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C O M P E L L E D! How Simon of Cyrene found the Lord and his calling on the way to Calvary 1

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Vol. 16, No. 1

Page 24

MAY, 2019

The purpose of the news magazine is to report newsworthy religious events and activities within the local community, nationwide and around the world, to increase the awareness and activism of believers regarding the moral issues of today, to provide thought-provoking commentary, and to provide an effective advertising vehicle for Christian ministries and organizations, events and businesses that want to reach the Christian community. - Editor

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Managing Editor: Robin Sam Editor & Publisher: Elsy Robin

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INSIGHT 3 types of pastors



GUIDE POSTS How to rein in your thoughts, Biblically

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C O M P E L L E D! How Simon of Cyrene found the Lord and his calling on the way to Calvary 1. The choice of God 2. The choice of Christ (and) 3. The choice of the disciple.

BY ROBIN SAM THIS message is about what God did for us through Christ. It is also about a man, and what he did for Jesus. And, through what he did for Jesus, how he discovered himself and his destiny. We are going to track the message of the cross through the journey of this man. We read about this man in three out of the four Gospels. Matthew, Mark and Luke talk about him (Mat. 27:32; Mark 15:21; Luke 23:26). The man’s name is Simon. The Bible calls him Simon of Cyrene. Each Gospel gives him exactly one verse. That’s all we know about him. Talking of Simon of Cyrene, we find that there were three phases in his encounter with Jesus Christ. 1. Before he met Christ, he was SOMEONE IN THE CROWD 2. After he was compelled to bear the cross, he became SOMEONE WHO GOT AN IDENTITY 3. After the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, he was to become SOMEONE WHO LEFT A LEGACY. This message is also about three choices. THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MAY 2019

SIMON – SOMEONE IN THE CROWD Before Simon of Cyrene met Jesus, he was someone in the crowd. Just a face among the hundreds that milled around in Jerusalem witnessing the passion of Christ. Matthew 27:32 says: ‘Now as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name. Him they compelled to bear His cross.’ Cyrene is a place in Libya in north Africa about 900 miles away from Jerusalem. Bible scholars believe Simon was a Jew and he was making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. He wanted to be in Jerusalem during the Passover - the feast of the unleavened bread. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Simon. In Acts 6:9, we read that the Cyrenians had a synagogue of their own in 6

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Jerusalem. Historians tell us 300 years before Christ, there were about 100,000 Jews living in Cyrene. They were deported there by Ptolemy Soter, a friend of Alexander the Great. Ptolemy was the pharaoh of Egypt and his rule stretched to Libya as well. And so, Simon of Cyrene was making this journey to Jerusalem. The journey itself would have required months of preparation and several weeks of travel. Why did Simon take so much trouble 2,000 years ago when travel conditions were harsh? Simon, we gather from contemporary history, wanted to be in the Temple of God, confess his sins and offer sacrifice to seek atonement. That was his plan. And, as Simon entered the gates of Jerusalem he saw a procession of sorts. Three men were bearing their crosses and slowly making their way outside the city. While two men had rugged rowdy looks and were agile, the third man looked weak and haggard. Obviously, he had been beaten all night and had lost quite a lot of blood. He had trouble carrying his cross and walking. The Roman soldiers had a job to do. On that day, they had three crucifixions to execute. The convicts had to be crucified early so they would suffer a slow but painful death. Roman law required an agonizing death at the cross for those convicted of the most heinous of crimes. The soldiers’ plan was to hang the three on their crosses on Golgotha outside the camp and put a sentry on guard and return to their barracks as early as possible. But the plans of the soldiers were upset by a slow moving Jesus who staggered and fell often under the weight of the cross. The only one who looked as if he didn’t have a plan was Jesus. After all, he was a convict - the 'enemy' of the Jews and the Romans. Jesus was a slave, literally. He had no rights of his own. But make no mistake, it was all going according to God's plan. 1 Peter 1:19-20 say: ‘but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world...’ Rev. 13:8 says: ‘All who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.’ Jesus Christ was foreordained to be the Lamb of God and die for the sins of the world before the world was founded. Jesus is the choice of God for our salvation. Acts 4:12 says: ‘Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.’ The plan of Simon, the man who wanted to be in Jerusalem during the Passover week to offer sacrifices for his sins, was overturned. But Simon Website: Email:

The only one who looked as if he didn’t have a plan was Jesus. After all, he was a convict - the ‘enemy’ of the Jews and the Romans. Jesus was a slave, literally. He had no rights of his own. But make no mistake, it was all going according to God’s plan. need not worry, God had a better plan. It was as if God was saying: ‘Simon, the One who is greater than the temple is here. Look unto Him. Like those who looked up to the bronze serpent in Moses’ time were saved, you will be saved too if you look unto Him.’ There is no verse in the Bible that suggests Jesus and Simon spoke to each other. But, if Jesus had a chance to speak to Simon, He would have said: 'Simon, you don’t have to offer your sacrifices. The sacrifices you offer have to be repeated every year. Wait for a while, I AM offering myself as the supreme sacrifice. I AM the sinless one, the spotless one, the blameless one, the Holy One of Israel and I came to the world to be the sacrifice for your sins.’ Jesus would have said: ‘Simon, I have chosen the path of cross for you before the foundation of the world.’ God has chosen and ordained you, too. Romans 8:29-30 say: ‘For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.’ God has got your back. He wants you to come to the cross of Christ. There is no other way. There is no other name. If you accept Jesus, God will reveal His plan for you. But remember, before God will reveal His plan for your life, He will upset the plans you have already made for yourself. Just like He upset the plans of Simon, the Cyrene.

SIMON - SOMEONE WHO GOT AN IDENTITY Luke 23:26 says: ‘Now as they led Him away, they laid hold of a certain man, Simon a Cyrenian, who was coming from the country, and on him they laid the cross that he might bear it after Jesus.’ There were hundreds of people who had turned up to watch Jesus being crucified. Simon was just one of them - the only difference being he was an 7


THE MESSAGE outsider. But the Gospels talk about him only because of his association with the cross of Jesus. From being someone in the crowd, Simon went on to become someone who got an identity. Early in his ministry, Jesus told His disciples and others how to follow Him. Bearing the cross was the choice of Christ. It is Christ’s command for your life as well. Mark 8:34 records it: ‘Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.’ That was the theory class, but when it was time for the practicals all His disciples flunked. Peter denied him thrice. Mark ran away leaving his linen cloth behind. Of course, John followed Jesus but he did not take up the cross of his Master. Bearing the cross of Jesus fell upon Simon. It would not be wrong to say God had ordained it for him. Simon did not volunteer for it. The Bible says, ‘he was compelled to bear it.’ It was Roman practice to compel the Jews and others to carry their burdens. At the point of the sword, Simon was compelled to bear the cross. In Matthew 5:41 Jesus said: ‘And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two.’ Simon fulfilled that too, well almost. The distance from Pilate’s court to Golgotha was only half a mile. But the cross was heavy, it must have weighed between 36 to 50 kilos. If carrying the cross was heavy labor, then Simon of Cyrene can be called the first co-laborer of Jesus, literally! He bore the burden of Jesus several years before Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Cor. 3:9, ‘we are God's fellow workers.’ Simon, in a way, became a co-worker of Christ by bearing the cross. Simon had to walk behind Jesus, step by step. Slowly. Painfully. Although he was compelled, Simon learned several valuable spiritual lessons on the way to Calvary. One of the first truths he learned was this: A colaborer is a co-sufferer. You cannot carry the cross of Jesus and not suffer with Him. Simon also learned another truth. Carrying the cross had a sure reward. Romans 8:17 says: ‘...and if children then heirs - heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him that we may also be glorified together.’ Are you carrying any cross? Do not worry. God is making you a co-heir with Christ. ‘Count it all joy when you fall into various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience’ (James 1:2). The most important truth Simon learned was to come. Somewhere along the way, Simon got to THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MAY 2019

If carrying the cross was heavy labor, then Simon of Cyrene can be called the first co-laborer of Jesus, literally! He bore the burden of Jesus several years before Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Cor. 3:9, ‘we are God’s fellow workers.’ know the Man whose cross he was compelled to bear. There were four significant things about the knowledge of Jesus that Simon of Cyrene came across on the way to Calvary. ì Luke 23:27 says a ‘great multitude followed Jesus and women mourned and lamented for Him.’ Why would the crowd follow Him and women mourn for Him, if Jesus were a criminal and a mere man? í Luke 23: 28, ‘But Jesus, turning to them, said, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.’ Even at the height of his own physical pain and agony, Jesus consoled the women of Jerusalem. That was something no ordinary man could have done. î Luke 23: 29, ‘For indeed the days are coming in which they will say, ‘Blessed are the barren, wombs that never bore, and breasts which never nursed! Then they will begin ‘to say to the mountains, “Fall on us!” and to the hills, “Cover us!”’ Simon heard Jesus making a prophecy that would be fulfilled in the last days. That was unheard of. How could any mere man who was nearing his own death prophesy about what was to come in the last days of the world? ï But the culmination of it all was when Jesus said: ‘For if they do these things in the green wood, what will be done in the dry?’ (verse 31). At that instant, Simon must have realized the darkness of his own soul and the dryness of his own spirit. With all the floggings and beatings when mere men would have wept, bawled and pled for mercy, here was a man who was braving it all and calling the attention of the world to the richness of His own self, the greatness of His own spirit and the greenness of His own sap. Truly, Jesus was the Son of God. Just as He had said. Some drops of the blood of Jesus must have fallen on Simon too. All the blood stains on his clothes and his body disqualified Simon from entering the temple because of the Levitical law (Lev. 15:31). But the blood of Jesus that seemingly defiled Simon, qualified him for eternity. Yes, Simon felt the power of the cross and the power of the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus offers us forgiveness of sins, says Ephesians 1:7. The blood of Jesus gives us the confidence to enter the holy places, says Hebrews 8

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10:19. ‘The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin,’ says 1 John 1:7. Christ took up the cross and shed His blood for you and me.

From being a somebody in the crowd, Simon became the man who carried the cross of Jesus. His life did not end with just that identity. He became well known in the Christendom as the father of Alexander and Rufus, chosen in Christ. Simon the Cyrene had indeed left a rich legacy. His wife and children (and I am sure his descendants as well) became followers of Christ. The choice before us is to follow the world or follow Christ. To take up the cross and follow Christ daily or follow the patterns of the world. Colossians 3:1 has a gem of an advice for followers of Christ. ‘If you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.’ To be raised with Christ, one has to first die with Christ. Carrying the cross is dying to self. He who has died on the cross with Jesus does not live for himself anymore. ‘I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God’ (Galatians 2:20). The benefits of following Christ far outweighs anything the world has to offer. 1 John 2:17 says: ‘And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.’Amen. Hallelujah!

SIMON - SOMEONE WHO LEFT A LEGACY ‘Simon a Cyrenian, the father of Alexander and Rufus...’ (Mark 15:21). The Gospel of Mark was written in AD 60, some 30 years after the death of Jesus. By then, Simon of Cyrene had become quite popular among the Christians in Rome, Jerusalem and Antioch. The man who was known as the one who carried the cross of Jesus was now known as the father of Alexander and Rufus. Rufus and his mother (i.e. Simon’s wife) were well known to Apostle Paul. He fondly recalls them in Romans 16:13, ‘Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord, and his mother and mine.’ What qualities did Simon’s wife have to be considered and called as his mother by Apostle Paul? I am sure she must have had all the attributes of the virtuous woman mentioned in Proverbs 31:10-31. ‘Rufus, the chosen one in Christ.’ What a title! What a privilege!

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3 types of pastors BY ROBIN SAM have spent decades observing pastors. I have great regard for several of them. I was raised in a denominational church (the Marthoma church, if you are curious) but after marriage we moved onto a Pentecostal church. We still worship in a Pentecostal church. This article is not about ‘denominational church versus Pentecostal church’, but about pastors, the good, the bad and the ugly. Since Pentecostal and independent churches are mostly administered by the ‘chief pastor’ with no central authority, they always have had a problem with accountability. And, where there is no pastoral accountability the church becomes vulnerable. I have come across three types of pastors. Type 1: The Shepherds These are pastors who are truly shepherds. They care for the souls of the congregation. They are rooted in that one place where God has placed them, shun trips (of the foreign and the ego kind) because they have realized the calling on their lives is to lead people to Christ through the local church, nurture and feed their flock with the Word of God and lead them by personal example and their sterling character.


The shepherd has a deep love and burden for people and souls. The soul burden arises out of his love for Jesus displayed at Calvary. He has a Godgiven gift to understand and explain the Word. He is authentic about his own weaknesses and personal brokenness. Although he is not judgmental, he does not pull his punches when it comes to talking about the judgment that awaits unrepentant sinners. He has a humble and teachable spirit. He has a strong empathy towards the hurting people and is clearly guided by what is just and unjust in the light of the Word of God. He is generally a low profile person. He would turn down invitations to be on the board of this organization and that society because he knows they rob him of his precious time which can be better

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spent at the feet of Jesus. When he preaches, you know he had spent time with Jesus. The shepherds are truly representatives of Jesus Christ, the Chief Shepherd. They build the Kingdom of God and do not care much for name or fame. They have a clear succession plan in their ministry and want only the ones with calling, anointing and training to inherit their ministries. They are a rare breed, but we must pray their tribe will increase. Type 2: The Snake Oil Sellers Then, there are pastors who are merely skilled preachers. They read up the concordances and the commentaries more than their Bible and are always looking to wow their audiences with their rhetoric. They make good orators, but too bad they decided to become pastors. They presume the office of the pastor is supreme in the 5-fold ministry mentioned in Ephesians 4:11-13. They do not care for their church members. They have generally no time to visit the sick, the hurting and the weak in faith among their congregation. They are frequent jet setters, always very keen on foreign trips, overseas preaching assignments and love the paraphernalia attached with them. They may be on the board of local Bible colleges but they make sure they send their children only to overseas Bible colleges because they know that's where the moolah, the network and the prestige is. They are smooth talkers much like the snake oil sellers. They take great care with their appearance and have a great sartorial sense. They would pray in tongues, prophesy and appear to be highly evangelical, but would crush dissent and make sure no other ministry around them grows. They build their own kingdoms to be inherited by their children after them even if they do not have the calling, the anointing and the training required for it. Their zeal for their denominations far exceeds their love for the Lord. They are dime a dozen, we must try to avoid them at any cost. Type 3: The Impostors And, then there are those who think they are pastors but are really impostors. For them, pastoral ministry is just another vocation. They do not think twice about bending rules, bribing officials and arm twisting the weak just to get their work done. They always have a coterie around them. They lie through their teeth and can never be trusted to keep their word. The less said about them the better. The 2nd and the 3rd types are ravenous wolves. They are in it for the name, fame and the money. They use their power and influence to manipulate and control people. They surround themselves with 'Yes' men and isolate their critics. They prize loyalty Website: Email:

over diversity. They refuse accountability, lead by the force of their personality and refuse to believe anything is wrong with them or their church. The think the church is their personal fiefdom. Bad pastors would be like the perilous men who live in the last days. In 2 Timothy 3:5, Apostle Paul said, they would be ‘having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!’ It is important you identify who your pastor really is. Because, there is so much at stake if you are receiving the Word from someone who only has a form of godliness, but denies its power. Which one of these types is yours?


Is your pastor living by faith in Jesus? If the church were a social club and Jesus was its group leader, then good and bad pastors would be judged upon their personalities, popularity, and relatability, not doctrine and life. If the church were a business and Jesus was its CEO, then good and bad pastors would be judged upon business principles and financial ratios, not doctrine and life. If the church were a social justice organization and Jesus was its social justice leader, then good and bad pastors would be judged upon their community campaigning abilities. But the church is none of these things. And Jesus is none of these things as well. Instead, the church is often referred to in the Bible as a flock – a flock of sheep. And pastors are called to be shepherds of the flock. In fact, the word ‘pastor’ is from the Latin word that means, ‘shepherd.’ So, if the church is like a flock and pastors are like shepherds, what does this mean about Jesus? It means that Jesus is the chief Shepherd. Jesus is the good – the ultimate good – Shepherd. He is the good Shepherd that laid down His life for the sheep. Jesus is the chief Shepherd of our souls, by whose blood we are purchased and redeemed. And as our chief Shepherd, Jesus places pastors into churches to feed and preach the Gospel to 'His' sheep according to ‘His’ example and according to ‘His’ Word. Simply stated, good pastors are those who live by faith in Jesus and teach according to Jesus. Bad pastors disregard Jesus’ example and Jesus’ doctrine. That is why a pastor is judged upon doctrine and life. Is the pastor speaking the doctrines of Jesus? Is the pastor living by faith in Jesus? Or is the pastor peddling something else? (Dr. Matthew Richard) MAY 2019 w THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER


How to rein in your thoughts, Biblically ASK yourself: What will happen if I water this thought and what kind of fruit will it produce? Whatever results we are looking for, move in that direction with that thought. The actions that we produce are driven by our thoughts. Before we make any steps in a particular direction, it is best that we hold ourselves accountable by processing our very own thoughts. The Word of God teaches us how powerful and influential our thought patterns are; it directs the course of our life. Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Let’s take for example the illustration of lusting after someone in our heart, continually. As the thought of lust comes in our mind, it is our responsibility to process why we thought of lust, how we plan to respond to this thought and whether this thought will become a recurring thought. If we have thoughts of low self-esteem, we do not have to be defined as a person with low self-esteem or allow these thoughts to control us. We claim and utilize the power within us, by countering our thoughts with faithfulness and confidence. As powerful, thinking human beings, we have to master the art of directing our thought patterns into a fruitful, positive and


productive direction. Yes! We can accomplish this task, but it will require some work. We all are faced with maladaptive thoughts at times, and we all have the ability to channel our thoughts and direct our actions. The initial stage of mindfulness is awareness. Before we are able to challenge a thought process, we have to be aware of that thought and judge its content. Let’s go back to thoughts of lust. A great place to start is to first identify that the thoughts we are having are lustful. After our thought is identified, we then weigh whether it is productive or destructive, which is guided firstly by our belief system and moral standard. Any thought we have should be judged by asking ourselves the question: Is it maladaptive or worth adapting; is it life-bearing or marked with death. Ask yourself: What will happen if I water this thought and what kind of fruit will it produce? Whatever results we are looking for, move in that direction with that thought. How Do Your Thoughts Shape Your Dreams? We have the power to accomplish and achieve whatever we believe. Our thought is the road which leads to our dreams.


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Whatever we spend our time thinking about becomes the driving force for our actions. For example, when we are driving a vehicle and we focus our attention on a specific direction; whether it be to the left of us or the right of us, the car we are driving automatically goes in the direction of our focus. The same concept is true in the way we think lining up with our actions which directs the course of our lives. We are able to achieve every dream and ambition that we set our minds to—the only barrier that can hinder our progress is our thoughts. God has already declared that he has good thoughts for us and our future. However, there are forces in this world that want to keep us back from seeing God’s perfect plan. We encounter things in life that are meant to discourage us and make us believe that we are not capable or that we are not meant for good. The problem is not that life was destined to work against you, the enlightenment is that, because you've been shaped to think of yourself based on your experiences, your actions just fulfilled those very thought patterns—you’ve been shaped. How do we change the course of these thoughtful patterns? We already identified the first stage of awareness. Now we are challenged to replace the

negative thought with more positive thoughts and reprogram our thought process; but first we must firmly believe in the ability of our thoughts coming to pass and purpose must be found in our past disappointments. If you believe that God has a great plan and purpose for our lives, we start with that belief. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” This article is an excerpt from 31 Days of Mindful Proverbs: Healing Words for the Soul by Latoya A. Delmadge.

Keep up the good work! Dear brother, Praise the Lord. Thank God for the marvelous ministry you are doing through ‘Messenger Missions’. Your interview with Bible translators Mrs. Jennitha and her husband in the March 2019 issue was remarkable. Thank God. Herewith I am sending my humble contribution for the VBS ministries. May God bless your work. Your sister in Christ, Mrs. Victoria Selvy Joseph, Nagercoil. TN.

Outreach among tribals by Odisha church

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tpRthrk; vdf;F Vd; Njitg;gLfpwJ? uhgpd; rhk;

mg;Ngh];jydhfpa gTy; nfhhpe;J rigf;F Kjy; epUgj;ij vOJk;NghJ nrhy;fpwhh;: ~,g;nghOJ tpRthrk;> ek;gpf;if> md;G ,k;%d;Wk; epiyj;jpUf;fpwJ@ ,itfspy; md;Ng nghpaJ. epiwthdJ tUk;NghJ FiwthdJ xope;JNghk;.

NjtDf;Fg; gphpakhd rNfhjuNu> cq;fs; tpRthrj;jpd; fphpiaiaAk;> cq;fs; md;gpd; gpuahrj;ijAk;> ek;Kila fh;j;juhfpa ,NaR fpwp];Jtpd; NkYs;s cq;fs; ek;gpf;ifapd; nghWikiaAk; > ek; K ila gpjhthfpa NjtDf; F Kd; g hf ehq; f s; ,iltplhky; epidT$h;e;J…(1 njr. 1:2). njrNyhdpf;Nfah; rigf;F gTYk;> rpy;thDk;> jPNkhj;NjAk; ,e;j epUgj;ij vOJk;NghJ> rigapYs; s tpRthrpfis epidT$u tpRthrpfSf;F Vd; tpRthrk; Njit? fhuzkhapUe;j %d;W fhuzq;fis ,q;F Ntbf;ifahfj; Njhd;wpdhYk; cq;fisg; vOJfpd;wdh;. mitfs; KiwNa: ghh;j;J me;jf; Nfs;tpia ePq;fNs xUKiw •tpRthrj;jpd; fphpia Nfl;Fk;gb gphpag;gLfpNwd;. tpRthrp vd;gJ vd;Dila milahskhf ,Uf;f Ntz;L•md;gpd; gpuahrk; nkd;why; vdf;Fs; tpRthrk; ,Uf;fNtz;Lk;. •ek;gpf;ifapd; nghWik xU fpwp]; j tDf; F tpRthrk; vd; g J mbg;gilahd jFjp. ,e;j nra;jpapy; njrNyhdpf;Nfah; rig ekf;F tpRthrk; mbg;gilj; jFjpahf tpRthrpfSf;F ,Ue;j %d;W gz;Geyd;fspy; 3 epiyfspNy Njitg;gLfpwJ. Kjy; fhhpaj;ijg; ghh;g;Nghk;. mg;Ngh];jydhfpa gTy; nfhhpe;J rigf;F Kjy; epUgj;ij vOJk;NghJ nrhy;fpwhh;: 1. Njtidg; gphpag; g Lj; j ~,g;nghOJ tpRthrk;> ek;gpf;if> md;G tpRthrk; Njit ,k;%d;Wk; epiyj;jpUf;fpwJ@ ,itfspy; md;Ng vgpnuah; 11:6> ~tpRthrkpy;yhky; NjtDf;Fg; nghpaJ. epiwthdJ tUk;NghJ FiwthdJ gphpakhapUg;gJ $lhj fhhpak;. Vndd;why; xope;JNghk;| vd;W nrhy;yptpl;L> Mdhy; Njtdplj;jpy NrUfpwtd; mth; cz;nld;Wk; ,g;nghOJ vd;w epfo;fhyj;jpNy ehk; ghh;f;Fk; mth; jk;ikj; NjLfpwth;fSf;Fg; gyd; tpjj;ijAk; (fz;zhbapNy epoyhl;lkha;)> mspf;fpwtnud;Wk; tpRthrpf;f Ntz;Lk;| vd;W ekf;F ,Uf;Fk; FiwitAk; (Fiwe;j mwpT)> nrhy;fpwJ. ek; k py; epiyj; j pUf; F k; fhhpaq; f isAk; Njtidg; gphpag;gLj;JtJ cq;fSila nrhy;Yk;NghJ> thQ;irahf ,Ue;jhy; mth;Nky; ,d;Dk; vt;tsT mjpfkhf tpRthrkhf ,Uf;f KbAk; •tpRthrk; vd;gij ePq;fs; xt;nthU ehSk; Nahrpj;J mij nray;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;. NjtDf;Fg; gphpakhap•ek;gpf;if Ug;gJ xU ehs; Nrit my;y> mJ ek;Kila •md;G jpdrhp NjitahfNt ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. Njtid tpRthrpg;gJ vd;gJ mtUila vd;W mNj %d;W fhhpaq;fisj; jpUk;gTk; trdj;ij> thf;Fj;jj;jq;fis> ty;yikia thpirg;gLj;Jfpwijg; ghh;f;fpNwhk;. tpRthrpg;gjhFk;. mtUila thh;j;ijjhd; ,e;j nra;jpia thrpf;Fk; rNfhjuNd> mtUila Rghtk; vd;gijAk;> mtUila rNfhjhpNa cq; f Sf; F s; tpRthrKk; > trdj;jpNy ty;yik cz;L vd;gijAk; ehk; ek;gpf;ifAk;> md;Gk; epiyj;jpUe;jhy; jhd; czh;e;Jnfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. cq;fis kw;wth;fs; epidT$Uk;NghJ ,td; njhpe;Jnfhs;sg;gl;ltndd;W kw;wth;fSf;Fk; njhpatUk; vd;w cz;ikia kwe;JtplhjPh;fs;. 2. ,ul; r pf; f g; g l tpRthrk; ~(Mgpufhk;) fh;j;jiu tpRthrpj;jhd;> mij mth; mtDf;F ePjpahf vz;zpdhh|; vd;W Mjp. Njit eLuhj;jphpapNy> G+kpajph;r;rp te;jTld; me;jr; 15:6-Ny thrpf;fpNwhk;. gTYk; Nuhkh; 4:3-Ny ,ij rpiwr; rhiyapd; fjTfs; vy;yhk; jpwf;fg;gl;ld. Nkw;Nfhs;fhl;Lfpwhd;. Website: Email:



cq;fs; rNfhjudplkpUe;J cs;Ns ,Ue;j ifjpfs; vy;Nyhhpd; fl;LfSk; fod;WNghapd. re;jbapNy rpiwr;rhiyf;fhud; epj;jpiu njspe;jhd;> fl;Lz;lth;fnsy;yhk; Xbg;Nghdhh;fs; vd;W epidj;J jd; capiu kha;j;Jf;nfhs;s gl;laj;ij cUtpdhd;. mij gTy; jLj;jTld;> ghpRj;jthd;fshd gTYf;Fk;> rPyhTf;Fk; Kd;ghf tpOe;J mtd; ,t;thW Nfl;lhd;: ~Mz;ltkhNu> ,ul;rpf;fg;gLtjw;F ehd; vd;d nra;a Ntz;Lk;?| mtidg; ghh;j;J mth;fs;: ~fh;j;juhfpa ,NaR fpwp];Jit tpRthrp> mg;nghOJ ePAk; cd; tP l ; l hUk; ,ul; r pf; f g; g LtP h ; f s; | vd; W nrhd;dhh;fs; (mg;. 16:31). ehk; ,ul;rpf;fg;gl ehk; xd;WNk nra;atpy;iy> nra;aTk; KbahJ vd;gij czh;j;j ,ul;rpg;G NjtDila <T vd;W gTy; vNgrpaUf;F vOjpd epUgj;jpNy nrhy;Yfpwhd;. Mdhy; me;j trdj;ij ehk; $h;e;J ftdpf;f Ntz;Lk;. ~fpUigapdhNy tpRthrj;ijf; nfhz;L ,ul;rpf;fg;l;Bh;fs;…| (vNgrpah; 2:8). fpwp];Jtpd; RtpNr\j;ijf; Fwpj;J ehd; ntl;fg;gNld; vd;W nrhd;d gTy; ,ijAk; nrhd;dhd;: ~…Kd;G A+jhpYk; gpd;G fpNuf;fhpYk; tpRthrpf;fpwtndtNdh mtDf;F ,ul;rpg;G cz;lhtjw;F mJ NjtngydhapUf;fpwJ| (Nuhkh; 1:16). RtpNr\j;ij tpRthrpf;fpwtidj; jhd; trdk; khw;Wk;. mtidj; jhd; Njtd; ,ul;rpg;ghh;.

3. gpiof;ff;$l tpRthrk; Njit ~tpRthrj;jpdhNy ePjpkhd; gpiog;ghd|; vd;W vOjpapUf;fpwNj (fyh. 3:11@ Nuhkh; 1:17). Mg$f; 2:4-Ny> ~jd; tpRthrj;jpdhNy ePjpkhd; gpiog;ghd;| vd;W vOjg;gl;l trdj;ijj; jhd; gTy; fyhj;jpahpYk; NuhkhpYk; Nkw;Nfhs; fhl;Lfpwhd;. Njtidg; gphpag;gLj;j kl;Lky;y> ehk; ,ul;rpf;fg;gl kl;Lky;y> ehk; gpiof;fTk; tpRthrk; Njit vd;W gioa Vw;ghl;L tPuh;fSk;> Gjpa Vw;ghl;L tpRthrpfSk; xd;WNghy mwpe;jpUe;jhh;fs;. Njtd; md;Wk; rhp> ,d;Wk; rhp> jk;ikg; gpd;gw;wp tUfpwth;fs; jhprpj;J elthky;> tpRthrpj;J elf;f Ntz;Lk; (2 nfhhp. 5:7) vd;W vjph;ghh;f;fpwhh;. caph;j;njOe;j ,NaRitf; fz;Nlhk; vd;W rhl;rp nfhLj;j rf Copah;fsplk; ,NaRtpd; fhaj;ijf; fz;L> mjpNy jd; tpuiyapl;L mtUila tpyhtpNy jd; ifisg; Nghl;lhnyhopa tpRthrpf;f khl;Nld; vd;W mg;Ngh];jydhfpa Njhkh nrhd;dhd;. rP\h;fSf;Ff; fhl;rpaspj;j gpwF 8 ehl;fs; fope;J ,NaR NjhkhTf;Fk; kw;w rP\h;fSf;Fk; THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MAY 2019

ePq;fs; KbahJ vd;W xJf;fp itj;j fhhpaq;fis> NjtDila ehkj;jpd; kfpikf;nfd;W kPz;Lk; Kad;W ghUq;fs;. cq;fs; tpRthrk; cq;fs; fphpiafNshL $l Kaw;rp nra;al;Lk;. jhprdkhdhh;. Njhkhtplk; jk; fhaq;fisf; fhzTk; mtDila tpuiyf; fhaj;jpYk;> ifia tpyhtpYk; Nghlr; nrhd;dhh;. mtd; nefpo;e;JNghdhd;. mg;nghOJ mtidg; ghh;j;J ,NaR: ~NjhkhNt> eP vd;idf; fz;ljpdhNy tpRthrpj;jha;> fhzhjpUe;Jk; tpRthrpf;fpwth;fs; ghf;fpathd;fs;| vdW nrhd;dhh; (Nah. 20:29). Njtidg; gphpag; g Lj; J k; tpRthrk; > ,ul;rpf;fg;gl ekf;F ,Uf;f Ntz;ba tpRthrk;> ehk; gpiof;f ekf;Fj; Njitahd tpRthrk; kiwe;jpUf;Fk; tpRthrky;y> nraypoe;j tpRthrky;y> khwhf mJ fphpia nra;Ak; tpRthrk; vd;W Ntjk; nrhy;fpwJ. ~tPzhd kD\Nd> fphpiafspy;yhj tpRthrk; nrj;jnjd;W eP mwpa Ntz;LNkh?| vd;W ahf;NfhG 2:20 nrhy;fpwJ. ,d;W ekf;Fs; cz;nld;W ehk; nrhy;Yk; tpRthrk; capUs;s> Jbf;Fk; tpRthrkh? my;yJ nrj;J gy ehl;fSk;> khjq;fSk;> tUlq;fSkhd tpRthrkh? Mgpufhk; Njtid tpRthrpj;jhd;> mJ mtDf;F ePjpahf vz;zg;gl;J Vd;? ahf;NfhG nrhy;fpwhd;: ~tpRthrk; mtDila fphpiafNshNl$l Kaw;rp nra;J> fphpiafspdhNy tpRthrk; G+uzg;gl;lJ| (ahf;NghG 2:22). vdf;Fs; tpRthrk; ,Ue;jhy; kl;Lk; NghjhJ. mJ vd;Dila fphpiafspdhNy ntspg;gLj; j g; g l Ntz; L k; . mJ vd; D ila fphpiafNshL $l Kaw;rp nra;a Ntz;Lk;. vd;Dila tpRthrk; G+uzkila mJjhd; top. ,ij thrpf;Fk; Njtgps;isNa> ePq;fs; KbahJ vd;W xJf;fp itj;j fhhpaq;fis> NjtDila ehkj;jpd; kfpikf;nfd;W kPz;Lk; Kad;W ghUq;fs;. cq;fs; tpRthrk; cq;fs; fphpiafNshL $l Kaw;rp nra;al;Lk;. fh;j;jUf;nfd;W me;jf; fhhpaj;ij nra;Aq;fs;. me;jg; gypgPlj;ij nrg;gdpLq;fs;. eph;%ykha;f; fplf;Fk; me;j myq;fj;ij vOe;J fl;Lq;fs;. ghoha;f; fplf;Fk; kz;NkLfspy; NjtDila ty;yik ,wq;fj;jf;fjhf tpRthrj;Jld; fphpia nra;Aq;fs;. mg;nghOJ cq;fs; tpRthrj;ijj; Jtf;FfpwtUk; Kbf;fpwtUkhapUf;fpw ,NaR (vgp. 12:2) cq;fs; #o;epiyapy; ,wq;fp tUthh;. mw;Gjk; nra;thh;. cq;fspy; kfpikg;gLthh;. Mnkd;.


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RtpNr\ Nksh 2019 xt;nthUtUk; miukzp Neuk; ghuj;Jld; n[gpf;f 15 n[gf;Fwpg;Gfs; cgthrk; ,Ug;gJ ey;yJ. khjj;jpy; xU KiwahtJ cgthrj;NjhL n[gpg;gJ kpfTk; ey;y xU fhhpakhFk;. Mdhy;> czitj; jtph;j;jy; kl;Lk;jhd; cgthrk; vd;wy;y> cgthrk; ,Uf;Fk; Neuj;jpy;> fh;j;jUila ghjj;jpy; mjpf Neuk; ,Uf;f ehk; Kaw;rp vLf;fNtz;Lk;. mjw;Fj; jilahf ,Uf;Fk; njhiyf;fhl;rp> njhiyNgrp Nghd;wtw;iwAk; ehk; jtph;j;jy; Ntz;Lk;. cgthrk; ,Uf;fpNwd; vd;W nrhy;ypf;nfhz;L ez;gh;fNshL mul;il> nghOJNghf;F rhjdq;fspy; mjpf ftdk; Nghd;wtw;iw Kw;wpYk; jtph;f;f Ntz;Lk;. ghpahrk;> Nfypg;Ngr;R> Ch;tk;G NgRjy; Nghd;wtw;iw tpl;Ltpl Ntz;Lk;. 1. cq;fs; khepyj;jpYk;> khtl;lj;jpYk;> ePq;fs; trpf;Fk; ChpYk; cs;s jpUr;rigfSf;fhfTk;> Copah;fSf;fhfTk; n[gpAq;fs;. mth;fis Njtd; mstpy;yhky; MrPh;tjpf;f n[gpAq;fs;. cq;fs; ChpYs;s rigfspd; ngah; f isAk; > Copah; f spd; ngah;fisAk; nrhy;yp Fwpg;ghf mth;fSf;fhf n[gpAq;fs;. mth;fs; VnwLf;Fk; RtpNr\Kaw;rpfs; tha;f;fTk;> kpFe;j gyd; juTk; Cf;fkhf n[gpAq;fs;. 2. cq;fSf;Fj; njhpe;j Copaq;fspd; Njitfisf; fh;j;jh; mw;Gjkhf re;jpf;f n[gpAq;fs;. naNfhth aPNuthf Njtd; mth;fs; #o;epiyapy; ntspg;glTk;> mth;fs; Kfq;fs; gpufhrkilaTk; n[gpAq;fs;. Muhjidf;F ,lk; ,y;yhky; jtpf;Fk; vj;jidNah Copaq; f s; ek; k pilNa cz; L . me; j Copaq;fis epidT$h;e;J n[gpAq;fs;. rigfs; ,ilNa cs;s Nghl;bg; nghwhikfs; eP q ; f n[gpAq; f s; . nghpa rigfSk; > Copah; f Sk; rpd; d Copah; f isAk; > Copah;fisAk; xLf;fp tsutplhky; jLj;J epWj;Jk; nray;fs; khw n[gpAq;fs;.

cq;fSf;Fj; njhpe;jth;fspd; ngah;fis vOjp itj;Jf; nfhz;L n[gpAq;fs;. 4. fpwp];JTf;fhf mtkhdKk;> epe;ijAk; mile;jth;fis cq;fSf;Fj; njhpAnkd;why; mth;fis epidT$h;e;J n[gpAq;fs;. mth;fs; vq;Nf js;sg;gl;Lg;Nghdhh;fNsh> mq;NfNa cah;j;jg;gl n[gpg;Nghk;. ahh; mth;fis mtkjpj;jhh;fNsh mth;fs; Kd;ghfNt fh;j;jh; jk; gps;isfSf;F xU ge;jpia Maj;jg;gLj;jTk;> Nkd;ikg;gLj;jTk; n[gpAq;fs;. fh;j;jh; epahak; nra;gth; vd;gij jk; gps;isfs; mDgtg;G+h;tkhf czh;e;J Njtidj; Jjpf; f Tk; kfpikg; g Lj; j Tk; n[gpg;Nghk;. ,NaRtpd; ehkj;jpy; ,e;j khjj;jpy; mth;fSf;F xU mw;Gjk; cz;lhf n[gpg;Nghk;. 5. ek;ikr; Rw;wpYk; mNef tho;f;iffspy; Jd; g Kk; > NrhfKk; ,Ug; g ij ehk; czh;e;jpUg;Nghk;. gy FLk;gq;fspy; rkhjhdk; ,y;iy> re;Njh\k; ,y;iy> Kd;Ndw;wk; ,y;iy vd;w epiyikNa cs;sJ. tpRthrpfspd; FLk;gq;fspy; cs;sj; jpUkzj; jilfSk;> Foe;ij ,y;yhj epiyikAk;> fztd;-kidtp cwTfspy; cs; s tphpry; f Sk; eP q ; f n[gpg;Nghk;. fh;j;jh; mth;fSf;F ,e;j khjk; xU mw;Gjk; nra;aNtz;Lk; vd;W NjtDila r%fj;jpy; Nghuhb n[gpg;Nghk;. Kbe;jhy; mg;gbg;gl;lth;fisg; Ngha; re;jpj;J> ,NaRtpy; cs;s ek;gpf;ifiaf; Fwpj;Jr; rhl;rp nfhLg;Nghk;> n[gpg;Nghk;.

3. [PtDs;s NjtDila gps;isfs; tpahjp> gytPdk; Nghd;witfspy; ,Ue; J tpLtpf; f g; g l n[gpAq; f s; . mNef Njtg;gps;isfs; MrPh;tjpf; f g; g l Kbahjgb 6. Ntiy nra;fpw tpRthrpfSf;fhf mth;fisg; gytpjkhd n[gpg; N ghk; . ,d; i wa #oypy; Ntiy gpy; y p#dpaf; fl; L fSk; > ];jyq;fspy; fLk;Nghl;b epyTfpd;wJ. mNjhL khe;jphPf ty;yikfSk; Ml;nfhz;bUg;gijf; $l Ntiyg;gSTk;> rhiy nehprypdhy; Vw;gLk; fhz;fpNwhk;. me;j ty;yikfSk;> fl;LfSk; fisg;Gk;> mOj;jKk; kdr;Nrhh;it mNefUf;F ,NaRtpd; ehkj;jpy; Kwpe;J tpo n[gpAq;fs;. mspf;fpd;wJ. Fwpg;ghf> FLk;gj;ijg; gphpe;J gzpGhpAk; ek; K ila mth;fs; fh;j;jhplk; Gjpa ngyidg; ngw;Wf; ntspehLfspy; cwTfSf; f hf n[gpg; N ghk; . mth; fSila nfhs;sTk;> fpUigapd; Nky; fpUigia tho; f ; i fapy; cs; s mOj; j q; f s; gy Neuq; fspy; milaTk; Cf;fkhf n[gpAq;fs;. Kbe;jtiu> Website: Email:



RtpNr\ Nksh ekf; F j; njhptjpy; i y. mth;fSf;F mjpfhhpfs; fz;fspy; jaT fpilf;f> gjtp cah;Tk;> rk;gs cah;Tk; fpilf;f> kd mOj;jq;fs; ePq;f> rkhjhdk; cz;lhf n[gpg;Nghk;. 7. ehk; trpf;Fk; ,lj;jpy; kw;w kjq;fisr; Nrh;e;jth;fSf;F ehk; ve;jtpjj;jpYk; ,lwy; cz;lhf;fhky; tho fh;j;jh; fpUigj; ju n[gpg;Nghk;. ek;Kila Ngr;Rk;> nray;fSk;> ekf;F ,NaRtpd; Nky; cs;s tpRthrj;ijAk;> ek; g pf; i fiaAk; fhz; g pg; g jhf ,Uf; f n[gpg;Nghk;. ek; mf;fk;gf;fj;jpy; cs;sth;fSf;F ek;khy; Kbe;j cjtp nra;fpwth;fshf ehk; ,Uf;fTk;> ek;iktpl trjp Fiwe;jth;fSf;F cjtpf;fuk; ePl;Lgth;fshf ,Uf;fTk;> mij ufrpakhf nra;aTk; Kaw;rpfs; vLg;Nghk;. mope;J NghFk; cyfg; nghUl; f shy; ehk; Mj; J k Mjhak; nra;fpwth;fshf ,Ug;Nghk;. 8. nrhe;jj; njhopy; nra;Ak; tpRthrg;gps;isfspd; tho;f;if Kd;Ndw Cf;fkhf n[gpg;Nghk;. tpahghuk; nra;Ak; fpwp];jtg; gps;isfSf;Fk; kw;wth;fSf;Fk; tpj;jpahrk; ,Uf;f n[gpg;Nghk;. fs;sj; juhR fh;j;jUf;F mUtUg;ghdJ vd;gij epidT$h;e;J mth;fs; jukhdg; nghUl;fis tpw; f pwth; f shfTk; > mepahakhf yhgk; <l;lhjth;fshfTk; ,Uf;fl;Lk;. mth;fSila njhopy; tpUj;jp mila n[gpg;Nghk;. QhapW jpdj;jpy; vt;tsT yhgk; te;jhYk; rigf; $btUjYf;F Kjyplk; nfhLg;gth;fshf mth;fs; ,Uf;f ehk; n[gpg;Nghk;. 9. ek; gl;lzj;jpYk;> fpuhkj;jpYk; trpf;Fk; mjpfhhpfs;> r%f ey Mh;tyh;fs; kw;Wk; murhq;fj;jpy; cah; gjtp tfpf;Fk; gpuKfh;fSf;fhf n[gpg;Nghk;. ,th;fSf;fhf n[gpg;gJ ek;Kila flik vd;W Ntjk; nrhy;fpwJ. ehk; mikjyhd [Ptdk; gz;z ,ijr; nra;a miof;fg;gl;bUf;fpd;Nwhk;. mth;fspilNa cs;s yQ;r-yhtz;ak; xope;J Nghf n[gpg;Nghk;. [dq;fis Vkhw;Wk; Rghtk; mth;fspilNa ,Ue;J xope;J Nghfl;Lk;. mth; f s; Vio vspath; f Sf; F cjtp nra;gth;fshf ,Uf;fl;Lk;. mth;fSk; ,NaRit THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MAY 2019

mwpaTk; > n[gpg;Nghk;.

Vw; W f; n fhs; s Tk;

Cf; f khf

10. ek;ikr;Rw;wpYk; fphpia nra;Ak; thd kz; l yq; f spYs; s nghy; y hj Mtpfspd; Nridfs; tPo;j;jg;gl n[gpg;Nghk;. ekf;fpilNa nray; g Lk; tQ; r f Mtpfs; > tpf; f puf Muhjidapd; rhgq;fs;> [dq;fspd; fz;fisf; FUlhf; f pitf; F k; gprhrpd; fphpiafs; > tYrh;g;gj;jpd; ty;yikfs; kw;Wk; khe;jphPff; fl;Lfs; mWf;fg;gl> jw;nfhiyapd; Mtp xLf;fg;gl> ,NaRtpd; ehkk; kfpikg;gl n[gpg;Nghk;. 11. ek;kpilNa trpf;Fk; nry;te;jh;fSk;> gpugyq;fSk; nry;tKk;> ngUikAk; epiyahd rkhjhdj;ijAk;> ek;iktpl;L vLglhj ey;y gq;ifAk; ekf;Fj; juhJ vd;W mwpe;J mth;fs; tho;f;ifapy; cs;s ntWikia czh;e;J khiaahd topghLfisAk;> ghuk;ghpaj;ijAk;> fl;Lf;fijfisAk;> tk;rtuyhWfisAk; tpl;L tpyf n[gpg;Nghk;. mth;fs; NjLk; rkhjhdj;ij ,NaR xUtNu juKbAk; vd;gij mth;fs; czh;e;J mtiuf; fh;j;jUk;> ,ul;rfUkhf Vw;Wf;nfhs;s> [PtG];jfj;jpy; ngah; vOjg;gl> epj;jpaj;jpy; Nrh;f;fg;gl n[gpg;Nghk;. 12. ek;Kila ,isajiyKiwf;fhf n[gpg;Nghk;. cyf rpw;wpd;gj;jpYk;> nysfPf tho;f;ifapYk; jpisf;Fk; thypgh;fSk;> jPa cwTfspdhy; miyf;fopf; f g; g Lk; mg; g htpg; gps; i sfSk; > fpwp]; j tf; FLk;gj;jpy; ,Ue;Jnfhz;Nl cyf el;gpdhy; kha;khykhd tho;f;if thOk; gps;isfSk; rj;jpaj;ij mwpaTk;> rj;jpak; mth;fis tpLjiy nra;aTk; n[gpg;Nghk;. ek;Kila gps;isfis miyf;fopf;Fk; vy;yh mRj;jq;fSk; mth;fistpl;L ePq;fpg;NghfTk;> cyfj;jpd;NkYk;> gprhrpd;NkYk;> khk;rj;jpd;NkYk; mDjpdKk; n[ak; vLf;Fk; fpUig mth;fSf;Ff; fpilf;fTk; n[gpg;Nghk;. 13. jkpo;ehl;by; cs;s 33 khtl;lq;fSf;fhfTk;> 300 jhYf;fhf;fSf;fhfTk; 17 Mapuj;Jf;Fk; mjpfkhd fpuhkq;fSf;fhfTk; VO Nfhbf;Fk; mjpfkhd kf;fSf;fhfTk; n[gpg;Nghk;. ,e;j khepyj;jpy; cs;s jpUr;rigfSf;fhfTk;> fpwp];jth;fs; kpfTk; Fiwthf cs;s fpU\;zfphp> jUkGhp> ehkf;fy; kw;Wk; f&h; khtl;lq;fSf;fhfTk; n[gpg;Nghk;. jkpo;ehl;bd; ghJfhg;gpw;fhfTk;> MrPh;thjj;jpw;fhfTk;> ey;y jiyth;fs; cUthfTk; Cf;fkhf n[gpg;Nghk;.


Website: Email:

14. tdhe;jpuj;jpNy $g;gpLfpwtDila rj;jkha;> vypahtpd; MtpNahL> ,NaRtpd; Kjy; tUiff;F topia Maj;jk; gz;zTk;> kde;jpUk;GjYf;F Vw;w fdpfisf; nfhLq;fs;> ey;y fdpnfhlhj kunky;yhk; ntl;Lz;L mf;fpdpapNy Nghlg;gLk; vd;Wk; ijhpakha; Nghjpj;j Nahtd;];ehdfd; Nghy vd;id khw;Wk; vd;W n[gpg;Nghk; (kj;NjA. 3:3> 8> 10@

11:10> 14). 15. ~~fh;j;jhNt> ckJ nrtpiar;rha;j;J> vd; tpz;zg;gj;ijf; Nfl;lUSk;... ehd; ghf;fpaKs;std;... ePh; ey;ytUk;> kd;dpf;fpwtUk; ck;ik Nehf;fpf; $g;gpLfpw ahth;NkYk; fpUig kpFe;jtUkhapUf;fpwPh;|| (rq;. 86:1> 2> 5). kd;dpg;igg; ngw;W fpUigf;fha; kd;whl n[gpg;Nghk;.

New believers take baptism in MP church

Be part of VBS ministry in our mission fields

WE are introducing Lord Jesus Christ and His love to over 1,000 children this year through the Vacation Bible School ministries in May and June. In Punjab and Himachal Pradesh, schools close for summer holidays only in June so VBS will be held in those two states only then. In all our other states, VBS will be conducted by end of April or in May. I urge you to pray for the VBS ministry from now onwards. Pray that God will remove every obstacle that prevents children from getting close to Him. Pray also that the teachers’ VBS training will go on as scheduled and every child who comes to the VBS gatherings will accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Each child’s expense for a day will be Rs.50/- We have received Rs. 36,000/- so far but we require another Rs.1,14,000/- for the three-day meetings. It’s my desire that this expense will be met by your prayers and generous contributions. May God bless those who support this ministry by a hundredfold! Blessings, Robin Sam

To send your donations, please check our bank details. Website: Email:


A/C Name : Messenger Missions A/C No : 913020055473409 Account Type: Current Bank Name : Axis Bank Branch : Mogappair, Chennai. Branch : 345 IFS code : UTIB0000345 Swift code : AXISINBB016 MAY 2019 w THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER

FWf;nfOj;J N`kh jdrPyd;

ahj;jpuhfkk; B kw;Wk; C gbtq;fspy; nghUj;jkhd Ntjhfkf; Fwpg;ig vOjp A gbtj;Jld; mDg;g Ntz;Lk;. ,g;Nghl;bf;fhd cq;fs; gjpy;fis gbtk; A-apy; epug;gp> B kw;Wk; C Mfpa gbtq;fspy; trd ,Ug;gplq;fis kl;Lk; vOjp Nk 20> 2019-f;Fs; fpilf;FkhW mDg;Gq;fs;. gj;jphpf;ifapy; ntspaplg;gl;Ls;s gbtq;fis efy; vLj;J kl;LNk mDg;g Ntz;Lk;. gpw KiwfspNyh (mQ;ry; ml;il> cs;ehl;Lf; fth;> jhs; Nghd;witfspy;) tiue;Njh gjpy;fis mDg;gf; $lhJ. mitfs; Nghl;bf;F vLj;Jf;nfhs;sg;glkhl;lhJ. Mrphpah;. 1

gbtk; A 3



4 6







10 14



17 18




22 23








gbtk; B ,lkpUe;J tyk;: 1. ,uz;lhk; gj;jpapYs;s ,uz;L ,uj;jpdf; fw;fs; (5> 5) ( ___________ ) 8. Vohk; ehspNy ,tDk; ,isg;ghw Xa;e;jpUg;ghahf (8> 3) ( ___________ ) 9. gps;isf;F vd;d rk;gtpf;Fk; vd;gij mwpa J}uj;jpy; epd;wts; (4) ( ___________ ) 11. kPjpahd; Njrj;J MrhhpaDf;F VO ______________ ,Ue;jhh;fs; (7) ( ___________ ) 13. ,];uNty; Gj;jpuh; KiwapLk; rj;jk; ,jpy; vl;bdJ (6) ( ___________ ) 15. ,];uNtyiu vt;tstha; xLf;fpdhh;fNsh mt;tstha; ______ ngUfpdhh;fs; (3)( ____ ) 17. ,tdpd; rNfhjhp vyprghs; (4) ( ___________ ) 19. fh;j;jhpd; epahag;gpukhzk; cd; ,itfspd; eLNt epidg;g+l;Ljyhf ,Uf;ff;fltJ (4) ( ___________ ) 20. fh;j;jh; mf;fpukj;ijAk;> kPWjiyAk;> ghtj;ijAk; ______ (8) ( ___________ ) 24. ghpRj;j J}gth;f;fk; nra;aj; Njitahd nghUs; (5) ( ___________ ) 25. ,jpd; uh[h if ty;yik fz;lhnyhopa cq;fisg; Nghftplhd; (4) ( ___________ ) 26. NkhNr ,ijg; Grpahky; ,uT gfy; ehw;gJ ehs; fh;j;jNuhL ,Ue;jhd; (4) ( _________ ) 28. Nytpapd; Fkhud; (3) ( ___________ ) 29. rpkpNahdpd; Fkhuh; vKNty;> ______> Xfhj; (3) ( ___________ ) 30. fh;j;jh; cq;fSf;fhf Aj;jk; gz;Zthh;@ ePq;fs; ______ (10) ( ___________ ) THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MAY 2019


Website: Email:

gbtk; C NkypUe;J fPo;: 1. Muhjidf;Fhpa mq;fpapd; Xuj;ijr; Rw;wpYk; ,it ,uz;Lk; ,Ue;jd (2> 7) ( __________ ) 2. rpWikg;gl;ltDf;Ff; fld; nfhLj;jhy; mtdplj;jpy; ,ij thq;f Ntz;lhk; (3)( ________ ) 3. ______ E}y; fh;j;jUf;Ff; nfhLf;Fk; fhzpf;if (4) ( __________ ) 4. ehyhk; gj;jp ,uj;jpdf;fy; (3) ( __________ ) 5. fh;j;jh; vfpg;jpahpd; ,ujq;fspypUe;J ,itfs; foyTk; gz;zpdhh; (5) ( __________ ) 6. kd;dhtpd; Urp Njdpl;l ,jw;F xg;ghapUe;jJ (5) ( __________ ) 7. miur; Nrf;fy; (3) ( __________ ) 10. ______ Gj;jpud; xUtDk; g];fhit Grpf;f Ntz;lhk; (4) ( __________ ) 11. fh;j;jh; ______ tPuidAk; flypNy js;spdhh; (3) ( __________ ) 12. ______ gps;isia xLf;fhky; ,Ug;gPh;fshf (5) ( __________ ) 14. fh;j;jhNt> ck;Kila ______ gifQid nehWf;fptpl;lJ (6) ( __________ ) 16. MW ______ Fj;J tpsf;fpd; gf;fq;fspy; tplNtz;Lk; (4) ( __________ ) 18. ,tis capNuhNl itf;f Ntz;lhk; (6) ( __________ ) 21. ______ Nghd;w xU ntz;fyr; ry;yil (7) ( __________ ) 22. ,j;Nrahhpd; Fkhud; (3) ( __________ ) 23. ,J tpOfpwJ cd; Njrj;jpy; ,Ug;gjpy;iy (5) ( __________ ) 24. vfpg;J Njrj;jpypUf;fpw Kjw;Ngwidj;Jk; ______ (3) ( __________ ) 25. MNuhdpd; Fkhud; (5) ( __________ ) 27. ,];uNtyh; vfpg;jpypUe;J Gwg;gl;l khjk; (3) ( __________ )

cq;fs; ngah; : ______________________ ,lk; : ______________________ miyNgrp vz;: ______________________

gjpy;fis mDg;gNtz;ba Kfthp: jp fpwp];bad; nknrQ;rh;> vz;. 20/20, ghujpahh; njU> rPdpthrh efh;> ghb> nrd;id 600 050.

nrd;w khjj;jpd; rhpahd tpilfs;: Nuhkh; ,lkpUe;J tyk;: 1. cUthf;fg;gl;l> t];J (9:20) 8. Rje;juthspfs; (4:14) 10. tpLjiy (6:18) 11. Ntjk; (10:11) 14. rkhjhdk; (10:15) 15. ,Ujak; (10:10) 16. Fbg;Gk; (14:17) 17. gytPdd; (14:2) 19. Mf;fpy;yh (16:3) 21. khak; (12:9) 23. FNuhjk; (1:29) 24. Kw;Wk; (8:37) 25. rz;ilf;fhuh; (2:8) 26. gz;zg;gLk; (10:10) 27. kD\h;fs; (1:23) 28. ngh;rpahs; (16:12) NkypUe;J fPo;: 1. cjtp (8:26) 2. thf;Fj;jj;jk; (4:13) Website: Email:

Vg;uy; khjg; Nghl;bf;fhd

3. fd;kiy (9:33) 4. ghpRj;jkhFjy; (6:22) 5. topjg;gp (3:12) 6. Jzpthd; (5:7) 7. ,Us; (1:21) 9. fdtPdkhd (9:21) 12. ek;gpf;if (12:12) 13. mg;gh (8:15) 14. rk;gsk; (6:23) 15. ,r;ir (7:7) 18. tPk;Gf;fhuh; (1:30) 20. Kjw;gyd; (11:16) 21. khk;rk; (2:28) 22. caph; (7:9) 23. Fw;wkha; (14:1) 24. Kbg;ghh; (9:28)

rhpahd tpilfis vOjpath;fs;: ehd;]p Re;jh;> Mgpufhk; NtjKj;J> Rrpyh Mde;jd;> vyprgj; uhzp> Ilh rpq;> tpf;Nlhhpah yhud;];> yPyh ghz;bad;> gpukpyh Jiuuh[;> \Pgh n[gJiu> ehd;]p Mgpufhk;> fpNu]; tp[auhzp> vy;/g;gphplh> n`g;rpgh jhk]; (nrd;id). nfl;rp jk;Guh[; (=tpy;ypGj;J}H;)> fpshuh (tlf;F uh[hT+h;)> tpf;Nlhhpah nry;tp N[hrg; (ehfh;Nfhtpy;)> rhe;jFkhhp (kJiu)> rhe;jFkhhp [hh;[; (jpz;Lfy;)>

rh;tty;yikAs;s Njtd; vd;Dk; ehkj;jpdhy; ehd; MgpufhKf;Fk; <rhf;Ff;Fk; ahf;NfhGf;Fk; jhprdkhNdd;@ MdhYk; NaNfhth vd;Dk; vd; ehkj;jpdhy; ehd; mth;fSf;F mwpag;gltpy;iy (ahj;jpuhfkk; 6:3).



Ntjhfkj;jpd; Gj;jfq;fs;


,NaR fpwp];J rh;tNyhfhjpgjp> ek;Kila vy; y hj; NjitfSf; F k; NghJkhdth; . NjtDila fpUigia ntspg;gLj;jpdtUk;> mij ekf;Fg; ngw;Wj; jUk; kj;jpa];jUk; ,NaRNt – ,ijr; nrhy;tNj vgpNua Mf;fpNahDila gpujhd Nehf;fk;. ve;j ,lj;Jf;fhf ,e;j fbjk; vOjg;gl;lJ vd;gJ epr;rakhf njhpatpy;iy. Mdhy; NuhkhGhpf;F vOjg;gl;lJ vd;W epidf;f ,lKz;L. goikahd fpNuf;f ifnaOj;Jg; gpujpfspy; ,jd; ngah; ~vgpnuah;fSf;F| vd;W kl;LNk cs;sJ. Mdhy; ,e;j fbjj;jpd; cl;nghUs; ,J ~A+j fpwp];jth;fSf;fhf| vOjg;gl;lnjd;W ntspg;gLj;JfpwJ. ,f; f bjj; i j ngw; W f; nfhz; l th; f s; > NuhkhGhpapYs;s tPl;Lj; jpUr;rigfisr; Nrh;e;jth;fshfTk;> jq;fSf;Fr; nra;ag;gl;l nfhLikfshYk;> Jd;gq;fshYk; jq;fs; tpRthrj;ij tpl;Ltpl;Lj; jpUk;gTk; jq;fs; gioa A+j rka tpRthrj;Jf;Fj; jpUk;Gk; epiyapy; jj;jspj;Jf; nfhz;bUe;j fpwp];jth;fshfTk; ,Ue;jpUf;fyhk;. Jd;gq;fisAk; > nfhLikfisAk; mDgtpj; J nfhz;bUe;j A+jf; fpwp];jth;fSf;fhfNt vgpnuah; epUgk; vOjg;gl;lJ. Mrphpah;: Fwpg;gplg;gltpy;iy. gTy; vd;W rpyUk;> mg;nghy;Nyh vd;W rpyUk;> ,th;fs; ,UtUk; ,y;iy> gh;dgh vd;W NtW rpyUk; Fwpg;gpLfpd;wdh;. ahh; vOjpapUe;jhYk; ghpRj;j Mtpapd; epiwtpdhy; ,g;Gj;jfk; vOjg;gl;lJ vd;gJ cz;ik. vOjg;gl;l fhyk;: 70. ikaf;fUj;J: Nkyhd cld;gbf;if. jpwTNfhy; trdk;: 1:3. Nehf;fk;: ,jd; vOj;jhsh; thrfh;fSf;F tpLk; miw$ty;. 1. jq;fs; tho;f;ifapd; ,WjptiuapYk; ,NaR fpwp];Jtpd; NkYs;s tpRthrj;ij mwpf;ifapLtjpy; cWjpaha;j; jhpj;jpUf;f Ntz;Lk;. 2. Mtpf;Fhpa mDgtj;jpy; Kjph;r;rpaila Ntz;Lk;. 3. ,NaRtpd;Nky; cs;s tpRthrj;ij tpl;Ltpl;L> jz;lidf;F MshfhkypUf;f Ntz;Lk;. Gj;jff; fz;Nzhl;lk;: 1. vgpnuah; epUgk; xU fbjj;ijg; Nghyy;y> xU KOikahd gpurq;fk; Nghy; tbtikf; f g; g l; L s; s J. ,ij vOjpath;

,jpYs;sitfs; ~Gj;jpkjpahd thh;j;ijfs;| vd;W (13:22) Fwpg;gpLfpwhh;. ,jpy; %d;W nghpa ghfq;fs; cs;sd. 2. ,NaR NjtDila ty;yikAs;s Fkhud; (1:1-3)> ,tNu NjtDila KO ntspg;ghL. ,th; jPh;f;fjhprpfistplg; nghpath; (1:1-3)> NjtJ}jh;fistplg; nghpath; (1:4-2:18) NkhNriatplg; nghpath; (3:1-6) NahRthittplg; nghpath; (4:1-11). ,q;F xU vr;rhpf;ifAk; jug; g l; L s; s J. ,NaRtpd; N ky; cs; s tpRthrj;jpypUe;Jk;> Mtpf;Fhpa epiyapypUe;Jk; tOtpg; Ngha;> ,Ujaj;ijf; fbdg;gLj;Jfpwth;fSf;F tug;NghFk; tpisTfs; Rl;b fhl;lg;gLfpd;wJ (2:1-3@ 3:7-4:2). 3. ,NaR xU kfhgpujhd Mrhhpadhff; fhz;gpf;fg;gLfpd;whh;. mtUila jFjpfs; (4:14@ 5:10@ 6:19-7:25)> mtUila gz;Gfs; (7:26-28)> mtUila Copak; (8:1-10:8)> ,itaidj;Jk; ghpG+uzkhdJk; > vd; n wd; W k; epiyj; jpUg;gJkhFk;. Mtpf;Fhpa epiyapy; Kjph;r;rpailahjth;fSf;Fk;> fpwp];Jtpd; gq;fhspfsha; ,Ue;Jtpl;L tpRthrj;ijtpl;L tpyfpg; Nghfpwth;fSf;Fk; vr;rhpg;G jug;gl;Ls;sJ (5:11-6:12). 4. tpRthrpfs; jq;fSila ,ul;rpg;G> tpRthrk;> ghLfs;> ghpRj;jk; Mfpatw;wpy; ,iltplhky; cWjpaha;j; jhpj;jpUf;Fk;gbahd ew;Nghjid toq;fg;gl;Ls;sJ (10:19-13:17). rpwg;G mk;rq;fs;: 1. Gjpa Vw;ghl;L epUgq;fs; midj;jpYk;> mikg;gpy; jdpj;jd;ik tha;e;jJ. ,J xU cld;gbf;ifaha; Muk;gpj;J> gpurq;fkha; Kd;Ndwp> xU fbjkha; KbtilfpwJ. 2. ,NaR fpwp];Jtpd; ~kfh gpujhd Mrhhpa| Copaj;ijg; Gjpa Vw;ghl;by; tpsf;fpf; fhl;Lk; xNu Gj;jfk; ,JNt. 3. ,jd; jpwTNfhy; thh; j ; i jfshd ~,d;Dk; mjpf NkyhdJ| vd;gJ 13 jlit gad;gLj;jg;gl;Ls;sJ. 4. Ntjhfkj;jpNyNa tpRthrj;ijg; gw;wpa kpfr; rpwe;j mjpfhuk; (11) ,e;j epUgj;jpy; cs;sJ. 5. ,jpy; fpwp]; J Tf; F ,UgJf; F k; mjpfkhd milnkhopfSk; > ngah; f Sk; gad;gLj;jg;gl;Ls;sd. 6. Gjpa Vw; g hl; b y; NtW vq; F k; vOjg;gl;bUg;gij tpl mjpfkhf> Mtpf;Fhpa epiyapy; tpRthr kWjypg;G nra;tjhy; Vw;gLk; jPikfisg; gw;wpd vr;rhpf;if vgpnuahpy; cs;sJ.

Owned and published by Elsy Robin from 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, II Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040. Printed by L Cyril Sagayaraj at VS Printograph Pvt Ltd., No. 142, L&T Road, Burma Colony,Perungudi, Chennai 600 096. Editor: Elsy Robin THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w MAY 2019


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Gift a School Bag Kit to a needy child! Thousands of children in India go to schools without the essentials! Partner with Messenger Missions in gifting underprivileged children a joyful start to school this year

A School Bag Kit costs Rs.500/A kit contains a set of notebooks, pens, pencils & a water bottle in a school bag. A/C Name A/C No Account Type Bank Name Branch Branch IFS code Swift code


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50 gf;fq;fspy; ,NaRtpd; gpwg;G> Copak;> rpYit kuzk;> caph;j;njOjy; Nghd;wtw;iw fhh;l;^d; %yk; tpsf;Fk; ifalf;fkhd Gj;jfk;. gpujp xd;Wf;F 25/-

,J xU nknrQ;rh; kp\d;]; ntspaPL

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