The Christian Messenger magazine dated May 2015

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I need money for my TV programmes: Victor Gnanaraj

‘Pastor Gnanaraj has been exceeding Bible revelation’

Editor’s Take: Why pastors & Christian leaders fail


Dance of the

DECEPTION A Sri Lankan preacher & a Tamil Nadu pastor team up to set a death trap for the Church

by Sha gi re fti G ng os a pe Bi l bl e







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3 truths about wilderness experience God wants you to know! After the wilderness encounter, Moses didn’t have to plough a lonely furrow – He found an associate in his brother Aaron. Moses got Aaron, a mere man as an associate whereas God gives us the Holy Spirit Himself.

BY ROBIN SAM Beloved in Christ, I greet you in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the End; the Name above all names; the Lord of Hosts, the Mighty One of Israel, the One who was, and who is, and who is to come. Glory be to His Name. I hope and pray that God who made us see His goodness in the beginning of the year will also help us see the manifestation of His power in this new month. As I write this, perhaps some of you are walking the path of wilderness in your life. Perhaps, the wilderness is in the area of your work-life, perhaps it’s in your marriage, or perhaps you have recently lost your health or you are grieving over a dear one’s departure. Oftentimes, we do not know why God lets us through turbulent times. The times of wilderness are when we are most prone to doubt God’s goodness and mercy. However, it would help us hold on to the faith in the Lord, if we realize the first truth about wilderness: It is God who leads us into wilderness. ‘Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil’, we read in Matthew 4:1. The path of wilderness could be an opportunity to prove to the devil that we are with God and God is on our side. That’s what Jesus did. The second truth about wilderness: That’s the place where we get our helper. In Exodus 4:27, God asked Aaron to “Go into the wilderness to meet Moses.” The second half of the verse says, “So he went and met him on the mountain of God, and kissed him.” Did Aaron mishear God? Wasn’t he supposed to meet Moses in the wilderness? Yes,


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Moses was in the wilderness. He had just encountered God’s anger. God wanted to kill him but instead chose to be merciful because of Zipporah’s intervention. Wilderness it was, but since God was with him Aaron’s meeting with Moses took place on Horeb - the mountain of God. After the wilderness encounter, Moses did not have to plough a lonely furrow – He found an associate in his elder brother Aaron. Moses got Aaron, a mere man as his helper. In these times, God has promised us His own Holy Spirit as our Guide and Comforter. The third truth about wilderness: It is the place where we see God’s supernatural provision. When the people of Israel came into the wilderness of Sin, a place between the Red Sea and Mount Sinai, they murmured because of shortage of food (Exodus 16:1). Remember, we can also make the place of our wilderness worse by our murmurings. I pray you and I won’t be ungrateful to God when we reach our wildernesses. Despite their murmurings, God chose to be gracious to Israelites and provided them with manna there. Some people seem to think that it is because they murmured they got manna. They’re wrong. God’s provisions for His children are never afterthoughts. They have been in His mind ever since He set His eyes on us. I hope we tarry with God for His time, His help and His provision and prove the devil wrong in the time of our wilderness.


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Vol. 12, No. 1

Page 28

MAY, 2015

The purpose of the news magazine is to report newsworthy religious events and activities within the local community, nationwide and around the world, to increase the awareness and activism of believers regarding the moral issues of today, to provide thought-provoking commentary, and to provide an effective advertising vehicle for Christian ministries and organizations, events and businesses that want to reach the Christian community. - Editor

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4 things Nepal earthquake reminds us


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‘Pastor Gnanaraj has been exceeding Bible revelation’


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Thousands die as catastrophic earthquake strikes Nepal A catastrophic 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal on April 25, killing hundreds of people and destroying numerous houses and buildings. At least 2,300 people are known to have died, and the death toll is expected to rise as officials dig through the rubble. Tremors were also felt in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, West Bengal, Assam and Jharkhand in India. A total of 57 people have lost their lives in India, 262 people were reportedly injured, 56 buildings fully damaged and 248 buildings partially damaged. The quake struck before noon time and was most severely felt in the capital as well as the densely populated Kathmandu Valley. Please pray for everyone affected by the earthquake, for those who have lost loved ones, and for families whose homes have been destroyed. Pray that God will grant wisdom as relief agencies determine how to respond, and that the work of Christian relief agencies will convey the love of Christ.

4 things we need to do since the end is near Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior before it’s too late: ‘Now therefore, be wise, O kings; be instructed, you judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish in the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.’ (Psalm 2:10-12) ‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.’ (Revelation 3:20) Pray, love one another: ‘The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.’ (1 Peter 4:7-10) Preach the Gospel before it’s too late: ‘We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work.’ (John 9:4) Continue doing good and be holy: ‘He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.’ (Revelation 22:11)

4 things Nepal earthquake reminds us The return of the Lord is near: ‘For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These are the beginnings of sorrows.’ (Mark 13:8) ‘And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.’ (Revelation 22:12, 13) Don’t see it as judgment on the Nepalese: ‘There were present at that season some who told Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And Jesus answered and said to them, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, no…’ (Luke 13:1-3) We could have been dead too: ‘…but unless you repent you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem? 5 I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.’ (Luke 13:1-5) God’s grace sustains us: ‘I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the LORD sustains me.’ (Psalm 3:5) THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MAY 2015

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Dance of the

DECEPTION Dance of the Deception

A Sri Lankan preacher & a Tamil Nadu pastor team up to set a death trap for the Church circle) himself was a candidate whose teachings should have come under the scrutiny of the Church long ago. Although many church leaders knew about his penchant for angelic visitations, peeks into heaven, new and strange interpretations of the Bible and the like, nobody censured him. He was either suffered in silence or dismissed as a fringe player. VG is known for his Jeeva Kural messages that are telecast in at least a dozen TV channels. He had also been the man in-charge of Derek Prince ministry’s printing operations in India. While the mainline church and the Pentecostal church leaders ignored him, he continued to grow. His church, according to a source, continues to attract people because of the profuse miracles that reportedly happen there. “The miracles obviously are there, but the question is who’s behind them. Is it God or Satan,” wondered a person who was interviewed for this report. The Christian Messenger speaks to people on both sides of the issue and attempts to dissect the issue in an effort to get to the truth of the matter. The magazine has been working along with the G&T coalition to focus on the issue and unravel it for the benefit of its readers and the church at large. The editor and publisher of the magazine, hereby, state that there is no mala fide intention behind its attempt to go after the story. The intention is not to malign institutions or individuals but to lift up the banner of Truth because our Lord Jesus Christ Himself said, ‘You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.’ Editor

BY the time, you get to read this month’s cover story a questionable decision of a preacher, who refused to acknowledge his mistake even after several warnings, would have hit at the root of the church in India in general and Tamil Nadu in particular. The cardinal mistake of the man in question, Pastor V Victor Gnanaraj who heads the Zion Faith Tabernacle (ZFT), in inviting a controversial preacher from Sri Lanka, Kirby De Lanerolle, to his church in Trichy, Tamil Nadu, will, church leaders surmise, expose a host of erroneous teachings to the church in India. If it was a tsunamilike wave of Prosperity Gospel that hit the Indian church in the early nineties, the church is beset now by a new and far more vicious wave of cultist teachings and erroneous doctrines. And no, these are not only from the Mormons or the Jehovah’s Witnesses anymore. They are from closer home – from people who worship, witness and preach like us. The Grace & Truth coalition, an association of church and ministry leaders in Chennai that works for the well-being of the church in general, was the first to spot the influx of questionable teachings and unbiblical practices into the church in India. The teachings could not be dismissed as a fad because of the impact it was having on the Body of Christ – the Church. The G&T coalition was also the first to raise the voice against Victor Gnanaraj and his controversial decision to host Kirby at his church in the guise of healing meetings. Critics say VG (as Victor Gnanaraj is known in his THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MAY 2015


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I need money for my TV programmes: Victor Gnanaraj had claimed. Kirby, the selfdescribed prophet and disciple of Kobus Van Rensberg, also preaches the longevity of life. His meetings, he claims, are a platform for (dubious) wonders such as ‘supernatural body weight loss’ and financial release. He claims he is a ‘breatharian’ who gets his nourishment from light, wind and the “vibrations of God”. He also claims he has survived without eating food for the past five years. While medical experts believe the average human being can go for as long as two months without food, Kirby claims he has only eaten seven times in the last 10 months. When he eats, Kirby says usually he only consumes his daily communion – a small morsel of bread and red wine. On April 8, The Christian Messenger spoke to pastor Victor Gnanaraj, the man at the centre of the controversy. His church, the Zion Faith Tabernacle (ZFT) Church, plays host to Kirby and his team from

BY ROBIN SAM A Christian meeting, dubbed as ‘Supernatural Healing & Prophetic Service’, has caused consternation among church leaders in the country and landed itself in an unlikely controversy. The meeting organized bythe Zion Faith Tabernacle Church in Trichy pastored by V Victor Gnanaraj, has triggered a debate in Christian circles over the propriety of allowing a cultist preacher to address a gathering in a Pentecostal church ostensibly for dispensing prophecies and supernatural healing. The speaker at the meeting, Kirby De Lanerolle, is the founder of Works of Wonder Life ministries and calls himself ‘a prophet’. A Sri Lankan, Kirby is a follower of the teachings of Kobus Van Rensberg of South Africa. Incidentally, Kobus Van Rensberg himself was a dubious preacher and televangelist who claimed he will resurrect after his death. Kobus, the selfproclaimed prophet and faith-healer, who led millions of people away from the gospel of Jesus Christ through his false teachings, died on December 21, 2013. During his lifetime, Kobus claimed he was immortal and would never taste death. Even if he died, he would resurrect because of his powers, he

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COVER FEATURE Sri Lanka. When asked how he could allow a cultist preacher with dubious claims to preach in his church, Gnanaraj said: “I am only giving him space at my church. We’re renting out our church for the event and not associated with the event. They’ve paid an advance of Rs.10,000. Kirby’s Chennai representative, Mr. Tony Fernandes, has promised to pay the balance amount of Rs.10,000 soon.” However, advertisements released by him in Bangalore-based Forerunner magazine in its March and April issues clearly seem to indicate that ZFT Church is organizing the event. A visit to Kirby’s website also confirmed it. A promotional running on Kirby’s website says ‘Pastor V. Victor Gnanaraj is the host of this event.’ Similarly, a popup advertisement of Kirby’s meeting in Trichy greets visitors to ZFT Church ( When quizzed about the advertisements that state online registrations and web streaming of the event are taken care of by his church, he said: “Well, since they are here we’ve offered to help them out.” When asked if he would rent out his church building to anybody irrespective of one’s doctrinal beliefs and leanings, he retorted: “Look everybody keeps saying Kirby is a cultist, but nobody wants to engage him in a debate. Who has proved Kirby to be a cultist so far? By giving him a forum, I am setting stage for people to confront him and prove him wrong. My church also needs money to function. My TV programme, Jeeva Kural, comes on 16 channels. Due to lack of funds, I have cut down as many as three channels. I need money to pay the channels. Everybody talks but nobody wants to give anything to church (sic).” If that were the real intention, he was asked, why didn’t he label the meeting as an apologist’s conference where opposing doctrinal beliefs could be thrashed out? To which he replied: “Who’d want to come for such a meeting? People come only for supernatural healing meetings.” The advertisement says the registration fee for the two-day event is Rs.1,000. The church offers tea and lunch for the amount. Victor Gnanaraj’s phone number and his CEO, Mr. Jayan’s phone number besides two other mobile numbers, a landline number and an email ID are listed in the advertisement. All phone numbers and the email ID belong to ZFT Church and its office bearers. Gnanaraj says the programme is meant to raise funds for his church. “I recently hired a CEO for our Rhema media centre. He was earlier working in an airlines company. We offered to match his salary, but now we don’t have funds to pay him. I need to do something to generate money and pay my staff.” THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MAY 2015

Courtesy: Facebook page of Victor Gnanaraj Pastor Victor Gnanaraj says he and his wife believe in holy laughter and practice it. To know what else he believes in go to page 18. Asked if he did not know Kirby is a dubious preacher with cultist leanings and wrong doctrinal theories, Gnanaraj said: “No, I know him well. In fact, I travelled to Sri Lanka to invite him for the meeting. I have heard his messages. I am 77 years old. I have been in the ministry for 50 years. Gnanaraj is not a fool that he will bring just anybody to his church.” “If what I am doing is wrong, let the Lord strike me. Let God Himself strike me,” he thundered when asked if he thought it was too late to cancel the meeting. So, was it a desperate attempt to make money despite knowing that allowing a cultist preacher to speak in his church goes against the grain of the Bible’s doctrines and would generate negative publicity for his ministry? He evaded a direct reply to that question but promised to revert to us after the event is over. “My priority now is to hold the meeting. I am getting so many calls about Kirby and the meeting. Frankly, I think the media and Christian leaders should give me some space. I am getting another call on my phone. We’ll talk later,” he told The Christian Messenger. Before disconnecting the call, Gnanaraj said that by web streaming he was giving a chance to believers all over the world to find out for themselves if there were any wrong teachings dished out by Kirby at the meeting. He said he had told Kirby’s team that he holds the right to interrupt the meeting and question them if they made any wrong doctrinal expositions.


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‘Pastor Victor Gnanaraj has been going beyond Bible revelation’ BY ROBIN SAM L Nirmal Nathan is an educationist based in Trichy, Tamil Nadu. He has an MBA in HR from XLRI. He has headed HR teams both in India and in Saudi Arabia. He is the director of Santa Maria, a Christian school in Trichy. By his own admission, he has known Pastor V Victor Gnanaraj for close to two decades. Although Nathan and Gnanaraj don’t see eye to eye on various doctrinal issues, the former says he respects the ageing pastor for his dignified behaviour and personal testimony. Nathan has been at the forefront of the raging debate over the cause célèbre. After he came to know about the meeting, he researched Kirby De Lanerolle and his teachings. He blanched when he came to know the Sri Lankan preacher is a cultist who believes in immortality on earth and breatheranism, but before long he decided to confront the challenge head-on. The Christian Messenger spoke to Nirmal Nathan on April 23. Excerpts from the interview: How well do you know Pastor Victor Gnanaraj? I have known him since December 1995. I’ve had a good regard for him. He’s dignified and generally well-behaved. He had a good personal testimony in Trichy. I’ve met with him several times and interacted with him on several occasions for various ministry purposes. Have you had any inkling earlier that he was veering towards cultist teachings? Yes, when I first attended his pre-Christmas morning service on 24th December 1995, I was startled to see a member ‘violently laughing’ during the worship. Later, I learnt it as ‘Laughing in the Spirit.’ During the same service, I heard Gnanaraj preach. “Tonight, in the Christmas service, the Word of God is going to form in your stomachs (of the attendees) as it happened in the case of Mary, and…’ I freaked out. That was also the last time I attended his church. Thereafter, whenever I met with him he would give me video CDs. One particular VCD had a recording of purported gold dust falling during the service in his church. Later, during our meetings he would tell me that he had visited heaven. During one of his supposed visits to heaven, he said he saw a huge storeroom where human body parts were kept. He was told, he said, that these were to be carried by the angels to those who were sick and needed total healing. He would also tell me that he was being frequented by angels and that he was going beyond Bible revelation. Another VCD he gave me contained testimonies of miracles that we normally THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MAY 2015

witness in healing meetings. There was also this person, a member of Gnanaraj’s church who told me that once when he had a severe bout of ear pain, the pastor visited him in a vision and healed him – ‘not the Lord, mind you, but the pastor appearing in a vision to heal’ Several such accounts have scared the day lights out of people in Trichy for many years. What are the other contentious issues in his sermons? I have not listened to his sermons from then on… What did you do when you heard Kirby De Lanerolle was going to preach at Victor Gnanaraj’s church? I challenged the pastors in Trichy to stop this nonsense or at least prevent their congregation from attending the meetings. I provided the pastors with what had emerged out of my research on Kirby’s teachings. They were completely erroneous and against Biblical truths. In all my emails to pastors, I marked a copy to Pastor Gnanaraj. What was his reaction? Well, he never cared to reply to me personally. Another young man who forwarded my emails to him got replies from him. I was also copied on them. In those replies, Gnanaraj says like Apostle Paul he was also transcending ‘sense knowledge’ to a new level of ‘spirit knowledge’. Such things, he says was beyond the purview of educationists like me. He defends ‘breatharanism and says he himself is turning younger now. He also defends ‘holy laughter’ by saying he and his wife frequently engage in ‘laughing in the spirit’. He also issues soft threats to those who oppose Kirby’s meetings. He says they will face the wrath of God just as Korah did in the Old Testament days. During the April 12


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service at his church, he publicly placed a curse on me saying I am destined for the ‘lake of fire’ for opposing his efforts and Kirby’s meetings. I am told Pastor Gnanaraj frequently curses people who are against him in his sermons. You say Pastor Gnanaraj has cancelled paid registration to the meetings and made them free. Why would he do that? Yes, he has cancelled the registration fee (Rs.1,000 per person) for three reasons. Number 1, not a single person from his church volunteered to register for the meeting till April 18. Secondly, he must have been embarrassed after I asked him why Kirby would registration fee since he can make cash appear in people’s pockets and make gold dust fall on the congregation anyway. During the last Sunday service, he said: “Last week, I saw that many of you had dropped only 10 rupee notes in the offerings. It looks like you are all suffering from a financial crisis. Hence, I am ordering a financial release by cancelling the registration fee for Kirby’s meetings in Zion Faith Tabernacle.” The efforts of Grace & Truth Coalition in raising a red flag first over Kirby’s meetings, The Christian Messenger in its sustained media coverage on the issue and our own efforts here locally in Trichy have made a major impact in the church in Trichy and in


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COVER FEATURE his own congregation. Are his own church members aware of the danger that lies behind the cultist preacher’s meetings? Yes. I believe that’s why last Saturday someone from Kirby’s team flew into Trichy from Sri Lanka to defend Kirby’s ministry before ZFT members. To your knowledge, has any senior church pastor or ministry leader spoken to Victor Gnanaraj and tried to dissuade him from hosting the meetings? That’s the problem with pastors. No one dares to bell the cat. They’d rather keep a dignified silence and politely wish each other instead of gently guiding the errant ones out of their error. That’s why I am saying the pastors who remain silent spectators are also partners in the crime against the church. Only a few people like Bro. Stanley of Blessing Youth Mission, Bro. Augustine Jebakumar of GEMS, Bro. Duke Jeyaraj and Bro Augustin Balan take up the fight against the corruption within the church. And, generally pastors don’t like evangelists thundering against them and parachurch leaders who misuse their ministry position. Besides Victor Gnanaraj, who are the decision makers in his church? Nobody else, I learn. Others are simply told to execute and not participate in the decision-making process. Pastor Gnanaraj has even stopped a monthly prayer meeting of ZFT elders saying prayers cause problems. He has also put a stop to evangelism efforts of the church saying, ‘I cannot put up additional floor space for new believers who may come in.’ Despite knowing about Kirby’s position on doctrinal issues, why do you think VG decided to bring him down to Tamil Nadu? Pr. VG is well-known for his penchant for miracles, visitations, new interpretations and flashy stuff like these. It was only a matter of time before the truth about his doctrinal leanings came out in the public. Further, his emails show that he himself believes in Kirby’s doctrine of youth (and perhaps, even, immortality) and has begun experiment with it. He claims he wanted to personally listen to Kirby and assess him. If that were the real intent, he could have listened to Kirby’s messages on Youtube. So, it is clear that VG is not looking at assessing Kirby but he wants to provide a popular forum to project Kirby in India through his church and sponsored programmes on TV channels. VG seems to be unapologetic about his decision to host Kirby. What should the church do now? Pray that the Lord grants grace and mercy to them so they realize their errors and correct themselves. I sincerely hope the church resists such new-age fads. THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MAY 2015

“Pr. VG is well-known for his penchant for miracles, visitations, new interpretations and flashy stuff like these. It was only a matter of time before the truth about his doctrinal leanings came out in the public. Further, his emails show that he himself believes in Kirby’s doctrine of youth (and perhaps, even, immortality) and has begun experiment with it.” The church should warn their congregations against such strange teachings. The church must stop preaching and begin teaching the Word of God so their members mature in Christ and keep their heart, mind and souls safe and sound. What do you think should the Body of Christ do to prevent a repeat of such things in future? Kirby is only one of hundreds of problems facing the church. P C J Geoffrey who claims fire anointing, Jesudian Silvester of ‘The Father’s House’ church, the list goes on. They are all on the same league as Kirby believing in breatharianism, holy laughter, moneyfestations, immortality and the like. Then there are these flashy sons of popular pastors who come out with audio and video concerts and albums. The Church is in fact in a deep slumber, not realizing that it is slowly regressing. More and more pastors are getting into a ‘routine’ ministry and take things for granted. We don’t see many of them attending training sessions, unless they are given incentives. It is about time pastors realized that they will be called to account for their unbiblical decisions and actions that will impair and damage the church. We need to pray for our pastors and ministry teams so that they would spend quality time with the Lord. Christian media like you should practice effective Christian journalism and do the watchman work vigorously. Have you read VG’s book, ‘Heaven’s Intercept’? No. I don’t read any of his books or listen to his messages. Why should I fall a prey to his wrong doctrine when there are true Gospel messages available everywhere? Are you planning to attend the meeting and bring to light Kirby’s erroneous teachings? No. If I do that, Pr VG will be quick to capitalize on that and say even critics attended the meetings. Jesus has Himself said not to throw pearls before pigs. I am not worried about the ZFT church members because people get the leader they deserve. I am fighting for the believers in other churches who are targeted by such trap setters.


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Why pastors and Christian leaders fail? WHEN a pastor or a Christian leader fails, he doesn’t fall alone – he pulls down his church or his ministry along with him. The failure of a Christian leader has disastrous and often traumatic effects on his circle of influence. The church which has lost trust in its pastor takes a long time to pull itself back from the debris and rebuild from its ruins. The ministry that has been failed by its leader often lies by the wayside licking its wounds waiting for divine intervention. In both cases, the loss is tremendous. While we need to look at how to restore the church and the ministry to its original and God-intended place in the Kingdom scheme of things, we must not ignore our responsibility in finding out what went wrong. If we fail to analyse the reasons behind the failure of the pastor/leader, we also may be walking into the same pit without our knowing. When there is no counsel, people fail (Proverbs 15:22). I’ve listed out some of the reasons why pastors and Christian leaders fail. I don’t expect you to agree with every one of them. You may have your own reasons and analyses to make too. If we are able to learn from our mistakes, we would be in a better position to navigate our way in our faith walk. For if

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we judge ourselves, we would not be judged (1 Corinthians 11:31). Prayerlessness: This could be the Number 1 reason for a Christian’s failure. Remember, Satan does not have as much trouble with your reading the Bible as he has with your union with God in your prayer chamber. How could a pastor or a Christian leader be a man who doesn’t pray? Incredible, did you say? Well, it happens. Chances are that the man who is so eloquent at praying from the pulpit is someone who’s so caught up with his work, tasks and responsibilities that he does not spend quality time at the Lord’s feet in Bible study and prayer. They read the Bible, make notes for their sermons, and preach powerfully at meetings. The gifts may be in operation, too because as Romans 11:29 says, ‘the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable.’ And, because the anointing is still in operation nobody suspects anything amiss in the pastor or the leader. A child of God (workers of God included) should realize why Jesus Christ frequently reminded His disciples to watch and pray. Prayer keeps us from temptations (Mark 14:38). Prayer keeps us from falling a prey to Satan’s machinations (1 Peter 5:8). Vainglorious approach: Last month, a video of a



COVER FEATURE young pastor in Chennai went viral on WhatsApp and Facebook. The pastor who is better known for his praise and worship concerts than his sermons was seen making such boastful claims about his gifts and the anointing on his life that the viewers were quite repulsed. Throughout the 7-minute video snippet, he kept telling his church, “My time is very precious. Use me. Otherwise, I’ll keep going. God has given the anointing to me for the benefit of millions of people. So, henceforth, I cannot use my anointing for 50 people. If you want to use me, I’ll remain here. Otherwise, I’ll keep going. Nations are waiting for me.” Anointing, if anything, should make the anointed humble and realize the hand of God upon his life. It should never, ever, make one boast in one’s gifts. Romans 12:3 says, ‘For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith.’ The success of a video album, the trappings of being a popular worship leader, the fulfilment of a prophecy that one uttered, the exhilaration of being called a great Bible expositor goes to one’s head and makes the person conceited. Almost immediately, narcissism kicks in, the person turns to jazzy clothes, acquires a spring in his step, and thinks he deserves newer titles (Reverend, Most Reverend, Cardinal, Chief Pastor, to name a few) better tithes, swanky cars, bigger churches and overflowing audiences at his meetings. Finally, the person becomes too big for his boots little realizing God had long ago walked out of his life and ministry. If one thinks he’s arrived, we may safely assume, his steps have begun to falter. The Bible reminds us through Philippians 3:12, ‘Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.’ Exceeding the brief: God sure reveals things to His children. You don’t have to be a pastor or a veteran evangelist to receive Biblical insights from God. A simple and a genuine prayer from a totally committed layperson who has yielded his life to the Lord will reveal the mysteries of the Word of God. If someone truly prays like the psalmist, “Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Your law” (Psalm 119:18), God will reveal what he needs to know. It is true the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations has now been disclosed to the Lord’s people (Colossians 1:26). It is also true that the secret of the Lord is with those that fear Him (Psalm 25:14). However, we need to remember two things here. Firstly, God will not go on a revelation spree if you don’t obey the instructions that He has already revealed to you. THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MAY 2015

‘For I say... not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith.’ (Romans 12:3) Secondly, God’s revelation is total and complete. There are no more newer revelations to be made apart from those that are already within the pages of the Bible. The Bible says, ‘The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law’ (Deut 29:29). God’s revelation is complete and can be fully gleaned from the pages of the Bible. The Bible is totally sufficient for all man’s needs today. Trouble begins when some people believe they have some extra revelation from God. The founders of the Mormon church and the Jehovah’s Witnesses also believed they had some ‘special’ revelations from God. Pastors, evangelists, worship leaders and all those people who believe in that lie exceed the brief. All those people, whatever their spiritual stature may be, who claim to be making trips to heaven and having breakfast, lunch and dinner with the Lord Jesus Christ, Apostle Paul and other saints either suffer from serious delusions or are hell-bent on uttering lies in an effort to fool the gullible and line one’s pockets. Hankering after novel & strange experiences: Occult and cult are not just similar sounding words, they also go together. Both are driven by a desire to go after the paranormal and the immeasurable experiences that mediums, spirits and unbiblical practices can offer. It is true that the Bible says Apostle Paul was caught up to the third heaven, but he says in 2 Corinthians 12:2, that he did not know whether it was in the body or out of the body. Apostle John received revelations of heaven, hell, satan and the things of the last days while he was in Patmos. However, we need to remember them as instances when God chose His servants to complete His work of inspiring them and writing the revealed Word of God – the Bible. Hankering after novel and strange experiences in these days, when the revelation of the Word of God is complete and total, would only make us like King Saul who sought the help of a medium to converse with a dead prophet Samuel. As much as one needs to be careful about séances, one also needs to guard against most of the experiences dished out by New Age preachers – ‘laughing in the spirit’, ‘drunk in the spirit’ (Ephesians 5:15-18 gets twisted by its advocates), moneyfestations, immortality on earth and breatheranism are all fads that will lead us away from the Living Word of God and the Lord Himself into eternal despair. (Robin Sam)


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‘Kirby sincerely wrong, twisting Scriptures’

BY JEYAKARAN EMMANUEL I am writing this on behalf of the ‘Grace & Truth Coalition’ in Chennai which is a coalition of several Pastors Fellowships, Ministry networks (like the Chennai Transformation Network) that brings together several Christian leaders in both the ‘church’ world as well as the Corporate/Professional world for the cause of the health and purity of the Body of Christ at large. Last year, we organised a conference at NLAG, Chennai, on Biblical interpretation addressing

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‘Legalism & Hypergrace’. Later, we held a subsequent consultation at HBI for Senior Pastors/Ministry Leaders called ‘Another gospel?’ in which we also addressed the ‘Immortality on Earth’ false teachings specifically of Kobus, Kirby and Jesudian among others in order to bring awareness to Christian leaders on the emerging erroneous teachings that are infiltrating the churches in India. We completely believe in authentic miracles, signs and wonders and we are all for the demonstration of the Kingdom in power. We are not against the supernatural dimension. However, we will call into question any teaching that is not in line with the authority of the Scriptures. The authenticity of a man of God/or a ministry is not tested by the miracles he performs. It is on the basis of his sound doctrine (teachings). As God’s Word says in 2 Timothy 4:3 “For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” 1 Tim 4:16 says , “Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you



COVER FEATURE will save both yourself and your hearers.” Please note the Word does not say ‘watch your signs and wonders...” But watch your doctrine (teaching) and life (character). Jesus warned us in Matthew 24:24, “For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” Kirby may be a sincere follower of Christ, but he is sincerely wrong in such unbiblical teachings such as immortality on earth & breatharianism by misinterpreting and twisting Scriptures.

We are of the opinion that since Kirby’s teachings are not clearly in line with the Word of Truth he or anyone else for that matter has to be evaluated NOT on the basis of the signs and wonders but on the basis of the doctrine he believes in and teaches. Sound doctrine cannot be sacrificed at the altar of signs and wonders. Signs and wonders do not validate the credibility or authenticity of a ministry - it is submission to the authority of Scriptures and sound doctrine. The writer is the pastor of PowerHouse Church, Chennai.

Victor Gnanaraj defends holy laughter, claims visit to heaven in email IN an email dated April 7 written to L Nirmal “Those who ask where it is mentioned Nathan, Pastor Victor Gnanaraj defended his in the Bible have not experienced what decision to invite Kirby De Lanerolle. He also came is already mentioned in the Bible like up with weird and unbiblical explanations for his seeing a donkey speak, or how they belief in cultist practices such as ‘holy laughter’, immortality on earth, age reversal etc among other stopped the sun.” Pr. V G. questionable teachings. See below his claims and defences in his own words. take your Bible and read Psalm 126 and Psalm 2. On (un)holy laughter In the beginning, I was violently opposed to the holy laughter. One day when my wife and I were having lunch, I had a vision of the Lord and I was told not to resist it. Within seconds, we both were rolling in the ground and laughing for more than 30 minutes. However, I wanted Scripture basis from the Lord for this. The Bible is the first letter of revelation to mankind. We cannot categorically say that God cannot do anything beyond what is said in the Bible. Those who ask where it is mentioned in the Bible have not experienced what is already mentioned in the Bible like seeing a donkey speak, or how they stopped the sun. I shall state what Jesus revealed to me of the holy laughter. One day kings and rulers gathered to plot against God but all in vain. They also planned to burst the ties the anointed servants had with the Lord and wanted to cast them away from their locations. The Father God who sits in Heaven saw their vain thinking and burst out into laughter and He showed this to the anointed servants of God who joined with God and laughed hilariously. The anointed servants of Zion were as if dreaming, were ignorant of the plots of these people against them. When the Lord showed them the falsehood of these foolish people then God laughed , the anointed servants were filled with laughter. Their tongues were filled with shouts of joy then they said among themselves “The Lord has done great things for them”. I was told if I ridicule like those idiots about the move of God, the diseases of the Egyptians will come upon me. Please THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MAY 2015

Visit to Heaven I am now 77 years old. I was very sick with 5 ailments and had a heart attack in 2006 and went into coma in BHEL Hospital in a near - death experience for 70 hours. It was then I visited Heaven and the Lord told me to return back to the earth and that He will use me in TV. I am coming now on 13 channels in TV. I am totally healed and for the last 8 years I did not go to any doctor. Feels he is getting younger not older My interest in K (Kirby) is that I feel that some age reversal is taking place in me. I want to know if it is an illusion or reality. I am not prejudiced but want to watch with open mind and come to my conclusion. I promise you I will confront in the question and answer session if I feel it is wrong teaching. I informed this to Kirby and they agreed and gave me permission to do so. Says he knows why Kobus died I have heard most of the sermons of Kobus... God planned that Adam should be an eternal being in the Garden of Eden but he died. I know the reason for the demise of Kobus Van Rensberg which I cannot inform you. I am not ignorant of what I am doing. (Editor’s Note: South African ‘prophet’ and ‘pastor’ Kobus Van Rensberg taught immortality and breatheranism - fasting without food or water. He said that cancer and other ailments occur mainly because of food, but ultimately died of cancer.)


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ghly; gpwe;j fij

vd;id Nerpf;fpd;whah? rNuh[pdp uh]; ~~vd;id Nerpf;fpd;whah (2) fy;thhp fhl; r piaf; fz; l gpd; D k; Nerpahky; ,Ug;ghah?|| vd;w fUj;J kpf;fg; ghliy ghbdth; B. uh[d; vd;gth;. ,tuJ je;ij jpU. G.K.S ghyRg;ukzpad; vd;w njYq;F gpuhkzh;. Nfhak;Gj;J}iur; Nrh;e;jth;. ,th; nrd;idiar; Nrh;e;j Nerkzp mk;khs; vd;w fpwp];jtg; ngz;iz jpUkzk; nra;tjw;fhf fpwp];jtuhdhh;. ,th;fSf;F kfdhf uh[d; 1933-k; tUlk;> [_d; 30-k; Njjp gpwe;jhh;. Muk;gg; gs;sp Kjy;> fy;Y}hp GJKf (KJfiy) tFg;G tiu nrd;idapNyNa gbj;jhh;. rpW tajpy; ,Ue;Nj fpwp];Jit mwpatpy;iy. thypg tajpYk; $l fpwp];Jit mwpahky; ,Ue;jhh;. 1948-y;; rNfhjuh; gf;jrpq; elj;jpa ew;nra;jp $l;lk; xd;wpy; fye;J nfhs;s tha;g;Gf; fpilj;jJ. md;iwa jpdk; Mz;lthpd; md;ig mwpe;J mtiu nrhe;j ,ul;rfuhf Vw;Wf;nfhz;lhYk;> rpy ehl;fspNyNa gpd;thq;fpg; Nghdhh;. 1952-y; tpkhdg;gilapy; Nrh;e;J 10 Mz;Lfs; gy gpuhe;jpaq;fspy; Ntiy nra;jhh;. 1960-k; tUlk;> Nk 6-k; Njjp Mdp hPl;lh vd;w ghyh; fy;tpg; gapw;rp ngw;w Mrphpiaia jpUkzk; nra;jhh;. 1962-y; tpkhdg; gilapy; ,Ue;J Xa;T ngw;W nrd;idapy; rpk;rd; fk;ngdpapd; ghJfhg;G Jiwapy; Ntiyapy; Nrh;e;jhh;. 1967-k; tUlk; khh;r; 19-k; Njjp FUj;Njhiy Qhapwd;W> jpBnud jhq;f Kbahj tapw;W typahy; nrd;id nghJ kUj;Jtkidapy; Nrh;f;fg;gl;lhh;. mtiur; Nrhjpj;j kUj;Jth;fs; Flypy; gf;fthjk; vd;Wk;> ,d;Dk; 6 kzpNeuj;jpy; mth; khpj;J tpLthh; vd;Wk; nrhd;dhh;fs;. clNd mtUila ngw;Nwhh;fs;> rNfhjuh; gf;jrpq;> ,k;khDNty; nkj;jb];l; Mya me;ehisa Nghjfh; rhk; fkNyrd; Nghd;w gy Njt Copah;fspd; n[g cjtpia ehbdhh;fs;. md;iwa jpdj;jpy; khiy Muhjid Ntisapy; Nghjfh; rhk; fkNyrd; uh[Df;fhf rpwg;G n[gj;ij jpUr;rigahUld; elj;jpdhh;. uh[Df;F rpfpr;ir mspj;j kUj;Jth;fs;> mWit rpfpr;irf;F Maj;jk; nra;jhh;fs;. Maj;jg; ghpNrhjidapd;NghJ mtUila cly;epiy Kd;Ndwp ,Ug;gijf; fz;L> typiaf; Fiwf;Fk;gbahd kUe;ijf; nfhLj;jhh;fs;. mtUila cly; epiy fz;fhzpf;fg;gl;lJ. gbg;gbahf mtUila clypy; Rfk; Vw;gl;lJ. ,jdhy; mWit rpfpr;ir Njitapy;iy vd;W tpyf;fgl;lJ. kWehs; fhiy ey;y Rfj;Jld; uh[d; fz; tpopj;jhh;. mtUila je;ij Ke;jpd THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MAY 2015

jpdj;jpy; n[gj;jpd; %yk; Njtd; nfhLj;j mw;Gj Rfj;ij tpthpj;jhh;. mijf; Nfl;l uh[d; ed;wpNahL fh;j;jiuj; Jjpj;J Mz;lthpd; Copaj;jpy; KO Neug;gzpahsuhf khw tpUk;gpdhh;. mLj;J 7 Mz;Lfs; rpWth; Copaq;fspYk;> ew;nra;jp gzpapYk; Mh;tj;Jld; <Lgl;lhh;. 1974y; Ntiyia uh[pdhkh nra;j gpd;> nrd;id ,e;jpa Ntjhfkf; fy;Y}hpapy; Nrh;e;J ,iwapay; gl;lg;gbg;ig Nkw;nfhz;lhh;. gbj;Jf;nfhz;Nl> gy ghly;fis ,aw;wp fy;Y}hp ,d;dpir FOtpd; Kjd;ikg; ghlfuhf tpsq;fpdhh;. fhiyapy; clw;gapw;rp eil nra;tJ mtUf;F tof;fkhf ,Ue;jJ. clw;gapw;rp nra;Ak;nghOJk;> mth; n[g epiyapy; Ntj trdj;ijj; jpahdpj;J> GJ uhfq;fis ,aw;Wthh;. tPL te;J Nrh;e;jJk;> GJ uhfq;fis ~~Nlg; nuf;fhh;lhpy;|| gjpT nra;thh;. 1976-y; xU QhapW> mjpfkhd nja;t rpe;ijAld; ele;J nfhz;bUe;j mth; cs;sj;jpy; GJ uhfk; xd;W xypj;jJ. gpd;dh; nrd;id jkpo; nkjb];l; Myaj;jpd; fhiy Muhjidapy; mtUila rNfhjuh;> Nghjfh; G.S. Nkhfdpd; Njt nra;jpiaf; Nfl;Lf;nfhz;L ,Ue;jhh;. ,NaRtpd; rpYitg; ghLfspd; kj;jpapy;> mtiuf; iftpl;Lg;Nghd NgJUit> caph;j;njOe;j Mz;lth; ~~vd;id Nerpf;fpwhah?|| vd;W Kk;Kiw Nfl;L> md;ig cWjpg;gLj;Jk; nra;jp mtUila cs;sj;jpy; gjpe;jJ. jd;id NgJUNthL xd;WgLj;jp Mz;lthpd; md;gpd; miog;ig (Nahthd; 21:15-17) mtUila cs;sk; rpe;jpf;fj; njhlq;fpaJ. nra;jpahsh;fis tpkh;rpg;gij mth; tpUk;GtJ ,y;iy. Mdhy; nra;jpapd; %yk; Mz;lth; mtUf;F mUSk; Ntj Nghjidfis me;ehs; KOtJk; mirNghLtijNa mth; tpUk;Gthh;. me;j QhapW mth; Nfl;l rpwg;Gr; nra;jpapd; gpd;dzpAk;> fhiyapy; mth; cs;sj;jpy; ,g;ghlypd; ruzq;fis vOJk;gb nra;jJ. vOjp Kbj;j gpd;dUk; ghly; mtUf;F kdj;jpUg;jp nfhLf;ftpy;iy. NgJUNthL jd;id xg;gpl;L> jpahdpj;J> Mz;lthpd; md;gpd; miog;Gf;F gjpy; $Wk;gbahf filrpapy; ~~ck;ik Nerpf;fpd;Nwd; ehd; fy;thhpf; fhl;rpiaf; fz;l gpd;Dk; Nerpahky; ,Ug;Ngdh>|| vd;W ghlYld; uhfj;ijAk; Nrh;j;J vOjp Kbj;jhh;. jd; kidtpaplk; mijg; ghbf; fhz;gpf;ifapy; mtUk; mij tpUk;gpf; Nfl;lhh;. gpd;dh; jkpo; nkj;jb];l; Myaj;jpy; jdpg; ghlyhfg; ghbdhh;;. ,g;ghlypd;gbNa Mz;lthpd; miog;ig ehKk; Vw;W> mtiu Nerpj;J> mtUf;fhf thOtij tpUk;GNthkhf. (Mjhuk;: 131 ghly; gpwe;j fij. mikjpNeu Copa ntspaPL.)


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Will you lend a helping hand to our missionaries’ children? I greet you in the marvelous name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who said in Matthew 6:33 ‘ first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.’ Come June and our children will be in their schools and colleges. They will go to new classrooms dressed in their smart new uniform. They will have their bags, pens, pencils and lunchboxes – all new, of course! Most of us would have paid their entire fees for the next academic year by April end. However, our missionaries’ children are not so privileged. Their needs are unmet. They are yet to pay their school fees, buy textbooks and uniform. They keep asking their dads when they will get their new uniform and textbooks. Their dads keep telling them to ask Lord Jesus Christ. They are right. Jesus Christ is our provider. My colleagues direct their children to Jesus not only to teach them the importance of prayer. They don’t know when and how their children’s school/college needs will be met. We need to raise Rs.72,000/- before the end of the month to help our missionaries pay their children's school and college fees. We offer Rs.12,000 a year to each of our missionaries school-, college-going

Our missionaries’ children are not so privileged. Their needs are unmet. They are yet to pay their school fees, buy textbooks and uniform. They keep asking their dads when they will get their new uniform and textbooks. children. We know the support is inadequate, but if we are able to offer them this support before the end of May, it will make them heave a sigh of relief and praise God for His provision. Yes, we need Rs.72,000/- before end of May to meet our missionaries’ children’s educational needs. My co-workers in Chhattisgarh, Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Tamil Nadu are praying along with me for a breakthrough. If the Lord leads you to meet this need either fully or partially, you can come forward to support us. Your generous contributions to Messenger Missions will help our co-workers’ children have a better tomorrow. They deserve it too! I covet your prayers for the effective working of this ministry. I remain your brother in Christ, Robin Sam

HOW TO SEND YOUR OFFERINGS TO OUR MINISTRY You can support this ministry through your sacrificial contributions & donations once a month or every quarter, half-yearly or even once a year.

1. CHEQUE/DD: When you send us a cheque or a DD, Account Name: Messenger Missions please send it in the name of MESSENGER MISSIONS. Or A/C No: 913020055473409 you can send it in the name of MESSENGER MISSIONS, IFSC code: UTIB0000345 A/c No. 913020055473409. If you are sending a Bank: Axis Bank cheque, please ensure it is crossed (A/c Payee Only) for Branch: Mogappair. added safety. 2. DIRECT BANK TRANSFER: If you are sending us your contributions directly through your bank, please use the information given below: Messenger Missions, A/c No. 913020055473409, Swift Code: AXISINBB016, IFS Code: UTIB0000345; Branch Code: 345; Axis Bank Ltd., Mogappair Branch, Chennai. 3. NET BANKING: If you are sending us your offering online please use the information given below: Messenger Missions, A/c No. 913020055473409; IFS Code: UTIB0000345; Branch Code: 345, Axis Bank Ltd., Mogappair, Branch, Chennai. 4. MONEY ORDER: Your contributions through money order can be sent to us directly at Messenger Misssions, 20/20, Bharathiar Street, Srinivasa Nagar, Padi, Chennai 600 050. Please let us know of your money order remittance by phone (044-65145334, 0-7299063345) or email: Please send us your cheques and demand draft directly to our office and not to the bank address. Please tell us how you would like your contribution to be used. Giving us your details such as your full name, complete address, phone number and email ID will help us acknowledge your contribution and send you receipt.

MESSENGER MISSIONS (missions wing of The Christian Messenger) No. 20/20, Bharathiar Street, Srinivasa Nagar, Padi, Chennai 600 050. Website: | Email:




1 Kings ‘Walk in His ways’ – these are the final words of a dying father to his beloved son. Walking is a never ending journey, it’s not just for a day or even for a year but through out life and in all spheres of living. The prerequisite to walk in God’s way is neither wisdom nor wealth but integrity of heart. In the Book of Kings, we read about the history of God’s chosen people during four turbulent centuries from 970 BC to 587 BC. Originally in the Hebrew language, 1 and 2 Kings were one book and it formed a natural sequel to the books of 1 and 2 Samuel. Author: History suggests that most probably it was Prophet Jeremiah as two chapters from 2 Kings (24, 25) appear in the Book of Jeremiah (39 – 42, 52). The source for the prophet must have been from ‘the chronicles of the kings of Israel’ ( 1 Kings 14:19) and from ‘the chronicles of the kings of Judah’ (1 Kings 14:29 ). Period: The Book of 1 Kings begins with a united nation under David and then Solomon 970 BC and ends with the divided kingdom and the death of Ahab, the most wicked king of all, in 853 BC. (117 years) Timeline: • Solomon becomes the king – 970 BC • Building of the Temple completed – 959 BC • Kingdom divided – 930 BC • Elijah begins his ministry – 875 BC • Asa becomes the king of Judah – 910 BC • Ahab becomes the king of Israel – 874 BC • Jehoshaphat becomes the king of Judah – 872 BC • Ahab king of Israel dies – 853 BC Where was it written: UnitedIsrael and then the divided kingdom (Israel and Judah) Outline of the book: 1. The United Kingdom (1:1 – 11:43) 2. The Divided Kingdom ( 12:1 – 22:53) Key incidents with references: 1. Solomon becomes the king of Israel (1) 2. David’s charge to Solomon and Death of David (2) 3. Solomon’s wisdom (3, 4) 4. Solomon builds the temple and his palace (5 – 8) 5. God’s warning to Solomon (9) 6. Solomon’s idolatry and death and Prediction about the division of Kingdom (11) 7. Rebellion against Rehoboam (12) 8. God’s judgment on Jeroboam (14) 9. Kings of Judah and Israel (15, 16) 10. Elijah’s ministry (17 – 19) THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MAY 2015

11. Ahab takes Naboth’s vineyard and Death of Ahab (21, 22) The nature of God as revealed in this book: 1. God grants wisdom 2. God provides wealth to His people 3. God meets all our basic needs 4. God deals with people’s sin in powerful ways 5. God hates idolatry 6. God forgives graciously 7. God accepts the heart of worship than the place 8. God hears all our prayers 9. God acknowledges those who take a stand for him 10. God controls throughout the history of man kind GOD’S CHOSEN KING SAUL DAVID SOLOMON


Key Verse: 1 Kings 9:4,5 – “ Now if you walk before Me as your father David walked, in integrity of heart and in uprightness, to do according to all that I have commanded you, and if you keep My statutes and My judgment, then I will establish the throne of your kingdom over Israel forever. As I promised David your father, saying, ‘You shall not fail to have a man on the throne of Israel.’ Key People: David, Solomon, Rehoboam, Jeroboam, Ahab, Elijah Key Places: Shechem, Israel, Judah, Jerusalem, Samaria, Mount Carmel, Ramoth-Gilead. Christ in 1 Kings: The wisdom of Solomon is a foreshadowing of the wisdom of Christ in “whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col 2:3). Christ refers to 1 Kings 10 in Mathew 12:42 and presents Himself as the one greater than Solomon whom the Gentiles recognized (like the queen of Sheba) when the truth about God was presented to them. God’s promise to David had two parts: Conditional and unconditional. God’s conditional promise was that David and his descendants would remain as kings if they honored and obeyed Him. They failed and lost the throne (2 Kings). God’s unconditional promise was that David’s line would go on forever. This was fulfilled in the birth of Jesus Christ, whose kingdom lasts for eternity. So, for the promises of God to be fulfilled in our lives we need to fulfill the conditions – “Walking in His ways” and that is what God wants us to do.


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Muslim population will nearly equal Christians’ by 2050: report

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Reach the church at large by advertising with the ‘most-vibrant’ Christian website in India ISLAM will grow faster than any other major religion in the world, according to demographic projections by the Pew Research Center. By the year 2050, the number of Muslims (about 2.8 billion - around the world will nearly equal the number of Christians (about 2.9 billion) in the world. Charisma News reports the research come from as part of the PewTe m p l e t o n G l o b a l Religious Futures project, which analyzes religious change. The study looked at some 200 countries of major religious groups: Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jews and Muslims. According to projections, Christians will still make up the largest religious group in the world. Atheists, agnostics and other people who do not recognize religion will make up a “declining share” of the world’s total population. Also, if current trends continue until 2050: India will have the largest Muslim population among all countries in the world. Website: | Email:


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Steps to the Christian life 1. REPENT: Turn around. Change your mind. Confess your sins. ‘I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.’ (Luke 13:3) 2. RECEIVE HIM: You need the Savior. His name is Jesus Christ. Accept Him. ‘But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name’ (John 1:12) 3. BE ‘BORN AGAIN’: This is what God does for you. Being ‘Born Again’ is a new birth. It’s your spiritual birth. It’s a miracle of spiritual life performed by the Holy Spirit. ‘…who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.’ (John 1:13) 4. REJOICE PUBLICLY: Make known your testimony for Christ to others. ‘If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.’ (Romans 10:9, 10) 5. REQUEST WATER BAPTISM: This is an outward stand you take for the inward change that has happened in you. ‘He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.’ (Mark 16:16) 6. READ THE WORD: The Word is the source of your faith. ‘He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.’ (1 John 5:13) 7. REACH GOD IN PRAYER: Prayer is conversation with God. Life is sustained by union and communion (Ephesians 6:18, James 4:2) ‘Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.’ (1 John 5:14, 15)

8. RESIST THE DEVIL: Temptation is not sin. It is yielding to temptation that is sin. ‘That the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ’ (1 Peter 1:7) 9. RESTITUTION: Your guilt is gone, your sins are washed. You are a new being. You can convert your influence for good. ‘Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, ‘Look, Lord, I give half of my goods to the poor; and if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation, I restore fourfold.’ (Luke 19:8) 10. RENDER TO GOD THINGS THAT ARE HIS: Start tithing your income immediately. ‘Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, ‘In what way have we robbed You?’ In tithes and offerings. Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this,” says the Lord of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.’ (Malachi 3:8, 10) 11 . R E G U L A R LY AT T E N D CHURCH/SUNDAY SCHOOL: Associate yourself immediately with God’s people. Become a church member (Heb 10:25). ‘So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.’ (Luke 4:16) 12. RELATE YOUR EXPERIENCE TO OTHERS: You maintain strength by exercise. ‘Nevertheless if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul. “Therefore you, O son of man, say to the house of Israel: ‘Thus you say, “If our transgressions and our sins lie upon us, and we pine away in them, how can we then live?”’ (Ezekiel 33:9, 10)

New Bible Replaces ‘God’ with ‘Kanye West’ A new Bible has replaced every mention of God with Kanye West. The Bible, called “The Book of Yeezus: A Bible for the Modern Day” features an etching of West on the cover and sells for $20 on Etsy. Creators of the book wrote on Etsy, “For this generation, Generation Y, Kanye West is not only its greatest spectacle, but in some senses, a spiritual figure. “We are here to spread a doctrine. Well, a pseudodoctrine. We ask you to use your pulpit for good.” The publishers claim that that have received so many book orders that they have run out of stock. “Please understand that from your time of THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MAY 2015

purchase, there will be an extra delay in delivery time as we wait for more books. Moses walked through the desert for 40 years. A few extra days ain’t much,” they wrote in an update on the Etsy page. Christian Today reports that West identifies as a Christian. The singer previously said, “I’m Christian, and I’m hip-hop. So you mix those two things together, and you want to express yourself a certain type of way, and be bold. I wanna be like Christ. That’s not to say I have a god complex. But it’s like, if people pick a favourite Halloween character it’s like, that’s what I would pick! Don’t people pick people that they look up to?”


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Al-Qaeda making gains in Yemen: US Defense Secretary US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter acknowledged recently that Al Qaeda was seizing terrain amid the chaos in Yemen, but vowed that Washington would continue to combat the extremist group despite ongoing fighting there. “We see them making gains on the ground there as they try to take territory,” said Carter, who was in Japan recently as part of a visit to Asia for talks with regional allies. Yemen has descended into violence over recent months, with Huthi rebels seizing power in the capital Sanaa in February. The Huthis, allied with army units loyal to ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh, have been fighting forces supporting President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi, who has fled to the Saudi capital Riyadh. In March, Saudi Arabia launched a campaign of air strikes, amid fears Yemen will slip into Huthi control and shift into the orbit of Shiite Iran, Sunni Saudi Arabia’s regional rival. Observers say Al Qaeda and other groups are exploiting the instability, in which the World Health Organisation says at least 540 people have died since March 19. “The terrorism threat to the West, including the United States, from AQAP (Yemen-based Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula) is a longstanding and serious one (..) that we will keep combating,” he added at a press conference alongside his Japanese counterpart, Gen Nakatani. “Obviously it’s always easier to conduct counter-terrorism ops when there is a stable government willing to cooperate. “That circumstance now obviously doesn’t exist in Yemen but that doesn’t mean that we don’t continue to take steps to protect ourselves. We have to do it in a different way, but we do and we are.” ,g;NghJ tpw;gidapy;

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Meet The Disciples Who is a disciple? A disciple is a follower, one who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines of the one, whom he or she follows. We meet the disciples of Jesus in Luke 6:13-16. A fact about each disciple is given below. Turn your Bibles to fill in the correct answer. (Refer Luke 6:13-16 and the given references to each fill up). 1. Jesus called me Cephas (John 1:40, 42): ________________. 2. I got the nick name “Doubting ____________” because I did not believe Jesus was alive after the crucifixion (John 20:24, 25). 3. I was one of Zebedee’s sons (Mark 1:19): _______________. 4. I was Zebedee’s other son (Mark 1:19): _________________. 5. I brought Nathanael to Jesus (John 1:45): ________________. 6. My other name was Levi (Matthew 9:9, Luke 5:27): ______________. 7. My father's name was Alphaeus (Luke 6:14): _________________. 8. I became a traitor; I betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver (Mark 14:10): ___________. 9. My brother (No.1) and I lived in the same town as Philip (John 1:44):______________. 10. In John 1:44, I am called Nathanael, Philip introduced me to Jesus. My name starts with a B: ______________. 11. My name is the same as the disciple whom Jesus called Cephas & I am also called the Zealot (Luke 6:15): ____________. 12. I am mentioned in Matthew 10:3 between James and Simon: ______________. NAME …………………………………………………. AGE ..………… CLASS …………………. SCHOOL .....……………………………….. RESIDENCE: ……………………………………..………….……......... ………………………………………………………………...………………. …………………………………………………………………..…………….. CONTACT NUMBER ..………………………………….………………

Answers to last month’s puzzle: 1) Three, 2) Temptation, 3) Cup, 4) Betraying, 5) Right, 6) Forgive, 7) Today, 8) Hands, 9) Rise, 10) Suffer, 11) Witnesses, 12) Promise. And the winner is: Shekinah Daphne, Chennai. Send your response to the address below before May 15, 2015.

Contact: The Christian Messenger, No. 20/20, Bharathiar Street, Srinivasa Nagar, Padi, Chennai 600 050.

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Rohit’s wristwatch

Steven Robin who drew the cartoon for nd Story Time this month is a 2 standard student in Chennai. Why don’t you encourage your children also to be part of Story Time through their drawings & stories? Ed.

Rohit’s dad gave him a brand new wristwatch. “Don’t wear it to school, my son,” his dad told him.

But Rohit badly wanted to show off his watch to his friends. So he disobeyed his dad and wore the watch to the school.

He picked up the damaged watch and returned home. He was scared to face his parents. “What will I tell my dad,” he wondered.

He realized his mistake but decided To his surprise, his mother, who heard him out, consoled him. to say the truth rather than spin a “Don’t worry. I’ll ask your dad to yarn and tell lies. He wept and fix the watch for you. But obey confessed his mistake instructions henceforth,” his to his mother.

While returning home, he jumped and hopped in joy and fell on the road. The watch, sure enough, was damaged.

mother told him.

Obedience is better than sacrifice, says the Bible.

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