VEDERE International May/June 2020

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Edizioni Ariminum Srl - Via Negroli, 51/A - 20133 Milan - Italy




The First International Magazine on Optics and Eyewear - May - June 2020

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ULTRA POLARIZED GLASS Brilliant Colors & Exceptional Clarity

Fashion Trends Industry New Products Edizioni Ariminum Srl - Via Negroli, 51/A - 20133 Milan - Italy

Marketing & Economy VEDERE International May - June 2020 Publishing Director: Isabella Morpurgo




The First International Magazine on Optics and Eyewear - May - June 2020















MIDO never stops, although it knows when it’s time to build the present and time to imagine the future. That’s why, due to the impossibility to organize the 2020 Edition, it announces the new dates of the 50th Edition that will be held in 2021.

Try the b2b digital platform by MIDO

PHASE TWO, WHAT SHOULD WE PREPARE FOR? A small step forward, with the government decree of April 26th, in Italy, since May 4th, the lockdown has been slightly loosened, we can leave home but not move between regions except for proven work or health needs. Non-essential commercial activities, bars and restaurants are still closed. We can see our relatives again, even if it’s from a distance and with a mask. In fact we are still in apnea, astonished, frightened both for the health situation and for the future of the economy, without social relations if not virtual ones. A disaster. In this semi-apocalyptic scenario we just have to think, trying to re-examine our own life and activity in a proactive way, preparing ourselves for a future that, once the epidemic is over, will find us changed anyway, in a society with new needs. As far as our activity as specialized publishers and operators in the communication sector is concerned, I found the analysis made by Rossella Sobrero, President Ferpi (Federation of Italian Public Relations), very interesting. In an interview at the end of April, she pointed out how the world of communication is now called to deal with elements of change such as, for example, the impact that the new use of technologies is having in all relationships making them, in some ways, increasingly virtual and pervasive at the same time. In this phase, which is also of crisis of relationships with people, the task of communicators is to become ‘social weavers’. It means that the communicator can help the various actors in the society to dialogue with each other. It is a position that appears to be in countertrend in a context in which we see more and more disintermediation on a communicative level, which excludes not only journalists, but also communication professionals. President Sobrero also speaks of the ‘communicative swarm’: disintermediation allows everyone to have direct contact and the result is precisely a background noise, a confusion that makes difficult for the listener to understand the various messages, and understand, above all, what he has to do. These words reminded me that being a specialized publisher means, precisely, being able to weave wider and wider networks of relationships, to gain the trust of advertisers by demonstrating to know the market in which we operate, to evaluate changes, to anticipate needs and to be able to search for “real” news. In recent years the Internet and Social Media have forced us to change quickly in order not to lose our raison d’être, but no Social can replace the human relationships on which our profession is based and I can’t wait to go back to shaking hundreds of hands in the corridors of specialized salons, press conferences and other business opportunities.

Isabella Morpurgo Publisher VEDERE International

De Rigo stimulates the recovery with some initiatives focused on the territory “Looking at the world with new eyes” is the inspiring philosophy that will guide the initiatives of the De Rigo Group in the coming months and which is the basis of the first projects that the Company has chosen to carry out to demonstrate concrete solidarity with the territory. The safe restart and the construction of a new normality represent a challenge, if possible, even greater than the one we left behind. A condition that forces to look at the world with new eyes and that can only be tackled together, as a team. Aware of this, De Rigo has decided to give a sign and an effective testimony of his commitment to recovery by creating two initiatives, carried out in collaboration with the authorities of the Veneto Region, one of the most affected areas in Italy by the pandemic. The thought immediately went to local health care, so strained by the emergency, and translated into in a donation of 100,000 euros that the Group has chosen to make to ULSS n.1 Dolomiti di Belluno through an agreement with BMR Genomics, a spin-off participated by the University of Padua, specialized in DNA analysis and directed by Prof. Giorgio Valle. Thanks to the contribution of De Rigo, BMR Genomics will carry out the analysis of 2,500 nasopharyngeal swabs for hospital medical staff and, in collaboration with ULSS n.1 Dolomiti, will carry out a study on a hundred or so viral genomes in the Belluno area to compare them with those of other areas in order to evaluate the evolution of the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the territory and any differences with the already known types of coronavirus. De Rigo then conceived a project diffused on the territory. A symbolic thank-you and gratitude gesture to the healthcare staff of the Veneto region who have been at the forefront in these months.

They more than anyone else, after seeing so much pain, deserve to be able to “look at the world with different eyes”. Realized in collaboration with the local healthcare authorities, the initiative aims to reward 10,000 people among COVID-19 medical and paramedical staff of Veneto, giving each one a sunglasses or a prescription frame offered by De Rigo. The Group would like to thank the partner opticians in the Veneto region who have joined the initiative and made this project possible. “It is not only a sign of collective thanks and encouragement for such deserving people, but also a way to encourage the safe recovery of life in towns and villages and visits to shops. We want to contribute to re-establishing human and physical contact with the aim of a progressive return to normal life and work for all of us,” says Barbara De Rigo, Marketing Director House Brands De Rigo. The activity is scheduled from 1 June to 3 July, which coincides with a progressive slowing down of the emergency and a first return to normality for those who have been non-stop on the lane for months. Doctors and nurses can register on the special platform and arrange an appointment at the nearest point of sale, among those who joined the initiative, to choose and collect their De Rigo glasses for free.



Luxottica and University of Padua together for Phase 2 Innovative experimentations are underway, with the arrival of ‘smart’ swabs and ‘proximity badges’.

Luxottica launches a new Phase 2 management and prevention model in its premises under the scientific patronage of the Department of Molecular Medicine of the University of Padua and the Laboratory of Microbiology and Virology University/Hospital of Padua directed by Prof. Andrea Crisanti. At the heart of the new organisational model will be the integration of security measures and passive prevention adopted so far with active surveillance methods, including an innovative “ swab protocol” and a dynamic contagion risk monitoring system. Luxottica will offer the entire corporate population in offices, factories and shops the opportunity to undergo, in a first phase on a voluntary basis, a swab for the diagnosis of positivity to the SARSCoV-2 virus. Luxottica will use a new COVID-19 Laboratory directed by Prof. Crisanti at the University/Hospital of Padua, created with the initial contribution of 1.5 million Euros from the Leonardo Del Vecchio Foundation and which will be able to manage up to 40 thousand diagnostic swabs per month. The first phase of testing will provide an exact and complete picture of the Luxottica population and will aim to isolate asymptomatic positives. In parallel, the company and the University are developing a new digital system, developed by Prof. Crisanti’s team in collaboration with Luxottica, to dynamically map the level of exposure to the risk of infection of each individual employee.



Finally, the company will launch in the main plant in Agordo the introduction of a “proximity badge” which, with a digital sensor but without any geolocation function, will signal to employees with an audible alarm if the minimum distance of 1.5 metres from their colleagues is exceeded, sending the contact data anonymously to a central database. If a COVID-19 positive case is identified, this information will allow timely intervention in isolating potential outbreaks and swabbing workers potentially exposed to the infection. Luxottica has also launched an internal tollfree number for immediate medical advice for employees and their families, thanks to the support of qualified doctors. The whole experimentation will work in synergy with the current work organisation, which foresees a reduction in the number of staff present in the worksite. In addition, the integration of 100% of the net monthly salary of all workers who will have to access the social welfare system has been extended for the same period. Lastly, the Company has enhanced the smart working system, which has now become part of the Group’s standard operating practice.

OKO by OKO supports its partner opticians The situation we have just gone through is unprecedented, and government decisions have more than upset the daily lives and professional activities of the opticians. In these exceptional circumstances, the French company OKO by OKO expresses its full support and solidarity to its opticians customers to face this adversity together more united than ever. For this reason, the company has adapted its actions and decisions to focus as closely as possible on their support, which will be managed on a case-bycase basis for each individual store. The company therefore confirms its willingness to postpone billing or staggered payment of orders

to support customers in this recovery phase. The OKO team is of course operational and fully mobilized to ensure daily activity and prepare now for the coming months with all the necessary sanitary measures. They are optimistic, confident and convinced of the usefulness of a business model on a human scale, closer, simpler and more attentive to everyone. This period of confinement largely inspired OKO in the new communication campaign which has only one goal: to distribute joy and happiness in a world turned upside down and abused - faithful to the values and OKO DNA of optimism, playfulness and colorful.



OPTILOOK: free corrective and contact lenses for hospital staff

“The idea of contributing to this situation was born in the initial quarantine period,” explains Andrea De Blasis, Optilook Sales Points Manager. “We learned from the media about dramatic situations in the hospitals in Northern Italy. From the very beginning, our desire was more than to help, we wanted to give tangible and real thanks to the hospital staff, doctors, nurses and others”. All this was made possible by the collaboration with a trusted partner like Galileo. “I met Matteo Berra, BBGR Area Manager in Northern Italy and we immediately aligned ourselves to give life to this initiative”, continues De Blasis. An almost natural evolution of what has always been the strategy of Optilook stores. “We focus a lot on the well-being of our customers and their loyalty,” says Andrea. “Our goal is to empathize with the customer so that their needs are satisfied in the best possible way. If a customer needs a little help, it’s in our DNA to support them”. A philosophy that pays off given the success of the 4 points of sale in Emilia Romagna (soon 5, new opening in Formigine in the province of Modena, in June 2020). The project comes to life in full respect of the rules of hygiene and distance. “Even for free corrective lenses and contact lenses we will proceed by appointment and if necessary we will make measurements on site with all the necessary precautions”, explains De Blasis. The initiative does not have an expiry date. “We provide 50 pairs of Galileo corrective lenses and 200 supplies of contact lenses while stocks last,” continues Andrea. “We are aware that we probably



won’t be able to meet the needs of all the healthcare staff, which we regret, but we still want to make our contribution despite this challenging economic moment for everyone. In addition to this initiative, our stores will give ALL healthcare staff a 30% discount for prescription glasses and 25% for sunglasses for the whole year 2020,” Andrea concludes.

SAFILENS: COVID-19 INITIATIVE From 22 March to 15 April, Safilens promoted an initiative in support of the Police Forces, Health Officers and Civil Protection volunteers. Through the participating optical centers, the need for two months’ daily contact lenses was distributed free of charge to representatives of these categories, who are hard-working and at the forefront of the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic. The daily wear method was chosen to ensure maximum hygiene and safety. Over 300 partner stores throughout Italy have supplied more than 10,000 packs of contact lenses for myopia/hypermetropia, astigmatism and presbyopia for a market value of almost 280,000 euros. There have been countless expressions of appreciation and gratitude received from the field; particularly appreciated were those of intensivist doctors and nurses who were able to use the lenses under the various protective devices, facilitating the operation compared to the annoyance of glasses. “We want to thank all the opticians who have joined us, allowing us to bring a little help to those who, with abnegation and spirit of sacrifice, are trying to ensure the health and safety of all of us” said Daniele Bazzocchi, General Manager Safilens.





Phase 2: “Track My Health” to ensure safety

Antares Vision, leader in inspection and vision systems for quality control, tracking solutions for anti-counterfeiting and supply chain control, intelligent data management, presents TrackMyHealth. Conceived and developed in collaboration with Vigilate, an Italian, Bresciabased company operating in the Security sector, specialized in the production of technological products and image analysis software, TrackMyHealth is an integrated security system for the prevention and protection of people’s health.


TrackMyHealth is a solution for different kinds of activities: companies, banks, public offices, as well as malls and large retail areas, as well as public spaces such as exhibition centres, stations and airports. It was created to guarantee the health of the citizen and the protection of the business through a guaranteed and demonstrable control on compliance with security criteria: from the detection of temperature, social distance and the adoption of personal protection devices within various spaces, thanks to the use of intelligent vision systems and artificial intelligence algorithms, designed in full compliance with GDPR standards.

In particular, Antares Vision’s TrackMyHealth solution will be able to:





• control the body temperature with +/- 0.3° accuracy • count the presence of people with the possibility to automatically manage the limited number of entry/exit and recognize them in relation to body temperature • check whether or not there is a mask on the face • check the entrance portal for queuing • control inter-personal distances in the spaces, automatically generating both alarm signals in case of anomalous situations or behaviors, and a large amount of data and information that can then be consulted through a tool of the history of videos and events, in accordance with the GDPR. The novelty of this system is its modularity and integrability with any existing software platforms and surveillance systems, allowing companies to configure and adapt it according to their needs. In particular, the portal is based on PSIM (Physical Security Information Management) Xentinel, a “Plug&Play” platform for vision and security management able to harmonize with the existing hardware and software architecture, designed for remote Cloud control, on-site control, management of all cameras, alarms and nonconformities, with the possibility of integration with other apps and other devices.


VanKeel Solutions Offers Free 3D Live VTO To Independent Eyewear Vendors VanKeel Solutions, a virtual try-on (VTO) technology startup, announced that it will globally provide independent eyewear vendors free access to its anywhere, anytime 3D live virtual eyewear try-on technology to ensure that patients of their retail clients can meet the eye health needs during this unprecedented time. “When my brother and I decided to bootstrap VanKeel Solutions we were in the midst of the global pandemic. Starting the business in lockdown mode was a real challenge but it proved to be a fast track enabling factor to leverage of our technology stack that we had built over the many years working in the IT industry for global companies that are also operational in the eyewear industry”, said co-founder Dave Vankeel. The proprietary solution, VTOLive, developed by the company allows for a more efficient and

patient or client-centric approach of the eyewear selection process. VTOLive runs on smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. That makes it suitable to deploy in the dispensary area of the optical retail shop as well as on the website. “We are thrilled to offer VTOLive to all independent eyewear vendors free of charge during this global pandemic, which is making it increasingly difficult for patients and consumers to select their glasses,” said John Vankeel, co-founder of VanKeel Solutions. “We recognize that the limitations caused by COVID-19 have created a significant strain on the optical industry. We are confident that our technology will streamline the process for eyewear vendors, optical retailers, and patients, resulting in a greatly improved service for consumers, while keeping individuals safe.” To request a demo of VTOLive simply email in order to receive a custom link to start using VTOLive. Independent eyewear vendors can access this technology for free by emailing: vendor@



The Independent Optician

A future to be reinvented

Franca Bochicchio Ottica & Glasstylist  ® DIECIDECIMI  ® – Milano Blogger, founder of Radio Ottica

It was October 29 and the first time that I had attended an event dedicated to Design and future perspectives. On the stage of the NEXT event, organized by Altagamma, a foundation that has been promoting Italian excellence, uniqueness and lifestyle since 1992, there were incredible world-famous people who were interchanging and confronting each other on the theme of the future of creativity and design. In that moment, no one could have imagined that the immediate future would have provided such a different perspective to observe our familiar world or could have envisaged such remote and improbable scenarios. Well, in my short script, the purpose being to share my personal experience of this period, I started right from a phrase by Buckminister Fuller that I jotted down in the notebook of that event in which I participated, ironically, together with Isabella Morpurgo, the director of this magazine which today hosts my thoughts:

“The best way to predict future is to design it”.



The deterioration of the situation between the event that I had organized in my shop on February 22 for the celebration of the fiftieth MIDO anniversary, which failed exactly in those hours, and March 11 when I decided to close my shop in the heart of Milan, brought upon me an unbearable psychological condition, where I could only accept the lockdown reality that lay before me. Trying to soothe my personal anxieties and fears, together with those of my frightened man cubs, was very stressful. Sharing this condition with everything and everyone created a survival instinct in me that quickly transformed into the RadiO-Optics experience. Suddenly, we were all at home, unprepared behind cell phones and PCs, listening to terrible news, with a sense of impotence, difficult to cope with. Those free hours which were previously sacrificed to the job, to which years had been dedicated, no longer created that sense of lightheartedness as in the past.

For this reason, I decided to explode the eyeglass world that I had learned to love through the voice of its protagonists (manufacturers, designers, agents, opticians, professionals in the sector), inviting them to chat about their history and their passion, both to me and those who followed us from home, thereby keeping that world alive and we with it. From a personal observation that the world would have totally changed outside whilst we were closed inside our homes, I followed my desire, without thinking twice, to take with me whatever I would never have wanted to leave behind. The feeling was very similar to when in an extreme situation they ask you to gather the things you cannot do without and for me, as far as work was concerned, this did not include material things but a world made of immaterial values

creating authentic products, such as passion, trust, sincerity, loyalty. The aim was to hold out together and drag that world behind us, even by force if necessary. The sharing experience transformed itself day by day, allowing us, as insiders, to speak transversally, in the presence of end users, not only of the past of the optics sector, but also of the present, on which we had the opportunity to reflect, and of the future, to be planned for the better.

The RadiO-Ottica experience that still continues as a trait d’union with a moment that has created “a before” and “an after” in both our personal and working lives, has taught me a great deal and, in addition to having saved me, has also exposed me to the criticisms of those who thought that I had nothing better to do, that I had no dear ones to look after nor pizzas to knead. In times of significant change, there is always someone who is interested in maintaining a previous status quo, but history teaches us that we cannot go back, if not more informed. What better situation to focus on crucial points in the optics sector and try to take the opportunity to shed some light? We have not yet waded this river, indeed we are still in a dangerous undertow that is likely to suck us in, but I am happy that RadiO-Ottica and its talks have influenced and contaminated so as to speak of “value” before “sale” in the optics sector, but this is only the beginning. What future have we tried to draw in our open-hearted chats? What to keep and what to change? What to bet on? Aware that from shared thoughts and opinions and from comparison, ideas and beliefs arise from which the



steps of the imminent future move on; these are some important points on which we have focused. The production of frames wherever, should not exclude the concept of commercial honesty in declaring the real origin of the products. In no uncertain terms, the end user has the right to this information to make an informed purchase and, even before them, the opticians have the right, who guarantee that product with their choice. The production chain of Italian optics, Italian pride and a great resource of the entire territory, deserves a more stringent law on Made in Italy than the actual one, which only guarantees 45% of the production of the prevailing processing on the Italian territory, opening up in fact to a very wide range of non-Italian products. A law of 2009, however, allows manufacturers who carry out all the processing in Italy to declare 100% Made in Italy when presenting their products. Why isn’t this done? Why is there no interest in this sense after more than 10 years from this law? Commercial agents in the optics sector, an important connecting role between companies and opticians, can be identified as true brand ambassadors. Their dedication, product knowledge and training are fundamental to explode the value of the product they convey on the market. Knowing them better, listening to them and enhancing them is necessary in order to better protect, transmit and turn that value to the end client. Their stories have given a dimension of how the collaboration between the various figures winding along the supply chain is fundamental in this sector if we want to keep it alive. The optician is the figure we have examined and discussed with greater force, also because a future failing to focus on the role of the optician in this sector would lead to another reality, made up of great players who dominate without having to preserve any roles or chains of value, since their interest is to focus straight on the end user. We are still living in



a hybrid situation where the division between professions is increasingly clear: opticians who choose to be guided in their choices, leaving considerable space to large companies and opticians who instead want to preside over all areas of their prerogative. Without any intention of creating rankings of merit or importance, we talked about the second category that we identify as independent opticians by choice. The mistake that is often made is to associate the concept of independence with independent products instead of to a modus operandi of the optician, a personal predisposition to freedom of action in one’s business. Independent products, i.e. unrelated to certain main stream logics, cannot identify a role on their own even though they may be a more natural choice. A comparison with the many optical colleagues who have participated in various ways from every side of the peninsula, has allowed us to clarify this important topic, still too contaminated today by those who have an interest in appropriating the category by placing themselves as an indispensable filter for the success of the company. Different, instead, are the figures of real consultants who assist the optician’s work in the background, without the need for spotlights, helping him to maintain and preserve his central role, even more fundamental in the near future. The end user, his awareness, the care of his information, the trust that the future optician who really wants to do this wonderful job has yet to gain, this was the real focal point and common thread that accompanied and held together the RadiO-Ottica talks, as you cannot imagine a world that does not consider people in every area, at every level, at every step, before, during and after products, interests, business and advantages. This is the world that we wanted to attract and project into the future with RadiO-Ottica to the cry of “beauty will save the world”, that beauty declined in all its forms and above all in the expression of it’s being, which naturally contributes to achieving a greater harmony. This is the imprinting with which we will continue. Always.

Coronavirus and social: how to change corporate communication “This is the time for humanity, not for the onslaught of commercial action.”

The current pandemic requires companies in particular to adopt appropriate content, tone of voice and action. “Social media is a place where people go first of all to talk about what’s happening in their private lives, especially with the people who matter to them. Companies have always been a necessary guest, and not always happily invited, because while we all have our business interests, no one goes to social media to intentionally consume advertising - explain Marino Pessina and Chiara Porta, CEO and director in charge of the journalistic communication agency Eo Ipso (www. At present, traditional corporate social strategies risk to be inadequate. Given the current situation, companies that already regularly use socials need to make profound changes to the usual language and those that tend to ignore or make little use of

socials need to create a conversation with the public, taking advantage of the entire digital ecosystem and all the different cards within each platform. Keeping quiet while waiting for everything to pass won’t help, it will only serve to make you disappear little by little. Communicate, then, but do it with a purpose. While promoting a sense of support, community and recognition of what the world is experiencing right now. You fight to survive, even if you are closed. The question that all companies should be asking themselves at this time to set up a social media communication strategy is: “How can I use my social media presence to support my community? The goal is not to promote your business, but to offer leadership and support during this unprecedented period. This is a great opportunity to make meaningful connections. An opportunity that, we hope very much, will never be repeated in this way again.



Here are the 15 moves you can make: 1. Reformulate your messages so that they really talk about the difficulties people are facing right now. 2. Check all previously scheduled content to be published during this period and make sure it is still relevant and sensitive in relation to what is happening. 3. Pay attention to the tone used: there must be empathy and compassion. The last thing to do as an entrepreneur is to appear deaf during what is a very difficult time for many people. Ask: “What can I do for you?”, “What do you need from me and my company right now?”, “How can our company alleviate your pain at this time of loss?”. 4. Remove any “playful” emoji and any overly exuberant language. 5. Pay attention to the images you use. For example, instead of posting pictures of people walking on the beach, right now they are better people playing in their yard. 6. If you are open, make posts to thank your employees, asking them to take photos in the company, where everyone can see that they are complying with all the anti-contamination safety rules. 7. If you are in smart working, show people how you and your team are dealing with this moment. “Normally we would be in the office, but now everything has changed.” Publish a post with a photo or video of your morning meeting held on digital platforms that allow you to connect with colleagues or friends.



8. Offer specific skills. Use your social media as an educational channel to let people, or other companies, know how you can support them. Ask yourself: do your posts educate your followers on a relevant topic? Can you help them learn about resources in your niche that will help them in this difficult time? What can you offer for free that will provide educational value to your community? 9. Offer a way to stay in touch while everyone practices social distancing, make an extra effort to empower and support the community. Do you have or can you create a personalized community to help your followers during this time? For example, gyms can provide video courses (for their members but not only), restaurants can offer cooking classes. There can be many ideas.

10. Use videos to communicate more extensively with your audience. They help us connect more effectively with the outside world. 11. Promote and share all the actions you are taking against the pandemic, such as donations made or conversion to make masks or other protective equipment. 12. If you have a press office, share what media says about you even on social media: it’s a way to increase your reputation. 13. Publish motivational quotes, inspiration stories and practical tools. 14. Use multiple social channels and different formats. The combination of both short and long formats will help brands maintain a close affinity with their audience during these unprecedented times. 15. Finally, for the editorial planning of the coming months, consider that the elements of this pandemic could remain.

Never to be done 1. You should refrain from using language that could cause fear or appear as if you were capitalizing on the chaos (e.g. “End of days for sale!” or “Limited time offer! Coronavirus!”). Fear-based marketing may be effective in the immediate term, but it is certainly harmful in the long run. 2. There are a lot of quotes and hilarious examples of “COVID-19 survival” on socials at the moment. Keep those jokes on personal feeds, not corporate feeds. It’s a very challenging time for everyone, so it’s critical to ensure that your strategy is thoughtful, empathetic and supportive at all times. 3 . Avoid messages that might make it appear that you are exploiting the crisis rather than providing value to the public. For example, if you offer financial services, it is not a good idea to advertise yourself, rather, you could provide useful and comforting advice about what is really happening in the markets.

After the crisis “Remember that the world is still in shock and that your messages must be processed with the same empathy and wisdom used in these days - Marino Pessina and Chiara Porta recall. At some point, people will get tired of talking about the crisis and we will all be



able to return to a new normality. In the end, the show (and life) will have to continue. At some point, we will all have to return to work as a population within an economy. When, we don’t know yet. But don’t wait too long to communicate. Don’t let your company be another coronavirus victim”.


Bolon Emphasis is on personality Bolon Eyewear’s philosophy encourages everyone to express their personality and even the youngest are inspired by it. For children who need vision correction, the Brand offers the BD 3000 model, a thin acetate frame with reduced weight to be worn all day long in comfort. For the outdoor life, there is the gritty cat-eye shape of the BK7007A90 or a classic aviator shape (BK7002B70).





Damiani Clip it!

Children and teenagers feel the need to wear glasses in a very different way from an adult. Eyewear is a necessary object for everyday use, but it’s a bit like making a life of its own. For the little ones, it is an accessory to play with or to forget everywhere. For grown-ups, the affectivity linked to aesthetics begins, but its delicacy remains underestimated. For both types, thinking of a sunglasses variation certainly becomes a great commitment of attention.

Damiani Occhiali has not forgotten any of these details in presenting the MAS Bimbo (KID) eyeglasses/sunglasses collection. Damiani Bimbo frames from 0 to 16 years old, in pure cellulose acetate, are resistant, adaptable and comfortable. With a strong fit, they have nice and funny lines. The magnetic sun mask, an accessory appreciated as if it were a game, protects the eyes from the sun with a single click. And from just one pair of glasses they have two. Damiani Occhiali is an Italian artisan company based in Liguria. It has been producing glasses since the early 90s, combining tradition with innovation. Each model is made by skilled craftsmen with more than 50 working steps. The entire production process, starting from the materials, is Italian.




the original danish design

Mod VSJ682

De Rigo Playful Fashion ST!NG is synonymous with ‘Playful Fashion’, and once again, the new eyewear collection is a true explosion of colour, freshness and joy. The eyewear models - designed for the young - are playful and decisively ‘cool’, awash with on-trend details. Model VSJ682 of the ST!NG JUNIOR collection is a girl’s prescription glasses made from Ultem - an extremely resilient and hypoallergenic material. Heart-shaped magnetic clip-on, available in three fun colour variants. VSJ683 - Unisex prescription glasses made from Ultem an extremely resilient and hypoallergenic material. Also available in a fun variant with chequered pattern. Magnetic clip-on available in three colour variants.

Mod VSJ683

Mod VSJ682

Mod VSJ683



Mod DL5394

Diesel Eyewear Diesel Kids The new Diesel Eyewear collection created for the little ones offers lightweight, easy-to-wear models for cool, bold looks that best express the spirit of the brand. Minimalist squared rectangular silhouettes are paired with more roundish ones to suit all face shapes. New combinations of pop and vibrant colours, including bright pink and blue in matte, shiny and clear versions personalise the junior style for children from 8 to 12 years old. The temples feature the iconic logo and cylinder detail that reflect Diesel’s industrial style.

Mod DL0333

Mod DL0332 - Navigator shape and essential lines define these rectangular injected acetate eyeglasses embellished by a double bridge that adds personality to the model. The frame stands out with a fun colour palette in clear versions. Mod DL0333 - Slightly squared shape and easy-to-wear injected acetate frame in cool, exciting hues, like bright pink. Mod DL5394 - A slightly squared shape and an easy-to-wear frame define these injected acetate eyeglasses in cool, exciting hues, like blue in a trendy clear version.

Mod DL0332



Fedon Glasses cases even for the little ones For Giorgio Fedon & Figli Spa, eyewear cases are true design objects, regardless of the frames they protect. In the new collection there are various models of soft cases suitable for the children’s target with colorful flamingos of various colors, tropical plants and flowers. We also remember that Fedon is carrying out an important ecological project, presenting new product solutions and creating company processes aimed at reducing environmental impact. The company has also certified a procedure that analyzes and quantifies the environmental impact of glasses holders.



Go Eyewear The attention to details of Bulget KIDS Eyewear

This season BULGET KIDS by GO Eyewear Group has gone wild for colour contrast, presenting the best summer outfits. This collection presents 6 new optical styles and 3 sun, all available in 5 colors and is targeted for children from 8 to14 years old. Beautiful, crystal colours combine with opaque colours all in the same piece, providing a youthful, urban look. Designed to appeal children and to make sure they feel comfortable at all times, Bulget Kids gives them the possibility to match parents sunglasses, reinforcing the brand as a family full range. Made with the best materials for a truly lightweight result, the entire sun line is offered with polarized lenses for complete protection against glare and with optimal visual comfort.



Guess Eyewear Kids’ Collection The new eyewear collection by GUESS designed for children re-introduces exclusive, easy-to-wear and fun sunglasses. The glasses are designed for children from six to ten years old. Quality, functionality and aesthetics are the key aspects of every single frame. The fresh styles include glamorous shapes designed to fit children’s faces without overlooking the sense of style that often follows that of mom and dad’s eyewear designed around a “Mini me” theme.

Sunglass collection Mod GU9197 - A glamourous oval shape for these girls’ injected plastic glasses, for a look that says ‘little diva’. The injected plastic temples feature the GUESS logo inside, to form a texture.

Mod GU9197

Mod GU9200 - A sporty combination for this pilot sunglasses model which features a double metal bridge. The temples are made from metal, with an engraved GUESS logo detail and injected plastic tips. This shape takes up the theme of ‘Mini me’, as it is a miniature reproduction of a similar model from the GUESS collection.

Mod GU9200

Eyeglass collection Mod GU9192 - Girls’ two-tone cat-eye acetate eyeglasses in bright, contrasting colours. The temples feature the characteristic large GUESS logo. Mod GU9195 - Rectangular boys’ eyeglasses in acetate, with acetate temples and a rectangular “G” logo detail, also used in the men’s collections.

Mod GU9192

Mod GU9195




Kids & Teens by Jean-François REY Always looking for new design ideas for juniors, Jean-François Rey is inspired this year by the abundant and festive aesthetic of the funfair. Cotton candy and Toffee apples, multicolored lights, flashing neon lights, swirls of color and rides with flamboyant decorations come in original and lively combinations. The SS2020 collection offers ten new trendy shapes, perfectly fit for each age group from 4 to 16 years old. They are distinguished by the creativity of the acetate materials, chosen for their exclusive graphic collages (Churros, Crazy, Park, Neon, Flash) and their unique patterns specially designed for this collection from symbolic references of the fairground: small flashy stars (Crazy), greedy effects of two-tone lollipops (Dance 7979), intense and luminous prints reminiscent of faceted balls and neon lights of fairground rides (Chichi 3075, Lolly 2575, Dance 3030). Designed for children aged from 6 to 9, the new collection of sunglasses consists of 5 acetate models - Azur, Sun, Bella, Star and Ocean. The line stands out for its “ultra-optimistic” style that lies in the work of the acetates, with colors and patterns imagined by the designers from personal researches. Sun lenses CR39 Category 3.

Mod Chichi




Mod SKF-231

SUPERFLEX® KIDS 2020 Fit and function without compromising style: the new Superflex® KIDS collection is here! Round, rectangular and cat eye shapes are combined with great colors and funky temple patterns to create a fun fashion statement for kids of ages 6-12. Glitter elements, laser etching details, and colorful patterned acetates elevate a variety of styles to please the passionate young fashionista. Designed with real kids in mind, all Superflex® KIDS models are constructed with spring hinges for extra durability and comfort. For the girls, the Superflex® Kids 2020 collection features 6 new styles (2 stainless steel and 4 acetate) that focus on feminine colors, fun patterns and glitter details. Style SFK-228 comes in a modified rectangular shape in two toned colorations. The accent color is finished on the inside and frame edges to give the frame added dimension. The temples feature a paisley

pattern etched along them in the accent color. This style is completed in a semi matte finish with color combinations of turquoise rose, purple aqua and pink apricot. Feminine hues in a water colored patterned, translucent acetate are featured in style SFK-232. A modified square shape, the pattern is featured on the temples and splashes onto the end pieces, where gradually evens out to a single hue towards the middle of the frame front. Available in shades of sky blue, rose mauve and nude poppy. For the boys, the 3 new styles (1 stainless steel, 1 acetate and 1 combo) all have a sporty look and stand out with their vibrant color. Stainless steel style SKF-231 is a modified square shape, the front is in a classic masculine color, while the inside and edges are finished in a pop of color. The temples have an abstract pattern etched on them, topped in the accent hue. This style is available in black red, blue orange and grey yellow.

Mod SFK-232

Mod SFK-228



Mexx Eyes Why fit in when you were born to stand out? OWP’s MEXX EYES TEENS line recently introduced the 5943 and 5944 models, modern and extremely cool. Two hip styles for teens. Style 5943 presents itself in a fashionably round disc shape made of super thin stainless steel. Exciting color concepts such as ice blue palladium, dark green gold, night blue-pink gold and red-gunmetal meet the taste of the girls. The Unisex style 5944 comes as a combination frame with an inner acetate eye wire in exciting colors and metal tones in platinum, gunmetal and gold.



Modellando Children’s Corner in the store Modellando, a leading Italian company in the field of design and production of optical stores, offers customers every type of solution for their point of sale. Among the several proposals, the company designs down to the smallest details and produces with passion and precision also ad hoc displays for children’s glasses. One of the distinctive features is the socalled “sketched” effect, painted entirely by hand and therefore unique, in which


the bright colours, but matching with the rest of the furnishings, blend together to create a space that is pleasing to the child’s eyes, everything personalized for the customer (see photo 1). Another technique allows to create a panel with a so called “calendering”, that is a print on a micro-film directly applied on the panel. The print is made entirely by Modellando’s in-house graphics and can be chosen according to the customer’s taste (see photos 2 and 3).





The Optometrist

Idor De Simone optician optometrist at Maugeri Scientific - Clinical Institutes Contactologist

The importance of hygiene of eyeglass frames, not only at the time of Covid-19 Cleaning and hygiene are now even more fundamental. It is essential to keep eyeglass frames (of all kinds, even those intended for professional use) sanitized and sterilized to avoid contamination by bacteria, viruses and other pathogenic microorganisms. Sterilization is the final result of a process that seeks to assure the condition in which the survival of microorganisms is highly improbable. A material is defined as sterile if the sterility assurance level is less than 10-6, so when the probability of finding a microorganism is less than one in a million. The various processes of sterilization destroy microorganisms causing the lethal alteration of some of their essential components: they shall, in particular, determine denaturing proteins and nucleid acids and the degradation of membrane and cell walls components. According to the norms, it is necessary to sterilize all the items belonging in Category II (semicritical items including eyeglass frames) which come into contact with intact mucous membranes, whose requirement is the desirable sterility; a high level disinfection with a good level of safe-



ty guarantees that the article is free of pathogenic microorganisms in most cases. Before sterilization a series of preventive procedures must be followed to reduce the microbial load and make the sterilizing action more effective and they can be summed up by five points: 1. Decontamination 2. Cleansing 3. Rinsing 4. Drying 5. Packing Sterilization can be carried out by: PHYSICAL PROCESSES • Dry heat: sterilization occurs through the contact of the object with hot air, which acts by oxidation of the cellular components. Dry oven or Pasteur oven are used, which require a temperature of 160 degrees for an hour or 180 degrees for 30 minutes to be reached. However, it is a disused and replaced by steam sterilization technique because it is slow and and it’s impossible to verify that the sterilization has taken place and the maintenance over time of the achieved result. • Moist heat: it is a technique that exploits the action of flowing steam (Koch’s steam sterilizer)

or saturated (autoclave) eliminating microorganisms by proteins and other biomolecules denaturation. • Ultraviolet radiation: UV systems cannot be considered sterilizers because they mainly have a bacteriostatic action but they can maintain sterility (physical antiseptic). They are mainly used for the bacteriostaticity of worktops or chimney’s air. • Ionizing radiation (which are divided into Gamma and Beta rays): Gamma rays are electromagnetic radiation that denature proteins and change nucleid acids, but they can damage the surfaces and they require expensive implants (with a very high carcinogenic risk). Beta rays are used for biomedical products and food preservation (the source is not radioactive). • Microwaves: it is a technique used in various areas because it’s practical and cheap. The action of microwave system is based on both thermal and non-thermal effect. The thermal effect derives from the ability to generate very rapid molecular vibrations, leading to an increase in temperature (altering the vital and functional capacities of microorganisms). The non-thermal effect is due to the energy carried by electromagnetic waves that is transferred to the affected matter. CHEMICAL PROCESSES • Peracetic acid: it is used very limited due to his high dangerousness. • Ethylene oxide: it is a highly flammable gas and it is explosive if mixed with air. It takes pla-

ce by autoclave and it is mainly used for medical surgical devices. • Hydrogen peroxide: it is one of the most advanced techniques for sterilization but unfortunately the machines are expensive. The advantages are remarkable: o sterility is maintained up to 12 months o the sterilization process doesn’t release anything toxic over the treated materials o the operating temperature is very low and it can also be applied on every material.. In the optical field (beyond the Covid-19 period) it would be hoped to periodically recommend a sterilization of the eyeglass frames used (even before the tests the customer carries out in the shop during the choice), considering the increase in dermatological diseases more and more diffused. In addition, this should also be done on test goggles for sight examination. One of the most common and safe instruments used for sterilization in an optical environment are the UVC 253,7 nm Germicidal Lamps which eliminate quickly every microorganism. The machine contains an internal grid which keeps the products away from the reflective surface and allows uniform irradiation, which improves germicidal action. This type of treatment is particularly fast because it requires from 60 to 90 minutes. The lenses should be removed to avoid yellowing.



INVU for #SunglassLover Initially created to protect us from the sun’s rays, later enriched with polarizing filter and UV protection, sunglasses, thanks to new coating technologies, are able to protect our eyes even from the blue light emitted by digital devices. In this period, due to the COVID-19 emergency, defensive aspects return to the forefront, not only as visual protection from light but also as an additional physical barrier from the risk of infection.

INVU proposes sun collections for all categories of customers, from children to athletes. The models feature colors and shapes always in line with the latest trends. The Swiss brand launches for women frames embellished with fashion details on the front and oversize shapes in warm summer tones, while for men the proposals include the tortoiseshell pantos model and the timeless aviator with double bridge. The Swiss Eyewear Group trademark is positioned as a brand with an excellent value for money - thanks to its own ultra polarized lens technology - thus becoming a valid support for recovery of optical centers. All INVU glasses are designed in Switzerland and equipped with Swiss Eyewear Group’s ultra polarized technology that offers crystal clear, glare-free vision and 100% UV protection.

“The right way to see things” in this sentence is the whole GOOD’S philosophy. Discover the hidden nature of things to reveal it to those who appreciate it. GOOD’S was born in Naples, the thousand-yearold cradle of European civilization, where history, art and craftsmanship blend in the streets, in the neighborhoods and in its architecture. GOOD’S takes its name from the creator of the project, Piero Buono, with a long experience in the world of eyewear and a family present for three generations in the optical world. In addition to him are founder of the brand Walter Engle, the young soul, recent graduate in business economics, who is entrusted with the digital development of the brand and the architect Francesco Maria Stazio, creative director. The first collection, the Architecture Collection, is a tribute to architecture from which it draws inspiration by seeking the balance of shapes and materials. Architecture is found in the details, in particular in the cores of the side rods where rustication, pilasters and lesenes are used as both structural and ornamental elements. The metal element, enclosed in the rods, becomes characteristic, visible thanks to the transparency of the acetates. Seven models of glasses, in six different colors, all inspired by the architecture of Naples, which take their name from as many famous architects who worked in Naples between the late sixteenth century and 2000: Antonio Niccolini, Cosimo Fanzago, Luigi Vanvitelli, Luigi Cosenza, Errico Alvino, Ferdinando Sanfelice, Giancarlo Alisio.

GOOD’S, the right way to look at things



MAS Line, the password is Freedom A simple gesture with a great result for the eyeglass that dresses sun with a single click. The MAS line is the happy combination of sight/sun designed to become a perfect travel companion. A magnet mask with sun lenses overlaps the eyeglass frame with a simple click. And the MAS eyewear is suitable for every situation. The application of a sunscreen to the prescription frame has allowed Damiani Occhiali to create creative and unusual models. A wide combination of colours, textures and materials to enhance, camouflage or reinterpret the prescription frame. The craftsmanship that distinguishes Damiani Occhiali’s products comes from the passion for eyewear of the past, which today becomes an expression of excellence. Precisely the love for manufacturing according to tradition, giving time to experimentation, has allowed, and continues today, to find innovative ideas and solutions. The choice of materials, as well as that of the craftsmen, is Italian and of the highest quality. Damiani Occhiali produces a wide assortment of prescription/sunglasses in cellulose acetate, metal and cellulose/ metal acetate. The MAS models are made for women, also in the Strass version, for men and children.




Spray Flat

Lens Cleaner with astuccio Paros The correct maintenance of the lenses, both prescription and sun lenses, is essential to extend the life of the glasses and protect the wearer’s eyesight. For the proper care of the lenses, Fedon offers three types of spray liquids: anti-fog, antibacterial and multipurpose. All Fedon cleaning liquids comply with the highest regulatory standards and are in compliance with EC Regulation 648/2004. Fedon enriches the range of accessories for lens cleaning with Spray Flat, the spray bottle characterized by an innovative, flat packaging and the size of a magnetic card, which makes it perfect to be stored in the jacket pocket, taking up little space. Spray Flat, customizable with the logo of the point of sale, is available complete with transparent case and customizable microfiber cloth. Lens Cleaner is the elegant, refillable spray bottle that can also be reused as a practical travel perfume holder; available with a microfibre bag or the exclusive semi-rigid Paros case, perfect for carrying the lens cleaning kit at all times. Customising the lens cleaning spray with one’ s own logo can enhance the image of the optical store. Fedon also offers its customers a real manual for lens cleaning, combined with all the sprays of the Mr. Klar line. The manual can also be printed on microfiber lens cleaning cloths.



Mod Cleopatra

Seductive Sparkle: LARA D’ Diamond

Mod Cleopatra



Sunglasses are an exceptional highlight of the luxurious couture Diamond line by LARA D’. The accomplished Italian designer has taken her love of innovation to the next level in four sunglass models with an eye-catching natural 24k diamond powder decoration on the elegant dark UV protective lenses. Using a lens with a 4mm thickness and a precise technique for cutting facets on the surface, the lenses become a work of art, inspired by the bright, glistening cuts of a brilliant, sparkling gem stone. The 4 sophisticated sunglasses models for women, with names taken from Egyptian history and mythology, come in gold, with brown, black or mirrored gold lenses. The designs are exclusively made in Italy in a chic metal worked with meticulous handcrafting techniques to achieve a perfectly luxurious artisan finish similar to that of fine jewellery. The generous statement sunglass design Cleopatra is based on a hexagonal lens shape with the faceting on the lens edges creating a play of colour and dimension with an exceptionally dramatic styling. The 24k diamond powder embellishes the tops of the lenses and on one side in a beautiful artistic asymmetrical formation.

Sun lenses against infrared rayst

Ziel Srl introduces in its sunglasses collection CAI - Club Alpino Italiano - the brand new Z-IR Proof and Z-IR Proof Polar lenses, the first lenses that also protect the eye from infrared rays. The company from the Veneto region is the first to present on the market this technology combined with sunglasses lenses. Infrared radiation (IR), invisible to the naked eye, follows visible light. Depending on the wavelength, infrared radiation can penetrate into the eye tissues, causing significant damage to the crystalline lens. ZIEL IR-Proof lenses significantly reduce the intensity of IR radiation, providing all the protection the human eye needs.

The infrared spectrum refers to wavelengths of 780 10000 nm and is divided into 3 categories: - IR-A is the radiation with the highest penetration depth and can affect the retina and adipose tissue. - IR-B does not affect the retina and only penetrates the blood vessels by barely touching adipose tissue. - IR-C does not penetrate the surface layer of the skin and cornea. The longer the wavelength, the lower the depth of penetration into the tissue. IR PROOF lenses guarantee maximum protection of the eye from dangerous radiation, as the IR treatment is applied in high vacuum on a lens with total absorption of UV rays. • They absorb more than 85% of IR rays. • They absorb IR-A rays that hit the eye, reducing thermal damage to the crystalline lens and retina. • They protect the lens from the heat of IR radiation, minimizing the risk of developing cataracts. • Protect the retina from irreversible damage. • They do not alter the perception of color, for perfect vision. • They also completely eliminate UV rays up to 400nm. Particularly recommended in high mountains and in situations of strong reflections (such as ponds), these lenses are equipped with anti-scratch and oleophobic treatment to ensure maximum performance even when exposed to the most extreme uses.






EssilorLuxottica announced that consolidated revenues for the first quarter of 2020 were € 3,784 million, -10.1% compared to the same period last year and holding up well in the current global crisis scenario. The optical business was less impacted and online sales are growing in double digits. The balance sheet is solid with € 4.9 billion of liquidity and short-term investments.

Lacoste brings back the iconic 101 model from the 80s to be featured in the brand’s ss20 advertising campaign. The original L101 pilot sunglasses, launched by the brand in the 1980s, is reinterpreted with a contemporary twist designed with sleek, lightweight profiles and sophisticated color tones. A unisex version (style L222S) is offered in a variety of sleek metal finishes combined with gradient lenses. Each frame is marked with the René Lacoste signature on the right-wearing lens and embellished with an embossed croc logo on both temples.

The first quarter of 2020 was characterized by strong growth in sales until March, followed by by a rapid decline in most markets for store closures imposed by the pandemic of COVID-19. As already announced, the Company’s outlook for 2020, published on March 6, 2020, is no longer valid because, at present, the Company does not have sufficient visibility to provide an assessment of the overall impact of COVID-19, given the unstable situation. Second quarter revenues and profitability are likely to continue to be significantly impacted by the pandemic, more so than in the first quarter.

On April 1, 2020, Karl Lamprecht was appointed President and CEO of Carl Zeiss AG, succeeding Prof. Michael Kaschke, President and long-time CEO of Carl Zeiss AG. With the appointment of Karl Lamprecht, the position of President and CEO is once again held by a person within the company. Mr. Lamprecht is a member of the Executive Board of Carl Zeiss AG and has successfully led the ZEISS SMT (Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology) division since 2017. After joining ZEISS in 2005 as Head of Strategic Business Development for Semiconductor Technology, Lamprecht continued his professional development within ZEISS SMT. Over the years he has also developed a number of key competencies, such as the development of innovation and growth strategies and the acquisition of new technologies.







OWP Brillen GmbH, based in Passau, has acquired Dr. Beck GmbH & Co KG and its subsidiary Bexx Brillenmode GmbH & Co KG, based in Oelde. The Beck Group, better known under its FLAIR brand, will operate as an independent subsidiary under the leadership of Managing Director Sven Reiß. With the acquisition of the Beck Group, OWP continues its growth strategy. The development of a portfolio of premium brands with a focus on “made in Germany” had already started in 2015 with the acquisition of op Couture Brillen GmbH and its brand CAZAL, and will now continue with the acquisition of another historic brand, FLAIR.

The two managing directors: Sven Reiß (FLAIR, left) and Werner Paletschek (OWP, right).

The Shareholders’ General Meeting of Safilo Group S.p.A. approved the Company’s financial statements and the Board of Directors’ report on operations for the year 2019.


The Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, among other things, appointed the new Board of Statutory Auditors and approved a new stock option plan (Stock Option Plan 2020-2022), which provides for the assignment of options guaranteeing the right to subscribe to newly issued ordinary shares of the Company in favour of executive directors who are also employees and other employees of Safilo Group S.p.A. and/or other Group companies, who hold significant roles or are in any case able to make a significant contribution to the achievement of the medium-long term strategic objectives of the Company and other Group companies.


What can you do in 4 minutes? This is the concept behind the new agile way of learning that Transitions® offers to its optical partners. Accompanied by an ironic mini-launch video - to bring some levity to these peculiar days - the FLASH TRAINING of TRANSITIONS™ are born, dedicated to the fundamental themes: Transitions Signature Gen 8, light sensitivity and protection.

società del Gruppo.

Transitions® focuses on concentrated training moments, in the form of 4-minute videos, which invite all interlocutors - be they owners of an Optical Center or sales staff, technical or commercial profiles - to deepen their knowledge and begin a path to become “Expert in light management”.

Luxottica Group and Versace announced the early renewal of the exclusive license agreement for the design, manufacture and worldwide distribution of Versace-branded eyewear and sunglasses. The ten-year renewal will run until December 31, 2029.










The First International Magazine on Optics and Eyewear - May - June 2020


Publisher Edizioni Ariminum Srl


P. 19

Via Negroli 51/A - 20133 Milano Italy


Cover III

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INVU - Swiss Eyewear Group

p. 1  -  6


P. 23


p. 4 – Publishing Director Isabella Morpurgo – Advertising OMISAN Farmaceutici

p. 2

Rita Ferraro –


P. 27

Editorial Staff


Cover II

Manlio Valli –

ZIEL srl

Cover IV

Layout Enrico Alvarez –

Subscription Department • The journal publishes articles and releases from individual authors or firms. Publishing this material does not involve the journal’s opinion or liability.

Edizioni Ariminum Srl - Via Negroli, 51/A - 20133 Milan - Italy

Autorizzazione Tribunale di Milano del 23-03-1991 N. 221




Associata a A.N.E.S. Associazione Nazionale Editoria Periodica Specializzata •  Reproduction without written express authorization of the publisher is prohibited.

The First International Magazine on Optics and Eyewear - May - June 2020

PRINT: Pixartprinting S.p.A. Via 1° Maggio, 8 –30020 Quarto d’Altino – VE - Italia


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