The Christian Messenger July 2018

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The Importance of lower case ministry

A Prayer For Filling Everyone Should Make



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The Twin Strategies of the Devil 1



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Vol. 15, No. 3

Page 20

JULY, 2018

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PERSPECTIVE The Importance Of Doing lowercase ministry



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GOSPEL MELA 15 Prayer Points For A 30-Minute Intercession

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The Twin Strategies of the Devil BY ROBIN SAM ONE of the reasons why Satan engages us in battles is because he can see what we cannot see. The best of men are short-sighted. We don't see the blessing God has in store for us. We only see what is right in front of us. We fail to see what God has set for us before His throne of grace. But the devil, the enemy of our souls, knows what God has reserved for us. He also knows what to do so perchance we will not attain what God has for us. One of the ways the enemy tries to trip us down is by engaging us in battles. Battles cost money and they consume our energy and time. And, that's precisely why the devil wants to engage us in battles. Satan has two motives in his battle strategy. To make us short-sighted and to cause us setbacks.

death.' If that is second death, what is the first death? The first death is the very death mentioned by God in Genesis 2:16-17. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” The first death is the very thing that Satan lied to Eve about in Genesis 3:4. Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die.” The original sin and its consequence, separation from God and His presence is the first death. The Bible tells us that the wages of sin is death. John 10:10 says: 'The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.' Many battles that the devil wages are so subtle that we do not see him robbing or killing or destroying anything outright but he inflicts damages that are serious and mortal. He will do anything to ensure that we do not possess our inheritance. One of the ways he achieves this in us is by making us short-sighted. God told Abimelech that Abraham was a prophet in Gen. 20:7. The reason was that Abraham was a man of prayer and that he would pray for Abimelech. But there was another reason. Abraham saw what Abimelech had not seen. The word prophet means

To make us short-sighted The command God gave man in the Garden of Eden He created is mentioned in Genesis 2:16. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” The tree of life was also in the very same garden. If Adam and Eve had eaten of the fruit of the tree of life before they picked the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they would have remained immortal. Revelation 20:14 tells us: 'Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2018


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one who sees what lies ahead. When did Abraham see his distant future? He saw his future and the future of his descendants. Genesis 15:5-6 says: 'Then He brought him outside and said, “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.” And He said to him, “So shall your descendants be.” And he believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to him for righteousness. The writer of Hebrews says this about people who were named as warriors of faith. “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth” (Heb. 11:15). Shall we take a moment and pray to God to help us see our glorious future in Christ? Lord, help us walk by faith and not by sight. Today, take a moment to reflect upon the losses you have incurred because of wrong and impulsive decisions? What dishonour has come your way because of a moment's indiscretion? How many opportunities to advance in your walk with God have been wasted because of your short-sighted approach? Whenever we insist on pleasing ourselves rather than obey God's commands, we are being short sighted.

refresh ourselves through new wells. If you persist in Esek and Sitnah, the Lord will do a new thing for you in Rehoboth. Hallelujah! Rehoboth is a place of enlargement, but that's not where God wants you to settle down. You are destined for bigger things. There's a Beersheba waiting for you. Beersheba means 'the well of oath.' It does not matter who is against us as long as we are sure about the presence of the Lord with us. Beersheba is a special place for Isaac because that's where his father Abraham entered into a covenant with the Philistine leaders (Gen. 21:22). I want to remind you about the promise God has given us for this year: You shall see greater things than these (John 1:50). Beersheba is significant because that's where God appeared to Isaac a second time. Why did God appear to him here? To remind him about His covenant! Beersheba is the place where Isaac will build an altar for God and call upon the Name of the Lord. Beersheba is the place where your enemies will see that God is with you and come pleading to make a peace treaty with them. Beersheba is the place where you will find water (Gen. 26:32). Beersheba is the place where you realize patience pays and where you get rewarded for your hard labour. Rehoboth is a glimpse of what God can do for you! It's to encourage you in your journey. But, don't stop there yet. Go to Beersheba where there is an altar, where God would appear and reconfirm the covenant, where you will call on the Name of the Lord, where the enemies will make peace with you, where you will find reward and rest. “Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price' (Isaiah 55:1). Dear reader, are you thirsting? Are you hurting by the scheming of those who cannot bear to see your growth and prosperity? Are you moving from one place to another to avoid confrontation and enmity? Fear not! God is calling you to Rehoboth and then Beersheba. Don't let the enemy blind you of the blessings God has in store for you. Don't let him upset you with the setbacks he is causing in your lives. Come to the waters. Come to Jesus Christ, the bearer of living water. Jesus said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:13-14).

To cause setbacks in our lives In Genesis 26:14-23 we read Isaac began to prosper and continued prospering until he became very prosperous. And the Philistines envied him. The Philistines' envy drove Isaac from the land of Gerar to the valley of Gerar. From the plains to the valley. That's a setback. They had stopped up all the wells his father Abraham's servants had dug and filled them with earth. Then Isaac dug his own wells but the people around him were in no mind to leave him alone. The herdsmen of Gerar laid claim to it and possess it. So, Isaac named it Esek meaning quarrel or confrontation. He dug a second well and they quarrelled over that one also. So, he called its name Sitnah meaning enmity. What was only a quarrel turned into full-fledged enmity. But, Isaac moved from there and dug another well and they did not quarrel over it. That was Rehoboth. Rehoboth means spaciousness. Finally, Isaac was left alone and he found enough room for his camp, herdsmen and flock. Wells symbolize blessings that come from the hand of the Lord. Are there wells in our spiritual life that the enemy has filled up with dirt – the well of prayer, the well of worship, the well of faith and the well of power of the Holy Spirit? If so, we need to take efforts to renew our attempts to Website: Email:




The Importance Of Doing lowercase ministry In An ALL CAPS World

often quietly compelling than shockingly loud. Why lower case Fits The Gospel Message Better Here are a few reasons why the gospel message is more often appropriate for a lower case expression than an ALL CAPS one: SALES is done in ALL CAPS. Invitation is lowercase. PANIC is ALL CAPS. Comfort is lower case. HYPE is ALL CAPS. Genuine is lowercase. HURRY is done in ALL CAPS. Sabbath is lived in lowercase. URGENT is ALL CAPS. Important is lowercase. ALL CAPS YELLS. Lowercase listens. ALL CAPS is SUDDEN. Lowercase is persistent. ALL CAPS can only be handled in SHORT BURSTS. Lowercase can keep you engaged for a long, long time. ALL CAPS is a WALL, pushing people away. Lowercase is a bridge, drawing people in. Do We Want To Be Loud, Or Be Heard? The gospel message is certainly urgent enough to yell. But it's important enough that it needs to be heard. When we yell, people either want to yell back, cover their ears or walk away. When we slow down, speak gently, listen intently and engage lovingly, people will be compelled to listen to us, walk with us and hear more about the Jesus who lives within us. Karl Vaters

THERE are a lot of voices yelling at us. Stop that! Buy this! Do it now! And it's all accelerated by the device you're currently using. In such a loud, hurried world, it's tempting to think that the only way to get our message and our ministry heard is to raise our voices above those around us. So we yell our message louder, use bigger, bolder colors, and get angrier. But all that does is make the gospel message appear like part of the problem, not an answer to it. Why ALL CAPS Doesn’t Get The Job Done If you spend any time on social media, you know that a message in ALL CAPS feels like yelling. It doesn't make the content feel more important, just more obnoxious. It doesn't draw you in, it pushes you away. It's the same with the way we express the truths of the gospel. When there's an excess of noise, another yelling voice isn't compelling, it's irritating. Plus, the message of the gospel is far more often a lower case message of hope, peace and truth than an uppercase message of PANIC, ANGER and FURY. Certainly there are urgent themes to the message of Jesus. He implored us to “flee from the wrath to come!” and he had a handful of infamous tirades against hypocrisy, greed and pride. But part of the reason those episodes stand out is because they were rare. The voice of Jesus was more THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2018


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International United Christian Organisation INTERNATIONAL BISHOPS COUNSEL OF ASIA (An Autonomous Institution of Advanced Theological Education) Affiliated to United Theological Research University, Hyderabad, Accredited by University of Berkeley U.S.A. & Recognized by Christian Leadership University & Seminary, New York USA. Regd. by A.P. & T.S. Govt. No. 2642 / 1988. Registered Under Minorities Act. Address: Plot No. 125, Road No. 7, T.M.C. Mahendra Hills, East Marredpally, Secunderabad – TS. 500 026. Website: E-mail:,, Contact: 040-2773 0494, 0-98490 62508, 94902 62508, 98490 62058, 94900 62058


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We are happy to announce a special ordination service to all the Christian Belivers as Deacons, Evangelists, Pastors, Reverends, Bishops, Archbishop and The Messenger of God (MOG) & Priesthood. Any denominational Christians can apply for the Ordinations. Those who are willingly interested to be a part of Gods Ministry can apply. Immediately by sending Rs.300/- M.O. for the application & Prospectus on or before 30th July 2018. The ordination service will be issued on the same day for a reasonable cost. If you are enrolled and unable to attend the Ordination service we will despatch your recognized certificate by Reg. Post or Courier. Please Note: 1) You are eligible for any selected ordination division as mentioned above. 2) You are eligible basing on your age, service for the Lord as an Independent or from any Christian denomination or running your own church in a village or in the town or in the city etc. This is a special Opportunity. So join immediately. You can make use of our bank accounts: 1.Oriental Bank of Commerce, Marredpally Branch, Secunderabad for Dr. Fredrick Francis A/c. No. 1058201106005 2. State Bank of India, Patny Centre Branch, Secunderabad for Dr. Fredrick Francis A/c. No. 10725270312

Arch Bishop Dr. Fredrick Franics L.P.V.K. B.L.A., M.S.C., M.Ed., M.A., D.D.,, Ph.D Vice-Chancellor of UTRUSR and IBCA Website: Email:

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A prayer for filling


But I ask. I ask you to help me, to help me focus my thoughts and my hearts. I ask you to help me rest in you. I ask us to help me trust you to keep all of your promises because you are good. I ask you to take my circumstances and make them good and beautiful in spite of where I am today. I ask you to help my unbelief. I find myself crying out to you day and night. You calm my soul even as I turn my heart to you. May I long for you as the deer longs for streams of water. May I thirst for you even as the tears flood my face (Psalm 42:1-3). I know you are my refuge and strength and that you always stand ready to help in times just like this. I will choose not to fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble. Let the oceans roar and foam and the mountains tremble as the waters surge! (Psalm 46:1-3) And as the world chaotically moves around me, I will rest in you. I will choose to be still and know that you are God (Psalm 46:10). Father, I am empty. But you are my rescuer, my cup-filler. You are the joy of my heart, my only hope. I come to you asking for more—more of your power, more of your strength, more of your renewal. More of You. You are the only one who can take my life and make it what you want it to be—what I want it to be. I surrender my heart, my soul, my will—my all. I am yours. Take me. Take my heartaches and pains. Take my grief and my exhaustion. Take it and renew me. And I will forever stand and worship you. D J Martin

ORD Jesus, I’m desperate. Desperate for strength. Desperate for renewal. Desperate for fresh breath. Desperate for change. I am worn and weary. My strength fails me. My heart, my body…they fail me. I need YOU. I need a fresh dose of your power, of your Spirit. I need a fresh filling of your strength, of your energy. I need to be renewed so I can mount up with wings like eagles, so I can run and not faint. My heart is heavy and burdened. This life is hard, so very hard. The burdens this journey throws at me—loss, grief, death, illness—it's more than I can handle. I try every day to cast my cares on you because I know you care for me, but it's hard. The grief is with me every day, even as I seek to rest in you. The pain of watching those I love suffer from the demons haunting them is often more than I can bear. The struggle to overcome bitterness and grief can be all-consuming. I know your yoke is easy and your burden is light. I know you promise your perfect peace as I seek to put all my trust in you. I know you promise to make all things beautiful in your time. But as I wait, it's hard. It's hard to trust and believe. It's hard to constantly turn my thoughts to you and think on things that are lovely and noble and true and right. It's hard not to let this world get the best of me. Website: Email:





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Nghf> gapw; r pg; gz; z g; g z; z > rhpah nra;JLNtd; ,y;iyah? ,y;yg;gh… ,dpNky; ehd; Nghfkhl;Nld;.|| mtDila mOif mg;ghitr; rq;flg;gLj;jpaJ. ehq;fs; NjtDf;Ff; fpwp];Jtpd; ew;fe;jkhapUf;fpNwhk; (2 nfhhpe;jpah; 2:15). gTy; mg;Ngh];jyh; ,g;gb ijhpakhfr; nrhy;fpwhh;. cq;fshy;> vd;dhy; mg;gbr; nrhy;y KbAkh? nrj;j <f;fs; ijyf;fhuDila ghpks ijyj;ij ehwpf; nfl;Lg; Nghfg; gz;Zk; (gpurq;fp 10:1). cq;fSila eWkzj;ijf; nfLf;Fk; nrj;j <f;fs; vit? nfhQ;rk; Neuk; vLj;J Nahrpj;Jg; ghh;g;Nghk;. nrj;j <f;fisj; J}f;fp vwpe;J tplj; jhkjpf;f Ntz;lhk;. ehq;fs; NjtDf;F fpwp];Jtpd; ew;fe;jkhapUf;fpNwhk; vd;W nrhy;y Njtd;jhNk ek;ik ghpRj;jk; nra;aj; jho;ikAld; Ntz;bf;nfhs;Nthk;. nra;Nthkh?


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GOSPEL MELA 2018 24-Hour Chain Prayer

15 Specific Prayer Points For a 30-Minute Intercession And, I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none (Ezekiel 22:30).

Praying with one accord for 2,234 people groups spread across 1.2 billion people in 29 states and 7 UTs in one nation. Every nation, every tribe, every people and every tongue shall say: “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” (Revelation 7:10). 1. I made a covenant with my eyes not to look with lust at a young woman' (Job 31:1). 'For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world' (1 John 2:16). Pray that God helps us keep away from the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. 2. Because you have forgotten the God of your salvation, And have not been mindful of the Rock of your stronghold, Therefore you will plant pleasant plants and set out foreign seedlings; in the day you will make your plant to grow, and in the morning you will make your seed to flourish; But the harvest will be a heap of ruins in the day of grief and desperate sorrow' (Isaiah 17: 10-11). 'The field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of the kingdom, but the tares are the sons of the wicked one. The enemy who sowed them is the devil, the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the angels' (Matthew 13: 3839). Pray that we don't become the tares that are burned in the fire during the day God reaps but rather we become the wheat gathered in the barn. 3. He took me there, and behold, there was a man whose appearance was like the appearance of bronze. He had a line of flax and a measuring rod in his hand, and he stood in the gateway' (Ezekiel 40:3). 'His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather His wheat into the barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire' (Mathew 3:12). Pray that God helps us repent for our sins because the Lord Jesus Christ not only winnows but also thoroughly cleans out His threshing floor, gather the wheat in the barn and burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire. Repent before the Lord. 4. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the Day of judgment' (Mathew 12: 36). 'My son, if your heart is wise, My heart will rejoice indeed, I myself; Yes, my inmost being will rejoice when your lips speak right things' (Proverbs 23: 15-16). Let us commit Website: Email:

ourselves to the power of the Holy Spirit that we should speak words that make the Heavenly Father happy and not vain words. 5. A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you. No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling' (Psalm 91: 7-10). Pray that we are able to escape the severe plagues that would come upon people who are like the unrepentant Pharaoh. Pray that the destroyer passes our doorsteps without destroying us. 6. I am not able to bear all these people alone, because the burden is too heavy for me' (Numbers 11:14). 'Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest' (Mathew 11:28). Realizing that God never gives us burdens that we cannot carry, let us pray that we get the strength and grace of God to overcome the battles and challenges in our lives. 7. Seek the LORD, all you meek of the earth' (Zephaniah 2:3). 'For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God' (1 Peter 4:17). 'For if we would judge ourselves, we would not be judged' (1 Corinthians 11:31). Pray that we are able to judge our thoughts, words and deeds by ourselves! 8. So these three men ceased answering Job, because he was righteous in his own eyes' (Job 32:1). But 'we are all like an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are like filthy rags; we all fade as a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away' (Isaiah 64:6). Pray that we repent of the sin of self-righteousness. May God help us to surrender ourselves to God and His righteousness! 9. Also we have come to believe and know that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God' (John 6:69). 'That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved' (Romans 10:9). The truth that we know, and the trust that we have should be boldly confessed to those



GOSPEL MELA around us. Pray to God that we surrender ourselves totally to receive His grace and favor. 10. Who, contrary to hope, in hope believed, so that he became the father of many nations, according to what was spoken, “So shall your descendants be”' (Romans 4:18). Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24). Pray that we have unwavering faith in God even in times of utter hopelessness. 11. But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be' (Matthew 24:37. 'I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?' (Luke 18:8). Pray that we should have faith and holiness in the coming of Jesus Christ. 'Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord' (Hebrews 12:14). 12. But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good' (2 Thessalonians 3:13). 'And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart' (Galatians 6:9). Pray that we do good to everyone especially to those

in the family of the faith. 13. Let us pray for the leaders of our nation and Government servants. We are called to intercede for the kings and all who are in authority so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. 'Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men' (1 Timothy 2:1, 2). 14. Pray for the churches, leaders of the churches, missionary organizations, full time servants of God whom God has appointed in our churches and Christian organizations. Pray that the Gospel is spread and people are delivered from sins and bondages and the powers of darkness. Pray that God would show signs and miracles wherever the Gospel is preached. 15. Pray for Messenger Missions ministry. That the Gospel is preached wherever we do His work, and that our work goes on unhindered and that multitudes of people become disciples of Jesus Christ. Take time to pray for The Christian Messenger ministries, leaders of the organization and the lives of the office staff and mission field workers.

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CNI pastor in UP arrested over false forcible conversion charges A pastor in Uttar Pradesh was filing affidavits stating that 16 people had become Christians of their own will last month when Hindu fundamentalists came and accused him of forcible conversion – resulting in his incarceration. After manhandling and jailing 58-year-old Dependra Prakash Maleywar on June 18 at the Sardhana lower court premises near Meerut, the Hindu fundamentalists have since gone to the 16 new Christians' homes and threatened to expel them if they do not recant their faith, sources said. Members of the Hindu fundamentalist group Bajrang Dal surrounded Maleywar while the Church of North India (CNI) pastor and a lawyer were securing notarizations of affidavits for baptisms signifying the faith in Christ of 16 people, sources said. Someone on the court premises had informed the fundamentalists about the affidavits, sources said, and at about 1 p.m. a few members of the Bajrang Dal, youth wing of the Hindu fundamentalist Vishwa Hindu Parishad, approached and questioned Pastor Maleywar about the affidavits as they man-handled him. Checking the pastor's bag and grabbing the affidavits, they accused him of forcible and fraudulent conversion, the sources said. Officers at the adjacent Sardana police station noticed the commotion, took Pastor Maleywar into custody and transferred him to the Abdullapur jail near Meerut, 14 miles away, the sources said. “They confiscated my father's cell phone and all the affidavits – he could not even contact us,” the pastor's 30-year-old son, Rohin Maleywar, told Morning Star News. The affidavits are not legally required in Uttar Pradesh, but church leaders request them to avoid controversies and the very kind of accusations that occurred, said the Rev. Prem Prakash Habil, CNI bishop of the Diocese of Agra that encompasses the two churches the 16 people belong to. Two of the Christians belong to the church Pastor Maleywar leads, St. Thomas Church in Mulhera, and 14 belonging to Epiphany Church in Khatauli. The affidavits are self-declarations that the signees willingly choose to follow Christ, want to get baptized and are not coerced or offered inducements. “We always follow this procedure; they have to submit a hand-written application in their own writing, verification papers and an affidavit if they want to become a member of the church and receive baptism,” Habil told Morning Star News. THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2018

The affidavits are not legally required in Uttar Pradesh, but church leaders request them to avoid controversies and the very kind of accusations that occurred, said the Rev. Prem Prakash Habil, CNI bishop of the Diocese of Agra to which the 16 people belong to. Usually, however, the candidates for baptism file the affidavits themselves, he said. “The way my evangelist was working was not the right way – it was [supposed to be] the work of the individuals who believed to get their own paperwork done and then submit it to their respective churches,” he said. Pastor Maleywar had gone to get the affidavits notarized in Mulhera, where his church is located, but he was unable and so went to the lower court Sardhana, fewer than seven miles away, sources said. All 16 baptisms were still set to take place, sources said. Pastor Maleywar has been leading the CNI's St. Thomas Church for five years and working as an evangelist with CNI for 17 years.


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5 Christian women workers abducted, gang-raped at gun point in Jharkhand FIVE women engaged in an anti-human trafficking campaigns in Khunti district were allegedly abducted and gang-raped by armed men, police said on June 21. “The survivors, engaged with Asha Kiran, an NGO supported by Christian missionary, were abducted by motorcycle-borne armed men while they were performing a street play at RC Mission School in Khunti's Kochang block, about 90 km from Ranchi, on June 19 afternoon,” said Ranchi range deputy inspector general (DIG) AV Homkar. “They were forced to sit inside cars, taken to a nearby secluded place and raped,” he added. “The perpetrators, who are Pathalgadi supporters, released the girls after three hours,” he said. The perpetrators of the crime are Pathalgadi is a practice adopted by several tribal suspected to be Pathalgadi supporters. villages in Jharkhand to declare their gram sabha as Pathalgadi is a practice adopted by the only sovereign authority, rejecting the authority of central or state government. several tribal villages in Jharkhand to Huge stone plaques and signboards — called declare their gram sabha as the only Pathalgadi in the local dialect — have been put up sovereign authority. outside tribal settlements in Khunti, Simdega, Gumla and West Singhbhum districts, warning visitors from entering or settling down in these villages. Police officers said the NGO had taken a Mini Hall & Seminar Room team of more than half-a-dozen to Kochang under the Arki police station, nearly 45 km from the district at Anna Nagar headquarters, to carry out an awareness campaign at Use our space for meetings, trainings, the school. While, the team was conducting a street get-together, birthdays, etc. play, the armed men reached the venue at around 1 pm. Two nuns associated with the Christian missionary also accompanied them. Facilities: The abductors reportedly made videos of the Air-conditioned Hall, LCD projector, incident and threatened the girls that the videos P/A system, Wi-fi, 5.1 surround sound would be made viral if they disclose the incident. The DIG, however, appealed to the media to report to the police if they come across any video Other highlights: regarding the incident. “Three separate teams have been constituted to To Seat: Multi-cuisine Kitchen, nab the criminals, some of them have been Cross Fitness, 50, 25 & 15 identified. Raids are on at suspected locations,” Table Tennis and more... Homkar said refusing to divulge any further details. “A medical board has been constituted to examine the victims. The two sisters, associated with the JN RESOURCE CENTRE Christian missionary accompanying the girls, were Plot No.1118, 19th St, G Block, not subjected to any crime. They were released safely,” said Khunti SP Ashwini Sinha. Anna Nagar, Chennai - 40. A father associated with Kochang Roman (Google Maps: Olives Café) Catholic Church reported the matter to the police but there was no investigation. The organisation, then, lodged complaint with higher authorities, which is when the police swung into action.

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Children’s ministry in Madhya Pradesh The VBS ministries in our mission fields in Madhya Pradesh were a great blessing to around 200 children. Messenger Missions has two village churches in this state. Pray that the Lord of Harvests gives a great yield of souls in these villages.

School bags for kids in Chennai God helped us gift school bags to around 80 children in Messenger Missions’ mission field in Chennai. A school bag kit comprises a bag, notebooks, a water bottle, pencils and pens. We thank all those who contributed towards this need. We give the highest praise to God.

Owned and published by Elsy Robin from 329/4, Poonga Apartments, HIG Flats, II Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai 600 040. Printed by L Cyril Sagayaraj at VS Printograph Pvt Ltd., No. 15, Natesan Colony, Sri Ram Avenue, 1st Street, Kottivakkam, Chennai 600 041. Editor: Elsy Robin THE CHRISTIAN MESSENGER w JULY 2018


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