Vicinity Magazine

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Diamond Minds

CLIMB TO THE TOP “Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.” — Andy Rooney, CBS Barry Farber


huck Garcia has a unique background and experience to talk about a climb to the top. He is an Amazon Best Selling Author of “A Climb to the TOP,” a radio host, a professor at Columbia University Graduate School of Engineering, climbed mountains on four continents including Africa’s highest peak (Kilimanjaro) and Europe’s highest peak (Mount Elbrus), and was the 190th employee at Bloomberg as head of sales and a public spokesman traveling to 30 countries with hundreds of speaking engagements,

do to bring my friends and colleagues back to life, it was a catalyst for my own change. Mountain climbing came to me as a result of my own initiative to use the sad and tragic events of 911 to encourage myself to do something in the spirit of these people that I had lost. I decided then and there that I was going to climb a mountain and see if it was something that would speak to me for my own personal change. Exactly one year later I stood on the summit of Mount Rainier and it changed everything I thought about the world and myself.

Barry Farber: How did you get into mountain climbing?

BF: What did you learn from mountain climbing that applies to your professional life and personal life?

Chuck Garcia:I was scheduled to speak on 911 at 3pm in the World Trade Center and never made it into the building. Unfortunately, on my way to the building the tower had collapsed and three of my colleagues from Bloomberg, who were in the building as a result of supporting my speech, never made it out. That caused me to have a moment of incredible selfreflection. While there was nothing I could

CG: It felt like a metaphor for the way that I climbed my own career. As I was ascending or descending the mountains, I was thinking how grateful I was as I went through struggles, hardships and unexpected twists and turns just like a career. However, so much generosity was given and received from everyone on the climbing team all in the service to unify our efforts to achieve our goals. That’s

mountain climbing, that’s career climbing and that’s life. BF: What are three pieces of advice you could give the readers? CG: Given the amount of fear and anxiety that is in the world, my first piece of advice is never ever be afraid to make a mistake but always be afraid of never learning from them. Second, do not strive for perfection but always strive for progress. And my third piece of advice that I have learned myself and from some of the guests on my program is that there is no failure, there is only feedback. Failure is a mindset; feedback is the development of your mindset. BF: What is your definition of success today? CG: Success is when somebody wakes up every morning and recognizes how fortunate they are to do whatever it is they set out to do. BF: What is the greatest piece of advice you received from one of your mentors? CG: Mike Bloomberg once said to me; “Garcia, if you’re not making mistakes you’re not working hard enough.” At that very moment he gave me permission to go out and try and screw things up. He was the one that drove into my head to adjust and adapt and not worry about the mistakes...just get climbing. Adjustments are the difference between mediocrity and achievement. Chuck’s training regimen: Best training for mountain climbing is the C L M B R - a full body cardio and strength fitness machine. I also do strength training 2-3 times per week “Lift heavy things and then put them down” along with boxing and running.

Barry Farber is a best-selling author, an award winning radio and television host as well as an agent and marketing consultant for corporations, professional athletes, and entertainers. He’s also the creator and marketer of the FoldzFlat® Pens. learn more at


Vicinity Magazine

March 2021

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