The Christian Messenger March 2018 English

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Evangelism Through Journalism


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Vol. 14, No. 11

Page 20

MARCH, 2018

The purpose of the news magazine is to report newsworthy religious events and activities within the local community, nationwide and around the world, to increase the awareness and activism of believers regarding the moral issues of today, to provide thought-provoking commentary, and to provide an effective advertising vehicle for Christian ministries and organizations, events and businesses that want to reach the Christian community. - Editor

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05 WHEN GOD CALLS YOU OUT 09 11 15 17 19



4 reasons why pastors should lead a small group



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15 Prayer Points For A 30-Minute Intercession

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3 instances of ‘Hear O My People’ Servanthood, however, should not be confused with settling for the least. It’s a deliberate choice made by those who have the clarity that the One they are serving is the Master, and He owns everything. God desires the best for His children. He is concerned for them and cares for their needs. He always wants to give them the best. The best comes when we give heed to God’s Word. Three times in the book of Psalms, God specifically calls His children (‘O My people’) and asks them to incline their ears to His words. The three verses talk about three phases in the life of a child of God. We will look at each one of the verses to understand the scriptural truths behind them.

BY ROBIN SAM WE live in a dog-eat-dog world where everyone looks after his own interests. People will do anything to be successful – to get ahead in their career or business – even if it means badmouthing a peer or spreading canards about a rival company. In the western countries, competitors fight pitched battles with each other through media advertising to prove a point. Pepsi will mock at Coca Cola while Unilever’s toothpaste brand will claim they are better than Colgate. This rivalry is not just in the corporate world, it’s in every sphere of life. Desperate film-stars badmouth each other in private and gloat when their peers’ movies bomb at the box office. In short, those who talk good about others and wish them success have become a rarity these days. Christians are called to be different. Once, when Jesus’ disciples disputed among themselves about who would be the greatest among them, the Lord called them and said to them: “If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all” (Mark 9:35). Again, when James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to Him asking for the most special privilege of sitting at His right hand and left hand in His glory, Jesus taught them the greatest lesson in leadership – namely servanthood. He said to them: “You know that those who are considered rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant” (Mark 10:42,43). THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MARCH 2018

1. God says: I will testify against you

The first instance of God calling out to His children as 'O My people' comes in Psalm 50. The 7th 4

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verse reads thus: “Hear, O My people, and I will speak, O Israel, and I will testify against you.' This phase of life has occurred in every believer's life. Before salvation, God and His Word continually testified against us. “…for at one time you were darkness”, says Ephesians 5:8. We were called as the 'sons of disobedience' then. Before we accepted Jesus as our saviour, “the handwriting of ordinances was against us,” says Colossians 2:14. Isaiah 59:12 says: 'For our transgressions are multiplied before You, and our sins testify against us; for our transgressions are with us, and as for our iniquities, we know them…' When our life was in a mess, when we lived in open rebellion to God and His Word, He was still merciful to us. When we went astray, He came looking for us. Oh, thank God for the love that sent His only begotten Son into the world! One of the biggest praise points the redeemed children of God need to utter frequently is that He didn't snuff out our lives when we were yet sinful. Hebrews 10:31,32 say: '…The Lord shall judge His people. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.' God in His mercy sent His Son Jesus who “wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us” (Colossians 2:14). Jesus accomplished this by taking what was against us out of the way and nailed it to the cross. Oh, praise God for the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross.

2. God says: I will testify to you

The second instance of God calling out His children as 'O, My people' is found in Psalm 81:8. It reads: 'Hear, O My people, and I will admonish you.' Admonishing is an act of disciplining. The same verse is found in KJV as '…I will testify unto thee.' Disciplining is for our benefit. Hebrews 12:5,6 underline this: “My son, do not despise the chastening of the Lord, nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him; for whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives.” The God who admonishes us reminds us of three important things in Psalm 81. We will look at them briefly. The three things God reminded Israelites then, and reminds us now i. I am your God Psalm 81:10, 'I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt; Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.' The Israelites knew who their God was. They knew it was He who brought them out of the land of slavery, but as years went by, they conveniently forgot their God and turned to their own ways. In John 9, we read about Jesus healing a man who was born blind. After an encounter with Jesus, the man could see but did not know who had healed him. The Pharisees did not believe the man's testimony and cast him out. When Jesus heard that the man who had a miracle was thrown out, He met up with him again. If you read John 9:35-37, it is interesting to note that Jesus did not introduce Himself as the One who healed his blindness but as the Son of Man. When the blind man started to see, Jesus had gone away from the place. However, Jesus' voice must have been clearly etched in his mind's eye. So, Jesus does not take the trouble of introducing Himself as the Healer (which He is), but as the One who is called the Son of Man. Jesus said to him, “You have seen Him, and it is He who is speaking to you.”

Three areas where we need to be vigilant Children of God, although redeemed once, need to be aware that they can fall into sin anytime and make God testify against them again. There are three areas where we need to be cautious. a. We should never compromise in the area of our devotion to God. Joshua, in his final sermon to the Israelites, warned them against rebelling against God by building an altar beside the altar of the Lord, God (Joshua 22:19). Nothing and none can replace the position of God in our lives. No man, however holy he may be, should be equated with God. b. The Word of God has been given to us to guide us in the life on the earth. We should be careful to read it every day and meditate on it. While reading it, we should listen carefully to the voice of God. Reading the Bible should not be a mindless exercise. 2 Kings 22:13 warns us against kindling the wrath of God by not obeying the words of the Book. c. The people of Israel thought they were opposing Moses and Aaron when they murmured against them. But, Moses made it plain that murmuring against God's anointed ones is murmuring against God Himself (Exodus 16:8). Apostle John warns against this in 3 John 10. Website: Email:



THE MESSAGE Hallelujah! This is how He deals with us too. When we had our first encounter with Jesus, He came as our Saviour. As time goes, He wants to know if we would accept Him as our Lord.

3. God says: You testify about Me

ii. There shall be no other gods before you Psalm 81:9, 'There shall be no foreign god among you; nor shall you worship any foreign god.' God knew it was not just enough to tell the Israelites who He was ('I am the Lord your God'). It was also important to command them about the way forward. The way forward should be one of total and absolute devotion only to Him, the Almighty God. Because He is a zealous God, He does not like His children to go after false and worthless gods. In Jesus' time, once a woman who was caught in the act of adultery was brought before Him. In those days, punishment for those caught in adultery was death by stoning. When the accusers wanted to know from Jesus how the woman should be dealt with, He bent down and wrote with His finger on the ground. When they pestered to know His mind, Jesus threw a game-changer at them. He asked the one without sin among them to throw the first stone against the woman. There was none who was sinless. As the crowd slowly dispersed, Jesus refused to condemn her either. However, He showed her the way forward. He told her, '…Go, and from now on sin no more' (John 8:11). Jesus said the same thing to the man who lay by the poolside in Bethesda. He had been an infirm for 38 years and would have continued to be infirm until his death had it not been for that encounter with Jesus. The Lord healed him and later when Jesus found him in the temple, He told him: “See, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you” (John 5:14). Sin does not just cause a relapse of a physical infirmity, it also leads to spiritual decay. When we move away from Christ, we fall from grace, says Galatians 5:4. Turning to other gods is akin to turning our back on Jesus, the only Living God.

When we move away from Christ, we fall from grace, says Galatians 5:4. Psalm 78:1 has the third instance when God calls His children as ‘O My people.’ 'Give ear, O my people, to my law; incline your ears to the words of my mouth.' When we first met God, our spiritual condition was such that He would testify against us. When He made us His children through the blood of Jesus Christ, He testified to us and now when we walk daily in His footsteps He expects us to testify about Him to others. What a wonderful God we serve! Why does God want us to hear the words of His mouth? There are at least two reasons found in Psalm 78. To reveal to us the dark sayings of old and to make them known to the generation to come. Dark sayings of old are parables. Jesus often spoke in parables. When Jesus spoke in parables, His disciples thought He was being difficult to his audience. However, when He spoke in parables, He was in fact uttering things kept secret from the foundation of the world (Matthew 13:35). And, the disciples were a privileged lot to know the dark sayings of old. What we testify about God is never in vain. It goes on from one generation to another. It goes on to even those who would be born someday (Psalm 78:6). What we do for the Lord never goes waste. The seed that we sow diligently today will sprout someday and give a yield 30, 60 or 100 times. To this generation and to the generations that are to come. Will you say an Amen to that?

iii. Victory is round the corner Psalm 81:14, 'I would soon subdue their enemies, and turn My hand against their adversaries.' God gave His people a wonderful promise, that He would subdue their enemies. God is pretty much telling us the same thing now. Romans 16:20 says, 'And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly.' God will accomplish our final victory when death itself is swallowed up. When the corruptible puts on incorruption and the mortal puts on immortality we will receive our final victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:56). THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MARCH 2018


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4 reasons why pastors should lead a small group you are, the higher level of leaders you attract. When pastors lead small groups it pulls high level leaders into the relational life of the church, igniting much needed leadership multiplication. 3. Jesus led a small group. I know this sounds trite but it's very true. If you are a pastor, you should do what Jesus did and lead a group. Jesus' small group was at the center of his ministry, enabling him to make disciples who make disciples, laying the foundation of the growing movement he was establishing. When I was doing my master's research on Jesus' leadership development methods, I was curious just how much of Jesus' time he devoted to leadership training. Unable to follow Jesus with a stopwatch, I looked at the verses recounting Jesus' ministry in the Gospel of Mark and tallied how many of these he is with just his small group—the 12 disciples. It's a whopping 49 percent. 4. Finally, for your spiritual health you need to be in a small group. The New Testament is filled with dozens of different “one another” commands like “love each other,” “be devoted to one another,” “encourage each other,” “carry one another's burdens” and “confess your sins to each other and pray for each other.”

BY JIM EGLI I’VE been in full-time ministry for 35 years. During that time I've served in a number of different roles such as a missionary, senior pastor, associate pastor and missions pastor. No matter what role I have been in, I am almost always leading a small group—sometimes more than one group. There are four reasons why every pastor should lead a small group: 1. Small groups are at the heart of church health. The guys from Natural Church Development have done the most extensive research ever on church health involving over 50,000 churches. The results show that “holistic small groups” impact the numerical growth and the qualitative health of churches more than any other factor (Natural Church Development, p. 33). This is true of churches of all sizes, but the analysis reveals that groups become even more pivotal to health and growth as churches get larger. 2. Pastors' involvement in small groups greatly multiplies the leadership base of the church. As John Maxwell so powerfully communicates in his bestselling book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, leaders attract leaders, and the higher level of leader Training the trainers:

equipping the labourers:

enhancing the harvest:

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Pastor T S Abraham enters glory Mini Hall & Seminar Room at Anna Nagar

Use our space for meetings, trainings, get-together, birthdays, etc. Facilities: Air-conditioned Hall, LCD projector, P/A system, Wi-fi, 5.1 surround sound

Other highlights:

To Seat: 50, 25 & 15

Multi-cuisine Kitchen, Cross Fitness, Table Tennis and more... Former general president of India Pentecostal Church and the general minister of the church Pastor T S Abraham passed away on Feb 6. He was 93. Pastor Abraham was the son of IPC's founder Pastor K E Abraham. Pastor Abraham served as the president of Bible Society of India Kerala Auxiliary. He is survived by son Rev Valson Abraham, founder of India Gospel Outreach and India Christian Assembly, Annie Jacob, Starla Luke and Shirley Chacko.

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Plot No.1118, 19 St, G Block, Anna Nagar, Chennai - 40. (Google Maps: Olives CafĂŠ)

For bookings, call: 0-94455 69695


7 things we can learn from the life of Joseph

Come aboard for a musical journey ANNA NAGAR with us

MANY CHRISTIANS assume that in tough situations God is not with them. But God is most powerfully present in these tough situations. Through all the trials and temptations that Joseph was faced with; he showed integrity, honesty, solid work ethics, his actions showed a confidence in God and he was faithful to God even when it didn't feel like God was being faithful to him. Wow! 1) God’s plans and purposes are far greater than our own! 2) God provides and blesses those who persevere to follow Him. 3) Suffering to God's people is not always bad! God can use the most painful time of our life for His good. 4) There is value in self-control living in the dowhatever-you-want culture. 5) God honours patience and perseverance in time of troubles. 6) Strive for honesty and strong work ethics. They are sadly missing these days. 7) There is something to be said about fear of Lord and faithfulness to Him.

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BETHEL BIBLE COLLEGE, PUNALUR, KERALA India’s oldest Pentecostal Theological Institution- Estd. in 1927 invites applications from interested candidates for the next academic year commencing in May, 2018 Qualification Duration Medium of Instruction Courses offered M. Div. or B.D Master of Theology (M. Th.) English (Christian Theology, Christian Ministry with second 2 Years class (B). and History of Christianity) Any Bachelor English Master of Divinity (M.Div.) Degree or B.Th. 3/2 Years Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.)

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GOSPEL MELA 2018 24-Hour Chain Prayer

15 Specific Prayer Points For a 30-Minute Intercession And, I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none (Ezekiel 22:30).

Praying with one accord for 2,234 people groups spread across 1.2 billion people in 29 states and 7 UTs in one nation. Every nation, every tribe, every people and every tongue shall say: “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” (Revelation 7:10). 1. Matthew 24: 12 says, 'And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.' In an altercation between two porters over available space to sit at a railway station in Khadvli near Thane in Maharashtra, one man killed his 72year-old friend. Pray that we do not get caught in such trials in our lives. Pray for the peace of God to reign in our hearts always. 2. Statistics say incidence of child abuse and sexual assaults against children is on the rise all over the world especially in India. News reports say that Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu are in the top 3 states where such incidents have been reported. Pray that the governments and NGOs conduct largescale awareness meetings to prevent this perversion. 3. Media reports also say that crimes committed by children in India are also on the increase. According to National Crime Records Bureau young criminals killed 892 people in India in 2016. In the same year, 1,903 cases of rape were registered against children below 18 years of age. Pray that parents and families get the grace to train the children in the way they should walk.

4. Pray that the state governments appoint an executive body with prosecuting powers to detect sale of substandard products in ration shops across the country. Pray that the number of fair price shops increases in the country and people get quality food products at reasonable prices. 5. Approximately 20 thousand tonnes of food Website: Email:

grains are rotting in the godowns run by the Food Corporation of India, according to news reports. Pray that this negligent attitude of the authorities changes and adequate measures are taken to store food grains in a hygienic manner. May God raise people who are wise and truthful like Joseph of the Old Testament! 6. Pray for a mighty revival to sweep across all the churches in our country. Let God touch and transform the churches to preach the Gospel boldly. Pray for churches to focus on salvations, discipleship programs and the pouring out of the Holy Spirit. Pray that the weapons formed against the church do not prosper. 7. Sea level is rising to dangerous levels every year, scientists who process data received by satellites say. Coastal regions face grave danger due to this. The Bible says: 'For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape' (1 Thess. 5:3). Pray. 8. Pray for the violence in school campuses in the US to stop. Pray for the government to bring in stricter gun control measures to prevent recurrence of such incidents in the future. In a brazen attack by a 19-year-old boy in his own school, 17 people were felled by bullets. Several others were injured. Pray for the violence to stop. 9. An Indian army officer recently told the media that over 300 terrorists are waiting to infiltrate



GOSPEL MELA into India from Pakistan. Pray that God Himself guards our borders. 10. Pray for those who have been saved by the grace of God to grow strong in the Word of God. Pray that believers must become disciples and disciples must fulfil the Lord's Great Commission. 11. Let us pray for school children in 10th and th 12 who are facing board examinations this year. Pray that God will bless them exceedingly abundantly more than what they aspire and pray for. May their lives be built on the foundation of Jesus Christ and their lives to be bright and full of promise! 12. Several people in Tamil Nadu are killing themselves over the menace of usury. Many who borrow money at huge interest rates and find it difficult to repay the loan are committing suicide because they are afraid of the ignominy. Usury kills the poor and people from the business community. Besides, children and elders of the family where the

3 questions fake Christians cannot answer TIM KELLER offers a group of “questions designed to wake up sleeping Christians” in the following video. His questions focus on three hallmarks of a growing relationship with God. These questions would make good small group material or could also be used when mentoring someone one-on-one. They also serve as excellent fodder for self-reflection! Evidence of God’s presence in your life How real has God been this week to your heart? How clear and vivid is your assurance and certainty of God's forgiveness and fatherly love. To what degree is that real to you right now? Are you having any particular seasons of sweet delight in God? Do you really sense his presence in your life? Do you really sense him giving you his love? Evidence of Scripture changing you Have you been finding Scripture to be alive and active? Are you finding certain biblical promises extremely precious and encouraging? Which ones? Are you finding God's calling you or challenging you to something through the word, in what ways? Evidence of a growing appreciation for God’s mercy Are you finding God's grace more glorious and moving now than you have in the past? Are you conscious of a growing sense of the evil of your heart, and in response, a growing dependence on and grasp of the preciousness of the mercy of God? THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MARCH 2018

breadwinner has ended his life face enormous stigma and disappointment. 13. Pray the economy of the nation is robust. There are several challenges facing the nation such as attrition of jobs, piling up of debts, increase in interest rates, decline in industrial production, growth of farmers' debts etc. Pray this situation is reversed and the needs of the poor and the middleclass people are met. Pray according to 2 Chronicles 7:14. 14. Pray for Tamil Nadu. Pray that the political uncertainty in the state is removed, a good and stable government is in place and welfare measures implemented. Pray that the people of the state come out of the grip of cinema and elect only those people who want to truly work for the uplift of the masses. 15. God says: ‘I will punish the world for its evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; I will halt the arrogance of the proud, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible’ (Isaiah 13:11). Prepare to meet with the Lord of Hosts. Help us, Lord. Amen.

Powerful quotes of Billy Graham

Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion - it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ. My home is in Heaven. I’m just traveling through this world. Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened. God has given us two hands, one to receive with and the other to give with. A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents will not have true respect for anyone. God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, ‘I love you.’ I’ve read the last page of the Bible. It’s all going to turn out all right.


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Support our VBS ministry

Bless 5 people this month! If there are friends and relatives that you know who have not come across The Christian Messenger magazines yet, will you introduce it to five of them this month? Write down their names, addresses along with their phone numbers in the form below and send it to us. We will send the magazines absolutely free of cost to them. We thank you for all your support to this ministry. May God Himself bless you! 1. Name : __________________________ Address : ___________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Telephone No.: _______________________ 2. Name : __________________________ Address : ___________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Telephone No.: _______________________

We are keen to introduce Lord Jesus Christ and His love to over 800 children this year through the Vacation Bible School ministries in May and June. In Punjab and Himachal Pradesh, schools close 3. Name : __________________________ for summer holidays only in June so VBS will be Address : ___________________________ held in those two states only that month. In all our ___________________________________ other states, VBS will be conducted by end of April ___________________________________ or in May I urge you to pray for the VBS ministry Telephone No.: _______________________ from now onwards? Pray that God will remove every obstacle that 4. Name : __________________________ prevents children from getting close to you. Pray Address : ___________________________ also that the teachers’ VBS training will go on as ___________________________________ scheduled and every child who comes to the VBS ___________________________________ gatherings will accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Telephone No.: _______________________ Saviour. Each child's expense for a day will be Rs.50/5. Name : __________________________ Going by that estimate, the VBS ministries across all Address : ___________________________ our fields in India will require not less than ___________________________________ Rs.1,20,000/- for the three day meetings. It's my ___________________________________ desire that this expense will be met by your prayers Telephone No.: _______________________ and generous contributions. May God remember (Please remember to send the phone number those who support this ministry a hundredfold! To send your donations: and pin code of those whose addresses you are sending us without fail.) A/C Name : Messenger Missions A/C No : 913020055473409 Account Type : Current Bank Name : Axis Bank Branch : Mogappair, Chennai. Branch : 345 IFS code : UTIB0000345 Swift code : AXISINBB016 Website: Email:




Do you suffer from ‘Bible anorexia’? OUR souls can starve, just like our bodies. Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matt. 4:4). Our souls require regular meals from the Scriptures. And notice the word “every” in Matthew 4:4. We need all of God's Word to keep us healthy, not just verses here and there. A.W. Tozer was right: “Nothing less than a whole Bible can make a whole Christian.” Anorexia is a disease that ravages some women, causing extreme weight loss from a refusal to eat. This leads to abnormal blood counts, fatigue, thinning hair, irregular heart rhythms and low blood pressure. Christians can have Bible anorexia. I attended a women's Bible study that had a workbook with quite a bit of homework in it. We would do the homework and then meet together to talk about it. One friend told me she was frustrated with the study. My friend replied, “I like coming to Bible study, being with other women and opening my Bible. But then I like to shut my Bible and go home.” This woman was busy with much serving in the church. She was part of the music team and helped in the children's ministry, but she didn't realize she needed the Scriptures for regular and personal spiritual nourishment at home. To her, Bibles were for church meetings. She thought a meal here and there would sustain her. She was unhappy in life and couldn't see that she was thinning out spiritually, even in the midst of all her serving. She had Bible anorexia. FUEL FOR THE SOUL God calls his Word bread, milk and honey. He has graciously given it to us to keep us alive and enable growth. Second Peter 1:3 says, “[God's] divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence.” Notice that God's divine power works through knowledge of Christ. This is why the Bible is the main course on our spiritual menu. Paul also repeatedly exhorts his readers to grow in their knowledge of Christ. In his letters, he teaches about Christ and encourages others to teach about Christ. He prays in Philippians 1:9 “that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment.” In the modern world, we think of love as simply a feeling, but God wants our love to abound in knowledge. As our knowledge and discernment grow, our love is purified and we bear fruit that redounds to the glory of God. Just as we eat THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MARCH 2018

to fuel every cell in our bodies, we read and hear to power our hearts and souls. OFF THE MENU Just as individual Christians can have Bible anorexia, churches can starve too. Cutting-edge music, artistic videos and clever illustrations can build a crowd, but God's Word is what the Holy Spirit uses to build a church. Sadly, the Bible is being sidelined today in many church gatherings. Even “Bible-believing” churches no longer read substantial portions of the Bible when they gather. Perhaps because they consider it too boring. Biblical truths in hymns and songs have given way to more emotive expressions of how we feel about Jesus, or how he makes us feel. As for the sermon, too often it has been relegated to 20 minutes of moving stories and cultural commentary to break up the monotony of the “preaching.” After all, we now live in a digital age and our attention spans, we're told, are shorter than those of goldfish. In contrast, here's what Paul tells the church: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God” (Col. 3:16). God's Word reverberates through a church that gathers to read, pray, sing and hear the Word of God. That Word dwells deeply and spreads inside and out. The church grows strong, truly becoming “a pillar and buttress of the truth” (1 Tim. 3:15). If only more churches reverberated with open statements of the truth (2 Cor. 4:2) to produce Christians who are growing and mature. The Bible alone, empowered by God's Spirit, is sufficient for this work. Individual Christians and their churches must fill themselves with the Scriptures. A banquet of Christ awaits us. Let’s not starve but enjoy the feast! (Keri Folmar)


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VISION 2018 MEETING Mission field staff of Messenger Missions from six different states were in Chennai for the Vision 2018 meeting. On Jan 26, Messenger Missions’ prayer partners got together to encourage the workers and reaffirm them of their prayers and support. We give glory to God and thank all those who made the event possible.

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5 lessons women can learn from the book of Ruth 1. Don’t Let the Past Hold You Back At the beginning of the book Ruth is living in her home nation of Moab; a place and people that the Israelites frowned down upon. On top of that, she has lost her husband and is now living with her widowed mother-in-law. She also lost her husband without a child, some believing she may have barren. You have a purpose regardless of what lies behind you. Although your confidence might be wavering, your calling does not. 2. Be Full of Faith Ruth showed remarkable faith for such a young believer. Faith that there was still a purpose for her ahead. Faith to believe that God was who He said He was. And faith to believe that God would provide for her and Naomi. 3. Value Great Character Character is who you are when nobody's watching. Ruth had no idea her story would be showcased for millions to read and yet showed incredible character in the obscurity. Be a woman of character. Cut the gossip in the name of a prayer request. Share with your husband the shopping addiction you find yourself in. Stop

relying on food to make you feel better. Be the woman you know God created you to be and Jesus died so you could embrace. 4. Believe Redemption is Possible Against all odds redemption is always possible. Ruth had no reason to believe she had earned anything but believed God was everything she needed. Ruth believed God would provide and in that place of faith God did a miraculous work to redeem Ruth. Redemption is possible in your life. No matter where you come from or what you've been through, God has a plan for you that far surpasses all of that. 5. Leave a Legacy Perhaps one of the best parts of Ruth's story is the legacy God established through her. God brought her and Boaz together and they conceived a child. That child would be in the lineage of Jesus, the Saviour of the world. Ruth, a Moabite, was made part of the lineage of Christ. If you commit your life to God and your calling is firm in Him, there is no limit to what God can do through you. Leave a legacy to your family and those all around you--a legacy of faith.

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‘70 tUlkhfj; jpul;bf; nfhz;bUf;fpNwhk;’ vd;whh; xU vOj;jhsh;. me;je;j ehLfspy; Ngrg;gl;l nkhopfNshL vgpnua nkhopAk; tsh;e;jJ. cyfg; Nghh; Kbe;J gyUk; jhafk; jpUk; g pagpd; d h; `P g ; & it kP l ; n lLf; F k; Kaw;rpfs; njhlq;fpd. Mdhy; mJ vspjhdjhf ,y;iy. fhuzk; jkpo;Nghy `Pg;& ,ul;il tof;Ffs; (Ngr;R tof;F> vOj;J tof;F) nfhz;l digiossia nkhop. mjpy; xU tof;F mope;J tpl;lJ. ,d;ndhd;W goikahdJ vd; g jhy; rkP g fhyj; j pw; F j; Njitahd nrhw;fs; ,y;iy (cjhuzk;: kpd;rhuk;). ,g;NghJ `Pg;&it kPl;nlLj;Jtpl;lhh;fs;. fle;j 50> 60 tUl Kaw;rp ,J. ,ij etPd `Pg;& vd miof;fpwhh;fs;. ,jpy; vOj;jhsh;fspd; gq;F fzprkhdJ. mth;fs; Ngr;R tof;fpw;Fj; jq;fs; gilg;gfspy; ,lkspj;jhh;fs;. rpwhh; ,yf;fpak;> Jg;gwpAk; fijfs;> ehlfq;fs; vdg; gyTk; vOjpf; Ftpj;Jr; nrhy;tsj;ijg; ngUf;fpdhh;fs;. (khyd; mth;fspd; KfE}y; gf;fj;jpypUe;J.)

Owned and published by Elsy Robin from 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, II Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040. Printed by L Cyril Sagayaraj at VS Printograph Pvt Ltd., No. 15, Natesan Colony, Sri Ram Avenue, 1st Street, Kottivakkam, Chennai 600 041. Editor: Elsy Robin THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MARCH 2018


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