September 2009
Via West
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September 2009
Via West
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PO Box 175
Ray Willis
Victoria Park
Western Australia 6979
Shane Williams
31 610 140 537
(08) 9342 8703
John Vogiatzakis
John Vogiatzakis
(08) 9375 3082
Jamie Barrett
Ray Willis
Jason Phillips
(08) 9332 6919
Rod McSwain
Currently grouped under “Events Coordinator” Ray Willis
Rod McSwain
Rudy Menke, Karen Fyfe, Colin Seth, Merrick Paget
(08) 9309 3152
Michelle Dufall
Tina Moore
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September 2009
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September 2009
Via West
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Advertising: Please send your „for sale‟ or „wanted‟ adverts by mail or email to the Editor before the publication deadline.
Normally one event will be nominated as the club run each month. Some months will have more than one event. Not all events attended by the club will be club organised. Please note that non-members are welcome to come to the club organised events. If you have any friends you would like to accompany us, please bring them along. If you have any ideas or suggestions for club organised events give a Committee member a call or an e-mail and the committee so we can put it on our calendar. The VW Events Calendar is at page 6 and lists the upcoming events and club runs for some months in advance in chronological order.
Fees: Members - 1/4 page adverts are free. Non-Members - 1/4 page adverts are $5.00 Please contact the Editor to find out about commercial advertising in the magazine, inserting flyers or advertising on the website. Publication Deadline: The ViaWest magazine‟s deadline for articles for the next issue is October 9 Disclaimer: The views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Volkswagen Club of WA (Inc), its Committee or members.
COMMITTEE MEETINGS Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at John Hughes Volkswagen in Victoria Park, starting at 6:30pm. Committee meetings are open to all members and invited guests.
Membership and Birthdays Welcome to our new members
Steve Hart Jamie Barrett Robert Shurman
There are 3 new memberships to report from the New members are wanted! AGM. We now have 105 memberships.
The Club ............................. p 2 The Club (contd) ................. p 4 A word from the Editor ........ p 5 VW Event Calendar ............ p 6 Long Weekend Trip ............ p 7 October Club Run ............... p 8 Hire A Hoist......................... p 9 Annual General Meeting ..... p 11
Happy Birthday to the following members for SEPTEMBER 2009
Ida Dew Russell Cotton Silvana Vogiatzakis Kirsten Vause Kate Waters Bailey Ramsay David Ross
Brad Filbey Nicholas Stevenson Chris Dragicevich Francis McKinnell David Moore
Hocks Maritime Museum..... p 15 Volkswagen News Polo - 5 stars ................ p 16 New 3 Door Polo .......... p 16 VW Scirocco ................. p 17 Fuel Efficient Cars ........ p 18
Melanie Verbunt
Targa West 2009 ................. p 20
Peter Summerfield
For Sale ............................. p 22
Carly Annison
Erin Annison Shane Williams Sue Churack Denver Bull
Phillip Daymond
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September 2009
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Membership Renewal Yes, your membership renewal has now been posted to you. The final deadline is the 30th September. Non-payment by this date and your membership will lapse. That means this could be your last magazine. The AGM this year was very successful. Thanks to those that attended and those that sent their apologies. Congratulations to the committee members reelected and those new to the group. We look forward to a great year with the 2009 Day of the Volkswagen just down the track and preparations for the 2011 Bug-In underway.
Annual General Meeting
Had a look at our new website yet? We had a little bit of a hiccup last month and the magazine was not sent online for members. Therefore from this month, if the club has your email address you will be sent a link to the September magazine to see it online. If we do not have your email address, you will need to wait until October before you can see the September online with everybody else.
New Website and Magazine ‘online’
To make sure we have your email address please send an email to the Secretary at The most important feature is that the magazine is in „colour‟. In the future the club will be looking at reducing the numbers of printed magazines, so if you will be happy to get yours online only, please let the club know. It will save the club money as well as the environment. Ray Willis - Editor and President
BUG-IN 2011 Road Trip... The 2011 BUG-IN is being held in Western Australia over the Easter weekend of 22-25 April 2011. After this 42nd National BUG-IN, we would like to organise a 5 day road trip in the picturesque South West of WA. Such an event will require lots of preparation and Rod McSwain has slipped into the role as Co-ordinator. Rod has been looking at road maps and attractions down south and would like your input. If you know of any scenic drive or attraction that would cater for maybe up to 20 cars and up to 40 people, then please contact Rod on 0403259719 or by email at Rod is planning an investigative drive from 22nd to 26th October, but more importantly is open to any assistance to get this road trip up and running.
Don’t miss the next…. Day of the Volkswagen - book in Sunday 6th December 2009
September 2009 #
Via West
indicates a club run
VW Event
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This Month Wednesday 2nd
September 2009 ALFRED’S of GUILDFORD 7pm cnr of Meadow & James St Guildford
Wednesday 9th #
Wednesday 23rd
Friday 25th
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 6:00 - 8:30pm @ John Hughes Training Facility
Contact: Ray Willis 0407 347 340
Contact: Ray Willis 0407 347 340
6:30pm @ Wangara Volkswagen, Wangara
*includes 2011 Bug-In
Friday to Tuesday or somewhere in between
To replace normal monthly meeting.
October 2009 Wednesday 7th
ALFRED’S of GUILDFORD 7pm cnr of Meadow & James St Guildford
Wednesday 14th
Contact: Ray Willis 0407 347 340
6:30pm @ John Hughes Volkswagen, Victoria Park Sunday 18th
Contact: Ray Willis 0407 347 340
See page 8 Wednesday 28th
Contact: Ray Willis 0407 347 340
6:30pm @ Wangara Volkswagen, Wangara
*includes 2011 Bug-In
November 2009 Wednesday 4th
ALFRED’S of GUILDFORD 7pm cnr of Meadow & James St Guildford
Wednesday 11th
Contact: Ray Willis 0407 347 340
6:30pm @ John Hughes Volkswagen, Victoria Park Wednesday 25th
Club Run #
Contact: Ray Willis 0407 347 340
6:30pm @ Wangara Volkswagen, Wangara
*includes 2011 Bug-In
To Be Decided - look for details in next Via West
Events are also posted on the Club webpage
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September 2009
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Long Weekend Trip Friday 25 to Monday 28 September Do you fancy a trip down south over the long weekend? Time to chill out with other VW enthusiasts join the cruise and take in some sights. We are planning to leave Perth on Friday 25th September heading for Albany. We will be staying in Albany on the Friday and Saturday so that those that can‟t leave on the Friday can catch up with us in Albany on the Saturday. On the Sunday we will be heading along the coast then probably heading up to Manjimup with stops along the way. Monday heading back to Perth or extending the trip for those that wish to.
Please check out our website for more details as they become available If you are interested in coming along please email with details of what days you would be on trip and your suburb so we can work out meeting points.
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Club Run - Sunday 18th October Spring in the Valley is on the weekbefore this so only the usual Anniversary end crowds will be around on the Sunday. Kruize This will be run like the old time car Sunday 18th October
This year we are off for a Rally around the Swan Valley - the Great Valley Rally. Bring a long a picnic lunch for the end or you might find something to buy on the way.
rallies, with plenty of clues, answer some questions and to collect some mystery objects along the way. Come along and have some FUN!! Ray Willis 0407347340
Don't forget to bring a chair and anything else you will need on the day. Also you will need;
a pen / pencil
some paper
something to lean on
a bag to collect your mystery articles
maybe a street directory in case you get lost
Our start point will be the car park at Alfred‟s Kitchen at 10:30am - everybody knows where that is - sorry but Alfred‟s does not open until 5pm.
Special insurance for motoring enthusiasts by motoring enthusiasts 1300 139 006
SHANNONS 2009 DAY OF THE VOLKSWAGEN Date: SUNDAY 6th DECEMBER 2009 Location: G.O. EDWARDS RESERVE, VICTORIA PARK Hi there! Yes our invites for the 2009 Day of the Volkswagen are out already this year. Members have received some flyers enclosed with their magazine - please hand them out. We have more if you need them and we also have A4 and A3 posters if you know any businesses that would display them for the club. As usual we are looking for volunteers to help on the day and any businesses that would like to display on the day. Please email for anything regarding the Day of the Volkswagen…
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September 2009
Via West
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Wednesday 19th August HIRE-A-HOIST WEDNESDAY 19TH AUGUST Yes, the club came up with something completely different. Unfortunately the roll-up was very few and so something like this will be off the event list for awhile. On a positive note, our host Mark Niutta (who can be contacted on phone 0417814991 for any information and for any bookings of the workshop at other times) advised that he had received enquiries about the facilities. Again the address is Unit 1/ 40 Bassendean Road, Bayswater. Here are a couple of photos from the night, thanks to Richard Hines and Duncan Mann for participating. If you have any ideas for club events please let the committee know. We are always open to trying new things for club members.
WANTED Member Discounts and Benefits The Club Committee is looking for any business out there that can offer our club members a discount or benefit by being a member of our club. If you are a member and know of a business that can help, pass this message on... We are going to try and re-establish a Member Discount Directory for the club magazine and possibly on the website. All the business needs to do is to provide a business card for scanning into the magazine and to let us know what the discount or special offer is. Here is an example of how it would look in the magazine - size approximate.
s Bu
rd a sC es
pl m Sa
ABC & Co offers VW Club of WA members a 20% discount on all labour costs when getting their car serviced with them. Just produce your membership card or this magazine!
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Less than three Months to go!
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September 2009
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THE VOLKSWAGEN CLUB OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA (Inc.) ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING John Hughes Volkswagen Training Room 22 Teddington Rd Vic Park 9th SEPTEMBER 2009 Meeting Commences:
Those Present: Ray Willis, Richard Hines, Rod McSwain, Tina & Dave Moore, Rod Kneuss, Rudy Menke, Shane Williams, Ken Barr, Darren Stoney, John Vogiatzakis, Edward Collins, Robert Lafferty, Colin Seth, Kim Shurman, Geoffrey King, Karla & Merrick Paget, Jerry Heldt, Peter Abetz, Steve Hart, Donald Yates, Jamie Barrett Appologies: Michelle Dufall, Jason Phillips, Greg Gaunt, Dicken Patterson, Michelle Personal, Bernd Felsche, Michael Carter, Stuart Rundle Visitors welcomed Karen Fyfe 2008 AGM minutes read. Proposed Richard Hines Seconded Rudie Menke REPORTS PRESIDENT:
Ray Willis
It has been a busy 12 months. I am glad to see a good attendance tonight and call for suggestions to attract more members to events. Although efforts to keep the old website going were appreciated, I thank Tina for her efforts in stepping forward to research and subsequently set up new web site – there was a spontaneous applause. The Via West is now being produced online for members only - until the subsequent edition is available - when it will be made public. It will still be posted to sponsors, businesses and those without an email address or internet access, plus if it is requested. The cost savings will be available to run bigger, better and maybe more events. The DoVW had a good turnout and included children‟s activities. It is still the flagship event of the club. Those who attended the Bug-IN in Bendigo enjoyed themselves, but I remind you that in 2011 it is being held in WA and plans are already being laid. There is a meeting held on the 4th Wednesday of each month at Wangarra Volkswagen, so any member is welcome to attend any meeting to see the progress. We hope for a bigger than usual attendance from eastern states members so I encourage everyone to become involved at any level. That said, the committee is always looking for assistance with events. This takes the pressure off for the organisers to enjoy themselves and encourages them to do it again. Richard Hines will not be standing again and I thank him for his efforts over the years in a number of roles on the committee. SECRETARY:
Rod McSwain
I have found the past year difficult to keep under control, with the passing of Janet in July 2008 so I stayed on as Secretary to keep myself busy. Shiftwork helped in the role and I was able to clear the mailbox once every 8 days and distribute the mail accordingly. As all the committee were on email, I was able to scan accounts and statements then email them to the Treasurer. A role gets easier the longer you do it and as you put processes in place, but I thank the committee and members for your support over this difficult time. CMC LIAISON OFFICER:
Richard Hines
CMC meeting are held every few months and I was there to represent the club and give feedback to the committee. A highlight from the year that may affect the club, is the proposal for all Incorporated entities to produce financial documentation on an annual basis. The VWC has a trophy cabinet in the museum at Whiteman Park, which is available to house any trophies we think appropriate. (Continued on page 12)
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Ray Willis
11 issues of the Via West were produced this year. There is still the effort to make the Via West cost neutral by selling advertising. An initiative has been for any business to provide fliers as a loose insert at a cost relative to the cost of postage. The A4 envelopes have been a step forward and hopefully so will making the Via West available online at the web site. MEMBERSHIP OFFICER:
Rod McSwain
Final Numbers 100 memberships – 147 members – 157 cars Due to my circumstances over the past 12 months, I don‟t apologise for the delays to membership processing through accounts, but no-one I know of missed out on magazines or access to the committee. Things should be back on track soon this financial year. PROPERTY OFFICER:
Richard Hines
Club now owns a b-b-q and after purging the trailer of all the unnecessary „junk‟ it now fits in. I will not be re nominating so the trailer needs a new home. There is no property along the lines of t-shirts, caps, etc. WEBMASTER:
Tina Moore
A worthwhile decision was made to build new website and after a few separate discussions outside committee meetings, it came to fruition. The mag will go online and a link will be sent to members. The forum included, will be kept small on purpose. Members need to register (currently about 30 registered) to go onto the forum and the mag will then be emailed. There could be further enhancements and I welcome your feedback. Don Yates put forward the idea of links to articles rather than the actual articles. This would save time formatting the magazine. The suggestion was noted Proposal that all above reports be accepted Proposed Seconded
Colin Seth Jerry Hedlt
Michelle Dufall
Michelle was unable to attend, but Rod had spoken to Michelle. She is a tax accountant ad is currently under a very heavy workload. Secondly, her PC crashed a few weeks ago and will not have the club financial records available for sometime. The issue of a backup was questioned and will be followed up. The financial reports will be made available to members after the next Committee Meeting. Proposed Seconded
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That there be no increase in membership fees as of the first of July 2010.
Proposed Seconded
Ray Willis Richard Hines
That the form of the membership card remain the same
Proposed Seconded
Rod McSwain Jerry Heldt
CONCESSIONAL LICENCES: John Vogiatzakis reported 8 cars are on the register and all passed inspection. The system keeps older vehicles on the road and generates community interest … shows and needed moving therefore a cheaper registration was available – club runs etc and test runs … John has a split Kombi and gets a $400 fee reduced to $40 pa. WA is unique and has no logbook. Not many government authorities know about the system. The vehicle must be original – no mags or lowered. You take with a letter from the club registered under the CMC to a nominated mechanic – there is a $45 inspection. Club maintains a record. John currently does the inspections at the DoVW but if numbers increase it may have to be a dedicated day. They have to be at least 25yrs old and even Shannons risk rate it lower if you do about 2000 klm per year which reduces your insurance premium. Ray spoke in general about the progress of the DoVW , particularly catering and club members elp needed on the day. The fliers and posters are out already, so we should expect a bigger number this year with the extra exposure. Rod mentioned that there had been discussion at the committee meetings about approaching the drivers of VW commercial vehicles to get a business card and having a general chat. Passing the info onto Ray could result in advertising in the Via West, on the web site of coming to the DoVW. All members are encourage to do this if they feel comfortable. Ray mentioned that the committee was looking into the acquisition of a club mobile phone. The number would be used on all advertising and he pointed out that initial investigations showed that it is not that costly and is soon to make a presentation at a committee meeting with options. MEMBER OF THE YEAR Due to the minimal support during the year, it was concluded that there would be no Member of the Year. EARLY MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL PRIZE From the names of qualified members, one member is given a free membership of the club. For the year 2009 / 2010 as a result of paying their membership before the AGM Arnold Van Son receives a free membership. WOOD DUCK AWARD: No award made ROSE BOWL No award made - the Rose Bowl is to be included in the Club‟s display at the Whiteman Park Motor Museum. LIFE MEMBERSHIP: The committee this year is recommending that Ray Willis be admitted to the club as an honorary member for life. Richard Hines said that Ray had joined the club 10 years ago ad had been tireless in the role of Editor, Event Coordinator and now President. He represented the club at many interstate functions and it was suggested that the VW Club of WA was Ray‟s 2 nd job, all be it non paying. Ray‟s nomination was overwhelmingly accepted.
(Continued on page 14)
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ELECTION OF NEW OFFICE BEARERS RW ran through a description of each position RETURNING OFFICER Richard Hines PRESIDENT Nominated
Ray Willis John Vogiatzakis Seconded
Tina Moore
VICE PRESIDENT Jason Phillips Nominated Ray Willis Seconded
John Vogiatzakis
Michelle Dufall volunteered Seconded
Rod McSwain Ray Willis Seconded
Richard Hines
EDITOR Nominated Co – editor
Ray Willis volunteered Seconded Shane Williams
Dave Moore
CMC LIASON OFFICER John Vogiatzakis Nominated volunteered Seconded WEBMASTER Nominated
Tina Moore volunteered Seconded
CONCESSIONAL LICENCING John Vogiaktsis Nominated volunteered Seconded
GENERAL COMMITTEE Rudy Menke, Karen Fyfe, Colin Seth, Merrick Paget The new committee was welcomed, members were thanked for attending and the meeting closed at 8:40 for a quick refreshment.
Thank You! This goes to John Hughes for the use of the excellent facility for the AGM - FREE of CHARGE and also to Richard Clutterbuck (Sales Manager) for suggesting and then helping to organise the venue.
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Special Event - HICKS MARITIME MUSEUM Sunday 23rd August The Volkswagen Club of WA (Inc) was invited to a FREE Morning Tea and viewing of the Hicks Maritime Museum in Cannington We were served a great Morning Tea with a variety of goodies. The best part was the museum, that had everything from model boats to tools to equipment originally designed for the Endeavour replica project. This museum is a hidden secret and the collection worthy of any main stream museum in Australia. It was a great couple of hours. Many of the model boats are the work of Brain Lemon and many thanks go to Brian (founding member of the VW Club) for the invite.
Brian Lemon discussing boats and some of his models below.
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September 2009
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Five stars for the safest Polo ever Euro NCAP confirms optimal protection for occupants and pedestrians Wolfsburg, 26 August, 2009 – The new Polo has been subjected to the more stringent Euro NCAP crash tests and received the best possible score of five stars. Volkswagen put together a safety package for the new 5th-generation Polo including optimised body structure, a highly effective belt-and-airbag combination and driver-assist systems.
Electronic safety and assistance sysThe result is the safest compact car in tems which prevent accidents or the world. avoid severe injuries are also evaluDuring the most recent tests per- ated in the new Euro NCAP proceformed by the European New Car dure. One of the most important asAssessment Program (NCAP), the sistance systems, the electronic stabiPolo was subjected to a controlled lisation programme ESP, is standard collision with a barrier at a speed of in the Polo. 64 km/h, whereby the passenger cell Additional standard equipment such remained nearly undamaged. as a highly effective belt-and-airbag The crash dummies testify to the Polo's high scores in the most important categories: occupant protection and child safety. The structurally rigid body, among other things, contributes to this result. The extreme rigidity of the new Polo was achieved through, among other things, the use of high-strength and ultra high-strength steels in the side structures and footwell. The extremely rigid bumper cross-member in front ensures that impact forces are distributed. But pedestrian safety is just as important as occupant safety. The requirements for pedestrian safety were already integrated into the developmental work during the design phase of the new Polo. Consequently, the “harp”, as the newly designed sheet metal behind the front bumper cover is called, provides the deformation space necessary to minimize the severity of leg injuries.
fortline,Highline). The model‟s entrylevel version will now be the threedoor Polo 1.2 Trendline with ESP.
The new Polo BlueMotion will also be available as a three-door and fivedoor model; the production version is also debuting in Frankfurt. The world‟s most fuel-efficient car in its class (55 kW / 75 PS) has a fuel consumption of 3.3 litres diesel per 100 combination as well as front head kilometres (equivalent to 87 g/km restraints which counteract whiplash CO2). The Polo range is gaining trefurther improves safety. mendous momentum here. Our declared goal: successes in the Polo class on the same magnitude as those of the Golf.
New 3 Door Polo
Wolfsburg, August 26, 2009. Bestseller with new entry-level version: As a world premiere, Volkswagen is presenting the youngest offspring of the Polo family at the International Motor Show in Frankfurt (IAA, September 17 to 27): an agile three-door. Its longer doors compared to the fivedoor version, new styling of the row of side windows and the dynamic lines of the sporty C-pillars give the car a nearly coupe-like appearance in its side profile. At its market launch this Fall, the extremely elegant and safe threedoor will be available in six engine versions (from 44 kW / 60 PS to 77 kW / 105 PS) and three equipment variants (Trendline, Com-
Unmistakable proportions in styling. The three-door Polo marks the entry of another model into the Volkswagen range that follows a new “design DNA” 1:1. This “DNA” was developed by Group Design Chief Walter de Silva. The brand‟s characteristic new face is a key aspect of this styling that exhibits a strong horizontal orientation of basic surfaces and a clarity of forms that de Silva refers to as “La Semplicità”. The overall design is characterized by sharp, precise lines. In this process, high priority is given to the car‟s proportions. Walter de Silva: “A „bella automobile‟ (Continued on page 17)
Don’t miss the next…. Day of the Volkswagen - book in Sunday 6th December 2009
September 2009
Via West Generous standard features
(Continued from page 16)
has perfect proportions. The Polo confirms this to be true.” Striking in this context are the short body overhangs, the car‟s broad width in proportion to its height, its prominent wheel housings and powerful shoulder sections. Style defining is the side profile of the three-door Polo. As on every Volkswagen designed under the leadership of de Silva, there are just two key lines here: the upper character line and an additional, supportive lower line. Resting atop the dominant character line between the upper borders of the headlights and taillights is the roof. The strong shoulder section is also developed from the character line. Even more: The upper and lower lines generate an exciting interplay of light and shadow, and despite the design‟s simplicity they also create a very muscular modulation of surfaces. Overall, the three-door Polo has an appearance that is lower to the ground and stretched. The reason: The practically invisible B-pillar and more slender C-pillar gives the row of windows a longer visual appearance. This effect is reinforced by the similarly longer upward curve of the row of side windows from the B-pillar back. This results in an even more dynamic overall feeling. The body dimensions of the three and five-door versions are identical with a length of 3,970 millimetres, width of 1,682 millimetres and height of 1,485 millimetres. The same applies to the interior space and cargo capacities (280 to 952 litres).
Even the base version – the Polo Trendline – is being launched with an extensive package of safety and convenience features. A standard feature in all large EU countries is the electronic stabilization program ESP. Other standard features include daytime running lights, power-assist steering, electric windows in front, central locking, cargo area lighting, warning buzzer for light left on, height adjustment on driver‟s seat, vanity mirrors and tinted windows.
Page 17 seats and leather-trimmed handbrake grip and gear knob. Advanced engines are sustainable engines
At this time, six engines will be offered on the three-door and fivedoor Polo: three petrol and three diesel. The petrol engines are available at the power levels 44 kW / 60 PS, 51 KW / 70 PS and 63 kW / 85 PS. As an option, Volkswagen is also offering the Polo with an automatic 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox (DSG) for the first time. The 85-PS petrol engine may be Identifying features of the mid-line paired with DSG as an option. equipment version, the Comfortline, Already in the starting blocks for the are carcoloured door mirrors and door Polo is a fourth petrol engine, a new handles, H7 dual headlights, chrome TSI, which is a fuel-efficient yet sporty trim inserts in the radiator grille and turbo direct-injection engine with 77 15-inch wheels. On the convenience kW / 105 PS. It too will be offered in a side, it is supplemented by standard DSG version. features such as an air conditioning system, electrically heated and ad- On the diesel side, Volkswagen is justable door mirror, Easy-Entry Sys- exclusively offering new common rail tem (three-door), height-adjustable TDI engines with particulate filters on front passenger‟s seat, storage draw- the Polo three-door and five-door ers under the front seats, various ac- cars. They output 55 kW / 75 PS, 66 cents in aluminium look, split folding kW / 90 PS and 77 kW / 105 PS. The rear bench seat/backrest, dual cargo 90-PS version may be ordered with floor, storage pockets on the backs of DSG. The fourth TDI to be offered is the front backrests and RF remote the new 1.2-liter TDI of the Polo central locking. BlueMotion that will be introduced at the beginning of 2010 (advance sales The exclusive Polo Highline is charalready begin in 2009). acterized by wide-ranging individualization. On the exterior, it is distinguished by additional chrome trim on the lower air intake, 15-inch alloy wheels and front fog lamps from the Comfortline equipment version. Inside, the Polo Highline is upgraded by Volkswagen Zubehör and Eibach dedetails such as a three-spoke leather velop prototype vehicle steering wheel, front centre armrest, multi-function display and tyre pres- They do still exist; dream cars without sure indicator, height-adjustable sport compromise. Today, as when the first generation was launched 34 years ago, the VW Scirocco sports coupe impresses with an enthralling mix of dynamic design and ergonomic benefits. Eibach and VW Zubehör have accentuated the dynamic character traits of the Scirocco - and together, for the first time, they have communicated its capabilities in a particularly agile and characterful prototype car. Customers can benefit from a technically and optically-refined design that can be individually tailored with almost all of its components coming directly from the factory. By doing so, all guarantee and warrantee protection for the vehicle remain fully intact and the customer receives a totally individual vehicle directly from the
Scirocco Only More So
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September 2009
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dealership – as Volkswagen intended! Additional equipment details are the stabilisers and wheel spacers which are available from Eibach. The cooperation between VW and
Eibach has already proven to be a success with the racing version of the Scirocco. Not just because the Scirocco was able to defend its class title at this year‟s 24h race at the Nurburgring, but its natural-gas powered twin also stormed to victory in the "Alternative engines" class at the very first attempt. Eibach always draws on its vast experience of motorsport in the development of its suspension components. Instead of presenting radical solutions, this family-owned firm always ensures that it creates an equal balance between dynamic demands andpermanent everyday usability. This presents a perfect engineering solution to Volkswagen and to VW Zubehör. The Pro-Kit Performance Springs from Eibach, for example, are optimally adjusted to the adaptive dynamic damping system (DCC) of the new Scirocco. This ensures that the driver maintains the option of adjusting the hardness of the damping to his/her wishes. The springs themselves offer sufficient reserves of comfort with their unique characteristics. When lowering of the centre of gravity of the vehicle, Eibach consciously keeps it at a technically important height of 20 millimetres. More extreme values would not further improve the handling and above a certain level actually have a negative effect. In addition, with this configuration the customer has no problems when driving over bumps or on steep entrances to underground
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car parks. On the other hand, the op- maximum fuel economy that a truly tical effects of the“small” height ad- affordable car could attain? And how justment are visible at first glance – in clean would its emissions be? Are particular with the aerodynamic sports there cars that can be purchased topackage from Volkswagen Zubehör. day that are already eco-friendly for A front spoiler lip, side sill set and the world of tomorrow? Is it possible rear spoiler with eye-catching black for a car optimised for fuel efficiency coated diffuser elements considerably to be just as uncompromisingly practishorten the perceived distance to the cal in everyday driving? These quesground. The icing on the cake is the tions are becoming increasingly important to more and more people. On September 15, at the International Motor Show (IAA) in Frankfurt, Volkswagen will be showing what is feasible when the best available yet affordable technologies of our times are sensibly combined – in the new generation of the Polo BlueMotion, Golf BlueMotion and Passat BlueMotion. All three Volkswagens are the world‟s most fuel-efficient models in their respective size classes; all three are celebrating world premieres as production versions at the IAA; and all three can be ordered later this fall. Polo BlueMotion: 3.3 litres and 87 g/ km CO2 are the new global benchharmonically integrated rear roof marks! spoiler, which like all the elements of this package, is optimally adjusted to The new Polo BlueMotion (55 kW / 75 the silhouette of the Scirocco. PS) – with an average fuel consumption of just 3.3 litres diesel equivalent In order to further optimise the hanto 87 g/km CO2!) per 100 kilometres dling characteristics of the Scirocco, – is advancing to become the “3-liter motorsport partner Eibach has fofuel economy car” of the modern era cused on Anti-Roll Kit performance and the most fuel efficient five-seater stabilisers, which it produces itself. in the world. Compared to a convenThey reduce the tendency to roll and tional Polo TDI with 75 PS, CO2 guarantee that the Scirocco precisely emissions were reduced 20 percent, follows driver inputs and the driver and fuel consumption was reduced by thereby receives optimum response 0.9 litre per 100 kilometres – thanks at all times. The road handling is furto BlueMotion-Technologies that inther optimised by the Eibach Proclude a new high-tech 1.2-liter TDI. Spacer Wheel Spacers, by moving They make the commute to work, the 19 inch large "motorsport" lightvacation trip and long weekend afmetal alloys from Volkswagen Zubefordable again. A person driving a hör further out. This is an effect which Polo BlueMotion from Berlin to the accentuates the weight-optimised 10IAA in Frankfurt, for example, can spoke wheels and which reflects opticover the 545 kilometre route for just cally in the even more muscular ap19 Euros* in fuel costs. Refueling bepearance of the bodywork. Consecomes an afterthought, since the 45 quently a successful result crystallitre tank of the Polo BlueMotion levlises from thecooperation between erages a theoretical range of 1,363 Eibach and VW Zubehör - and this kilometres. One more example retime not just racing drivers get to feel lated to costs: According to the Gerthe benefit! man Federal Bureau of Statistics, the average German car driver drives a total of 11,000 kilometres per year. For Polo BlueMotion drivers this means that they can cruise the entire year on just eight fuel fill-ups and 377 Euros* in fuel costs. The Polo BlueMotion, which can move at 173 km/h if necessary, makes its market Wolfsburg, 02 September 2009 What would be technically feasible if debut in 2010. (Continued on page 19) money were no object? What is the
The World’s Most FuelEfficient Cars
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September 2009
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Golf BlueMotion: 3.8 litres and 99 g/ km CO2 revolutionize the compact class! Motoring at a cost level practically as pleasing as that of the Polo is the new Golf BlueMotion (77 kW / 105 PS). Thanks to its fuel consumption of just 3.8 litres diesel (99 g/km CO2), it is the world‟s most fuel-efficient car in its class. Its theo-retical range is 1,447 kilometres (55 litre tank). Average annual fuel costs: just 439 Euros or about 37 Euros* per month The most fuel-efficient Golf of all times is powered by a new, quiet common rail turbo-diesel. Like all TDIs, this engine does not lack in power by any measure. Just the opposite is true: The 105 PS sixteenvalve, four-cylinder engine generates its maximum torque of 250 NewtonMeters at a low 2,000 rpm. Equipped with these key performance parameters, the engine accelerates the Golf BlueMotion to 100 km/h in just 11.3 seconds. Its top speed: 190 km/h. The new Golf BlueMotion will first arrive at European dealers in late fall of this year.
Via West BlueMotion may just be recordsetting. With an average fuel consumption of just 4.4 litres diesel (114 g/km CO2) per 100 kilometres, it can cover 1,591 kilometres on one fill-up of its 70 litre tank! That adds up to just seven fill-ups per year. Cost point: 502 Euros*. There is no other car of this size on the road today that is more fuel-efficient. Advance orders start in early October, and the new Passat BlueMotion will be at dealers one month later – as a saloon and an estate car. The Passat shares its 77 kW / 105 PS common rail TDI with the Golf BlueMotion. A look at the Passat‟s superior performance data reveals the tremendous potential of this engine and the aerodynamic properties of the Passat: 193 km/h top speed and 12.5 seconds for the sprint from 0 to 100 km/h. TDI + Start-Stop + Regeneration
The BlueMotionTechnolo-gies aboard the three super-economizers make up a comprehensive package of extremely diverse high-tech components and detailed solutions. Building the foundation for the extremely low fuel consumption and emission values of these cars are their new common rail TDI engines with modified engine management software and reduced idling speed. Power transfer Passat BlueMotion: 4.4 litres and 114 is handled by five-speed gearboxes g/km CO2 unbeatable among big with longer gear ratios. A gear-shift cars! indicator integrated in the instruments The driving range of the new Passat ensures that the BlueMotion models
Page 19 are always driven at the gear stage that is optimal for fuel economy. Other BlueMotion features include energy recovery (regenerative braking), a Start-Stop system (automatic engine shutoff, such as at red lights), tyres optimized for low rolling resistance, especially lightweight low-drag wheels, improved fine tuning of body aerodynamics and a lower chassis (Polo and Golf). In addition, the new BlueMotion models are distinguished from other versions of their respective model lines by stylish modifications and a customized interior. For the first time, Volkswagen – and this represents a clear reversal of market trends – is giving its BlueMotion models dynamic styling features that bridge the gap between sustainability and sporty appeal. The Golf and Passat, for example, are making their appearance with bumpers and side skirts from the avant-garde R-Line; the Polo meanwhile is distinguished by such features as completely new radiator grille styling and special alloy wheels. The Polo and Passat Estate also have an independent rear tailgate spoiler. Pricing is not left out of the equation by any means, and it is consistent with our declared goal of offering very advanced eco-friendly cars at affordable prices. And BlueMotion is certainly affordable. * Based on average fuel prices in Germany on July 20, 2009. For more information on Volkswagen BlueMotionTechnologies go to:
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September 2009
Targa West 2009
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Member Story of the Month Winner $20 Fuel Voucher
The 5th running of Targa West has been run and won. The weather for the event, held on 20-23 August, was torrid rain for three of the four day‟s with the sun peaking through intermittently. This year we had a VW Golf GTi 1977 entered in the classic challenge category, driven by Luke and co-driven by John Reymond. This class is for vehicles requiring minimum safety equipment. The cars are also limited to a top speed of 130KM/h and are fitted with a GPS tracking device monitoring their speed during the course of the event. This years field of Classic challenge cars included Jaguar XJC, Triumph TR8 / Stag, Torana LC GTR, Porsche 911 Luke and his father John Reymond, participated in their immaculately prepared Sebring Orange VOLKSEE. The guys decided to fit a roll cage, just to be safe and to stiffen the structure of the body on the Golf. Weighing 904kgs their car would show a performance advantage over other heavier vehicles in this field of cars. And as you can see by the photos the structure of the Golf certainly was stiffened by the addition of the roll cage, allowing the car to save much needed rubber, as cars in challenge class are only allowed to compete the whole event on 5 tyres in total. John and Luke are no strangers to the VW brand with John having worked on many in his years as a VW Mechanic, and the passion still continues, with him still having many parts and cars in his stable at home. In my role as a Chief Scrutineer of Targa West, I had the opportunity to inspect the car prior to competition and give them the all clear to be able to compete in their car, as well as admitting my own passion for the VW brand and my own plans, in progress, of rebuilding my other 68 VW Beetle and one day compete in Targa myself. Credibly the guys finished second, and showed how good the handling and nimbleness of the Golf was, and how it had the performance to nearly match it‟s nearest stable mate who finished one spot higher than them, a 1976 Porsche 911. by Shane Williams
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September 2009
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SELLING OR BUYING Have you got anything 4 SALE or do you want 2 BUY something? Members advertise here 4 FREE. Non-Members only pay $5.00. Contact the Editor: Ray Willis Mobile: 040 734734 0 Email:
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September 2009
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2006 VW PASSAT V6 4 MOTION $36,490 Stunning AWD, This is a must drive vehicle to appreciate the German precision and refinement Excellent fuel economy and presents as new - 1DAU471
Cameron Watt Used Car Sales Manager 6 Berriman Drive, Wangara WA 6065
FOR SALE 1972 KOMBI $7,500 ono Originally from South Africa, second owner, 1600, low light bay window, 12 mths rego, light truck tyres, new mp3/CD/radio and aerial, most of records and service history. Fitted out as camper van.
Located in Denmark The club has more photos and description if needed
Contact: Sheila Phone: (08) 9848 1918 Mobile: 040 100 4203
FOR SALE 1970 KARMANN GHIA COUPE $19,990 ono LHD, manual, California car, 2 seater (fold down rear „seat‟), original colour, interior, wood dash, only 4,000 miles on rebuilt motor, odometer 91,300 miles, factory car, original keys, jack, spare tyre, car cover, new stereo, tyres, headlights and more! WA licensed, Dec 09
Contact: Monika Wright Mobile: 040 194 0033
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September 2009
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Don’t miss the next…. Day of the Volkswagen - book in Sunday 6th December 2009
September 2009
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Don’t miss the next…. Day of the Volkswagen - book in Sunday 6th December 2009