UD Express 2 April 2020

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‘Express’ will be with you every step of the way. You’re not alone, we’re


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THURSDAY April 2, 2020 | 0 041 992 5639 | Fax 086 457 4375 | Email udexpress@media24.com | EDITOR: HEILIE COMBRINCK

LOCKDOWN: YOU’RE NOT ALONE, WE’RE IN IT TOGETHER! ‘Express’ continues providing vital news, human interest stories and ways of dealing with these challenging times . . .



NPRECEDENTED. This word is the best way to sum up the situation that the world is grappling with owing to an invisible enemy.

And in times of crisis and uncertainty, the first casualty is accurate information. Fake news and paranoia at times are spreading faster than the Covid-19 virus itself. This is probably one of the main reasons why the South African government decided to include media as an essential service that will be allowed to continue operations during the 21-day national lockdown that President Cyril Ramaphosa announced to curb


SPCA needs your support


and contain the worst impact of Covid-19 in South Africa. Now, more than ever, the people of South Africa need information that they can trust. And that is exactly what UD Express and the other local newspaper titles in the EP Media group will continue to do across the Eastern Cape. We will keep our communities informed and be a source of accurate and reliable information. Above all, we want the people of our communities to know that while they are at home during lockdown, they are not alone; We are #InItTogether. In these difficult weeks and perhaps months to come, our role in providing vital and trusted news, the human interest stories about positive contributions made by people in trying times, as well as ways of


Oppermans se 70 goue jare


dealing with these challenging times, have never been more vital, especially for those members of the community whose only source of news is free community newspapers. As we experience the impact of Covid-19 spreading across the world and South Africa as well, we hope that our readers and community members continue to stay safe. Media24 is taking the situation very seriously and has weeks before the lockdown implemented several precautionary measures to mitigate the impact of the spread of the virus on our business and ensure the safety of our staff. A week before the lockdown was announced the majority of staff had already been enabled to work from home to ensure the safety and well-being of our staff, and


Pampoen-prinse en -prinsesse


also as little as possible disruption in our service to the community. Local newspapers have also been granted permission by government to continue with door-to-door deliveries of local newspapers. All our contractors and service providers received strict guidelines on regular and thorough disinfecting of vehicles and this is being monitored and inspected. All our contractors, including the teams delivering our newspapers, have been supplied with hand sanitisers and clear instructions on how to use them before, during and after handling our products. These too are being monitored. As with most companies in South Africa, this is all new to us. We welcome our readers’ input on this. Stay safe and remember: We are #InItTogether.


Easy exercises to do at home



UD Express


2 April 2020

Covid-19: Arrangements at Uitenhage hospital HEILIE COMBRINCK SOUTH Africa has been declared a National State of Disaster and is in lockdown owing to COVID-19. Based on these announcements by President Cyril Ramaphosa, the Uitenhage Provincial Hospital needs to comply with certain measures and therefore urges the cooperation from the communities it serves during this trying time. “Uitenhage Provincial Hospital had to

make decisions on how to comply with these changes and in order to make provision for possible admissions in consultation with other hospitals in Nelson Mandela Bay,” said Marilyn Klassen, hospital manager of the Uitenhage Provincial Hospital. The following interim measures have been implemented at Uitenhage Provincial Hospital (these measures may change if the demand for beds increases): . Strict control measures are in place - people are screened before entry to hospital. Access to hospital

will be limited – normal OPD patients will get supplies for 2 – 3 months. . Entrances to hospital will be limited. . All people entering the hospital will be screened and sanitizer provided to clean hands. . No visitors are allowed to patients. Family will be contacted when needed. . Most of the elective operations will be postponed. . OPD visits limited. . Only emergency cases to be seen in casualty. . Correct telephone numbers and addresses and identification documents of all patients are very im-

portant in order to trace patients or family members. . People accompanying patients to hospital be limited to one person only. . No unnecessary loitering allowed on premises. “We ask the community to comply with the rules as set out by President Cyril Ramaphosa in order to flatten the COVI-19 curve and to limit the spread of the infection in our communities. “We also ask the community to pray for the staff that must ensure that the essential services are provided,” said Klassen.

Show courage during crisis – donate blood Uitenhage SPCA staff members have selflessly offered to leave the comfort of their own homes to move into the SPCA premises for the duration of the lockdown period to brave it for the sake of the animals at the kennels. PHOTO: NETWERK24

SPCA urgently needs your support SINCE President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the National Lockdown, the Uitenhage & District SPCA has been inundated with queries as to how they will operate during this time. “We have a contingency plan which has been implemented with immediate effect,” said Deirdré Swift, Uitenhage & District SPCA chairwoman. “Five of our valued staff members, namely inspector Mariaan, manager Marion, and kennel assistants Patrick, Edwin and Denise have all selflessly offered to leave the comfort of their own homes, leave behind their families and their own pets, and are willing to move into the SPCA premises for the duration of the lockdown period to brave it for the sake of our animals. “Their sacrifice, dedication and commitment to the animals in our care does not go unnoticed or unappreciated, especially in these deeply troubling times,” said Deirdré.


Municipality fails to pay SPCA - help needed The kennels have been kitted with supplies to feed not only the animals, but also the staff for the next few weeks. “We have also had additional unforeseen expenses in terms of the sanitation equipment, medication and cleaning supplies we need to maintain hygiene standards. This, coupled with the fact that again the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality has not paid us since December has brought us to our knees financially. We need to be able to pay our bills for the next few weeks as well as our staff and we do not have the funds to do so,” said Deirdré.

Contact the UD Express ombudsman with reader complaints. Any complaints, queries or suggestions about content in the UD Express may be sent to our ombudsman, George Claassen, at 083 543 2471 or 021 851 3232, or at george.claassen@media24.com.

The SPCA is desperately in need of financial contributions. Their banking details are: Account Name: SPCA Uitenhage and District Account Number: 1277004544 Account Type: Cheque Account Branch Code: Universal / 127716 Bank: Nedbank International Swift: NEDSZAJJ Reference: Your name/business or intended use of funds ie: “LOCKDOWN” According to Deirdré the SPCA is closed to the public for adoptions, but they will still accept surrendered animals. These animals will need to be brought in to the SPCA. No collections can be done. “Stray dogs and cats can be collected by owners by presenting themselves at the gate, where they will be assisted. “If you would like to make a donation please press the button at the gate and your donation will be collected.” If a family would like to fill in adoption papers for one of the SPCA’s cats and dogs, they can do so via their website: www.uitenhagespca.co.za. It will be processed after the lockdown period and yard checks/meet and greets as well as the booking of sterilizations will also then be conducted. “Many thanks for the public’s continued support, especially when disaster strikes - it is very greatly appreciated. Keep safe during these difficult times,” said Deirdré. Emergencies: In case of an emergency, abandonment or animal cruelty please call 082 905 4716 after hours or the office during office hours on 041 992 3016 / 041 9224528.



PHONE: 041 992 5639 FACEBOOK: UD Express

REPORTER SOUTH AFRICA is in lockdown and the Covid 19 virus is attacking us all, especially those with a weak immune system, the elderly and the sick. Tian Diedericks (12) from Port Elizabeth was diagnosed with bone cancer two years ago. He said he compares the corona lockdown situation with his isolation in hospital. This is why: “I stayed in hospital after my chemotherapy sessions and had no contact with the outside world for weeks at a time. Only my mother or father, one at a time, could be with me in my hospital room. Personal hygiene and blood transfusions played a big role on my road to recovery. Washing hands and keeping my distance became a way of life. I was diagnosed with an osteosarcoma in my jaw. Different emotions went through my mind when doctors told me what was wrong. I was sad, angry and afraid. I knew what was waiting as I lost my sister three years ago to the same type of cancer. Chemotherapy has many negative effects and in order to kill the cancer cells, it also destroys your healthy red and white blood cells. The white blood cells originate in the bone marrow and protect your body against infection. It supports your immune system. The red blood cells are important for oxygen. I received many platelet and blood transfusions during this time. It helped to improve my weak immune system and within a few hours after each transfusion, I felt a little bit better. Why donating blood is essential That is why donating blood is very important. It doesn’t just save lives of people who lost a lot of blood, but also helps the body recover more quickly after chemo and a big operation. Thanks to unknown blood donors and the power of God I made it through nine months of chemotherapy.

ADVERTISING CONSULTANTS Lizette Ellis lizette.ellis@media24.com

Tian Diedericks’ life was saved thanks to the blood donations that he received during his cancer treatments. PHOTO:SUPPLIED

Save a life today by donating blood REPORTER AS an essential service within South Africa, the South African National Blood Service appeals to donors from all blood groups to continue donating blood to prevent blood stocks running critically low and placing the lives of our fellow South African at risk. All donor centres will remain open with extended operating hours to accommodate social distancing measures. Extended operating hours will be between 08:00 and 19:00 on weekdays and 08:00 and 14:00 on weekends. Appointments can be made directly with your nearest donor. Travel to the various donor centres will be considered essential travel. As precautionary measures and to ensure the

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Debby-Lynn van Dyk DebbyLynn.vDyk@media24.com

DEADLINE: Mondays 10:00 NEWS EDITOR: Heilie Combrinck hcombrink@media24.com

My lower jawbone was removed including my teeth. They removed almost 15cm of bone from me calve to use in the reconstruction of my jaw. I’ve been cancer free for 18 months now and life treats me well. I was appointed as deputy head boy at Altona Primary School in Port Elizabeth this year. I received my provincial colours for kickboxing and qualified to take part in the world championships. I urge people to contact SANBS during the lockdown period to set up an appointment to donate blood. It is one of the best reasons to legally leave your home for a little while giving someone else a tomorrow.” Needing blood never takes a holiday When blood is needed, it is needed immediately, so please support SANBS whom we all rely on and trust to save lives.

OFFICE: 73A Graaff-Reinet Road, Uitenhage

DISTRIBUTION: Enquiries: Debby-Lynn van Dyk DebbyLynn.vDyk@media24.com

safety of blood and blood products during this time, the following deferrals remain in effect: . people who have travelled to affected countries outside of South Africa will be deferred for 21 days, . people with confirmed cases of Coronavirus infection will be deferred for 28 days from the date of complete clearance of symptoms, and . people who have been in close contact with confirmed or probable Coronavirus cases will be deferred for 21 days from the last date of contact. During this difficult time let us heed the call of our President: “In the days, weeks and months ahead, our resolve, our resourcefulness and our unity as a nation will be tested as never before. I call upon all of us, one and all, to play our part. To be courageous, to be patient and above all, to show compassion.”

Copyright UD Express subscribes to the Code of Ethics and Conduct for South African Print and Online Media that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If it doesn’t live up to the Code, within 20 days of the date of publication of the material, please contact the Press Ombud at 011 484 3612/8, fax: 011 4843619, or website: www.presscouncil.org.za

UD Express is a member of the Audit Bureau of Circulations of South Africa and is managed, printed and distributed by Media24 Newspapers, on behalf of the owner, Media24 Limited, 40 Heerengracht, Cape Town. In terms of Art. 12(7) of the Copyright Act, 1978 no report, article or photo may be reproduced without the permission of the owner.

2 April 2020


UD Express 3

Die Oppermans: Genade van die ewige liefde HEILIE COMBRINCK ELKE dag wat Jan Opperman werk toe gery het, het die blondekop meisie van Vredestraat, sy kop laat draai. Vir ses maande het hy hom verkyk aan dié pragtige vrou en oor haar gewonder, tot op die dag toe die geluksgodin ingetree het. Op dié dag is hy gevra om iemand op die Uitenhage-stasie in sy 1937 tweesitplek Chevvy te gaan oplaai. “Dit was toe my blondekop meisie!” Op 1 April 1950 het hulle hul ewige trou aan mekaar beloof en gister dié dag herdenk. Vandag, 70 jaar later, is Jan (93) en sy Susan (89) steeds dolverlief en vertel stralend van hul eerste afspraak, koeldrank op die stoep van Uitenhage se destydse Royal Hotel. Daarna het hulle in die Plaza-bioskoop weekliks op sitplekke AA14 en AA15 na die nuutste flieks gaan kyk. Die res is ’n verhaal van geloof, hoop, respek en liefde. Lyk altyd mooi vir mekaar Jan sê hy is steeds mal oor daardie blondekop meisie van Vredestraat, wie se 90ste verjaardag op 10 Mei gevier gaan word. “Ek kan nie sonder haar lewe nie. As ek hier in die huis is en dit is stil, dan wonder ek waar is Susan en dan gaan soek ek haar.” Oor die resep vir so ’n lang geseënde liefdevolle huwelik sê Susan: “Dit is genade van die Here. Ons sê elke dag, die Here is ons Herder, niks sal ons ontbreek nie. Dit is alles genade van Hom dat ons gesond is. “Oumenskwale het ons, maar dit is onder beheer. Ons leef naby aan die Here en glo aan tekens wat Hy oor ons pad bring.” Die Opperman-egpaar glo ook aan wedersydse respek en onvoorwaardelike liefde. “Ons moet elke dag reg aangetrek wees en mooi lyk vir mekaar. Ons kyk na mekaar. Hy moet kan trots wees op my en ek op hom,” sê Susan. “Ons huisdokter, Dr. Doubell, het eendag vir my gesê, ‘Jan is altyd so netjies en deur ’n ring getrek, sy klere pas so mooi bymekaar, wie kies dit?’ Toe sê ek ons koop klere saam. Hy pas aan en ek kyk hoe lyk hy en as ek iets aanpas, dan moet hy kyk of dit mooi is.” Mooi lyk is steeds vir Susan ononderhandelbaar. Vir 70 jaar het sy elke Vrydag haar hare by Leonie Blignaut op Despatch laat doen. Dié haarkapper, wat einde verlede jaar

afgetree het, was toe 17 jaar oud en Susan 19 toe dié jarelange afspraak begin het. Jan, wat op 10 Junie 94 word sê, “Ek is ’n perfeksionis. Ek hou daarvan dat dinge reg moet wees.” Kosmaak en reise Susan sê vir 30 jaar het sy nooit in die kombuis gekom nie. Dit was Kate, hul inwonende huishulp wat saam met Jan grootgeword het, se heiligdom. Nadat Kate oorlede is en Jan afgetree het uit die Suid-Afrikaanse Spoorwee, het hy die kombuis betree en Susan bederf met kos wat hy gemaak het. “Toe ek aftree, kry Jan eweskielik ronde handjies. Toe moes ek begin kosmaak. Kyk, ek is nie ’n koekbakster of huisvrou nie. Die kombuis is nie vir my nie, ek hou van organize en is ’n kantoormens,” sê Susan wat al die jare by Cape of Good Hope Wool Combers gewerk het. “Partykeer weet ek regtig nie wat om te maak nie, dan sê Jan egg on toast sal lekker wees.” Haar liefde vir sosialisering en organisering het die Oppermans die voorreg laat geniet om menige oorsese reise aan te pak.


Ons moet elke dag reg aangetrek wees en mooi lyk vir mekaar. Ons kyk na mekaar. Hy moet kan trots wees op my en ek op hom. - SUSAN OPPERMAN Gesondheid Jan en Susan is nog blakend gesond. Hy woeker gereeld in die tuin en Susan hou haar besig in die huis en lees graag. “Ons is aan-die-gang en op-en-wakker. Al bril wat ek dra is ’n sonbril. Ek drink elke dag my kankerbossietee en Jan sy Centrumvitamienpille. “Dit is net die doofheid wat so bietjie pla, maar ons het geleer om na mekaar toe te praat anders praat ons by mekaar verby.” Die egpaar is die trotse ouers van twee kinders, Sandra Venter en Francois Opperman, grootouers van vier kleinkinders en oorgrootouers van twee agterkleinkinders.

Korona trek ‘Doring van Despatch’ plat NETWERK24 VIER lede van die 1981-Springbokspan het glo positief vir Covid-19 getoets. Dit kom nadat van die spanlede op 20 en 21 Maart ’n reünie-naweek en Legends-gholftoernooi in Jan Kempdorp in die NoordKaap bygewoon het. Nog van die groeplede wat die naweek se geleentheid bygewoon het, het hulself vir die koronavirus getoets. Die legendariese Danie Gerber (61), ook bekend as die Doring van Despatch, is die eerste een van die span wat positief getoets het. Hy en sy dogter, Elanie, wat ook die virus het, sterk in isolasie by hul huis in Port Elizabeth aan. Volgens Elanie het hy verlede week op Dinsdagoggend begin kla oor ’n seer lyf en die volgende dag het hy begin koorsig voel. “Teen Donderdagoggend het hy geweet iets is nie reg nie. Sy kop was seer, sy lyf was seer en hy het koors gehad en hy en my ma het besluit om dokter toe te gaan,” sê Elanie wat in Kaapstad woon, maar besluit het om die drie weke van inperking by haar ouers in die Baai deur te bring. “My pa is nie kritiek of in die hospitaal nie. Hy wil graag ’n positiewe boodskap uitstuur en wil hê almal moet in hul huise bly en gehoor gee aan wat nou van ons verwag word. “Dit kan met enigiemand gebeur,” sê Elanie. Sy sê dit gaan reeds beter met haar pa, maar hulle is steeds baie besorg omdat hy ’n paar jaar gelede ‘n driedubbele hartomleiding gehad het.

Oud-Springbokrugbyspeler Danie Gerber, ook bekend as die Doring van Despatch, is positief getoets vir die korona-virus. FOTO:HEILIE COMBRINCK (ARGIEF)

Jan (93) en Susan Opperman (89) van Uitenhage het gister hulle 70ste huweliksherdenking gevier. FOTO:HEILIE COMBRINCK


UD Express


2 April 2020


Langstingel-kompetisie raak al gewilder HEILIE COMBRINCK WIE se pampoen gaan volgende jaar die swaarste weeg in die Sondagsriviervallei? Die Langstingels Pampoenkompetisie is vanjaar vir die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar op Kirkwood by die dorp se gholfklub aangebied. Dit is die inisiatief van die Langstingels-studiegroep. Ferdi Smith, voorsitter van die studiegroep sê daar is ’n paar studiegroepe in die vallei wat byeenkom om sake rondom sitrus en landbou te bespreek.

“Ons groep, die Langstingels, het besluit om ’n pampoenkompetisie te hou, sommer vir die pret en om al die studiegroepe sowel as die inwoners van die vallei te laat saamkuier,” sê Ferdi. “Nou raak die kompetisie al gewilder en die pampoene al groter. Verlede jaar se swaarste pampoen het 46kg geweeg en vanjaar het die skaal op 117kg gaan staan. So ons sien uit na volgende jaar wie se pampoen die swaarste gaan weeg.” Saad van die Atlantic Giant pampoen word ontkiem en in houers geplant. Die plantjies word dan September/Oktober se kant verkoop aan

mense wat aan die kompetisie wil deelneem. “Dit is elke deelnemer se eie verantwoordelikheid om die pampoenplantjie te plant en te versorg. Gewoonlik is die pampoene so in die eerste of tweede week van Maart reg vir inweeg. “Hoe die deelnemers die pampoene groot kry en watter voeding hulle dit gee is elkeen se geheim.” Ulrica Stiemie, is een van die vroue wat vanjaar deelgeneem het en sy het die Langstingelprys gewen. “Dit is baie prettig. My pampoen het stingelstres gekry en toe laat los. So, ek en my pampoen het uit die bus geval wat die swaarste pampoen

betref, maar ek kan spog met die langste stingel en het reg geraai hoeveel kilogram die wenpampoen geweeg het,” se Ulrica. “Ons is opgewonde oor die pampoenkompetisie want dit is ’n heerlike saamkuier vir ons mense hier in die Sondagsriviervallei.” Ongeveer 30 pampoene is vanjaar ingeweeg en die bobaas pampoengroeiers was: Jacques Ehlers wat gewen het met sy pampoen van 117kg; Michal Ehlers was tweede met sy pampoen van 86kg en Chris Pickels derde (77kg). Ulrica het die Langstingel-prys gewen vir die pampoen met die langste stingel en Visser Naude het die Dikstingel-prys gewen.

Hier is van die pampoene wat ingeweeg is vir die Langstingel Pampoenkompetisie. Die wenpampoen het 117kg geweeg. FOTO’S:VERSKAF

Petro Badenhorst by van die reuse pampoene wat uit die Sondagsriviervallei kom.

Samantha Johnson karwei haar pampoen om ingeweeg te word.

Daniël Petzer dra een van die swaar pampoene.

Traffic officer arrested for fraud REPORTER IN a determined effort to purge the Eastern Cape of fraud and corruption activities, the police nabbed a male traffic officer and two administration clerks from the Kirkwood Traffic Department, during an intelligence driven operation conducted in the early hours of Tuesday, 24. In collaboration with the National Department of Transport, Crime Intelligence arrested the three suspects, who are aged between 32 and 46 in Uitenhage. According to the preliminary investigation, the arrested officials had been

involved in fraudulent issuing of learners’ and drivers’ licences to applicants. The period within which the alleged fraudulent activities had been taking place has not yet been determined. An audit will be conducted to establish the depths of these activities. Cases ranging from fraud, forgery and corruption have been registered for a further investigation. More arrests may not be ruled out. The Provincial Commissioner, Lieutenant General Liziwe Ntshinga has hailed the Crime Intelligence led team for the hard blow on the corruption network.

SANDF call-up reserve members REPORTER THE South African National Defence Force called-up members from the Reserve Force to complement the already deployed SANDF in the fight against the Covid-19 virus. This is in line with the National Disaster Management Act of 2002 section 27, subsection 2, which provides that the SANDF must release its personnel to a national Organ of State for rendering of emergency services. This is for the he SANDF to assist

with the movement of persons and goods to and from or within the disaster stricken or threatened areas. The SANDF will be deployed in various capacities in the implementation of the national lockdown in order to execute a broad plan of urban and rural operations. Similarly, the SA Military Health Service has called up reserve force doctors, nurses, operational emergency care practitioners together with teams to work with other health practitioners in various fields.

2 April 2020


UD Express 5


UD Express


2 April 2020

Geklassifiseerd UDEXpress UITENHAGE


Debby-Lynn 041 992 5639 | Email:debbylynn.vdyk@media24.com


The funeral service of the late MAURICIA GAYRONEZA (45yrs.) will take place today, 02/04/2020 at 10am from 38 SANGER STREET, ROSEDALE. Deeply mourned by her family and friends. Van Willing Funerals 041 988 1919










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The cremation service of the late SHAUNITA (45 yrs.) will take place today 02/04/2020 from the NEW APOSTOLIC CHURCH. Deeply mourned by her family and friends.

The Department of Social Development, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan District, Uitenhage Community Development Centre, is requesting anyone with information with regards to the identity and whereabouts of the biological father of a female born on 23 November 2004. The child‘s mother is known as Mrs. Bianca Steyn currectly living in Uitenhage. Please contact the social worker, Mrs. N. Jacobs on 041 995 9400/57 during office hours (08h00-16h30) or fax: 041 992 4117. The Department of Social Development, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan District, Uitenhage Community Development Centre, is requesting anyone with information with regards to Mr Aldred Lucas. Please contact the social worker, Ms. C. Goliath at 041 995 9400 during office hours (08h00-16h30) or visit office at 28 Church Street, Central, Uitenhage, 6230



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The funeral service of the late CHRISTINA ILONA (90 yrs.) was held on Wednesday, 01/04/2020. Deeply mourned by her family and friends.


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Van Willing Funerals 041 988 1919




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The funeral service of the late WALLACE EDWARD (73 yrs.) will take place on Friday, 03/04/2020 at 10am from 15 JANNIE PLAATJIE STREET, ALANRIDGE WEST, SANTA BARBARA. Deeply mourned by his family and friends.





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Donate your free time for worthy cause TANYA VAN ZYL WITH nationwide lockdown in full force, why not use your free time to give back to the community? The Express is partnering with non-profit organisation Kindness like Confetti PE to help collect knitted items for various projects. UD Express readers are requested to come on board and help to knit or crochet during your free time...and get the children on board as well. You’ll not only be teaching them a valuable skill, but also a valuable life lesson on giving back to the community. SEND US YOUR PHOTOS Send us photos of yourself or your child (or husband) knitting that beanie, scarf or little block to make up a blanket. You can email photos to hcombrink@media24.com or you can post them on our Facebook page. KINDNESS LIKE CONFETTI The PE branch of the JHBbased NPO, Kindness Like Confetti, has been running in PE since February 2019. “We run various ongoing projects throughout the year,” said Margi Newton from Kindness Like Confetti PE. Their dedicated team of Joseph Jersey knitters and crocheters

produce amazing work throughout the year. They work on projects long before they are due. Their knitting/crochet project includes the creation of the following items: ) Beanies - handed out to a cancer drive, homeless people, old age homes and prem- and newborn babies; ) Baby booties, knitted teddies and blankets; ) Jerseys given to children in children’s homes and impoverished areas; ) Knee blankets given to the aged and to a cancer drive; ) Scarves and gloves handed out to aged and shelters for the homeless; ) ‘Twiddle Muffs’ for dementia patients at old age homes. “We have patterns for all of the above, but we welcome items made by knitters and crocheters using their own tried and trusted patterns,” Newton said. Owing to lockdown, they are requesting that all completed items be kept at home until such time as they can be either collected or taken to various drop-off points. So why not use your free time to knit or crochet items needed by the organisation? You can help make a difference by donating your time... ) For more information, go to https://www.kindness.org.za/ or visit the Kindness like Confetti PE Facebook page.

MultiChoice skep spesiale kanaal vir Paasfees DStv het Maandag aangekondig dat hy ’n spesiale kanaal vir Paasfees vir kykers geskep het waarop Paasdienste en gospelmusiek uitgesaai sal word. Dit sal op 9 April geaktiveer word en sal onder meer Paasdienste uitsaai vir Christene wat noodgedwonge vir die tyd van inperking by die huis moet bly. Dit kom nadat Stella NdabeniAbrahams, minister van kommunikasie, ’n beroep in dié verband aan MultiChoice gedoen het. Die Africa Easter Channel op DStv-kanaal 343 word in samewerking met TBN Africa geskep.

Die kanaal sal dit vir kykers moontlik maak om van 9 tot 13 April Paasfees in al sy aspekte tuis te vier. Calvo Mawela, uitvoerende hoof van MultiChoice, sê hy voldoen graag aan die minister se versoek. “As ’n verantwoordelike uitsaaier sorg ons graag dat geloofsgroepe steeds hul geloof tydens die staat van inperking kan uitleef.” Gewilde gospel-kunstenaars se musiek sal ook op die kanaal gehoor kan word. Lucky Mbiko, besturende direkteur van TBN Africa, nooi ook kykers uit om in te skakel.

Doubling SO2: loyalties lie with polluters, not people THE doubling of the minimum emissions standards for Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), was last week gazetted by Barbara Creecy, Minister of the Department of Environment, Forestry Weakening the limit from an already weak 500mg/Nm3 to 1 000mg/Nm3 - is 10 times weaker than the polluted India’s limit and 28 times weaker than China’s limit. In response, Bukelwa Nzimande, Climate and Energy Campaigner at Greenpeace Africa, said: “There is nothing in the world that can justify the government’s decision to approve a further 3 300 deaths every year. “In a time of great fear and uncertainty, South Africa needs to see that the government has the courage and political will to address issues that have threatened and now have express permission to continue to threaten, our livelihood. “It defies all logic and hu-

manity that, in a global crisis, Minister Creecy has made a decision that indicates the opposite: that South African lives are less valuable than profits. “Doubling the SO2 limits in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic is nothing short of irresponsible, and a flagrant disregard for the health and humanity of the people of South Africa. “Big polluters like Eskom and Sasol have been trying to dodge their accountability to South Africans for years. Weakening the limits further means they can do so with minimal effort, and mutes the urgency of a Just Transition to renewable energy. In the face of a mountain of evidence that a pro-pollution decision will only lead to more unnecessary deaths, the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries has shown that its loyalties lie with polluters, not people,” concluded Nzimande. – REPORTER

2 April 2020


UD Express 7

‘Moenie angs oor Covid-19 onderskat’ – kenners NETWERK24 GESONDHEIDSWERKERS in SuidAfrika moet nou al sielkundig bygestaan word om die trauma te verwerk wat hulle in die voorste linies van die stryd teen Covid-19 sal beleef. So het Cassim Lekhoati, algemene sekretaris van die Demokratiese Verpleegkundige Vereniging van SuidAfrika (Denosa), Maandag gesê. “As ’n ongevalle-verpleegster het mense al in my hande gesterf. In daardie oomblik is dit vir jou net ’n nommer, maar die trauma tref jou later wanneer iemand in jou familie sterf en jy nie kan huil nie. Dan dink jy: ‘Here, so en so is dood, en ek kon nie huil nie.’ Die trauma om mense te sien doodgaan, veroorsaak ’n vertraagde reaksie wat probleemgedrag tog gevolg kan hê.” Lekhoati sê hy gaan daarom nou reeds vra dat die regering mense in die gesondheidsektor sielkundig voorberei op die erge trauma wat op hulle wag indien baie mense in Suid-Afrika siek word en selfs sterf, soos wat in Italië gebeur. “Die feit dat daar landwyd ’n tekort aan beskermende drag vir verpleegpersoneel is, verhoog die trauma. Daar word van hulle verwag om hul lewe op die spel te plaas.” Terwyl dié faktore gesondheidswer-

kers regstreeks raak, styg die angsvlakke van bykans alle mense in alle samelewingsfere in die stryd teen Covid-19, sê prof. Pieter Kruger en Rümando Kok, albei senior kliniese sielkundiges aan die Noordwes-Universiteit (NWU) se sentrum vir gesondheid en menslike prestasie. Hulle beskryf die angs wat mense nou ervaar as ’n gevoel van “kommer, senuweeagtigheid en onrustigheid oor iets met ’n onsekere uitkoms”. Kok en Kruger skryf in ’n artikel die bedreiging van Covid-19 is ’n werklikheid, maar die manier waarop mense daaroor dink, kan die situasie vererger. Die internasionale navorsingsgemeenskap voorspel dat ’n geraamde 95% van die mense wat die virus opdoen, sal slegs geringe tot matige simptome hê. Die sielkundige uitwerking van die pandemie kan egter ’n erge impak op mense se geestesgesondheid hê, aldus Kok en Kruger. Volgens hulle behels dit “nie soseer die oorskatting van die kans dat jy die virus kan opdoen nie (die SuidAfrikaanse regering wat voorspel dat sowat 70% tot 80% van Suid-Afrikaners sal die virus opdoen), maar eerder ons onderskatting van ons vermoë om dit te hanteer.” Nóg geestesgesondheidsuitdagings is die (nodige) maatreëls van selfisolasie, kwarantyn en die handhawing van ’n gesonde afstand tussen

mense. Dit skep onnatuurlike en skielike gedwonge veranderings. Hieroor skryf Kok en Kruger: “Hoe hanteer ons die gebrek aan roetine, moontlike verveeldheid, die feit dat ons geografies tot ’n beperkte gebied ingehok word, asook die onvermoë om van aangesig tot aangesig by sekere ondersteuningsgroepe betrokke te wees? Mense kan nie meer aan spansport deelneem, gimnasium toe gaan of vrylik na kroeë, flieks en restaurante gaan om verligting van hul daaglikse spanning te kry nie. “Ons word ook baie naby aan ons onmiddellike gesins- en familielede of huismaats ingeperk. Dit kan beduidende stremming op verhoudinge plaas. Hoewel talle mense van die huis af kan werk, sal telekommunikasie frustrasies en uitdagings van sy eie veroorsaak, soos misverstande, probleme met opvangs en die gesondheidsuitdagings daarvan om heeldag voor ’n rekenaar sit.” Kok en Kruger sê hoewel ’n mens nie beheer het oor die virus of die regering se protokol en besluite nie, het jy wel beheer oor hoe jy daarop reageer. Hulle stel voor dat mense fokus op die faktore (soos gedrag en denkprosesse) waaroor hulle wel beheer het. Dit sal jou help met roetine en fokus, eerder as om heeltyd aan die slegte faktore te dink. Dit kan jou angstigheid verminder.

“Hoe hanteer ons die gebrek aan roetine, moontlike verveeldheid, die feit dat ons geografies tot ’n beperkte gebied ingehok word, asook die onvermoë om van aangesig tot aangesig by sekere ondersteuningsgroepe betrokke te wees? - PROF. PIETER KRUGER EN RÜMANDO KOK, ALBEI SENIOR KLINIESE SIELKUNDIGES AAN DIE NOORDWES-UNIVERSITEIT (NWU)

“Ons is nie sonder hoop of mag nie,” skryf Kok en Kruger. “Diegene wat vir noodsaaklike dienslewering moet gaan werk, moet streng voorsorgmaatreëls tref om veilig te bly. Ander wat hulself sosiaal kan afsonder en by die huis kan bly of werk, moet betekenisvolle interpersoonlike bande handhaaf.” Indien ons Covid-19 behoorlik wil aanpak, moet ons volgens Kruger en Kok saamwerk om dinge anders te doen – individueel en sistematies. “Ons moenie paniekerig raak of onnodige vrees skep nie, maar ook nie onbewus wees van hierdie wêreldwye bedreiging, of dit ontken nie.” Bestuur jou angs só: ) Hou ’n plan gereed. Wees eerder proaktief pleks daarvan om jou die

heel tyd daaroor te bekommer dat jy die virus kan opdoen. Volg behoorlike gesondheidsmaatreëls, was jou hande, vermy plekke met baie mense en volg die regering se inperkingsinstruksies. ) Fokus op dinge wat saak maak: Bestee tyd aan stokperdjies waarvoor jy selde tyd het (binne perke), bou verhoudinge, lees meer en kry genoeg rus. ) Behou perspektief: Hoewel die bedreiging van die virus ’n werklikheid is, moenie die menslike liggaam se vermoë om ’n virus te beveg, onderskat nie – veral as jy gesond is en geen onderliggende gesondheidsprobleme het nie. Die situasie sal wel die een of ander tyd verander. Wees intussen verstandig, maar moenie ophou leef nie.

Sassa-betalings: ‘Oues moenie gaan saamdrom nie’ LYNN WILLIAMS MILJOENE mense het Maandag ten spyte van die dodelike Covid-19-virussiekte en die staat van inperking die land se strate ingevaar om hul maandelikse Sassa-toelaes af te haal. Na verwagting het die mense daarna ook gestroom na winkelsentrums

om broodnodige kruideniersware en ander noodsaaklikhede te koop. Ten spyte van die staat van inperking het die regering die ontvangers van hierdie toelaes toegelaat om dit van 30 Maart tot 1 April af te haal. In die Oos-Kaap het die premier, Oscar Mabuyane, bejaardes aangeraai om eerder nie Maandag al hul toelaes

in besige dorpe te gaan afhaal nie. Hy het diegene wat haastig was om hul geld te kry aangemoedig om eerder hul kinders te stuur. “Die rede vir die versoek is omdat ’n samedromming by die betaalpunte deur bejaardes, wat meer vatbaar vir die virus is, die verspreiding kan verhoog. Hulle sal hul lewens op die spel

plaas. Hul geld is beskikbaar en die regering gaan seker maak dat hulle toegang daartoe het – in ’n veilige omgewing. Spesiale aandag is geskenk aan betaalpunte waar ’n hoë volume mense was, veral bejaardes en gestremdes.” Hoewel die regulasies vir vervoermiddels soos minibustaxi’s van Maan-

Keep safe distance in queues Pensioners on Monday across South Africa queued for their social grant pay-outs. An estimated 18.1 million people in the country depend on social grants from the government. Here Mncedi Dudumahne (83) sits and waits for his SASSA old age grant pay-out. These pensioners practised social distancing, maintaining at least one metre distance between the persons in the queue. PHOTO: JACO MARAIS

Homeshoring: how to set up your home office REPORTER The COVID-19 lockdown resulted in thousands of South Africans working from home. It is called homeshoring, which is an alternative to working in offshoring (office) meaning teams operate from their houses to cut costs. Vivi Ho Quang, customer service supervisor at Gumtree South Africa, leads a homeshoring team that exclusively works from home. She has some advice for South Africans that are working from their home offices for the first time: Separate work and leisure space . It is important to keep your work and leisure space separate. If you don’t you will find yourself working during your personal time (and vice versa). A

small desk in the corner of a spare bedroom is perfect. . Physical boundaries also help you if you have small children – they need to be taught that when the office door is closed, it means you’re working and can’t be disturbed. . Mentally, it’s also important to put on office clothes every day…staying in your pajamas is tempting but dressing up sets the mood for the day. . Create good habits early on. Get into a routine – e.g. set your alarm clock, have breakfast, dress, go the gym, shower and log on. By ritualizing your work schedule, it feels natural and you start doing it automatically. . In terms of equipment, you don’t need much more than good lighting, a chair that promotes good posture and great wi-fi. If you are going to use the phone a lot, it’s worth investing in a

headset or noise-cancelling headphones. . Use tools like Slack and Whatsapp to check in with team members and managers daily. . You can buy an entry level UPS device online from R650. That will keep your wi-fi up and running. It is recommended to also purchase surge protectors to protect your PC and phones from sudden outages, and a power bank to keep your cellphone charged. Failing that, make sure to charge your laptop and phone overnight. . The biggest concern is load shedding, that can disrupt connectivity (including cell towers). . Don’t mix work and leisure activities, e.g. don’t keep games on a work laptop. It takes a while to get used to, but once you are used to it, you’ll see the benefits of working from home.

dag af uitgebrei is, het die provinsiale regering gevra dat die publiek nie na die betaalpunte stroom nie. Mabuyane het gesê afgevaardigdes van die departement van maatskaplike ontwikkeling en die gesondheidsdepartement het nou saamgewerk om te verseker dat die uitbetalings aan die nasionale riglyne voldoen.

Boetes vir verbreking van inperking BOETES ter waarde van R25 000 is in die Nelson Mandelabaaimunisipale gebied opgelê aan motoriste en voetgangers wat nie aan die reëls oor inperking voldoen het nie. Mense gee nou effens meer gehoor aan die reëls oor inperking as vantevore, sê die Nelson Mandelabaai-munisipaliteit in ’n verklaring. Wetstoepassingsbeamptes is nie net besig om die reëls oor inperking af te dwing nie, maar identifiseer ook gebiede waar groepe haweloses voorkom. Haweloses word ook na die Uitenhage-stadsaal, die Babs Madlakane-saal en die NU2gemeenskapsaal verwys. Talle

messe, naalde en ander wapens is deur die polisie by die Walmerstadsaal gekonfiskeer. Vyf boetes van R5 000 elk (tesame R25 000) is die naweek deur die polisie en metropolisie by ’n gekombineerde padblokkade in Uitenhage uitgereik. Een van die voertuie wat ’n boete ontvang het, was ’n munisipale voertuig wat meer as 60% van sy kapasiteit oorskry het. Die voertuig is ontplooi om noodsaaklike dienste te verskaf. ’n Voetganger is ook Saterdag met R5 000 beboet omdat hy nie ’n geldige rede kon verskaf waarom hy in Rinkstraat in die sentrale gebied van Nelson Mandelabaai was nie. – MEDEWERKER


UD Express


2 April 2020

Niki Human demonstrating how to do the couch twists. Turn slowly from side to side, keep knees straight forward, bend at a 90 degree angle. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED

Before you sweep, do some exercises with your broom. Here Niki shows the broom shoulder press: hold broom on chest, press up, relax and repeat.

The broom twists is good exercise. Put the broom at the back of your neck on your shoulders, wrists on each end of the stick, turn from side to side.

A tin of food is a handy gym tool. For the tin bicep curls exercise, hold a tin of food in each hand, arms hanging loose, raise arms simultaneously towards your shoulders, relax and repeat.

Lockdown: Easy exercises to do at home

HEILIE COMBRINCK THE Covid-19 lockdown might result in people not getting the necessary daily exercise that their bodies need. Fitness athlete and trainer Niki Human from Uitenhage said, there are a few exercises you can do in the comfort of your home during lockdown. “It’s so easy you can do it while you’re watching television or while you’re busy cooking or cleaning,” said Niki. “There is no need for gym wear, it is basic movements to keep the body active during this time where we all do not get the exercise our bodies are used to.” These exercises will only take a few minutes and it is best to do it at least twice a day: Sit on couch – knees bent 90 degrees: Repeat each exercise 10 times and also count to 10 doing each movement . Couch twists: turn slowly from side to side, keep knees straight forward . Couch knee tuck: tuck in each leg . Couch front raises: hang arms loose next to body, lift to 45 degrees, relax and repeat . Couch side raises: lift arms to the side to 90 degrees, count to 10, relax and repeat Before you start sweeping the house use your broom to do the following exercises: Repeat each exercise 10 times and also count to 10 doing each movement . Broom bicep curl: stand straight, hold broom with wrists turned forwards, lift to chest and relax . Broom twists: put broom back of neck on shoulders, wrists on the end of the stick, turn from side to side . Broom shoulder press: hold broom on chest, press up, relax and repeat Before you use a tin of food for cooking do a few of these exercises: Repeat each exercise 10 times and also count to 10 doing each movement . Tin bicep curls: hold an unopened tin of food in each hand, arms hanging loose, raise arms simultaneously to 90 degrees and relax . Tin shoulder press: hold an unopened tin of food in each hand, raise arms straight up, bring them down at a 90 degree angle (to sides)

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