Shhh! The thing no one talks about | The Christian Messenger Nov 2020 E-Magazine

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THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER Christmas Gifts for Mission Field Workers


NEW CEO Tim Neu takes charge at Wycliffe Associates

JOY OF THE LORD Agnes Amos-Coleman on finding joy in tribulations

GUEST COLUMN Equip women & children


365 Days Devotional Edition Kids, Women’s & Youth

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Christmas Gifts for mission field workers: Every year we have striven to provide Christmas allowances to our mission field and office staff workers. This year, by the end of November we are planning to give our co-workers Christmas allowances that would take care of their holiday expenses along with some money to organize Christmas outreaches in their mission fields. Required amount: Rs.1,00,000/Lockdown Relief Kits: A relief kit consists of 15 items including 5 kilos of rice and other essentials such as cooking oil, tea powder, spices, pulses, sugar, salt, tooth paste, a bath soap and a detergent soap. A relief kit costs Rs.1,000/- If you are led by God to help the less privileged people in the society, you can make your donations & offerings to Messenger Missions. Please use the account details given alongside to send your donations and offerings. You can call us or email us with the details of the project you are sponsoring with your sacrificial contributions.

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“No one would talk about it” believers need not be so loud. The Bible offers quite clear messages on some of the most important religious matters – God’s existence, the sinfulness of humankind, the need for salvation, the unique role and status of Jesus Christ, the power of love, and the ultimate victory of the good over evil. Trouble arises when people try to obtain certainty where no such certainty is available. Due to the nature of religion, people require absolute certainty. People’s demand for absolute certainty probably surpasses God’s desire to provide it. Unless absolute certainty is provided, people are reluctant to commit themselves to the faith. They must feel that they have much to lose unless the religious doctrines they believe in are watertight. For example, the damnation of unbelievers is highly controversial. More people object to Christianity over this issue than any other issue. How can a loving God send billions of people to hell over their unbelief? Ironically, believers demand that unbelievers be damned. They need this exclusive doctrine for the sake of their own faith. They must feel that, if unbelievers are not condemned for not believing, believers are making fools of themselves by believing. The assurance of salvation for believers means the certainty of condemnation for unbelievers. It is similar to the

BY REV. TED KIM AN internationally famous worship leader recently bid farewell to the Christian faith. His decision to leave the faith shocked many Christians because of his stature as a worship leader and worship songwriter. In his Instagram, he wrote that there are many uncomfortable issues in Christianity, but no one wants to talk about them. Among the uncomfortable topics, he listed the moral failure of prominent pastors, the paucity of real miracles, and the numerous inconsistencies in the Bible. It is not clear if the reluctance to talk about such controversial issues in evangelical churches was the main reason for his renunciation of the Christian faith. Still, his remark resonates with many of us who need honest discussions about Christianity and the church in the 21st century. Why is no one willing to talk? Sometimes Christians' silence is like the silence of the people in front of the naked king: they all know that the king is naked, but no one dares to admit it, except a young child. Probably the most significant reason is fear – fear of losing one’s faith. Christians put on a zealous façade to hide their secret doubts. Christians’ judgmentalism is a reflection of self-condemnation. The louder they are, the harder they are trying to suppress their doubt and temptations. The true


Evangelism Through Journalism

Vol. 17, No. 5



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THE MESSAGE Christians are sensitive about are sexuality and money, not because they are genuinely the most important moral issues, but because most people struggle with them the most. Until Donald Trump became President, most Americans were unaware of the wide spectrum of moral failure that was possible to a human being. The two favorite moral issues that the American evangelicals are preoccupied with are abortion and homosexuality. There used to be one more item, promiscuity, but it was removed from the list by quiet consensus. Not only are American evangelicals mindful of other people’s personal business, but also they want their Government to meddle on their behalf. The more they talk about it, the more they reveal what is on their minds. Like homemakers who derive vicarious satisfaction from soap operas, evangelical Christians must derive pleasure from talking about the things they struggle with the most. Even though God is an invisible God, he has provided sufficient grounds for faith. We only need to build our faith on those grounds. Trouble rises when we demand more. For example, Genesis states that God created the heavens and the earth. This is enough information for us to build our faith on. How God created the heavens and the earth is a different matter. Genesis only says that God created the universe, not how he did it. Even if God told us, no one would understand him, especially when Genesis was first written. The Bible and science do not conflict each other. Science may be explaining how God created the universe. It was the belligerent Christians who turned science into an adversary. As a result, well-meaning people have had to choose between the Bible and science when such a choice was not necessary to begin with. Pious Christians tend to pick fights that are not necessary or winnable. Because God is invisible, Christians require someone visible whom they can trust and lean on. Usually, they find such an object of trust in pastors. They desire to see a perfect model. Not able to live up to Jesus’ requirements, they demand that someone among them perform it for them. Although all Christians are mere frail human beings, they require that their pastors be superhuman saints. And when their pastors turn out to be something less than super saints, Christians not only get disappointed but become resentful and judgmental. This pattern repeats itself. Christians do not seem to learn from experience. As a result, Christian leaders are forced to resort to hypocrisy – not to deceive their flocks, but to protect their faith. The Christians knowingly play this out of necessity. (Ted Kim is the author of an upcoming book, ‘Save Europe: Re-Introducing Christianity to Post-Christian Europe’.)

feeling that those who commit sins must be punished for the sake of justice to those who refrain from sinning. This is precisely the reason why Christians are some of the most judgmental people. They need to be judgmental because they are suppressing their own temptations to sin. Those who sin are breaking the implicit mutual agreement and thus cannot be tolerated. Such rigidity is bound to break under pressure. To be a believer does not require doctrinal or ethical rigidity. To do so denies humanity. If the choice before a person is between fanaticism and atheism, something is wrong. Carlton Pearson was once a star evangelist in the Pentecostal circles in America. But one serious doubt propelled him away from evangelical Christianity and into Universalism. Carlton Pearson and Universalism do not go together at all. But he is stuck in this uncomfortable place because his choice was between fanaticism and skepticism. Pearson was just one person in the pot who happened to draw public attention. There must be countless others in similar situations. Theological rigidity is to blame. There can be no heroes or stars in Christianity, except Jesus Christ. There is something suspicious when a Christian overacts in terms of religious zeal, commitment, or piety. He is like a marathon runner who is sprinting. Everybody knows that a marathoner cannot sprint, except perhaps during the final stretch back at the stadium. A marathoner who sprints is bound to run out of strength and either slow down or fall down. We know this to be true by common sense. But we expect exception in spirituality. Perhaps someone is especially graced to be totally different from the rest. Perhaps someone has a superhuman ability to live righteously and religiously, as long as it is not I. People do not ask, if they cannot do it, how can others do it? All human beings are the same. They all put on their trousers one leg at a time. Anyone who tries to differ is suspicious. And often, our suspicion is proved true. No one can be holier than others in exceptional ways. Thus, after Mother Theresa's death, we discover that she had struggled with doubt during her life. Everyone had praised her as a living saint. Otherwise, how can a person devote her entire life to caring for the poor sick people in Calcutta? But it turns out that she was human after all. Hardly anybody wants to talk about the womanizing habit of Martin Luther King Jr. The FBI who kept close taps on Malcolm X said that, compared to Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X was a monk. But people would not talk about that because King is ‘a symbol of social justice.’ The areas of personal morality that most THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w NOVEMBER 2020


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Tim Neu takes charge as Wycliffe Associates’ new CEO TIM Neu has been selected to serve as interim president and CEO of Wycliffe Associates’ global Bible translation efforts, the organization’s board of trustees has announced. Tim has served with Wycliffe Associates for the last 12 years, providing leadership to the ministry in areas of finance, Bible translation technology, translation services, and, most recently, as Chief Operating Officer. In addition to the 12 years Neu has served at Wycliffe Associates, he has another 20 years of experience serving in full time ministry, primarily in finance and administration. He trained with Child Evangelism Fellowship as a high school student, serving as a summer missionary, and entered missionary training with New Tribes Mission “I have a passion for everyone, for every language (NTM) immediately following high school to and people group, to have God’s Word in its prepare for life in foreign missions. Tim served the ministry in different roles, fullness,” Neu said in a press release. “If they have only a Scripture portion, they need including Director of Operations and Chief the rest to understand the heartbeat of God. If they Financial Officer. Neu has personally served Wycliffe Associates’ have only the New Testament, they also need the Old national translators in Myanmar, Nepal, and Testament to understand the context of the stories Zambia. In his new role, he leads staff and supporters and the prophecy. Our commission is to present the Word of God in in advancing and expanding translation efforts by equipping and empowering local churches and its fullness, proclaiming Christ, that all may be leaders to fully embrace the challenge of Bible presented fully mature in Christ (Colossians 1:25, 28 translation—so they can finally have God's Word in NIV). This has been and will continue to be our work,” he added. Press Release the language of their heart.

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By Arch Bishop. Dr. Fredrick Franics L. PVK Vice-Chancellor of UTRUSR and IBCA NOVEMBER 2020 w THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER


‘We must equip women and children to stand up for themselves’ IN the backdrop of the controversy involving some Scripture Union India staffers who allegedly exhibited inappropriate behavior with underage girls with whom they came into contact at VBS and other outreaches, The Christian Messenger sought to know the views of Christian women leaders on the issue. Kavitha Emmanuel and Joy Christina Rajaratnam, founders of the Women of Worth Movement, graciously agreed to express their views and suggest the way forward for churches and Christian ministries involved in children's outreaches. BY KAVITHA EMMANUEL & JOY CHRISTINA RAJARATNAM THE Bible is crystal clear that we are to value, nurture and safeguard the human rights of all individuals, especially children. The word ‘shalom’ in the Bible means ‘complete well-being in all aspects’. If we truly believe that each child is ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’, then we need to ensure that the children in our care enjoy their childhood and grow in safe environments. We are called to protect them with utmost vigilance so that they can flourish unhindered without fear of violence or abuse. It is, therefore, imperative that all organizations and institutions follow the government protocols and set up safety policies in place for children. Prevention is certainly better than cure. The safety of children from child sexual abuse is not a matter to be treated lightly given the alarmingly high rates of abuse in our nation. One in two children is facing the threat of abuse or is being abused, and most of the offenders are known to the child. When violations of this kind happen, it is very unfortunate and grieves the heart of God, and it is only right that churches and organizational leaders take collective responsibility to ensure fair, unbiased investigation. Legal procedures must be followed. We need to own up to our lapses and endeavour to put better systems of accountability and safety policies in place. The good news in all this is that healing and restoration and rehabilitation is available to everyone – what we need to do is make it accessible to all. And, the fact of the matter is abuse can happen anywhere. Not checking it is what will be going against our mission. We are called to expose lies and deeds that are sinful. And we should not be afraid to do so. When we lead the offender towards confession and repentance, then there can be healing but not when we try to THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w NOVEMBER 2020

cover up or deny the truth. What worries us is the attitude of people when such incidents are reported. It takes a lot of courage for a child to open up. But what we see very often is either disbelief or anger expressed at the child. Parents, teachers, and caregivers resort very easily to victim shaming, especially when it comes to a girl. They make the children feel that they are somehow responsible or have done something to contribute to such behaviour. This is so wrong and uncalled for. When a child speaks up, what we need to show is trust and appreciation for opening-up and, take the matter up for investigation ensuring the child's confidentiality and protection. We should not hush them up or tend to not believe them when they speak up for fear that it may damage the reputation of an individual or an organization. Just imagine, if the offender goes unchecked and continues to hurt other children? Is that what we would want in an organization that is working to spiritually nurture the children? What we do not realize is that the offender is very often in a position of power over the child and has been grooming the child for abuse. Children look up to such people especially in an environment that promises spiritual growth for the child. They assume that everything their leader says or does must be very 'spiritual' and genuine. We need to teach our children to filter safe and unsafe behaviour. What saddens us is when people who have the power to bring change and protect the child from further shaming and abuse do not often stand up for the child. The Bible warns us about sheep and the goats, the wheat and the tares and we certainly do not want to see wolves in sheep’s clothing – those who hurt our children and cause life-long trauma. Abuse leaves deep scars in the child and can have serious repercussions if the child is not given the appropriate help to recover. It is high time we woke up to the challenge in front 6

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communication- why we have to have a statement, what should be in the statement, who will speak for the organization, when and where to make the statement, and finally, the how (the mediums, methods we will use to make the statement). Culture of Truth & Trust We need to equip women and children who are the most vulnerable in our given contexts today to stand up for themselves. We need to empower them to know their rights to safety and well-being. They need to learn to speak up without fear. This is not often encouraged. We silence them because we live in a shame culture. But as God’s people we are asked to be counter-culture – to break norms and stereotypes that steal their God-given dignity, value, and worth. In the pretext of protecting God's ministry, we cannot condone violence and abuse. God certainly would not want us to build His kingdom on such weak foundations. Truth must be told. Victims should be heard. The church is also a place for healing and restoration. Both the offender and the victim can find healing and hope but not without a process in place. Rehabilitation of the offender needs to be a careful and highly monitored process. This should be done with great vigilance. The potential for repeat offenses should be weighed. Legal procedures must

of us and educated all volunteers and leaders on child safety protocols. What is even more crucial is to screen all those who are recruited for working with children to ensure they have a clean record as well as know the safety policies that the organization has put in place. Everything we do should be in the best interest of the child. The POCSO Act, 2012 has paved the way for this. Every church and organization should commit to a ‘zero tolerance’ principle concerning violence and abuse against children and women. There should be periodic orientation and workshops to equip both the trainers and the students to ensure they know that the church or organization is committed to their safety. Ensure Safety Policies for women and children are in place. By now, every organization should be aware of the safety protocols expected from institutions working with children. If they do not yet have an organizational safety policy in place it should be treated as an urgent matter. We should ensure systems are put in place as soon as possible. As mentioned earlier, it is a matter of ‘collective responsibility’ of organizational networks as well of parents to ensure that children are safe. Every parent should not only be aware of their child’s right to safety but also have an open conversation with their children regularly. Every parent should be aware of the safety policies of churches and organizations they send their children to. Regular Orientation Regular orientation should happen in churches and organizations for parents, teachers, and all ministry staff. We should also conduct ageappropriate orientation for children regularly. Organizations should even begin the process of screening teachers for previous offenses or misdemeanors. We need to always ensure the meeting places are under surveillance. What is also crucial is to educate children about social media safety. Teachers and students should know what is appropriate for texting. When a teacher crosses the line, the child should be free to report without fear of guilt or shame. We are all prone to crises like this, and therefore it is important to know how to respond when it strikes us or our ministries. Crisis Management Plan Every organization / ministry must have a crisis management plan (CMP) in place. A crisis management plan will help us identify potential threats, face adversity with courage and truth, and have a plan in place to know what to do when it occurs. As part of the CMP is a communications strategy. It simply outlines all the five Ws of Website: Email:



GUEST COLUMN take its course. We should also ensure reporting processes are intact ensuring confidentiality and protection for the victims. We should foster a culture that welcomes children to report instances of abuse. We need to ensure that our children know that their safety matters to us and that when they report any matter, they will be heard. We should educate parents and the children to know that under POCSO there is provision for complete anonymity for the victim. At no instance should the victim’s identity be revealed. Even during the trial, the child is assured complete protection and does not need to appear in public. As Christian organizations, our priority must be to always speak the truth, stand for the most vulnerable, and accept responsibility for mistakes/failures. We have to be sincere about the investigation and be careful to communicate our findings to the public. When the truth is told, we build back trust in the children and among the community of believers towards the organization. Hiding facts harbours suspicion and can deter children from even trusting an adult again. In our effort to protect the offender or

the organization we may be pushing the child away from their Faith. Several organizations are equipped to help set up safety policies and CMPS in place for churches and organizations. We should network with such organizations to help put them in place. We should also endeavour to bring about a change in mindset and attitude about abuse in general and teach our congregation to steer away from victim shaming and guilt. As a culture, we shy away from educating our children about sex or sexuality. We think that educating them will unnecessarily expose them to information they need not have. But what we forget is that we live in an era of over-information and our children are exposed to all kinds of information on social media. What we need to do, therefore, is teach them whatever is true, noble, right, and pure on such matters. Jesus said, “Let the children come to me”. Are the children coming to Him without fear? Or are they afraid of the places we have created for them to come to Him? For workshops and orientation on Child Sexual Abuse for your churches and organizations, Women PRAYER POINTS FOR INTERCESSION of Worth can be contacted 1. Pray for a new believer in our Chhattisgarh Support our media ministry church. Pray for Jagmohan is mental balance to be stabilized. Messenger Communications publishes 2. Pray for the new family we are visiting in a The Christian Messenger. Its mission is village. Pray that God may grow them spiritually. 3. Pray for the church building in Chhattisgarh. to sow the Word of God and build faith The believers are gathering in the pastor's house in as many lives as possible and now. proclaim the Gospel through niche 4. Pray for Manoj Shahare who is suffering from media products and get a generation kidney infection in Sewti village in MP. ready for the Lord’s imminent return. 5. Sheela bai, Panchsheela bai and Lekhchand Bhute need the healing touch of the Lord in their To send your subscriptions and offerings lives. They are believers of the church belonging to for the media ministry, please see below: Amravati, Kamtha and Tedwa villages in Madhya A/C Name : Messenger Communications Pradesh. Please pray for them. : 030501389547195001 6. Pray for Sunitha and Kishore Kumar in our A/C No Punjab church. They have backslidden. Let they Account Type : Current Bank : Catholic Syrian Bank may back unto Jesus Christ. : Padi, Chennai 7. Pray for our believers in Gulpur village. They Branch Branch code : 305 are financial stress due to lockdown. : CSBK0000305 8. Pray for Lucky's wife Doctors are not able to IFS code diagnose her sickness. Please let us know details of your offerings and 9. Pray for Jasvir Singh. Let the Lord removed all subscriptions after you make the payment at obstacles in getting a Government job in the Forest 0-7299063347 or 7299063345. Department. It will help us send a receipt to you immediately. 10. A church is required in Sindhipadar in Odisha. Please pray for this to be realized soon. You can sponsor a page of this magazine by 11. Please pray for the baptism program on donating Rs.3,000/- Please send cheque/DD December 24 in our Odisha church. in favor Messenger Communications. THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w NOVEMBER 2020


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What is worship? BY ROBIN SAM WORSHIP does not require someone telling me to lift my hands up, close my eyes and sing. Worship is prostrating before the magnificence of His Majesty. Worship is me telling God He alone is worthy. Worship is me admitting I need a Savior and His Name is Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Worship is when my soul and spirit sing. My mouth echoing their song is a bonus. Worship can also be speechless. Because, I’m totally in awe of His glory and splendour. Worship is God’s way of preparing us for what’s in store for us in His Kingdom. Worship is divine, it’s the angels’ best known job description. That they are our ministering spirits is secondary. Some speak as if worship is a first century thing. Somehow, it’s got the Pentecostal hues. Worship is as old as humanity. Adam and Eve communing with God in the Garden of Eden before their fall was worship. Worship is adoration. Worship is an act of surrender. Abraham laying up his only son Isaac on the altar was an act of worship. Jesus taught us worship is all about giving ourselves up before the

will of God when He yielded Himself for us on the cross at Golgotha. Worship does not begin and end at the church on Sundays. It’s a 24/7 attitude. It’s not dependent on my feelings or emotions. It draws inspiration from the Father-Son relationship. It’s deep calling out to deep. Worship is my spirit seeking to submit to and serve God’s Spirit. Corporate worship is good. But private worship is the best. Worship done in truth and spirit alone is acceptable to God. Worship must be lived out! It’s never enacted.

French churches heighten security after deadly attack FRENCH Evangelicals are mourning along with the Catholic church and the rest of the nation after an attacker armed with a knife killed three people on Oct 29 at a basilica in the Mediterranean city of Nice. “Let us be peacemakers in a French society that lacks it. Pray for our fellow citizens, whatever their religion. Let us love our neighbors, as Jesus ordered us to do,” stated the National Council of Evangelicals of France (CNEF), citing Matthew 5:9. Police in Nice have closed all places of worship in the city, and the evangelical group advised pastors across the country to heed government recommendations to heighten security due to the threat of further violence. The incident at Notre Dame Basilica in Nice was the third attack in two months in France that authorities have attributed to Muslim extremists, including the beheading of a teacher. It comes amid a growing furor over caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad that were republished by the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo—renewing vociferous debate in France and the Muslim world over the depictions that Muslims consider offensive but are protected by French free speech laws. Other confrontations and attacks were reported on Website: Email:

Oct 29 in the southern French city of Avignon and in the Saudi city of Jiddah, but it was not immediately clear if they were linked to the attack in Nice. “He cried 'Allah Akbar!' over and over, even after he was injured,” said Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi, who told BFM television that two women and a man had died, two inside the church and a third who fled to a nearby bar but was mortally wounded. “The meaning of his gesture left no doubt.” Christian leaders across France responded by crying out to God in prayer and calling for peace in their country. “May God console the hearts of bereaved families,” said Thierry Le Gall, a pastoral director with CNEF. “Let us pray for our nation, the forces of order and unite against barbarism, for freedom of religion and expression.” AP 95


Njt nra;jp

~NjtDila ,isg;ghWjypy; gpuNtrpf;f [hf;fpuijahapU| uhgpd; rhk; vgpnuaUf;F vOjpd epUgk; 4-MtJ mjpfhuk;> 1> 9> 10> 11 trdq;fis ikakhf itj;J Njtd; je;j nra;jp ,J. vgpnuah; 4:1> 9> 10> 11 trdq;fis Kjypy; ftdpg;Nghk;. ~MdgbapdhNy> mtUila ,isg;ghWjypy; gpuNtrpg;gjw;NfJthd thf;Fj;jj;jk; ekf;Fz;lhapUf;fpwJ vd;W vgpnuah; 4:1 nrhy;fpwJ. Ntjj;jpy; cs;s NjtDila thf;Fj;jj;jq;fis ,uz;L gphpTfshfg; gphpf;fyhk;. xd;W: NjtDila kpfg; nghpa thf;Fj;jj;jk; vd;w gphpT. ,uz;lhtjhf: Ntjj;jpYs;s NjtDila kw;w vy;yh thf;Fj;jj;jq;fSk; mlq;Fk; gphpT. NjtDila kpfg; nghpa thf;Fj;jj;jk; vJ njhpAkh? cq;fs; tho;f;ifia mth; nropg;gilar; nra;thh; vd;gNjh> cq;fSf;F tPL thry;fis Vw;gLj;Jthh; vd;gNjh> cq;fis thyhf;fhky; jiyahf;Fthh; vd;gNjh NjtDila kpfg; nghpa thf;Fj;jj;jk; my;y. ~epj;jpa [Ptid mspg;Ngd; vd;gNj mth; ekf;Fr; nra;j thf;Fj;jj;jk;| (1 Nahthd; 2:25). ,ijj; jhd; Njtd; ekf;Fj; je;Js;s kpfg; nghpa thf;Fj;jj;jk; vd;W ehd; Fwpg;gpl tpUk;GfpNwd;. And ths is the promise that He promised us – life – eternal epj;jpa [Ptidtpl nghpjhd xU MrPh;thjk; ekf;Ff; fpilahJ. ,NaR nrhy;fpwhh;: ~Fkhuidf; fz;L> mthplj;jpy; tpRthrkhapUf;fpwtd; vtNdh> mtd; epj;jpa [Ptid miltJk;> ehd; mtidf; filrpehspy; vOg;GtJk;> vd;id mDg;gpdtUila rpj;jkhapUf;fpwJ| (Nahthd; 6:40). ,NaR fpwp];Jtpd; %ykhf ekf;F tUk; epj;jpa [Ptid ,d;Dk; mofhd xU trdj;jpy; ghh;g;Nghk;. ~vd; d plj; j py; tpRthrkhapUf; f pwtDf; F epj; j pa[P t d; cz; n ld; W nka; a hfNt nka;ahfNt cq;fSf;Fr; nrhy;YfpNwd;| (Nahthd; 6:47). epj;jpa [Ptid mila ,NaR kl;LNk top. ~mtuhNyad;wp NtnwUtuhYk; ,ul;rpg;G ,y;iy@ ehk; ,ul;rpf;fg;gLk;gbf;F thdj;jpd; fPnoq;Fk;> kD\h;fSf;Fs;Ns mtUila ehkNkay;yhky; NtnwhU ehkk; fl;lisaplg;gTk; ,y;iy| (mg;. 4:12) vd;W Ntjk; nrhy;fpwJ. NjtDila kw;w vy;yh thf;Fj;jj;jq;fSk; ,e;j xU thf;Fj;jj;ijr; rhh;e;Jjhd; cs;sd. THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w NOVEMBER 2020

~jk;Kila nrhe;jf;Fkhundd;Wk; ghuhky; ek;nky;yhUf;fhfTk; mtiu xg;Gf;nfhLj;jth;> mtNuhNl $l kw;w vy;yhtw;iwAk; ekf;F mUshjpUg;gnjg;gb?| (Nuhkh; 8:32). • epj;jpa [Ptd; jhd; kpfg; nghpa thf;Fj;jj;jk; • mijj; jUk; ,NaR fpwp];J jhd; ek;Kila kpfg; nghpa nghf;fp\Kk;> Rje;juKk;. • ,ij mwpe;J ,NaRtplk; te;J ek;ik xg;Gf;nfhLg;gJ jhd; ek;Kila kpfg;nghpa rpyhf;fpak;. kw;w vy;yh thf;Fj;jj;jq;fSNk Nuhkh; 8:32-y; nrhy;ypapUf;Fk;gb ekf;F tUk; package deal vd;gij ehk; tpsq;fpf; nfhs;sNtz;Lk;. ~Fkhuid cilatd; [Ptid cilatd;| vd;W (1 Nahthd; 5:12) nrhy;fpwJ. Whoever takes the Son receives everything vd;w ePjpiar; nrhy;Yk; fijia ek;kpy; gyh; Nfl;bUg;Nghk;. ehk; thrpj;j vgpnuah; 4:1 trdk; - epj;jpa [Ptid ~,isg;ghWjy;| vd;W miof;fpwJ. ~mtUila ,isg;ghWjypy; gpuNtrpg;gjw;NfJthd thf;Fj;jj;jk; ekf;Fz;lhapUf;fpwJ.| ,e;j ,isg;ghWjypd; ehd;F Nkd;ikfis cq;fSf;Ff; fhz;gpf;f tpUk;GfpNwd;. 1. NjtDila ,isg;ghWjypd; Kjy; Nkd;ik 1 nfhhp 15:26> 55 trdq;fs;. ~ghpfhpf;fg;gLq; filrpr; rj;JU kuzk;| ~kuzNk! cd; $h; vq;Nf? ghjhsNk! cd; n[ak; vq;Nf?| (1 nfhhp. 15:55). ,e;j trdk; Xrpah 13:14-Yk; tUfpwJ. ~mth;fis ehd; ghjhsj;jpd; ty;yikf;F ePq;fyhf;fp kPl;Ngd;@ mth;fis kuzj;Jf;F ePq;fyhf;fp tpLtpg;Ngd;@ kuzNk> cd; thijfs; vq;Nf? ghjhsNk> cd; rq;fhuk; vq;Nf? kdkhWjy; vd; fz;fSf;F kiwthdjhapUf;Fk;.| ~...,th; kuzj;ijg; ghpfhpj;J> [PtidAk; mopahikiaAk; RtpNr\j;jpdhNy ntspauq;fkhf;fpdhh;| (2 jPNkh. 1:10). • ,isg;ghWjypd; Kjy; Nkd;ik ,dp mopTk;> kuzKk; ,y;iy vd;gjhFk;. • God’s rest is all about deathless existence 2. NjtDila ,isg;ghWjypd; ,uz;lhtJ Nkd;ik ~mth;fSila fz;zPh; ahitAk; Njtd; Jilg;ghh;@ ,dp kuzKkpy;iy> Jf;fKkpy;iy> myWjYkpy;iy> tUj;jKkpy;iy@| (ntsp. 21:4).


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NjtDila ,isg; g hWjypy; mopTk; > kuzKkpy;yhjjhy; fz;zPUkpy;iy> tUj;jKkpy;iy> Jf;fKkpy;iy. The 2nd excellency about God’s rest is that it is a regret-free existence. epj;jpaj;jpNy ekf;Fs; Njt rpe;ij kl;LNk ,Uf;fg;Nghtjhy; mq;Nf ghtKk;> Fw;w czh;Tk;> tUj;jKk;> mOifAkpuhJ. Mdhy;> ,t;Tyf tho;f;if mg;gbay;y. rq;fPjk; 90:10 nrhy;fpwJ: ~vq;fs; MARehl;fs; vOgJ tU\k;> ngyj;jpd; kpFjpahy; vz;gJ tU\khape;jhYk;> mjpd; Nkd;ikahdJ tUj;jKk; rQ;ryKNk@ mJ rPf;fpukha;f; fle;J NghfpwJ> ehq;fSk; gwe;JNghfpNwhk;.| ehk; Nghfpw Njrj;jpd; Nkd;ikia Vrhah jPh;f;fjhprdg; Gj;jfj;jpy; 2 Kiw thrpf;fpNwhk;. Vrhah 35:10@ Vrhah 51:11. ~fh;j;juhy; kPl;fg;gl;lth;fs; jpUk;gp> Mde;jf;fspg;Gld; ghb> rPNahDf;F tUthh;fs;@ epj;jpa kfpo;r;rp mth;fs; jiyapd; NkypUf;Fk;@ re;Njh\Kk; kfpo;r;rpAk; milthh;fs;@ rQ;ryKk; jtpg;Gk; Xbg;Nghk;.| 3. NjtDila ,isg;ghWjypd; %d;whtJ Nkd;ik ~Nridfspd; fh;j;jh; ,e;j kiyapNy rfy [dq;fSf;Fk; xU tpUe;ij Maj;jg;gLj;Jthh;@ mJ nfhOikahd gjhh;j;jq;fSk;> goikahd jpuhl;rurKk;> CDk; epzKKs;s gjhh;j;jq;fSk;> njspe;j goikahd jpuhl;rurKk; epiwe;j tpUe;jhapUf;Fk;| (Vrhah 25:6). kj;NjA 22-MtJ mjpfhuj;jpy; NjtDila uh[;aj;ij ,NaR xU uh[h jd; FkhuDf;Fr; nra;j fy;ahzj;jpw;F xg;gpLfpwhh;. Y}f;fh 15-MtJ mjpfhuj;jpy; kde;jpUk;gp jfg; g Dila tP l ; b w; F j; jpUk; g p te; j ,isaFkhuDf;F nfhOj;j ML mbf;fg;gl;L tpUe;J nra;ag;gl;lij thrpf;fpNwhk;. ntsp. 19:9-y; J}jd; xUtd; mg;. Nahthidg; ghh; j ; J ~Ml; L f; F l; b ahdthpd; fypahz tpUe;Jf;F miof;fg;gl;lth;fs; ghf;fpathd;fs; vd;nwOJ| vd;Wk; ~,itfs; NjtDila rj;jpakhd trdq;fs; vd;Wk; nrhy;tij thrpf;fpNwhk;.| NjtDila ,isg;ghWjy; xUNghJk; ek;ikr; Nrhh;tilar; nra;ahJ. mJ epj;jpa kfpo;r;rp vd;Dk; tpUe;J nra;ag;gLk; ,lk;. •The third excellency about God’s rest is that it’s a joyful existence. 4. NjtDila ,isg;ghWjypd; ehd;fhtJ Nkd;ik ,isg;ghWjy; vd;why; NtiyapypUe;J Xa;T vd;W ehk; mwpe;jpUf;fpNwhk;. Website: Email:

Mdhy;> NjtDila ,isg;ghWjy; vd;gJ ek; Njtid vg;nghOJk; Jjpf;Fk; epiyik MFk;. ~...,th;fs; NjtDila rpq;fhrdj;jpw;F Kd;ghf ,Ue;J> ,uTk; gfYk; mtUila Myaj;jpNy mtiur; Nrtpf;fpwhh;fs;| (ntsp 7:15) vd;W nrhy;fpwJ. ,J kpFe;j cgj;jputj;jpypUe;J te;jth;fisf; Fwpf;Fk; trdk; vd;whYk; 24 %g;gh;fSk;> ehd;F [Ptd;fSk;> ehKk; epj;jpaj;jpy; mtiu ,uTk; gfYk; Nrtpf;fNt NghfpNwhk;. •The fourth excellency about God’s rest is that it’s a fruitful existence. The four excellencies about God’s rest is that 1. It is a deathless existence 2. It is regretless existence 3. It is a joyful existence 4. And finally, it’s a fruitful existence. NjtDila [dq;fSf;F ,isg;ghWfpw fhyk; ,dp tUfpwjhapUf;fpwJ vd;W Ntjk; nrhy;fpwJ (vgpnuah; 4:9). mJ kl;Lky;y> RtpNr\j;ij KjyhtJ Nfl;lth;fs; fPo;g;gbahikapdhNy mjpy; gpuNtrpf;f Kbahky; Nghdhh;fs; vd;Wk; Ntjk; nrhy;fpwJ. mjdhNy ntF fhyj;jpw;FKd;Nd. jhtPJ ,];uNty; [dq;fisg; ghh;j;J 95-MtJ rq;fPjj;jpd; 8-MtJ trdj;jpy; ,g;gbr; nrhd;dhd;: ~,d;W mtUila rj;jj;ijf; Nfl;gPh;fshfpy;> tdhe;juj;jpy; Nfhgk; %l;bdNghJk; Nrhjid ehspYk; ele;jJNghy> cq;fs; ,Ujaj;ijf; fbdg;gLj;jhNjAq;fs;.| NjtDila ,isg;ghWjypy; ehk; gpuNtrpf;f vgpnua epUgf;fhud; jUk; 2 MNyhridfis vgpnuah; 4:1-Yk; 4:11-Yk; ghh;f;fpNwhk;. Kjy; MNyhrid: ~...cq;fspy; xUtDk; mij milahky; gpd;thq;fpg;Nghdtdhff; fhzg;glhjgbf;Fg; gae;jpUf;ff;flNthk;.| NtjGj;jfj;jpy; 366 Kiw ~gag;glhNj| vd;W nrhy;yg;gl;bUf;fpwJ vd;W ehk; mwpNthk;. Mdhy;> ,uz;L tpjkhd gak; xU tpRthrpf;F ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. xd;W: Y}f;fh 12:5. ~ePq;fs; ,d;dhUf;Fg; gag;gl Ntz;Lk; vd;W cq;fSf;Ff; fhz;gpf;fpNwd;: nfhiynra;jgpd;G eufj; j pNy js; s ty; y ikAs; s tUf; F g; gag;gLq;fs;@ Mk; mtUf;Nf gag;gLq;fs; vd;W cq;fSf;Fr; nrhy;YfpNwd;.| ,jw;Fg; ngah; - Njtgak;. ,uz;lhtjhf: tpRthrpf;F ,d;ndhU gak; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;.

11 5


Njt nra;jp mijj; jhd; vgpnuah; 4:1-Ny ghh;f;fpNwhk;. ~ehk; gpd;thq;fpg;Nghdth;fshff; fhzg;glhjgbf;Fg; gae;jpUf;ff;flNthk;.| ek;iktplg; nghpath;fSk;> NjtDf;F mjpfkhfg; gad;gl;lth;fSk; tpOe;J NghapUf;fpwhh;fs;. gyh; tpRthr khh;f;fj;ijtpl;L tpyfpg; NghAs;shh;fs;. Mdhy;> ehk; mg;gbapUf;ff; $lhJ. ehk; tpOtjw;F tha;g;Ng ,y;iy vd;W epidg;gJ jtW. ~jd;id epw;fpwtndd;W vz;Zfpwtd; tpohjgbf;F vr;rhpf;ifahapUf;fltd;| vd;W 1 nfhhp. 10:12 nrhy;fpwJ. filrp ehl;fspy;> ~...fs;sf;fpwp];Jf;fSk; fs;sj;jPh;f;fjhprpfSk; vOk;gp> $Lkhdhy; njhpe;J nfhs;sg;gl;lth;fisAk;| tQ;rpf;f Kaw;rpg;ghh;fs; vd;W ,NaR Vw;fdNt nrhy;ypapUf;fpwhh; (kj;. 24:24). kuzghpae;jk; cz;ikahapUe;jhy; kl;LNk [PtfphPlk; fpilf;Fk; vd;W ,NaR rpkph;dh

rigf;Fr; nrhd;dij epidT $UNthk; (ntsp. 2:10). fyg;igapd;Nky; jd; ifia itj;Jg; gpd;dpl;Lg; ghh;f;fpw vtDk; NjtDila uh[;aj;Jf;Fj; jFjpAs;std; my;y vd;W Mz;lth; nrhy;ypapUf;fpwhh; (Y}f;fh 9:62). NahGitj; njhLtjw;Fk;> NfhJikiar; Rsfpdhy; Gilf;fpwJ Nghyr; rP\h;fisg; Gilf;fpwjw;Fk; rhj;jhd; Njtdplj;jpy; mDkjp Nfl;lhd; vd;gij ehk; epidtpy; itg;Nghk;. IRthpatdhf Ntz;Lnkd;W ehk; gpuahrg;glj; Njitapy;iy. ek; Njitfisnay;yhk; fh;j;jh; re;jpg;ghh; (ePjp. 23:4-5). mope;JNghFk; Ngh[dj;jpw;fhf my;y> epj;jpa [P t d; tiuf; F k; epiyepw; f g; Nghfpw Ngh[dj;jpw;fhfNt fphpia elg;gpg;Nghk; (Naht. 6:27). ehk; XbdJk;> gpuahrg;gl;lJk; tPzy;y vd;w kfpo;r;rp fpwp];Jtpd; ehspNy ekf;F cz;lhFk;gb Mj;Jkhf;fis Mjhak; nra;Nthk;> Njt uh[;aj;ijf; fl;LNthk; (gpyp. 2:14). Mnkd;.

The Joy of the Lord is our Strength BY AGNES AMOS-COLEMAN I don’t know about you, but I am not often joyful, particularly living in a world that daily draws out our joy through situations, circumstances and events. I know the situation that occasionally steals my joy and maybe yours is loneliness, singleness, emotional, marital, relational, career, financial, family, children, business and/or much more. Regardless of the joy stealer facing us, we must meditate and take comfort in the Word of God. “Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Savior”. (Habakkuk 3:17-18). So, how do we maximize our joy in the face of life's tribulations? We do this by: Focusing on Jesus – not our situations, circumstances or events. To be joyful requires an intentional state of mind. Remembering that Jesus is our source of joy here on earth and better still, in eternity to come. Meditating on God’s Word – The Bible is full of people like us who have faced situations that were not joyful. Nevertheless, we see the faithfulness of God in how He helped them. This should build our faith and give us hope because we are the children of

God, help awaits us too – a reason to be joyful in God our Savior. Praise and worship of the Most High God – Rather than ask God “Why me?” If you are chronically human, as I am, this is often our immediate question. We should praise and worship God for the grace to endure our unjoyful situation and ask Him to use it as a testimony that will bring Him all the glory and honor. Christ follower, take full advantage of the joy that Christ has provided for you, with the help of the Holy Spirit and don’t let Satan steal your joy. If you are currently not a Christ follower, the only fulfilling joy you will ever know is found in Jesus Christ – so come to Him! All glory to God!

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