Local is Luxury ! Bhavya Srivastava INTERN AT TEXTILE VALUE CHAIN
print is, that better the product is for Earth. Still why and how will it afVocal for local is a concept which fect the current scenario? Then, The dates long back to the swadeshi products will be in smaller batches movement, or in a way we can say and can be crafted to your needs, a modern swadeshi movement or a there is absolutely no space for swadeshi movement 2.0 in the milcreating a 1000 shirts and then letlennial language, As all know how ting 400 of them go the ourGDP has worsened bin. The brands can craft and at this time to grow that one shirt according back India needs Indians. to your needs.The emWe have to support our ployment of the comGDP for our Growth.We India’s biggest strength is the diversity and cultures, munity and local areas have to Grow together also its People. India needs us. will be good. As people And also, this will become Go local and support the one who needs it! will be hired from the loa very nice opportunity for cal places as well. There’s customers to realisethat way greater interaction Indian products are at par between the brands and or better than the importthe customer. ed expensive ones And for Growing Humans done on the earth to get You can understand that if you like Indian brands, it will become a very this. KARMA and we all do, certain- the brand ethics and beliefs. Many good opportunity to capture the ly do know the answer to that one at times when we order we have no market right now. Once that we start question. Never caring about what idea about what the brand is and buy from India, the money stays in we take from the earth and what what are brand beliefs and if they India only which directly will mean we give back? How do we give it match yours. Also, one big differthat it grows our Country’s GDP. back? Howmuch damage have we ence can be seen in the costing as While the global lockdown has en- done? One thing that came loud the costings of exporting and imcouraged a rethink over how we do, and bold is the term SUSTAINABILporting get off you can also save create, and consume, it has also ITY Reducing the carbon footprint. up a bit andbetter quality. In times left small businesses, which foster What is a Carbon footprint? of crisis, this local has fulfilled our a spirit of community and creativity. The carbon footprint is Basically the demand, this local has saved us. Why should you go local? amount of CO2, which is emitted by Local is not just the need, it is our Since the time this pandemic has consuming the fossil fuels, needless responsibility also” The PM had said started, it made us realise a lot of to say as low as the carbon foot- while addressing the nation on 12th bstract
things such as Firstly it made us use all the products we never did and chose international counterparts for the same. We did realise how better they are, When this whole situation started we all definitely thought about what could we as