Chatter - May 2022

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Community Groups News

May 2022 Aviva has a new office in Rangiora

Oxford Activelinks Gym Group

English Language Classes

Please check for Covid protocols, postponements and cancellations with advertisers

WE NEED What’s in this Chatter edition UR ARTWORK! Community Information


Services - Programmes


30 pply now online Funding

Chatter is compiled by

ORCORAN FRENCH Training/Professional 31 Private Bag 1005

Waimakariri District Council Community Team

Development/Courses NEED FUNDING


Rangiora 7440

0800 965 468


-17 JULY, 10AM-5PM 36 KAIAPOI CLUB Events Your Community Board can support your project with grant funding.

Application forms and grant criteria are available online or from any Council Service Centre. For more information about funding visit the Council website.

Council Information

Cover photo:

Find out more at

Kaiapoi River rangers planting

Waimakariri Community

Contributions to this Newsletter are welcome, and can be faxed, emailed or posted for the next edition to the above address. The closing date for contributions is before the 20th of the month prior to publication.

If you wish to receive an electronic copy of Chatter via email or no longer want to receive a hard copy, please contact us.



from the Editor Kia ora We are definitely in the throws of seasonal change aren’t we! Change is evident all around us in nature, with autumn colours appearing in all their splendour, in our day-to-day life within our current traffic light settings. For some of us change is exciting and for some change can be overwhelming. Let’s remember over these next weeks and months as we recover from Covid, that we all cope differently. Different is not wrong it is just different, and our opportunity now as a community is to pivot and explore new ways to support one another. It has been fabulous to see this being evidenced in the capacity building workshops for community groups. Such a huge variety of groups in attendance just like the varied colours of the autumn leaves. All playing their part to make our community stronger and provide a variety of volunteering and participation opportunities for each and every one of us. Keep your eye out for these workshops if you are in a sports club or a community organisation that would be keen to glean some shared knowledge and skills that will help you into the future.

Digital literacy and social isolation are a challenge, especially for our older population. This has been highlighted through the impact of Covid. With that in mind, if you are a volunteer or work in an organisation supporting these amazing people in our community, keep an eye out for the elder abuse training day coming up in June. I personally don’t enjoy the cold much but I have always loved this quote about autumn. “Autumn carries more gold in it than any other season.” Our community is full of gold, so let’s embrace autumn and take some time to look for extra gold to help us through this season of change. Ngā Mihi



Community Information

Karanga Mai and Surfwise mahi Karanga Mai Young Parents’ College and Surfwise Waikuku Surf School have been working together over the past year to empower ākonga (students) to experience the holistic potential of the ocean through surfing. Each week the students travel north to meet with Waikuku locals, Tammi Martin and Averil Church-Phillips, to use the ocean as a transformative tool to enhance their hauora (well-being) and to learn some surfing skills along the way. Ākonga look forward to these sessions every week as they know that they will always leave the ocean space feeling better than when they arrived, as do staff who also slip into their ‘supersuit’ (wetsuits) and commit to the shared group process surfing has offered them also. Karanga Mai Kaiwhakahaere (Director) Ruth Robertson says “there is real power in our kaiako being able to learn alongside our rangitahi, being vulnerable together, pushing outside of our comfort zones, and sharing waves and our surfing journey has massive positive trade offs for us in building trusting relationships with each other.” There is plenty of research around the positive impacts of surfing and how the negative ions act as nature’s antidepressant; boosting your mood, triggering the release

of serotonin in the brain and promoting the activity of Alpha brain waves. During the current turbulent COVID climate this is a well received mental health benefit for everyone who gets in the water. Back in the classroom at kura (school), they continue to work towards NCEA and use the experiences at Waikuku to support their learning. Specifically in the area of Health and Physical Education, where they are able to zero in on the areas of social responsibility, risk management, biophysical principles and change management. By being able to experience the learning physically in the natural environment ākonga deepen their understanding of the content. The student voice around the piece of mahi (work) has been extremely positive. Samara Timu speaks of her experience “it’s a really good way for us to deal with the full-on nature of being a parent and being able to do something for ourselves in a positive way that releases a lot of the stress. When I am out there I am able to feel what is going on with my life, it’s a positive distraction that fuels new ideas and ways to be a better parent. It’s an eye opening

5 and an empowering thing to do. Tammi and Averil actually care about us and do what they do with love and passion. It’s motivating to see that just because I am a young Mum my options are not limited. I look up to Tammi and Averil because I can apply what they teach us to real life, not just in the water as well as being able to learn a really cool new sport.” Sometimes it’s a walk through the pine forest together at Waikuku, or along the banks of the Rakahuri and down to the beach that can shift an unhealthy mindset or a rough start to the day. Other times it’s plunging mid winter into the ice cold Moana. We sit together in the surf club

around the fire to play ukulele and share the lyrics we’ve shaped about the ocean and it’s connection to us. There is an intention to our journey together as Karanga Mai and Surfwise, a collaboration which invites ākonga and Kaiako to bring and be their best selves and to connect deeply with themselves, others and the environment. A particularly encouraging outcome has also included our rangatahi feeling confident to replicate their coastal experiences by bringing their own tamariki or whānau down to the beach at Waikuku - outside of school time - to experience together the transformations they know to be real in this space.

Hikatia Watson

Reign Atkins

Cheyenne Boyd

Tirina Brown

6 April/May 2022 Update from Tūhaitara Coastal Park Here at the coastal park we value biodiversity. This month, tamariki in our education groups have been surveying their biota nodes to find out which invertebrates and plants are living there. Native species are enjoying the habitat rehabilitation mahi we are doing. A number of Common skinks have been spotted in the back dune areas along Tiritiri Moana Drive in Pegasus. But don’t let their name mislead you, this species of ngārara is in decline across Aotearoa New Zealand. We must keep up our predator control efforts to give these native animals the best chance of population recovery. The park is a great location for collecting natural and cultural resources. Last month we welcomed visits from Te Pā o Rākaihautū who were teaching how to harvest raupō, and researchers from Te Whare Wānaga o Waitaha/University of Canterbury came to collect aruhe fronds for making nets to catch waikoura/ kekewai. This winter we will begin planting a tōtara Common skink forest along Gladstone Making aruhe nets found near Pegasus Road, which in time will be a harvestable resource. With covid restrictions beginning to ease, we hope to run some community tree planting events within the next few months. If you would like to be added to our planting volunteers mailing list please send your name, number and contact email to and we will send you the details of the date, time and place as soon as we confirm the planting sessions. Find out more about the coastal park and our work: tuhaitara.coastal.park. Friends of Tūhaitara Coastal Park

Pegasus Bay School biota node plant survey

7 Depression Support Network Kaiapoi group Wednesday 20 April from 5.30pm-7pm. Seek further information including registration through Depression Support Network directly on Phone 03 366 8083 or via email There is no cost to attend.

The Low Down Sometimes life’s ups and downs are more than just the usual ups and downs. If you’re stuck feeling bad we’ll help you figure out if it could be anxiety or depression. Whatever’s going on you’ll find ideas and people who can help you get unstuck. Need to talk?

Youthline Counselling Services Youthline is a “with youth, for youth” organisation that supports young people throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. We have been providing support to Kiwis aged between 12-24 years for more than 50 years. Youthline is here to support all young people - this includes young people who are struggling (with their mental health or other issues), as well as young people who want to learn, grow and give back to their community. Youthline offers a free 24/7 Helpline service (text, phone, webchat & email), free face-to-face counselling services, youth mentoring, programmes in schools and communities to help people grow and develop. Free call 0800 376 633

Contact the Low Down Team Free 24/7 Helpline 0800 111 757 or Text 5626

Total Mobility subsidies The usual 50% discount capped at $35 per trip is now temporarily increased to 75% discount capped at $52.50 per trip. This increased subsidy from ECan is valid 1 April through to 30 June 2022. Anyone wishing to enquire about pricing, terms and conditions of TMS are welcome to contact Heather: 03 312 2936 or 021 224 5606.

Free text 234 / or

The Just Dirt Trust We are The Just Dirt Trust, we specialise in all forms of gardening. If you need any help it doesn’t have to cost much. We travel all over Canterbury. Contact Selwyn at:

8 What’s Happening in North Canterbury

April and May 2022

Groups operate with Covid safety practices (social distancing/hand hygiene and mask wearing). We also have several online workshops in the offering. Please contact us on 0800 226 695 to register or find out more about the groups and activities or pop into the office at 143 Percival Street, Rangiora. Therapeutic Art Group Every Monday 10am-12pm This weekly group is facilitated by Lynette. Held at Kaiapoi Baptist Church, 67 Fuller Street. Kaiapoi. Park on site. All patients and their carers welcome. Catering from absolute beginners to advanced painting skill.

Oxford Support Group Third Wednesday of the month, 10am. Next held on 16 May at Café 51, Main Street, Oxford. Facilitated by Ans from the Oxford Cancer Society Volunteer Support Group. All patients and carers most welcome.

Rangiora Walking & Coffee Group

Cancer Society Men’s Get Together

Every Tuesday 9.30am

Last Wednesday of the month, 1pm Upcoming dates: 25 May.

Facilitated by Glenda & Chris the group meets every Tuesday. Open to all patients and carers. Please note change in meeting arrangements. Meet outside The Warehouse at 9.30am for a walk around Northbrook Waters and then to Station Cafe at 10.30am to purchase your coffee. Patient Group First Wednesday of the month, 10am Upcoming dates: 4 May, 1 June Meet other patients in this supportive and informative session. Held at the Centre 143 Percival Street, Rangiora.

Please contact the office to confirm location of the May meeting. Seasons for Growth workshop Held in Rangiora, Saturdays May–June. Following on from our grief and loss information session for cancer patients and carers we are seeking interest in this workshop series (4 two-hour session) on offer for adults to process experiences of trauma, loss, and change. The workshop will be facilitated by Shona Lawson.

9 If you are interested or wish to know more, please contact us. We will confirm details when we have 8 people registered. There is also a workshop being planned for Kaikōura. Clinics Available for cancer patients and carers to find out about treatment related support and rehabilitation. Held monthly (or thereabouts). Please contact us to make an appointment. •

Silverstream Medical Centre, Kaiapoi, commencing Wednesday 11 May, 9.30-11.30am

Waikari Health Centre Clinic, Monday 9 May, 1-3pm

Amuri Health Centre (Rotherham), Friday 29 April and 27 May 10am-12pm

Oxford Hospital, commencing on Wednesday 4 May 2-4pm

Cancer Society online resources – Resources on Complementary and Alternative Therapies Updated on our website Cancer Society NZ — Complementary, traditional and alternative therapies Sleep Hygiene watch?v=bos5eNKnaOQ Managing Cancer Related Fatigue

NEW Cancer Society Online Monthly Financial Workshops Held 2nd Wednesday of the month 10am-12pm Next date: Wednesday 11 May Provided by ANZ, Community Law & Ministry of Social Development for Cancer Society patients, family and whānau. This 2-hour financial workshop will look at ways to help manage the stress associated with a diagnosis and change in financial situation. Please register for this Zoom workshop by contacting Fran on 06 356 5355 or

Other resource and supports Changes to MSD payment and entitlements from 1 April 2022. Check your entitlements here https:// CanBead are running online jewellery workshop for patients and carers. Go to html for more information. Participants will require their own laptop. Kaikōura – Wednesday 25 May 1pm-3pm. Registration by phoning CS NC by 11 May 2022. Look Good Feel Better Workshops for women at CS Rangiora on Saturday 11 June and 19 November 10am-12.30pm. To enrol online go to class-schedule/ The Rangiora workshops are listed under Christchurch with our address, 143 Percival St in the details. There are also workshops online for men. Please register at programmes/for-men/

10 Blue Bros Exercise classes for Men At 8.15am on Mondays, Mainpower Stadium, Coldstream Road, Rangiora. Facilitated by Misha this committed group extends a warm welcome to new patients. Contact Dave on 027 202 7525 to register. Next Steps Group exercise cancer rehabilitation. This 10-week class commences Term 2 on Fridays 12.30-1.30pm starting 6 May at the Rangiora Fitness Centre, 345 Flaxton Road, Rangiora. Please register online at https:// or contact Options for 1:1 physio also available. Prostate Foundation support group Monthly meeting in Rangiora (2nd Tuesday of the month). Contact Dean and Lois on 021 0224 6078 or email

Lymphoedema Education Sessions Held each month on the 11am-12.30pm 2nd Tuesday of the month in the Chapel, Burwood Hospital. (Enter via Gate 3, Mairehau Road. (Also via Zoom) Learn skills for the self-management of lymphoedema. Next dates: 15 March, 12 April. To book phone 03 383 6833 or email to register for the group or attend by Zoom. Ostomy NZ Support. Meet alternative months in Rangiora (lst Tuesday, Artisan Cafe) and Christchurch (lst Wednesday, Kidd’s Cakes, Cranford St). Next meeting in Rangiora Tuesday 3 May. Contact Brent on 03 313 5744, Diane on 027 416 4185 or email ostomycanterbury@ for education and support for patients and families. Kaikoura Blue Bros Exercise classes for Men In Kaikōura, Wednesdays at 10am Please call Belinda Rickerby 027 562 0811 to register. Join this community class to maintain your strength, flexibility, fitness and enjoy the camaraderie of others.

Cancer Society North Canterbury Fundraisers Bulbs of Hope Fundraiser Quality Mixed Daffodil and Tulip Bulbs – The time to plant is NOW, don’t miss out! 10 x Mixed Daffodils $10, 10 x Mixed Tulips $12, 100 x Mixed Daffodils $95, 100 x Mixed Tulips $110 Ordering options: 1.

At the North Canterbury Centre, 143 Percival Street, Rangiora

2. Phone: 0800 226 695 or 021 139 4909 3. Email:

11 Recycle Pop-up Shop, Rangiora We are currently calling for the donation of women’s clean, good quality clothing and accessories for our pop-up shop being set up 31 May–21 June at the Methodist Church. It might be everyday clothes, something chic, classy or with a point of difference: think Retro, Glamour, Vintage. And what better time to declutter with the change in seasons! Please spread the word amongst your friends, family, colleagues, and community. Contact Tiff on 021 139 4909 to arrange delivery or pickup. Mid-Winter Delight Raffle $2 per ticket. Incredible prizes up for grabs, delicious treat baskets and pamper packs. To be in to win you can purchase your tickets from the centre, 143 Percival Street, Rangiora, email or call Tiff on 021 139 4909. Ocean Ridge Cancer Society Charity Golf Tournament The tournament was held on Sunday 17 April on the stunning Kaikoura Golf Course. We were supported by locals and visitors alike for the event with 44 Teams turning out on the day. A fantastic day was had by all, great camaraderie, laughs and a little bit of competitiveness!! Massive thanks to all our sponsors, suppliers and donors, we could not have achieved such a successful event without your support and thanks to you all a truly impressive prize and raffle table was on offer. An initial tally has the event at over $15,000.00 raised, we’ll provide the final figure in the next issue of Chatter. All profits will go do Daffodil House in Christchurch, providing accommodation for patients travelling to Christchurch for cancer treatment. This is a wonderful example of a local committee and community organising a fundraising event for the Cancer Society, we are extremely grateful to all those involved for their support. Thank you!

For the latest updates and information Go to:

12 Age Friendly Update Kia ora Koutou I have a special group of a few friends who meet every Friday at a café for lunch. We are all in our 70’s and 80’s. Since Covid came to North Canterbury we decided we would be safer to stay at home. Although we telephone and email or txt each other we miss the physical time of being together and we shared this recently at a byo lunch at one of our homes. We are sure we are not the only friends who are missing each other. Now we are in orange Covid setting we are still being wary of where we go. Newspapers are full of stories about lonely people and the effect this is having on their mental health. People who live alone, or in an unhappy relationship, are the most vulnerable. This is particularly so for older people and I read in a newspaper that some people are not having carers coming in, which means that not only are they not getting the care they need to live healthy lives they are missing out on social contact. Our Age-friendly plan, developed from a World Health Organisation initiative is supported by the Office for Seniors, Ministry of Social Development who define an age-friendly community as “a place where you can stay connected, healthy, active and respected, whatever your age”. We want to make Waimakariri an even better place for older people to live.

The world has changed since the plan began and the Waimakariri Age-friendly Advisory Group now make social interaction a priority. We are also looking at how we might work in the future as the three year plan is coming to an end soon. Waimakariri has an abundance of groups we can go to and be as involved as we want. The Citizens Advice Bureau phone 03 310 6205 have information about these. The group I enjoy being part of is U3A. Their monthly meetings and smaller interest groups are great for meeting people as well as informing and challenging us to think about topics we might know nothing or little about. I’m also a Soroptimist which is a women’s service organisation so we are helping others as well as getting social interaction for ourselves. I encourage everyone to actively seek contact and be with others. Your next friend could be just a phone call away.

Haere ora Haere pai (Go with wellness, go with care) Joanne Gumbrell Chair, Waimakariri Age-friendly Advisory Group

Support Rangiora Toy Library's Pie Fundraiser

Fancy some delicious pies from the naked baker?

Flavours include:

Chicken, Cream Cheese and Chilli Mince, Cheese and Relish Vegetarian Mince Steak Apple Download an order form from Apricot Apple Crumble Orders in and paid for by 4th June. Apple and Boysenberry Pies will be ready to collect from the toy Boysenberry and Apple Crumble with White and Dark Chocolate! library on Friday 17th June Time TBA


$8.50 Each



Join the kaiapoi toy library!

Opening Hours Saturday 10.30-2.30pm 9 Cass Street, Kaiapoi

Kaiapoi Toy Library is a non-profit organization that relies on fundraising, memberships, grants and donations.


Reasons to join the Kaiapoi Toy



Duty Membership $65 a year

and educational toys for children 0-6

Non Duty Membership $125 a year

Quote this advert to our librarian to receive a great deal!

To get access to a huge range of fun

For more information contact

Kaiapoi Toy Library


Save money by borrowing toys instead of buying.

027 893 0237

Support sustainability and stop toys heading to landfill.

Access to a range of indoor and outdoor toys : ride ons, games, puzzles, costumes and much more

Meet other families in the area. (for bouncy castle etc)

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Photo: Tanya Reeves, Powers Road, The Peaks, Hawarden


104.9 Waimakariri 103.7 Hurunui Proudly supporting the North Canterbury Community

Fundraising Calendar - Waikari Hospital





apply now online CORCORAN FRENCH







Services & Programmes


Registrations open for Next Steps cancer group exercise class Term 2 2022 Next Steps is a specialized group exercise program run by Active Health’s Certified Cancer Rehabilitation Physiotherapist, Susan Larson. The classes combine pilates, yoga and cardiovascular exercises for a workout that is specifically designed to help women and men rebuild their strength, flexibility and stamina after cancer treatments. Classes are suitable after any type of cancer surgery or treatments and accommodate all ages, fitness levels and mobility. Next Steps benefits participants whether they attend one week or 10 years after their cancer treatment. The goal is to help people affected by cancer take the Next Step on their road to recovery, with the goal that following these classes they will be ready and confident to attend mainstream fitness classes, gym based training or independent fitness. Registration is now open for Term 2 2022 which will run on Fridays from 12.30-1.30pm during the school term starting 6 May. Classes are held at the Rangiora Fitness Centre at 345 Flaxton Road, Rangiora.

To read more about the exercise classes and to register please visit the Pinc and Steel website: next-steps/ For any questions about these local classes please contact Susan at Active Health Rangiora: or phone 03 383 6290.

All Sorts COVID-19 keeps throwing new challenges our way, and there are all sorts of ways of coping. We might be feeling all sorts of emotions right now but with the support of friends, whānau, our community and those we love, we can get through this like we’ve done before. This site has been developed by the Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand and is funded by the Ministry of Health. It’s here to provide support, tips and advice to help you look after your mental health during these difficult times. Go to:

22 War Memorial Hall 1 Albert Street, Rangiora 7400 PO Box 351, Rangiora 7440 Office Phone: 03 313 3505

Know your Consumer Rights Have you bought something recently which is faulty in some way, or maybe it’s broken down after only a very short time? Your rights to have it repaired or replaced are covered under the Consumer Guarantees Act. The Act covers almost all goods (new and second-hand) and services you would normally buy from a commercial entity. Items the Act does not cover includes houses and private sales (e.g. through Trade Me from a private individual). One very important point to note is that retailers cannot contract out of the Act. It’s also worth noting that the Extended Warranty that many retailers try to sell you is offering no more protection than you’re already entitled to under consumer law, your home and contents insurance, or the manufacturer’s warranty. In some cases, the extended warranty offers less cover than you’re entitled to under the law.

Consumer NZ are very willing to help if you have any concerns about a purchase, their office hours are 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday and they may be contacted on 0800 266 786, or you can email them on The Government has also produced information for consumers to explain how the Consumer Guarantees Act works – go to: general-help/consumer-laws/consumerguarantees-act/ If you are particularly interested in your rights when you buy online here is another great article: general-help/ways-to-buy-and-pay/onlineshopping/ Other useful links: • Banking Ombudsman - • Citizens Advice Bureau - • Commerce Commission -

For more information on Extended Warranties click here: articles/extended-warranties

• Consumer Protection

Consumer NZ is an organisation which has been in operation since 1959. They provide consumers with a wide range of consumer protection advice and information. They have written an excellent article which is easy to read and it takes you through your consumer rights for when something goes wrong. Go to: consumer-guarantees-act

• Motor Vehicle Disputes Tribunal

• Disputes Tribunal -

• Telecommunication Disputes Resolution Service - • Utilities Disputes -


North Canterbury

Terrible with money? Debt problems?

We can teach you to manage your money better

Need help to access your Kiwisaver?

We provide a free and confidential service

We can talk to other agencies on your behalf

For anyone in the Waimakariri or Hurunui District

Contact: Sharon Grant | Service Manager E-mail: Ph: 03 313 3505 Office: War Memorial Hall, 1 Albert Street, Rangiora Find us on Facebook: (Budgeting Services North Canterbury)

Supported by: MSD and the Rātā Foundation Affiliated member of FinCap (National Building Financial Capability Charitable Trust) Registered Charity Number: CC10710


Volunteering for CAB In May we are advertising for volunteers, with applications closing on Friday 13 May 2022. Training will commence in late May. If you’d like to apply, please get in touch with us for an application form. All trainees are fully supported with initial and ongoing learning plus a mentoring programme as they come up to speed with the challenges and pleasures of being a CAB volunteer.

because people rely on information from government to access entitlements and meet obligations. We made a submission on the Bill and recommended that it be strengthened so that plain language is used across the whole of government and in all communication with the public. We also recommended that a plain language approach be included in a wider Public Service Design Standard that supports inclusive, accessible public services.

Plain Language, please! At the CAB we understand the importance of communicating in plain language that everyone understands. Government information must be in plain language too, which is why we are pleased that Rachel Boyack MP’s private members bill is currently before Parliament.

To read our submission, assets/Documents/About-us/SocialPolicy/Other-social-policy/Submission-onPlain-Language-Bill.pdf

The Plain Language Bill will require government agencies to communicate with people in a way that is clear and easy to understand. This is important

You can find us at 209 High Street, Rangiora, or you can phone us on 03 313 8822 or 0800 367 222, or send us an email:

Our Service We deal with anything and everything, so please get in touch with us if you don’t know where else to turn. We’re here to help you.





Aviva has a new office in Rangiora.

Aviva offers specialist family and sexual violence services to all people, of any age or gender. They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

Services include: 24-hour phone advocacy, advice and support for family or sexual violence Family violence education programmes for adults and children Sexual Assault Support Service Canterbury (SASSC) ReachOut for those who have used, or are at risk of using, violence GoodLoans budgeting services and no- and low-interest loans

ALL AVIVA SERVICES ARE FREE Call 0800 AVIVA NOW (0800 28482 669) to discuss your needs 0800 AVIVA NOW (0800 28482 669) |


Bereaved by Suicide?


A Bereaved by Suicide Group This grief education programme is for adults (18+) who have been affected by the suicide of someone they know. The group is facilitated by professional counsellors and educators and runs on a term 4 weeknight (likely to be a Tuesday or Thursday night—TBC) over 8 weeks. The course is evidence based and really does help, whether your loss is from many years ago, or more recent.

Date: Mid Oct—Early Dec (Term 4) 2022. Venue: Rangiora, North Canterbury. (Exact location TBA.) Time: 7.00pm—9.00pm. Cost: Free of charge.

Please contact

To register your interest in attending a Waves Programme contact Yellow Brick Road on

0800 87 66 82, (03) 366 9284 or text 022 369 3582.


Peer Support North Canterbury Comcare’s Peer Support Service supports people, through shared experience, to make sense of what is happening for them and how they want to move forward. Peer Supporters in North Canterbury can meet regularly to provide one to one in person support as a fully mobile service within the Waimakariri and Hurunui districts. Our Peer Support services are based on the internationally recognised Principles of Intentional Peer Support, summarised as Relational, Learning Focused and Purposeful.

How does it work? Intentional and purposeful relationships allow us to review our current position, helping both parties to learn and grow. They encourage us to understand, and evaluate, our experiences. Promoting a ‘trauma-informed’ way of relating to ourselves, Peer Support pushes us to move towards. It focuses on what and where we want to be, rather than focussing on what we need to stop doing. Peer Support is not like clinical support, nor is it just like being friends. Peer Support helps people to understand each other because they’ve ‘been there’, shared similar experiences, and can model for each other a willingness to learn and grow. In Peer Support, people come together with the intention of changing unhelpful patterns and getting out of ’stuck’ places. It can help to build relationships that are respectful, mutually responsible, and potentially transformative, while feeling safe and accepting.

Peer Support Workers

Comcare Peer Supporters have had personal experience of mental illness and/or addiction. They are well trained and supported, receiving both individual and group supervision. Peer Support training assists people examine their past and current experiences, their potential strengths and vulnerabilities. They are trauma-informed, and trained in communication, boundary setting, resilience development, and selfcare. Based on the principle ‘to understand, you must first experience’, Peer Support provides a supportive culture.

Referrals Peer Support is for anyone aged 18+ who is struggling with mental illness and/or addictions. People can selfrefer, be referred by SMHS, their GP or other community services. Visit to complete a referral. For Peer Support, select these options from the What support is required field:  

Free Phone: 0800 537 3464

Help to understand how my mental health or addiction impacts me Support to understand my barriers to moving forward

29 Oxford Activelinks Gym Group Oxford Oxford Activelinks Activelinks Gym Gym Group Group

Mitre10 Mega Oxford Fitness Centre Mitre10 Mega Oxford Fitness Centre Fridays at 7 Burnett Street, Oxford Mitre10 Mega Oxford Fitness Centre Fridays at 7 Burnett Street, Oxford 1.30pm – 2:30pm Fridays at 7 Burnett Street, Oxford 1.30pm 2:30pm Entry with gold– coin donation 1.30pm 2:30pm Entry with gold– coin donation

Entry with gold coin donation Activelinks Support Activelinks Support • Uses aSupport holistic approach for people with mental illness or addiction by supporting Activelinks

• Uses a holisticfitness. approach for people with mental illness or addiction by supporting with physical • Uses a holisticfitness. approach for people with mental illness or addiction by supporting • with A safephysical and supportive environment with physical fitness. •• A safe and Support to supportive “get active”environment through increasing participation in physical activity, sport, A safe and •• Support to supportive “get active”environment through increasing participation in physical activity, sport, recreation, and leisure pursuits. • Support to “get active” pursuits. through increasing participation in physical activity, sport, and leisure • recreation, Uses exercise and physical activity as a therapeutic tool for personal recovery. recreation, and leisure pursuits. •• Uses and physical activity a therapeutic Meetexercise and connect with others on aassimilar journey.tool for personal recovery. •• Uses and physical activity a therapeutic Meetexercise and connect with others on aassimilar journey.tool for personal recovery. • isMeet connect with others on agroup similarfor? journey. Who the and Oxford Activelinks gym

Who the18+ Oxford Peopleisaged who: Activelinks gym group for? Who isaged the18+ Oxford Activelinks gym group for? People who: • Experience mental illness and/or addiction People aged 18+ who: •• Experience mental and/or addiction Want assistance to illness “get active” •• Experience mental and/or addiction to illness “get active” • Want Live inassistance North Canterbury Wantinassistance to “get active” •• Live North Canterbury • to Live North Canterbury How getinon board?

How tocan get on board? People self-refer, be referred by their health care provider or other community services How tocan get on board? People self-refer, be referred their care provider or other community by completing the generic referralby form onhealth the Comcare website. Ensure you selectservices People cantoself-refer, befrom referred by their care provider or other by completing generic referral form onhealth the website. Ensure you selectservices “Support getthe active” the list!!! We lookComcare forward to hearing fromcommunity you. by completing generic referral form We on the you select “Support to getthe active” from the list!!! lookComcare forwardwebsite. to hearingEnsure from you. “Support to get active” from the list!!! We look forward to hearing from you. 03 3777020 03 3777020 03 3777020



NEED FUNDING FOR A COMMUNITY PROJECT? Your Community Board can support your project with grant funding. Application forms and grant criteria are available online or from any Council Service Centre. For more information about funding visit the Council website.

Find out more at


Training / Professional Development / Courses


mn Autu


NOW! Saturday 14th May, 12.30-4.30pm Pioneer Recreation & Sport Centre, 75 Lyttelton Street, Christchurch

For exercise instructors, leaders, trainers and volunteers who deliver community classes, groups and programmes.










Presenters Cate Broderick, Physiotherapist Renzie Hanham, Mental Skills Coach Suli Tuitaupe, 2021 Community Instructor of the Year! Visit the Active Canterbury website to view the programme and register:


IS YOUR ORGANISATION ON TRACK? Learn how to start and manage social media accounts across multiple social media platforms and grow knowledge and interest in your not-for-profit group. — Social Media – the basics Friday 20 May 9am – 10.30am Rangiora Town Hall

— Social Media – Beyond the basics Friday 17 June 9am – 10.30am Rangiora Town Hall

$20 per person, per session | Registration essential For more details visit or contact Wendy Howe 021 432 028 |

Find out more at


Don’t have time to read all 2000 pages of the IPCC report?

The workshop works best with groups of 4-8 people (6 being ideal), and it is possible to have multiple groups running at one time. The workshop takes 3 hours to complete and can also be done online. A trained facilitator will guide the group(s) through the different steps of the workshop which includes working with the 42 Climate Collage cards in determining cause and effect relationships; creatively presenting the resulting collage; looking at New Zealand specific data and discussing what your role as an organisation is, in creating a sustainable future.

In 3 hours, this collaborative workshop allows you to understand the essential issues of climate change in order to take action.

4-6 people/group

3 hours

In person or online



The Climate Collage (known as Climate Fresk in French) is an interactive, collective-intelligence based workshop developed by Cedric Ringenbach, an Engineering Professor of Climate Science and Energy, based in France. The objective of the workshop is to raise awareness and to create a common understanding of the data found in the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) reports which are approved by 97% of climate scientist world-wide. The workshop does not aim to provide solutions, but presents objective facts to help with future decision making and is designed to be a fun learning and team building experience.

From participating in a Climate Collage Workshop, you can expect the following outcomes: • Introduction to a robust approach to understanding Climate change • A rich understanding of the role and impact of humans on the system • A collaborative learning experience that gets people on the same page • A foundation for the identification of tangible next steps • Renewed energy to participate in future action • An informative and fun experience

This workshop is being offered free to any non-for-profit organisation in Waimakariri, please contact: Fiona van Petegem Regenerative Business Development Ph: 022 033 0758




Providing opportunities and direction for Youth to develop skills for life

Trade Training Courses 2022 Introducing 2 NEW Courses Welding and Metalwork

Learn welding and fabrication skills working in an engineering workshop.


Learn carpentry skills and gain confidence using power tools and machinery.

Automotive Skills

Hands on learning – learn basic vehicle repair and maintenance and how to troubleshoot car problems – an exciting course for budding mechanics!

Tiny Home Project

NEW Project Course!! Project course designed for students who have previously completed a Trade Training Course, convert a shipping container!

GYM Circuit Training – FREE COURSE!! Learn more about Gym equipment and technique in a fun environment suitable for all capabilities. Grab a friend or just come along, and up the fitness level with a qualified trainer. This course runs 2 evenings per week from 7-8pm. Although the course is FREE, you must register to gain a place for this 8 week series.

Courses are run in our Trade Training Workshop in Flaxton Road, Rangiora - 8 week courses – 3hrs x 2 days per week (trades) SMALL GROUP NUMBERS - Low Course cost of $90pp GET IN QUICK, OUR COURSES FILL FAST!!

To register your interest, apply online




Council Info

FREE ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASSES Come along to our classes to improve your speaking, listening and grammar skills through a range of interesting topics!  Every Saturday, 30 April - 18 June 2022 • 10am-1pm  Rangiora Town Hall Function Room • 303 High Street, Rangiora

Enrol now Julie Cloughley | Tutor Email: Phone: 027 403 8245



The Eel of Te Raki by Barbara Petrie Thursday 12 May at 6.30pm Kaiapoi Library, Ruataniwha Civic Centre Guest Speaker Dr. Terry Ryan Book sales available on night - cash only. Traffic light restrictions will be in place. Visit for further info.

Find Out More


My Book Bag Pick up a selection personally chosen for you. Our librarians can choose items for you based on your preferences. Delivery options available for over 70s or immunocompromised.

Order Now 03 311 8901


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Start your adventure today Sign up and get free access to digital audiobooks, eBooks, learning apps, movies, and much more!

Hello From

The Community Team! Martin Pugh Wendy Howe

Nicola Trolove

Community Development Facilitator

Safe Community Facilitator

Community Development Facilitator

Rachel Thornton

Community Development Faciliator

Madeleine Burdon

Age – friendly Community Facilitator

Natalie Paterson

Community Development Facilitator

Tessa Sturley

Community Team Manager


Carolyn Boswell


Safe Community Facilitator

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