THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER Children’s Ministry: Photos Inside
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Lord, bless these young lives! Suffer the little children to come unto Me, said our Lord Jesus Christ. Children mean a lot to our God and His Kingdom. Jesus used children to illustrate the point of how one can enter the Kingdom of God. “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven,� He said in Matthew 18:2-4. Pray for these young children as we sow the seed of the Word of God in them.
Those Who Won’t Make It!
Men Have Pains, Too
NjtfpUig nra;Ak; 3 fhhpaq;fs;
When You Pray For Christ-likeness
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...but GOD who gives the increase 5 INCREASES GOD GIVES HIS CHILDREN
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Vol. 16, No. 3
JULY, 2019
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...but GOD who gives the increase
5 INCREASES GOD GIVES HIS CHILDREN BY ROBIN SAM ‘I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God gives the increase’ (1 Corinthians 3:6-7).
HE Bible talks specifically about increases. The God of the Bible is concerned about your life and your wellbeing. King David who lived up to be an old man confessed thus: ‘I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his descendants begging bread’ (Psalm 37:25). Our God never forsakes His children. He wants to see them grow and possess the earth. But, we need to be careful not to fall to the preaching of the prosperity preachers. If you listen to their messages, you would get the impression that the only job of God is to shower material blessings upon His children. That’s not what the Bible teaches us. There are both material and spiritual blessings. God is the giver of both type of blessings. There are 5 increases mentioned in the Bible.
covenant blessing promised to Abraham (Gen. 12:2; 13:15-16; 17:2). The One who promised it fulfilled it. Today, there are over 6.5 million Jews in Israel. Although, they are no match for the 422 million Arab inhabitants in the world, the God of Israel guards them day and night. Even today, the prayer found in Psalm 115, (‘May the Lord increase you more and more, you and your children’) elicits Amens from the covenant people. But, today all people groups under the sun are increasing. The population of the world is exploding like never before. The wicked are also increasing. 1. Increase promised by the Although we can do nothing about the increase of the wicked, God has a promise to us concerning them. covenant Increase in numerical strength was part of the Proverbs 29:16 says: ‘When the wicked are THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2019
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multiplied, transgression increases; but the righteous will see their fall.’ How glorious is that word. Child of God, do not fret about the growth of the wicked. Their fall is coming and you will see it. God has a way of ensuring the increase of His children, too. Proverbs 28:28 says: ‘...when the wicked arise, men hide themselves; but when they perish, the righteous increase.’
2. Increase that comes by laboring
the desired results. Some people who work in government sector have confided to me that years of their diligent work have gone unnoticed. Some complain about promotions being denied. Some others say even their dues are not paid on time. Child of God, all increases are from God. But this increase that I talk about is even more so. Read 1 Corinthians 3: 6-7. Apostle Paul talks about this increase where God shows His sovereignty. This increase is God telling us who’s the boss. One planted, another watered, but neither could bring about the increase. God Himself had to bring about it. That increase is not the result of your hard work or skills. Nor should it be considered as your reward, because Apostle Paul says in the following verse that ‘Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor’ (1 Corinthians 3:8). The reward is in the future (‘will receive’). This increase is not automatic. It cannot be predicted or prophesied. It is in God’s realm. God chooses the timing of this increase. All that we can do is keep on sowing or keep on watering and wait for the God who gives us the increase. Hallelujah!
Hard work pays off. If you really work hard, you get to reap great benefits from your sincere and regular efforts. There’s an increase associated with work. Hard work pays dividends. The Bible also concurs with that. ‘He who gathers by labor will increase’ is a promise from God (Pro. 13:11). ‘Increase comes by the strength of an ox’, says Proverbs 14:4. The patriarchs of the Old Testament were shepherds. They reared their cattle in rain and shine. Moses who fled Egypt reared his father-in-law’s 4. Increase that comes from total flock in the desert of Midian for 40 years. Before submission to God him, Jacob had also done the same. He reared Laban's flock for 20 years. And, in all the 20 years Jacob says not one of Laban’s ewes and female goats miscarried nor did he eat the rams of Laban’s flock. For all the hard work, Moses was blessed. He was made the leader of a nation. Jacob prospered materially so much so that Laban made a covenant with him. Our God has not changed. He promises to bless the work of your hands even today (Deut. 28:12; Deut. 15:6-16). Be diligent at your work even though you may think it is not what you would like to do. Moses and Jacob knew they were destined for One of the traits of our God is that He singles out greater things, but they remained faithful in their the obedient ones. The reason why Abraham is workplace till God changed their courses. called the ‘father of the faithful’ is because he obeyed. The reason why Isaac got a hundredfold 3. Increase that shows God’s increase when everyone around him was struck by famine was because he chose to believe in the God sovereignty who called him. When there was famine in the land, However, there are times you slog and do not find Website: www.christianmessenger.in Email: contact@christianmessenger.in
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THE MESSAGE God told him not to go to Egypt, but remain in Gerar (Gen. 26:1-6). The blessings mentioned in verses 12 and 13 were a result of Isaac’s obedience and faith. God singled out Moses for his obedience and honesty. ‘Then He said, “Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision; I speak to him in a dream. Not so with My servant Moses; He is faithful in all My house’ (Numbers 12:6-7). There is an increase associated with total submission to God. Take Psalm 85:12. It says: ‘Yes, the Lord will give what is good; And our land will yield its increase.’ This is God telling His people what happens when the king and the peasant abide by God’s law. When the whole nation is brought under the rule of the Lord, God cannot but bless the land. God did it for the nation of Israel. He made the desert bloom. When Israelites returned to their homeland after 70 years of Babylonian captivity, their nation was a howling wilderness full of thistles and weeds. But, look at where Israel is now. It is the pioneer in drip irrigation. Their deserts are blooming and countries such as India and the western nations look at Israel in amazement at their advancements. This increase can happen to us, provided we fulfil the condition. Child of God, pledge today to yield yourself fully to God and see what God does to your finances, family and fellowship.
increase; God, our own God, shall bless us. God shall bless us, and all the ends of the earth shall fear Him’ (Psalm 67:5-7). When Jesus Christ is the Lord of all nations, both the Jews and the Gentiles will be found in the Christian church. Things that we cannot even imagine now will be a reality in the glorious reign of our Lord Jesus Christ. ‘The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. The cow and the bear shall graze; their young ones shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox’ (Isaiah 11:67). What to do when your riches increase? Maybe, you have had your increase in your finances, but the Bible warns us not to be swayed by it. ‘If riches increase, do not set your heart in them’ (Psalm 62:10). Seek God’s will in knowing how you can aid Kingdom causes and store riches for yourself in heaven (Matthew 7:19-21). What to do when you don’t have increase? Maybe, you have not increased as you think you ought to have. Do not worry. God has your back. He will not let His children suffer any lack (Psalm 34:10). Continue to trust God for all your needs. Remember this: Jesus is our greatest treasure. If you have Him, you have everything. Romans 8:32 says: ‘He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered 5. Increase in the Millennium Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?’ The increase that God desires Despite all these increases, there’s an increase that is the most desirable in God’s sight. 2 Corinthians 3:18 tells us what it is: ‘but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.’ As John the Baptist said: ‘He must increase and I must decrease’ (John 3:30). Pray that God ‘will increase the fruits of your righteousness’ (2 Corinthians 9:10). May God Himself bless you and yours by these When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, He cursed words! Amen! the land. “Cursed is the ground for your sake; In toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, and you shall eat The Bible gives three lists of people who will the herb of the field. In the sweat of your face you not inherit the Kingdom of God. shall eat bread till you return to the ground’ (Gen. 3: It’s a checklist for us - to see if we will make it, if 17-19). the Lord were to return to gather His saints today. To this day, the earth remains in the cursed Read through 1 Corinthians 6:9,10, Galatians condition – full of thorns and thistles. But in the Millennial rule of Jesus Christ, the earth will yield its 5:19, 20, 21, and Revelations 21:8. If we find ourselves there, it’s time we went increase, says the Bible. down on our knees and asked for His blood ‘Let the peoples praise You, O God; Let all the cleansing again. peoples praise You. Then the earth shall yield her
Those who won’t make it!
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Kerala fine arts academy unmoved by bishops’ protests A fine arts academy in Kerala has ignored Catholic protests and refused to withdraw an award given to a cartoon allegedly denigrating Christian symbols. State-run Kerala Lalithakala Akademi honored K.K. Subhash for a cartoon that depicted rape-accused Bishop Franco Mulakkal of Jalandhar as a rooster. He is shown holding a crosier with an image of women’s underwear replacing the cross. Church officials have been protesting the cartoon since the award was announced in early June, saying it insults religious symbols. “The academy sticks to its stand on the cartoon award,” chairman Nemom Pushparaj told media on June 17. The academy’s executive council has unanimously decided not to alter the decision of the independent jury, he said. The Kerala Catholic Bishops’ Council demanded the withdrawal of the award on grounds that the state officially honoring such work would encourage the insulting of Christian symbols. But the academy refused. “If the cartoon has insulted anyone’s religious sentiments, that aspect would be looked into after taking legal consultation, if required,” Pushparaj said. The bishops’ council in a June 11 statement condemned the award. It lodged a complaint with the state government and urged the academy to withdraw the award. It also sought an apology from the academy. The caricatured Bishop Mulakkal, based in Punjab, awaits trial in a Kerala court after he was accused of raping a nun.
Christian men accused of ‘conversion’ released in Haryana TWO Christian men in Haryana were released on bail after they were falsely charged with forced conversions, Sajan K George, president of the Global Council of Indian Christians (GCIC), told AsiaNews. According to Baljeet Singh, a police officer in Safar, the two Christians are Ajmer and Lakhi Chand. A man called Prithi Singh, a Hindu, has accused them of violating several provisions of the Indian Penal Code (IPC). The two were arrested on May 9 in Kachwa village and were released the following day. According to their accuser, they tried to convert him by force to Christianity. Prithi, who lives in the same village, blames the two for hurting his religious feelings. The police officer also stated that the two “Christians denounced Hindu gods and made derogatory statements against them”. After their arrest, they were brought before a judge to be charged. The two Christians were “charged under various sections of the Indian Penal Code,” said Sajan K George, namely section 295(A) on “hurting religious sentiments; 298 (uttering any word or making any sound in the hearing or making any gesture, or placing any object in the sight of any person, with intention to wound his religious feelings; 323/506 IPC sections.” The baseless conversion allegations led to the conversion charges. At present, “communal tensions are high in rural areas, and even a domestic issue is given a conversion twist” because members of the Hindu “majority are willing to believe” what is said against members of the “minuscule Christian minority”.
Court favors Christian stand on St. Stephen’s admission process OFFICIALS of the Protestant Church of North India (CNI) have welcomed a New Delhi High Court decision that accepted their right to oversee the admission of Christian students in a college started by protestant missionaries. The court last month refused to stay the interview process for the admission of students to the 138-year-old St. Stephen’s College. The court was hearing a petition filed by three teachers who challenged the inclusion of a member of the church’s supreme council on the interview panel for admission of Christian students. They wanted the court to stop selection interviews being conducted in this way. “I do not consider it appropriate to stay the interview process,” Justice Anu Malhotra said June 12. “The are seeking to maintain their institution as they want it to be.” THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2019
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Men Have Pains, Too A woman said to me, ‘It took me years to really know that men cry too. I took my husband for a super human. I see him leave the house everyday and come back providing for us. One day as I have left the house and he was at home, I remembered that I needed to take something along, I turned back and headed home. As I got home, I tried going through the back door which was closer to the window of our room. I heard my husband crying like a baby asking God to help me get a job so I can help him fend for the family. He has never complained to me before but that day, I broke down in tears realizing that my husband has held much of his pains alone” A young married lady went to her mother and complained that her husband has not always bought things she wanted from him. The mother asked her, 'How many of those things have you bought for yourself?”. She stayed quiet and said, ‘But he is my husband?”. The mother replied her, ‘Have you ever found out the things your husband wants you to buy for him?”. Men always try to hide their pains. A woman was invited to preach at women conference and as she was preaching, she asked all the working class women to stand out. They humbly
did. And she asked them, ‘When you get your salary, how much do you give to your husband as a seed?”. Before your money gets to anywhere else, the priest in your life which is your husband should get something from you. Even if he is a rich man, sow seed in his life. Sometimes, we women don’t know that our husbands need something from us”. Men can be financially broke and pretend to have everything. Most men are married but they have lonely life. Sometimes, ask your husband out. Men are not always busy as women think. You have to understand that your husband has pains and needs too. Don’t judge him by things you want from him. Men also have emotional needs and problems. Men still cry for love.
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NjtfpUig nra;Ak; 3 fhhpaq;fs;
uhgpd; rhk; Mjyhy;> vd; FkhuNd> eP fpwp];J ,NaRtpYs;s fpUigapy; gyg;gL (1 jPNkhj;NjA 2:1). 2 jPNkhj;NjA 2-MtJ mjpfhuj;jpy; mg;Ngh];jydhfpa gTy; ,sk; Copadhd jPNkhj;NjATf;F cgNjrq;fisAk;> khh;f;fq;fisAk; fhz;gpf;fpd;whh;. cgNjrk; vd;gJ xUtDf;F vJ ey;yJ vd;W nrhy;YtJ. khh;f;fk; vd;gJ ey;yij milAk; top vJ vd;W fhz;gpg;gJ. ,NaR fpwp];Jtpd; Nghjidfs; ekf; F cgNjrj; i jAk; > khh; f ; f j; i jAk; jUfpd;wd. ,uz;lhtJ mjpfhuj;jpy; gTy; jPNkhj;NjATf;Fr; nrhy;Yk; Kjy; cgNjrk; mtDf;F Ntz;ba cjtpia mtd; vq;F fz;lilayhk; vd;gNj MFk;. ~eP fpwp];J ,NaRtpYs;s fpUigapy; gyg;gL.| vNgrpah; epUgj;ij vOjp Kbf;Fk;NghJ gTy; ,g;gbr; nrhy;fpwhh;: ~filrpahf> vd; rNfhjuNu> fh;j;jhpYk; mtUila rj;Jtj;jpd; ty;yikapYk; gyg;gLq;fs;| (6:10). fh;j;jhpd; rj;Jtj;jpd; ty;yikapy; gyg;gLk; Neuk; vd;W xd;W cz;L. mJ ey;yJk; $l. M d hy;> ,e ;j ,lj;jpy; g T yba hh; jPNkhj;NjATf;F nrhy;Yk; mwpTiu rj;Jtj;jpd; ty;yikapy; gyg;gL vd;W my;y> khwhf fpwp];J ,NaRtpYs;s fpUigapy; gyg;gL vd;gjhFk;. THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2019
,e;j cyfpy;> jhk; tho;e;j fhyj;jpy; ,NaR mkhD\;akhd tpjj;jpy; vijAk; nra;atpy;iy. jk;Kila rhPu gyj;ijf; fhz;gpf;f mth; xd;iwAk; nra;atpy;iy. rj;Jtk; vd;gJ fhzf;$baJ> mij nraypy; fhzKbAk;> czuTk; KbAk;. ,e;j cyfpy;> jhk; tho;e;j fhyj;jpy; ,NaR mkhD\;akhd tpjj;jpy; vijAk; nra;atpy;iy. jk;Kila rhPu gyj; i jf; fhz; g pf; f mth; xd; i wAk; nra;atpy;iy. mth; mw;Gjq;fisr; nra;jhh;> Mdhy; mitfisj; jk;Kila Njtj;Jtj;ij ntspg;gLj;jNt nra;jhh;. mth; jk;Kila ty;yikia ntspg;gLj;jpd xNu ,lk; nfhy;fjh kiyapy;> rpYitapNy jhd;. mq;Fk; mth; mij rfpj;jhh; vd;W Ntjk; nrhy;fpwJ. ~mth; jkf;FKd; itj;jpUe;j re;Njh\j;jpd;nghUl;L> mtkhdj;ij vz;zhky;> rpYitiar; rfpj;J> NjtDila rpq;fhrdj;jpd; tyJghhprj;jpy; tPw;wpUf;fpwhh;| (vgp. 12:2). ~fpwp];J ,NaRtpYs;s fpUigapy; gyg;gL.| ];ghprpf;f Kbahj xd;W fpUig. Mdhy;> mij mDgtpf;f KbAk;> czu KbAk;. Grace is an intangible thing. You cannot touch it,
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but you can allow yourself to be touched by it. ,e;j fpUig ,NaR fpwp];Jtpy; kl;LNk cz;L. ~me;j thh;j;ij khk;rkhfp> fpUigapdhYk; rj;jpaj;jpdhYk; epiwe;jtuha;> ekf;Fs;Ns thrk;gz;zpdhh;@ mtUila kfpikiaf; fz;Nlhk;@ mJ gpjhTf;F xNu NgwhdtUila kfpikf;F Vw;w kfpikahfNt ,Ue;jJ| (Nahthd; 1:14). ~vg;gbnadpy; epahag;gpukhzk; NkhNrapd; %ykha;f; nfhLf;fg;gl;lJ> fpUigAk; rj;jpaKk; ,NaRfpwp]; J tpd; %ykha; cz; l hapd| (Nahthd; 1:14). fpwp];J ,NaRtpy; ,e;j NjtfpUig ,Ug;gjpdhy; ekf;F ,uf;fKk;> fpUigAk;> ijhpaKk; fpilf;fpd;wJ. ~Mjyhy;> ehk; ,uf;fj;ijg; ngwTk;> Vw;w rkaj;jpy; rfhaQ;nra;Aq;fpUigia milaTk;> ijhpakha;f; fpUghrdj;jz;ilapNy Nruf;flNthk;| (vgp. 4:16). Njtd; ,e;j fpUigia ahUf;F mspf;fpd;whh;? ~vtd;Nky; fpUigahapUf;fr; rpj;jkhapUg;NgNdh> mtd; N ky; fpUigahapUg; N gd; @ vtd;Nky; ,uf;fkhapUf;fr; rpj;jkhapUg;NgNdh mtd;Nky; ,uf;fkhapUg;Ngd;| (ahj; 33:19). Njtd; jk;Kila fpUigia ahUf;FNtz;Lnkd;whYk; nfhLf;fyhk;. mJ mtUila rpj;jj;jpdhNy tUtJ. Mdhy;> Ntjj;ij Muha;e;J ghh;f;Fk;NghJ Njtd; fpUigiaj; jUtjw;F xU epajp cz;L vd;W fhzKbAk;. ~jho;ikAs;sth;fSf;Nfh fpUigaspf;fpwhh;|> vd;W ePjpnkhopfs; (3:34) nrhy;fpwJ. ahf;NfhG vOjpd epUgj;jpYk; (4:6) mg;Ngh];jydhfpa NgJUtpd; epUgj;jpYk; (1 NgJU 5:5) ,Nj rj;jpaj;ij ehk; fhzKbAk;. jho;ikAs;sth;fSf;F Njtd; jk;Kila fpUigia thf; F g; g z; z papUf; f pd; w hh; . my;NyY}ah. jho;ikf;F mg;gb vd;d xU ty;yik? NjtDila fpUigiag; ngw;W jUk; ty;yik jho;ikf;F vg;gb cz;lhdJ? jho;ik vd;gJ jd;dpiwtpdhy; tUtjy;y> jd;dwptpdhy; tUtJ. jd;Dila ngyj;ijAk;> ngytPdj;ijAk; mwpe;jtNd jho;ikAs;std;. jd;Dila ngyj;jpdhy; vy;yhtw;iwAk; nra;aKbahJ vd;w mwpTk;> jd;Dila ngytPdj;jpNy jd;idAk; kpQ;rpd ty;yik xd;W cz;L mJ nray;gLk; vd;w mwpTNk jd;dwpT. ~fpwp];J ,NaRtpYs;s fpUigapy; gyg;gL.| ,e;j fpUig vd;id vg;gb gyg;gLj;Jk;? Website: www.christianmessenger.in Email: contact@christianmessenger.in
jho;ik vd;gJ jd;dpiwtpdhy; tUtjy;y> jd;dwptpdhy; tUtJ. jd;Dila ngyj;ijAk;> ngytPdj;ijAk; mwpe;jtNd jho;ikAs;std;. jd;Dila ngyj;jpdhy; vy;yhtw;iwAk; nra;aKbahJ vd;w mwpTk;> jd;Dila ngytPdj;jpNy jd;idAk; kpQ;rpd ty;yik xd;W cz;L mJ nray;gLk; vd;w mwpTNk jd;dwpT.
1. fpUig vd; #o;epiyia khw;whJ> vd; kd epiyikia khw;Wk; Grace does not change my situation. It changes my outlook. ~cq;fs; kz;ntl;bfisg; gl;laq;fshfTk;> cq;fs; mhpths;fis <l;bfshfTk; mbAq;fs;@ gytPdDk; jd;idg; gythd; vd;W nrhy;thdhf| (NahNty; 3:10). gifth;fs; gilnaLj;J tUfpwhh;fs;> Njrj;jpNy MAjkpy;iy. vd;d nra;a? Njtid Nehf;fp mgaf; Fuypl;lNghJ mth; NgRfpwhh;> MNyhridj; jUfpwhh;. fpUig #oiy khw;wtpy;iy> kd epiyikia khw;wpdJ. kz;NzhLk;> kuq;fNshLk; NghuhLk; ve;jpuq;fis ,g;NghJ vjphpfNshL NghuhLk; MAjq;fshf khw;wr; nrhy;fpwhh;. cd; #oiy khw;whky;> cdf;F Ntz;baij cd; d plj; j py; ,Ug; g ijitj; N j Njtd; cz;lhf;Fthh;. mJ jhd; ,NaRtpd; fpUig. ,NaR fpwp];J ,uz;L Kiw mg;gk; gpl;L Mapuq;fisg; Ngh\pj;jhh;. Kjy; Kiw> ,NaR jk; rP\h;fsplk;: ~mth;fs; NghfNtz;bajpy;iy@
Njtnra;jp ePq;fNs mth;fSf;Fg; Ngh[dk; nfhLq;fs; vd;whh;| (kj;. 14:16). ,uz;lhtJ Kiw> mth; jk; rP\h;fisg; ghh;j;J: ~cq;fsplj;jpy; vj;jid mg;gq;fs; cz;L vd;W Nfl;lhh;| (kj;. 15:34). ,uz;L KiwAk;> xNu tpjkhd #oy;. fh;j;jh; #o;epiyia khw;wtpy;iy> mth;fs; kd epiyikia khw;wpdhh;.
2. fpUig vdf;fhf kw;wth;fspd; kd epiyikia khw;Wk; Njrj;jpy; nfhba gQ;rk;. Mfhg; uh[h tpf;fpufj; Njhg;Gfisf; fl;b ,];uNtypd; uh[hf;fs; nra;jijtpl mjpfkhf nra;J ,];uNtypd; NjtDf;Ff; Nfhgk; cz;lhf;fpdjhy; gQ;rk; te;jJ. vypahTf;F NfhPj; Mw;wq;fiuapy; nfhQ;r ehl;fs; fhfq;fspdhy; guhkhpg;G ele;jJ. Mw;wpy; jz;zPh; tw;wpdNghJ rPNjhDf;fLj;j rhwpghj; CUf;F Njtd; mtid mDg;gpdhh;. rhwpghj; xU rPNjhdpa gl;lzk;. mJ NaNrNgypd; Ch;. Mfhgpd; kidtpahd NaNrngy; xU rPNjhdpah uh[htpd; kfshf ,Ue;jhs; vd;W Ntjk; nrhy;fpd;wJ (1 uh[hf;fs; 16:31). ,];uNtypd; gps;isfisf; nfhy;y fl;lisg; gpwe;j ghh;Nthdpd; mukidapNyNa NkhNr tsh;f;fg;gl;lijg;Nghy> MfhigAk; NaNrNgiyAk; vjph;j;j vypahit Njtd; NaNrNgypd; ChpNyNa Ngh\pf;fj; jpl;lk; itj;jpUe;jhh;. rhwpghj;jpy; $l xU I];thpathDila tPl;bw;F Njtd; vypahit mDg;gtpy;iy. xU Vio tpjitapd; tP N l vypahTf; f hf Maj;jg;gLj;jg;gl;lJ. NjtDila fpUigiaNah mtUila guhkhpg; g pd; I]; t hpaj; i jNah Fiwj; J kjpg;gplhjpUq;fs;. mth; jk; [dq;fis 40 tU\q;fs; tdhe;juj;jpy; Ngh\pj;jth;. rhwpghj;jpy; jd;idg; Ngh\pf;fg;NghFk; tpjit ahnud;W vypahTf;F vg;gb njhpAk;? Mjpahfkk; 24-MtJ mjpfhuj; j py; Mgpufhkpd; Copaf;fhud; nra;jijNa jhd; vypahTk; md;W nra;jhd;. ~ehd; Fbf;f cd; Flj;ijr; rha;f;fNtz;Lk; vd;W ehd; nrhy;Yk;NghJ: Fb vd;Wk;> cd; xl;lfq;fSk; Fbf;Fk;gb thh;g;Ngd; vd;Wk; nrhy;Yk; ngz; vtNsh> mtNs ePh; ck;Kila Copaf;fhudhfpa <rhf;Ff;F epakpj;jtshapUf;fTk;> vd; v[khDf;F mEf;fpufk; nra;jPh; vd;W ehd; mjpdhNy mwpaTk; nra;jUSk; THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2019
vd;whd;| (Mjpahfkk; 24:14). vypah rhwpghj; j pd; xypKfthrypNy te;jNghJ xU tpjitiaf; fz;lhd;. mtNsh nry; t r; n ropg; G s; s tshf fhzg; g ltpy; i y. tPl;bw;F tpwF nghWf;fpf;nfhz;bUe;jhs;. jd;idg; Ngh\pf;f fh;j;jh; Maj;jg;gLj;jpdts; ,ts;jhNdh vd;wwpa vypah mtsplk; Ngr;Rf; nfhLj;jhd;. Kjypy; Fbf;f nfhQ;rk; jz;zPh; Nfl;lhd;. mjw;F mts; xg;Gf;nfhz;lTld;> ~nfhQ;rk; mg;gKk; cd; ifapNy vdf;Ff; nfhz;Lth| vd;whd;. mjw;F mts; vypahtplk;: ~ghidapy; xU gpbkhTk; fyaj;jpy; nfhQ;rk; vz;nzANk my; y hky; > vd; d plj; j py; xU milAk; ,y; i ynad; W ck; K ila Njtdhfpa fh;j;jUila [Ptidf; nfhz;L nrhy;YfpNwd;>| vd;W nrhd;dhs;. MdhYk;> mts; Ngha;> vypahtpd; nrhw;gb nra;jhs;@ mtSk;> ,tDk;> mts; tPl;lhUk; mNefehs; rhg;gpl;lhh;fs;> vd;W Ntjk; nrhy;fpwJ. ehk; ,J jhd; mw;Gjk; vd;W epidf;fpd;Nwhk;. ,J mw;Gjk; jhd;> Mdhy;> Njtd; vypahit ,e;jr; rpd;d mw;Gjj;ijr; nra;a kl;LNk tpjitapd; tPl;bw;F mDg;gtpy;iy. Elijah was sent to the widowâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s house not only to outlive the famine but to perform a greater miracle. The greater miracle was to follow soon after. Grace leads us to the realm of greater miracles. nfhQ;r ehl;fspy; me;j tpjitapd; kfd; khpj;Jg;Nghdhd;. mtid vypahitf;nfhz;Nl Njtd; caph;g;gpj;jhh;. gQ;rf; fhyj;jpy; Njtd; mtisAk;> kfidAk;> jPh;f;fjhprpiaAk; Ngh\pj;jhh;. Mdhy;> me;j mw;Gjk; mtis ,];uNtypd; Njtid ek;gg; gz;ztpy;iy. khpj;j kfid capNuhNl vOg;gpdNghJ jhd; mts; ,g;gbr; nrhd;dhs;: ~ePh; NjtDila kD\d; vd;Wk;> ck;Kila thapypUe;J gpwf;Fk; fh;j;jhpd; thh;j;ij cz;ik vd;Wk;> ,jpdhy; ,g;NghJ mwpe;jpUf;fpNwd;| vd;whs;.
3. fpUig vd;id tpohky; fhf;Fk; jPNkhj;NjAitg; ghh;j;J gTy; fpwp];J ,NaRtpYs;s fpUigapy; gyg;gL vd;W nrhy;y xU Fwpg;gpl;l fhuzk; ,Ue;jJ. me;j trdj;ijf; ftdpAq;fs;> ~Mifahy;| vd;w thh;j;ijNahL me;j trdk; Muk;gpf;fpd;wJ. 2 jPNkhj;NjA 1-MtJ mjpfhuk; KbAk;NghJ gTy; jPNkhj;NjAtpw;F %d;W egh;fisf;
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fpUig vd;id khw;Wk;. fpUig vdf;fhf kw;wth;fis khw;Wk;. Mdhy;> fpUig nra;fpw nghpa fhhpak;: vd;idf; fh;j;jUila ehSf;fhf fhg;gNj MFk;.
Fwpj;Jr; nrhy;fpwhh;. mth;fs;: gpnfy;Y> vh;NkhnfNd> xNerpg;NghU. ~Mrpah ehl;bypUf;fpw ahtUk; mth;fspy; gpnfy;Y vh;NkhnfNd Kjyha; vd;idtpl;L tpyfpdhh;fnsd;W mwpe;jpUf;fpwha;.| Mdhy; xNerpg;NghUitf;Fwpj;J NgRk;NghJ> gTy; ,g;gbr; nrhd;dhh;: ~mNefe;juk; vd;id ,isg;ghw;wpdhd;@ vd; tpyq;iff;Fwpj;J mtd; ntl;fg;glTkpy;iy.| ~mtd; Nuhkhtpy; te;jpUe;jNghJ mjpf [hf;fpuijaha; vd;idj;Njbf; fz;Lgpbj;jhd;. me;ehspNy mtd; fh;j;jhplj;jpy; ,uf;fj;ijf; fz;lilAk;gb> fh;j;jh; mtDf;F mDf;fpufQ;nra;thuhf.| ve;ehspNy? fh;j;jUila ehspNy. fpwp];Jtpd; tUifapd; ehspNy. fpUig vd;id khw;Wk;. fpUig vdf;fhf kw;wth;fis khw;Wk;. Mdhy;> fpUig nra;fpw nghpa fhhpak;: vd;idf; fh;j;jUila ehSf;fhf fhj;Jf;nfhs;tNj. fh;j;jUila ed;ikfSf;fhf kl;Lky;y> mth; jUk; ghJfhg;gpw;fhfTk;> Mj;Jk kPl;gpw;fhfTk; ehk; mtiuj; njhOJnfhs;sNtz;Lk;. ~,k;ikf;fhfkhj;jpuk; ehk; fpwp];Jtpd;Nky; ek;gpf;ifAs;sth;fshapUe;jhy;> vy;yh kD\iug;ghh;f;fpYk; ghpjgpf;fg;glj;jf;fth;fshapUg;Nghk;|> vd;W gTybahh; 1 nfhhpe;jpah; 15:19-Ny nrhy;Ytijf; ftdpAq;fs;. fpUig cd; #oiy khw;whtpl;lhYk; cd; kd Website: www.christianmessenger.in Email: contact@christianmessenger.in
epiyikia khw;Wk;. fpUig cdf;fhf kw;wth;fis khw;Wk;. fpUig gQ;rfhyj;jpYk; cd;idg; Ngh\pf;Fk;. mile;j thry;fisj; jpwf;Fk;. cd;id thyhf; f hky; jiyahf; F k; . cd; i df; fPohf;fhky; Nkyhf;Fk;. Fg;igapypUe;J cd;id vLj;J uh[hf;fNshLk;> gpuGf;fNshLk; mkug; gz; Z k; . Mdhy; > mitfs; vy; y hk; ,k;ikf;Fhpa MrPh;thjq;fs; kl;LNk. ~kD\d; cyfk; KOtijAk; Mjhag;gLj;jpf;nfhz;lhYk;> jd; [Ptid e\;lg;gLj;jpdhy; mtDf;F yhgk; vd;d?| (khw;F 8:36). jP N khj; N jANt> eP gpnfy; Y itAk; > vh;NkhfnditAk; epidj;Jf; nfhs;. mth;fs; fpwp];Jtpd; md;ig Urpghh;j;Jtpl;L> mtiutpl;L tpyfpg; Nghdth;fs;. eP mg;gb ,Uf;ff;$lhJ. Mifahy;> fpwp];J ,NaRtpYs;s fpUigapy; gyg;gL. eP filrp tiuf;Fk; cd; tpRthrj;ijf; fhj;Jf; nfhs;. ,NaR fpwp];JTf;F ey;y Nghh;r; Nrtfdha;j; jPq;fEgtp. vy; y htw; w pYk; kdj; n jspTs; s tdhapU> jPq;fEgtp. RtpNr\fDila Ntiyiar; nra;> cd; Copaj;ij epiwNtw;W (4:5). mJ cd; gyj;jpdhy; KbahJ. Mjyhy;> fpwp];J ,NaRtpYs;s fpUigapy; gyg;gL. eP ehbd JiwKfj; j pw; F cd; i df; nfhz;LNghf fpwp];J Maj;jkhapUf;fpwhh;. eP Maj;jkh?
Copahpd; ghh;itapy;
jkpof fpwp];jtj;jpw;Fk; rigfSf;Fk; xU miw$ty;! fh;ehlf khepyj;jpy; 1994-ypUe;J 2006 tiu rig epWTk; Copak; nra;J tpl;L (,jpy; 7 tUlk; njhlh;r;rpahf fh; e hlf fhtpfspd; cgj;jputj;jpy;> capUf;F cj;juthjkw;w ghJfhg;gpd;wp Copak; Nkhfd fpU\;zd; nra;jgpd;) nrd;idapy; kUj;Jt rpfpr;irf;fhf te;Njhk;. Qhapw;Wf;fpoikfspy; rigf;F nrd;why;> mq;F elf;Fk; ~ghpRj;j Md;kPff; Nfspf;iffs;| (Muhjid vd;w ngahpy;)> jq;fs; jpwikia ntspg;gLj;jg; ghLk; ghly;fs;> RaGuhzk; my;yJ fijfs;> trdNkapy;yhj gpurq;fq;fs;> 5-];lhh; miw Nghd;w ,Uf;iffs;> tho;tpw;Fk; trdj;jpw;Fk; rk;ge;jkw;w fpwp];jtnkd Ntjidg;gl;Nlhk;. ,jpy; fpwp];jtg; gpugyq;fspd; gz Mjhaf; $l;lq;fSk; mjpy; Nka;g;gdw;w jpushd [dj;jpus;fs; ,th;fspd; urpfh;fsha;. ehd;F my;yJ 5 rigfs; khj;jpuk; ,jw;F tpjptpyf;F (23 khjj; Njlypy; 96 QhapWf;fpoikfs;). Njtdpd; fz;bg;G> Rj;jpfhpg;G Muk;gkhfg;Nghfpw mwpFwpfis mg;NghNj fz;Nlhk;. fhtpfisf; n fhz; L rigfis Njtd; fLikahf rhpgLj;j Nghfpw ehl;fs; neUq;fpf; nfhz;bUg;gijg; gpurq;fq;fspy; nrhd;Ndd;. gyh>; (Vd; ehDk; $l ,ij ek;g f\;lg;gl;Nld;.)
Why pray? Jesus has asked us to pray for many things. One of them is to avoid temptations. What’s a temptation? It’s anything that puts self before God. Anything that says my way over His way, my pleasure over His desire, my plans over God's will. It’s anything that is in us that wants us to shout NOW over God’s still, small voice that says, Wait. And it’s a struggle believers face every day. It’s a battle we will continually wage until the day we cease to exist in the flesh. That’s why this prayer point needs to be on our lips and heart every day. Matthew 26:41 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2019
ek;gtpy;iy> ,d;W cz;ik GhpfpwJ. nrd;id (,g;NghJ jz;zPUf;fhd twl;rpAk;) khj;jpuky;y jkpo;ehNl ,d;W fhtpfspd; cgj;jputj;jpy;! jkpofr; rigfs; kde; j pUk; g p> Ntj trdq;fSf;Fj; jpUk;gp ght mwpf;ifNahL cgthr n[gq;fspy; NghuhLtNj jPh;T. jkpofr; rigNa jpUk;Gthah (Copaf;fhu Nkhfk; Jwe;J> fhzpf;iffs; fhg;ghw;wptpLk; vd;w tQ;rfj;jpypUe;J) fh;j;jhpd; ghjq;fSf;F?
Gospel in moving train, cops book Christian group
A group of evangelical Christians has been reported for “disturbing public peace” by passengers on the Chennai-Tiruchirapalli train. The incident took place on June 12, on board the train. Passengers complained to the Southern Railway railway station of Chennai because they were annoyed by the Christians persistent methods in announcing the Gospel. According to the passengers who were traveling on the train, the group of evangelicals proclaimed “the word of Jesus Christ” claiming that some of them had recovered after their conversion to Christianity. For this reason they also urged others to deny their faith by embracing the Christian faith. A video of the preaching ended up online and attracted public attention with police being called upon to punish the Christians. In Tamil Nadu, however, proselytizing is not illegal and the police have registered only one complaint based on Article 145 of the Railway Norms, which sanctions those who cause nuisance, engage in obscene acts or use indecent language. The Global Council of Indian Christians has condemned “the increase of intolerance towards the Christian faith”.
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RtpNr\ Nksh 2019 xt;nthUtUk; miukzp Neuk; ghuj;Jld; n[gpf;f 15 n[gf;Fwpg;Gfs;.
kpfg; nghpa ghtk; vJ njhpAkh? gpugykhd RtpNr\fh;> xUth; mnkhpf;fhtpy; xU Fwpg;gpl;l ,lj;jpy; Ngr ,Ug;gjhf Ngh];lh;fs; xl;lg;gl;bUe;jd. mjpy;> ~~mnkhpf;fhtpd; kpfg;nghpa ghtk; vd;d?|| vd;gijf; Fwpj;J Ngrg;Nghtjhf tpsk;gug;gLj;jg;gl;bUe;jJ. ,ijf; fz;l mnkhpf;fh;fs; me;j kpfg;nghpa ghtk; vJthf ,Uf;Fk; vd;W epidj;J Fok;gpdh;. mYtyfq;fspy; $l ,Nj Ngr;rhfj;jhd; ,Ue;jJ. me;jg; Fwpg;gpl;l ehspy; ikjhdk; kf;fs; nts;sj;jhy; epuk;gp tope;jJ. RtpNr\fh; xypngUf;fpapd; Kd; epd;W Ngr Muk;gpj;jhh;. ~~mnkhpf;fhtpd; ,e;jf; nfhba ghtj;jpdpkpj;jk; me;jfhu rf;jpfs; jiytphpj;J MLfpd;wd. ,e;j ghtj;jpdpkpj;jNk thypgh;fs; Jzpfukhdg; ghtf;fhhpaq;fspy; <LgLfpd;wdh;@ FLk;gq;fspy; gphptpidfs;> cwTfs; Jz;bf;fg;gLfpd;wd. ,jw;nfy;yhk; xl;Lnkhj;jkhAs;s me;j kpfg;nghpa ghtk; vd;d njhpAkh? n[gk; ,y;yhikjhd; me;j kpfg;nghpa ghtk;|| vd;whh;. cs;sj;jpy; Fj;jg;gl;lth;fs; czh;tile;jdh;. n[gpf;fhjJ ghtkh? vd;w xU Nfs;tp ekf;F voyhk;. Mk; vd;gNj gjpy;. ,ij ehky;y> gioa Vw;ghl;bd; Kjy; jPh;f;fjhprpahfpa rhKNty; $Wfpwhh;. ,];uNty; [dq;fs; NjtDila MSifiaj; js;sp> jq;fSf;F xU uh[h Ntz;Lnkd;W Nfl;Lg; ngw;Wf; nfhz;l rTy; uh[htpdpkpj;jk; Vw;gl;l Fog;gq;fs; gpur;ridfshy; kf;fs; rhKNtyplk; te;jNghJ> ~~ehDk; cq; f Sf; f hf tpz; z g; g k; nra; a hjpUg; N gdhfpy; fh; j ; j Uf; F tpNuhjkhfg; ghtQ;nra;fpwtdhapUg;Ngd;.|| (1 rhK. 12:23) vd;W $Wfpwhh;. rhKNtypd; cf;fpuhzj;JtKs;s ghpe;JNgRk; ,Ujaj;ijg; ghUq;fs;. gphpakhdth;fNs! fpwp];jth;fshfpa ehk; ek; Njrj;jpw;fhf> ek; khepyj;jpw;fhf> MSfpwth;fSf;fhf> [dq;fSf;fhf ghuk; nfhz;L n[gpf;fhjpUg;Nghkhdhy; ehk; ghtk; nra;fpwth;fshfNt ,Ug;Nghk;. gpwUf;fhf n[gpg;gNj mt;tsT Njit vd;why;> ek; ,ul;rpg;G epiwNtw ek; Mj;Jk kPl;gpw;fhf ehk; vt;tstha; n[gpf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;W rpe;jpg;Nghk;. xU kdpjdpd; tho;tpy; n[gk; ,y;iy vd;why;> Ntz;lhj midj;Jk; $g;gplhkNy cs;Ns te;J tpLk;. MfNt n[gpg;Nghk;> n[gj;jpy; jhpj;jpUg;Nghk;. 1. vy;yh mikr;rh;fs; kw; W k; mjpfhhpfspd; ghJfhg;gpw;fhfTk;> mth;fSila eph;thfj; jpwikf; f hfTk; > Njrg; gw;Wf;fhfTk;> kjr;rhh;gw;wj; jd;ikf;fhfTk;> x Ui kg ;g hl;bw ;fhfTk;> mth; f s; gopthq; F k; jd; i kaw; N whuha; tpsq; f Tk; > Njreyk; > r%f mf; f iw cs;Nshuha; ,Uf;fTk; n[gpg;Nghk;. 2. czT> nghJ tpepNahfk; kw;Wk; Efh;Nthh; eyd;> eLj;ju> rpW FWnjhopy;> ngz;fs; Foe;ijfs; eyk;> cuk; kw;Wk; ,urhadk;> njhiyj; njhlh;G> jfty; njhopy; El;gk; kw;Wk; rl;lk; ePjp - ,j;Jiwfspd; mikr;rh;fSf;fhf n[gpg;Nghk;. 3. rpWth; fhg;gfq;fs;> mehij ,y;yq;fs;> ngw;Nwhh;fis ,oe;J ,ju ,lq;fspy; tsUk; rpWth; f s; rhpahd ftdpg; g py; y hjjhYk; > Website: www.christianmessenger.in Email: contact@christianmessenger.in
fz;bf;f ahUkpy;yhjjhYk; gy tpjkhd ght czh;Tfspy; rpf;fpj; jtpf;fpwhh;fs;. ,g;gbg;gl;l ghtg; gof;fq;fspypUe;J mth;fs; tpLgl n[gpg;Nghk;. 4. vd; fz;fs; ,r;rpj;jitfspy; xd;iwAk; ehd; mitfSf;Fj; jilgz;ztpy;iy@ vd; ,Ujaj;Jf;F xU re;Njh\j;ijAk; ehd; Ntz;lhnkd;W tpyf;ftpy;iy@ ehd; nra;j Kaw;rpfspnyy;yhk; vd; kdk; kfpo;r;rp nfhz;bUe;jJ@ ,JNt vd; gpuahrq;fs; vy;yhtw;wpdhYk; vdf;F te;j gyd; (gpurq;fp 2:10). ,Njh> vy; y hk; khiaAk; kdJf; F r; rQ;ryKkhapUe;jJ. tUif rkPgk;> Maj;jkhf n[gpg;Nghk;. 5. cz;ikAs;sitfnsitfNsh> xOf;fKs;sitfnsitfNsh> ePjpAs;sitfnsitfNsh> fw;Gs;sitfnsitfNsh> md;Gs;sitfnsitfNsh> ew;fPh;j;jpAs;sitfnsitfNsh> Gz;zpak; vJNth> Gfo; vJNth mitfisNa rpe;jpj;Jf;nfhz;L> kdj;njspNthL Copak; nra;Ak; kp\ndhpfs; vOk;g n[gpg;Nghk;.
RtpNr\ Nksh 6. I.eh. mwpf;ifg;gb 2016-k; Mz;by; kl;Lk; va;l;]; Nehahy; Rkhh; 10 yl;rk; Ngh; khpj;Js;sdh;. ,Jtiu cyfstpy; 35 Nfhb Ngh; ,jdhy; khpj;Js;sdh;. jpUkz cwtpw;F ntspNa jfhj cwT nfhs;tJk;> jdpkdpj xOf;fKk;> fl;Lg;ghLk; FiwtNj ,jw;Ff; fhuzk;. ,J ghtnkd vy;yhUk; czue;jpl n[gpg;Nghk;. 7. jpUr;rpuhg;gs;sp khtl;lj;jpYs;s 27>13>858 kf;fSk;> 11 jhYf;fh> 507 fpuhkq;fSk; ,NaRtpd; mfhNg md;ghy; re;jpf;fg;glTk;> Gdpj ]; j yq; f Sf; F tUfpwth; f spd; kdf;fz;fs; jpwf;fg;glTk;> njhopy; tsh;r;rp fhzTk;> Njt MrPh;thjKk; nropg;Gk; cz;lhf n[gpg;Nghk;. 8. Nrhkhypah: 33% Ngh; xU ehisf;F xUNtis czT kl;LNk cz;fpd;wdh;. 40% gps;isfs; Cl;lr;rj;J Fiwthy; ghjpf;fg;gl;Ls;sdh;. %d;wpy; xU Foe;ij vil Fiwtha; gpwf;fpwJ. twl;rp> gQ;rk;> rpy Ntis nts;sk; fhuzkhf Nghjpa jhdpa tpisr;ry; ,y;iy. ,e;epiy khw n[gpg;Nghk;. 9. rpq;fhrdj;jpd; kj;jpapYk; me;jr; rpq;fhrdj;ijr; Rw;wpYk; 4 [Ptd;fspUe;jd. mitfs; : ~,Ue; j tUk; ,Uf; f pwtUk; tUfpwtUkhfpa rh;tty;yikAs;s Njtdhfpa fh;j;jh; ghpRj;jh; ghpRj;jh; ghpRj;jh;| vd;W ,uTk; gfYk; Xa;tpy;yhky; nrhy;ypf;nfhz;bUe;jd (ntsp. 4:6-8). Xa;tpy;yhky; Muhjid nra;gth;fsha; vq;fis khw;Wk;. tUif rkPgk;. Maj;jkhf n[gpg;Nghk;. 10. eP q ; f s; nrh]; j kilAk; g bf; F cq; f s; Fw;w q;fis xUtUf;nfhUth; mwpf;ifapl;L xUtUf; f hf xUth; n[gk;gz;Zq;fs;. ePjpkhd; nra;Ak; Cf;fkhd Ntz;Ljy; kpfTk; gyDs;sjhapUf;fpwJ vd MNyhridf; $wp> n[g tPudha;> ,uj;j rhl;rpaha; khpj;j mg;Ngh];jyd; ahf;NfhG Nghy vd;id khw;Wk;gb n[gpf;fpNwd;. 11. ,e;jpa murhq;fj;jpd; mwpf;ifg;gb Rkhh; 2.5 kpy;ypad; egh;fs; Xhpdr; Nrh;ifahsh;fshfpAs;sdh;. ,th;fs; LGBT vd miof;fg;gLfpd;wdh;. NCRB mwpf;ifg;gb 1>491 Ngh; THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2019
Section 327 Antigay rl;lj;jpd;gb ifJ nra;ag;gl;Ls;sdh;. gy Fw;wr; nray;fSf;F ,g;gbg;gl;Nlhh; fhuzkhf cs;sdh;. Xhpdr;Nrh;f;if ghtnkd czu n[gpg;Nghk;. 12. mjpf vOj;jwpT ngw;w khepyk; Nfush (94%) Fiwe;j vOj;jwpT ngw;w khepyk; gP`hh; (63.58%). ,e;j epiy khwp rPuhd fy;tp ,e;jpah KOtJk; fpilf;fTk;> fy;tpawpit nfhLf;Fk; Mrphpag; ngUkf; f s; MrP h ; t jpf; f g; g lTk; n[gpg;Nghk;. 13. nry;Nghdpy; ufrpakhf vLf; f g; g Lk; Mapuf; fzf;fhd tPbNahf;fs; Yo u T u b e Nghd;w Nrdy;fspy; cyfKOtJKs;s gad;ghl;lhsh;fshy; ghh;f;fg;gLfpd; w d. gy rpWgps;isfs; jq;fs; taJf;F kPwpa ghtq;fis nra;aj; J}z;Lk; ,g;glq;fs; Kw;wpYk; Klf;fg;gl;L> mbikg;gl;Nlhh; tpLgl n[gpg;Nghk;. 14. ,NaRtpd; md;ig mwptpf;f vOk;gpAs;s Rkhh; 200 kp\ndhp ,af;fq;fSk;> gzpahw;Wk; Rkhh; 1>40>000 Copah;fSk; kp\ndhpaha; te;J jd;idNa gypahf;fpd ,NaRitg; Nghy cz;ikaha; Copak; nra;a n[gpg;Nghk;. 15. ,Njh> jk; K ila Nfhgj; i j cf;fpukhfTk;> jk;Kila fbe;Jnfhs;sjiy mf;fpdp [{thiyahfTk; nrYj;jf; fh;j;jh; mf;fpdpNahLk; tUthh;> ngUq;fhw;iwg; Nghd;w jk;Kila ,ujq;fNshLk; tUthh; (Vrh. 66:15). tUif rkPgk; Maj;jkhf n[gpg;Nghk;.
What to expect when you pray for Christ-likeness Christ-likeness is formed in the crucible of pain, loneliness, rejection, grief and suffering. It is never born out of comfort and gaiety. If you pray for a transformation of your inner man, be ready for disappointments, rejections and humbling experiences. When you start looking like a misfit in the mainstream because of Christ and His teachings, thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s when the angels are sent to minister to you, for God the Father never allows His children to go away from Gethsemanes without letting them know they are dear to Him. Just like He did for Jesus.
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fijapd; rhuk;
eP ,d;Dk; cd;Dila Njrj;jpw;F tutpy;iy ,e;jr; rk;gtk; eilngw;w Neuk; KjyhtJ cyfg;Nghh; KbT ngw;wpUe;jJ. kp\dhp jdJ Copaj;ij Kbj;Jtpl;L tajhd epiyapy; jd;Dila jha;ehlhd mnkhpf;f Njrj;jpw;F jpUk;gpdhh;. Mg;gphpf;fhtpy; mth; Copaj;jpw;fhf midj;ijAk; nrytopj;jgpd;G mth; ifapy; gzk;> fhR vJTk; ,y;iy. xNunahU gioa #l;Nf];. mjpy; ,uz;L> %d;W khw;W t];jpuq;fs; kl;LNk ,Ue;jd. mij vLj;Jf;nfhz;L fg;gypy; Kjy; tFg;gpy; gazpf;f trjp ,y;yhky; fg;gypd; mbj;jsj;jpy; ,Uf;fpw %d;whtJ tFg;gpy; gazk; nra;jhh;. fg;gypy; vQ;rpDf;F mUfpy; mtUila miwapUe;jjhy; mth; ,Ue;j %d;whk; tFg;G jsk; #lhfNtapUe;jJ. fg;gy; Nfg; lTzpypUe;J Gwg;gl;L ,q;fpyhe;jpy; ypth;G+y; JiwKfk; te;jile;jJ. mq;F fg;gypypUe;j rpyh; ,wq;fpf; nfhz;ldh;> gyh; Vwpdh;. jP B nud; W fg; g y; myq; f hpf; f g; g l; l J. tpohf;Nfhyk; G+z;lJ. ,d;dpirf; fr;Nrhp NtW eilngw;wJ. mth; fhuzk; Nfl;lhh;. mjw;F xUth; gjpy; mspj;jhh;. ~~Kjy; cyfg;Nghhpy; (1914-18) Ner ehLfs; ntw;wp ngw;wd. me;j ntw;wp tpohtpy; fye;J nfhs;s mnkhpf;f [dhjpgjp te;jpUf;fpwhh;. xU thug; gazj;ij Kbj;J ekJ fg;gypy; mnkhpf;fh jpUk;Gfpwhh;. mjdhy; jhd; ,e;jf; nfhz;lhl;lk;>|| vd;W $wpdhh;. fg;gy; ypth;G+y; JiwKfj;jpypUe;J Gwg;gl;L mnkhpf;fhtpd; epA+ ahh;f; JiwKfj;ij mile;jJ. JiwKfj;ij tpl;L ntspNa te;jhh; kp\dhp> jdJ gioa #l;NfRld;. JiwKfj;jpw;F ntspNa rhiyapd; ,uz;L gf;fq;fspYk; Njhuzq;fs;> myq;fhpg;Gfs;> tuNtw;G tisTfs;. vf;fhsj;ij Cjp mnkhpf;f [dhjpgjpf;F tuNtw;G. jpushd [dq;fs; mq;Nf $b epd;W mtiu tuNtw;wdh;. rpwpJ Neuj;jpy; midtUk; fiye;J nrd;W tpl;ldh;. ,th; kl;Lk; jdpNa JiwKf thrypd; Xuj;jpy; ,Ue;j xU ,Uf;ifapy; Ngha; mkh;e;jhh;. jd;id tuNtw;f jdJ FLk;gj;jpdh; ahuhtJ te;jpUf;fpd;wduh? jd;id Mg;gphpf;fhtpw;F Copaj;jpw;F mDg;gpd Copa ];jhgdk; ahiuahtJ jd;id tuNtw;f mDg;gpajh vd;W ghh;j;jhh;. mq;F ahUNk ,y;iy> ,tiuj; jtpu. xU thuk; jdJ ehl;il tpl;Ltpl;L ,d;ndhU ehL Ngha; te;j xU kdpjDf;F ,t;tsT tuNtw;G vd;why; vdJ tho;f;if KOtijAk; Mg;gphpf;fhtpy; Copak; nra;J vdJ tNahjpf fhyj;jpy; vdJ ehL jpUk;gpapUf;Fk; vd;id Website: www.christianmessenger.in Email: contact@christianmessenger.in
tuNtw;f vj;jid Ngh; tuNtz;Lk;? ahUk; tutpy;iyNa! ehd; jtW nra;J tpl;NlNdh? ehd; Mg;gphpf;fhtpw;F kp\pdhpahf nrd;wJ ehd; vLj;j jtwhd KbNth? ehd; cz;ikapy; igj;jpaf;fhud;. ehd; jtW nra;J tpl;Nld; vd;W epidj;jhh;. ,Ujak; tpk;kpaJ. ,d;W ,uT vq;Nf ehd; jq;f KbAk; vd;W rpe;jpj;J me;j ngQ;rpy; cl;fhh;e;J fz;zPH tpl;lOjhh;. khiy kaq;Fk; me;Neuj;jpy; #hpaDila nghd;dpwkhd fjph;fs; mtuz;ilapy; tPr Muk;gpj;jJ. ~~kfNd>|| vd;wnjhU Fuy;. mth; jiy epkph;e;J ghh;j;jhh;. fh;j;juhfpa ,NaR mth; mUfpy; te;J epw;gijg; Nghy czh;e;jhh;. ~~kfNd eP ,d;Dk; cd;Dila RaNjrj;jpw;F te;J Nrutpy;iy. eP cd;Dila Njrj;jpw;F tUk;NghJ> nghd;jiuapy; eP epw;gha;. cd;id tuNtw;f ,uz;L gf;fq;fspYk; NjtJ}jh;fs; vf;fhsj;ij Kof;fp cd;id tuNtw;ghh;fs;...|| vd;W ,d;Dk; gy fhhpaq;fis $wptpl;L ,NaR nrd;W tpl;lhh;. my;NyY}ah!
rig> rpy rj;jpaq;fs; rigapy; ,uz;L tpjkhd Ml;fs; cz;L 1. ghpRj;jkhf;fg;gl;lth;fs;. 2. ghpRj;jthd;fshFk;gb miof;fg;gl;lth;fs; (vNg. 1:1@ 1 nfhhp. 1:2). rigapy; cs;sth;fspd; Mtpf;Fhpa epiyik vg;gbapUf;f Ntz;Lk;? ,NaR fpwp];JTf;Fs;sha; vy;yh cgNjrj;jpYk; vy;yh mwptpYk;> kw; n wy; y htw; w pYk; > rk; G +uzKs;sth;fshf;fg;gl;bUf;fpwth;fs; (1 nfhhp. 1:5). rigapy; %d; W tpjkhd $l;lq;fs; cz;L 1. ghpRj;jthd;fs;. 2. fz;fhzpfs;. 3. cjtpf;fhuh;fs; (gpypg;gpah; 1:1). JULY 2019 w THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER
FWf;nfOj;J N`kh jdrPyd;
NahRth B kw;Wk; C gbtq;fspy; nghUj;jkhd Ntjhfkf; Fwpg;ig vOjp A gbtj;Jld; mDg;g Ntz;Lk;. ,g;Nghl;bf;fhd cq;fs; gjpy;fis gbtk; A-apy; epug;gp> B kw;Wk; C Mfpa gbtq;fspy; trd ,Ug;gplq;fis kl;Lk; vOjp [_iy 20> 2019-f;Fs; fpilf;FkhW mDg;Gq;fs;. gj;jphpf;ifapy; ntspaplg;gl;Ls;s gbtq;fis efy; vLj;J kl;LNk mDg;g Ntz;Lk;. gpw KiwfspNyh (mQ;ry; ml;il> cs;ehl;Lf; fth;> jhs; Nghd;witfspy;) tiue;Njh gjpy;fis mDg;gf; $lhJ. mitfs; Nghl;bf;F vLj;Jf;nfhs;sg;glkhl;lhJ. Mrphpah;.
gbtk; A 1
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gbtk; B ,lkpUe;J tyk;: 2. Vdhf;fpaH kPjpahf ,Ue;j ,uz;L ,lq;fs; (2> 2) 4. rkdhd ntspapd; fly; (7) 7. jg;Gthtpd; ________ kdhNrf;Ff; fpilj;jJ (3) 8. Njrj;ij NtT ghHf;f fhNyg; ,q;fpUe;J mDg;gg;gl;lhd; (7) 12. A+jh Gj;jpuhpd; Rje;jukhd MW gl;lzq;fSs; xd;W (4) 13. nrGNyhd; Gj;jpuUf;Ff; fpilj;j gd;dpuz;L gl;lzq;fspy; xd;W (4) 15. NahNrg;gpd; Gj;jpud; (6) 18. fHj;jUila Mrhhpag;gl;lNk NytpaUf;F____________ (6) 19. fhj; Nfhj;jpuj;jpd; milf;fyg; gl;lzq;fspy; xd;W (5) 21. Fwpnrhy;Yfpwtd; (3) 23. ,jpd; uh[h gPuhk; (4) 24. eg;jyp Gj;jpuUf;F fpilj;j muzpg;ghd gl;lzq;fspy; xd;W (4) 25. NahHjhdpd; gd;dpuz;L fw;fs; ehl;lg;gl;l ,lk; (4) 27. ,];uNtyh; %d;whk; ehspy; te;j fpgpNahdpahpd; gl;lzq;fspy; xd;W 29. ,q;fpUe;J ,uz;L NtTf;fhuh;fs; mDg;gg;gl;lhHfs; (4) THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2019
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30. 32. 33. 34.
nrGNyhd; Gj;jpuUf;F fpilj;j Rje;ju gq;F tPjk; ,J kl;LKs;sJ (3) ( ____________ ) vhpNfhtpd; ,itfis itf;fpwNghJ ,isakfd; rhthd; vd;gJ rhgk; (5) (___________ ) ,itfs; ,uz;L uh[hf;fisj; Juj;jp tpl;lJ (5) ( _______________ ) VNjhk; vy;iyf;F Neuha; A+jh Gj;jpuUf;Ff; fpilj;j gl;lzq;fspy; xd;W (6) ( __________
gbtk; C NkypUe;J fPo;: 1. NahRth Fjpiufspd; ,itfis mWj;jhd; (4> 6) ( _______________ ) 2. vg;gpuhaPkpd; kiyj;Njrj;jpYs;s__________ kiy (3) ( _______________ ) 3. vg;gpuhapkH ,q;Nf FbapUe;j fhdhdpaiuj; Juj;jp tpltpy;iy (3) ( _______________ ) 4. A+jh Gj;jpuhpd; Rje;jukhd xd;gJ gl;lzq;fSs; xd;W (3) ( _______________ ) 5. NahRthTk; %g;gUk; jiyfspd; Nky; ,ijg; Nghl;Lf; nfhz;L fple;jhHfs; (3) ( ____________ ) 6. ,];uNtyH________ fj;jpfshy; tpUj;jNrjdk; gz;zg;gl;lhHfs; (5) ( _______________ ) 7. ,jpy; nrhy;ypa rfy thHj;ijfisAk; NahRth thrpj;jhd; (9) ( _______________ ) 9. #hpad; Vwf;Fiwa xU______ KOJk; eLthdj;jpy; epd;wJ (3) ( _______________ ) 10. ,jw;F fpof;fpYs;sJ ngj;jhNtd; (4) ( _______________ ) 11. VrhTf;F ,e;j Njrj;ijr; Rje;jhpf;Fk;gb nfhLj;Njd; (3> 2) ( _______________ ) 14. NfNrhpd; uh[hthfpa Xuhk; ,jw;Fj; Jiz nra;Ak;gb te;jhd; (3) ( _______________ ) 16. ________ rPl;L MNrH Gj;jpuUila Nfhj;jpuj;Jf;F tpOe;jJ (4) ( _______________ ) 17. ,Ug;G ujq;fs; ,Ue;jhYk; ,tHfisj; Juj;jp tpLtPHfs; (5) ( _______________ ) 20. rPNfhDila uh[;aj;jpd; kw;wg; gq;fhfpa gs;sj;jhf;fpypUf;fpw________ (5) ( ______________ ) 21. #hpNahjag; Gwj;jpy; vHNkhd; kiyabthuj;jpy; cs;s ,lk; (5) ( _______________ ) 22. fHj;jH jhNk cq;fSf;fhf________ gz;ZfpwhH (4) ( _______________ ) 26. rpkpNahd; Gj;jpuUf;Ff; fpilj;j gl;lzq;fspy; xd;W (5) ( _______________ ) 27. ,];uNty; Gj;jpuH ,tHfisj; Juj;jptpltpy;iy (5) ( _______________ ) 28. MgpufhKf;F ,tidf; nfhLj;Njd; (4) ( _______________ ) 31. nrnyhg;gpahj;jpd; Fkhuj;jpfspy; xUj;jp (3) ( _______________ )
gjpy;fis mDg;gNtz;ba Kfthp: jp fpwp];bad; nknrQ;rh;> vz;. 20/20, ghujpahh; njU> rPdpthrh efh;> ghb> nrd;id 600 050.
cq;fs; ngah; : ______________________ ,lk; : ______________________ miyNgrp vz;: ______________________ nrd;w khjj;jpd; rhpahd tpilfs;: 2 ,uh[hf;fs; ,lkpUe;J tyk;: 1. Mg;ngf; (13:17) 3. Rf;Nfhj;> ngNdhj; (17:30) 8. fhw;gbgaW (6:25) 9. mfpah (9:9) 10. fzf;fd; (18:18) 11. crpah (15:13) 12. jk];F (5:12) 13. jiytd; (1:9) (m) 1:11 (m) 1:13 14. mfrpah (8:26) 17. gyhjhd; (20:12) 18. ijyf;Fg;gp (9:3) 19. vhpNfh (2:4) 22. ypg;dh (23:31) (m) (24:18) 24. nghUs; (20:13) 25. jhyj;J (21:13) 26. jhs;> fjph;fs; (4:42) 29. Nahuhk; (3:6) 30. nfhk;kl;b (4:39) Website: www.christianmessenger.in Email: contact@christianmessenger.in
31. epF];jhd; (18:4) NkypUe;J fPo;: 1. Mkhj; (18:34) 2. ngf;fhfpah (15:23) 3. R&gq;fs; (23:24) 4. NfhNtW> fOijfs; (5:17) 5. ngj;khf;fh (15:29) 6. rpkpahj; (12:21) 7. cgj;jputk; (14:26) 9. md;dkNyf;F (17:31) 11. cg;Gg;gs;sj;jhf;F (14:7) 13. jh;jhf; (17:31) 15. vf;Nfhypahs; (15:2) 16. rpgpahs; (12:1) 20. ngdhjhj; (13:3) (m) (13:24) 21. cj;jpuk; (6:5) 23. ngj;\pNk]; (14:11) 27. rPNahd; (19:31) 28. Jk;kp (4:35) 21
[_d; khjg; Nghl;bf;fhd rhpahd tpilfis vOjpath;fs;: ehd;]p Mgpufhk;> Nuh[h tpd;nrd;l;> tpf;Nlhhpah yhud;];> eph;kyh Nltpl;> Mgpufhk; NtjKj;J> VQ;[yh uh[d;> ehd;]p Re;jh;> yPyh ghz;bad;> Ilh rpq;> fpNu]; tp[auhzp> \Pgh n[gJiu> gpukpyh Jiuuh[;> vyprgj; uhzp (nrd;id). nfl;rp jk;Guh[; (rptpy;ypGj;J}h;)> gpNukyjh Re;jh;ghG (nrq;fy;gl;L)> fpshuh (tlf;F uh[hT+h;)> tpf;Nlhhpah nry;tp N[hrg; (ehfh;Nfhtpy;)> QhdRe;jhp (jpUney;Ntyp) JULY 2019 w THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER
Ntjhfkj;jpd; Gj;jfq;fs;
1 NgJU fpwp];jt tho;f;if vd;gJ kyh; gLf;if my;y. mjpy;> kpFe;j re;Njh\k; cz;L vd;w NghjpYk; rpy Neuq;fspy; kpFe;j cgj;jputKk; cz;lhFk;. Mdhy;> cgj;jputk; ek; tho;tpy; cah; i tj; jUfpwjh my; y frg; i g Vw;gLj;Jfpwjh vd;gij ftdpf;f Ntz;Lk;. cgj;jputj;ij ehk; vg;gb vjph;nfhs;fpNwhk; vd;gijg; nghWj;Nj ek; tho;f;if mikAk;. cgj;jputj;jpd; kj;jpapy; tho;e;Jnfhz;bUe;j A+jh; f Sf; F ,e; j epUgj; i j vOjpd mg; N gh]; j ydhfpa NgJU> fpwp]; J tpd; Ms;jj;Jtj;jpw;fhfTk; mtUila kfpikahd jpl;lj;jpw;fhfTk; ijhpakhf tho;f;ifia elj;j Ntz;Lk; vd;gij mth;fSf;F typaWj;Jfpwhh;. [PtDs;s ek;gpf;iff;F miof;fg;gl;l ehk; ek;ik mioj;jtuhd ghpRj;jiu tho;f;ifapy; gpujpgypf;fNtz;Lk;. ek; Fzj;jpd; gyd; vd;gJ fPo;g;gbjYld; $ba elf;ifapy; tpsq;Fk;. MfNt> Fbkf;fs; murhq;fj;jpw;Fk;> mbikfs; v[khd;fSf;Fk;> kidtpfs; jq;fs; fzth;fSf;Fk;> GU\h;fs; jq;fs; kidtpfSf;Fk;> fpwp];jth;fs; xt;nthUtUf;Fk; fPo;g;gbjy; cs;sth;fshf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. fP o ; g ; g bjypd; mtrpaj; i j epUgj; j py; czh;j;jpd gpwNf> NgJU fbdkhd gFjpahd cgj;jputj;jpw;Fg; Nghfpwhh;. fpwp];jth;fs; jq;fisr; Nrhjpf;Fk;gb jq;fs; eLtpy; gw; w pnahpfpw mf; f pdpiaf; F wpj; J VNjh GJiknad;W jpifahky;> fpwp];Jtpd; kfpik ntspg;gLk;NghJ... fsp$h;e;J kfpOk;gbahf mtUila ghLfSf;F... gq;fhspfshdjhy; re;Njh\g;gl Ntz;Lk; vd;W nrhy;fpwhh; (1 NgJU 4:12). ,JNt ek; tho;f;ifia KOtJk; Njtdpd; ey;y fuq;fspy; xg;Gf;nfhLj;jjpw;fhd Mjhuk;. Mrphpah;: ,e;j epUgj;ij vOjpdth; NgJU jhd; vd;gij Mjpj;jpUr;rig xg;Gf;nfhz;lJ. mijj;jtpu> epUgj;jpYk; mfr;rhd;Wfs; mNefk; cz;L. Kjy; mjpfhuk; Kjy; trdj;jpy; mth; jd; ngaiuf; Fwpg;gpLfpd;whh;. mg;Ngh];jyh; elg; g bfspd; ,uz; l htJ mjpfhuj; j py; fhzg;gLk; NgJUtpd; gpurq;fj;jpy; tUk; thh; j ; i jfSk; ,e; j epUgj; j py; tUk; thh;j;ijfSk; xj;J ,Uf;fpd;wd. Mdhy;> ,ij mg;Ngh];jydhfpa NgJU vOjpapUf;f KbahJ vd;W nrhy;gth;fs; epUgj;jpy; gad;gLj;jg;gl;l rpwe;j fpNuf;f nkhopapy; fy; y hjtuhd fypNyadhfpa NgJUthy; vOj Kbe;jpUf;fhJ vd;W Fwpg;gpLfpd;whh;. Mdhy;> ,e;j epUgj;ij
rpy;thD vd;gthplj;jpy; nfhLj;J mDg;gpdjhf NgJU Fwpg;gpLfpd;whh; (5:12). me;j rpy;thD ,e;j epUgj;ij vOj NgJUTf;F cjtp ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. mJ kl;Lky;y> me;jf;fhyj;J fypNyah;fSf;F muhkpa nkhopAk;> fpNuf;f nkhopAk; ed;F njhpe;jpUe;jJ vd;gijAk; ehk; ftdpf;f Ntz;Lk;. vOjg;gl;;l fhyk;: ,e;j epUgj;jpd; Kjy; mjpfhuj;jpy; ~njhpe;Jnfhs;sg;gl;l guNjrpfSf;F| vOjg;gl;lJ vd;W tUk; thpiaAk;> ,uz;lhtJ mjpfhuj;jpy; tUk; Gw[hjpfSf;Fs;Ns ey;y rhl;rp ,Uf;fNtz;Lk; vd;w MNyhridiaAk; itj;Jg; ghh;f;Fk;NghJ ,J Kf;fpakhf vgpnua fpwp];jth;fSf;F vOjg;gl;lJ vd;W tpsq;Fk;. fpwp];JTf;Fg;gpd; 68-Mk; tUlk; ePNuh kd;ddpd; Ml;rp fhyj;jpy; NgJU rpYitapy; jiyfPohf miwag;gl;lhh; vd;W rig rhpj;jpuk; nrhy;fpd;wJ. NgJU jd;Dila filrp ehl;fis NuhkhGhpapy; fopj;jhh; vd;Wk; rhpj;jpuk; nrhy;fpd;wJ. mitfis itj;Jg; ghh;f;Fk;NghJ ,e;j epUgk; mth; khpg;gjw;F xU rpy tUlq;fSf;FKd; vOjg;gl;lJ vd;W mDkhdpf;fyhk; (64-Mk; tUlk;). epUgj;jpy; fpwp];J: Mtpf;Fhpa cyfj;jpy; cgj;jputg;gLk; fpwp];jth;fSf;F vLj;Jf;fhl;Lk;> ek;gpf;ifAkhf ,NaR tpsq;Ffpwhh;. ,NaR ekf;F ~[PtDs;s ek;gpf;ifAk;|> ~Rje;jpukhfTk;| ,Uf;fpwhh;. ~ehk; ghtq;fSf;Fr; nrj; J > eP j pf; F g; gpioj; j pUf; F k; g bf; F > mth;jhNk jkJ rhPuj;jpNy ek;Kila ghtq;fisr; rpYitapd; Rke;jhh;. mtUila jOk;Gfshy; FzkhdPh;fs;| (2:24). mth; ek; K ila ~Nka; g ; g Uk; | ~fz; f hzpAkhf| ,Uf;fpd;whh;. mth; ntspg;gLk;NghJ mtiu mwpe;jth;fs; kfpikailthh;fs;. jpwTNfhy; thh;j;ijfs;: fpwp];JTf;fhf ghLgLjy;. jpwTNfhy; trdq;fs;: 1:10-12> 4:1213. jpwTNfhy; mjpfhuk;: 1 NgJU 4. rpwg;gk;rq;fs;: NgJUtpd; Kjyhk; epUgj;ij %d;whfg; gphpf;fyhk;. xd;whtJ mjpfhuk; Kjy; 2-MtJ mjpfhuk; 12-MtJ trdk; tiuf;Fk; Kjy; gFjp. ikaf;fUj;J: tpRthrpapd; ,ul;rpg;G. ,uz;lhtJ mjpfhuk; 13-MtJ trdk; Kjy; %d;whtJ mjpfhuk; 12-MtJ trdk; tiuf;Fk; ,uz;lhtJ gFjp. mJ tpRthrpapd; fPo;g;gbjNyhL njhlh;GilaJ. %d;whtJ mjpfhuk; gjp%d;whtJ trdk; Kjy; Ie;jhtJ mjpfhuk; filrp trdk; filrp gFjp. mJ tpRthrpapd; cgj;jputj;ijf; Fwpj;jJ.
Owned and published by Elsy Robin from 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, II Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040. Printed by L Cyril Sagayaraj at VS Printograph Pvt Ltd., No. 142, L&T Road, Burma Colony, Perungudi, Chennai 600 096. Editor: Elsy Robin THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2019
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