Community Board Funding available

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Community Board Funding available
If you wish to receive an electronic copy of Chatter via email or no longer want to receive a hard copy, please contact us.
Mānawatia a Matariki,
I hope you enjoyed the sunny, mild weather as we celebrated Maktariki recently. The good weather provided the perfect opportunity to get outdoors and spend time with loved ones, acknowledge the past, give thanks for what we have, and look ahead to the promise of a new year.
This month we are showcasing diversity in our district with an Inclusivity Poster Campaign. At the heart of the campaign are seven posters that feature a pair of people from different ethnicities and backgrounds, and highlights their similarities. The campaign playfully nudges people to examine their thoughts and beliefs about others who, at first glance, seem different to them, and focuses on the things we have in common. The posters feature our very own Waimakariri locals showing connections that we have across our differences including cultural, disability, accessibility, ages and stages of life. You will see the posters displayed around the district and are encouraged to consider what you might have in common with others. You may even feel prompted to start a conversation with someone new to your community to get to know them.
It’s great news that Welcoming Communities is coming to Waimakariri! The programme promotes building connections between locals and newcomers and means that everyone feels included and experiences a sense of belonging. Welcoming Communities will bridge the gap between newcomers and existing residents, celebrate our growing diversity, and support new migrants to apply their unique skills, talents and experience to create more vibrant communities across the district. There is already some good work being done which was evidenced by last year’s Migrants Survey which found 72% feel ‘very welcome’ in the district. However, making friends and feeling connected were more challenging for migrants so it will be great to capitalise on and enhance what currently exists.
All the best,
CarolynDuring these colder months we are starting to see higher and more consistent amounts of rainfall, water is starting to fill up our biota nodes and the park is starting to spring to life with birds feeding and wading in the shallows. The conditions are premium for planting at this time of year, and our team has been very active recently with planting native seedlings throughout the wetlands.
Later this month we have the University of Canterbury’s Student Volunteer Army joining us for what we think will be an epic planting day where we are expecting a large turnout, lots of great mahi and a rewarding day for everyone.
The Trust will also be participating as a community partner in the UC GEOG309 research paper again this year, with one of our rangers Mikaela working closely with the students on an invertebrate project in the park.
Last week two of our rangers, Zeta and Deane, attended BRaid’s annual braided rivers seminar in Lincoln.
This was a fantastic event which consisted of a series of presentations from speakers including rivercare groups, Environment Canterbury, DOC, and other conservation groups.
We learnt a lot of valuable information about river restoration, protecting native biodiversity and habitat, sampling practices and data, agriculture and resource management, predator control and trapping on the Ashley Rakahuri and protecting bird nesting islands.
Lately we have had incidents with rubbish being dumped in the park which is really disappointing to see.
Under the Litter Act 1979 it is an offence to dump rubbish in public areas, roadsides, parks, and reserves. Please report any suspicious activity by writing down vehicle
details and location and contacting Waimakariri District Council on 0800 965 468, email or report the issue using Snap Send Solve.
If rubbish is being dumped on riverbeds, streams or creeks alternatively contact Environment Canterbury Regional Council on 0800 765 588 or use Snap Send Solve.
Save the date!
We will be having our next community planting day on Saturday 12 August where we will be planting tōtara and other varieties of native plants. We hope to see you there!
Instagram: tkot_friendsoftuhaitarapark Facebook: Friends of Tuhaitara Coastal Park
The morning resulted in the planting of over 200 native seedlings in under two hours, whilst the shovel team loaded many trailer loads of mulch to spread and transform the riparian plantings around the biota node. Our rangers and regular volunteers got stuck in with weeding and planting and, as per our famous tradition, brought along some delicious baking for morning tea.
Precise Consulting will be returning for another round of shovel work and later in July the Student Volunteer Army joining en force for a large-scale working bee at the Reserve’s west end.
Silverstream Reserve volunteers and rangers hosted members of the Waimakariri Youth Council and their families and a team from Precise Consulting who provided some much-welcome extra planting and shovel power to our regular ‘Tuesday volunteers’.
If you or your group would like to support the biodiversity work in the reserve please make contact via our email:
For more information check out our website or Facebook.
– 12pm
– 12.45
– 12.45
The initiative is a partnership between the Waimakariri District Council, Presbyterian Support, RSA and AgeFriendly Advisory Group.
The initiative is a partnership between the Waimakariri District Council, Presbyterian Support, RSA and AgeFriendly Advisory Group.
The event offers the opportunity to interact with health and social services, connect with the community and celebrate older people’s day.
The event offers the opportunity to interact with health and social services, connect with the community and celebrate older people’s day.
For info contact:
For info contact:
Hutika Croft-Gibbs 027 457 9867
Hutika Croft-Gibbs 027 457 9867
This program offers young adults with additional learning needs an opportunity to come together, connect and build relationships in the community through collaborative creative interactions in a supportive and respectful environment. The sessions are facilitated by a New Zealand registered music therapist. If the group fills up, we will put you on the waitlist. If this interests you, register now!
Music therapists who have completed a Master of Music Therapy degree are registered with the New Zealand Music Therapy Registration Board. Registered music therapists abide by the Music Therapy New Zealand Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. Music Therapy
New Zealand is a member of Allied Health Aotearoa New Zealand (AHANZ).
The sessions will involve self-expression and making connections mainly through live
music making, and music and movement activities. The group will explore music improvisations, structured music activities, singing songs and song writing. Participants may do a larger project throughout the year, such as making a music video. Informal discussions during the session will help support and make meaning of the music making together.
Termly blocks begin week 1 of each term. Tuesday mornings 11am, at the Rangiora War Memorial.
Term Bookings: $350 plus GST for an 11week term. You can also purchase a term booking at any time during the term and only pay for the remaining sessions at the reduced rate.
Casual Sessions: ‘Pay as you go’ or one-off session bookings are available for $40 plus GST per client, per session (space allowing).
FREE Trial Session: if you want to ‘try before you buy’ you can join us for a FREE trial session. If you want to continue enjoying music with us then you need to either purchase a term booking or casual session.
Our groups run for 50 minutes. The numbers are limited to nine clients (each client can bring one support person).
Please complete a referral form via our website and note in the extra information section your interest to be involved in our Jammin’ Music Group. For more information, please email
43 Church Street, Rangiora. Ph: 0800 226 695
We are co-located with North Canterbury Netball, which is on the left as you enter the car parking area. The entrance to the Dudley Park Aquatic centre is on the right.
Below is our list of regular groups. To help with planning we ask that you register your interest in attending.
Every Monday, 10am–12pm
Held at Kaiapoi Baptist Church, 67 Fuller Street, Kaiapoi. Facilitated by Lynette. This popular group caters for absolute beginners to advanced skill.
Every Tuesday, 9.30am
Facilitated by Glenda and Chris, the group is for patients and carers. This longstanding offering is a great way to socialise and keep fit. Meet outside The Warehouse at 9.30am for a walk around Northbrook Waters and coffee at Station Café at 10.30am.
Resuming 10am, Wednesday 2 August and monthly thereafter on the first Wednesday of the month. August Topic: Keeping you and your family and whānau well – low-cost holiday options and other breaks.
Third Wednesday of the month, 10am. Next held on 16 August.
At Café 51, Main Street, Oxford. Facilitated by Ans and the Oxford Cancer Society Volunteer Support Group. All patients and carers most welcome to join for a coffee and chat.
Open invitation to patients and carers in the Hurunui and other areas who would like a morning out socialising. Hosted by the Cheviot Volunteer Support Group.
Held the second Wednesday of the month, 10–11.30am. Next held Wednesday 9 August, Craft Centre, 15 Seddon Street, Cheviot.
Facilitated by Blou Rickerby, Community Support Group Worker, Kaikōura Health Centre. Meets weekly 10.30am Tuesdays. Please contact Blou on 027 562 0811 to register.
Monday 14 August, 6.30pm. Meets every second Monday of the month in Rangiora. Now held at the Hope Trust, 115 East Belt.
A warm invitation is extended to people with gynaecological cancers to meet and gain support from others. Please contact Catherine 022 046 5070 or CS NC 0800 226 695.
Facilitated by Kylie Tolman. 6pm, Thursday 3 August. A regular support for those who have completed treatment and are seeking support and ideas to adjust to their new life. Please register by contacting 0800 226 695.
Cancer Society five-week (attendance once a week) exercise and education programme facilitated by Mischa at Mainpower Gym and supported by the North Canterbury Sports Trust. If you are interested in participating in our next programmes, please let us know 0800 226 695.
Appointments available locally for all cancer patients and carers to find out about treatmentrelated support, services and rehabilitation.
Held monthly (or thereabouts) at health facilities.
• Waikari, Amuri, Hanmer medical centres with Gabrielle
• Oxford with Emma at Oxford hospital.
• Kaikōura (as required) at the Kaikōura Health Centre
• NEW Amberley clinics starting with Rachel on Friday 7 July, 10am-12.30pm (2 weekly).
Workshops for women at the Cancer Society Rangiora, Saturday 4 November, 10am–12.30pm. Please note this new date as previously scheduled for the weekend of Canterbury Show Day.
There are also workshops online for men. Please register at
Blue Bros
Exercise classes for men on Mondays and Fridays, 8.15am, Mainpower Stadium.
Facilitated by Mischa, this committed group extends a warm welcome to new patients. Contact Dave on 027 202 7525 to register. Note: classes starting in Amberley and Oxford.
Monthly meeting in Rangiora (second Tuesday of the month). Contact Dean and Lois on 021 0224 6078 or email
Meet alternative months in Rangiora (first Tuesday, Artisan Café) and Christchurch (first Wednesday, Kidd’s Cakes, Cranford Street). Next meeting in Rangiora: 10am Tuesday 1 August. Contact Brent on 03 313 5744, Diane on 027 416 4185 or email: for education and support for patients and families.
Sweet Louise
Support for those with advanced breast cancer. Contact 027 328 8003 Now offering a monthly coffee and support group in Rangiora.
Held each month on the second Tuesday of the month,11am-12.30pm, in the Chapel, Burwood Hospital. Enter via Gate 3, Mairehau Road. Learn skills for the selfmanagement of lymphoedema. To book phone 03 383 6833 or email to register.
Exercise and coffee classes for Men in Kaikōura (Blue Bros), Wednesdays at 10am. Please call Blou on 027 562 0811 to register.
20 Cashel Street, Christchurch. Phone 0800 15 1015. For more information on services check out
Pinc & Steel
Cancer Rehabilitation with a Certified Cancer Rehabilitation Physiotherapist is available through Active Health offering group and individual sessions. Read more and/or register at or contact
Support for teenagers with their own cancer experience or a parent or sibling with cancer. Office at 23 Cambridge Terrace, Christchurch. See for more information.
Shoot for the Moon Challenge
Our Shoot for the Moon Challenge is underway, and we’d love to see you signed up and ‘shooting’ in this ‘galactic’ fundraiser!
Help us reach our $20,000 target!
Are you up for the challenge?
Shoot 384 goals in your favourite winter sport and get sponsored to complete your challenge by family, friends, classmates and colleagues!
You can complete this challenge by yourself or with team-mates and you can shoot your goals at home, down at your local park or court, during practices and games.
As well as shooting 384 goals, we’d love it if you set yourself a fundraising target of $384. Why 384?! Because the moon is 384,000 km away from the Earth. Join us as we Shoot for the Moon and raise much needed funding to help Kiwis across Canterbury and the West Coast with cancer.
This is the perfect challenge to get you active during winter! Get all the info and sign up here –
Daffodil Day 2023 – Friday 25 August
Volunteers needed
We’d love to hear from you if you are interested in volunteering this Daffodil Day, we have a variety of roles available to cater for all. Please contact us on if you have some time to give this Daffodil Day.
Calling all schools, businesses, organisations and individuals
There are so many neat ways you can support us this Daffodil Day, go to to find out more and to sign up.
Show your support this Daffodil Day by ordering a beautiful bunch of fresh daffodils for your workplace, home, or school.
Bunches of 50 daffodils are $55 incl GST and delivery. Orders close on Friday 11 August with delivery on Monday 21 August. Order online at – go to Fresh Flowers and order from your local division.
Let’s paint the town yellow in North Canterbury this Daffodil Day
Dress your business window in yellow and help promote Daffodil Day. Best dressed window will win the trophy, you will be supplied with a wee starter pack of yellow goodies.
Contact us on to register or find out more.You’ll find us on Facebook at Cancer Society North Canterbury, please like, share, tag us.
Celebrated their centennial last year and we are ready to start our next century!
Our members come from different parts of the district as we offer an evening meeting once a month on the second Wednesday at the Kaiapoi Riverside Bowling Club at 7.30pm. Most Garden Clubs meet during the day and our meeting is ideal if people work but still want to participate in their hobby.
At our meetings we have a speaker that presents a talk on their speciality in gardening, as well as competitions for excellence in flowers, floral art, vegetables and fruit. We have projects that we develop, and we also have an annual plant sale and a bus trip to visit gardens to areas further away.
Our next meeting is on Wednesday 9 August at 7.30pm
Speaker - Michael Coulter ‘Is spring here yet?’
Annual Club membership is $25 per person
Visitors and New Members very welcome to join us.
Phone 03 327 3210 or 03 327 6404 or email
Date: Wednesday 2 August 2023
Time: 19.00
Upstairs Rangiora Town Hall
Notices of motion are to be with the secretary no later than seven days prior to the meeting.
1. Welcome by Chairperson
2. Apologies for absence
3. Confirmation of Previous AGM minutes
4. Matters arising from minutes
5. Correspondence
6. Team Leaders Report
7. Treasurers Report and presentation of audited financial position
8. Notice of Motions
9. Confirmation / Election of office bearer
10. General Business
11. Date of next meeting
12. Close
You are warmly invited to the Waimakariri Access Group’s Annual General Meeting.
10am Thursday 10 August 2023
Council Chambers, Waimakariri District Council, High Street, Rangiora
Join us for morning tea at 10am prior to the meeting, which will start at 10.30am. All welcome.
The Access Group’s primary aim is to promote access to public spaces and facilities; and have a barrier-free, inclusive environment for all people in the communities that make up our District.
For more information please contact the Chairperson, Shona Powell on 021 0231 6152 or email
Second Wednesday of every month
Rangiora Health Hub | 161 Ashley Street
Join us weekly for a 45-minute excercise class tailored for people living with heart failure. Followed by tea and coffee.
Delivered by a Be Fit For Life exercise instructor and supported by a local nurse, you can exercise with confidence. Regular information sessions on living with heart failure will be supported by the Heart Foundation.
When: Every Tuesday
Where: McAlpines Pipe Band Hall, 8a Ashley St (in the Rangiora New World carpark)
Time: 10.30am
Register: Please contact Sadie 027 5013 173 or email or refer via ERMS community programs.
Cost: $7 or any koha | donation you can give is welcomed.
Request for Interested Groups to be Involved
Waimakariri District Council Community Team are working with a range of community partners, with funding from Department of Internal Affairs to create a mobile community support and information hub.
The vision for this project came out of the post-COVID landscape, where people were isolated, not able to leave home or their town to seek support services. This project aims to provide outreach to Communities, neighbourhoods or cohorts of people who need pastoral support, information or advice; particularly during and following crisis events.
The planning group are at the point of designing the exterior and a process for community organisations to hire it out. Picture it at your event, in your street at a community street party, providing support at a rural location after a adverse weather event, taking social services to a social housing complex. These are all possible!
We would love to have the input into this project of our community organisations that can see themselves using this resource. Contact if you are interested or phone 021 567 544 for more information.
No matter how you are feeling today the Next Steps Directory can navigate you to the best organisations to support you. Helping
Meet the newest Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Canterbury match, Inari (Little) and Thais (Big)! Expertly matched, the girls have so much in common but Inari's favourite thing about them is that they both have unusual names! Thais will visit Inari's school for just one hour, once a week during school term and they can't wait to get stuck into some arts and crafts, baking, board games and most importantly, spending time together becoming best friends.
Do you want to join our team of mentors? Contact us today to find out more about this exciting volunteer opportunity!
IHC Volunteering North Canterbury is looking for volunteers to join our one-to-one Friendship programme.
Want to share the things you enjoy with a friend?
Have fun, feel good, and make a difference to an adult with an intellectual disability and yourself, keen to find out more?
My name is Diana Shoppee, and I am proud to run the IHC Friendship Programme in North Canterbury. Our programme is about friendship in the community, spending time doing what you want to do, when you want to do it, with an adult who has an intellectual disability.
I am currently looking for Ladies and Gentlemen in the Rangiora area of North Canterbury who would like to volunteer. I have several clients who would really relish the opportunity to have a one-to-one friendship. Their interests include (but are not limited to) walking; chatting with a friend; going for a cuppa; watching aeroplanes; going fishing; exploring
the community with a friend; woodcraft; arts and crafts; going for drives; football; watching movies and going to the theatre; going shopping; playing the guitar; robotics; gaming; listening to music with a friend.
Please see the details below for further information about the programme, please don’t hesitate to give me a call to chat about this wonderful opportunity.
Contact 027 531 3579 for further information.
War Memorial Hall
1 Albert Street, Rangiora 7400
PO Box 351, Rangiora 7440
Office Phone: 03 313 3505
Has your employment situation changed?
Here in New Zealand our Ministry of Social Development, through their Work and Income offices, are able to provide a range of support services, including financial assistance, to support a wide range of needs.
The types of things they can help with are:
If your household income is less than it was a couple of months ago, maybe you’d like some support to help you renegotiate your repayments with some of your creditors?
• If you’re not working, have lost your job and/or need help to get a job.
the most out of your time with a Financial Mentor, it is best if you are open about your situation and are willing to consider making some changes to your spending habits which might be suggested.
• If you have urgent or unexpected bills, or maybe a family emergency.
• You need help with your living expenses.
• A range of services for Seniors.
• A range of services for Youth (16 to 19 year olds).
• Support with health and disability issues.
• Help for those caring for others.
If debt is causing you sleepless nights and you’d like to talk to someone who can actually help you make some headway –then, contacting Budgeting Services North Canterbury (BSNC) is a great place to start.
A Financial Mentor will not take control of your money, all they can offer is to provide you with new tools and knowledge which might improve your situation – what you do is entirely up to you.
• Help and support for those raising children.
• Help for those who’ve had a change in relationship status and need extra support.
BSNC has a team of certificated Financial Mentors who each provide confidential and tailored help for your particular situation.
A Financial Mentor can be an advocate for you, or provide you support and guidance to advocate for yourself.
• Other benefits and entitlements.
The Work and Income website offers a lot of information on how to access help, including what support you can receive, as well as all the forms you might need to fillin.
The service is free – there is no cost to you at all.
After talking with someone from our team you will be matched to a Financial Mentor who is best able to assist you with your situation. Then, together you agree your first appointment venue and timing.
A Financial Mentor is able to empower you to make better household budgeting decisions. Call or email us for an appointment to discuss your situation. There is no obligation, all our services are free and confidential.
However, you might be finding the website difficult to navigate, or you’re not sure if you are able to access support at all. You can talk to the great people at Work and Income, and they are only too happy to help. However, if you want to talk to a Financial Mentor first (it’s free and confidential), we can discuss your particular situation and support you with your conversations with Work and Income.
Take the first step now and contact our Service Manager, Sharon Grant. 03 313 3505 or
Financial Mentors appreciate that speaking to someone else about your financial situation can be difficult, although many of our Financial Mentors have also been in similar situations at some stage in their lives – so they understand many of the challenges you might be facing.
In some cases we can even accompany you to Work and Income appointments. Or we can work with you on-line using your own MyMSD Log-in to help you navigate the large amount of information available, and help with filling-in forms.
Our Financial Mentors are friendly, knowledgeable and more than happy to help. They understand the Work and Income system – and what they don’t know they will certainly find out for you.
Our Financial Mentors are calm, kind and knowledgeable, however for you to get
So, if you’d like some support to find out what benefits or extra support you can access, contact us to talk to a Financial Mentor today.
We’re delighted to be able to offer longer opening hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 31 July onwards. On those days we’ll be open from 9am to 4.30pm. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays we’ll continue to be open from 9.30am to 3.30pm.
As our volunteer numbers continue to grow, we hope to extend hours on those days as well.
A heads-up that we’ll be advertising for volunteers at the end of August. Training will commence in late September and continue throughout October.
We’re looking for people who are good listeners, non-judgmental, willing to learn and keep learning, and confident using a computer. We can promise an expansion of your knowledge, a great deal of satisfaction in helping and empowering a client, and a bunch of really nice people to work alongside.
If you’d like to apply, please get in touch with us for an application form.
All trainees are fully supported with initial and ongoing learning plus a mentoring programme as you come up to speed with the challenges and pleasures of being a CAB volunteer.
We hold fortnightly clinics that cover legal assistance, employment, budgeting and immigration queries. In addition, we have volunteers who are also Justices of the Peace and they offer that service when they’re on duty. Please get in touch for dates and more information.
Extra support even if you’ve already done some research
Even if you’ve already done some research, we’re happy to discuss options with you and perhaps find even more information to support you. It can be very helpful to talk things over before taking action.
Do come and see us. We’re trained to listen and to research. We’ll deal with anything that’s concerning you no matter how big or how small. We’re here to help.
You’ll find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email
You may be eligible for subsidised insulation. 80% subsidised insulation is available through government funding.
Community Energy Action, a charitable trust based in Christchurch, can provide financial support to cover the rest.
Insulation is the first step to a warm, dry and healthy home. Contact CEA at 0800 438 9276 or visit their website at
Are you starting to feel the cold? Worried about a high power bill? It will keep your home warmer, and help reduce the cost of your power bill.
Community Energy Action also runs a curtain bank that provides free high-quality curtains to anyone in need. Curtains are backed with thermal lining, ensuring they keep the heat in, and the cold out. To apply for free curtains, visit their website.
Pick up (by arrangement) from Kaiapoi and Amberley
10:00 Coffee Morning
10:30 Watch a documentary - pick a topic and discuss what we have learned or
10:30 Light lunch prep
9:30 Day out to Hanmer Springs
Go for a swim ($10) or explore local shops and attractions. Kaiapoi pick up 9:15am Bring a picnic lunch to have in Dog Stream Reserve
After lunch we will walk through the Reserve
10:30 Member/Staff Liaison Meeting
11:15 Dancing for Fitness - let's try Zumba! Wear comfy clothes or
11:15 Meals on Wheels
10:30 Lunch prep or
10:30 Music Appreciation - choose songs to sing and dance to
12:00 Light Lunch - Filled Rolls, fruit and yoghurt ($2.50)
1:00 Craft - jewellery making with CanBead or
1:00 Digital Inclusion Session with Sarah at Kaiapoi Library
12:00 Bring your lunch
12:00 Midday Meal - Chipotle Chicken Tacos & Dessert ($4.50)
1:00 Craft Poem Art - make some written artworks for your home ($2) or
1:30 Walk along Tūhaitara Coastal Park
1:00 Afternoon at Northbrook
Wetlands for sketching by the water or a walk around the lakes
" I D O N ' T R E M E M B E R W H A T I S A I D , B U T I R E M E M B E R Y O U R
R E S P O N S E W A S O N E O F A C T I O N Y O U D I D N ' T S E E S O M E O N E S C A R E D ,
Y O U H E L P E D M E R E A L I S E T H A T I A M W O R T H S A V I N G "
A v i v a o f f e r s s p e c i a l i s t f a m i l y a n d s e x u a l v i o l e n c e s e r v i c e s t o a l l p e o p l e , o f a n y a g e o r g e n d e r . T h e y a r e a v a i l a b l e 2 4 h o u r s a d a y , 3 6 5 d a y s o f t h e y e a r .
S e r v i c e s i n c l u d e :
2 4 - h o u r p h o n e a d v o c a c y , a d v i c e a n d s u p p o r t
F a m i l y v i o l e n c e e d u c a t i o n p r o g r a m m e s f o r a d u l t s a n d c h i l d r e n
S e x u a l V i o l e n c e S e r v i c e s
R e a c h O u t f o r p e o p l e w h o ' v e u s e d o r a r e a t r i s k o f u s i n g v i o l e n c e
No matter who you are, your creative project may be eligible for funding.
The second round of applications for the year will open on Friday 28 July and close on Monday 28 August 2023.
Your Community Board can support your project with grant funding.
Application forms and grant criteria are available online or from any Council Service Centre. For more information about funding visit the Council website.
Learn about a variety of holistic services and products at the North Canterbury Holistic Fair and experience a day filled with positive energy as like-minded people bring their gifts and passions together.
$2 pp on arrival, limited eftpos facilities.
7pm – 10pm, Rangiora RSA
Create a team and experience a night of fun, music, and laughter with your Community Radio Station Compass FM. There will be raffles, spot prizes and much more!
$20 pp, to book a team call Corey on 021444778.
Discover over 60 stalls of talented artisans showcasing their creations during a day filled with community, creativity and shopping delights. There’s something for everyone at this market! Free.
Morgan Williams Reserve, Charles St, Kaiapoi.
Every Saturday, 10am–12pm.
Ohoka Domain, Mill Road, Ohoka. Every Friday, 9am-12pm.
Main St, Oxford. Every Sunday, 9am–12pm.
Oxford Town Hall, Oxford. First Sunday of each month, 10am-2pm.
St John’s Anglican Church Grounds & Hall, Cnr of Church and High Streets, Rangiora. First Saturday of each month, 9.30am-1pm.
9am – 2pm, Oxford Township
Take a short road trip to the countryside and peruse numerous garage sale sites around the Oxford Township. With up to 40 different sites, you’ll be sure to find an extravaganza of new, recycled and vintage treasures! Venue maps available from Pearson Park Oval. Free, but gold coin donations appreciated.
6pm – 11.59pm, Ohoka Sports and Events Centre
Don’t miss this spectacular, unmissable ‘shaken, not stirred’ night out! Experience an evening of James Bond, with funds raised supporting Ohoka School. Tickets include a drink on arrival, nibbles a casual meal and some top-notch entertainment!
Tickets start from $45.
7.30pm – 9.30pm, Pines Kairaki Community Hall
179 Lehmans Road, Rangiora, Mon-Fri 9am – 2.30pm
ART ON THE QUAY Kaiapoi Library
176 Williams Street, Kaiapoi
CHAMBER GALLERY Rangiora Library
141 Percival Street, Rangiora
72 Main Street, Oxford
Take part in this low-key series of events that welcome all ages from 5 years up to elite athletes. Entries can be as individuals or teams.
Tickets start from $25.
Scan to receive our monthly events calendar straight to your inbox!
6 August 2023
9.00am to 2.00pm in and around the Oxford Township
Venue Maps will be available on the day from 9am to 11am at Pearson Park Oval, off Dohrmans Road, off Bay Road, after 11am at the Oxford Farmers Market, Main Street.
Or you can sign up to receive one by email at 9am on the
Facebook: Great Oxford Garage Sale Trail
An extravaganza of new, recycled, second hand, vintage, treasures, odds & ends PLUS local business sales tables
Bruce is the second son of Norma and Tom McLaren and was there for many of the adventures detailed in their books about growing up in Rangiora. But what happened next? What impact did that have on the son of a Rangiora Kid?
Bruce picks up the uproarious tale and describes the incredible life journey he has been on since then, from being a 13-year-old working in a pre-OSH logging gang after “The Big Blow” in the ‘70s, to flying in Forestry helicopters with no doors or seat belts in the ‘80s. Then, after escaping Rangiora and travelling extensively in more than 100 countries around the world, why he suddenly realised what an awesome place this town really is.
Guaranteed to be both hilarious and shocking, with stories his parents have never heard!
This presentation will be held on Thursday 24 August at the Rangiora Museum, 29 Good Street, 7.30pm.
All welcome and donations appreciated from non-members. Supper will be served.
Support for local businesses to help young people to join the local workforce.
Do you have employment or apprenticeship opportunities for local young people? Mayors Taskforce for Jobs (MTFJ) can support you to train and upskill your new staff.
MTFJ is a collaboration between Waimakariri District Council and Ministry of Social Development (MSD).
MTFJ is focused on helping local businesses when they employ a young person under the age of 25, those of any age who live with a disability or health condition or other needs and have had difficulty finding work. Each funding request is considered on a case-by-case basis and tailored to fit the needs of the
new hire and the business they will be joining.
Funding and support examples
• Purchase of tools
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
• Wage subsidy
• Training/courses
• Driver licencing costs
• Pastoral care.
Want to find out more?
Elizabeth Trevathan
027 249 7284
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