Face Yoga: Enhance Your Natural Appearance and Glow

Page 16


This guide is designed to provide information for understanding Face Yoga and creating a personal Face Yoga Routine. At the end of this guide there is an option for readers to personally commit to a 20-day Face Yoga practice. Repetition and commitment is key to incorporating long-term lifestyle habits.


No part of this guide may in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or any other means be reproduced, or shared with any third party or person. It shall also not be stored in a retrieval system or be broadcast, sold, or transmitted without the prior permission of the publisher, Katherine Palms.


The content in this guide is designed to help individuals progress towards their wellbeing goals through the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits and Face Yoga exercises. It is not tailored to suit people with specific or diagnosed health conditions

All information in this guide is based on the opinions, training and research of the Author, and is intended to motivate readers to make their own lifestyle decisions after consulting with their health care provider. The information and material provided in this guide is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. The guide should not be used as a substitute for medical advice or care and should not be used to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness, metabolic disorder, disease, or other health problems.

Participants should always consult a doctor before making any health or dietary changes. No information in this guide should be relied upon to make a medical diagnosis or determine a treatment for a medical condition.

Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any foods or exercises are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or skin condition.

Use of the guide is at the sole choice of the reader.

Contents Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………….………. 3
Face Yoga & Our Skin
The Three Zones of Face Yoga ……………………………………………………………………….9 The Importance of Warm-up & Cool-down …….………………………………….……....10 Warm Up Exercises …….………………………………………………………………………………...12 Cool Down Exercises……………………………………………………………….….……..………….14 5 Exercises To Do Every Day…………………………………...……….…………………………..15
Zone …………………………………………………………………………………………………….18
Area Exercises ……………………………………………………………………………….19 Eye Area Exercises …………………………..…………………………………………………………..21
Upper Zone Upper
Middle Zone Nose
Cheek Exercises…………………………………….……………………………………….27
Lip & Mouth Exercises……………………………………………...……………………………………34
Lifestyle The Importance of Diet, Lifestyle AND Skincare……..…………………………………..44 Putting It All Together ………………..…………………………………………….………………….50 A Personal Program Just for You! ……………..………………………………………………….53 → Find Your Daily Routine - Repetition is Key ← Conclusion ……………………………………………………………….………………….…….……......54 Personal Commitment……………………………………………………….…………………………..55 2
Lower Zone Lower
Neck Exercises………………………………..……………………………………….…………………….38 Jaw Exercises………………………..……………………………………………….….…………………..42


Our face is composed of over 50 muscles. Similar to the muscles in our body, the muscles in our face can be strengthened, lifted and toned. These same muscles can also be released of tension and usually require consistent practice to stay relaxed.

Like a yoga practice, Face Yoga can provide both the ability to help us look our best and a sense of power we have over helping that to happen.

This guide aims to provide you with the knowledge of your skin and Face Yoga so you can create a personal routine to practice at home and/or with Katherine through virtual classes or one-on-one sessions.

Face Yoga exercises are more than vanity; they are about self-care and using them to discover your best self.

By the end of reading this guide, you will:

● Have a deep understanding of Face Yoga

● Understand how face yoga fits into the tradition of yoga

● Be knowledgeable about skin and its various functions

● Know a variety of new exercises to practice for the upper, middle and lower zones of your face

● Be equipped on how to support any face yoga practice with a good lifestyle, diet and skincare habits

● Be able to develop a personal face yoga practice

● Have a healthy lifestyle habit you can continue to use the rest of your life


Face Yoga: The Basics

Understanding Face Yoga & Our Skin

Face Yoga is an ancient discipline, pursued for thousands of years in India and other parts of South Asia. Today, Face Yoga is adopted in western cultures as a stand-alone practice or blended with various exercises to make it more suitable to consumers. The mix of traditional techniques combined with a current understanding of the skin makes Face Yoga both powerful and practical.

Face Yoga is the practice of various exercises that focus on facial muscles to create a firmer, sculpted-looking countenance with a more defined jawline, fewer wrinkles, and less sagging skin (Face Yoga, Center of Excellence).

The name ‘face yoga’ may sound silly, but it is a solid yoga practice. ‘Yoga’ is the Sanskrit word for union, and Face Yoga is the union of numerous different techniques to bring about holistic wellbeing.

The target of this practice is primarily on the physical body, but it also has a strong focus on the wellbeing of the inner self. Face Yoga concentrates on facial exercises, but to do so, it employs breath control and specific body postures that benefit overall wellbeing. The practice can help an individual to build a more positive sense of self. Like all original yoga practices, face yoga’s aim is self-realization.

No specific tools or equipment are necessary to practice face yoga. You can carry out the exercises anywhere – while you’re doing laundry, driving to work, on a walk, or even sitting and watching a movie.


Until recently, there has been little scientific evidence to support the positive personal experience and anecdotal evidence of Face Yoga practitioners. However, the first study of its kind was in 2018. The study from Northwestern University in Illinois is in JAMA Dermatology, a monthly peer-reviewed medical journal published by the American Medical Association. The research showed that by spending 30 minutes a day exercising specific facial muscles, study participants could tighten and lift the cheek areas to look more youthful (Murad Alam, M).

The scientists were able to rate an approximate three-year decrease in age appearance over a 20-week period, supporting the argument that the Face Yoga improves facial appearance and reduces visible signs of aging. The most dramatic effect was upper and lower cheek fullness of the participants, who were all 50+ years of age. According to the lead researcher on the study, the exercises carried out worked to enlarge and strengthen the facial muscles, so that the participants’ faces became more toned and shaped like younger faces (Alam, Murad).

While it may seem strange that moving your face in a specific way reduces lines rather than creating them, the fact is that Face Yoga works a lot like resistance training. The principles are the same. As a strength trainer, you move your body in a specific way to build muscle. So too, you move your face muscles in a particular way to plump cheeks and define areas of your face, such as loose, inactive muscles that have been dragging downward (Alam, Murad).


Face Yoga Works like resistance training it provides:

-More oxygen to the face and brain -Promotes relaxation and a sense of ease

-Creates clarity of mind -Greater confidence -Self-control over face and body movements

-Increased blood flow to skin creating better circulation -Fewer headaches, wrinkles and defined facial lines -Smoother forehead -Firmer glowing skin -More symmetrical face -Defined jawline -Reduced puffiness in the face -Higher sculpted cheeks

-Brighter wider eyes -Straighter nose -Plumper lips -Less fine lines around mouth -Smoother neck -Less neck strain and back pain -Better control of muscles for speech and facial movements

Before we start using Face Yoga poses, it makes sense to understand as much as possible about the skin itself – how it is formed, its function, and what weakens and damages it. When we know the causes of damage, we are better prepared to manage and reverse them when possible.

The skin is an amazing organ and the largest organ of the body. It covers the entire inner workings of the body while also acting as a protector from harmful solar radiation and other environmental pollutants and toxins. It breathes, gets rid of waste, manages your body’s heat, and follows through on a vast amount of different functions. It is also constantly changing, shedding dead cells from its surface to allow for new ones to grow in its place. Our skin replenishes itself at a


rate of approximately 30,000 cells per minute. The result of this is that we shed and replace close to nine pounds of skin every year.

The skin consists of three layers, each with specific functions.

The epider protect this layer, we should avoid using harsh chemicals, soaps, or do anything that might deplete the protective oil on the skin's surface.

The dermis is directly underneath the epidermis. It contains connective tissue, nerve endings, hair follicles, and oil and sweat glands.

The hypodermis, also known as the subcutaneous layer, is the final layer of mostly fat which pads and protects the muscle and bones.

Much of what happens to our skin occurs within the dermis. The best news is that we can work with the skin from an early age to prevent or slow down a lot of damage that could happen. Simply put, as we age, our skin cannot resist gravitational pull. But in strengthening our skin – through protection, care, hydration, and face yoga exercise – you can work to give your skin a firm vibrant appearance.


One main reason to practice face yoga is to help prevent face wrinkles. There are two types of face wrinkles – dynamic and static wrinkles. Dynamic wrinkles occur due to muscle contractions, such as when you smile or frown. They are not there all the time but become more present through consistent repetition. Eventually, these will become static wrinkles, which are visible all the time.

Static wrinkles appear as we age. Natural substances, such as elastin, and hyaluronic acid, help our skin maintain structure and sadly decrease in volume with time. (Unless we work to prevent the lines from appearing, i.e., face yoga!) Not all static wrinkles are bad. Having a few laugh lines shows the world you have had reason to be happy in your life and reminds you of the good times you have enjoyed. Getting older is just one of the reasons static lines appear. There are numerous other reasons that the skin can be damaged and wrinkles prompted.

These include:

The aging process. As we age, our skin dries out and becomes less supple.

Genetics that determine factors of our skin, eye and hair color, along with height, shape and weight.

A loss of collagen and elastin which are two proteins that are key for firm vibrant skin.

Free radicals. Unstable atoms that damage cells and cause aging.

Environmental exposure to the sun and other harsh elements like harsh winds, rain, and snow that can thin the epidermis and weaken collagen in the dermis.

Smoking which narrows blood vessels and reduces oxygen and nutrients that are supposed to be delivered to the skin.

Facial expressions and repetitive expressions can loosen the skin

Unhealthy diet causes a lack of fluids, vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbs and fats that would benefit skin health.


The Three Zones of Face Yoga

The facial muscles are a group of approximately twenty skeletal muscles that lie under the hypodermis. A large majority of them originate from the skull and fibrous structures and radiate to the skin through an elastic tendon.

Facial muscles attach to the skin and other muscles in the skull and neck area, usually found around facial openings, such as the mouth, eyes, nose, and ear.

Contracting these muscles changes the expressions on your face, and the slightest contraction can make this happen. In this way, they are different from other skeletal muscles because their function is not to move joints but to move the skin.

For example, the frontalis muscle runs vertically along your forehead and is used when you frown or raise your eyebrows.

When the orbicularis oculi contracts, it enables you to close your eyelids, squint in the sun and it supports the flow of tears. Other muscles around the eye work to depress the eyebrow and affect wrinkling in the forehead.

The orbicularis oris is a series of muscles forming a circular shape around your mouth enabling you to open your mouth wide, close your mouth, as well as pucker your lips.

It is also relevant to know that two major facial nerves supply the facial muscles, with each nerve serving one side of the face. When a nerve gets damaged, it often prevents expressions from occurring in that same place.


The facial muscles are generally divided into orbital, nasal, and oral groups. This relates to why we focus on three zones of the face through our Face Yoga practice. The upper zone includes the forehead and eyes, the middle zone includes nose and cheeks, and the lower zone includes the mouth, chin, and neck

As we continue through this guide, we practice exercises for each zone and learn how to combine them to create a well-rounded personal Face Yoga practice.

The Importance of Warm Up & Cool Down

Before focusing on a warm-up and cool down, the key is to check in with breath and posture. Learning to relax tension even before we practice our exercises can be difficult – because it may involve changing expressions and posture we may have used unconsciously for years.

By first using a conscious breathing practice to control our breath, we can begin to relax our face, particularly during stressful times. Conscious breathing means the practice of breathing with awareness and intention, and attention to your inner experience, in the present moment. When we practice conscious breathing during face yoga, we are relaxing the body and face and promoting mental focus that opens us up to fully experiencing our exercises and yoga moves. While consciously breathing, we feel the movements of the muscles, are aware of our face and feel tension actively seep away. On a physiological level, using conscious breathing while practicing facial moves also increases blood flow to the skin, which helps in reducing stress lines and encourages the development of a more relaxed-looking countenance.

Three Steps to Conscious Breathing:

1) Breathe deeply and slowly, in and out, through your nose.

2) Breathe from the diaphragm, not the upper chest (you’ll know you’re doing this correctly if you can feel your stomach expanding and contracting).

3) Follow the breath as it moves in and through your body and out again.


Along with awareness of our breath, ensuring that our posture is correct as we carry out our Face Yoga exercises ensures we are placing less strain on the neck, jaw, and head muscles. Many of our Face Yoga moves will require us to sit or stand. Lengthening and realigning our spine to sit or stand correctly will significantly help our exercises. Not only will poor posture cause you to become tired more quickly, but it can create back pain, neck and shoulder pain, and inefficient breathing – all of which can gravely affect our face. More often than not, we consciously or unconsciously express our pain by scrunching up our face, furrowing our brows, or holding our head low.

Breathe and posture preparation are key. As mentioned, without realizing it, we may brace our shoulders, neck, and back muscles. Taking time to focus on a warm-up that prioritizes breath and body awareness and limbering our shoulders, neck, and back muscles will help us avoid injury. On the other hand, our cool-down helps keep our body and face relaxed the rest of the day, allowing us to continue to benefit from the exercises we practice.

Goals of warmup:

Create breath awareness which calms, centers and connects the body and mind.

Release tension in face, shoulders, neck and jaw. Provide awareness of posture and correct body alignment.

Open up circulation pathways and increase blood flow to the face.

Loosen muscles and joints to eliminate stiffness & improve flexibility. Focus the mind on the present moment.

Goals of cool down:

Encourage skin and muscles to relax

Help cells in the face start to assimilate the benefits of the Face Yoga practice.

Bring your expression back to normal with a greater awareness of how you’re moving your face.


Provides time to reflect intentionally about the exercises and effort taken to improve personal wellbeing.

Warm Up Exercises

It is vital to warm up to ensure that your body is prepared to handle Face Yoga exercises. As mentioned in the section titled The Importance of Warm-up and Cool-down, if we do not adequately prepare for our Face Yoga class, without realizing it, we may tighten our shoulders, neck, and even the muscles in our back. Limbering up these areas will help us to avoid injury.

It is helpful to use a warm-up to release tension in areas where we hold it, generally in supporting areas, such as shoulders, neck, and jaw, or in the face itself. The warm-up also opens up pathways for better circulation by loosening up our muscles and joints in the upper body. This helps eliminate stiffness, improves flexibility, and means we’ll be better able to carry out facial moves.

Our warm-up also provides an excellent time to set our intention for our face yoga practice. Focus on why you are doing the exercises, for example for toning, for happiness, or to improve your sense of self. Be aware of how you are standing or sitting. Become mindful of each movement and how that one movement affects the different areas of your body. Allow yourself to feel grounded in the earth, in the present, and in your intention. Pay attention to the quality of your breath, noticing how it feels moving in and out of your body. Doing this will help settle your body to calm your mind in preparation for the Face Yoga practice.


Warm Up #1 Basic Series:

The primary aim of your warm-up is to release tension in the neck, back and facial muscles, this basic warm up does exactly that.

o Sit or stand with a straight back.

o Look straight ahead with a level chin, close your eyes and take deep breath, in and out.

o Gently turn your head to the right to align with your shoulder, feel the stretch in the neck.

o Inhale and exhale deeply through the nose.

o Slowly turn your head to the left to align with your shoulder, feel the stretch in the neck.

o Return your head to first position, face forward with level chin (neutral). Take 2-3 breaths.

o Intentionally lift your head up and back with your chin toward the sky. Take 2-3 breaths.

o Move head back to neutral.

o Slowly bring chin toward chest. Take 2-3 breaths.

o Return to a neutral position.

o Tilt your right ear toward your right shoulder. Breathe & count to 10.

o Move head back to neutral.

o Tilt your left ear toward your left shoulder. Breathe & count to 10.

o Move head back to neutral.

o Let the head roll back and then gently move in a slow circle over your shoulders, facing down and then back around. Make 2-3 circles in both directions.

Warm Up # 2 Increase Blood Flow to Face

Increasing blood flow helps to encourage skin cell renewal and fight free radicals.

o Stand up, back straight.

o Gently bed your knees and fold forward, hinging from your hips.

o Let your body hang and arms dangle. Hold for count of 10.


o Slowly rise to standing. Take a few deep soothing breaths.

Warm Up # 3 Swan Neck

Helps to tone and lift the neck, adding to a healthy appearance.

o Start with your chin level, looking forward with a neutral gaze.

o Turn head to right, aligning with your right shoulder.

o Hold this position and gently tilt your head backwards and chin up. Hold for 5-8 counts.

o Slowly lower chin to level and return head to forward with a neutral gaze.

o Turn head to left, aligning with your left shoulder. Hold this position and gently tilt your head backwards and chin up. Look up for 5-8 counts.

o Slowly lower chin to level and return your head forward to a neutral gaze.

o Repeat both sides up to 3 times.

It is helpful to feel grounded and peaceful while practicing the exercises. There are a few other yoga postures (asana) that can assist us in preparing for our Face Yoga practice. One of these is Mountain Pose (Tadasana). This pose helps optimize posture and alleviate stress from the neck, jaw, and back muscles. Proper posture elevates stress from your muscles, such as your neck and jaw muscles, and helps maintain the synchronicity in your facial appearance.

Cool Down Exercises

As mentioned, a warm-up aims to energize, unstiffen, and flex your muscles. Cool-down seeks to help the skin and muscles relax, which allows the cells in your face to start assimilating the benefits from the exercises you practiced. It also helps to bring facial expressions back to normal, but with greater awareness of how you’re moving your face. Below I recommend meditation or savasana, but if you have a busy day, maybe it is a simple forward fold and breath awareness practice. Always finish your practice intentionally.


For your cool down, you can choose a five to ten minute meditation, like the options listed on the next page.

Visualization Meditation

Visualize yourself and reflect all the positive qualities and good work you are doing with your Face Yoga practice. Hold those thoughts and foster love for yourself.

Mantra Meditation

Focus on breath, pick a word you would like to reflect such as, “happiness, beauty, smile, peace, love, or grace” and repeat it as you breathe for several minutes. Know that the word you chose is in you, and you radiate it to the world.

Savasana/Corpse Pose

Corpse pose is an excellent way to reduce stress and it benefits your skin. To practice, relax, and lie flat with legs extended or with your knees up and feet flat on the ground about hip distance apart.


Exercises to Do

1) Meditation

Every Day

The aim of this exercise Is to help relax face muscles and tension in the back, shoulders and neck. Practice for 5-10 minutes a day.

2) Conscious Breathing

Practice conscious breathing, described on page 11. Use a timer and breathe deeply following all three steps. Practice for 2-3 minutes a day.

3) Face Yoga Massage

This is a beautiful light massage, through all three zones of the face, helping to stimulate nerves in the face and improve lymphatic flow.

o Gently sweep from the center of your chin out to the edge of your jaw with a gentle light touch thinking out and up. Repeat 3 times.


o Gently sweep from the edge of your nose across the cheek bone to the top of your ear with a gentle light touch thinking out and up. Repeat 3 times.

o Meet the hands at the center of the forehead and gently sweep out and up toward your temples with a gentle light touch. Repeat 3 times.

o Finally start at the temple and with a smooth circular motion guide your fingers down the sides of your face over the jaw and through the sides of your neck toward your collar bone. Repeat 3 times.

4) Ear pull

We practice this simple technique for better circulation in your face.

o Gently tug down three times at the base of the ear.

o Gently tug out three times on the midsection of your ear.

o Gently tug three times on the tip of your ear.

5) Neck stretch

There are a variety of ways to gently stretch the neck, this is just one series that is beneficial to add to our daily practice.

o Find your spine tall and shoulders stacked over hips.

o From a centered neutral head, gently draw your chin down toward your chest, noticing the back of the neck lengthen.

o Take 2-3 deep slow breaths.

o Return to the starting position.

o From a centered neutral head gently raise your chin toward the sky, noticing the front of the neck open and expand. Take 2-3 deep slow breaths.

o Return to the starting position.

o From a centered neutral head, gently tilt your right ear toward your right shoulder, noticing the slight tug and stretch of the left side of your neck. Take 2-3 deep slow breaths.

o Return to the starting position.


o From a centered neutral head, gently tilt your left ear toward your left shoulder, noticing the slight tug and stretch of the right side of your neck.

o Take 2-3 deep slow breaths.

o Repeat series 1-3 times.

Key Notes & Takeaways:


Upper Zone

We all get wrinkles as we age. Our skin starts to dry out and become less supple. However, lines will often appear in this area for other reasons: our everyday facial expressions. We are often unaware of the expressions we use daily.

Many people furrow their brows when they read or squint their eyes in the sun. Some people even mimic other people's expressions as another person is talking. We do all of this unconsciously. Unaware that, like a rock, our face weathers by the ebb and flow of our expressions. We also might be creating deeper wrinkles on our forehead by our body language. For example, raising an eyebrow might be one of our ways of saying, "wait, what?" but this will lead to wrinkles as repetition occurs. Whatever the reason for the deep lines that may form across the forehead, the disappointing news is that there is no natural way to eradicate existing forehead wrinkles. However, on the upside, it is possible to lessen their appearance and slow the progression of other wrinkles through Face Yoga exercises.

Glabella Lines (frown lines) are the deep vertical lines between the eyebrows and the bridge of the nose. They can extend to the central forehead area and are usually due to repeated muscle action prompted by squinting and frowning. These can appear as early as our mid-twenties. As the years' progress, the lines can deepen and become more permanent.

The corrugator supercilii is used most in the upper zone exercises. These muscles work together to pull the eyebrows inward and downward causing deep vertical grooves. The horizontal lines across the face are related to the frontalis muscle which lifts the eyebrows upward.


Other reasons for frown lines:

smoking, second hand smoke, pollution, regular exposure to high levels of sunlight, and extreme weather conditions people with dry eyes, thyroid disease or blepharospasm (forces involuntary closing of the eyelids)

Forehead Area Exercises

Glabella Lines Eraser

Working the muscles beneath the glabella lines causes collagen to plump in the skin.

o Take a deep breath in and out the nose and relax the forehead

o Place index finger and middle finger on the skin between the eyebrows, an acupressure point that also helps to ease headaches and tension in forehead

o Use gentle pressure, push inwards and slightly outward to create a slight stretch on the skin and underlying muscle

o Maintain gentle pressure for one to three minutes

Glabella Lines Massage

o Place index finger between your eyebrows

o Apply some gentle pressure

o Start moving your finger in a gentle circle, massaging in one direction one minute



Eyebrow Pincher

Aims to reduce vertical lines that appear bet

o Use thumb and index and middle fingers to pinch inner edges of the eyebrows

o With the skin between your fingers begin to gently pull outwards, stretching the underlying muscle and then quickly remove your fingers. Repeat pinches up to 10 times

Forehead Clencher

Tightening the forehead skin by moving mu

o Take a deep breath in and out, relax your forehead

o Frown and bring eyebrows together

o Do the opposite direction by lifting eyebrows high and eyes wide.

o Repeat 5 times

Forehead Wrinkle Reducer

Minimize appearance of horizontal forehead wrinkles by strengthening the muscles in the upper facial area.

First Exercise

o Place your fingers along your eyebrows and press firmly

o Lift forehead by moving against the resistance of your fingers and hold for 10 counts

o Slowly relax muscles and gradually close your eyes

o Repeat 3 times


Second Exercise

o Place thumb index and finger on either side of the brow bone and grip gently

o Still gripping, raise eyebrows, but use fingers to push down on each end of your eyebrow as they move upward

o Maintain a smooth forehead as you raise your eyebrows

o Repeat 10 times

Smoothing the Brow

A great way to alleviate tension and fe

o Place both hands on forehead facing fingertips inward

o Gently sweep fingers outwards across the forehead, apply light pressure to tighten the skin

o Relax and repeat 10 times

Eye Area Exercises

When the skin around the eyes looks slightly swollen it can be caused by things such as stress, hormone changes, fluid retention, too much time in front of a screen, crying, lack of sleep, or too much salt in the diet. The exercises below help to reduce the puffiness around the eyes.

Eye Socket Tapping

Practice to reduce puffiness and get rid of dark circles under eyes.

o With eyes opened and relaxed use your middle and/or pointer finger to tap gently around the eye socket beginning at brow

o Move finger in a circle and then press gently on inner corner of eyes


o When finished with one eye move onto the other

o Repeat 2-3 times on each eye

Kidney Soother

This exercise may reduce puffiness and dark circles from lack of sleep, dehydration, or even iron deficiency. However, persistent regularity of dark circles could mean a kidney malfunction and should be checked

o Make fists with hands and place your knuckles on lower back where kidneys are located

o Gently roll fists back and forth across the lower back, over kidney area

o While doing this it is helpful to flap your elbows out like your flying like a bird

o Keep your first in motion as you do this and refrain from holding your breath

o Do 8-10 flaps before stopping and stretching out fists

Under-eye bags are typically a result of the aging process as tissue and muscles around the eye start to weaken and the normal fat that surrounds and supports this area slumps down. Thankfully a regular workout can reduce the appearance and likelihood of under-eye bags.


The Big O

o Look straight ahead and open your mouth wide into an extended O shape and you should feel stretch under eyes

o Without moving forehead look up with eyes and hold gaze for five seconds

o Repeat 3 times

Crow’s Feet Minimizer

These little lines branch out from the corner of our eyes, a natural part of aging, however consistent exercise can help red th i

o Position your thumbs outside of each eye with palms facing up and rest your fingers on your head

o Shut eyes and squeeze them tightly while simultaneously pulling skin back toward ears and hold this pose for five seconds then gently release the skin

o Do 10 reps every other day, you can do this throughout the day instead of all at once

Surprise Eyes (Crow’s Feet Minimizer)

o Open eyes as wide as possible without wrinkling your forehead

o Focus on something directly in front of you and hold this pose for five to ten seconds

o Repeat 3 times


Bloodshot Eyes

Usually a symptom of being tired. Re-energizing eyes can help to get rid of redness without using eye drops.

o Keep your forehead nice and relaxed and open eyes wide

o Move eyes looking to the right for a few seconds

o Move eyes clockwise to gaze up for a few seconds (While practicing, make sure to keep your forehead relaxed and wrinkle free)

o Then move eyes to the left, down and around holding both positions for a few seconds

o And repeat one more round

o After 2 rounds, repeat movements counter clockwise. Starting with eyes looking to the left up right and do n

Eyelid Lift

This exercise helps to tighten sagging skin and drooping eyelids.

o Sit tall with an elongated spine

o Take deep breaths in and out relaxing the shoulders, neck and forehead

o Move right arm out slightly (45-degree angle)

o Move left arm up toward the ceiling

o Hold the pose a few seconds and stretch your arms. Left arm reaching up and right arm reaching out to the side (continues next page).


o Keep breathing and Relea left arm over your head, and your fingers to side the right side of face

o Rest your ring finger on the side of eye and middle finger on side of face and gently use your hand to tilt your head to the left

o With the fingers on skin lift upward to feel the stretch on face and eye, then slowly open your mouth wide, while lifting up with your fingers.

o Do this for count of 5 and release

o Release grip and bring head back to neutral, breathe

o Repeat on opposite side

Brow Lift

A less firm and upright eyebrow is caused by weakened forehead muscles.

o Place index finger on eyebrow and m

o Feel your eyelid lifting

o Counteract this movement by pushing brow back down (be gentle and take your time)

o Hold for eight to ten seconds and remove fingers

o Breathe and return index finger

o Repeat 3 times


Binocular Pose for Symmetrical Eyes

o Shape both hands into a C

o Take a deep breath and place hands over eyes with thumb on upper cheekbone and place tips of thumbs outside of nostrils. The other cupped fingers rest above the brow. Like holding invisible bino

o Now gently press into face and move fingers upwards while pressing the thumb down

o Hold for count of 5 and release

o Breathe & Repeat 3 times

Key Notes & Takeaways:


Face Yoga: Middle Zone

The nose is one of the most important areas to reshape and exercise. The nose is the focal point of our face, and regular nose exercise can help the face maintain a more youthful look.

Just as age causes changes in other parts of our body and face, the bones, cartilage, and muscles around the nose also weaken and deteriorate with time. As we age, our nose can begin to droop, and the weakening muscles around the nose may cause our once narrow snouts to spread. We focus on the nose area to strengthen the nasal muscles so that our nose appears straighter and thinner, with a natural lift and pertness. We also focus on working on “puffy” cheeks by strengthening and smoothing them in the middle zone.

Pranayama – or “yogic breathing” – serves as an integral part of the foundation in any yoga practice. “Prana” meaning “universal life force energy,” and “Yama” meaning “regulation”. Not only can it calm the nervous system, relieve stress, it can be an effective preparation for exercise and meditation. In Face Yoga, it can also help shape areas of our face. For example, breathing techniques are a part of our nose and cheek exercises.

Nose and Cheek Exercises

Nadi Shodhana Breathing/Alternate Nostril Breathing

As mentioned, yogic breathing calms the nervous system, relieves stress, and adequately prepares us for exercise and meditation.


It can also help shape areas of the face. This practice is often used to clear blocks from the flow of mind-body connection. Nadi is Sanskrit for channel or flow. Shodhanna is Sanskrit for purification. So think of this as a breathing technique for purification. Sanskrit is an ancient Indic, or Indo-Aryan, language, dating back 3,500 years, from which original yoga practices are translated.

To practice Nadi Shodhana:

o Sit comfortably with a straight spine. Then make a fist with your right hand and extend out your thumb and ring finger

o Use your right thumb and gently close the right nostril, then inhale as slowly as you can through the left nostril. Finish the inhale, then close the left nostril with your ring finger, release the thumb from the right nostril and exhale fully

o Then inhale through the right nostril slowly, then close it with your thumb, release the finger on the left nostril and exhale

o Continue repeating this pattern 10 times, then release and breathe normally

Nose Massaging

Like breathing, massage can help with headaches and narrowing and shaping the nose.

o Massage each part of your nose from the bridge to the tip and then the sides.

o Make sure your fingers move in a circular motion.

o M 2 5 i t d d d it l l f best r


Nose Wiggling (for sharper shape)

This practice helps to strengthen the nasal muscles and make the nose sharper.

o Wiggle your nose while making sure your face is still.

o Keep your forehead unwrinkled (practice in front of a mirror)

o Practice 3-5 times/day. *No photo. Wiggle your nose like a cute little rabbit ☺

Nose Shaper

o Firmly hold the bridge of the no

o Use the other hand’s index finger and push the tip of your nose upward.

o As you do this, pull the upper lip down over your teeth causing the muscles in your nose to flex.

o Hold for a few seconds and release both your nose and lip.

o Repeat 5 times.

Reduce a Sagging Nose

o Make an O shape with your m

o Hold that shape and place your index fingers on either side of your nostrils then close them halfway. Make sure you can still breathe through your nose.

o Look up to selling without wrinkling your forehead.

o Breathe in and out from the nose widening your nostrils while keeping fingers held on the nostrils.


o Keep breathing and maintain a relaxed forehead for 10 seconds.

Smile and Push

This is one of the simplest and also most effective practices for strengthening muscles on the side of the nose in o

o Smile widely with closed lips.

o Use your index finger and place it on the tip of your nose and push your nose upward.

o Hold for count of 10 then relax.

o Repeat 2-3 times.

Narrowing Your Nose

o Place middle fingers on inside corners of either eye

o Now place ring finger on sides

o Wrinkle your nose and feel muscles tense up

o Keep nose wrinkled and slide ring finders firmly down the side of nostrils to smooth the nose creases.

o Maintain tension in the nose muscles

o Repeat 10 times.


Getting Rid of Nasolabial Fold Lines (laugh lines)

As you age, the nasolabial fold lines show a life well lived, full of joy. However, these lines can become more pronounced leaving deep grooves from nose to bottom of face.

o Take a deep breath in and out to relax.

o Take a big breath and close your mouth tight, holding in the air.

o With your mouth closed and filled with air, puff it out in all directions - left cheek, right cheek, upper mouth, lower mouth.

o Hold each area for 5 seconds.

o Once each area is touched, release air and relax.

o Do this at least once a day.

Cheekbone Stroke

This practice helps to de-puff and drain the cheek while brightening the cheek area.

o Turn both index fingers into little hooks and place them on each side of the nostrils and place them underneath your cheekbone on both sides

o Move your finger

o Do this slowly, being gentle with your skin.

o Release your fingers and repeat 5 times


Fish Mouth

Practice for lifting cheek muscles.

o Take 2-3 deep grounding breaths.

o Close your lips and gently smile before sucking in cheeks as far as you can.

o Be careful not to bite down on your cheek.

o Hold for 10 seconds and release.

o Repeat 5 times.

The Cheek Pump

This practice works our zygomaticus (smile muscles) helps give the apples of cheeks a boost.

o Start by curling up corners of your mouth

o Spread mouth out into medium smile and then a full blown smile

o Then do this backwards and release

o 3 forward 3 backward 10 times

Key Notes & Takeaways:


Face Yoga: Lower Zone

Lip & Mouth

Our lips can signify aging faster than any other area because they become thinner and less full as we age. Thankfully, exercising the muscles around the mouth can increase blood flow to the face, which stimulates collagen production and naturally plumps the lips. These exercises can also smooth out the skin directly around the mouth, reducing the appearance of smile lines and wrinkles. Before practicing, drink a glass or two of water to hydrate and moisturize your skin and mouth.

A suggested warm up for the mouth is blowing kisses to yourself in a mirror for approximately 30 seconds. This will get the orbicularis oris moving.

The orbicularis oris is a group of muscles surrounding the mouth. It is made up of four separately formed quadrants that create a circular appearance. Each quadrant can be worked on independently or together with different Face Yoga exercises. The orbicularis oris consists of various strands of fibers that come and go in multiple directions. These fibers are derived from the lips and other facial muscles. We use these muscles to close our mouths and pucker lips. They are also necessary for playing specific instruments..


Lip & Mouth Exercises

Massage the Mouth Muscle

It is possible to stimulate m

o Move index and middle fingers in gentle but firm sweeps down and around your lips. This will increase the blood and lymph flow to the area. Helping to remove toxins, reduce poor skin tone and fine lines. It will also help to increase collagen and elastin.

Natural Upper Lip Wrinkle Smoother

This practice helps to smooth the area of skin above and around the upper lip so that fine lines (called marionette lines) are less apparent.

o Sit comfortably and take a deep cleansing breath.

o Curl your upper lip over your top teeth.

o Place the pads of your fingertips just above your top lip and position your thumbs under your chin.

o Then firmly slide your fingers toward corners of your mouth.

o R


Smoke Lines Reducer

Marionette lines are often more visible on someone who smokes, but you do not have to be a smoker to have them. Genetics, age, and environmental pollutants might cause the lines to appear more visible than other lines around the mouth or face.

o Relax shoulders, and breathe through your nose.

o Close your lips over your teeth and pull your lips back firmly.

o Make sure the area between nose and upper lip is pulled down and smooth.

o Keep your mouth shut and turn your head slowly towards one shoulder.

o Hold for a few seconds then slowly return to center.

o Now turn your head to your opposite shoulder.

o Return to center and repeat.


Wrinkle Reduction and Lip Lift

Supports the reduction of fine lines around the mouth area and helps to lift the cheek and lip area.

o Stretch lips over your teeth so they’re hidden.

o Maintain that position and make an O shape with your mouth.

o Smile as wide as you can while keeping your lips covering your teeth then return to the 0 shape.

o Repeat 6 times.


The Saggy Smile Lifter

A muscle associated with the orbicularis oris, is the levator anguli oris (canius).

These are fibers inserted in the corn ey contract, they lift the corners of the

o Open your mouth wide with your lips covering your teeth.

o Purse your lips into a tight O.

o Hold for a count of 5 and repeat 5 times.

Balloon Cheeks

This practice helps reduce marionette lines.

o Half-fill your cheeks with air.

o Move the air in your mouth back and forth, from one cheek to the other.


The Forced Smile Exercise

This exercise focuses on stopping a saggy smile and stren from weakening and drooping downwards.

o Position your fingers on the corners of your mouth with your forefingers pointing upwards.

o Lift the edges of your lips firmly as if you’re forcing yourself to smile.

o Hold for a count of 5 and relax.

o Repeat 5 times.


The Tongue Twister

Lifts and firms the muscles in our lips.

o Roll your tongue around the inside of your lips three times slowly.


Plumper Pout

Strengthens the muscles that run below the nose and extend to the chin and helps prevent lips from thinning.

o Sit comfortably with your spine straight and shoulders rolled back. Take a deep cleansing breath in and hold for a count of 3. Then release.

o Purse your lips and move them forward toward nose and hold for count of 5 and then relax and repeat 5 times.

Smile and Kiss

This practice helps to keep the skin around your mouth and lips plump and stretchy, by stimulating collagen and elastin in t

o Smile widely, keeping your lips closed. Feel a stretch in your lips and cheeks.

o Hold for 5 seconds and pucker lips as if kissing. Feel your lip muscles working.


o Hold for a count of 5 and relax. Repeat.

The lower zone of our face also includes our neck and jawline. As we age, our neck's skin, fat, and muscles begin to fall just like the skin and muscles on our face. Many people cover up this loose skin or ‘turkey neck’ with scarves or high necked tops and t-shirts. The truth is, you can reduce the appearance of a low-hanging, undefined neck with regular exercise.

Be aware if you notice any pain during these exercises. If you feel pain or stiffness, please stop immediately. Slight discomfort might occur initially, particularly if you have not done many neck exercises. The exercises below are focused on strengthening the neck and reducing lines and loose skin in this area, defining the jawline and encouraging youthful, taut skin across the neck and jaw.

Neck Exercises

A great warm-up for our neck and jaw is an upward facing dog. This is a powerful pose that can improve posture and create a satisfying stretch for the chest and abdomen. It can also elongate and smooth out the skin of the neck.

Upward Facing Dog

Use a yoga mat or non-slip surface.

o Begin by lying on your stomach with legs extended straight behind you, hip distance apart, with the tops of your feet facing downwards on the mat. Position the palms of your hands alongside your chest area, with your elbows bent at approximately 90 degrees.

o Inhale deeply and press your palms firmly into the mat. Straighten your arms and rise up, lifting your thighs, hips and torso off the mat as you do.

o Your wrists should be positioned directly in line with your shoulders and your chin in line with the floor

o Relax shoulders away from ears


o Slowly start to roll your shoulders back while simultaneously pulling chest forward

o As you do this, lift your chin slightly, making sure not to compress the back of your neck.

o Feel the stretch in your chest and lengthening the front of your neck.

o Hold the pose for 5 deep breaths before lowering yourself slowly back down onto your stomach, palms flat by your chest.

o Repeat 3 more times.

Working the Platysma Muscle

The Platysma muscle is the long vertical muscle in our neck that can resemble a turkey neck as we age. Strengthening helps tone the neck and prevents gravity from creating the appearance of a double chin. The Giraffe exercise that works the platysma involves turning the corners of your mouth downwards. Because the neck is fragile and the muscles are easily pulled, we will first release tension before moving into the Face Yoga pose.

The Giraffe (Toning and lifting the neck and chin)

o Look straight ahea

o Gently tilt your he downwards.

o Bring your head back down and repeat twice more.

o Following this, jut your lower lip out as far as possible (like a giraffe lip).

o Now move your fingers so that they are positioned on your collarbone.


o At the same time, point your chin upwards while pulling the corners of your mouth down and hold for 4 deep breaths, then release.

o Repeat 5 times, but no more because the platysma fatigues easily and could strain your neck more than you realize.

Neck Skin Tightener

Best practiced while in a straight-backed chair. This exercise is wonderful for tightening the skin around the neck which becomes loose and flabby with age. As you do this exercise, feel a stretch through your neck and the underside of your jaw.

o Press the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth.

o Look upwards with your chin to the ceiling and smile. Continue doing this for at least one minute then release.

o Repeat 5 times and move your head back slowly to prevent dizziness.

Kiss the Sky

o Sit on a straight back chair with

o Slowly tilt your head back until you are looking up at the ceiling.

o Your Lips are closed but loose.

o Purse your lips like you are aiming a kiss at the ceiling. Keep lips pursed and count to 3, then release.

o Repeat 8-10 times & move slowly to prevent dizziness


Pouting Stretch (Strengthens upper neck)

Great pose for building strength in the area where the chin meets the upper neck and where a “waddle” develops.

o Stick out your lower lip making an exaggerated pout and hold the pout for a few seconds.

o Then with a pout, lower your jaw while maintaining a still face and keeping your forehead relaxed. Then slowly close your mouth and release

o Repeat the pouting stretch 8-10 times.

Double Chin Eliminator

Works to reduce a double chin.

o Tilt your chin upwards and place he underside of the chin where it meets the neck. Continue to breathe slowly in and out through the nose through this entire exercise.

o Hold position and keep your back teeth tightly together with a closed mouth, press tip of tongue against gum line on the back of your lower front teeth. You will feel a bulge where your fingers are

o Increase pressure with your fingers for a count of 10 then slowly begin to reduce finger pressure with a count of 10.

o Relax and repeat 3-5 times.


Jaw Exercises

The truth is, as we age, we become less defined. Muscles shrink and extra fat appears in the neck and jawline. The skin will sag/roll. As continuously mentioned in this guide, exercise helps us to maintain a healthy, well-shaped face, and exercising the jaw muscles will help you to improve the look and definition of the jaw, not to fight against the aging process, but to encourage a more gradual process with toned muscles.

Vowel Sounds

Targets the muscles around the mouth and gives cheeks and jaw a good stretch.

o Open your mouth wide and clearly and slowly pronounce the letter O

o Follow this by slowly enunciating letter E followed by U

o Try not to show or touch teeth as you speak

o Repeat pattern 10 times


Helps to strengthen the chin muscles, whi h h l d fi th j

o Close your mouth and push out your lower jaw. As you do this, lift and curl your lower lip

o You will feel a stretch both under the chin and in the jawline. Hold this position for 10-15 seconds and then relax.

o Repeat 3 times.


Chewing Gum Simulation

This simulation can work the jaw muscles and tone your cheek muscles. You will feel a stretch in your jaw muscles and your chin as well as at the sides and front of your neck.

o Sit comfortably and turn your head to the right.

o Pretend you’re chewing gum and chew for a count of 20.

o Then turn your head to the other side and repeat.

o Repeat above, and tilt your head back so that you’re looking up at the ceiling and chew for a count of 20.

o When finished, relax the neck and stop chewing.

Jaw Sculpt Exercise

The following exercise helps to sculpt the jawline, it also increases the flow of oxygen to skin cells, and promotes healthy glowing skin.

o Smile broadly and place one index finger on your chin.

o Tilt your head back, but not to where it causes pain.

o Slowly start to open and close your mouth, working only your lower jaw and keeping the rest of your head still.

o Do this 3 times and then relax bringing your head forward.


Key Notes & T 43

The Importance of Diet, Lifestyle and Skincare

Yoga is a holistic discipline, and Face Yoga is no different from other traditional yoga practices. While it means bringing mind and body together, it also refers to supporting our practices with good diet and lifestyle habits. Our lifestyle can positively or negatively impact our skin and face. A good skincare routine, including face massage and regular Face Yoga practice, can positively impact our looks as well.

Your lifestyle – however good or bad it is – will eventually be reflected in your physical appearance, not to mention your mental and emotional attitude. What we eat and how busy or stressful our life is, impacts the overall health of our skin. And no amount of exercise or Face Yoga will fully compensate for unhealthy lifestyle habits. The solution is, of course, balance. Maintaining healthy lifestyle habits will make a big difference to your skin and better support your Face Yoga routine – even if you occasionally indulge your sweet tooth or enjoy a few late nights with friends.

Happy Skin Lifestyle Habits:

Stay Hydrated

Ensure you enjoy 6-8 glasses of water daily and eat water-rich fruits and veggies, which will help the skin retain moisture and not become flaky and dry.

Always Protect Your Skin & Avoid Excessive Exposure to the Sun

By wearing protective clothing like a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses, using a broad-spectrum SPF of 30 or higher, and reapplying as needed, we can stay protected from the sun. The sun can cause the skin to thicken, making it rough


and leathery. It will also weaken the elastin and collagen in the skin, creating more wrinkles, fine lines, and loose skin. Sun radiation causes skin damage, wrinkles, age spots, and skin cancer. So limiting exposure and protecting our skin is key to healthy skin.

Limit Bath and Shower Times

Hot water strips natural oils from the skin, so limiting time spent in the bath or shower is helpful. Make sure water is warm and not excessively hot, and avoid strong soap as it can also remove necessary oils from the skin.

Manage Stress

Find ways to counteract stress because uncontrolled stress can negatively impact your skin, triggering rashes, spots and acne, dry patches, and even more severe skin ailments. You may wonder how this can help the skin. The truth is reducing stress can have the most dramatic effect on facial appearance than anything else.

Get Enough Sleep

Make sure you get enough sleep at night and have periods of rest during the day. Scale back your daily to-do list where possible and include hobbies, time with friends and family, and other fun pastimes in your weekly schedule.

Sleeping with your face in the same position on the pillow can bring wrinkles, so try to sleep on your back if possible. Smooth silk pillowcases tend not to crumple as much as cotton ones (which can create lines on the face), and the soft tight silk weave naturally seals moisture into your skin to help it stay hydrated. Silk is unlike other pillow fabrics that tend to absorb moisture from your face.

Avoid Smoking

Smoke & secondhand smoke are disastrous for the skin, creating premature aging.


Eat to Thrive

Food provides the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that help maintain the foundation and functions of our body. Everything from our bones and muscles to

our skin and hair is influenced and supported by what we eat. Our bodies are like well-oiled machines. If we keep putting the wrong oil in, they will break down.

Make sure what you eat helps your body thrive, heal, repair, and rebuild. The first results of a healthy lifestyle appear in our skin and face.

We can give muscles on our face a consistent robust yoga workout, but if we do not support that workout with a supply of necessary nutrients from the food we eat, they will become harder to improve.

Nutrient-Rich Foods for Radiant Skin:

Protein is necessary for maintaining the strength and integrity of the skin. It helps keep the skin supple, thick, and hydrated. Protein contributes to cell function and increases and maintains skin collagen levels and skin elasticity.

Some protein options are skinless chicken or turkey breast, omega-rich fish, lean meats, tofu, lentils, and legumes.

Fats, especially those that consist of essential fatty acids like omega-3s and omega-6s are the building blocks of healthy cell membranes. These polyunsaturated fats also help produce the skin's natural oil barrier, critical in keeping skin hydrated, plumper, and younger-looking.

Good fats are fatty fish, eggs, avocados, nuts, flax seeds, and other healthy oil-based foods like olives and coconut.

Carbs help to maintain soft, smooth, and thick facial skin.


Some healthy carbs are green veggies, whole grains like quinoa, oats, brown rice, and whole fruits like apples, bananas, and strawberries.

Minerals like potassium, calcium, and sodium facilitate muscle function, which is very important to face yoga.

- Foods like potatoes, prunes, apricots, and bananas are great sources of potassium.

- Dark leafy greens, tofu, and fortified products like nut milk and bread can boost calcium intake.

- Seek out sodium from veggies like beetroot, celery, carrots, and spinach.

- Iron is also important for giving your skin a healthy glow and speeding up wound healing. Iron can be found in dark leafy greens and dried fruits like apricots, prunes, and raisins.

Vitamins found in antioxidant-rich foods such as berries, dark chocolate, citrus fruits, and leafy greens can provide an excellent vitamin source for skin elasticity.

Develop Good Skin Care:

As mentioned in the previous section, it is critical to eat the right foods, drink lots of water, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is also a vital idea to develop a skincare routine that supports the work you are doing through face yoga. This means not using harsh chemicals on your face, moisturizing regularly, and cleaning your face nightly.

Most people do not need to cleanse skin with topical creams or face washes both morning and night. Splashing the face with warm water 10-12 times as part of the morning routine should suffice as a cleanser. Following that, you can apply oil like argon or coconut oil if needed and use a moisturizer and sunscreen.


You can support this routine with a weekly or twice-weekly face massage.

Glowing Skin Facial Massage

This practice is a vigorous massage to perk up appearance.

The key to a brightening massage is the speed and depth of movement. With this massage, you make smooth, swift movements working fingers into bonier areas like the shoulder, neck, and jaw.


o Apply small oil to neck and face

o Place fingers above the upper lip and tap quickly and lightly around the mouth area. Move down, tapping the jawline, and continue down the neck. This will stimulate blood flow.

o Now move fingers into the neck above the collar bone and kneed deeply, feeling the stretch along the side of your neck. This will loosen up muscles.

o Begin to push upwards, actively moving the skin tissue up at the sides of the face, moving to the brow.

o Lift the brow by hooking thumbs under each eyebrow and pushing upward for a few breaths.

o Move to the outside of the eyes by crow’s feet and place index and middle fingers here, then create circular outward movements.

o Now position fingers tip-to-tip on the forehead, then firmly sweep them away from the middle to the sides of the forehead. Do this 3-5 times. Try not to tighten your jaw as you do this, instead keep it relaxed and focus on forehead muscles.

o In circular motions, move fingers down the side of your face to your cheeks.

o Keep making circular motions down to the jawline.

o Finish with sweeping circles down the side of your neck. This helps with lymph drainage


o Release fingers and roll shoulders and neck to release knots that have tightened during the massage.

Our skin naturally sheds dead skin cells to make room for new cells every 30 days. Not all skin cells shed entirely. Some remain on top of the skin, clogging pores and giving a dull, flaky appearance.

It is important to exfoliate 1-2x per week. It gets rid of dead cells and unblocks pores to allow the moisturizer to be better absorbed.

Regularly clearing skin this way, you boost collagen production, which helps promote the skin's elasticity. An exfoliant containing lactic acid can also help reduce the appearance of scaly skin and fine lines that occur when the epidermal stratum corneum, the outer layer of the skin, becomes dehydrated.

Exfoliation removes dead skin cells. Use a granular substance or gently abrasive exfoliation tool like an exfoliating mitt, microexfoliation cloth, loofahs, or micro derma rollers. Facial scrubs also work.

Homemade Coffee Facial Scrub from The Center of Excellence ½ cup coffee grounds 1 cup brown sugar 2 tsp milk of choice 1 tsp honey o Add all ingredients in a container and stir well o Wet face by splashing it with warm water o Apply the scrub all over your face and neck - avoid your eyes o With wet fingers, massage the scrub into your face with gentle circular movements o Do this 3-4 minutes 49

o Once finished rinse off with lukewarm water and pat dry.

o Store remaining scrub in fridge for 1-2 weeks

Putting It All Together

Every couple of weeks, it is recommended to switch up your exercise routine, so you find it exciting and continue with this practice. The outline on page 53 will help you to create routines.

You can create 2-3 routines and rotate them as needed. Knowing that as you practice Face Yoga for the rest of your life, you will continue to improve self-awareness, confidence and enhance your youthful appearance. The intention is to support you, and promote a glow in your skin as you age gracefully. It is recommended to practice 15-30 minutes a day, at the same time each day, to get in the habit of doing so. Once it becomes a part of your routine, it will be second nature to you, and you can carry it out easier for months and years to come.

Daily Face Yoga personal practice: Requires no additional tools or sportswear. Best results come by setting aside time in your day to focus on your Face Yoga exercises. Is a beneficial practice for your overall your wellbeing.

A basic route in planning your practice: Choose 2-3 exercises from each zone and practice them together.

There are no first or last exercises that you must always start or end with, however, warming up and cooling down is always recommended. Here is an example of a 20 min class:


Warm Up (2 – 3 mins)

Remember, the warm-up goal is to release any tension in the face, jaw, neck, and upper back and set our intention for our practice. Beginners may be stiffer than students who regularly flex and stretch their neck and facial muscles so you may need a longer warm-up depending on tension and stiffness. When you warm-up, focus on knowing which muscles in your back, neck, and head tend to hold most stress and tension and work to release and relax that tension before starting your Face Yoga exercises.

Exercises (15 mins)

Choose 1-3 exercises from each zone. Spending 5 minutes on each zone.

Upper zone (forehead and eyes):

Eyes: Eye Socket Tapping; Kidney Soother; The Big O; Crow’s Feet Minimizer, Eye Lid Lift; Brow Lift; Binocular Pose Forehead: Glabella Line Eraser; Glabella Lines Massage; Eyebrow Pincher; Forehead Clencher; Forehead Wrinkle Reducer; Smoothing the Brow

Middle zone (nose and cheeks):

Nose: Nadi Shodhana Breathing Technique; Nose Massaging; Nose Wiggling; Nose Shaper; Reducing a Sagging Nose; Smile and Push; Narrowing Your Nose Cheek; Getting Rid of Nasolabial Fold Lines; Cheekbone Stroke; Fish Mouth; the Cheek Pump

Lower zone (mouth, chin and neck):

Mouth/lips: Massaging the Mouth Muscle; Natural Upper Lip Wrinkle Smoother; Smoke Lines Reducer; Wrinkle Reduction and Lip Lift; The Saggy Smile Lifter; Balloon Cheeks; Forced Smile Exercise; Tongue Twister; Exercise for a Plumper Pout; Smile and Kiss


Neck: Upward Facing Dog; The Giraffe; Neck Skin Tightener; Pouting Stretch; Double Chin Eliminator

Jaw: Exercising the Jaw; Vowel Sounds; Chin-ups; Chewing Gum Simulation; Jaw Sculpt Cool-down (2 – 3 mins)


If you are on a yoga mat, you can finish with a corpse pose resting and relaxing, absorbing the benefits of our practice. If you are seated, you could end with a simple guided breathing meditation which will bring your face back to normal and allow your muscles to relax and the cells in your face to assimilate the benefits of the exercise you completed.


A mirror can help to ensure each pose is practiced correctly. It will take time to make muscles flexible enough to move in the correct way. Beginners should not be expected to perform the moves perfectly. Instead beginners should focus on gaining awareness of their practice and noticing it improve with time and repetition.

Key Notes & Takeaways:


My Face Yoga Routine (2-3 exercises from each zone)

Warm Up


Upper Zone

Middle Zone

Lower Zone

Cool Down

A Personal Program Just for You! → Find Your Daily Routine - Repetition is Key

As with any beneficial lifestyle habit, the sooner you start and commit to making it a part of your daily routine, the sooner you will see benefits and the better you will feel. Understanding your skin, facial muscles, proper breathing, and posture will all work to enhance your Face Yoga practice. Along with the understanding and learning how your skin can be better protected and taken care of through lifestyle choices, these changes ARE within your power to make and can benefit your skin and overall well-being.

I hope you have enjoyed this Face Yoga Guide. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a 1-on-1 session, please contact me.

Remember, you have the power in your PALMS to live your best life.

Wishing you self-love, happiness, and health, Katherine Palms, Director of the Leelanau Wellness Collective 200 HR Registered Yoga Teacher Certified Face Yoga Teacher

Targeted Mobility Teacher Certified Stress Management Consultant (313) 549-0658



Ready to commit to self-care?

If so, sign the below personal commitment to create your own 20-day face yoga practice.

It’s time to exercise your face like you exercise your body!

Before you commit to a 20-day, 20 minutes a day face yoga practice, you NEED to acknowledge that you commit to a healthy lifestyle, and you promise to develop habits that support the face & body you want to achieve. The results will only come if you commit to these things to and for yourself.

Maintaining and/or re-finding our youthful appearance and glow takes dedication, time, consistency, and, you’ve guessed it, repetition. We learn by repetition, we become experts through repetition, and repetition is the best way to develop our habits. So let’s work together to develop healthy habits that will leave you with the appearance you know you deserve.

I, , commit, to practicing Face Yoga for my personal self-care.

I, , commit to practicing Face Yoga because I love and appreciate myself.

I, , know that a daily practice of taking care of myself is good for my mind, body and soul.

I, , commit to a healthy lifestyle and finding my personal routines of repetition that encourage me be proud of who I am.

I, , commit to practicing 10 or more minutes of Face Yoga a day, for the next 20 days.

To do:

Take a before photo – Date: 20 days from now – Date: ___________ Take an after photo on the above date.


Help grow the practice of Face Yoga. Please share your before and after photos and a review of your experience with Katherine by emailing them to info@wellbeingwithkat.com. Also, please state if your photos and reviews are something you’re willing to share with others or if you would like them to be kept private.


Alam, M., Walter, A. J., Geisler, A., Roongpisuthipong, W., Sikorski, G., Tung, R., & Poon, E. (2018). Association of Facial Exercise With the Appearance of Aging. JAMA dermatology, 154(3), 365–367. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamadermatol.2017.5142

"Face Yoga Course: Online Training in Facial Yoga Exercises." Center of Excellence Web. 20 May 2020.

Paul, M. (2018, January 3). Facial exercises help middle-aged women appear more youthful. Retrieved May 13, 2020, from https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2018/january/facial-exercises-helpmiddle-aged-women-appear-more-youthful/ - :~:text=CHICAGO - A 30-minute daily,a new Northwestern Medicine study.

Facial exercises help middle-aged women appear more youthful. (n.d.). Northwestern Now. Retrieved October 20, 2022, from https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2018/january/facial-exercises-helpmiddle-aged-women-appear-more-youthful/

“Facial Muscles . ” A Big Art World , 16 Sept. 2015, https://abigartworld.weebly.com/pen/archives/09-2015.


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