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What is the highlight of my team’s hockey season this

My highlight of this 2023 hockey season would most definitely be how the team has evolved - from game to game. The bond we have, on and off the field, is like a brotherhood. The trust and honesty that we have for one another is unquestioned, and the memories and pep-talks before and after our games hold a special place in my heart. From goals being scored to highlights being made, we loved every moment – I would be lying challenges, but with Sebastian as my vice, there is no

How do you motivate your team?

As the hockey team captain, my role transcends beyond the game itself. I motivate my team through unwavering positivity and a relentless commitment to our collective goals. Through pre-game pep- talks, I instil confidence and remind each player of their unique strengths, fostering a sense of unity and belief in our abilities. I listen to my teammates, ensuring their voices are heard, and encourage brotherhood through team building activities, whilst aiming to ignite the fire of determination within each player.

What do you as a team want to achieve this year?

This year, my hockey team and I aspire to grow and excel. Together, we aim to improve our strategic gameplay, refine our skills, and build a strong team bond. We embody sportsmanship, respecting our opponents and the game. Our vision is to make a lasting mark on the season, showcasing the power of hard work, unity, and a love for the game.

What will make you proud?

Regardless of the outcome, seeing each and every player partake at the 2023 Interschools and seeing everyone give of their utmost best, will definitely make me a proud Stellenberg hockey player!

What are your plans for the future?

In the near future, I am excited to pursue a Bachelor of Arts in Design, combining my passion for visual aesthetics with a keen eye for detail. Alongside my love for hockey, I aspire to inspire my teammates through leadership, performance, work ethic, and sportsmanship. My hockey journey is a story of perseverance, teamwork, and the pursuit of dreams - high school hockey was just the beginning…

Jordan Christians


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