The Crone's Apotecary, N° 5 29 de Abril 2021
THE FIRES OF BELTANE Trail of Fire that beats within my soul. You emerge and rekindle once more. I have been lost for centuries and cold as coal. Now you are reborn in me like the fields in spring. It's the fires of Beltane! Let us dance and sing! Shout the blessing of the Goddess, the blessing of fertility! Celebrate the ecstasy of the spirit bearer.... Join us, great consort, Billy-goat, provoking the greatest love expressed. Lift up your hearts, lift up your voices, Let us join hands, unite our souls in celebration. Let us celebrate our Pagan condition and give thanks for blessings to the Goddess.
______________________________________Beltane Beltane or Beltaine is an ancient Irish celebration day, it's the 1st of May. This day was celebrated in Ireland, Scotland and Isle of Man. In other Celtic regions like Wales, Britain, and Cornwall they had similar festivities on the same day. Currently, Beltaine survive with a folklore practices on the Celtic nations and diasporas, in addition, on the last decades, this day have had a rebirth. In Galicia, without being regarded as a Celtic nation, despite its claim to be considered as part of the Celtic cultural heritage), Beltaine was held with a night harvest with torches called Fachucos. The Fachucos ashes were spreaded on the field.