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Journalists To Meet at WHS Tomorrow

Tomorrow. aJlproxltnately 200 Nebraska high scbool students from District 11 will converge on \\·esLslde for Lbe second 11nnual workShop and negJonal JlfeeUng or the Nebraska High School Press Association.

AB or .April 5. fifteen high schools have accepted Westside's lnvltallon. They are North. Creighton Prep, Cenlral, Bellevue, Columbus, VaHey, Mead, Cedar Bluffs, Scribner, Humboldt, Hooper, Dodge, Elkhorn, and Tekamah.

J.."'rom 9: SO a.m. t o 3 p.m., dele-gate!! will h ear HJICt'cllc>fl by l'leneed Joc lll julll·nallsUI. Tn adc11Uon, they will obse t'"\'e panels ln wllich reum, will I heir 'lows 6n ru;pect<i or Any " 'eststdo lllU• dent \\lshlnl:; to aW•ncl the:re h."C· tuNS aml tmn e ls I'JU\) llo bO without cgL-.t.cl"inl:"

First and second year Westside journalism students wUI b& hosts and organJzers for the workshop. They will act as greeters, room chairmen, and panelists in sessions lhroughout the day.

Suzy Tichaeek \\ill olllclall) welcom e the delegates at the beginning of the workshop. Pat l\la)t'l' and Judy Nelsen will serve as pane l chairmen Qt two panels co mposed Qf from other sChools


SESSION t-9:45 o.m.

Ncwswrlting-H erb Armbrust, Youth Ar:.· tivities Director for the World-HoroJd

Photography-R oger Brown, '58 WHS groducte, now Sports Editor of the OU T omohawk and photographer for the Gat eway.

Sports Writing- Don Lee, sportswriter for lhe World-Herald. feature Writing-Mrs. 1<o.tie Gilliland, former kee-lcutco •riter for ttl. World-Herald ond Jovrnohsm tccc:her ot Nebr.

NU To Host All-Staters

Summer school? Well, not exactly!

Each summer, Nebraska University hosts All-8Late students Interested in art, music, S(Jeech, and journalism. It is open to students In grades 9-12.

Enrollment is llmlt.ed to 225 tn music, 60 In speech, In journallsm, and 20 In art. Deadline Cor apJ)IIea.Uons Is May 20 but in some cases selection wiU be bnsecl in part on the order in which applications are received, so students should apply now. Scholarships are avallable to help detray costs In some casPs.

Boys live in University domitorl.es and girls In sorority houses during the three-week aess1on. J\ II Onlve rslly recreation faclll.ties are open to students, and there are special programs and social events for AllStaters.

Detailed lnformntlon and application Corms are available In t)le office.

Automation To Hit Westside

1MB To Process Grades, Schedules

Mr. Jack Peterson, guidance, has announcf'd that Westside will undf'-rgo 11. chl\ngA--IhE! regl!ltrAtlon and scheduling 11rogrom Is to switch lo automation Ior ue:tt year!

"It' U be a beck. of a lot handier. that's for sure." commented Mr. Karl Pechl, guidance. W!Lh over 11,000 report cardfl to be recorded, the IBM process w111 cut down on Ume and expense.

The Service Uureo.u Corporation will handle the scheduling or all students, doing a former 3montb.'s job In a ma.lter ot days. The computer will also record all report cards.

Advanto.gell of the change lie in the facl tbat errors will be decreased, "lntormo.tfon will be available very quickly," and cla&s rank and transcript material can be determined and sent out at a m u e h earlier date. Emcf<mcy should be greatly Increased.

Mr. Peterson went on to say thaL the program "will be well worth lhe change, sa\"ing a tremendous amount or secretarial work: accuracy will he increased."

The maJor drawback ot the program will be the dllrlculty and ex· peuse n4!eded In cbnnglng roomll and schedules.

Students To Tour Omaha Businesses

Economics students will be visiting severc1.l Omaha business firma in May. According to Mr. Richard Winchell, economics teacher, last semester's students will be invited to join his preseut claRa.

The group will tour a food processing plant to see nutomaLion and bow It gives us our high standard of Hvlog. Also on the program Is a visll Lo a brokerage house so the students will be able to see the stock markel In aclion.

"The function ot this tleld trip Is to clarify cllll:lsroom material and expand the students' knowledge of the various areas of economic endeavor," Mr. Winchell thoughtfully stated.

SESSION 11-11 o.m. Howspoper Loyout ond TypographyProf Jomes Morrison, School of Journoli,.,.,, NU. Yeorbook Loyout-Kcren Pope, Tomohawk Editor, OU. Ph otograp hy- Roger Brown. Advortlslnjt-Mrs. Madge Phllfips, Advertising Dept., Kilpc1ricks.

SESSION 111-1 p.m.

Letterprcn Printi ng - Brent Douglas, Douglas Printing. Mim eograp h Production - Mrs. James Morrison, Con$Uitont, NU. Yearbook Copyrlghtlng-Mr5. Elizabeth Jocks, Pvbllcotions Advisor, Bellevue High School.

SESSION IV-2 p,m. Coroora: Tolovlslon-Jim McGcffin, News Director, WOW. No'/l,popor S11u Gro11p-Stvdcnt Panel. Yoorbook Bun Ponel.

Parents To Tour School

April 2 6 Is the date set for Westside's annual open house 811onsored by the Boosters club. Allee Olllogly, ofllce secretary, explained that. "The program Cor !.he evening will not be scheduled. Those who come will be able to \"lslt with teachers, tour lbe school and see displays of student work In the classrooms at any time. Everyone Is urged to come."

April Almanac

Because change made will COllt the sLUdent 5¢. "tbe student nm....t plan!" It will tnke a "llttlo> more applying" !rom the student; be must 1..11ow definitely what to talte and not be prone to changes In schedule, said Mr. Peterson.

Warriors To Enter Drawings in Contest

About 15-20 Westslders will enter blueprints in the city contest sponsored by the Omaha Romebuilders' Association, April 2'7, at an Omaha junior high school.

All boys and their and principals will attend an 0.\\'ards banquet tbe rouowlng Monday to hear critical analyses ot their drawings, presented by a member of the American Jnstilule of Architects.

Mr. Edward Lang, mechanical drawing instructor, stated lhat "Craig Moore and Skip Sorenson will each enter a complete blueprint set in the State Industrial Arts Fair. held at Kearney State Teachers· College, May 3-4-5.

4 DE Students to Chicago

Four Westside s tud en t s will be among several to represent the state of Nebraska in the Notional D E. convention in Chicago, April 24-30.

Dr. Harry Wood, ArtiBt l' re-<'onteSt MustcaJ7:30 p.m HI--Y·Tt"<•n 7:30 l\-m.

26--(l]H:•n HOW>-Boosters-7 p.m. Contest

W estsic:le To Host Bus. Ec:l. Meeting

'fhe Westside Business Education Department will host over 200 teachers from the Nebraska Business Education Association here April 28.

The lheme for the convention Is "loday's education for tomorrow's world."

Dr. Ray Price, ' Minnesota Uni''erslty, will speak on enriching bualne!!S curriculum and teaching basic business subjects In b1gh school. Mr. Robert Ruegg will spenk on controlled and speed reading.

"Siw t.•as a symbol of !1•'od," u·as Oil•' cummarl made by a teacher about WcstsUle's Jtiss Anna !tlcCOtrnt'/1.

In a quiet and una.rswuilltJ U-10)1, l.ou M cCamu:fl devoted to Westside ami her students. Slu· usually co-uld he found irr room 218 helping a studettl will& a matll prcbh•m, Unsc/fisM:,• givitrg her time to lre/p develop 11e'lt1 nrc/hods of tear/rilly lll<llfr, sltr did a r1rc•ot deal to improve Westside's math f>NI[Irom As head of tlw tfrpnrlment, she beg(lll the Matll Club cmd other to in.sJtirt• s/wl.:nls i11 1/ris field.

As a trilmte to Iter fitre work, IV!'stside wo11 this year, fer the first time, tire State Math Ctmlest. She WllS very prmtd of the work her sl1ulmu had dont ati(J sprttl tmtch tim • arrol)•:itl{1 tire f>rogrr,ss of each one. Miss McConnell was rerogt1i&ed uot only locally bru tzalional/y /Ot' her arhit"Ve-me11ts in math. Shr was very octiv!' i11 the State Mathematics Associatioo and was p/anmng to altNul a math cvnvrttticm in San Francisco this wukNUl. Having net·cr flou·n 011 a jf!l, slu u'Os e.rciled ond looking foru.:ord In tllis new r Bons in 1V£'bra.ska, Miss :VcCcmntll ol/atd!'d Hostit1gs Colf!'gc wlwre site was graduated magt1a wm luudt•, Brilliant in T1tr O'l4111 right, during h!'T five at H "estsidr, she nrotr lost .(iglrt of tire individ11al in atle1npting to imprur:e ltis Tmderstandi11g in matlwmatics.

"She /rod universal resput amOt'!l lite facufl)•," sf(lll'd one of lite administration. To the she wos not olliy a fine and dedicated teaclter, bit/ also a kimJ. undt-r11ot•ding frit:nd. alwoy.r thrrt wltrt• tleedpd,, Yes, we -u..ifl mis.r htr, but wt orl' art thankful we !tad the opportunity of ktrO'll:ing a -u..•ondeYjul jtl'l'.ftm , S.T.

The four ore Bonnie Jense n, Davie Rigdon, Tom Talty, and Gigi Tiee. Davie is going because h e is the vice-president of the state D.E. Bonnie is representing Westside for it was selected the state D.E. club of the year.

Tom was the winn er of the sta te display contest; he will participate in a simi lar contest in Chicago. Gigi won the essay contest; her essay has already been sent where it is in the process of being judged Davie, president of Westside's D.E., said, " I feel that the students representing Wests ide in the contest ore all looking forward to an exciting and interesting trip. I also feel that we have a very good chance of placing on the notional level ."

News Briefs

Musicians, Y- Teens, Active, Omaha U Schedules Tests

orebestra. band, and vocal groups will travel to Columbus on April 2G-27 where they will compete In various contests similar to last year. There will be 24 numbers Cor tbe lbree groups to compete ln. Nine numbers will be done by the vocal groups, and the divided between the bond and orchestra.

Y-Teens will hold their annual style show April 17 at. 8 p.m. In the Little Theatre.

Fashions will be from Topps and the theme of the show Is "Swing Into Sp rin g."

Everyone Is invited to tM moth· e r-daughter all'alr and the profits will go to the World Fellowship Drive.

Koch, Lang To Travel

Mr. Edward Lang, mecbawcal drawing Instructor, wlll journey to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 16-19, to the American Industrial Arts Assoclauon's National Con· ventlon.

"The Modern Problems trip to Washington and New York Is In its final plans," stated Mr. Jerry Koch, Mode rn Problems instructor. AU those interested In taking this trip should contact their Modern Problems instructor.

Are you planning to attend Omabn University next fall?

Guidance examinations will be given on the following days f or students definitely going to OU: Sllturday M.a}' l.9

Tuesday, June 12

Tbnrsdu l·, July 3

Thursday, August f)

"There is every advantage in !.he test early," said Mr. Karl Peeht, guidance instructor. l<'irsl come, ftrst served-Is the rule that will apply in being assigned a couns elor and in r eglslratlon. Those taking the test must present evidence ot admission to the university before the test.

One Act Plays at WHS

The Westside High School Little Theater will be the scene of the one-act plays sponsored by the Omaha. Park and RecreaUon Commission April 12-13. They will begin at 7:30 p.m. Thursday and 8 p.m. Friday. Elgbt plays will be presented Thursday by groups from s.lrlb grade a.nd under. Saturday, junior hlgb gr()ups will preSent three plays.

Fashion Pointers

Home Ec Classes Hear Speakers

by Judy Thomas

During the past term, students in Mrs. Juliana Swartzbaugh's clothing selection classes have been eutert.ained and Informed by several guest speakers.

The first ot these was Mrs. TaUmAn, who makes and dresses dolls of all fashion periods. She demonstrated how she constructs dolls and told the name and unusual features of each one.

Mr Don KetzleT, ot a loca l shoe Company, was the second speaker. He explained the constructlon ot a shoe and pointed out the good and poor poinlll to look tor when buying 11hoes.

Since Hhe makes her own bats, Mrs. Darlene Eliason of WHS brought some ot her collecUoo. to show tbe students. She explalned hO\V J:>he made and decorated each hat.

The final sJ)eaker was Mrs. Wilson of the Omaha. Community Playhouse. She Is a make-up artist for the Playhouse, and using

WHS to Offer Linda Otte Hits Jackpot

one of the girls as a model, she demonstrated the use ot theatrical makeup. She also gave auggesdons on the use of everyday make-up and help on individual problems.

AFS. .

Sophomores Prepare To Welcome Students

''You're going to be a ne'v father, Dad!" exclaimed sophomore Karen Nelsen to her shocked father.

Karen was referring to the tact that their family wUI host an AFS student next year. Also hosting a student will be sophomore Dick Imig.

Dick stated, "We're glad to have another one. We bad one three years ago (Joe Escofiler from France) and we're looking forward to meeting another student soon."

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