Luxury Developments

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EDIT IO N 01 – 2019



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A d ve r t i s i n g e n q u i r i e s c o nt a c t B r ya n O r a m 0 4 3 8 8 8 4 828 | s a l e s@s c p u b l i s h i n g.c o m.a u C o ve & L u x u r i o u s D e ve l o p m e n ts a re p u b l i s h e d a n d o w n e d by S a n c t u a r y C ove P u b l i s h i n g. No responsibility is accepted by SCP for the accuracy of any statement contained in the text or advertisements. All material appearing in Cove & Luxurious Developments are copyright©. Views expressed by journalists are not necessarily those of the publisher.

P re s e nte d by C o ve m a g a z i n e. D i s t r i b u te d v i a S a n c t u a r y C ove P u b l i s h i n g m a r ket i n g p a r t n e r s h i p s. D e s i g n by L i s te rc re a t i ve. P r i nte d by P r i ntc r a f t.

EDITION 01 –­2019

Presented by

Wel com e Showcasing Lu xur ious Developments across SEQ











Luxe design is about developing spaces that are


elegant, warm and relaxing – a private sanctuary when

Frank Lloyd Webber. “Give me the luxuries in life and I will willingly do without the necessities,” he once said. The pioneer of modern architecture may have been

you most need it. Yet luxe design is not always about size. Small can be just as beautiful through the infusion of thoughtful interiors that highlight the inner you.

intoxicated by his own design genius, but his words still

In this new prestigious publication, we put a

inspire the quest to find the ultimate in residential living.

lens over the latest Brisbane and Gold Coast

Welcome to Luxurious Developments, a new

property trends.

magazine that celebrates excellence in modern

The figures speak for themselves, revealing there’s

apartment design, prime locations and the indulgence

significant investment driving Queensland’s most

that this often embodies.

dynamic property markets.

South-East Queensland is renowned as Australia’s







premier lifestyle destination, so there’s no better place

transformation with more apartments being built

to let the imagination run wild and create the most

specifically for owner-occupiers.

opulent residences.

The Gold Coast is also in transition. Tightening

Brisbane and the Gold Coast are at the centre of a

land supply is driving apartment construction, while

renaissance in home and apartment design, with more

demand for water views has seen the Gold Coast rated

developers pushing the boundaries to elevate their

number two globally in terms of the premium that is

projects beyond the ordinary.

commanded by waterfront properties.

Luxurious Developments presents the best of the best projects that are on the market today.

Apartment living is now firmly entrenched on the Gold Coast, and as more luxury projects are

Buoyed by an increasingly affluent baby boomer

released the city is cementing its position as an

demographic, and a fresh rush of capital from interstate

aspirational market for well-heeled buyers from

buyers, the standards of modern apartments has never

Australia and overseas.

been higher.

To complete the picture, Brisbane interior designer

There’s a bold air of confidence in the market,

Christopher Thomas shares his thoughts on what gives

especially at the premium end where anything goes –

a residence that luxe feel, and why he thinks there’s

and often does.

more to it than pure indulgence.

Big is beautiful in the luxury space, and there’s no shame in excess. Doubling up on ovens and dishwashers may seem

We hope you enjoy this first edition of Luxurious Developments, an inspirational journey that offers a small taste of life at the top.

over the top, but not for the avid entertainers who create magnificent sky homes for their family and

Nick Nichols

friends to enjoy.

Property Editor


A lu x e in ter ior

Christopher Thomas


INTERIOR DESIGNER Christopher Thomas

While this may be an inescapable

“I even think it’s luxurious to have

has a definite view of what it takes to create

truth, Christopher is quick to point out the

a wine cellar that’s big enough to walk

luxe interiors.

longevity and ultimate value that thoughtful

through so you can actually see things

design provides.

beautifully tagged or on display, or even a

After 30 years in the industry, the co-founder of Thomas & Alexander Interiors

“There’s no point in building something

has a philosophy that is fairly down to earth.

beautiful that dates or wears out. That’s why

“The laundry is the least addressed space

“Luxury is not about impressing; it’s about

I can’t stand trends. Trends are transient and

in an apartment. Imagine two fabulous sinks,

things of quality are never transient.

two dryers and extra refrigeration that is

connecting for yourself,” he says. It’s probably fitting then that some of the

“Waste is also something we should

best work Christopher has done can never

be ashamed of. You cannot seriously

be displayed, kept under the veil of privacy

embrace luxe design without embracing

that his clients demand.

environmental issues.

magnificent laundry.

concealed by beautiful cabinetry. “If it’s big enough you could even hang up the washing without it looking like a mess.” While nothing excites an interior designer

Christopher, and his business partner

“When you look at traditional architecture,

more than a large blank canvas, such as

Mark Alexander, have an eclectic taste

150 years on it can still look the same as

gutted three-level penthouse, Christopher

for design.

when it was built.

finds small spaces just as interesting to

Their Paddington home-office superbly

“Today if we are genuine about luxury

combines the charm of a renovated

interiors and about saving the environment it

“Whether it’s a bedroom, sitting room or




should be at the forefront of any decision we

dining room, luxury starts with space but it




make. We should have in mind something

doesn’t finish with space,” he says.




of beauty. “There’s a common misconception about what luxe is,” Christopher says.

that is going to last 40 or 50 years.”

work with.

“Minimal space can still have a luxe,

Freestanding bathtubs with a fabulous

comfortable, warm feeling to it. Minimal

view, wine cellars large enough to entertain in,

doesn’t necessarily mean cold and austere.”

“It’s not necessarily about a look.

warm and cosy fireplaces, massive kitchens

The secret to making a small space

It’s about creating a home or apartment

with dual ovens and dual dishwashers, and

luxurious could come down to a single item

that feels warm and luxurious to walk into

even plush laundries that have enough

such as a quality rug or an exceptional piece

and enjoy.

space to neatly hang up the washing.

of furniture.

“Your personal space is one of the most

These are some of the elements that

“Buy one item that is magnificent and will

important things in life really, so it’s important

could define a luxe apartment, but only after

always look good, because spending the

to have what you’re comfortable with.

the basics are taken care of first.

same money on ten items will not have the

“Some people are collectors who love art

“When you are doing luxe interiors, it

for example. But even if you’re not a collector

starts with the foundations – the walls, the

and you want a nice home, the answer is

floors, the kitchen and bathrooms,” he says.

to buy less and to buy quality, because that

“Then it builds up to the icing, which

“Keep an open mind and be patient, and

will last a lifetime. It’s amazing how even one

is your artwork, furniture, lamps, rugs,

do it over time because that one special item

item can be enough.”

bedspreads and all the other softer items.”

might take some time to find.”

Christopher admits it’s fair to say there is no such thing as luxe on a budget. “It just doesn’t work. Now, that may sound elitist but it’s not in the least. It is just reality.”

same effect.” Christopher has some final words to sum up the perfect interior design journey.

So, what makes a luxe kitchen? “It’s not just about the brand of the appliances; it’s the cabinet work and all the things that come with it.”


Fou rteen of the Best


Vie w Videos lu xur


On Show I ntroducing the Best Lu xur ious Developments Property Developer Optimus Developments Sales & Marketing Optimus Developments

Property Developer Sunland Group Sales & Marketing Sunland Group

Property Developer Sunland Group Sales & Marketing Sunland Group

Property Developer Mulpha Australia Sales & Marketing Sanctuary Cove Land Sales

Property Developer Mosiac Property Group Sales & Marketing Mosiac Property Group

Property Developer Bensons Property Group Sales & Marketing Ray White Projects - Surfers Paradise

Property Developer Pindan Sales & Marketing Colliers International


12-15 16-19 20-23 24-27 28-31 32-35 36-39

Reader please note: At the time of printing several developers provided artist impressions for illustrative purposes only. Image/s may not precisely depict development of the surrounding area from the angle shown. Views indicative only and views will vary accordingly with each property. Finishes and prices shown are indicative and may vary accordingly with each apartment or property type. Please review information with individual development sales teams.

Property Developer Metacap Developments Sales & Marketing Queensland - Sotheby’s International Realty

Property Developer QY Developments Sales & Marketing Queensland - Sotheby’s International Realty

Property Developer Tission Group Sales & Marketing Queensland - Sotheby’s International Realty

Property Developer Velocity Property Group Sales & Marketing Velocity Property Group

Property Developer Mosiac Property Group Sales & Marketing Mosiac Property Group

Property Developer Shayher Group Sales & Marketing Queensland - Sotheby’s International Realty

Property Developer Velocity Property Group Sales & Marketing Velocity Property Group

40-43 44-47 48-51 52-55 60-63 64-67 68-71 7

G old Coast de v elopm ents

Cit y li v ing in the he a rt of Pa r a dise


THERE’S NO SHORTAGE of forecasts that

SQM Research, in its Housing Boom and

It reveals a clear trend towards the Gold

the Gold Coast property market will hold its

Bust Report, is expecting house prices to lift

Coast’s high-rise future, which is driven by

own in 2019.

between 2 and 6 per cent in 2019 after they

a shortage of broadacre land parcels for

took a breather at the end of last year.

traditional subdivisions.

An upswing in interstate migrants selling out of their home markets and settling on the Coast is only part of the story. The







high-end the


The land shortage continues to support the Gold Coast’s median house price, which

during the year, while QBE is forecasting

remains well ahead of Brisbane’s.

similar gains over 2019-20.

Traditionally beachside suburbs have

development approvals is another chapter

After capping off 2018 with some of the

been the focus of apartment developments

that reveals more about the key drivers of

strongest apartment sales figures in two

on the Gold Coast, but growing demand

local buyer demand.

years, the Gold Coast property market

from the local market has led to more

appears to be tracking well.

developments in urban areas away from the

In trend terms, the Gold Coast property market has been running its own game

The apartment market reveals more

for several years, out of the limelight of

about the health of the Gold Coast market

the Sydney and Melbourne boom and

than any other property sector.

eventual pullback. While there have been moments of hesitation among buyers, not much has


BIS Oxford Economics forecasts a modest 1 per cent rise in dwelling values

Almost 60 per cent of applications before the City of Gold Coast are tied to apartment and townhouse projects.

coastal strip. Property consultant Urbis finds the Gold Coast apartment market has maintained a level of stability due to a high percentage of owner-occupiers. While there is a strong local market for

fazed the market and there are even

While some 58 per cent of Gold Coasters

apartments, a significant cohort of interstate

expectations of further gains ahead as

live in detached houses, this is well below

buyers is currently helping to maintain the

national data retreats.

the national average of 73 per cent.

sales momentum.

“The Gold Coast is really highlighting

confined to the more well-known precincts.

“The better projects in better locations

the trend of people cashing up from their

It’s probably the first time we have seen this

are doing relatively well and obviously those

home markets and moving to Queensland,”

level of apartment supply in these precincts.”

that have the value proposition are achieving

says Paul Riga, the director of property

This includes the southern Gold Coast

economics and research at Urbis. “Inquiry across the board tapered towards the end of the 2018 year, but certainly there





faster sales rates.


“But even those that are trying to push

weak but which had a strong rebound

the premium price limits are transacting,

over 2018.

albeit at a slower rate.”

has been a kick from the interstate market,

The Urbis Market Essentials report shows

By just adding water, the Gold Coast has

particularly from downsizers,” he says. “While

that while two-bedroom, two-bathroom

developed an edge that beats most property

the younger demographic is looking at the

apartments dominate sales on the Gold

markets globally.

value proposition in greenfield residential



Knight Frank’s Global Waterfront Report


increasing market share which reflects

2019 reveals that the Gold Coast is only

demand from owner-occupiers.

behind Sydney in terms of the premium




opportunities, the real opportunities on the Gold Coast lie in the apartment scene.



Much of the luxury apartment activity

“There’s a solid market out there of buyers

in the past year has been focused on

who have the equity, and despite what’s

Broadbeach and areas to the immediate

happening with Sydney prices, it’s become

south of the beachside suburb.

more attractive to cash out now. The same applies to Victorians. “They’re finding apartments in areas that are attractive to them and these are not just





commanded by waterfront properties. The Gold Coast is ahead of Perth, Dubai and Paris in the top five. Knight Frank credits the strength of


interstate buyers and downsizers elevating

although not of scale, and they’re the ones

the premium being paid for waterfront

we’re seeing a higher mix of owner-occupiers

properties on the Gold Coast.

coming through,” says Mr Riga.





lu xu r iousdevelop

IMAGINE LIVING with these soul-lifting views. The ocean, stretched out to the horizon with vistas sweeping north and south, over the city centre and the hinterland too. The views from 31 Broadbeach looking out over the Pacific Ocean and beyond – from your expansive 3m wide verandah – speak for themselves. As important is the easy access to the beach. Both rival any other development and none have been designed so carefully with the owner occupier in mind. Broadbeach is the beating heart of the Gold Coast with so many cafés and restaurants a short stroll away. You are literally a step from the beach and then a few more to great coffee, food and wine, and nightlife if so inclined. The living is easy at 31 Broadbeach.

F o r s a l e s e n q u i r i e s p l e a s e c o nt a c t A n d re w B a m pto n o n 0 418 776 0 3 6 – 31b b.c o m.a u





lu xu r iousdevelop

31 BROADBEACH is architecturally-designed as your elegant, expansive home away from home. With only 22 ultra-luxury full and half floor apartments rising over just 20 levels,

U n r i va l l e d b e a c hf ro nt l o c a t i o n i n B ro a d b e a c h

31 Broadbeach is the essence of boutique living. Internationally renowned architects Woods Bagot are responsible for the design of this ‘next’ iconic building on the Coast.

Under construction

The interiors have been graciously designed by Carr Design Group, the premier design firm out of Melbourne, with beautiful finishes yet to be seen on the Gold Coast. This is beachfront living, elevated to the extraordinary. 31 Broadbeach is where you want to be.

Fu l l a n d h a l f f l o o r a p a r t m e nts f ro m $1.325 m L i m i te d o p p o r t u n i t i e s re m a i n

31b b.c o m.a u – D eve l o p m e nt p ro u d l y b ro u g ht to yo u by




lu xu r iousdevelop

THE SOUTHERN GOLD COAST is fast becoming famous for more than its world-renowned surf breaks and laid-back village charm. Developer Sunland Group, best known for delivering icons such as Palazzo Versace and Q1, is introducing its architectural elegance to Palm Beach with Magnoli Apartments. Located less than 100m from the shoreline, Magnoli Apartments features a collection of boutique apartments and architecturally designed terrace homes, and a cafĂŠ/dining area overlooking a large community park. Private resident amenities include a resort-style pool, lounge, and landscaped entertaining areas. Prices for a one-bedroom apartment start from $395,000, two-bedroom apartments are priced from $580,000, and three-bedroom apartments are priced from $795,000. Penthouses are priced from $1.175 million.

Fo r m o r e i n fo r m a t i o n c a l l 13 0 0 826 718 – s u n l a n d g ro u p.c o m.a u / m a g n o l i - a p a r tm e n ts




lu xu r iousdevelop

THE STRIKING LANDSCAPED façades of the twin mid-rise apartment buildings at Magnoli Apartments creates the effect of a cascading urban garden, where views of the Palm Beach

$ 3 9 5,0 0 0 to $1.15 m i l l i o n

coastline are framed by contemporary coastal living spaces. Inside, space and light are enhanced by open-plan design, generous ceilings, and soft neutral tones. Stylish entertainer

Le s s t h a n 10 0 m f ro m t h e b e a c h

kitchens feature reconstituted stone bench tops, high-gloss cabinetry, and Smeg appliances. Bathroom designs are presented as luxurious retreats, complete with freestanding bath and separate rain shower. Nestled between Burleigh Heads National Park and the pristine estuary of Currumbin Creek, Palm Beach is home to charming village precincts that provide all of life’s necessities, from barber shops to bakeries, local restaurants and cafés.

P re m i u m a m e n i t i e s a n d community park S c h e d u l e d fo r c o m p l et i o n m i d-2020

s u n l a n d g ro u p.c o m.a u / m a g n o l i - a p a r t m e n ts – D e ve l o p m e n t p ro u d l y b ro u g h t to yo u by





lu xu r iousdevelop

272 HEDGES AVENUE presents an exquisite residential experience at the northern tip of the Gold Coast’s finest address. Rising 44-storeys above Mermaid Beach, 272 Hedges Avenue will be home to just 96 luxurious apartments, superbly located only moments from the retail and dining precincts of Broadbeach, Pacific Fair, and The Star Casino and Hotel. Premium resident amenities include a dedicated concierge service, lounge, boardroom, function room, swimming pool, spa, gym, sauna, hammam steam room, and treatment rooms. Designed for the owner-occupier, holiday letting is not permitted. Now more than 60 per cent sold and under construction, the beachfront tower is scheduled for completion in mid 2022. Prices start from $1.845 million for a three-bedroom apartment. Penthouses are priced from $6.393 million.

F o r m o re i nfo r m a t i o n c a l l 13 0 0 421 421 – s u n l a n d g ro u p.c o m.a u /272-h e d g e s-ave n u e





lu xu r iousdevelop

WITH PRICES starting from $1.845 million, each superbly appointed residence within 272 Hedges Avenue features generous balconies and inspired interiors complete with floor-to-ceiling windows,

$1.8 4 5 m i l l i o n to $ 6.9 4 5 m i l l i o n

travertine floors, large entertainer kitchens with fully-integrated premium appliances, and bespoke bathroom designs. A sweeping canopy at the base of the tower creates an exquisite sculptural

U n r i va l l e d b e a c hf ro nt l o c a t i o n

connection with the surrounding streetscape and parklands. Home designs include a selection of two-bedroom plus study and three-bedroom plus media room apartments, sky homes,

P re m i u m re s i d e nt a m e n i t i e s

sub-penthouses, and penthouses. The two double-storey sky villas, located on levels 27 and 28, offer 513m2 of living and feature four bedrooms all with ensuite, two separate living areas, open-

Under construction

plan dining and entertaining areas, media room, and panoramic coast and hinterland views.

s u n l a n d g ro u p.c o m.a u /272-h e d g e s-ave n u e – D eve l o p m e nt p ro u d l y b ro u g ht to yo u by





lu xu r iousdevelop

THE GOLD COAST’S most exclusive award-winning waterfront community. Sanctuary Cove shines as a destination beyond compare. Life moves at a gentler pace, inspired by serene rhythms of the sparkling harbour surrounding this iconic, award-winning master planned community. Supreme relaxation is just one of the aspects of an exclusive resort style lifestyle where residents also enjoy world-class facilities within this picturesque Marine Village. Being home to a striking array of residential precincts, Sanctuary Cove is delighted to reveal the arrival of new land and house and land options. Exclusive waterfront, absolute golf course frontage and parkside lots are now available. Take your pick from stunning home and land packages, or simply take the land by itself and build a home unique to you.

Fo r m o r e i n fo r m a t i o n p l e a s e c o n t a c t G r a c e Pe r e z-A rc e o o n 0 4 57 70 2 8 0 2 – s a n c t u a r yc ove.c o m





lu xu r iousdevelop

SANCTUARY COVE BESPOKE HOMES. Five Bespoke Homes are currently under construction at Sanctuary Point, the ultimate waterfront location offering direct access to

H o u s e & L a n d f ro m $1.375,0 0 0

the Broadwater. Five prestige builders have been appointed to create five very individual and unique homes and international designers, DBI, have been retained to oversee the interior

L a n d o n l y f ro m $ 49 9,0 0 0

design of the homes to ensure individual style along with quality inclusions and innovation. These houses should be open for inspection by mid-2019. Sanctuary Cove is exempt from

R e s i d e nt i a l l i v i n g

all purchasing restrictions to overseas investors allowing them to purchase without any approval and reserve the right to resell to anyone. Visit our sales team based in the Land


Sales office in The Marine Village at Sanctuary Cove, we are open 7-days a week.

s a n c t u a r yc ove.c o m – D e ve l o p m e n t p ro u d l y b ro u g h t to yo u by





lu xu r iousdevelop


BELA BY MOSAIC is designed by nationally renowned architecture and design firm Rothelowman. The architecture is distinctive, timeless and in harmony with its iconic coastal location, and the design is focused on delivering an unsurpassed luxurious residential experience. High ceilings and full height windows and doors frame the highly coveted and breathtaking coastal views along both the north east and south east coastline. Multi-award-winning Mosaic brings you stylish and clever interior design that exemplifies opulence. Spacious living areas have a seamless connection to expansive balconies. Exquisite European brand appliances and fittings, timber floors, custom cabinetry with natural stone bench-tops and fully ducted air conditioning guarantees a design aesthetic that sets a new benchmark in Mermaid Beach for luxurious living.

4 3 Pe e r l e s s Ave n u e, M e r m a i d B e a c h. F o r m o re i nfo r m a t i o n c a l l 07 5 3 4 8 9 5 52 – m o s a i c p ro p e r t y.c o m.a u / b e l a





lu xu r iousdevelop

BELA features an unparalleled level of amenity leaving residents with nothing to wish for. Including a large resort pool, spa, steam room and sauna, a commercial quality gym and dedicated

D eve l o p m e nt A p p rova l g r a nte d

yoga space, secure bike storage, residents’ deck, executive lounge, and concierge service. Surfers can return from the beach via a separate but equally opulent entry where they can

3 & 4 b e d ro o m re s i d e n c e s

wash off sand and store surfboards. There is even a dedicated dog wash area. Crowned with an exclusive club on Level 25 hosting no less than a wine cellar, private dining rooms, kitchen,

M o re t h a n 20 exc l u s i ve fa c i l i t i e s

beautifully appointed library, lounge and media room. The ultimate in entertaining spaces, this deluxe top floor will leave your guests speechless with the impressive 360-degree views

Only 180m to beach & Hedges Ave

of the Gold Coast.

m o s a i c p ro p e r t y.c o m.a u – D eve l o p m e nt p ro u d l y b ro u g ht to yo u by





lu xu r iousdevelop

SET TO BECOME AN ICONIC Surfers Paradise landmark, Chevron One is a grand architectural statement showcasing exceptional design and quality. Designed with the owner occupier in mind, residences are elegant and luxurious. Spacious living zones flow seamlessly onto expansive balconies with sweeping panoramic views of the beach, river, Surfers Paradise city skyline and hinterland. A calm oasis shouldering Surfers Paradise, Chevron Island is perfectly positioned for residents. Presenting the best of both worlds with the world-famous Surfers Paradise Beach a short stroll away, the vibrant village lifestyle of Chevron Island offers an array of local shopping and dining options and is your island escape.

42 Stanhill Dr, Surfers Paradise. On-site Display Open 7 days 11-5pm. For more information call 1300 110 164 –




lu xu r iousdevelop

DESIGNED BY internationally-renowned Marchese Partners, the architecture and interiors of Chevron One are designed for exceptional living. Spacious open-plan living showcases intelligent use of space, whilst the large expanses of double glazed windows and sweeping balconies and terraces look out to the impressive views. Featuring Miele-appointed kitchens designed by acclaimed chef Shannon Bennett, timber floorboards add warmth and texture. 1, 2, 3 & 4 bedroom residences + sub penthouse available. The exclusive Club One residents club offers resort-style amenities spanning over 1600m . Features include a 2

concierge service, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, gymnasium, large garden with yoga

S p a c i o u s re s i d e n c e s w i t h large balconies C l u b O n e – F i ve S t a r re s o r t fa c i l i t i e s S h a n n o n B e n n et t D e s i g n e r K i tc h e n s C o nve n i e nt l o c a t i o n

lawn, Teppanyaki grill and BBQ facilities, private dining and casual lounge areas.

c h e v ro n o n e.c o m.a u – D e ve l o p m e n t p ro u d l y b ro u g h t to yo u by





lu xu r iousdevelop

WELCOME TO ONE OF AUSTRALIA’S most desirable locations, where coastal soul meets barefoot luxury. Overlooking Hedges Avenue, just metres to one of the Gold Coast’s best beaches, enjoy low maintenance luxury living in this highly sought after beachside locale. Designed with you in mind, Mahala Mermaid Beach offers spacious 2, 3 and 4 bedroom apartments with light filled interiors, generous balconies, two side by side car bays and stunning ocean views. Exclusive resort style facilities enhance the relaxed beachside lifestyle. With world class retail, dining and entertainment precincts within walking distance, take advantage of living close to the Pacific Fair Shopping Centre and Star Casino, with easy access to the light rail, Gold Coast airport and Brisbane a mere hour away via the motorway.

15 Pe e r l e s s Ave n u e, M e r m a i d B e a c h – 18 0 0 624 252 – m a h a l a m e r m a i d b e a c h.c o m.a u





lu xu r iousdevelop

LIVE A LIFE you love at Mahala Mermaid Beach. Wake to the sounds of the ocean and start the day with a beachfront stroll or swim followed by espresso at one of the friendly neighbourhood

$ 6 5 0,0 0 0 - $2.7m i l l i o n

cafĂŠs where surfers, families and barefoot businessmen rub shoulders. Designed by awardwinning Cottee Parker Architects, Mahala exudes the essence of relaxed sophistication. Each

DA a p p rove d

residence features refined natural materials and soft neutral tones, high quality finishes and openplan interiors that open to oversized balconies creating a seamless transition from the inside out, allowing you to enjoy the enviable sub-tropical climate and stunning coastal views. Resort style facilities include a pool, barbecues, cabana, lounge and private dining room, with a secure delivery facility plus bicycle storage and a rooftop solar farm to reduce energy costs and lower strata fees.

O ve r l o o k i n g H e d g e s Ave n u e, j u s t m et re s to t h e b e a c h L u x u r y 2, 3 & 4 b e d p e nt h o u s e a p a r t m e nts w i t h 2 c a r b ay s

m a h a l a m e r m a i d b e a c h.c o m.a u – D eve l o p m e nt p ro u d l y b ro u g ht to yo u by




lu xu r iousdevelop

A MASTERFULLY PLANNED COMMUNITY. It’s the life you’ve always wanted, and it’s exclusively available to a select few. The Sovereign Shores land release is the last of its kind in Paradise Point. With only 58 lots available, the opportunity to live in a world class location and indulge in a lifetime of luxury is strictly limited. Land lots large and small, waterfront, water view – whatever you choose you’ll do so knowing you’re making a smart investment. A life by the water is a life of peace and tranquility. Fishing, swimming, kayaking, stand-up paddle boarding – relax as you while away the hours on a lazy afternoon. If faster is better, moor your boat at the marina and step on board as you please.

S a l a c i a D r i ve, Pa r a d i s e Po i n t, G o l d C o a s t. Fo r m o r e i n fo r m a t i o n c a l l 07 56 0 6 8123 – s ove r e i g n s h o r e s.c o m.a u




lu xu r iousdevelop

THE ULTIMATE WATER-FRONT LAND RELEASE. A world class location deserves a home design that exudes elegance and luxury. Choose your own architect or partner with one of ours. Regardless, you can expect that every Sovereign Shores residence will be beautifully designed and unique in its detail. Sovereign Shores – it’s next level living and a blank canvas to make your own. It’s a step away from the hustle and bustle and yet positions you right in the heart of where you want to be at the northern end of Queensland’s sun-drenched Gold Coast. The opportunity to invest in Sovereign Shores is strictly limited. Don’t miss it.

L a n d s i ze f ro m 426 m 2 to 728 m 2 B u i l d u p to 3 l eve l s p l u s ro of to p e nte r t a i n m e nt a re a P r i va te m a r i n a w i t h b r i d g e f re e o c e a n a c c e s s World class location and facilities

sove re ig ns ho re s.c o – D eve lo p m e nt proudl y brou g ht to you by




lu xu r iousdevelop

BEYOND THE BRIGHT LIGHTS of the Gold Coast, prestigious new Riverfront Residences await. Riverfront Residences presents a rare opportunity to immerse yourself in resort-style living right on the river. The exclusive one, two and three bedroom and penthouse residences will elevate your way of life with their premium design, styling and finishes. With 75 metres of prime river frontage and a due north aspect, Riverfront Residences’ design responds perfectly to the two acre site’s natural attributes to offer a river life like no other. Live in the heart of the Gold Coast and close to world-class shopping, extravagant dining options, golden sun-drenched beaches and the lush, green hinterland. The region is a true sportsman’s paradise with its premium sports facilities, including Royal Pines Resort golf club and Metricon Stadium.

580 Nerang Broadbeach Road, Carrara, Gold Coast. For more information call 1300 655 242 – river




lu xu r iousdevelop

LIVE AMID LUXURIOUS STYLE – welcome to life at Riverfront Residences. The sophisticated one, two and three bedroom and penthouse apartment designs offer a warm welcome as

$ 375,0 0 0 - $1,028,0 0 0

they embrace the natural environment and life on the river’s edge. Light-filled, they take in the impressive views and stunning riverfront backdrop. Discover functional gourmet kitchens. Quality

A b s o l u te M a i n R i ve r v i e w s

European appliances. Zoned air-conditioning. Generous open-plan living. Oversized balconies. Two soothing colour palettes – coastal and hinterland – and beautiful natural timbers, including

H i g h- e n d l u x u r y f i n i s h e s

magnificent timber floors. The finishes and fixtures throughout are superb. The multi-purpose room gives you space to be yourself, as does the generous storage. There’s car parking aplenty too. These are many reasons to call Riverfront Residences home. You’ll find your own.

10 minutes to Pacific Fair & Broadbeach

r i ve r f ro nt re s i d e n c e s.c o m.a u – D eve l o p m e nt p ro u d l y b ro u g ht to yo u by




lu xu r iousdevelop

A COLLECTION of just 37 luxury riverfront apartments, set on the prestigious address of Monaco Street. From its idyllic location, the delights of Surfers Paradise and Broadbeach surround you at Edge Monaco Street. Experience an ultimate modern waterfront address – a private sanctuary situated just metres from the Gold Coast canals which sets new living standards for today. Immerse yourself in high-end retail precincts and discover a contemporary urban experience with bustling eateries and bars. The new foreshore is active throughout the day with walkers and cyclists taking advantage of the beachfront and boulevard. Being just moments from the beach, Edge is a rare blend of location, lifestyle and luxury. Embrace the diversity and vibrancy of these charming new residences.

42 Monaco Street, Sur fers Paradise, Gold Coast. For more information call 130 0 655 242 –




lu xu r iousdevelop

CHIC, LIGHT-FILLED SPACES combine with sleek exterior finishes including timber, chrome, steel and stone. Enjoy the connectivity between inside and out whilst entertaining in spacious open areas created by open air voids leading out to a choice of elevated terraces with enviable vistas. From the Miele appliances to the modern tapware and timber finishes, there is a touch of quality that lifts the interiors above the ordinary. Add a monochrome palette and you have timeless interiors ready for your finishing touches. Enjoy inviting spaces that you will love to come home to. Discover a rooftop oasis and unwind with a swim. Gather with family and friends in the idyllic surrounds of an immaculately appointed rooftop kitchen whilst taking in panoramic skyline, hinterland and water views – yours to enjoy every day.

2, 3 & 4 b e d ro o m re s i d e n c e s n o w s e l l i n g f ro m $ 628,0 0 0 Ro of top te r rac e p o ol & B BQ a rea k i tch e n, lou ng e & 36 0 o GC v iews Back ing directly onto 20 acres of tranquil Cascade Gardens Convenient central location, just 250 m to nearest tram stop – Development proudly brought to you by





lu xu r iousdevelop

ONE Palm Beach on the Gold Coast redefines absolute beachfront luxury. Its incredible 466m2 grand penthouse occupies the entire top floor of the now complete development. Featuring 4 bedrooms, 4.5 bathrooms plus an amazing open-plan living space spanning the entire length of the residence, this penthouse is spectacular. Its own 4 car park garage on separate title from the communal carpark takes the total space attributed to the penthouse to 539m2. Two living areas and a prime north-east positioned dining room complement a superbly-equipped chef’s kitchen boasting Wolf/Sub-Zero appliances and a huge butler’s pantry. The majestic master bedroom suite has floor to ceiling glass overlooking the Pacific, with the ensuite capturing ocean views from the luxury freestanding bath.

1331 Gold Coast Hwy, Palm Beach, Gold Coast. For more information call Deborah Provost 0408 652 963 –





lu xu r iousdevelop

ONE Palm Beach’s grand penthouse captures amazing 360-degree views that encompass the city skyline of Surfers Paradise to the north, the Pacific Ocean to the east, Coolangatta to the south and the amazing mountain views of the Gold Coast Hinterland to the west. Featuring wrap-around oceanfront balconies and an entertainer’s sunset deck, the ONE Palm

A b s o l u te b e a c hf ro nt Apar tments from $2.295 million (few remain)

Beach penthouse is powered by its own solar allocation on the roof plus a Tesla Powerwall 2 Battery, and features smart-wired app-activated remote-control technology throughout.

G r a n d Pe nt h o u s e $ 4.9 m i l l i o n

Trendy cafés and restaurants are nearby and spectacular swimming, walking, fishing and surfing on this favourite beach is literally at your door. ONE Palm Beach only has 17 residences

C o n s t r u c t i o n c o m p l ete

in total, delivering you privacy and exclusivity in this coveted address. – D eve l o p m e nt p ro u d l y b ro u g ht to yo u by


Brisbane de v elopm ents

T he ‘R i v er Cit y’ is b ack in vogu e


NOT EVERYONE was writing off the inner-

“The wider market in inner-Brisbane is

While Sydney and Melbourne came off

Brisbane apartment market as overdone

very much driven by the investor market,”

the boil in 2018, CoreLogic research shows

when the building boom was in full swing.

says Mr Riga.

values across five capital cities, including

Concerns that the apartment market

“However, we were quite adamant that

was headed for oversupply were met with

there were enough drivers in play to reduce

“The downwards pressure on national

cautious optimism from some researchers

that supply. The supply has been well and

dwelling values is largely confined to Sydney

that a rise in interstate migration and a

truly taken up and it will continue to be

and Melbourne which together comprise

turnaround in the Queensland economy

taken up.

approximately 55 per cent of the value

would comfortably absorb any excess stock. Paul Riga, the director of property economics and research at Urbis, was one

of Australia’s housing asset class,” says CoreLogic’s head of research Tim Lawless.

Mr Riga cites stable employment growth,

The rebound in Brisbane is reflected

of the optimists and his view is still largely



in tightening vacancy rates, with the Urbis

unchanged in 2019.

growth trending in the right direction as

Rental Review at the end of 2018 showing

reasons to be confident.


While he remains reluctant to call the apartment market improved, he does note that the oversupply concerns of recent years have abated.


“At the moment, the fundamentals for Brisbane are extremely strong.”

Brisbane, have been trending higher.



In trend terms, dwelling value increases over 2018 support that confidence. CoreLogic points out that conditions





hovering between 1 and 1.5 per cent. “That’s an extremely tight vacancy rate,” says Mr Riga.

He qualifies that by arguing that finance

across the national property market are

Urbis notes this as signs of supply

constraints for both buyers and developers

increasingly diverse, meaning that headline

constraints emerging amid a drop in the

have become the most notable impediment

national data showing negative growth

number of new projects and the settlement

to increasing sales volumes in the near term.

should be treated with some caution.

of existing projects.

“We’re expecting that to continue in 2019

started to seep into the owner-occupier

are critical to the demand-supply balance in

and into 2020 when there’s a lower number

sector, and this gathered pace in late 2018

the Brisbane apartment sector.

of new completions,” says Mr Riga.

when major banks lifted mortgage rates.

“The underlying demand is still there

While the Brisbane apartment market

“Typically, the catalyst for a turn in the

and we should be seeing a higher level of

is largely driven by investors, the owner-

housing market is a result of changes in

transactions, but we’re not at the moment

occupier sector is on the rise.

interest rates or economic conditions,”

because of these constraints. If it continues

he says.

in this vein then there will be another period

“It’s still a relatively small market but it is growing,” says Mr Riga.

“This time around, however, the market

of pent-up demand occurring.

“Over the past 12 months developers

has been most affected by credit policies

“If all of these fundamentals keep going

have seen a buyer appetite for owner-

and availability of finance, despite very

in the same direction we will get to a period

occupier products and the projects being

low mortgage rates and relatively strong

when there is no huge input of supply to

put forward go some way to attracting

economic conditions.”

meet the expected population growth.

that market. “These tend to be more boutique projects with a focus on larger apartment sizes and an increased focus on design.”

Under a tighter lending environment, Mr

“Potentially we could get another situation

Riga sees downsizers as a key driver of the

like in 2014-15 when the underlying demand

owner-occupier market in Brisbane.

came through and the projects came

“Ultimately these buyers who are selling

through thick and fast.

Most analysts agree that the dominant

their place of residence will have equity

“I don’t think it is likely we’ll see a boom like

constraint on the apartment market remains

behind them without the need to navigate

we’ve seen recently, but certainly once the

access to credit.

the tighter lending environment.”

ability to access finance improves there will

CoreLogic’s Mr Lawless says the winding

With lending restrictions also hitting

down of credit growth since early 2015 has

developers, Mr Riga says the next two years

be an increased level of transactions based on the current fundamentals in place.”





lu xu r iousdevelop

AMPARO BY MOSAIC’S inspiring architecture fuses with an elevated position to bring you an exclusive chance to own something truly exquisite in a boutique development of only 16 designer residences. Situated in one of Brisbane’s most prestigious addresses, Amparo is a timeless example of superior design. From the city lights to the natural outlook, be seduced by breathtaking views from this enviable north-east facing position. UDIA Qld’s most awarded developer in 2018, Mosaic brings you a home to be proud of. Relax and unwind in rich tranquillity with full height glass doors opening to reveal a seamless indooroutdoor living experience. Carefully-chosen designer fixtures and finishes create a luxury feel in every room, while generous open-plan design and high ceilings increase spaciousness.

71 S wa n n R o a d, Ta r i n g a , B r i s b a n e. Fo r m o r e i n fo r m a t i o n c a l l 07 3177 7627 – m o s a i c p ro p e r t y.c o m.a u / a m p a ro





lu xu r iousdevelop

DESIGNED TO CAPTURE outstanding views and fresh natural breezes, Amparo exemplifies sophisticated living. Beautiful timber floors throughout all living spaces lead you to the state-

O n l y 16 b o u t i q u e re s i d e n c e s

of-the-art kitchen featuring custom cabinetry, European designer appliances and stone benchtops. Enjoy the sweeping views from the resort style rooftop pool and sun deck.

D e s i g n e r 3-b e d ro o m l u x u r y

The opulent main bedroom creates an intimate retreat complete with underfloor heating in the ensuite. Indulge in a morning coffee or wine in the evening from your expansive private

R e s o r t s t y l e ro of to p p o o l

balcony. Amparo is inspirational spaces, alluring and impeccable design. Nothing has been left to chance, every detail has been considered to create unsurpassed luxury. This distinguished,

O n l y 6 k m to t h e B r i s b a n e C B D

one-of-a-kind development offers luxury living and an enviable, exclusive lifestyle.

m o s a i c p ro p e r t y.c o m.a u – D e ve l o p m e n t p ro u d l y b ro u g h t to yo u by




lu xu r iousdevelop

THE HAMILTON presents Sutherland Residences, the latest offering of masterfully designed two and three bedroom apartments – completed and ready to be moved into. Located 6km from Brisbane CBD, The Hamilton sits within the Northshore precinct, the largest urban renewal project in Queensland. The Northshore plan includes a 20 per cent allocation for park and community spaces, providing residents and investors alike with increased amenities and infrastructure. A wide range of dining options are only a walk away at Portside with a selection of retail, dining, cafés and bar options. Hamilton is also the location of Brisbane’s international cruise terminal with spectacular scenes of cruise liners as they come and go from the port.

33 Remora Road, Hamilton. For more information call 1300 017 888 –




lu xu r iousdevelop

EACH APARTMENT is immaculately presented and represents liveability at its finest. Creative floorplans maximise space and views. Open and airy kitchens come complete with Bosch

P r i c e d f ro m $ 575,0 0 0

appliances, reconstituted stone benchtops and a breakfast bar. Oversized master bedrooms and lush carpets provide a sense of indulgence, which continues through to well-appointed

Brand new completed apar tments

bathrooms. Top floor apartments come with luxurious high ceilings which provide added light. Outside, residents can enjoy Queensland’s famous indoor/outdoor living on expansive balconies, complete with ceramic tiles and frame-less glass balustrades. Residents of Sutherland Residences will be granted access to all amenities across The Hamilton development including two, 20m infinity pools with wheelchair access, an additional outdoor leisure pool and indoor heated pool.

Walk to restaurants, cafés, bars & public transpor t Resor t st yle amenities with access to 4 pools – D eve l o p m e nt p ro u d l y b ro u g ht to yo u by





lu xu r iousdevelop

DOWNSIZE TO MORE at ONE Bulimba Riverfront. These absolute riverfront penthouses, apartments and town homes offer rare value thanks to their large size, great positioning and incredible storage. Riverfront living in Brisbane is measured by three factors – stunning views, a north-facing aspect and direct river access. ONE Bulimba Riverfront has all three. The apartments and penthouses feature spectacular river views from Hamilton Hill to the Gateway Bridge and beyond. Enormous, three-level town homes include an internal lift and private pedestrian access. All residences are packed with storage and feature expansive living and balcony areas to capture the essence of Brisbane River living. Construction is now underway with ONE Bulimba Riverfront scheduled for completion in late 2019.

3 9 B y ro n S t, B u l i m b a . Fo r m o r e i n fo r m a ti o n c a l l 13 0 0 8 87 623 – o n e b u l i m b a r i ve r f ro n t.c o m.a u





lu xu r iousdevelop

JUST MINUTES from Oxford St, the Apollo Rd Citycat, popular parks and more, ONE Bulimba Riverfront combines the best of Bulimba living with a prestigious and soughtafter riverfront address. Locate yourself in the heart of Bulimba’s village charm surrounded by river walks, Oxford St dining and shopping, easy city access via Citycat or car and, of course, direct access to the views and boating that the magnificent Brisbane River has to offer. Plus take advantage of the retail and restaurants that the nearby Bulimba Barracks

A b s o l u te r i ve r f ro nt Apar tments $1.925 million - $2.4 million To w n h o m e s f ro m $1.55 m i l l i o n

redevelopment will bring in the future. A stunning lap pool and a proposed private marina complete this ultimate lifestyle. Deal directly with the local developer and find out why this is

A m p l e s to r a g e fo r d o w n s i ze r s

Bulimba’s best luxury riverfront address today.

o n e bu lim ba r i ve r f ro nt.c o – D eve lopm e nt proudl y brou g ht to you by


T he mother a rt is a rch itect u r e. Withou t a n a rch itect u r e of ou r own w e h av e no sou l of ou r own ci v i li z ation.

– Fra nk L loyd Wr ight


EDIT IO N 01 – 2019



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A d ve r t i s i n g e n q u i r i e s c o nt a c t B r ya n O r a m 0 4 3 8 8 8 4 828 | s a l e s@s c p u b l i s h i n g.c o m.a u C o ve & L u x u r i o u s D e ve l o p m e n ts a re p u b l i s h e d a n d o w n e d by S a n c t u a r y C ove P u b l i s h i n g. No responsibility is accepted by SCP for the accuracy of any statement contained in the text or advertisements. All material appearing in Cove & Luxurious Developments are copyright©. Views expressed by journalists are not necessarily those of the publisher.

P re s e nte d by C o ve m a g a z i n e. D i s t r i b u te d v i a S a n c t u a r y C ove P u b l i s h i n g m a r ket i n g p a r t n e r s h i p s. D e s i g n by L i s te rc re a t i ve. P r i nte d by P r i ntc r a f t.

EDITION 01 –­2019

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