OUR TONGUE Mirror of our Body
yurveda –An ancient Science has drawn a wonderful picture of Human body. Our body speaks about our body problems, but we have to understand it. Today I am talking about our tongue. Our tongue is not just an organ of taste, it’s a tool of diagnosis. Along with pulse, nails, skin and face analysis tongue diagnosis is an ancient proven process to do health check of human body. Tongue is called a mirror of our inner system. Our tongue never lies and clearly indicates if your body is accumulating toxins, food is indigested or any indication of disorders. Vata dosha condition can normally observe at the back of the tongue associated with the state of the colon. Pitta dosha condition can
observe in the middle portion of the tongue associated with the stomach and small Intestines. The sides of the tongue relate to the liver and many pitta imbalances can see here. Kapha dosha condition can observe in the front portion associated with the lungs, chest and heart. Tongue helps to diagnose how harmonized the dosha is or whether it is out of balance. Divide the tongue into three parts (33.3% each); the inner part near throat is vata, middle is pitta, and the outer tip is kapha. Excessive tongue coating in any of these specific areas shows imbalance of that dosha. Tongue should be pink in color and not pale or red. This color should be consistent
throughout your tongue. Our tongue consists of small cylindrical bodies called the taste buds. These taste buds situated on your tongue must be easily visible. Tongue should neither be very dry nor too wet. There shall not be any cracks in it. It should be smooth and must possess a very thin coat of mucus lining it. It is normal and a must. If you see a Whitish coating, that is a sign of ama, which means there are toxins in the digestive system. We can get ama for a number of reasons, but mainly because we have weak agni. Agni is our digestive fire and there is plenty that we can do during our daily routine to keep agni strong .Think about doing a detox but couldn’t think