experimentale. 4. Evaluarea rezultatelorşi stabilirea concluziilor: se compară datele şi rezultatele obţinute pe grupe, elevii generează concluzii privind experimentele efectuate. Elevii vor fi notaţi pe baza prezentării strategiei, a rezultatelor obţinute şi a observaţiilor profesorului cu privire la activitatea desfăşurată. Evaluare/Feedback: Elevii completează un scurt chestionar pe Socrative privind care etapă s-a desfășurat cel mai corect, în urma chestionarului se concluzionează și care lideri au avut cea mai eficientă activitate.
Proiect didactic Prof. Zaman Florentina Liceul Teoretic Costeşti, Argeş Lesson plan Textbook: Upstream Date: Grade: X C Level: Upper-intermediate Previous lesson: Mapping the Past and the Present New lesson: History Lessons Aims: Practising speaking about historic events Time: 50 minutes Classroom management: Student-centred Types of interaction: Teacher-student Student-student Skills: Speaking, Reading. Writing, Listening Main topic: History Audio/visual aids: student’s book, blackboard and chalk, activity file, video Method(s): Communicative Strategies: conversation, exercise, expressing opinion Types of activities: whole class, individual work, pair work Warm-up: informal conversation Subsidiary aim: Encouraging students to use their English Evaluation: oral and written Function: Talking about historic events Vocabulary: to grant; draft; to set out; credit; accurate; ‘cut and dried’; lengthy; biased; to take sth with a pinch of salt STEP I: WARM-UP; Time – 2 minutes Subsidiary aims: - to create a good atmosphere - to create willingness to participate in the new lesson The teacher asks informal questions about the date, the missing students. Q: What date is today?