dōTERRA for Abundance (Creation Book)

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CREATION BOOK A dōTERRA driven recipe book with a twist!


WELCOME We're super-excited to share this Creation Book with you! If you're new to the world of essential oils, before you start there are a few things we'd love to share with you on how to use them effectively & safely. So head over to www.OilMeUpBaby.com/Oils where we'll walk you through the basics :-) To buy the oils and recipe books simply visit www.OilMeUpBaby.com/shop or contact us to get started. If you have any questions about this book, or starting your own online essential oils business, don't hesitate to contact us! Have fun!


We all deserve to live an abundant life, as there's enough for everyone but we want to make sure we're calling in the right type of abundance. We don't want abundant sadness or money worries - that's living in a lack mentality, we want health and wealth and happiness! In this creation book we're showing you the oils that will uplift you, raise your vibrations, motivate you and help you change your mindset to focus on the positive things you want out of life and how you can call them into your life so you can live the life of your dreams. You will start to notice abundance everywhere, as it's a way of looking at your life and the world around you without lack. Making small adjustments to your thinking and the way you perceive things can have a huge impact on your mental health, how you feel about yourself and the world and also on what you attract into your life. In the book "The Secret" Rhonda Byrne talks about the laws of attraction and how you can use the power of positive thinking to achieve anything you can imagine, so we've combined this with the power of doTERRA’s essential oils to create some amazing recipes and blends to help you create your dreams and to bring them into reality so you can enjoy living your best life yet! Everyone deserves to have abundance, that includes YOU!

Oil Up In this Book...

You'll also need a diffuser and fractioned coconut oil + roller bottles for the blends.

These are the oils you'll need to have to make all the cards inside this book.


Inside... 1 2 3 4 5

ROLLER CARD Creative Dreams WILD CARDS Manifest Light High Vibrations Room & Linen Spray EAT CARDS Cinnamon Roll Breakfast Smoothie Broccoli Chicken Fritters Dark Chocolate Orange Mousse With Sea Salt DRINK CARDS Vanilla Lavender Latte Bergamot Iced Tea Grapefruit & Pomegranate Vodka Sour Pineapple & Mango Margarita Mocktail BLEND CARDS Prosperity Plentiful You Are Worthy Limitless Focused Thoughts AN OIL ME UP BABY ASSOCIATE COURSE RESOURCE


WILD ORANGE Wild Orange is one of the best oils for bringing in the feeling of abundance and it helps you attract beautiful things into your heart that will benefit your true authentic desires too. Everyone has dreams and desires and this oil will help you attract them and see the possibilities of your own abilities and how you can use them to attract abundance and manifest your life's desires, as long as they align with your true self. It will help you believe that you can achieve your desires - and more than just believe, you may even start to expect your dreams to materialise. This fun and playful citrus oil will help you call abundance into your heart, teaching you the true meaning of this feeling. It will help you to eliminate the lack mentality and any limiting beliefs that you're holding onto that might be stopping you from achieving your infinite power and desires. It will help bring you hope and trust, so you can feel that everything that is for you will not pass you by, and know that things come at their right times when you're aligned with the universe and your true desires. This oil helps boost your creativity, helping you to imagine and see all the possibilities that are there for you, helping you to create the life that you deserve and that will fulfil you. Wild Orange helps fill your heart with joy which enables you to create your own path without fear, so you can acknowledge your true talents in a truly playful and fun manner. It helps show us that within us there is abundance... and it is indeed infinite.

FRANKINCENSE Frankincense is a wonder oil in the world of abundance for so many reasons... It helps lift you to a higher level and raises your vibrations, clearing those low vibrations and protecting against negative influences, allowing you to connect on a deeper level with yourself and the universe so you can ask for what you desire. Ask and you shall receive. To see and feel abundance there must be no low vibrations as like attracts like. If you put out low vibrations that's what you shall receive so one of the key factors in manifestation is to raise yourself and your vibrations to call in what will truly serve you. A great way to do this is to show gratitude and be thankful for everything good in your life, no matter how small and insignificant it seems. Frankincense helps you to open your heart and be thankful. Frankincense helps eliminate confusion and brings the truth to light, creating awareness and motivation for positive change. When used in combination with other oils it enhances the qualities of the other oils making it a power blend. If you find that you're being held back by your limiting beliefs, Frankincense helps you release them and recognise your talents and the gifts you can offer the world. It can also help connect us to our masculine energy which is useful when taking positive, inspired action and bringing your creative visions to life. It soothes and caresses your soul so you feel loved and protected, giving you comfort and strength to follow your divine path while shining your light for all to see and enjoy. It's a great oil to allow you to enjoy some peace and stillness so you can call in your manifestations and enjoy the abundant life you deserve.


GERANIUM Geranium helps you find the true and unique path that you want to create for yourself. It creates trust amongst your choices, helping you to believe in yourself and the journey you've chosen. It helps you open your heart and trust others on your journey and helps you attract the right people into your life that will help you find your truth and create your abundant dreams. It’s great for those times when your logical doubt steps in and tries to pull you away from your manifestations and believing in the abundant life you can create. It encourages warmth and trust in your heart and allows it to spread to your mind, restoring faith in yourself and your projections to create the life you desire. It helps us see that there are lessons in life and allows us to learn from them while keeping our hearts soft and our minds open to all the possibilities that life hands us and that we can create. This oil is an emotional healer and helps you to trust that good things are coming and there is good out there in the world, reminding us to stay focussed on what we want, rather than on what we don't want...

CLARY SAGE Clary Sage is a wonderful oil for calling in abundance as it stretches your spiritual vision and lets your creativity pour out of you, helping you to visualise what it is you want in life - but more than that, it allows you to see the bigger picture so you can imagine how your new vision would fit into it and whether this really serves your life's purpose. It allows you to really get down and personal with your spirit so you can genuinely understand the power within you and who you really are, which brings those magical parts that often lie hidden into the light so you can allow yourself to shine and attract greatness. With manifestation it's important to stay focussed on what it is you want to achieve and never falter from that vision. Clary Sage helps you keep the image in your mind's eye, so you gain perspective through shifting into a growth mindset, rather than one of scarcity and lack. Once you have a better understanding of your truth and your character, you'll be able to recognise your divine purpose and what it is you have to do to reach it and your desire will become so strong that nothing will be able to stop you. It also encourages you to be open to new ideas and to understand what limiting beliefs are holding you back. If something is holding you back, use Clary Sage to help you find your gratitude again and to obliterate any distractions that are in your mind. Breathe in abundance and breathe out those low vibrations and limiting beliefs, to best ensure that nothing gets in your way between bringing your visions and dreams from the spiritual world into reality.


PATCHOULI Patchouli is a manifesting oil, which helps you take your amazing ideas and manifest them physically. It enables you to connect both the spirit and body together so they can work in unison which will allow you to physically manifest your dreams and visions. It grounds the spirit and your ideas into the body, bringing all its magic with it. When we bring our ideas from the spirit world into the physical world they become easier to manifest. It helps you take responsibility for putting your knowledge into action. It's all very well knowing something, but you need to take that knowledge and do something with it. This oil will help you take inspired action in working towards your manifestations and develop a deeper appreciation of the abundance you already have, thus helping you attract more. It's a grounding and stabilising oil that will help bring you into the present moment, allowing you to take time to rest and to go into yourself to find inspiration and truth to be able to manifest what's in your heart, mind and spirit when working as a whole towards what you truly desire. This is THE most important oil when turning your dreams into reality.

LIME Lime is an exceptional oil for gratitude, as it will help you appreciate even the little things in life and fill your heart and soul with gratitude. You will feel thankful for all the things in your life, no matter how small, and everyone around you, allowing you to see the best in them and appreciate them for who they are and not who you expect them to be. The appreciation you feel for life will bring joy to your heart and give you a real zest for life, clearing all negativity and discouragement and encouraging the heart to grow and change in a positive direction. It will make you smile, laugh and elevate you to a higher place, raising your vibrations, which in turn will help you attract an abundance of what serves you best on your incredible life journey. It will energise you and cleanse negativity from your life and connect you to the depths of your soul, thereby allowing your best version of yourself to appear with a balanced heart and mind. Adding Lime to a blend can help to circulate it through the entire body, spreading it to all the organs and meridians. Let your inner warrior emerge and embrace the positive changes that Lime will bring to your life.


GRAPEFRUIT Grapefruit is an amazing oil for raising our self-assurance, as when working with creating abundance we need to feel confident that what we're putting out into the universe is what we truly desire and what's actually good for us and to believe in ourselves. It will help us to feel in love with ourselves and to respect our physical body and give it what we need. It lets us know that there's abundant health and wellbeing available for us, which motivates us even more to take the actions required to receive it. It takes us on a journey of self-realisation and reminds you to take care of yourself without any guilt and to love and respect the body we have been given. The more we prioritise ourselves the more amazing we feel. It helps us to be able to listen to our body's needs so we can nurture and nourish it along with the mind and spirit. If we don't take care of our physical needs, then we cannot be in balance physically and spiritually. We need balance to be able to call in abundance. This is the oil to use when looking for abundance with matters relating to health and beauty.

BERGAMOT Bergamot takes you on a joyful journey of self-discovery, so you can more easily discover what you really want in life and develop the confidence to go forth and claim it for yourself. It melts away your self-doubts and brings a lightness to the heart that will help you to fall in love with yourself and accept yourself unconditionally, which increases your confidence and raises your vibrations even more. Use this new found confidence to give yourself the push that you need to manifest what you want, be confident in the process and expect abundant results. Use Bergamot to eliminate your negative self-talk and any limiting beliefs that are holding you back. It allows you to really hear the truth, feel it in your heart and soul and feel that anything is possible. It's often scary trusting in yourself and believing that you can create the results you desire, but self-belief and expectancy is a huge part when working with creating abundance and Bergamot can really give you support with this. Claim your power and abundance! It’s a powerful, cleansing oil that will clean any stagnant feelings or energy and limiting beliefs, thereby turning these feelings into those of hope and positivity, which allows you to trust that you can make the changes needed to create an abundant life.


LAVENDER Lavender is the oil of communication and can be used to help you communicate your requests to the universe when working with abundance. It helps us to create deeper connections within ourselves and others by learning to communicate authentically. The more you allow yourself to speak your truth, the easier it will become and the more confident you will become doing it. You deserve to be heard. The universe is listening and Lavender will help you to communicate effectively and to know what it is you want to say. When calling in abundance you need to be clear, specific, authentic and honest. Lavender will improve your communication so people can better understand your vision. It will even allow you to more easily notice how you talk to yourself, so you can pay closer attention to what you're telling yourself. Use Lavender to become aware of what you're saying to yourself and eliminate any negative self-talk and limiting beliefs, as it will help you recognise these thoughts before you verbalise them and bring them into the physical world. Verbalisation is a great form of manifestation so make sure you're using it to get what you desire, rather than reinforcing what you don't want. It will help you find a new, positive way of talking to yourself which is more aligned with an abundant mindset. The more you use Lavender the more you will speak your truth and be able to be heard. Use your newly found voice to call in abundance and ask for what you desire so you can more easily fulfil your wildest dreams...

YLANG YLANG Ylang Ylang will help you to find a connection between your heart and mind so they're working as one. This will help you live in your divine power and at a higher vibration, which will open you up to be able to call in and receive abundance within all aspects of your life. It's a healing oil that will help melt away any pain, in particular any heartache within you, allowing you to open yourself up to experience joy again and bring back that feeling of childlike innocence. This oil will restore your faith in humanity and will create a desire to connect with exceptional like-minded people who will help drive you forward on your journey, manifesting your dreams as you go. Keep in mind that like attracts like, so use this oil to help yourself find your flock, as these are the people who build you up and help you strive to be a better version of yourself. Breathe in power and abundance! Let it encompass your mind, heart and soul as one and awaken yourself to all the possibilities within you. Ylang Ylang will bring excitement into your experience as you start your new journey and you may even begin to feel butterflies when you think of all that you can achieve. This oil will help you see abundant beauty in the world, and be open to receive what is on offer for you.


PEPPERMINT Peppermint teaches us that our past does not define us, nor does it equal our future. It reminds us that we can create any outcome we desire, so let go of all past mistakes, learn from them and move on, as living in the past won't help you to manifest your future. Peppermint creates a movement of energy within us and helps us to open our minds and remove any stagnant energy that's causing blocks. Those blocks can stop us from manifesting our desires. Energy is the life force within us and if that's stagnant or blocked it will feel as though we aren't living or that we're stuck in Groundhog Day, reliving negativity over and over again. Use this oil to open up your mind and clear out any negativity, frustrations, or brain fog that might be getting in the way of you finding your abundant path. You deserve to live an abundant life and to be able to share that abundance with the world. Peppermint will remind you how good it feels to be alive when you're living as your authentic self. It will help you to view the world with love and light, brightening up all those dark corners that are storing your limiting beliefs, so you can more easily light them up and finally, let them go...

CINNAMON BARK Cinnamon Bark warms and supports you, allowing you to feel protected, safe and secure, so you can develop the courage to step into your power without fear of rejection or judgement. It connects you to your inner strength and power and encourages you to stay in that state, allowing you to be mentally empowered and confident so you can stand in your truth and manifest your wildest dreams. It is important when calling in abundance to have an open heart and to love and respect yourself. Cinnamon Bark helps you do this while also giving you confidence and the reminder to do things one step at a time. It reminds you that Rome wasn't built in a day so keep saying thank you to the universe with each step you take no matter how small, keeping those vibrations high, staying hopeful and believing in your dreams. It will relight your spark and passion for finding your life purpose and living the life you truly desire and help you realise how your thoughts and actions impact on your life and what you attract into it. Keep those thoughts and visualisations positive and focus on where you want to go and what you want to attract!


BLACK PEPPER Black Pepper allows us to step back into the stillness in order to reignite the fire within our souls, so we can find the strength to overcome our limiting beliefs and acquire the motivation to take the journey into self-discovery and acceptance of who we really desire to be and the life we want to live. Often, we can fall down the rabbit warren of negative thoughts and that pattern can become an addiction that can easily spiral out of control, so use Black Pepper to break any negative addictions that don't serve your life's purpose. It will align us with the truth, so you no longer need to hide behind a fake mask where you're pretending to be happy. You can strip yourself down to your true self and find your inner abundant happiness, which will allow you to find your own way to let yourself authentically shine. It invites you to go within, deep within and search for your integrity and honesty. Remember, the universe is here to offer you abundance, but only if it comes from a place of truth and serves your inner purpose. There's an unlimited amount of abundance for everyone to benefit from, so don't put unnecessary limits on yourself!








Add oils to a 10ml roller bottle and top up with fractionated coconut oil.

Use this roller blend when you need to reignite your creativity to envisage new ideas and dreams to manifest. This blend will boost your creativity from a place of abundance and positivity. Roll it on your pulse points or over your spine and take some deep intentional breaths, enjoy the stillness and see what comes to mind...




MANIFEST LIGHT 100g Beeswax 100g Coconut Oil Glass Jar Candle Wick 10 drops Cinnamon Bark 10 drops Geranium 30 drops Wild Orange 20 drops Frankincense Sea Salt Coarse Grain Mica powder to add colour if required. We suggest green for abundance, but you can choose any colour you like.

Crystal - Citrine, Clear Quartz, Tigers Eye, Jade, Green Aventurine Dry Herbs & Flowers - Choose from Cinnamon Sticks, Basi, Cloves, Bay Leaves, Peppermint Coins You can add as many crystals, herbs and flowers as you like, just let your creativity guide you...

1. Add water in a pan and bring to the boil, make a double boiler by adding a glass or metal bowl, allowing the base to sit in the water approximately 2 cm but not touch the bottom of the pan. 2. Gently melt the beeswax and coconut oil mixture, stirring it as it melts. 3. Cut the candle wick to the desired length and using hot glue or melted wax, stick it to the centre of your glass jar. 4. Stabilise the wick by wrapping it around a pencil and balancing it across the jar to keep the wick central and upright. 5. Once the wax is melted add a teaspoon of mica powder and mix well if you want to colour your candle. 6. Take the wax off the heat and allow to cool for a few minutes, add the oils and stir them in gently. 7. Gently pour 95% of the wax in your jar leaving 2cm at the top for the topping and remaining wax. Allow to set for several hours, saving 5% of the wax for the topping. 8. Once your candle has set, re-melt the remaining 5% of your wax and gently pour it onto your candle. 9. Add your selected crystals, coins, herbs and flowers into the melted wax and sprinkle some salt. 10. Allow to set fully and trim the wick. 11. Let your candle sit for a further 24hrs before lighting.

Use this beautiful manifestation candle to light up your world and call in what you truly desire and what will serve your life's journey.

Light it while you're manifesting or while you're saying your affirmations or meditating. When you have finished and are blowing it out, remember to say thank you to the universe, as showing gratitude is a huge part of manifesting and it will help raise your vibrational level.


Be creative and add colours, herbs, crystals, coins etc to it to help you attract abundance.



HIGH VIBRATIONS ROOM & LINEN SPRAY 1 oz Distilled Water 1 oz Witch Hazel 2 drops Peppermint 5 drops Wild Orange 3 drops Lime 3 drops Bergamot 2 drops Ylang Ylang

1. Add all ingredients to a glass or metal spray bottle and shake well. 2. Shake well before use.

You can carry this delightful room spray around with you to spray in any space that you feel has low vibrations. Use it to raise your vibrations wherever you go and to attract abundance. With this spray you will feel supported and nurtured which is perfect when you're trying to create new ideas and projections.


Remember like attracts like, so make sure you're putting out the types of feelings, thoughts, ideas and desires you want to attract.




½ cup Rolled Oats ¾ cup Plain Greek Yoghurt 1 tablespoon Light Brown Sugar 1 cup Almond Milk ½ teaspoon Vanilla Extract 1 Frozen Banana A toothpick swirl or 1 drop Cinnamon Bark depending on preference.

1. Add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth. 2. Serve and enjoy immediately.


This delicious and nutritious breakfast smoothie will comfort you and set you up for a day of success and prosperity. It's not easy to feel abundant with an empty tummy, as hunger pains tend to reinforce a feeling of lack and suffering. Make sure you start off your day feeling good and that feeling will continue throughout your day, attracting positivity and abundance. It's important when calling in abundance to have an open heart and to love and respect yourself. Cinnamon Bark helps you do this while also giving you confidence and the reminder to do things one step at a time.



1 ½ lb Chicken Mince 1 cup finely chopped steamed Broccoli 2 tablespoons Dill ½ teaspoon Garlic Powder ½ teaspoon Onion Powder

2 Eggs ½ teaspoon Salt 1 cup Breadcrumbs 2 drops Black Pepper Olive Oil for frying in the pan

1. Add all the ingredients (except the oil) in a bowl and mix well until fully combined. 2. Scoop two tablespoons of the mixture and roll into a ball and flatten into pattes, repeat until all the mixer has been used. 3. Add 2 tablespoons of oil to a pan and fry the pattes, turning until both sides are golden and cooked through.


One of the easiest ways to raise your vibrations is to eat high vibrational foods like broccoli. This simple dish is nutritious, tasty and super easy to make. The Black Pepper is a great way to remind us that there's an unlimited amount of abundance for everyone to benefit from, so don't put unnecessary limits on yourself, as the universe isn't, and it's here to serve you while you serve these delicious treats to your guests!


1 ¼ cups of Dark Chocolate Chips 3 tablespoons Sugar ¼ teaspoon Fine Sea Salt ⅔ cup Milk 3 Egg Whites ½ cup cold Heavy Cream 8 drops Wild Orange Fresh Orange Zest for topping optional.



1. Add the chocolate chips, sugar and sea salt to a blender. 2. In a small pan heat the milk until it starts to simmer then add the milk to the blender and let it stand for 1 minute. 3. Blend the mixture on a medium-high speed for 1 minute until well combined and smooth. 4. Add the egg whites and Wild Orange and blend on a medium speed for 1 minute. 5. Pour the mixture into 4 small glasses and chill in the fridge for at least 4 hours or overnight. 6. Before serving whisk the heavy cream until stiff peaks form and dollop a scoop on top of the fully chilled mousse and sprinkle with orange zest if required.

EXPERIENCE Well, we all deserve a treat now and again. This decadent mousse will satisfy the sweetest of cravings and the Wild Orange adds a zesty twist while helping to show us that within us there is abundance and it is infinite. There's more than enough for everyone! The rich chocolate flavours feel luxurious and help to create an abundant mindset. You deserve abundance, and if you fancy it, you deserve this dessert too!



½ cup hot coffee or espresso ½ cup milk ½ Vanilla Bean 1 teaspoon Honey Toothpick Swirl Lavender



1. Heat the milk, vanilla bean and honey until it comes to a simmer. 2. Add a toothpick swirl of Lavender, check the flavour and add another swirl to reach personal taste. Let it sit for 5 minutes then strain to remove the vanilla bean. 3. Pour hot coffee into a mug then top with the hot milk. You could froth the milk before you add it, if desired.

EXPERIENCE It doesn't get more luxurious than a Vanilla Lavender Latte, as this unique and soothing drink will have you flowing in abundance. It's a soothing way to start your day or the perfect drink to serve during a work meeting or brainstorming session to keep energy and vibrations high and going in a positive direction. This drink will leave you feeling affluent and flowing in abundance, acting like a magnet for attracting more of what you desire.


3 Tea Bags 1 cup fresh Lemon Juice 3 tablespoons Honey 1 drop Bergamot 3 drops Wild Orange Lemon and Orange Slices for garnish if desired.



1. Add the teabags to a heatproof jug and add 4 cups of boiling water and allow to steep for 4 minutes then remove the teabags. 2. Stir in the honey while the tea is still hot to allow it to melt. 3. Once cooled, stir in the lemon juice, Wild Orange and Bergamot. 4. Pour over ice and garnish with lemon and orange slices if desired.


Do you seek assurance that you're on the right path? Take a time out and enjoy this cool refreshing drink while you clear your mind and take some relaxing deep breaths. Enjoy the stillness and let yourself be reassured that everything is going to work out the way that is right for you. The Bergamot and Wild Orange will uplift you, giving you the confidence to continue on your journey with joy and trust.



GRAPEFRUIT & POMEGRANATE VODKA SOUR 1 ½ oz Vodka 1 oz Pink Grapefruit Juice ½ oz Lemon Juice ½ oz Honey Pomegranate Syrup 2 drops Wild Orange 1 drop Grapefruit

Honey Pomegranate Syrup ½ cup Water ½ cup Honey ½ cup Pomegranate Juice

1. Make the Honey Pomegranate Syrup, add ½ cup water and ½ cup honey together and mix until the honey dissolves. Add ½ cup of pomegranate juice and mix well until fully combined. 2. Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker and fill ¾ with ice. Shake until chilled. 3. Strain and pour into a glass filled with crushed ice. 4. Garnish with fresh grapefruit and a sprig of rosemary if desired.


Celebrate the wins with this uplifting and fruity cocktail. Enjoy this antioxidant filled cocktail and take a minute to be grateful for your successes, acknowledging and being thankful for them. The more we recognise our successes, no matter how small, the more successful we will feel, thereby raising our vibrations and helping us to attract more abundance within our lives.


1 cup Frozen Mango 1 cup Fresh Pineapple ¼ cup Coconut Water 3 drops Lime



1. Place all ingredients in a blender and blitz until smooth. 2. Pour into two glasses and drink immediately. 3. Tip: Use frozen pineapple if you like your mocktail to be slushier or fresh mango if you want it less slushier. 4. Add Tequila to make an adult version.


Enjoy this frozen mocktail (or cocktail) when you want to appreciate the little things in life and fill your heart and soul with gratitude. It's fruity which will naturally help raise your vibrations and uplift you, allowing you to regain your positive outlook and continue to manifest the life you want to live. The appreciation you feel for life will bring joy to your heart and give you a real zest for life, clearing all negativity and discouragement and encouraging the heart to grow and change in a positive direction.








Add the oils using the directions on your diffuser.

This blend is great to use when working with your finances. Call in abundant money and eliminate money worries, as where there's fear, lack and negativity will follow. Remember, money is an energy and needs to flow, so use this blend to work out how to get money flowing in your direction. Use this blend to focus on your positive money mindset, as it will remind you that you are successful and you can continue to be so!







Add the oils using the directions on your diffuser.

There's enough for everyone in this life and you deserve to receive all that you desire. Use this blend to stay focussed on abundance. There are no limits on abundance. If you can dream it, desire it and expect it then you can have it. This blend will soothe and uplift you so you don't go into a lack mentality, allowing you to stay focussed on what you desire and not on what you don't. Energy flows where your intention goes!






Add the oils using the directions on your diffuser.

You are worthy of abundance! There's enough for everyone and you truly deserve it. Use this blend to help you appreciate your true worth and to see the beauty within you. You're enough and you deserve the world, so don't let any limiting beliefs tell you differently!







Add the oils using the directions on your diffuser.

Your dreams are limitless, did you know that? What's holding you back from reaching them? Use this blend to focus on your dreams and visualise them being reality, believing they have already come true. How would that make you feel? Now carry those high vibrations into your reality and manifest what it is you desire!






Add the oils using the directions on your diffuser.

Use this blend to stabilise your thinking and regain some focus on what you want to achieve and the journey you want to take. It's hard to manifest when your thoughts are rushing around all over the place, so focus your thoughts, rebalance and look for that security you need to bring some stability into your life... What would make you feel stable? Money? Love? Family? Whatever it is, use this blend to focus on it with balance and high vibrations, calling in what you truly desire.



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