可口家常素菜 Tina’s Yummy Vegetarian Dishes
Tina Beck
免責聲明 本書所載食譜源自作者個人經驗及實踐。如果您有過敏及病症,你需及時向合格的專業醫療人員 尋求醫藥意見以確定某些材料及食物加工方法是否適合你。 作者無意取代任何醫學或營養的意見。如短時間內改變飲食,你需適度謹慎。作者誠意提供食譜 以利眾生,無義務為你既有的疾病負責。
Disclaimer The recipes have originated from personal experience and practice of the authors. If you have allergies and medical conditions, you need obtain immediate medical advice from qualified practitioners regarding the suitability of certain ingredients and method of food preparation. The authors have no intention to substitute any of your medical or nutritional advice. Adequate care should be exercised when you change your diet in a short period of time. The authors provide the recipes for your benefit in good faith and should not be held responsible for your pre-existing ailments. 版權所有© Tina Beck & Vegelin Foundation Tina Beck & Vegelin Foundation. All Copyrights Reserved 2011 ISBN: 978-0-9751072-0-1
This book is copyright. Subject to statuary exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Vegelin Foundation. Author: Tina Beck Photographer: Ming Hampton Executive Editor: Dr. Molly Yang Bilingual Editor: Huong Lee, Ming Hampton & Stephen Lin Assistant Editor: Huong Lee & Ming Hampton Legal Advisor: Stephen Lin Publisher: Vegelin Foundation 作者: Tina Beck 攝影: 劉鳴 執行編輯: 楊茉莉博士 雙語編輯: 粱桂香, 劉鳴 & 林立 助理編輯: 粱桂香 & 劉鳴 法律顧問: 林立 出版: Vegelin Foundation
可口家常素菜 Tina’s Yummy Vegetarian Dishes
願本食譜內的高營養素食菜式,帶給大家健康長壽。 " May these highly nutritious dishes bring you health and longevity."
Tina Beck
作者序 本人堅持素食有數年,知道素食對身體健康很有幫助,所以提供此食譜供大家分享。 素食有益健 康,乃是事實。自食素以來,有感身體健康狀況改善許多。一般而言,食素大約 2 至 3 個月左右 就可見成效,6 個月左右如果能將菜色及營養素搭配得宜,注意均衡飲食,素食一定能改善您的 健康,有益您的身心。 食譜中每一道菜,皆源自精心設計,實驗烹調不計其數,希望能提供給有意嘗試素食人士參考, 更希望大家能吃出健康。 今天能有機會獻上這食譜,感謝所有支持和
Tina Beck 敬上 2011 年 8 月
Preface I have been a vegetarian for many years. I am totally convinced that a vegetarian diet is good for health. Therefore, I am providing the recipes included in this book to share with you. It is a fact that a balanced vegetarian diet is good for health. In general, vegetarian diets will take effect in 2 or 3 months. Not only will one benefit from the vegetarian diet after six months, they will also find it more interesting and easy to prepare. Every recipe in this book has been carefully designed and tested. May this book provide you with ideas and confidence in preparing your next delicious vegetarian meal. I would like to thank all my friends who provided the support and help in making this recipe book a reality.
Tina Beck August 2011
有志者,事竟成。 《可口家常素菜》的出版正是明證。
TINA 斷斷續續為這個素食食譜忙碌了很多年。我認識她也有 9 年多了,她從沒間斷:總在嘗試新 的食材,新的烹飪方式,新的口味,和新的健康變化。
從西貢到悉尼,從云南到昆士蘭,從香港到道格拉斯港, TINA 邊旅行,邊留心學習。
她沒有受過高深的學院教育,有的多是親身歷練的酸甜苦辣。她沒有專業的寫作和攝影的技巧, 有的是誠心感天,不斷更新。她的誠心也引來各位人才相助:鳴姑協助編輯和文字處理,阿香及 丈夫的中英文正稿和重訂等等。最重要是來自各位友人的鼓勵和鞭策。終于,我們一起完成了這 樁心愿--《可口家常素菜》的完稿出版。 希望你在閱讀和嘗試這個素食食譜時,感受作者的愛心﹐ 恒心﹐ 和誠心。 也祝愿吃到你做的素菜的人,接力似地感受到你的誠心﹐ 恒心﹐ 和愛心。 敬請分享 TINA 的這份心意。期待 TINA 新的創意,貢獻更多簡便易學的素食食譜。
林立 維机林國際素食評鑒 Vegelin Foundation 2011 年 9 月于 昆士蘭
錄 Contents
序言 Preface
串燒沙爹 Vegetarian Sate Stick
香菇炒榨菜絲 Stir –Fried Pickled Mustard Tuber and Dried Mushroom
炸香芋泥片 Deep Fried Taro Paste
炒什錦菜 Stir-Fried Mixed Vegetables
佛手南瓜燜香菇 Stew Dried Mushroom with Choko and Pumpkin
五香豆干爆炒蘆筍 Five Spice Seasoned Tofu with Asparagus
豆腐什菜煲 Tofu & Vegetables in Pot
炸腐皮卷片 Deep Fried Beancurd Skin
生菜包(萵苣) Lettuce Wrap / Shen Chai Bao
紅燒五香花生 Stewed Vegetarian soy meat with Peanuts with Five Spices
白菜炒木耳 Stir-Fried Buk Choy with Black Fungus
橄欖豆腐燉梅菜 Braised Olives with Preserved Mustard
寬達菜炒番茄 Stir-Fried Tomato with Silver Beet
煎馬鈴薯餅 Pan Fried Potato Cake
炸菜丸子 Vegetarian Nuggets
釀鮮蘑菇 Stuffed Fresh Mushroom
什錦丁 Stir-Fried Diced Vegetables with Cashew Nuts
錄 Contents
什豆香菇菜湯 Soup Made of Mixed Beans and Vegetables with Mushroom
釀蕃茄 Stuffed Tomato
素棒棒腿 Vegetarian Drum Stick
鹵味拼盤 Soy Appetizer (Cold Dish)
香菇燜雙蘿蔔 Braised Chinese Radish and Mushroom
荷蘭豆炒鮑魚菇 Stir-Fried Abalone Mushroom and Snow Peas
雪菜豆腐 Braised Tofu with Chinese Pickled Potherb Mustard
椒鹽香菇 Deep Fried Dried Mushroom in Pepper Salt
草菇粉絲蒸蛋 Steamed Vermicelli with Straw Mushroom and Eggs
芋頭豆腐煲 Taro & Tofu in Pot
菜卷 Vegetable Rolls in Rice Wrapper
什菜炒麵 Stir-Fired Noodle with Vegetables
什菜炒飯 Vegetarian Fried Rice
羅漢齋 Lo-Han-Chai (Stewed Vegetables)
豉椒素魚塊 Vegetarian Fish with Black Bean Sauce
南瓜蛋糕 Pumpkin Cake
芝麻椰撻 Coconut Tartlets Covered with Sesame Seeds
蔬菜的營養成份 Vegetables and Their Nutrients
串燒沙爹 Vegetarian Sate Sticks
材料: 100 公克香菇蒂浸軟,摘凈。 3 個雞蛋打散。20 支小竹簽。 三湯匙麵筋粉。一至二湯匙菜油(作為煎 用)。 三湯匙新鮮香菜(芫茜) 切碎末。 調味料: 兩茶匙咖哩粉。 兩湯匙醬油(生抽)。 一茶匙鹽。一茶匙糖。 胡椒粉少許。 做法: 1. 將香菇蒂慢火煮半小時後,擰乾水用石舂臼 搗爛後轉入大碗,加雞蛋攪勻,加蓋入冰箱 兩至三個鐘頭(或過夜)。 2. 加調味料,香菜(芫茜),慢慢篩粉攪勻,直 至沒有粒狀,將材料分成 40 份,做成球狀, 輕壓扁,每支竹簽插入兩個直至穿完(或煎 好才穿竹簽)。 3. 用不沾鍋將沙爹串煎成金黃色,上碟。可用 黃瓜,紅蘿蔔裝飾,吃時沾汁。 4. 沾汁料: 一杯椰漿,兩湯匙素燒烤醬(素沙爹 醬),兩湯匙花生醬,一茶匙半糖,將汁料 入小鍋煮滾,冷卻後即可使用。(食時如加 入炒香的碎花生,會更加香脆可口)。
100g dried mushroom stem soak in the water until soft washed and cleaned. 20 small size bamboo sticks. 3 tbsp of wheat gluten flour. 3 eggs beaten. 1 or 2 tbsp of vegetable oil (for frying use). 3 tbsp of chopped fresh coriander. Seasonings:
2 tsp of curry powder. 2 tbsp of light soy sauce. 1 tsp of salt. 1 1/2 tsp of sugar. a dash of pepper. Method:
Boil mushroom stem on low heat for 30 minutes cook them down then squeeze out excess water, finely pound in a stone mortar with the pestle, transfer in a bowl add egg well mix and put in the refrigerator with cover for 2-3 hours (or overnight). Add seasonings, fresh coriander, sift flour lightly fold into the mushroom mixture, mix until no lumps, shape into 40 round balls, gently flatten , and thread 2 balls into 1 skewer until finished (or skewer after cooking). Heat non-stick pan with oil, fry on medium heat until golden brown, serve with carrot, cucumber, and dip sauce. Sauce mix: 1 cup of coconut milk, 2 tbsp of vegetarian barbecue sauce, 2 tbsp of peanut butter, 1 1/2 tsp of sugar. Use a small sauce pan, stir all ingredients until boiled and removed, cool them down, and then serve. (serve with sprinkle of crushed and roasted peanuts).
香菇炒榨菜絲 Stir-fired Pickled Mustard Tuber and Mushroom
材料: 150 公克罐裝榨菜絲洗淨。 5 朵香菇浸軟,切絲。 一條紅蘿蔔去皮,切絲。 一個小青椒洗淨,切絲。 200 公克素火腿切絲。 一湯匙菜油。 調味料: 麻油少許。 一茶匙糖。 少許鹽。 做法: 1. 熱鍋加油,將香菇炒香。 2. 加榨菜,紅蘿蔔, 青椒。
150g pickled mustard tuber shredded (canned). 5 dried mushroom soak in the water until soft washed and shredded. 1 carrot peeled washed and shredded. 1 small green capsicum, washed & shredded. 200g vegetarian ham and shredded. 1 tbsp of vegetable oil. Seasonings:
A dash of sesame oil. 1 tsp of sugar. a pinch of salt. Method:
1. Heat wok with oil, stir fry the mushroom for few minutes till fragrant. 2. Add preserved Chinese radish, carrot, and green capsicum. 3. Add seasonings to taste until cooked and serve.
3. 加調味料翻炒幾下至熟,嚐味後即可。
炸香芋泥片 Deep Fried Taro Chips
材料: 500 公克芋頭(香檳榔芋) 去皮,切塊。 四張紫菜。一茶匙黑芝麻。 兩杯菜油(炸油用)。 二至三湯匙糯米粉。半杯粘米粉。 調味料: 一茶匙五香粉。 一茶匙糖。 半茶匙鹽。 一茶匙麻油。 胡椒粉少許。 做法: 1. 麵糊料:半杯粘米粉加半碗水攪成麵糊。 2. 將芋頭蒸 30-40 分鐘至熟,拿出後隨即搗爛 成芋泥,冷涼後, 加入糯米粉, 調味料攪 勻。(如果太乾可加一些水)。 3. 兩張紫菜上放一半芋泥料攤平捲實( 成一張, 另一半同樣捲法 ) ,捲好後,橫 切成厚片。 4. 油鍋用中火加熱, 每片外沾麵糊,撒上幾 粒黑芝麻,放入熱油炸至金黃色即可。 5. 食時可沾辣椒醬或醬油。
500g taro peeled washed and cut into pieces. 4 sheets of seaweed. 1 tsp of black sesame seed. 2-3 tbsp of glutinous rice flour. 2 cups of vegetable oil (for deep fry). Seasonings:
1 tsp of five spices powder. 1 tsp of sugar. 1/2 tsp of salt. 1 tsp of sesame oil. a dash of pepper. Method:
1. 2.
4. 5.
Batter mix : 1/2 cup of rice flour and 1/2 cup of water. Steamed taro for 30-40 minutes until cooked, remove and mash while it is hot, cool for 10 minutes, then add glutinous rice flour seasonings and mixed, (if too dry can add a little water). Spread 1/2 of the taro paste evenly on two sheets of seaweed (two in one) roll up tightly and leave aside, repeat until all sheets of seaweed finished then cut the roll into thick slices. Heat wok with oil on medium heat, dip slice one by one lightly in batter, and sprinkle sesame seeds on top, then deep fry until golden brown. Serve with chilli sauce or soy sauce.
炒什錦菜 Stir-Fried Mixed Vegetables
200 公克花椰菜洗淨,切塊。 100 公克 四季豆洗淨,切段。 100 公克新鮮.蘑菇洗淨,切片。 一條紅蘿蔔去皮,切塊。 乾木耳幾片浸軟,洗淨,切開。 薑少許。一湯匙菜油。 調味料: 一湯匙醬油(生抽) 。 半茶匙麻油。 半茶匙鹽。 半茶匙糖。 做法: 1. 熱鍋加油,加薑,紅蘿蔔,花椰菜,四 季豆炒兩分鐘。 2. 放木耳,蘑菇, 調味料, 炒三分鐘至 熟。 3 嚐味,上碟。
200g cauliflower washed and cut into piece. 100g stringbean washed and cut into strips. 100g fresh mushroom washed and slice. 1 carrot peeled washed and cut into pieces. Few dried fungus soak in the water until soft washed and cut into pieces. Little shredded ginger. 1 tbsp of vegetable oil. Seasonings:
1 tbsp of light soy sauce. 1/2 tsp of sesame oil. 1/2 tsp of sugar. 1/2 tsp of salt. Method:
1. 2. 3.
Heat work with oil, add ginger, carrot, cauliflower, stringbean, and stir fry for 2 minutes. Add fungus and mushroom mix well until cooked Add seasonings to taste and serve.
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佛手南瓜燜香菇 Stewed Mushroom with Choko & Pumpkin
材料: 100 公克香菇浸軟,切塊。 一個佛手瓜去皮,切塊。 500 公克南瓜去皮,切塊。 兩湯匙菜油。 一杯水。 調味料: 一湯匙醬油(生抽) 。 半茶匙鹽。 胡椒粉少許。 兩片生薑。 做法: 1. 熱鍋加油,加生薑,香菇炒一分鐘。 2. 加佛手瓜,南瓜, 調味料和水炒勻, 中火加蓋直至煮熟上碟。
100g dried mushroom soak in the water until soft washed and cut into pieces. 1 choko peeled washed and cut into pieces. 300g Pumpkin peeled washed and cut into pieces. 2 tbsp of vegetable oil. 1 cup of water. Seasonings:
1 tbsp of soy sauce. 1/2 tsp of salt. a dash of ground pepper. 2 slice of ginger. Method:
1. 2.
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Heat wok with oil, add ginger, mushroom and stir fry for 1 minute. Add choko, pumpkin, water and seasonings, cover and cook on medium heat until vegetables are done.
五香豆干爆炒蘆筍 Five Spice Seasoned Tofu with Asparagus
材料: 200 公克鮮蘆筍洗淨,切段。 200 公克五香豆干切片。 一條紅蘿蔔去皮,切片。 一湯匙菜油。 調味料: 半茶匙鹽。 半茶匙糖。 碎薑末少許。 麻油少許。 做法: 1. 熱鍋加油,加薑末,豆干, 紅蘿蔔, 翻炒兩分鐘。 2. 加蘆筍,灑少許水大火炒一分鍾, 加調味料,嚐味即可。
200g fresh asparagus washed & cut into pieces. 200g seasoned tofu cut into pieces. 1 carrot peeled and cut into pieces. 1 tbsp of vegetable oil. Seasonings:
1/2 tsp of salt. 1/2 tsp of sugar. a few minced ginger. a dash of sesame oil. Method:
1. 2.
Heat wok with vegetable oil , add ginger, Tofu, carrot, and stir fry for 2 minutes. Add asparagus then sprinkle a little water, cook on high heat for 1 minute, seasonings to taste and serve.
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豆腐什錦菜煲 Tofu & Vegetables Hot Pot
300 公克(一盒)嫩豆腐切八塊。 100 公克鮮蘑菇洗淨,切塊。 200 公克大白菜洗淨,切段。 30 公克綠豆粉絲浸軟,滴乾水。 一條紅蘿蔔去皮,切塊。 兩片生薑。 一湯匙菜油。 一杯半水。 調味料: 兩湯匙醬油(生抽) 。 一茶匙鹽。 麻油少許。 胡椒粉少許。 做法: 1. 熱鍋加油,加薑片爆香,加水煮開後,加紅 蘿蔔,大白菜煮 3 分鐘。 2. 加蘑菇,豆腐,粉絲和調味料再煮三分鐘, 嚐味。 3. 盛入中號煲上桌。
(1 pack) 300g soft tofu cut into 8 pieces. 100g fresh mushroom washed and sliced. 200g wombok washed and cut into long pieces. 30g vermicelli (mung bean /glass noodle) soak in water until soft and drained. 1 carrot peeled, washed, and sliced. 2 slices of ginger 1 tbsp of vegetable oil. 1 1/2 cup of water. Seasoning:
2 tbsp of light soy sauce. 1 tsp of salt. sesame oil and pepper. as you like. Method:
1. Heat wok with oil, add ginger, water, and bring to boil, then add carrot, wombok and cook for 3 minutes. 2. Add mushroom, tofu, vermicelli, and seasonings to taste. 3. Serve in a medium size serving pot.
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炸腐皮卷片 Deep Fried Bean-curd Sheets
材料: 200 公克腐皮(一包)。 兩杯菜油,(油炸用)。 半杯自發性麵粉。一湯匙粟米粉。 調味料: 一湯匙醬油(生抽) 。 半茶匙鹽。 一茶匙糖。 一茶匙麻油。 做法: 1. 腐皮放盆中撕碎,加一杯水浸軟後,加調味 料攪勻。 2. 將腐皮料裝入 200 x 250mm 食品袋中,壓 實捲成長卷,然後再用保鮮膜包幾層,(或 ) 蒸 30-40 分 3. 4. 5. 6.
(1 pack) 200g dried bean curd skin. 2 cups of vegetable oil (for deep fry). 1/2 cup of self raising flour, 1 tbsp of corn flour. Seasonings:
1 tbsp of light soy sauce. 1/2 tsp of salt. 1 tsp of sugar. 1 tsp of sesame oil. Method:
1. Break dried bean-curd skin into pieces, and soak into the water (1 cup of water) until soft, then add seasonings and mix well. 2. Fill bean-curd skin into a food cling bag (200 x 250mm size)wrap up very tightly into a roll, then wrap the rolled up bean-curd with cling wrap a few times,(or use a cotton cloth bag then tied with cotton rope ), steamed for 30-40 minutes, cool them down, then refrigerate overnight. 3. Prepare batter with water, self raising flour, cornflour. Mixed to achieve a running consistency. 自發性麵粉,粟米粉加水攪成麵糊。 4. Remove bean-curd from fridge, cut the rolled up 將腐皮卷切開 12-14 厚片。 bean-curd into 12-14 thick slices. 油鍋用中火加熱,一片一片把腐皮卷沾麵 5. Heat wok with oil on medium high, dipping bean 糊,入油鍋炸成金黃色。 curd one by one in batter deep fry until golden 可用青紅色青菜裝飾,食時可沾辣椒醬,甜 brown. 酸醬,沙拉醬。 6. Arranged on a plate, garnish with green and red, vegetables, served with chilli sauce, sweet and sour sauce, and mayonnaise.
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生菜包 Lettuce Wrap
材 料: 5 朵香菇浸軟,切丁。半杯紅蘿蔔丁。 半杯蘿蔔干丁。100 公克硬豆腐切丁。 100 公克四季豆切丁。 12 片萵苣(生菜葉)。 一茶匙薑末。兩湯匙菜油。 調 味料: 一湯匙醬油(生抽) 。 一茶匙糖。 半茶匙鹽。 麻油少許。 胡椒粉少許。 做 法: 1. 熱鍋加一湯匙油,將豆腐煎成金黃色, 取出待用。 2. 熱鍋加一湯匙油,加薑末,香菇,蘿蔔干 丁 ,四季豆丁,炒兩分鐘。 3. 加豆腐和調味料再炒幾下上碟。 4. 食時用萵苣(生菜葉)包起。
5 dried mushrooms soak in the water until soft and cubed. 1/2 cup of carrot cubed, 1/2 cup cubed preserved radish (salted radish). 100g firm tofu cubed. 100g green bean washed and cubed. 12 pieces of lettuce leaf, washed and drained. 1 tsp of chopped ginger. 2 tbsp of vegetable oil. Seasonings:
1 tbsp of soy sauce. 1 tsp of sugar. 1/2 tsp of salt. a dash of sesame oil. a dash of ground pepper. Method:
1. 2. 3. 4
Heat wok with 1 tbsp of oil, fry tofu to golden brown remove, and put aside. Heat 1 tbsp of oil, add ginger, mushrooms, radish carrots, beans, and stir fry for 2 minutes. Add tofu and seasonings, stir fry and mixed vegetables together then remove. Serve wrapper in lettuce leaf.
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紅燒五香素肉花生 Stew Soya Meat With Peanuts and 5 Spices
200 公克 生花生用前浸水五分鐘。 10-15 塊 素肉浸軟。兩杯水。 調味料: 二至三湯匙醬油(老抽)。 一茶匙糖。 半茶匙鹽。 麻油少許。 半茶匙五香粉 (或半個八角)。 胡椒粉少許。 做法: 1. 兩杯水入鍋燒開後加花生和五香粉, 小火燜煮 30 至 40 分鐘。 2. 再加素肉煮至鬆軟,加調味料, 嚐味即可。
200g raw peanuts soak in the water for 5 minutes before use. 10-15 pieces of vegetarian soya meat soak in the water until soft. 2 cups of water. Seasonings:
2-3 tbsp of soy sauce. 1 tsp of sugar. 1/2 tsp of salt. a dash of sesame oil. 1/2 tsp of five spices powder or (half star anise seed). a dash of white pepper. Method:
1. Cook the peanuts and five spice powders in boiling 2 cup of water, simmer for 30-40 minutes by low heat. 2. Add vegetarian soya meat and cook until soft, seasoned to taste and serve.
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白菜炒木耳 Stir-fried Buk Choy with Black Fungus
10g black fungus soak in the water until soft ,cleaned and cut into pieces. 1 carrot peeled washed and sliced. 1 bundle buk choy washed and cut. 1 tbsp of vegetable oil.
10 公克黑木耳浸軟,切開。 一條紅蘿蔔去皮,切片。 一把白菜洗淨,切段。 一 湯匙菜油。 調味料:
鹽少許。 半 茶匙糖。 麻油少許。 一茶匙醬油( 生抽) 。 兩片生薑。 。做法: 1. 熱鍋加油,加生薑爆香。 2. 加所有材料 ,大火炒幾下, 加調味料,再炒至熟,.即可。
1 a 1t
a dash of salt. 1/2 tsp of sugar. a dash of sesame oil. 1 tbsp of light soy sauce. 2 slices of ginger . Method:
1. 2.
Heat wok with oil add ginger. Add all the ingredients at the same time, Stir-fry on high heat, add seasonings, mixed well until vegetable are done.
- 17 -
橄欖豆腐燉梅菜 Braised Olives With Preserved Mustard
材料: 370 公克(一包)甜梅菜浸水 洗淨,切段。 30 粒無核橄欖。 200 公克油炸豆腐。 一湯匙菜油。 薑數片。 紅辣椒數粒。 調味料: 一茶匙麻油。 一湯匙半甜醬油。 做法: 1. 熱鍋加油,加薑,梅菜,爆香, 加豆腐炒兩分鐘。 2. 加醬油,辣椒,橄欖和兩杯水炒勻 加蓋中火燜 30-40 分鐘。 3 加麻油炒勻,上碟。
1 pack (370g) of sweet preserved mustard, soak in water, washed and cut into pieces (salted vegetable). 30 seedless olives. 200g fried tofu. 1 tbsp of vegetable oil. a few slices of ginger. Few chillis. Seasonings:
1 tsp of sesame oil. 1 1/2 tbsp of sweet soy sauce. Method:
Heat wok with oil, add ginger, mustard, fry until brown, add tofu stir fry for 2 minutes. 2. Add in soy sauce, chilli, olives, 2 cups water stir well, cover, braised for 30-40 minutes on medium heat. 3. Then add sesame oil stir well, to serve.
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寬達菜炒蕃茄 Stir Fried Tomatoes with Silver Beet
材料: 三個蕃茄洗淨,每個切四瓣。 一把寬達菜只取嫩葉洗淨,切段。 兩湯匙奶油。 一茶匙薑絲。 調味料: 一湯匙醬油(生抽) 。 半茶匙糖。 鹽少許。 麻油數滴。 做法: 1. 熱不粘鍋加一湯匙奶油,加薑絲少許,蕃 茄,鹽,炒一分鐘,上碟排好。 2. 熱不粘鍋加奶油,薑絲,和寬達菜 加入醬油,糖,麻油,炒至熟, 取出放在蕃茄中間。
3 tomatoes washed, each tomato cut into 4 wedges. 1 bundle silver beet use the young leaves, washed and cut. 1 tsp of shredded ginger. 2 tbsp of butter . Seasonings:
1 tbsp of light soy sauce 1/2 tsp of sugar. a dash of salt. a dash of sesame oil. Method:
Heat non stick pan with 1 tbsp of butter, add in few ginger, tomatoes, salt, stir fry for 1 minute, arrange on a plate, and put aside. Add butter in fry pan, add ginger, silver beet, soy sauce, sesame oil, stir fry until cooked and put on top in the centre of tomatoes.
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煎馬鈴薯餅 Pan Fried Potato Pancake
三朵香菇浸軟,切碎。 一條鮮粟米(取用粟米粒)。 兩個大鮮馬鈴薯(土豆) 刨絲。 兩至三湯匙麵粉。 一個雞蛋打散。 兩湯匙菜油(煎用)。
調味料: 半茶匙鹽。 半茶匙麻油。 胡椒粉少許。 一湯匙醬油(生抽) 。 做法: 1. 熱不黏鍋加油,加香菇爆香取出(備 用) 。 2. 其他所有材料和調味料及香菇, 放盆中攪勻。 3. 熱不黏鍋,中火加油,一匙,一匙放入 鍋中 煎成兩面黃的薯餅,排在菜碟上。
3 dried mushroom soak in the water until soft, washed and finely chopped. 1 fresh corn uses the kernel only. 2 big potato peeled and grated. 1 egg beaten. 2-3 tbsp of plain flour. 2 tbsp of vegetable oil (fry use). Seasonings:
1/2 tsp o f salt.1/2 tsp of sesame oil. 1 tbs p of light soy sauce. a dash of pepper. Method:
1. Heat non stick pan with oil, fry mushroom for 1 minute (put aside). 2. Put all the ingredients, seasonings and fried mushroom into a bowl and mix well. 3. Heat non stick pan with oil, spoon potato mixture one by one into the pan, fry the cake both side until brown, serve on a bed of lettuce.
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炸菜丸子 Vegetarian Nuggets
材料: 100 公克乾香菇蒂浸軟,摘凈。 三個雞蛋打散。 三湯匙麵筋粉。兩湯匙麵粉。 兩湯匙奶油。 一湯匙菜油,(作為煎用) 。 一小支西洋芹菜切碎粒。 一條小 紅蘿蔔 切碎粒。 調味料: 兩湯匙醬油(生抽) 。 一茶匙糖。 半茶匙鹽。 半茶匙麻油。 胡椒粉少許。 做法: 1. 將香菇蒂慢火煮半小時後,擰乾水用石舂 臼搗爛後轉入大碗加雞蛋和奶油攪勻,加 蓋放入冰箱兩至三小時可用(或過夜) 。 2. 加西洋芹菜粒,紅蘿蔔粒,調味料和慢慢 篩粉攪勻,將材料分成 20-24 個丸子(球 狀) 。 3. 熱不沾鍋加油,加素丸煎成金黃色上碟。 4. 吃時沾醬油或辣椒醬。
100g dried mushroom stem soak in the water until soft washed and cleaned. 3 beaten eggs. 3 tbsp of wheat gluten flour. 2 tbsp of plain flour. 2 tbsp of butter. 1 tbsp of vegetable oil (for frying use). 1 small stick of celery finely chopped. 1 small carrot finely chopped. Seasonings:
3 tbsp of light soy sauce. 1 tsp of sugar. 1/2 tsp of salt, 1/2 tsp of sesame oil. a dash of pepper. Method:
1. Boil mushroom stem on low heat for 30 minutes cook them down then squeeze out excess water, finely pound in a stone mortar with the pestle transfer in a bowl add beaten eggs, butter, mix well and put in the refrigerator with cover for 2-3 hours (or overnight). 2. Add chopped vegetables, seasonings into the mushroom mixture sift flour, lightly fold in mixture, stir well until no lump, then shape mixture into 20-24 balls. 3. Heat non stick pan with oil, add vegetarian balls fry on medium heat, until golden brown, arrange on plate. 4. Serve with soy sauce, or chilli sauce.
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釀鮮蘑菇 Stuffed Mushrooms
材料: 200 公克西蘭花洗淨,切開。 15 個鮮蘑菇去蒂,抹乾淨。 一個大馬鈴薯。一湯匙切碎紅蘿蔔。 一湯匙切碎的荸薺(馬蹄)。 調味料: 一茶匙半奶油。 麻油半茶匙。 胡椒粉少許。 鹽少許。 汁料: 兩茶匙粟米粉。 一杯水。 半茶匙鹽。 半茶匙糖。 麻油數滴。 一茶匙素蠔油。 做法: 1. 材料,奶油和調味料攪勻作餡料。 2. 將餡料釀在每一個蘑菇上, 擺在盤中蒸 5 分鐘。 3. 西蘭花蒸 5 分鐘至熟伴在蘑菇周圍。 4. 一杯水加汁料攪勻煮到濃度適中,淋在蘑菇 和西蘭花上即可。
200g broccoli washed and cut into pieces. 15 medium fresh mushroom remove stem, cleaned with a cloth. 1 Big potato washed. 1 tbsp of chopped carrot. 1 tbsp of chopped water chestnut. Seasonings:
1 1/2 tsp of butter. 1/2 tsp of sesame oil. a dash of salt. a dash of pepper. Thicken sauces:
1 cup of water, 2 tsp of cornstarch, 1/2 tsp of salt, 1/2 tsp of sugar, 1 tbsp of vegetarian oyster sauce, a dash of sesame oil. Method:
1. Filling - cooked potato, peeled and mashed, add all chopped ingredients, seasonings and butter. Mix well. 2. Stuff filling on every mushroom, put on the plate, steamed on high heat for 5 minutes. 3. Steamed broccoli for 5 minutes, then arrange broccoli around the stuffed mushroom. 4. 1 cup of water, add all thicken sauces, mix well, cook and stir until thicken and pour over stuffed mushroom and broccoli to serve.
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什錦丁 Stir Fried Vegetables With Cashew Nuts
200 公克蘑菇(罐裝) 隔去水份切開。 200 公克粟米粒。 一條黃瓜(胡瓜) 去瓤切丁。 一條紅蘿蔔去皮,切丁。 150 公克青豆洗淨,切丁。 150 公克腰果仁(炒熟) 。
調味料: 1 湯匙菜油。 1 湯匙醬油(生抽) 。 1 茶匙糖。 半茶匙鹽。 做法:
200g (canned) champignons mushroom drained and cut into half. 200g sweet corn kernels. 1 cucumber removed seeds and diced. 1 carrot peeled and diced. 150g green beans washed and diced. 150g roasted cashew nuts. Seasonings:
1 tbsp of vegetable oil. 1 tbsp of soy sauce. 1 tsp of sugar. 1/2 tsp of salt. Method:
1. 熱鍋加油,加紅蘿蔔,青豆, 大火炒兩分鐘,加粟米粒, 蘑菇, 黃瓜丁,加調味料, 炒一分鐘至熟上碟。 加上腰果仁即可。
Heat wok with oil, add carrot, bean ,stir-fry on high heat for 2 minutes, then add corn kernels, mushroom, cucumber, and seasonings, stir-fry for 1 minute until well mixed. 2. Serve with cashew nuts sprinkled on top.
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什豆香菇菜湯 Mixed Beans, Mushroom and Vegetables Soup
4 朵乾香菇洗淨,浸軟,切開。 8 個無核紅棗洗淨。 兩大湯匙黃豆,半杯花生一同洗淨。 半杯眉豆洗淨。 一條紅蘿蔔,一個佛手瓜一同去皮, 洗淨,切塊。 薑兩片。陳皮兩塊。
做法: 1. 湯鍋加 10 杯水煲滾,加香菇,黃豆, 花生,紅棗,薑,大火煲 20 分鐘後, 轉慢火煲一個小時。 2. 加眉豆煲 30 分鐘後加佛手瓜,和紅蘿 蔔,煲到熟。 3. 加鹽和醬油,嚐味即可。
4 dried mushroom soak into the water until soft washed and cut into half. 8 seedless dried Chinese red date washed. 2 full tbsp of soybean and 1/2 cup of peanut washed. 1/2 cup of black eye bean washed. 1 carrot, 1 choko, peeled washed and cut pieces. 2 slice of ginger. 2 pieces Chinese dried orange peel. Method:
1. Cook the mushroom, soybeans, peanuts, ginger, red dates in boiling 10 cups of water in the pot on high heat for 20 minutes, then cook on low heat for 1 hour to reduce liquid. 2. Then add black eye bean and cook for 30 minutes then add choko, carrot and cook further until done. 3. Taste with salt and soy sauce and serve.
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釀蕃茄 Stuffed Tomato
材料: 5 個中等蕃茄切一半去籽,抹乾水。 兩朵香菇浸軟,抹乾,切碎粒。 兩湯匙碎粒紅蘿蔔。三湯匙麵粉。 200 公克老豆腐隔去水分。 蛋白一個。鹽和胡椒粉少許。 一湯匙半菜油。 汁料: 鹽少許。 胡椒粉少許。 一茶匙粟米粉。 半茶匙糖。 麻油數滴。 一茶匙素蚝油。 一茶匙生抽。 半杯水。 做法: 1. 白,和鹽,胡椒粉一起攪勻做餡料。 2. 餡料釀入蕃茄中,撒上麵粉少許。 3. 熱不黏鍋加油,把蕃茄煎至微金黃色上 碟。 4. 半杯水加汁料攪勻煮到濃度適中,淋在蕃 茄上,用黃瓜裝飾。
4 medium size tomatoes cut into haft and deseed, dried with a cloth. 2 dried mushroom soak into the water until soft, dried with a cloth, finely chopped. 2 tbsp of finely chopped carrot. 3 tbsp of plain flour. 200g firm tofu drain dry. 1 egg white. a dash of pepper and salt. 1 1/2 tbsp of vegetable oil. Thicken sauces:
A dash of salt and pepper, 1 tsp of cornstarch, 1/2 tsp of sugar, a dash of sesame oil, 1 tsp of vegetarian oyster sauce, 1 tsp of light soy sauce, half cup of water. Method:
Mash tofu, add all chopped ingredients , plain flour , egg white, and pepper and salt, well mix the filling. 2. Stuffed filling on every tomatoes half, then sprinkle some plain flour on top. 3. Heat non-stick pan with oil, fry tomatoes lightly until golden brown, remove on to plate. 4 With half cup of water, add all the thicken sauces, mix well and stir until hot and thickened and pour over stuffed tomatoes, serve - garnish with cucumber.
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素棒棒腿 Vegetarian Drum Sticks
材料: 100 公克乾香菇蒂浸軟,摘凈。 三個雞蛋打散。 15-18 支甘蔗簽(或竹簽) 兩湯匙麵筋粉。 一至二湯匙菜油(煎用) 調味料: 兩湯匙醬油(生抽) 半茶匙鹽。 一茶匙糖。 一茶匙麻油。 胡椒粉少許。 做法: 1. 香菇蒂慢火煲半小時後,擰乾水用石舂臼搗 爛後轉入大碗加雞蛋混合,加蓋入冰箱 2-3 小時可用,(或過夜) 2. 加調味料入香菇蒂材料內,慢慢篩粉攪勻。 3. 將材料分成 15-18 份,每一份插入竹簽 做成素腿形狀。 4. 熱不黏鍋加油素腿煎成金黃色上碟。 用新鮮蔬菜裝飾,吃時沾醬油或辣椒醬。
100g dried mushroom stem soak in the water until soft washed and cleaned. 3 eggs lightly beaten. 15-18 sugar cane stick (or bamboo stick). 2 tbsp of wheat gluten flour. 1 or 2 tbsp of vegetable oil (for frying use). Seasonings:
2 tbsp of light soy sauce. 1/2 tsp of salt. 1 tsp of sugar. 1 tsp of sesame oil. a dash of pepper. Method:
Boil mushroom stem on low heat for 30 minutes cook them down then squeeze out excess water, pound in a stone mortar with the pestle, transfer in a bowl add egg, mix well and put in the refrigerator with cover for 2-3 hours or (overnight). 2. Add seasonings, sift flour, lightly fold into the mushroom stem mixture, and mix well. 3. Then shape 15-18 vegetarian round ball, then, thread sugar cane stick into the ball to look like a drumstick. 4. Heat non stick pan on medium heat, cook the drumstick lightly golden brown, serve and garnish with greens, dip with soy sauce or hot chilli sauce.
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鹵味拼盤 Soy Appetizer (Cold Dish)
Ingredients: (1 pack) 200g dried bean curd skin. 200 公克(一包)腐皮。 Seasonings: 3 options of sauces. 1. Dark seasonings : 2 tbsp of dark soy sauce, 調味料: 以下三種鹵料可任選一種。 3 tbsp of sweet soy sauce, 1/2 tsp of salt, 1/2 tsp 1. 黑鹵料:兩湯匙醬油(老抽) ,三湯匙甜醬油, of pepper, 半茶匙鹽,半茶匙胡椒粉,一茶匙麻油, 1 tsp of sesame oil, 1 tsp of sugar mix with 一茶匙糖,和一杯半水攪勻。 1 1/2 cup of water. 2. 白鹵料:三湯匙醬油,(生抽) 半茶匙鹽, 2. Light seasonings: 3 tbsp of light soy sauce, 半 茶匙胡椒粉,一茶匙麻油,兩茶匙糖, 1/2 tsp of salt, 1 tsp of sesame oil, 2 tsp of sugar, 和一杯半水攪勻。 1/2 tsp of pepper mix with 1 1/2 cup of water. 3 咖哩鹵料:兩茶匙咖哩粉,兩湯匙醬油,(生抽) 3. Curry seasonings: 2 tsp of curry powder, 2 tbsp of 半茶匙鹽,兩湯匙椰漿粉,一茶匙糖,和 light soy sauce, 1 tsp of sugar, 2 tbsp of coconut 一杯半水攪勻。(如要辣可加一至兩茶匙辣椒粉) powder, 1/2 tsp of salt, mix with 1 1/2 cup of water 做法: (for extra spice ,add one or two tsp of chilli powder). 1. 將腐皮放盆中撕碎,倒入任選一種鹵料浸泡 Method 20-30 分鐘。 1. Break up bean curd skin into pieces in a bowl, add chosen sauces, and soak for 20-30 minutes. 2. Stir fry bean curd skin in a non stick pan on medium 入 200x250mm 食品袋中,壓實捲成長卷,然後 再 2. heat until very dried and cool them down for 5 用保鮮膜包幾層,.( minutes, then fill into food cling bag 200x250mm ) 。 size, wrap up very tightly into a roll, then wrap the 3. 大火隔水蒸上 30-40 分鐘,冷卻後放入冰箱過夜。 roll a few times with cling wrap (or use a cotton cloth 4. 切片裝盤與黃瓜片和汁料一起上桌。 bag then tied with cotton rope ). 5. 沾汁: 沙拉醬,辣椒醬,蕃茄醬,醬油,糖, 3. Steamed for 30-40 minutes on high heat, cool them 醋,攪勻。 down then put in the refrigerator overnight. 4. Sliced, arrange on plate, serve with cucumber, and dip sauce. 5. Sauce mix: mayonnaise, chilli sauce, tomato sauce, soy sauce, sugar, and vinegar, mix well.
- 27 -
香菇燜雙蘿蔔 Braised Chinese Radishes & Mushroom
材料: 500 公克鮮蘿蔔和一條紅蘿蔔 去皮,切塊。 10 朵香菇浸軟,洗淨。 兩片生薑。 調味料: 兩湯匙醬油(生抽) 半茶匙鹽。 胡椒粉少許。 麻油少許。 做法: 1. 熱鍋加油,生薑和香菇爆香 1 分鐘,加 蘿蔔,紅蘿蔔,調味料炒勻,加一杯半 水,再炒勻,中火加蓋燜至熟,上碟。
500g fresh Chinese radish and 1 carrot peeled and cut into pieces. 10 dried mushroom, soak in water until soft and washed. 2 slices of ginger. Seasonings:
2 tbsp of light soy sauce. 1/2 tsp of salt. a dash of pepper. a dash of sesame oil. Method:
Heat wok with oil, add ginger and mushrooms, stir fry for 1 minute, then add in radish, carrot and seasonings, stir well, add in 1 1/2 cup water, cover and braised until soft, serve.
- 28 -
荷蘭豆炒鮑魚菇 Stir-Fried Abalone Mushroom & Snow Peas
150 公克鮮鮑魚菇洗淨切塊。 50 公克荷蘭豆摘好洗淨。 一條紅蘿蔔去皮切片。 二朵木耳浸軟切塊。 兩片生薑。 一湯匙菜油。 調味料: 一湯匙素蠔油。 半茶匙糖。 麻油少許。 鹽少許。 胡椒粉少許。 做法: 1. 熱鍋加半湯匙油,加生薑, 鮑魚菇, 素蚝油炒兩分鐘取出(後用)。 2. 熱鍋加半湯油,加紅蘿蔔,木耳,荷蘭豆, 和調味料炒幾分鐘後, 加入炒好的鮑魚 菇,炒勻。 3. 上碟即可。
150g fresh abalone mushrooms, washed and cut. 50g snow peas washed and remove stem. 1 small carrot peeled, washed and sliced. 2 black fungus soak into the water until soft, washed and cut. 2 slice of ginger. 1 tbsp of vegetable oil. Seasonings:
1 tbsp of vegetarian mushroom sauce. 1/2 tsp of sugar. a dash of sesame oil. a dash of salt, a dash of pepper. Method:
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Heat wok with 1/2 tbsp of oil, add ginger, abalone mushroom, vegetarian sauce and stir fry for 2 minutes, and put aside. Heat wok add 1/2 tbsp of oil, carrot, snow peas and seasonings then stir fry few minutes, add in cooked abalone mushroom, mix well. Ready to serve.
雪菜豆腐 Braised Tofu With Chinese Pickled Mustard
材料: 半罐罐裝雪菜滴乾水,切碎。 300 公克豆腐(嫩豆腐)切厚片。 半杯切碎紅蘿。 三湯匙青豆仁。 數條薑絲。 一湯匙菜油。
調味料: 一湯匙素蚝抽。 半茶匙糖。 一湯匙醬油(生抽)。 一茶匙粟米粉。 麻油少許。 胡椒粉少許。 半杯水。
1/2 can of pickled potherb mustard drained and finely chopped. 1 pack 300g of (soft tofu) thick slices. 1/2 cup of chopped carrot, 3 tbsp of peas. 1 tbsp of vegetable oil, a few shredded ginger. Seasonings:
1 tbsp of vegetarian oyster sauce, 1/2 tsp of sugar, 1 tbsp of soy sauce, 1 tsp of corn flour, a dash of sesame oil, a dash of pepper, 1/2 cup of water. Method:
1. Heat non stick pan with oil, add ginger, pickled cabbage, stir for 2 minutes, add carrot, peas, stir fry then add tofu, cook for 1 minute. 做法: 2. Mix corn flour, all seasonings with water for 1. 熱鍋加油,加薑絲,雪菜,炒兩分鐘, thickening sauce. 加紅蘿蔔,青豆仁,炒勻,加豆腐煮一 3. Add thickening sauce and lightly stir fry and cook for 2 minutes, (add chilli as your choice). 分鐘。 4. Ready to serve. 2. 將所有調味料和水攪勻,(做汁)。 3. 4.
加汁輕炒勻煮兩分鐘,(可加辣)。 即可上碟。
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椒鹽香菇 Deep Fried Mushroom with Spice
15 dried mushroom in good size, soak into the water until soft and wash. 3 sticks of young lemon grass, finely chopped. 1/2 red and 1/2 green capsicum, roughly chopped. 2 sticks of celery, roughly chopped. 2 hot chilli, finely chopped. 2 tbsp of plain flour. 2 cups of vegetable oil ( for deep-frying).
15 朵大乾香菇浸軟。 三條嫩香茅切幼粒。 半個紅椒和半個青椒切粗粒。 兩根芹菜切粗粒。 兩個小辣椒切幼粒。 兩湯匙自發性麵粉。 兩杯菜油(作炸用) 。
做法: 1. 2.
3. 4.
一湯匙醬油(生抽) 。 一茶匙鹽。 半茶匙麻油。 半茶匙胡椒粉。
用剪刀把香菇剪成螺旋狀,不要斷開,加 調味料和麵粉攪勻,醃 20-30 分鐘。 用半杯自發性麵粉,一茶匙粟米粉,鹽少 許 加水攪成麵糊,密度要適中。 油鍋用中火,香菇沾麵糊一個一個炸成金 黃色, 裝起 後用。 一湯匙油用大火,加香茅,紅,青椒,芹 菜,辣椒以上各種碎粒和炸好的香菇爆 香,即可上碟,(用黃瓜裝飾) 。
1 tbsp of light soy sauce, 1 tsp of salt. 1/2 tsp of pepper. 1/2 tsp of sesame oil. Method:
1. 2. 3. 4.
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Cut around the mushroom into a continuous spiral with scissors, add all seasonings and plain flour. Mix and marinade for 20-30 minutes. Prepare batter: add 1/2 cup of self-raising flour, 1 tsp of corn flour, a dash of salt and water, stir into running consistency. Heat wok with oil on medium heat and dipping mushroom spirals one by one with batter, and deep-fry until golden brown, put aside. Heat wok with 1 tbsp of oil on high heat, add all chopped ingredients and stir-fried mushroom , toss well, serve and garnish with cucumber.
草菇粉絲蒸蛋 Steamed Vermicelli With Straw Mushroom & Eggs
材料: 200 公克罐頭草菇切半。 50 公克粉絲浸軟切斷。 半杯碎紅蘿蔔絲。 五個雞蛋。 一湯匙麵粉。 三湯匙水。 一湯匙菜油。 調味料: 一湯匙醬油(生抽) 。 一茶匙鹽。 半茶匙麻油。 胡椒粉少許。 做法: 1 將所有材料和調味料一同攪勻。 2 倒入中號碗,放入蒸籠大火蒸至熟。 3 取出後,切成你喜歡的型狀,上碟。
200g straw mushrooms,(canned)cut in half. 50g vermicelli,(mung bean thread) soak in water until soft, drained and cut. 1/2 cup of shredded carrot, 5 eggs. 1 tbsp of plain flour, 3 tbsp of water. 1 tbsp of vegetable oil. Seasonings:
1 1/2 tbsp of light soy sauce, 1/2 tsp of salt, 1/2 tsp of sesame oil, a dash of pepper. Method:
Mix all the ingredients and seasonings evenly. 2. Pour the mixture into a medium round bowl, steam on high heat, until cooked. 3. Remove, cut to desired shape and size, and arrange on plate.
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芋頭豆腐煲 Braised Taro & Tofu Hot Pot
材料: 300 公克芋頭洗淨,切塊。 200 公克豆腐切塊。 兩塊南乳壓爛。 兩湯匙菜油。 調味料: 一湯匙醬油(生抽) 。 一茶匙麻油。 半茶匙 鹽。 一茶匙糖。 半茶匙五香粉。 一杯半水。 做法: 1. 中火熱鍋加油,將芋頭塊和豆腐塊兩面 煎黃取出(待用) 。 2. 中火熱鍋加油,加南乳爆香後,加調味 料和水煮開,再加芋頭,豆腐,炒勻,
300g taro peeled, washed and cut into pieces. 200g tofu cut into pieces. Red bean curd. 2 tbsp of vegetable oil. Seasonings:
1 tbsp of light soy sauce, 1 tsp of sesame oil, 1/2 tsp of salt, 1 tsp of sugar, 1/2 tsp of 5 spice powder, 1 1/2 cup of water. Method:
3 3.
Heat wok with oil on medium heat, fry taro and tofu until golden brown on both sides, remove and put aside. Add oil, salted red bean curd, fry until brown, add seasonings and water. Bring to boil, then add taro, tofu, and cover to stew by medium heat until cooked. Serve in a pot.
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菜卷 Vegetables in Rice Wrapper
材料: 12 張米紙。 一把香菜(芫茜),一把萵苣(生菜) , 150 公克綠豆芽,洗淨滴乾。 二根芹菜,一條紅蘿蔔,200 公克老豆 腐,洗淨切成同樣長條) 。 一至兩湯匙菜油。 調味料: 一湯匙醬油(生抽) 。 胡椒粉少許。 一茶匙鹽。 半茶匙麻油。 做法: 1. 熱鍋加油,加豆腐煎至金黃色取出 。 2. 熱鍋加油,加芹菜,紅蘿蔔,綠豆芽加 調味料炒熟,將每樣分別排在碟中。 3. 將米紙鋪在碟上用濕布抹軟,放上各種 材料, 包成菜卷,沾醬吃。 4. 醬汁:4 湯匙甜醬油(ABC) 兩茶匙番茄 醬, 一茶匙糖,一茶匙沙拉醬 (Mayonnaise) 攪勻,食時 加炒香的花 生碎即可。
12 sheets rice wrapper. 1 bundle of fresh coriander, 1 lettuce, 150g mung beans sprouts, all washed and drained. (2 sticks of celery, 1 carrot peeled, 200g firm tofu, all washed and cut to match the sticks size). 1-2 tbsp of vegetable oil. Seasonings:
1 tbsp of light soy sauce, 1 tsp of salt, 1/2 tsp of sesame oil, a dash of pepper. Method:
1. Heat wok with oil, fried tofu until brown and remove. 2. Heat wok with oil, stir fry all other cut ingredients, bean sprouts and seasonings until cook then separately arrange on plate with fried tofu . 3. Place the rice wrapper on the plate and moisten soft with wet cloth, place some cooked ingredients, lettuce and roll up like spring roll, serve with dip sauce. 4. Sauce mixture: 4 tbsp of sweet soy sauce (A.B.C brand), 2 tsp of tomato sauce, 1 tsp of sugar, 1 tsp of mayonnaise mix well, add crushed roasted peanut into the sauce.
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什菜炒麵 Stir-Fried Noodles With Vegetables
材料: 300 公克乾麵。 六朵香菇浸軟洗淨,切片。 一把小白菜洗淨,切片。 一條紅蘿蔔去皮洗淨,切片。 兩湯匙菜油。 調味料: 兩湯匙醬油(生抽) 。 一湯匙素蠔油。 一茶匙麻油。 半茶匙鹽。 一湯匙薑絲。 胡椒粉少許。 做法: 1.水煮沸加麵煮數分鐘至軟去水滴乾。 2. 熱鍋加油,加薑,香菇,炒一分鐘,加 所有切好的菜,炒勻,加煮好的麵和調 味料嚐味炒勻上碟。
300g dried noodle. 6 dried mushrooms, soaked in the water until soft, washed and sliced. 1 bundle buk choy/ bai-chai washed and sliced. 1 carrot peeled, washed and sliced. 2 tbsp of vegetable oil. Seasonings:
2 tbsp of light soy sauce, 1 tbsp of mushroom sauce (vegetarian sauce), 1 tsp of sesame oil, 1/2 tsp of salt, 1 tbsp of shredded ginger, a dash of pepper. Method:
1. Place the noodle in boiling water cook for few minutes until soft and drained. 2. Heat wok with oil, add ginger, mushroom, stir fry for 1 minute, add all vegetables, stir well, add cook noodle and seasonings to taste, give it a good stir and serve.
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什菜炒飯 Fried Rice with Vegetables
材料: 一罐蘑菇(中號) 去水份,切開。 3 個蛋打散。 300 公克老豆腐,切粗粒。 半杯冷藏紅蘿蔔,粟米,青豆粒。 三杯凍飯。 兩湯匙菜油。 調味料: 兩湯匙醬油(生抽) 。 一茶匙麻油。 一茶匙鹽。 做法: 1. 熱鍋加油,加蛋炒熟,取出,煎豆腐粒至 兩面黃,取出,(後用) 。 2. 熱鍋加油用大火,加飯炒上 2-3 分鐘。 3. 加入蘑菇,青豆,粟米,紅蘿蔔粒,再加 入炒蛋和煎好的豆腐,放下調味料,再炒 至熟 即成,上碟。
1 medium canned mushroom (champignon preferred), drained, sliced. 3 beaten eggs. 300g firm tofu, diced. 1/2 cup of frozen carrot, corn and peas. 3 cups of cooked rice. 2 tbsp of vegetable oil. Seasonings:
2 tbsp of light soy sauce, 1 tsp of sesame oil, 1 tsp of salt. Method:
1 2 3
Heat wok with oil, fry the eggs, fry tofu until golden brown, put aside for later use. Heat the oil in wok on high heat, add rice, stir fry for 2-3 minutes. Then add mushroom, mix frozen vegetables, fried egg, fried tofu , seasonings to taste, stir fry until cooked and serve.
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羅漢齋 Lo-Han-Zai (Stewed Vegetables )
Ingredients:(optional: Gingko nuts, lotus roots , white fungus, dried red dates, fried tofu, fresh mushrooms, fried gluten, dried sweet bean curd etc.) 紅棗,炸豆腐,新鮮蘑菇,炸麵筋,甜竹等, Most common ingredients: 可自由選用。) 6-10 pieces of dried mushrooms soaked in the 普通的材料如下: water until soft and washed. 香菇 6-10 朵,浸軟洗淨。 400g wombok washed and cut into pieces. 黃芽白(大白菜)400 公克,洗淨切段。 1 stick of dried bean curd soaked in the water until soft, cut into pieces. 腐竹枝一支,浸軟切段。 Little black moss washed and drained. 髮菜少許,洗淨(後用) 。 50g mung bean vermicelli soaked in the water 粉絲 50 公克,浸軟。 until soft and drained. 四季豆 50 公克,洗淨,切段。 50g green beans washed and cut into pieces. 南乳 2 件(壓爛) 。 2 mashed cubes of fermented red bean curd. 1 carrot, peeled, washed and sliced. 紅蘿蔔一條,去皮,洗淨切片。 1 1/2 tbsp of vegetable oil. 1 湯匙半菜油。 Seasonings: 調味料: 1 tsp of salt, 2 tbsp of soy sauce, a dash of pepper, 1 茶匙鹽。2 湯匙醬油(生抽) 。 1 tsp of sesame oil, 1 tsp of sugar. 胡椒粉少 許。1 茶匙麻油。1 茶匙糖。 Method: 做法: 1. Heat the wok, add 1/2 tbsp of oil ,stir - fry 1. 熱鍋加半湯匙油,將香菇和腐竹枝炒香 mushrooms and bean curd sticks then add 1/2 後,加半碗水 15-20 分鐘至熟,取起, cup of water, simmer for 15-20 minutes until done, remove and set aside. 後用。 2 熱鍋中火加油,加南乳爆香,加黃芽白炒 2.Heat the wok, add 1 tbsp of oil, fry the fermented red bean curd, then add wombok/ bai-chai, and 勻。 mix well. 3 加入香菇和腐竹枝,紅蘿蔔,加一碗水炒 3. Add cooked mushrooms from Step 1, bean curd 勻,加蓋燜 3-5 分鐘,再加入粉絲, stick, carrot and water then cover and cook for 3-5 minutes, add mung bean vermicelli, green beans, black 四季豆,髮菜,和調味料炒勻煮 2 分鐘, moss and seasonings to stir fry for 2 minutes then serve. 即成上碟。 材料: ( 可用很多的配料如: 白果,蓮藕,白木耳,
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豉椒素魚塊 Vegetarian Fish With Black Bean Sauce
500g firm tofu, 2 tbsp of corn starch. 3 tbsp plain flour, 1 sheet of dried bean curd. 2 sheets of seaweed, 2 tbsp of vegetable oil.
500 公克硬豆腐。2 湯匙粟米粉。 3 湯匙麵粉。1 張腐皮。 2 張紫菜。2 湯匙菜油。(煎用)
1 tbsp of light soy sauce, 1 tsp of salt, 1 tsp of sesame oil, pinch of pepper.
調味料: 1 湯匙醬油(生抽) 。1 茶匙鹽。 1 茶匙麻油。少許胡椒粉。
做法: 1.
除紫菜和菜油之外,將所有材料和調味料, 2.
用一個同紫菜一樣大小的蒸盤,放 2 張紫菜 在盤內( ) ,將素魚漿放紫菜上 弄平壓實,將它蒸 30 分鐘。冷涼後放冰箱。 3. 3. 待凍後切開四條,2 條切塊,(餘留下次用) 。 4. 不黏鍋中火加油,將素魚塊煎成金黃色,上 4. 碟。 5.豉汁: 一茶匙半辣椒豆豉醬,—湯匙醬油(老抽) , 一茶匙半粟米粉,一茶匙糖,一茶匙麻油,鹽少 許,一碗水,將它煮滾淋在素魚塊上即成。
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Add all ingredients and seasonings (except seaweed and oil) evenly with your hands, mash tofu and the mixture together, make into vegetarian fish pulp. Put 2 sheets of seaweed on a square plate (tin) in the same size as the seaweed, put the pulp on top of seaweed and press firmly then steam for 30 minutes, cool it down then put in refrigerator . Take out from refrigerator, then cut into 4 strips, only 2 out of them cut into pieces (the rest for next meal). Heat non -stick wok by medium heat, add oil then fry pieces until golden brown, remove and put on a plate. Black bean sauce: Bring to boil - 1 1/2 tsp of black bean sauce, 1 tbsp of soy sauce, 1 1/2 tsp corn starch, 1 tsp of sugar, 1 tsp sesame oil pinch of salt and 1 cup of water, then pour on vegetarian fish pieces (4).
南瓜蛋糕 Pumpkin Cake
材料: 兩杯自發性麵粉。 煮熟的南瓜去水份做成茸(一杯半的份 量) 。 半杯核桃仁。 半杯無核乾葡萄干。 半杯砂糖。 兩個雞蛋。 四安士奶油。 鹽少許。 做法: 1. 奶油和糖入盤中用木匙攪到混合,繼續 2. 3. 4.
漸次加入核桃仁和葡萄干再攪勻。 倒入抹了奶油和撒上粉的烤盤 (20cm 的圓盤) 。 烤爐預先加熱(180c) 將南瓜蛋糕烤上 45 分鐘至金黃色。 從烤盤中取出蛋糕放在鐵網上待涼。
2 cup of self raising flour. 1 and 1/2 cup of cooked, drained and mashed pumpkin, 1/2 cup of walnuts, 1/2 cup of sultanas, 1/2 cup of caster sugar, 2 eggs. 4 ounce of butter, a dash of salt. Method:
2. 3. 4.
Beat butter and sugar in a bowl until creamy with a wooden spoon, add eggs and mashed pumpkin, mix well, sift flour and salt, fold in cake mixture, gradually add walnut and sultanas, combine well. Pour into a round greased 20cm cake tin. Bake in preheated oven (180c) for 45 minutes until golden brown. Transfer the cake on a wire rack to cool down.
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芝麻椰撻 Coconut Tartlets Covered with Sesame Seeds
材料: 1 1/2 杯麵粉。四湯匙糖粉。四安士奶油。 兩湯匙碎檸檬皮(刨碎) 。 一個蛋黃。 做法: 1. 輕微使它反動做成鬆的碎粉,加檸檬皮碎 和蛋黃,做成球形用保鮮紙包起入冰箱 20 分鐘。 2. 取出用棍碾開做成 24 個撻皮,放入抹了奶 油和撒過粉的撻盤。 餡材料: 5 安士幼沙糖。三湯匙鮮檸檬汁。三杯乾椰 絲,或椰蓉 。 三個雞蛋打散。四湯匙白 芝麻。四湯匙椰漿。一茶匙發粉。兩安士 奶油。半茶匙椰子香精。 做法: 1. 半杯熱水入盤中,加糖,檸檬汁,和奶油攪 至糖溶,繼續加以上所有的餡材料攪勻,放 入 24 個撻皮內。 2. 烤爐預先加熱(180c-190c) 將椰撻烘焙 30 分鐘至金黃色。 3. 從烤盤取出放在鐵網上待涼。
Pastry: 1 and 1/2 cup of plain flour, 4 tbsp of icing sugar. 4 ounces of butter, 2 tbsp of grated lemon rind, 1 egg yolk. To make pastry:
Sift the flour and icing sugar into a bowl, rub in butter until crumbly, add lemon rind, egg yolk, 3-4 tbsp of ice-cold water, mix well and make a rough dough covered in plastic wrap and chill for 20 minutes in the fridge. Roll the pastry out on floured surface, cut into 24 round pieces, line pastry in the greased tartlet moulds.
Filling: 5 ounces of castor sugar, 3 tbsp of lemon juice, 3 cups of desiccated coconuts, 3 eggs beaten, 4 tbsp of coconut milk, 1 tsp of baking powder, 1/2 tsp of coconut essence. To make filling:
3 4 5
Sugar, juice, butter, 1/2 cup warm water into a bowl, mix until dissolve, add all ingredients gradually and mix well. Spoon the filling into each pastry, and bake in preheated oven (180c-190c) for 30 minutes until golden brown. Transfer the tartlets on a wire rack to cool down.
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蔬菜的營養成份 (Vegetables and Their Nutrients) 菜 名
營 養 素
香菇,蘑菇,鮑魚菇,草菇等 Dried or canned mushroom, Abalone mushroom, Straw mushroom etc.,
維生素--A, B1, B2, C.與礦物質 Vitamin a, B1, B2, C, & Mineral
紅蘿蔔 Carrot
維生素--A, B, C. 高鐵質 Vitamin A, B, C & Iron
白蘿蔔 Chinese Radish
維生素--A, B1, B2. C Vitamin A, B1, B2 & C
青椒,紅椒 Green & Red Capsicum
維生素-- A. C Vitamin A, C
黃瓜(青瓜) Cucumber
維生素--B1. B2 E. 鈣與鐵 Vitamin B1, B2, C, E, Calcium & Iron
大芋頭(香檳榔芋) Taro
維生素--C. 澱粉質 Vitamin C, Starch
芝麻 Sesame Seeds
維生素-- B. E. 鈣 Vitamin B, E and Calcium
花椰菜 Cauliflower
維生素-- B1. B2. C Vitamin B1, B2 & C
西蘭花 Broccoli
維生素-- B5. B6. G Vitamin B5, B6 & G
四季豆(鮮青豆) String Beans
維生素-- C Vitamin C
荷蘭豆 Snow Peas
維生素-- C Vitamin C
綠豆芽菜 Mung Bean Sprouts
維生素-- A. B1. B2.蛋白質 Vitamin A, B1, B2 & Protein
黃豆 Soy Bean
維生素-- B1.富含蛋白質 Vitamin B1, Protein
乾木耳 Dried Fungus
維生素--B.鐵質 Vitamin B, Iron
佛手瓜 Choko
維生素-- A. B1. B2. C.鈣質 Vitamin A, B1, B2, C & Calcium
南瓜 Pumpkin
維生素-- A. B. C. 高鈣 Vitamin A, B, C & high in Calcium
豆腐 Tofu
維生素-- B. 富含蛋白質 Vitamin B & high in Protein
腐皮 Bean Curd
維生素-- A. C.高蛋白質 Vitamin A, C & high in Protein
蘆筍 Asparagus
維生素-- A. 纖維素 Vitamin A, Fiber - 41 -
大白菜 Wombok/Da- Bai- Chai
維生素-- A. C Vitamin A, C
小白菜 Pak Choy/Bai Chai
維生素-- A. C. D. 鉀. 鐵 Vitamin A, C, D, Potassium & Iron
萵苣(生菜) Lettuce
維生素-- A. C. 纖維素 Vitamin A, C & Fiber
芹菜 Celery
維生素-- B1. B2. C Vitamin B1, B2 & C
香菜(芫茜) Coriander
維生素--B1. B2. C.高鐵質 Vitamin B1, B2, C & high in Iron
榨菜(大頭菜) Pickled Mustard Tuber
維生素--A, 鈉 Vitamin A & Sodium
雪菜 Pickled Potherb Mustard
維生素-- A. B. C. F.高鐵質. 鈣 Vitamin A, B, C, F, high in Iron & Calcium
蘿蔔干 Dried Chinese Radish
維生素-- C. 礦物質 Vitamin C, Mineral
橄欖 Olive
維生素-- C. 高鈉炭酸 Vitamin C & high in Carbohydrate
蕃茄 Tomato
維生素-- A. B1. B2. C Vitamin A, B1, B2 & C
寬達菜 Silver Beet
維生素-- C. 高鐵質 Vitamin C & high in Iron
馬鈴薯 Potato
維生素-- C. 鈉 Vitamin C & Sodium
粟米 Sweet Corns
維生素-- A. Vitamin A
雞蛋 Egg
維生素 B6, B12, 高蛋白質 Vitamin B6, B12 & high in Protein
米 Rice
維生維-- B1. B2.澱粉質。蛋白質 Vitamin B1, B2, Starch & Protein
粉絲 Mung Bean Vermicelli
維生素--鈣。鐵 Calcium & Iron
花生 Peanuts
維生素--富含蛋白質,鈣質 High in Protein, Calcium
Contact Details: Postal: Email: Tel:
P O BOX 16 James Cook University, Douglas Q4811 Australia vegelinfoundation@gmail.com 61 7 434 995 358 版權所有© Tina Beck & Vegelin Foundation 2011
Tina Beck & Vegelin Foundation. All Copyrights Reserved 2011
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可口家常素菜 Tina’s Yummy Vegetarian Dishes 素食有些甚麼好處? 可延年益壽 ?--是的, 答對了! 事實上, 素食更可以預防各種疾病,例如: 減少心臟病, 血管硬化, 糖尿病的發病機會.又會因為不 殺生而使你有一個慈悲的愛心.素食有這許多好處, 是毋庸置疑的事實,所以, 近年來, 素食已經成 為一個潮流.外界有很多的素食譜.但它們有些材料是很難使居住於外國的人,能買得到. 基於這個 原因.故此本人就用最簡單的,在日常於菜市場上, 買得到的材料.是既方便又簡單 ! 這本" 家常素食 "是本人於這數年來,所研究出來的心得.所有的菜式,沒有添放味精.因此 對我們 的健康是很有助益! 希望能分享給所有喜愛食素的人 !
What is the benefit of vegetarianism? Longevity? Yes, this is the benefit of it. Vegetarianism also prevents some disease such as heart attack, blood clot, and diabetes. It also promotes practice of Ahimsa (non-killing). No wonder vegetarianism is becoming the trend and fashion. There are many Asian vegetarian recipe books, but most of the ingredients are hard to find in western countries. Because of this reason. I only use the ingredients that one can easily find in the local Asian grocery stores in my cookbook. The recipes included in this "Tina's Yummy Vegetarian Dishes" have originated from the accumulation of my years' experience. No MSG is used in any dish and it is good for health. I would like to share these dishes with those who like vegetarian cooking.
與有興趣學素菜者分享 Tina Beck To share with those who want to learn vegetarian cooking. Recipes Contributed by Tina Beck ISBN: 978-0-9751072-0-1
Tina Beck & Vegelin Foundation, All Copyrights Reserved 2011
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