An Update from Weld Australia’s Technology Networks Weld Australia’s Technology Networks provide a forum for technology transfer and research and development, linking members with industry and research organisations. Weld Australia works with Technology Network members to ensure they remain diverse and resilient in the ever-changing and increasingly challenging global markets. Power Generation Process Safety Group Weld Australia’s Power Generation Technology Network met recently, with representatives from AGL, Alinta, Aurecon, CS Electricity, Delta Electricity, Origin Energy, Energy Australia, Stanwell, Synergy and Weld Australia in attendance. Lara Kayess (Manager, Asset Management, Aurecon) is facilitating an audit with each member of the Power Generation Technology Network to establish a baseline of Process Safety Management systems. A 40-question survey, based on an OECD questionnaire, has been developed. The survey questions have been built into an MS form with a selection of drop-down responses. An accompanying introductory pack has also been developed to introduce the Weld Australia Process Safety Group, outline the reasons for the survey and the benefits to a company in doing the survey.
Australian Welding
Kayess provided an update on the audit progress. A number of businesses have completed, or agreed to complete the survey. The Group is in the process of establishing an Incident Database. The objective of the Database is to share safety events and the learnings arising from these events that have a broader industry concern. It was agreed that members of the Group will trial the Database tool for efficiency and ease of use. The Group is also producing a series of Good Practice Guides. The first two guides to be produced were the Guideline for Safety Critical Elements and a Guideline for Reporting Process Safety Incidents for the Electricity Industry. These two documents have been circulated for review and are currently underway.