Via West April 2010

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April - May 2010

Via West

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April - May 2010

Via West


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PO Box 175

Ray Willis

Victoria Park


Western Australia 6979

Shane Williams


31 610 140 537



(08) 9342 8703

John Vogiatzakis




John Vogiatzakis



(08) 9375 3082 (08) 9375 3082

0402 589 186

Jamie Barrett




Ray Willis

Richard Hines



Jason Phillips



(08) 9332 6919


Rod McSwain


(08) 9342 8703

Currently grouped under ―Events Coordinator‖ Ray Willis



Rod McSwain

Colin Seth, Merrick Paget , Dave Moore, Patrick Spateri


(08) 9309 3152


Michelle Dufall

Tina Moore

Rudy Menke, Karen Fyfe,

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April - May 2010

Via West

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April - May 2010

Via West

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Advertising: Please send your ‗for sale‘ or ‗wanted‘ adverts by mail or email to the Editor before the publication deadline.

Normally one event will be nominated as the club run each month. Some months will have more than one event. Not all events attended by the club will be club organised. Please note that non-members are welcome to come to the club organised events. If you have any friends you would like to accompany us, please bring them along. If you have any ideas or suggestions for club organised events give a Committee member a call or an e-mail and the committee so we can put it on our calendar. The VW Events Calendar is at page 6 and lists the upcoming events and club runs for some months in advance in chronological order.

Fees: Members - 1/4 page adverts are free. Non-Members - 1/4 page adverts are $5.00 Please contact the Editor to find out about commercial advertising in the magazine, inserting flyers or advertising on the website. Publication Deadline: The ViaWest magazine‘s deadline for articles for the next issue is MAY 23 Disclaimer: The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Volkswagen Club of WA (Inc), its Committee or members.

COMMITTEE MEETINGS Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at John Hughes Volkswagen in Victoria Park, starting at 6:30pm. Committee meetings are open to all members and invited guests.

Membership and Birthdays Welcome to new members

Sven Joensson



The Club ............................. p 2 The Club (contd) ................. p 4 A word from the Editor ........ p 5

Currently the club has a very healthy

VW Event Calendar ............ p 6

115 memberships.

Faribridge Festival ‗10 ......... p 7 Club Run March .................. p 8

Happy Birthday to the following members for APRIL & MAY 2010

 Roderick McSwain

 Matthias Heyne

 Simon Monk

 Nicolas Heyne

 Tracy Patterson

 Annabell Lunn

 Stuart Rundle

 Tina Moore

 Sofia Vogiatzakis

 May-Le Ng

 Gary Waters

 Jolene Redpath

 Thomas Williams

 Alicia Wheatley/

 Carolynne  Christine Annison

McGregor / Yates


Retro News - Beetle Caravan ........................................... p 9 2010 Bug-In Wrap-Up ......... p 10 Volkswagen News  VW Transporter ............ p 16  VW Multivan ................. p 17  Black / Orange Beetle ... p 17  VW TSI Engines ........... p 18  World Green Car .......... p 18

 Anastasia Stoney

 VW at Shanghai ............ p 19  VW Sharan ................... p 20

 Neil Annison

 Laurene Bailey

 Christian Tittel

 Dianne Barr

 Sonya Bateman

 Su Williams

 Abigail Cotton

 David Beckley

 Claire Cotton

 Marit Dew

 Maria Fernandes

 Robert Dew

 Harrison Hart

 Bernie Fernandes

 Geoffrey King

 Iris Heyne

Happy Birthday to anybody that has a birthday in April and May and we do not have your date on our records.

Advertising starts ................ p 25 The front page photo was taken at this years Bug-In in Qld - the first Bug-In for Merrick and Karla from our club.

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April - May 2010

Via West

2011 Toodyay Bug-In

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The National 2011 event will be held in and around the town of Toodyay and hosted by the VW Club of WA Inc (Friday 22nd April to Monday 25th April).

The four days of the Bug-In are filled with social get-togethers and events including the mandatory welcoming event on the Friday night; a show and shine; a motorkhana and a presentation dinner. The event will attract people from all states as well as our club members here in WA. Those with a hard copy magazine this month will find enclosed a brochure on the 2011 Toodyay Bug-In and the Road Trip 2011 that follows. If you received an electronic copy of the magazine you will find these documents attached as PDFs. The club website has been updated and will continually have information added as it comes to hand. There will also be a separate Bug-In Bulletin approx every 2 months to keep everybody informed. This regular newsletter will bring you all the Toodyay 2011 Bug-In and the Road Trip 2011 news of what‘s happening and when. If you are thinking about participating in the Bug-In, please provide your contact details to so you will have the 2011 Bug-In Bulletin issues sent to you online. Issue 1 will be out this month. We must point out that the club is NOT booking accommodation. Where you choose to stay is your decision. You will need to book early and bookings must be made through the Toodyay Visitors Centre...see our Toodyay 2011 Brochure. There is also an Accommodation Guide on the website. One of the main things to remember is that if you are contemplating coming along to the Bug-In, booking your accommodation is a priority. Also enclosed with you magazine a call for help as we prepare for the National BugIn in 2011 and the 2010 Day of the Volkswagen. As the flyer says if you can help in any way please contact us and we can include you in our planning and activities leading up to and at these events. Manpower is critical to get these events off the ground and to make them successful. Every little bit of help HELPS!

Your Help is Wanted

Ray Willis

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April - May 2010 #

Via West

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indicates a club run

VW Event


This Month Sunday 2nd #


Contact: Ray Willis 0407 347 340

Article and photos in next magazine Wednesday 5th

ALFRED’S of GUILDFORD 7pm cnr of Meadow & James St Guildford

Wednesday 12th


Contact: Ray Willis 0407 347 340

6:30pm @ John Hughes Volkswagen, Victoria Park Wednesday 26th


Contact: Ray Willis 0407 347 340

6:30pm @ Wangara Volkswagen, Wangara

June 2010 TBA


Wednesday 2nd


Contact: Ray Willis 0407 347 340

7pm cnr of Meadow & James St Guildford Wednesday 9th


Contact: Ray Willis 0407 347 340

6:30pm @ John Hughes Volkswagen, Victoria Park Wednesday 23rd


Contact: Ray Willis 0407 347 340

6:30pm @ Wangara Volkswagen, Wangara

July 2010 TBA

ANNUAL QUIZ NITE Organised by the Council Motoring Clubs

Wednesday 2nd

ALFRED’S of GUILDFORD 7pm cnr of Meadow & James St Guildford

Wednesday 9th


Contact: Ray Willis 0407 347 340

6:30pm @ John Hughes Volkswagen, Victoria Park Wednesday 23rd


Contact: Ray Willis 0407 347 340

6:30pm @ Wangara Volkswagen, Wangara

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April - May 2010

Via West

Fairbridge Festival ‘IO Photos by Colin Seth and Jamie Barrett

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April - May 2010

Via West


Photographs by Rod McSwain Thanks to Rod for the selection of photos taken at the show. From all reports the day was very first-rate as usual with a very good selection of VWs on display from the club. If you attend an event and have something to say or have some photos to show, you can always send them to be placed in the magazine.

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April - May 2010

Via West

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VW Beetle Caravan VW Club member, Jerry Heldt sent in a video originally shot back in 1974. I have tried to capture the essence of the video in stills, but the video is not the best quality. I any direction without fear of jack-knifing. It even allows for hope you get the general idea. the towing vehicle to ‗drive‘ the caravan into a parking bay. I don't know if this caravan would be able to be licensed in The caravan design does not have a draw bar as such but this era, but it would be a unique project and real show- extends over the roof of the vehicle to attach to the tow stopper. ball on what is best described as a ‗roof rack tow bar‘. The front of the caravan is shaped to fit over a small car, Hope you find it interesting....  and this allows for the towing vehicle to be able to turn in

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April - May 2010

Via West

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Bug-In Bound The front page has the photo of Merrick and Karla Paget and their Kombi Beach - Big Bird. Big Bird featured in another article in a past magazine when they travelled across the north of Australia. Well this time, they have travelled across to the 2010 Bug -In in Stanthorpe and hosted by the Volkswagen Drivers Club of Queensland Inc. One of the first stops on the way was at the legendary ‗VW‘ cross walk on the Nullabor, about 10 kms from Mundrabilla. They report that the lines are in good order although the zigzag needs a touch up. Maybe we can get some of the VW enthusiasts coming to WA for the Bug-In next year to give it a new paint job. After a quick stop off in SA for their Day of the Volkswagen, Merrick and Karla headed for Stanthorpe. On arrival they found that the Bug-In had made front page of the local newspaper with a special mention of them coming from WA. The following comments come from Merrick and Karla after attending their first ever Bug-In

The VW cross walk on the Nullarbor, a must photo-stop on the trip across.

“We really enjoyed the Bug In and its activities meeting up with some very interesting and friendly people, we have exchanged info with them so we can catch up at a later date. Also a number of the fellow buggers have pledged to meet up with us in WA next year. Apparently their plan is to meet at Port Augusta and travel over to WA in a convoy of VWs from each of the states. Karla & I really enjoyed the motorkhana with its camaraderie, competiveness and near misses. The show and shine was staged in a nice location and the tour after was most enjoyable especially the rock pyramid and the view of the mountains behind. The presentation dinner was a hoot and the meals and location was top class. On the Monday night the ones that were left all had a meal together in the camp kitchen over beers and the conversation was all about how we enjoyed the bug in and its activities.”

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April - May 2010

Via West

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This is just a selection of photos taken across the weekend. They start from the welcome BBQ on the Friday night, then the motorsport on the Saturday, the RSL Club on the Sat night, the Show and Shine on the Sunday followed by the presentation dinner that night. The weekend finished with a morning tea on the Monday before most of us went our own ways home or to continue our travels...

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April - May 2010

Via West

Thanks go to the VW Drivers Club of Qld Inc. for putting on a great Bug-In for 2010. All the team are to be congratulated for a job well done. Also the very good weather rounded of a superb Easter. Once again, thank you... - Online magazine is now available to members only -

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April - May 2010

Via West

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Wally Penboss Qld (left) hands over the Bug-In Banner to Ray Willis WA (right) to signify the Bug-In is coming to WA in 2011.

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April - May 2010

Via West

was up early and out to the motor sport complex to pick up Wally Penboss‘s Beetle. The motorkhana was to run first and this year it was on bitumen. Becky Southam, in her Golf was first car, followed by me in Wally‘s car. Wally had set his car up very nicely, and it didn‘t take long to get to know it.

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driven from Perth to the Bug-In. Well done to you both!

During the weekend, participants of the Bug-In had an observation run they could do. This involved a set of instructions and questions that took you around Stanthorpe, taking in the scenic areas, and picturesque counThere were three of us driving it, tryside. We decided to give it a go on Wally, Mal, and myself, so it didn‘t rest Sunday afternoon. between tests. I made some silly misIn the car were Mal and Karen Dodd, By Pete Summerfield takes, but was a having a ball. After Chris Harper (NSW), Trish and myself, It didn‘t start very well for Trish and I. the second test, the Southams (SA) a fine car load of intellectuals. We broke a CV joint on their Golf. This We were on the runway just about to started off well, however, we missed takeoff, when the Captain announced was a huge blow, as they had driven the thirteenth road on the left, and from Adelaide with the Golf in tow spethat we were not going anywhere, as managed to leave the state and enter there was a problem with the aircraft. cifically for the motor sport this week- NSW. As we were lost, we thought we end. So, it was back to the terminal. The would enlist the help of patrons at a problem was not a quick fix, so we all pub nearby. While the clues and inoff loaded to seek alternative flights. structions were being deciphered, we decided to have a couple of drinks, as Finally, after four hours, we took off in it was quite thirsty work. After about another aircraft, bound for Brisbane. forty minutes, and a couple of rounds This delayed our plans to meet up with later, we found where we made the our good friends from Adelaide, Mal mistake, and with the help of our and Karen Dodd. newly found friends, were sent off in We were meeting at the airport, hiring the right direction. a car and travelling together to StanWith a few more stops along the way thorpe for the Bug-In. As we were deto pick up clues, we made it home in layed, Mal and Karen, with a quick time to get ready for the Presentation phone call, were able to get a lift from In true Bug-In spirit, Col Anderson Dinner. Despite getting lost, we had a (NSW) offered his car to compete in. Colin Gumbold, a Queensland memmost enjoyable afternoon, in good Becky and Henny took up his offer, ber, who swung by the airport to pick company and a drink at a halfway but, Phil declined. We had time for them up on his way to Stanthorpe. house. What more could you ask for? four tests before lunch, and then the On our arrival in Brisbane, we picked lap dash started, around a quite tight The Presentation Dinner was in a our hire car up, and with instructions circuit. This was very popular, as you very majestic building on top of a hill from Mal, negotiated the Brisbane City could have as many goes as you overlooking a winery estate. It was a streets, and headed to Stanthorpe. wanted. All three of us had about four bit late to take in the view by the time We arrived about midnight, to a wellaps each, and then watched the rest coming committee of South Austraof them zoom around the track. lians, Mal and Karen, (who we were Merrick and Karla watched from grand sharing a chalet with), and Phil and stand seats, and Ray was quite happy Henny Southam. It was great to see to watch from the pits. What a great them all and we were pleased they had stayed up to greet us. It made up day! Before you knew it, it was time to for missing the Friday Night BBQ Wel- pack up and get ready for the evening dinner. This was at the Stanthorpe come evening, to a certain extent. RSL Club. Saturday was the motorsport day, so it The caravan park was up early on Sunday morning, preparing their vehicles for the show and shine at the park we arrived, but, luckily, we were to on the river. It was a picturesque have morning tea the next day at the venue, made better by all the well pre- same venue, so would be able to take sented cars on display. Congratulain the views then. tions to those who participated. Our Wally opened proceedings, and very own Merrick and Karla Paget (Continued on page 15) were there with ―Big Bird‖, creating a lot of interest. Their Kombi was immaculate, especially as they had

2010 BUG-IN Stanthorpe QLD

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April - May 2010

Via West

(Continued from page 14)

The NSW club was awarded the BugIn Trophy for the best Bug-In spirit (due to Col Anderson‘s kind gesture to the Southam‘s), Merrick was presented with a trophy for winning his category in the car show, and I won a trophy for the motor sport. Ray Willis missed out on a trophy, but his enthusiastic support was very welcome.

thanked everyone who participated over the weekend, and how the camaraderie of the Bug-In was next to none. We all agreed! Dinner was served, then the presentation of trophies.

The Queensland Club put on an excellent weekend, enjoyed by all who attended. The Bug-In is in WA, Easter next year, and there is a lot of interest from those who attended the Bug-In in Queensland, to journey over to the west and join us. Sounds great already

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April - May 2010

Via West

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New 2010 Transporter, Caravelle and Multivan  New common rail TDI engines significantly reduce consumption, emissions and costs  The new front section follows the stylistically sharpened Volkswagen design  DNA New infotainment and assistance systems optimise comfort and safety  New ESP generation incorporates Updated design hill start as standard The extensively perfected new edition Optically, the three basic versions are of the Transporter, Caravelle and Mul- now following the new Volkswagen tivan is on the starting grid right now. design DNA. The front section of the Referred to as T5 within the company, series bears witness to this even more the range is even more frugal, clean obvious statement of virtues. Clear, and cultivated in the latest generation, horizontal lines make the series look and offers greater active driving enjoy- even better in terms of quality and make a timeless impression. ment than ever before. Once again, the Volkswagen Transporter bestsellers from the Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles brand are adopting the position of technological leadership in their particular segments.

New, extremely frugal generation of TDI engines The driveline technology has taken a quantum leap. Background: all turbodiesels (TDI) have been replaced by a completely new generation of Euro 5 engines with the latest common rail

injection. In total, there are three new 2.0 l TDI four-cylinder engines with output values of 75 kW, 103 kW and 132 kW. Across the board, they offer significantly greater dynamic torque characteristics and improved acoustics. The new high-end TDI develops a remarkable maximum torque of 400 Newton metres. Thanks to a newly developed pump, the power-assisted steering works more efficiently. This is because unlike the so-called constant pump of conventional design, the new energy-saving pump delivers hydraulic fluid according to demand, so the quantity delivered is always optimal for aiding steering. And this reduces the power consumption of the steering pump and, consequently, fuel consumption. High-tech campaign The new generation of this popular van offers numerous further technological highlights. Take the gearbox, for example: instead of the previous option of an automatic gearbox, the Volkswagen Transporter will now be available with the option of a significantly more efficient dual clutch gearbox (DSG). Take the traction distribution, for example: on request, it is possible to order a new, electronically (Continued on page 17)

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April - May 2010

Via West

While in Germany... (Continued from page 16)

controlled four-wheel drive system (4MOTION with a fourth generation Haldex clutch) that achieves a further improvement in active safety and makes sure that the Transporter derivatives can keep going off road when necessary. The most powerful 4MOTION version (TDI with 132 kW) will

The new ABT Multivan – a real cross sports vehicle The VW van has always been a dialso be available with DSG for the first verse vehicle - both with regards to its time. possible uses and the customising wishes of its owners. Be it as a On the move with uncompromising camper van or a lifestyle transporter, safety the father of all vans can do everyFurthermore, the safety features have thing and transport anything. ―It has been perfected further by having the also long become the ideal tuning oblatest generation ESP fitted as stan- ject‖ states Hans-Jürgen Abt. dard (including hill start), a new hazFor the General Manager of ABT ard f lash function for the brake lights Sportsline the van is a guaranteed (emergency braking warning display), success: ―Above all it is due to the fact optional assistance systems such as that the fundamentals have been exSide Assist (warning of vehicles in the cellently manufactured, and the vehiblind spot). cle is no longer just a means of transAlso, a completely newly developed port‖, says Hans-Jürgen Abt. ConseServotronic system ensures signifi- quently the tradition-rich Allgäu comcantly improved steering precision and pany has also taken on the latest veris a standard feature of the Multivan sion of the diverse Wolfsburg van. The Highline. designers have developed attachment parts for the van, which make the ABT Multivan a real large-capacity sports vehicle. Regardless of whether it is taking a family on holiday, the sports vehicle is being taken to its place of installation or is required as a shuttle service for business partners – with the ABT Multivan the journey is more extravagant and dynamic.

Page 17 a classy individual automobile, which confidently shows where it comes from. The front grill gives the Multivan even more presence and underlines the striking face of the transporter. Due to the front spoiler the tall vehicle seems to virtually crouch on the road. The different parts of the bodywork form one unit, which gives the van a trace of exclusivity and sportiness: the front section, side sills and BR alloys in a representative 19 inch size provide contours on the long sides of the large -capacity liner, the rear spoiler and the 4-pipe rear muffler signalise that the all-rounder is a real ABT vehicle.

The ―icing on the cake‖ is the rear wing, as in every ABT Multivan there is also a racing vehicle. The design elements which have been precisely adjusted to the character of the cross sports vehicle are available from now at ABT Sportsline and its partners, while the engineers at the Kempten company are still working on the additional ABT POWER upgrade for the 2.0 TDI. The extra power is intended to be perfectly tailor-made for the unending possibilities the large-capacity vehicle offers and meet the diverse demands of the ABT Multivan.

Special – New Beetle BlackOrange

Volkswagen Group Australia is now True to the VW motto ―Why be like all offering a limited special edition of the the others?‖ the transporter becomes New Beetle Range – the New Beetle Comfort at the highest standard in the BlackOrange. class The BlackOrange editon is available What is more, the interior now awaits on each of the existing model and enwith new, higher quality instruments gine variants – New Beetle in petrol and steering wheels, a new generation and diesel as well as the New Beetle of radio navigation system, fresh fabCabriolet. rics and seats with an even better erThe New Beetle BlackOrange picks up gonomic balance. features such as 17‖ alloy wheels with (Continued on page 18)

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April - May 2010

Via West

The New Beetle BackOrange is available from $27,500*, just $800 above the equivalent New Beetle model. The (Continued from page 17) New Beetle Cabriolet BlackOrange sports suspension, leatherette seat price is unchanged from the regular upholstery, cruise control and front fog cabriolet at $37,700*. The auto translights. The rear side and rear windows mission is a $2,500 option. come standard with 65% light absorbing tinted glass. Additional styling features include the aluminium finish clutch, brake and accelerator pedals as well as the leather steering wheel and gearshift knob. Environmental commendation for Volkswagen‘s TSI engines

Volkswagen’s TSI engines

Page 18 confirmed its outstanding Life Cycle Assessment. BlueMotion Technologies is the Volkswagen umbrella brand for all environmentally-friendly, energy -efficient products and technologies. Thanks to a reduction in engine capacity, sometimes quite substantial, the TSI engines significantly lower fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. For the environmental commendation, a 1.4 TSI engine with 90 kW was compared with a 1.6 FSI engine with 85 kW. A second test compared a 1.2 TSI

Lower consumption and emissions combine with higher driving dynamics

The Cabriolet version benefits from a removable and foldable windbreak behind the front seats, 17‖ alloy wheels, leatherette seat upholstery and the same aluminium highlights as the New Beetle BlackOrange. The New Beetle BlackOrange is available in two colour combinations. One offers a Black gloss exterior with silver exterior mirrors, silver alloy wheels and lower body side decals in silver. The alternative combination is a Red Rock Metallic exterior with black roof and exterior mirrors as well as black alloy wheels and lower body side decals in Black.

Wolfsburg, 08 March 2010 - Volkswagen‘s TSI engines have been awarded the environmental commendation certified by TÜV Nord, following in the footsteps of the dual-clutch transmission DSG. The Life Cycle Assessment on which the commendation is based confirms that the TSI engines have significantly improved environmental characteristics compared with the predecessor models throughout their life cycle thanks to their smaller engine size and lower fuel consumption – while at the same time evidenc- with 77 kW and a 1.6 MPI engine with 75 kW. The environmental commening higher driving dynamics. dations, which are based on Life Cycle After a plethora of awards – including A s s e s s m e n t s p u r s u a n t t o three prestigious "Engine of the Year ISO 14040/44, investigate the environAwards" last year – TSI technology mental characteristics of vehicles or has now also received the environ- technologies throughout their entire mental commendation certified by life cycle, i.e. from manufacture TÜV Nord. After the DSG dual-clutch through use to recycling. The environtransmission, this, the second of the mental commendation is only issued if three basic technologies in the the overall performance of the new BlueMotion Technologies brand, has development is better than that of the respective predecessor.

World Green Car-Award Volkswagen BlueMotion-models win World Green Car-Award Lowest consumption and emissions in its class New York City, 01 April 2010 - At the New York International Auto Show in Manhattan today the Volkswagen Blue Motion-models have been declared the 2010 World Green Cars. The 59 member jury has given the Blue Motion product brand (available for Polo, Golf and Passat) preference over two other finalists in the 2010 World Green Car award: the Honda (Continued on page 19)

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April - May 2010

Via West

Due to the complexity of some of the 'green' technologies, three green experts were appointed by the World Car (Continued from page 18) Steering Committee to extensively review all documentation and specs Insight and the Toyota Prius. associated with each candidate and ―BlueMotion is one of the most suc- then create a short-list of finalists for cessful efficiency brands worldwide, it review by jurors in their second round of voting held in February. Each juror drives and evaluates new vehicles on a regular basis as part of their on-going full-time professional work. Through their respective outlets they collectively reach an audience of many millions worldwide.

stands for tremendous competence in efficient and economical drive trains at Volkswagen" said Prof. Dr. Martin Winterkorn, Chairman of the Board of Management of Volkswagen AG, delighted about the appreciation by the jury. The award was received at the New York International Auto Show on thursday morning by Walter de Silva, head of design Volkswagen Group. As part of the annual World Car awards, World Green Car has become one of the world‘s most prestigious, credible and significant program of its kind.

Volkswagen at the Expo 2010 in Shanghai

Page 19 fried Vahland, President & CEO of Volkswagen Group China, handed the car keys Pavilion Director Urte Fechter, on Wednesday. As the ―exclusive and official automobile sponsor‖, Volkswagen also keeps the staff and guests of the Austrian pavilion mobile with three Volkswagen T5 Multivan and one Phaeton. Beyond that: within the scope of the Expo 2010, the automaker is supporting the consulate general of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Chamber of Foreign Trade with a total of nine vehicles. "The German pavilion is the largest that has ever represented Germany at an Expo. For us, as the biggest automaker in Germany—and, likewise, in China—it is an obvious thing to provide support for the presentation of our home country," Winfried Vahland said upon the occasion of the handover of the vehicles. "We are on our way to becoming the most environmentally friendly automobile manufacturer in the world, because it‘s our conviction that long-term growth can only be achieved with a preservation of resources at the same time."

Driving presentation of the VolksHandover of the vehicle fleet to the wagen electric cars German pavilion today As another building block for its comThe presentation of the latest VW mitment during the Expo, Volkswagen electric cars will take place in Shang- will be presenting its electric and hyhai in June brid models in Shanghai in June. Journalists from all over the world will drive Shanghai, 14 April 2010 - For the the vehicles and become acquainted world fair 2010 in Shanghai, Volkswith the innovative power of Volkswagen will be taking a fundamental wagen in electric mobility. With this part in implementing the motto of the workshop, Volkswagen supports the Expo: ―Better City – Better Life.‖ The Expo theme of a sustainable and envicompany is providing the German paronmentally aware life. vilion with a total of six vehicles, from the Phaeton to the Touran. Dr. Win- In China particularly—whose automobile market is the largest in the world by now—the know-how about environmentally friendly drive systems and long-term growth are inseparable. And that is why already in April, during the Auto Show in Beijing, Volkswagen Group China will specify for China in particular Volkswagen‘s electric car strategy—which had been presented in March—and will be introducing a road map for the launch of electric vehicle technology in China. Pioneer for long-term mobility in China as the biggest automobile market in the world Volkswagen Group takes on the lead(Continued on page 20)

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April - May 2010

Via West

(Continued from page 19)

ing role for fuel-saving technologies in China: The automaker will achieve its objective this year of reducing energy consumption in its vehicles sold in China by 20 percent in comparison to 2005. This has been attained through a large-scale deployment of fuelefficient TSI/TFSI engines and DSG gearboxes for those models manufactured in China. Volkswagen, in conjunction with its Chinese partners, has been investing in the production of TSI/TSFI engines in China so as to be capable of satisfying local demand. In addition, a plant for the production of consumption-reducing DSG gearboxes has been built in Dalian. "Autostadt" motif as the ambassador for the state of Lower Saxony Volkswagen is present at the world fair not only with its vehicles. Expo visitors can experience Volkswagen directly on the exhibition premises at the entrance to the German pavilion: The "Autostadt" will be on site with an oversized "postcard" as the representative of the state of Lower Saxony. If you want to, you can have your picture taken standing in front of it or in front of the motifs of other German states. This way, waiting to gain admission will itself turn into an exciting discovery tour. The Autostadt, established at Wolfsburg as a communication platform for the Volkswagen Group in tandem with the Expo 2000 in Hanover, is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year. It is one of the most popular travel destinations in Germany, with 20 million visitors to date.

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And Volkswagen is there for the visitors outside of the Expo premises: 3,650 Touran taxi cabs are on the go throughout the entire city, specially for the world fair. So that, together with its dealers and taxi service centres, Volkswagen will be ensuring mobility in Shanghai during best seller. Equipped for the first time the time of the exhibition as well. with sliding doors in the back, the 2010 Sharan has been enhanced in every area. There are only two parts that the new and the old Sharan have in common: the sun visors. That‘s it! Everything else – every screw, every exterior and interior part and all of the technology, including the TDI and TSI engines (103kW / 140PS to 147kW / Premiere for a life on the move: The new Sharan is the most frugal MPV of its class in the world

World Premiere of new VW Sharan

At 5.5 litres / 100km (51.4 British mpg), the Volkswagen sets a world best in its class for fuel economy New ‗EasyFold‘ seating concept with up to seven seats. First MPV with automatic main beam control (Light Assist) With over 600,000 units sold, Volkswagen‘s Sharan is the favourite vehicle of countless families all over Europe. With a world premiere at the Geneva International Motor Show it is a completely new generation of this

200PS) and transmission systems (DSG optional) – is new. Sharan 3.0, as it were, offering world-record performance in fuel efficiency: at 5.5 litres per 100km (51,4 mpg), the 140PS Sharan 2.0 TDI achieves lower fuel consumption than any other MPV in this class. The hallmark of the new Sharan is a complete design concept that includes the extremely flexible EasyFold seating system (up to seven easily adjustable seats), high-end quality, uncompromising safety (seven airbags, Light (Continued on page 21)

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April - May 2010

Via West

multi-purpose vehicle in the upper B segment of the market has been tailored to families with two or more chil(Continued from page 20) dren and high-mileage business users Assist automatic main beam control, bi with a need for extra space. -xenon headlights with LED daytime The new Sharan‘s drive and handling running and position light) and numermatches the levels of comfort and dyous clever details. Also new to this namic response provided by the excelgeneration of Sharan are adaptive lent Passat. Added convenience and chassis control (DCC) and a level safety is provided by an electronic regulating system. This comfortable handbrake and the second-generation

Page 21 parking manoeuvre assistant. This means automatic steering for parking in even smaller spaces, including on pavements, between trees and even on corners, plus now, for the first time on an MPV, for parking at an angle to the traffic. Cutting edge entertainment systems, a huge, electrically operated panoramic sliding roof (with a 300% bigger opening than with a conventional sliding roof) and a powerful 3zone climate control system guarantee great travelling conditions at any time of the year. Available in Trendline, Comfortline and Highline versions, even the base model of the Sharan is supplied with features such as semi-automatic airconditioning (‗Climatic‘) and radio/CD system (‗RCD 210‘). As the only vehicle of its class to offer this, the third generation of this MPV will again be available with four-wheel drive (Sharan 2.0 TDI 4Motion with 140PS). In the first markets where it is available orders for the new Volkswagen can be placed from as early as the end of March, with the full launch beginning in the summer. Note: This model is not available in Australia yet!

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April - May 2010

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Contact Jean-Perre for all the latest news and details of pre-owned vehicles in stock.

wrecking 1972 TYPE 3 Wrecking 72 Squareback good tyres, bumpers, interior trims etc perfect backseat, lenses etc Contact: Tim Mobile: 0403 734 506 E-mail:

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April - May 2010

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April - May 2010

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