The Christian Messenger, Sept 2019 | E-magazine

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Be a watchman for God!

Does The Holy Scripture Endorse Alcohol?



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7 Keys For Churches Hosting Itinerant Ministers


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Vol. 16, No. 5 | SEPTEMBER, 2019 | Rs.20/- |

Be a watchman for God! 3



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Vol. 16, No. 5

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GUIDE POST 7 Keys For Churches Hosting Itinerant Ministers


SOCIAL TRENDS Does The Holy Scripture Endorse Alcohol?

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Be a watchman for God! being a watchman, the prophet understood the import of the word fully well. The verse in Ezekiel 3:17 is repeated in Ezekiel 33:7 also. A prophet is supposed to hear from God and relay it to the people. What an honor it is to be God’s mouthpiece. In the New Testament, we are called a chosen generation by Apostle Peter. In 1 Peter 2:9, we read: ‘But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.’ Today, we are both royalty and priestly class. We are chosen and called out for a special purpose. We have to proclaim the praises of the Lord who made us in His image and is transforming us now into His likeness. If you are a child of God, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb of God, you are called out to be a watchman, too. Three important tasks were given to Ezekiel, the watchman-prophet, in the third chapter.


‘Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me’ (Ezekiel 3:17). THE word ‘watchman’ conjures up different images in our minds. To the apartment dweller in a big city, a watchman is someone who is at the gates letting people in and out. A night watchman in cricketing terms means a player whose batting skills are questionable. He is sent in when a wicket falls before the end of the day’s play to avoid the dismissal of a prodigious batsman in tough conditions. A night watchman at a workplace is someone who’s been assigned the night shift. The watchman in Biblical terminology is a prophet. A prophet’s job is not only to prophesy but also watch over God’s people. Although he does not have the responsibilities of a shepherd (used in the sense of being a pastor), a prophet watches over God’s children to check if they are on the path of error and warn them to get back to God’s ways if they 1. A watchman is one who are. hears from God When God told Ezekiel that He had made him a watchman for the house of Israel, God was using ‘therefore hear a word from My mouth’ (Ezekiel metaphorical language. In olden days, Israelites had 3:17). men to watch over their cities and hamlets from watchtowers. So, when God spoke to Ezekiel about And again in verse 22, Ezekiel said: ‘Then the THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w SEPTEMBER 2019


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hand of the Lord was upon me there, and He said to me, “Arise, go out into the plain, and there I shall talk with you.” Most often, we equate valleys with the spiritual lows of our lives. Yes, valley experiences are painful. Valley experiences are nerve-wracking because we feel like we are left alone there. But then, valleys are also places where God speaks to His children. David knew this and confessed: ‘Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.’ And, God indeed spoke to the prophet in the valley. Ezekiel saw the glory of the Lord the first time on the banks of River Chebar. At the valley, once God spoke, he saw the glory of the Lord once again there. When God spoke, something miraculous happened. ‘...when I speak with you, I will open your mouth, and you shall say to them’ (verse 27). There is a connection between speaking and hearing. The one who cannot hear most likely cannot speak either. When a dumb boy was brought to Jesus Christ in Mark 9, we see the Lord casting the deaf and the dumb spirit out of him. God gave Ezekiel a clear instruction on what to speak. He must preface his prophecies by saying: ‘Thus says the Lord.’ A prophet always speaks from the authority of God. He does not speak on his own. His words, although voiced by him, are not authored by him. They are words that come from the Throne of God. Today, when you speak in God’s authority be careful not to mix your feelings and emotions. Your likes and dislikes should not hinder you in delivering God’s message. Say only what you have been given to say. ‘But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one,’ warned the Lord in Matthew 5:37. Our God is a merciful God, but He does not take presumptuous words lightly. ‘You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you’ (Deut. 4:2). ‘Do not add to His words, Lest He rebuke you, and you be found a liar’ (Pro. 30:6). ‘For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book’ (Rev. 22:18-19). Website: Email:

2. A watchman is one who warns all people ‘...warn them for Me,’ says Ezekiel 3:17 and 33:7. A watchman does not have a petty, personal agenda. He hears from God and speaks for Him. In other words, he speaks on God’s behalf. To whom should the warning be given? The Bible is very clear on that. He should warn both the wicked man and the righteous man. Warning the wicked and the righteous men is not an option. It is a mandate given to the prophet. If the prophet warns the wicked and he does not heed it, he will die in his iniquity but the prophet would have delivered his soul from God’s wrath. Ditto with the righteous man. We presume the righteous does not need any warnings. Somehow, we have been made to believe that the righteous people are doing perfectly fine and there is no cause for concern over their souls. Nothing could be further from the truth. ‘There is none who is righteous,’ says the Bible (Psalm 14:3; Romans 3:10). Our righteousness is not our own, it is from God. Our righteousness is like filthy rags, says Isaiah 64:6. Ezekiel 3:20 gives us a terrible warning. It should jolt us from our spiritual lethargy. ‘Again, when a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die...he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered.’ If a righteous man stumbles and dies in his sins, his righteousness shall not be remembered, says God. That’s why we need to stay close to the Word of God every day, fellowship with the Spirit of God every day and ask for a cleansing by the blood of Jesus Christ every day. Matthew 24:13 says: ‘But he who endures to the end, shall be saved.’ To be a watchman means not turn a blind eye to the sins around us. We are called to show the right 7



One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is discernment. We are called to distinguish between spirits. The power of the Holy Spirit to distinguish between an opportunity and a danger is often available to all believers.

way to both the wicked and the righteous. When you grace and wisdom to avoid pitfalls, traps and see a fellow believer slacken in his faith, encourage dangers. him. When you see your child turn rebellious, warn In Ezekiel 3:24, God gave a piece of sound advice her. to the prophet: ‘Then the Spirit entered me and set me on my feet, and spoke with me and said to me: “Go, shut yourself inside your house.” 3. A watchman is one who has Why? Because in the succeeding verse, God told the spirit of discernment him that people were ready to tie him up with ropes. One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is discernment. Being a prophet was a risky proposition in the Old Testament times. Often, he walked a lonely path. He We are called to distinguish between spirits. The faced danger from both people and kings if his power of the Holy Spirit to distinguish between an opportunity and a danger is often available to all prophecies or warnings displeased them. Yet, OT prophets persisted in their calling. Elijah, believers. Often, the believer is unclear about the Elisha, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the minor prophets spirit that is in operation in him and others. We must were all people who paid a huge price for the work of be able to distinguish between the influence of God the Lord. The New Testament apostles were no and the influence of the devil. Knowing what to different. In 2 Corinthians 11:26-27, Apostle Paul speak is not much if you do not know how to speak describes his ordeal because of his ministry: ‘ and where to speak. There are times for action and there are times for journeys often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils of my own countrymen, in perils of resting and regaining strength. The God who asked the Gentiles, in perils in the city, in perils in the Moses to present himself before the pharaoh wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false (Exodus 10:3) is the same God who appeared to brethren; in weariness and toil, in sleeplessness Joseph and asked him to rush to Egypt with Mary often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and baby Jesus (Matthew 2:13), away from Herod. Today, we need to choose our battles wisely. If it is and nakedness.’ Although a prophet’s path is arduous, God does the Lord’s battle, the victory is assured. But, if it is not want His children to be foolhardy. He often ours, we need to hand it over to God. Ezekiel had a long and glorious ministry and warns us of impending danger. He has given us the THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w SEPTEMBER 2019


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watchman easily puffed up. And, he may become quite blind to his own faults. That’s why Jesus Christ warned us in Matthew 7:5 thus: ‘Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.’ Jesus did not forbid anyone from removing the speck from other’s eyes. He only said deal with your plank first so you can do a better job with your brother’s speck. Any preaching that is separated from practice is hypocrisy.

hence he could act on his own. His ministry may have suffered terrible things if he exposed himself before the appointed time. There are times when we need to be vocal and times when we need to be silent. There are times when we need to arise and shine and times when we need to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God. This message will be incomplete if I do not share with you the three things God expects in a watchman.

3. Give God no rest ‘I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; They shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent, And give Him no rest till He establishes and till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth’ (Isaiah 62:6,7). Giving God no rest means never ceasing to be an intercessor. Remind God of His promises and plead always for His will be to done on the earth. In Isaiah 62:1, God says: ‘For Zion’s sake I will not hold My peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest.’ That makes our job easier. God Himself has sworn to not rest till He accomplishes His desire. Let 2. Don’t be a hypocrite Watchmen point out to other people’s errors. This us continue to be God’s watchmen, awake, vigilant, spiritual watchtower position can easily make the and interceding. Amen. 1. Guard your heart first Proverbs 4:23 has an important message for all believers, especially for those who desire to have a prophetic ministry. Those who want to be the watchmen of God should take heed of this verse: ‘Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.’ Before you can guard anyone, make sure you guard yourself first. Remember when you fly on an airplane, the flight attendant instructs you to put your oxygen mask on first, before helping others.

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7 keys for churches hosting itinerant ministers BY JEREMIAH JOHNSON AS a church leader who has hosted more than 100 itinerant ministers and as an itinerant minister that has preached in more than 500 churches/conferences, here are seven keys I highly recommend to all churches/ministries hosting itinerant ministers. They will save you so much potential misunderstanding, heartache, offense, bitterness, unforgiveness, and more. Say no to dysfunction! 1. Work out logistics with itinerant ministers prior to their arrival! Do they expect a certain honorarium? If not, is there a ball park figure that they usually receive when they minister so that you don't insult them when they leave? There are many traveling itinerant ministers with large ministries and varying scopes of influence who accept love offerings because they will not charge for the gospel. While this is pure and right, please don’t plan to give them a few hundred bucks for a series of weekend meetings and expect them to be thrilled! I highly recommend churches already have a built in budget ready to bless them with in case of emergency (the offerings are way low). Have you discussed whether you are going to pay for their travel to get to you and food while they are there or should they assume that if you give them 300 bucks for the weekend that might cover their gas or airfare and food? These are all issues and potential unnecessary sources of offense that should be covered before they come and minister. Also, please give them their honorarium/love offering BEFORE they leave if at all possible. The more unanswered questions, the more likely misunderstanding will come in. 2. Never talk about your struggling church finances while they are present. The fact that a church is struggling financially and invites an itinerant minister to speak anyways is almost always an immediate red flag and warning sign that they are about to royally dishonor them. Traveling itinerant ministers are not magicians. A meeting or three with them cannot compensate for poor leadership around the clock and especially in regards to finances. One pastor stole the itinerant ministers love offerings and said he needed to take his family on vacation. If you as the host church or conference don’t have enough money to bless them generously while they are with you, then don’t have them in at all or wait until the right timing. 3. Never assume that they would love to stay with your deacon, elder, or staff member who THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w SEPTEMBER 2019

they’ve never met or heard of before. Have you ever wanted to use the restroom, get comfortable, have freedom to do whatever you want and whenever you want, but couldn't because there was awkward restrictions put on you like being in a house with people you don’t know or couldn’t get comfortable around? The next time you have an itinerant minister in, get them a nice hotel room and grant them the right to do whatever they want and whenever they want outside of the meetings. You might be surprised that the meetings they are doing are way more fruitful this way! 4. Find out what their ministry style is by asking them questions beforehand or inquiring about how they like to do altar ministry. There is nothing worse than when an itinerant minister feels the anointing lift off the altar ministry and they are ready to go rest and the host church leader is completely on another page. It’s a sad day when the host church leader continues to line people up to be prayed for and ministered to when the itinerant minister is completely exhausted, worn out, and now feels like a prostitute. It’s also a sad day when the itinerant minister does not give an altar call


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when the host church leader expected him too. These are all styles of ministry that can be dialogued through prior to services. Did you want the itinerant minister to preach on a certain subject? Why didn’t you tell them? 5. Ask them what they like to eat and drink! Don’t assume that the itinerant ministers enjoy your cold potluck dinner afterwards or that they are fasting like your church is and cannot eat because you can’t. There’s nothing better than a meal they love after they just preached their guts out. 6. Remember, they are a human being, not a circus performer. They have real issues and struggles like you do. They get tired, have families, and have to pay the bills too. Instead of focusing every minute of every conversation on you and your church, take some time to ask them how they are doing apart from any ministry. Trust me, this will form healthy relationships for years to come. 7. If you announced to the crowds that ALL of the love offerings or honorariums that were received as they ministered would go to the itinerant minister, for the love of God and the sake of your integrity, do it! Don't use what people thought they were giving to them for the church light bill, mortgage, your

personal vacation, or any other nonsense. Also, always try your best to get them a check before they leave, not a month or two down the road. BONUSWhen seeking to book airfare for the itinerant minister to come, as long as they don’t want first class (in my opinion this is an over the top expectation) be open to them booking their own ticket at a time that works best for them. Your church’s need to save some more money and therefore put them on a 6 am flight or late night bogus flight usually isn’t received well. If you are a traveling itinerant minister or a host church leader, feel free to comment below and share your experiences and recommendations.

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DOES THE HOLY SCRIPTURE ENDORSE ALCOHOL? BY EBE SUNDER RAJ THE Jews used grapes as Indians used mangos, the Caucasoids used apples and the Chinese used tea for millennia. No chemical process was invented to preserve the grape juice in un-fermented form. Therefore the ancient cultures had no choice but to use grape juice in fermented form only, the virtuous in limited measure or diluted form (‘yayin’ in Hebrew) and the wild, the fortified by intoxicants ('sekar' in Hebrew and ‘hard drink’ in English). If the Jewish faith allowed or even endorsed the use of wine it was a permissible will of God not the perfect will of God, as was the case with polygamy, slavery, war etc. As today’s technology produces and preserves juice in unfermented form there is no more need for fermented drink in the pretext of health reasons. The human body produces just enough alcohol for its own health. In ancient days wine had to be used as a cleansing agent for polluted water, as sedative for pain, anesthetic for the wounded and healing agent for the sick in the absence of modern day medicines. These needs are no more existent with modern medicine. The Jewish prophets, priests and kings were barred from alcoholic drinks during execution of their offices. After the Cross, every believer has been made a prophet, priest and king and, therefore, barred from anything that can hinder our body, mind or spirit from executing our above three offices. Evangelism was not part of the duty of a Jew. He was not given the commission or power to do evangelism. We have ‘redemption of the world’ mandated on us, directly by the Maha Satguru, Jesus Christ. Therefore, everything that hinders our witness to the world, especially to the temperate people, we are expected to discard. In the Jewish culture eating and drinking was done almost always in the home, where the family heads had the control. Today, alcohol consumption is done almost always outside their control. In ancient days the consumer was the producer. He produced only what he needed in the quantity he needed. However, today the producer makes you consume, through marketing pressure, wrongly called ‘peer pressure’, what you don’t need to consume. Drunkenness is explicitly condemned in about 70 passages in the Jewish scripture (Old Testament) although moderate drink was allowed. Two centuries before the time of Christ, the Romans had occupied Palestine and the Greek culture and philosophy of temperance permeated the middle east. From then on ‘yayin’ in Hebrew and ‘oinos’ in Greek meant only diluted wine, below THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w SEPTEMBER 2019

intoxication level. Jesus Christ had to use diluted yayin and not tea at the Last Supper. The Hellenistic (western) church became culturally blind and superstitious about the red wine as a mystical connector to the most sacred red blood of the Lord, with the doctrine of ‘ T r a n s substantiation’ which was modified later by the leaders of Reformation as ‘Consubstantiation’. Thus the cultural blindness continued permitting alcohol among western Christians. The New Testament church did not have the New Testament or two millennia of church history to learn from. We have no such excuse! Six centuries before Christ, the non-theistic faiths of Buddhism and Jainism impacted the Dravidian land with the values of renunciation and abstinence from sensory pleasures including liquor. When Apostle Thomas arrived in Calicut around 50 AD and sowed the gospel seed in the above temperate ground (Matthew 13:8) the non-indulgent theistic Christian congregations emerged and grew which contributed to the theistic temperamental Indian Bhakti movement. The ancient Sangam records bear witness to this temperance. Thus, the Indian Christians from the first century to the 15th century were abstainers of alcohol. The arrival of the Portuguese changed this scene. The Wesleyan movement which served among the drunkard black slaves of England and the Salvation Army which saved millions of lives wrecked by liquor became the pioneers in championing abstention. Only the evangelising churches took this temperance movement to its logical peak that the United States government had to declare prohibition of liquor across America a hundred years ago though it was repealed later. The modern Indian temperance movement was initiated a century ago by the evangelical missioners like Evans. They ran more than 200 temperance societies across India. Mahatma Gandhi made this movement


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into a national force that the Government of India declared prohibition soon after national Independence though it was repealed later. Today 8% of the world population (half a billion) are liquor addicts. Most of them have lost their jobs, homes, families or children. All of them lost their self respect. Five million of them died in 2011 according to Lancet, the British Medical Journal. In India, almost every adult male in the slums (60 million) is an addict. About one half of all the crimes in the world are committed by liquor addicts because alcohol blinds their thinking and blunts their feeling. They steal, murder, rape, riot and commit incest. They all started in ‘social’ drinking and ended up as anti-socials. About one half of all the road accidents and deaths are caused globally by drunken driving today unlike the Bible times when travel was done at about 5 km speed.

All promoters of ‘social drinking’ have their concealed agenda. They are either marketers of liquor producers or they are seekers of your illegitimate favor, be it a business deal, a promotion, a job or illicit relationship. They may even be your ‘friends’ who feel uncomfortable or guilty about your clean life. The antidote to the pressures of modern day life is not liquor but joy in the Holy Spirit, friendship of the godly, ordinary joys of life in family, children, arts, sports and music. The Holy Scripture warns sternly ‘Do not be deceived, drunkards will not inherit the Kingdom of God’ (Galatians 5 : 21). (Taken from the evangelistic apologetic self study abridged Bible “ Life and teachings of Maha Satguru Yeshu, his disciples and prophets.” Rs 60. Published by the Bible Society of India, Bangalore.) Slightly edited for clarity. Editor.

Since God cannot lie IN a sermon entitled “God Can’t Lie,” Pastor David Elvery lists three implications for man because God Can’t Lie: “We are surrounded by lies, but that is not what God is like. It is impossible for God to lie and that has some important implications for us: 1. We can Hold on to God’s PROMISES. Because God can’t lie, we can hold on to the promises that God makes. 2 Corinthians 1:18-21 says “But as surely as God is faithful, our message to you is not “Yes” and “No.” For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by me and Silas a and Timothy, was not “Yes” and “No,” but in Him it has always been “Yes.” For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.” 2. We can TRUST God’s motives. Since God cannot lie to us, we can trust his motives. His motives are good. I think you’ve seen enough and know enough about relationships to know this: there is no relationship if there’s no trust. It takes trust to have a relationship. It’s the same with God. I have to trust that God’s motives are pure in order to have this relationship, in order to hold on to his promises. 3. We can rest in the TRUTH OF GOD. Since God will never lie to us we can rest in that truth. Jesus says in John 14, “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life.” He didn’t say, “I point to the truth….” He didn’t say, “I stand for the truth.” Or “I represent the truth.” He said, “I am truth.” He is the truth. We don’t have to strive and seek any longer to Website: Email:

find the truth. Jesus Christ is God and He loves us and He will never lie to us. That’s the truth.” When we trust that God cannot lie, we can then stand on the Truth. Today in prayer, praise the Lord that He does not lie and in Christ, we see all the fullness of truth. “Lying is the acme of evil.” – Victor Hugo


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ïnaR ah®? ek;ikg; ghh;j;J ,NaR ahh; vd;W Nfl;lhy;> ehk; mth; ek; fh;j;jh;> ,ul;rfh;> Mz;lth; vd;W nrhy;YNthk;. mth; mijAk; jhz;b> ekf;F kUj;JtUk;> MNyhrfUk;> uh[hTk; $l. Mdhy;> ,NaRtpd; 3 mbg;gil MSikfis ehk; kwe;Jtplf;$lhJ. mitfs; vd;dntd;W rNfh. uhgpd; rhk; fhz;gpf;fpd;whh;. kj;NjA 16:13-20 trdq;fis thrpf;fTk;. [dq;fs; vd;id ahh; vd;W nrhy;Yfpwhh;fs; vd;W ,NaR ek;kplk; Nfl;lhy;; mjd; nghUs; vd;d? cq;fs; [dq;fs;. cq;fs; tPl;bypUf;fpwth;fs;> cq;fs; njUtpy; trpf;fpwth;fs;> cq;fs; fhydpapNy> cq;fs; VhpahtpNy ,Uf;fpw [dq;fs;> cq;fisg; ghh;j;Jtpl;L vd;idf; Fwpj;J vd;d nrhy;Yfpwhh;fs; vd;gNj mjDila nghUs;. rp\h;fsplj;jpNy md;W Nfl;l Nfs;tpf;F Mz; l th; ek; k plj; j pNy ,d; W gjpiy vjph;g;ghh;f;fpwhh;. mjw;F rp\h;fs; gjpy; nfhLj;jhh;fs;. mjw;Fg; gpwF mjp Kf;fpakhd 2tJ Nfs;tpia Mz;lth; rp\h;fisg; ghh;j;J Nfl;lhh;. ~ePq;fs; vd;id ahnud;W nrhy;YfpwPh;fs;?| ~ePq;fs; vd;id ahh; vd;W nrhy;YfpwPh;fs;?| ePq;fs; vd;idf; Fwpj;J vd;d nrhy;YfpwPh;fs;? NgJU mjw;Fg; gjpyhfr; nrhd;dij 15> 16 trdj;jpy; thrpf;fpNwhk;. rPNkhd; NgJU gpujpAj;jukhf: ~ePh; [PtDs;s NjtDila Fkhudhfpa fpwp];J| vd;whd;. ,e;j 2 Nfs;tpfSk; mjp Kf;fpakhditfs;. ,jw;Fr; THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w SEPTEMBER 2019

rhpahd gjpYk; ekf;F njhpe;jpUf;f Ntz;Lk;. fhuzk;> NtW xU ,NaRitf; Fwpj;j cgNjrq;fs; ,e;j cyfj;jpNy gutpg; guk;gp nfhz;bUf;fpd;wd. ehk; tho;e;J nfhz;bUf;fpw fhyj;jpNy> ehk; topgLfpw ,NaR fpwp];Jit Fwpj;j cgNjrq;fs; cz;L. mNj Nghy rpy rigfspNy> fs;sr; rigfspNy> fs;s cgNjrpahh;fs;> fs;sg; Nghjfh;fs; NtW xU ,NaRitf; Fwpj;Jg; NgRtij ehk; mwpe;J nfhs;sNtz;Lk;. ,J filrpf; fhyk; vd;gjpdhNy ehk; ek;Kila ,ul;rpg;gpNy kpfTk; [hf;fpuijahf ,Uf;fNtz;Lk;. ehk; tzq;Ffpw ,NaR fpwp];J ,e;j Ntjj;jpNy Kd;nrhy;yg;gl;l Njtd;. mth; ,];uNtyUf;F Nkrpahthf tUthh;> Mdhy;> cyfj;jpw;F cyf ,ul;rfuhf tUthh; vd;W Kd;dNk jPh;f;fjhprdkhf ciuf;fg;gl;l Njtidj; jhd; ehk; njhOJnfhz;bUf;fpNwhk;. Mdhy;> NtW xU ,NaRitf; Fwpj;j cgNjrk; cz;L. ,uz;lhapuk; tU\q;fSf;F Kd;djhfNt ,e;j NtW ,NaRitf; Fwpj;j cgNjrk; ,e;j G+kpapNy ,Ue;jJ. ~~ehd; cq;fisf; fw;Gs;s fd;dpifahff;


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fpwp];J vd;Dk; xNu GU\Df;F xg;Gf;nfhLf;f epakpj;jgbahy;> cq;fSf;fhfj; Njtituhf;fpakhd ituhf;fpaq;nfhz;bUf;fpNwd;. MfpYk;> rh;g;gkhdJ jd;Dila je;jpuj;jpdhNy Vthis tQ;rpj;jJ Nghy> cq;fs; kdJk; fpwp];Jitg;gw;wpa cz;ikapdpd;W tpyFk;gb nfLf;fg;gLNkhntd;W gae;jpUf;fpNwd;. vg;gbnadpy;> cq;fsplj;jpy; tUfpwtd; ehq;fs; gpurq;fpahj NtnwhU ,NaRitg; gpurq;fpj;jhdhdhy;> my;yJ ePq;fs; ngw;wpuhj NtnwhU MtpiaAk;> ePq;fs; Vw;Wf;nfhs;shj NtnwhU RtpNr\j;ijAk; ngw;wPh;fshdhy;> ed;wha;r; rfpj;jpUg;gPh;fNs|| (2 nfhhp 11:2-4). ehd;fhtJ trdj;jpNy mg;Ngh];jydhfpa gTy; %d;W fhhpaq;fisr; nrhy;Yfpwij ghh;f;fpNwhk;. NtnwhU ,NaRitf; Fwpj;j cgNjrk; cz;L. cz;ikapNyNa> NtnwhU ,NaR ,y;iy> xNu xU ,NaRjhd; cz;L. Mdhy;> fs;sg; Nghjfh;fs; ghtidahf> fw;gidahf ,NaRit ,th;fSila rpe;ij kz;lyq;fspNy cUthf;fp ~mth; ,g;gbr; nrhd;dhh;> mg;gbr; nrhy;ytpy;iy| vd;W cgNjrj;ijg; Gul;Lfpw xU fhhpaj;ij ghh;f;fpNwhk;. Mf> NtnwhU ,NaRitf; Fwpj;j cgNjrk; cz;L. ,uz;lhtjhf> NtnwhU Mtp cz;L. %d;whtjhf NtnwhU RtpNr\k; cz;L vd;W ehk; njhpe;Jnfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. xNu Njtd; cz; L . me; j Njtd; MtpahapUf;fpwhh;. me;j NjtDila Fkhudhfpa fpwp];JNt ehk; tzq;Fk; ,NaR. Kjyhtjhf vd;Dila ,NaR ahh; vd;W ehd; nrhy;YfpNwd;. mth; ePq;fs; njhpe;Jnfhs;s Ntz;ba ,NaR.

1. ,NaR> ek; tpRthrj;ijj; Jtf;FfpwtUk;> Kbf;fpwtUkhd fh;j;jh; vgpnuaUf;F vOjpd epUgk; 12:1 trdk;: ~Mifahy;> Nkfk;Nghd;w ,j;jid jpushd rhl;rpfs; ek;ikr; #o;e;J nfhz;bUf;f> ghukhd ahtw;iwAk;> ek;ikr; Rw;wp neUq;fp epw;fpw ghtj; i jAk; js; s ptpl; L > tpRthrj; i jj; Jtf;FfpwtUk; Kbf;fpwtUkhapUf;fpw ,NaRit Nehf;fp> ekf;F epakpj;jpUf;fpw Xl;lj;jpy; nghWikNahNl Xlf;flNthk;| (vgpnuah; 12:1). mtNu ek; ,NaR. ek; tpRthrj;jpd; MjhuKk;> fhuzKk; mtNu. tpRthrj;ijj; Jtf;FfpwtUk;> tpRthrj;ij Kbf;fpwtUkhapUf;fpw ,NaRit Nehf;fp ehk; Xl; l j; j py; Ntfkha; XLNthk; vd; W nrhy;yg;gltpy;iy> nghWikaha; Xlf;flNthk;. ,e;jg; ge;jaj;jpNy Ntfkha; Xbdth;fs; Website: Email:

n[apj;jjpy;iy> nghWikaha; Xbdth;fNs n[apj;jpUf;fpwhh;fs;. vd;Dila Njtdplj;jpNy cq;fisj; jpBh; vd;W gzf;fhuuhf khw;w ve;jj; jpl;lKkpy;iy. mij ePq;fs; vOjpitj;Jf;nfhs;Sq;fs;. ~~ehd; my;ghTk; xNkfhTk;> MjpAk; me;jKk;> Ke;jpdtUk; gpe;jpdtUkhapUf;fpNwd;|| (ntsp. 22:13). mth; ekf;Fj; jk;ik ntspg;gLj;jpdNghJ ek; tpRthrk; Jtf;fg;gl;lJ. xU ehs;> mth; ek; tpRthrj;ij epiwT nra;thh;. md;W ehk; tpRthrpj;jth; ,d;dhnud;W KOtJkhf mwpe;J nfhs;Nthk;. ~epiwthdJ tUk;NghJ FiwthdJ xope;JNghk;.| ~...,g;nghOJ fz;zhbapNy epoyhl;lkha;g; ghh;f;fpNwhk;> mg;nghOJ KfKfkha;g; ghh;g;Nghk;| (1 nfhhp. 13:10> 12). ,jw;fpilNa cs;s tho;f;ifia kpfTk; [hf;fpuijahf tho Ntz;Lk;.

2. ,NaR> ghtpfis ,ul;rpf;f cyfj;jpw;F te;jth; ,NaR ahh;? vd;id ,ul;rpf;f cyfj;jpw;F te;jth;. ghtpfs; vd;W nghJg;gilahf nrhy;yyhk;. Mdhy; vd;Dila fhhpaj;ijr; nrhy;Yk; nghOJ ehd; nrhy;y Ntz;Lk;: ~vd;id ,ul;rpf;f cyfj;jpw;F te;jth; ,NaR.| Mnkd;. jha; jhd; ngw;wg; gps;isia kwe;J Nghfyhk;> Mdhy; fh;j;jh; vd;id xUNghJk; kwe;JNghtNj ,y;iy. mth; vd; epidthfNt ,Uf;fpwhh;. vg;nghOJk; vd; rpe;ijahfNt ,Uf;fpwhh;. vg;nghOJk; cq;fis tprhhpf;f> cq;fs; fhhpaq;fis tha;f;fg;gz;z> cq;fSld; cwthl> cq;fSila cs;shd kD\id khw;w vd; Mz;lth; rpj;jk; cs;stuhf ,Uf;fpwhh;. mjw;fhfNt mth; cyfj;jpw;F te;jhh;. ,itfis vy;yhk; nra;tjw;F Kd;G vd;id mth; ,ul;rpf;f Ntz;Lk;. ehd; ghtpahf ,Ue;jjhNy mthplj;jpy; neUq;fp tuKbahky; ,Ue;Njd;. ehd; ghtpaha; ,Ue;J khpj;Jg; Nghdhy; guNyhfj;jpy; vdf;Fg; gpuNtrk; ,y;iy vd;gij mwpe;J> vdf;fhf mth; rpYitapNy khpj;jhh;. filrp nrhl;L ,uj;jk; tiu vdf;fhf rpe;jp> vd;id ghtkw Rj;jg;gLj;jp> vd;id ,g;nghOJ jk;Kila rhaypy; khw;wp nfhz;bUf;fpwhNu> mth; jhd; ,NaR. ,NaR fpwp];J ahh;? mth; ghtpia ,ul;rpf;f> cq;fis ,ul;rpf;f> vd;id ,ul;rpf;f cyfj;jpw;F te;jth;. ~ghtpfis ,ul;rpf;f> fpwp];J ,NaR cyfj;jpy; te;jhh; vd;fpw thh;j;ij cz;ikAk; vy;yh mq;fpfhpg;Gf;Fk;



Njtnra;jp ghj; j puKkhdJ...| (1 jP N khj; N jA 1:15). mjd;gpwF gTy; nrhy;fpwhh;. ghtpfspy; gpujhd ghtp ehd;. ,d;W ePq;fSk; ehDk; mg;gbNa nrhy;y KbAk;. mtuhNy kl;Lk; jhd; ghtkd;dpg;G ekf;Ff; fpilf;fpwJ. mtuhNyad;wp ekf;F ,ul;rpg;G NtW topahf tUtNjapy; i y vd; W ehk; njhpe; J nfhs;sNtz;Lk; (mg;. 4:12). Nahthd; vOjpa RtpNr\k; 1-Mk; mjpfhuj;jpy; Nahthd; ];ehdfd; ,NaRitr; Rl;bf; fhz;gpj;J jd;Dila rP\h;fSf;Fk; kw;wth;fSf;Fk; ,g;gb mwpKfg;gLj;jpdhd;: ~,Njh cyfj;jpd; ghtj;ijr; Rke;J jPh;f;fpw Njt Ml;LFl;b.| ~kWehspNy Nahthd; ,NaRitj; jd;dplj;jpy; tuf;fz;L ,Njh> cyfj;jpd; ghtj;ijr; Rke;JjPh;f;fpw Njt Ml;Lf;Fl;b| vd;whd; (Nahthd; 1:29). ghtpfis ,ul;rpf;fNt ,NaR fpwp];J cyfj;jpw;F te;jhh;. mth; cq;fs; fuq;fisg; gpbj;Jf;nfhs;s Mtyha; ,Uf;fpwhh;. mtUila fuj;ij cjwpj; js;sptpl;L cq;fSila Ra ,r;irapNy> cq;fs; khkprj;jpNy elf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;W epidj;jhy; guNyhfk; NghfNt KbahJ. mtUila iff;Fs; mlq;fp ,Uf;f gofpf; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;. mth; Vw;wf; fhyj;jpNy cq;fis cah;j;Jthh;. Mnkd;. ,ul;rpf;fg;gLtjw;F NtW topNa ,y;iy> ,NaR fpwp];J xUth; kl;Lk;jhd; ,ul;rpg;igj; juKbAk;. Mz;ltkhNu ehd; ,ul;rpf;fg;gLtjw;F vd;d top vd;W rpiwr;rhiyf;fhud; Nfl;lnghOJ gTy; nrhd;dhd;: ~eP fh;j;juhfpa ,NaR fpwp];Jit tpRthrp> mg;nghOJ ePAk; cd; tPl;lhUk; ,ul;rpf;fg;gLtPh;fs;| (mg;. 16:31).

3. ,NaR rkhjhdg; gpuG mth; rkhjhdf; fh;j;jh;. ekf;Fr; rkhjhdk; ,y;iy vd;gJ mtUf;Fj; njhpAk;. gzj;jpdhNy rkhjhdk; tuhJ. RfNghfkhd tho;f;ifapdhNy rkhjhdk; tuhJ. nghpa tPl;il fl;b mjpypUf;Fk; Mlk;gu Rfnrsfhpaq;fis vy;yhk; xd;Wtplhky; mDgtpj;jhy;> rkhjhdk; te;J tpLkh? tuhJ. mij ed;F mwpe;Nj vd; Njtd; nrhy;fpwhh;. ~cdf;F rkhjhdj;ijj; juNt ehd; te;jpUf;fpNwd;. vd;Dila ngah; rkhjhdg; gpuG.| Mnkd;. mth; gpwg;gjw;F Kd;gjhf Vrhah ,e;jr; rj;jpaj;ij mwptpj;jhd;. ~ekf;F xU ghyfd; gpwe;jhh;@ ekf;F xU Fkhud; nfhLf;fg;gl;lhh;@ fh;j;jj;Jtk; mth; Njhspd;NkypUf;Fk;@ mth; THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w SEPTEMBER 2019

ehkk; mjprakhdth; MNyhridf;fh;j;jh;> ty;yikAs;s Njtd;> epj;jpa gpjh> rkhjhdg;gpuG vd;dg;gLk;| (Vrhah 9:6). ,NaRTk; jk;Kila rP\h;fSf;F ,ijNa nrhd;dhh;: ~rkhjhdj;ij cq;fSf;F itj;Jg; NghfpNwd; . vd; D ila rkhjhdj; i jNa cq;fSf;Ff; nfhLf;fpNwd;@ cyfk; nfhLf;fpwgpufhuk; ehd; cq;fSf;Ff; nfhLf;fpwjpy; i y. cq; f s; ,Ujak; fyq; f hkYk; gag;glhkYk; ,Ug;gjhf| (Nahthd; 14:27). ,NaR jUk; rkhjhdk; vg;gbg;gl;lJ? mJ ek;Kila Gj;jpf;F vl;lhjJ. Nahrpj;Jg; ghh;j;jhy; mJ vq;fpUe;J te;jJ> vg;gbg;gl;lJ vd;W tpsq;fhJ. vd;Dila fhhpaj;ij mtUila ifapNy rhl;btpl;Nld;. Aj;jk; fh;j;jUilaJ. ehd; Rk;kh ,Ue;J fh;j;jh; nfhLf;Fk; ntw;wpia ghh;f;fg;NghfpNwd; - vd;w ek;gpf;if. mJ jhd; ek;Kila Mz;lth; nfhLf;Fk; rkhjhdk;. ~cyfk; nfhLf;fpw gpufhukhf my;y. vd;Dila rkhjhdj;ijNa ehd; itj;J NghfpNwd;| vd;W nrhd;dth; ek;Kila Njtd;. Mnkd;. NuhkUf;F vOjpa epUgj;ij Kbg;gjw;F Kd;ghf gTy; nrhy;Yfpwhd;: ~rkhjhdj;jpd; Njtd; rP f ; f pukha; r ; rhj; j hid cq; f s; fhy;fspd; fPNo eRf;fpg;NghLthh;. ek;Kila fh;j;juhfpa ,NaR fpwp];JtpDila fpUig cq;fSlNd$l ,Ug;gjhf| (Nuhkh; 16:20). rhj;jhDf;F Kbit fl;l mth; xU ehis Fwpj;J itj;jpUf;fpwhh;. cq;fis ,g;nghOJ klq;fbf;fpw rj;JUf;fis me;j ehspNy mth; xU if ghh;f;fg;Nghfpwhh;. mjw;nfd;W xU ehis fh;j;jh; Fwpj;J itj;jpUf;fpwhh;. ePq;fs; ek;gpdhYk; rhp> ek;ghtpl;lhYk; rhp> fh;j;jh; mijr; nra;J Kbf;f jPtpuj;ijf; fhz;gpg;ghh;. ,NaR fpwp];J Jtf;fpd tpRthrj;jpNy epiyj; j pUf; f n[gpg; N ghk; . Vndd; w hy; > ~KbTghpae;jk; epiyepw;gtNd ,ul;rpf;fg;gLthd;| vd;W mth; nrhy;ypapUf;fpwhh; (kj;. 24:13). ,NaR ek;ik ,ul;rpj;jpUf;fpwhh;. mtUila fpUigia ,g;nghOJ ehk; Nghf;fbf;fhky; ,Ug;Nghkhf. ~NjtDila fpUigia ePq;fs; tpUjhtha;g; ngwhjgbf;F> cld; Ntiyahl;fshfpa ehq;fs; cq;fSf;Fg; Gj;jpnrhy;YfpNwhk;| (2 nfhhp. 6:1). ,NaR fpwp];J ek; tho;f;ifapy; je;Js;s mtuJ rkhjhdj;ij ehk; kw;wth;fSf;Fk; vLj;Jr;nrhy;Nthk;. xU $l;lk; Mj;Jkhf;fis mtUf;nfd;W Maj;jg;gLj;JNthk; (kj;. 28:1920).


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RtpNr\ Nksh 2019 xt;nthUtUk; miukzp Neuk; ghuj;Jld; n[gpf;f 15 n[gf;Fwpg;Gfs;. 1. kio kw;Wk; ngUk;nt s;sj;jpd; rPw;wq;fspdhy; fle;j khjk; mtjpAw; w fh; e hlfh> kfhuh\; l ; u h> Nfush kw;Wk; F[uhj; khepyq;fis epidT$h; e ; J n[gpg;Nghk;. ,e;j ,lq;fspy; ghjpf;fg;gl;l kf;fSf;F cjtpfs; rPf;fpukhff; fpilf;fTk;> mth;fs; tho;f;if ,ay;G epiyikf;Fj; jpUk;gTk; n[gpg;Nghk;. ,JNghd;w Nguplh;fs; ,dp tUk; fhyq;fspy; mjpfhpf;Fk; vd;gjpdhy; fpUigf;fhf n[gpg;Nghk;. ehKk; fh;j;jUila tUiff;F ,g;nghONj Maj;jkhNthk;. 2. ,e;jpahtpy; rigfspy; ngUfptUk; fs;s cgNjrq; f Sf; F vy; y h tpRthrpfSk; vr;rhpf;ifahf ,Uf;f n[gpg;Nghk;. xt;nthU rigapYk; fpwp];Jtpd; ke;ijia cz;ikahf tprhhpf;Fk; Nka;g;gh;fs; ,Uf;fTk;> njhiye;JNghd MLfisj; Njbg;NghFk; cz; i kahd Copah; f s; cUthfTk; n[gpg;Nghk;. Ntjj;ij jpdKk; thrpj;J> mij rhpahfg; Ghpe; J nfhz; L tho; f ; i fapy; mg; g pahrg; g Lj; J k; tpRthrpfs; ,d; D k; Mapukhapukhf ek;Kila rigfspy; vOk;g czh;e;J n[gpg;Nghk;. 3. nknrQ;rh; kp\d;]; Copaq;fs; %ykhf ,e;jpahtpy; MW khepyq;fspy; elf;Fk; RtpNr\g; gpuaj;jdq;fs;> rpWth; Copak; gyd; ju n[gpg;Nghk;. ifg;gpujp Copak;> jdpegh; RtpNr\Copak; > n[gf; $Liffs;> tPl;Lr; rigfs;> fpuhk RtpNr\g; gpur;rhuq;fs; Nghd;witfs; %ykhf jpushd [dq;fs; ,NaRit Vw;Wf;nfhs;sTk;> mth;fs; tho;f;iffs; kW&gkhfTk;> mth;fs; FLk;gq;fs; ,ul; r pf; f g; g lTk; > mth; f Sk; > mth; f s; gps; i sfSk; fhj; j Uf; n fd; W vOk; g pg; gpufhrpf; f Tk; > mth; f s; kj; j papypUe; N j Copah;fs; vOg;gTk; Cf;fkhf n[gpg;Nghk;. ,e;j Copah;fspd; Njitfisr; re;jpf;f fh;j;jh; Vuhskhd tpRthrpfis vOg;gTk; n[gpj;Jf; nfhs;Sq;fs;. Website: Email:

4. rpy fpwp];jt tpRthrpfspilNa njd;gLk; Copah; Nkhfk; xope;jpl n[gpg;Nghk;. rpdpkh fiyQh;fisg; Nghy jq;fisg; ghtpj;Jf;nfhs; S k; rpy; ,ir Copah; f s; N ky; ,isQh;fs; itf;Fk; mjPjg; gw;Wjy; Mgj;jhdJ> mJ mth;fis Nkhrk;Nghf;Fk; vd;gij mth;fs; czh;e;J mjpypUe;J tpLgl ehk; Cf;fkhf n[gpg;Nghk;. Ntjj;ij tpl ez; g h; f spd; Ngr; i rAk; > rj; j paj; i jtpl tpNehjkhditfisAk;> ,NaRittpl Copah;fisAk; Nerpg;gNj ,d;iwa rigapd; rhgf;NfL. rig kde;jpUk;g n[gpg;Nghk;. 5. kpahd;kh;: 50 Mz;Lfhy ,uhZt murhl;rp KbTf;F tuTk;> kf;fSf;F vjpuhf elf;Fk; Fw;wq;fs; xopaTk;> [dehafk; jioj;J 5.4 Nfhb kf;fSk; Rje;juk; ngwTk;> Gj;j kjj;jpdh;> Mtp tzf;fj;jth;> ,];yhkpahpilNa RtpNr\k; mwptpf;fg;glTk; n[gpg;Nghk;. 6. ,e;jpahtpy; gpwf;fpw Foe;ijfspy; Nghjpa Cl;lr;rj;J ,y;yhik> %r;Rj;jpzwy;> Nghjpa jLg;G+rp ,y;yhik Nghd;wtw;why; Mz;LNjhWk; 9 yl;rk; Foe;ijfs; khpf;fpd;wdh;. 1 epkplj;jpw;F 1 Foe;ij khpj;Jf;nfhz;bUf;fpwJ. kUj;Jt Nritapy; kpfTk; gpd;jq;fpAs;s ekJ Njrk; tsh;r;rp fhzTk; tpNr\khf Foe;ij kUj;Jtk; tsh;r;rpfhzTk; n[gpg;Nghk;. 7. cyfstpy; nkhj;jk; 6>900 nkhopfs; cs;sd. ,jpy; 2>600 nkhopfspy; Ntjj;jpd; ve;j gFjpAk; nkhopngah; f ; f g; g ltpy; i y. 451 nkhopapy; KO NtjhfKk;> 1>185 nkhopfspy; Gjpa Vw;ghLk;> 843 nkhopfspy; rpW gFjpfSk; nkhop ngah; f ; f g; g l; L s; s J. kp\ndhp ,af;fq;fs; jpusha; ,g;gzpapy; <Lgl n[gpg;Nghk;. 8. tpahghuj;jpy; mjpf yhgk; ghh;f;Fk; Nehf;fpy; Efh;Nthiu Vkhw;WNthh;> fyg;glk; nra;Nthh;> thp Va;g;G nra;Nthh;> tpahghu Nghl; b ahy; nfhiy> nfhs;isapy; <LgLNthh;> jukw;w nghUl;fisAk; czT gz; l q; f isAk; tpw; N ghh; > tpahghuj; j py; Kd;Df;F tu yQ;rk; thq;FNthh;> nfhLg;Nghh; vd njhopy; rhh;e;j Fw;wq;fspy; <LgLNthh; ,J ghtnkd czu n[gpg;Nghk;.



RtpNr\ Nksh 9. ,e;jpahtpy; 20>64>370 fhty; JiwapdUk;> 15>039 fhty; epiyaq;fSk;> 71>256 ngz; fhtyhspfSk; cs;sdh;. ,th;fspd; flik Nrhgdh mnyf;];> nrd;id jtwhj gzpfSf;fhTk;> ghJfhg;gpw;fhfTk;> Mz;lthpd; ghpRj;j ehkj;Njrg;gw;Wld; yQ;rk;;> Coypy; <Lglhky;> jpw;F ];Njhj;jpuk;. vd;id murpay; th; f ; f j; j pw; F mbgzpahky; fj;Njhypf;f rigapypUe;J fl;Lg;ghLld; nray;glTk; n[gpg;Nghk;. Mz;lth; kPl;L vLj;jhh;. 10. ngz;fisg; ghh;j;J Mghr nrhw;fisf; RtpNr\ Nksh n[gf; $Wjy;> iriffhl;ly; (eve teasing), mth;fisj; Fwpg;Gfs; vd;id ,d;Dk; jpUk;gj; jpUk;g er;rhpj;J> njhe;juT nra;jy;> ePz;lNeuk; n[gpf;f cw;rhfg;(molestation) td;Gz;h;r;rp my;yJ ghypay; gLj;JfpwJ. Njrj;jpw;fhf n[gpf;Fk;NghJ gyhj;fhuk; nra;jy; (rape) vdg; ngz;fSf;F mjpy; Fwpg;gpl;bUf;Fk; Ch;fisAk; kf;fs; tpNuhjkhf jpde; N jhWk; ,iof; f g; g Lk; njhif vz;zpf;ifAk; mwpe;J nfhs;tJld;; nfhLikfs; ghtnkd czh;e;J ,r;nraypy; ,jd; %ykhf nghJ mwpT tsh;tjw;Fk; <LgLNthh; kde;jpUk;g n[gpg;Nghk;. gaDs;sjhf ,Uf;fpwJ. 11. ~~fh;j;juhfpa Mz;ltNu> ,Njh ehd; Ngr ele;J Kbe;j Njh;jYf;fhf kpfTk; mwpNad; rpW gps;isahapUf;fpNwd;|| vd;W ghuj;Jld; n[gpj;Njd;. Mdhy; mjd; Kbitf; Nfl;lNghJ fh;j;jh; jk; fuk; ePl;b thiaj; njhl;L fz;L Mz;lthpd; rpj;jk; vd;dNth vd;W ~~vd; thh;j;ijia cd; thapNy itf;fpNwd;. ghh; fyq; f pNdd; . njhlh; e ; J n[gpf; f f; $ ba gpLq;fTk;> ,bf;fTk;> mopf;fTk;> ftpo;f;fTk;> fpUigiaf; nfhLj;jw;fhf Mz;ltUf;F ed;wp fl;lTk;> ehl;lTk; cd;id Vw;gLj;jpNdd;|| vd;w nrhy;YfpNwd;. gjpiyg;ngw;w vNukpahitg; Nghy vd;id ghpRj;j Ntjhfkk;. tUif rkPgk; ,e;jpah; khw;Wk;gb n[gpf;fpNwd;. Maj;jkhf n[gpg;Nghk;. 12. fpwp];Jtpd; md;ig tpl;L 15. ,Njh> ...xUtDk; vz;zf;$lhjJkhd ek;ik gphpg;gtd; ahh;? jpushd $l;lkhfpa [dq;fs;> nts;is cgj;jputNkh> tpahFy- mq; f pfis jhpj; J > jq; f s; iffspy; Nkh> Jd;gNkh> grpNah> FUj;Njhiyfisg; gpbj;J> rpq;fhrdj;jpw;F ehrNkhrNkh> gl;laNkh> Kd;ghfTk; Ml;Lf;Fl;bahdtUf;F Kd;ghfTk; kuzkhdhYk;> [Ptdh- epw;ff;fz;Nld;. mth;fs; kfh rj;jkpl;L: dhYk;> m j p f h u q ; - ,ul;rpg;gpd; kfpik NjtDf;Fk; Ml;Lf;Fl;bfshdhYk;> epfo;fhhpaq;- ahdtUf;Fk; cz;lhtjhf vd;W Mh;g;ghpj;fshdhYk;> tUq;fhhpaq;- jhh;fs; (ntsp. 7:9>10). tUif rkPgk;> Maj;jkhf fshdhYk;> cah;thdhYk;> jho;thdhYk;> n[gpg;Nghk;. fpwp];Jtpd; md;ig tpl;L gphpf;fhJ vd nfh;[pf;Fk; kp\ndhpfs; vOk;g n[gpg;Nghk;.

n[gpj;Njhk; n[apg;Nghk;

13. kD\d; gLk; vy;yhg; gpuahrKk;> gad;gLk; vy;yhf; fphpiaAk;> mayhDila nghwhikf;F VJthapUf;fpwij ehd; fz;Nld;@ ,JTk; khiaAk;> kdJf;Fr; rQ;ryKkhapUf;fpwJ. tUj;jj;NjhLk; kdr;rQ;ryj;NjhLk; ,uz;L ifg;gpbAk; epiwa nfhz;bUg;gijg; ghh;f;fpYk;> mikr; r NyhL xU ifg; g pb epiwaf; nfhz;bUg;gNj eyk; (gpurq;fp 4:4> 6). tUif rkPgk;> Maj;jkhf n[gpg;Nghk;. 14. ~filrp fhyj; j py; rNfhjud; rNfhjuidAk; > jfg; g d; gps; i siaAk; kuzj;Jf;F xg;Gf;nfhLg;ghh;fs;@ ngw;NwhUf;F tpNuhjkhf gps;isfs; vOk;gp mth;fis nfhiyr; nra;thh;fs;. vd; ehkj;jpdpkpj;jk; vy;yhuhYk; giff;fg;gLtPh;fs;> KbTghpae;jk; epiy epw;gtNd ,ul;rpf;fg;gLthd;| vd;fpwJ THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w SEPTEMBER 2019


ey;y Copad;

ehd; gLk; cgj;jputq;$l gpwUf;F cgfhukhf khwNtz;Lk; vd;W n[gpg;gtd; ey;y Copad;. gTYk;> gh;dghTk; ,f;NfhdpahtpNy Copak; nra;jhh;fs;. Mdhy; tpRthrpahj A+jh;fshy; gpur;ridfs; vOe;jjpdhy; ypf;Nfhdpah ehl;bw;F Xbg;Nghdhh;fs;. mq;Nf> gpwtpapNyNa rg;ghzpahfg; gpwe;j xU kdpjDf;Fg; gTypd; %ykhf mw;Gjk; ele;jJ. Copah;fSf;F te;j cgj;jputk; ,e;j kdpjDf;F Mrph;thjkhf khwpdJ. my;NyY}ah. ek; cgj;jputq;fs; $l kw;wth;fSf;F cgfhukhf khwl;Lk; vd;W n[gpg;Nghkh? Website: Email:

Uphold this ministry in your prayers Messenger Missions reaches children in unreached areas through several year-long ministries. Through these evangelical efforts, children are introduced to God and His teachings. Pray for the children to grow and remain in Christ.

nghJntspapy; khw;wpf;nfhs;s Ntz;ba mehfhpfr; nray;fs;... gbj;jjpy; gpbj;jJ 1. uapy;> NgUe;J epiyaq;fspy; mkUk; ,Uf;iffspy; yf;Nf[;fis itj;Jf;nfhz;L gazpfs; te;jhYk; vLf;fhky; ,Ug;gJ. 2. KJfpy; khl;ba Fz;lhd igAld; ,uz;L Ms; ,lj;ij Mf;fpukpj;Jf;nfhz;L kpd;rhu uapy;fspy; epw;gJk;> ,bj;jgb elg;gJk;. 3. rpf;dy;fspy; xOq;fhf rpfg;gpy; epd;W gr;irf;Ff; fhj;jpUg;gth;fisf; Nfhkhspfs; Nghy ghh;j;jgb rpf;dy; tpjpfis kPWtJk;> KJfpy; `hud; mbj;J kpul;LtJk;. 4. tP l ; b d; ghy; f dpapypUe; J VNjh Nghl;bitj;jJNghy Fg;igg; igfis Fg;igj; njhl;b Nehf;fp tPrp... kpfr; rhpahf njhl;bf;Ff; fPNo rpjwtpLtJ. 5. thpirfspy; gyh; fhj;jpUf;f…mjp Kf;fpa];jh;Nghy FWf;Nf Eioe;J mJtiu Website: Email:

epytpa xOq;FKiwiaf; Fiyg;gJ. 6. ghh;f;fpq; gFjpapy; epWj;jpapUf;Fk; fhiu vg;gb vLg;ghh;fs; vd;W Nahrpf;fhky; Kd;dhYk;> gpd;dhYk; ,U rf;fu thfdq;fis ,ilntspapd;wp nrUfp epWj;JtJ. 7. nghJ ,lq;fspy; cs;s th\; Ngrpd;fspy; if fOTtNjhL> fpl;lj;jl;l Fspg;gJ. 8. #g;gh; khh;f;nfl;Lfspy; Foe;ijfis kpfr; Rje;jpukhf mth;fisNa nghUs;fis vLf;f mDkjpj;J… mit nghUs;fisj; jl;btpLtij urpg;gJ. 9. uapy;fspy;> g];fspy; yf;Nf[; itf;Fk; ,lj;ij KOikahf Mf;fpukpj;J vfg;gl;lij mLf;fp> mLj;jg; gazpf;Fhpa epahakhd ,lj;ijAk; mDkjpf;fhky; rz;il tsh;g;gJ. mehfhpf ml;uhrpl;B];.. (gl;Lf;Nfhl;il gpughfh;)



FWf;nfOj;J N`kh jdrPyd;

mg;Ngh];jyh; B kw;Wk; C gbtq;fspy; nghUj;jkhd Ntjhfkf; Fwpg;ig vOjp A gbtj;Jld; mDg;g Ntz;Lk;. ,g;Nghl;bf;fhd cq;fs; gjpy;fis gbtk; A-apy; epug;gp> B kw;Wk; C Mfpa gbtq;fspy; trd ,Ug;gplq;fis kl;Lk; vOjp nrg;lk;gh; 20> 2019-f;Fs; fpilf;FkhW mDg;Gq;fs;.

gj;jphpf;ifapy; ntspaplg;gl;Ls;s gbtq;fis efy; vLj;J kl;LNk mDg;g Ntz;Lk;. gpw KiwfspNyh (mQ;ry; ml;il> cs;ehl;Lf; fth;> jhs; Nghd;witfspy;) tiue;Njh gjpy;fis mDg;gf; $lhJ. mitfs; Nghl;bf;F vLj;Jf;nfhs;sg;glkhl;lhJ. Mrphpah;. gbtk; A 1



2 5





9 11




15 16 18

17 19 20



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26 27


gbtk; B ,lkpUe;J tyk;: 1. jq;fs; iffspdhNy ,NaRit rpYitapy; Mzpabj;Jf; nfhiy nra;jth; (9) ( ___________ ) 3. xU gl;lhsk; (4) ( ___________ ) 6. yPjpahspd; Ch; (5) ( ___________ ) 8. fpwp];JtpDila Mj;Jkh ,jpNy tplg;gLtjpy;iy (4) ( ___________ ) 10. RtpNr\fd; (4) ( ___________ ) 11. ______________ ghf;fpak; (6) ( ___________ ) 13. xU jPT (2) ( ___________ ) 14. nfhh;NeypA ,jpNy E}w;Wf;F mjpgjp (5) ( ___________ ) 15. md;whlf tprhuizapy; jpl;lkha; tprhhpf;fg;glhjth;fs; (5) ( ___________ ) 16. ,q;Fs;s rP\h;fs; rTiy rP\ndd;W ek;gtpy;iy (5) ( ___________ ) 17. ,q;F FbapUe;jth;fnsy;yhUk; fh;j;jhplj;jpy; jpUk;gpdhh;fs; (3) ( ___________ ) 18. ];Njthdpd; Kfk; ,td; Kfk; NghypUe;jJ (5) ( ___________ ) 22. tpf;fpufk; (7) ( ___________ ) 23. fg;gy; ,jpNy miyTgl;L XbdJ (5> 3) ( ___________ ) 24. tp\g;G+r;rp (3) ( ___________ ) THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w SEPTEMBER 2019


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25. 26. 27. 28.

gh;dghTk;> rTYk; Njt trdj;ijg; gpurq;fpj;jg; gl;lzk; (3) jPh;f;fjhprpfspy; xUtd; (3) gpujhd Mrhhpadhfpa A+jd; (3) ,itfis tpw;W vy;yhUf;Fk; gfph;e;J nfhLj;jhh;fs; (7)

( ___________ ) ( ___________ ) ( ___________ ) ( ___________ )

gbtk; C NkypUe;J fPo;: 1.Nky; tPl;by; jq;fpapUe;jth;fspy; xUtd; (5) ( ___________ ) 2. gpujhd Mrhhpad; (3) ( ___________ ) 3. ,J gypgPlj;jpy; vOjg;gl;bUe;jJ (7> 5) ( ___________ ) 4. vNgrpad; (5) ( ___________ ) 5. ,e;ehl;bd; fly; topaha; gTy; fle;J nrd;whh; (5) ( ___________ ) 7. ve;j kD\idAk; _______ vd;W nrhy;yhjgbf;F Njtd; NgJUTf;Ff; fhz;gpj;jhh; (7) ( ___________ ) 9. xU JiwKfk; (3) ( ___________ ) 12. rkhhpah; ,ij Vw;Wf; nfhz;lhh;fs; (2> 4) ( ___________ ) 16. ifyhF nfhLf;fpwth;fisj; Njbdtd; (3) ( ___________ ) 17. ,e;jj; jPitf; fle;J gTy; gpypg;gp gl;lzj;Jf;Fr; nrd;whh; (7) ( ___________ ) 19. ,e;j NtisapNy rP\h;fs; ghpRj;j MtpapdhNy epug;gl;lhh;fs; (4> 2) ( ___________ ) 20. jl;lhd; ,tSf;F nts;spapdhy; Nfhapy;fisr; nra;jhd; (4) ( ___________ ) 21. Koq;fhw;gbapl;L n[gk; gz;zpd ,lk; (5) ( ___________ ) 25. Njtd; jk;ikf; Fwpj;J _________ tpsq;fg; gz;zhjpUe;jjpy;iy (3) ( ___________ )

gjpy;fis mDg;gNtz;ba Kfthp: jp fpwp];bad; nknrQ;rh;> vz;. 20/20, ghujpahh; njU> rPdpthrh efh;> ghb> nrd;id 600 050.

cq;fs; ngah; : ______________________ ,lk; : ______________________ miyNgrp vz;: ______________________ nrd;w khjj;jpd; rhpahd tpilfs;: NahRth ,lkpUe;J tyk;: 1. epj;jpa> tpthfk; (2:19) 7. kwe;jha; (4:6) 8. mjk; (6:5) 10. fOF (8:1) 11. Gwg;gLjy; (6:3) 13. fpy;fhy; (9:15) 15. fw;gid (5:11) 16. gypgPlq;fs; (10:1) 17. fphpiafs; (12:2) 18. tQ;rfk; (11:12) 21. fsq;fs; (9:1) 22. rkhhpah (10:7) 25. fh;g;gtjpfs; (13:16) 26. ,Ujaj;ij (4:11) 27. mk;kP (2:1) 28. ek;gpf;ifapd; (2:15)

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NkypUe;J fPo;: 2. jpUk;GNthk; (6:1) 3. tprhhpg;ghh; (9:9) 4. me;epah; (8:7) 5. ngha;fs; (7:3) 6. fw;Ftpay;fs; (12:11) 7. kjpy; (2:6) 8. mrPhpah (11:11) 9. gLf;iffs; (7:14) 12. Mguzq;fs; (2:13) 13. fplhhp (4:16) 14. elf;f (11:3) 16. gh;tjq;fs; (10:8) 17. fpgpah (5:8) 19. msf;fTk; (1:10) 20. ghpRj;jh; (11:9) 22. rNfhjud; (12:3) 23. mg;gk; (7:8) 24. ghtk; (10:9)


Mf];l; khjg; Nghl;bf;fhd rhpahd tpilfis vOjpath;fs;: vyprgj; uhzp> Mgpufhk; NtjKj;J> eph;kyh Nltpl;> re;jpuh [hd;> VQ;[yh uh[d;> gpukpyh Jiuuh[;> \Pgh n[gJiu> ehd;]p Mgpufhk;> Qhd nry;tp> n`g;rpgh jhk];> yPyh ghz;bad;> fpNu]; tp[auhzp> Mde;j uh[;> tpf;Nlhhpah yhud;]; (nrd;id). gpNukyjh Re;jh;ghG (nrq;fy;gl;L)> `py;yy; [hd;]d; (NtY}h;)> nfl;rp jk;Guh[; (rptpy;ypGj;J}h;)> QhdRe;jhp (jpUney;Ntyp)> Nkh;]p n`f;lh; (ehfh;Nfhtpy;)> fpshuh (tlf;F uh[hT+h;)> tpf;Nlhhpah nry;tp N[hrg; (NtY}h;). SEPTEMBER 2019 w THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER

Ntjhfkj;jpd; Gj;jfq;fs;

mg;Ngh];jydhfpa Nahthd; vOjpd Kjyhk; epUgk; Njtd; xspahapUf;fpwhh;> Njtd; md;ghapUf;fpwhh;> Njtd; [PtdhapUf;fpwhh;. xspapd;> md;gpd;> [Ptdpd; NjtdhdtNuhL mg;Ngh];jydhfpa Nahthd; If;fpaj;jpy; ,Ue;jhh;. me;j If;fpak; jk;Kila Mtpf;Fhpag; gps;isfSf;Fk; Ntz;Lk; vd;W tpUk;gpNa ,e;j epUgj;ij mth; vOjpdhh;. Njtd; xspahapUf;fpwhh;. mtNuhL cwtpy; ,Ug;gth;fs; ,Uspy; my;y xspapNyNa elf;f Ntz;Lk;. xspapy; elf;Fk;NghJ ehk; ek; ghtq;fis mwpf;ifapLNthk;. ehk; xspapy; elf;fpNwhk; vd;W ekf;F vg;gbj; njhpAk;? xspapy; elg;gth;fs; NjtDila fw;gidfisf; iff;nfhs;Sfpwth;fsha; ,Ug;ghh;fs;. Njtd; md;ghapUf;fpwhh;. ehKk; mtUila gps;isfsha; ,Ug;gjpdhy; ehKk; md;gpNy elf;fNtz;Lk;. md;G ntWk; thh;j;ijfspNy my;y> fphpiafspNy ntspg;glNtz;Lk;. Njtd; [P t dhapUf; f pwhh; . mtNuhL cwthLgth;fs; epj;jpa [Ptidj; njhpe;Jnfhz;lth;fs;. ,NaRtpd; NkYs;s tpRthrk; ekf;F epj;jpa [Ptidg; ngw;Wj; jUk;. Mrphpah;: ,e;j epUgj;ij mg;Ngh];jydhfpa Nahthd; jhd; vOjpdhh; vd;gjpNy Mjpj; jpUr;rigf;F ve;jr; re;NjfKk; ,Uf;ftpy;iy. jd; D ila ,sk; t ajpNy NahthNdhL njhlh;gpy; ,Ue;j ghypfhh;g; mjw;Fr; rhl;rp gfph;e;jhh;. fpNuf;f> yj;jPd; jpUr;rigfspd; gpjhf;fs; mij mq;fPfhpj;jdh;. epUgk; vOjg; g l; l fhyk; : vOgjhtJ E}w;whz;by; vUrNyk; mopf;fg;gLtjw;F Kd;djhf Nahthd; mq;fpUe;J ntspNawpdhh; vd;W ghuk;ghpar; rhd;Wfs; nrhy;Yfpd;wd. ntspg;gLj;jpd tpNr\k; ,uz;lhtJ kw;Wk; %d;whtJ mjpfhuq;fspy; nrhy;yg;gl;l rigfs; rpytw;wpy; Nahthd; Copak; nra;jhh;. NahthDila ,e;j xd;whk; epUgk; vNgRtpy; vOjg;gl;bUf;f Ntz;Lk;. Mdhy;> vg;nghOJ vOjg;gl;lJ vd;W jpl;lkhf xU fhyj;ijr; nrhy;y KbahJ. fpwp];JTf;Fg; gpd; 81 Kjy; 96 tiuAs;s fhyj;jpy; vOjg;gl;bUf;fyhk; xd;W Nahthdpy; fpwp];J: fpwp];JtpDila jw;Nghija Copaj;ijf; Fwpj;J 1-MtJ mjpfhuk; 5-MtJ trdk; Kjy; ,uz;lhtJ mjpfhuk; 22-MtJ trdk; tiuAs;s gFjpapy; Fwpg; g plg; g l; L s; s J. ,NaRtpd; ,uj; j k; ,g;nghOJk; tpRthrpfis mth;fs; ghtq;fspypUe;J Rj;jpfhpj;Jf; nfhz;bUf;fpd;wJ. ~,NaRfpwp];Jthfpa ,tNu [yj;-

jpdhYk; ,uj;jj;jpdhYk; te;jth;@ [yj;jpdhNy khj;jpuky;y> [yj;jpdhYk; ,uj;jj;jpdhYk; te; j th; . Mtpahdth; rj; j pakhifahy; > MtpahdtNu rhl;rpnfhLf;fpwth;| (5:6). jpwTNfhy; thh; j ; i j: ~NjtNdhLs; s If;fpak;.| fpwp];Jtpy; epiyj;jpUg;gJ jhd; xU tpRthrpapd; flik vd;gij Nahthd; fhz;gpf;fpd;whh; trdk; 2:28-I thrpf;fTk;. jpwTNfhy; trdq;fs;: ~ePq;fSk; vq;fNshNl If;fpaKs;sth;fshFk;gb> ehq;fs; fz;Lk; Nfl;Lk; ,Uf;fpwij cq;fSf;Fk; mwptpf;fpNwhk;@ vq;fSila If;fpak; gpjhNthLk; mtUila Fkhudhfpa ,NaRfpwp];JNthLk; ,Uf;fpwJ. cq;fs; re;Njh\k; epiwthapUf;Fk;gb ,itfis cq;fSf;F vOJfpNwd;| (1:3-4). ~Njtd; ekf;F epj;jpa [Ptidj; je;jpUf;fpwhh;> me;j [Ptd; mtUila Fkhudpy; ,Uf;fpwnjd;gNj me;jr; rhl;rpahk;. Fkhuid cilatd; [Ptid cilatd;> NjtDila Fkhud; ,y;yhjtd; [Ptd; ,y;yhjtd;. cq;fSf;F epj;jpa[Ptd; cz;nld;W ePq;fs; mwpaTk;> NjtFkhuDila ehkj;jpd; Nky; ePq;fs; tpRthrkhapUf;fTk;> NjtFkhuDila ehkj;jpd; Nky; tpRthrkhapUf;fpw cq;fSf;F ,itfis vOjpapUf;fpNwd;| (5:13-14). ,e;j epUgj;ij ,uz;lhfg; gphpf;fyhk;. xd;whtJ mjpfhuk; Kjy; ,uz;lhtJ mjpfhuk; ,Ugj;jpNaohtJ trdk; tiuf;Fk; Kjy; gFjpahff; nfhs;syhk;. If;fpaj;jpd; Mjhuk; vd;W mijg; ghh;f;fKbAk;. ,uz;lhtJ mjpfhuj;jpd; 28-MtJ trdk; Kjy; epUgk; KbAk; tiuAs;s gFjpia If;fpaj;jpd; nray;ghL vd;W nfhs;syhk;. MW tpjkhd gFjpfspy; md;ig ehk; ntspg;gLj;j Ntz;Lk; vd;W Nahthd; fhz;gpf;fpd;whh;. 1. Njtd; NkYs;s md;gpdhy; rf tpRthrpfspd; Nky; ekf;F md;G cz;lhf Ntz;Lk;. 2. mtuJ fw;gidfSf;Ff; fPo;g;gba Ntz;Lk;. 3. ,NaRtpd; NkYs;s tpRthrj;jpdhy; jhd; ehk; NjtDf;Ff; fPo;g;gbfpd;Nwhk;. 4. ,NaRtpd; NkYs;s tpRthrk; mth; gpwg;gpNy fpwp];Jthf ,Ue;jhh; vd;gJ kl;Lky;y> ,wg;gpYk; mth; n[apj;jhh; vd;gNj. 5. ,NaRtpd; Ms;jj;Jtj;jpw;F ehk; rhl;rpfsha; ,Uf;Fk;NghJ ek; tpRthrk; ntspg;gLfpd;wJ. 6. n[gj;jpNy ehk; Njtid neUq;fp tuKbAk; vd;W me;j tpRthrj;jpdhy; epr;rapf;fpd;Nwhk;.

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Owned and published by Elsy Robin from 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, II Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040. Printed by L Cyril Sagayaraj at VS Printograph Pvt Ltd., No. 142, L&T Road, Burma Colony, Perungudi, Chennai 600 096. Editor: Elsy Robin THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w SEPTEMBER 2019


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Outreach among children Messenger Missions’ co-founder Sis. Elsy Robin distributed school bags to children in two localities of Chennai as part of its outreach among the unreached. “Whatsoever you do to the least of your brothers and sisters, you do unto me,� says the Lord Jesus. Let us pray, reflect and ask ourselves: Have I seen the Lord in my brothers and sisters? Did I give food to the hungry, drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick and the prisoner?


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