The Christian Messenger | February 2020 issue

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From Your Brother: The Grace Of A Different Spirit

Sponsor A VBS Camp This Year!

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Scoundrels Who Had No Respect For The Lord


Baptisms in Chhattisgarh, MP and Odisha In December 2019, 22 people were given baptism around Christmastime. In Chhattisgarh, 14 people were baptized, while in Odisha and Madhya Pradesh four each were baptized. Pray for these new believers to grow in the Lord daily. More baptisms are scheduled in Punjab and Madhya Pradesh.

Christmas Fest in Chennai Christmas programme was held in our mission field in Chennai on Dec 22. Children participated enthusiastically while their parents encouraged them actively. The participants were called to follow Jesus Christ in a brief message which threw light on the real meaning of Christmas.




Evangelism Through Journalism

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Vol. 16, No. 10

Page 24


The purpose of the news magazine is to report newsworthy religious events and activities within the local community, nationwide and around the world, to increase the awareness and activism of believers regarding the moral issues of today, to provide thought-provoking commentary, and to provide an effective advertising vehicle for Christian ministries and organizations, events and businesses that want to reach the Christian community. - Editor

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Managing Editor: Robin Sam Editor & Publisher: Elsy Robin

06 05 10 12 16 23


FROM YOUR BROTHER The Grace Of A Different Spirit


ANNOUNCEMENTS Bishop Rasalam Is CSI’s New Moderator

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GOSPEL MELA 2020 15 Specific Prayer Points For A 30-Minute Intercession Njtnra;jp Njtd; Nfl;Fk; 3 Nfs;tpfs;

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The grace of a different spirit


SRAEL sending out spies to check out the land of Canaan happened 1490 years before Christ. The time setting is only to give the readers a perspective of how far into history the event happened. The spy mission was not a good idea. The majority report was negative. Only Caleb and Joshua were in favor of going into Canaan to possess the land – but then they looked like two eager beavers who were willing to bite more than they could chew. Towards the end of his life, in Deuteronomy 1, Moses recalled the ill-fated decision and its repercussions. Several years later, the psalmist would also look back at Jewish history in the 95th psalm to say that the Lord was grieved with that generation for 40 years (Verse 10)! Think about it for a moment! One foolhardy decision that led to the people grieving God for 40 long years! That’s how long God took to transform Moses, a Hebrew murderer, into a man with whom God spoke face to face, even plainly. Today, 40 years is half the life-span of an average man and woman (Psalm 90:10). Forty years of wilderness. Forty years of purposeless wandering. Forty years of unattainable goals. Forty years of grieving God! Of course, it could have been different. They could have sauntered into the Promised Land in perhaps less than 40 days if only they had listened to the voice of Caleb. Although Numbers 13:1-2 say that it was God who asked Moses to send spies into Canaan, Deuteronomy 1:22 says it was the people’s idea. So, why did God let them do it if He knew it was a bad idea? When we shut our ears to God’s voice and become stubborn in our ways, God lets us walk in our own counsel (Psalm 81:12). Those who were called to walk by faith decided walking by sight was a better idea. Spying out the land that was selected by God for them before the foundations of the earth was an act of unbelief. ‘..whatever is not from faith is sin’, says Romans 14:23. God had told them to go and possess the land that was set before them (Deut. 1:21), but the people were in no mood to take God at His word. So much so that even the normally mild-mannered Moses gave them a dressing down. ‘... in the wilderness Website: Email:

The power of having a different spirit is in seeing the unseen. It trusts the unseen God’s visible power. where you saw how the Lord your God carried you, as a man carries his son, in all the way that you went until you came to this place. Yet, for all that, you did not believe the Lord your God, who went in the way before you to search out a place for you to pitch your tents, to show you the way you should go, in the fire by night and in the cloud by day’ (Deut. 1:31-33). ‘Then they despised the pleasant land; They did not believe His word, but complained in their tents, and did not heed the voice of the Lord’ (Psalm 106:29). Caleb belonged to the tribe of Judah, the leading tribe. The meaning of the Hebrew name Caleb is dog. In other words, Caleb personified fierce loyalty and faithfulness to God, his Master. Caleb asked people to ‘possess’ the land, not ‘conquer’ it. God had already got it for them, now all they had to do was go and possess it. That was his level of faith. He believed when God okayed something, you simply believed it and took possession of it. It was not as if Caleb was blind to the stature of the sons of Anak. They were giants, no doubt. But then there was no comparison between the Anakites and the Israelites. In Numbers 14:9, Caleb and Joshua pointed out the singular fundamental difference between God’s chosen people and the Anakites. ‘...their defence is departed from them, and the Lord is with us; fear them not.’ That’s the power of having a different spirit. It sees the unseen. It trusts the unseen God whose invisible hands do visible signs and wonders. It is willing to wager on God and His promises. In Numbers 14:24 we hear God say this about Caleb: ‘But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land where into he went; and his seed shall possess it.’ That’s the blessing of having a different spirit. This month, it is my prayer that the Lord will grant us the grace of having a different spirit. The spirit that helps us take God at His Word and set out to do all that we are called to do. Amen. 5




Scoundrels Who Had No Respect For The Lord ‘They would not listen to the voice of their father’ (1st Samuel 2:25) ‘The sin of the young men was very great in the sight of the LORD’ (1st Samuel 2:17) ‘The men treated the offering of the LORD with contempt’ (1st Samuel 2:17) ‘They did not know the Lord’ (1st Samuel 2:12) They neither had respect for their father nor for his office as the priest of God. The priests were Levites set apart for a special purpose, the work of the Lord. But, Hophni and Phinehas did not care about the calling on their lives. They were so full of themselves that they were worshiping themselves rather than the Lord. Verses 13 to 16 tell us about the conduct of the sons of Eli. They wanted raw flesh and they always wanted it immediately. They could not wait for the sacrifice to get over or the flesh to slow cook in the cauldron. And, if their share was denied or delayed, they did not shy away from taking it by force. When you start losing respect for the sacred, stop and examine your heart. When was the last time God spoke to you from the pulpit? When was the last time you were awestruck by the Word of God? When was the last time you were immersed in a spirit of adoration and worship? If your answer is: ‘It’s been some time’ or ‘It was a long time ago’, I urge you to stop right now in your tracks. Don’t take another step before reconciling with the Lord. God wants to

BY ROBIN SAM ALTHOUGH a short verse, 1 Samuel 2:12 is very profound in its import. Eli had two sons – Hophni and Phinehas. They were not only irreligious but also immoral. Unlike their dad, who was a faithful priest of the Lord, the sons openly stood for everything that was scandalous, disgraceful, disreputable and appalling. While one translation calls them ‘worthless men’, another dubs them as ‘scoundrels who had no respect for the Lord.’ Only one version has anything relatively less harsh to say about them. The God’s Word translation calls them ‘good-for-nothing priests’ who had no faith in the Lord. The KJV is simple and direct in its interpretation. It says they were ‘sons of Belial’ who ‘knew not the Lord.’ That verse is a very sad statement. It is telling in more ways than one. It indirectly talks about the utter futility of Eli’s ministry in his own home while it is more direct in calling a spade a spade – when it comes to describing what manner of men his sons were. What was wrong with Hophni and Phinehas? What was their crime or wrongdoing that earned them one of the severest condemnations given in the Bible? Look for a moment at some of the phrases or words used to describe them: ‘Worthless men’ (1st Samuel 2:12) THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w FEBRUARY 2020


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restore you and reconcile you to Him. I don’t think Hophni and Phinehas turned into indolent, idle and loose men of worthless character overnight. They were in the making for a long time. The sins of the sons of Eli were grievous in the sight of the Lord. ‘Wherefore the sin of the young men was very great before the Lord: for men abhorred the offering of the Lord’ (verse 17). I guess the sons of Eli were allowed to grow up in this manner. Perhaps their father Eli was so occupied with his duties in the priestly office that he felt it was alright to neglect his family. It was not as if Eli did not try to discipline his sons. He did, but he either did it weakly or lately. And, it did not work. ‘Notwithstanding they hearkened not unto the voice of their father, because the Lord would slay them’ (verse 25). When your lifestyle becomes abhorrent and makes others stray in their ways remember your retribution is on the way. There is a message every believer and every worker of God married with children needs to take from 1 Samuel 2:12. It doesn’t matter how busy a professional you are. You may be jet-setting around the world, earning accolade and success in your chosen field of work. You may be justifying the long and frequent absences from your home as something sacrificial done for the welfare of your wife and children. Perhaps you are a stay-at-home mom or dad – everpresent at home watching your children grow. Perhaps you quit your job or decided to remain unemployed for the sake of your children. But being a stay-at-home parent does not automatically guarantee that your children will be paragons of virtue. The question is not – what have you provided for them? The real question worth asking is whom have you pointed out to them? Have you pointed Jesus Christ to them? Eli was a failure as a dad because he tolerated the evil in his sons. He was a partaker of his sons’ evil. Our God is the same yesterday, today and forever. If He hated evil in the sons of Eli in those days, then be assured that even today He hates sin in our lives and our children’s, no less. Parenting offers more challenges today than ever. Do you know why? These are ‘perilous times’ (2 Timothy 3:1) and ‘your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour’ (1 Peter 5:8). The enemy knows he has only a short time left and he will do everything in his means to destroy the family, the Christian family to be more precise. What then must we do? In Judges 13:8 we see a wonderful prayer by Website: Email:

When you start losing respect for the sacred, stop and examine your heart. When was the last time God spoke to you from the pulpit? When was the last time you were awestruck by the Word of God? Manoah. Let me quote it here for you: Then Manoah prayed to the Lord, and said, “O my Lord, please let the Man of God whom You sent come to us again and teach us what we shall do for the child who will be born.” If we have neglected our duty as parents, then Manoah’s prayer is a great starting point in good parenting. Can we like Manoah pray: ‘Lord, fill your Holy Spirit in us again and teach us what we shall do for the child(ren)’? Apostle Paul commended his traveling companion Timothy not for his seafaring skills or nautical knowledge but for his Christian upbringing. In 2 Timothy 3:15, Paul says of Timothy: ‘…from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.’ Do our children have a good grounding in the Bible? If not, it’s not too late to start now. Timothy was able to continue in the things which he had learned and been assured of because his foundation was in Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11).

SITUATIONS VACANT OFFICER - PROMOTIONS Looking for people with five to 10 years of experience in promotions and grassroots level work in Christian missions’ organizations and parachurches. Must be a born-again believer with impeccable integrity. Educational qualification: Any degree. Experience in forming cell groups, spearheading special projects, fund raisers and evangelistic crusades is mandatory. Salary commensurate with skillsets and experience. Age limit: Below 45. Selected candidate will be based in Chennai.

Apply with latest bio-data, photograph and personal testimony. Messenger Missions, 20/20, Bharathiar Street, Srinivasa Nagar, Padi, Chennai 600 050. Or email: 7


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COME AND REST A WHILE We invite people and families to refresh and rejuvenate themselves in an environment which is nature friendly. Mount Olives – A center to enable families, Youth Churches, Educational Institutions to have programs with Bible based instructions.

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PLACES TO VISIT COONOOR. situated at an altitude of 6000 ft is a small town and its lovely climate has always made it popular as a hill resort. The main attractions in Coonoor are Sim’s Park, Lambs Rock, Lady Canning Seat, Dolphin’s Nose, St. Catherine’s Falls, Law’s Falls, Ralliah Dam and Droog Udhagamandalam (Oaty) is only 19 km from Coonoor.

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United Theological Research University Studies And Research (An Autonomous Institution of Advanced Theological Education) Affiliated & Accredited by University of Berkeley U.S.A. & Recognized by Christian Leadership University & Seminary, New York USA. Regd. by Govt. No. 2642 / 1988. Registered Under Minorities Act. Address: Plot No. 125, Road No. 7, T.M.C. Mahendra Hills, East Marredpally, Secunderabad – TS. 500 026. Website: E-mail:, Contact: 040-2773 0494, 0-98490 62508, 94902 62508, 98490 62058, 99080 62058.

ADMISSIONS ARE OPEN ON EXTERNAL OR CORRESPONDENCE BASIS FOR THE FOLLOWING THEOLOGICAL COURSES: C.Th,/G.Th,/Dipl.Th,/B.Th,/B.Min,/B.D/,B.MISS,/BA in Th,/B.Com in Th,/ Th,/B.C.A. in Th/,M.Th/M,.Min,/M.D/M.Miss,/M.A. in Th,/M.Com in Th/,M.B.A in Th,/ Th,/D.Div/D.Min,/D.Miss,/D.Th,/Doctor in commerce in Theology,/Doctor in Accountancy in Theology,/Doctor in Religious Philosophy,/Doctor in preaching for Christ,/Doctor in social Services in Christianity, Doctor in Church Establishment,/Doctor in Gospel Work in prophecies of the Bible,/Doctor in church history,/Doctor in Religious Music For Christ,/Doctor in Church Administration, Doctor in Religious songs for Christ,/Doctor in Christian Education,/Doctor in Spirit of Prophecy writing,/Doctor in Missiology in medical Ministries,/Ph.D./P.G in Ph.D, Etc. (We have 45 Different courses). Important notice from our university:- We will be conducting a special/Gold Medal & Gold Shield programme for any best important Specified events conducted or conducting in any field of importance in the society for “any Religious Person”, along with our university Twelve Items Ordination service for any Christian Service Ministers weather you have a church or not on March 3rd 2020-and also along with our regular yearly Graduation programme on May 2nd 2020 at Secunderabad - 500026 T.S Join immediately, ask for an application for them Beside Them we are also Felicitating “Honorary Doctor of Philosophy Degree (Ph.D.)” For “any Religious person” for their great Performance in any Field on that day Ordinations: So far, we have ordained around 8000 servants of god as Deacons, Evangelists, Apostles, Pastors, Reverends, Bishops, Archbishop, Messenger of God, The Man of God, Priesthood for Jesus, the Prophet of God & The Servant of God Admission from and prospectus costs 300/- Please mention clearly what theology course or ordination course you would like to take and other details through mainly your postal Letters and also through your Emails. The Last Date for selection one month before the programme if you are enrolled and unable to attend the ordination service we will dispatch your Recognized certificate by Regd. Post or courier.

Please Note : 1) you are eligible for any selected ordination division as mentioned above 2) you are eligible for, / basing on your age, service for the lord as an independent or from any Christian denomination or running your own church in any place in this world

We are collecting reasonable fees only (Join Immediately) You can make use of our bank accounts: 1. Dr. Fredrick Francis, Oriental Bank of Commerce, A/c. No. 1058201106005 Marredpally Branch, Secunderabad. 2. Dr. Fredrick Francis, State Bank of India, A/c. No. 10725270312, Patny Centre Branch, Secunderabad.

Archbishop Dr. Fredrick Franics L.P.V.K., Website: Email:

Vice-Chancellor of UTRUSR and IBCA 9



Bibles, tracts for north India

Bishop Rasalam is CSI’s new moderator The Bishop in South Kerela, the Rt. Rev. A. Dharmaraj Rasalam, will be the new moderator of the Church of South India. The Bishops Council which met in Tiruchi, Tamil Nadu, from Jan 11 to 14 unanimously elected Bishop Rasalam as the moderator of the church for the period 2020-2023. Rasalam was born on May 5, 1956. He graduated from Kerala university. He has a theological degree from Serampur Theological Seminary. Rt Rev K. Reuben Mark, Bishop of Karimnagar Diocese, was elected Deputy Moderator.

BIBLES and Gospel tracts meant to be used in our mission fields in Punjab and Himachal Pradesh were despatched from the Chennai office recently. There is a huge demand for Gospel literature among the people in these states, especially Punjab. Pray for more Gospel literature to be printed in Punjabi. You can also partner with Messenger Missions in the literature project by praying and contributing to the cause. For details, call 0-7299063345.



NOTICE Mr. Rajasekaran P who worked as Promotional Staff for us in Hosur, Tamil Nadu, is not in our service anymore. Messenger Missions wishes him all the very best in his future endeavours.

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Support our VBS ministry

WE are introducing Lord Jesus Christ and His love to over 1,000 children this year through the Vacation Bible School ministries in May and June. In Punjab and Himachal Pradesh, schools close for summer holidays only in June so VBS will be held in those two states only that month. In all our other states, VBS will be conducted by end of April or in May. I urge you to pray for the VBS ministry from now onwards. Pray that God will remove every obstacle that prevents children from getting close to Him. Pray also that the teachers’ VBS training will go on as scheduled and every child who comes to the VBS gatherings will accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Each child’s expense for a day will be Rs.50/- Going by that estimate, the VBS ministries across all our fields in India will require not less than Rs.1,50,000/- for the three day meetings. It’s my hope and desire that this expense will be met by your prayers and generous contributions. May God bless those who support this ministry a hundredfold! Your brother in Christ, Robin Sam

To send your donations, please check our bank details. Website: Email:


A/C Name : Messenger Missions A/C No : 913020055473409 Account Type: Current Bank Name : Axis Bank Branch : Mogappair, Chennai. Branch : 345 IFS code : UTIB0000345 Swift code : AXISINBB016 FEBRUARY 2020 w THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER

GOSPEL MELA 2020 15 SPECIFIC PRAYER POINTS FOR A 30-MIN INTERCESSION 1. GOD says in Psalm 85:12 that the Lord will give what is good. Pray for the fulfillment of this promise in your life, family, workplace and ministry in 2020. Pray that the land you dwell in will also yield its increase to you. Pray for God’s favor to rest on your dwelling place. May this year be the year of salvation, bountiful blessings, love, joy and peace besides a life of holiness. 2. FIFTEEN people committed suicide every hour in 2018 in India. At least one in every five people who committed suicide was a daily wage earner and every sixth victim was a housewife. As many as 66% of the victims earned less than one lakh rupees in a year. Hanging remained the primary mode of committing suicide. Poverty and depression seemed to be among the main reasons for suicide. Pray for the poor and depressed people. 3 . A N T I - N AT I O N A L elements were behind 682 attacks in India in 2018. In these attacks, targeted at police stations, security camps, railway infrastructure, telephone exchanges, towers, schools and economic establishments, 163 civilians were killed. While we need to pray for peace to prevail across the nation, we also need to pray that God meets the jihadi elements, left-wing extremists, insurgents from the north east and other terrorists at the point of their need. 4. LIQUOR outlets in Tamil Nadu registered a sales of Rs.150 crore on December 31, 2019, a 15 percent rise compared to the same day in 2018. Liquor sales on Dec 30 and 31 last year stood at 242 crore. Even young children and women THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w FEBRUARY 2020

from the upper class and lower class segments of the society are addicted to alcohol. Pray for a transformation among the alcoholics. Pray the government finds alternate sources of income and puts an end to promoting liquor consumption in the state. 5. PRAY for our believers in Odisha. Paro Naik is paralysed. Dara Naik is mentally disturbed. Kandan and Hakara suffer from blood pressure. The roof of our church in Jamguda is damaged. Provision to be made for more space as the number of believers has increased in the last year. Pray for the much required finances to repair the church roof. Pray for the marriage of the mission field staffer’s son. 6. PRAY for our believers in Punjab. Bikash Sharma is only 22 years old, but he has been bedridden for a long time due to an accident. Monsu (12 years) has a bleeding left eye. Pinku (27 years) is mentally ill. Harpreet Kaur is suffering from piles. Nitin, Gaurav and Rahul are attempting to secure a job in the Indian Army. Lift up these people in prayer. May God give them healing and supernatural deliverance and grant them their requests. Pray also for the 12 people who are ready for baptism in Punjab. 7. JOB security is fast becoming a big concern for families in India especially for those employed in the IT industry. IT giant Infosys cut 950 jobs in the third quarter. In December, 8,303 people left the company. The situation in other IT companies is not better either. Last year, Cognizant announced that its exit from the content moderation business impacting around 6,000 jobs. Additionally, the company said it planned to lay off over 7,000 middle and senior level managers. Pray


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for the markets to improve and companies to prevent societal peace in Kerala,” the job losses on a war footing. report claimed. The synod claimed that there was a 8. PROTESTS over the ‘love jihad’ focused on Citizenship Amendment Act Christian girls, stating that (CAA) have spiraled over half of the 21 women across universities and who joined Islamic State colleges all over India. hailed from the Christian Recently, Home Minister community. There were 4,000 Amit Shah has threatened to imprison anyone who instances of “love jihad” between 2005 and 2012 in raises slogans against the Kerala, another report said. government. He also said a sky high Ram temple 12. PRAY for the people of will be built in Ayodhya in four months. When the Guatemala. Reports say 59% nation is in turmoil, that the government is keen on of Guatemalans live below building temples and idols rather than bring about the poverty line, while economic development, progress and peace in the nearly one million country is a cause for concern. Pray for wisdom children below age five among the leaders. are estimated to live with chronic malnutrition. The 9. THE unholy relationship country has a new president between criminals, terrorists and policemen is not a new who is opposed to gay marriage and abortion. thing. Recently, a Deputy Guatemala is a central American country near Superintendent of Police Mexico. (DSP) in Srinagar was 13. LEBANON has been arrested along with two without a government since Hizbullah terrorists. The October 2019 since the DSP admitted that he received political parties have not Rs.12 lakh from the terrorists to help them go to been able to agree on a Chandigarh and then New Delhi to carry out attacks new regime. Meanwhile, in the Republic Day parade. Let us pray that all the country is experiencing corrupt policemen who put self above national its worst economic crisis interests and security are identified and dismissed since the 1975-1990 civil war. from service. Pray for infiltration of militants from Many Lebanese have lost their jobs or seen their Pakistan to stop. salaries reduced by half in recent months. Lebanon’s 10. PRAY for tensions neighbor, Syria, has also been facing a civil war for a between the US and Iran to long time. ease immediately. The 14. ISIS fighters are near India killing of an Iranian and pose a serious threat to commander in Iraq the country’s security, ordered by the US Iranian Foreign Minister government has resulted in Javad Zarif said recently. protests in Iran. Iran also “They are in Afghanistan shot down an Ukrainian where they are holding the passenger plane with 176 people onboard. This has same territories from which resulted in an uprising in Iran against the Iranian the Taliban started,” he said. government and the country’s supreme leader Pray for India’s security to be strengthened against Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Pray that the situation does external aggression and terrorist attacks. not get worse and lead to an international conflict. 15. PRAY for the people of Kashmir. Since 11. A Syro-Malabar Media Commission report on August 2019 when Jammu & Kashmir was Jan 15th claimed that Christian girls were targeted bifurcated as two Union territories, the Kashmiris and killed in the name of ‘love jihad’ in Kerala. “It is have been under a government clampdown with a matter of concern that ‘love jihad’ is increasing in Kerala causing danger to the secular harmony and severe restriction on movement. “The situation in Website: Email:



GOSPEL MELA Kashmir violates human removed soon and normalcy to be restored in rights. Thousands have been Jammu-Kashmir. detained unjustly and Announcement: millions are without Our Telephone Number has changed. access to the internet and t e l e p h o n e s , ” You can reach us on: 044-26541398. Congresswoman Debbie The Christian Messenger Dingell said recently. Pray Messenger Missions for the restrictions to be

RtpNr\ Nksh 2020 xt;nthUtUk; miukzp Neuk; ghuj;Jld; n[gpf;f 15 n[gf;Fwpg;Gfs; 1. fh;j;jh; ed;ikahdijj; jUthh; vd;W Njtd; rq;fPjk; 85:12-,y; thf;Fg;gz;zpAs;shh;. ,e; j trdk; cq; f s; tho; f ; i fapYk; > Ntiy];jyj;jpYk;> Copaj;jpYk; ,e;j tUlk; epiwNtw n[gpAq;fs;. ehk; trpf;Fk; NjrKk; jd;Dila gyidj; juTk; n[gpAq;fs;. NjtDila mD$yk; cq;fs; tPl;bd;NkYk; jq;fpapUf;f n[gpf;fNtz;Lk;. ,e;j tUlk; ,ul;rpg;G> epuk;gp topAk; MrPh;thjq;fs;> md;G> re;Njh\k; kw;Wk; rkhjhdk; ngUFk; tUlkhf ,Uf;fl;Lk;. 2. ,e;jpahtpy; 2018-,y; xt;nthU kzpNeuKk; 15 Ngh;fs; jq;fs; capiu kha;j;Js;sdh;. jw;nfhiy nra;Jnfhz;l Ie;J Ngh;fspy; xUth; jpdf;$yp Ntiynra;gtuhfTk;> MwhtJ egh; FLk;gj; jiytpahfTk; ,Ue;jdh; vd;W Ma;Tfs; nrhy;fpd;wd. jw;nfhiy nra;jth;fspy; 66 rjtPjk; Ngh;fs; tUlj;jpw;F xU yl;rj;jpw;Fk; Fiwthf tUkhdk; cs;sth;fshf ,Ue;jdh;. ,th;fspy; mNefh; J}f;FNghl;Lf; nfhz;Nl jq;fs; capiu kha;j;Js;sdh;. tWikAk;> kd mOj;jKNk jw;nfhiyf;F Kf;fpa fhuzq;fs;. Vio> vspa kf;fSf;fhfTk;> kd cisr;rypy; ,Ug;Nghh;fSf;fhfTk; n[gpg;Nghk;. 3. 2018-,y; ,e;jpahtpy; ele;j 682 jhf; F jy; f Sf; F g; gpd; d hy; Vuhskhd Njrj;JNuhfpfs; nray;gl;Ls;sdh;. fhty; epiyaq;fs;> ghJfhg;G Kfhk;fs;> uapy; epiyaq;fs;> njhiyNgrp ghpkhw;w epiyaq;fs;> miyNgrp NfhGuq;fs;> gs;spf;$lq;fs; kw;Wk; th;j;jf epiyaq;fspd; Nky; VnwLf;fg;gl;l ,e;jj; jhf;Fjy;fspy; 163 egh;fs; ,we;Js;sdh;. ek; Njrj;jpnyq;Fk; rkhjhdk; ,Uf;fNtz;Lk; vd;W ehk; n[gpf;Fk; mNj Neuj;jpy; ,e;j td;Kiw nray;fSf;Fg; gpd;dhy; nray;gLk; [pfhjpahsh;fs;> ,lJrhhp jPtputhjpfs; kw;Wk; tlfpof;F khepyq;fspy; nray;gLk; fpsh;r;rpahsh;fis Njtd; re;jpf;fTk; ehk; Ntz;bf;nfhs;sNtz;Lk;. 4. Mq; f pyg; Gj; j hz; i l Kd; d pl; L > THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w FEBRUARY 2020

jkpofj;jpy; cs;s> ~lh];khf;| filfspy;> 2019 brk;gh;> 31-y; kl;Lk;> 150 Nfhb &gha; kjpg;gpyhd> kJghd tiffs; tpw;gidahfp cs;sd. ,J> 2018 brk;gh;> 31-y;> 130 Nfhb &ghahf ,Ue;jJ. brk;gh; 30> 31 Nghd;w ,uz;L ehl;fspYkhf nkhj;j tpw;gid 242 Nfhbia njhl;lJ. rKjhaj;jpd; Nky;jl;bYk;> fPo;j;jl;bYk; cs;s rpwhh;fs; kw;Wk; ngz;fs; $l kJTf;F mbikfshf cs;sJ ftiy mspf;fpd;wJ. Fbg;gof;fj;ij cilath;fspilNa xU kdkhw;wk; cz;lhf n[gpg;Nghk;. murhq;fKk; tUkhdj;jpw;F khw;W topfis Vw;ghL nra;aTk;> khepyj;jpy; Fbg;gof;fj;jpw;F xU Kw;Wg;Gs;sp itf;fTk; Cf;fkhf Ntz;bf;nfhs;Nthk;. 5. xbrh khepyj;jpYs;s ekJ rig kf;fSf;fhf n[gpg;Nghk;. ghNuh ehaf; gf;fthjj;jpdhy; ghjpf;fg;gl;Ls;shh;. jhuh ehaf; kdepiy ghjpf;fg;gl;Ls;shh;. fe;jd; kw;Wk; `f;fhu ,uj;j mOj;jj;jpdhy; ghjpf;fg;gl;Ls;sdh;. [hk;Flh vd;w ,lj;jpYs;s ek; rigapd; Nkw;$iu gOjile;Js;sJ. ,ij rhpnra;aTk;> ek;Kila rigapy; ,g;NghJs;s ,lg;gw;whf;Fiw rhpnra;a rig tp];jhug;gLj;jg;gl gzj;Njitfs; re;jpf;fg;glTk; n[gpAq;fs;. ek;Kila Copahpd; kfDila jpUkzk; tpiutpy; elf;fTs;sJ. mjw;fhfTk; Ntz;bf;nfhs;Sq;fs;. 6. gQ;rhg; khepyj;jpYs;s ek;Kila rig tpRthrpfSf;fhf n[gpg;Nghk;. gpfh\; rh;khTf;F ,Ugj;jpuz;L taJjhd; Mfpd;wJ> Mdhy; mth; xU tpgj;jpd; tpisthf gy tUlq;fshf gLj;jg; gLf;ifaha; cs;shh;. 12-taJ nkhd;RTf;F ,lJ fz;zpypUe;J ,uj;jk; tbfpd;wJ. 27-tajhFk; gpq;F kdepiy ghjpf;fg;gl;Ls;shh;. `h;g;hPj; fTh; vd;gtUf;F %y tpahjpapypUe;J tpLjiy Ntz;Lk;. ,e;jpa uhZtj;jpy; Ntiy tha;g;Gf;fhf Kaw;rpf;Fk; epjpd;> nfsut; kw;Wk; uhFy; vd;gth;fSf;F xU mw;Gjk; elf;fNtz;Lk;. ,q;Nf Qhd];dhdj;jpw;F Maj;jkhapUf;Fk; 12 Ngh;fSf;fhfTk; n[gpg;Nghk;.


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7. ,e;jpahtpy; cs;s FLk;gq;fSf;F> Fwpg;ghf Ib epWtdq;fspy; Ntiyghh;g;gth;fSf;F epiyahd Ntiy vd;gNj Nfsptpf;Fwpahf cs;s epiyik Vw;gl;Ls;sJ. rkPgj;jpy;> Ib epWtdkhd ,d;Nghrp]; 950 Ngh;fis Ntiyapy; ,Ue;J gzpePf;fk; nra;jJ. brk;gh; khjj;jpy;> 8>303 Ngh;fs; me;j epWtdj;jpy; ,Ue;J tpyfpAs;shh;fs;. kw;w Ib epWtdq;fspYk; epiyik Ntwy;y. fhf;dprd;l; epWtdk; rkPgj;jpy; 6>000 Ngh;fis Ntiyapy; ,Ue;J gzpePf;fk; nra;jJ> NkYk; 7>000 Ngh;fis clNd gzpePf;fk; nra;a cs;sJ. gq;F re;ij epytuk; Kd;NdwTk;> ehl;by; gztPf;fk; FiwaTk; n[gpg;Nghk;. 8. Nfhj;jkhyh Njrj;jpw;fhf n[gpAq;fs;. ,e;j ehl;by; cs;s 59 rjtPjk; kf;fs; tWikf;Nfhl;bw;F fPNo trpf;fpd;wdh;. Ie;J tajpw;F fPNo cs;s Rkhh; gj;J yl;rk; Foe;ijfs; NghJkhd Mfhuk; fpilf;fhky; mtjpg;gLfpd;wdh;. Xhpd Nrh;f;ifiaAk;> fUr;rpijitAk; vjph;f;Fk; xUth; ,e;j ehl;bd; mjpguhf rkPgj;jpy; Njh;e;njLf;fg;gl;Ls;shh;. nkf;rpNfh mUNf cs;s kj;jpa mnkhpf;f ehL Nfhj;jkhyh. 9. nygdhd; ehl;by; nrd;w tUlk; mf;Nlhgh; Kjw;nfhz;Nl murhq;fk; Ml;rpapy; ,y;iy. Gjpa murhq;fk; cUthfhky; ,Ug;gjw;F murpay; fl;rpfspilNa epyTk; xw;Wikapd;ik fhuzkhf cs;sJ. 1975-1990 tU\q;fspy; ele;j cs;ehl;Lg;Nghh; %ykhf me;j ehl;by; ,d;Dk; nghUshjhuk; kpfTk; Nkhrkhd epiyikapNyNa cs;sJ. nygdhd; ehl;L kf;fs; gyUf;F Ntiy ,y;iy> Ntiy nra;gth;fSf;F Nghjpa CjpaKk; fpilf;fhj epiyik. rPhpa ehl;;bd; mUNf cs;s ,e;j Njrj;jpw;fhf n[gpg;Nghk;. 10. Nfush khepyj;jpy; ~yt; [pfhj;| vd;w ngahpy; fpwp];jt ngz;fSf;F tiytphpj;J> Mirfhl;b> mth;fis K];ypkhf fl;lhakhf kjk; khw;wp gpd;G> mth;fis jPtputhjr; nray;fspy; <Lglr;nra;Ak; ,opthd fhhpak; elg;gjhf ]PNuh kyghh; rig rkPgj;jpy; Fw;wk;rhl;bAs;sJ. I.v]; ,af;fj;jpy; Nrh;e;j 21 Ngh;fspy; ghjp Ngh;fs; fpwp];jtg; gpd;dzpapy; ,Ue;J yt; [pfhj; %ykhf te;jth;fs; vd;W me;j rig $wpAs;sJ. 2005 Kjy; 2012 tiuAs;s fhy mstpy; Rkhh; ehd;fhapuk; yt; [pfhj; rk;gtq;fs; ele;Js;sd. 11. Xgd; Nlhh;]; vd;w fpwp];jt ];jhgdk; ntspapl;Ls;s fzf;fpd;gb> 2017-Mk; tUlk; etk;gh; khjk; Kjy; 2018-Mk; tUlk; mf;Nlhgh; khjk; tiu cynfq;FKs;s fpwp];jth;fspy; 4>305 Ngh;fs; nfhy;yg;gl;Ls;sdh;. 1>847 rigfs; kw;Wk; fpwp];jt ];jhgdq;fs;> fl;llq;fs; Website: Email:

jhf;fg;gl;Ls;sd. Rkhh; 3>150 tpRthrpfs; tprhuizapd;wp ifJnra;ag;gl;L> rpiwapy; milf;fg;gl;Ls;sdh;. cyf ehLfspy; 245 kpy;ypad; fpwp];jth;fs; nfhLk; cgj;jputj;jpw;F Mshfpd;wdh; vd;Wk; ,e;j epWtdk; njhptpj;Js;sJ. n[gpg;Nghk;. 12. tlnfhhpah kw;Wk; vhpj;jphpah Nghd;w ehLfspy; fpwp];jth;fs; ngUk; cgj;jputj;jpw;F cl;gLj;jg;gLfpd;wdh;. ehl;L kf;fspd; murpay;> mDjpd tho;f;if Nghd;wtw;iw fz;fhzpj;J> mlf;FKiwapy; mth;fis MSk; ,e;ehLfspy; fpwp];jth;fs; tpNuhjpfshf murhq;fq;fshy; ghh; f ; f g; g Lfpd; w d. fpwp]; j th; f s; ek; G k; Nghjidfs; jq;fSf;F tpNuhjkhf [dq;fisj; jpUg;Gk; vd;w ,e;j rh;thjpfhu Ml;rpahsh;fs; fUJfpd; w dh; . ,e; e hLfspy; trpf; F k; fpwp];jth;fspd; ghJfhg;Gf;fhf n[gpg;Nghk;. 13. khyj;jPT> rT+jp mNugpah Nghd;w K];ypk; ehLfspy; kw;w kjq;fisr; rhh;e;jth;fs; ngUk;ghd;ik kjj;jpd; nfhs;iffSf;F cl;glNtz;Lk; vd;W mq;Fs;s murhq;fq;fs; vjph;ghh;f;fpd;wd. ,q;Nf ,NaR fpwp];Jtpd; RtpNr\j;ij ntspapy;> Rje;jpukhf mwptpf;f KbahJ. ghfp];jhd; Nghd;w ehLfspy; ,];yhk; kjj;jpw;F tpNuhjkhfg; NgRtJk;> vOJtJk; kuzjz;lidia ngw;Wj; jUk; epiyik cs;sJ. <uhd; Njrj;jpy; ngh;rpa (ghh;rp) nkhop Ngrhjth;fspilNa kl;LNk fpwp];jt Muhjidfs; mDkjpf;fg;gLfpd;wd. ,e;jr; #oypYk; fpwp];Jtpd; rP\h;fs; fh;j;jUf;F cz;ikAs;sth;fsha; ,Uf;f mth;fSf;Ff; fpUig fpilf;f n[gpAq;fs;. 14. Mg;fhdp];jhd;> tlnfhhpah> ghfp];jhd;> ie[Phpah> Nrhkhypah> #lhd;> vhpj;jphpah> ypgpah> <uhf;> Vkd; kw;Wk; <uhdpy; trpf;Fk; fpwp];jth;fis epidT$h;e;J n[gpg;Nghk;. ,q;Nf cs;s rigfSf;fhf> ufrpakhf $Lk; n[g$LiffSf;fhf> kw;Wk; Copah;fSf;fhf Cf;fkhf n[gpg;Nghk;. Fw;wk; tprhhpf;fg;glhky; rpiwapy; ,Uf;fpwth;fSf;fhf> mepahakhf Fw;wk; Rkj;jg;gl;lth;fSf;fhf> ngz;fSf;fhf> Foe;ijfSf;fhf> mth;fs; vy;yhUk; rPf;fpuj;jpy; tpLjiyahf;fg;gl n[gpg;Nghk;. 15. ,e;jpahtpy; 2017-Mk; tUlk; eNue;jpu Nkhbapd; Ml;rpapy; fpwp];jth;fSf;F tpNuhjkhf nkhj;jk; 600 td;Kiwr; rk;gtq;fs; ele;Js;sd vd;W Xgd; Nlhh;]; fzf;fpl;Ls;sJ. 589 ,lq;fspy; nray;gl;l mYty-fq;fs; %ykhf Rkhh; 145000; Foe;ijfs; xt;nthU ehSk; gadila fhuzkhapUe;j fk;ghrd; ,d; l h; N e\dy; vd; w epWtdk; jil nra;ag;gl;lJ. fpwp];jth;fSf;F NjtDila jaTk;> mD$yKk; ngUf n[gpg;Nghk;.




Njtd; Nfl;Fk; 3 Nfs;tpfs; uhgpd; rhk; ~fh;j;jhNt> ck;Kila thf;fpd;gb> ckJ jaTk; ckJ ,ul;rpg;Gk; vdf;F tUtjhf| vd;W rq; f P j f; f huid vOjitj; j fh; j ; j Uk; Mz;ltUkhfpa ,NaRtpd; ehkj;jpy; cq;fis tho;j;Jfpd;Nwd;. ehk; tzq;Fk; Njtd; rh;t ty;yth; (Mjp. 17:1). mth; rh;tfhy Qhdp (Nuhkh; 16:27@ A+jh 1:25). mth; me; j j; j pNy cs; s ij MjpKjw;nfhz;Lk; ,d;Dk; nra;ag;glhjitfis G+h;tfhyKjw;nfhz;Lk; mwptpf;fpw Njtd; (Vrhah 46:10). mth; vy;yhtw;iwAk; mwpe;jth; (jhdp 2:22) mth; vy;yhiuAk; mwpe;jth; (Nahthd; 2:24). mtUf;F kiwthdJ xd;WNk ,y;iy (vgpnuah; 4:13). ek;Kila ehtpy; nrhy; gpw thjjw;FKd;Nd> mth; mijnay;yhk; mwpe;jpUf;fpwth; (rq;fPjk; 139:4). mg; g bapUe; J k; mth; ek; k plk; rpy Nfs;tpfisf; Nfl;fpd;whh;. Njtd; Mgpufhikg; ghh;j;J> ~fh;j;juhy; Mfhj fhhpak; cz;Nlh| vd;whh; (Mjp. 18:14). mth; ahf;Nfhigg; ghh;j;J> ~cd;Ngh; vd;d| vd;W Nfl;lhh; (Mjp. 32:27). fh;j;jh; NkhNria Nehf;fp> ~cd; ifapypUf;fpwJ vd;d| vd;whh; (ahj;. 4:2). gl;lth;j;jdkhf me;jf; Nfs;tpfSf;F mtUf;Fg; gjpy; njhpAk; vd;wNghjpYk; ek;kplk; mjw;fhd gjpy;fis mth; vjph;ghh;f;fpd;whh;. Vd; mth; mg;gbr; nra;fpd;whh;? mjw;fhd fhuzj;ij Ntjj;jpypUe;J ehk; ngw;Wf;nfhs;Nthk;. Mz; l th; %d; W Ngh; f splk; kpfTk; rhjhuzkhdjhfj; Njhd;Wk; %d;W Nfs;tpfisf; Nfl;lhh;. Njtd; Mjhikg; ghh;j;J> ~eP vq;Nf ,Uf;fpwha;?| vd;W Nfl;lhh;. mth; gpNyahikg; ghh;j;J> ~cd;dplj;jpypUf;fpw ,e;j kdpjh; ahh;| vd;W Nfl;lhh;. mth; vypahitg; ghh;j;J> ~,q;Nf cdf;F vd;d fhhpak;| vd;W Nfl;lhh;. mitfSf;fhd gjpy;fs; mtUf;Fj; njhpAk; vd;wNghjpYk; me;jf; Nfs;tpfspd; %ykhfTk;> mth;fNshL mth; elj;jpd ciuahly;fspd; KykhfTk; rpy fhhpaq;fis mth;fSf;F czh;j;jNt mth; me;jf; Nfs;tpfis VnwLj;jhh;. nfhQ;rk; tphpthf mitfis ,g;NghJ ghh;g;Nghk;.

MjhKk;> VthSk; mjw;FKd;Dk; gyKiwf; Nfl;bUe;jhh;fs;. Mz;ltUila rj;jj;ijf; Nfl;lTlNd Njhl;lj;jpy; mth;fs; vq;fpUe;jhYk;> vd;d Ntiy nra;Jnfhz;bUe;jhYk; clNd> Xb te;J NjtDf;FKd;ghf epd;W mtiug; gzpe;Jnfhs;thh;fs;. Mdhy;> me;j ehspNy MjhKk;> VthSk;> Mz;ltUila rj; j j; i jf; Nfl; l TlNd Njhl; l j; j pd; tpUl;rq;fSf;Fs;Ns xspj;Jf;nfhz;lhh;fs;. xspj;Jf; nfhz;bUg;gth;fisf; fhzKbahjtuy;y ek; Njtd;. jhtPJ nrhy;fpwhd;: ~ehd; thdj;jpw;F VwpdhYk;> ePh; mq;Nf ,Uf;fpwPh;@ ehd; ghjhsj;jpy; gLf;if Nghl;lhYk;> ePh; mq;NfAk; ,Uf;fpwPh;... ,Us; vd;id %bf;nfhs;Snkd;whYk;> ,uTk; vd;idr; Rw;wp ntspr;rkhapUf;Fk;. ckf;F kiwthf ,USk; me; j fhug; g Lj; j hJ@ ,uTk; gfiyg; N ghy ntspr;rkhapUf;Fk;@ ckf;F ,USk; ntspr;rKk; rhp| (rq;fPjk; 139:8-12). MjhNk> eP vq;Nf ,Uf;fpwha; vd;W Njtd; Nfl;Fk;NghJ> mth; mwpa tpUk;GtJ mtd; ve;j kuj;jpw;Fg; gpd;dhy; xspe;jpUf;fpwhd; vd;gjy;y. khwhf> ehd; cd;id itj;j kfpikahd ];jhdj;jpypUe;J eP vt;tsT J}uk; tpOe;jha; vd;gJ cdf;Fj; njhpAkh? vd; rpj;jj;jpypUe;J eP MjhNk> eP vq;Nf ,Uf;fpwha;? vt;tsT J}uk; tpyfpr; nrd;Ws;sha; vd;W ~mg;nghOJ Njtdhfpa fh;j;jh; Mjhikf; cdf;Fj; njhpAkh vd;gNj MFk;. MjhNk> eP Nehf;fj;jpypUe;J tpyfp $g;gpl;L: eP vq;Nf ,Uf;fpwha; vd;whh;| (Mjp. 3:9). rpU\;bf;fg;gl;l ,g; N ghJ vq; N f ,Uf; f pwha; ? gfypd; Fsph;r;rpahd NtisapNy Njhl;lj;jpy; ,e;jr; nra;jpia thrpf;Fk; rNfhjuNd> cyhTfpw Njtdhfpa fh;j;jUila rj;jj;ij THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w FEBRUARY 2020


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rNfhjhpNa> ePq;fs; ,ul;rpf;fg;gl;Ls;sPh;fsh? cq;fSf;fhf ,uj;jk; rpe;jp khpj;j ,NaR fpwp];Jit cq;fs; ul;rfuhf> Mz;ltuhf> nja;tkhf Vw;Wf;nfhz;Bh;fsh? ,ij thrpf;Fk; Njtg; g ps; i sNa> ,ul; r pf; f g; g l; l eP q ; f s; ,g;nghOJk; fpwp];JTf;Fs; ,Uf;fpwPh;fsh? my;yJ tpyfpg; Ngha; tpl;Bh;fsh? mtUila rhaypy; cUkhw;wk; mile;JtUfpwPh;fsh? fpwp];Jtpd; rpe;ijNa cq;fspYk; ,Uf;fpd;wjh? my;yJ> khk;rj;jpd; ,r;irAk;> fz;fspd; ,r;irAk;> [Ptdj;jpd; ngUikAk; Nrh;e;J cq;fSila ,ul;rpg;gpd; re;Njh\j;ij ,of;fr;nra; J s; s jh? eP q ; f s; ,g; N ghJ vq; N f ,Uf;fpwPh;fs;? ePq;fs; fpwp];JTf;Fs; ,y;yhjgl;rj;jpy; mg;gbNa ,Uf;fNtz;ba Njitapy;iy. ePq;fs; ,g;nghONj NjtNdhL xg;GuthFq;fs;. mth; cq; f s; ghtq; f isnay; y hk; kd; d pj; J cq;fis rhgj;jpypUe;J> Njhy;tpapypUe;J> Vkhw; w j; j pypUe; J > kuzj; j pypUe; J > euf Mf;fpidapypUe;J tpLjiynra;J GJ [Ptid mspg;ghh;. ~...cq;fs; ghtq;fs; rpNtnud;wpUe;jhYk; ciwe;j kioiag; Nghy; ntz;ikahFk;@ mitfs; ,uj;jhk;gur; rptg;ghapUe;jhYk; gQ;irg;NghyhFk;| (Vrhah 1:18). ~...xUtd; fpwp];JTf;Fs;spUe;jhy; GJr;rpU\;ahapUf;fpwhd;@ gioaitfs; xope;JNghapd> vy;yhk; Gjpjhapd (2 nfhhpe;jpah; 5:17).

gpNyahNk> cd;dplj;jpypUf;fpw ,e;j kdpjh; ahh;? ~Njtd; gpNyahkplj;jpy; te;J: cd;dplj;jpypUf;fpw ,e;j kdpjh; ahh; vd;whh;| (vz;zhfkk; 22:9). ,];uNty; [dq;fs; fhdhDf;Fs; gpuNtrpf;f tUk;NghJ Nkhthgpd; Njrj;jpw;fUNf te;jhh;fs;. [dq;fs; VuhskhapUe;jgbapdhy;> Nkhthg; kpfTk; gae;J> ,];uNty; Gj;jpuhpdpkpj;jk; fyf;fkile;jhd; vd;W vz;zhfkk; 22:3-,y; thrpf;fpNwhk;. Nkhthgpd; uh[hthd ghyhf; Fwpnrhy;gtdhfpa gpNyahk; vd;gtid tur;nrhy;y MsDg;gpdhd;. ,e;j gpNyahk; NjtDila kD\dh vd;gjpNy re;Njfk; cs;sJ. A+jh vOjpd epUgj;jpy; gpNyahikf; Fwpj;J thrpf;fpd;Nwhk;. mtd; $ypf;fhf nra;j tQ;rfj;jpNy tpiue;Njhbdhd; vd;W nrhy;yg;gl;Ls;sJ. $ypf;fhf n[gpf;fpwtDk;> jPh;f;fjhprdk; nrhy;fpwtDk; ,d;Wk; gpNyahkpd; tQ;rfj;jpNy tpiue; N jhLfpwth; f shfNt ,Uf; f pwhh; f s; . cz;ikahd ghuj;NjhL xUtUf;fhf n[gpg;gNj Website: Email:

gpNyahk; Nkrpahitf; Fwpj;J jPh;f;fjhprdk; ciuj;jhd; (vz;. 24:17> 19). ,];uNtypd; Mtpf;Fhpa epiyikiaf; fz;lwpe;jhd; (23:9). Njtd; mtNdhL Ngrpdhh; (22:9@ 23:4). ePjpkhDf;F tUk; KbT jdf;Fk; Ntz;Lk; vd;W mtd; n[gpj;jhd; (23:20). Mdhy;> gl;laj;jpdhy; tpOe;jhd; (NahR. 13:22). fhuzk; vd;d? xd;W: mtDf;Fs; ,Ue;j tQ;rf MtpAk;> nghUshirAk;. ,uz;L: fh;j;jhpd; [dj;jpw;F tpNuhjkhf mtd; ghyhFf;F mspj;j MNyhrid. ,NaRtpd; khjphp. mijtpl;Ltpl;L> fhzpf;iff;fhf n[gpg;gJk;> jPh;f;fjhprdk; nrhy;tJk; Ntjj;jpd;gb jtW. Nkhthgpd; %g;gh;fSk;> kPjpahdpd; %g;gh;fSk; gpNyahikj; Njb te;jhh;fs;. mth;fsplk; gpNyahk;> ~,uhj;jphpf;F ,q;Nf jq;fpapUq;fs;@ fh;j;jh; vdf;Fr; nrhy;YfpwgbNa cq;fSf;F cj;juT nfhLg;Ngd;| vd;whd;. md;W ,uT fh;j;jh; mtdplk; te;J> ~cd;dplj;jpypUf;fpw ,e;j kdpjh; ahh;| vd;W Nfl;lhh;. mtdplk; ,Uf; f pwth; f s; ahnud; W NjtDf;Fj; njhpAk;. njhpe;Nj mtdplk; mg;gbf; Nfl;lhh;. Njtd; gpNyahk; czh;e;Jnfhs;sNtz;Lk; vd;W epidj;j rpy fhhpaq;fs;. te;jth;fs; ,uz;L $l;lj;jhh;. xd;W Nkhthgpah;. ,d;ndhd;W kPjpahdpah;. NkhthGk;> mk;NkhDk; Nyhj;jpw;Fg; gpwe; j th; f s; > Mdhy; rgpf; f g; g l; l th; f s; > ,]; u Ntiyg; giff; f pwth; f s; . kP j pahd; MgpufhKf;Fk;> Nfj;J}uhSf;Fk; gpwe;jtd; (Mjp. 25:2). Mdhy;> kPjpahd; ,];uNtiy xLf;fpdtd;. kPjpahdpah;fs; NkhthNghL Nrh;e;J. ,];uNtYf;F tpNuhjkhf te;jth;fs;. ,d;Dk; rpy ehl;fspy; ,];uNty; Mtpf;Fhpa tho;f;ifapy; tpOe;JNghtjw;F kPjpahd; fhuzkhf ,Uf;Fk; vd;W fh;j;jh; mwpe;jpUe;jhh;. fh;j;jh; NkhNria Nehf;fp: kPjpahdpaiu neUf;fp mth;fis ntl;bg;NghLq;fs; vd;W nrhy;tij vz;zhfkk; 25:16-17-Ny ghh;f;fpNwhk;. vdf;fd;ghd rNfhjuNd> cd;NdhL ,Uf;fpwth;fs; ahnud;W cdf;Fj; njhpAkh? rNfhjhpNa> cd;dplj;jpypUf;fpwth;fs; ahh; vd;W fh;j;jh; cq;fisg; ghh;j;Jf; Nfl;lhy; vd;d nrhy;tPh;fs;? kw;wth;fisj; jLkhwp tpor;nra;fpwth;fs; cq;fsplj;jpy; ,Uf;fpwhh;fsh? kw;wth;fSf;F



Njtnra;jp tpNuhjkhf #o;r;rp nra;fpwth;fs; jhd; cq;fs; ez;gh;fSk;> rNfhjuh;fSkh? Copah;fSf;Ff; Fopgwpf;fpwth;fspd; rq;fj;jpyh cq;fs; mq;fj;Jtk; cs;sJ? [hf;fpuijahapUq;fs;. cd; ez;gh;fs; ahnud;W nrhy;> eP ahnud;gij nrhy;fpNwd; vd;w gonkhop cq;fs; epidtpy; ,Uf;fl;Lk;. G+NthL Nrh;e;Jjhd; ehWk; kzf;Fk; vd;gij kwe;JtplhjPh;fs;. ~me; e pa Efj; j pNy mtpRthrpfSld; gpizf;fg;glhjpUg;gPh;fshf@ ePjpf;Fk; mePjpf;Fk; rk;ge;jNkJ? xspf;Fk; ,USf;Fk; If;fpaNkJ? fpwp];JTf;Fk; NgypahSf;Fk; ,irNtJ? mtpRthrpAlNd tpRthrpf;Fg; gq;NfJ?| (2 nfhhpe;jpah; 6:14-15). filrpf;fhyj;jpy;> Mz;lth; tpRthrpfSf;F nfhLf;Fk; fl;lisfspy; xd;iwg; ghUq;fs;: ~gpd;G> NtnwhU rj;jk; thdj;jpypUe;J cz;lhff; Nfl;Nld;. mJ: vd; [dq;fNs> ePq;fs; mtSila ghtq;fSf;F cld;glhkYk;> mtSf;F NehpLk; thijfspy; mfg;glhkYk; ,Uf;Fk;gbf;F mtistpl;L ntspNa thUq;fs;| (ntsp. 18:4). gpNyahk; Nkrpahitf; Fwpj;J jPh;f;fjhprdk; ciuj;jhd; (vz;. 24:17> 19). ,];uNtypd; Mtpf;Fhpa epiyikiaf; fz;lwpe;jhd; (23:9). Njtd; mtNdhL Ngrpdhh; (22:9@ 23:4). ePjpkhDf;F tUk; KbT jdf;Fk; Ntz;Lk; vd;W mtd; n[gpj;jhd; (23:20). Mdhy;> gl;laj;jpdhy; tpOe;jhd; (NahR. 13:22). fhuzk; vd;d? xd;W: mtDf;Fs; ,Ue;j tQ;rf MtpAk;> nghUshirAk;. ,uz;L: fh;j;jhpd; [dj;jpw;F tpNuhjkhf mtd; ghyhFf;F mspj;j MNyhrid.

vypahNt> ,q;Nf cdf;F vd;d fhhpak;?;nghOJ> ,Njh vypahNt> ,q;Nf cdf;F vd;d fhhpak; vd;fpw rj;jk; mtDf;F cz;lhapw;W (1 ,uh[h. 19:9> 13). ,];uNtiy topelj;jpd jPh;f;fjhprpfspy; vypah tpNr\ me;j];ijg; ngWgtd;. mtd; ahh; vd;gij mtNd nrhy;fpwhd;: ~,];uNtypd; Njtdhfpa fh;j;jUf;F Kd;ghf epw;fpw ehd;...| (1 ,uh[h. 17:1). gQ;rf;fhyj;jpy; mtd; fhfq;fshYk; Vio tpjitapd; tPl;bYk; Ngh\pf;fg;gl;ltd;. gQ;rk; kpfTk; nfhbjhapUf;Fk;NghJ ijhpakhf MfhG uh[hTf;F Kd;ghf epd;wtd; vypah. fh;Nky; kiyapd;Nky;> jfh;f;fg;gl;l fh;j;jUila gypgPlj;ij nrg;gdpl;ltd; vypah (18:30). ghfhypd; jPh;f;fjhprpfis xU if ghh;j;jtd;. uh[htpd; ,ujk; na];uNaYf;F te;J

NrUtjw;FKd; Ntfkha; Xb mq;Nf te;jilAk; tpjj;jpy; Njtdhy; mEf;fpuk; gz;zg;gl;ltd;. Njtdhy; ty;yikahfg; gad;gLj;jg;gl;l ghj;jpukha; ,Ue;j vypahTf;F xU rpy fhhpaq;fs; kiwf;fg;gl;bUe;jJ. KjyhtJ> ,];uNtypy; jhd; xUtd; kl;LNk fh;j;jUf;F ituhf;fpakha; ,Uf;Fk; jPh;f;fjhprp vd;W mtd; epidj;jhd; (1 ,uh[h. 18:22@ 19:10>14). NarNgy; jd;idf; nfhy;yg; ghh;f;fpwhs; vd;W njhpe;jTlNd> A+jhtpYs;s ngnah;nrghTf;Fk;> gpwF XNug; vd;Dk; NjtDila gh;tjj;jpw;Fk; Nghdhd;. mJkl; L ky; y > jd; D ila CopaKk; > tho;f;ifAk; mNjhL $l Kbe;JNghapd vd;W epidj;J> ~NghJk; fh;j;jhNt> vd; Mj;Jkhit vLj;Jf; nfhs;Sk;| vd;W tpuf;jpapy; Ngrpdhd;. ~vypahNt> ,q;Nf cdf;F vd;d fhhpak;| vd;W Njtd; ,uz;L Kiw Nfl;lhh;. ,uz;L KiwAk; vypah xNu gjpiyNa nrhd;dhd;. me;jf; Nfs;tpapd; %ykhff; fh;j;jh; vypahTf;F czh;j;jpd cz;ikfs;: eP kl;Lk; jhd; vd;W epidj;jhNa> vypahNt. eP kl;Lky;y> ghfhYf;F Kd; Klq;fhj Koq;fhy;fisAk;> mtid Kj;jQ;nra;ahjpUf;fpw tha;fisAKila 7>000 Ngiu ehd; itj;jpUf;fpNwd;. eP ve;j ,];uNtypy; cdf;Fg; ghJfhg;G ,y;iy vd;W epidj;jhNah> mNj ,];uNtypy; jhd; me;j 7>000 Ngiu ehd; itj;Js;Nsd;. ,NjhL cd; tho;f;ifAk;> CopaKk; Kbe;jJ vd;W epidj;jhNa vypahNt> cdf;fhf fz;fs; fz;buhj> fhJfs; Nfl;buhj> xU kdpjDila ,Ujaj;jpYk; Njhd;wpapuhj fhhpaq;fis ehd; Maj;jk; gz;zpAs;Nsd;. ,Jtiuf;Fk; #oy; fhw;wpNy> guNyhfj;jpw;F xU kdpjDk; Vwpg; Nghdjpy;iy. cdf;F me;jf; fdj;ij ehd; itj;Js;Nsd;. cd; Copak; Kbe;Jtpltpy;iy. eP ,d;Dk; %d;W Ngh;fis (,uz;L uh[hf;fisAk;> xU CopaidAk;) mgpN\fk; gz;z Ntz;Lk;. cd; Copak; ,d;Dk; njhlUk;> vypahNt. mJ kl;Lky;y> xU ehs; eP NkhNrNahLk;> fh;j;jNuhLk; kW&g kiyapNy te;J epw;gha;> vypahNt. ehd; cdf;fhf ,t;tsT kfpikahd fhhpaq;fis ,];uNtypy; Maj;jk; gz;zp itj;jpUf;Fk;NghJ eP ,q;Nf A+jhtpy; kiyapy;> nfgpapy; xspe;J nfhz;bUg;gJ vd;d vypahNt. ,q;Nf cdf;F vd;d fhhpak;> vypahNt? ,ij thrpf;Fk; md;Gs;sNk> Jauj;jpd;Nky; JauKk;> Nrhjidapd; Nky; NrhjidAk; te;jjdhy; Jtz;L NghdhNah? fh;j;jh; cdf;Ff; Fwpj;j ,lj;jpNy ,Uf;fhky;> jd;dpr;irahfj; jPh;khdpj;J NtW xU ,lj;jpy; cdf;Fg;

Mtpf;Fhpa Njtnra;jpfisg; ngw;Wf;nfhs;s vq;fsJ YouTube channel, Messenger TV-I ghh;f;fTk;. THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w FEBRUARY 2020


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ghJfhg;G cz;L vd;W epidf;fpwhNah? cd;dplk;jhd; Mz;lth; Nfl;fpwhh;: ~,q;Nf cdf;F vd;d fhhpak;?| vq;Nf cdf;nfjpuha; gl;lak; cUtg;gl;lNjh> mq;Nf cd;id ehd; fhg;Ngd;. ~ehd; fh;j;jh;> ehd; khwhjth;.| eP mq;Fk; ,q;Fk; XlhNj. ~eP mkh;e;jpUe;J ehNd fh;j;jh; vd;gij mwpe;Jnfhs;.|

cd; tho;f;ifAk;> cd; CopaKk; rLjpaha; Kbtjpy;iy. eP ,d;Dk; kfpikahdf; fhhpaq;fisg; ghh;g;gha;. eP vdf;nfd;W nra;a Ntz;baitfs; ,d;Dk; Vuhsk; cz;L. ehd; cd;id cah;j;JNtd;. cd; %ykhf mNefiu mgpN\fpg;Ngd;. me;epa fz;fsy;y> cd; nrhe;j fz;fNs mijf; fhZk;.| Mnkd;.

rig vg;nghOJ rPuopa Muk;gpj;jJ? Gjpa Mj;Jkhf;fis Mjhak; nra;ahky;> ~gpujh;> %o;fp tiyapy; rpf;fpaJ Qhd];ehdk; vLj;jPq;fsh? rp];lh;> me;epa ghi\NgRwPq;fsh? ,y;iyah... INah gpujh; Mtpf;Fhpa vq;f rigf;F thq;f| vd;W tpRthrpfis gpd;thry; topahf fsthl Muk;gpj;jjpypUe;J... gs;spg;gbg;gpy; Njw Kbahj nge;njnfh];Nj Nghjfh; vg;nghOJ jd; ngaUf;F Kd;dhy; Rev. Dr. Bishop, Rt. Rev vd;W Nghl Muk;gpj;jhNuh mg;NghjpypUe;J... nge;njnfh];Nj rigfs;> vd; rig tpRthrpia mtd; jpUbl;lhd;> vd; Vhpah cs;Ns rig Muk;gpj;J tpl;lhd; vd;W Nftykhf rz;il Nghl Muk;gpj;jjpypUe;J... tpRthrpfsplk; kdrhl;rp ,y;yhky; fhzpf;if vd;w ngahpy; vt;tsT cUt KbANkh mt;tsT cUtp tpl;L... mtd; tuT nryT fzf;F Nfl;lhy; cd; Mtp rhpapy;iy vd;W rigia tpl;L ePf;fpajpypUe;J... Ra ntWj;jypd; milahskha; eifiaf; fow;wr; nrhd;dhy;... eifg; Nghlhky; mijtpl Mlk;gukhf thl;r;> Koq;fhy;gbapLjiy kwf;f itj;jjpypUe;J... cil> Ngq;f Ngyd;]; vd;W kiwKf Mlk;gu rPh;jpUj;j rig Nkiyehl;L Kiwg;gb Muhjtho;f;if tho Muk;gpj;jjpypUe;J... id elj;Jfpwhh;fs; vd;W $wptpl;L> Nkiyehl;L 10 yl;r &gha; fhhpy; NghFk; gh];lh; thj;jpaq;fshd Ngl;> fpl;lhh;> buk;];> fPNghh;l; Iahtpw;F 5 yl;rj;jpy; fhh; thq;fptpl;L kPjpia vd vy;yhk; itj;Jf; fhJ fpopa rj;jk; Nghl;L jd; rigapy; cs;s ViofSf;F nfhLf;fyhNk gf;fj;J tPl;L Gwkjj;jpdNdhL gpur;ridia vd;w vz;zk; ,y;yhky; NghdjpypUe;J... tsh;j;jjpypUe;J... rigapd; tuT nryT tptuj;ij fh;j;jUf;F gh];liu `PNuhthfj; njho Muk;gpj;J... mth; kl;Lk;jhd; fhl;LNtd; vd;W Mtpf;Fhpa fhgphpNay; J}jNdhL Mg;gk; rhg;gpl;Nld;> tpjkha;g; NgRtjhff; fhz;gpj;J #l;rkkha; ,NaRNthL ,l;yp rhg;gpl;Nld; vd;W Jzpfukha; fzf;Ffis tpRthrpaplkpUe;J kiwj;jjp- ngha; $wpdhYk;> mtd; $w;iw Ntjj;NjhL ypUe;J... curpg; ghh;f;fhky;... my;NyY}ah Nghl;ljpGjpa jpuhl;irurk; vd;W $wp kjpkaq;fr; ypUe;J... nra;Ak; Ml;lk; ghl;lj;jpd; %yk; rigia ,d;Dk; vOjyhk; Mdhy; ifAk; kdKk; $j;jhLk; fskha; khw;wpajpypUe;J... typf;fpwJ... NghJk;... kp\ndhp Copaj;jpd; %yk; kp\ndhpia rpe;jpg;gPh;... rPuiltPh;... jhq;fpf; nfhz;bUe;j tpRthrpaplk;> kp\ndhpf; ,d;iwa rigf;F Njit vOg;Gjy; my;y... fhzpf;ifia rigapy; nfhLq;fs;> rig %yk; Rj;jpfhpg;G! kp\ndhpiaj; jhq; f yhk; vdf; $wp... Are you part of a unique ministry? tpRthrpfshy; 10 kp\ndhpfs; jhq;fg;gl;l #oypy; mij 2 kp\ndhpahf khw;wp rhjid Would you like to reach out to more Ghpe;jjpypUe;J... people and tell them about your gzf;fhu tpRthrpia Xl> Xl tpul;b mtdplk; ministry needs? Get featured in rig tsh;r;rpf;fhf vd t#y; Ntl;il elj;j The Christian Messenger. Muk;gpj;jjpypUe;J... Call 0-7299100771 to know the tariff. Koq;fhy;gbapl;L n[gpj;Jf; nfhz;bUe; tid ~Xh;\pg;| vd;w ngahpy; epw;fitj;J Website: Email:



FWf;nfOj;J N`kh jdrPyd;

1 & 2 njrNyhdpf;Nfah; B kw;Wk; C gbtq;fspy; nghUj;jkhd Ntjhfkf; Fwpg;ig vOjp A gbtj;Jld; mDg;g Ntz;Lk;. ,g;Nghl;bf;fhd cq;fs; gjpy;fis gbtk; A-apy; epug;gp> B kw;Wk; C Mfpa gbtq;fspy; trd Mjhuq;fis kl;Lk; vOjp gpg;uthp 20> 2020 Njjpf;Fs; fpilf;FkhW mDg;Gq;fs;.

gj;jphpf;ifapy; ntspaplg;gl;Ls;s gbtq;fis efy; vLj;J kl;LNk mDg;g Ntz;Lk;. gpw KiwfspNyh (mQ;ry; ml;il> cs;ehl;Lf; fth;> jhs; Nghd;witfspy;) tiue;Njh gjpy;fis mDg;gf; $lhJ. mitfs; Nghl;bf;F vLj;Jf; nfhs;sg;glkhl;lhJ. Mrphpah;. gbtk; A 1




5 6


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gbtk; B ,lkpUe;J tyk;: 1. rNfhjunuy;yhiuAk; ___________ Kj;jj;NjhNl tho;j;Jq;fs; ( 5) ( ____________ ) 4. rfy tpj tQ;rfKk; ,jpdhy; cz;lhFk; (3) ( ____________ ) 6. gTy; NjtDf;Nf ___________ cz;lhfg; NgrpdhH (4) ( ____________ ) 8. rTf;fpak; cz;nld;W nrhy;Yk;NghJ ,tSf;F Ntjid tUk; (10) ( ____________ ) 9. ,tid tQ;rpahky; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk; (5) ( ____________ ) 11. capNuhbUf;Fk; ehk; ,itfs; Nky; Mfhaj;jpy; vLj;Jf; nfhs;sg;gLNthk; (5) ( ________ ) 12. ,ul;rpg;gpd; ___________ vd;Dk; jiyr;rPuh (5) ( ____________ ) 16. ,J rbjpaha; tUk; (3) ( ____________ ) 17. njrNyhdpf;NfaH ,itfspy; nghWikiaAk;> tpRthrj;ijAk; fhz;gpj;jdH (6) ( _______ ) 18. cgj;jputg;gLfpwtHfSf;F ,isg;ghWjiy _______ Mff; nfhLg;gJ NjtDila ePjp (6) ( ____________ ) 20. xOq;fpy;yhjtHfSf;F ___________ nrhy;Yq;fs; (3) ( ____________ ) 21. fHj;jUila trdk; vt;tplj;jpYk; ___________ kfpikg;gl Ntz;Lk; (4) ( ____________ ) 24. ed;ik nra;tjpNy ___________ NghfhkypUq;fs; (4) ( ____________ ) 27. njrNyhdpf;Nfahpy; rpyH ____ NtiyAk; nra;ahky; xOq;fw;Wj; jphpfpwhHfs; (3) ( ______ ) THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w FEBRUARY 2020


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28. fpwp];JTf;Fs; khpj;jtHfs; ___________ vOe;jpUg;ghHfs; (5) ( ____________ ) 29. Njtidg; gw;wpd njrNyhdpf;Nfahpd; ___________ vq;Fk; gpurpj;jkhapw;W (5) (_________ ) 30. ___________ Mfpa nghy;yhj kD\H (6) ( ____________ ) gbtk; C NkypUe;J fPo;: 2. ,td; jd; gps;isfSf;Fg; Gj;jpAk;> NjWjYk;> vr;rhpg;Gk; nrhy;Yfpwhd; (5) ( ____________ ) 3. ,J tpRthrpf;fpwtHfSf;Fs;Ns ngyd; nra;fpwJ (6) ( ____________ ) 4. njrNyhdpf;NfaH ,q;Fs;s tpRthrpfSf;F khjphpfshdhHfs; (3) ( ____________ ) 5. gTy; nghUshirAs;stuha; ___________ gz;ztpy;iy (3) ( ____________ ) 6. ePq;fnsy;yhUk; ntspr;rj;jpd; ___________ (5) ( ____________ ) 7. gTypd; Nghjfk; ,it ,uz;bdhYk; cz;lhftpy;iy (5> 3) ( ____________ ) 10. ,jpd; ,ufrpak; ,g;nghONj fphpia nra;fpwJ (6) ( ____________ ) 13. ,J tUnkd;W gTy; Kd;dwptpj;jhH (7) ( ____________ ) 14. njrNyhdpf;NfaUila ,ijg; ghHf;f gTy; mjpfg; gpuaj;jdk; gz;zpdhH (3)( __________ ) 15. gTypd; Nghjfk; ___________ cs;sjha; ,Uf;ftpy;iy (4) ( ____________ ) 16. Njtd; ek;kplj;jpy; _________ epj;jpa Mwjy;> ey;ek;gpf;if nfhLj;jpUf;fpwhH (7)( _______ ) 19. jpUld; tUfpw tpjkha; ___________ ehs; tUk; (7) ( ____________ ) 22. gTy; ,uTk; gfYk; ,NjhL Ntiy nra;J rhg;gpl;lhH (5) ( ____________ ) 23. Njtd; gTiy ___________ vd;W vz;zpdhH (5) ( ____________ ) 25. me;j ehs; tUk; Kd; tpRthr ___________ Ke;jp Nehpl Ntz;Lk; (4) ( ____________ ) 26. ,jpdhy; fpwp];JtpDila ehs; rkPgkhapUf;fpwjhfr; nrhy;yg;gl;lhy; fyq;f Ntz;lhk; (2> 2) ( ____________ )

gjpy;fis mDg;gNtz;ba Kfthp: jp fpwp];bad; nknrQ;rh;> vz;. 20/20, ghujpahh; njU> rPdpthrh efh;> ghb> nrd;id 600 050.

cq;fs; ngah; : ______________________ ,lk; : ______________________ miyNgrp vz;: ______________________ nrd;w khjj;jpd; rhpahd tpilfs;: kj;NjA ,lkpUe;J tyk;: 1. kde;jpUk;Gq;fs; (3:2>4:17) 7. rkhjhdk; (10:34) 8. gl;lzk; (12:25) 9. gw;fbg;G (8:12>22:13>25:30) 10. frg;G (27:34) 15. rpq;fhrdk; (5:34) 16. ,oe;J> Nghthd; (16:25) 17. ghk;G (7:10) 19. guNyhfk; (6:20) 20. rhnyhNkhd; (12:42) 21. ehkk; (6:9) 23. tre;j> fhyk; (24:32) 25. Mj;Jkh (10:28) 26. ghyfh; (21:16) 27. nrk;kwpahL (25:33) 28. kpd;dy; (24:27) NkypUe;J fPo;: 1. kD\d; (4:4) 2. jpuhl;rg;goq;fs; (7:16) 3. Gyk;gy; (2:17) Website: Email:

4. fjph;fs; (12:1) 5. Nahjhk; (1:9) 6. khk;rk; (26:41) 7. rh;g;gq;fs; (10:16) 11. jrkghfk; (23:23) 12. yhkh> rgf;jhdp (27:46) 13. NgJU (16:18>19) 14. NjthyaNkh (23:17) 18. GJ> JUj;jp (9:17) 20. rhe;jFzk; (5:5) 21. ehrNuj;J (2:23) 22. ghtq;fis (1:21) 24. Fkhud; (11:27) ckJ Ntjj;jpy; ehd; vt;tsT gphpakhapUf;fpNwd;! ehs;KOJk; mJ vd; jpahdk; (rq;fPjk; 119:97). 21

[dthp khjg; Nghl;bf;fhd rhpahd tpilfis vOjpath;fs;: n`g;rpgh jhk];> ehd;]p Mgpufhk;> gpukpyh Jiuuh[;> \Pgh n[gJiu> Mgpufhk; NtjKj;J> Qhdnry;tp> VQ;[yh uh[d;> yPyh ghz;bad;> \Pyh tpNtf; (nrd;id). nfl;rp jk;Guh[; (rptpy;ypGj;J}H)> fpshuh (tlf;F uh[hT+h;)> nkh;rp n`f;lh; (ehfh;Nfhtpy;)> QhdRe;jhp (jpUney;Ntyp)> [hd;rp (Midkiy).

kzkfs; Njit S.Saravanan 04-11-1987, 5.5 feet, B.Com, Salary Rs.15,000/-, working in a Christian organization in Chennai. 0-7299100771 / 8248308861 FEBRUARY 2020 w THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER

KWKWf;fhNj ~fh;j;jhplj;jpy; kdkfpo;r;rpahapU| vd;W Ntjk; $WfpwJ. ,e;j cyfpw;F tUk;nghOJ eP vijf; nfhz;L te;jha;? ntWq;ifaha; te;j cd;idg; ghJfhf;fTk;> guhkhpf;fTk; cd;idr; Rw;wpYk; Ftpe;J fplf;Fk; ed;ikfis vz;zpg;ghh;. #hpad;> re;jpud;> el;rj;jpuq;fs; cd;idr; Rw;wpYk; cdf;F cjtpahf ,Uf;Fk;. ,aw;ifr; Roy;> fhw;W> jz;zPh; vd;W cd;dhy; vz;z Kbahj MrPh;thjq;fs; vj;jid mjpfk;? eP ed;wpahy; epiwe;J Jjpf;f Ntz;ba Neuk; ,JNt. vd; [dq;fis tdhe;jug;ghijapy; ehd; Fiwtpd;wp mw;Gjkha; elj;jpdNghJ mth;fs; KWKWj;J mopf;fg;gl;lhh;fs;. vz;zp vz;zpj; Jjp nra;. vd;Kd; nrq;flYk; ,uz;lhfg; gphpAk;. Jjpapdhy; nghpa kjpy;fSk; ,be;J tpOk;. vjphpapd; NridfSk; Kwpabf;fg;gLk;. jhtPjpd; rq;fPjq;fis ,d;W gb. mtd; Jd;gg;gl;ltd;. vjphpahfpa rTypdhy; giff;fg;gl;L Xb> Xb xspe;J jd; ehl;fis kiwtplq; f spy; fopj; jtd;. vd; mgpN\fk; mtd; NkypUe;j Neuj;jpYk;> mtd; mDgtpj;j NtjidfSf; F mstpy;iy. jd; nrhe;j kfdhfpa mg;rNyhkpdhy; giff; f g; g l; L > muz; kidia tpl;L Xbg;Nghdhd;. mtd; vOjpa rq;fPjq;fspy; jd; fz;zPiu mtd; ntspg;gLj;jpdhYk; mNef rq;fPjq;fs; Jjpapd; ghly;fNs. ~fh;j;jiu ehd; vf;fhyj;jpYk; ];Njhj;jhpg;Ngd;. mth; Jjp vg;NghJk; vd; thapypUf;Fk;| vd;fpwhd;. kfNd> eP ngw;wpUf;Fk; ed;ikfis ,d;W xU Gj;jfj;jpy; vOjp it. ed;wp nrYj;J. cgthrpj;J> cd;idj; jho;j;J. cdf;F tu Ntz;ba ed;ikfs; vd;dplk; Njq;fpf; fplf;fpd;wd. eP Jjpf;fj; njhlq;F. MrPh;thjq;fs; ngUfp tUk;. cd; vy;iyfis rkhjh-

dKk;> kfpo;r;rpAk; epug;Gk;. trd jpahdj;ijAk;> n[gNeuj;ijAk; mjpfg;gLj;J. vijAk; Nrh;j;J itf;fhNj. ,dpf;fhyk; nry;yhJ. ,y;yhjth;fNshL cd;dplKs;sijg; gfph;e;J nfhs;. Rj;j ,Ujaj;ij ehL. cd; thh;j;ijfspy; ed;wp fhzg;gll;Lk;. cd; Ngr;rpy; ed;wp ,Uf;fl;Lk;. cd;Dila ~KWKWg;G| xU tpahjp> xU njhw;W tpahjp. MfNt> vr;rhpf;ifahapU. ePjpkhd;fSila $lhuq;fspy; ,ul;rpg;gpd; nfk;gPu rj;jk; cz;L. ,d;W cd;idf; fhZk; xt;nthUthplKk; cd; ed;wpAs;s thh;j;ijfisg; Ngrp> mth;fisAk; Jjpf;fpwth;fshf khw;wptpL. cd; fz;fs; jpwf;fg;gll;Lk;. Nlhuh vl;tpd;

Owned and published by Elsy Robin from 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, II Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040. Printed by L Cyril Sagayaraj at VS Printograph Pvt Ltd., No. 142, L&T Road, Burma Colony, Perungudi, Chennai 600 096. Editor: Elsy Robin THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w FEBRUARY 2020


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WOOLEN BLANKETS, SAREES, DHOTIS DISTRIBUTED Hundreds of poor, destitute and old people received woolen blankets, sarees and dhotis as Christmas gifts in Punjab, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu thanks to your sacrificial contributions and prayerful support. May God continue to bless you and your family.


RNI No. TNBIL/2004/15307 Postal Registration No. TN/CCN/271/2016-2018 Posted: 2nd to 8th of every month Licence to Post Without Pre-payment WPP No. TN/PMG(CCR)/WPP-77/2016-2018 | Date of Publication: 25 of every month th

Christmas Celebrations From Our Mission Fields CHRISTMAS was celebrated with gaiety in our mission fields in Punjab, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Large numbers thronged the Messenger Missions churches in MP and Odisha. Pray for the new seekers and believers.


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