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Our Global Office Team is willing to speak at women’s events or conferences.
Empowerment – Kimberly Hobbs
Teaching – Julie Jenkins
We are a team unified in His love and will intentionally pray about any presented opportunities to speak at your next event.
Join us at Keiser University in West Palm Beach, FL for our seasonal events for a time of praise and worship, prayer, guest speakers, and gathering.
Experience God’s extravagant love and your exquisite purpose through the Women World Leaders’ podcast that focuses on teaching, inspiration, and encouragement. Our prayer is that as your intimacy with God grows, your love for one another will flourish, enabling you to live out a courageous, purpose-driven life, fueled by the Word, led by the Spirit, and propelled forward into your God-given destiny through fearless faith! From His heart to yours, we are Women World Leaders!
Oh, the glory of each step we take together as we walk through yet another season with you brings me tremendous joy. We get to experience the sights and sounds that different times of the year bring as we share about Jesus, our Lord and Savior. God certainly has incredible things in store for you and this ministry throughout the year and every year onward.
We celebrate the harvest once a year. We see the beauty of a splendid autumn day, bringing a spectacular array of color bursts to our eyes. We smell the aroma of familiar scents: a pumpkin cooking, apples baking, and spices that remind us of things we love to consume. And we hear the rustling of leaves as we rummage through them on our walk. All this makes it ever so clear what season we are in. Wherever we are in this world, we all experience seasons as we walk through this one life we live. The Bible has so much to say about the goodness of change and how God’s presence is with us every step of the way. He continuously provides and gives blessings.
As the founder of Women World Leaders, I wish you to know it is our desire as a ministry to instill in you God’s love and show you that He desires nothing but His best for you. We know you will find true security when you look to His Word, listen to His voice, and follow His steps through the change of seasons within your life.
There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens (Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV).
Seasons change, but God remains the same! While there may be seasons of life that are difficult and challenging, leading us to question their purpose, we can always be assured God is working in us. He will bring good out of every situation. As you read Voice of Truth today, we pray you will be empowered to follow God’s steps and that His guiding footprints will lead you to the incredible purpose He has designed specifically for you. There is a reason God has placed you in this very season. You have value in being where He has you. May this time in your life reveal His voice, and may it speak truth as you walk in His footsteps, drawing you closer to Him.
As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease (Genesis 8:22 NIV).
There are blessings in the harvest; God’s Word says the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. We pray that through reading this edition of Voice of Truth, you will find bushels of food that produce a harvest and a purpose in which God can use you. I always treasure this time with you, and I thank you for reading Voice of Truth when you could be reading any other magazine. I pray God blesses all your precious time as you read with us..
Exceedingly, Abundantly, Beyond,
Kimberly Hobbs Founder & co-CEOEphesians 3:20
Oh, la gloria de cada paso que damos juntas mientras caminamos a través de otra temporada contigo me trae tremenda alegría. Experimentamos las vistas y los sonidos que traen las diferentes épocas del año a medida que Compartir acerca de Jesús, nuestro Señor y Salvador. Dios ciertamente tiene cosas increíbles para ti y este ministerio durante todo el año y cada año de aquí en adelante.
Celebramos la cosecha una vez al año. Vemos la belleza de un espléndido día de otoño, trayendo una espectacular variedad de explosiones de color a nuestros ojos. Olemos el aroma de olores familiares: una calabaza cocida, manzanas horneadas y especias que nos recuerdan las cosas que amamos consumir. Y escuchamos el susurro de hojas mientras las rebuscamos en nuestro paseo. Todo esto deja muy claro en qué estación estamos. Dondequiera que estemos en este mundo, todos experimentamos estaciones mientras caminamos a través de esta vida.. La Biblia tiene mucho que decir sobre la bondad del cambio y cómo la presencia de Dios está con nosotros en cada paso del camino. El continuamente provee y da bendiciones.
Como fundadora de Mujeres Líderes Mundiales, deseo que sepas que nuestro deseo como ministerio es inculcarte el amor de Dios y mostrarte que Él no desea nada más que lo mejor para ti. Sabemos que encontrarás la verdadera seguridad cuando miras Su Palabra, escuchas Su voz y sigues Sus pasos a través del cambio de estaciones de tu vida.
“Todo tiene su momento oportuno; hay tiempo para todo lo que se hace bajo el cielo” (Eclesiastés 3:1 NVI)
Las estaciones cambian, pero Dios sigue siendo el mismo. Si bien puede haber temporadas de la vida que son difíciles y desafiantes, lo que nos lleva a cuestionar su propósito, siempre podemos estar seguros de que Dios está obrando en nosotros. Sacará el bien de cada situación. Mientras lees Voz de la verdad (Voice of Truth) hoy, oramos para que tengas el poder de seguir los pasos de Dios y que tus huellas guíadas te lleven al increíble propósito que ha diseñado específicamente para ti. Hay una razón por la que Dios te ha puesto en esta misma temporada. Tienes valor en estar donde Él te tiene. Que este tiempo en tu vida revele Su voz, y que hable la verdad mientras caminas en Sus pasos, acercándote más a Él.
“Mientras la tierra exista, habrá siembra y cosecha, frío y calor, verano e invierno, días y noches” (Génesis 8:22 NVI)
Hay bendiciones en la cosecha; La Palabra de Dios dice que la mies es mucha, pero los obreros son pocos. Oramos para que al leer esta edición de La Voz de la Verdad, encuentres toneladas de alimentos que produzcan una cosecha y un propósito en el que Dios pueda usarte. Siempre atesoro este tiempo contigo y te agradezco por leer Voice of Truth cuando podrías estar leyendo cualquier otra revista. Oro para que Dios bendiga todo tu precioso tiempo mientras lees con nosotros.
Extremadamente, Abundantemente, Más allá.
Kimberly Hobbskimberly@womenworldleaders.com
Ephesians 3:20
Gospel Grace
Writings from the Global Office
Biblical Profiles
Powerpoints: God at Work Through Women Leaders Yesterday and Today
Following the Son
Sons of Kings
Songs from the Spirit
Beside Still Waters
Ever Interceding
A Beautiful Mess
Through the Eyes of Merci
Faith and Family
Nonna’s kNOWledge
Holy Wellness
Chasing Butterflies Journals
64 66 70 72 76 82 86 88 90 96
A Focus on Him
Coffee Chats
Reheated Coffee
Through a Mother’s Eyes
El Roi... the God Who Sees Me
Red Carpet Ready
Musings on the Book of John
Dear Sister
VOT Stories Global Connections
Kimberly Ann Hobbs – VOT Founder & WWL co-CEO
Julie T. Jenkins – VOT Lead Editor & WWL co-CEO
Kelly Williams Hale – Graphic Designer
Johana Torres – Spanish Translator
Kelley Rene – Editor
Lisa Morrison – Editor
Kerri Bridges – Editor
Jo Anne McKinney – Proofreader
Shelly Haas – Proofreader
Arlene Salas – Giving Acknowledgments
Kimberly Ann Hobbs – co-CEO
Julie T. Jenkins – co-CEO
Lisa Hathaway – Business & Finance
Diana Brown – Prayer
Jessica Morneault – Events
Connie Van Horn –Encouragement Ambassador
Kelly Williams Hale – Graphic Arts
We hope you have a BLESSED day!
The silence of the warm Nigerian night was pierced with gunfire and terrifying cries of “Allahu Akbar!”
A large man wearing fatigues and brandishing an automatic rifle stepped out of a Jeep. “This village, its livestock, fields, possessions, and people now belong to the Fulani tribe. Any villagers who remain will be dealt with accordingly.”
A young soldier approached the leader, shoving an elderly man covered in blood-spatter. “I found this Christian crying out to Jesus to save some old woman. But, of course, it did no good,” he smirked. “She couldn’t even walk, so I shot her and put her out of her misery.”
“Who are you?” the leader demanded as he knocked the man to the ground.
“I am Ayotunde Okombe, pastor of this village,” he calmly replied.
“So, you are responsible for teaching these people to worship a false god,” the leader sneered.
“We worship the one true God who makes peace with us through His Son, Jesus Christ,” the pastor boldly stated.
The leader smashed the butt of his rifle against the old man’s head. “Silence, Infidel! You will not preach to me,” he spat. “But I will offer you a gift of salvation. Deny your Jesus and submit to Allah, and you shall live.”
The leader pulled the crumpled pastor to his feet and dragged him to where he could lean against a building. He stepped back and leveled his rifle at Ayotunde, who was
bleeding profusely. “Your time is up, Infidel! You may have your Jesus or your life. What is your answer?”
“First, you must know that although you have killed my wife, I forgive you, and Jesus will forgive you as well. He loves you.”
“You are a fool!” the terrorist said as he raised the rifle.
Ayotunde made his choice known by quoting from the first chapter of Philippians, “I hope that I will have sufficient courage so that now, as always, Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”
Although this story is fictional, scenarios just like it play out in the middle belt of Nigeria on a regular basis; they happen all over Africa, in Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, India, China, North Korea, and Myanmar, among many other countries. So, what kind of faith would enable someone to give up his life, like Pastor Okombe, rather than deny Christ?
No matter where and under what conditions we live, when we are without Jesus, we will always have an innate sense deep within that something is lacking. And we rarely can live up even to our own expectations or values. Can any of us sincerely say we have always been 100% honest in every situation? Have we never been petty or selfish or said something deliberately hurtful to someone who’s hurt us? Even despite how we may try, we are incapable of living a life free of guilt or regret.
In the Bible, God makes it clear that our natural condition is flawed and sinful. Isaiah 64:6 explains,
All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags (NIV). Even if we actually manage to live our lives as righteously as is humanly possible, it still only amounts to a pile of smelly, disgusting rags in God’s sight.
But Romans 5:8 counters with, God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (ESV). Jesus willingly took our place when He was crucified. He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree [cross], that we might die to sin and live to righteousness (1 Peter 2:24 ESV).
People like Pastor Okombe have embraced the free gift of salvation that offers them not only life and freedom on earth but life for all eternity. They are living proof that having a relationship with God through Jesus changes people in a way nothing else can. How else can their willingness to die for their faith be explained? Even though they suffer
Simply pray,
“God, I recognize that I am a sinner in need of a savior. Thank You for paying the penalty for my sin through Your Son, Jesus.
I accept Your gift of salvation and ask that You fill me with Your Spirit as I submit my life to You.”
persecution, they know the truth of John 8:36: So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed (ESV). Even those who are imprisoned or sold into slavery understand that the Spirit living within them can never be contained. They have adopted the Apostle Paul’s attitude in Romans 14:8, If we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s (ESV).
If you have never experienced this kind of faith, it’s yours for the asking. Simply pray, “God, I recognize that I am a sinner in need of a savior. Thank You for paying the penalty for my sin through Your Son, Jesus. I accept Your gift of salvation and ask that You fill me with Your Spirit as I submit my life to You.”
In the United States, we are blessed to live in a country where we can worship freely. Please pray for those who suffer persecution daily and let their unwavering devotion to serve God, regardless of cost, inspire you. You can learn more about Christians who are suffering for their faith at barnabasaid.org.
Julie Harwick lives to encourage and share what God is doing in her life through writing, speaking, singing, and acting. She is a podcaster for WWL’s “Celebrating God’s Grace.” Julie can be contacted at janharwick@bellsouth.net
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
(John 8:36 NIV)
Elsilencio de la cálida noche nigeriana fue atravesado por disparos y gritos aterradores de “¡Allahu Akbar!”
Un hombre corpulento que vestía uniforme y blandía un rifle automático salió de un jeep. “Este pueblo, su ganado, los campos, las posesiones y la gente ahora pertenecen a la tribu Fulani. Cualquier aldeano que se quede será tratado en consecuencia ”.
Un joven soldado se acercó al líder, empujando a un anciano cubierto de salpicaduras de sangre.
“Encontré este Cristiano clamando a Jesús que salve a una anciana. Pero, por supuesto, no sirvió de nada ”, sonrió. “Ella ni siquiera podía caminar, así que le disparé y la saqué de su miseria.
“¿Quién eres?” Exigió el líder mientras tiraba al hombre al suelo.
“ Soy Ayotunde Okombe, pastor de este pueblo”, respondió con calma
.“Entonces, eres responsable de enseñar a estas personas a adorar a un dios falso”, se burló el líder.
“Adoramos al único Dios verdadero que hace las paces con nosotros por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo”, el pastor afirmó con valentía.
El líder golpeó la cabeza del anciano con la culata del rifle. “¡Silencio, infiel! No vas a predicar
Para mí”, escupió. “Pero te ofreceré un regalo de salvación. Niega a tu Jesús y sométete a Alá, y vivirás. ”
El líder levantó al pastor desplomado y lo arrastró hasta donde pudiera apoyarse contra un
Edificio. Dio un paso atrás y apuntó con el rifle a Ayotunde, que sangraba excesivamente. “Tu tiempo es arriba, infiel! Puedes tener a tu Jesús o tu vida. ¿Cuál es tu respuesta? “
“Primero, debes saber que aunque has matado a mi esposa, yo te perdono, y Jesús te perdonará tambien. Él te ama. “
“¡Eres un tonto!” Dijo el terrorista mientras levantaba el rifle.
Ayotunde dio a conocer su elección citando el primer capítulo de Filipenses: “Espero tener suficiente valor para que ahora, como siempre, Cristo sea exaltado en mi cuerpo, ya sea por la vida o por la muerte. Porque para mí, vivir es Cristo y morir es ganancia ”.
Así que, si el Hijo os libertare, seréis verdaderamente libres.
(John 8:36 NVI)
Aunque esta historia es ficticia, escenarios como este se desarrollan regularmente en el cinturón medio de Nigeria; En toda África, en Afganistán, Irán, Pakistán, India, China, Corea del Norte y Myanmar, entre muchos otros países. Entonces, ¿qué tipo de fe permitiría a alguien dar su vida, como el pastor Okombe, en lugar de negar a Cristo?
No importa dónde y bajo qué condiciones vivimos, cuando estamos sin Jesús, siempre tendremos un sentido innato en lo profundo de que algo falta. Y rara vez podemos estar a la altura de nuestras propias expectativas o valores. ¿Alguno de nosotros puede decir sinceramente que siempre hemos sido 100% honestos en cada situación? ¿Nunca hemos sido mezquinos o egoístas o hemos dicho algo deliberadamente hiriente a alguien que nos ha hecho daño? Incluso a pesar de lo que intentemos, somos incapaces de vivir una vida libre de culpa o arrepentimiento.
En la Biblia, Dios deja claro que nuestra condición natural es defectuosa y pecaminosa. Isaías 64: 6 explica: Todos somos como inmundos, y todas nuestras justicias como trapo de inmundicia (NVI). Incluso si realmente logramos vivir nuestras vidas tan justamente como sea humanamente posible, solo equivale a un montón de trapos malolientes y repugnantes a la vista de Dios.
Pero Romanos 5: 8 contradice, Dios muestra su amor por nosotros en que siendo aún pecadores, Cristo murió por nosotros (NVI). Jesús voluntariamente tomó nuestro lugar cuando fue crucificado. Él mismo llevó nuestros pecados en su cuerpo sobre el madero [cruz], para que muramos al pecado y vivamos a la justicia (1 Pedro 2:24 NVI).
Personas como el pastor Okombe han abrazado el regalo gratuito de la salvación que les ofrece no solo vida y libertad en la tierra sino vida para toda la eternidad. Son la prueba viviente de que tener una relación con Dios a través de Jesús cambia a la gente como nada más puede hacerlo. ¿De qué otra manera puedes explicar tu disposición a morir por tu fe? Aunque sufren persecución, conocen la verdad de Juan 8:36: Así que, si el Hijo os libertare, seréis verdaderamente libres (NVI). Incluso aquellos que están encarcelados o vendidos como esclavos entienden que el Espíritu que vive dentro de ellos nunca puede ser contenido. Han adoptado la actitud del Apóstol Pablo en Romanos 14: 8, Si vivimos, vivimos para el Señor, y si morimos, morimos para el Señor. Así que, ya sea que vivamos o que muramos, del Señor somos (NVI).
Si nunca has experimentado este tipo de fe, es tuyo si lo pides. Sólo ora: “Dios, reconozco que soy un pecador
que necesita un salvador. Gracias por pagar el castigo por mi pecado a través de Tu Hijo, Jesús. Acepto tu regalo de salvación y te pido que me llenes con tu Espíritu mientras te entrego mi vida ”.
En los Estados Unidos, tenemos la bendición de vivir en un país donde podemos adorar libremente. Por favor, ora por aquellos que sufren persecución a diario y deja que tu inquebrantable devoción por servir a Dios, sin importar el
costo, te inspire. Puedes aprender más sobre los cristianos que sufren por su fe en barnabasaid.org.
Julie Harwick vive para animar y compartir lo que Dios está haciendo en su vida a través de la escritura, el habla, el canto y la actuación. Es presentadora de podcasts de “CelebratingGBT Grace” de WWL. Puedes contactar a Julie en janharwick@ bellsouth.net
Of all the magazines I get, this one is the only one I keep. Whenever I want to be encouraged or motivated with Jesus, I pick up one of my copies of the magazine that touches my heart every time Voice of Truth.
God gives me a wink and I know He is speaking in my life through these fantastic articles. He points me to His Word every time.
I love the Voice of Truth.
Kristen • Palm Beach, FL
Sólo ora: “Dios, reconozco que soy un pecador que necesita un salvador. Gracias por pagar el castigo por mi pecado a través de Tu Hijo, Jesús. Acepto tu regalo de salvación y te pido que me llenes con tu Espíritu mientras te entrego mi vida.”
Experience God’s extravagant love and your exquisite purpose through the Women World Leaders’ Podcast that focuses on teaching, inspiration, and encouragement.
Our prayer is that as your intimacy with God grows, your love for one another will flourish, enabling you to live out a courageous, purpose-driven life, fueled by the Word, led by the Spirit, and propelled forward into your God-given destiny through fearless faith! From His heart to yours, we are Women World Leaders!
World Publishing and Productions was birthed in obedience to a calling by God.
Our mission is to empower you—the writer and artist—to walk in your God-given purpose and to share your God-story with the world. We offer one-on-one coaching and a complete publishing experience. Each contract is tailored to fit your needs.
Empowering you to share your God-given story with the world.
God’s grace is thrilling beyond words, but how can it be described?
Grace is one of God’s attributes—it is who He is. Its simplest definition is unmerited favor or unconditional love. If we did not have God’s grace in our lives, we could not go on with a purpose to serve Him and be a light to a world without hope.
We do not earn or deserve God’s unmerited favor or His unconditional love, and circumstances, such as our good behavior, never limit either. God’s grace is His love poured out for all of us, even when we are unlovely. Have you ever been ugly to somebody? When we are hurt or hurt others, unforgiveness often leads to a broken relationship. How can we go on serving God if we allow hurt to fester in our relationships, are unforgiving toward others, or decide not to do our best to care for the hearts and feelings of others? We cannot. Our purpose in serving God and building His kingdom for His glory is thwarted when we refuse to operate in His grace.
Grace is all that which we do not deserve. It is most clearly expressed to us in the promises of God, revealed in Scripture and manifested in Christ.
In grace, God gives nothing less than Himself, as He did in Jesus Christ’s act of redemption that bridged the otherwise insurmountable chasm between God and sinners. If we are Christ followers, we live every day by the grace of God—both receiving forgiveness according to God’s grace and being infused with the ability to transform our desires, motivations, and behaviors so we can forgive others. “By the grace of God, I am
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
(2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV)
what I am.” I cannot imagine where my life would be without God’s forgiveness for me through Jesus Christ. I am a wretched person, but God, in His grace, equips me with the freedom to empower others by giving me what I do not deserve—the freedom to serve my King.
Circumstances in life can challenge us and suffering will come upon us, often putting us in tricky situations. But God’s Word tells us that He gives us grace to help us in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16 NIV).
Our God of grace can restore you, confirm you, strengthen you, forgive you, and establish you. Despite whom you have been or who you are now, God is a God of grace, mercy, and love to you. His love reaches and exceeds your own limitations of belief. Today, let us thank God for the grace
He gives us to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We can each become a vessel to be used for His glory because of His grace. May we all desire His gift of grace.
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me (2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV).
Kimberly Hobbs Founder & co-CEOkimberly@womenworldleaders.com
3:20I am writing this note to express how happy I am that this incredible magazine has blessed our happy home. I have 3 daughters who are being impacted by the content. It creates some “table talk” for our conversation at the dinner table lately, which I never anticipated.
It’s been a blessing to receive your publication. Thank you, Women World Leaders.
Francine Yokem | Denver, Colorado
Charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
(PROVERBS 31:30)
Nathan was a prophet who, like all prophets, heard the Lord’s voice and was responsible for sharing God’s messages. His story is told primarily in 2 Samuel 7 through 1 Kings 1, highlighting his hefty calling that required complete faithfulness to God.
King David, shortly after he settled into his palace, shared with Nathan that he had decided to build a house for the Lord. Being an encourager, Nathan responded, “Whatever you have in mind, go ahead and do it, for the Lord is with you” (2 Samuel 7:3 NIV).
But that night, the Lord came to Nathan and gave him a lengthy message for David: In a nutshell, God promised to establish David’s throne forever, but declared that it was to be David’s offspring, not David himself, who would build a temple for the Lord.
The Bible records the prophet’s loyalty. Nathan reported to David all the words of this entire revelation (2 Samuel 7:17 NIV).
How loyal are we in our response to God? Like Nathan, do we listen carefully to God’s instructions and follow through in complete obedience? It can be tempting to listen and respond to the “easy” parts of God’s call on our lives yet ignore the more challenging aspects. Regardless, God calls us to respond and obey fully.
Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession.
(Exodus 19:5 NIV)
What I admire most about Nathan is not just his faithful obedience to God, but that he never shared God’s mighty words pridefully. Instead, he conveyed each precious message with gentle and direct love. This can be seen later when Nathan is tasked with confronting David about his sin.
2 Samuel 12:1 records The Lord sent Nathan to David (NIV). The Bible reader has just gone through the saga of seeing the great King David fall into a pit of sin. First, David had sex with Bathsheba, who was married, and when she discovered she was pregnant with his child, the King had Bathsheba’s husband killed (you can read the intricacies of this story in 2 Samuel 11). Scripture does not record that the Lord told Nathan HOW to confront David, yet we see Nathan’s gifting of carefully speaking the hard truth in love as he approaches David with a story.
“There were two men in a certain town, one rich and the other poor. The rich man had a very large number of sheep and cattle, but the poor man had nothing except one little ewe lamb he had bought. He raised it, and it grew up with him and his children. It shared his food, drank from his cup and even slept in his arms. It was like a daughter to him.
“Now a traveler came to the rich man, but the rich man refrained from taking one of his own sheep or cattle to prepare a meal for the traveler who had come to him. Instead, he took the ewe lamb that belonged to the poor man and prepared it for the one who had come to him.” (2 Samuel 12:1-4 NIV).
David, a true man after God’s heart, was appalled by the story, proclaiming, “As surely as the Lord lives, the man who did this must die! He must pay for that lamb four times over, because he did such a thing and had no pity” (2 Samuel 12:5-6 NIV).
It is then that Nathan reveals the parallel of the story to David’s own atrocities towards Bathsheba’s husband, leading David to the understanding, “I have sinned against the Lord” (2 Samuel 12:13 NIV).
Nathan had a tough assignment—to point out King David’s sin. And he did, but he did so with love and finesse that brought the king to his knees in repentance.
As we read about Nathan’s life, let’s take these two essential lessons to heart.
First, we are to listen to God carefully and obey Him fully. We can trust He will always guide us in the right direction.
Second, when we are called to speak a painful truth to another, we can—and should—lean on God to guide us to speak with gentle love.
So above all else, let love be the beautiful prize for which you run (1 Corinthians 13:13 TPT).
(1 Corinthians 13:13 TPT)
’Twas mercy brought me from my Pagan land, Taught my benighted soul to understand That there’s a God, that there’s a Saviour too: Once I redemption neither sought nor knew...1
Growing Phillis Wheatley was a slave, a woman, a poet, and a Christian. This was a unique combination for Pre-Revolutionary Boston, much less any other place or time.
Born in West Africa, Phillis’ earliest memory was being kidnapped from her family at age six or seven. She did not write about her own suffering but lamented her parents’ loss: “What sorrows labour in my parent’s breast? Steel’d was that soul and by no misery mov’d that from a father seiz’d his babe belov’d...” 2 When she arrived in Massachusetts, her whole identity became wrapped up in her position as a slave: she was named after the slave ship in which she had endured the horrors of the Middle Passage, the Phillis. It was fortuitous for Phillis that instead of being enslaved by farmers who would use her for manual labor, she was bought by the well-off Wheatley family to be Mrs. Wheatley’s personal servant, destined to take care of her as she grew old. The Wheatleys recognized Phillis’ abilities and taught her how to read (something that would
later become illegal in the Southern slave states). It is estimated that “within eighteen months of arriving in the [American Colonies], Wheatley had been able to read the most difficult passages in the Bible, and by twelve she was reading Greek and Latin.” 3
Women in 18th-century America had limited educational opportunities. Poor women received little or no education, while genteel women were taught the basics of reading and writing and other accomplishments that would fit their expected roles as wives and mothers. God’s providence had led Phillis to an acquaintanceship with a family that encouraged their daughters to learn. The extended Mathers family were the descendants of Increase and Cotton Mather, leading ministers of their day. The Mather girls had access to their family’s extensive library. From the many classical references in her poetry, it is likely that Phillis had access to that library as well. A recent biographer states, [the Mather girls] “were Wheatley’s cohort. Some of them may have taught her, shared books or showed her how to get them...they became her first readers.” 4
1767 in the Newport, Rhode Island, Mercury.” 5 In 1773, at age 20, Wheatley became the first African American to publish a book of poetry. After her book, Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral was published, the Wheatleys finally freed their remarkable slave. Phillis used her writing to address the issues of the day. A strong supporter of the American Revolution, she wrote poems that expressed her Thoughts on Tyranny, one On General Gates praising his victory at Saratoga, and she sent one To His Excellency George Washington. Washington wrote back to her, acknowledging her kindness and talent. Phillis’ poem to George Washington was later published by Thomas Paine.
But by far the most common theme of Wheatley’s poetry was her Christian faith. Influenced by the preaching of George Whitfield, the revivalist who sparked the Great Awakening in America, it seems Phillis trusted Christ not long after arriving in America. In one of her earliest poems addressed to students at Harvard, she encouraged them to pay attention to:
As soon as she could write, Phillis began composing rhymes. At 13, “Wheatley—after hearing a miraculous saga of survival at sea—wrote ‘On Messrs. Hussey and Coffin,’ a poem which was published on 21 December
The blissful news by messengers from heav’n, How Jesus’ blood for your redemption flows. See him with hands out-stretcht upon the cross; Immense compassion in his bosom glows; He hears revilers, nor resents their scorn: What matchless mercy in the Son of God! 6
Some may question how a slave could embrace the faith of her masters. Phillis abhorred slavery, but she saw the hand of God in her being transported to America. In On Being Brought from Africa to America, she said, “’Twas mercy brought me from my Pagan land” and introduced her to God and Savior. She undoubtedly took comfort from the ex-slave Joseph’s message to his enslavers: As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good. (Genesis 50: 20a NASB).
1 Wheatley, P. (1773). On being brought from Africa to America. In Poems on various subjects, religious and moral. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/409/409-h/409-h.htm
2 Wheatley, P. (1773). To the Right Honourable William, Earl of Dartmouth. In Poems on various subjects, religious and moral. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/409/409-h/409-h.htm
3 Graves, D. (2023, June 12). Phillis Wheatley was a slave, a Christian, and a widely-known poet. Christian History Institute. https://christianhistoryinstitute.org/it-happened-today/6/12
4 Waldstreicher, D. (2023). The odyssey of Phillis Wheatley: A poet’s journey through American Slavery and Independence. Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, p. 43.
5 O’Neal, S. (n.d.). Phillis Wheatley. Poetry Foundation. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/phillis-wheatley
6 Wheatley, P. (1773). To the University of Cambridge, in New-England. In Poems on various subjects, religious and moral. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/409/409-h/409-h.htm
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There we were. At the southernmost tip of Florida, in Key West. Ready for our sunset sail! My husband and I had anticipated this for weeks, and it was finally time. However, no one else had signed up, so we figured they’d cancel. To our surprise, they said they’d still take us out as they had crew members who could use the training. We expressed our gratitude, and they gave us the royal treatment. Talk about a great “Christmas gift.” It was a win-win for all!
Have you ever had something to offer but felt it wasn’t worth it for just one? If you’ve ever been the recipient of such a gesture, like we were, you probably felt extra special. Most likely, a bond was formed, making it even more memorable.
As the owner and operator of Go LifeSavers, sometimes I only have one participant in a class. Holding a CPR training for one person didn’t always seem to be the best use of my time. However, God usually shows me He meant for the training to be oneon-one. He encouraged me to take the opportunity to lean in, listen more closely to their needs, and end by asking if they’d like prayer. Most people welcome it, accept a hug afterward, and leave feeling blessed. That sounds like a good use of time, right? Absolutely!
Maybe you feel like you aren’t worth God’s time. Maybe you don’t even think He notices you. Well, let me tell you, you are worth it, and He sees you.
From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind (Psalm 33:13 NIV).
He is jealous for you. In Jeremiah 1:5, God says He knew us before He formed us in the womb. He wants nothing more than to have a relationship with us. The question is, do we see Him? Do we want to know Him? Do we want to follow Him? Is it worth it?
The Lord looks down from heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. (Psalm 14:2 NIV)
This reminds me of the story of Hagar in the Old Testament. When an angel of the Lord prophesied over her, Scripture records, She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me,” for she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me” (Genesis 16:13 NIV).
We are all going to spend eternity in heaven or hell. We must admit we are sinners and recognize our need for the Savior. Ask Him into your heart, start a relationship with Him, and follow Him for the rest of your days. It won’t always be smooth sailing, but it will definitely be worth it. He gave His One and only Son to die on the cross for us. We owe it all to the One.
If you don’t know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and want to know how to begin a relationship with Him, please reach out to us at prayer@ womenworldleaders today. Tomorrow isn’t promised. The Lord is waiting to give you the royal treatment in Heaven.
Michele Hughes, a #1 best selling author, resides in Jupiter, Florida, with her husband. They own and operate GoLifeSavers. com where Michele has taught CPR classes since 2011 as the lead instructor. Michele holds a master’s degree in education and serves on the leadership team in Women World Leaders. She loves the Son/sun, family, paddle boarding, travel, and encouraging others.
And giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of His holy people in the kingdom of light. For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
(Colossians 1:12-14 NIV)
We can spend a lifetime building a resume that speaks to and gives a summary of who we are and what qualifies us to fulfill a position. We can spend a lifetime trying to measure up, make the mark, and meet the benchmarks of being “qualified.” Qualifications of the world weigh against our creditworthiness and what we have earned to be deemed eligible or ineligible, and this is a fair exchange; however, despite what the world may have deemed you as ineligible for or not creditworthy of, Sons of Kings, it is God and God alone who qualifies. Glory be to the God who does not qualify you based on your past mistakes but seeks to keep you close in the bosom of His covenant.
Don’t disqualify yourself if God has already qualified you as He has spoken in His Word. Don’t take your cards off the table just yet because you are reading the room and think you are not measuring up! Stay at the table; YOU ARE QUALIFIED. Colossians reminds us that we are to thank the Father, not ourselves or anyone else for that matter, for what He has qualified us to share in as beneficiaries of His inheritance. This is an inheritance for which you do not have to revise the paperwork and don’t need a co-signer… God says that He has spiritually qualified you to do what He called you to do.
Sons, do not allow the enemy to talk you out of what has been stored up in the kingdom for you. You have been rescued, restored, and redeemed from the dominion and captivity of darkness, and now you stand “qualified” for your kingdom inheritance.
We invite you to join us as we hand out these beautiful LOVE cards that are the actual size and feel of a credit card. By simply sharing with whomever God places on your heart, you can impact a life for eternity.
While out and about in your day-to-day routine, hand a card to someone on the street and watch them smile. Give one to your waitress at your favorite restaurant with her monetary tip, and she will light up. Share with a friend, a co-worker, or someone you meet as you stand in line or in a waiting room. Women are being blessed everywhere by receiving these lovely cards.
When you share one, be sure to instruct the recipient to scan the QR code on the back with their phone. When they do, they will be taken to the Women World Leaders landing page and given the opportunity to watch a life-changing 6-minute video provided by our friends, The Heaven Guy Team. Available in six languages, the video shares true love—the gospel message of Jesus Christ.
As a ministry, we can track how many people open the page, watch the video, and check the box proclaiming they have accepted Christ. We can also contact and disciple anyone who chooses to leave their information in the provided section.
Go to womenworldleaders.com, click the “ Donate” tab, and designate your gift of $25.00 or more to “ WWL LOVE CARDS” via the dropdown menu. We will send you 50 of these lovely cards, and you can begin sharing the gospel message in such a beautiful way, with the love of Jesus Christ boldly proclaimed by each card. This offer is available in the USA and internationally. Try scanning the QR code on this page to watch the video in any of the provided six languages now. Then visit us at womenworldleaders.com to begin your mission of sharing the gospel—one card at a time!
A seed, a single seed. How quickly it can grow if we don’t know how to tend the garden of our mind. The enemy knows well which seeds to plant—and he knows where and when to plant them. Today I watered a seed, knowing it wasn’t of the Lord. I traded in the fruits of the Spirit for weeds. I let this seed root up my peace, my joy, my self-control. As I write this, my heart hurts because I see how easily the enemy uprooted what God had planted. Roots I thought were deep weren’t deep enough to hold on to the truth and ward off the lies.
Scripture tells us to meditate on what is excellent and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). God promises to keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast and trust in Him (Isaiah 26:3). God’s Word is a light to our path (Psalm 119:105), and it has the power to extinguish all the flaming arrows the enemy tries to throw our way (Ephesians 6:10-20). The Word of God is overflowing with scripture to support the truth that doubt, fear, worry, and shame are not from Jesus!
Days like today are strong reminders of why it’s so important to know what God’s Word says. I wrote my song “That’s Not Jesus” on a day much like today. Except on that day, I chose to hold steadfast to the truth. I began to meditate on God’s Word, then speak it, then sing it: “That’s not Jesus! I am a child of the King! I have authority!” This song flowed from my spirit and became a song of victory.
Most of us aren’t taught how to fight with scripture. It took me losing a lot of battles to realize the battle was not mine to fight, or at least to learn I should not fight it alone. We all have access to the winning team’s arsenal, God’s Word. When you feel you are being attacked, find scripture that opposes the false belief you are fighting against. I googled ‘scripture to fight lies’ and found multiple lists to draw from. Then I read the scripture and turned my focus to Jesus. He is my comforter, truth, peace, joy; He is our heavenly Father, and we are His beloved children. He is El Roi, the God who sees!
Begin looking for scriptures that speak over the lies. God saw the battle before you were in it. He has prepared a way out and left you all the weaponry you will ever need. His Word is alive and active. Ephesians 6:17 calls the Word of God a sword—pick up your sword and know it well, so when the day comes that you need it, you are prepared to win the battle.
My prayer is that as you listen to this song, you will find yourself singing with authority! Now go, overcome the evil one as you testify the truth!
Sara Sahm is a musician and songwriter. She recently became the worship leader for Woman World Leaders. Sara serves on the prayer team in her church and leads worship at local gatherings. She resides in Jupiter, Florida, with her husband and two young girls. She is a busy mom but tries to find a balance between home and ministry. You can download her songs for free at sarasahmmusic.com or watch videos on YouTube @sarasahm5437
There is a huge hole in my heart
Lord, only You can hold and heal
The wind rises up against my face, my body, my mind
It rips tears in my skin
Exposed and bleeding
Piercing my thoughts
Stabbing my heart
Stealing my sleep and peace
I am caught in the whirlwind
I am lost in the eye of the storm
No answers
No path
No one visibly with me
Sad, the tears come, invited or not
But I am reminded of You and the love
You say and show for me
I am not alone, even when I can’t see You
I am in Your Arms, held even though I can’t always feel it
I am walking through the fire and slowly stepping up very steep steps!
No understanding of where I am traveling or how to get there
You know the way
You know the end destination
For me and for my loved ones
You are my everything
Nothing, absolutely nothing, will allow me to take my eyes off of You
Nothing, absolutely nothing, will fill and heal my heart but You
My loving, gracious, and capable God
Guide me
Let me experience Your Love – unlike any other love imaginable
Take me every step of the way home to Your waiting arms, loving eyes, and the Father who saw and held every tear
I was asked by a friend, “Why do we pray, as God knows it all?”
That is a great question—because not only does the Lord know us, but He knows us each on a deeply intimate level.
O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether (Psalm 139:1-4 ESV).
God knows everything, yet He answers according to His will and His glory. Prayer encompasses so much. I am reminded of C.S. Lewis’ saying—”[Prayer] doesn’t change God. It changes me.”
Prayer is communicating with the Lord. He communicates with us as we read His Word, and we communicate as we pray. It is so simple, yet it is so deeply profound. Prayer is a two-way street. To pray is to sit at His feet and allow Him to pour into us. It is crucial for us to be EVER INTERCEDING!
Please read and contemplate this list of why God is calling you to pray. This is not an exhaustive list, but I hope it will whet your appetite and possibly even encourage you to do some studying on prayer.
Let’s explore the Word together on why pray:
1. Jesus is our example. He sought His Father through prayer.
Then Jesus went with them to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to his disciples, “Sit here, while I go over there and pray” (Matthew 26:36 ESV).
Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them (Hebrews 7:25 ESV).
Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples” (Luke 11:1 ESV).
2. Jesus recognized the need to give thanks to the Father.
Then he ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass, and taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and said a blessing. Then he broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds (Matthew 14:19 ESV).
3. We owe God our thanks, too.
Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen (Jude 24-25 ESV).
4. Prayer is a command.
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 ESV).
5. Prayer has power.
The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working (James 5:16b ESV).
6. Prayer shows our dependence on our God, who is all-sufficient.
Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me (2 Corinthians 12:8-9 ESV).
7. God calls us to pray.
And he told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not lose heart (Luke 18:1 ESV).
8. God is waiting to act on behalf of our prayer.
If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples (John 15:7-8 ESV).
9. Prayer demonstrates our faith. (Our ministry verse-)
Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us (Ephesians 3:20 ESV).
10. God fights on our behalf in answer to our prayer.
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm (Ephesians 6:10-13 ESV).
11. Whatever our prayer, we can rest assured we have a high priest in heaven (Jesus) who hears it.
For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15 ESV).
12. Jesus, our high priest, understands how we’re feeling. Therefore, we can come with confidence to His throne.
Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16 ESV).
The Scriptures not only encourage us to pray, but they also point out the many different ways we can come to God in prayer.
1. Pray to alleviate anxiety and worry.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God (Philippians 4:6 ESV).
2. Pray for one another:
Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working (James 5:16 ESV).
3. Pray for strength.
Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints (Ephesians 6:18 ESV).
4. Pray to support the ministry of others.
At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ, on account of which I am in prison (Colossians 4:3 ESV).
So why should we pray? Perhaps the best reasons are that Jesus told us to, and the world needs it. Jesus Himself encouraged His disciples and followers “always to pray and not lose heart” (Luke 18:1 ESV). And if Jesus, our ultimate example, made time to be ever interceding, we can be certain that it’s also valuable for us.
We can never go wrong following Jesus, especially when it means spending time in prayer with our Heavenly Father. May we be people known to be intercessors for the sake of the kingdom and each other, in Jesus’ name!
Your turn:
How has prayer changed you? How have you seen the Lord work in through your prayer life? Why do you pray or not pray? Please share with us. We at Women World Leaders love hearing your stories! Reach out via email: Diana@womenworldleaders.com
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.
(Philippians 4:6 ESV)
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
(Matthew 6:33 NIV)
I am so incredibly thankful for Women World Leaders.
This ministry has been instrumental in my walk with the Lord and my healing.
I have been honored to serve alongside women who are passionate about empowering God’s girls.
The Voice of Truth magazine is a powerful resource
not only for myself but for so many others.
Lives are being transformed through the Word of God.
I love WWL!
Everysummer, I set aside time to reflect on the past school year and think about the school year to come. I take an inventory of where my kids did well and saw measurable success and where they may have struggled and had some difficulties.
There are many areas I consider inspecting when weighing these successes and difficulties. As their mom and teacher, I am not just worried about their brains when it comes to learning and education, but also their well-being as whole people. I take into consideration their overall health, including mental health, emotional health, social life, and spiritual life.
Since each of my kids is vastly different, they require different forms of learning, social outlets, health needs, mental health needs, and direction in their
spiritual lives. When I write out my three kids’ names and multiply all these areas of specificity, it is exhausting to think I have managed to guide them in the right direction all these years. Thankfully, early on I found my saving grace in including God in all my concerns and praying for direction for their lives and their upcoming years. God is faithful and always guides our paths.
As I approach my tenth year teaching my kids, I am in awe as I go down memory lane and the paths we have taken together. It hasn’t always been easy; some days were downright awful, messy, and exhausting, while many other days I will remember with a smile on my face for the rest of my life. Along this almost decade-long journey, I found a quote that has proven true in my life. Lisa T. Shepherd said, “In raising my children, I have lost my mind but found my soul.”
God is faithful and always guides our paths.
“In raising my children, I have lost my mind but found my soul.”
This quote resonated with me when I read it.
Looking back, there were definitely days I felt like I was losing my mind, and there were even some days I felt like I was losing my sense of who I was as I watched my days fly by before my eyes. Wake up, do chores, teach, clean, sleep, repeat. But this year, while sitting alone looking out into the ocean, I see things clearly. Although I may have felt like I was losing my mind through all these years raising and homeschooling my kids, I found so much more. In the struggle of helping my kids discover who they were in Christ, how they learned, and how they should show up to the world, behave, and act, I discovered so much about myself.
I have learned how to be healthier while helping my son with his autoimmune challenges. I have discovered how to overcome my own personal issues and weaknesses in the areas of mental health while I navigated the waters for my daughter toward her own personal healing. I have identified how to be better at kindness, patience, and loving others while teaching my kids how to respond to bullies and drama with their teenage friends. I have learned what true faith is when having to completely trust God with my kids and their safety as they leave me and go on bikes, jet skis, golf carts, airplanes, buses, and cars and zoom off without me with them. I have truly discovered my authentic self while holding my kids’ hands as they have found who they are meant to be.
With the light at the end of my homeschooling tunnel coming into view as my kids are all teenagers, this season is bittersweet. I am relishing all the moments now as the years seem to grow short. I enjoy the moments in my kitchen when it’s late at night, even bedtime, but they decide to make a second dinner and talk their hearts out about their days. I appreciate the “tea time” moments on my girls’ beds. I savor the times my son still grabs to hold my hand while we are walking, knowing one day it will be the last time.
I have always viewed my “job” as a homeschooling stay-at-home mom as a calling and privilege from God. Even on days when opportunities to work elsewhere seemed shiny and appealing, I always knew deep down in my heart this was my calling. I believe that one day when I am old and gray and God calls me home, He will tell me that my greatest accomplishment was dedicating my life to raising my three kids to be world changers in a world where evil seemed to prevail and everything seemed to be upside down and backward. I am thankful for these years, this opportunity, and this life. What’s the big deal if I lost my mind? I would trade my soul for my mind any day, and so far, it’s all been so worth it.
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Women World Leaders presents “Through the Eyes of Merci,” written by award-winning author Kelley Rene. Kelley writes contemporary fiction to illustrate biblical truths in the mundane, the exhilarating, and even the stormy circumstances of life.
“Through the Eyes of Merci” follows the fictional character, Merci Rivers, as she navigates the challenges of university life. In the last issue, God gave Merci the courage to run from a situation in Clive’s bedroom that could potentially dishonor Him. Now, maturity is on her side as she starts her senior year. It’s time for her to operate within her position of authority in Christ. She must stand in her faith regardless of opposition or discord.
Mercismooths the comforter on her bed and looks around her bedroom. Moving day was exhausting, but she smiles at the results. Purchase textbooks, restock the fridge, and meet the new roomies top Merci’s to-do list her first week back to university. Summer break whizzed by too quickly.
A girl with a swath of thick, straight black hair draping her left shoulder, the other half of her head shorn smooth, appears at the door. “Hey. I’m Baxter.” She steps aside to reveal a blonde sporting a faded retro tracksuit. “And this is my tag-along little sister, Belinda.”
The girls don’t look related, but Merci is happy they’re friendlier than her last apartment mates. “Nice to meet you.” She drops the sweatshirt she’s folding and reaches out a hand. When neither accepts, she drops her arm to her hip and says. “Are you new?”
“She is.” Baxter takes on an air of superiority. “I’m a junior. You?”
“Senior.” Merci smiles, not wanting to sound like she’s one-upping the girl. Last year was tough. She came through with Bs, but not without solid effort. And a lot of prayer. If it hadn’t been for Karis, it would’ve been so much worse.
“Cool. Now we know who to call for beer.” Baxter laughs, and Belinda follows her lead.
“I don’t drink.” Merci’s words drop like a thud, and an awkward silence settles around them.
“You don’t have to partake.” Baxter smirks, turns quickly, and pulls her sister by the arm. “Gotta get the fish back to the dorms.” Belinda trails behind like paparazzi clinging to a rock star.
Merci puckers her lips, then blows out a tuft of breath. Could be worse.
“Feels like a real apartment.” Merci is pleased to meet another roommate already sprucing up the place with curtains and artwork. “Let me guess. Interior design?”
“Nope. Chemistry.” She’s a petite, fair-complected girl with a Czech name Merci promises to learn. “Call me BeBe,” she says with an accent.
Merci loves how the year is starting—until a note and a $20 bill taped to the fridge grab her attention.
Merci, can you pick up a case of cold lagers for me? Keep the change. Baxter
What in the world? That girl’s bold. Merci snatches her keys and heads for the door. Baxter will never know I saw the note.
She glances towards Clive’s door, praying she doesn’t see him. She feels stupid every time she thinks of that night. How embarrassing to just run out of his room like that.
Her cell signals a text just as she plops into the driver’s seat of her sedan.
I left cash on the fridge for beer. Did you get it?
What am I doing? Avoiding her new roomie isn’t the answer—especially since they set up a group text. Instead of escaping, she heads back up to the apartment to explain her stance to Baxter. I may as well get this over now.
It takes grit to go against the crowd.
It takes grit to go against the crowd. Merci is tempted to give in to Baxter’s request. She wants to live in peace with her new roommates and not seem so adversarial. But she also wants to live according to God’s Word. Does the Bible say anything about buying beer for underage drinkers? The boundaries will continue to be pushed if she doesn’t hold to them now. What would you do?
Ephesians 6:10 says, Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power (NLT). Paul goes on to instruct believers to put on the full armor of God in order to stand against all strategies of the devil. God knows we need the belt of truth, body armor of His righteousness, shoes of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit to remain strong, especially when we must do so alone.
Is the enemy pulling you in a direction you don’t want to go? Is he blurring the lines that seem so easily erased? Ask God for the strength to be obedient to His Word. And for the courage to go against what the world might say is acceptable.
Merci faces a common dilemma, one so simple she’s tempted to look away. Why must life always be so challenging? She desires to be a living witness for God, and that fuels her to stand firm. She knows what she must do. But at what cost?
Along with her chapter in Embrace the Journey, Kelley Rene has published three novellas, Saving Sabine, Romanian Runaway, and Kamilah. She is thrilled to be a contributor in the Women World Leaders’ Miracle Mindset: Finding Hope in the Chaos, releasing in 2023. When she’s not scribbling out stories, you’ll find her crocheting, kayaking, enjoying a good book and cappuccino, or cuddling her precious grandbabies. Read more at kelleyrene.com.
Ask God for the strength to be obedient to His Word.
Our world is a battleground. Satan has waged a holy war against those God has called with purpose.
Walking through this world, we all have choices to make. We must choose to live life following our own sinful inclinations or look beyond ourselves and seek God. And God promises that when we seek Him, we will find Him. So when we find Him, we must then decide to continue living on our own or surrender to His will, understanding that He is in ultimate control. As you read these pages, you will recognize with awe that surrendering to God is far more effective than striving alone.
Your ears shall hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” Whenever you turn to the right hand Or whenever you turn to the left.
(Isaiah 30:21 NKJV)
God is talking to you. Do you hear Him? Are you following His steps as He guides you forward?
God wants you to hear His voice. Sometimes it may not seem like He is talking to you, but He is. He wants you to listen to things that will be life-changing for you. God wants to take you on the right path for the remainder of your life, but you cannot follow the way you should go unless you can hear His voice.
God wants to speak with you every day. When you increase your ability to hear Him, amazing things happen. God will remind you of all the goodness and power that comes from hearing Him.
In Jeremiah 33:3, the Lord is recorded as saying, “Call to me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which you do not know” (NKJV).
When you pray, do you ask God to communicate His ways to you?
As we navigate life, things can get dark and take us off course. When we don’t have clear vision, it is essential we distinguish God’s voice as He guides our journey. When we ask God to speak with us, He will. We just need to ensure that our ears are open.
One way we can hear God’s voice with clarity is by staying grounded in His Word. God speaks through His Scripture, so reading it makes us more familiar with His voice. Additionally, as we meditate on and memorize His
Word, the Holy Spirit will bring those powerful words to mind as we step out into the world each day. God’s voice will become louder as He turns up the volume using His living Word. When this takes place, we will recognize the miracle of God speaking to us at just the right moments. The most glorious happening is this: the more you immerse yourself in His Word, the clearer and louder His voice becomes known to you on your path.
Jesus answered them…“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”
(John 10:25, 27 NKJV)
Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
(Psalm 119:105 NKJV)
As we renew our minds, we will be more aware that God is talking to us and that He wants to talk to us daily. He will become part of our everyday life. God is never silent. He will never leave you alone. But you do have a choice to hear Him or not.
So, what do you do now? Expect to hear His very still, small voice—even as He speaks to you this very moment.
God’s voice can become the loudest when you sit with Him in silence. Empty yourself of all the noise around you and feel His presence more than ever before. When you hear God’s voice nudging you, you will feel energized and inspired to walk with Him. Hand in hand, God will lead you through His creation everywhere you go! The best news is you will hear His voice of truth as He guides you which way to turn, whether it be to the left or to the right.
When you listen, you WILL hear God’s voice!
God’s voice can become the loudest when you sit with Him in silence.
The Huge, intimate, expensive, or low-budget— family reunions can be as diverse as the individuals in attendance. Spontaneous or action-packed, there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all family event. But one thing they all should have in common is the joyinfused memories produced.
The matriarch side of our family plans a reunion every five years. In that timeframe, kids graduate, get married, have babies, and grow our family at an alarming rate! Most years, we have four generations present, so of course, it includes many opportunities for photo ops and portrait poses after granny-andtoddler-naps. Multi-generational olden-days and when-I-was-a-young-girl stories are shared with amazement and wonder for the little ears to hear. Sibling rivalry always shows up to recruit others in affirming the real details of the past, filling the air with laughter. Reminiscent times and memories of past generations become the blessings and beginnings of legacies.
Those in attendance span interests from outdoorsy nature lovers, marathon runners, and sports enthusiasts to quilters and couch potatoes. Schedules, new jobs, relocations, life’s challenges, and the miles between us, at times, prevent some members from attending. Other years, a distant aunt and uncle
or second cousin who no one rarely hears from surprisingly shows up and becomes the life of the party and the children’s coolest relatives. During this year’s reunion, our family was blessed to celebrate the eldest matriarch’s 97th birthday. She recognized all 70+ faces!
Since our family’s reunions have grown to the size of a baseball league, we now gather in destinations near family members who, in turn, become the reunion hosts. Surveys supply family activity interests, location preferences, and available dates for the gathering. A family Facebook page announces preferences and ideas, identifies nearby hotel locations, and keeps us connected as plans materialize.
Organizing meals for a group of 60 to 80 people is certainly a challenge. This year a food truck fed the masses with brevity so the kids could get back to their games. This dining experience boasted choices for distinguished pallets such as walkabout tacos, burgers, hot dogs, and cheesy nachos. A table area the size of a sports field provided a resting spot to enjoy conversations together as the kids ran off their sugar rushes from sodas and ice cream.
God, our heavenly Father, established families from the very beginning. Marriage and family are at the
center of His design as He directed Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply in Genesis 1:28 (NLT). Psalm 127:3 says God gives children as a gift, and in Isaiah 44:3, He promises blessings for our children. Abraham became the Father of all nations, and Jacob’s family became the nation of Israel (Genesis 29-30). In Ephesians 6, Paul teaches about family relationships, the foundation of human society. God designed families to show love, provide security, and be trusting as a gift and blessing from God. His plan also teaches us grace, forgiveness, kindness, obedience, sorrow, joy, and so much more.
The next time you attend a family gathering, don’t miss God’s blessings, His joy, and His love for His family and yours.
Donna grew up in a Christian home and attended church weekly with her family. She and her husband, Keith, have been married for 39 years and have a son. Donna loves singing, traveling, and spending vacations and holidays with her three grandchildren. She is passionate about teaching and facilitates small group Bible studies. Family is important to her, which is why Donna is delighted to write this Faith and Family column for Voice of Truth magazine.
Do you ever feel like you are floating alone on a raft in the middle of a large sea of despair? Do you ever feel lonely even though you have friends and family nearby? When you are walking through life overwhelmed, it is easy to feel alone. When the busyness of daily chores pile up like autumn leaves on a lawn, loneliness can creep in as you try to tackle too many responsibilities at once.
Perhaps you are a young, single mom trying to work and serve as mom and dad at the same time. Perhaps you are an older woman who lost your husband due to divorce or death. You may even be married, but the trials of life make you feel like you are in a relationship by yourself. You may be happily married, trying to conceive a child, but the inability to do so leaves you empty and alone.
When the walls of life feel like they are closing in, you need to refocus your attention on God. Matthew 28:20b says, And behold I am with you always, to the end of the age (ESV). If you are anything like me, you may know in your head that God is always with you, but let’s be real, sometimes it does not feel that way. When the burdens of life pile up, it’s easy to feel lonely and alone.
If you have a relationship with Christ, you are
never alone. Do you know that God is omnipresent and omniscient? Omnipresent means there is no place God’s knowledge and power do not extend. Basically speaking, God is present everywhere at the same time. Omniscient means having infinite awareness, understanding, and insight. Simply put, God knows everything. The Bible actually says God knows everything and is everywhere at the same time.
Psalm 139:1-6 (ESV) says, Oh Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit and when I rise up; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether. You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it.
I asked my ten grandchildren (ages 5-13) if they like to be alone.
The consensus? No, they like to have friends and family nearby.
I asked my three adult children and their spouses the same question. Their responses were quite different. Now in their 30s and 40s with multiple young children at home, they all said, “I would love some time to myself to be all alone!”
Life is like a roller coaster. We can choose to cry and scream, or we can praise the Lord and embrace the journey.
These words are life-changing and powerful. The Bible speaks truth and can change our hearts, minds, and souls. The difficulty is getting these biblical truths from our heads to our hearts. The best way to make God’s wisdom and truth come alive is to praise Him. Worship and praise can be done at any time, in any place. You can worship quietly or loudly, alone or with others, any time of day or night, in any situation. God is always with you and listening to your every word.
Psalm 139 continues in verses 7-12 (ESV): Where shall I go from your Spirit?
Or where can I flee from your presence?
If I ascend to heaven, you are there!
If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!
If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me.
If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be night,” even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is as bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you.
When my children were little, I always put them to bed with a song. After the bedtime routine, a tuck, and a prayer, I would sing a simple worship song to put them to sleep. The repetitive words of truth would be the last thing they heard. A song is a great way to repeat godly words that can penetrate your heart. My children now sing worship bedtime songs to their children. It is a fun and easy way to pass on biblical truths while wrapping our loved ones in God’s presence.
Praising God can break every chain of despair. Worshipping God can melt away all fear. Be confident in knowing that since God knows everything and is
everywhere at the same time, He is present listening to our worship and praise. God speaks to us through His Word.
So, do you ever feel like you are floating alone on a raft in the middle of a large sea of despair? If so, worship God! Do you ever feel lonely even though you have friends and family nearby? If so, praise the Lord!
Hebrews 4:12 says, For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart (ESV).
God’s Word is alive and active and can fill every void in your heart, mind, and soul. God is with you always. You are never alone!
Carolyn Joy is a Southwest Florida Real Estate Agent, mother of three married children and Nonna to eleven grandchildren. She serves in her church and helps lead a women’s Bible study in her community. She’s the author of two devotional journals, The Overflow of the Heart and Let Your Heart Overflow with Joy, which encourage scripture memorization and writing prayers. Her novel, Out of the Grey Zone, demonstrates God’s grace, mercy, forgiveness, and unconditional love.
I have loved ‘The Proverbs 31 Woman’ for as long as I can remember. You may know who I am speaking of—she is written of in Proverbs 31:10-31 and is an inspirational figure. She seems to have it all together. But although we know perfection is not reality, there is much we can learn from this scripture.
The Proverbs 31 Woman is a godly example of faith and strength, setting the ideal for women today—even when it comes to adrenal health. Adrenal fatigue, commonly known as burnout, or a state of chronic physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress causing adrenal dysfunction, can be an all-too-common ailment for many women. It’s important for us, the modern-day woman, to take proactive steps toward maintaining healthy adrenals so we can take on life’s daily challenges with confidence and resilience.
So let’s examine the lifestyle of The Proverbs 31 Woman together to find some tips for each of us to stay well and avoid burnout. Let’s use her example to set some goals—one goal at a time—to create wellness in our lives and learn to live so we can accomplish all the things God desires for us without experiencing burnout.
(PROVERBS 31:14–15 NIV)
If she followed the Jewish diet, which we can imagine she did, The Proverbs 31 Woman also included hormonebalancing foods, like cruciferous vegetables and seed-based oils, into her meals, providing essential fatty acids to keep her hormones in balance. Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food” (Genesis 1:29 NIV). Additionally, we can imagine she avoided processed sugar, which is so prevalent in today’s diet and can negatively affect our energy levels.
In terms of lifestyle choices, The Proverbs 31 Woman understood the importance of resting well so she could rise early. Rest allows the body ample time to heal and restore itself, and sleep helps regulate cortisol levels so we feel energized during waking hours.
Although it seems like this woman did it all, theologians recognize that this woman is a composite portrait. No one person can do everything she did! But something we should all emulate is that in her life was a balance that allowed her to keep her love of life intact. She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come (Proverbs 31:25 NIV). By being selective about what tasks she devoted her time and energy toward, she avoided burnout while still managing functional productivity levels.
Lastly, the Proverbs 31 Woman fears the Lord (Proverbs 31:30 NIV). We can imagine, then, that she took time to spend with the Lord even in the midst of her busy day. Practices such as mind-body exercise or meditation offer great benefits as breathing deeply helps keep cortisol levels regulated.
(PSALM 46:10 NIV)
These are some of the key strategies that The Proverbs 31 Woman employed when it came to adrenal health. By being aware of how much rest she got; practicing stress management techniques; eating well; and engaging in regular time spent with the Lord, she set an awesome example for other women today on how we can live a balanced life full of vitality and wellness despite life’s daily stresses.
Melissa is a wife and mom of tween and teen boys who are a huge inspiration in her life. She is a best-selling author who leads workshops and retreats to help women encounter a wellness journey, and find rest and stillness amidst the busy lives they live, so they can experience a peace that surpasses all understanding (Phil 4:7). She has been practicing holistic wellness as an entrepreneur for over ten years, practices and teaches Christian meditation, and has surrendered all areas of life to God. Learn more from Melissa on all social media platforms @melissakesslerwellness
I feel the Holy Spirit every time I open each magazine.
The reason why we are so adamant about sharing these stories with you is that the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus.
Voice of Truth magazine is a door of hope.
A path for biblical truths to be shared and invitations for others to know the love of Christ Jesus our Savior.
This is why we are alive, so that others may have the opportunity to know Him.
Dianelli Snapp Saluda, South CarolinaWhat would it look like if Women World Leaders partnered with a local coffee shop in Sanford, Florida to empower lives with purpose? For starters, it would look like a bag of freshly roasted, washed Costa Rican beans and natural Ethiopian beans blended to perfection sitting on your kitchen counter. With notes of honey, vanilla, milk chocolate, and cocoa, you can’t go wrong.
We rejoice in God merging our missions together, partnering to serve Him — from empowering women to rescuing many from the plights of human trafficking. You can join our hearts and hands by purchasing a bag of coffee. All the proceeds will be shared between Women World Leaders & Love Missions.
Palate Coffee Brewery is blessed to have won taste quality awards; always roasted in His love, to perfection.
We love because He first loved us.
(1 John 4:19 NIV).God’s entire mission can be summed up in four letters: L – O – V – E!
H ave you ever heard the term “agape love”? Agape love is love in action. It is the purest form of love—the kind God has for us. The entire Bible is God’s love story to us.
L ove wins!
L ife is full of people who will try to hurt us or reject our love. Sometimes, they will come at us with painful arrows in the form of harsh words, insults, or just being plain hurtful. How do we love these difficult people in our lives? Pain and wounds are real. They hurt. And it is natural for us to want justice—to want things to be fair. So how do we love
hard even when it hurts? When we naturally want to run away or surround ourselves with people who love us in return? We are ruled by emotions and often seek what feels good. So how do we dig up the kind of compassion God calls us to? There is only one way.
G od.
G od is love.
T hat’s it.
It’s just love.
T he message is love. The only emotion that we should allow to rule our life is love. We take this from within the spirit that God put in us. We dig up the love and forgiveness that God showed us and use that to love others in the same way. Easy, right?
Not always!
G od wants to make us like Him. God is love, so we are to love others hard, even when it hurts. When we do, we might be loving someone who truly needs it. Love heals. Pray for that hard person in your life. You never know what path God has called others to endure.
Q uiet your noisy soul.
A quiet spirit is God‘s spirit.
O nly speak what is love.
G od perfectly placed a particular woman In my life many years ago. She was very unkind to me. She constantly pointed out my physical flaws and often spoke negatively behind my back, clearly
illustrating that I wasn’t good enough to be in her family. I felt so rejected by this person.
A t first, being ruled by emotions, I wanted to exclude her from my life. I thought she didn’t deserve my love. As time went on, I found out about this woman’s childhood, learning that she had been raised by an abusive mother. As a result, she didn’t trust women, nor did she desire to be close to them. She never knew a mother’s love.
Even though this woman is much older than me, I felt God calling me to love her in action. At first, I didn’t want to because she had hurt me in so many ways. But God said, “Just love her.” Let’s just say I obeyed while kicking and screaming on the inside. I learned that my pain wasn’t about how
she treated me but rather more about how I felt on the inside. I didn’t want to let it go and trust God to heal us both.
T hrough my experience with this woman, I learned that to grow and see true change, we must each look at ourselves first. Change me, first, God. We can’t change others; we can only change ourselves.
I had to change me first.
A ll events are settled in eternity. This person who hurt me is God’s child, too. Love hard, because God loves you. See all people as Jesus Himself. See them through God‘s eyes. Remind yourself: It’s not about me. It’s about the mission. If we truly know the Bible, we know the mission, and we need to live with purpose and always walk in love. We can love in action. When others give up and leave, love will still be here.
BY HIS LOVE. LOVE WINS.T his kind of love never gives up. It will endure all things. God will give us the grace we need to show difficult people this kind of love.
A gape love is not selfish.
It puts others before and above ourselves.
A gape love is kind even when we speak truth—it allows us to speak truth with kindness.
A gape love is not jealous.
A gape love is patient and loving.
It’s not a feeling. It allows us to pursue patiently all God has set before us, even when we don’t want to show love in action.
T he Holy Spirit pours out the love of God in our hearts. We can embrace it by showing love in action. The greatest demonstration of God’s love was when He sent His only Son into the world to give us life through Him. This is agape love. Jesus had excellent reasons not to like some people, but He always loved them. Love is not a feeling. Love is an action, and our responsibility is to love others actively, whether we like them or not.
T he woman I previously spoke of is still in my life. Today, I am able to love her because God loves me. I intentionally love her in action. With my actions, God is tearing down walls, strengthening relationships, breaking generational curses, and showering His love on those who need it most.
G od commanded us to love.
G od‘s love is not based on how we feel or how good or not good we are.
L oving others takes courage. Love is the very thing that unites people.
I f we want to be like Jesus, we must love the unlovable, forgive the unworthy, and do good to those who can’t repay us. When we love like Jesus, it changes lives. May God turn darkness into light, miracles into butterflies, and allow us to see how His touch dramatically changes lives.
L ove wins.
It’s just love.
Am agnificent Great Horned Owl sat camouflaged at the base of a tree in my sister’s backyard this past Mother’s Day, and I captured this portrait photo before I realized it was dying. As soon as I became aware a problem existed, I called many rescue centers for help to no avail–they were all closed for Mother’s Day. The owl slid off the tree onto the ground when its legs became paralyzed. I quickly scooped it up and carefully placed it in a box with towels to keep it warm in preparation for transport. Unfortunately, it died within minutes as a result of a toxic environment.
T his majestic apex predator, which I originally thought had a leg injury, turned out to be the victim of rodenticide. When I reviewed my photos later, I noticed it displayed all the classic symptoms. It was slowly being paralyzed by a poisoned rat it had eaten. Once a rat eats bait, it slows down and becomes easy prey for owls and other raptors. When ingested by those predators, they also die from the same poison. No amount of medical help could save the owl, but seeing such a beautiful creature die needlessly was heartbreaking.
We are losing our beautiful wildlife population very quickly because of these baits. The truly sad part is that owls and other raptors are actually the best solutions to a rat problem if we would just allow nature to take its course the way God created it!
A s I reflected on this horrible event, God impressed upon me that people become like those whom they associate with. Their spirit is being poisoned because of the toxic environment they are in.
T he Bible tells us in Proverbs 18:14, The human spirit can endure in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear? (NIV).
(Proverbs 17:22 NIV)
G reat news exists for you if you feel your spirit is being crushed. The psalmist shares The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18 NIV).
Wow! Rather than staying in a toxic, negative environment, we can change our surroundings by running to the Lord, who is waiting for us with open arms. By spending time with Him in His Word,
He will detoxify and heal our crushed spirit from the inside out of the poisons we’ve ingested in this world. Then we will no longer be paralyzed by the toxins and fears that have overwhelmed us. We can be victorious in Jesus and be overcomers. We can be filled and strengthened with the joy of the Lord and rise to new heights of who God created us to be, glorifying Him all along the way.
I n memory of the Great Horned Owl, “Whoo” do you choose to associate with? Choose wisely.
Lillian’s passions are nature photography and serving God. She is a best-selling author, award-winning photographer, and a regular contributor to Voice of Truth magazine. Lillian uses her photography and writing talents to glorify and honor God for His beautiful creation.
Visit, like, and follow her websites: www.HisCreationsLLC.com, www.LillianCucuzzaPhotography.com, Facebook and Instagram @HISCreationsLLC, or email her at Lillian.HisCreations@gmail. com.
“What do you hope for?”
The world is in such chaos.
Everyone is fighting for something.
People are fighting for their rights, politics, immigration, and other causes like never before.
These all are important, but so is human trafficking.
But WHY is there no outrage?
I see thousands of people in the streets holding up signs to protest any number of things.
But WHY not for child exploitation?
WHY are people ignoring human trafficking, child pornography, child rape, and child abuse?
Over 2 million children are trafficked around the world every year.
The United States is one of the top-ranking countries for human trafficking. In fact, it is 3rd in the world.
Yes, this is happening to our children in our neighborhoods. Right here. In America.
The average age of a child who is trafficked in the United States is 12 years old. That’s the average. That means there are victims who are older and victims who are much, much younger. THAT should make us want to protest—raise our voices for our children.
But WHY aren’t we protesting?
Every day, children are being bought, sold, drugged, and abused. They are being lured in through gaming, apps, social media, and the internet. These children are becoming victims of heinous crimes.
But WHY do we not crowd the streets for our children?
Instead, we ignore it. Pretend it’s not happening.
If it doesn’t affect us, it’s easy to turn a blind eye.
I wish someone had fought for me.
I wish someone had not just looked and then turned away.
I wish that those who knew of my abuse would have said something. Done something. Fought for me.
But WHY did everyone stay silent?
WHY aren’t we speaking up now?
There are hundreds of thousands of children around the world being affected. Hoping that someone will care enough to help.
But WHY aren’t we screaming at the top of our lungs about this horrible injustice?
One day it could be your family member.
Would you fight, then? Would you care, then? Would you use your voice, then?
Would you fight against manufacturing companies, rich pedophiles, and trafficking rings? Would you fight against websites and apps that allow child pornography to be shown and shared?
Would you fight if your child or a family member had pictures online for others to buy?
But WHY aren’t we fighting for them?
As my faith grew, so did hope. And soon, I realized my heart was healing.
They’re somebody’s child.
It’s a crime that affects us all, even if we don’t want to think about it.
Traffickers don’t care about politics, color, age, gender, socio-economic background, race, religion, ethnicity, or any other demographic.
But WHY do we ignore it as if it couldn’t happen in our family?
WHY don’t we fight against human trafficking like we do all these other things?
WHY aren’t more celebrities and leaders standing up and protesting against those that labortraffick children or profit off of selling children for sex and porn or harvesting organs?
WHY are these industries making billions of dollars off our children while we turn the other way?
These are supposed to be our most precious, priceless gifts.
God’s precious children.
Our futures.
Our next teachers, lawyers, business owners, nurses, artists, scientists, and presidents.
But WHY don’t we protect them?
Their dreams will never be realized if you, us, we, don’t take a stand for our most vulnerable.
If Christians and the faith community would rise up...
If we would all fight for this like we fight for other things…
We could save our children. And trafficking would end.
Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow (Isaiah 1:17 NIV).
But WHY don’t we?
Could it be that it’s easier to look the other way?
Could it be that we might just have to make a sacrifice? FIGHT
It’s time to stand up so that the victims of trafficking are no longer asking, “BUT WHY won’t someone help me?”
I’m a Survivor. Leader. And the President of Love Missions Global, an organization dedicated to educating and fighting for our most vulnerable.
Join me in the fight today. Fight for the ones who can’t fight for themselves. Be the advocate they need.
We can start NOW!
Since writing this article, the movie “Sound of Freedom” has come out. I was invited by Governor DeSantis to come to the governor’s mansion over a year ago to see the trailer. This movie is getting people talking about the horrors of trafficking, which is always good. It’s doing incredible in the box office, even beating out the new Indiana Jones movie. I love all the talk, good or bad, because it brings awareness.
But, as the newness of this movie fades, the talk will die down, and people will no longer be thinking about the atrocity of human trafficking. But for those who have survived this or are still living it, there is no going back.
Watch the movie. Join me in the fight for the vulnerable.
Here are a few ideas on how you can help.
n Like and follow Love Missions Global Facebook and Instagram page.
n Share this article.
n Be a voice. Tell people about the dangers of human trafficking in our country and around the world. We must not be silent.
n Get educated
n Donate to organizations that are working in this field.
n Buy coffee from Palate Coffee Roasters
n Serve at an organization near you
n Fill out the contact form at womenworldleaders.com and join in as we encourage women around the world to stand for justice.
Newborn motherhood is nothing short of chaotic. And as I’ve found, newborn motherhood with four other children is a whole different level—one that I felt both unqualified and totally unprepared for.
My five children are ages 6, 5, 4, 2, and 2 months. Upon our baby’s birth and unexpected NICU stay, we were also actively dealing with my husband’s coaching of our oldest son’s 8u baseball team and 5-year-old daughter’s t-ball team and attempting to finish the school year successfully, which included constantly chauffeuring four kids to the multiple places they needed to go. On top of it all, I was trying to find rest and peace as I recovered from my postpartum hormone shift.
Many days I cried, and so many days I spent yelling. Despite trying desperately to get in the groove, it felt like I would never get
there. I was so tired and barely spent any time in God’s Word. I was trying to find rest and comfort everywhere except with the only One who could ultimately fill my cup.
Psalm 46:10 came to mind, He says, “Be still and know that I am God” (NIV). I was questioning my capability, questioning whether I was cut out to be a mom of so many wild children— four of whom are boys. I cried as my 2-yearold was carried off the baseball field in the middle of a game, totally stuck in a self-made shame cycle. I wasn’t resting in the goodness of God’s miracles; I was distracted by the busy.
As a result, I failed to recognize the blessings happening around me. My 6-year-old was teaching boys about Jesus in the dugout. My once-introverted daughter was making friends with everyone at the baseball fields. And my once too-difficult-to-take-in-public
child was now attending multiple games a week and thriving!
I finally began to understand I needed to loosen up the reigns a little bit and realize that, in these sometimesoverwhelming moments of motherhood, my simple call is to rely fully on God’s presence as I serve Him. I don’t need a spotless house to be the mom He called me to be. And God never requires me to “bounce back” emotionally or physically. All He wants me to do is to love these babies with my whole heart—including my cold coffee, messy bun, and yoga pants—and show them Jesus through my words and actions.
I needed to give grace to my 2-year-old, who just became a big brother for the first time. I needed to give grace to my 4-year-old, who didn’t want to hold the baby right away. I needed to give grace and be patient with my 5-year-old, who started to find that his attitude could merit undivided attention. And I needed to be okay with accepting help to watch the kids, so I could cheer on my sweet 6-year-old while he excels doing something he loves.
Jesus says in Matthew 11:28-30, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (NIV).
Sometimes we need to rest, to just be still in God’s presence, so we can clearly see what God has blessed us with and allow Him to show us that this season will fly by. I am learning that I don’t need to enjoy every second of every season to enjoy it fully. With God’s help, I am qualified to be who He has called me to be; and I can trust that He has adequately prepared me for everything I encounter. So I can enjoy memories and moments, even without hot coffee or a spotless house.
As we look back over time, we can see the path of our lives and even the condition of our country as a string of interconnected decisions. This retroactive perspective shows us the accumulated results of many years and reminds us that when we lack awareness, a slow fade can happen at any time. Choices that are tiny in and of themselves can become an entangled web over time.
“Slow Fade” is a term my husband and I have used with our girls to express the inherent nature of small decisions that go against God’s design as expressed through His perfect Word. What you may think is insignificant can quickly infringe on the very morals you hold so firmly. This release can take shape in many ways. For example, through an attitude of silent tolerance or willful ignorance in hopes of not causing conflict or not wanting to be seen as “no fun.” Or it can result from being passive, as your quiet presence supports what you fundamentally disagree with.
Recently, one of our girls recognized the slow fade in her life. What started as a minor issue, over time became more extreme, causing
her to look back and wonder, How did I get here? The world had drawn her in with a disguise of ‘harmless’ fun, and she believed that since she wasn’t doing the harmful things everyone else was doing, she would be guarded from the effects of the sin. As parents, it is painful to watch your child choose a toxic environment. They don’t recognize the self-inflicted wounds nor see the evil roots only bandaging the symptoms and effect.
We often justify our actions or inactions, not looking at their root cause or overall impact. Although we commonly discount our sins of omission, this is directly addressed in James 4:17: Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it (NLT).
The slow fade is happening all around us. And the devil uses our inattentiveness to stunt our relationship with Jesus Christ. But we can combat this by being open to evaluating ourselves—not out of a place of self-condemnation, but out of love and eagerness to be more like God.
interesting story based on the hot springs to the north and cold purified springs to the south that, as they flowed to Laodicea, became lukewarm and unhealthy to drink. Jesus used this as a message to those who were completely out of fellowship with Him. When we neglect to hold to God’s hard truths, we lack purpose and become useless to His kingdom. The slow fade occurs, and we become separated from God as we are filled with the world’s impurities.
We should consistently pray for ourselves and others to develop awareness and wisdom to not fall into the devil’s trap. The Bible calls for our actions to be decisive—hot or cold. When we go with the flow and are swayed by the world, our deeds become harmful and distasteful to God. As said in Revelation 3:16, “But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!” (NLT). Our daughter has come to realize and personalize the example of the city of Laodicea. She shared and related to this
Our fear of missing out and other conflicting principles are deceptive and can compromise our faith, revealing a lack of commitment to God. But we can guard against that by spending time in God’s presence and allowing Him to speak into our lives. We prioritize whatever or whomever we consider important. Do we make God a priority? Are we intentional about spending time in prayer? What about going to church, being in fellowship? As our daughter recently said, “If you truly believe in God, you should feel a sense of urgency to walk with Him daily.” There is a big difference between a relationship of convenience and one of dedication, which takes effort. The only relationships to survive the test of time are those placed as a top priority and worked on daily. Our relationship with God is no different. That really does sum it up.
(JAMES 4:17 NLT)
It’s easy to allow that slow fade to creep into our lives. But if we hold tightly to God, He will allow us to see the slight progression that threatens to remove us from His will, and He will give us His wisdom to weed out those actions before they take over. On the other hand, the world tries to entice us down paths that are crooked and dangerous by cloaking them in deceit. As Proverbs 21:8 states, The guilty walk a crooked path; the innocent travel a straight road (NLT). God’s Word is guaranteed to keep you on the straight and narrow path. No matter how small our choices seem in the moment, they all matter and add up. We should all feel a sense of urgency to stand for truth, because if we don’t, it will be impossible to avoid the slow fade.
Diane is a professional independent planner with over 40 years of experience in the hospitality industry - planning, contracting, and executing meetings and events worldwide. (www.ExecutiveDiamond.com) She and her husband Les have been married over 31 years and have three beautiful adult girls. Doing life together is important to Diane as she supports his pastoral role and enjoys helping others have a healthy marriage. As AACC certified coaches they specialize in pre-marriage, marriage fundamentals and threatened marriages through Breakwater Coaching and in their ministry, HALO Highway, Healing Arts Life’s Oxygen. (www. HALOHighway.com) She can be reached at Diane@ ExecutiveDiamond.com
Life is hard.
Sometimes life gets tiring as it goes on and on, with both good and challenging times. But although the challenges we face can seem to come out of nowhere, God sees you still.
My life has been extremely full lately with my graduate studies in clinical and mental health counseling and three teenage children—including a daughter who just graduated from high school. College preparation is underway for her, and there are so many uncertainties that cause anxiety to rise in my soul.
Recently, as I was preparing to go away for a school board conference by myself at the beach, I was unsettled. I am not used to stopping and “being.” My life is brimming with “doing,” and I find it difficult to take time to be still. I know I have needed to work on that for a long time, but I am a servant by nature, so seeking time just to be still does not come naturally. But God. He saw the end from the beginning and knew I needed time to be still and see Him in ways my soul deeply desired.
Each day, after the conference sessions, I took my chair and sat on the beach. I even ate dinner by myself. I honestly didn’t know what to do. It felt so odd to me. I called my mom on the first night and said, “Mom, this is just so weird. I don’t know what to do being by myself.” Her reply was simple but powerful. She said, “Lisa, allow yourself to be still in Him.”
So, I did just that. I stopped, listened, prayed, and soaked in the presence of God. What I began to recognize was that God knew I craved rest in Him. He saw me, saw my heart, and knew exactly what I needed to take time for.
As I sat on the beach each day, just listening to the waves, God gave me a visual of the vastness of His love and how we can stand firm on His foundation.
In my heart, I saw myself on the shore of the crashing waves. My feet were sinking in the sand with my toes curled so I wouldn’t lose my balance. The pounding waves came
crashing in as the water buffeted my legs. Then, with my feet still sunk in the sand and the water flowing back into the ocean, I realized I was still standing.
I was standing firm. I didn’t get knocked down!
This vision was a clear picture of what it means to stand on the firm foundation of God. The storms will tower over us sometimes. They will crash over our hearts and minds. But when they crash in on us, we curl our toes into the foundation and stand strong.
Then, as we watch, our hurts, wounds, sin, shame, storms, and all the enemy has thrown at us are washed back out into the vastness of the ocean. They came in to knock us off balance, but then God. God’s love washes over us and refreshes us.
The ocean is a perfect representation of God’s perfect love—there is NO end to it. All the enemy wants to do to make us fall is washed away as we are covered by God’s love.
When you are in a season of turmoil, I encourage you to stand strong on the firm foundation of Jesus. Even if your feet sink a little bit, the strength of the Lord will sustain you and hold you steadfast. As you stand and even get battered by the crashing waves, lift your head and look out. God is there in the vast ocean, standing right next to you, taking the crashing waves for you.
The God of the Universe sees you. He knows you. And He knows exactly what you need, even when you don’t. Trust His heart. Trust His voice.
Lisa Hathaway resides in Lexington, NC, with her husband, Everett, and their three children. As a special needs mom, breast cancer survivor, and survivor of a tragic car accident, suffering has been intertwined in her story, and she years for others to experience God’s sweetness through their difficulties. Lisa has an MBA and is pursuing her Clinical and Mental Health Counseling degree. She works at The Oaks Therapeutic Community and is an integral part of the WWL leadership team.
A veces, la vida se vuelve agotadora a medida que avanzas y avanzas, tanto en momentos buenos como en momentos difíciles. Pero aunque los desafíos que enfrentamos parecen surgir de la nada, Dios aún lo ve.
Mi vida ha estado muy ocupada últimamente con mis estudios de posgrado en consejería clínica y de salud mental y tres hijos adolescentes, incluida una hija que acaba de graduarse de la escuela secundaria. La preparación para la universidad está en marcha para ella, y hay tantas incertidumbres que provocan que la ansiedad surja en mi alma.
Recientemente, mientras me preparaba para ir solo a una conferencia de la junta escolar en la playa, estaba inquieta. No estoy acostumbrada a parar y “estar”. Mi vida está repleta de “hacer” y me resulta difícil tomarme un tiempo para estar quieta. Sé que he necesitado trabajar en eso durante mucho tiempo, pero soy sirviente por naturaleza, por lo que buscar tiempo para estar tranquila no es algo natural. Pero Dios. Vio el final desde el principio y sabía que necesitaba tiempo para estar quieta y verlo de la manera que mi alma deseaba profundamente.
Todos los días, después de las sesiones de la conferencia, tomaba mi silla y me sentaba en la playa. Incluso cené sola. Sinceramente, no sabía qué hacer. Se sentía tan extraño para mí. Llamé a mi mamá la primera noche y dije: “Mamá, esto es tan raro. No sé qué hacer estando sola ”.
La respuesta fue simple pero poderosa. Ella dijo: “Lisa, permítete estar quieta en Él”.
Entonces, hice exactamente eso. Me detuve, escuché, oré y me empapé en la presencia de Dios. Lo que comencé a reconocer fue que Dios sabía que ansiaba descansar en Él. Me vio, vio mi corazón y supo exactamente para qué necesitaba tomarme el tiempo.
Mientras me sentaba en la playa todos los días, solo escuchando las olas, Dios me dio una imagen de la inmensidad de su amor y cómo podemos mantenernos firmes sobre su fundamento.
En mi corazón, me vi a mí misma en la orilla de las olas rompientes. Mis pies se hundían en la arena con los dedos doblados para no perder el equilibrio. Las
olas rompían cuando el agua golpeaba mis piernas. Entonces, con los pies todavía hundidos en la arena y el agua fluyendo hacia el océano, me di cuenta de que todavía estaba de pie.
Yo estaba de pie firme. ¡No me derribaron!
Esta visión fue una imagen clara de lo que significa pararse sobre el firme fundamento de Dios. A veces las tormentas se alzarán sobre nosotros.. Chocarán sobre nuestros corazones y mentes. Pero cuando chocan contra nosotros, doblamos los dedos de los pies contra los cimientos y nos mantenemos firmes.
Luego, mientras observamos, nuestros dolores, heridas, pecados, vergüenza, tormentas y todo lo que el enemigo nos ha arrojado son arrastrados hacia la inmensidad del océano.
Entraron para desequilibrarnos, pero luego Dios. El amor de Dios nos baña y nos refresca.
El océano es una representación perfecta del amor perfecto de Dios: NO tiene fin. Todo lo que el enemigo quiere hacer para hacernos caer es lavado mientras somos cubiertos por el amor de Dios.
Cuando estés en una temporada de confusión, te animo a que te mantengas firme sobre el firme fundamento de Jesús. Aunque tus pies se hundan un poco, la fuerza del Señor te sostendrá y te mantendrá firme. Mientras te pones de pie e incluso eres golpeada por las olas, levanta la cabeza y mira hacia afuera. Dios está allí en el vasto océano, parado justo a tu lado, tomando las olas rompiendo por ti.
El Dios del Universo te ve. Él te conoce. Y Él sabe exactamente lo que necesitas, incluso cuando no lo necesitas. Confía en Tu corazón. Confía en Su voz.
Lisa Hathaway reside en Lexington, NC, con su esposo, Everett, y sus tres hijos. Como madre con necesidades especiales, sobreviviente de cáncer de mama y sobreviviente de un trágico accidente automovilístico, el sufrimiento se ha entrelazado en su historia y anhela que otros experimenten la dulzura de Dios a través de sus dificultades. Lisa tiene una Maestría en Administración de Empresas (MBA) y está cursando un título en Consejería Clínica y de Salud Mental. Trabaja en The Oaks Therapeutic Community y es una parte integral del equipo de liderazgo de WWL.
(Proverbs 16:3 NIV)
I love comedy. It accomplishes so much: it helps change moods, heals, unifies, distracts, teaches, and brings awareness. Plus, there’s a ton of diversity found in the delivery of comedy. There is traditional stand-up, musical comedy, improvisational comedy, solo acts, troupe acts, variety show comedy—the list goes on!
When the Lord called me into comedy 3 1/2 years ago, I had no idea my path would include a lot of questions and learning. “Lord, who do you want me to bring comedy to? The church, world, young people, multigenerational?”
He would reply with two repeating phrases, “I want you to bring joy to the world” and “You are going to be abnormal even within the world of comedy.” What He said led me to dig deeper into the Word! I would read my Bible and find comedy! I wasn’t trying to; it just started happening!
I treat God’s Word with the utmost respect and honor. The Bible says in Psalm 138:2, I will worship toward thy holy temple, and give thanks unto thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: For thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name (ASV).
I want to make it abundantly clear that the Bible is no joke. That being said, there is a lot of comedy in the Bible! When I’m a guest on a podcast, the regular question I’m asked is, “What is your inspiration for your comedy”? Most of the time, my inspiration is His Word.
Mainstream comedians know that I am a Christian because of my material. Often, a show host will say something about experiencing Sunday school again. Hmmm. Once, a brilliant comedian asked me if I would help him write clean comedy. Another popular comedian asked me if I ever
When I perform comedy out in the world, my mission is to get people curious about the Bible.
cuss (I did say no). And another comedian started talking to me about how he was once a pastor, but because of church hurt, he left and became a dirty comic. He’s not living a saved lifestyle at all, but the Lord has him around me. The Bible says in Isaiah 55:11, It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it (NLT).
After a while, it finally clicked! I was sharing God’s Word out in the world through comedy. And when I’m not joking about Mary Magdelene, I am giving a positive message. For example, I have a comedic song called Keep Your Clothes On. This is a proabstinence song that I sing in clubs to adults who are often under the influence. Or I can sing it to teenagers! I can’t tell you the number of times I have had people say, “That song is gonna be stuck in my head all night.” Good!
There are two missions that I have in comedy. When I perform comedy out in the world, my mission is to get people curious about the Bible. I
want them to scratch their heads and wonder, “Is that really in there?” My second mission in comedy is to edify the Bride of Christ with the joy of the Lord. After all, y’all are my people!
It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.
(ISAIAH 55:11 NLT)
When I was a little girl, I knew I was going to sing for Jesus—I just didn’t know that I would be singing comedy to bring the joy of the Lord to people. After all, you don’t see “comedienne” in the list of the five-fold ministry. You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore (Psalm 16:11 ESV).
I don’t know who you are, but I do know that the Lord is calling people to serve Him in the kind of ministry that traditional schools and colleges don’t have a degree for. Please understand that I am not minimizing the importance of knowledge and understanding. I have a few college degrees myself, and it’s because of what I have learned in school that I can do comedy about dead people, Bible stories, abstinence, and a whole lot more. But if God is talking to you about something less traditional, do it (if you are an adult). If you are younger, talk to someone you trust, like a relative or a teacher…hopefully, that person knows Jesus!
Being ‘red carpet ready’ means taking ownership of your call and being a student to that call. I want to add this: How can you know when it’s God calling you for His purpose? First, He will draw you to Himself! And second, your prayer life will be better than it was before, because His call is BIGGER than you can handle on your own.
It takes the entire variety of each of us to be like Jesus to the world. There is no way we can all be inspirational speakers with a podcast, a hit tv show, or multi #1 best-seller books! We are one body with many parts, so BE YOUR PART. Since Jesus has called me to be a musical comedienne in the same way He calls an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, or teacher, I fully expect the Lord to do miracles and open minds and hearts while I’m obeying Him in my call. People will come for a good laugh and will leave healed in Jesus’ name.
Now, are you ready to walk the red carpet to what He is calling you to?
Love y’all,
DeAnn AlaineDeAnn Alaine is an award-winning comedienne from Orlando, Florida. She is happily odd with an absurd perspective on music. Her music can be heard on Spotify, iTunes, Apple music, and the like. Go to your favorite streaming platform to hear some of her comedic songs: Mama Trauma, Keep Your Clothes On, They’re All Dead, and more! Go to www.deannalaine.com to book her for your upcoming lady’s event!Visit www. deannalaine.com today!
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
(PSALM 16:11 ESV)
No matter what struggles you may be going through or what tears you may shed, Christ’s love is far reaching for all of us. It’s an endless love, beyond your understanding, and He wants to fill you with it until you are overflowing with the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3:16-20 TPT)
The women of Tears to Triumph realize their tears were not shed for an empty reason; through them, they have become stronger and now desire to use their stories for a beautiful purpose, which is to glorify God. They wish to bring hope and healing to others through sharing the triumphs and victories that God has given them beyond their despair. Our prayer is that through these stories; hope, healing, forgiveness, strength, love, and promise will be found.
Now Jesus learned that the Pharisees had heard that he was gaining and baptizing more disciples than John—although in fact it was not Jesus who baptized, but his disciples. So he left Judea and went back once more to Galilee.
Now he had to go through Samaria. So he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about noon.
John 4:1-6 (NIV)Thefirst two verses in this passage are loaded. Now Jesus learned…so He left tells why Jesus changed His location. Jesus and his disciples were doing a lot of good; many people were being healed of diseases, and many were being baptized by Jesus’ men. And yet, Jesus understood that it was time to move on.
(As an aside, John wants us to know it was not Jesus who was baptizing with water. This is because Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit, which would come after His earthly work was finished. -Matthew 3:11.)
How do we know when it is time to move, relocate, pull up stakes? Maybe even a deeper question: How do we know when we are to move through “enemy” territory? And how was it that John the Baptist was so willing to make such a drastic change in his own ministry— sending his followers to someone else? In modern application, we might ask how we can discern when it is time to close a business, plan for retirement, or insert your current drastic change question here.
Jesus is aware that the authorities—the Pharisees—are closely monitoring all His activities just as He expected they would. He recognizes their heightened response as the ‘season’ or appropriate time to change locations. Jesus knows the hearts of all men, including the hearts of
the Pharisees, and where could He go that the Pharisees would not dare to follow Him? Through Samaria, of course!
Jesus chose not to remain where he was under this heightened surveillance of the man-centered authorities. Jesus, Creator of heaven and earth, now steps into the territory of the ‘canceled’ neighbors, those who were despised by the Jews—the half-siblings, distant, disapproved relatives. Jesus recognizes the time for seeking lost sheep is now here. Taking no heed of Pharisitical disdain, Jesus not only goes to Samaria, but He also ministers to a woman whose lifestyle broke all the rules the Pharisees held so dear. Imagine their reactions when they heard about this one! Perhaps it was something like this: “How dare he? He is a problem rabbi!” “How could he go to such a place? What is he thinking?” Or even, “What in the name of all the books of Moses, the Law and the Prophets, Talmud, and Torah, is he doing?”
Jesus ministered to His personal enemies, and at the same time, He ministered to His cultural enemy. He chose to show love, mercy, and grace to the perceived undeserving while allowing the religious authority to watch and learn.
What can I learn from this? If I am to be like Jesus, then one way I can confront a condemning authority is to move away, gain some distance so I can continue my work while my actions are still visible and I still speak or live a truth others need to hear. By this distance I am able to continue to minister examples of love, healing, and grace. By meeting those needs of others and in following Jesus’ method of recognizing the time to move on, I will confront the stuck authorities in my life with a powerful example of truth about God’s love. Jesus did not have to travel the path He chose. Part of His purpose was to teach the Jews, yet His main purpose was to love the whole world, not just His own people.
Sometimes we need to leave town, a job, or our neighborhood or house in order to do the will of God. In that process, as we follow the example of Christ, we can minister truth, love, mercy, and grace to those who are not “our own kind,” which will speak a new truth into the minds and then the hearts of those who are watching.
If this concept is stirring in your soul, perhaps it is time to ask yourself some questions:
n Is God saying it is time for a change?
n Where is God calling me to go? To what new place, to meet what need?
n Who am I to love while I am here?
n Am I just passing through? If so, how shall I pass by? How can I reflect His love and kindness to all as I pass?
n Will I break taboos and expected behaviors in my travels and instead leave behind a new fragrance of peace, joy, goodness, and mercy?
Pay attention to the Holy Spirit, draw close to the Lord, and learn to recognize the times and seasons in your life. Be ready to accept His promptings, even when they seem to come from ‘unfriendly’ sources. Seek His purpose and ask yourself where He might be leading you and how you will know the close of one season and the beginning of another.
Connie Hecker, MFA, is a Scenic Designer currently teaching at Liberty University. She is mom, stepmom, and grandmother to 13. Her “first career” was in interior and industrial design. Her “second” was as Manager of Operations and Maneuvers (note initials) in her extended family. Her ‘third’ is as a professor. And she looks forward to what God has in store as her “fourth” someday.
If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.
(Psalm 139:9-10 KJV)
Dear sister,
Your faith must rest in knowing that God has your back. Your faith must rest in an inner resilience that gleans from the inside out. It is a resounding confidence in knowing that every step you take will be with your hand in God’s hand.
There is a promise to be embraced, and all you have to do is reach for it. Your perseverance will draw you closer to God, and God will draw closer to you. Take the wings of the morning and boldly move forward with the wind beneath your wings. There’s no stopping you at this point.
There is no staggering and stuttering in the shadow of what could have been. Move forward in what is to be because you are strong, brilliant, resilient, and confident. Take rest in the right hand of God, knowing that it is holding you up to stand against all odds, every obstacle, and every pit. Don’t let go! The promise is for you. Peace, joy, happiness, and wholeness are your portion. Go ahead..take God’s hand.
Love You, Dr. Jia
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I found myself kneeling on the soft rug beside the French sofa in my living room, tears pouring down my cheeks as I cried out, “Lord, when are you taking me home?”
It would have been our 56th wedding anniversary. I had watched my husband, the dearest person on earth to me who had walked for 60 years beside me, take his last breath and meet His Savior face to face, and my first silent cry was, “No, it can’t be happening. We have so much to do together”. But my broken heart knew then that the Lord had to take his child home.
I could not bear the pain of cancer, my loss, my sorrow, and my heartache. “Lord, please hold me.” I had come to the end of myself, and my faithful God carried me and became my Hiding Place. He showed me in the lonely months that followed that there was purpose in my pain. He had emptied me of me, that I might be filled with Him so that rivers of living waters might flow in and through me to reach others in their pain. Like a nightingale with a broken wing, I had been filled with the sweetest songs.
My eyes fell on the beautiful cover of the magazine Voice of Truth. The lovely illustration of the butterfly and the words I Am Making Everything New (Revelation 21:5) filled my heart with
sudden peace. I picked up the magazine where I had poured over the article “El Roi…The God Who Sees Me.” What was God trying to tell me?
Just a month earlier, Lisa Arnold, a well-known film producer, director, and dear friend had connected me to Kimberly Hobbs and Julie Jenkins of Women World Leaders. All three of us recognized God’s hand in this connection. An amazing interview, followed by a podcast, led to an agreement for my book Heartbeat of a Survivor to be published through World Publishing and Productions. All this took place in the space of a couple of weeks.
In that second of being in a God-moment, my cell phone rang. “Hi Nita, we have chosen you for the Lydia Award for 2023 because you are a Christian businesswoman of great honor.” While I stood there crying, unable to take it all in, a message from Lisa Arnold flashed across my screen. Nita, our film script, “Love Without Borders,” has won the award at the Christian World View Festival.
Voice of Truth in hand, I realized that God had not finished with me yet. El Roi had seen my tears and was whispering, I still have plans for you.
Major life changes began to converge on me in the fall of 2019—my youngest child began his senior year of high school, my husband decided to retire early to focus on ministry, and my part-time job came to an unexpected end. None of these changes were negative, but they forced me to re-evaluate how I would spend my time. As a stay-at-home mom for nearly 25 years, my job at home was ending too. Although our financial planners strongly encouraged me to find another job, and I was willing to go back to work, I felt no passion or direction in seeking employment.
Ministry has always been a major focus for both me and my husband, and we both felt that the end of our secular jobs could mean even more time for ministry. I was already serving on our worship team, acting in our VBS and Christmas dramas, and helping my husband lead our small group. And as he delved into video production for the church, I had the opportunity to be on-air talent, which was a great fit for me and allowed me to use my long-dormant broadcast journalism skills.
I experienced a good deal of fulfillment through these opportunities, but it still felt like there was something more God would have me do. The spiritual gift God blessed me with is exhortation. In the past, I had used it in the Contemporary Christian radio program I hosted or as a worship leader sharing scripture and personal observations between songs. Of course, I still used it in my everyday interactions with friends and family, but
I longed to combine this gifting with the writing and speaking opportunities I once had.
Enter Women World Leaders and Voice of Truth! A friend at church gave me the magazine, which I was both impressed with and moved by. Then, she connected me with Kimberly Hobbs, who eagerly welcomed me in and soon offered me the very opportunities I sensed God had been preparing for me. This was the fulfillment of Psalm 37:4, Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart (ESV).
I am so grateful to God and Women World Leaders for this incredible way to serve Him in my giftedness and use my time to challenge others to walk more closely with Him.
Faith is an easy word to say but not so easy to live, especially when we are met with opposition in our lives.
The year was 2021 when I moved back to Florida after graduating from job training with the Army. I was living my life daily to please our Heavenly Father, and I strived to walk in the ways of King Yahshua. My faith was unwavering, until it wasn’t. I was met with opposition shortly after going to YAH in prayer.
I needed to know what my next steps were now that I was back in Florida, so I asked Yahweh for His guidance. He revealed to me that I needed to get a full-size school bus because I would be moving around, sharing my testimony with a great many people. I believed He wanted to use me, but I questioned Him about the bus. My faith started to crumble in that moment of prayer, and my need to control things took over. So many questions flooded my mind.
“How would I drive this big bus? Who would renovate it? How would I be able to afford this?”
Holy Spirit also revealed to me where I needed to move to in Florida, and again, I questioned Him by asking Him how I would even financially support myself and my children in the small town that He was telling me to move to with this bus. How would I find a job that would pay the bills and keep a roof over our heads?
In my defiance, I took the easy way out. I bought a used camper, and as a result, I had a handful of financial headaches that came along with it, which led me to eventually sell it for a fraction of what I paid.
My defiance and lack of faith altered Yahweh’s plan for me, and for over a year, I moved around from place to place, roommate to roommate. I often asked Yahweh, “Why is this happening? Why am I struggling so much?” I sometimes grumbled about not having a place of my own and asked, “Why?” over and over again, even though I knew why.
It was my disobedience, of course, which led me to take a different path to get to where Yahweh wanted me to be and to execute the plan He had laid out for me.
Could I have afforded an apartment of my own? Yes, but Yahweh was holding me back from doing so.
Along the detour I took, I connected with my sister’s best friend of 10 years and lived with her for many months, sleeping on her sofa next to my teenage daughter. Any chance I got, I excitedly shared with her the love of Yahshua
and how He’s transformed my life. I encouraged her that He too could give her a renewing of her mind and change her life in a way that even she couldn’t imagine for herself.
The same message of hope was shared extensively with the other people I met and lived with during this season in my life. I know that many seeds were planted, and Holy Spirit showed me that because I was like Jonah and took a different path than the one He wanted me to take, that was why I was going through what I was going through.
Along this journey, I learned just how loving, merciful, and patient our Elohim really is. He showed me what I needed to work on, which was humility, patience, and letting go of control. Through the experiences He gave me with my former roommates, I learned to do just that.
Change can be scary, I know. Trusting in Yahweh’s plan for your life and doing what He has called you to do can be frightening to think about, especially when you can’t see the full picture. But as believers, we must not allow that fear to stunt our spiritual growth. If we do, so many wonderful opportunities to glorify YAHWEH will be missed.
Seek Him in all that you do and lean not unto your own understanding. Watch how He will move in your life if you allow Him to. Trust in Him, and He will set straight your paths.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3: 5-6 NIV).
Hello, y’all! My name’s Anavay and I am originally from the West Coast but now reside in Florida with my children and our two adorable felines. I’m a daughter of Elohim, a mum, and a writer.
I am so grateful to God that I met Kimberly Hobbs and joined Women World Leaders. Jane “Goldie” Winn connected us when I was beginning to share openly about my experience growing up in a dysfunctional family and how the Lord was moving in my life. Goldie felt led by the Lord to put me in touch with Kimberly. The first time we spoke was so wonderful. It seemed like I had known Kimberly my whole life, and I felt God’s presence so strongly. We had an instant connection and love for each other. An amazing door opened when Kimberly invited me to share my story of deliverance on her podcast.
I never would have imagined how the Lord would move in my life just one short year after moving to South Florida. I lived in St. Johns, Florida, for about a year and a half and then moved to Boca Raton in July of 2022. Two months after I arrived in South Florida, Goldie approached me and asked if I would be her assistant for a women’s luncheon where she was the keynote speaker. I didn’t hesitate for a second. Since then, I have continued as her executive assistant; I’m grateful for the opportunity to bless Goldie in her ministry.
Leaders called Hope Alive: Debilitated to Exhilarated with God. I am very excited that I am also beginning to write a book about my story and how the Lord has “worked all things together for good” (Romans 8:28) in my life. It is entitled When Lightning Strikes Twice. Psalm 139 says that we are all created in His image, and the Lord loves us unconditionally no matter what hurtful things others have said to us in our painful past.
God has done a great work of deliverance in my life. Through that deliverance, He has called me to add another title to my name—author. I am blessed to be writing a chapter in a collaborative book with Women World
Thank you to Kimberly Hobbs and Women World Leaders for giving me this wonderful opportunity to share my story of hope and encouragement for “such a time as this.”
Several years ago, an invitation from Kimberly Hobbs encouraged me to meet with a small group of ladies to worship the Lord. That small group has grown to become Women World Leaders, which now stretches across the globe.
The group sang, shared in the communion of the Word of God, and praised God with such sincere fervor and joy that the meetings became an integral part of my monthly schedule.
The fact that prayer has been a foundational and emphasized aspect of WWL has pulled me in even more. Being on the Prayer Team has been a passion of mine and a blessing to my soul. I get to pray for people from various countries around the world. Also, the ladies cherish each other as they intercede to the heavenly Father any time of the day or night, responding to prayer requests posted in the prayer chat, on the prayer wall, or relayed in the meetings.
Although the COVID-19 pandemic interrupted our regular in-person meetings, faithfully, the ministry continues to bless my heart as the foundation of prayer remains. Together, united as WWL, we serve the Lord virtually and through the written page in Voice of Truth and in our many books, of which I have had the privilege to be a contributing author.
On September 2, 2022, I entered a facility seeking healing treatment; what transpired became the greatest life-altering event of my life.
On that day, I met Janet Berrong, a Women World Leaders founding member. At that time, I did not know that meeting would begin my glorious introduction to Jesus. During that session, we both sensed something special in each other. Janet represented to me the gentle, loving kindness of a caring, giving woman who dedicates her life and her love to her Lord and Savior as HIS disciple and vessel to spread HIS Word to all. Subsequently, I learned that she expressed to fellow workers that she wished everyone would be like me, as she referred to my openness and willingness to open my
heart and mind to grow spiritually. Our bond evolved into the most incredible friendship and business partnership based on the desire and intent to do good things for people, with love and kindness. It is always with love and gratitude for all that HE has sacrificed for us. And now, we are serving HIM, and the rewards are immeasurable.
One of the very first things Janet gave me was a copy of Voice of Truth. I was introduced to articles that touched me to my core. I read the most heartfelt stories of Janet, as well as Kimberly Hobbs and so many others.
I am reminded of the two most influential women in my life who provided me with the best qualities I feel I
have possessed throughout my life—my grandmother, Daisy, and my mother, Harriette. They are my heroes. The global outreach of Women World Leaders and the dedicated efforts of Kimberly, Julie, Janet, and so many others, who are doing glorious things in HIS name, inspire me just as my beloved heroes do.
Now I look at life through a different lens. Each day is a magnificent opportunity to reach out, listen to others, spread HIS Word, share the love, and fill my own heart with pure joy. I live each day to the fullest, fearlessly trusting in HIM, obedient and committed—eternally. Every day is a beautiful day. I pray daily and often. I ask for HIS guidance to help me become the best messenger I can be.
On June 11, 2023, Janet baptized me at the home of my loving, cherished friends, Kimberly and Kenny Hobbs. My precious and best friend even wore the dress she had been baptized in—how profoundly thoughtful and symbolic of this special woman whom I love so dearly.
This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24 NIV) is the Psalm that Janet and I have embraced in gratitude for our blessings.
Thank you, Kimberly, for this gracious offer that provided me with the opportunity to share with others the journey that led me to my salvation.
I am from sunny South Africa. When I experienced an inexplicable fountain of joy while going through very harsh treatment for Stage 3B cancer, I knew that God had not done this for me so that I alone could bask in His glory. I had to share it with those He sent across my path. The one who believes in me, as the Scripture has said, will have streams of living water flow from deep within him (John 7:38 CSB).
My prayer warriors already knew how God had carried me through everything without letting me down once. And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed (Deuteronomy 31:8 NKJV).
One morning our minister mentioned something in his sermon about someone who had gone through a difficult time, had recently been diagnosed with cancer, and was fearful about what lay ahead for her. After the sermon,
I went up to him and asked whether he was allowed to share the person’s name as I would like to pray for her or perhaps connect with her to encourage her. It was his sister, and he gave me her email address. We exchanged cell phone numbers, and I was privileged to encourage her with God’s promises through the highs and lows. Then, a friend’s daughter was also diagnosed with cancer, and I shared God’s faithfulness with her on her journey. Who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God (2 Corinthians 1:4 NKJV).
I am a road runner and love chatting with other runners during races. As we are all in the same boat while running, it’s easy to share stories. I find it easy to share God’s grace with people if I get the opening in our conversations. You see, before my diagnosis, my son had challenged me to run The Two Oceans ultra-marathon (claiming to be the most beautiful marathon in the world) with him the following year. But although my illness put a hold on that race, we did manage to run The Two Oceans halfmarathon three weeks after I finished my five weeks of daily radiotherapy. Prior to that running, I had been subjected to six sessions of intensive chemotherapy before the oncologist stopped it as my body couldn’t take any more. That was my tenth Two Oceans half marathon, earning me my permanent number. So although it wasn’t the ultra I had planned to run, God provided a way for it to be very special. I knew that it was only by God’s great mercy that I was able to do this, and I was grateful that I could tell people this whenever they marveled at the a chievement. Then, an extra blessing came when I was able to run a half marathon with my daughter in The City of Gold Coast in Australia.
I could share all these blessings with people, glorifying God for His mercy.
Since then, I have also completed two of those 56km Ultra Marathons by the strength of God and can glorify His Name because of it. But those who trust in the Lord will receive new strength. They will fly as high as eagles. They will run and not get tired. They will walk and not grow weak (Isaiah 40:31 NIRV).
It was on my next visit to Australia in 2022 that God connected me with Women World Leaders. My daughter had been accepted to write a chapter for a book about her tribulations, and while I was there, she got an email
I could share all these blessings with people, glorifying God for His mercy.
from Lillian Cucuza saying that the publishers of the book gave the green light for a few more chapters. Her words were: “Mom, no pressure, but wouldn’t you like to apply to share your story?”
accepted, I would use part of my pension money and trust that God would provide in the future. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths (Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV).
The email came saying that I was accepted to write a chapter in “Joy Unspeakable: Regardless of Your Circumstances.” I had determined that even if I were to end up in a little room one day, I would know that I had contributed to the expansion of His Kingdom. And, as Lillian and Kimberly have pointed out so regularly, by following this calling, I will arrive in heaven one day to meet so many people who will be grateful I shared my story. Giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. (Colossians 1:12 NKJV)
I was excited and afraid at the same time. I knew that it was a wonderful opportunity to reach many more people with my story of how great and trustworthy God really is. I also knew that I would have to contribute $400. In South African currency, this was approximately R8000, which is a large sum of money for a pensioner like me. But I trusted God, knowing that He would have the final say. If
Although the Zoom meetings were very late at night in my time zone, it was a blessing to connect with a very special group of women. The presence of God was tangible in every meeting. I felt love and encouragement throughout the whole process and am so grateful that I got to know many wonderful sisters in Christ from across the ocean.
Women World Leaders has been a very instrumental part of my ability to serve God.
Through your encouraging words, devotionals on your website, and some of your leadership team, I have been doing more serving in my church and in various volunteer opportunities that come up. God is using your ministry, and it’s very appreciated.
I love Women World Leaders and Voice of Truth magazine.
Darla Roth • Fairport Harbor, OhioAnd the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.
(Deuteronomy 31:8 NKJV)
To our sister and friend, Kelly Williams Hale. She has spent numerous hours laboring in love for our Savior to graphically design this magazine! Her heart of passion, creativity and love exude in everything she does! Thank you Kelly for the beauty you’ve made come alive through these pages! Much love to you!
A special thanks goes to Johana Torres, our translator for Voice of Truth and Women World Leaders.
Johana is a faithful Woman World Leader who has supported this ministry with her time, talents, and prayers not only for us all, but graciously for the Hispanic community who is close to her heart. She has a passionate desire to serve God first in all that He calls her to do at home, in the family business, and in ministry. Thank you Johana for being a committed volunteer of your time. We love you.
As a ministry, we hereby dedicate this magazine unto the Lord almighty. He is our rock, our provider, our Savior, and the love of our life. This magazine thanks the Lord for providing all of the women, the finances, and the strength to complete a task such as this. All glory, dominion, and power praise His holy name. We bow down in complete reverence and love to our King of kings.
Lifting you up, Sister, before the Lord of Hosts. Asking the Lord to bless you in all of your ways - to humble your heart that you may receive the ever-flowing love and mercy of Jesus. Praying His sacrificial care towards you would stir you on to do good works and that His tenderness towards you would allow your full, reverent commitment to Him. Asking for repentance tears, that your trust in Him may increase as you receive every ounce of soul-satisfying grace that He has to pour upon you. Praying living waters would well up in you richly, providing all of your needs with His abounding presence. Asking our Father God to carry you to the fountain of life. Praying you will run this race with His merciful heart, carrying His truth. May His Word fill you in abundance. In the powerful name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.
Inspirational Writings, Scriptures, and Artistic Expressions of the Radiant Love of Christ.
Women World Leaders is on a mission to globally invest in the lives of women as they discover their lifework and purpose within God's design. By developing their God-given abilities and gifts, women are finding the power to serve in God's grace, a unity of fellowship among believers, and the joy of experiencing the exceeding abundance of God's glorious work.
Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my savior, and my
PSALM 25:5 (NIV)
hope is in you all day long.