4 minute read

Prof. Zaman Florentina

experimentale. 4. Evaluarea rezultatelorşi stabilirea concluziilor: se compară datele şi rezultatele obţinute pe grupe, elevii generează concluzii privind experimentele efectuate. Elevii vor fi notaţi pe baza prezentării strategiei, a rezultatelor obţinute şi a observaţiilor profesorului cu privire la activitatea desfăşurată. Evaluare/Feedback: Elevii completează un scurt chestionar pe Socrative privind care etapă s-a desfășurat cel mai corect, în urma chestionarului se concluzionează și care lideri au avut cea mai eficientă activitate.

Proiect didactic


Prof. Zaman Florentina Liceul Teoretic Costeşti, Argeş

Lesson plan Textbook: Upstream Date: Grade: X C Level: Upper-intermediate Previous lesson: Mapping the Past and the Present New lesson: History Lessons Aims: Practising speaking about historic events Time: 50 minutes Classroom management: Student-centred Types of interaction: Teacher-student Student-student Skills: Speaking, Reading. Writing, Listening Main topic: History Audio/visual aids: student’s book, blackboard and chalk, activity file, video Method(s): Communicative Strategies: conversation, exercise, expressing opinion Types of activities: whole class, individual work, pair work Warm-up: informal conversation Subsidiary aim: Encouraging students to use their English Evaluation: oral and written Function: Talking about historic events Vocabulary: to grant; draft; to set out; credit; accurate; ‘cut and dried’; lengthy; biased; to take sth with a pinch of salt

STEP I: WARM-UP; Time – 2 minutes Subsidiary aims: - to create a good atmosphere

- to create willingness to participate in the new lesson The teacher asks informal questions about the date, the missing students. Q: What date is today?

Who’s on duty? Who’s absent? The students answer the teacher’s questions.

STEP II: HOMEWORK CHECK_UP; Time: 6 minutes Subsidiary aims: - to make the students check their homework -to make students become aware of their own mistakes The teacher asks the students to read aloud their homework. The teacher checks the students’ homework from a qualitative and quantitative point of view. Qualitative: What did you prepare for today? Was your homework difficult? Quantitative: Did all of you write your homework? Who wants to read? The students were supposed to write a story beginning with the following sentence: He stepped out of the shadows and walked towards me (120-180 words). The teacher checks their pronunciation and intonation.

STEP III: LEAD-IN; Time – 3 minutes Subsidiary aims: -to introduce the students into the topic of the new lesson -to develop the students’ ability of expressing their opinion -to develop the students’ skill of speaking The teacher asks the students to open their textbooks at page 121 and solve exercise 1. The students perform the task. The teacher corrects their pronunciation and intonation.

STEP IV: SPEAKING TASK; Time – 7 minutes Subsidiary aims: -to develop the students’ skill of watching for general understanding-to develop the students’ skill of expressing their opinion. The teacher plays a video and the students have to pay attention. The teacher asks them some questions: What happens in this scene? Do you recognize the historic events presented? Do you know anything about them? The students answer the questions. The teacher corrects their pronunciation if necessary.

STEP V: LISTENING TASK; Time – 5 minutes Subsidiary aims: -to develop the students’ skill of listening for general understanding -to develop the students’ skill of expressing their opinion The teacher asks the students to solve exercise 2a, page 121 where they are supposed to listen to three people talking about different historical figures. The students listen carefully and perform the task. The teacher uses peer correction.

STEP VI: READING TASK; Time – 10 minutes Subsidiary aims: -to develop the students’ skill of listening -to listen for detailed information The teacher reads the text at page 122 and the students pay attention. Then, the teacher teaches the new

words: To grant = to give somebody something or allow them to have something that they have asked for Draft = a piece of writing or a plan that is not yet in its finished form To set out = to start an activity, especially when you have already decided what you want to achieve Accurate = correct and true in any detail ‘cut and dried’ = a situation in which a decision that is cut and dried cannot be changed Lengthy = continuing for a long time, often too long Biased = unfairly preferring one person or group over another To take something with a pinch of salt = to not completely believe what somebody tells you, because you know that they do not always tell the truth.

STEP VII: READING-SPEAKING TASK; Time – 7 minutes Subsidiary aims: -to develop the students’ skill of reading for general understanding -to develop the students’ skill of expressing their opinion The teacher asks the students to read the text carefully and in pairs to solve exercise 1.c, page 122 (3 minutes). The teacher uses peer correction; then, she asks them to solve exercise 2, page 122 (4 minutes). The teacher uses peer correction.

STEP VIII: ASSESSMENT ACTIVITY; Time – 10 minutes Subsidiary aim: -to reinforce the students’ use of vocabulary Each student receives an activity file where they have to identify the historical word given the meaning. The students perform the task and the teacher takes oral feedback.

STEP IX: ISSUING HOMEWORK; Time – 2 minutes Subsidiary aims: -to develop the students’ skill of writing -to improve the students’ skill of expressing their opinion in writing The teacher asks the students to write as homework a comment upon the following statement: History is always subjective (15 lines). The teacher gives any supplementary explanations if necessary. The students write the homework in their notebook.

Activity file

Grade: X C Name: Given the MEANING, identify the HISTORICAL WORD:

1. a person especially king who takes possession of territory by force

… 2. a person who travels to places with a sense of inquiry

…. 3. when people or groups fight each other in a war

…. 4. a person who directs or controls a group, organization, country

…. 5. a formal written agreement between two or more countries or governments

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