Chatter - November 2021

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Providing opportunities and direction for Youth to develop skills for life

Trade Training Courses 2022 Learn to Weld/Fabricating Learn welding skills while fabricating and welding in an engineering workshop.

Carpentry/Woodworking Learn carpentry skills and gain confidence using power tools and machinery. Project work provided.

Automotive Skills Hands on learning – learn basic vehicle repair and maintenance and how to troubleshoot car problems – an exciting course for budding mechanics! Courses are run in our specifically equipped Trade Training Workshop in Rangiora Sessions generally run for 2hrs over 2-3 days per week for 7 weeks depending on the course selected

SMALL GROUP NUMBERS Low Course cost of $90pp (approx. 14 sessions) **These courses are running very successfully and are exceptionally popular** GET IN QUICK, THE COURSES FILL FAST!!

To register your interest, apply online


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