2 minute read
mor Society Inducts 38
ty-eight studentll--"20 sennd 18 juniors- were inInto Westside's c ha)}ter ot t1ona1 Honor Society, May new members were selected basis of scholarship, leadcharacte r , and service, by ulty members r epresenting t the academic departments.
pal Kenneth Hansen and ary Conner, spons or , pret the committee meetings.
yPar, rank In class, based g u idance office 's point ns empbas.tzcd. According Conner, the number of r to be in d ucte d was llmJt.ed r t h e t olftllme n t o f t h e :1 0 n t junior class membersh ip )asl; year. Tbe regulatiorul national sodety allow f(}r ductlon of le ss titan 20 per f the senior cl ass, an d 1 0 nt of the Junlor class. The ors were chosen from tbe in tbe class.
Jackson Bar ton, recently ted to the sc hool board, was est speaker inducted: Stevo Brock.y, CoMic , Peggy Delong, Mickey Elley, Yolo Hodge Jones, Hervey Lemon, Dick. 110, Koy Melch iora, Koren Mllle r, Jo Miller, Pot Moore, Arnold Potdroo RO$k.ln, Jerman Roso, John Suson Tichocek, Collen Vaughn, ittod, John
S Elects Council
ng on the 1962-63 Student il will be: ors: Les Johnson, Gary Jim Moore, Sheri Davis, a nd se. ho m ores: Bob Buch o l :r., Buller, Mickl Freed, Nancy lUd Rick Willis (Westbrook). cers are: President, Rod AnVice President, Wade t; Secretary, Krlsty IsaacTr eas urer, Gary Gray. ulls or the election of class s, held last week, w ere n ot ble In time Cor publication. e Booster's Olub haS anced that it will donate 19.'75 to the 1\lcCon:ncU tuna. This is tbc lt tiona t money r e ma:lntn g i lb e Twist Train finanecs.
• ors: Nick Kostos, Rod .An' , Wade Wright, Steve Watd Krlsty Isaacson.
Juniors named: Rod Ander.so n Joy Borton, 1-e.hc Benton, Bob Cocks, Co1hy F•lkins, Bill Foster, Paulo Hower, Tom lmig, Dove Johnson, Mary Johnson, Alex Orkow, Moty Beth Percy, Connie Sachse, Stem, Dick Theis, Richard Vosler, Don Voss, Steve Wqtson.
Arriving Friclay- · The '62 Shielcl!
Making its debut Friday will be Westside's yearbook, the Shleld!
All st ud ents who purchased a yearbook shou ld bring their receipts with them to the Girls' Gym. Here the books wiU be Iss u ed In alphabetical order. A n yone stlll owing money will pay t he boolt store. The schedul e for year book distribution:
I ::zo-.Seniors
1 :40--Juniors
2 :00-Sophomoros
2 :35-Frcshmen t hat oet out of school ot 2:35
3: 15-AII other Jun•or High students
A !ew ext ra books will be so ld in the book store the following Monda:y tor $5.
The premiere ot the yearbook and this last Issue of the Lance ma rk the concl u sion of the sc hool year. For th e second time, the L ance has r eceived a secoud-class rating by the Nationa l Scholastic Press Association. This rating is a dupUcate of last year's.
Seniors Are Eager and Reluctant
BnecaJao:reate will be h eld br the weather is unfavorabl e it wW tho B(}ys' Gym, l\l ay 29. Dr. Ro.- "11etd in tho Boys' Gym. Senior bert Traub from Olass P res id ent J ohn L u ckasen Luth e rnn Clmrch w ill speak. w ill presen t the speakers. Supt. Music from the "Messiah" wlll Vaughn Phelps will give tho be sung by the Top Choir. Mickey Elley, Kathy Favor, Kathy Hybl, and Ca ndy Wheeler will sing "Yo u 'll Never Walk Alone."
GradUAtion will be h e l d J lllle 1 in tl1e Stadiwn at '7: S() P.?tl If