The Christian Messenger Oct 2018 English magazine

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Do You Know Why Marriages Are Failing?

Relief for Flood-Affected Families in Kerala

Pastor, Have You Been With Jesus?


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Vol. 15, No. 6

Page 20


The purpose of the news magazine is to report newsworthy religious events and activities within the local community, nationwide and around the world, to increase the awareness and activism of believers regarding the moral issues of today, to provide thought-provoking commentary, and to provide an effective advertising vehicle for Christian ministries and organizations, events and businesses that want to reach the Christian community. - Editor

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The Team Managing Editor: Robin Sam Editor & Publisher: Elsy Robin Editorial Advisors: P I Samuel, Sheila Bose


04 THE IDIOCY OF INSECURITY 08 12 15 16 18



How Haresh Became Mark Christian



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15 Prayer Points For A 30-Minute Intercession

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‘Jesus Gave Us Real Peace’


Why Are Marriages Failing?

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Pastor, Have You Been With Jesus?

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THE IDIOCY OF INSECURITY Jeroboam was also not unaware of how God in his wrath had made the Levites kill 3,000 people after Aaron made a golden calf for worship when Moses got delayed in coming down from the mountain (Exodus 32). There are possibly three reasons behind Jeroboam’s foolish decision to install gold calves in his newly divided country: Insecurity, lack of faith in God's promises and prayerlessness. Jeroboam, sure, was a worshiper, but he made his people worship idols of calves. The life of Jeroboam tells us something that we must remember: You can be a worshiper and still displease God, if you worship falsities. And God told Jeroboam: ‘…but you have done more evil than all who were before you, for you have gone and made for yourself other gods and molded images to provoke Me to anger, and have cast Me behind your back (1 Kings 14:9). The reason why God was displeased with Jeroboam’s worship was because it was unauthorized. It was an explicit transgression of God's commandment laid out in Exodus 20. There was no reason or basis for Jeroboam’s insecurity. In fact, he had everything going his way. After Solomon’s death, the nation of Israel was divided into two kingdoms – the northern kingdom and the southern kingdom. The northern kingdom comprising of 10 tribes was called Ephraim or Samaria. Jeroboam was its king. The tribes of Judah and Benjamin constituted the southern kingdom and Solomon’s son Rehoboam ruled over it. God did not mean Jeroboam to be a flash in the pan. In fact, it is obvious from what God promised

BY ROBIN SAM ‘When it is My desire, I will chasten them. Peoples shall be gathered against them when I bind them for their two transgressions’ (Hosea 10:10). OD does not afflict us without a reason. There’s always a reason for His wrath. And often the cause for God’s wrath is us! Lamentations 3:33 says: ‘For He does not afflict willingly, nor grieve the children of men.’ In Hosea 10, God speaks about afflicting Israel. The nation’s afflictions are self-inflicted. The Israelites brought it down upon themselves. God said He will bind them for their two transgressions. The afflictions on Israel are because of their two transgressions. What were the two transgressions? In 1 Kings 12:25-33 we see that Jeroboam set up two golden calves – one at Bethel and the other at Dan. The two calves, most Bible scholars agree, were the two transgressions that God remembered to avenge in Hosea 10:10. King Jeroboam installed the calves at either end of his country – one at the northern end and the other at the southern part. The two calves represented false worship instituted by Jeroboam. But why? After all, wasn’t it known to everyone in Israel that God detests idolatry? In Exodus 20:3-4, God had told the Israelites thus: 'You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God.’




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him that He had great plans for Jeroboam. Plans of peace, prosperity and longevity. 1 Kings 11:38 tells us what God promised Jeroboam: ‘Then it shall be, if you heed all that I command you, walk in My ways, and do what is right in My sight, to keep My statutes and My commandments, as My servant David did, then I will be with you and build for you an enduring house, as I built for David, and will give Israel to you.’ Despite this glorious promise, Jeroboam felt insecure. He dreaded losing people’s support and loyalty. Much like Saul, who felt insecure at his people praising David. The Bible says in Isaiah 28:16, ‘whoever believes will not act hastily.’ Psalm 125:1-2 tells us how those who trust in the Lord will be unmoved. ‘Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people from this time forth and forever.’ God has promised us that He will never leave us nor forsake us (Deut. 31:6; Heb. 13:5). Despite this, why do we distrust God? The family of David ought to have inspired Jeroboam to live, work and worship like David himself, the man after God’s own heart. But the very same family made him lose sleep. Jeroboam feared losing his influence over the Israelites. He was afraid Rehoboam or his descendants would eventually eclipse him and rule over the northern kingdom, too. Because of his sense of insecurity, lack of faith in God's promises and prayerlessness, Jeroboam did three evils. 1. He did the unwanted in haste 2. He recruited the unworthy to high offices 3. He instituted falsities in place of the appointed feasts

(Isaiah 59:7). The feet of the wicked run to evil, says Proverbs 1:16. If your decisions are guided by a sense of desperation, be sure you will enough time to regret about them later.

He recruited the unworthy to high offices ‘And he made priests of the lowest of the people, which were not of the sons of Levi’ (1 Kings 12:31). God had chosen the tribe of Levi instead of the firstborn in Israel to do be His priests to do the work of the tabernacle. In short, the Levites were to be the priestly class. But an unsanctified mind does not care for the consecrated. Jeroboam, in his haste, threw to the wind the law of the Lord that Levites were His for His sacred duties. Although today, all those washed by the blood of

He did the unwanted in haste Only the nation was divided. Their God wasn’t. Although the nation was divided into two and two kings now ruled in place of one sovereign ruler, it was not God’s intent to have two temples of God. Judah had the temple in Jerusalem. And, God intended both Judah and Ephraim to live side by side in brotherly love united by one God, one temple and one covenant. But, Jeroboam acted in haste, made two calves of gold and set them up in Dan and Bethel. The calves were Jeroboam’s way of replacing the temple of God. ‘Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood; Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths’ Website: Email:



LEAD MESSAGE the Lamb of God have been made kings and priests (Rev 1:6), we must pray that we do not take His presence, His sanctuary, His Word or His holiness lightly or for granted.

He instituted falsities in place of the appointed feasts

insecurity (1 Kings 12:27). Jeroboam never really took God at His word. Despite the great promise made to him, Jeroboam disbelieved God. There’s a Jeroboam in all of us – the one who feels insecure, the one who is not willing to trust God and His promises and the one who can go on for days without prayer and fellowship with God. If that’s you, here’s what Jeroboam teaches us: Let not the enormity of the promise make you doubt the power of the Almighty God. I AM is able! 1 Kings 12:32-33 says: ‘Jeroboam ordained a Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will feast on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, like be established (Pro. 16:3). Amen. the feast that was in Judah, and offered sacrifices on the altar. So he did at Bethel, sacrificing to the calves 26 that he had made. And at Bethel he installed the cards priests of the high places which he had made. So he made offerings on the altar which he had made at ABC Bible Verse Flashcards Bethel on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, in the month which he had devised in his own heart. And he ordained a feast for the children of Israel, and offered sacrifices on the altar and burned incense.’ The devil has always been in the business of duplication. He bids his agents to continue the work of duplication to this day. The feast of tabernacles was celebrated in Judah J A fun, colourful aid to help your kids on the fifteenth day of the seventh month. That was memorize God's Word ! ordained by God Himself. ‘Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, the fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the feast J 26 short & simple Bible verses that even of tabernacles for seven days unto the Lord’ (Lev. the little ones can learn by heart !! 23:34). Jeroboam ordained a feast in Israel a month later – on the fifteenth day of the eighth month. He falsely Order on Amazon TODAY!! created a feast to make people disregard and forget the real feast ordained by God. or Call / WhatsApp us @ Jeroboam justified this by saying: ‘It is too much +91 6369125909 for you to go up to Jerusalem.’ But the real reason was Jeroboam’s misplaced fear, his sense of THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w OCTOBER 2018


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How Haresh became Mark Christian Following his conversion, he was completely delivered from all kinds of bondages by the power of God’s Word, and the Lord began establishing him in the Word of God through systematic study and meditation. His thirst, hunger and passion for more of Jesus helped him to be rooted in the Word of God. He believes in ‘quality and not quantity’ and focuses on establishing people with a solid Scriptural foundation. By the grace of God, he has brought out 10 music CDs to date. The touch of Jesus had an incredible effect on him unlike any other. He gave up secular music for good and with the Lord’s help channeled his God-given talent to bless others with anointed Christian music for the glory of God. Songs, through which many have been blessed over the years, were born at an unbelievable pace. True to the Word of God, whatever you give up for the Lord, He blesses you with something far greater for His glory – Pastor Mark’s life is a testimony. Once a secular musician, Mark has now penned over 500 Christian songs. Hop-Inn music was birthed as an extension to Hop-Inn Church, which was birthed on 7th June 2000 in Dubai under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The vision of Hop-Inn Music Academy is to help people learn musical instruments with a Christian perspective and in building an intimate personal relationship with Jesus. Christian music is taught in various genres to help youngsters express their God-given talents by producing Christian music albums themselves. They are also encouraged to write lyrics and create original compositions – this has been the hallmark of Hoping Music Academy. A dedicated effort over a period of time of tapping into the youths’ hidden talents has finally yielded fruit by the release of the first youth album titled ‘Unite to Ignite’ released this year. Yes, it begs the question, ‘Is there anything too hard for the Lord?’ Even today many Sauls are being changed to mighty Pauls. Pastor Mark continues preaching the Gospel to the ends of the world. God not only utilized the talent He gave Pastor Marks in the area of music, but has led him through continuous meditation of the Word and a life developed through hours of prayer and worship, and not to forget the hundreds of messages and teachings inspired by the Holy Spirit. His daily postings of ‘Wisdom Keys’, ‘Thoughts for Life’ etc on Facebook and Twitter have been reaching many through the website. It has been an

“Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is there anything too hard for Me?” Jeremiah 32:27 (AMPC). Abram to Abraham, Jacob to Israel, Saul to Paul, Haresh to Mark Christian. Yes, is there anything too hard for the Lord? No, nothing! “…What is impossible with men is possible with God.” – Luke 18:27 (AMPC). Pastor Mark was an atheist from a non-Christian background. Had a troubled messed up life of drugs and violence, among many other vice. A professional musician from a young age, he has played for top bands at nightclubs. He had a life-changing encounter with Jesus in 1988, when he was transformed from a man of sin to a man of God, forever. On the same day, he was given a mandate by Jesus to preach the Gospel. Ever since, he has since been serving the Lord through the ministry of God’s Word and music for over two decades, 27 plus years to be precise. He has also led many to Jesus Christ with the help of the Holy Spirit. THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w OCTOBER 2018


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inspiration in helping many live an uncompromising and victorious Christian life. A dedicated life that serves the Lord was also instrumental in starting Hop-Inn Church in Chennai as well, touching many lives and leading many lost souls to Christ. One of the hallmarks of the ministry of Christ is the focus on quality by establishing and equipping the people with solid Scriptural foundation that helps people to be victorious, weather any storms and be a beacon shining the Christian life and spread the fragrance of Christ – and HopInn serves as an extension of the Lord’s ministry. Taking the Word of God to the unreachable was another area that God used Pastor Mark effectively, who under the guidance of the Holy Spirit developed a medium to reach the gospel thru Hop-Inn Virtual Church website that accomplishes the Great Commission given by our Lord Jesus in Matthew 28:18-20 to reach the gospel to the ends of the world. This website is a blessing to many who are in places where there are no churches, and enables people to use the medium of the Internet to worship our Lord from anywhere and enables them also to have Communion (Breaking of Bread) thus pleading the blood of Jesus for forgiveness, deliverance and protection, and eating His flesh for healing. Out and out a life that was transformed inside

out… and what Jesus’ love truly meant was redefined in his life showing him the right way to God’s Kingdom. Truly, Adonai stepping into his life brought all this about – his part was praying, “Lord let it take as long as it takes…” and waiting patiently for God to save him and reign in his life in His time. All the songs around the above themes working in his life today till His coming, to be caught up in Rapture and Lord Jesus are continuously working to accomplish His mission through a life transformed just by one encounter. All glory to God alone! (Advertorial)

Jesus Christ rescued us ON June 23, 2018, 12 young members of the Wild Boars soccer team and their coach went exploring into the Tham Luang Cave in Thailand. Suddenly, rising flood water cut them off deep inside the cave. Spaces through which the boys previously crawled were now completely underwater. Thailand’s Navy SEAL Divers were able to locate the boys and their coach and brought them food, blankets and other supplies. The team was found around two kilometers (1.24 miles) into the cave and somewhere between 800 meters (2500 feet) below the surface. A daring rescue was devised. A team of 2 divers would escort one person at a time. Because of the darkness, the coach or boy was tied loosely to the lead diver who carried the team member’s oxygen bottle. Because it took several hours to manipulate the cave, multiple oxygen tanks needed to be staged within the cave. After 18 days, the rescue was completed. Christ’s death on the Cross was the largest rescue event in history. Today in prayer, give thanks to Jesus that He saved you. God’s Word: “For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men–the testimony given in its proper time.” – 1 Timothy 2:5-6.

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Called to reach the unreached people groups in India / Muslim nations? Jesus said, Harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few (Luke 10:2) Be My witnesses … even to the ends of the world (Acts 1:8)


We TRAIN, EQUIP & SEND young mission minded men with a call / passion to reach the lost, help them find / fulfil their call Join the 40 days’ intensive practical CROSS-CULTURAL MISSIONS TRAINING in New Delhi to be equipped as cross-cultural missionaries and pioneer church planters to reach the unreached places, people groups in India and West Asia (where exists the 7 churches in the Book of Revelation) TOPICS - Making disciples, Multiplication of disciples, Different methods of Outreach/Evangelism/Church Planting with lot of practical exposure, How to reach out to Muslims, How to be led by the Spirit, How to Fulfil God's purpose and call in your life, Partnerships in Ministry and working with other ministries, Fund-raising to support your ministry, How to trust in God and much more! The training is exclusively in ENGLISH and taught by well experienced International and Indian teachers with rich practical experience in missions The candidates should ? be between 22-35 years and be able to communicate in English ? have good Bible knowledge OR Bible College qualification

Training starts from Nov 5 – Dec 15, 2018 in New Delhi! Contact us for more details and for the APPLICATION FORM soon! Dr John Thomas Pr Prince Robert Email: 9654987351 8178489513

International United Christian Organisation INTERNATIONAL BISHOPS COUNSEL OF ASIA (An Autonomous Institution of Advanced Theological Education) Affiliated to United Theological Research University, Hyderabad, Accredited by University of Berkeley U.S.A. & Recognized by Christian Leadership University & Seminary, New York USA. Regd. by A.P. & T.S. Govt. No. 2642 / 1988. Registered Under Minorities Act. Address: Plot No. 125, Road No. 7, T.M.C. Mahendra Hills, East Marredpally, Secunderabad – TS. 500 026. Website: E-mail:, Contact: 040-2773 0494, 0-98490 62508, 94902 62508, 98490 62058, 94900 62058

ORDINATION NOTIFICATION Ordination Date: 12th November 2018

Place: Secunderabad, T.S. India

We are happy to announce a special ordination service to all the Christian Belivers as Deacons, Evangelists, Pastors, Reverends, Bishops, Archbishop, Priesthood The Messenger of God (MOG), The Man of God, (MOG) The Prophet of Jesus (POJ).

Any denominational Christians can apply for the Ordinations. Those who are willingly interested to be a part of Gods Ministry can apply. Immediately by sending Rs.300/- M.O. for the application & Prospectus on or before 20th Oct 2018. Concession of 10% to 20% will be given to pastor who are working in the Urban, Rural areas wither they are pastors or Christian Belivers working for Christ. The Ordination Certificate will be issued on the same day. Criteria: 1) You are eligible for any selected ordination division as mentioned above. Whether you are a regular pastor or not. 2) You are eligible basing on your age, service for the Lord as an Independent or from any Christian denomination or running your own church in a village or in the town or in the city etc. Join You can make use of our bank accounts: 1.Oriental Bank of Commerce, Marredpally Branch, Secunderabad for Dr. Fredrick Francis A/c. No. 1058201106005 2. State Bank of India, Patny Centre Branch, Secunderabad for Dr. Fredrick Francis A/c. No. 10725270312 / IFSC Code: SBIN 000916 Website: Email:


Immediately By Arch Bishop Dr. Fredrick Franics L.P.V.K. Vice-Chancellor of UTRUSR and IBCA OCTOBER 2018 w THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER

GOSPEL MELA 2018 24-Hour Chain Prayer

15 Specific Prayer Points For a 30-Minute Intercession And, I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none (Ezekiel 22:30).

Praying with one accord for 2,234 people groups spread across 1.2 billion people in 29 states and 7 UTs in one nation. Every nation, every tribe, every people and every tongue shall say: “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” (Revelation 7:10). 1. David says in Psalm 31:8, ‘And have not shut me up into the hand of the enemy; You have set my feet in a wide place.’ ‘Blessed be the Lord, because He has heard the voice of my supplications!’ (Psalm 28:6). Let us pray to God to help us live a life that glorifies Him. He has held us all these 9 months in the palm of His hands. 2. It is fitting for the upright to praise God, says the Bible. Our God expects that we praise Him everywhere and at all times. David says we ought to praise God with a harp and a 10-stringed instrument. May we pray that this month praise and worship does not go away from our lips and heart. 3. ‘The Lord looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men. From the place of His dwelling He looks on all the inhabitants of the earth’ (Psalm 33:13-14). He is the God who sees us; Because He sees our frame, pray that He keeps us away from all fear and insecurities this month. Pray that we are able to live a life of peace and quietness. 4. Pray that we receive grace and strength to live a life as the apostle says in 1 Peter 5:8, ‘Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.’ 'But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers’ (1 Peter 4:7). 5. One of the charges against Israel is that he empties his vine. He brings forth fruit for himself (Hosea 10:1). Let us examine our lives and pray. Are we yielding fruit for ourselves or for others, especially for the house of the Lord? Is the Kingdom of God being built through our lives? If not, let us pray that God will use us. 6. We see a lot of people bearing several yokes around us in the church and outside. Those who belong to Christ are those who know the truth and have been set free by it. So, we do not have to bear the yokes of bondage, sin and curse any more. Pray that sorrow and sighing shall flee away and we obtain joy and gladness (Isaiah 35:10). THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w OCTOBER 2018

7. ‘Stir up Yourself, and awake to my vindication, to my cause, my God and my Lord’ (Psalm 35:23). Pray that God brings to an end all cases against us. Pray that justice is rendered to us and all the blessings hindered so far come to us. May the documents, papers and certificates we are waiting for reach us without any more delay. 8. ‘Say to my soul, “I am your salvation”,’ (Psalm 35:3). Many times, our soul forgets the salvation given by our Lord. Forgetting that He is the One who lifts us up, we wait for people to help us. That is the reason why our prayers are not answered. Pray that God gives us the grace and wisdom to lean on Him alone always. 9. Pray this month that we are able to proclaim thus: ‘The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; Yes, I have a good inheritance.’ God has a plan to bless us with unimaginable blessings and goodness. Pray diligently that we are able to possess them by faith. 10. ‘I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living’ (Psalm 27:13). We need to believe that tomorrow is going to be better than today. ‘Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith’ (Heb. 12:1). Let us cling on to His feet and cry out to God that He gives us the grace and strength to finish our race. 11. ‘For without faith it is impossible to please God’ says the Bible. Pray that this month we grow in grace and faith. 12. Apostle Paul asks the believers in the church at Ephesus to ‘put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness’ (Eph. 4:24). Pray that God helps us to put on the new man. 13. ‘…but the greatest of these is love,’ says the


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Bible. We sure need faith and hope, but pray that love abounds more in us. 14. Pray that we are always ready to preach the Gospel. ‘Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season’ (2 Tim. 4:2). Pray for wisdom to convince, rebuke and exhort with all longsuffering and teaching. 15. ‘To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne’ (Rev. 3:21). Pray that we become overcomers who sit down on the throne of Jesus Christ. Amen. Hallelujah. Maranatha.


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BETHEL COLLEGE OF NURSING Bethel College of Nursing is opening soon. It will be in the campus of Bethel Missions in Murhu, Khunti Jharkhand. We are waiting to obtain the necessary papers from the concerned departments. Please pray.

We require Tutors, staffs and a Vice Principal. Miss. Regina Kujur, M.Sc (N), is our Principal, with several years of experience. We are taking applications from prospective students. There are 60 seats. Send your application on a plain paper with a photo attached along with all the copies of your certificates. We will send a calling letter when the classes will start. You may book your seat with Rs.1000/- along with the application. Only GNM and later upgraded B.Sc (N). 12th pass with Science only may apply. Affordable fee structure. No fee for orphans. Give it a try. A beautiful campus with Godly atmosphere. We require, a qualified and committed doctor as a pioneer and to develop our hospital. A great opportunity to serve among the poor and the tribals.

Our contact address: Head Office at: Bethel Missions, Boreya PO, Kanke, Ranchi 834006, Jhakhand. Email to or Call 0-763-100-6982 / 0651-2451214/15 / 0-7759927123. Contact: James P Punnoose (Founder & Chairman) email: God bless you for your prayers. Do you like to donate to this ministry? Our account number is 036601000015707, IFSCIOBA0000366 Funds from abroad: A/c No. 036601000016518 swift code: IOBAINBB366 Account Branch: INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK, ATHMARAMBHAVAN, RANCHI 834001, JHARKHAND. Website: Email:





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Jesus gave us real peace My name is Baljinder Singh. I am from a Jat Sikh background. I am living with my wife and son, Karam Jeet Singh. Although I used to go to the Gurudwara and follow all our rules and regulations prescribed in the Sikh Granth Sahib, I did not have any real peace and joy in my mind and life. We had many properties and wealth, but there was no hope in life. Pastor Pradeep Paul from Messenger Missions met up with us at Pathankot. He spent about 3 hours with us and shared the message about Jesus. He told us that if we believe in Jesus Christ, we will have eternal life and real joy. He gifted me a Punjabi Bible. We accepted Jesus through him. Nowadays, I feel the presence of Jesus in my house and work place whenever I pray. Now, we are attending the Bible studies conducted by Pradeep Paul, and day by day we are growing in the Lord. Kindly pray for us.

NjtDila thh;j;ij ek;kplk; vjph;ghh;g;gJ vd;d? 1. Njt thh;j;ijia MtYld; Nfl;f Ntz;Lk; (mg;. 17:11). 2. Njt thh;j;ijia Ghpe;J nfhs;s tpUk;g Ntz;Lk; (kj;. 13:23). 3. Njt thh;j;ijia Gfo Ntz;Lk; (rq;. 56:4>10). 4. Njt thh;j;ijia Nerpf;f Ntz;Lk; (rq;. 119:113). 5. mij kfpo;r;rpahfTk;> ,d;gkhfTk; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk; (rq;. 119:16>47). 6. Ntjtrdj;ij ,Ujaj;jpy; vOj Ntz;Lk; (rq;. 119:11). 7. Ntjtrdj;ij rhu Ntz;Lk;. (rq;. 119:93) 8. Ntj trdj;jpd; Nky; ek;gpf;if itf;f Ntz;Lk; (rq;. 62:5). 9. vy;yhtw;wpw;Fk; Nkyhf thh;j;ijf;F fPo;g;gba Ntz;Lk; (rq;. 119:17). 10. mjd;gb elf;f Ntz;Lk; (rq;. 119:67). 11. Ntj trdj;ij Nghjpg;gth;fs; mij rhpahf ifahs Ntz;Lk; (2 jPNkh. 2:15). 12. trdj;ij cz;ikaha; Nghjpf;f Ntz;Lk; (2 jPNkh. 4:2).

Paul’s Global Mission needs For Hilda Paul Hospital, Kutch, Gujarat One Doctor: MBBS registered with IMA.. One Nurse: (Male or Female) Registered with any state council in India. Expectations from Doctor: He will be in-charge of overall smooth running of the hospital. Committed to the Christian values and evangelism One Nurse cum Manager: ? He/She will be responsible for all kind of nursing care to outpatients and indoor patients ? He/She will dispense medicines under the supervision of Doctor. Salary: ? He/She will be responsible for logistics of the Hospital. ? Committed to the Christian values and evangelism Negotiable. Evangelism: We are planning to engage a local believer who will be working as a helper in the hospital as well as an evangelist to the contacts. Rehoboth FF/1, Nirav Apts., Wd. 2/B, Plot 358, Adipur 370 205, Kutch, Gujarat, India. Cell: 91 94292 98576. Website: Email:




Why Are Marriages Failing? BY DAVID MCCLAIN had an uncle with a pain in his neck that caused him to constantly wince. Doctors could not diagnose the problem, so he lived with it for years. In time his neck began to permanently lean to the side. None of the treatments prescribed worked. About 25years later he went to a dentist to remove a bad tooth and was immediately relieved of all the pain. He suffered all those years unnecessarily due to a flawed diagnosis and treatment. A wrong diagnosis can be costly and dangerous. I believe that every day we all witness a disastrous, dangerous misdiagnosis of mass proportions. Yet we continue full bore on the same path that got us into the mess that is the unravelling of marriage. The diagnosis in our culture is that man is basically good, but his self-esteem has been damaged by negative influences. The problem with this diagnosis is that it is flat out wrong. I want to propose a different diagnosis and solution to the problem by asking, “How does our sinful selfobsession impact our marriages?” Our self-obsession causes us to hide the truth about ourselves and blame others for our flaws. This self-obsession becomes a curse that that impacts our marriages in painful, destructive ways. It causes us to try to hide the truth about ourselves (Gen. 3:9–11). When exposed we evade responsibility and blame others for our wrongs. We want to appear as righteous, yet, we are not—so we blame. In this simple exchange we see why marriages are in trouble. In their book Mistakes Were Made (But Not By Me), social psychologists Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson describe how a fixation on our own righteousness can choke the life out of love. They write: “The vast majority of couples who drift apart do so slowly, over time, in a snowballing pattern of blame and self-justification. Each partner focuses on what the other one is doing wrong while justifying his or her own preferences, attitudes and ways of doing things… From our standpoint, therefore, misunderstandings, conflicts, personality differences and even angry quarrels are not the assassins of love; self-justification is.” Our sinful self-obsession impacts our marriages by causing the proper God-given roles in life to be damaged (Gen. 3:14–19). For man his curse is that he will face frustration in his work. For the woman, her role as man's complement is impaired. When you put this together you can already see an unhealthy



scenario. What are some steps we can take to reduce the impact of our selfish impulses? Confront your own self-centeredness—don't wait for the other person to act first. Accept responsibility for your sin—stop pretending to be the only victim and pass blame to others. Know that you will not find the perfect person. There will be some red flags for you to consider. Red flags alone are not the issue; it is your willingness to accept an imperfect person—just as they must accept you. Understand that the painful vulnerability that healing a damaged relationship requires begins with self-sacrifice like that of Jesus. It is a sacrifice that may require a very high cost. But like Jesus, it is in that sacrifice that we have hope for our greatest fulfilment. Like my uncle who suffered from debilitating pain for years due to a misdiagnosis, I believe our marriages and relationships suffer because we have accepted the wrong diagnosis. Our marriages are in major crisis because of it. What are some steps we can take to reduce the impact of our selfish impulses?


BUSINESS Investors invited for medical/ pharmacy/nursing proposal. NRIs. or Any reputed organizations preferred. Contact: 0091-94889 13264 Website: Email:

Priscilla Training Center – Bangalore Aim: An informal training center for women who have committed to serve the Lord. Duration of the training program: 12 months. Fees: Rs.1,000/- per month (for food and accommodation).Priscilla Training Center for Women,S.S.L.C 10th pass. Curriculum: a) Outline of the Bible. b) How we got our Bible (history of the Bible). c) World powers during Biblical times in brief. d) Church history and early Christians. e) Biographies of martyrs/Bible translators/Missionaries. f) The 39 Old Testament books (17 historical, 5 poetical, 17 prophetic). g) The 27 New Testament books (4 gospels, Acts, 21 epistles, Revelation). Practical teachings:

evangelism/inter-cultural evangelism). b) Methodology of counseling. c) Methods of preaching and preparation of message to reach the target group, knowing the cultural background. d) How to do personal Bible study & group Bible study. e) Presenting the gospel through vishual aids and media. f) Literacy (Hindi & English). Training in outreach work: a) Visiting houses/slums/villages & other places. b) Leading worship/prayers/bible study. c) Evangelizing through different means. Self-preparation: To prepare themselves in personal/group prayer and studying the word of God following the model of Jesus Christ.

For details, contact: The Director, Priscilla Training Center for Women, No.155, 2nd Cross, Kuvempu Layout, Gubbi Cross, Kothanur Post, Bangalore - 560 077, Karnataka. Mob: +91-98450 24275

UNIVERSITY OF CHRISTIAN STUDIES Accredited by International Council for Theological Accreditation (ICTA) Recognized by International Mission Society, Affiliated to International School of Ministry, USA

Course Offered: M.Div, D.MIN M.Th in Biblical Studies / Christian Education / Christian Counseling Ph.D in Christian Education / Biblical Studies / Leadership Honorary Doctorate: D.Min, D.D, Ph.D For details Contact: Registrar, UCS, Post Box No: 208, Dimapur: Nagaland Email: / Ph: 91-8974200450 / +919612830198 Website: Email:




Pastor, have you been with Jesus? BY H B CHARLES, JR.


friend and I talked about a conference we both attended during different years. I told him about the year I attended, then he told me about the year he attended. As he listed the speakers he heard, I asked about a particular name. I knew of this man’s ministry, but had never heard him speak. I inquired, “Can he preach?” My friend answered affirmatively and emphatically. “He knows how to handle the text,” my friend expanded. “And you can tell he's been with Jesus.” The conversation ended there, because I did not say anything else. I could not. I was stuck on the statement, “And you can tell he’s been with Jesus.” The statement itself was not new to me. I recognized the biblical reference. Peter and John were arrested, because of their witness for Christ. And they did not waver in the Christian witness as they stood trial before the Jewish rulers, elders and scribes in Jerusalem. Almost parenthetically, Luke notes: “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus.” (Acts 4:13) The apostles did not have formal education, institutional clout or ministerial prominence. But it was obvious that these men had been with Jesus. The religious leaders were not complimenting the Christlikeness of the apostles. It was just a plain statement of fact, even though these religious leaders did not know the magnitude of what they said. The words and deeds of the apostles made it obvious that these men had spent time with Jesus of Nazareth. This is a great way to describe a preacher of the gospel. He has been with Jesus. Unfortunately, until my friend’s passing statement, I had never heard a preacher’s pulpit ministry described that way. After scanning my mental files for a moment, I double-clicked on my own ministry. Could this be said of me? When I stand to preach, is it obvious to those who hear me that I have been with Jesus. I take pride in the fact that I do not go to the pulpit unprepared. I labor in study to be faithful to the Godintended meaning of the text. I struggle in sermon preparation to be clear in my presentation. I saturate my heart and mind with the biblical truth to preach

with passion. But the truth is that you can be faithful, clear and passionate in the pulpit, without ever giving the sense that you have been with Jesus. The technical, academic and official aspects of ministry are important. Very important. But formal education, sound doctrine, spiritual giftedness, expositional preaching and leadership expertise do not make you a Christian ministry. You need to spend time in school. You need to spend time in study. You need to spend time in the text. But none of those things make a real difference if you have not been with Jesus. Ministry is about fulfilling a calling, not practicing a vocation. We are not professionals, who happen to do our work in a religious context. We are servants of the Lord Jesus Christ. Every aspect of our life and work should submit to the lordship of Jesus Christ. And our submission to Christ should be evident to others by what we do in ministry, and how we do it. When a soldier was court-marshalled for sleeping at his post, he claimed he was praying. With mockery, he was asked to pray during his trial. When he finished, the charges were dropped. It was concluded that he had to spend extended time in private prayer to pray publicly like that in a crisis. Effective public ministry is the result of meaningful private devotion. You must spend time with Jesus, until you know what he wants you to say in that sermon. You must spend time with Jesus, until you get a sense of direction from the Lord about how to lead that congregation forward. You must spend time with Jesus, until you get wisdom from God about how to respond to that problem. You must spend time with Jesus, until you can hand that difficult person the fruit of the Spirit, rather than a piece of your mind. You must spend time with Jesus, until you can stand firm with spiritual boldness. What does a pastor who has been with Jesus look like? He has clean hands of unreproachable integrity. He has steady feet that walk in obedience. He has dirty knees from time spent in believing prayer. He has weary eyes from diligent study. He has a renewed mind of biblical conviction. He has a broken heart for lost people. He has a listening ear for spiritual direction. He has strong arms from bearing one another’s burdens. He has a faithful tongue that speaks the truth in love. He has firm legs that stand strong in spiritual boldness. H.B. Charles, Jr. is a pastor, speaker, and writer.

Owned and published by Elsy Robin from 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, II Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040. Printed by L Cyril Sagayaraj at VS Printograph Pvt Ltd., No. 15, Natesan Colony, Sri Ram Avenue, 1st Street, Kottivakkam, Chennai 600 041. Editor: Elsy Robin THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w OCTOBER 2018


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Relief for 100 Flood Affected Families in Kerala Messenger Missions gave away relief materials to as many as 100 families in Kerala in the last week of August. Each relief kit consisted of rice, groceries and toiletries to last 20 days. The relief materials were given to the flood affected families in some of the worst affected areas of Chengannur. This relief operation was made possible by the timely help of our prayer partners, readers and well-wishers. Glory be to God.


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