The Voice of the Maltese No.299

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The Voice of the Maltese The Voice of the Maltese

The Voice of the Maltese The Voice of the Maltese

Winner of the 2023 special award by the Institute of Maltese Journalists for work among the Maltese communities overseas

Issue 299

May 16, 2023

A fortnightly print and digital magazine

Gozo: General's Rock, also known as Fungus rock or il-Ġebla tal-Ġeneral, at Id-Dwejra in the limits of San Lawrence, close where the Gozo icon, the Azure Window used to be

The garden that never was

For two weeks St George’s Square in Valletta was turned into a temporary beautiful garden that, as the two pictures show, attracted the locals and tourists to the site infront of the President’s Palace. It was a joy to watch and walk through.

President George Vella at King Charles III Coronation

At the recent coronation ceremony of King Charles III and his wife the Queen Consort Camilla, at Westminister Abbey in London, President George Vella and his wife Miriam, attended as representatives of Malta It was an occasion that President Vella described as a pleaureable experience to be at He also remarked on the solemnity of the Coronation ceremony conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and the organisation

He said he had the opportunity to share thoughts with heads of state from different countries during the event

President Vella was among a congregation of 2,200 guests, including representatives from 203 countries and 100 heads of state

On the eve of the coronation, President Vella also attended a meeting with heads of Commonwealth countries in honour of King Charles organised at Marlborough House by Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland He had the opportunity to reflect on the future of the Commonwealth, emphasising the potential for youths to promote the principles of peace and sustainable development.

In his intervention, President George

Vella suggested exchange programmes similar to those in Europe for youths He pointed out the threat for most small countries by climate change and that they will be at risk of being destroyed if the sea level rises.

He said that it was an excellent discussion, and it seemed that there was a new impetus for the future of the Commonwealth under the leadership of King

Charles and the Secretary General of the Commonwealth, Baroness Scotland,

Meanwhile, Mrs Vella took part in and also addressed an event for partners of leaders of Commonwealth countries, led by Rwanda’s First Lady, Mrs Jeannette Kagame, which focused on the action needed to eliminate cervical cancer throughout the Commonwealth.

On the eve of the Coronation ceremony, along with other guests of the Coronation ceremony the President and Mrs Vella were invited to Buckingham Palace, where they met members of the Royal Family, and President Vella spoke, among others, about the ties between Malta and the Royal Family

In London, he also had a courtesy call with ten members of the Armed Forces of Malta (left), who, together with troops from the Commonwealth countries, took part in the procession accompanying King Charles III and Queen Camilla

2 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 16, 2023
President George Vella and Mrs Miriam in their meeting in London with Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland President of Malta Dr George Vella (first left front row) in a family photo with heads of Commonwealth countries and the Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland (centre wearing a light coat) in honour of King Charles III at Marlborough House

Another service offered by The Voice of the Maltese providing legal information to our readers

P ro p e r t y s e t t l e m e n t a n d

v a l u a t i o n – F a m i l y L a w A c t

Did you know it is possible to get a valuation for a minority shareholding in a property that is subject of a family law proceeding?

Many cases have dealt with the valuation of properties in family law matters Cases like Spencer v The Commonwealth, Hull v Hull, Mallet v Mallet and Reynolds v Reynolds have dealt with methods and approaches to valuation Different valuers may propose various methods for valuing properties

The court has cautioned parties and practitioners on the importance of considering an array of factors in property valuation, taking into consideration exceptional circumstances or unique factors as may be present for any particular valuation.

Whilst any property owned or in the control of a husband or Wife is subject to inclusion in the property pool available for division in Family Law Act 1975 proceedings seeking alteration of property interests pursuant to section 79, it may be that the remaining interest is owned by other entities not party to the case.

In situations where, for example, either the husband or wife holds say one third of a property, with third parties holding the remaining two thirds, or possibly even only a fraction of an interest in a property (for example as an entity in which other third parties are shareholders), how can only that portion of the property be valued?

Are you a third party with an interest in a property that requires valuation for the purpose of property settlement in a family law matter?

Applicable to married parties and de facto parties

The same rules regarding interests in property, whether held in one’s own name, jointly with the former partner, or jointly with third parties, apply to both married spouses and de facto spouses

All interests in property are subject to disclosure, inclusion in the property pool, and expert valuations (if a value cannot be agreed).

How the court will decide to divide the property pool is determined by a contributions assessment followed by assessment of the party’s future needs

That is to say, owning a property with third parties will not keep it out of section 79 proceedings, but depending on the length of the relationship, and contributions made to the acquisition, maintenance and improvement of the relevant property, there may be an argument to be made to the court to do an asset by asset approach, or multi-pool approach

Can my interest in jointly held property be affected if co-owner ’s relationship breaks down?

If you are a third party with an interest in a property, which is subject to a property settlement matter, you do not have to worry: there is no way property settlements can be finalised in a manner that would effect your interest Orders may only be made about property owned by

parties to proceedings.

If you have been notified of, or invited to join proceedings in this context, obtain legal advice Section 90AE of the Family Law Act provides for Orders that the court can make binding a third party, and factors the court must consider in determining whether to make an order binding a third party.

It is possible to value a fraction of the shares of a person who is a party to property settlement proceedings

In the case of Pittman & Pittman [2010], the parties separated following the irretrievable breakdown of their marriage, meaning the property pool had to be identified and values attributed

The husband was a beneficiary of the Pittman Family Trust (PFT) – a discretionary trust in which the husband had a twenty-five percent share (25%), or one quarter (1/4)

The court had to consider the value of the husband’s portion of properties, and specifically, the valuation of the husband’s one-fourth interest in the family trust. Other family members of the husband owned the remaining shares

KPMG was engaged as Expert to complete a valuation of the husband’s onefourth interest in the trust They determined this by valuing the whole of the trust on a pre-tax basis, and then dividing that amount by four (4), on the basis of the husband’s interest being one quarter and therefore equal to one quarter of the total value.

The trust was valued by KPMG to have a net value of $251 million A one-quarter share of that would be $62 750 million

The Judge accepted the expert report valuations from KPMG and did not require any further explanation in relation to the method of valuation for the husband’s onequarter interest.


So, it is quite possible to have the interest or the minority shares in a particular property assessed by a valuer to be able to get your fair share of the property It does not make a difference whether you are married or in a de facto relationship

If you have any questions arising from the above, please contact our office.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 3
For All Your Legal Needs Now at: level 4, 87 Marsden Street Parramatta Phone: 8599 8877 Also at: Level 4, 370 Pitt Street, Sydney Ph: 8355 9999 Email: au Maltese Spoken

Thousands admire restored 17th century tapestries at St John's

For the first time in 33 years, on Sunday, 7 May, the public had the chance to admire the Knights of St John's tapestries that were commissioned as a gift by the Aragonese Grand Master Ramon Perellos y Roccaful upon his election in 1697, for St John's Co-Cathedral in Valletta depicting the life of Jesus Christ, the triumph of the Roman Catholic Church and the apostles

The Statute of the Order stated that on their appointment, newly elected Grand Masters would present the Conventual Church of the Order with a gift

The tapestries are the largest complete set in the world and consist of twenty-nine pieces They were ordered from the weaver Judocus de Vos in Brussels The set reached Malta by 1702

In 2006 the 29 tapestries, also known as the Flemish Tapestries, most of them six by six and a half metres long, spread over an area of 750 square metres, making them the biggest tapestries set in the world, were sent to Belgium for restoration at the Royal Manufacturers De Wit laboratories. The 16-year project was carried out through a €1 3 million investment by the St John's Co-Cathedral Foundation

An exhibition, entitled A Gift of Glory was launched at St John's Co-Cathedral to celebrate the project's completion, and the public was given a chance to visit the exhibit I never doubted the public’s response, but I was surprised of the thousands of people, (about 6,000) locals and tourists, forming queues 100 metres long till late evening that accepted the invitation to admire the beauty of the Knight's era heritage.

When Ramon y Perellos was elected Grand Master in 1697, he ordered a set of twenty-nine tapestries as a gift to St John's Conventual Church, with the intention to express the supremacy of the Catholic Church and the glory of his reign

The tapestries depict scenes woven according to the cartoons prepared by Peter Paul Rubens for the Triumph of the Eucharis and The life of Christ It is the largest existing set of tapestries woven in the seventeenth century

The set is not only a work of art and culture, but it also depicts an expression of faith, as the tapestries represent scenes from the life of Christ, the Apostles St Peter and St Paul, while six of them represent the counter-reform spirit launched by the Trent Council, depicting faith, the Church authority, the destruction of heresy, charity and other subjects

These Flemish tapestries were mercifully spared when the French took Malta and carried away various treasures in 1798, probably because they were only interested in silver and gold objects, together with precious stones, that could be sold or converted into specie However, neglect and the ravages of time took their toll, with consequent damage. In 1878, they underwent restoration for the first time and were

saved from destruction

The tapestries are unique in the world No cathedral has such a large number of tapestries St John's Co-Cathedral foundation president, Monsignor Emmanuel Agius, said that with the newly restored tapestries, St John's Co-Cathedral is now decorated as it stood in the 17th and 18th Centuries

Archbishop Charles Scicluna expressed his appreciation for the initiative, adding that cooperation between the State and the Church is having great results

At a press briefing, Owen Bonnici, the National Heritage and Arts Minister said that the tapestries represent the peak of artistic and cultural achievement, also on a European level They commemorate the strength of art and culture for inspiration, enlargement and change

St John's Co-Cathdral curator Cynthia de Giorgio described the tapestries as very delicate She said that the latest restoration started to be undertaken recently; by 2008, two tapestries were restored St John’s CoCathedral Foundation restored two items each year They can now be much better appreciated by all and sundry, and can now be viewed, together with other works of art, at St John’s Co-Cathedral Museum Due to the wool and silk material they are made of; the tapestries are very delicate and easily prone to damage even if they are not touched They will be well supported, making it possible for them to be hung in St John's Museum

It is worth recalling that in 2018 (Nos 177-194), The Voice of the Maltese carried a most interesting series of articles penned by Dr Doris Cannataci about this set of tapestries.

The tapestries will remain at the CoCathedral till 24 June.

4 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 16, 2023
One of the tapestries, The destruction of idolatry One of the queues from St John’s late afternoon on Sunday 7 May

Fro t t i l - ġ e n e ro ż i t á t a l - M a l t i n : I n aw g u ra t a t - t i e n i D a r B j o r n

Veru li ssib minn kollox, biss ħadd ma jista’ jiċħad il-qalb tajba u l-ġenerożitá tal-Maltin, l-aktar meta jiġu biex jgħinu lill-batut, u l-aktar u laktar meta jkunu jafu li hemm rieda tajba Turija ta’ dan reġgħet intweriet dan l-aħħar meta ġiet inawgurata t-tieni Dar Bjorn, din id-darba f ’Ħaż-Żebbuġ, li bħallewwel waħda f ’Ħal Qormi żgur għandha tkun ta’ fejda u toffri servizzi ta’ terapija lil persuni blALS u kundizzjonijiet newroloġiċi oħra Dawn id-djar huma frott il-ħidma ta’ Bjorn Formosa, bniedem, meqjus bħala eroj wara dak li għadda minnu u għadu Wara li fl-2015 sar jaf li kellu l-kundizzjoni terminali tal-ALS, Bjorn beda ħidma biex forsi tiġi skoperta l-kura u titjib il-kwalitá tal-ħajja ta’ dawk li bħalu jbatu minna Għalhekk waqqaf il-Fondazzjoni talALS f ’Malta

L-għan ta’ Bjorn u l-fondazzjoni kien u hu li f ’Malta jkun hawn għarfien għal din il marda u biex kemm jista’ jkun tittaffa ttbatija ta’ dawk li bħalu huma maħkuma minna, li tittejjeb il-kwalitá tal-ħajja talpazjenti li għandhom l-ALS u jsir studju biex forsi sa fl-aħħar tinstab il-kura

Flimkien ma’ martu Marija li kien jaf qabel kellu l-marda u żżewġu meta diġá nstab li kien maħkum u jbati minn ċerti nuqqasijiet kaġun tal-ALS, taw ħajjithom biex flimkien jintlaħaq l-għan tiegħu

Il-ħsieb kien li jiffurmaw il-fondazzjoni.

Għalkemm fil-kont bankarju tagħhom kellhom biss ftit mijiet ta’ ewro, għamlu kampanja biex jinġabru biżżejjed flus ħalli jingħata bidu biex fl-aħħar jintlaħaq lgħan tagħhom F’temp ta’ disa’ xhur ġabru nofs miljun ewro Il-poplu Malti emmen fih u f ’dak li Bjorn xtaq, u wara l-ewwel teleton fuq it-televiżjoni nġabret is-somma ta’ €430,000 biex setgħu jinxrtraw aċċessarji motorizzati ħalli jintużaw minn dawk li jbatu bl-ALS.

Il-ġenerożitá tal-poplu Malti baqgħet tintwera kull sena, kemm fil-ġbir organizzat ta’ kull sena minn fuq l-istazzjonijiet televiżivi, kif ukoll bid-donazzjonijiet li jsiru minn żmien għal żmien.

It-tobba ma kienux taw lil Bjorn aktar

minn tliet snin ħajja, madankollu xorta kien determinat li jiddedika l-bqija ta’ ħajtu għall-iskop li kellu f ’moħħu, li jgħin lill-oħrajn li qed isofru bħalu Ried li jgħaddi messaġġ ta’ tama lil dawk bħalu, għalhekk ma qgħadx b’idejh fuq żaqqu.

Tmien snin wara, għadu jiġbed l-ammirazzjoni, kemm tal-komunitá Maltija, kif ukoll tal-awtoritajiet, u min-naħa tiegħu, il-Gvern aċċetta u għamel xewqet Bjorn ukoll tiegħu

Dan kollu wassal biex il-poplu jdaħħal idu fil-but u jikkontribwixxi biex hekk, lgħan ta’ Bjorn li l-Fomdazzjoni ALS ikollha l-ewwel binja tagħha ssir realtá

Meta jara s-serjetá u l-qalb tajba ta’ nies bħal dawk li jmexxu l-fondazzjoni –kif wara kollox hu fid-dmir li jagħmel – ilgvern lest iwieżen u jgħin lil dawk bi sfidi ġenwini f ’ħajjithom ħalli jgawdu minn kwalitá ta’ ħajja aħjar Għalhekk ta wkoll sehemu billi ikkontribwixxa b’somon sostanzjali ta’ flus ħalli l-binjiet li xtaq Bjorn iseħħu u jkunu jistgħu jitħaddmu

Fid-diskors tal-inawgurazzjoni, tat-tieni Dar Bjorn f ’Ħaż-Zebbug, il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela tenna li kien għalhekk li fost għajnuna oħra l-gvern qed ikompli jżid il-

Carer ’ s Grant u jinvesti aktar minn €4 miljun favur assistenti personali, biex aktar persuni jkunu jistgħu jgħixu b’mod indipendenti fil-komunità Huwa rrefera għall-ftehim soċjali b’mudell ta’ sħubija bejn il-gvern u ssoċjetà bħala wieħed b’saħħtu fejn dawk missettur privat jersqu ’l quddiem bl-aqwa prattiċi favur il-kura u l-ħarsien tan-nies Hu sostna li lftehim li l-gvern għamel ma’ l-ALS Malta, hu eżempju ċar ta’ dan Fl-aħħarnett ta ħajr lillprofessjonisti u l-ħaddiema għall-għajnun li jagħtu fil-ħajja ta’ persuni bħal dawn biex jistgħu ikunu aktar komdi li jgħixu f ’dar bħal din mgħammra b’faċilitajiet tal-ogħla livell Din it-tieni Dar Bjorn f ’Ħaż-Żebbuġ, li hi nvestiment ta’ €6 miljun, se tkun ta’ servizz kbir għassoċjetà. Hemmhekk, it-30 persuna li ġew assessjati minn Aġenzija Sapport issa se jirċievu s-servizzi li l-binja toffri Din id-dar hi maħsuba biex dawk li se jqattgħu ħinijiet twal fiha, ikunu jistgħu jgawdu wkoll mill-elementi ta’ barra

Fost oħrajn, id-dar tassigura li jidħol iddawl naturali Tinkludi wkoll ġnien u pixxina għat-terapija Il-post se joffri kenn għal min ma jistax jibqa’ jgħix f ’daru minħabba nuqqas ta’ aċċessibilitá billi jkollu ċ-ċans li jgħix bil-kura u s-servizzi kollha meħtieġa, kull jum u f ’kull ħin talġurnata

Minbarra lil Bjorn u lill-fondazzjoni, ilPrim Ministru ta’ ħajr lill-professjonisti u lill-ħaddiema għall-kontribut siewi tagħhom fil-ħajja ta’ dawn il-persuni, biex ħajjithom tkun aktar komda u faċli f ’dar mgħammra b’faċilitajiet tal-ogħla livell Qal li proġetti bħal dawn se jibqgħu jsibu s-sostenn tal-gvern

Min-naħa tiegħu Bjorn Formosa irringrazzja lill-poplu Malti, lill-kuntratturi u lill-gvern biex dak li forsi għall-ewwel deher li seta’ kien biss ħolm, qed isir realtá Semma wkoll id-diffikultajiet li ltaqgħu magħhom biex tlesta l-proġett, laktar waqt il-pandemija

Biswit din id-Dar dalwaqt titlesta wkoll Respite li tkun tista’ titgawda u tkun ta’ solliev ieħor għall-pazjenti

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 5
Bjorn Formosa fil-laqgħa mal-Prim Ministru Robert Abela fl-inawgurazzjoni

UM and MCST join forces to represent Malta within EUROfusion programme

At a Press briefing, the University of Malta and the Malta Council for Science and Technology, MCST, launched Malta’s participation in the European Consortium for the Development of Fusion Energy, EUROfusion This is the technology for a commercial fusion power that would provide a clean, safe, and virtually limitless source of energy

EUROfusion has partner institutions in 28 countries across Europe Malta joined the consortium recently Its participation is managed by MCST, which works closely with other national fusion research institutes, while the Malta University is carrying out research activities as a direct beneficiary

Everything came to fruition following a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the University and MCST in 2021, which bestowed the roles of programme managers and programme owners onto the University and MCST, respectively This is also Malta’s first attempt at participating in a research project relating to nuclear fusion, ultimately opening a number of opportunities for Maltese academics to further their research in the area

The involvement of the University of Malta within the ‘Research and Development towards a European Fusion Reactor ’ (ENDURE) programme is being undertaken at a national level while closely collaborating with other stakeholders within the EUROfusion consortium The research organisations are associated to 152 universities and companies across 25 EU member states, together with the UK, Switzerland and Ukraine

The EUROfusion programme, which is funded by the European Union via the Euratom Research and Training Programme, will direct and integrate research across the continent into a comprehensive R&D programme, to realise fusion energy.

Specialists from the University of Malta team have already been contributing to the programme by conducting structural stress analysis as early as 2021, whilst also being involved in two EUROfusion consortium work packages

In a comment marking this momentous occasion, the Malta Uni-

versity Rector, Prof Alfred J Vella said that one of their main goals at the University was to see and support more research opportunities, and that such help in this area from MCST paves the way to ensure that Malta remains an active member at the forefront within the world of Research as it joins other stakeholders from within, and beyond the European Union in this extremely important scientific project for humanity

On his part, MCST Chairperson, Dr Tonio Portughese said that there were many challenges due to the requirements for materials and engineering technologies in fusion power plants, including the issues related to radiation damage, erosion, and high-temperature operation Nonetheless, the University team is making steady progress towards overcoming these challenges He said that Malta’s participation in the EUROfusion consortium is contributing towards the development of technologies for a commercial fusion power plant.

The Press briefing was also addressed by Keith Azzopardi Tanti, Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Research and Innovation (pictured above).

While the technology is still many years away from being widely used, the hope is that some nuclear fusion reactors will be fully operational by 2027

*Includes state-based, non-state and one-sided conflicts with over 25 total deaths in a year

Source: International Rescue Committe

6 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Fact of the day: 20 years, the average length of ongoing conflicts in 2021, up from 13 years in the mid-1980s.

The people of Australia associate the Anzac Day commemoration on April 25 with the celebrations around the country and the grand marches around the streets of the principal Cities

This time The Voice of the Maltese went further and delved into the significant event called the Consular Star Ceremony. This year, Lawrence Buhagiar, the Consul General for the Republic of Malta in NSW, presented “a star” cast into the wall of Contemplation

It was for Francis Bellia, serial 7209, from the 1st Infantry Battalion, AIF who died on 17 April 1918

Francis Bellia was born in Valletta, Malta and emigrated to Sydney, where he lived

with his wife Sarah at Flemington He was employed as a driver and on January 23, 1917 he enlisted into the 24th Reinforcements of the 1st Battalion

Francis embarked from Sydney, on board the RMS Osterely, for the UK on February 10 1917 The Unit was sent to Durrington, Wiltshire, England, for further training, after which he was taken on strength in the 1st Battalion and on December 12 of that year he shipped to France He was killed in action four months later, (April 17 1918) at Ypres and was buried in the Meteren Military Cemetery

This Star ceremony was held at the Anzac Memorial in Sydney, which stands proudly as one of the state's most important cultural

and commemorative institutions It continues in its original purpose as a war memorial and a place of commemoration, remembrance, education and reflection

Inside the monument is the Hall of Memory, a domed ceiling 26 metres high covered with approximately 120,000 golden stars that symbolise the men and women from New South Wales who embarked on overseas service during the Great War

When funds for the construction of the Anzac Memorial began to dry up, the trustees accepted a proposal that members of the public could purchase a star for 2 shillings (2/-), a significant donation during a time of austerity.

The money would go into the building fund Not all the stars were sold, but the scheme raised enough money to enable the completion of the Anzac Memorial

The stars are made from plaster covered in gold paint and glued into position The Book of the Anzac Memorial, NSW (1934) describes them this way: “This Golden Galaxy symbolises all those men and women from New South Wales who served in the war – one star for every man or woman who heard the call – a constellation of honour and memory

These stars, placed high above the eye of the spectator and lit by the amber glass of the great windows, make Hall's interior a place of sacred memories ”

The stars on the dome approximate the 130,020 people from New South Wales who embarked overseas to serve with the Australian Imperial Force The state also contributed men to the Royal Australian Navy During the war many other people from the state served in other armies and navies of the British Empire

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 7 2
0 2 3 C o n s u l a r S t a r C e re m o ny
n o t h e r M a l t e s e r e m e m b e r e d
Lawrence Buhagiar, the Consul General of Malta in NSW (second from left) with other consuls at the Hall of Memory inside the Anzac Memorial The Anzac Memorial in Sydney, NSW

Have your say/Xi trid tghid?

Malta and Australia are two countries that promote peace

Robert Farrugia from Perth writes:

The Voice of the Maltese

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes.

e magazine can be read in flipbook or PDF format online. A pdf copy is sent via email on request. Hard copy subscription is also available at a cost.


Malta: Joseph Cutajar

Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP Rt email address:


Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name, e-mail address and residence of the writer, and be emailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

We living in Australia and Malta especially should feel proud of our leaders. Time and again, they show that they are human, have a heart and look after their people They promote peace whenever they meet other world leaders in international fora.

We must thank God that politically, they do not succumb to any world power, although most of us living in Australia believe it was a massive mistake on the part of the government to honour the agreement negotiated by the previous administration to buy three nuclear-powered attack submarines from the United States

Eurovision and Australia

J Gatt from The Entrance NSW writes:

When is Australia part of Europe? It is comical for Australia to be included as a participant in the European Song Contest. The Aussies even managed to get a wild card to go directly into the finals o n the 60th anniversary of the contest in Vienna when Guy Sebastian took part

I am sure that Europe has enough countries Therefore I need clarification on why they invited Australia Is it perhaps because we are such a multicultural country with people from Europe settled in Australia?

In Malta, this festival is massive, and the people are obsessed with it even though, over the years, it appears voting is very biased in the way countries voted for each other Whatever, Australia should not take part in it; we are not part of Europe. It makes a mockery out of a well-organised event

as part of a three-nation, multi-decade deal with Great Britain.

The reason given that such a deal aims at strengthening the allies' presence in the Asia-Pacific region as China grows bolder militarily is just a false pretence. There cetainly is much more behind it

When the present government agreed to the deal, it was being taken for a ride It is as if the country did not learn the lessons for which it commemorates Anzac or when it fought side-by-side with the US in Vietnam and Iraq,

We are big enough to decide not to fight other nations' wars However, decisions and deals such as the latest one minimise the country's importance in the face of most other nations. It is as if the Aussies never learn!

G r e a t n e w s

Graham McDoanld from didyouknow org au writes:

Each day we see examples of how our Christian faith is being attacked and I am greatly concerned about the future for my children, my grandchildren and my great grandchildren, as I know many others are However, I am very much encouraged and inspired with what the Lord is doing in this vital area for the children of the future throughout the world and offers us all an opportunity to be involved

I have been drawn to these ministries, as they are International as well as National and are aimed at teaching the children, in any country, their curriculum, in their language BUT from a biblical worldview The impact and the responses from around the world have been very encouraging

One of the key people on the international scene is Vishal Mangalwadi who is the instigator and driving force behind these three worldwide movements. If you Google ‘Vishal Mangalwadi’ you will become aware of why and how the Lord is using this man

Grazzi tal-artikli bil-Malti

Peter Mallia minn Smithfield jikteb:

Xi ħaġa li napprezza ħafna f ’The Voice, minbarra l-artikli tassew ineressanti u l-aħbarijiet dwar Malta li aħna l-Maltin ta’ barra ma nsibuhomx fil-pajjiż fejn ngħixu minkejja li aħna komunitajiet kbar, hu lfatt li tinkludu wkoll artikli bil-lingwa Maltija, miktubin b’Malti eċċellenti li minnu wieħed jista’ jitgħallem

8 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 16, 2023
For issues concerning: Ageing and disability - community services -education - environment - health - housing - planning - Police - transport - water State Member for Prospect Dr Hugh McDermott MP P: (02) 9756 4766 E: prospect@parliament nsw gov au 2/679 The Horsley Dr, Smithfield NSW 2164 P r i n t & D i g i t a l m a g a z i n e P r i n t & D i g i t a l m a g a z i n e
Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...
by The Voice of the
Pr i n t & D i g i t a l m a g a P r i n t & D i g i t a l m a g a z i n e z i n e
Maltese Group Pty Ltd

O n e R e p u b l i c t o p e r f o r m a t M a l t a 1 5 t h I s l e o f M T V

Nine days after hosting the muchawaited BBC Concert Orchestra on 9 July, at the same iconic IlFosos Square (The Granaries) in Floriana, on 18 July Malta will host the 15th edition of the Isle of MTV, Europe's biggest free summer entertaining musical festival, in partnership with the Malta Tourism Authority, MTA, that attracts youths from all over Europe

MTV has now announced that the leading performers at the event will be the Grammy-nominated band OneRepublic The band (pictured right) known, among others, for their songs "Counting Stars" and “I Ain't Worried”, shared their excitement with fans about headlining Isle of MTV Malta in a video They said, “It's been 15 years since our last performance in Malta with MTV 15 years is way, way, way too long We can't wait to get back to this beautiful country!"

Meanwhile, Bruce Gillmer, President of Music, Music Talent, Programming & Events, Paramount and Chief Content Officer, Music, Paramount+ said that Isle of MTV Malta's 15th year is going to be big-

ger than ever as they once again light up ilFosos Square with epic performances from OneRepublic, who are long-time friends of MTV and who after their epic performance at the 2022 MTV EMAs, they cannot wait to see them wow fans in Malta

Over the past 14 editions, Isle of MTV Malta brought tens of thousands of music fans every year to enjoy showstopping performances from the world's biggest stars, which included Lady Gaga, Snoop Dogg, David Guetta and Martin Garrix The event will be broadcast internation-

Malta Enterprise to host 3rd Startup festival in October

The third edition of Malta Enterprise's Startup Festival is to be held this coming October 5-6 The Minister for the Environment, Energy, and Enterprise Miriam Dalli, announced the dates at her meeting with 200 startups and investors during the Spring Meetup held as part of the preparations for the said event

Following the success of the first two editions, the festival has established itself as one of the most popular events for entrepreneurs and innovators who come together to share knowledge and experiences about different startups

The festival attracts hundreds of local and foreign startups, varying from FinTech (including KYC/AML solutions), digital games, VR/AR, Metaverse, medical cannabis, BioTech, MedTech, and the blue


Malta Enterprise will launch a new podcast, Business Matters, featuring interviews with local personalities, business updates, startup advice, and collaborations with other entities as part of this year's event.

Minister Miriam Dalli (pictured above) said that Malta is always open for business and on the lookout for innovative and forward-looking startups

She said Malta wants entrepreneurs to make the country their home, and when they succeed, Malta invites them to help encourage others to follow in their footsteps.

She said, "Our focus is on attracting innovative businesses that may be relatively small in employment but generate aboveaverage jobs in Malta"

ally on MTV on September 15th in more than 150 countries across TV, digital and social, showcasing the festival and Malta to millions of music fans worldwide.

The festival will also be followed by Isle of MTV Malta Music Week, a series of club nights and parties across the hottest venues on the island, from July 18 - 23 Malta's Minister for Tourism, Clayton Bartolo, said, "Entertainment is the heartbeat of any thriving community The Isle of MTV has always been important for Malta as it brings together thousands of music fans from all over Europe and is a sterling platform to showcase the island's unique and vibrant entertainment scene"

He added that in conjunction with renowned names in the music world, the event offers a fantastic opportunity for Maltese artists to exhibit their talents on the international stage, which in turn promotes Maltese culture and helps to enhance the island's rich artistic heritage. "It is with this optimistic hindsight that we are looking forward to hosting another musical spectacle to be remembered!" the Minister said Dr Gavin Gulia, Chairman of the Malta Tourism Authority, MTA, said that on behalf of the organisation, they are proud to stage the concert, and excited to welcome the talented artists arriving on this island to participate in this upcoming concert. "The Isle of MTV has become a fixed appointment in our country's Calendar of Events, incentivising all those visiting us in July to experience yet another showstopping performance in one of Malta's most iconic venues," he said

The MTA Chairman said the MTV event further incentivises and strengthens the country's tourist product

Additional international and local performers in the Isle of MTV Malta are to be announced shortly

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 9

I l - L a b o r a t o r j u t a l - P a ċ i t a ’ P a t r i

Ma ssibx persuna f ’Malta li ma tafx bil-Laboratorju tal-Paċi f ’Ħal Far, ċentru imwaqqaf ‘il fuq minn 50 sena ilu minn Patri Dijonisju Mintoff Dan hu wkoll post ta’ serħan għal kull min ikun irid iqatta’ ftit tal-ħin tassew fis-sliem, billi jattendi għal quddiesa kkonċelebrata millistess patri fundatur, u wara jimrah fis-skiet u s-sliem idur mal-ġnien iffullat bis-siġar u t-tisfir tal-għasafar.

Imma aktar milli għall-Maltin, il-Laboratorju tal-Paċi, li jinsab fi Triq Ħal Far fiż-Żurrieq qrib fejn jgħixu ‘l biċċa ‘l kbira tar-refuġjati huwa l-kenn ta’ ħafna minn dawn l-istess emigranti (ġieli mfissra bħala klandestini li daħlu Malta bla invit biex jevitaw l-inkwiet ta’ pajjiżhom forsi mifni bil-gwerer jew imqar ġlied bejn dawk li askapitu ta’ nieshom u bla ma jimpurtahom lil min qed jgħakksu, iridu lpoter biex jieħdu r-riedni tal-pajjiż

L-għarfien li kiseb il-Laboratorju talPaċi, u l-fundatur tiegħu Patri Dionisju mill-Papa Franġisku meta s-sena l-oħra żar Malta, żied jinfirex ma’ għadd ta’ pajjiżi, imma d-deċiżjoni li dan l-aħħar tintefaħ fergħa tiegħu fl-Olanda turi tassew l-apprezzament ta’ dan il-pajjiż għal dak imwettaq f ’Malta. Forsi ftit wieħed seta’ jobsor li xi ħaġa bħal din seta’ isseħħ Imma seħħet, meta l-eqdem università flOlanda, l-Universitá ta’ Leiden f ’The Hague, nediet il-Laboratorju tal-Paċi tagħha fuq il-passi ta’ Patri Dijonisju, li minkejja l-etá tiegħu, fuq id-90, għadu mhux biss impenjat imma wkoll entużjażmat li jissokta jkabbar l-għarfien ta’ dak liLaboratorju tassew hu

Patri Dionisju mar f ’The Hauge u ingħata l-opportunitá li jitkellem dwar x ’wieħed għandu jagħmel ħalli jikseb il-paċi, u flistess ħin fisser il-ħidma tal-Laboratorju tal-Paċi f ’Malta

Patri Dijonisju Mintoff, li jiġi ħu l-eks Prim Ministru Dom Mintoff, qal flOlanda, li t-twaqqif tal-Laboratorju Globali tal-Paċi f ’dan il-pajjiż kien meħtieġ biex isostni fuq tliet pedamenti: l-edukaz-

zjoni għall-paċi, id-djalogu għall-paċi u lformulazzjoni ta’ soluzzjonijiet kreattivi u prattiċi għall-kunflitti.

Il-Professur Giles Scott-Smith, id-Dekan tal-Università ta’ Leiden, li ħa wkoll sehem fl-inawgurazzjoni, fisser lil Patri Dijonisju bħala bniedem ġgant li għal għexieren ta’ snin ippromwova l-paċi dinjija

Dawk kollha li nafu mill-qrib lil dan ilpatri umli u segwejnieh mil-qrib, ma nistgħux ma naqblux mal-aġġettiv li tah il-Porfessur Tnejn u ħamsin sena ta’ ħidma kontinwa immirata għall-għan talpaċi bdiet fl-1971 meta Patri Djonisju, ħa wieħed mill-hangars tal-qawwa tal-ajru Ingliża f ’Ħal Far biex idawru f ’Ċentru ta’ Ħidma Pastorali favur il-Paċi Kien semmiegħ għall-Papa Ġwanni XXIII

Bil-għajnuna ta’ ħafna voluntiera l-post sar ġawhra Kompla jikber sena wara l-oħra u aktar art li qabel kienet żdingata ġiet maħduma u ddawret biex il-post sar kumpless li beda jissejjaħ il-Laboratorju talPaċi

Fil-post, forsi qabel mwarrab, ġie mdawwar f ’Ġenna tal-Art Hawnhekk saru u għadhom isiru ċ-ċerimonji kollha eklesjastiċi, inkluż żwigijiet, u niftakar qisu l-bieraħ l-ewwel żwieġ li sar fil-kappella f ’April tal-1972 li kien

ikkonċelebrah Patri Dijonisju stess Niftakar kemm tħabtu l-għarajjes biex jippruvaw jiksbu l-permess tal-Arċisqof biex jużaw il-post għaċ-ċerimonja Sa flaħħar l-Arċisqof kellu jbaxxi rasu, u Agnes u Denis qatgħu xewqithom. Minn dakinhar il-post attira aktar żwiġijiet u funzjonijiet Imma forsi l-aktar espressjoni li ta’ min jgħożż kienet dik talPapa Franġisku meta ħa spunt taż-żjara filLaboratorju u qal li Malta hija l-qawwa taż-żgħar u l-pajjiż huwa LABORATORJU TAL-PAĊI Ikkonferma wkoll li Malta għandha sehem importanti fl-emigrazzjoni u fl-evanġeliżżazzjoni

It-tħejjijiet għaż-żjara ta’ Patri Dionisju fl-Olanda saru mid-diplomatiku Malti Robert Micallef

TAĦT: Il-kappella tal-Laboratorju tal Paċi

10 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 16, 2023
D i o n i s j u j i f t a ħ f e r g ħ a f ’ T h e H a g u e
Patri Dionisju (xellug) jilqa’ lill-Papa Franġisku meta żar il-Laboratorju s-sena l-oħra Patri Dionisju Mintoff fl-Olanda madDekan tal-Universitá ta’ Lieden, ilProfessur Giles Scott-Smith

Joseph Spiteri - A tribute

Joseph Spiteri was born in Qormi, Malta, on May 27 1934. He emigrated to Australia as a young man in 1954 He met his

bride-to-be Josephine (deceased, April 3, 2021) on the ship that took them to Australia. They married a year later at St Mary's Cathedral in Sydney They were the parents of Jeff, Mary, David and John

Soon after arrival, Joe found a job He soon got involved with the Maltese community within the Wentworthville/Pendle Hill/Greystanes area

In 1966 he joined the new Maltese committee at Greystanes as its secretary, organising the "Festa tal-Vitorja" (also known as O L Queen of Peace), and helped procure the statue. In 1988 he became a founding committee member of the Maltese Cultural Association of NSW He was also a keen supporter of the Melita Eagles Soccer team

Parallel with these interests, he was also de facto sexton for all the Holy Masses at his parish - O.L. of Mt Carmel in Wentworthville He opened and closed the church daily, prepared the altar and made various coloured candles which he donated to the same church

Joe was also active at the La Valette Social and Cultural Centre at Blacktown, where he encouraged Maltese folk singing and participated as a folk singer. In this role, he organised the singers and guitarists for the Festa tad-Duluri (Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows along the Way of the Cross) and the Feast of Imnarja (Feast of Sts Peter and Paul)

Kummissjoni Għolja tar-Repubblika ta’ Malta High Commission for the Republic of Malta

Consul-on-the-Move (COTM) visits for 2023 in Australia and New Zealand

The High Commission of Malta is pleased to announce that the visits for Consul-on-the-Move (COTM) this year will be taking place again in Australia and New Zealand.

Every year for the last 25 years, Joe was a solo folk singer on both occasions He persisted in this role right to the end until his voice really gave up, and he retired literally with tears in his eyes God gave Joe many talents He did

Applicants who may wish to receive consular services during COTM, must either contact the High Commission by email on consul canberra@gov mt or fill in the form online by using the following link: https://forms office com/e/uWAGgrp2JL

Our team at the High Commission will be in contact with you to provide you with the appropriate form(s), depending on the service required Appointments will only be scheduled once payment for the service has been confirmed

Please note that COTM services incur a different administration fee, as per LN 221/2016 Article 2(b) 16 (a)(b). The administration fee is Euro 100 for passport applications and Euro 50 for Maltese citizenship applications You can find more information on this fee structure at: https://legislation mt/eli/ln/2016/221/eng

The tentative schedule dates and locations for the visits are as per details below. Please also note that scheduled dates and locations for the visits are subject to change based on the number of registered applications and on any unforeseen issues that may arise in the meantime

Schedule of visits:

AUS Brisbane Address to be confirmed

AUS Mackay Lanai Apartments 20, River St ,

AUS Cairns Address to be confirmed

AUS Adelaide Maltese Guild, 6 Jeanes St, Beverley

AUS Perth Maltese Association in WA

NZ Auckland Europe House, Auckland Univ of Tech

NZ Wellington Vic Univ Murphy B’ding, Kelburn

31 July–04 August

6 and 7 August

9 August

10–11 November

Radio programme for the Maltese

Every Sunday 11 am to Noon. An hour filled with information and news On-demand:


not "hide any of them under the bushel" but made them work for the glory of God and his country and its language and culture. We should think that Jesus did not hide from Joe on his passing but embraced him as His worthy disciple and a true ambassador of his beloved birth country, Malta

After Requiem mass at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church on Friday, May 5, Joe was buried at Pinegrove Memorial Park Minchinbury.

Saturday night saw the Grand Final of Eurovision 2023 take place in Liverpool The winner of this year's competition was Loreen from Sweden, who wowed audiences with her hit song "Tattoo" and garnered an impressive total of 583 points

Loreen, the bookies' favourite, previously won the contest in 2012 with her chart-topping song "Euphoria," has now become a two-time Eurovision champion She now joins Ireland's Jonny Logan as one of only two people to have ever won Eurovision twice

Sweden's victory marks their seventh win in the competition, tying them with Ireland as the most successful countries in Eurovision history

Despite not winning the top spot, Finland proved to be a fan favorite and secured second place with an impressive 526 points. Israel's Noa Kirel also had a strong showing, finishing in third place

Malta was again a disappointment ‘The Busker ’ received an outpouring of support from their fans and the people of Malta, but failed to qualify to the final Many have taken to social media to congratulate the band on their incredible performance and express their pride in their achievements

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 11 M A LT E S E C O M M U N I T Y C O U N C I L O F N S W
13–15 November 20 November 22 November
1 9 3 4 - 2 0 2 3
Loreen makes it two wins for herself and seven for Sweden
Eurovision 2023

Roundup of News About Malta

Medical students to train at Vatican hospital

By signing an agreement, students in their fourth year of medicine at the University of Malta will train/serve at one of the best paediatric hospitals in Vatican City, the Vatican's Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù Such an agreement continues strengthening the bilateral relationship between the Maltese Government and the Holy See

Prime Minister Robert Abela announced it during a meeting at Castile with the visiting Secretary of State of the Vatican, Car-

President George Vella to visit US and Canada

Between the 18th and the 29th of May, His Excellency George Vella, the President of Malta, and Mrs Vella will be visiting the United States and Canada.

Among others, their engagements will include meetings with the Maltese diaspora in New York in the USA and Detroit and Toronto in Canada

He will also hold official meetings at the United Nations in New York

Meanwhile, members of the Maltese clubs in North America are organising welcome parties for the President and the accompanying delegation One of these welcomes is scheduled for next Sunday at the Maltese Centre of New York

dinal Pietro Parolin, during which he also announced that the Maltese Government would be donating a medical device known as pneumatonometer to the poor clinic Ambulatorio Madre Della Misericordia founded by Pope Francis.

During the meeting, the strong relationship between the two states was also discussed, with the Prime Minister pointing out that both embrace social values and work in favour of social justice

Robert Abela spoke about the Maltese Government's work to address economic challenges linked to inflation and energy and fuel prices to protect and offer stability to families and businesses He also mentioned his government's importance to the

citizens' social state, including health service, childcare service, free public transport and education.

The war in Ukraine, the situation in Sudan and Libya and immigration in the Mediterranean were also on the agenda Prime Minister Robert Abela reiterated that Malta always worked in favour of peace and that as a member country of the United Nations Security Council, it remains committed to offering humanitarian support.

Malta and Seychelles discuss 'Island for Islands' initiative

Foreign and European Affairs and Trade Minister Ian Borg and the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Tourism of Seychelles, Sylvestre Radegonde, discussed the 'Island for Islands' initiative, announced by Prime Minister Robert Abela during a bilateral meeting

Seychelles was the first of three African

Malta wants Rwanda to be a strategic partner

In Rwanda, where he held bilateral talks with the Rwandan Minister for Foreign Affairs Vincent Biruta, Minister Ian Borg delivered the message that Malta wants Rwanda to be a strategic partner in the heart and centre of the African continent

The two sides also signed three important agreements that would continue to improve and strengthen the relationship between the two countries. The agreements were, on Air Services, cooperation to train more diplomats and the tourism sector

Borg reiterated how the Maltese Govern-

ment is broadening its strategy for the continent of Africa with the aim of more local businesses choosing this continent to expand He claimed that it is essential that Malta continue to be the bridge between Europe and Africa

The discussion also focused on strengthening bilateral relations and the possibility of cooperation in the educational sector, multilateral forums, and the potential for more investments between the two countries The Rwanda Vision 2050 was also discussed

Three collaboration agreements with Ethiopia

Three more collaboration agreements on air services, the training for diplomats and the creative sector were signed by Minister Ian Borg in the first-ever visit to Ethiopia by a Maltese Foreign Minister, with that country's Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Demeke Mekonnen.

Minister Borg said that the agreement on air services offers a platform for continued

evaluation of the possibility of direct connectivity between the two countries and paves the way for more trade.

Other discussions centred on several sectors with potential for trade, including manufacturing, services, pharmaceuticals and the digital industry

Minister Mekonn expressed his appreciation for Malta's decision two years ago to have diplomatic representation in Ethiopia

countries Minister Borg visited for bilateral talks with corresponding ministers but also signed several essential collaboration agreements with each of them about matters about the respective countries. His other visits took him to Ethiopia and Rwanda

At Seychelles, where sea level rise is a reality and is destroying entire stretches of land and shores, Minister Borg signed two cooperation agreements, one on health and the other on a Joint Commission

Since Malta and Seychelles are establishing the way forward for cooperation, this meeting is historic and significant Ian Borg said he believed that the conference served as a way towards more dialogue through which bilateral and even commercial relations between the two countries could be strengthened, particularly in the tourism sector, which like Malta, is one of the main pillars of Seychelles' economy

As Malta and Seychelles are island states, the blue economy needed to remain at the top of the agenda and was also discussed together with the fishing sector, the exclusive economic zone, the maritime industry and collaboration on international forums and the Commonwealth

Also present for this meeting was the Minister for Investment, Enterprise and Industry Devika Vidot and the Minister for Education Justin Valentin of Seychelles

Minister Ian Borg also met Vice President Ahmed Afif. The clear message was that the two countries should continue the dialogue that had just started

12 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Prime Minister Robert Abela greeting the Secretary of State of the Vatican Cardinal Pietro Parolin

Roundup of News About Malta

First three months of 2023 mark record tourist arrivals to Malta

In the first quarter of this year – January to March – Malta registered a record number of tourist arrivals, 443,191, which was 4.1% more than for the same period in 2019, the best year for Maltese tourism It was 17,000 more than the same period in 2019

Announcing the results that the National Statistics Office, NSO recorded at a press conference, Malta Tourism Authority, MTA said that the number of tourist nights also increased and reached almost three million nights, an increase of 3 8% over the same period of four years ago In the same months last year, when the country was still under pandemic restrictions, the increase amounted to almost 60%

In the same period, the total expenditure of tourists in Malta was also over €312 million, an increase of 14 7% over 2019's

3rd Startup Festival October

The third edition of Malta Enterprise's Startup Festival is to be held this October 5-6

Malta's strong recovery in the tourist sector has also been confirmed by the Malta International Airport, MIA, which predicts that by year's end, passenger traffic will reach 6 3 million passengers, an increase of 5,000 passengers over last year. The numbers are predicted to amount to about 95% of what the airport has seen in the best year for tourism so far, in 2019

Last year, the first year of natural recovery from the pandemic, MIA served 5.8 million passengers, roughly 80% of the passengers in 2019 This year MIA aims to have 6.3 million passengers and to reach the numbers it had in 2019

In a presentation during the annual general meeting, MIA's CEO said that the most significant amount of passengers (23%) were from Italy, 18.% from the United Kingdom, and 10% from France

Several projects are currently underway at the airport, including infrastructural ones They mainly include Apron X, which will increase the parking for planes, and the Skyparks 2 project, which consists of a hotel and many offices

The Minister for the Environment, Energy, and Enterprise Miriam Dalli, announced the dates at her meeting with 200 startups and investors during the Spring Meetup held as part of the preparations for the said event

The festival has established itself as one of the most popular events for entrepreneurs and innovators who come together to share knowledge and

experiences about different startups

It attracts hundreds of local and foreign startups, varying from FinTech (including KYC/AML solutions), digital games, VR/AR, Metaverse, medical cannabis, BioTech, MedTech, and the blue economy

Minister Miriam Dalli said “Our focus is on attracting innovative businesses that may be relatively small in employment but generate above-average jobs in Malta”

amount of €272 million. In 2019, every tourist spent around €640 during their stay, while in the first three months of the year, tourists spent around €705 per head, an increase of 10%.

Malta Tourism Authority CEO Carlo Micallef described the results as encouraging, especially compared to global trends, mainly with inflation and ever-increased prices It proves that the work the MTA has been doing in promoting Malta, even during the pandemic, is bearing fruit

The MTA kept in contact with its partners abroad and worked a lot on connectivity, even to fill seats to Malta, since 99% of the island's tourism comes by air That was the reason that the Maltese tourism sector has continued to grow, he said

While expressing his enthusiasm for the record figures achieved, Clayton Bartolo, the Tourism Minister said it is essential that the competition Malta’s tourism sector is facing is recognised Hence, it continues to diversify and overcome foreign competition

He said that sustainability, in this case, is a necessity, not a choice It was also crucial for Malta to maintain its national airline He said that the Government will be working towards this aim.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 13
To u r i s m i n M a l t a i s f l o u r i s h i n g
MIA predicts a recovery of 95% by year's end

I l - M a r a u x - X o g ħ o l

- k i f i n b i d l u ż - ż

Min għandu ċerta età’ jiftakar sew il-mentalitá li l-post tal-mara kien prinċipalment fid-dar, li tieħu ħsieb il-bżonnijiet tal-familja, b’dawk il-ftit xebbiet li joħorġu jaħdmu malli jiżżewwġu jispiċċaw jinqatgħu mix-xogħol

Tant din kienet ħaġa normali, li saħansitra kienet regola tal-pajjiż li in-nisa li jaħdmu mal-Gvern, fosthom għadd kbir ta’ għalliema, kien ikollhom jagħżlu bejn l-impjieg u ż-żwieġ, għax malli jgħidu s-signor si kien ikollhom iħallu x-xogħol.

Dan inbidel biss lejn fis-snin sebgħin meta xi impjegati tal-Gvern, fosthom għalliema (minħabba nuqqas ta’ għalliema), bdew jitħallew ikomplu fil-professjoni tagħhom

Meta lejn tmiem is-snin sebgħin, bit-tluq tal-qawwiet Ingliżi, Malta bdiet tiddependi aktar fuq l-industrija, it-turiżmu eċċ, u allura kien hemm aktar ħtieġa ta’ ħaddiema, fosthom nisa, il-Gvern beda iħajjar aktar nisa biex joħroġu mid-dar u jsibu mpjieg.

Il-Gvern għaraf li biex għadd konsiderevoli ta’ nisa jkunu jistgħu joħorġu jaħdmu, kienu jridu jaraw x’se jagħmlu b’uliedhom waqt li huma jkunu barra mid-dar

Dak iż-żmien, il-ġenituri nistgħu ngħidu li kellhom żewġ għażliet: dik li jħallu lil uliedhom ma xi ħadd li jiġi minnhom, ġeneralment in-nanniet, jew jibagħtuhom f ’dik li dak iż-żmien kienet magħrufa bħala liskola tan-nuna għal tfal bejn it-3-4 snin.

L-BCRS suċċess

Forsi hawn min jistaqsini x’inhi din i lBCRS? Fil-fatt, din hi l-kumpanija li qed tieħu ħsieb l-ġbir ta’ flixken tal-plastik, ċerti flixken tal-ħġieġ u bottijiet tax-xorb tal-landa bħal dawk tal-birra, l-luminati, eċċ permezz ta’ magni li ġew imwaqqfa f ’ħafna mis-supermarkets, kif ukoll xi postijiet pubbliċi.

Permezz ta’ din is-sistema, dawk li jużaw dawn il-magni biex jeħilsu minn kontenituri tax-xorb li semmejt, jingħataw 10 ċenteżmi lura għal kull kontenitur (sintendi meta jinxtraw dawn il-kontenaturi l-konsumatur ikun ħallas 10 ċenteżmi aktar, allura dawn li jieħu lura)

Għalkemm għall-ewwel kien hemm, u sa ċertu punt għad hemm, xi kritika, il-fatti wrew li dawn kienu suċċess tant li mittnedija tal-iskema f ’nofs Novembru 2022 sat-30 ta’ April 2023 inġabbru total ta’ 64,444,421 kontenitur tax-xorb vojt, b’momentum li żdied fl-ewwel kwart ta’ din issena b’aktar minn 36 miljun kontenitur mit-48 miljun imqiegħda fis-suq irkuprati matul it-tliet xhur

It-total ta’ 76% tal-kontenituri tax-xorb li

Iżda dawn l-iskejjel kienu ftit u bi ħlas... u ħafna millġenituri ma tantx kienu jifilħu jħallsu l-miżati

Għalhekk, fl-1972 Gvern Laburista iddeċieda li jiftaħ iċ-ċentri tal-kindergarten li kienu jilqgħu tfal ta’ erba’ snin u aktar tard Gvern Nazzjonalista niżżel din letà’ għal tliet snin Hawnhekk ingħata nifs biex ħafna nisa li setgħu, jidħlu fiddinja tax-xogħol

Sadanittant, bil-mod il-mod tneħħiet ukoll is-sistema fejn minkejja li kienu jagħmlu l-istess xogħol in-nisa kellhom salarju inqas mill-irġiel

Għalkemm dan żied sewwa l-għadd ta’ nisa li ħarġu jaħdmu, għal żmien twil Malta xorta waħda baqgħet waħda mill-aktar pajjiżi fl-Unjoni Ewropeja bl-inqas perċentwal ta’ nisa fil-qasam tax-xogħol

Dan wassal biex jittieħdu diversi miżuri oħra fosthom li jingħataw aktar servizzi, fosthom l-introduzzjoni ta’ servizz ta’ kolazzjoni (breakfast) fl-iskejjel primarji u hekk t-tfal ikunu jistgħu jittieħdu fl-iskejjel fis-7 00am’ filgħodu għalkemm l-iskola propju tibda fit-8.30am, b’servizzi oħra biex dawk il-ġenituri li jaslu d-dar wara is2.30pm ta’ wara nofsinhar (il-ħin meta l-

lezzjonijiet jispiċċaw u tfal ġeneralment iħallu l-iskola), dawn ikunu jistgħu jibqgħu l-iskola sal-5.00pm.

Fl-2014 il-Gvern daħal ukoll fil-qasam tac-child care, servizz li qabel kien provdut biss mill-privat, billi fetaħ ċentri taċ-child care u wkoll beda jħallas lil ċentri privati u b’hekk ġiet introdotta sistema taċ-child care bla ħlas għal kull min jeħtieġu, u fl2022 f ’Malta kellna 8,437 tfal igawdu milliskema taċ-childcare b’xejn

Dan wassal għal żieda konsistenti flgħadd ta’ nisa fil-qasam tax-xogħol biex illum ir-rata tal-parteċipazzjoni tan-nisa fid-dinja tax-xogħol hija ta’ sodisfazzjon kbira għax mhux talli lħaqna l-medja talpajjiżi fil-UE, imma saħansitra qbiżniha

Dan kollu ġie kkonfermat mir-rapport annwali tal-Jobplus fejn irriżulta li fl-2022 irrata tal-parteċipazzjoni tan-nisa fix-xogħol, jiġifieri dawk li huma mħallsa f ’impjieg, telgħet għal 74%, filwaqt li l-medja talBlokk Ewropew hija ta’ 69% Dan ifisser li r-rata f ’pajjiżna hija ta’ ħames punti perċentwal iżjed mill-medja fil-UE

tqiegħdu fis-suq fl-ewwel kwart tal-2023 ġew irritornati mill-kumpanija BCRS Malta, li huwa riżultat notevoli għal pajjiż żgħir bħal Malta

Bl-introduzzjoni ta’ din is-sistema rġajna rajna repetizzjoni ta’ dak li kien jiġri qabel dħalna fl-Unjoni Ewropeja, li l-biċċa l-kbira tax-xorb kien jinbiegħ fil-flixken Dak inhar ukoll il-kumpaniji tax-xorb kienu jagħtu lflus lura lil min jirritorna l-flixken u allura kont tara l-aktar rġiel iħufu’l hawn u ‘l hinn biex jiġbru dawn il-flixken li jkunu mitluqa ħalli jmorru jsarrfuhom fi flus

Jingħad li kien hemm min kien jagmel kemxa mhux ħażin l-aktar wara xi festa u fil-jiem tas-sajf fix-xtut u f ’postijiet fejn jinġemgħu ħafna nies jixorbu

Dan hu suċċess meta wieħed iħares li sena wara s-sħubija ta’ Malta fl-Unjoni Ewropea lura fl-2004, il-parteċipazzjoni tan-nisa fiddinja tax-xogħol kienet biss 34 5%, jiġifieri inqas min-nofs li għandna llum Fl-2013 din telgħet għal 47% u sal-2018 din żdiedet konsiderevolment u laħqet l-64%. Imbagħad fl2020 ilħaqna l-figura ta’ 67% fejn irnexxielna naqbżu r-rata ta’ dak iż-żmien li kellhom bħala medja l-pajjiżi fil-UE

Dan is-suċċess ma kienx biss fl-għadd ta’ nisa li daħlu fid-dinja tax-xogħol, imma wkoll fil-kwalità ta’ li dawk li jagħmlu Dan billi filwaqt li fl-2010 kienu biss 19% tal-ħaddiema li min imexxihom kienet mara, issa 36% tal-impjegati għandhom mara bħala l-kap tagħhom, li huwa punt aktar mill-medja tal-Unjoni Ewropeja

Filwaqt li ħafna japprezzaw dan ilprogress fil-qasam femenili tax-xogħol, xorta għadek issib min jinsisti li post ilmara huwa li toqgħod id-dar, tal-inqas meta jkollha t-tfal żgħar

14 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 16, 2023
m i n i j i e t

Veru tal-mistħija!

Filwaqt li ħarġet l-aħbar sabiħa dwar ilvara ta’ San Gejtanu li se ttieħed Ruma bħala parti minn ċelebrazzjonijiet, qrajna laħbar tal-mistħija dwar statwa oħra, din iddarba mhux statwa titulari, imma ta’ San Nikola li żżejjen il-Pjazza ewlenija tasSiġġiewi li hu l-patrun tal-lokal

Matul il-lejl xi ħadd infexx jitfa għadd kbir ta’ bajd lejn din l-Istatwa li kienet skolpita fuq żewġ ġebliet kbar minn Pietru Felici, u twaqqfet fl-1732

Jingħad li dawn il-ġebliet inqatgħu minn għalqa li għadha sal-lum magħrufa bħala lgħalqa ta’ San Nikola

L-Istatwa għadha kif ġiet irrestawrata

Bl-aqwa drittijiet għall-LGBTIQ+

Għat-tmien sena wara l-oħra, fejn għandhom x’jaqsmu d-drittijiet talpersuni LGBTIQ+. L-għaqda ILGA-Europe ikklassifikat lil Malta fl-ewwel post L-għaqda, li tevalwa s-sitwazzjoni ta’ liġijiet u l-politika dwar l-ugwaljanza LGBTIQ+ f ’49 pajjiż fl-Ewropa u fl-Asja Ċentrali tat lil Malta 13-il punt perċentwal ogħla mill-pajjiż ikklassifika fit-tieni post

San Gejtanu joħroġ

Għad kif ingħatat l-aħbar li l-Istatwa ta’ San Gejtanu, meqjuma fil-Paroċċa tal-Ħamrun, issa se tinħareġ minn Malta biex tittieħed Ruma fejn se tkun fiċ-ċentru taċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet tal- Kongregazzjoni tal-Kjeriċi Regulari magħrufa bħala l-patrijiet Teatini

Din l-Ordni twaqqfet 500 sena ilu u wieħed mill-fundaturi tagħha kien proprju San Gejtanu, li dak iż-żmien kien magħruf bħala Gaetano dei Conti di Thiene.

Il-vara titulari ta’ San Gejtanu, xogħol artistiku ta’ Karlu Darmanin, se tittieħed Ruma f ’Settembru 2024, u titqiegħed għall-wiri għal xahar sħiħ fil-Bażilika Minuri ta’ San Andrea Della Valle Ilvara se tittieħed ukoll f ’purċissjoni minn din il-knisja sal-Bażilika ta’ San Pietru fil-Vatikan fejn se tintrefa’ fuq l-ispallejn minn reffiegħa Ħamruniżi

Għal din il-festa tal-500 anniversarju mill-fondazzjoni tagħhom, il-patrijiet Teatini mid-dinja kollha se jmorru Ruma biex jieħdu sehem fil-festi kbar li se jsiru

L-inizjattiva biex din il-vara tittella’ Ruma hija tal-Ambaxxatur ta’ Malta għas-Santa Sede, Frank Zammit wara li ltaqa’ mas-Superjur Ġenerali tal-patrijiet Teatini, Salvador Rodea, u wara li kellmu dwar il-festi li qed jitħejjew għall-500 anniversarju. Zammit ħareġ bl-idea tal-partiċipazzjoni tal-vara ta’ San Gejtanu f ’dawn iċċelebrazzjonijiet. Waqt li l-vara se tkun Ruma, se issir ukoll wirja dwar l-istatwarju Karlu Darmanin

Ta’ min ifaħħar lill-Ambaxxatur Malti għal Vatikan Din ma kienetx l-ewwel inizjattiva tiegħu. Fl-imgħoddi ħadem mas-Santa Sede fuq progetti oħra, fosthom tal-presepju Malti ta’ daqs uman fi Pjazza San Pietru, proġett li seħħ fl-istaġun tal-Milied tal-2016 Waqt il-Presidenza ta’ Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, Zammit ippilota wkoll esebizzjoni ta’ 25 dokument storiku mil-Arkivju Sigriet tal-Vatikan fil-Palazz tal-Granmastru fil-Belt Valletta, u kien ukoll il-moħħ wara l-produzzjoni ta’ dokumentarju televiżiv ta’ 24 episodju bil-Malti dwar l-istorja tal-Vatikana bl-isem Għad-Dell ta’ San Pietru

It-turisti reġgħu ġejjin u qed jinqabżu r-rekords

Il-ħidma li ilha ssir, u l-aktar wara l-pandemija mill-Awtoritá Maltija tat-Turiżmu biex tattira t-turisti lejn Malta qed tkun ta’ suċċess kbir, tant li mqabbel mal-ewwel tleit xhur (Jannar-Marzu) tal-2019, l-aktar sena li fiha ġew turisti f ’Malta, il-figura

ta’dakinhar inqabżet b’4.1% Mhux hekk biss, imma kull min hu mdaħħal f ’dan is-settur qed isostni li jidher li din se tkun sena rekord u l-aqwa, mhux biss fl-għadd imma wkoll fil-kwalitá tatturisti. Ġew 443,191 turist (ara paġna 13)

Richard Spiteri

0407 202 167

(02) 9659 0900

Castle Hill

Seven Hills

Windsor and all suburbs

“Let Our Family Help You Through”

Ħalli l-familja tagħna tgħin lillfamilja tiegħek

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 15
i x-x t u t M a
t i n
L-istatwa titulari ta’ San Gejtunu li tinsab fil-parroċċa tal-Ħamrun

First Federal surplus budget in 15 years

Treasurer Jim Chalmers has delivered what he says is a “responsible and affordable” budget, aimed squarely at helping with the cost of living and proving that Labor can manage the economy by putting downward pressure on inflation

As well as forecasting the first surplus in 15 years – and Labor ’s first since 1989 –there are multibillion-dollar packages for income support and healthcare

Cost-of-living relief: Five million households and 1 million small businesses will get energy bill rebates worth up to $500 and $650 respectively, but eligibility will be limited to pensioners, veterans, seniors, concession card-holders and recipients of other concession schemes JobSeeker, Youth Allowance and Austudy will increase by $40 a fortnight from September, while a higher rate of JobSeeker for over60s will be made available for over-55s

The single-parent benefit will be extended until a recipient’s youngest child turns 14, equating to $176 90 extra a fortnight

The bottom line: These schemes target the most vulnerable, but critics say the payments won’t go far, and middle-income earners doing it tough may feel left out.

Housing: In response to the housing affordability crisis, the government will increase rent assistance by 15 per cent – up to $31 extra a fortnight – for more than a million low-income renters at a cost of $2.7 billion over five years

The National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation’s liability cap will be increased by $2 billion for spending on social and affordable housing, and the First Home Guarantee will be expanded from partners and spouses to any two eligible borrowers

The bottom line: Rental assistance will be welcome, but Housing Minister Julie Collins last week conceded there is “no silver bullet” to deal with soaring rents and housing shortages

Healthcare: About 11 6 million children, concession cardholders and pensioners will get better access to free GP visits thanks to Medicare bulk-billing incentives worth $3 5 billion

This will triple the financial reward for doctors who don’t charge vulnerable patients out-of-pocket fees. Going to the pharmacist will be made cheaper by allowing people to buy two months’ worth of certain medicines for the price of a one-month prescription Almost $250 million will be spent tackling the black market for vapes and rolling out a new anti-smoking campaign

The bottom line: The government wants to resuscitate plummeting bulk-billing rates and lower soaring patient gap fees

Environment and energy: More than $2

billion has been committed to grow the emerging hydrogen industry, with a focus on green hydrogen, which is produced with renewable energy and has no emissions.

There’s also $1 3 billion for the household energy upgrades fund, which offers low-interest loans for solar panels and other energy efficiency improvements, plus $400 million for a Net Zero Authority to aid the transition away from fossil fuels

The bottom line: Labor is keen to stimulate growth in future industries and differentiate itself from the former Coalition government.

The economy: A $4 2 billion budget surplus is forecast this financial year, followed by deficits of $13 9 billion next year and $35 1 billion the subsequent year Economic growth is predicted to slow from 3 25 per cent this year to 1 5 per cent next year before recovering to 2 25 per cent the following year Inflation is forecast to fall from a height of 7 per cent earlier this year to 3.25 per cent by the middle of next year.

Unemployment is set to rise from 3 5 per cent to 4 25 per cent next year, while wage growth is expected to rise and outstrip inflation from 2023-24

The bottom line: The economy will slow but unemployment shouldn’t rise dramatically, and real wage growth is within sight Surpluses could be achieved again if the government winds back controversial tax cuts

The rest: Nearly $20 billion will be spent over four years implementing the Defence Strategic Review, including $9 billion on AUKUS nuclear-powered submarines Almost $2 billion will be spent on improving

relations with Pacific island nations to counter China’s growing influence Australians who travel overseas will pay $10 more for a passenger movement charge and the cost of securing a visa to enter Australia will rise A GST crackdown on businesses will raise an extra $3 8 billion, multinationals will face a new minimum tax rate of 15 per cent and gas companies will be taxed an extra $2.4 billion over five years under changes to the Petroleum Resource Rent Tax REACTIONS:

Opposition treasury spokesman Angus Taylor claimed the “big-spending, big-taxing budget” would leave families worse off but also criticised spending, saying it would add to inflation. Greens leader Adam Bandt said the budget is “a betrayal of renters, jobseekers and people doing it tough”, while Independent Senator David Pocock said the $40 per fortnight increase to JobSeeker is laughable and embarrassing.

Australians among world’s most prolific gamblers

Gamblers who use their credit cards to fund online betting will soon be out of luck with the Government moving to ban the practice. The ban will bring online gambling into line with in-person services where credit cards cannot be used

Australians are some of the most prolific gamblers in the world, having the highest losses per adult They lose $25 billion each year, with an estimated one in 14 Australians experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, gambling harm. The legislation will be introduced later in the year

Communications Minister Michelle Rowland said there was widespread community support for the ban

“Legislating a ban on the use of credit cards for online gambling will help protect vulnerable Australians and their loved ones ” The communications watchdog will be granted extra powers to enforce the ban, which will use bank identification numbers

to find and block credit card payments Lotteries, such as those used by charities, will be exempt due to the low risk of harm

Social Services Minister Amanda Rishworth said the Government was not against Australians having a punt, but did not want people to use debt to finance their gambling

Australia's largest gambling company Tabcorp said it supported banning credit card used for online betting Independent MP Andrew Wilkie, who has long championed gambling reform, said the ban would be an important start to minimise gambling harm

But he did not want the process of legislating and implementing it to be slowed down by further consultation when it already had widespread support "The fact that online gamblers have been allowed to use borrowed money at exorbitant interest rates is unfathomable," he said.

16 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Australia’s Treasurer Jim Chalmers

Commonwealth Indigenous leaders demand King acknowledges colonial genocides, returns stolen artefacts

Lidia Thorpe (left) is among the famous faces demanding King Charles III apologise to First Nations people and compensate them for the disastrous effects of colonisation

A letter with signatories from 12 countries historically subjected to colonial rule also calls on the new monarch to acknowledge the genocides sparked by his empire's invasions of those territories

Recently members of the royal family expressed regret for their historical links to the slave trade; the letter calls on the monarch to 'substantiate' the statements. The DjabWurrung Gunnai Gunditjmara woman said the letter is the result of an extensive consultation amongst First Nations people from Commonwealth nations

Better trade Australia - UK

Ahistoric free trade agreement between Australia and Britain will come into force at the end of the month after an extended process pushed back by leadership instability in London

Under the deal, there will be no tariffs on almost all Australian goods exported to the United Kingdom, and more Australians will be eligible for lengthier working holidays in the country

In two years' time, the agreement will also relax working holiday visas for Australian and British citizens working across the two countries It will include raising the age limit for the visas from 30 to 35 years and extending opportunities to stay up to three years

The agreement following Brexit will strip taxes on billions of dollars worth of goods, including beef, sheep meat, dairy and sugar It will come into effect on 31 May

After a two-year period, there would be no tariffs on 99 per cent of Australian exports to the UK, which are worth some $9 2 billion The same would apply to UK products arriving in Australia

The deal will also allow Indigenous Australians to receive royalties when their artwork is resold in the UK

Farmers have welcomed the news as the "win we have been waiting for" For the wine sector, the tariff elimination represents a saving of approximately $50 million per year

“Basically, we're all experiencing the effects of colonisation and the attempted genocide of our people We're still picking up the pieces. And there's a lot of stolen wealth that the royal family is responsible for They are in receipt of stolen goods ”

The letter's statement outlines five 'practical steps' the 74-year-old king can take to begin atoning for the horrors of colonisation: an apology; recognition of genocide; reparations for stolen wealth; repatriating sacred artefacts and bodily remains still held in British museums; and renouncing the 'Doctrine of Discovery', related to the concept of the false pretext used by Britain to legally colonise Aboriginal lands While Ms Thorpe said such actions would help bring healing to Indigenous peoples, it was incumbent upon the new monarch to wholeheartedly adopt them She said he

needs to heed those calls

People from Antigua and Barbuda, Aotearoa (New Zealand), Australia, the Bahamas, Belize, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, Papua New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines are all signatories to the letter Lidia Alma Thorpe (born 1973) is an Australian independent politician. The senator for Victoria, the first Aboriginal senator from that state, was a member of the Australian Greens until February 2023 when she quit over disagreements concerning the proposed Indigenous Voice to Parliament.

The Department of Health and Aged Care awarded a $396,000 private government contract to consultancy firm Kantar Public Australia to undertake policy research on consumer contributions to aged care and gauge sentiment towards an increase in user co-payments

It comes amid an ongoing debate over whether Labor should raise the means-testing threshold for Australians who can afford it, with Aged Care Minister Anika Wells privately telling providers to contribute ideas on how to increase user copayments as part of a broader national conversation

Health Minister Mark Butler confirmed the Government was looking to ensure a "sustainable mix" about who was funding aged care, with the percentage of older Australians set to increase over coming years

Minister for Communications Federal Member for Greenway

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 17 L e v e l 1 . S u i t e 1 0 1 C , 1 3 0 M a i n S t r e e t , B l a c k t o w n P O B o x 8 5 2 5 , B l a c k t o w n N S W 2 1 4 8 ( 0 2 ) 9 6 7 1 4 7 8 0 M i c h e l l e . R o w l a n d M P @ a p h . g o v. a u M R o w l a n d M P w w w. m i c h e l l e r o w l a n d . c o m . a u
M i c h e l l e R o w l a n d M P
R i c h c o u l d b e m a d e t o p a y m o re f o r a g e d c a re

People with severe disabilities to be trained in sports disciplines

Aġenzija Sapport and Special Olympics Malta have signed an agreement for the years 2023-2024, enabling people with severe disabilities to benefit from the Motor Activity Training Programme (MATP) that leads to the Special Olympics and offers professional and specialised training in various disciplines

The agreement, signed in the presence of the Minister for Inclusion, the Voluntary Sectors and Consumer Rights, Julia Farrugia Portelli, and Dr Lydia Abela, the President of Special Olympics Malta, strengthens the collaboration between the two sides that has been ongoing for the last two years, during which people with a disability successfully participated at the Special Olympics Invitational Games in May 2022

Aġenzija Sapport will also work closely with Special Olympics Malta in the organisation of tournaments every year and to identify employees to attend training programmes organised by Special Olympics Malta and which Special Olympics Malta can use for training outside of these centre's regular hours of operation

Minister Julia Farrugia Portelli remarked that this agreement

clearly illustrates the government's continuous work to keep strengthening inclusion through sports and specifies the position of the two entities to carry out this project

She explained that for Special Olympics Malta, this means the regular creation of more training through professional coaches, both for sports and MATP, who can offer opportunities for athletes with a disability in games and tournaments

Aġenzija Sapport's CEO, Oliver Scicluna, said the collaboration is based on two pillars the agency believes in and will continue to work on It includes the need to offer more opportunities for people with disabilities to be included in the community through training which will strengthen their skills and allow them to compete locally and internationally

Dr Lydia Abela stressed this strong collaboration

G re e n p e a ce p l a ce s M a l t a second in public transport

AGreenpeace study on public transport tickets in 30 European countries and their capital cities has put Malta in second place

Greenpeace evaluated public transport based on four criteria: how easy it is to use the tickets, their price over a protracted period, the discounts for disadvantaged groups, including students, families, the elderly, the unemployed, refugees and the disabled, as well as the VAT rate on the tickets

Malta is classified in second place after Luxembourg At the same time, in the capital cities, Valletta came first together with Luxembourg City and Tallinn in Estonia because public transport is free The cheapest tickets are in Prague, Bratislava, Rome, Vienna and Madrid; the most expensive are in London, Dublin, Paris and Amsterdam.

Malta managed 88 points out of 100 Only Luxembourg got the maximum points. Regarding the situation in Malta, the report notes that since last October, the public transport service has become free of charge except for express journeys and the ferry service between Malta and Gozo.

Greenpeace said that the service that pollutes the least and is the most efficient should be affordable for everyone

That is why Greenpeace encouraged the European leaders to introduce what it calls ‘climate tickets’ that would cover all public transport services.

between Special Olympics Malta and Aġenzija Sapport She said that this joint venture will now recognise the best abilities of everyone on clear principles based on inclusivity

She referred to the success obtained by several athletes in last year's invitational games of the Special Olympics in Malta She spoke about how the sporting sector can be another essential link to improve the quality of life of people with a disability

The Director of Special Olympics Malta, Anna Calleja, said thanks to this agreement, they will be reaching a more comprehensive range of people with a disability for them to train in different sporting activities She pointed out the importance of sports for physical and mental health

Maltese Community Council of NSW

Commemoration Ceremony

2.00pm, Saturday 3 June 2023

The Holroyd Centre

11.17 Miller Str., Merrylands

This is a commemoration of significant historical Maltese events in 1919, including a speech about this historic story, andmusical segments from the Maltese Concert Band

Anyone of Maltese descent or with an interest in Malta and its history is invited to attend

18 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Dr Lydia Abela (left) and Minister Julia Farrugia Portelli wih two athletes

Mill-Gzira Ghawdxija . -

Charles Spiteri Charles Spiteri

Jum l-Ewropa

Bħala parti mill-attivitajiet relatati ma’ Jum l-Ewropa, l-uffiċċju tal-EUROPE DIRECT f ’Għawdex organizza ‘Europe Day in Gozo 2023’ fil-ġonna tal-Villa Rundle fil-Belt Victoria, fejn ingħata wkoll tagħrif dwar l-Unjoni Ewropeja

Bħala parti mil-Europe Direct Globe Air Quality Monitoring Programme, studenti minn ħames skejjel Għawdxin ippreżentaw irriżultati dwar studju li għamlu qrib l-iskejjel tagħhom dwar il-kwalitá tal-arja Saret ukoll diskussjoni fosthom dwar is-suġġett li ġiet moderata mill-koordinatriċi ta’ Globe Malta Ramona Mercieca

Fl-attivitá saru wkoll diskorsi minn Daniel Borg, Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Kamra tan-Negozju Għawdija, Dr Mario Sammut, Kap tal-European Parliament Liason Office f ’Malta, Mark Vella, Kap tal-Komunikazzjoni fi ħdan ir-Rappreżentanza tal-Kummissjoni Ewropeja f ’Malta, u kif ukoll mill-Ministru għal Għawdex Clint Camilleri

Il-Ministru għal Għawdex Clint Camilleri (xellug) fl-attivitá dwar Jum l-Ewropa

Soleil Grech tesprimi t-tħassib dwar it-tniġġiż fl-arja, u għamlet suġġerimenti dwar kif wieħed jista’ jnaqqas il-livell ta' tniġġiż c

The Priests waqt l-intervista fuq ir-radju Bambina

It-trio The Priests fi żjara f ’Għawdex

It-tliet saċerdoti kantanti Irlandiżi, Fr Eugene u ħuh Fr Martin O’Hagan minn Claudy County Londonderry u Fr David Delargy minn Ballymena County Antrim li jiffurmaw it-trio The Priests għamlu żjara f ’Għawdex fejn ġew intervistati fuq ir-Radju Bambina tal-Kommunitá parrokkjali taxXagħra minn Lelio Spiteri

Huma tkellmu dwar l-impenn tagħhom qalb innies u kif iwettqu ħidma pastorali f ’parroċċi differenti fl-Irlanda ta’ Fuq Huma jużaw it-talenti tagħhom biex iwasslu l-messaġġ tal-Evanġelju permezz tal-kant

F’Għawdex iltaqgħu mal-Isqof tad-Djoċesi Mgr

Anton Teuma, u żaru s-Santwarju Nazzjonali talMadonna Ta’ Pinu, fejn iċċelebraw quddiesa talokkażjoni

It-tliet saċerdoti ħadu sehem ukoll f ’kunċert filKnisja Parrokkjali tax-Xagħra, imtella’ mill-JP2 Foundation.

Il-Gozo Flower Art Festival


’Għawdex ġie organizzat il-Gozo Flower Art Festival, festa ta’ arti bi fjuri, melħ u minerali oħra fi Pjazza t-Tokk u t-Telgħa tal-belt, Victoria (lemin) li fetħet b’konferenza u b’wirja fis-sala tal-Esebizzjonijiet tal-Ministeru għal Għawdex

Fil-festival kien jinkludi xogħol impressjonanti mill-Assoċjazzjoni Espressjonarti tar-raħal talGħarb, u ta’ għadd ta’ membri ta’ għaqdiet minn pajjiżi barranin, fosthom mill-Italja, Spanja, ilBelġju, il-Messiku u l-Gappun, li kienu apposta Għawdex għall-festival.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 19

Traditional rivalry between Sydney and Melbourne

Following the 2021 census, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) changed Melbourne's Significant Urban Area (SUA) to include the district of Melton on its western fringe The redrawing of lines boosted its SUA population to 4,875,400 in June 2021, 18,700 more than Sydney, whose SUA population stood at 4,856,700

Was Melbourne always going to grow faster than Sydney ?

This boundary shift means Melbourne's SUA population actually took over Sydney's in 2018, however, the population of Greater Sydney, which also includes the Central Coast and Blue Mountains, remains 283,600 larger than Greater Melbourne (pop 4,976,200) at 5,259,800 people

So why has Melbourne's population grown so fast, will it stay that way, and how will it affect rivalry between the two cities?

Migrants from overseas flocking to Melbourne's west

The ABS uses various methods to calculate a Significant Urban Area (SUA), one classification being that it represents an urban centre housing more than 10,000 residents. “What's happened with the 2021 census is Melbourne's main suburban area and also Melton, which is a growth centre in the west of Melbourne, have actually combined to form one continuous population centre, and that's now higher than in Sydney,” ABS demographer Andrew Howe told SBS News

While Sydney has welcomed around half a million more migrants than Melbourne over the last decade, according to the ABS, the Victorian capital has attracted a high proportion of migrants from India, who have swelled its western fringes, says Dr Bob Birrell, head of the Australian Population Research Institute

“Overseas migrants are the main component of population growth in the west of Melbourne, and the major source of migration now is the Indian subcontinent,” he told SBS News “They tend to come to Melbourne because it has a higher proportion of Indian immigrants than Sydney does Once you have a particular national

cultural base, there's a flow-on effect ”

Melbourne has also welcomed large quantities of Indian students, many of whom tend to settle in the city, professor of demography at the University of Melbourne Peter McDonald told SBS News. “Students from the subcontinent are often keen to become permanent residents So that then provides a stream from international migrations into permanent migration.”

Less people leaving Melbourne

In terms of Melbourne's overall SUA population growth overtaking Sydney's, experts attribute it to more people choosing to leave Sydney for other parts of Australia than those choosing to leave Melbourne

“Over the last 10 years, Melbourne had a net change of around zero, so around the same number of people have moved in as have moved out , ” explained Mr Howe.

“However, for Sydney, we've had over 200,000 more people move out than move in Sydney loses significantly more people to the rest of Australia compared to Melbourne.”

The reasons? Chiefly housing cost, transport and infrastructure Sydney has historically lost many young families, most likely related to housing affordability, Professor McDonald says “Sydney has a long history of losing people to Queensland It fluctuates quite a lot but at the moment, there's quite a big move going on from Sydney to Queensland and they're not older residents, they're mainly younger families

“Melbourne hasn't had quite the same situation PreCOVID, Melbourne was drawing people in net terms from every state and territory in Australia People left during COVID for obvious reasons and it remains to be seen to what extent that movement of people coming to Melbourne

will continue.”

“It's easier to get around Melbourne than it is in Sydney,” Professor McDonald added. “The streets are wider and the traffic situation is not nearly as bad as it is in Sydney And there are trams as well Though Sydney probably has better rail because it's got more cross Sydney rail lines ” Dr Birrell from the Australian Population Research Institute agrees housing costs are the main factor, partly because a vast amount of land has been allocated to Melbourne's suburban expansion, while Sydney's urban sprawl is more geographically restricted by the ocean to the east, the Blue Mountains to the west, and major rivers

“Housing costs in Melbourne are so much cheaper than Sydney and that's because the frontier for migration continues to be expanded and is spreading primarily out to the west and north but also to the southeast

“In Sydney, the suburban frontier has been restricted and as a result, housing costs on the fringes in Sydney are many times greater than they are in Melbourne. In Sydney, housing costs have been such that there's been a much greater exodus of existing residents,” he said

The median property price in Sydney in March 2023 was $994,000 while in Melbourne it was $789,000, according to REA data Rent in Melbourne is also significantly lower. The average rent in Sydney in April is $779; in Melbourne it's $576, according to SQM Research

Will the trend continue? It's hard to say, Dr Birrell says While he believes the Victorian government is providing for greater population expansion on the city fringe that is happening in Sydney, and housing costs, particularly on the fringe, tend to be much lower in Melbourne, it's hard for cities to cope with rapid population growth

“There are all sorts of cost problems in providing the infrastructure and housing to all these people on the fringe.” He said rising housing costs have also seen more people leave Melbourne since the pandemic, a trend that may or may not reverse

“Housing costs are not at Sydney's level but they've grown rapidly in Melbourne and that has encouraged a much greater exodus from Melbourne than was the case prior to the pandemic.”

20 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 16, 2023
*Continued on page 21
Me l b o u r n e h a s t a k e n o v e r S y d n e y a s A u st r a l i a ' s m o s t p o p u l o u s c i t y, m a i n l y d u e t o S y d n e y s i d e r s b e i n g m o re l i k e l y t o l e a v e t h e i r h o m e t o w n B u t e x p e r t s s a y w h i l e t h i s re b a la n c e h a s b e e n e x p e c t e d f o r s o m e t i m e , M e l b o u r n e ' s r a p i d p o p u l a t i o n g ro w t h m a y n o t b e s u s t a i n a b l e
A spectacular panoramic view of Melbourne Sydney Harbour, probably the world's most famous harbour

Net Migration to Australia soars

Australia's net migration has ballooned to 400,000, its highest ever level, over the past year and will be well above the government's initial projection for another 12 months. But the country's net intake will still be significantly under levels predicted before COVID-19 arrived on its shores, prompting a sudden halt to overseas arrivals

Unveiling the long-awaited migration review, Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil called for a major overhaul of Australia's approach to immigration and insisted she was not advocating for a “big Australia”

But figures provided to SBS News and discussed at National Cabinet show a twoyear acceleration in net migration well above initial estimates, before a period of stabilisation.

The net overseas migration (NOM) is still set to be 315,000 lower this year than predicted in 2019-20, and is not expected to catch up to pre-pandemic estimates until 2030. October's budget papers had tipped Australia's NOM to recover to 235,000 over this financial year and next

But a faster-than-expected return of international students and holidaymakers means that will balloon to 400,000 in 2022-23 and 315,000 in 2023-24, National Cabinet was told

That is the highest yearly NOM increase ever recorded in absolute terms, though the post-Spanish Flu reopening saw a bigger percentage increase in the country's overall population

NOM is expected to gradually fall back to historical trends of 235,000 annually in the mid-term Migration was decimated when Australia's borders were slammed

shut in early 2020, just months after the COVID-19 virus arrived, and remained closed until November 2021

The move saw hundreds of thousands of international students forced to study remotely and potential short-term visa holders locked out of the country By the time borders reopened, the NOM had taken a 500,000 hit compared to what was expected before the pandemic

But the reopening allowed for multiple student year cohorts to enter simultaneously, while backpackers and other shortterm visa holders have also jumped at the chance to come to Australia.

Addressing the National Press Club, Ms O'Neil insisted the government's strategy was “not about more people” “What's really important to me is that we've got these big national problems facing our country, and we're not getting the right people here through the migration system to help us address them,” she said.

Central to that was retaining high-performing international students in the country, who the review found were often met with a complicated and laborious visa process after graduating Despite Ms

Traditional rivalry between Sydney and Melbourne

*Continued from page 20

How will this affect traditional rivalry between Sydney and Melbourne?

Melbourne has for decades revelled in its status as underdog. Now it's overtaken Sydney as the biggest Australian city, it's actually a bit of an anticlimax, experts say

“They're roughly the same size, they're both international cities, which is really important for Australia, and there's huge movement between the two,” Professor McDonald says “I think the rivalry thing has disappeared a bit, and when it comes to business, the two cities cooperate very substantially now That wasn't the case in the past when there was more of a rivalry between them ”

Dr Bob Birrell (pictured left) describes the rivalry as “ridiculous” but admits it's “taken very seriously in Melbourne” “The property and finance interests have hinged on Melbourne's continued population growth Its growth was a lifeline ”

But many residents don't see population growth as a good thing “Costs and congestion are just getting bigger and bigger Most people can see that population growth is simply delivering competition for services ”

CarolineRiches, AymenBaghdadi

(Source: SBS News)

O'Neil's denials, deputy Liberal leader Sussan Ley accused Labor of pursuing a “Big Australia” policy.

“It's unplanned and not linked to the skills crisis that we're seeing all around us,” she told Sky News. “There are hundreds of thousands fewer migrants in the country now than we thought would be here before the pandemic, and we still face very substantial difficulties with housing ”

The long-awaited result of NSW

The NSW Electoral Commission computer on April 19 revealed the longawaited results of the Legislative Council (Upper House) count following the March 25 NSW state election

Twenty-one candidates were elected for the next eight years, with the Labor government securing eight spots and the Coalition seven. They join the 21 Members of the Legislative Council (MLCs) who are continuing their terms Of these MLC is Mark Buttigieg One Nation secured one seat, that of state party leader Mark Latham.

The results have determined the overall makeup of the Legislative Council and show how the newly elected Minns government will need to rely on the crossbench to pass legislation if the Coalition opposes

Both Labor and the Coalition have 15 members in total, but traditionally a government member is elected as president, which will leave Labor with 14 members Labor will now have to rely on votes from seven of the 12 crossbench members without opposition support

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 21
Home Affairs Minister Clare O'Neil

Reskeon Seniors celebrate Mother’s Day

Around 90 members and friends attended this year ’s Reskeon Maltese Association Seniors

Group Mother ’s Day Luncheon in Melbourne. It was also attended by several distinguished guests, including the association’s auditor, a life member and former Reskeon Seniors

Group Ordinator, Mr Caesar Vella and Mrs Phyllis Vella

MC for the day was Reskeon’s Secretary, Paul Vella, who welcomed all the guests. Then followed the singing of the National Anthems of Malta and Australia, and the male guests were requested to offer a toast for Mother’s Day to all the ladies present while expressing their love and respect to the mums, something that should not only be just on Mother ’s Day but throughout the year.

Afterwards, a meal was served, followed by music that DJ Domenic provided.

The birthdays and anniversaries list

was prepared and read Members Marlene and Paul Azzopardi celebrated a special anniversary, and as is the custom, they were presented with a flower arrangement

Besides a vast selection of music that everyone appreciated, DJ Dominic played the Reskeon theme song, written and composed by Dr Clemente Zammit and the late Laurie Armato President, Salvina Vella, delivered a message for the occasion in which she wished all the best for all the mums and requested the guests to remember those Mums who are no longer with us in their prayers

The members and friends who attended the evening appreciated the organisation Special thanks by the attendees went to President Salvina Vella for a well successful luncheon

Maltese Se nio r s Social Welfa r e Day Gr oups

Llandilo Maltese Seniors

Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, 257 Seventh Avenue, Llandilo 11am to 1 00 pm Group holds regular Information Sessions/Workshops & Bus Trips.

Group Leader: Helen Azzopardi

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors

Meets every second Friday of the month Miller Room, Memorial Avenue

Merrylands from 10 30am to 12 30 pm

Group Leader: Salvina Falzon

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors

Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month Group meets in the Parish Hall of Our Lady of the Rosary Church, 18 Vine Street, Fairfield from 10 am to 12

noon Group Leader Dorothy Gatt Mb: 0422 757 829

Maltese of Bankstown

Group meets third Wednesday of the

month from 10 am at the Mt Lewis Bowling Club 14A Waterloo Rd Greenacre

Every other Wednesday, an outing is organised. For enquiries, call Sam Galea on 0410 269 519 This Group is sponsored by the Bankstown Resource Centre

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Meets the last Wednesday of the month in Meeting Room One, No 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Join us and make new friends

Group Leader: Connie De Gabriele

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group

Meets every First Wednesday of the month,from 10:00am to 12 noon at the Miranda Community Centre, 93 Karimbla Rd cnr Kiaora Rd Miranda

The meetings are interesting and informative We have guest speakers Sometimes we also show films. Monthly

outings as well, travelling in modern, safe & comfortable minibuses Membership is Free Everyone is welcome for more info Please contact Charles N Mifsud, coordinator, on 0421 662 298..

Greystanes Maltese Seniors

Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Parish Centre Our Lady Queen of Peace (OLQP) Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 30 am to 12 30pm noon. Group holds regular Information Sessions/Workshops & Bus Trips Group Leader: Frances Montesin.

Men’s Group

Men’s Group Meets every last Tuesday of the month at the MCC Centre at 59b Franklin Street Parramatta West (next to the Primary School), from 10 to 12 noon Dis- cussion, information and renew friendship Pastizzi, Kinnie etc available Contact Fred on 9863 2550

22 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 16, 2023
*(All Groups are supported by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (Cnr Young St) Parramatta West NSW.
For more details contact Mr Charles Mifsud on 0421 662 298
Some of the guests that attended the Reskeon Maltese Association Seniors Group Mother ’s Day Luncheon

C o m m u n i t y N e w s C o m m u n i t y N e w s

A division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc Established in 1999 Learn about the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and the amazing history of the magnificent Mediterranean islands of Malta and Gozo Classes available for beginners and those who already have a confident grasp of the Maltese language Adult and Children’s classes available All classes are online

Positions available for people who can assist with teaching the Maltese Language Call Lisa for an information package on 0419 418 547 or email mls@mccnsw org au


447 Royal Parade Parkville, Victoria Australia

Pożizzjoni ta’ għalliem/a part-time tal-lingwa Maltija

MCCV Maltese Language Classes qed jilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għall-pożizzjoni ta’ għalliem/a part-time tal-lingwa Maltija, (darba fil-gimgħa, ONLINE filgħaxija).

Applikanti għandhom ikollhom għarfien sewwa tal-Malti kemm miktub u mitkellem Taħriġ għall-għalliem/a u riżorsi sabiex tkun tista’ tgħallem jiġu pprovduti Dan huwa xogħol imħallas Ibgħat l-applikazzjoni bid-dettalji akkademiċi lil: Għal aktar tagħrif ċempel: 0466 079 814, ħalli n-numru tat-telefon u nċemplulek lura.

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St Nicholas Festa Committee St Nicholas Festa Committee Dates for 2023 Dates for 2023

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The Legends Showcase! Mark Andrew Tabone performing as Dean Martin, Buddy, Tom Jones, Austin Powers & Elvis

T u n e i n t o T u n e i n t o R a d i o a n d R a d i o a n d T e l e v i s i o n T e l e v i s i o n

SBS RADIO: 97 7 FM Tuesdays 12:00pm; Friday 12:00pm Listen on Digital Radio or Live Streaming on www sbs com au/radio/ or on TV Channel 38.

On Demand and podcasts on www sbs com au/maltese

SBS TV: SBS TV news from Malta every day at 4 30 pm on Channel 35 also on demand


3ZZZ 92 3FM: Mondays 5-6pm, Fridays 5-6pm and Saturdays 10-11am

Presenters: Paul Vella, Mario Sammut, Liz Phillips Listen live on www 3zzz com au

98.9 North West FM: Mondays 78pm and Fridays 6-7pm Maltese Program. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat.

Presley. Saturday 20 May. For tickets, either get them from or call 0405 233 144.

Sunday 2 July – Imnarja

Sunday 15 October – Fete

Saturday 11 November

Dinner Dance

Sunday 2 December - Festa


WOW-FM 100.7: Tuesdays 6pm to 9pm Maltese program with Joe Borg and Michael Mallia. Listen live on www wowfm1007 com au

Listen live on ethnic-radio/ 97 9 FM Melton: Tuesday 6 00pm to 8 00pm Maltese Program Presenter: Miriam Vella Live streaming on


2GLF FM 89.3 Maltese Community Council programme: Every Sunday is now two whole hours, from 10 to 12 noon

The first hour is Maltese Voices, dedicated to the best of Maltese talent This is followed by News from Malta, the latest information, culture, interviews, community notices and topics of interest

Listen live on www 893fm com au/on-

VOX FM 106.9: Mondays 5pm to 6pm Voice of Valletta – Illawarra Maltese program presented by Louis Parnis Live streaming on www voxfm org au


4EB FM 98.1: Tuesdays 6:00am to 8:00am; Presenter: Lucy Stewart Music, news from Malta, topics of interest, song requests, community announcements Live streaming on www 4eb org au or On Demand on www 4eb org au/shows/program-billmalti-global-maltese/


5EBI FM 103.1: Maltese Community Radio Program from Adelaide Sunday: 7 00am; Monday: 8 00am; Monday: 6 00pm Presenters: Bernadette Buhagiar and Ron Borg. Listen live or On Demand on www 5ebi com au

Tuesday, May 16, 2023 The Voice of the Maltese 23
L a V a l e t t e S o c i a l C e n t r e

From 29 May to 3 June, Malta will host the GSSC 2023, the 19th edition of the Small Games of Europe and welcome nine member states, all with fewer than one million inhabitants, and each with unique sporting cultures and traditions, sharing a special bond, that sport makes a vital contribution to their national

upgrading several sports venues, some of which will be used internationally for the first time

The Games of the Small States of Europe, held at the end of May or beginning of June, originated from the idea of Bertie Muscat, a former member of the Maltese Olympic Committee Executive, in 1981

It is organised by and features the National Olympic Committees of nine small European states that are also affiliated with the European Olympic Committees (EOC)

To be eligible, participating members must have a population of less than one million people. Cyprus is the only exception, which is because, upon the inception of these Games in 1984, its population was below one million

The participating countries, along with Malta, are Andorra, Cyprus, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Montenegro and San Marino



identity It will also be the third time that Malta will organise this festival of sport after the editions of 1993 and 2003. The first edition took place in Monaco in 1977

Nine countries, including Malta, will compete with at least 1,000 athletes in 10 sports disciplines in 10 venues in an event the Maltese Olympic Committee will organise So much preparation has gone into this biennial multi-sport event that the Games promise to be an exciting, colourful and fun experience for the participants and Malta

The government has thrown itself wholeheartedly behind the organisers and, with GSSC 2023 in mind, in the past few years, has launched a campaign of building or

Malta's squad is a mix of highly experienced medal winners to younger athletes making their debut at the GSSE. Team Malta, announced by the MOC, has 214 athletes, the biggest ever to represent the island in these Games It has 96 females and 118 men The largest contingent will be athletics' with 44.

Announcing the Malta squad, MOC Director of Sport Charlene Attard outlined the technical preparation and selection process that has been ongoing for the past months to ensure that the athletes are in excellent form Several members of the team have obtained favourable results in various international competitions.

Some are Commonwealth Games, Mediterranean Games, and European Youth Olympic Festival medal winners. They include Katryna Esposito (Judo), Elaine Genovese and Francesca Curmi (Tennis), and Matthew Galea Soler (Ath-

letics) Others are past GSSE medal winners hoping to add their medals tally on home turf

For the first time, Malta will adopt the concept of a team captain It will be Olympian Eleanor Bezzina (Shooting), who has a notable and respectable sporting CV The coming GSSE Games will be her fifth

Chef de Mission for these Games will be Paul Sultana, who explained that Malta is well prepared to warmly welcome over 1000 athletes and officials for the sports festival

MOC President Julian Pace Bonello has reiterated athletes' responsibility to perform well and be the best ambassadors Malta could have by embracing the principles of sportsmanship and fair play He said that the Games would culminate the hard work they, their coaches and the Maltese Olympic Committee have put in over the past months.

Representing one's country in an international sports event is always a great honour. However, The MOC also offers a monetary incentive for the medal winners Athletes winning a gold medal will be awarded a sum of €10,000

24 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday, May 16, 2023 S
p o r t s S p o r t s
2 1 4 a t h l e t e s t o r e p r e s e n
h o s t M a l t a a t G S S E 2 0 2
The Games’ macot, Puka The captain of Team Malta, Eleanor Bezzina Two of the venues to be used for GSSE Malta 2023: the Basketball Pavillion at Ta’ Qali (left), and the Cottonera Sports Complex

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Articles inside

C o m m u n i t y N e w s C o m m u n i t y N e w s

page 23

Maltese Se nio r s Social Welfa r e Day Gr oups

page 22

Reskeon Seniors celebrate Mother’s Day

page 22

Traditional rivalry between Sydney and Melbourne

page 21

Net Migration to Australia soars

page 21

Traditional rivalry between Sydney and Melbourne

page 20

Charles Spiteri Charles Spiteri Jum l-Ewropa

page 19

People with severe disabilities to be trained in sports disciplines

page 18

Better trade Australia - UK

page 17

Commonwealth Indigenous leaders demand King acknowledges colonial genocides, returns stolen artefacts

page 17

First Federal surplus budget in 15 years

page 16

San Gejtanu joħroġ

page 15

I l - M a r a u x - X o g ħ o l

pages 14-15

First three months of 2023 mark record tourist arrivals to Malta

page 13

Three collaboration agreements with Ethiopia

page 12

Malta and Seychelles discuss 'Island for Islands' initiative

page 12

Roundup of News About Malta Medical students to train at Vatican hospital

page 12

Joseph Spiteri - A tribute

page 11

I l - L a b o r a t o r j u t a l - P a ċ i t a ’ P a t r i

page 10

Malta Enterprise to host 3rd Startup festival in October

page 9

O n e R e p u b l i c t o p e r f o r m a t M a l t a 1 5 t h I s l e o f M T V

page 9

Have your say/Xi trid tghid?

page 8

UM and MCST join forces to represent Malta within EUROfusion programme

pages 6-7

Fro t t i l - ġ e n e ro ż i t á t a l - M a l t i n : I n aw g u ra t a t - t i e n i D a r B j o r n

page 5

Thousands admire restored 17th century tapestries at St John's

page 4

P ro p e r t y s e t t l e m e n t a n d v a l u a t i o n – F a m i l y L a w A c t

page 3

President George Vella at King Charles III Coronation

page 2

The Voice of the Maltese The Voice of the Maltese The Voice of the Maltese The Voice of the Maltese

page 1
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