LAVENDER Lavender is the oil of communication and can be used to help you communicate your requests to the universe when working with abundance. It helps us to create deeper connections within ourselves and others by learning to communicate authentically. The more you allow yourself to speak your truth, the easier it will become and the more confident you will become doing it. You deserve to be heard. The universe is listening and Lavender will help you to communicate effectively and to know what it is you want to say. When calling in abundance you need to be clear, specific, authentic and honest. Lavender will improve your communication so people can better understand your vision. It will even allow you to more easily notice how you talk to yourself, so you can pay closer attention to what you're telling yourself. Use Lavender to become aware of what you're saying to yourself and eliminate any negative self-talk and limiting beliefs, as it will help you recognise these thoughts before you verbalise them and bring them into the physical world. Verbalisation is a great form of manifestation so make sure you're using it to get what you desire, rather than reinforcing what you don't want. It will help you find a new, positive way of talking to yourself which is more aligned with an abundant mindset. The more you use Lavender the more you will speak your truth and be able to be heard. Use your newly found voice to call in abundance and ask for what you desire so you can more easily fulfil your wildest dreams...