnun aynld1.

ve sat:J.~ imkanlanm EFFE markah iiriinler i9in seferber etti. EFFE ve XYT, Mart ve Haziran 2015 tariblerinde organize edilen teknik ve sat:J.~ egitim toplanttlan ile biitiin ekibi fuara hazrrladJ." dedi.

Getyekle~en sa~ ve anl~ar hakkmda bilgi veren ihsan Mokanoglu, pazan en gii.9lii ram, bask! ve ~ en ytkanta makina iireticileri arasmda yer alan Yoantion, ZGL, Jilong, Jeeone, Renxin, Huiseng, Rili, Sunwin ve Red Flag ile sazle~e imzalandJ.gun ~tkladJ.. Mokanoglu EFFE'nin 2015'in ikinci yansmda

Fuar Oncesi <;inli Personele Teknik ve San~ Egitimi Verildi

sundugu iiriin ve hizmet kalitesi ile pazarm tercili edilen markalanndan biri olmayt hedefledigini dile getirdi.

<;in pazanndaki potansiyeli realize etmek i9in 9ah~malanm hlzlandJ.ran EFFE Endiistri, ShanghaiTex fuan oncesi, XTY 9ah~anlanna EFFE Endiistri Yonetici Ortagt ihsan Mokanoglu ve teknik personel tarafmdan egitim verdi. Bu egitimlerde; EFFE markal1 iiriinlerin sagladJ.g1 teknik avantajlar, son kullamctlar i9in ciddi iiretim

ShanghaiTex fuan boyunca <;in~ ta ohnak iizere Endonezya, Kore, Tayland, iran, Mlsrr, Bangl~, Pakistan, Ozbekistan ve Vieat:J.lam pazarmdan ziy~ileri ve miimessilleri agrrladJ.klanm belirten Mokanoglu, Asya pazanndaki gii.9lerine EFFE-XTY ortakhgt ile daha da geli~tireceklerini sazlerine ekledi.

l'i1 oosting market power l.!JI thanks to innovative textile finishing and automation applications as well as units, EFFE Endiistri carries on stronger operations in Asia now. The company restructured marketing operations towards Turkey and world's leading textile centers in January 2015, while it demonstrated its interest in primary target destination, China during the 17th edition of ShanghaiTex on June 15-18, 2015. The company entered China's textile machinery market with huge goals, while it informed visitors about products and services in detail during the event in which it participated with its agent in China, namely XTY. EFFE Endiistri Managing Partner ihsan Mokanoglu made a statement about both ShanghaiTex and Chinese market, emphasizing their successful strategy. "We gave primacy to fair substructure studies since this January as we believe that we should corporate with a reliable partner in order to achieve our goals in Chinese market. XTYhas proved its brand value for years in terms of quality and services owing to its products and services in China. The company mobilized its marketing and sales

abilities for EFFE brands. EFFE and XYT prepared the whole team for the fair via technical and sales training that were held in March and June, 2015," he highlighted.

Chinese Staff Received Technical and Sales Training Before Fair Boosting its activities to realize the potential in China, EFFE Endiistri gave training for XTY staff by EFFE Endiistrri Managing Partner ihsan Mokanoglu and technical staff prior to ShanghaiTex. During these trainings, technical and commercial details about technical advantages of EFFE products, how to provide severe production savings for end users and how to achieve an added value for machine manufacturers in their machines.

EFFE Endiistri intensified marketing projects towards China and Asian market, while the company got in return for those efforts in ShanghaiTex 2015. Materializing positive meetings with Chinese investors, the company was satisfied with orders and sales figures during the event. @

after sales services and spare parts providing in the market which is in monopoly of some European origins. Not only machinery manufacturers but also end users preferred EFFE product and services for improvement studies in existing machines. Our biggest advantage here is that EFFE also provides completed project and engineering services in addition to product sales," he stated.

Market Leaders PreferEFFE

Informing about materialized sales and agreements, ihsan Mokanoglu noted that EFFE signed contracts with market's strongest stenter, printing and continuous washing machine producers including Yoantion, ZGL, Jilong, Jeeone, Renxin, Huiseng, Rili, Sunwin and Red Flag. He added that EFFE aims to be ranked as one of the most preferable brands in the market via its products and service quality in the second half of2015.

Mokanoglu reported that EFFE Endiistri achieved great success in ShanghaiTEX. "China is 10 times larger in terms of machinery manufacturing traditions when compared to other countries. EFFE machines grabbed great interest of visitors thanks to its quality in production details,

EFFE welcomes visitors and representative from China, Indonesia, Korea, Thailand, Iran, Egypt, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Vietnam during ShanghaiTex Fair. Mokanoglu said they will grow their power in Asia further on the back ofEFFE-XTY partnership.



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Tekstil Makine ParQ. Tic. Ltd. $ti. Tozkoparan Mah . G. Ali R1za Gurcan Cad . Alparslan i~ Merkezi, A Blok, No:29/01, 34169, Merter, istanbul, Tel.: 0212-92468681 E-Mail: info.turkey @groz-beckert.com


BTSO'nun Ev Tekstili Kiimelenmesi Projesi SektOrii Biiyiitecek BTSOS Home Textile Clustering Project Will Extend Industry ra ~

iiresel((apta onemli bir giice sahip olan Bursah ev tekstil firmalan, diinyadaki daralma)'l kiimelenme ile ~ma)'l hedefliyor. Bursa Ticaret ve Sanayi Odas1 (BTSO) onciiliigiinde b~lattlan 'Ev Tekstili Kiimelenme Projesi', sektor temsilcilerinin rekabet giiciinii geli~tirerek yeni pazarlara a((tlmasma ve ihracatl artlrmasma katkt saglayacak. Bursa'nm yerel sanayisinin geli~足 mesi i9in 9e~itli sektorlerde ba~a足 nh kiimelenme 9ah~malan yapan BTSO, tekstil alam i9in de giri~im b~lattl. BTSO, Bilim Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanhgt'nm Kiimelenme Destek Programt kapsammda 9agnya 91ktl~ yakla~lk 12 milyon TL'lik biit((eli programa, Ev Tekstili Kiimelenme Projesi ile b~vuru yapmaya hazrrlamyor. Ev tekstili sektOriinde faaliyet gosteren firmalan tek 9at1 altlnda toplama)'l ama((layan BTSO, boylece sektorde onemli bir paya sahip olan firmalan, uluslararas1 arenada daha gii((lii bir konuma ta~tma)'l hedefliyor.

firmalarumzm daha gii9lii bir yaptya ka~masllll hedefliyoruz. KOBi'lerimize sunulan kaynaklan daha verimli ve etkin kullanmaltytz. Kiimelenme de bu gerekliligi yerine getirebilmenin en onemli yollardan birisidir. BTSO olarak Bursa'llllZl sadece iireten ve pazarlayan degil, tasarlayan ve marka ol~turan bir kent haline getirmeyi istiyoruz. Firmalarumzm uluslararas1 arenada rekabet giiciinii artrracak kiimelenme projesinden mutlaka faydalanmastm istiyoruz" dedi.

Online Haber Online News

irniversite ve Sanayi i~birligi YaptJ. Kiimelenme Projesi'ne payda~ olarak destek veren Uludag Universitesi Rektorii Prof. Dr. Yusuf Ulcay, Kiimelenme Destek Programt'nm firmalann veriminin yiikselmesine, katma degerli ve ileri teknolojili iiriinlerin iiretilmesine biiyiik katkt sunacagm1 soyledi. Kiimelenmenin aym zamanda nitelikli i~giiciine sahip ve aym zamanda 9evreye, topluma duyarh bir sanayi yaptslna kavu~masma onciiliik edecegini belirten Ulcay, iiniversite olarak sanayi ile i~birligi i9inde olduklarllll ve firmalara akademik destek vermeye hazrr olduklarllll dile getirdi.

"Tiirkiye Avrupa'nm Lideri" Konuyla ilgili a((lklama yapan BTSO Yonetim Kurulu B~kam ibrahim Burkay, Tiirkiye'nin diinya ev tekstili pazannda onemli bir paya sahip oldugunu soyledi. Sekiliriin Avrupa'da bir numara oldugunun altlm 9izen Ba~kan Burkay, Bursa'nm ev tekstilinde uzun )'lllardrr ulusal ve uluslararas1 platformlarda hem iiretim hem de ihracat baktrmndan gii((lii bir konuma sahip oldugunu kaydetti. Burkay, Ev Tekstili Kiimelenmesi Projesi'nin firmalann ihracatlm artlrma)'l ve yeni pazarlara a((tlmasma te~vik ettigini vurguladt. Bursa'da ev tekstili firmalannm daha 90k katrna degerli iiretim ger((ekle~tirmesi足 ni hedeflediklerini soyleyen Burkay; "Giiniimiiz kiiresel piyasalannda

Tiirkiye'nin onemli ev tekstil iireticilerinin yer ald1g1 Bursa'da sektor pazar giiciinii artt1rmak i~in kiimelenme projesine destek veriyor. BTSO'nun Ev Tekstili Kiimelenme Projesi sektoriin gelecegine onemli bir yat1r1m olarak degerlendiriliyor.

Sektor Kiimelenmeye Olumlu Baklyor Kiime ((alt~masmda yer alan firmalardan Polyteks Genel Miidiirii Ersan Ozsoy, Bursa'nm ev tekstili sektoriinde onemli bir potansiyele


sahip oldugunu kaydetti. Ozsoy, "BTSO onciiliigiinde b~layan kiimelenme !;alt~malannm ~ehrimiz ve ekonomimize biiyiik fayda saglayaca~ inamyorum. SektOriimiiziin gelecegi i9in birlikte hareket etmeliyiz. Bu nedenle kiimelenme firsatlm ka((lrrnamahytz" dedi. Sokiiciiler Tekstil Yonetim Kurulu Cabir Sokiicii ise her ge((en giin geli~en ve degi~en diinyada firmalann mutlaka kendisini yenilemesi gerektigini ifade etti. Bursa'da ev tekstili firmalannm ayakta kalmas1 i9in birlikte hareket etmesinin onemine i~aret eden Sokiicii, "Artlk tek ba~ma degil, gii9 birligi yapan, birlikte hareket eden firmalar kazamyor. Ev Tekstili Kiimelenmesi Projesi bizim i9in biiyiik bir imkan. Bunu iyi degerlendirmeliyiz" diye konu~tu. Ba~kam

Bursa'mn onde gelen ev tekstil iireticilerinin destek verdigi projeye ba~vurular 1 Temmuz itibariyle sona erdi. Kinteks, Polyteks, Burkay Tekstil, Dina- Vanelli, Elvin Tekstil, Giileser Tekstil, Rekor Dokuma, Akarca Tekstil, Harput Tekstil ve Elvin Tekstil ba~ta olmak iizere bir9ok firma kiimelenmeye kat1ld1.

tition power increased on global scale," he ended.

University and Industry Corporate Uludag University Rector Prof. Dr. YusufUlcay supports clustering project as shareholder. He highlighted that Clustering Support Program will have a large contribution in increasing efficiency as well as production of value added and high tech products on part of companies. Clustering will also pioneer an industrial structure which has qualified manpower and sensitive for environment and society. "We are in corporation with industry as a university and ready to provide academic support for companies," Ulcay said.

companies have a global power and they aim to cope with global contraction with clustering. "Home Textile Clustering Project" was started under the leading of BTSO (Bursa Chamber of Trade and Industry) while it will contribute to access to new markets and boost exports of industry representatives via boosting their competition power. BTSO carries on successful clustering projects in various industries to help Bursa's local industry improve while it started an attempt for textiles as well recently. BTSO is set to apply a program with a 12 million TL budget declared by Clustering Support Program from the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology. Aiming to gather home textile companies under a single roof, BTSO plans to push companies with significant share in industry higher on a global scale.

"Turkey Leads Europe" BTSO Chairman ibrahim Burkay made a statement about the development, saying that Turkey owns an important share in world's home textile market. This industry is number one in Europe while Bursa has had

a crucial status in local and international areas both in terms of production and exports for long years.

Bursa supports clustering project which aims to raise industry market share as the city houses Turkey's important home textile manufacturers. BTSO's Home Textile Clusteriing Project is considered to be a crucial investment for the industry's future. @

Home Textile Clustering Projects encourages companies to raise their exports and open to new markets. Burkay noted that they aim a higher value added production for Bursa based home textile companies. "We wish our companies reach a stronger structure in current global markets. We should use sources provided for our SMEs in a more efficient and effective way. Clustering is among the most important ways to meet this requirement. As BTSO, we want Bursa to turn to be a city that not only produce and market but also design and form brands. We definitely want our companies to benefit from clustering project to have their compe-

Industry Leans to Clustering Project Among participants of clustering study, Polyteks General Manager Ersan Ozsoy reminded that Bursa has a crucial potential in home textiles. "I believe that clustering project leaded by BTSO will result in huge benefits for our city and economy. We should act together for our industry's future. We should not miss clustering opportunity, therefore," he commented. Sokiiciller Tekstil Chairman Cabir Sokiicii opined that companies should renew themselves in a constantly developing and changing world Reminding that home textile companies in Bursa should corporate in order to survive, he noted, "Companies which corporate win these days not the alone ones. Home Textile Clustering Project is a good opportunity which we should evaluate." The project is supported by leading home textile manufacturers in Bursa, while applications ended as of July 1. Kinteks, Polyteks, Burkay Tekstil, Dina- Vanelli, Elvin Tekstil, Gilleser Tekstil, Rekor Dokuma, Akarca Tekstil, Harput Tekstil and Elvin Tekstil and many others joined the clustering.

-----------------------hlmmuz-ogusros july-august- ----------------------I

Van de Wiele ve SUPERBA Gii~lerini Birle~tiriyor

Van de Wiele and Superba Join Forces

~\1 ednesday May 27th witness-

es the creation of a unique force in the world of the manufacturing of yarns for carpet: the Belgian consortium Van de Wiele signed an agreement to purchase the French company Superba and the US company American Superba.

l l i l 7 May!s2015 ~giinii ~ bah ipligi iiretiminde diinyada Bnemli bir birl~e tarukhk: edildi; Bel9ika konsorsiyumu Van de Wiele, FransJZ fumast Superba ve ommABD fumast American Superba'yi almak iizere bir ~ imzaladl. Hah ipligi ic;in termo fiksaj (heat

setting) makinalar iiretimiyle diinya lideri olan Superba, doym~ buharla dayanan ~siz ve iistiin perfonnansh termo fiksaj sistemleri ge~tirdi. Hah dokuma ve tufting iplikleri alanmda 40 yilhk uzmanh~ ve deneyimi ile Superba, tiim segmentte makinalarla geli~ ve rekabet¥i c;X>ziimler sunuyor. Finnanm portf<iyii sadece buharlama ve c;:ekme hatlarmdan ol~u­ yor, aym zamanda sofistike boyama makinalan (space-dyeing) da bulunuyor. Superba makinalan yiiksek perfonnansh, verimli ve c;:evre dostu karakterleriyle biliniyor ve otomasyon,

bilgi ~lem ve uzaktan geri~im gtbi en son teknolojilerle entegredir. Superba ~ Mulhouse, Fransa, ABD ve <;in' de devam edecek Bu satm alma, maksimum pazar ve bilgi sinerji ile Van de Wiele'nin iiriin gannm tamamlayan bir geni~lemeyi nitelendiriyor. Superba'run iplik teknolojilerindeki bilgisi termo fikslg hatlanrun perfonnanstm iyile~esini saglayarak; dokmna, tatting ve ekiistriizyon makinalanrun perfonnanstm geli~ Tiim bu yeni geli~eler ve daha iyi perfonnansh makinalar ~terilerin yararma olacakttr. Hah teknolojilerinin iki tarihi ve iinlii ismi Van de Wiele ve Superba ~di,

endiistrinin inovasyon, kalite ve karhhga ~rna yardnnct olmak ic;:in bir araya geldi. Satm alma ~leminin 2-3 ay ic;:erisinde tamamlanmast Bngfuiiliiyor.

Superba is the world leader in the manufucturing ofheat setting machines for cmpet yams. Superba has developed a unique and performing heat setting system based on saturated steam With 40 years of experience in the highly specialized field ofyams for tufted and woven carpet, Superba is providing advanced and competitive solutions with a complete range of machines. The product portfolio does not only contain steaming and shrinking lines,but also sophisticated space-dyeing machines. Superba machines are characterized by high performance, efficiency and

• 1!1 •


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environment fiiendliness, integrating the latest technologies interm of automation, infonnation treatment and remote access. Superba will continue to operate from Mulhouse, France, the USA and China The acquisition presents a complementary extension of the Van de Wiele range with maximum synergy of markets and knowledge. The know-how of Superba in the field of yam technology will improve the performance of the weaving, tufting and extrusion machines while the knowledge ofthese technologies will lead to better perfomring heat-setting lines. All this resulting in new developments and better perfonning machines for the benefit ofthe customer. Vande Wiele and Superba, two historic and fiunous names in the cmpet technology, have now come together to help the industty achieve new heights of innovation, quality and profitability. The transaction is expected to close in the next two to three months after completion ofthe usual due diligence.

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-----------------------temmuz-agustos july-august- ---------------------I

Tekstil Devleri Texworld lstanbul'da Bulu~acak Textile Giants Will Meet at Texworld Istanbul

• ....




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fabrics, shirting, wool and wool blend, functional fabrics, linen and hemp, prints, silk, silky aspects, yarns and fibers, trims and accessories, eco-friendly fabrics, shawls and scarves.


azrrgiyim ile hazrrgiyim ku~lan ve aksesuarlanm tek bir ~tJ. altmda toplayan Texworld Istanbul fuan; bu y:tl da sektOriin nabZIDl tutacak 3-5 Kasun tarihlerinde istanbul Liitfi Km:lar Uluslararas1 Kongre ve Sergi Sara)'l'nda diizenle-

Genel Miidiirii Tayfim Yardtm, y:tlda iki edisyon diizenlenen fuann ii¥fulciisiiniin 3-5 Kasun 2015 tarihlerinde yap1lacagun hatJ.rlattJ..

necek olan fuarda ~. iplik ve ak:sesuar iireticilerinin yan1 srra, ilk defa hazrrgiyim ve konfeksiyon iireticileri de yer alacak

rarasl katJ.lunCl yeni koleksiyonlanm sergileme firsatJ.m bulacak:lar. Tiirk moda ve hazrrgiyim markalan artan

Kasun a)'lflda 3. kez diizenlenecek Texworld Istanbul, Messe Frankfurt'un diinya ~mdaki hazrr giyim ~Ian marka etkinliklerinin paf9asl olan tiim iiriin gruplanm kaps1yor. KatJ.luncllar; pamuklu, denim, brode ve dantel, orme ~. gOmleklik, yiin ve yiinlii kan~unh ~lar, fonksiyonel ~lar, keten ve kenevir dokuma, bask!, ipek, ipek gOriiniimlii ~lar, iplik ve elyaf, aksesuar, organik ~lar, ~ ve e~arp gibi iiriinlerini sergileme firsatJ. yak:alayacak

Bu yd llk kez hazn-giyim ve konfeksiyon da yer alacak. Bu y:tl ii¥fulciisii diizenlenen fuarda en Bnenili yenilik olarak; katthmc1lann konfeksiyon ve hazrr giyim iiriinleri (kadm, erlrek, ~). spor giyim, mayo, ic;: ~m. pijama, talam iiriin gruplan Bne 9Jkacak:. Apparel Sourcing ooliimii 3. edisyonda yer buluyor. Paris ve New Ymk'tak:i Texworld

etkinlik:lerinin ardmdan Texworld lstmbul'un bu giic;:lii uluslararas1 markanm yeni iiyesi olarak: yerini aldlgun sByleyen Messe Frankfint


Tayfim Yardlm sBzlerini ~yle siirdiirdii; ''Fuarda 1OO'iin iizerinde ulusla-

ic;: talebi ~1lanlak: ic;:in c;:ok c;:e~tli ve fmkh kalitede ~ ara~mda. Tfukiye'nin diinyada en Bnenili teks-

til melkezlerinden biri oldugunu gBz Bniine alacak: olursak: 3. Texworld Istanbul, sekilirii bir kez daha bir araya getirecek. Bu y:tl ilk kez fuara, hazrrgiyim ve konfeksiyon iiriin grubu da eklendi. KatJ.luncilannnzm ve ziyaretc;:ilerimizin fuarda yeni fikirler ve gO~ler edinmesini, yeni ~ ba@antJ.lan

kurmas1n1 umuyoruz"

Messe Frankfurt tarafmdan organize edilen Texworld Istanbul fuan; tekstil sektoriiniin onemli aktorlerini, 3-5 Kas1m tarihleri arasmda istanbul Liitfi Kudar Uluslararas1 Kongre ve Sergi Saray1'nda bulufturacak.

li'il he

third edition of Tex. . . world Istanbul, which gathers apparel as well as related fabrics and accessories under a single roof, will be held from 3 to 5 November 2015 at the Liitfi Krrdar International Convention & Exhibition Center in the heart of downtown Istanbul. Texworld Istanbul will welcome manufacturers from fabric, yarn and accessories industries, as well as housing ready-wear and apparel manufacturers for the first time. The 3rd Texworld Istanbul in November includes all product groups that are part of Messe Frankfurt's apparel fabric brand events around the world. The exhibitors will present cotton, denim, embroidery and lace, knitted

Organized by Messe Frankfurt, Texworld Istanbul Fair will gather crucial players of textile industry on November 3-5 at the Liitfi K1rdar International Convention & Exhibition Center. @

Ready-Wear and Apparel Will Take Place for the First Time As a new update for the third edition of the fair this year, exhibitors' products including apparel (women, men, children), sportswear, swimwear, intimates and lingerie, loungewear and sleepwear, suiting groups will be focused. Apparel Sourcing section will be launched with the 3rd edition of the show. Messe Frankfurt Istanbul General Manager Tayfun Yardlm, reported that Texworld Istanbul takes place as a new member of this strong international brand following Paris and New York events. The event is held twice a year while the third edition will be arranged on November 3-5, 2015, he reminded. Tayfun Yardlm continued, "More than 100 international exhibitors will have the chance to exhibit their new collections during the fair. Turkish fashion and readywear brands are looking for various and different quality fabrics in order to meet increased domestic demand. Considering the fact that Turkey is among crucial textile centres of the world, 3rd Texwolrd Istanbul will be a meeting point for the industry once again. For the first time this year, the event includes ready-wear and apparel groups. We hope our participators and visitors to obtain fresh ideas and opinions while also new business connections during the fair."


he psi yen1, he psi




"Kompakt Delikli Apron"

"Karbon Takviyeli Apron"

"Kompakt Man~on"

Yeni OPS urun tipi kompakt delikli apronlar uzun sureli <;:al1~ma olanag1 saglar.

Likral1, ~antuklu ve sentetik kan~1m iplik uretiminde karbon takviyeli gu<;:lu yapiSI ile daha uzun sureli <;:al1~ma olanag1 saglar.

Hem yumu~ak, hem de uzun sureli rektifiye olanag1 saglar.

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' as I ekS UKAS



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-----------------------hlmmuz-ogusros july-august- ----------------------I

Tekstilciler Cool Breeze Evaporatif SoQutma ile Kazamyor Textile Players Win with CooiBreeze Evaporative Cooling


''Deniz meltemi tazedir, r;iinkii steak hava suyun yiizeyi boyunca riizgar ile ~mrr, bu hava hareketi suyun bir ktsmmt bultarl~ttrrr, tstyt emer, temiz, serin ve saghkh bir hava kaynagt ol~masmt saglar. CoolBreeze r;evreye zararh olan gazlan kullanmadan taze, dogal ve sogttk havanm siirekli olarak akt~mt saglamaktadrr."

ekstil iiretim siirecinde kalitenin onemli parametrelerinden birini ol~turan iklimlendirme konusunda biryok teknoloji bulunuyor. Pazarda gii9lii bir konumda buluna Avustralya men~eli uluslararast CoolBreeze markast farkh bir iklimlendirme yontemine sahip. Endiistriyel iklimlendirme teknolojileri geli~tiren ve pazara sunan CoolBreeze 20 yt1 once Avusturya'da bir aile ~irketi olarak kuruldu. Avrupa'nm en biiyiik evaporatif sogutma sistemleri iireticilerin biri olan firmanm satt~, montaj ve satl~ sonrast hizmetler i9in diinya 9apmda bif9ok noktada CoolBreeze Outlet'i bulunuyor. CoolBreeze klimalart, Avustralya'nm 90k yiiksek stcakhklan, subtropik yerle~im yerleri ve sahil alanlan da dahil olmak iizere zor ko~ullara dayantklthgun testlerle kanttladt. Tiirkiye pazanna 2009 ytlmda girdiklerini belirten CoolBereze Evaporatif Sogutma Sistemleri Pazarlama Yoneticisi Ali Kaygm; "CoolBreeze markalt evaporatif klimalar diinyanm bif9ok yerinde kullamhyor. Avustralya, Amerika, Avrupa, Giiney Afrika, Hindistan, Tiirkiye gibi bif9ok illke ve bOlgede iiriinlerimiz 9ah~tyor. Tiirkiye pazannda hedefimiz sekilirdeki lider konumumuzu korumak ve geli~tir­ mektir'' diye kon~tu. Ali Kaygm temelde suyun buharl~ mastyla havadan tst alma prensibine dayanan evaporatif sogutmada hakkmda ~an sayledi;" Su buharl~rr­ ken havadan tst ~ker ve havamn sogumasma sebep olur. Havuzdan veya ~tan 91kttguntz<ia ~vrenizdeki esinti etkisiyle, suyun viicudunuzdan buhar~tyla serinleme hissetmeniz evaporatif sogutmaya basit bir Bmektir." CoolBreeze'nin deniz meltemi gibi, dogal bir i~lemden esinlenerek tasarlandtgun ~tklayan Kaygm, sazlerini ~oyle siirdiirdii;

Geleneksel Sistemlerde GOre Daha Fazla Avantaj Sunuyor CoolBreeze Evaporatif sogutucu sistemi geleneksel sogutuculara gore dalta fazla avantajlan beraberinde getiriyor. %100 taze, sogutulm~ ve filtrelenmi~ hava ortama verilirken duman, havada asth kalan toz paf9actklan ve kokulan dt~ya atar. Ortamda stcakltk artttk9a sistemin sogutma verimi ve kapasitesi artar. Evaporatif sistem d~iik seviyede enetji tiiketir, geleneksel sistemlere gore yiizde 80'lere varan Ol9iide ekonomiktir. Kurulumu kolay olan sistem, en az bakmta ihtiy~ duyar, statik elektrigi azalttr. Sistem kapt ve pen~ler ~tkken bile sogutrna yapar, illledigi hava i9erisindeki nem nedeniyle aletji ve asttm hastalan i9in de faydahdrr.

Klasik sogutma sistemlerine gore daha ekonomik ve -;evreci bir yonteme sahip olan CooiBreeze Evaporatif Sogutma Sistemleri tekstil iireticilerinin iiretim ve rekabet giiciine katk1 sunuyor.

Evaporatif iklimlendirme sistemleri endiistriyel ihti~lara geni~ c;:apta yamt veriyor. Sanayi i~letmeleri, aililyeler, tekstil fabrikalan, dOkiimhaneler gtbi iiretim siirecinin zorlu ko~ oldugu mekanlann yam

• l!l -


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srra konferans salonlan, yemekhaneler, restaurantlar, oteller, bankalar, magazaiar ~veri~ merkezleri gibi hizmet sunum alanlan ile villa gibi tiim ~tk ve kapah ~ alanlann sogutulmasmda ktillamlabiliyor.

Tekstil bietmeleri Sogutmada CooiBreeze Giiveniyor iplik, ~ ve terbiye siire9lerinde iklimlendirmenin olduk9a onemli bir yere sahip olduguna dikkati 9ekenAli Kaygm, CoolBreeze evaporatifklirnalann tekstil iiretim tesislerinin iiretim sfue9lerinin tamammda ktillamldtgtna soyledi. Tekstil tesislerinin ihtiy~ duydugu iklimlendirmeye CoolBreeze ile ekonomik olarak ula~abildigini ifade eden Kaygm; "Dogal olarak, tekstil sekiliriinde olduk~ biiyiik bir talep var. Biz de bu talebi en iyi ~tlayan iiriinlere sahibiz." dedi. 2015 yt1ma iii~ degerlendirmelerde bulunan Ali Kaygm, bu ythn iiretici firmalar i9in zor g~en bir dOnem oldugtmu savundu. Kaygm; "Elmnomik zorluklar maliyetleri dalta onenili kthyor, bu nedenle maliyetleri ciddi oranda d~iiren ekonomik ¢ziimlerinrize ilgi arttyor, dalta 90k m~teriye ~tyoruz. Zorlu ekonomik ko~ullarda ve artan rekabet ortammda CoolBreeze evaporatif klima sistemlerinin m~terilerinrize katkt sunacagun ~iiniiyoruz'' diyerek sozlerini bitirdi.


here are several technologies in air-conditioning which forms one of the crucial parameters ofproduction quality in textiles. With a strong market status, Australia based international company CoolBreeze has a different air-conditioning method. The company, which develops and provides industrial air-conditioning technologies for the market, CoolBreeze was established as a family company 20 years ago. Among the largest evaporative cooling systems producers, CoolBreeze has active outlets across the world for sales, installation and after sales services. CoolBreeze air-conditions proved its durability with tests against tough conditions including high temperatures of Australia, subtropic sites and coastal areas. Stating that they entered the Turkish market in 2009, CoolBreeze Evaporative Cooling Systems Marketing Executive Ali Kaygm highlighted, "CoolBreeze evaporative air-conditions are used several places across the world Our products operate in many countries and regions such as

Australia, America, Europe, South Africa, India and Turkey. Our goal is to maintain and improve our leading status in Turkish market." Regarding evaporative cooling which relies on grabbing heat from air via evaporation of water basically, Ali Kaygm stated, ''Water grabs heat while evaporating and causes air to cool off. A simple example of evaporative cooling is to feel a cooling off after water comes out from your body owing to breeze nearby following some pool time or a shower. CoolBreeze was designed with an influence from a natural event like sea breeze. "Sea breeze is fresh since hot weather is carried with wind by water surface. This air move partially evaporates some part of the water, absorbs the heat and leads a clean, cool and healthy air source to occur. With no usage of any harmful gases for the environment, Cool Breeze enables constant flow of fresh, natural and cool air," Kaygm explained.

Cool Breeze Evaporative Cooling Systems contributed to textile manufacturers' production and competition power as they have a more economic and eco-friendly method compared to conventional cooling systems.

Provides More Advantages Compared to Conventional Methods CoolBreeze Evaporative cooling system brings more advantages compared to conventional cooling systems. A 100% fresh, cooled and filtered air is given out which pushes dusts hung in the air and odors out. The systems efficiency and capacity increase as heat in the area increases. Evaporative system uses low energy and is 80% more economic when compared to conventional systems. With an easy installation, the system needs minimum


maintenance and reduces static electric. It continues to cool even if doors and windows are open while it is useful for patients having allergy and asthma. Evaporative air conditioning systems widely meet industrial demand. They can be used in cooling of places under tough conditions of production process including industrial plants, factories, textile facilities, foundries as well as service areas like conference halls, dining halls, restaurants, hotels, banks, stores, malls and all open or closed living sites such as villas. Textile Plants Trust on CoolBreeze for Cooling Air conditioning is very crucial in yam, fabric and finishing processes. CoolBreeze evaporative air conditions are used in all production processes of textile manufacturing factories. Textile facilities can meet their air conditioning needs in an economic way thanks to CoolBreeze. Kaygm added, "Hence, we see great demand from textile industry. We have the best products to answer those requirements."

Evaluating 2015, Ali Kaygm noted that it has been a tough year for manufacturers. Kaygm finally commented, "Costs became more important due to economical challenges. Thus, demand for our economic solutions which reduces costs posted an increase and we reach more customers. We believe that CoolBreeze evaporative air conditioning systems will contribute to customers."

Yetkinlik Denim Terbiye


Mtinchengladbach'daki Merkezi'ne ho, geldiniz

Monforts Geli$mi$Teknoloji Merkezi (ATC), kapsaml1 bir makina program1 ile gerc;ek Oretim kO$UIIannda geni$ c;apl1 test olanaklan sunuyor. Terbiye sonuc;lannda mutlak guvenilirlik ve ki$iye ozel makina teknolojisi ic;in.

>Yeni Monforts ATC <;er<;;evesinde verilen hizmetler >Mevcut ve potansiyel m0$terilere makina ve sistem tan1t1m1 >MO$terinin kuma$1 ile denemeler >Makina operatorlerinin ve servis personelinin egitimi

>Uygulama alanlan I. Dokuma kuma$1ann kontinO boyanmas1 II. OrgO kuma$1ann kontinO boyanmas1 Ill. Dokuma kuma$1ann bitim i$1emleri (genel) IV. Teknik tekstillerin bitim i$1emleri

A. Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG Germany I A Member of Fong's Industries Group


-----------------------temmuz-agustos july-august- ---------------------I

Avrupa'da Nonwoven Oretimi 2014'te %4.7 Artt1 Nonwoven Production in Europe Grew by 4.7% in 2014 13,1. Aynca nonwoven malzemelerinin kullamldtgt elektronik ve yiyecek & ic;:ecek alanlan da dikkat c;:eken biiyiimeler elde etti. 2014 ytlmda kayda deger dii~?iil? rakamlan sadece giyim ve tela alanmda gozlemlendi.


1.!!11 International Association Serving the Nonwovens and Related Industries released preliminary European annual statistics for 2014, offering a comprehensive picture of the nonwovens industry

Web bonding calendering


edana ,,

in Europe. According to figures collected and compiled by EDANA, the overall production of nonwovens in Europe grew by around 4.7% in 2014 to reach 2,165,000 tons. Despite two lower growth years in 2012 and 2013, the annual average growth rate has been nearly 5.3% since 2009. Obviously, diverging trends can be observed in different European countries and between the various production processes of nonwovens.

. . vrupah nonwoven sekiliriiniin c;atJ. orgiitii EDANA, Avrupa nonwoven sekiliriiniin kapsamh bir resmini sunan 2014 yth istatistik rakamlanm 1191kladl. EDANA tarafindan toplanan ve derlenen verilere gore, Avrupa'da nonwoven i.iretim miktan 2014 ythnda yiizde 4.7 arb~?la2,165.000tona ulai?tJ.. 2012 ve 2013 ythndaki ~ seviyeli biiyiime c:llineminden soma, 2009 ythndan soma ilk defa ytlhk ortalama biiyiime oram yiizde 5.3 oldu. Ac;:lkc;:a Avrupa'run c;:e~?itli iilk:elerinde ve c;:e~?itli nonwoven i.iretim yontemleri arasmda farkh trendier goriildii.


EDANA Pazar Analizi ve Ekonomik i~?ler Miidiirii Jacques Prigneaux ~?unlan soyledi; "Spunmelt nonwovenlar yiizde 3.3 ile, 2011 ytlmdan beri en yiiksek biiyiime oranm1 kaydetti. Bununla birlikte, iki ytldrr yakla~?lk yiizde 3 biiyiiyen elyaf tabanh iiretim (drylaid, wetlaid ve airlaid teknolojiler) yiizde 5.9 gibi rekor bir oran elde etti. Yiiksek tonlu biiyiime yiizde 9,3 artl.~? ile hydroentanglement ve yiizde 9,1 artl.~? ile needle punched baglama ile drylaid iiretim siirec;:lerinde gozlemlendi.

I"";;J; DANA,

• l!l

years at around +3%, the production of fiber-based materials, including drylaid, wetlaid and airlaid technologies, recorded a record high increase of 5.9%. The highest apparent growth in tons were observed in hydroentanglement and needle punched bonding processes within the drylaid production, with respectively+ 9.3% and+ 9.1 %".

Jacques Prigneaux, EDANA's Market Analysis and Economic Affairs Director highlighted; "Spunmelt nonwovens recorded its highest growth rate since 2011 with 3.3%. Nevertheless, following two

In terms of nonwoven end products, the hygiene market, which is still the main nonwoven end-use in volumes, has grown by 6.1% in 2014, following a limited growth of 1.8% in 2013. The main driver of this increase was the development observed in the incontinence mar-

Production processes for needlepunch and hydroentanglement posted large growth in 2014 in Europe, which is the most important region for global nonwovens market.

ket. The most significant growth areas for nonwovens in 2014 were in personal care wipes (+12.1%), floor covering (+12.3%), civil engineering (+11.9%) and automotive interior(+ 13.1 %), and positive evolution in those nonwovens materials used in electronic and food & beverage applications should be also highlighted. The only major declines were noticed in garments and interlinings.



Online Haber

Online News

Nonwoven son kullamct iiriinleri ac;:tsmdan hijyen pazan en biiyiik hacme sahip segmenti olU~?turdu. 2013 ytlmda yiizde 1.8 gibi limitli bir biiyiime yakalayan hijyen segmenti 2014 ythnda yiizde 6.1 'lik biiyiime yakaladl. Bu artl.~?ta inkontinans (idrar tutamama) pazarmdaki geli~?me onemli oldu. 2014 ythnda nonwoven biiyiime alanlan ~?Byle srralandt; ki~?isel baktm mendilleri yiizde 12,1, zemin kaplamaSl yiizde 12,3, in~?aat miihendisligi yiizde 11,9 ve otomotiv ic;:i yiizde

Kiiresel nonwoven pazarmm en onemli bolgesi Avrupa'da 2014'te needlepunch (igneleme) ve hydroentanglement (su ile baglama) iiretim siire-;leri giit;lii biiyiime gosterdi. @

KARL MAYER Textilmaschinentabrik GmbH Bri.ihlstrasse 25 • 63179 Obertshausen ·Germany· Tel. +49 6104 4020 • Faks +49 6104 402600 • info@karlmayer.com Erko Smai Ori.inler MOmessillik Ticaret A.~. • Piyalepa~a Bulvan Kastel I~ Merkezi • B Blok Kat :S • 34440 Kas1mpa~a istanbul Tel. +90 212 280 72 27 • Faks +90 212 281 29 91 • erko@erko.com .tr • www.erko.com.tr

----------------------temmuz-agustos I july-august- ---------------------

Suessen iplik Veniliklerini Kahramanmara~'ta Anlatt1 Suessen Displays Yarn Innovations in Kahramanmara, iplik teknolojisi ile pazarda On plana 91ktyor. K1sa elyaf ve uzun elyaf olmak iizere ~tk 90 de~ ring makinasmm tipine, modeline ve geycine (igler arast mesafe) gfue modernizasyon yapabilmektedir'' dedi.

Modernizasyon Rekabet Giicii Getiriyor ~·ta

diizenlenen seminerde Suessen, kompakt, ring, rotor egirme alanmdaki geli~ konseptlerini ve bil~erini tamttl. EliTe®Compact Egirme ve ring egirme konusunda 90ziimler anla1Jld1 ve ilgili nwnuneler sergilendi.


azar odakh c;Xiziimler motto. . . su ile dogal ve yapay elyaflar i9in ring ve rotor egirme teknolojileri sunan Suessen, Haziran aymda ~·ta bir giinliik bir seminer diizenledi. Yogun ilgi gfuen etkinlikte firma yeni iiriinleri ve 90ziimleri hakkmda bilgi verdi. Seminere ~ ve civanndaki tekstil endiistrisinden, iplikhanelerden gelen profesyonellerin yam srra, akademisyen ve ogrenciler dahil 200'e yakm ~i ka1Jld1.

Seminerde Suessen Genel S~ Miidiirii Ioannis Spiridopulos finnamn tarihi, sektfuel ge~ ve pazardaki dunnnu hakkmda genel bir bilgi verdi. Bu sunumu 1llk:tben PP Uriin Miidiirii Michael Basting, open-end konusunda, Premiwn Part olarak 1ammlanan egirme kompenentleri (bil~eri) hakkmda bilgi vererek, makinalarda ~ sonmlan ve giderme yOn.temlerini an1attL Genel Miidiir Ioannis Spiridopulos aynca, ring makinalarda yapilan kompakt modemizasyonlanm anlattJ ve yeni ge~eleri tamttJ. E1kinlik hakkmda bilgi veren Temas Tekstil Makinalan San~ Miidiirii Cengiz Kopar, Suessen'in tiim diinyada pazar lideri oldugunu 80yledi. Kopar; "Suessen aynca pneumatik ~kim tabancalarmm mekanik ~ tabanlan ile degi~imi i9in yeni c;Xiziimler geli~ ~tir. Suessen daha 90k kompakt

Open-end ve rotor iplik makinalar1 i~in teknolojiler geliftiren Suessen bu yeniliklerini Kahramanmaraf'ta diizenledigi bir seminer ile yerel iireticilere tamtt1.

- EliTe®CompactSet- ktsa elyaf ve uzunelyaf(kamgam)ringipliktediinyadaki en iyi kompakt egirme sistemi - EliTube Advanced- fiukh ~ yangt egilim yOnlerine sahip yeni EliTube ~ tiipii konsepti - EliVAC CDS Advanced - Metkezi ~ sistemi; enetji optimasyon1u geometriyle hava ktlavuz diizesi, :fun c;arla, hava ~~~ ve spiral g{)vde. - PINSpacerNT'liACPKalitepaketi - HP-GX 4010plus fitil makinalan i9in ~kim tabancast

Online Haber Online News

Open-End Rotor Egirme alanmda Modernize SpinBox SQ'nun yam srra Premiwn Paf9alann Modemizasyon paketleri; telefkanalt, karbon elyaf r;ubugu, bobin tutucu ~k emici ve SE 9 Performans kiti. SUESSEN Premiwn Parts Egirme Bil~eri; ProFiL®Rotors, ProFiL~avels, TwinDiscs, TorqueStop, SOLIDRING, Elyaf Kanah ve TelefAdapilirii SUESSEN Premiwn Parts Yedek Paf9alan arasmda ise; ProFiL®Cartridge, ProFiL®fren Balatalan ve TwinDisc yataklarna

iplikte inovasyonun AdJ.:

Suessen Suessen kuruldugu 1920'den bu yana iplik endiistrisi i9in sayts!Z inovasyon ve geli~eyle biiyiik bir deger oldu. Firmamn bazt tarihi geli~­ tirmeler arasmda ~ar bulunuyor; Auotocoro Rotor iplik Makina1an SE 7-SE 10 i9in open-end rotor egirme kutusu SE-Serisi, ring egirme ve fitil makinalan i9in HP-A ve HP-GX ~kim sistemleri ve EliTe®Compact Egirme Sistemi. Suessen mevcut iplik makinalanna dOniik hazrrlad1gt modernizasyon paketleri ile yatmmlann etkileyici bir ~ekilde geri dOnii~iinii garanti ediyor.


~ uessen

promotes handling

Suessen is a global market leader. Kopar noted, "Suessen also developed new solutions for replacement of pneumatic weighting arm with mechanic pulling bases. The company is particularly outstanding with rather their compact yam technology in the market. Suessen is able to make modernization in accordance with type, model and gage of nearly 90 different ring machines."

DJ and processing natural and man-made-fibres within the ringand rotor spinning fibre formation process under the slogan "Market oriented solutions". The company held a one-day seminar in June in ~- The event grabbed great interest while Suessen informed participants about their new products and solutions. In addition to professionals from textile industry and yam houses in ~ and nearby areas as well as academicians and students, which hit around 200 people in total, attended to the event. During the seminar, Suessen General Sales Manager loannis Spiridopulos gave brief information about the company's history, industrial progress and market status. Following this presentation, PP Product Manager Michael Basting informed participants about open-end and spinning components that are defined as Premium Part while also explaining issues in machines and solutions. Genel Miidiir lonnis Spiridopulos also presented compact modernizations in ring machines and displayed new developments. Giving information about the event, Temas Tekstil Makinalan Sales Manager Cengiz Kopar stated that

Modernization Brings Competition Power SUESSEN exhibited advanced concepts and components in compact, ring and rotor spinning. Solutions about EliTe®Compact Spinning and ring spinning were explained andrelated samples were displayed

Suessen develops technologies for open-end and rotor yarn machines while the company displayed those innovations for local manufacturers in a seminar held in Kahramanmaraf.

- EliTe®CompactSet - the world's favorite compact spinning system in short-staple and worsted ring spinning - EliTube Advanced - the new EliTube Concept with different suction slot inclination directions - EliVAC CDS Advanced - energy optimized geometry of air guide nozzle, fan wheel, air outlet/inlet and spiral housing - ACP Quality Package with PINSpacerNT - HP-GX 4010plus Top Weighting Arm for roving machines


In Open-End Rotor Spinning area, Modernisation SpinBox SQ as well as Premium Parts Modernizations Packages; Trash Channel, Charbon Fibre Rod, SRK to SRZ Modernisation, Package Cradle Shock Absorber, SE 9, Performance Kit.

SUESSEN Premium Parts Spinning Components; ProFiL~otors, ProFiL~avels, TwinDiscs, TorqueStop, SOLIDRING, Fibre Channel, TrashAdapter SUESSEN Premium Parts Spare Parts: ProFiL®Cartridge, ProFiL®BrakePads, TwinDisc bearing

Innovation in Yarn: Suessen Since its foundation in 1920, SUESSEN has been of great value for the spinning industry by an immeasurable amount of innovations and developments. Some historic developments are the Open-End Rotor SpinBoxes SE-Series for Autocoro Rotor Spinning Machines SE 7- SE 10, the HP-A and HPGX Drafting Systems for ring spinning and roving machines and the EliTe®Compact Spinning System. The company ensures impressive return on investments achieved by the acquisition of modernization packages for existing yam machines.

---------------------hlmmuz-ogusrosl july-august- ---------------------

Rieter 201S1n ilkYar1smda Ba~arll1 Sonu~lar Elde Etti

Rieter Achieves Successful Results in H1 2015

li1 ieter ba§anh S011U9lar almaya

Karhbkta Dev S1~rama

~ devam ediyor. 2015 ylh ortasi

raporunu a¢dayan fuma, ylhn ilk yansmda ~ ve karhltgun biiyiik: oranda arttmh. Yiizde 6 orarunda artan ~Ia 553,9 milyon CHF {isviyre F:rangt) elde eden Rieter ooylece, yiizde 11,9 FAVOK (fuiz amortisman vergi Bncesi kar) marjma ve yiizde 8.3 FOK (fuiz ve vergi Bncesi kar) marjtna ~ 2014 ylhnm ilk yansmda bu oranlar Sll"aSlyla yiizde 9,3 veyiizde 5.5 olarak: ol~~tu. Rieter'in net kan ise yiizde 5.3 art:cyla 29.1 milyon CHF'ye yiikseldi, 2014 ylhnm aym dOneminde bu kar 14.3 milyon CHF idi

Rieter 1 Ocak 2015 tarihinden bu yana ~ ~ ~ grubu c;:erc;:evesinde yiiriitiiyor; Makine ve Sistem (makine ~i), S~ Sonrast (yedek parc;:a ve servis) Komponentler (teknoloji bile~eri). 2015 ylhnm ilk yansmdaki rakamlarla birlikte Rieter ilk kez bu yeni yapt temelindeki sonuc;:Ian bildir~ oldu. Rieter tatmin edici bu satJ.~ artJ.~mm mkasmda gec;:en ylldan biriken si~ler oldugunu ac;:tkladl. Bir Bnceki yllm aym dOnemi ile klyaslandtgtna s~lar 522.1 milyon CHF'den yiizde 6 artJ.~la 553,9 milyon CHF'ye c;:lldl. Beklendigi gibi, 2015'in ilk 6 aymda sip~ler bir Bnceki ylhn her iki yansmm da altJ.nda kaiarak: 388.3 milyon CHF'ye geriledi.

Yeni yapllamna sonrasmda Rieter, firma karhltgmm orantJ.stz bir ~kilde art!.~ kaydettigini duyurdu. FAVOK yiizde 36 artJ.~la 66.0 milyon CHF olurken, FOK yiizde 60 artarak 46.1 milyon CHF'ye 9lktJ.. SatJ.~lardaki FOK kar marj1 bOylece 5.5'ten 8.3'e yiikseldi. Bu rakamlar Rieter'in ~ ~ birimi ic;:in yaptJ.gt c;:ah~arm ve maliyet azaltJ.ct tedbirlerin olumlu yansnnast olarak kabul ediliyor. Aynca 5.0 milyon CHF tutanndaki bir millk satJ.~mdan elde edilen kazanc;: da tatmin edici katlo sundu.

Egirme teknolojileri uzmam Rieter, 2015 yllmm ilk yansmda satlflann katk1s1 ile kanm yiizde 8 arttud1. 2015'in bafmda ~ahfmalanm ii~ if grubu ~er~evesinde yiiriiten firma, Sat If SOnraSI hizmetlerin ··nem"•ne artan O dikkat ~ekiyor. Firma Satlflarlnl 553,9 milyon CHF'ye ~1kard1.

incelenen d.Onemde Rieter'in sermaye giderleri toplamda 7.3 milyon CHF oldu, bu 2014 yllmm ilk yansma gore yiizde 40 daha az bir orana tekabiil ediyor. AR-GE harcamalan ise 2014 yllmda 21,5 milyon CHF iken, hafif bir artJ.~la 22.9 milyon CHF'ye yiikseldi. stoklardaki azalmalara ~m 2015'in ilk yansmdaki net i~letme sennayesi 37,5 milyon CHF'ye yiik-

Online Haber Online News

b Gruplan Karhhg. ArttrrdJ. Her ~ i~ grubunda da satJ.~larda olumlu geli~eler oldu. Makine ve Sistemler grubu sa~Iann yiizde 71'inden, SatJ.~ Sonrast ve Komponentler ise srrastyla yiizde 13 ve yiizde 16 paya sahip oldu. Makine ve Sistemler birimi satJ.~la­ nm yiizde 4 arttrrarak 392.7 milyon CHF gelir getirdi. 2014 ytlmda bu ~ grubu 376.1 milyon CHF gelir elde etmi~ti. SatJ.~ Sonrast birimi ise satJ.~­ Ianm yiizde 17 arttrrarak 69,9 milyon CHF ciro elde etti. 2014 yllmda ise 59,6 milyon CHF'lik satJ.~ ~tJ.. Komponentler birimi ise yiizde 6'1ik biiyiime ile 91,6 milyon CHF rakamma ~tJ.. Bir Bnceki ytlm aym d.Oneminde bu rakam 86,4 milyon CHF idi. Makine ve Sistem birimi dahil olmak iizere segment satJ.~lan ile yiizde 4 gibi hafifbir d~~le 125,4 milyon CHF'ye geriledi. Tiim i~ birimleri, Rieter'in yakaladtgt karhltkta pozitif bir katlo sundu. Ge~en Pazarlar Biiyiimeyi Siirdiirdii

Rieter'in artan sa~Iannda birc;:ok onemli pazardan iplik fabrikalanndan saghk.h seviyelerde gelen si~lerin ve ~ sonrast ile kompenentler ~ grubunun yaptJ.gt i~lerin katlost oldu. Makine ve Sistem 4 Grubu'nda ise m~erin ~ yatJ.nm talehi ac;:tkc;:a belli oldu. Bir yandan iplik ~letmelerinin ~ marjlan diger yandan kiiresel d.Oviz kurunda dalgalanma trendine mgmen sipari~ iptallerinde art:cy ~Asya pazarlan 2015 yllmm ilk yansmda, bir onceki yllm iyi diizeyinde geli~eyi siirdiirdii 2014 yllmm ~Iii ilk yanst ile ~ll~tJ.­ nldtgmda en belirgin sipari~ d~ Tiirkiye'den geldi, Hindistanh m~­ teriler ise saglam bir seviyede yatJ.nm yapmayt siirdiirdii <;in ise pazar talehi bastJ.nlml~ olarak kaldt.

seldi. Bu geli~e nedeniyle ticari alacaklarda ~ ve ticari borc;:larda azalma elde edilirken, ~terilerden avans Odemeler arttJ.. Serbest nakit ala~t ise 5.1 milyon CHF olarak hesaplandt, 2014 yllmm ilk c;:eyreginde burakam2.9milyonCHFidi.


2015'in ilk yansmda Rieter, AR-GE c;:ah~malarmt agt!hkll olarak Bnemli iiriin geli~tirme projelerinin tamamlanmasma odakladt ve bu yenilikleri Kastm aytnda ITMA Milano fuannda sektOre sunmaya hazrrlamyor.

Tekstil Bas 1da


Sizin cin

l"'i1 ieter continues to report good ~ financial results. In the com-

pany's mid-2015 report, significantly higher sales and profitability was observed in the first half of 2015. Sales rose by 6% to 553.9 million CHF. As a result, the EBITDA tnaigin ammmted to 11.9% and the EBITtnaigin to 8.3% of sales (compared to 9.3% and 5.5o/o, respectively, in the first half of 2014). Net profit rose to 29.1 million CHF or 5.3% of sales (compared to 14.3 million CHF in 1he first half of2014). Since January 1, 2015, Rieter has been conducting its operations in three business groups: Machines & Systems (machinery business), After Sales (spare parts and services) and Components (technology components). The company is thus also taking account in particular of the strategic importance ofthe after-sales business and improving transparency. With the figures for the first half of 2015, Rieter is reporting results on the basis of this new structure for the first time. Rieter posted pleasing growth in sales on the back of its large order backlog at the start of the year. Compared to the same period of the previous year, sales rose by 6% to 553.9 million CHF from 522.1 million CHF in the first half of2014. As expected, orders were down to 388.3 million CHF in the first 6 month of the year, below both halves of2014.

reduced This development is due to an increase in trade receivables and a reduction in trade payables as well as advance payments from customers. Free cash flow amounted to -5.1 million CHF compared to 2.9 million CHF in the firsthalfof2014.

Big Jump in Profitability Following the new structuring, Rieter announced a disproportionately high increase in profitability. EBITDA rose by 36% to 66.0 million CHF. EBIT rose by 60% to 46.1 million CHF; the EBIT margin increased from 5.5% to 8.3% of sales. This reflects the positive development in the three business groups and the effects of the cost reduction measures. The gain on the sale of a property amounting to 5.0 million CHF also contributed to the satisfying result Rieter's capital expenditure in the period under review totaled 7.3 million CHF, a good 40% less than the corresponding figure in the first half of2014. Research and development spending increased slightly to 22.9 million CHF (compared to 21.5 million CHF in the firsthalfof2014). Net working capital increased by 37.5 million CHF in the first halfyear of 2015, although inventories were

Business Groups Raised Profitability The trend in sales was positive in all three business groups. Machines & Systems was responsible for 71% of sales, and After Sales and Components for 13% and 16%, respectively.

Spinning technologies expert Rieter, raised profit by 8% thanks to sales in the first half of 2015. The company worked in three business groups contributed to success, while it points to increased importance of after sales services. The company boosted sales to 553.9 million CHF.

Machines & Systems increased sales by 4% to 392.7 million CHF (compared to 376.1 million CHF of sales in the first half of 2014), and After Sales by 17% to 69.6 million CHF (compared to 59.6 million CHF in the first half of 2014). At Components, sales to third parties grew by 6% to 91.6 million CHF (compared to 86.4 million CHF in the first half of2014). Segment sales, i.e. including deliveries to Machines & Systems, dropped slightly (by 4%) to 125.4 million CHF (compared to 130.1 million CHF during the firsthalfof2014).


Developing Markets Sustained Growth There was a healthy trend in demand for products and services provided by After Sales and Components in the first six months of the year. By contrast, Machines & Systems' markets were characterized by spinning mills' reluctance to invest Despite low margins at yam plants and fluctuations in global currency, no increase was seen in order cancels. Asian markets sustained growth in the first half of2015 compared to the same period of last year. Compared on a yearly basis, the largest order reduction came from Turkey. Indian customers continues to make strong investments though. Demand from China remained depressed. The increased expenditure on research and development during the period under review was mainly directed at the completion of important product development projects, which will be presented in November at the ITMA textile machinery trade fair in Milan.

Altm iplik1n Ba~ar1 S1rr1; lnfor LN I"& adm

90rab1 sektOriinde markas1yla uzun ylllardrr koklii bir ge9IIli~e sahip olan Altm iplik ve <;orap Sanayi A.~., uzun siiredir i~ uygulanlalm i9in yaz:~hm ~irketi Infor'un fi:Oziimlerini tercih ediyor. Altm iplik ve Infor arasmdaki bu b~mh i~­ birligini gostermek i9in firmanm <;erkezkoy merkezine bir basm turu diizenlendi. Gef9ekle~tirilen etkinlikte Infor Olke Miidiirii Yasemin Giden, Altm iplik'in diinyada ve Tiirkiye'de yapt@. 9ah~malar ve lnfor'un bu 9ah~malara katlolm hakkmda bilgi verdi.

1.1:! 'Miijde'

ICS Group'un bir par9as1 olan Altm iplik'in BT ekibi kiiresel pazarda h1zh biiyiiyen i~, artan kapasite ve kaynaklarm yonetiminin artan zorluk derecesi nedeniyle mevcut ERP sistemlerini geli~tirme siirecini ba~lattl. ~ir­ ket, maliyet tasarruflarm1 artlrmak, siire9leri basitle~tirmek ve tiim i~ siire9lerini tek, entegre ve kullanlffil kolay bir uygulamadan yonetebilmek ve takip edebilmek i9in, sistemini kullanmakta oldugu Infor LN ERP 90ziimiiniin son siiriimiine yiikseltmeye, bu siire9te Infor 'un i~ ortag1 olan kendi 90ziim saglay1c1sl Elan'la 9ah~maya karar verdi. Bu karar, ~irketin 1500'iin iizerinde fi:ah~a­ mnm tiimii i9in tek bir iK sistemi dahil, tek entegre uygulama kullanmasma olanak saglad1.



yonetmekte, i9in zaman 9izelgesi olu~turuyor, rotalm planl1yor ve maliyetleri izliyor. 9ah~malar

Yeni ERP altyap1smdan 90k memnun olduklarm1 soyleyen Altm iplik <;orap'tan Sorumlu Genel Miidiir Yardrmc1s1 Nahit Ozcan, esnekligin artmasmm yam s1ra, hata sayismm da azalarak iiretim siirecinin daha da kolayla~tlgma dikkati 9ekti. Ozcan sozlerini ~oy­ le siirdiirdii; "Tiim malzemeleri ve iiriinleri daha net izleyebilmemizi saglad1. ~u anda sistemde SO.OOO'i a~km kalem izleniyor ve buna ragmen hata oranlm 1140.000'in altlnda. Naylon hanrmaddesinden ambalajh 9orap iiretimine kadar ge9en siire iki haftadan yalmzca 3 giine dii~tii. 3 ayhk iiretim kapasitesine e~it olan stok seviyesini azaltmayi da ba~ard1k. Mii~teri­ lerimizin verdigi %80 satm alma garantisiyle, ~u andaki stok seviyemiz neredeyse 1 ayhk iiretim kapasitesinde."

Diinyadaki ilk entegre t;orap tesisine sahip olan Alt1n iplik 'irketi, BT yat1r1m1 olarak lnfor LN'i tercih ederek hem iiretim siirecini k1saltt1 hem de iiretim verimliligini artt1rd1. @

Sii~ Kontrolii i~ Infor LN Devrede

Infor LN, dogrulugu ve goriiniirliigu geli~tirmeyi ama9layan fi:Oklu Ol9iim birimleri, lot kontrol ve agrrhk kontrolii dahil tiim stok i9in aynntlh envanter yonetimini saghyor. Sipari~ gereksinimlerini dengeleyerek ve verimliligi optimize ederek, her a~amada i~ emirlerini ve gorevleri kontrol ediyor.

Nahit Ozcan, mevcut siire9lerin dikkatli bir analizini yaparak, zayif noktalm ve bunlarm iistesinden gelmenin en iyi yollarm1 belirleyerek i~e ba~lamamn dogru bir karar olduguna inand1klarml soyledi. lnfor LN'nin ihracatta teslim siiresini 6 haftadan 2 haftaya indirdigini afi:lklayan Ozcan; "Artlk siire9 maliyetleri lnfor LN'de izlenebiliyor ve ~irket bu sistemi kullanarak siire9 maliyetlerinde %18 geli~im saglad1" dedi.

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Secret of Success for Alt1n iplik: lnfor LN . . ltm iplik ve <;orap Sanayi A.~, which has a long past in female hosiery industry with brand "Miijde", has been preferring solutions of lnfor, a software company, for business applications for a long time now. A press tour was held in company's <;erkezkoy center in order to display this successful corporation between Altm iplik and Infor. lnfor Country Manager Yasemin Giden made statements about local and global studies of Altm iplik as well as contribution of lnfor.


As a part of ICS Group, Altm iplik's BT team triggered a process of developing existing ERP systems due to rapidly growing business in global market as well as increased capacity challenges in management of sources. The company decided to upgrade the latest version of lnfor LN ERP in order to raise costs saving, simplify processes and manage/track all business processes through a single, integrated and user friendly application. Altm iplik will corporate with lnfor's partner and solution provider Elan which enables more than 1500 employees to use

a single integrated application including a single HR system. Infor LN On for Process Control Infor LN promises detailed inventory management for all stocks including multiple measurement units, lot and weight control. It controls business orders and duties in every phase by balancing order requirement and optimize productivity. Also, during managing manpower, it forms time schedule for studies, plans routes and track costs. Altm iplik <;orap Responsible and Vice General Manager Nahit Ozcan expressed their pleasure about new ERP substructure. He

pointed to the fact that production process has eased further amidst reduced errors in addition to increased flexibility. "It enabled us to track all materials and products more clearly. Currently, more than 50.000 items are tracked in the system and still error ratios are below 1/40.000. The period from nylon raw material to wrapped hosiery production has been down to only 3 days from the previous 2 weeks. We also managed to reduce a stock level that is equal to 3 months of production capacity. Our current stock level is nearly at 1 month production capacity with 80% purchasing warranty from our customers," he continued.

Alt1n iplik has the first integrated hosiery facility of the world, while the company elected lnfor LN as BT investment in order to shorten production process and boost productivity.

Nahit Ozcan stated that it is a right decision to start the job by analyzing the prevailing process carefully, setting weak points and the best ways to cope with them, in their point of view. lnfor LN reduced delivery term in exports from the previous 6 weeks to 2 weeks, he noted, adding that ''Now it is possible to track process costs at Infor LN and the company obtained 18% development in process costs thanks to this system."


Tiirkiye'nin On.de gelen kadm 90fllbl ve naylon iplik iireticisi Altm iplik: ve <;<>rap Sanayi'nin tarihi 1945 y1lmda kurucusu Jojo Doenyas'm Sultanhamam'da etkek fiXll'!lbl iiretmesiyle ~lad!. 1960'h yillarda ilk iplik ve ~ fabrikasmm temellerini atan finna, jartiyerli kadm 9Qrabl iiretiminden soma 1973 ylhnda ilk~

markas1 ile bir ilki b~aran finna, Tiirkiye'nin her ko~sine naylon kadm 9Qfab1ID ~trn:h. Altm iplik, yiizde 99 marka bilinirligi ve yiizde 65 pazar payt ile Tiirkiye'de pazar lideri konumunu siirdiiriiyor. ARGE yatmmlanru arttJrarak devam eden finna, iplik ve 9Qrap tesisleri ile chips 'ten fiXll'!lba iiretim g~k足 le~tirebilen 'diinyamn tek entegre

kadm c;x>rab1 tesisi' unvaruna sahip. <;erkezk:oy'de 130.000 m2 alan iizerinde iiretim g~kle~tiren Altm iplik, yakl~tk: bin ki~iye istihdam saglamakta ve ytlda 12 milyon diizine 9orap ile 6.000 ton iplik iiretebiliyor. 5 kltada 40'tan fazla iilkeye kadm 90rab1 ve iplik ihra9 edenAltm iplik, ihracatmm %55'ini Avrupa ve Kuzey Amerika iilkelerine g~kle~tiriyor. Firma biinyesinde 1.500'iin iizerinde istihdam bulunuyor.

Yakm Plan: Infor Infor, 194 iilkeden 73.000'den faz1a m~ operasyonlan ge~tirmesi足

ne, biiyiimeyi ~ etmesine ve i~ taleplerindeki demikliklere 1nzla uyum saglamastna yardnnCl olan kurumsal uygulamalar ve hizrnetlerin ii9fulcii biiyiik saglaylc1S1drr. Infor zengin bir kullamc1 deneyimi saglayan 91grr ~足 Cl bir teknoloji kullanarak, luz i9in tasarlamm~ endiistriye ozgii uygulamalar ve paketler ile ~ere i~lerini bulutta, yerinde ya da her ikisinde yiiriitme 8e9efiegi veren esnek dagltun olanaklan sunuyor.

Close-Up: Altm iplik Turkey's leading hosiery and nylon yam producer Altm Iplik ve <;orap was established in 1945 by its founder Jojo Doenyas in Sultanhamam as a factory producing men's socks. Laying the foundations for the first yam and sock factory in the 1960's, the company produced garter hosiery, followed by the first seamless hosiery brand Parizien in 1973.

Achieving a first in 1981 with its brandMOJDE,Altmlplikdelivered hosiery to even the most remote comers of Turkey. Today, Altm Iplik maintains its leadership in the Turkish women's nylon hosiery market with 99% brand recognition and 65% market share. Boosting its Research&Development investments gradually, Altm Iplik is the 'world's only integrated hosiery plant' that can manufacture hosiery from polyester chips at its yarn and hosiery plants. Built on a closed area of 130,000 m2 Altm Iplik's production plant in <;erkezkoy employs around 1,000 people and has a capacity of manufacturing 12 million dozens of socks and 6,000 tons of yarns. The company exports hosiery and yarns to over 40 countries across five continents, out of which 55% of the exports are made to European and North American countries. The company employs over 5,000 people overall.

Close-Up: Infor Infor is the third largest provider of institutional applications and services that help more than 73,000 customers from 194 countries develop operations, encourage growth and adjust quickly to changes in business demand. Infor promises flexible distribution opportunities that give customers to make business on clouds or their places or both via industrialspecific applications and packages that are designed for speed by using path breaking technology which provides a rich user experience.

---------------------hlmmuz-ogusrosl july-august- ---------------------

WEFTMASTER® FALCON-i ile Giivendesiniz You are Safe With Loepfe WEFTMASTER® FALCON-i


~ tkt



liJ 5nce veya soma yerl~

Loepfe'nin en yeni sensOrii WEFTMASTER® FALCON-i, her bir iplikte ayn ayn en ince dii.giimlerini, elyaf lJ¥Ulltulanm, filament kopmalanm, kabarmalan, kahn yerleri ve hatta kllcal ince ~Ian saptamak i9in fi:Oziim sunuyor. Manuel veya otomatik olarak ayarlanan farldJ. sezgisel seviyeler kullarularak iplik izlenebiliyor. Otomatik mod ise hassasiyet seviyesini kendisi belirliyor. Bu sensfu, ozellikle lazer 019fim cihazlarmda ~ durmalara sebep olan rahatstz edici olabilen titre~ere kacy ise duyarstzdlr. Kirlenme ciddi seviyede oldugunda, sensfu ters monte edilebilir, bOylece en giivenilir ve siireklilsabit izleme elde edilir. iplik, optik 019fim alanmdan neredeyse temastz olarak, iplik kllavuzlarmdan 5nce ve soma bulunan sensfuler yardmnyla yonlendirilir ve tmunlamru.~ bir hata bulundugunda durdurulur. Aynca, ipligin ipligin renginin 019fim giivenirligine hi9bir etkisi yoktur. FALCON-i ile, karbon gJ.bi yiiksek teknoloji malzemelerini sonmsuz izlemek de miimkiin. Monofilamentlerin ve multifilamentlerin yam sua herl!angi bir maizeme kompozisyonu i9efen spun iplikler ~enebiliyor. iletken malzemeler de hi9bir klsttlama olmakSIZIIl ~lenebiliyor. Sensfuii.n g5vdesi koruyucu bir maizemeden yaplldJ.gt i9in Olc;iim (degerlendinne) giivenirligi herbangi bir mevcut statik veya elektromanyetik alandan etkilenmez. Mikroi~lemcili kontrole sahip olan FALCON-i sensOrii, 019fim modiillerine baglant! i9in bif9ok 8e9enek sunar. Son bulgular ve deneyim-

ler bunlar iizerinde c;:ah~ i9in Loepfe'nin yaz1hm miihendislerine gOnderiliyor. Loepfe giiniimiizde otomatik sanna (bobin) makinelerinde kullarulan optik iplik temizleyicileri iiretiminde diinya lideri kabul ediliyor. Bu alanda koklii bir deneyime sahip olan finna, bu sayede yeni optik FALCON-i sensfuiinii geli¢rdi. Teknik destek ve sens5r almdJ.ktan ylllar soma bile yedek paf9a bulunabilirligi Loepfe'nin altun 9izdigi ozellikleridir. Loepfe'nin yeni optik iplik hatast sensfui.i FALCON-i, sadece mevcut ~~tli diigiimsiiz dokuma konseptlerinin tamamlaytClSl degil, aynt zamanda, her bir iplik izlemesinde kalitesinin gerektigi tekstil iiretim zincirindeki bif9ok furkh siire9te kullamlabilir.

n order to monitor an individual1hread for finest knots, flu:ft; filamentation, smallest 1hick places or even capillmy breaks, Loepfe's newly developed FALCON-i sensor is installed, e.g., before or after a weft feeder The 1hread can be monitored by using sensitivity levels, to be set marrually or automatically. Automatic mode determines the sensitivity level itself. The sensor is insensitive to vibrations which can be extremely disturbing, especially with laser measuring devices, and which cmlld cause fhlse stops. When contamination is severe, the sensor can also be installed <<UpSide down>> which allows most reliable and constant monitoring. The thread is guided virtually contact-free through the optical measuring field by yam guides before and after the sensor and a stop is triggered for defined fuults. The color ofthe thread to be monitored also has no influence on measurement reliability.

Loepfe optical yarn defects sensor WEFTMASTER® FALCON-i for simple Loepfe'nin optik and reliable monitoring iplik hatas1 sensorii of all finest knots, WEFTMASTER® filamentation, fluff, FALCON-i; iplikteki en smallest thick places ince diigiimleri, filament or capillary breaks on kopmalan, elyaf running threads. ut;untulan, kabarmalan. kiit;iik kahn yerleri veya kopmalan basitve giivenilir fekilde saptamak it;in dTex 11 ()(), filiJmentation geliftirildi. dTex 470, filiJmentation @

• 1!1


Online Haber Online News

It is therefore possible to monitor the latest high-tech materials, e.g. carbon,

without problems with FALCON-i. Monofilaments, multifilaments as well as spun yams in any material composition can be processed Conductive materials can also be processed without restriction The housing of the sensor is made from shielding material so that any existing static or electromagnetic fields will not affect measurement reliability. The FALCON-i sensor is microprocessor-controlled and therefore provides many options for connection to evaluation modules. The latest findings and experience flow into the design wmk of our software engineers.

Loepfe is today global leader in manufucturing optical yam clearers for automatic winding machines. Many years of experience in this field enabled the development of the new optical FALCON-i sensor. Technical support and spare parts availability, even many years after purchasing the sensors, are a matter of course for Loepfe. Loepfe's new yam defect sensor FALffiN-i is not only complementing the various available knotless weaving concepts, but can be used in many different processes down the textile production chain - wherever an individual yam monitoring shmlld ensure quality!

dTex 1100, filiJmentation


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-----------------------hlmmuz-ogusros july-august- ----------------------I

USTER® AFIS PRO 2 Erken Uyan Sistemi The USTER® AFIS PRO 2 is an Early-Warning System

Online Haber Online News

miidiirii, tatJ.nin edici sonU9lardan menmun olduklanm belirtti.

Sistematik Kalite Ytinetimi Bir Onceliktir Systematic Quality Management is a Priority l'i'J ir iplik fabrikasmm, Om.ek I.!.J kalite yOn.etim yaptlanm benimsemi~ olsa bile, bu yap!lardan tam olarak faydalanmadJ.gt. takdirde, sistemin tam potansiyeline ul~­ yarak b~stz olma tehlik:esi her zaman vardrr. Yogun tesis operasyonlan bazen uygun kalite disiplinlerinin kenara itilmesine yol ~bilir, bunun maliyet kis1tlamalan, personel slkm1J.s1 ya da yetersiz know-how g~.bi 9e~itli nedenleri olabilir. Bu sadece yOnetim kontroliinde trajik bir 90~

neden olmaz, aynca zamanm ve kalite sistemlerine yatJ.nlan paranm bo~a harcanmasma yol ~ar- Sistematik artzalara ~1 tek giivenilir koruma USTER® AFIS PRO 2 elyaf test arac1drr. Bu sistem hem tekil kalite kusurlan i9in bir erken uyan gorevi goriir hem de genel kalite yap1lannm ~~yorsa bunu gosterir. Kalite bilincine sahip iplik¢er bugiin genellik:le degerli ~lardan yararlanarak iiretimde ~-

Bu ~lara omek olarak laboratuvar kontorii i9in USTER® TESTER 5 ve hata korumamn son ~1 olarak sanna odasmda USTER® QUANTUM 3 yer alrr. Zaman zaman, yine de, bu goriintiileme eylemleri sistematik kalite yonetimini kurmak i9in tesis boyunca bagh yapllara olan ihtiyac1 vurgulayacakttr ve On.celik:li strateji olarak, siirekli uyg11landJ.gt.m garanti edecektir. Tipik bir senaryo olarak, Qinli bir iplik:hane tesisi, bu dunmm gosteriyor: Bir kutu bobin test i9in laboratuvarda bekliyor. Zhang Qiang, Xingjang ~hrinde kurulm~ bir iplik ~letmesinin yoneticisi. Ah~llmadJ.k yiiksek miktarda bobinin sanc1 ile bo~tJ.ldJ.gt.m farketti. Ne 34 pamuk ipligi USTER® TESTER 5 ayarlan ile ~1l~ldJ.gt.nda ~ca 90k fazla iplik hatas1 i9erif. "Sannada iplik temizleyiciler kullanarak iplik iiretiminin %100 goriintiilenmesi sayesinde hi9bir kalitesiz iplik m~­ teriye gOn.derilmiyor" diyen i~letme

J. @

AynntJ.da, USTER® QUANTUM 3 temizleyicilerinden gelen veriler C3,C4, D3 ve D4 smrllarmda kahn yerlerdek:i diizensizlik:leri g5sterir ve 019ffien elyaf karakteristikleri ile ~~dJ.gt.nda kabul edilemez seviyedeki kahn yerlerdeki kesmeleri belirtir. Biitiin YARN BODY 1M 'nin normalden daha geni~ oldugt.I gfuiiliir. USTER® TESTER 5'den gelen laboratuvar sonU9lar aym zamanda, neps ve kahn yerlerin degerinin m~ iplik profili tarafindan tarumlanan arahgt.n ~mda oldugunu gosterir. Bu sonll91ar, sistematik kalite yonetim sisteminin son ~amas1 olarak USTER® QUANTUM 3'iin iplik¢eri potansiyel olarak 90k pahah sfue9lerden diizgiin bir ~kilde kurtardJ.gt.m kamtllyor. Bu, gOriinen iyi haberdir. Ancak kOtii haber de bulunuyor. Ger~ ~ ki, smunun asla biikiim makinasma kadar gitmemesi gerekir. USTER® TESTER 5'den gelen SOI1U9lar ve kendi bi1gi ve deneyimleri ile Zhang Qiang, kalite sonmunun penyelemede veya daha elken dOnemde balya sermede ~gun varsayiyor. Bu fabrikamn sistematik kalite yOn.etimi haflahk: bazda penyelemede, cer bandJ. test ile ~ Once dosyalan arayan Zhang Qiang; "AFIS®'in baglantJ.h SOI1U9larl tammlanrncy olarl problemleri iiretim siirecinin bu ~­ da ortaya ¢<aracaktrr'' dedi. 0 hakh; USTER® AFIS PRO 2 raporlarl yiizde

?'den fazla k1sa elyaf degerlerindeki sapmalan gOsterir. Sorunun kaynag1 arbk: onaylandJ.. Ve tabiki birisinin bu raporu, ~ bir siirii iplik: ziyan etmeden Once kontrol etmesi gerekir. A91ktJ.r ki, iplik:hanelerin AFIS® test sonU9larml bir On. gosterge veya erken uyan sistemi olarak, pahah son ~lemi yapan iplik temizlemeden once dikkate almas1 tavsiye edilir.

--------------------------temmuz-agustos july-august·------------------------T.



saved the spinner from a potentially very costly claim. That is the (apparent) good news ... There is also bad news, however. The fact is that the problem should never have gone so far as the winding machine. From the USTER® TESTER 5 results, and based on his own knowledge and experience, Zhang Qiang assumed that the quality problem started at carding, or even earlier during the bale laydown. ''Thanks to the 100% monitoring of the produced yarn using yarn clearers at winding, no off-quality yarn will be delivered to the customer," says the mill manager, pleased at this apparently satisfactory outcome. In detail, the data from the USTER® QUANTUM 3 clearers shows irregu-


ven when a spinning mill

L!!l has adopted exemplary qual-

ity management structures, there is always a danger that the system may fail to reach its potential ifthose structures are not exploited fully. Busy mill operations may sometimes lead to proper quality disciplines being sidelined, for a variety of reasons: cost constraints, staff shortages or inadequate know-how, for example. This is not only a tragic breakdown in management contro~ but also a waste of the time and money invested in the quality systems. One reliable safeguard against such systemic failures is the USTER® AFIS PRO 2 fiber testing instrument, which can act as an early warning of individual quality defects and an indicator that the overall quality structures are not working. Quality-conscious spinners are today generally well-versed in making use of valuable tools such as USTER® TESTER 5 for laboratory controls and USTER® QUANTUM 3 as the last-stage failsafe in the winding room. Sometimes, though, these monitoring actions will actually highlight the need for cohesive structures throughout the mia to establish systematic quality management- and ensure it is

A typical scenario, in this case from a Chinese spinning mill, illustrates the point: A box of bobbins waits in the laboratory for testing. Zhang Qiang is the manager of an established spinning mill in Xingjiang province. He has recognized an unusual high quantity of bobbins being ejected at the winder. The Ne 34 cotton yarn obviously contains too many yarn faults compared with the settings from the USTER® TESTER 5.

larities for thick places in classes C3, C4, D3 and D4 and indicates a high level of unacceptable thick place cuts, indicating changes compared to the measured fiber characteristics. The whole YARN BODYTM also appears to be wider than normal. Laboratory results from the USTER® TESTER 5 also show that the values of neps and thick places are outside of the ranges defined by the customer's yarn profile. These results prove that the USTER® QUANTUM 3 the final step of the systematic quality management system - correctly

This mill's systematic quality management starts at carding, testing the sliver on a weekly basis. "I know that the correlative results of the AFIS® will reveal that the problem could have been recognized already at this stage of the production process," says Zhang Qiang, before looking for the files. He was correct: the USTER® AFIS PRO 2 reports show a deviation of more than 7% for the short fiber values. The origin of the problem is now confirmed. And, of course, someone should have checked this report before the damage - a lot of wasted yarn- had the chance to occur. It's clear also that spinning mills would be well-advised to take AFIS® test results as a pre-indicator or early-warning system, prompting action before the yarn clearer has to provide the final, more costly, solution.it is put into practice as an absolute priority."

-----------------------hlmmuz-ogusros july-august- ----------------------I

Rekabetin Gizli Kahraman1: Lojistik Secret Hero of Competition: Logistics

• l!l

. .

Online Haber Online News

. . . ojistik sektOriinde ~k yiizyth geride btrakan SerTrans Lojistics, elde ettigi deneyim ve b~ ile hem kurumsal yap1s1n1 hem de sundugu 90ziimleri ge~ tirdi. 1989 yJlmda bir aile ~letmesi olarak kurulan firma, giiniimiizde Avrupa'nm en biiyiik: grupaj network sistemi System Alliance Europe'a (SAE) iiye ilk ve tek Tiirk ~irketi konumuna geldi. SerTrans Lojistics, uluslararas1 parsiyel ve multimodal ~llllaClhk hizmetlerinin yam srra, tedarik: zinciri yonetiminde verdigi katrna degerli lojistik hizmetleriyle tekstil ve hazrrgiyim dahil olmak iizere bif9ok sektOre sesleniyor. Uluslararas1 kara-hava-denizyolu ve multimodal ~llllaClhk hizmetleriyle tiim kltalarda, 5.500'e yak1n acente a~ ile 200'e yak1n iilkede 1.800'den fazla noktada hizmet veren SerTrans Logistics'in ulusal ve uluslararas1 pek 90k iiyelikleri bulunuyor.


gruplan ve tiim iiretici, ithalat91 ve ilrracat91 firmalar i9in ayn ayn geli~­ tirihni~ hizmet modelleri oldugunu dile getiren Kele~, iiriin ve hizmet 9e~itlilikleri ile tekstil firmalanna kiiresel pazarlardaki rekabet gii9lerine katkl sagladlklarJru soyledi. Tekstil lojistiginde lnzm onemli oldugunu vurgulayan Kele~, iiriinlerin etiketlemesi, renk ve beden detaylarma gore stok takibinin ve tasnifinin dikkat edilmesi gereken konular oldugunu aktarru. Kele~; ''Ta~Jrua ve depolama operasyonlarJru bannd1ran klasik lojistik anlayt~m yam srra, mal kabul ~amasmda kontrollerin yapllmas1, 7/24 zincir magaza ve AVM teslimat1, koli ve palet barkodlarJrun iiretimi, iiriinlerin etiketlenmesi, iitiileme, kutulama, iiriin katlama, paketleme, iiriin analizi, giivenlik alarJru takma, palet stre9leme, sezon sonu iade toplamaSl ve kabulii, iade iiriin lojistigi gibi katrna degerli lojistik hizmetler sunuyoruz" diye kon~tu. Nilgiin Kele~

SerTrans Logistics CEO'su Nilgiin Kele~,

tedarik: zincirinin her ~a­ masmda uyguladJklan dogru-lnzhhatasiZ-siirekli ve ~ffaf ~ yapma prensibi sayesinde yiik:sek m~teri menmuniyeti elde ettiklerini s5yledi.

. . . eaving 25 years behind in L ! l 1ogistic industry, SerTrans Logistics developed bofu its institutional structure and solutions fuanks to its experiences and achievements. The company was established a family firm in 1989, while it has turned to be fue first and only Turkish member of System Alliance Europe (SAE), Europe's largest groupage network system. SerTrans Logistics addresses various industries including textile and ready-wear fuanks to its value added services for supply procurement management in addition to international partial and multimodal transportation services. The company provides services in all continents wifu nearly 5500 agent network and at more fuan 1800 spots in almost 200 countries while it has many memberships on local and international basis. The company achieves high customer satisfaction owing to its principle of correctfast-errorless-constant and transparent working which fuey apply in every phase of

'Tekstil Lojistiginde Uzmamz' Tekstil sektOriine ciliniik lojistik hizmetlerinde en deneyimli ve donammh ~irket olduklanm iddia eden Nilgiin Kel~, 25 ylidan fazla bir siiredir hizmet verdikleri tekstil lojistiginin uzmanhk: alanlarmdan biri oldugunu belirtti. Kel~ ~unlan s5yledi; "Gururla belirtmeliyim ki, Tiirkiye'ye ilk olarak tekstil sekt:Oriine ozel 'asklh ~llllaClhk' uygulamasJru getiren ve ask1h ~Jruaclhk i9in gerekli afa9 i9i donammlara ilk olarak yatmm yaparak bu uygulamaYl ilk olarak b~latan bir firmaytz." Tekstil, hazrr giyim, konfeksiyon, deri iiriin yelpazesindeki tiim iiriin

Uretim ve pazarlama siire-;lerinin bulufmas• a-;1smdan biiyiik onem ta,lyan lojistik alamnda faaliyet gosteren SerTrans Logistics, tedarik zincirine kiiresel -;apta gelifmif -;oziimler sunuyor.

SerTrans Logistics is active in logistics area, which is quite important in terms of meeting production and marketing processes, while the company provides globally developed solutions for supply chain. {lli

supply chain, stated SerTrans Logistics CEO, Nilgiin Kele~.

''We are an Expert of Textile Logistics" Nilgiin Kele~ underlined tllat fuey are fue most experienced and equipped company in logistics services for textiles, adding tllat textile logistics, for which fuey have served more fuan 25 years now, is among fueir expertise areas. "We are proud tllat we are fue first company to bring strappy transportation special to textiles in Turkey and to start up tlris application via investing in required in-vehicle equipments." she explained. The company has separately developed service models for all product groups and all manufacturers, importers and exporters in textile, ready-wear, outfit, leafuer product ranges. SerTrans Logistics contributes to fue competition power of textile companies in global markets fuanks to fueir variety of product and services. Speed is crucial in textile logistics, while oilier important topics to be cared include labeling, inventory track and dissection in accordance to color and size. Kele~ highlighted, "In addition to conventional logistics approach tllat consists of carriage and storage operations, we are offering value added logistics services including fue controls during receiving phase, 7/24 chain store and mall delivery, production of parcel and pallet barcodes, product labeling, ironing, boxing, packing, product analysis, safety alarm installation, stretching pallets, collection and receiving of end season product returns, return products logistics and etc."


dunyan1n en buyuk entegre tekstil ve haz1r giyim uretim teknolojileri fuan 200.000 metrekare brut fuar alan1 40'tan fazla Ulkeden gelen 1.500'den fazla katlllmCI 140'tan fazla ulkeden gelen 100.000 ziyaretgi

• Geli9mekte olan ve sOrdOrOiebilir bask1 teknolojileri • SektorOn kOresel oyunculan ile i9 ve ortakllk yapma imkanlan • DOnya Tekstil Zirvesi , Tekstil Renklendiricileri ve Kimyasal Liderleri Forumu ve Dokuma Olmayanlar Forumunda sektorO etkileyenler ve uzmanlar

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~imdi sipari~

Etkinligin Sahibi



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[!] . .

-----------------------temmuz-ogustos july-august- ----------------------~ Roland DG 4 Oriin Grubuyla SIGN istanbul'da TE~ H~E~~E


. - ; , ijital baskl teknolojileri pazanrun onde gelen markalanndan Roland DG, 10-13 Eyliil tarihleri arasmda diizenlenecek olan SIGN istanbul 2015 fuannda ozel bir se9kiyle yer alacak. Uriin portfoyiiniin en yeni iiriinlerinin yam srra en se9kin iiriinlerini de sergileyecek olan firma, aym zamanda aplikasyon 96ziimleri ve gorsel ileti~im endiistrisi operailirleri i9in sundugu ozel hizmetlerle ziyaretyilerine ~acak. Roland DG, 4 giinliik fuar boyunca; Baskl, Bas&Kes, Kes, UV Baskl, Sublimasyon Baskl, 3D Milleyici kategorilerindeki iiriinleri ile, m~足 terilerine yeni 96ziimler ve pek 90k grafik aplikasyonu geryekle~tinne imkam sunacak.

Sign istanbul 2014'te 4 ana iiriin grubuna odaklandiklanm ve genel anlamda ziyaretyi ilgisinden 90k memnun kaldtklanm belirten Roland DG Mid Europe'un San~ DirektOrii Massimiliano Calvaresi ~unlan s6yledi; '"'Roland olarak: kanlacagmuz bu iiyiincii Sign istanbul Fuan olacak Bu sene de hem fuann iyeriginden, hem de ziyaretyi profilinden memnun kalacagmuzdan hi9 ~phe足 miz yok. Roland olarak: 90k geni~ bir yelpazede y()ziimler sunuyoruz. Bas&Kes, Kesim, UV flatbed baskl makineleri, 3D Milleyici sublimasyon baskl ve tekstil baskl makineleri gibi biryok ((oziimii bu sene de sekilirle bul~turacaga. Portfoyiimiizde yer alan pek 90k 96ziimii de fuar kapsammda sergileme ~ans1 elde edecegiz." Calvaresi fuar kapsamm-

Roland DG Will Appear in SIGN istanbul with 4 Product Groups

Online Haber Online News

da tanmrm~ iiriin 9e~itlerinin yam srra baz1 ((Ok onemli yenilikleri de bul~足 turacaklan miijdesini verdi. Diger yandan, 3D baskl teknolojisinin giin geytikye daha 90k sekilirde yay~ngma dikkati 9eken Calvaresi geyen y11ki Sign istanbul fuannda sergiledikleri 3D baskl makinalannm da bu yiizden biiyiik ilgi gordiigiinii hat1rlatt1. Calvaresi; ''MonoFab masaiistii araylan, Roland DG'nin onciiliigiinii yapn~ ve 1986 ydmdan bu yana siirekli surette geli~tirdigi 3D modelleme teknolojisine dayamyor. Bu sene de 3D modellerimizin ziyaretyilerden yogun ilgi gorecegine inamyoruz" dedi.

Roland DG, MAC OS X i~in RIPYazilmnm Piyasaya Siirdii Roland DG, AB bolgesinde, Mac OS X i9in yeni ve gii9lii RIP ve baskl yonetim yazlhrm

Roland DG, yenilikleriyle SIGN istanbul 2015'e damga vurmaya haz1rlamyor. Fuarda 4 ana iiriin grubuna odaklanacak olan firma, en yeni ve set;kin iiriinlerini SIGN istanbul ziyarett;ileriyle payla,acak. @

Rolandprintstudio'nun Mayts aymda piyasaya siiriildii. Srradan bir RIP'den yok daha fazlas1n1 sunaca~ gar.anti eden pek ((Ok ozellige sahip bu y()ziim; Roland yaz1cllan, yaZictlkesiciler ve sadece kesiciler ile birlikte kullamlabilir. Biryok zaman kazandtnc1 ve verimlilik artmc1 ozellikle dolu olmasma ragmen makul bir fiyatta sunulan Rolandprintstudio, geni~ formath dijital baskl pazan genelinde Mac OS X kullamcdanmn baskl iiretim siirecini hlzh ve kolay bir bi9imde yonetmelerine imkan saghyor. Rolandprintstudio yaz111ffillllll oziinde bulunan ve yerel Adobe i~levselligini kullanarak 9izimi i~leyen PDF Print Engine sayesinde, tiim kullamcdar RIP- Baskl - Kesme siireci boyunca hlzh ve dogru bir ~ekilde

9all~abiliyor. Boylece toplam liretim hlzlan arnyor, dahasl katman ve ~effafllk ile ilgili sorunlar ortadan kaldtnhyor. Rolandprintstudio aynca, 64-bit i~lem yetenegi sayesinde mevcut i~letim sistemi kaynaklanm maksimuma ylkarabiliyor ve oldukya yiiksek RIP h1Z1 sunabiliyor.

respected worldwide for their quality and ease of use. Besides we will have UV printing, sublimation printing, 3D milling and 3D printing categories. On the other hand, Calvaresi pointed to the widely spreading 3D printing technologies in more industries, reminding that their 3D printers grabbed great interest in last year's Sing istanbul fair. ''MonoFab desktop tools are based on 3D modeling technology which was pioneered and constantly developed by Roland 00 since 1986. We believe that our 3D models will grab intense interest from visitors this year as well," he commented

Roland DG Launched RIP Software for MAC OS X In May, Roland DG announced the launch of Rolandprintstudio across the EU region, an exciting and powerful new RIP and print management software for Mac OS X. This feature-

11111 mong leading digital printing

!il technology providers, Roland 00 will take place at SIGN istanbul 2015 on September 10-13 with a special range. In addition to the latest products in range, the company will display its most prominent products and will exlnbit special services for visual communication industry operators as well as application solutions. During the 4 days long fair, Roland 00 will provide many new solutions and graphic application opportunities with product in categories of printing, print/cut, cut, UV printing, sublimation printing and 3D milling. Roland DG Mid Europe Sales Director Massimiliano Calvaresi noted that they focused on 4 main product groups in Sign istanbul2014 and they were pleased with customer interest in general. He stated, ''This year will be our 3rd Sign Istanbul fair that we participate as Roland. We are sure that we will be leaving much more pleased than last year's fair. As Roland, we have a rich product range and new application solutions. This year, we will again showcase our full range of reliable large format printers and combined printer/cutters, which are

Roland DG is set to make a sign on SIGN istanbul 2015. The company will focus 4 main product groups during the event, while sharing the newest and outstanding products with visitors.

packed solution promises to deliver so much more than just a RIP and is available for use with Roland printers, printer/cutters and standalone cutters*. Packed full of a whole host of timesaving and efficiency-creating features, yet offered at a highly affordable price, Rolandprintstudio enables Mac OS X users throughout the wide-format digital print market to quickly and easily manage the print production process. At the heart of the Rolandprintstudio software is the Adobe PDF Print Engine, which renders artwork using native Adobe fimctionality, enabling users to work quickly and accurately throughout the entire RIP - Print Cut process. Thereby increasing overall production speeds and eliminating problems often associated with layers and transparencies. Plus, with 64bit processing capabilities, Rolandprintstudio is able to maximise the available openrting system resources and deliver blisteringly fast RIP speeds.

----------------------hlmmuz-ogusros july-august- ---------------------I

Tekstil Bask1s1nda Venilikler SIGN istanbul2015'te SIGN istanbul 2015 Will House Innovations in Textile Printing D 0-13 Eyliil tarihleri arasmda diizenlenecek olan SIGN istanbul fuarmda her geyen giin artJ.~ gosteren dijital tekstil baslo teknolojileri geni~ bir yer bulacak SIGN istanbul 2015'i ziyaret eden tekstil profesyonelleri, daha lnzh, daha kaliteli ve daha ekonomik baslo 9fiziimlerinin yam srra, rekabette kendilerini one geyirecek ki~iye ozel 1asarun uygulamalannda, dijital yeniliklerin sekilire sundugu fusatlan da yerinde gfirebilecek

bireysel ktillammlar iyin de seyenekler sunan 3D yaztcl teknolojilerini yeni 3D Printshow ozel ooliimiinde sergileyecek

Uluslararas1 Tarsus Group'un diinya yapmdaki 3D Print Show etkinliginin yeni dura~ olan SIGN istanbul, 3 boyutlu yaztc11ann ve baslo teknolojilerinin yam srra her tiirlii reklam ve tamtlma ili~ en yeni iiriin, uygulama, makine ve ekiprnanlan bir arada sunacak


igital textile printing technologies constantly increase while tlley will be exhibited in SIGN istanbul that will take place on September 10-13. Visitors will have tlle chance to see faster, more qualified and more economic printing solutions as well as individual design applications that provide competition power and opportunities by digital innovations at first place.

'AlamndaAvrasya'nm her ytl diizenlenen en biiyiik ticari organizasyonu' kabul edilen fuarda tekstil profesyonelleri dijital baslonm yam srra, sublime ve transfer baslo, baslo malzemeleri ve tekstil baskt boyalarma dair 9fiziimleri de bir arada gorebilecek Fuarda sergilenecek olan dijital baskt c;Xiziimleri, tekstil sekiliriinde, adet smmna bagh kalmaksJZtn lnzh, pratik ve ekonomik ~kilde ki~iye ozel iiretim yapabilmeye irnkan saghyor. Aynca, oze11ikle promosyon iiriinlerinde, her tiirlii tasarun, dijital baslo sayesinde tekstil iizerine rahathlda uygulanabiliyor.

ilk olarak geyen ytlki organizasyonda 3 boyutlu yaztct teknolojilerine geni~ yer veren SIGN istanbul, ziyaretyi ve katihmctlarmdan yogun ilgi gordii. Sign Istanbul 2015 'te b~ta moda, mimari, gastronomi, medikal ve bijuteri olrnak iizere hemen her sekilirde kolay ve ekonomik yoldan iiretime irnkan veren, aynca

Considered as tile largest annual trade event in Eurasia, tile fair will let textile professionals to see solutions for digital printing, sublimation and transfer printing, printing materials and textile printing inks at once. Digital printing solutions to be exhibited during tile event provides chance to make individual fast, practical and economic productions witilout depending on unit number in textile industry. Also, every kind of design can be easily applied on textile t11anks to digital printing, particularly in promotion products.

The 3D Print Show Global Comes to SIGN istanbul This is tile first Istanbul edition of tile '3D Print Show Global Series' which started in London in May t11is year and was followed by editions in California, Paris and Dubai, will take place in SIGN istanbul fair 2015. SIGN istanbul2015 will open its 3D Printshow special section in Hall 11 at tile Tuyap fair grounds Istanbul.

3D Print Show Global Serisi'nin Yeni Durag. SIGN istanbul Oldu Bu ytl Mayts aymda Londra' da ~la­ ytp srrastyla California, Paris ve Dubai ile devam edecek '3D Print Show Global Serisi' istanbul ayagmdaki ilk edisyonuyla SIGN istanbul fuannda yer a1acak SIGN istanbul 2015, 3D Print Show ozel ooliimiinii TOYAP fuar alanmda 11. Salonda ~yor.

Online Haber Online News

Bask• sektorii Eyliil aymda SIGN istanbul'da bulufacak. Sektor profesyonelleri reklamc1hk ve tekstil baskmm yam sua 30 boliimiiyle yenilikleri gorebilecek.

Printing industry will meet in September at SIGN istanbul. Industry professionals will have chance to see 30 innovations in addition to advertising and textile printing. ~

SIGN Istanbul demonstrated 3D printing technologies for tile first time at last year's event and decided to host a more comprehensive 3D printing technologies show case tlris year due to tile high level of interest from visitors and exhibitors. istanbul2015 will demonstrate tile latest 3D print technologies at 3D Print Show a special section which will highlight how to achieve easy and cost-effective production in almost all sectors including fashion, architecture, gastronomy, medical and jewellery offering a wide range of options for individual uses. SIGN Istanbul, tile new host of world-renowned 3D Print Show, an event of tile international Tarsus Gro~,willdemonstrate3Dprinters

and printing technologies as well as tile newest products, applications, machines and equipment in advertising and publicity.

SICiN iSTANBUL 17. Uluslararas1 Endustriyel Reklam ve Dijital Bask1 Teknolojileri Fuau

10-13 Eylfil 2015 TUyap, istanbul

Te{L.Gttl f?~l





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signistanbul. com Organizasyon Destekleyen

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Sektorel Medya Sponsoru




trrlatan <;:aghyan, SIGN istanbul fuarmda ornek baskllarm ziyaret9ilerle payla~llacagffil soyledi.

HandTop Yeni Nesil Serisi ile Geliyor

Pigment Reklam'1n Veni Nesil UV Bask1 ~Oziimleri SIGN istanbul 2015'te Pigment Reklam Will Exhibit New Generation UV Printing Solutions in SIGN istanbul 2015 li"ii

iirk baslo sekiliriine sundu. . . gu UV ~ziimlerle pazar giiciinii siirekli arttrran Pigment Reklam, swissQprint ve HandTop markalannm yeni nesil ~ziimle­ rini 10-13 Eylill tarihleri arasmda TOYAP'ta diizenlenecek olan SIGN istanbul 2015 fuannda Salon 14 Stand No G-40'da ilk kez sergileyecek. swissQprint diinya lansmarum Mayts aytndaki FESPA Koln fuannda g~ekle~tirdigi ikinci nesil modellerinin Tiirkiye'deki ilk gosterimini SIGN istanbul'da yapacak. Pigment Reklam fuarda ziyare1:9ilerine swissQprint'in ikinci nesil modellerini, aynca HandTop markasmm iiriinlerini ve uygulama orneklerini sunmaya hazrrlamyor. SIGN istanbul fuanna, uzman olduklan 'UV konsept' ile kattlacaklanm soyleyen Pigment Reklam firma sahibi Serkan <;:aghyan, Tiirkiye pazarma sunduklan markalara fuarda yer vermeyi planlachklanm a9tkladl. <;:aghyan, bununla ilgili gerekli makine sipari~lerini vererek fuar zamanma kadar iiriinleri yeti~tirmeyi istediklerini belirtti. <;:aghyan; "swissQprint ve Hand-

• 1!1


Online Haber Online News

Tiirk bask• sekttiriiniin bulu,ma noktalarmdan SIGN istanbul 2015'e gii~lii bir kat1hm ger~ekle,tirecek olan Pigment Reklam, swissQprint ve HandTop'un yeni nesil modellerinin yam s1ra, Caldera yazlhm ~tiziimlerini tamtacak.

Pigment Reklam'm iki ana markasmdan biri olan HandTop fuarda diger bir onernli ba~hgt olu~turacak. Serkan <;:aghyan HandTop'un yeni nesil Quad Ricoh GENS serisi ve Kyocera serisini sergilemek istediklerini dile getirdi. <;:aghyan sozlerini ~oyle siirdiirdii; "Kyocera bask1 sistemleri, htzh ve yiiksek kaliteli iiretimi hedefleyen ve daha dii~iik yatmm maliyeti ile buna ula~mak isteyen rnii~terilerimize sesleniyor. Piyasadaki bir9ok marka UV rnakinastyla bask1 kalitesi ve h1z1 ile yan~an bu seri stabil 9ah~ma giicii ile iistiin bir konuma ula~tyor. Uriinlerimizin tamarn1 365 giin 24 saat aktif olarak kullamlabilir ve bundan kaynaklt olarak renk sonmlart ve kafa kesrnesi gibi dunnaya neden olacak sorunlar ya~anrnaz. Tiirk baskt pazarmda kii9iik ve orta ol9ekli i~lettneler i9in olduk9a cazip olan bu serinin fuarda yogun ilgi gorrnesini bekliyoruz."

Top markalannm FESPA Koln fuarmda tamttlan ozellikleri i9eren bir konsept ile, SIGN istanbul fuanna haztrlamyoruz. Giri~ seviyesinden endiistriyel diizeye kadar seslenen yeni nesil rnodellerle UV baskJ.nm olanaklanm uygulamah olarak gosterecegiz. Nyala 2'nin sergilenecegi kesinle~ti, Oryx 2'nin yeti~­ mesi i9in 9ah~malannuz var" dedi.

Yazlhm ve Boyalar Standda Yerini Alacak

Daha Geni~ Baski Alant, Daha Esnek frretkenlik

Endiistriyel alandaki biitiin 90ziimleri SIGN istanbul'da sunmayt planlachklarmt dile getiren Serkan <;:aghyan, aynca ah~ap ve cam endiistrileri i9in finishing iiriinleri konusunda da sunumlar gef9ekle~tireceklerini hattrlattt. <;:aghyan sozlerini ~oyle bitirdi, "Fuarda yeniliklerin odak noktast ohnak istiyoruz. Htzla degi~en ve geli~en baskl sekiliriiniin yeni alanlara a91labihnesi i9in 90ziimler geli~tiriyo­ ruz. Genel olarak kolay almamayan yatlrlm kararlarmda ikna edici 90ziimlerimiz var. 365 giin demo yapan bir firrnaytz. Uriinlerirnizi gormek isteyenler sadece fuarlan beklemek zonmda degil, bizimle kontaga ge9erek onlar i9in Demo organizasyonlan yapabiliyoruz."

swissQprint'in ikinci nesil modellen daha geni~ baskl alant (Nyala 2 320x203crn, Oryx 2 ve Impala 2 250x203cm) ve daha yiiksek baskl kalitesinin yant stra Tandem ozelliginin daha aktif kullammffil saglayan, malzerne doygunluguna gore 9al1~an vakum sisternleri ile one 91klyor. Serkan <;:aghyan, bu ozellik sayesinde zorlu gibi goriinen malzemelerin bile sonmsuz bir ~ekilde bastrnmm ger9 ekle~irken, diger taraftan enerji tasarrufu saglandtgmt vurguladt. swissQprint'in 3d efektli baskllar

i9in geli~tirdigi yeni droptix teknolojisinin ikinci nesil rnakinalannda standart hale geldigini ha-


Pigment Reklam Tiirk baskl pazanna UV baskl makinalannm yam srra boya, yazillm ve sarf malzemeleri de sunuyor. SIGN istanbul fuarmda Pigment Reklam standmda Caldera RIP 90ziimlerinin sunumu yaptlarak baskl siirecinin yonetirninde avantajlar anlattlacak.


igment Rek.lam has con. . . stantly boosted their market power via their UV solutions for Turkish printing industry. The company will display new generation solutions of swissQprint and HandTop brands for the first time at Hall 14 Booth No G-40 during SIGN istanbul 2015 fair that will take place at TOYAP on September 10-13. swissQprint will make the first appearance in Turkey regarding their second generation models during SIGN istanbul following the world establishment in May during FESPA Cologne fair. Pigment Rek.lam is set to present swissQprint's second generation models as well as products and application examples of HandTop brand for visitors. Pigment Reklam Company Owner Serkan <;aghyan reported that they will participate in the fair with their expertise area, "UV Concept", adding that they plan to display the products which they present in Turkey. They aim to be ready with all product procurements until the fair time by placing related machine orders. <;aghyan said, "We are getting prepared for SIGN istanbul with a concept that includes features of swissQprint and HandTop that were exhibited during FESPA Cologne. We will demonstrate new generation printing opportunities that address from beginning level to industrial level with applications. Nyala 2 will definitely be exhibited, while we are working to complete Oryx 2 before deadline"

Wider Printing Area, More Flexible Production swissQprint's second generation models are outstanding with

Pigment Reklam is set to make a strong participation in SIGN istanbul 2015, one of the meeting points of the industry. The company will exhibit Caldera software solutions in addition to new generation swissQprint and HandTop models.

wider printing area (Nyala 2 320x203cm, Oryx 2 and Impala 2 250x203cm) and higher printing quality as well as vacuum systems that enable more active usage of Tandem feature and that operate in accordance with material saturation. Thanks to this feature, even the hardest items can be smoothly printed and energy is saved. swissQprint's new droptix technology was developed for 3D prints and it became a standard in second generation printers, while sample prints will be shared with visitors in SIGN Istanbul.

HandTop Shows Up With New Generations Series Another important title during the event will be HandTop, one of the two main brands of Pigment Reklam. They aim to exhibit HandTop's new generation Quad Ricoh GENS series and Kyocera series, Serkan <;aghyan noted. "Kyocera printing systems address our cus-

tomers who are willing to make fast and high quality production with lower investment costs. A lot of market brands are able to reach advanced status with this serial stable operating power that competes with UV printers on the back of print quality and speed. All our products can be used actively 24 hours for 365 days with no related color issues and head cut problems which could halt production. We expect this series to grab great interest during the fair as it is quite attractive for small and medium scaled factories," he continued.

Booth Will House Software and Inks Pigment Rek.lam provides software and expense materials as well as UV printers to the Turkish printing industry. A presentation of Caldera RIP solutions will take place during SIGN istanbul in order to explain advantages of printing process. Pigment Rek.lam plans to display all industrial solutions at SIGN istanbul, Serkan <;aghyan reminded, while they will also make presentations regarding finishing products for wood and glass industries. "We are willing to be an innovation focus point in the event. We are developing solutions to help the printing industry, which changes and improves fast, open to new areas. We have convincing solutions for hard investment decisions. We make demo during 365 days. Players do not have to wait for fairs to see our products as once they contact us, we can arrange demo events for them," he ended.

-----------------------hlmmuz-ogusros july-august- ----------------------I

FESPA Eurasia 201 SSektoriin Fuar1 Oldugunu Kan1tlad1 'Our Industry Event': FESPA Eurasia 2015 Demonstrates Community Focus ['U eniliklere

1aruk olmak ve

00, fuarda yer alacak pek 90k uluslararasl ~irketten sadece ikisi.

. . . rekabet avantaj1 elde etmek isteyen basla ve endiistriyel reklam sektOriiniin profesyonelleri biiyiik bir heyecanla 10-13 Arahk'taki 'Sekt:Oriin Fuan FESPAEmasia 2015'i bek-

Fuarda tekrar yer a1acak katJ.hmcuann yam srra, fuara ilk kez katJ.lacak olan firmalar %19 oranma ul~. Bunda FESPA markasmm kiiresel giicii, bilgisi ve i~ agi11m g~liginin On.emli oldugi! belirtiliyor.

liyor. Hazrrhk ~ b~yla devam eden fuar, basla ve endiistriye1 reklam pazarmm yeni anJ¥lara kaynak o1~tunnasl ve potansiyeline ~~ i9in On.emli bir platfonna dOn~tii Geni~ fonnat dijital baslo, serigrafi bask!, ticari bask!, endiistriyel reklam, tekstil bask! ve konfeksiyon siisleme segmentlerinin yer alacagJ. FESPA Emasia 2015 istanbul'da CNR Expo'da g~kle~tirilecek. FESPA'mn ARED ortakhgJ. ile diizenledigi FESPA Emasia, elde ettigi kazanc1 yine sektOre yonlendirmesi ile fark yaratJ.yor. Sekiliriin biiyiimesine dOniik misyonu ile sektOriin geni~ bir destegini kazanan FESPA Emasia boylece 'Sekiliriin Fuan' ol-

dugunu kamtladl.

Daha Fazla Yer Alan Katduncdarla %80 Doluluk YakalandJ. B~yla

tan1amlarutn iki fuardan sonraFESPAEuraisa2015 %80 doluluk oramna ~tJ.. Daha On.ceki FESPA Emasia fuanna katJ.lan firmalar, 2015 fuar1 i9ffi erlren kaytt yaptrrarak, yeni malzeme ve ekipmanlara yatmm yapacak 8500'den fazla yiiksek profil zi~yle fuar1n kendi i~ potansiyellerine ve sektOriin ge~inline sundugi! katkmm altJ.m 9izmi~ oldu. Son~ olarak da pek 90k firma daha g~ bir iiriin portfoyii sunacak stand alanlanm yiizde 60 civarmda biiyiiterek yer alacak. Bu firmalar arasmda; Frimpeks, Folpa, Tecpro, Optimum Digital Planet, Canapa, Deniz Reklam, OTS Dijital, Jnka Teknik, Unifol ve Uras Kimya one c;lloyor. Tfuk pazarmm On.emini ve FESPA Emasia fuar1mn kalitesinin farklna varan uluslararasl :rruukalar da fuardaki katJ.hmlamn arttmyor. MIMAKI, MS Printing Solutions SRL ve Roland

FESPAEurasia'nm Vazge~ilmezi; Egitim

Bask• sektoriiniin yararma diizenlenen tek fuar olan FESPA Eurasia 2015'te fuar alanmm %80'i doldu.

KatJ.hmc1 saytsllli ve katJ.hmcuann stand biiyiikliiklerini arttJ.nnaya devam eden FESPA Emasia 2015, seminer ve uygulamall gosterim ~ek­ linde egitim odakl1 ~~malara da sahne olacak. Hazrrgiyim ve tekstil bask! oturumlannm gef9ekl~ gi Salon 4 'te dijital tekstil bask! ve siiblimasyon bask! biiyiik bir alam kaplayacak. Ol~turulacak serigrafi bask! pavilyonu ile ziyaret¢ere uygulamall egitim verilecek.

Online Haber Online News

Yatmm Kararlan FESPA Eurasia'da Almacak FESPA Eurasia 2015'e olan ilgiden dolayt memnun olduklarm1 ~lklayan FESPA Grup Fuarlar Miidiirii Michael Ryan: "Fuar tamamen sektoriin geli~imine doniik bir misyona sahip ve elde edilen kazan9, ARED vas1tas1yla ya da diger projelerle yine sektor i9in yatmma donii~tiiriiliiyor. KatJ.hmCllanmlza bu siirecin faydalarm1 anlatt1g1m1Zda, FESPA Eurasia'ya katlhmlan sektore destek anlamma geldigi i9in, fuan desteklemekten ve fuann her yll daha da biiyiimesine yardrmc1 ohnaktan memnun olduklarm1 ifade ediyorlar. Fuar, bask! ve endiistriyel reklam tedarik9ilerine en son fi:Oziimleri, pazar egilimlerini, yatmm yapma frrsatJ.m ve i~ potansiyellerini arttlnna olanag1 sunmas1 baklmmdan biiyiik bir oneme sahip."

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recognising the importance of the Turkish market and the quality audience FESPA Eurasia delivers. MS Printing Solutions SRL, Roland DG and Mimaki are just three of many who will be exhibiting. In addition to repeat exhibitors, manufacturers are identifying the global power, knowledge and network of the FESPA brand, with the event acquiring 19% of first time participants.

FESPA's Irreplaceable: Education Continuing to increase the number of exhibitors and visitors to the event, FESPA Eurasia will provide valuable educational features in the form of seminars and handson demonstrations. Digital textile printing and sublimation will occupy a large area in Hall 4 where dedicated garment decoration and textile printing sessions will be delivered. And the screen printing pavilion will enable visitors to take advantage of hands-on training.


rofessionals within the print . . . and signage sector who want to gain competitive business advantage, look forward to 'Our Industry Event'- FESPA Eurasia, 10-13 December. The exhibition whose preparations continue successfully, has become an important platform for the print and signage markets to source new equipment and develop their full potential.

Investment Decisions at FESPA Eurasia

FESPA Eurasia, where solutions for wide format digital printing, screen printing, signage, commercial printing and textile printing will be exhibited, takes place in Istanbul at the CNR Expo. Organised by FESPA, and in partnership with ARED, the event is different to other exhibitions in the regional market as it invests the surplus revenues back into the industry. Having gained support from industry stakeholders with its mission for re-investment to support the growth of the sector, FESPA Eurasia has proven that it is 'Our Industry Event'.

mum Digital Planet, Canapa, Deniz Reklam, OTS Dijital, Inka Teknik, Unifol and Uras Kimya stand out among companies who are booking more space.

80% Floor Space Allocated with Exlu.oitors Taking More Space After two successful editions of the show, 80% of the floor space has been allocated with 5 months to go. Previous exhibitors of FESPA Eurasia have already reserved their stands for 2015, a strong indication of the return on investment they gained at this relatively new event, with access to over 8500 high quality business contacts ready to invest in new equipment. As a result, many companies have also taken 60% larger stands to showcase a wider portfolio of products - Frimpeks, Folpa, Tecpro, Opti-

International brands are also expanding their presence at the show,

80% of floor space is allocated for the only event organised for the good of the printing sector.

FESPA Group Exhibition Manager, Michael Ryan, states how he is happy with the interest in FESPA Eurasia 2015: '"The exhibition is focused on developing the sector, and the surplus revenues obtained from the event are invested back into the market through ARED and other projects. When we explain the benefits of this approach to our exhibitors they are pleased to support the event and help us to grow it each year, because they know their participation at FESPA Eurasia is supporting our industry. The exhibition is instrumental in providing print and signage providers access to the latest solutions and market trends, with a chance to make investment decisions to increase their


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-----------------------hlmmuz-ogusros july-august- ----------------------I

Canon Eurasia: FESPA Eurasia SektOre Hareket Kazand1r1yor Canon Eurasia: FESPA Eurasia Brings Movement to the Sector Tiirlciye baslo. pazarmdaki genel egilimler ve Canon Emasia'mn FESPA Eurasia'ya katJhmlan ile ilgili sorulan yarutladL Canon Eurasia, bu yerel pazarda nasii bir giice sahip? Pazarda hangi segmentlerde geli,me potansiyeli goriiyorsunuz? Canon, pazarda ~ bir iiriin yelpazesine sahiptir. Baskl diinyasmda m~terilerin c;ok :fuik:h istek:leri olur ve bu ihtiya9larm tiimiine tek: bir adresten yarut verebilmek bizi tercih sebebi

yapan en Bnemli unsurlardan birisidir. Sahip oldugumuz ~ bayi !lgt ile Tilikiye'nin her yerinde ~ ve servis hizmeti verebilmekteyiz. Biiyiime potansiyeli !J¥1Smdan, display graphic solutions olarak bilinen diiz yatakh UV baslo. makineleri ve orta hacimli iiretim yapan tabaka baslo. makinelerinin bulundugu sekllirler en biiyiik biiyiimenin ~anacagt alanlardJ.r. Canon cirosunun %8'ini AR&GE c;:ah~ ayrrarak, pazardaki rakiplerinin ciddi anlamda Bne ge9Illektedir.

I"J5iiii urumsaJ. ve tiiketici iiriinleri l..l:! gamlannda dijital baslo. ve gOriintiileme 90ziimleriyle uzmanhgun kamtlayan Canon Emasia, ~ y!l katlldJ.gJ. FESPA Eurasia fuannda yakaladJ.gl ba§an ile FESPA Eurasia 2015'e kattlmak ic;in hazrrhklamn c;oktan ~lattJ.. Gfusel sanatlardan mimari 9izimlere, i9 ve ~ mekan baskJlarmda CRD ortamlarmacevapveren~ bir iiriingamma sahip olan CanonEmasia, ~erine dahakarh, verimli ve katmadegerli ~leryaratmalanna yardnnCI olacak bir konseptle fuarda yer alacak Canon ~ format bireysel tiiketici iiriinlerinin yam Sli'a kurumsaJ. ~ format baslo. ve gOriintiileme hizmetleri saglaytCISl olarak kiiresel pazarm en Bnemli oyuncularmdan birisidir. Uriin Geli¢rme Miidiirii Seyfi Sanaslan,

Online Haber Online News

Yeni baski teknolojDerine Tiirk baski sektiiriiniin y~unmda temel kriterleri nelerdir?

Miifteri odakh ~oziimler sunan Canon Eurasia, FESPA Eurasia 2015'te yer almay1 siirdiiriiyor ve fuarda yeniliklerini SUnmaya haz1rlamyor.

Ulke olarak piyasadaki iiriinlere Bncelikle fiyat odakh ~Yl seven biryapuruz var. Fakat belli bir siiredir baskl diinyasmda olan koklii firmalar ic;in en onemlisi, geli~eleri yakmdan 1akip etmek ve degi~en m~teri egilimlerini herkesten once ~ila­ yabilmektir. Boyle d~en firmalar yeni alanlarda yapacagJ. yatmnn degerlendirirken, yatmmm degerinden Bnce kazanacagJ. m~teri adedi ve dolaytstyla elde edecegi kfu- degerleri ile ilgilenirler. Bizim gorevirniz m~terilerimize teknolojik geli~eleri ve dolaytstyla pazardaki yeni egilimleri anlatmak ve bu yeni egilimlerin ilk Bncilleri olmalarmt saglamaktrr. Canon hem kiiresel hem de Tiirkiye edisyonu De FESPA fuarlan-


run onemli katiltmcilan arasmda bulunuyor. FESPA sizin i~in nasii bir oneme sahip?

FESPA, her sene illkenin her yerinden c;ok farkh sekilirlerdeki ~ileri kendisine 9Ckiyor. Canon iiriin ailesinin, birbirinden c;ok farkh i~ alanlarmdaki firmalara ve katiltmcilara hitap etmesi sebebiyle fuar siiresince olduk9a geni~ bir kitleye ula¢>iliyoruz. Aynca mevcut iiriin ailemizin biitiin Bnemli oyuncularmt tiiketicilere sunabiliyoruz. FESPAEurasia fuarma Canon Eurasia nasii bir konseptle katllacak? Hangi segmentlere doniik ~ziimle­ riniz standuuzda sergilenecek? ~ sene hazrrladJ.guruz FESPA Emasia konseptirnizrle biiyiik bir deyapmayt planlamtyoruz. ~u an ic;in planlanan iiriinler, diiz yatakh UV baskt, ~ fonnat poster baskt, AO ~ fonnat teknik 9izim ve tabaka baskt makinelerimizi (renkli/siyalt beyazA3) sergilemeyi planhyoruz.


2015 pazar hedefinize FESPA Eurasia nasii bir katki saglayacak?

FESPA Eurasia, y!lm son dOneminde yapilan ve y!lsonu ~lannnzt htzlandJ.ran bir etkinliktir. Bu bagiamda yatJnm yapmayt ~ fukat pazardaki tiim iiriinleri bizzat g5mtek: isteyen ~er ic;in bulunmaz bir :firsattn: M~teriler, iiriinleri birebir ~ tlm1a imkanma sahiptir. Bu anlamda hem son kullaruCl hem de tedarik9i tarafinda sektOre hareketlilik kazandmm bir fuar olarak nitelendirilebilir.

from a single point is an important factors for us. Thanks to our extensive dealer network, we are able to provide sales services all over Turkey. As forgrowth potential, fiatbed UV printers known as display graphic solutions and the medium volume cut sheet printer sectors are the ones that will have

many different business fields and participants, we are able to reach a wide audience during the exhibiton. Moreover, we can present all the important players of our current portfolio to the attendees. What concept will yresent at FESPA Eurasia? Which segment solutions will be presented on your stand?

We do not plan to make a big change in the concept we prepared for FESPA Eurasia last year. We will present a ~ ' wide range of our products I there, including flatbed uv printers, AO wide format technical drawing and cut sheet printer machines (coloured/black and whiteA3).


the biggest growth. Canon continues investing 8% of its turnover in R&D to stay ahead in the market. What are the key factors TUrkish printers consider when adopting new technologies?

l'i1 roving

its exper. . . tise with solutions for digital printing and imaging in corporate and consumer productions range, Canon Eurasia has already started preparing for FESPA Eurasia 2015 thanks to the success it attained in last year's edition. Having a wide range of products from visual arts to architectural drawings, from indoor and outdoor print to central reprographic departments (CRD), Canon Eurasia will be present at the event with more profitable, efficient and value-added concepts. Canon is one of the key players for corporate wide format printing and imaging services, as well as small format individual consumer products. Corporate Product Development Manager, Seyfi Sanaslan, answered questions on trends in the Turkish print market and the participation of Canon at FESPA Eurasia. How powerful is Canon Eurasia in the local market? In which segments do you see potential for development?

Canon has a wide range of products in the market. Customers in the printing sector have special requirements, and to respond to these needs

As a country, we like to approach products in the market in a priceoriented manner. However, for the well-establieshed print companies it is more important to closely follow the industry developments and to meet the changing needs of their customers. Such companies are interested in how many clients they will gain and the profit margins achievable from their investment in new arenas. Our duty as ..----.-.a manufacturer is to tell our customers the technological developments and the new trends in the market and to enable them to be the pioneer of these trends.

What kind of contribution will FESPAEurasia make to your 2015 market target?

FESPA Eurasia is arranged in the last quarter of the year and this accelerates our year-end sales. In this context, it is a golden opportunity for those customers who want to invest, and to personally see all the products in the market. Customers attending the event have the opportunity to compare products. In this sense, we can say that FESPA brings movement to the sector both for the end-users as well as the suppliers.

Canon is among the important participants of FESPA events both its global and TUrkish editions. How important is FESPA for you?

Delivering customerfocused solutions, Canon Eurasia sustains its presence at FESPA Eurasia 2015 and prepares to showcase its innovations.

Every year FESPA attracts many people in different sectors from all over the country. As the Canon product portfolio addresses ......__ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____.


-----------------------hlmmuz-ogusros july-august- ----------------------I

FOLPA Reklam, FESPA Eurasia ile Hedef Biiyiitiiyor FOLPA Reklam Boosts Targets With FESPA Eurasia 2015 rAJ rafik

baslo ve 3.9tk: hava alamnda koklii bir deneyim ile FOLPA Reklam, 10-13 Araltk tarihleri arasmda CNR Expo'da diizeruenecek olan FESPA Eurasia 2015'in yeniliklerini sunmak i9in en uygun platform olduguna inamyor. FOLPA Reklam, geni~ format baslo, serigrafi bask!, ticari bask!, 3.91kllava reklamctl1gt, tekstil bask! ve konfeksiyon siisleme sekilirlerini bul~turacak olan fuarda pazarm1 biiyiitmeyi plaliliyor. Genel Koordinailir Recep I~1gt.bol ile FESPA Eurasia 2015'e kat1hmlan hakkmda bir roportaj gerfi:ekle~tirdik.

l..!J reklamctl1gt


Sat1~1m gef9ekl~gimiz iiriin gam1mn esnekligini artrrabilmek ad!na farkh uygulamalan kapsayan ekipmanlar sunuyoruz. Hizmet verdigimiz sekilirler malzeme odaklldan uygtlama odak11 olanlara kadar geni~ bir ye1paze o1~turuyor. Bunu yaparken en onenili destegimiz makinelerimizin performans1m art1rmak ve yant srra AR-GE 9alt~ siirdiirmek Her zaman yeni sontifi:lara ul~ i9in bir ad!m Bne gefi:ffieyi hedefliyoruz.

Neden FESPA Eurasia 2015 fuanna katJ.hyorsunuz? Pazar rekabeti ve marka bilinirligi ~mdan FESPA size nasil bir katki yaratlyor?

FOLPA Reklam'I klsaca tamtrr IDISIDIZ? Hangi segmentlere ne tiir 90zfindersaghyorsunuz?

Bursa metkezli olan FOLPA Reklam'm 1969 y1lma kadar uzanan uzun bir 3.91k hava reklamciligJ. gey~i var. FOLPA ad!yla 1993 yllmda kurumsal kimligini ~endiren finnannz, tiim Tiirkiye 9BPIDda 8.9Jk hava reklamciligJ. sekiliriine hizrnet veriyor. Bir ekipman distribiitfuiiyiiz, 8.91khava reklamciligt ve tekstil bask1 alanlannda geni~ bir iiriin yelpazesine salribiz. Graifk ve 3.91k hava reklamciligt FOLPA'nm ana i~ kolu olarak Bne 91ktyor, ancak son yillarda dijital tekstil bask1sma olan talebin artt1gt-

Online Haber Online News

m gfuiiyoruz. Bu nedenle Mutoh'u portfolyomuza katarak bu teknolojiyi salriplendik. Bu yerinde kararm ardmdan 2014 yllmda yiizde 3040 diizeyinde bir biiyiimeye ~

FOLPA Reklam bask• sektoriiniin gelifmesi if;in FESPA Eurasia'mn taf1d1g1 onemin altm1 ~iziyor.

Baski sektOriinde artan firma saYISI pazarda yogun rekabeti beraberinde getiriyor. FOLPAReklam olarak baski ve a9lk hava sektOriindeki iireticiler i9in nasil fark yaratJ.yorsunuz? Hangi avantajlan sunuyorsunuz?

FESPAEurasia2015 fuannakat1lmak hem varolan m~ portfoyiimiize yeni iiriin portfoylerimizin tantnmmda fayda saglayacak hem de bize heniiz ~gnruz ki~ilkurumlara kendirnizi g(isterme firsatJm sunacak. FESPAEurasia bizim i9in miikemmel bir platform. Dalla Bnce diizellienen FESPA Eurasia fuarlarma katJlarak bunu daha Bnce deneyimledik ve istedigimiz ~ya ~ttk. Fuarlar varolan rekabet ortanlmda tedarik9ilerin ve bask1 sekiliriindeki firmalarm ayakta kalmastna yardnncr olan onenili fakilirlerdir. FESPA Eurasia fuarlarma kat1lmak bir bakmla 'gelecege yat1rml' drr diyebiliriz. Fuarda sergileyeceginiz yeni bir iiriin veya ~ziim olacak nn?

Her fuarda oldugu gibi bu FESPA Eurasia' da da yeni fi:Oziimlerimiz ve iiriinlerimiz elbette ki olacak. Uriin portfoyiimiizde yer alan Mutoh, CtystalJet ve Teckwin markalm sundugu fi:Oziimlerin yantsrra, g~ iiriin gammnz1 ve hizrnet kalitemizi vurgulayacak bir tema ile standumzJ. ol~turacagiz;. Gayretlerimizi g~ format iiriin gammnz ve servis kalitesine dair 90ziimlerimiz iizerinde yo~t1racagiz;.

Endiistriyel bilgi a9ISmdan FESPA Eurasia'mn hem katJ.hmcilar hem de ziyare~iler ipu nasil bir platform olmasw bekliyorsunuz?

Oncelikle FESPAkiiresel gii.ce sahip, sekilirel bilgisi saglayan ve pazan geli~tiren ~k onemli birmarka. FESPA ile, sektfuiimiiziin orgiitii ve bizim de iiyesi oldugumuz ARED ortakhgmda organize edilen FESPA Eurasia ise hem Tiirkiye hem de fi:evre bolgedeki baslo sekiliriinii kapsadtgt ifi:in ~kg~ bir kitleye ~1yor, hizmet veriyor ve teslimat yap1yor.. SektOre en giincel know-how ve network ifi:in en profesyonel ortann sunuyor. Bu etkinlik kendini kamtlann~, diger fuarlar arasmda lider konumda bir fuar.

~ ith

long experience in graphics printing and outdoor advertising, FOLPA Reklam believes that FESPA Eurasia 2015 (CNR Expo, 10-13 December) is the most appropriate platform to showcase their innovations. FOLPA Reklam plans to grow its market during the event which will gather wide format printing, screen printing, commercial printing, signage, textile printing and garments decoration industries. We interview General Director, Recep I~1g1bol about their participation at FESPA Eurasia 2015.


Briefly introduce FOLPA Reklam. What sort of solutions do you provide, and for which segments? Bursa-based FOLPA Reklam has a long history in outdoor advertising dating back to 1969. Our company shaped its corporate identity under the name "FOLPA" in 1993, and we now serve the industry across the whole of Turkey. We are a distributor of equipment and own a large product range in the areas of graphics and textile printing; our main business is signage board and outdoor advertising. However, in recent years we have experienced a rising demand for textile digital printing, so we have embraced this technology by adding Mutoh to our portfolio. We achieved a 3040% growth in 2014 owing to this successful decision.

An increasing number of companies bring intense competition to the printing industry. At FOLPA, how do you help

Mutoh, CrystalJet and Teckwin, which are already in our portfolio of products. We will focus our efforts on our wide format product range and service quality solutions of FOLPA.

What kind of an event do you expect FE SPA Eurasia to be in terms of industry knowledge for both participants and visitors?

create difference for printers and sign-makers? Which advantages do you offer? We offer equipment covering different applications in order to increase the flexibility of the portfolio we sell. The sectors we service vary from material focused solutions to application focused ones and we achieve this by driving forward the performance of our machines, and sustaining research and development studies. We always aim to go one step further to achieve new results.

Why are you participating in FESPA Eurasia 2015? How do you benefit from FESPA in terms of market competition and brand recognition? FESPA Eurasia 2015 will enable us to present our new product ranges for our existing customers and also reach players and companies we have not met before. The event is an excellent

FOLPA Reklam underlines the importance of FESPA Eurasia for the development of the print sector.

platform for us; our experience at previous editions has been positive where we achieved our goals. Exhibitions are important to help suppliers and printers survive in this environment of competition; attending FESPA Eurasia is investing for the future.

Will you display any new products or solutions during the event? We will have new solutions and products to display at FESPA Eurasia, as we do every year. In addition to solutions from

First of all, FESPA has a global power and is a highly important brand regarding sharing industry information and developing the market. Organised in cooperation with ARED - the association of the industry, of which we are also a member FESPA Eurasia serves the printing industry in both Turkey and nearby regions and therefore reaches and delivers to a larger audience. It provides the most professional atmosphere to gain the latest knowledge and chance to network with the industry. It is a proven event that we consider the leader among other exhibitions.

-----------------------m!lyls-haziran Imay-june-----------------------Tmft~QENC:E


• 1!1

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Ak1lh Reklam Dizini - Smart Index

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Pigment Reklam 27


ITMAMilano 51

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Sign Istanbul 55




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