UNSW Business Society 2022 Careers Guide

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ADDRESSES 03 04 05

Editor’s Note President’s Address Dean’s Address

GUIDES 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 16 18

Career Accelerator Job Search & Networking Attire & Appearance Resume Cover Letter Psychometric Testing Assessment Centre Interview Student Opportunities BCom Courses

CAREER PATHWAYS 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31


Accounting Actuarial Business Analysis Economics Finance Financial Technology Human Resources Information Systems International Business Marketing Startups Taxation

Advertising & Public Relations 37 Alumni Interview - Anna Cheng Consulting 42 Bain & Company 44 PWC 45 Alumni - David Wang 48 Protiviti Law 50

Corrs Chambers Westgarth

Professional Services 54 EY 55 Alumni Interview - Naditha Jayanetti 56 Alumni Interview - Christine Luo Finance & Investment Banking 58 Citadel 60 AMP



EDITOR’S NOTE Whether you’re in your first term here at the UNSW Business School, or preparing for one of your last, we understand that the transition into the workplace can be daunting. The UNSW Business Society is fortunate enough to have a diverse network of alumni and we know just how overwhelming this transition may be better than anyone. In the same way, we understand and empathise with any angst you may hold in deciding a career path to pursue, regardless of where you are in your professional journey. We, as the Publications and Careers portfolios have compiled this guide in the hope that it will offer some insight into the processes that lay before you, and alleviate some of the stresses or uncertainties you may have. The UNSW Business School is unique in that it enables you, as a graduate, to pursue any number of careers, from investment banking to digital marketing and everything in between. As such, while this Careers Guide provides a wide variety of information across a multitude of disciplines, it does not cover all the pathways available to you as students. It will instead serve to provide you with a brief glimpse of the many, many possibilities that are at your fingertips. For our younger readers, your career isn’t the only aspect of your university journey to consider, enjoy your university life to the fullest, and try to seize any opportunity that comes your way. However, try to grow through furthering your education and professional development, put your best foot forward and give yourself the time you need to understand your personal career ambitions. We wish you the very best of luck wherever your career may take you, and are excited to hear about your endeavours. With Love,

Joshua Chek, Vinamra Gulati, Angela Nguyen Publications Directors, UNSW Business Society

Warren Lu, Linda Wang Careers Directors, UNSW Business Society


DEAN’S ADDRESS Today’s graduates are embarking on exciting careers in a changing world full of opportunity. When you graduate, I want you to have the knowledge, skills, mindset and confidence to continue learning and adapting as your career develops. To see and create opportunities, as well as adapt to the changing environment and meet the challenges that you’ll face. Today, you can embark on the next stage of your career with the UNSW Business Society, the largest society at UNSW and an official 2022 Affiliated Partner Society of the UNSW Business School. This Careers Guide was created by students, for students, as a valuable go-to guide to assist you in your career decisions – whether you’re looking to upskill, network more effectively or find the ideal internship. UNSW Business School, one of the leading business schools in the Asia-Pacific, places a strong emphasis on creating a career-focused learning experience for our students. This means you’ll have opportunities such as mentoring and overseas work placements, in addition to developing the problem solving, technical and collaborative skills required in today’s ever changing and connected workplace.

As well as this guide, you have the support of many other UNSW Business School resources and initiatives, including Career Accelerator @ UNSW Business School’s suite of offerings. Maximise your potential by engaging with Career Accelerator’s newsletters and MS Teams Channel, which will keep your finger on the pulse of each Term’s opportunities from internships to industry events. And of course, get involved with more of our UNSW Business School affiliated clubs and societies -there’s something for everyone! This year, we have 26 societies within our learning community – all of which offer career experiences, upskilling workshops and opportunities to tap into their extensive Alumni networks and great contacts for you as you embark on your own career. We are very proud of the Business School’s 100,000+ alumni who have achieved great success in their diverse career paths – as entrepreneurs, business and community leaders or academics. One thing they have in common is their desire and ability to make a difference. This guide is designed to make a difference to your learning journey so you can make a difference in your career. Now is the time to explore your career potential and launch your path to success.

Professor Chris Styles Dean, UNSW Business School 4

PRESIDENTS ADDRESS We would like to warmly welcome you all to the beginning of a new year with the UNSW Business Society, and thank you for tuning in to our 2022 Careers Guide. Prepared by our team of dedicated directors from the Careers, Sponsorship and Publications teams, this guide is packed with information from our top-tier corporate sponsors, accompanied along with a suite of tips and tricks along the way. We hope you find something that resonates with you, and that this guide becomes the all-in-one pitstop for all things related to your career and professional aspirations. A successful career will mean something different to everyone, and university will accommodate any motivation you have. You may want to work at a corporate bank, grow yourself within the next technology giant, or even become akin to Elon Musk! Wherever your motivations may lie, as the 2022 presidents of the UNSW Business Society, we are hopeful that our society’s academic development events, professional networking sessions and large-scale social events can be a significant source of inspiration and support in the early stages of your own unique journey. As you scale across the uncommon landscape of the professional word of business, we know first-hand that feeling of uncertainty. We often asked ourselves questions like “what does semi-formal dress code mean?”, “how do I network at an event?” or even the good old “what career suits my major and degree the best?” - trust us, we’ve been there.

Thus, acting as a guiding light, our team has put together comprehensive resources on everything you need to know about the industry. Supported by the UNSW Business School, BSOC is here to empower you to take the driver's seat in your own narrative you create. As a not-for-profit organisation run for the students, by the students, we offer all business students the quintessential university experience - one that harnesses you with the technical skills whilst also providing opportunities for you to form networks all the way from your first class to when you graduate, and further. In times of uncertainty where the world seems to be engulfed in a tumultuous whirlwind of events, BSOC has a challenge for you. We challenge you to rise above the norm, seek out new experiences, meet lifelong friends, and reach high for those dream jobs that seem just a little out of reach. Break records, elevate the joy of the people around you and give it your all at whatever life throws at you; to ultimately look back at the end of your university tenure to your first-year self and proudly proclaim “I made it”. Whilst you are venturing upon this journey, remember that the BSOC community will always have your back whether it’s celebrating your well deserved achievements or giving a shoulder to cry on when the going gets tough. We’re excited to see where you’ll go and who you’ll meet. We know that you will all find success, and we cannot wait to see where this new chapter takes you.

William Tu, Sarah Kim Co-Presidents, UNSW Business Society 5




Accelerate Your Career From Day 1 Career Accelerator is a suite of experiences open exclusively to all UNSW Business School students. Career Accelerator covers four main areas: Internships, Networking, Mentoring and Global opportunities. The Career Accelerator team works entirely for the UNSW Business School student body, providing our students with a diverse range of career-related opportunities to ensure you’re not only career-ready, but the best graduates in the market.

Unlock your access to all that’s on offer by completing your Career Accelerator: Essentials modules. Keep track of what’s on offer on our website, through our Career Accelerator Student Newsletter and on our BCommunity sub-channel.

From networking events, to local and global internships, career mentoring and online business experiences, kicking off your first year with Career Accelerator will be the best thing you do for your future career.

Industry Events and Workshops Connect with industry leaders and build your professional network with Career Accelerator’s range of industry events and workshops throughout each term.

Find out what's on at our events page! 7

JOB SEARCH Searching for a job is a daunting task. To help you clarify your goals, start by assessing what you’re looking for and why you want to do that type of work. There are several other factors to consider – what size and type of company is appealing? What kind of people, workload, and environment are you aiming for? Once you’ve figured out exactly what you want and why, you’ll have the advantage of being able to articulate why you want a particular position within a company and by extension, are better able to convince recruiters that you are the prime candidate. While the job search is personalised by motivations, there are a few things that students can do to improve their chances at landing a dream job.

NETWORKING Face-to-face networking can be one of the best ways to build professional relationships. Increasingly, organisations are searching for employees that not only have the required skills for the specific job, but can also successfully communicate and engage with internal and external stakeholders. Your journey with networking begins with a mutual understanding about what you can do for your network and what your network can do for you. This means taking the time and effort in developing professional relationships that go beyond initial introductions.


1. Communicate Effectively

Be concise and enthusiastic about what you do. It’s all about balance so remember to listen and ask open-ended questions to broaden conversation while decreasing formality to make it more conversational.

2. Circulate

Speak with as many people as you can at a networking function – establish the basics and arrange to have a detailed discussion later. This allows you to experience the full purpose of the networking event – getting out there and meeting as many people as you can instead of limiting yourself to only a few impressions. You’re not going to remember everyone’s names so initiate an exchange of details before you move onto the next person.

3. Follow Up

Follow up with the individuals you meet at an event within a couple of days. The channel you use to connect should reflect your view on the importance of the contact to you and your overall goal – sending an email is the most personal, followed by LinkedIn messages for a contact that you’d like to have in your wider network.

ATTIRE AND APPEARANCE Whether it be for networking events, job interviews or working in corporate, what you wear and how you conduct yourself plays a major role in how others perceive you. Your dress code is an opportunity to express an image to your employers regarding your attitude towards the company and professionalism in general – don’t underestimate the power of sharp and appropriate business attire.

1. Business Formal Business Formal is the standard dress code expected at corporate firms and more formal networking events. It is a complete look, such as a tailored suit in a solid, neutral colour with a complementary plain button-up collared shirt, or a well-cut pantsuit or skirt suit in a solid, neutral colour with a white button-up or conservative blouse.

2. Business Casual Business Casual is a more relaxed professional style, which can be worn to informal corporate events. It allows you to mix and match bottoms (to an extent) to create a look that illustrates personal style. Unlike business formal, business casual allows you to incorporate several articles of clothing, such as pullovers and sweaters.


In addition to attire, body language is another subliminal way that others assess in both a positive and negative light. Working on improving your body language in a conscious manner will allow you to present a better image of yourself. By dressing appropriately and presenting positive and engaging body language, you can consciously improve any first, or ongoing impressions that your networks may have of you.

Maintaining eye contact is something that does not come naturally to many people. Looking directly at the person who you’re conversing with conveys your confidence and attention, whereas breaking eye contact or having your eyes dart around as you speak or listen can indicate uncertainty and/or insecurity.

Hand gestures are meant to enhance and let others focus on what you are saying. Often there is a tendency to over or under react; where an overreaction can be annoying and distracting, an underreaction can be perceived as a lack of confidence or engagement.

Posture is an integral aspect of body language – there is a tendency to slump shoulders or hunch in when you’re tired or lacking confidence. This can provide the impression that you are insecure or unhappy with your position. In contrast, standing straight and tall presents an image of self-assuredness and improved confidence.




A typical way to structure your resume is as follows: • Header: Name Contact Details Personal Portfolio Github • Education • Achievements • Professional Experience • Leadership and Volunteering • References

GENERAL TIPS 1. Keep your resume to one

page, or two pages maximum as recruiters may not read beyond that. This also allows you to be more particular with the information you choose to include.

2. Sparingly use bold, italics


and colour. Keep your resume clear and easy to read. Use a professional font, such as Arial, Times New Roman or Calibri.

1. Relevance

Research the responsibilities and expectations of the role you are applying for, and be selective with the work/volunteer experience you include in your resume. Ensure that it is relevant to the role.

2. Achievemements

Ensure you quantify your achievements when writing descriptions of your professional and personal experiences. Utilise strong verbs at the beginning of your bullet points.

3. Proofreading

Have a friend review your CV and proofread it. Oftentimes, an outsider’s perspective is helpful in pointing out any parts that seem unclear or need editing.

COVER LETTER The cover letter is a short document that expands upon the resume. It provides insight into your character and showcases more of your personality to the recruiter. Additionally, it provides you an opportunity to highlight some of your most pertinent skills and achievements, and demonstrates why you are the best candidate for a particular position.

1. Research

Conduct extensive research into the company’s values, culture, recent news and exciting updates. Make sure you demonstrate that you have thoroughly researched the company, and are truly interested in the position you are applying for. Showcase how your own personal values align with the company’s, and how you could further their goal or mission.

2. Specificity

Thoroughly read the job description. When writing about your own experiences and achievements, make it clear to the recruiter how your skills meet the requirements of the position.

3. Proofreading

Proofread your cover letter to ensure there are no spelling or grammatical errors, that you have not repeated certain words too many times, and that your letter flows smoothly.

4. Customisation

Although it may take additional time, strongly consider writing a different cover letter for each position you apply for rather than using the same general document. Recruiters will notice if your cover letter is not tailored towards their particular company.


Containing address, youryour personal containing the thecompany’s company’s address, personal contact details and the date you have written your letter.

Opening Paragraph

introducing yourself which gives gives aa brief brief overview overview of of your your Introducing yourself which educational background, and highlights which role you educational background, and highlights which role you are applying applying for. for. are


A paragraph highlighting your motivation for applying, why you would be the best candidate for the particular firm and division, and how you would suit the company culture.


One to two paragraphs highlighting your most relevant experiences, achievements and skills, and why these gained skills would make you a valuable asset to the company.


PSYCHOMETRIC TESTING Psychometric tests are designed to assess a potential candidate’s suitability for a particular company by gaining information about their tendencies and capabilities. Broadly speaking, there are two types of tests: personality and aptitude tests.

PERSONALITY In modern workplaces, recruiters pay more attention than ever to personality and working styles. They recognise the importance of a team that can ‘mesh well’, and that successful interpersonal relationships are key to the success of a project and the company as a whole. These personality tests will often ask a series of situational-based or hypothetical questions. They are designed to provide important information to a recruiter about your motivations and behavioural traits.

APTITUDE In modern workplaces, recruiters pay more attention than ever to personality and working styles. They recognise the importance of a team that can ‘mesh well’, and that successful interpersonal relationships are key to the success of a project and the company as a whole. These personality tests will often ask a series of situational-based or hypothetical questions. They are designed to provide important information to a recruiter about your 12motivations and behavioural traits.

1. Review the Instructions Carefully Take your time and read all the information available to you. Personality tests come in several different forms. Some are multiple-choice, while others require you to choose a rating on a scale to indicate the level to which you agree or disagree with the statement. 2. Answer as Honestly as You Can Try to avoid choosing a ‘right’ answer, or the one which you think the employer is looking for. This will often lead to an inconsistent personality profile, and reveal to the recruiter that you are not honest with your responses. 3. Take Your Time When Choosing an Answer Follow up with the individuals you meet at an event within a couple of days. The channel you use to connect should reflect your view on the importance of the contact to you and your overall goal – sending an email is the most personal, followed by LinkedIn messages for a contact that you’d like to have in your wider network. 4. Accuracy and Consistency The most important thing to keep in mind is choosing responses that are accurate and consistent. These tests will often ask the same question in a slightly different way to ensure you are answering consistently, rather than trying to game the test. 1. Thoroughly Read the Instructions Provided Ensure you understand what form the test will take, as this may vastly vary from company to company. If permitted, have appropriate equipment at hand, such as a calculator. 2. Practise Several online websites provide access to example aptitude tests, often separated into categories such as abstract reasoning, numerical ability and cognitive ability, allowing you to focus on one type of test at a time and to devote more practice into areas of weakness. 3. Manage Your Time During the Test

Evenly split the amount of time you are given with the number of questions. If you find that one question is taking too long, come back to it later. Do not worry if you cannot finish the test - many companies design their tests without the expectation that candidates will finish.

ASSESSMENT CENTRE Once a candidate has successfully passed the psychometric testing stage of their application process, they may be invited to attend an assessment centre either in-person or online. Assessment centres assess the ability of a candidate to work successfully in a team environment, testing further interpersonal skills which cannot be easily ascertained from online questionnaires or tests the candidate has already sat. These consist of 4-8 candidates being presented with a mock case study, discussing it in front of a panel of recruiters, and presenting their business solution at the conclusion of their discussion. It is essential that candidates demonstrate their communication, leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, time management and conflict management skills during the assessment centre.

Avoid being a dominant personality talking over others and not giving them a chance to contribute their ideas and opinions. Instead, actively work to facilitate the discussion, and include others in the discussion.

Showcase that you are a team player by building on others’ ideas, and acknowledging and validating their perspectives and contributions. Avoid simply waiting until you have a chance to speak without actively listening to others.

To demonstrate time management skills, remind the group of certain time limits, and suggest that they should move on to another topic of discussion if too much time has been spent on the current topic.

If conflict arises, attempt to be a mediator. Acknowledge the opposing perspectives present, and actively work to come to a compromise that satisfies all parties involved. 13

INTERVIEW The interview can come in various formats, such as phone interviews, video interviews, group interviews and one-on-one senior partner/manager interviews. Regardless of how you are being interviewed, both the content of your answers as well as your non-verbal communication are extremely important in ensuring you make a strong impression and stand out among the other candidates.

SITUATION Describe the event or situation you were in.


Explain the task you had to complete.


ACTION Describe the specific actions you had to take to complete it.


Close with the result of your efforts.

CONTENT Use the STAR method to structure your answers to behavioural interview questions. These questions are those which prompt you to recount an anecdote and describe the key lessons you learned from the experience. By adhering to this structure, you will ensure that your answers are clear and do not stray from the question.


1. Preparation

Ensure you prepare answers to common interview questions. You should review your previous professional experience, volunteering, extracurricular activities, case competitions and internships to compile a range of anecdotes that could be used to answer interview questions. While you should not memorise these anecdotes word-for-word, it is strongly encouraged that you have a general idea of their key takeaways so that you can confidently talk about them in interviews.

2. Motivations

You may be asked about your motivations for applying to a specific position and joining this particular company. Ensure you have investigated your own motivations for wanting the position, and are able to articulate it in a way that is genuine and thoughtful.

3. Follow Up

Prepare questions to ask the interviewer at the conclusion of the interview. These questions should spark genuine conversation and demonstrate your interest in finding out more about the company from a first-hand perspective.

EXPRESSION 1. Eye Contact

For in-person interviews, maintain steady and confident eye contact with your interviewer. For video interviews, ensure you look at the webcam when speaking.

2. Clarity

Speak slowly and deliberately, and avoid using filler words. It is better that you take a moment to think and structure your response rather than launch into an answer that is unclear and strays off-topic. If your interviewer has asked a two-part question, ensure you signpost to make clear which part of the question you are currently answering.

3. Hand Gestures

Use hand gestures when appropriate. Othcterwise, leave your hands in a visible position, such as on the table, as it conveys your openness and approachability.

4. Showcase Your Personality

Ensure you showcase your personality and engage in conversation with the interviewer. Interviewers would like to get to know you as a person and determine whether you would be a good colleague to work with. 15


Case Competitions


Societies are a great way to become more involved in university life. The hierarchical positions and clear delegation of responsibilities are reminiscent of how a typical workplace is structured, providing students with a taste of life after university. They provide many opportunities to develop leadership, communication and teamwork skills.

These are traits that are all highly sought after by recruiters and will give you an advantage in the recruitment process. The UNSW Business Society is officially affiliated with the UNSW Business School. Applications for subcommittee positions open in Term 1 of each year.

Case competitions are a popular way for business students to get involved in the various extracurricular activities offered at UNSW. A mock business problem is presented to students, who are given days or weeks to ideate a feasible solution/strategy and present it to a panel of judges. Several different societies host case competitions each year, and students from all years and backgrounds are encouraged to register either with a team or individually.

There are also many consulting societies that hold learning and development programs dedicated to teaching students presentation skills, making slide decks, conducting market research and more. For more information on getting started with case competitions, check out the guides published on the UNSW Business Blog.

Student Exchange

Virtual Internships with Forage

UNSW students have the exciting opportunity to study with a partner university overseas, experiencing a different culture and environment while crediting courses back to their degree Eligible students have at least 18 remaining units of credit in their degree at the start of their exchange, and ideally at least a credit average WAM.

The application process takes approximately nine months, with the two main application deadlines each year being in May and September. Interested students are encouraged to speak to exchange advisors for help matching courses with their target university.

Virtual internships provide work experience to students who are interested in gaining exposure to a certain company or experiencing different professional roles. Forage is an online platform that provides 5-6 hour project-based work for students to complete at their own pace and in a convenient location, gaining relevant skills and increasing their employability.

Upon completion of the program, students are emailed with a certificate which they can provide to potential recruiters as evidence of their work experience.


BCOM COURSES The Bachelor of Commerce Integrated First Year was newly introduced and implemented in 2021. Changes were made by the UNSW Business School to the Bachelor of Commerce curriculum such that courses were developed with an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach in mind, with the content naturally and genuinely integrated within each course. Students are introduced to a myriad of knowledge, skills and information that will allow them to succeed in their various professional careers.

The Integrated First Year curriculum consists of 8 new courses (a total of 48UOC) and a non-credit bearing myBCom Blueprint primer, which collectively introduces students to transferable business skills and resources to support ongoing career development and professional learning. By the end of their first year, students are expected to have acquired the first-year standard of the BCom Program Learning Outcomes. Such outcomes include evidence of leadership, communication, teamwork, and cultural competence skills.

BUSINESS MANAGEMENT “ Looking at what goes on inside an individual organisation ”


Financial Management (prerequisite for COMM1170, COMM1180)


Organisational Resources


Creating Shared Value


Data, Insights and Decisions


“ Considering the broader environment in which an organisation operates ”


Business Decision Making (prerequisite for COMM1150)


Global Business Environments

SKILLS AND CAPABILITIES “ Equipping you with a suite of skills and capabilities ”

COMM1110 18


Evidence-based Problem Solving (prerequisite for COMM1190) Innovation and Collaboration in Business

2 Majors


ACCOUNTING Who Are Accountants? Accountants are certified financial experts who assist individuals or organisations with accounts. This involves providing information that investors and owners need to see trends in business health. They are skilled problem solvers and strategic advisors that add significant value to their employers or clients.

Types of Accountants There are two primary types of accountants - public, and private - both focusing on different aspects of the profession. Public accountants provide external auditing, tax, advisory and consulting services, requiring certification and testing to ensure skills remain relevant. Private accountants are concerned with the internal workings of businesses, governments and agencies.



Generally, accountants will begin in the public sector, gaining a broad range of experience in the early years of their careers. The requirement of remaining certified makes public accounting a less popular long-term career, and most accountants will eventually transition into the private sector, leveraging their public sector experience.

Accountants can work with organisations such as: CA, EY, PwC, Deloitte

Preparing and maintaining financial reports

Conduct forecasting and risk analysis assessments

Ensuring the accuracy of financial documents, and compliance with best practice and relevant legislation

Evaluating financial operations to recommend best-practises, identify issues, helping organisations run more efficiently

ACTUARIAL Who Are Actuaries? Actuaries work to evaluate risk and opportunity, applying mathematical and statistical analysis methods across a range of business problems. Actuaries are strong strategic and mathematical thinkers, as businesses across several sectors and governments rely on actuaries to measure the probability of future events.

Skills of Actuaries Actuaries are able to apply their skills across a multitude of business areas. Insurance, superannuation, wealth management, health financing and banking, are the more readily recognised fields in which actuaries work. However, actuaries also work in new, high-growth fields such as data analytics, energy resources and sustainability areas.


The nature of the critical thinking and problem solving skills developed by actuaries allows them the qualifications to work in several industries and address real-life problems. This analysis contributes to important facets of business such as risk management, decision making and data analytics.

Actuaries can work with organisations such as: CA, EY, PwC, Deloitte

Collecting, interpreting, and ensuring the accuracy of large amounts of data.

Use actuarial modelling software in order to find important trends and determine the probability of the given events occurring in the future.

Advise stakeholders on how they might be able to limit risk to take advantage of an opportunity to achieve risk management, operational efficiency and business performance.


BUSINESS ANALYSIS Who Are Business Analysts? Business analysts assist stakeholders in developing solutions to current or future problems. They review and analyse business processes, lead project teams, and communicate technical information back to organisations.

The Importance of Business Analysts By initiating greater employee engagement, business analysts support systems that provide solutions to a variety of issues across multiple departments. They play an advisory role to senior management and often work as contractors engaged on specific projects.


Primarily, business analysts work with stakeholders to define specifications and extract deliverable requirements. This involves documenting the conditions in a useful and consistent way for teams to design and deliver the solution. They work closely with key business decision makers to ensure developed solutions meet business requirements.

Business Analysts can work with organisations such as:

Citi, P&G, Herbert Smith Freehils, Nestle and more

Analysing the current business processes a company has and identifying areas of improvement

Quality assurance, control and testing


Modelling requirements and developing initiatives depending on requirements and needs

Project development and management

ECONOMICS Economics as a degree: Studying a degree in Economics is highly valuable as the skills learnt are highly transferable across industries including banking and the government sector. The degree equips students with the ability to make use of historical data, analyse trends and draw conclusions that explains the impact of economic policies and theories impact consumer trends and overall society.


An economics degree by itself can enable you to get into banking, finance, or consulting as the ability to understand how policies affect consumer behaviour and further predict trends is essential, forming a solid base for such professions. Economics will also teach you theories, frameworks and grant you concrete tools for analysis.

Economists can work with organisations such as: Citi, Flow Traders, JPM, Bain and Co, Protiviti, Citadel Securities and PwC

Compare consumer demand and sales trends to optimise profits

Conducting research and analysing, developing and applying theories to understand the current economic landscape

Consulting clients on the impact of economic policies, products and services and advising on key business functions and strategy

Contributing to publications and economic journals distributed to external and internal stakeholders


FINANCE What is Finance? Finance opens up several career paths surrounding the acquisition of money and the consequent spending or investment of such funds. Working in finance requires skill in identifying the big picture and having patience to advise and communicate with clients. Hence, a degree in finance is extremely beneficial for those interested in financial planning, banking, insurance services, investment and asset management as well as real estate.

Areas of Finance Finance itself is generally segregated into client services, corporate finance and investment banking. Majoring in finance enables you to enter client advisory roles where you will be responsible for providing recommendations and analysis to clients. On the other hand, corporate finance analysts are responsible for managing the money of the firm in which they are employed by, and supervising the money as it moves through the company.


Whereas, investment bankers create financial models to understand companies, industries or identify general opportunities that may arise as areas for profit. Such findings are then converted into presentations and proposals for clients.

Financial Analysts can work with organisations such as: Citi, Corrs Chambers Westgarth, Flow Traders, JPM, Herbert Smith Freehills, Bain and Co, AMP, Citadel Securities, and PwC

Collecting and analysing financial data to assist companies in formulating business decisions and identifying investment opportunities

Preparing financial reports for presentations and advisory to both internal and external stakeholders


Building financial models to analyse historical financial information and identify relevant opportunities

FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGY What is Financial Technology? Fintech, a portmanteau of the words “financial” and “technology”, is a rapidly evolving industry that aims to utilise technological services and products to replace traditional methods of finance and banking. Fintech is growing in importance, as companies today innovate in almost every area of finance in order to stay ahead of their competitors and create increasingly efficient services for customers.

Types of Financial Technology There are four main types of financial technologies which are widely utilised in Australia, although it should be noted that this list is not exhaustive. Peer-to-peer lending refers to bringing interested borrowers and lenders together through a third-party platform. SMEs can borrow small business finances without having to procure assets for security.


Digital banks and digital wallets are especially prevalent in the age of COVID, allowing customers to easily access their banking services, make contactless payments and gain insight into their spending habits. Robo advice is an automated investment platform that leverages AI and machine learning to assist consumers in managing their investment profiles. Finally, cryptocurrencies are currencies that exist only in the digital space and can be transferred securely across a public network.

Fintech Analysts can work with organisations such as: Citi, TapIt, Upstreet, Joust, MyPayNow and WeFund

Utilising a strong understanding of Blockchain technology to improve operations and services in FinTech industries such as cryptocurrencies, commercial payments, cash loans etc

Working as a product manager in a scrum team, delivering enhancements to finance-sector apps

Developing analysis and business cases for vendor selection and partnering with new business

Analyse competitive landscape, go-to market strategies and product roadmap prioritisation



What is Human Resources Management? HR management involves the overseeing of the most important aspect of a successful organisation - a productive and thriving workforce. They are responsible for employment policies and procedures, overseeing payroll, remuneration and recognition as well as managing workplace safety initiatives.

Human Resource Managers and their importance By viewing employees as assets rather than costs, HR management can strategically add value to an organisation. This involves streamlining both recruitment and upskilling procedures to align employee skill-sets with current and future goals, and suggesting training and development strategies.

Skills that HR Managers should have: In this highly people-focused role, HR managers should have strong interpersonal and collaboration skills, while also being good communicators and negotiators to aid in resolving any industrial relations disputes. Further, it is important for HRM to be up-to-date with industry awards, current pay ranges, and industry trends surrounding benefits in order to ensure appropriate recruitment practices.

COMMON DUTIES Human Resources Managers can work with organisations such as: Citi, P&G, PwC, AMP and more

Talent recruitment, including scouting prospective candidates, coordinating interviews and establishing onboarding

Training and developing new and current employees to remain relevant and competitive


Handling compliance with standards and address workplace issues

INFORMATION SYSTEMS Information Systems as a Career Path: A career path in Information Systems can set you up for a variety of roles as industry professionals are expected to embrace digitalisation in finding innovative solutions to prominent business problems. Professionals who are Information Systems graduates often possess a variety of skills not limited to enterprise systems, business analysis, database management and coding.

There are a variety of careers associated with an information systems degree with some of the most popular being product management, business analyst and technology consultant. Although, quite a diverse range of roles, the information systems degree will cover a lot of bases and provide you with the necessary skills to move into any area of your choosing.

COMMON DUTIES Information Systems Graduates can work with organisations such as: AMP, PwC and Google

Liaise with companies to determine the scope of engagement for the implementation of an enterprise system.

Define and establish new data collection and analysis processes and verify applicable controls are implemented to ensure appropriate level of confidentiality, integrity and availability.

Gathering requirements from stakeholders for a project.

Optimise data models to collect and interpret data for reporting to internal and external stakeholders.

Interview end users for feedback on a prototype - which will then be implemented in another cycle of testing.


INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS What is International Business? International business focuses on the processes and impacts underpinning the trade of goods and services that occur between nations, usually through multinational organisations. Similar to how smaller scale businesses require a range of operations such as marketing, financial management, research, and much more to function effectively, international business also encompasses these several areas of expertise however with a broader global perspective. As such, studying international business opens up a range of career options that combine the regular skill set of a chosen area of business with a focus on the management of large amounts of information sourced from several countries and also effective cross-cultural communication and understanding.

Careers in International Business There are a variety of careers associated with international business, some of which include being an global marketing manager, international supply chain manager, financial analyst, research analyst and global logistics manager. These roles are all connected with the need to work with individuals and information beyond national borders with cultural awareness and a firm understanding of economic principles and financial accounting playing key roles in facilitating success.


International Business roles can be found with organisations such as: Citi, EY, Google and WPP

Coordinating the recruitment of talent from several different countries to increase diversity and better understand the cultural differences between nations

Communicating instructions along the global supply chain to prevent shortages in supply and keep up with demand of the required goods and services

Researching avenues to optimise trade logistics and operations to improve operational efficiency

Navigating international trade laws and regulations to ensure legal business operations


Collecting and analysing data regarding market opportunities in different countries

MARKETING Who Are Marketers? Marketers develop and execute strategies that maximise the success of a given product or service through monitoring market trends, creating advertising campaigns and pricing strategies which ultimately raise awareness to the key target market. They are curious, keen to challenge assumptions and adaptable.

Types of Marketers There are numerous types of marketers and can be consolidated into six key types. Growth-focused marketers, often referred to as “growth hackers'' are responsible for reaching profound targets quickly and are often used in the startup and tech industries. Content marketers focus on acquiring users by producing content that is relevant to the targeted demographic whether that be blog posts, white papers or SEO. Community-focused marketers focus on increasing engagement through sparking group conversations by driving referrals and word of mouth.


Furthermore, there are social media marketers who are the frontline of brand communication and responsible for a brand’s digital presence and ensuring that any digital communications flow is reported back to the team. Retention-focused marketers are community minded and specialise in knowing how to improve the customer experience and henceforth boost retention rates. Finally, the full-stack marketer is responsible for ideating, implementing and managing the user experience, and referred to a “jack of all trades”.

Marketing Agents can work with organisations such as: Omnicom, Huntsworth, Mirriad Advertising, WPP and XL Media

Build strong communication between marketing teams and internal and external stakeholders

Help bring new ideas for content creation using expertise and eye for detail so as to increase site traffic

Establish landing pages, systems and analytical processes to understand the customer experience and conversion rates to refine future marketing strategies


STARTUPS What are Startups? Startups are companies founded by entrepreneurs passionate about developing a unique product or service. They are generally high risk due to their low scalability and founders generally aim to attract investment through angel investors & venture capital. The startup space in Australia, although relatively small, is growing rapidly.

Types of Startups There are five main types of startups and each with a different mission. Big business startups are those built by existing businesses with large capital and presence who seek to expand their business models and offerings, and ultimately increase diversity. On the contrary, the mission of social entrepreneurship startups is to make the world a better place through wealth creation and collaborating with social organisations.

COMMON DUTIES Innovating by thinking outside of the box and remaining curious

The aim of a buyable startup, however, is to develop a brand that can later be acquired by a larger company. Scalable startups, oftentimes technology startups, are those with huge growth potential. Finally, lifestyle startups are those created by founders who aim to satisfy their needs. An example would be a music lover opening a studio to spend more time immersing themselves in their hobbies.

Some examples of Australian startups inlcude: CA, Checkbox AI, Airtasker, Eucalyptus, Judo Bank and Shippit

Adaptability and willingness to learn as working in a startup environment may require employees to adapt and be competent in other roles

Communicating closely with smaller, tight-knit teams Technical literacy across all business functions - e.g. understanding of website development or design


Sales experience to understand the nuances of selling a product and how to target a given customer

TAXATION Taxation as a Career Working in taxation is an intellectually rewarding and stimulating career centred around providing individuals and businesses with advice on various taxation issues. It is a diverse profession involving a myriad of responsibilities such as preparing and submitting taxes and helping businesses keep on top of compliance. There are three main areas of tax: corporate, personal and indirect tax, and individuals can explore them to discover which area best suits their skills and interests.

A career in tax can be divided into two main roles: taxation accountants and taxation consultants. As an accountant, individuals will be responsible for analysing, reporting and preparing financial statements and BAS statements, liaising with the Australian Taxation Office and other regulatory bodies when required, and preparing business income tax returns and statements for audits.


On the other hand, taxation consultants provide specialist solutions for clients, devising tax-efficient strategies for multinational and domestic clients in business situations such as mergers, takeovers and corporate restructures. Regardless of which path an individual chooses to pursue, those working in the taxation profession must have exceptional attention to detail, strong analytic abilities and excellent communication skills.

Taxation Agents can work with organisations such as: CPA, Grant Thornton, PwC, JPM, IBM and Citi

Reviewing changes in tax legislation and reporting it to clients and colleagues

Identifying areas where businesses can reduce tax and devising tax-efficient structures for businesses

Preparing, submitting and managing tax, financial, and BAS statements

Auditing and advising on tax implications on acquisitions, mergers and capital financing


3 Industry Interviews




Turbocharge your career prospects See where a career in business can take you



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All businesses need people who can make well-informed decisions and solve problems. A career in business could allow you to work in any industry, for all types of organisations, and anywhere around the world. This gives you the opportunity to build a career that prioritises your passions, purpose and goals; not just your skills and knowledge. If you want to stay informed on graduate, internship and vacation roles, and upcoming networking events sign up as a student affiliate.



Transform tomorrow, today Quantium was founded with an aspiration to take data science beyond traditional industries and put it to work across a far broader range of business and societal uses. Today, we are a global team of over 800 people made up of diverse skills and background to combine the best of human and artificial intelligence to break new ground. At Quantium we believe in using data for better goods, better services and better experiences – we believe in data powering possibilities.

Power your potential


Classification: Private

Quantium Graduate Academy Quantium's Graduate Academy is a core pillar within our broader learning and development and progression framework. It's a 12-month accelerator to take you from a university graduate to a valued, high performing team member ASAP.

Virtual experience Program

Graduate opportunities Applications open annually in mid – February for start dates in August the same year, or February the following.

Internship opportunities Applications open annually in mid – June for a paid Summer Internship role. Internships usually start in mid December for an 8 – week period. Scan here to experience first hand, life as a Data Analyst at Quantium.

37 Classification: Private

ADVERTISING & PUBLIC RELATIONS Advertising and PR (Public Relations) are designed to raise awareness for a company, a product, or service. In business, the goal of advertising is to attract new customers by defining the target market and reaching out to them with an effective ad campaign. Moreover, public relations professionals are very important as they are the face of the business by connecting with the public through various unpaid or earned communications, including tradition-al media, social media, and in-person engagements to create a positive image for the company.


Anna Cheng Growth Lead

Health Match

What do you do? What are the duties, functions and responsibilities that you are involved in as a part of your role? I’m working as Growth Lead at HealthMatch. Usually what you work on in a growth marketing role is highly dependent on the company’s business model and maturity. Since HealthMatch is a relatively early-stage B2C startup, my key focus area is currently customer acquisition. As such, my day-to-day work involves running data-driven experiments to discover untapped growth channels and to optimise existing ones. This could range from testing whether Tiktok could become a viable acquisition channel for us, to running A/B split tests on landing pages to improve conversion rates. I also manage a small team of designers, copywriters and outreach specialists. This enables us to be self-sufficient and move fast – aka, no need to wait around for shared resources. Can you tell us a little about your firm's work culture and the environment? What sets it apart? HealthMatch is made up of a relatively young, but very competent team. As such, we take our work seriously, but don’t take ourselves very seriously. We’ve grown by 400,000 users in the past 4 months alone but still trade very work-irrelevant banter on Slack everyday. Nothing beats sharing wins with your team, and I would go as far as to say it’s the single most important influence on morale and personal growth. With a great team, work feels rewarding, fast-paced and fun. The team is also united by a very noble goal – to connect patients to new treatments and medications via clinical trials. It’s important to believe in what you’re working on and it’s not hard to get behind HealthMatch’s mission. We get to go to work knowing we’re making a difference not only to patients, but also to the advancement of medical research. Another perk is HealthMatch’s very flexible and social work culture. Many people work remotely and choose their own hours. We have weekly social events (like cocktail making and pool tournaments) and an epic office.

Do you have any advice for someone applying for your company? Or more specifically, the field you’re involved in? There are no pre-requisite skills to be in growth marketing! Things change very quickly: algorithms, social trends, tools etc. Digital marketing skills that may have been relevant 2 years ago, may no longer be relevant today. This essentially leaves the playing field wide open for new entrants. If you’re curious, hands-on and have a knack for following what’s trending, then growth marketing is a career path you should seriously consider. One thing that really stands out among applicants is a history of doing side projects or extra-curricular activities. We love to see driven people who put their money (or time) where their mouth is. Another tip from me is to reach out and chat to someone who is in a position that you want to be in 5 years time. You can learn a lot by reverse engineering their career path to figure out what you need to upskill in today. If you’d like to work at HealthMatch or chat about growth marketing in general, feel free to find me on Linkedin and send me a DM. What do you find to be the most interesting or challenging part of your work? Every business is built different and requires a tailored growth strategy and channel mix. While you can take inspiration from other companies, you can’t copy and paste growth strategies from business to business as they usually operate in a different market, have a different business model or are at a different stage. As a result, growth marketing roles change in scope depending on the business. If you join early into a startup’s journey, you may find yourself riddled with customer acquisition problems – how do I find the right customer? How do I tailor my messaging to them? How do I bring down the cost of acquiring them? As the business scales, you’ll start facing retention issues – how do I get my customers to stay? How do I ensure they keep getting value out of the product? How do I upsell them? I find it interesting and challenging to solve the unique set of problems (each with a unique set of constraints) at each stage of the business. Growth marketing rarely feels repetitive.



Building better futures for our people. We invest in our people’s future, create inclusive working environments, and build cultures based on the values of openness, optimism and a commitment to extraordinary work. Discover your next extraordinary at WPP. Join us at the UNSW Careers Fair Thursday 3 March to meet our Talent team and talk to recent graduates who can share their experience. If you’re ready to talk about graduate opportunities at WPP in Australia, contact the Talent team at talent@wppaunz.com 40


We use the power of creativity to build better futures for our people, planet, clients and communities. At WPP, it’s our people who make the company, and what we do, extraordinary. We are experts in media and advertising, PR and technology. We are designers, brand champions, curators of the customer experience. Join our creative force of the open, the optimistic, the extraordinary. We want you. Build your career story with us, at WPP. Find out more at wpp.com or get in touch to discuss opportunities at talent@wppaunz.com 41

“ Creative transformation is fuelled by ideas that are born from a powerful sense of purpose and executed in a massively disruptive way” ROB REILLY Global Chief Creative Officer, WPP

100,000 people. Across 110 countries. We are artists, strategists, producers, writers, technologists, futurists, planners, analysts, marketers, and more. We are fostering a culture where everyone belongs. United to do what we do best, creating possibilities for all. Be inspired by our purpose - www.wpp.com/about To talk about graduate opportunities at WPP in Australia, contact talent@wppaunz.com


CONSULTING Consulting is becoming an increasingly broader industry incorporating roles such as management consultants, recruitment consultants and business advisors. Thus consultancy is a varied profession, with projects and clients changing constantly. Regardless of your major, if you’re a creative problem-solver who is interested in different types of business models and providing solutions, then consulting could be your industry. Consultants divide into two broad types: strategy and operations. Strategy consultants advise management teams on top-level decisions like prioritizing new markets to enter, developing price strategy, mergers and acquisitions, how much to invest in research and development, how to structure the organisation and how to deal with competitive threats. Operations consulting is more about how to implement strategy, for instance; how to improve the efficiency of the recruitment process, or implement a new sales strategy.


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Day in the life of

consultant Introduction

Hello, my name is Isabel and I joined Bain over 3 years ago in the Sydney office. I studied Commerce (Economics/Finance) at the University of Sydney. Since joining, I have spent 4 months in Bain’s Dubai office and am now transferring to the London office.

Why did you become a Management Consultant? Throughout university, I interned at a few firms including accounting, marketing and investment banking and after those internships I realised what I want and didn’t want from a job but didn’t know what that career would entail. Management consulting seemed like the perfect fit for graduates that were ambitious, hardworking and wanted to work in a collaborative team culture however didn’t exactly know what career they wanted to pursue.

What do you do as a Management Consultant? We help clients answer key strategic questions about challenges they are facing in their organization and that can range from strategy (e.g., how do we increase market share or expand into a new market?), full transformations (e.g., what are the list of initiatives a firm needs to address to increase revenue and reduce cost while staying efficient? What is the process of implementing these initiatives?) or operating model (e.g., how should a company’s organisation structure look like? What accountabilities are associated with each role?) At my time at Bain, I’ve had various opportunities across different industries and capabilities. Some of my project experience includes demerger strategy of a wealth management company, a private hospital transformation, the organisation restructure of one of a financial service firm and the launch of a new venture for a retailer.

What else do you love about consulting? 1.

Diversity of the work: we have such a steep learning curve at Bain because the work always changes whether that’s the industry (healthcare, financial service, retail) or capability (strategy, transformation, operating model)


The best people: People at Bain are invested in you, your learning and your development. Working with inspiring people in a collaborative environment has been my favourite aspect of the job.


Ownership from day 1: You will be embedded in the team with a clear role, ownership and deliverables from the start which will set you up for success

How do you think management consulting prepares you for your future career? Taking a role in consulting is like making a decision without actually making one because of the immense exposure and skillset you get, which will set you up for the rest of your career. Your time at Bain will embed the skills of being comfortable with ambiguity and the ability to solve, structure and crack problems. Some people end up staying till Partner, others move into private equity, start-ups, corporates etc. Basically the options are endless!

What are some of the opportunities you get at Bain? One of the main reasons I joined Bain was to have an international and challenging career within a supportive culture—and it has definitely delivered! In my first year, I had the opportunity to work across 4 industries in Sydney & Melbourne and attend a twoweek global training in the US. In my second year, I went on a 4 month transfer to the UAE where I was exposed to the work culture in a developing market and learnt a lot of what the Middle East had to offer. Then I seconded at a start-up for 6 months then came back to Bain…& now I am transferring to the Bain London office.


Aishani Anvekar Associate, Assurance


What do you do? What are the duties, functions, and responsibilities that you are involved in as a part of your role? I am an associate in the Consumer and Industrial Products and Services (CIPS) segment of the Assurance business. My primary role involves performing testing procedures towards the risks identified in the external audit of our clients to ensure reasonable assurance that their financial statements aren’t materially misstated.

course and majored in Finance and Business Law. When I applied for the vacationer role, it was more driven by working at PwC than the role, itself. However, the training and development opportunities at PwC combined with the on-the-job coaching helped me develop the necessary skillset quite swiftly.

As technical as that sounds, a typical day for me involves most of the time spent in interacting with our clients to understand their business processes in detail. As an auditor, this allows me to understand the controls in place and scope areas of risk in lieu of fraud or error, and design substantive testing around them.

I have also been given the opportunity to give my CA exams simultaneously, with masterclasses towards the same being provided by the organization. Even though my degree in Finance gave me the foundation for the job eg. evaluating a company’s performance based on the financial statements, if I were to do it over again, I would’ve taken a few accounting courses to improve my technical skills in the area.

Can you tell us a little bit about PwC’s work culture and the environment? What sets it apart? The biggest seller at the time of applying for PwC personally, was its work culture and people. I first joined as a vacationer without any background in audit or accounting and felt a bit out of depth as a result. But PwC’s work culture made my transition from university to work-life seamless.

Do you have any advice for someone applying for your company? Or more specifically, the role you're involved in? PwC employs people from various backgrounds, for example, 60% of my fellow graduate joiners were from non-accounting or non-business backgrounds. They are looking for driven individuals with focus on learning with potential to create value.

I found my colleagues extremely supportive with people going out of their way to assist my growth and learning process. Over a year in now, I’m able to confidently say that PwC is all about its people. I have constantly felt a sense of belonging to the organization and it comes from the culture of care and working together that I’ve experienced working alongside individuals from varied cultural and academic background.

My advice to anyone looking to apply to Assurance at PwC is to focus on our five values. In a world where data and technological advancement allows for efficient solutions, the company is looking for individuals who would invest time in improving their digital fitness to help solve our clients’ problems and build trust in the community.

The focus on well-being and a work-life balance is something I truly appreciate at the firm. Despite having long working days during busy periods, employees are encouraged to take time off to recharge and supported via benefits and perks to take on activities that allow them to prioritize their mental and physical fitness. How did you get started in this field? How well did your work relate to the experiences or studies you had in university? Honestly, I never imagined ending up in Audit. Through university, I didn’t take a single accounting


Be involved in university as it is reflective of your capacity of working together, taking initiative, and driving change. Invest your time in opportunities or competitions at university that allow you to be innovative and apply your understanding from the courses you study. And finally, make real connection with people you meet. As cliché as it sounds, it is easy to interact with individuals at networking events with an agenda to advance your career. But PwC is all about building relationships, whether it is with your colleagues or clients. A big part of the job is talking to people and the time you spend at university allows for numerous opportunities to improve your interpersonal and soft skills. So that would be your best starting point!

David Wang

Associate Director David Wang

PwC Associate Director PwC

What do you do? What are the duties, functions and responsibilities that you are involved in as a part of your role? I'm an Associate Director in the PwC Deals Team. Within Deals, I mainly work across the Transaction Services and Data Analytics streams, which means most of the time I assist my clients (either Private Equity or large Corporates) with a buyside or sellside engagement (buying or selling companies). I typically lead a team between 2-4 people in conducting financial/commercial due diligence work and this involves data crunching and asking management detailed questions which ultimately translates into a report for our client. Buysides tend to be more common; we advise clients of key financial issues so they can better assess their investment thesis and what is right price for them to pay for the target company. Can you tell us a little about PwC’s work culture and the environment? What sets it apart? I'd like to describe the culture at PwC as being vibrant and innovative. In terms of what's sets it apart, it's all the little things they've done as market pioneers that has made it attractive: having had a flexible dress code since 2016 (yes, people do rock up in t-shirts and sneakers), iconic social events (some of which have been the largest seen in Sydney such as Melb Cup and Xmas) and being ahead of the pack with digital transformation and their applications in our day-to-day work.

Do you have any advice for someone applying for your company? Or more specifically, the field you’re involved in? If you intend to work in the M&A field, I encourage you to become truly passionate and read business news daily (start with the AFR ), search up on recent iconic deals and demonstrate that you have a grasp of what is happening in the market. If you're interested in Data Analytics, I highly recommend taking some online courses out there as there are plenty of avenues to upskill yourself in ETL. Technical skills are very important but also being able to articulate messages and trends concisely is also crucial! What do you find to be the most interesting or challenging part of your work? No two deals are ever the same! Clients often need varying degrees of support and as much as I've done a lot of deals in the same industry and space, each one provides unique challenges and varying problem solving approaches. The Data Analytics work that I do is definitely exciting and I work with interesting datasets such as the sales transaction data of an online retailer. This paves the path for exciting analysis where I can slice and dice the data in various ways. It's always particularly interesting when I uncover a trend that unlocks what would otherwise be hidden transaction value for my clients!

How did you get started in this field? How well did your work relate to the experiences or studies you had in university?? I took up a summer vacationer role and was captivated by some of the work and decided to return eventually. Whilst not entirely correlated, a lot of my studies and experiences at uni gave me the skills/confidence in problem solving and I learnt how to be a professional. I definitely think my experience in leadership roles (shout out to BSOC) translated substantially into being able to lead varying project teams and be a better a coach on the job.


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LAW The central service supplied by a law firm is to advise clients, corporations or individuals, about their legal rights and liabilities. Law firms represent clients in a broad range of areas including civil or criminal cases, business transactions, taxation, intellectual properties and other matters in which legal advice and assistance are sought. Law firms are generally structured around a partnership between lawyers wherein partners share the firm’s profits as well as liabilities, and employ other lawyers to work with them as associates.


Corrs Chambers Westgarth is Australia’s leading independent law firm. We’re known for delivering legal excellence, exceptional client service and outstanding results.

Our significant work

Diversity & Inclusion

We let our work speak for itself, and are proud to work with some of the biggest organisations in the world on their most important matters.

We strongly believe that diversity in all its forms should be embraced and celebrated. This benefits our people, our clients, our firm and the industry at large. Our culture is defined by excellence, collaboration, commitment and respect.

Our clients include more than half of the top fifty ASX‑listed companies, some of the largest privately owned companies in Australia and a number of global Fortune five hundred companies. We work with well‑known organisations like AGL, Amazon, BP, Blackstone, CBA, Coles, eBay, Google, Johnson & Johnson, Medibank, NAB, PayPal, TPG

We’ve established flexibility as standard business practice and an option for all our people, including partners. Even before COVID‑19 fast tracked the general approach to workplace flexibility.

Telecom, Wesfarmers and Westpac. We also work with governments, Federal and State, as well as on major transactions that make the news.

Corrs’ Lawyer Development Program The Lawyer Development Program is designed for lawyers in the formative stage of their career. It aims to build the capabilities and relationships that will drive career progression and underpin future successes, as rapidly as possible. Unique features of the program include: •

Mentor partner – Each lawyer is allocated a mentor partner (in most cases their supervising partner in their first rotation) who remains in this role throughout the program and potentially beyond. This will build a personal and enduring relationship that transcends everyday transactional work. Lawyers will also be supported in each rotation by a supervising partner and SA/SC who will source meaningful and challenging work.

12 x 6 x 6 rotation structure – We have extended the first practice group rotation from 6‑months to 12 months to ensure lawyers have time to learn on the job and build strong capabilities and relationships in their first year. In the second year, when lawyers have an increased level of experience and confidence, they will complete two 6‑month rotations in order to gain exposure and build relationships across different groups.

Formal learning – The program incorporates comprehensive formal learning opportunities including our national Graduate Academy, local Graduate Orientation, practical legal training with the College of Law, practice group induction sessions, and the national Legal Excellence program.

Community & Pro Bono We think it’s important to contribute to the community and to facilitate access to justice. We perform around 20,000 hours of pro bono and volunteer work each year, helping those who need it most. We feel that it is our responsibility to ensure legal services are available not only to those who can afford it, but to those who cannot, to those who are disenfranchised and to those who have genuine legal issues of public interest that need to be pursued, even if those issues are unpopular or politically sensitive.

Wellbeing Program Corrs recognises the importance of health and wellbeing and is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace through a range of programs and policies. Our wellbeing program provides a range of initiatives to assist people in maintaining good overall health. Some of our activities include mixed netball, pilates and yoga, touch football, cricket day, Friday night drinks, family days, trivia nights, End of Financial Year party and Christmas Party.

Corrs Chambers Westgarth Graduate Profile

Ivan Brcic

What do you do? What are the duties, functions and responsibilities that you are involved in as a part of your role? I am a lawyer in the graduate program at Corrs Chambers Westgarth (Corrs). The graduate program involves three rotations, and currently I am working in the competition group. Broadly, my role involves supporting senior lawyers and partners in fulfilling the legal needs of our clients. As a junior lawyer, no day is the same. One day I may be preparing a submission to the competition regulator regarding a multi-national merger, and another day I could be assisting in a high-profile court case. This is what makes being a junior lawyer great, as variety enables you to become involved in a diverse spectrum of matters. Can you tell us a little bit about Corrs Chambers Westgarth’s work culture and the environment? What sets it apart? At Corrs, the work culture is both nurturing and stimulating. The firm, as well as the individual practice groups, work hard to ensure that each member is supported in their professional development For example, every junior lawyer is assigned a mentor within the firm to oversee their development. I think what sets Corrs apart is its open and collaborative work environment. As a lawyer, you are consistently provided with opportunities to work with other practice groups, enabling you to expand your professional development beyond one particular area of law.

working there for a year, and gaining valuable experience, I undertook the clerkship program at Corrs. Following the clerkship, I continued to work at Corrs on a casual basis until I began the graduate program in 2021. While my law degree has obviously been essential to my role as a lawyer, I have also had to rely upon my commerce degree on more than several occasions. As a lawyer you are often working with unfamiliar industries, and I have found that my commerce degree has prepared me to better navigate and understand the commercial realities of our clients. Do you have any advice for someone applying for your company? Or more specifically, the role you’re involved in? It is important that you go out and seek experience – whether it be volunteering at a legal centre, becoming a member of a club or society, or working for a small law firm as I did. While you’re not expected to be as polished as Harvey Spectre (I had to get the Suits reference in somewhere), firms place value on the experience and dynamism you can bring. What do you find to be the most interesting or challenging part of your work? Navigating clients through complex legal issues is simultaneously the most challenging and interesting aspect of my work. It means you never stop learning and ensures that you are always improving as a lawyer.

How did you get started in this field? How well did your work relate to the experiences or studies you had in university? I completed a Bachelor of Commerce (Information Systems) and Bachelor of Laws at UNSW. I always knew that I wanted to become a lawyer and so I sought out a job in a small suburban law firm in my third year of law. After


Be exceptional. Corrs clerkship 2022

At Corrs, we bring together engaging, curious, ambitious individuals to create top performing teams. 54


PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Professional services firms provide external accounting and advisory services to commercial firms in many different forms. Auditing (the sign-off of financial statements) represents an important aspect of the services they offer however it extends further through to tax advisory, insolvency advisory, forensic accounting and general business consulting. The Professional Services Industry has evolved considerably over the past few decades, transcending just accounting services that they offer, but rather extending through to many more fields including consulting, corporate finance and human resource management. As a result, students and professionals from a diverse range of degrees and backgrounds are employed under the same firm to fill the multitude of roles on offer.


Your future is bright. It’s yours to build.

Student Programs

Meet Amy Luca Consulting – Business Transformation

Graduating 2024 Cadet Program

Graduating 2023

Graduating 2022

Game Changers Club

Vacationer Program

Graduate Program

Career Compass Program

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The people! Everyone is so nice and approachable, plus you share a special bond with the people you work with directly on an engagement. I’ve made friends across the globe, some I’ve never met in person, but you get to know people on a work level as well as a personal level – so you’re not only colleagues, but also become great friends. You learn from each other, you share experiences (highs and lows), and you ultimately grow together.


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The amount that I’ve grown and learnt. I used to work on the industry side, and only learnt about Marketing within my sector over ~10 years. In 4 years at EY, I have worked in 6 sectors for 6 different clients on 6 completely different engagements. My learning curve has been through the roof and I would never have got that breadth of exposure had I not worked with EY. I can see how I’ve grown in my career, and the value that I can bring to clients. My confidence has increased, and I can now work with colleagues to pass on my knowledge as well.

Naditha Jayanetti Actuarial Consultant


What do you do? “I solve problems for clients!” which means I’m a Consultant in EY’s Actuarial Services division, more specifically in the Banking & Capital Markets team of the division. What are the duties, functions and responsibilities that you are involved in as a part of your role? The quote in the previous question is the generic phrase you will hear about most consultancy roles, but in the actuarial field, we’re different – we’re cooler… We will tend to use more of our analytical, statistical and technical skillsets to either provide innovative solutions to new areas of interest or develop complex models to simulate real life habits or derive valuations for financial instruments. In the BCM team, I work with banking and financial institution clients, which means client-facing interactions with their teams or using their data to perform different analytical methods. We also have more innovative projects that require building new processes and models to keep up with changing regulations in the banking sector. Can you tell us a little about your firm's work culture and the environment? I personally believe EY’s work culture is centred around comradery and growing from mistakes. You are truly rewarded from being curious and asking questions or looking for help, because at the end of the day, everyone started out at similar skill levels. Consider my bias as much as you want, but I truly believe that out of all the ‘Big 4’ accounting firms, EY has the strongest company culture outside and inside of work. There is a plethora of social clubs and activities EY staff can be a part of, and teams tend to have regular catchups or post-work outings. As a firm, EY has succeeded in bringing down the barriers to make employees feel more comfortable at work, whether in the office or at home, and I think this is backed by its popularity over the years. What sets it apart? EY has garnered itself a strong reputation for developing its employees through interactive, high-detail workshops that cover areas in technical expertise to mental wellbeing. EY provides its employees with the tools and experiences to further their career into the future whether they stay or move on, and the thing is, they are entirely about you and helping you find what’s best for your goals and lifestyle.

Another key point is the graduate program. Being a graduate at EY is highly sought-out due to the sense of family created by the respective graduate programs and close knit teams. You will be spending a lot of time with like-minded people which is a great way to make new friends. How did you get started in this field? I actually got the interview for my role through a case competition, but as an Actuarial Student, I’ve had a long interest and knowledge in the actuarial industry. So remember, try out different opportunities because there is no one set path to enter the field of your dreams. How well did your work relate to the experiences or studies you had in university? I can assure you that university courses are about teaching you the fundamental concepts and understanding of how different theories and methods work. In the BCM team, we have pre-built models and templates that are built on the foundation of those teachings, and as such I need to know how these concepts work in order to properly use the models. There are also day-to-day tasks that require me to draw upon knowledge from university to form calculations or analyse results. Outside of drawing upon my course studies, having being in societies, I’ve developed good teamwork skills that transcend into my work especially since every project requires open communication and collaborative work. BSOC has definitely helped me be more proactive in the workplace and not shy away from opportunities to help others or be vocal within a team. And although my work in BSOC doesn’t naturally crossover with my work at EY, there are small parallels that only you will notice and appreciate. Do you have any advice for someone applying for your company? Or more specifically, the field you’re involved in? Skipping some of the basics, I encourage you to really research the EY’s values and try to find how you’ve shown passion for these values, and if possible, how you plan to continue that motivation at EY. Any company loves someone with varied experiences, so step out of your bubble and try something new. For me, that was joining a consulting club and learning new skills that I apply all the time.


Christine Luo People Partner


What do you do? What are the duties, functions and responsibilities that you are involved in as a part of your role? I’m a part of the People Operations team. Our team mission is to build and maintain high performing teams at Airtasker. My focus is to ensure we deliver seamless, friction-free and scalable employee experiences to all Airtasker employees. My responsibilities involve providing advice and support to our employees throughout their journey from pre-employment, onboarding, all the way to when they leave Airtasker. I work closely with the rest of the People Ops team to drive process improvements that help optimise our people processes, tools and systems to help scale our day to day impact. This usually means looking at ways we can automate our processes and ways of working so that we are able to reduce our collective manual load. I also support business leaders and managers to create the conditions for people to be able to grow their talent and impact at Airtasker. Lastly, my role is to make sure everyone is also having a kick ass time at the same time. Can you tell us a little about your firm's work culture and the environment? What sets it apart? Besides all the fun stuff like dogs in the office, free coffee and lunches, unlimited drinks and snacks in the kitchen, super yacht parties… I think there are two main things that stand out to me as both an employee and as someone working within HR. Firstly, it would be our values. I strongly believe we live our values in all aspects of our work. People Matter and Own It are the key ones that first come to mind for me. I think it is incredibly important that organisations value their people and always keep the impact of business decisions on their people at the forefront of their mind. I think we take full responsibility in this regard by ensuring there is always compassion and a human-centric approach in all our decisions - business or people ones, because at the end of the day, every business decision impacts its people. Next, would be the level of transparency we have across the organisation. We believe in leading with context, not control and this is reflected in how openly we communicate information. We also ensure this is reflected in how we work, and I can confidently say that all our teams operate under high levels of trust and autonomy.


How did you get started in this field? How well did your work relate to the experiences or studies you had in university? I think I’ve always known that I wanted to work in HR, but not the boring traditional type of HR - the type where everyone shudders when they hear that the person from HR is coming to speak to you. I wanted to work in an organisation that had a progressive way of working and one that really believed that investing into its people was a priority. My studies barely did anything to help me get to where I am now if I’m completely honest. There are only so many case studies in a textbook (and we hardly looked at any) that can help prepare you for the type of people problems you end up facing in the workplace. Processes that may work for certain organisations, may not be fit for purpose for others due to a myriad of factors (size, industry, context etc). That being said, my involvement in extracurricular activities throughout uni really helped me build the foundations for my soft skills. These interpersonal skills such as strong communication and structured problem solving have formed the foundation of how I work and approach my work. What do you find to be the most interesting or challenging part of your work? The most interesting part of my role are the opportunities. Our mission is to empower people to realise the full value of their skills, and this extends to the employees within Airtasker. We encourage people to challenge existing processes and ways of working because this ensures we are continually moving forward and staying competitive. This means I get to rip things apart at work (even if it’s something my manager implemented) and rebuild it so that we can achieve better outcomes. I find this exciting as it’s a great way to learn and have an impact. The most challenging part of my role is being able to balance my role as someone who works in HR, with my role as an employee. In my team, our priority is to ensure everyone is having a great time no matter where you are in your journey here. However, sometimes we are so focussed on looking after others and celebrating their wins, that we forget to do this for ourselves.

FINANCE & INVESTMENT BANKING A career in finance opens up a whole new avenue of work that is dynamic and fast-paced, however developing challenging yet niche skills can set you apart and give you a competitive edge. The roles within this industry require strong numerical and analytical skills which are needed to thrive in an environment where time management and multitasking are a necessity. These finance roles are often client-facing so strong communication and interpersonal skills are a must in order to excel within the pressure-intense situations you and your team deal with. Meanwhile trading firms exist to buy financial instruments to speculate, hedge against risks or try to make risk free profits. The role also requires strong numerical and analytical skills. Moreover, having strong knowledge of coding and data would also be useful in this role. Investment Banking Divisions Within Corporate Finance, Investment banking stands out as one of the most competitive fields. In making complex financial and strategic deals, there are a lot of important stakeholders to account for and a lot of decisions to make regarding the interests of your client. IBD is typically split into three areas: - Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A): The M&A division presides over companies that are intent on acquiring/merging with another public or private company. - Equity Capital Markets (ECM): When a company wishes to raise additional capital to expand their business, the ECM division is able to discuss recommendations or organise and structure the offer process. - Debt Capital Markets: Similar to the ECM team, DCM market analysts provide advice and raise various types of debt for institutional clients and government. 59

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Bill Martin

Options Trader

Citadel Securities

What's your job about? I’m an options trader at Citadel Securities, where we take on the role of being ‘Options Market Makers’. This means that we have a contractual obligation to exchanges to continually provide prices at which we will buy and sell securities (options in my case). Unlike a lot of market participants who chose the exact trades they want to do, we specifically don’t get to do that – we always take the opposite side of what others want to do. My job is primarily about what happens during market hours. When the exchange I trade is open, I’m pretty glued to my trading monitor; adjusting our pricing in order to best manage our position, the trades we are doing, and what our smart pricing inputs are telling us. Out of market hours, my focus is to improve our systems and pricing so that we are as successful as possible during market hours. This ends up meaning I do a lot of talking about pricing and execution improvements with colleagues and teammates and coding up indicators and visualizations in Python. What's your background? I grew up in Dubai until I was about 16, at which point I came back to Australia (the Sunshine Coast to be exact) to do my final years of high school and go to University. I was always extremely keen on math and physics throughout school, so I followed these routes into Maths and Engineering at University. I spent quite a few years tutoring throughout university and spent a couple of summers doing professional engineering internships around Australia and in Dubai – but I never really enjoyed the Engineering grad role-type job, as it wasn’t technically challenging enough. Throughout my degree/upbringing, I never really thought of trading as a job, but happened to stumble across it in my final year of University. I have now worked in this industry a cumulative of 3.5 years and it seems bizarre to me now that I never knew this career opportunity existed, but the decisions I made through my education oddly meant that I was perfectly suited for it. Could someone with a different background do your job? Yes, the job of a trader is surprisingly broad strokes. I know traders of all different sorts of backgrounds,

who mould their own jobs into what they want to get out of it – and what they are good at. My colleagues range from mathematicians and engineers to commerce and accounting professionals to computer scientists to lawyers (all of whom are working as traders now). While maths and statistics knowledge is definitely up there as very handy skills, there’s no set degree for a ‘trader’, so it’s much more based on being logical and working hard. What's the coolest thing about your job? I thrive on the constant competition and fast pace of trading, so for me, the best part is the rapid development of pricing and systems. I’m given a large amount of responsibility within my team and choose to pursue a technical and coding-heavy role, so I spend a lot of time designing and implementing ideas which we then push through to production, allowing us to directly experience their benefit (or loss, if things go badly!). What are the limitations of your job? If you crave excitement, then trading is a great job for you. A trader’s day is dictated by news events happening in the world, and what other market participants trade against us each day – we never really know what is going to unfold. Trading can be a stressful job, but if you want a technical and competitive job where you get a lot of responsibility, dealing with uncertainty is part of the equation. 3 pieces of advice for students Go out and chat with people in the profession you are interested in. Professionals are generally very keen to talk to people who show an interest in what they do. Message people in the job you want and make it happen. Apply and interview as much as you can. From the recruiting side, it is obvious who is well-versed in interviews. Don’t only apply for your dream job, use interviewing as a chance to learn. Stack the odds in your favour. Your job isn’t everything. Find a career where you can still balance your life outside of work, and you have the weekends free to enjoy other things that are important to you.


My AMP is… cultureinclusive client



flexible possibilities

thinking connected


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rewarding inclusive

supportive exciting





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forward strong

development unique

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What will your AMP be?


AMP Graduate Program. Your Program. Your Journey. Your AMP.

Realise your ambitions Flexible. Connected. Unique. The AMP Graduate Rotational Program provides the pathway to realise your ambitions. The AMP graduate program offers you a personalised development opportunity like no other. As a graduate, you will complete a two-year rotational program providing you with the flexibility needed to realise your ambitions. AMP welcomes diverse thinkers with entrepreneurial ambitions.

Program Streams & Rotations At AMP we trust our people and give our graduates the connections and flexibility to make a difference. We welcome and encourage applications from all undergraduate degrees and offer a number of business streams such as Accounting & Finance, Financial Services, Technology, Legal & Governance and Enterprise Risk Management. During the program you’ll have the chance to rotate through a number of teams in your selected business area, helping you to work out what’s right for you based on your skills and interests. The flexible nature of the rotational structure helps you get connected, build technical skills and take on meaningful work from the very start of your journey.

Professional Development & Support Network A tailored development program including a series of workshops, technical skills training, insight sessions, lunch & learns and numerous networking opportunities with senior executives and mentors across AMP. In addition, you have the opportunity to work on a Business Improvement Project (BIP) with the chance to win funding towards piloting your idea. Sharing your graduate experience with a close-knit cohort, your new friendships and networks start from the day of offer. You’ll have access to a network of people who understand your value and are committed to your development and success. Graduates have a dedicated Talent Manager, Buddy, Graduate Champions in each program stream and the wider graduate alumni community to lean on.

My reason for joining the AMP Graduate Program was to contribute to an institution that plays a huge part in the lives of everyday Australians. AMP is an organisation that is going through a significant amount of change, and the Graduate Program was a great chance for me to be part of a transformation with endless opportunities for self-growth. The rotations on offer in AMP Bank, Advice and Wealth Management (and more) are extensive, allowing flexibility to experience different business units to find the area best suited to me. I’ve found that this program is more than just finding something you like. It is also the networks you create, targeted programs towards professional development, and continuous learning from leaders that care. Liam, Financial Services Graduate – University of Sydney, Bachelor of Commerce (Liberal Studies)

For more details: amp.com.au/ampcareers/ home/graduates Contact us: graduates@amp.com.au


W H AT I S I T L I K E TO B E A G R A D UAT E T R A D E R W I T H U S ? As a Graduate Trader with Flow Traders you will follow an initial 4 to 6 months intensive in-house training program at our Headquarters in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, covering all intricate details of our trading processes. Upon successful completion, you will relocate to our Hong Kong office and begin to manage a desk together with a Senior Trader. Gradually you will take on more responsibilities, start to formulate strategies, trade and monitor markets at your own desk focusing on a wide range of financial products.

Wh o We Lo o k Fo r Penultimate and final year students currently pursuing a Degree in Finance, Science, Mathematics, Physics, Economics, Engineering or a related field A demonstrable interest in global financial markets and a keen interest in technology Excellent communication skills Eager to spot opportunities and assertiveness to seize them Able to perform and deliver under pressure

Wh at We O f fe r 4 to 6 months intensive in-house training Excellent performance-based rewards as we reserve a high percentage of our business results in our bonus pool Direct implementation of trading ideas Exposure to a wide range of asset classes and financial instruments Excellent company perks including medical insurance, catered meals, company trips, subsidised gym memberships and more!

Excellent numerical, analytical, and logical reasoning skills

I f yo u b e l i eve yo u a re t h e r i g h t fi t fo r u s , s i m p ly s ca n t h e Q R co d e :


All Minds Wanted. For us, finance is much more than spreadsheets and statistics. Across our businesses and around the world, we’re looking for students from all majors to join our diverse and inclusive teams and play an important role in our global economy. With more than 100 years of history in Australia and New Zealand, we are committed to creating new and unexpected solutions for our clients while leaving a positive impact on our communities. Here, you’ll have opportunities to innovate and learn through our strong commitment to technology to deliver smarter products and services to our clients. Discover your potential and join our team today at J.P. Morgan.

©2019 JPMorgan Chase & Co. All rights reserved. J.P. Morgan is an equal opportunities employer.


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Articles inside

Dean's Address

page 4


pages 65-66


pages 60-64

Alumni Interview - Christine Luo

pages 56-57

Alumni Interview - Naditha Jayanetti

page 55


pages 58-59

Alumni - David Wang

pages 45-47


page 44

Corrs Chambers Westgarth

pages 50-54

Bain & Company

pages 42-43

Alumni Interview - Anna Cheng

pages 37-41


page 30


page 29


pages 31-36

Information Systems

page 27

Human Resources

page 26

International Business

page 28

Financial Technology

page 25


page 24


page 23


page 20


page 21

Assessment Centre

page 13

Psychometric Testing

page 12

Editor’s Note

page 3

Cover Letter

page 11

Dean’s Address

pages 5-6


page 10

Attire & Appearance

page 9

Career Accelerator

page 7

President’s Address

page 5

Job Search & Networking

page 8
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