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School Board, Facuity Shift
District Elects Board
May 15, residents ot District 66 re-elected Mrs Marge Durham and Mr. Jackson Barton to another six-year te rm on t.he District 66 School Boa rd. Mrs. Muriel Nye and D r Donald Bucholz were the other can dida tes.
Carnival Plans Jell
The Westside Carnival, sponsored by the Student Council, will be held Satu.rday afternoon, May 2G , from 4-8 p.m.
Boot h s and activities will be set up in the parking lo t and all clubs will be operating booths.
Booths will range fr om throwing wet sponges at teachers to se lling W·Olub initiates.
The entire commu ni ty is invited to the festive event.
T Transfer
awards and scholarships, and .Mr Cl ark 1\furd ock will prese n t the d1pl om.as. Senior speakers will be Dave AUen Cam Lucas, Pnrlsh afid Snsan Peterson. Je1r