Church in the time of A Pandemic: Does Faith Matter in Tackling Covid-19?

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7 Reasons Why Pastors Stay Silent In Our Wicked Culture

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In The Time Of A Pandemic

Does Faith Matter In Tackling Covid-19? 1

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Vol. 16, No. 12

APRIL, 2020

The purpose of the news magazine is to report newsworthy religious events and activities within the local community, nationwide and around the world, to increase the awareness and activism of believers regarding the moral issues of today, to provide thought-provoking commentary, and to provide an effective advertising vehicle for Christian ministries and organizations, events and businesses that want to reach the Christian community. - Editor

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FROM YOUR BROTHER Watch Out For These 7 Pitfalls In Christian life



7 Reasons Why Pastors Stay Silent In Our Wicked Culture

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15 Specific Prayer Points For A 30-Minute Intercession

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Relationship With Your Spouse: Do You Have This?

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Watch out for these 7 pitfalls in Christian life FROM YOUR BROTHER JOSHUA, one of the greatest military strategists of the world in his time, was a man who acknowledged the supremacy of God in his life. Towards the end of his life, he called all the Israelites and gave them a farewell address. In Joshua 23, four times he reminded his people that it was the Lord who fought their battles. He listed one of the first things that will make us trip in our walk with God: 1. Association with unbelievers “For if you turn back and cling to the remnant of these nations remaining among you and make marriages with them, so that you associate with them and they with you know for certain that the Lord your God will no longer drive out these nations before you, but they shall be a snare and a trap for you, a whip on your sides and thorns in your eyes, until you perish from off this good ground that the Lord your God has given you” (Joshua 23:12,13 ESV). God’s Word is unchanging. Even today, this is a warning to believers all over the world. The warning to God's children is not to associate themselves with those that belong to the world. The people who we think will enlarge our circle of influence will end up being a doom to us. The Bible is clear that light has no association with darkness or believers with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14). 2. All that we do outside His will If association with unbelievers can endanger our walk with the Lord, then we must also know what the work of our hands wrought outside of God’s will and strength will do for us. In Isaiah 17: 10-11, we see the work of a diligent man who labored in his vineyard day and night coming to zilch. The day of harvest not only brings him zero yield, but also causes him grief and incurable pain. What was his crime? Though he was a skilled worker who knew the needs of his plantation, he forgot to keep himself at the center of God’s will. All the work that we do outside of His will, not only will be unfruitful but also bring us despair and shame. 3. An ungrateful heart Many times, once we experience salvation we go on an auto-pilot mode. That’s a dangerous trip. As believers we need to take time off to thank God for our salvation. If we can make it part of our every day prayer, great! Only a grateful heart will take time to examine oneself and find one’s deep-rooted prejudices and flaws. The great scientist of this century Albert Einstein once said: ‘There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing Website: Email:

is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.’ Ephesians 5:20 asks us to give thanks to God for everything and always in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. When Israelites wavered in their faith, God spoke to them through prophet Jeremiah and asked them to name the fault they found in Him (Jeremiah 2:5-6). Their ungrateful heart made them follow worthless idols and they became worthless themselves. 4. 5. & 6. Life’s worries, riches and pleasures God knows worries can choke the Word out of man. That’s why when Jesus Christ was explaining the parable of the sower in Luke 8, He took time to explain the condition of a man’s heart. The seeds that fell among thorns grew like the seeds that fell on good soil. However, the thorns outgrew the seeds and choked the plants. Life will offer many troubles to those who are ready to fret at the drop of a hat. Devotion to wealth, worries about worldly things and a life enslaved to the pleasures of the world will choke out the message of the kingdom. People who are gripped by these three things do not have time to read the Bible, walk with the Lord or consider the spread of the Gospel. Worry is today’s mouse eating tomorrow’s cheese. Neither will the mouse be fed nor will the cheese be diminished. Worry serves no purpose. That’s why Philippians 4:6 offers an excellent way to deal with life’s worries. Prayer and supplication with thanksgiving can do it for us. Riches will make us pamper ourselves and starve our souls. Pleasures make us forget our Maker. 7. Friendship with the world One of the greatest impediments to a Spirit-filled life is friendship with the world (James 4:4). What the phrase ‘friendship with the world’ means is desiring the company of worldly men and seeking their approval and recognition. No man, however resolute in his desire to please God and serve Him, can continue in his quest if he desires to be a friend of the world. That’s why Jesus said in Matthew 6:24 and Luke 16:13 that no man can serve two masters. We cannot serve the Living God of Israel and the Baals of the world (I Kings 18:21). Friendship with the world can only make us become the enemy of God. What a great horror that is! If we have dedicated ourselves to be servants of Jesus Christ, then we will not seek the approval of the world or be men-pleasers (Galatians 1:10). 5



7 Reasons Why Pastors Stay Silent In Our Wicked Culture

‘Pastors, it’s time to repent for your silence—or step aside! Pastors, if you don’t have a prophetic voice, you don’t have a ministry’. the world demands an immediate and Spirit-led response? Pastors, it’s time to repent for your silence—or step aside! Repent from your tired, unimpressive and selfcentered attempts to grow your church. Repent from being a wordsmith instead of a prophet. Repent from being careful when you are called to risk everything. Repent from keeping people happy and controversy at bay. You have lost your voice! Pastors, if you don’t have a prophetic voice, you don’t have a ministry. We live in a day where babies are being butchered, and many people are campaigning for the slaughter to be extended to those who survive the womb. Homosexual activism has muzzled so much of the church as these people force their vile beliefs on us. Pornography and human trafficking are destroying millions. Where is your response? If Thou canst do something with us and through us, then please, God, do something without us! Bypass us and take up a people who now know Thee not! ¯ Leonard Ravenhill, Why Revival Tarries: A Classic on Revival 7 Reasons Pastors Are Silent in a Wicked Culture

BY JOHN BURTON PASTORS are refusing to confront culture, sound alarms or to address today’s political crisis - and it may be time for them to step down. When Ahab saw Elijah, Ahab said to him, “Are you he that troubles Israel?” And he answered, “I have not troubled Israel, but you and your father’s house, in that you have forsaken the commandments of the Lord and you have followed the Baals” (1 Kings 18:17-18). God is raising up a new generation of bold, prophetic messengers who are fearless, broken and undone by the weight of what’s happening in our world. They couldn't care less if people leave churches they minister in. They aren’t looking for accolades or book deals. They are criers in the wilderness, a new breed of burning ones who aren’t into building churches, but they are very much into confronting culture and shocking nations with prophetic unction. We need bold, confrontational leaders formed after the spirit of Elijah, people who are commissioned and unafraid to expose the wickedness in the land. Sadly, it's rare to find men and women of God like this today. Though I’m going to share seven reasons pastors are refusing to confront culture or to dive into politics from the pulpit, the honest truth is that I am so disturbed that I even have to write about this. How can supposed men and women of God just go on teaching generic Sunday school- style messages every Sunday morning when the escalating crisis in THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w APRIL 2020

1. Fear of man. “Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5). Fear of man is possibly the most obvious reason, 6

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Pastors are right. The moment they actually have a strong opinion and take a strong position on a controversial topic, they absolutely will experience pruning. While there are some absolutely amazing churches out there, in most churches you won't hear messages that cause any problems with your theology, cause offense or provoke you in any way. When is the last time you heard a message about abortion, homosexuality, pornography or other cultural issues? When is the last time your pastor has pierced the atmosphere with prophetic unction in response to something happening in our society? In some churches it happens. In most it does not. Why? Fear of loss. Pastors can’t afford to lose people, money or their dream of a happy, growing church.

though I don’t believe it’s the greatest reason in most cases. However, it’s true that many pastors do fear confrontation. They lack confidence in their ability to tear down arguments and to advance with boldness. It’s the Holy Spirit that enables this boldness, and, sadly, it’s true that many pastors are not filled to overflowing with the activity of the Holy Spirit in their lives. It's also true that many pastors are muzzled by their boards, elders and others who exhibit control in the church. It can be easy to succumb to the demands and expectations of those and others who have the ability to make life difficult if the pastor doesn’t move in the direction they expect. The opposite of the fear of man just very well may be the fear of the Lord. Where is the tremble in our pulpits today? Where is the troubling, weighty terror of God in our churches? What will it take for the fear of man to be displaced by fear of the Lord? It’s embarrassing that there is so much fear of man, that pastors today are working overtime to keep the peace instead of calling people into a place of urgent response to a threatening, deadly spirit of the age. The sword will divide, and those who are bound by fear of man will keep that sword in their sheath, if they possess one at all. “A man who is intimate with God is not intimidated by man.” ¯Leonard Ravenhill

3. They have no prayer life / prophetic unction. “Pastors who don’t pray two hours a day aren’t worth a dime a dozen.” ¯Leonard Ravenhill This one is obvious and easy. If pastors are not spending time in the fires of intercession, they simply will not be alerted to much of anything in the spirit. On the contrary, it’s absolutely impossible to live in the prayer room and not hear God’s voice and to discern the crisis in the land. Spending hours in that place of prayer will result in a burning and an inner tremble that will result in a cry and a shout and a decree from the pulpit on Sunday morning. There will be a fierce spirit that won’t be silenced. The fear of man becomes laughable. Fear of loss is a price people are willing to pay. Their passion is no longer building their own dream but rather becomes all about being a voice in the wilderness, tearing down strongholds and refusing to be muzzled! Peter went from a man driven by fear to a fearless wonder, coming out of 10 days in the prayer room and carrying a Pentecost fire that would not be ignored. Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth was a man attested to you by God with powerful works and wonders and signs, which God did through Him in your midst, as you yourselves know. You have taken Him, who was handed over to you by the ordained counsel and foreknowledge of God, and by lawless hands have crucified and killed Him, whom God raised up by loosening the pull of death, because it was not possible that He should be held by it (Acts 2:22-24).

2. Fear of loss.

When Pilate saw that he could not prevail, but rather that unrest was beginning, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd, saying, “I am innocent of the blood of this righteous Man. See to it yourselves” (Matt. 27:24). I believe the fear of loss is an even greater motivator for pastors to keep their mouths shut than the fear of man is. Today we have pastors who are wordsmiths instead of prophets, people who are experts at framing their words in such a way that no possibility of offense or disagreement is there. They are keenly focused on being balanced, avoiding controversy and developing a happy, encouraging atmosphere in the church that helps ensure there is no loss. People remain in their seats, money keeps coming in and everybody is happy. Pilate would have given different leadership if the threat of riots and of losing his position and influence weren’t there. He surrendered because he feared loss. While it might be quite offensive to compare a pastor to the man who turned Jesus over for death, we have to honestly consider the scenario. Instead of 4. They misunderstand the doing the right thing, Pilate caved. Pastors are turning on Jesus all too often today by rejecting his governmental purpose of the church. “Ekklesia: A governmental gathering under directives as they would prove to be too costly. Great apostolic leadership.” loss would certainly come. Website: Email:



THE WAY TODAY I have long been frustrated at the misunderstanding of the purpose of the church that is epidemic today. The key, foundational purpose of the church is to be a house of prayer for all nations. Further, the ekklesia is a governmental gathering. Under apostolic leadership, the church is called to be a governing force in a city. Sadly, many pastors and people presume the church to be little else than a place to meet together, to sing and learn and to involve themselves in various ministries, programs and projects. Of course, there are many supplemental ministries and projects that are absolutely appropriate and valuable, but they can never supersede the primary call—to pray and govern. Pastors should absolutely be responding to the crisis in the land, as they are the ones who have been commissioned to do so! They have been authorized, ordained, anointed and given a mandate to invade the darkness and command in the Spirit!

Pastors should absolutely respond to the crisis in the land, as they are the ones who have been commissioned to do so! It sure sounds spiritual to say they just want to focus on the Bible, but it’s not possible to only do that. You can’t simply preach the Bible and ignore what’s going on in culture. What do you do with all the accounts of the apostles and others who confronted culture, wickedness and the spirit of the age? If they are preaching and teaching the Bible, they must model their lives and ministries after the people they are studying. We need pastors with the spirit of Elijah. Where are those who lead like Gideon and tear down ungodly cultural altars? We must, without question, not only be hearers but also doers. If these heroes of the faith confronted culture, than we must as well.

7. Wrong theologies and a culture of positivity.

5. They want to stay out of politics. Did we not strictly command you not to teach in this name? Yet now you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you intend to bring on us this Man’s blood.” Peter and the other apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:28-29). Many pastors reveal they intentionally stay out of politics. Often they communicate this as if they are operating in some form of wisdom or caution, when in reality they are abdicating their responsibilities. We are called to legislate. We are called to govern. If the church is a governmental agency, as I shared in the previous point, it makes absolutely no sense that pastors would not address political issues in the nation. Often a desire to avoid politics has to do with fear of man and fear of loss. They understand the moment they get political is the moment they draw a line in the sand. We need leaders, not managers. We need people who will boldly draw that line and make it very clear that they won’t be stopped as they deal with the crisis at hand. We wouldn't be as concerned about finding the right candidate for office, whether mayor of the city or president of the United States, if our church leaders had some guts and gave political leadership themselves. Peter responded to politics just as we must. We must obey God rather than men.

“One of these days, some simple soul will pick up the book of God, read it, and believe it. Then the rest of us will be embarrassed.” ¯Leonard Ravenhill There are streams today that only focus on what is positive and encouraging. They presume to find strength there, and it gives license to ignore the negative and troubling issues of the day. These are false-grace tainted doctrines, and they are a threat to the call for the church to go on the offensive against wickedness in the world. We need prophetic leaders who will speak with unction and with fire in their guts, people who will aggressively assault the kingdom of darkness and deal directly with the great evil that's increasing in power. Prophetic Voices, Rise Up The days of carefully guarding our churches, salaries, security and reputations are over. It's time to let churches die if necessary. We need prophetic voices behind the pulpits, people who will scare away the pretenders and provoke the sleepers and confront the wickedness that is among us. The demonic horde that has been released upon the world has been mostly uncontested. Their threats have gone unmet. We need governmental leaders in churches to finally stand firm for truth and to tear down arguments and altars with no thought of their own safety or wellbeing. John Burton has been developing and leading 6. They just want to preach the ministries for over 25 years and is a sought out Bible. teacher and revivalist. John has authored 10 books. Be doers of the word, and not hearers only, John, his wife, Amy, and their five children live in Missouri, US. deceiving yourselves (James 1:22). THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w APRIL 2020


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17 things you need to know about manna 1. It’s a God-given food to the Israelites in the wilderness after they were redeemed from the bondage of Egypt (Exodus 16:14-36). 2. The meaning of the word ‘manna’ is ‘What is it?’ (Exodus 16:15). 3. It was white in color and looked like coriander seed (Exodus 16:31; Numbers 11:7). 4. It looked like thin flakes, like frost on the ground (Exodus 16:14). 5. It tasted like wafers made with honey (Exodus 16:31). 6. It also tasted like something made with olive oil (Numbers 11:8). 7. Each one could take one omer (equivalent of two liters) of it (Exodus 16:16). 8. It was daily bread for Israelites. Storing it for the next day was prohibited (Exodus 16: 19). 9. If it was stored for the next day, it became smelly and was full of maggots (Exodus 16:20). 10. It had to be gathered early in the morning before the sun grew hot. Otherwise, it melted away (Exodus 16:21). 11. On the sixth day, Israelites could collect two omers for each person. Two omers are equivalent to roughly 4.5 liters (Exodus 16:22). 12. The Israelites found one too many ways to cook it. Some ground it in a handmill, others crushed

it in a mortar, while some cooked it in a pot, a few others made it into cakes (Numbers 11:8). 13. God supplied manna to the Israelites for 40 years, until they reached the border of Canaan (Exodus 16:35; Joshua 5:12). 14. God gave manna to Israelites to teach them man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4; Luke 4:4). 15. It was called as grain of heaven and bread of angels (Psalm 78:24-25). 16. Jesus referred to it in John 6:31-35,49,58. 17. The Ark of the Covenant contained the gold jar of manna (Hebrews 9:4).

United Theological Research University Studies And Research (An Autonomous Institution of Advanced Theological Education) Affiliated & Accredited by University of Berkeley U.S.A. & Recognized by Christian Leadership University & Seminary, New York USA. Regd. by Govt. No. 2642 / 1988. Registered Under Minorities Act. Address: Plot No. 125, Road No. 7, T.M.C. Mahendra Hills, East Marredpally, Secunderabad – TS. 500 026. Website: E-mail:, Contact: 040-2773 0494, 0-98490 62508, 94902 62508, 98490 62058, 99080 62058.

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Two Vital Truths About Giving To God But Jesus said, “Let her alone. Why do you trouble her? She has done a good work for Me” (Mark 14:6). GREETINGS to you in the Name of our Resurrected Savior, Jesus Christ! Mark 14:1-9 tell us about a woman who anointed Jesus Christ with an expensive oil of spikenard. Although the woman is not named, what she did for Jesus is still being preached. Why did Jesus single her out for commendation? The woman’s giving was special and that’s why! I want to draw your attention to two vital truths about giving to God. 1. You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving In Luke 7, we see another woman who anointed Jesus’ feet with fragrant oil. While those around them wanted to find out if Jesus knew who she really was (she was a sinner), the Lord hit the nail on the head by implying what mattered was not who she was, but how she loved. ‘Therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much,’ Jesus said (verse 47). If we love God, we will give to His Kingdom work. 2. Love senses rare opportunities to serve God, and grabs them

Did the woman in Mark 14 know that Jesus was heading towards the cross at Calvary? I think not. Did she have any premonition about His impending death? No. But, she knew one thing. She perhaps thought to herself: ‘Today, the Lord is in my town, Bethany. Tomorrow, He may be somewhere else. While He is around, there are things to do, the alabaster jar has to be broken and the fragrant oil poured on His head!’ Hallelujah! She sensed the opportunity that was to never come again and gave her all to grab it. It’s my prayer that these truths will guide us in our giving to God and His work. Amen. AN APPEAL: Last year, we reached 700 children through VBS ministries. This year, we are reaching out to over 1,000 children across six states during summer through our VBS ministries. We need to raise Rs.1.5 lakh to meet the expenses. If you are led by the Lord to help, please use the bank details below to send your offerings. May God bless you according to Deut. 1:11. Yours in Christ, Robin Sam Have a love-led life that delights in giving to God.


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GOSPEL MELA 2020 15 SPECIFIC PRAYER POINTS FOR A 30-MIN INTERCESSION And, I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none (Ezekiel 22:30).

Praying with one accord for 2,234 people groups spread across 1.2 billion people in 29 states and 7 UTs in one nation. Every nation, every tribe, every people and every tongue shall say: “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” (Revelation 7:10).

Pray for the Coronavirus spread to be contained. This is one communicable disease in recent times that has claimed thousands of lives across the world. It has not just infected the general populace, it has also affected leaders of nations. That no effective vaccine or cure is available makes the scenario very bleak. Pray with one accord that this dreaded disease will soon be wiped out from the earth. 1. AS much as 11 percent of all deaths due to road accidents were reported from India, according to Union Minister Nitin Gadkari. In 2018, India reported 9,977 deaths of persons below 18 years of age. This translates to 27% of people in this age category dying daily in road accidents in the country. India ranks 1st in the number of road accident deaths across the 199 countries reported in the World Road Statistics, 2018, followed by China and US. Pray for road safety to improve in the country. 2. ACCORDING to a study conducted by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, 14.6 percent of the population in the country between 10 and 75 uses alcohol. As many as 16 crore people consume alcohol in India. Not surprisingly, the use is considerably higher among men (27.3%) compared to women (1.6%). From 2005 to 2016, alcohol consumption has doubled in India, according to a WHO report. More than 3 million people died in 2016 as a result of the harmful effects of alcohol. 3. PRAY for the economic system in the country to be made robust. Last month, the rupee touched record low as foreign investors offloaded their stocks. The coronavirus has also dampened hopes of economic upturn. Added to THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w APRIL 2020

this, another bank went almost bust. The Yes Bank came under RBI’s moratorium. The Indian citizens have already come under great financial strain with high inflation, higher fuel costs and a volatile stock market. Pray for a revival of the Indian economy. 4. PRAY that the Gospel preaching ministry and children’s ministry of Messenger Missions in six states in India bear fruit. Seek God’s grace in adding souls to the church through literature ministry, person-to-person outreach, prayer meetings, house churches and Gospel proclamation ministries in villages. Pray for a real transformation of people through the Gospel, that their families are saved, that their lives are transformed and their children rise up for God. Pray that God raises large number of supporters to meet the needs of the ministers of God. 5. MYANMAR: Pray that 50 years of the military junta’s rule comes to an end. Pray that the crimes against people are put down and democracy is ushered in the country of 5.4 crore people. Pray for a real deliverance of the people and Gospel is preached among Buddhists, animists and the Islamic people. 6. AS many as nine lakh children die every year in India due to malnutrition, breathing difficulties and inadequate vaccination. One child succumbs to death almost every minute. Let us pray that medical facilities in our country are improved and child care is given top priority.


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7. THERE are 6,900 languages in the world. Out of this, Bible is not translated into as many as 2,600 languages. The complete Bible is translated into only 451 languages, New Testament is made available in 1,185 languages and 843 languages have some Bible portions. Pray that more missions organizations involve themselves in this gigantic effort. 8. A significant number of those who are engaged in businesses routinely cheat their customers, adulterate their products, evade income tax, kill their business rivals, and give bribes to further their business interests. Pray that those who do these things realize they are living a sinful life. 9. THERE are 15,039 police stations in India. Out of the 20,64,370 police personnel 71,256 are women staff. Pray that they are able to do their duty without fear or favor, remain patriotic, do not receive bribes and are not influenced by their political leanings.

nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.’ 13. SOLOMON says in Ecclesiastes 4:4 and 6: ‘Again, I saw that for all toil and every skillful work a man is envied by his neighbor. This also is vanity and grasping for the wind. Better a handful with quietness than both hands full, together with toil and grasping for the wind.’ The coming of the Lord is near. God, help me be ready. 14. ‘NOW brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death. And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved’ (Matthew 10:21-22). The coming of the Lord is near. God, help us to be ready! 15. ‘AFTER these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, saying, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” (Rev. 7:9-10). The coming of the Lord is near. God, help us prepare as many people as possible. Amen.

10. SEVERAL crimes such as verbal abuse, eve teasing, molestation and rape are being perpetrated against women and children in India. Pray that the offenders realize they are committing a great offence against women in particular and humanity in general and repent of their sins. 11. WHEN Jeremiah the prophet told God: ‘I do not know how to speak. I am too young, the Lord reached out His hand and touched his mouth and said to him: “I have put my words in your mouth. See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.” Lord, my God, I pray you will change me also like Jeremiah. 12. GOD, I pray you will raise up zealous missionaries who will roar like Paul: ‘Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Neither death nor life, nor angels Website: Email:


n[gpj;Njhk;> n[apg;Nghk;! n[fjh rz;Kfk;> nrd;id. n[gf;Fwpg;GfSf;fhf jpwg;gpd; thrypy; epd;W n[gpf;ff; nfhLj;j fpUigf;fhf NjtDf;F ed; w p nrYj; J fpNwd; . Copah;fSf;fhfTk;> Copaj;jpw;fhfTk; n[gpf;Fk;nghOJ kpfTk; ghuj;Jld; n[gpf;fpNwd;. ~ehd; el;Nld;> mg; n ghy; N yh eP h ; g ; g ha; r ; r pdhd; > NjtNd tpisar; nra;jhh;.| mNef n[gf;Fwpg;Gf;fSf;fhf n[gpf;Fk;nghOJ cw;rhfkhf ,Uf;fpwJ. Neuj;ij tPzbf;fhky; gpuNah[dkhf nryT nra;tJ rkhjhdj;ijj; jUfpwJ. ahUf; f hf n[gpf; f Ntz; L k; > ve; j f; fhuzj;jpw;fhf n[gpf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;W rpe;jpf;ifapy; RtpNr\ Nkshtpy; tUk; n[gf; F wpg; G fs; kpfTk; gaDs; s jhf ,Uf; f pwJ. mwpag; g lhj Njrq; f Sf; F > mwpag;glhj ,dq;fSf;F> [hjpfSf;F> NjitfSf;F vq;fs; n[g Neuq;fspYk;> n[g Neuk; jtpu kw;w Neuq;fspYk; n[gpf;fpNwd;. APRIL 2020 w THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER



In The Time Of A Pandemic

BY ROBIN SAM WHEN Fabio Wajngarten, the communications chief of Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, had dinner in Florida with US president Donald Trump in the second week of March, 2020, little did he realize he would cause the most powerful man on the earth to have sleepless nights. The meeting occurred on March 10. Two days later, the Brazilian was tested positive for coronavirus. At the White House, while speaking to the media Trump said: “We had dinner in Florida at Mar-aLago with the entire delegation, but we did nothing very unusual. We sat next to each other for a period of time. I am not concerned.” Although Trump put up a brave front publicly, CNN said the president was very concerned about the meeting with the infected Brazilian. In Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that he will stay in isolation for two weeks after his wife Sophie tested positive for the coronavirus. UK health minister Nadine Dorries tested positive for coronavirus and a member of her staff is ill. The week before she was tested positive, the MP had voted twice in the House of Commons. What that means is she has been in contact with hundreds of MPs, including prime minister Boris Johnson.

In a way, Covid-19 has been a great leveler. It has infected the high and the mighty along with the hoi polloi. “...public life across the United States appeared to be grinding to a halt. Broadway went dark, major theme parks and museums said they would close, and Trump hotels and clubs shut their doors. Five states — Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Mexico and Ohio — announced school closures. The major U.S. professional soccer and hockey leagues suspended their seasons, following the NBA’s announcement a day earlier. Major League Baseball postponed Opening Day by at least two weeks, and the March Madness basketball tournament was canceled, too,” The Washington Post reported on March 13. While countries like Australia banned gatherings of more than 500 people, back home in India, the Attukal Pongala - a 10-day religious festival celebrated by thousands of people in Trivandrum, Kerala, went on without any curbs. While the Kerala government shut down schools, colleges, cinema theatres and curbed public gatherings, it did not want to antagonize the Hindu vote bank by shutting down the festival. It also said ‘No’ to closing bars. Considering the plight of the average man, one is forced to think if Deuteronomy 28:66 had indeed

Does Faith Matter In Tackling Covid-19?



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come true on a massive scale across the world: ‘You will live in constant suspense, filled with dread both night and day, never sure of your life.’ Agreed, the verse is directed at Israelites who disobeyed the Word of God and were scattered across nations, but the fear and anxiety that has gripped the world can only be best described as unprecedented. Dr. David Drew Pinsky, an internist and media personality in America, made some telling comments about Covid-19. He was quoted by Fox News: “Essentially the entire problem we are having is due to panic, not the virus,” he said. “I was saying this six weeks ago. We have six deaths from the coronavirus, 18,000 from the flu. Why isn’t the message, ‘Get your flu vaccine’?” “The entirety of the problem now is that people are being pushed into bankruptcy. Travel is down. The supply chain is being interrupted because of panic,” he reiterated. “The flu virus is vastly more consequential and nobody is talking about that.” He said those people who are not infected but nevertheless wear masks are engaged in “panic behavior” rather than preventative measures. “It is a press-induced panic that will have real consequences. It will not be the virus,” Pinsky said. Coronavirus has also unleashed innumerable theories from how the world leaders and secret societies are using this time of global scare, quarantining, self-isolation and public services shutdown to roll out a new monetary system, to how top mobile operators are using this occasion to launch 5G mobile services worldwide, to how the virus was a biological weapon gone wrong. Francis Boyle, human rights lawyer and professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, is also the creator of the Bio Weapons Act. He firmly believes the “coronavirus is an offensive biological warfare weapon with DNAgenetic engineering.” Going by Internet viral forwards, the virus may have been predicted over 30 years ago. American author Dean Koontz (74) and his 1981 book ‘The Eyes of Darkness’ became an Internet sensation overnight after readers shared a photograph of a passage from the book in which a character named Dombey talks about a virus called ‘Wuhan-400’ which was created at the RDNA lab outside the city of Wuhan. Well, it was eerily similar is all we can say. Biological weapon or not, coronavirus has caused a lot of consternation in the church - both the Catholic and the Protestant type. All public masses in Italy have been suspended. Pope Francis has cancelled several appearances but the Vatican’s official line was that he only has a nasty cold. Website: Email:

CURB CORONAVIRUS! Protect yourself and loved ones Help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases like COVID-19

Wash your hands with soap and warm water regularly.

Cover your cough or sneeze with your sleeve, or tissue. Dispose of tissue and wash your hands afterward.

Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth, especially with unwashed hands.

Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

If you experience respiratory symptoms like a cough or fever, stay at home. If you experience symptoms of COVID-19 (cough, fever, shortness of breath), call your health care provider or local health department before seeking care.

Closer home, at the Sunday Mass at San Thome Cathedral in Chennai on March 8, the priest asked people not to hold hands when the prayer and sign of peace was said but to merely acknowledge it with folded hands. The laity was also asked to receive Holy Communion in their mouths instead of accepting it in their hands. The announcement was in response to a letter issued by a day earlier by the Archbishop of the Madras and Mylapore mentioning guidelines to be followed until Easter on April 12. Archbishop of Bombay Cardinal Oswald Gracias also issued a similar advisory where he asked the clergy to discourage people from kissing the cross on Good Friday as it would result in spreading the virus. Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked people to greet each other with a traditional namaste instead of handshakes. He also sought to quash rumours that certain food items caused the spread of the virus. “Whatever you do, kindly do it on the advice of your doctor. Let’s not become doctors ourselves,” he added. However, it is a different matter that several of his party colleagues were generous in dishing out unsolicited, ludicrous and outright silly advice saying cow dung and cow’s urine were best medicines to combat Covid-19. The Pentecostals and Charismatics cannot be mute spectators when a pandemic of this proportion is on. A televangelist from Tamil Nadu, Vincent Selvakumar, went on air along with Mohan C Lazarus of ‘Jesus Redeems’ to claim that God had revealed the onset of coronavirus to him through a vision as early as Aug 15, 2015.



COVER FEATURE Sajan Chathanur, a preacher in Kerala, claimed in a public gathering that coronavirus was a ‘virus bomb’ developed by China to counter another ‘virus bomb’ created by Israel. “But, it leaked out of a jar in the laboratory in Wuhan,” he added. While the secular society reacts with panic and anxiety to the pandemic, it is rather unfortunate that the Christian society, whose faith is on Jesus Christ, the Rock of Ages, and the unquestionable work He did on the cross whereby He opened a way for all who trust in Him to be saved, also reacts like alarmists. Yes, Covid-19 is a serious issue - one that

has vexed as many as 180 countries. There have been over 2,45,850 people who tested positive for Corona resulting in the deaths of 10,047 people (as on March 20, 2020, 5:04 GMT). But, the recovery rate has been quite remarkable too. As many as 88,441 people have recovered. So, is there a sober way in which we can look at this? What does the Bible say about all this anxiety attacks that many around the world are experiencing? Read below two Christian responses to the pandemic, from Jim Denison, founder of the Denison Forum, and John Burton.

3 lessons Jesus offers us BY JIM DENISON AS the world experience fear over COVID-19 naturally, I think this is required reading for all Christians: One way Christianity is different from other religions and worldviews centers in Jesus’ redemptive response to fear. Consider three lessons He offers his followers.

One: We should live in the present and trust the future to God. Jesus taught us, “Do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” (Matthew 6:34). This day is the only day there is. Someday there will be a global crisis that seems frightening and unmanageable, but before it accelerates, Jesus will return for us or you or I will go to Him. This could be that crisis. That’s why “now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). We are one day closer to eternity than ever before, and we have only today to be ready. So live in this day and trust tomorrow to the providence of

your Father.

Two: Worry is fruitless. Jesus asks us, “Which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? If you then are not able to do as small a thing as that, why are you anxious about the rest?” (Luke 12:25–26). Worry provides the sense that we are doing something about our fear, but this is an illusion. Rather than worry about the future, we should prepare by doing what we can do and trust God with what we cannot.

Three: Our Father is Lord of the universe. He asks: “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore” (Matthew 10:29–31). The virus is one nine-hundredth the width of a human hair. Our Father measures the universe with the palm of his hand (Isaiah 40:12). He is on the throne of the world. Let’s be sure He is on the throne of our hearts today.”

Reject fear! BY JOHN BURTON A crisis of faith has been exposed. Coronavirus is embarassing the church. Have you noticed any difference at all between the godless world and those who are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus, the Healer? Bold decrees of faith, not confessions of fear and worry, should be exploding out of our mouths! Instead, Christians are hiding in caves, running from the battle and trembling not in the fear of the Lord, but the fear of the enemy. Sure, take precautions, but don’t cower. Don’t respond like the world. Don’t allow the enemy to THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w APRIL 2020

impact your life. Live! Be free! You are covered by the blood of Jesus! Of all people, we should be the ones preaching faith not fear. Put the ridiculous spiritual face masks away. Your mouth is your weapon! Don’t allow the enemy to muzzle you. Speak to the fear and command it to dissipate! Renounce the tactics of the evil one! Let the world see just how powerful Jesus is and how different his children are! We run to the battle! “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” For He will deliver you from the


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snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. (Psalm 91:1-3). I suppose if you aren’t truly dwelling with God, wildly surrendered to Him and abiding in Him, you might have cause for worry. So, if it helps, buy stock in oils, meds and potions. However, for those who are walking with God, I suggest you read, and then shout to this world, that your Deliverer is all powerful! The snare and the deadly pestilence have no influence over you! “Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you” (Luke 10:19). I love the world “all.” “Nothing” is pretty great too. Nothing shall hurt you! We have authority over all the power of the enemy! God’s instructions in Psalm 91 are to reject fear! That is your initial strategy, not antibacterial soap and fist bumps. “You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday” (Psalm 91:5-6).

n[gpj;Njhk;> n[apg;Nghk;!

Put your faith in Jesus Christ. Trust God and His protection. The plague of Covid-19 will go as it came. You will outlive the virus if you are in Christ! Amen. Hallelujah.

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kPuh gphpajh;\pdp> nrd;id. fpwp];jt tho;f;ifapy; n[gk; jhd; Kf;fpak;. n[gpf;Fk; vy;yh Fwpg;Gf;fSf;Fk; epr;rakhf xU ehs; gjpy; tUk;. fpwp];bad; nknrQ;rh; %ykhf RtpNr\ Nkshtpy; tUk; n[gf;Fwpg;Gf; fSf;fhf n[gpg;gjpy; ngUk; kfpo;r;rp milfpNwd;. Njrj;jpw;fhf vg;gb n[gpg;gJ vd;W jtpj;Jf;nfhz;bUe;jnghOJ ,e;j ,jopy; ntsptUk; n[gf;Fwpg;Gfspy; ve;j Ch;> ve;j ,dkf;fs;> kf;fs; njhif Gs;sp tptuk; Nghd;wtw;iw mofhfj; je;J n[gpf;f Cf;Ftpj;jPh;fs;. me;jg; gFjpfSf;F ehq;fs; NghfKbahj #o;epiyapy; n[gf;Fwpg;gpd; %ykhf kpfj; Jy;ypakhf tptuq;fisr; Nrfhpj;J jUfpwPh;fs;. ,g;gbj; jUtjhy; ghuj;Jld; n[gpf;f KbfpwJ. n[gj;jpd; %yk; fh;j;jh; ,e;j kf;fSf;Fg; nghpa fhhpaq;fisr; nra;thh;. n[gg; gq;fhsuhf vd;idAk; ,jpy; Nrh;j;jjpy; fh;j;jUf;Ff; Nfhlhd Nfhb ];Njhj;jpuk;.


trdj;jpd; ntspr;rj;jpy;

nfhNuhdh fhyj;jpYk; tpRthr mwpf;if « vd; rhPuk; fpwp];Jtpd; rhPuk;. « vd; mtatq;fs; fpwp];Jtpd;

mtatq;fs;. « fpwp];JNt vdf;F jiyaha; ,Uf;fpwhh;. « ehd; ,NaRtpd; khkprj; j pw; F k; vYk;GfSf;Fk; chpatd;. « fpwp];Jtpd; [Ptd; vd; khkprj;jpy; ntspg;gLfpwJ. « vd; rhPuk; NjtDila Myak;. « thij vd; $lhuj;ij (vd; rhPuj;ij> vd; FLk;gj;ij) mZfhJ. « nghy;yhg;G vdf;F (vd; FLk;gj;Jf;F> vd;idr; Nrh;e;jth;fSf;F> vd; Njrj;jhUf;F) NeuplhJ. « mth; NtlDila fz;zpf;Fk;> ghohf;Fk; nfhs;is Neha;f;Fk; vd;id jg;Gtpf;fpwhh;. « mtUila jOk;Gfshy; ehd; Rfkhfp ,Uf;fpNwd;. « ,NaRtpd; uj;jk; vd; Neha; vjph;g;G rf;jp. « ,NaRtpd; ehkk; vd; Neha; vjph;g;G rf;jp. « ,NaRtpd; thh;j;ij vd; Neha; vjph;g;G rf;jp. « J}jh;fs; vd; Neha; vjph;g;G rf;jp. « ehd; ,NaRtpd; uj;jj;jpw;Fs;> ehkj;jpw;Fs;> thh;j;ijf;Fs; ,Uf;fpNwd;. « ehd; gpjh> Fkhud;> ghpRj;j Mtpf;Fs; ,Uf;fpNwd;. « fh;j;jh; vd; ngyd;. « fh;j;jh; vd; Nflfk;. « fh;j;jh; vd; JUfk;. « fh;j;jh; vd; jiyia cah;j;Jfpwth;. « fh;j;jh; vd; Nfhl;il. « fh;j;jh; vd;idr; #o mf;fpdp kjpyha; ,Uf;fpwhh;. « fh;j;jh; vd;id vy;yhj; jPq;Ff;Fk; tpyf;fpf; fhf;fpwhh;. « ehd; cyfj;jpy; ,y;iy> fpwp];JTf;Fs;> Njt uh[;aj;jpy;> cd;djj;jpy; mtNuhL ,Uf;fpNwd;. « fh;j;jUila thh;j;ij vdf;F [PtDk;> vd; clYf;nfy;yhk; MNuhf;fpak;. « vd; rhPuj;jpy; cs;s 100 l;hpy;ypad; nry;fspYk; gpjh> Fkhud;> ghpRj;j Mtpahdth; ,Uf;fpwhh;. « ehd; Njtdhy; gpwe;jtd;> mtUila tpj;J vdf;Fs; jhpj;J ,Uf;fpwJ. « ,NaR vd; w eP j papd; #hpadpd; nrl;ilfspd;fPo;,Uf;fpw vdf;F MNuhf;fpaKk; RfKk; ,Uf;fpwJ. « ehd; ve;j #oypYk; gag;glkhl;Nld;. THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w APRIL 2020

Njtd; vdf;F gaKs;s Mtpiaf; nfhlhky; gyKk; md;Gk; njspe;j Gj;jpAKs;s MtpiaNa nfhLj;jpUf;fpwhh;. « fh;j;jh; vd; [PtDk; jPh;f;fhARkhdth;. « jpUl> nfhy;y> mopf;f te;j gprhir ,NaR rpYitapNy mopj;Jtpl;lhh;. Mifahy; mtdhy; jpUl> nfhy;y> mopf;f KbahJ. vdf;Fs; [Ptd;> ghpG+uz [Ptd;> vd; fdtpYk; fw;gidapYk; ,y;yhj [Ptd;> tho;T vdf;F cz;L. « ,NaRtpd; rhPuj;ijg; Grpj;J uj;jj;ij ghdk; gz;Zfpw vdf;F epj;jpa [Ptd; cz;L. « ,NaR gpjhtpdhy; gpioj;jpUf;fpwJ Nghy ehd; ,NaRthy; gpioj;jpUf;fpNwd;. « fh;j;jhpd; fpUig vdf;Fg; NghJk;. vd; ngytPdj;jpy;> fh;j;jh; jk;Kila ngyj;ij vdf;Fj; jUfpwhh;. « mth; vd; Neha;fisnay;yhk; Fzkhf;fp> vd; gpuhzid mopTf;F tpyf;fp kPl;L vd;id fpUigapdhYk; ,uf;fq;fspdhYk; Kb#l;b ed;ikapdhy; vd; thia jpUg;jp Mf;Ffpwhh;. fOFf;F rkhdkha; vd; taJ jpUk;g thy taJ Nghy; MfpwJ. « mth; vd;id ePbj;j ehl;fshy; jpUg;jp Mf;Ffpwhh;. « vdf;fhf Ntz;Ljy; nra;fpw Mtpahdth;> kw;Wk; gpujhd Mrhhpauhfpa Mz;ltuhfpa ,NaR fpwp];Jtpd; Ntz;Ljy;> ,NaRtpd; ,uj;jk; NgRfpw ed;ikf;Fs; ehDk; vd; FLk;gKk;> NjrKk;> rigAk; MNuhf;fpakha; cs;Nshk;. vy;yh ehkKk; Koq;fhy;gbapLfpw ,NaRtpd; ehkj;jpdhNy ,e;j nfhNuhdh itu]; mope;J Nghtij gpufldg;gLj;JfpNwd;. mJ ,Ue;j ,lk; njhpahky; jhdhfNt mope;J Nghtij nrhy; f pNwd; . ,NaRtpd; ,uj; j j; j pdhy; [dq;fis Kj;jpiu NghLfpNwd;. Mnkd;! [hd;rd; tpf;lh; (kNyrpah).


SPACE FOR RENT 5,000 sq. ft of vacant land available near Red Hills, Chennai, for rent. Ideal for indoor badminton court, volleyball court, godown, warehouse etc. Adjacent to STAG cricket ground. Interested parties can contact. Brokers excuse.

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How to study the Bible? THERE are those who read the Bible as if it were a daily chore. Then, there are those who read the Bible religiously morning and evening and every available time in between. Then, there are those who consult the book only when they are in trouble. But, God is looking for those who study the Bible as if their lives depended on it. A lot of false doctrines and preaching can be weeded out from our churches if every believer decided to study the Bible like the Bereans did. We asked two pastors for their inputs on how to study the Bible. Soak in on what they have to say. Editor.

Study to be approved by God BY JOHN SIMEON IN a world of shifting values and principles, we need the tested standard of the Bible to guide us. That is why Paul writing to young Timothy, says, Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. (2 Tim. 2:15) Another translation says: Do your best to present yourself to God as an approved worker who has nothing to be ashamed of, handling the word of truth with precision. Firstly, ask God to reveal His will through the passage and be ready and humble to obey Him. Secondly, read and re-read, the Bible passage till you begin to see the main emphasis of the author. The Holy Spirit has inspired the author to write with intent, so read till the truths begin to stand out. Thirdly, observe what the passage says. Ask who are the characters in this passage? What does the passage reveal about God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit? What does the passage tell us about human behaviour, relationships etc? If words are repeated, it will give you the clue to the

main emphasis of the author. Look for words like “but”, “although”, that convey contrasts. Fourthly, ask why does the author say what he says? What is the relationship between this passage and the passages preceding and following? Are there similar truths in other books of the Bible? What did it mean to the original audience? Fifthly, after you have done your personal study, check out your interpretation with others who are more experienced. Consult books and commentaries by scholars who believe in the inerrancy of the Scriptures to improve on your study. Sixthly, practical application is important. Ask if are there any examples to avoid, any examples to follow, any attitudes and behaviour in my life that I must change in the light of the study? Is there a promise to claim, a warning given or a command to obey? Obedience is better than sacrifice. The writer is the Senior Pastor at Emmanuel Methodist Church, Vepery, Chennai.

3 disciplines that will help your Bible study BY MATHEWS GEORGE I think I’ll start with the question, how important is the Bible to a believer. If food, clothing, and shelter are basic physical needs, reading the Scriptures is our basic spiritual need. It isn’t yet another thing a believer should ‘do’, it is an integral part that builds and sustains our relationship with God. It nurtures our spiritual person, nourishes our faith journey and satisfies our spiritual hunger. The Bible is the living Word of God, meaning it gives life. It is alive and relevant to every life situation. So, how should we read the Bible? First, I would pick a translation that speaks to me. Most scholars agree that the Bible was originally written in Greek and Hebrew and that an Aramaic Website: Email:

source text was used for portions of the gospels. There are several translations available to choose from, pick one that you can relate with, sourced from the original text. If you are starting your faith journey, I would personally select a Study Bible that enables you to go deeper into the Word. Second, I would recommend that you pray before you start your reading. Ask God to reveal himself through His Word, for Him to speak to your heart, to challenge you, to fill you with His love and to remove all distractions as you read. Third, be consistent. Set a regular time and place every day to read. Some days, you won’t feel like reading. Satan will try everything possible to keep you from developing a habit of reading the Bible, but be consistent. Always remember we don’t just read the Bible to know about God, but we read the Bible to commune with Jesus so we can live as Christians. The writer is the Pastor of First Baptist Church of Blythe, California.



FWf;nfOj;J N`kh jdrPyd;

1 ehshfkk; B kw;Wk; C gbtq;fspy; nghUj;jkhd Ntjhfkf; Fwpg;ig vOjp A gbtj;Jld; mDg;g Ntz;Lk;. ,g;Nghl;bf;fhd cq;fs; gjpy;fis gbtk; A-apy; epug;gp> B kw;Wk; C Mfpa gbtq;fspy; trd Mjhuq;fis kl;Lk; vOjp Vg;uy; 20> 2020 Njjpf;Fs; fpilf;FkhW mDg;Gq;fs;.

gj;jphpf;ifapy; ntspaplg;gl;Ls;s gbtq;fis efy; vLj;J kl;LNk mDg;g Ntz;Lk;. gpw KiwfspNyh (mQ;ry; ml;il> cs;ehl;Lf; fth;> jhs; Nghd;witfspy;) tiue;Njh gjpy;fis mDg;gf; $lhJ. mitfs; Nghl;bf;F vLj;Jf; nfhs;sg;glkhl;lhJ. Mrphpah;. gbtk; A 1




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gbtk; B ,lkpUe;J tyk;: 1. rTy; ,th;fisf; Nfl;Fk;gbf;Fj; Njbdjpdpkpj;jk; nrj;Jg; Nghdhd; (5> 9) 7. ,];uNtiyj; njhifapLfpwjw;Fj; jhtPij Vtp tpl;ltd; (4) 8. rTYk; mtd; FkhuUk; ntl;Lz;L tpOe;j kiy (4) 9. ,tDf;Ff; Fkhuj;jpfNsad;wp Fkhuh;fs; ,y;iy (3) 10. Ngyhtpd; gl;lzk; (4) 12. ngd;akPdpd; ,uz;lhk; Fkhud; (4) 13. vJj;J}dpd; Fkhud; (4) 17. Nfhfhj;jpd; Fkhud; (4) 18. thw;NfhJik epiwe;j tay;epyk; ,q;fpUe;jJ (6) 19. nrkdPj; vd;Dk; ,irapy; ghb> Rukz;lyj;ij thrpj;jtd; (3) 22. mfpj;Njhg;NgYf;F cjtpahapUe;jtd; (6) 23. ,e;jg; gl;lzj;jpypUe;J jhtPJ ntF jpushd ntz;fyj;ij vLj;Jf;nfhz;L 24. Mrhg;gpd; Fkhud; (4) 26. Gj;jpAk; gbg;GKs;s kD\d; (5) 28. vUrNykpy; jhtPJf;Fg; gpwe;j Fkhud; (4) THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w APRIL 2020


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29. Qhd jpU\;bf;fhud; (4) 30. fh;j;jUila J}jd; ,tdpd; fsj;jz;ilapy; epd;whd; (4)

( ____________ ) ( ____________ )

gbtk; C NkypUe;J fPo;: 1. mjpgjpfSf;Fj; jiytdhd ,td; Nky; Mtp ,wq;fpdJ (4) ( ____________ ) 2. NjtDila ngl;biaf; nfhz;L te;jNghJ jhtPJ ,ijr; nrYj;jpdhd; (4> 2) ( ____________ ) 3. xypt kuq;fspd; NkYk;> KRf;fl;il tpUl;rq;fspd; NkYk; tprhhpg;Gf;fhudhapUe;jtd; (5) ( ____ ) 4. Qhd jpU\;bAs;s GU\dhfpa Vkhdpd; Fkhud; (4) ( ____________ ) 5. ngdhahtpd; Ch; (5) ( ____________ ) 6. ,e;jf; Nfhj;jpuj;jpy; cs;sth;fis Nahthg; vz;ztpy;iy (5) ( ____________ ) 11. mf;Nghhpd; Fkhud; (5) ( ____________ ) 12. ngdhahtpd; tFg;ig tprhhpj;j mtd; Fkhud; (5) ( ____________ ) 13. NkhNrapd; Fkhud; (4) ( ____________ ) 14. cld;gbf;ifg; ngl;bapd; Kd; g+hpiffis Cj epakpf;fg;gl;l Mrhhpad; (5) ( ____________ ) 15. mrPhpah uh[h (9) ( ____________ ) 16. kPfhtpd; Fkhud; (3) ( ____________ ) 19. gQ;rNyhff; ifj;jhsq;fisj; njhdpf;fg; gz;zpg; ghbd ghlfd; (4) ( ____________ ) 20. MNuhdpd; Gj;jpuUf;Ff; nfhLf;fg;gl;l milf;fyg; gl;lzk; (4) ( ____________ ) 21. MNuhdpd; Fkhud; (5) ( ____________ ) 25. guhf;fpuk tPudhd kD\Dk;> Ngh; ngw;wj; jiytDkhape;jtd; (4) ( ____________ ) 26. nrUahtpd; Fkhud;> ,uhZtj; jiytd; (3) ( ____________ ) 27. A+jhtpd; kUkfs; (3) ( ____________ )

gjpy;fis mDg;gNtz;ba Kfthp: jp fpwp];bad; nknrQ;rh;> vz;. 20/20, ghujpahh; njU> rPdpthrh efh;> ghb> nrd;id 600 050.

cq;fs; ngah; : ______________________ ,lk; : ______________________ miyNgrp vz;: ______________________

nrd;w khjj;jpd; rhpahd tpilfs;: jhdpNay; ,lkpUe;J tyk;: 1. rhj;uhf; (1:7) 3. ,Lg;gpd; fl;Lfs; (5:6) 6. Fbfs; (4:35) 7. Fkhuj;jp (11:6) 10. fh;j;jj;Jtq;fs; (7:27) 11. kpfhNty; (12:1) 14. %h;f;fKfk; (8:23) 15. fUfyhdit (5:12) 18. nehWf;fp (2:34) 21. ghf;fpathd; (12:12) 22. jhprdq;fs; (1:17) 23. NfhlhNfhb (7:10) 26. Aj;jk; (9:26) 28. tPLfs; (2:5) 30. cr;rpjkhd (11:43) 31. mwpT (2:21) 32. ,Uk;G (2:40) NkypUe;J fPo;: 1. rh];jphpfs; (4:9) Website: Email:

2. uh[Fyj;jhh; (1:3) 3. ,Us; (2:22) 4. gpujhdpfs; (6:3) 5. fOF (7:4) 8. jpfpy; (4:5) 9. Njth;fs; (2:11) 12. fhtyhsd; (4:13) 13. ,Ujak; (7:4) 14. %d;W (10:2) 16. itg;ghl;bfs; (5:3) 17. mf;fpdp (3:27) 19. fpd;duk; (3:5) 20. jq;ff;fr;ir (10:5) 22. jhpA (5:31) 24. kPWjy; (9:24) 25. kpd;dy; (10:6) 27. jaT (1:9) 29. fdk; (2:6)

khh;r; khjg; Nghl;bf;fhd rhpahd tpilfis vOjpath;fs;: Qhdnry;tp> ehd;]p Mgpufhk;> n`g;rpgh jhk];> VQ;[yh uh[d;>

gpukpyh Jiuuh[;> Mgpufhk; NtjKj;J> eph;kyh Nltpl;> yPyh ghz;bad;> \Pyh tpNtf;> [hdfp> ytpdpah uh[h (nrd;id). gpNukyjh Re;jh;ghG (nrq;fy;gl;L)> nfl;rp jk;Guh[; (rptpy;ypGj;J}H)> tpf;Nlhhpah nry;tp N[hrg;> `py;yy; [hd;]d;> (NtY}h;)> rhe;jFkhhp (jpz;Lf;fy;)> QhdRe;jhp (jpUney;Ntyp)> [_ypal; ,jo; uhgpd;rd; (rpte;jpGuk;)> Nkh;]p n`f;lh; (ehfh;Nfhtpy;).

You can help us by sponsoring one page of this magazine for just Rs.3,000/-. 21



Do you have this in your relationship with your spouse? SPIRITUAL intimacy is the cornerstone upon which all genuine intimacy can be built. Therefore, I believe it to be very important in the subject of marital relationships. Without spiritual intimacy with our Father God, we will lack the capacity to have spiritual intimacy here on Earth with other people. Spiritual intimacy begins in an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. The temptation to be religious, to practice religious forms and expressions devoid of genuine relationship, is ever present in all of us. Intimacy is never about religion—it is never a list of do’s and don’ts. Intimacy only arises from a dynamic connection to the living person of God through Jesus Christ. No one on this Earth can tell you how much food makes you full. It doesn’t even seem rational. Could you imagine going to a restaurant, and two-thirds of the way through your meal your waiter stops you and says, “Excuse me, but you’re full, so stop eating now”? Is that not the most ridiculous thing you have ever heard? I certainly know when I am full, and I know when I am hungry. It’s funny, but when I am hungry, I can act a little differently. Here’s my point: No matter how sincere or knowledgeable a spouse, teacher or Bible scholar may be, they can never tell you how much prayer, Scripture reading, or praise and worship of God you need on a daily basis to be full; they can only encourage you to get enough. Therefore, you must ask yourself, “Is my spirit being fed enough through worship and praise, prayer, and God’s Word to be filled?” I can’t tell you how much is enough, but you do need to eat daily from God’s banquet to maintain spiritual intimacy. So, if you’re spiritually full most days, great! But if you’re spiritually hungry and acting selfish, rude or impatient, then you may need to make some changes. Examine yourself. What is the fruit of your spiritual tree? Galatians 5:22-23 (ESV) says, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, selfcontrol; against such things there is no law.” From personal experience, I can tell you that I need to have intimacy with God daily in my life to maintain intimacy with my wife. My flesh loves to be rude and selfish, so I need a certain balance of worship and praise toward God along with prayer and meditation on His love letter to me (the Scriptures). Make a plan to feed yourself daily. Remember, it’s

not religion; it’s relationship. No person needs to preach me into eating lunch! When I get hungry, I eat! So commit to behaviors that make you spiritually full. Don’t be like the man in Proverbs 19:24 (MEV): “A slothful man hides his hand in his bowl, and will not so much as bring it to his mouth again.” Imagine that you’re dining in a fine restaurant. The gentleman at the next table has a wonderful meal laid out in front of him, but he is too lazy to put the food in his mouth. Wouldn’t you wonder what in the world was wrong with him? To top it off, you learn that the fabulous meal was free! He didn’t even have to pay for it to eat it. He simply had to eat. I think you get the point. Jesus Christ paid the price of spiritual intimacy for us all. Every day He prepares a banquet of spiritual delights so that we can be filled. All we have to do is show up and eat. I encourage you to a make a plan for yourself so that every day you can be filled through the spiritual intimacy that was freely given. Eat up—it’s free! Doug Weiss Form IV 1. Place of publication: Chennai 2. Periodicity of publication: Monthly 3. Printer’s name & nationality: L. Cyril Sagayaraj, Indian Address: No. 142, L&T Road, Burma Colony, Perungudi, Chennai 600 096. 4. Publisher’s name & nationality: Elsy Robin, Indian Address: 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, 2nd Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 40. 5. Editor’s name & nationality: Elsy Robin, Indian Address: 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, 2nd Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 40. 6. Names and addresses of individuals who own the newspaper and partners or shareholders holding more than one percent of the total capital: Elsy Robin I, Elsy Robin, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Date: March 31, 2020 Signed: Elsy Robin

Owned and published by Elsy Robin from 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, II Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040. Printed by L Cyril Sagayaraj at VS Printograph Pvt Ltd., No. 142, L&T Road, Burma Colony, Perungudi, Chennai 600 096. Editor: Elsy Robin THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w APRIL 2020


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Gospel Mela Prayer in MP & Punjab

Children’s Ministry in Chennai


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Support our VBS ministry

WE are introducing Lord Jesus Christ and His love to over 1,000 children this year through the Vacation Bible School ministries in May and June. In Punjab and Himachal Pradesh, schools close for summer holidays only in June so VBS will be held in those two states only that month. In all our other states, VBS will be conducted by end of April or in May. I urge you to pray for the VBS ministry from now onwards. Pray that God will remove every obstacle that prevents children from getting close to Him. Pray also that the teachers’ VBS training will go on as scheduled and every child who comes to the VBS gatherings will accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Each child’s expense for a day will be Rs.50/- Going by that estimate, the VBS ministries across all our fields in India will require not less than Rs.1,50,000/- for the three day meetings. It’s my hope and desire that this expense will be met by your prayers and generous contributions. May God bless those who support this ministry a hundredfold! Your brother in Christ, Robin Sam

To send your donations, please check our bank details. 24

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